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最新更新特色 Dante Colle

Ryan Keely 在 '雙熟女混亂,直到每個人都在臉上射精'

Ryan Keely - 雙熟女混亂,直到每個人都在臉上射精

Kaden Kole 喜歡她的室友 Ryan Keely 在服裝上有完全相同的品味,並隨心所欲地穿梭。當瑞恩在她的壁櫥里發現卡登時,她通過她的陰戶給她上了一課。當兩人被剪刀夾住時,但丁·科爾趕到並看到了戰利品和鰺鳥。兩個女人都注意到了他並愣住了,只是為了成為那個可以給新雞巴內部巡迴演出的人。當他們倆都在爭奪他的注意力時,卡登將她的假陽具放在但丁的臥室門上,試圖讓瑞恩遠離。當瑞恩一遍又一遍地撞上卡住的門時,但丁看著卡登的假陽具,並在他的眼鏡上射精。兩個角質徐娘半老決定共同努力收集他們渴望的精液。

Quincy Roee 在 '鬼鬼祟祟的他媽的和找房子'

Quincy Roee - 鬼鬼祟祟的他媽的和找房子

昆西·羅伊(Quincy Roee)和她的丈夫正在尋求購買他們的第一套房子,並尋求了一位得心應手的房地產經紀人但丁·科爾(Dante Colle)的説明。很明顯,昆西的丈夫很緊張、書,對妻子的進步不感興趣,所以她很快就把目光投向了但丁。當他們參觀房子時,昆西偷偷摸摸地閃過但丁,甚至在她丈夫轉過身來時在他面前自慰。當她的丈夫前往地下室時,昆西對但丁採取了行動,但丁猶豫是否要回報她的感情。然而,當昆西在與丈夫聊天時偷偷摸摸地給但丁口交時,他的猶豫變成了對厚顏無恥、出軌的他媽的全力以赴的熱情!昆西不僅滿意地離開了,而且有了全新的房子!

Ana Foxxx 在 '浸漬假期:第 2 部分'

Ana Foxxx - 浸漬假期:第 2 部分

在度假的第二天,卡利·卡特和她的丈夫決定在游泳池邊休息。卡利仍然想著做愛和懷孕,但她的丈夫很快就在游泳池邊睡著了。相反,卡利變成了一個偷窺狂,在游泳池裡偷窺一對性感的情侶(Ana Foxxx 和 Dante Colle),因為他們鬼混和做愛。事蹟完成後,卡利拚命地試圖為自己挽救一些但丁的精液。

Alexia Anders 在 '這是他媽的星期五第 1 部分'

Alexia Anders - 這是他媽的星期五第 1 部分

當一群同事亞歷克西婭·安德斯(Alexia Anders)、但丁·科爾(Dante Colle)和吉米·邁克爾斯(Jimmy Michaels)在一天結束時完成報告時,肮髒的談話、閃爍和色情的界限被跨越了。“努力工作,努力玩耍”是公司的座右銘,所以自然而然地,一個頑皮的驚喜等待著獲勝者!

Alexis Fawx 在 '老公不知道什麼'

Alexis Fawx - 老公不知道什麼

老公不知道的事情不會傷害他...右?華麗的亞歷克西斯·福克斯說服她無聊的丈夫早點塞進去,這樣她就可以帶著她的皮革包邊單品偷偷溜出去, 但丁·科爾.亞歷克西斯穿著黑色內衣裝飾她的身體,然後跳上但丁的摩托車後座。很快,兩人就找到了一個空倉庫拉進去,這樣他們就可以把對方的腦子搞砸了!亞歷克西斯騎著但丁堅硬的雞巴,直到她噴滿了倉庫地板。黑髮亞歷克西斯的幻想在但丁用他的精液覆蓋她美麗的臉龐時結束了。是時候回到床上了,和她的丈夫一起不明智!

Clea Gaultier 在 '振作起來!- 最好的性玩具'

Clea Gaultier - 振作起來!- 最好的性玩具


Joslyn James 在 '我作為充氣娃娃的生活'

Joslyn James - 我作為充氣娃娃的生活

紅髮的索菲亞洛克正試圖舉辦一場優雅的婚禮淋浴,這時好色的喬斯林詹姆斯送給她一個充氣性玩偶!索菲亞感到不安,但她曲線玲瓏的朋友莉亞可愛有點喜歡它。索菲亞嫌棄地把性玩偶扔到一邊,告訴喬斯琳把它扔掉。在其他房間里,喬斯琳和莉亞輪流玩玩洋娃娃。就在這時,他們注意到了一些奇怪的事情...娃娃活了過來!但丁·科勒(Dante Colle)以一個完全成型(且堅硬)的男人出現,而徐娘半老無法得到足夠的。當索菲亞發現她的禮物不僅僅是一個洋娃娃時,三個人為誰來操他而爭吵!

Lola Morena 在 '給我洗澡'

Lola Morena - 給我洗澡


Angela White 在 '同夥:第 2 部分'

Angela White - 同夥:第 2 部分

隨著每一個閃閃發光的故事,安吉拉·懷特的幻想得到了相當多的粉絲......包括嬌小的露露珠。被詳細的色情,尖銳的描述和艱難的節奏所吸引,露露被吸引到同一個幻想世界,慾望,流口水,草率的強度。在這本令人陶醉的選集中,露露無法容納自己的骯髒想法,她想像著濕潤的陰唇饑渴地磨蹭著悸動的雞巴 - 這是為數不多的解決作家障礙的解決方案之一!要繼續同人小說的故事,沒有比在安吉拉·懷特、露露·朱和但丁·科爾之間熱切地三人行更好的方式了!艱難的中間章節...

Armani Black 在 '蒙住他的眼睛為她的dp'

Armani Black - 蒙住他的眼睛為她的dp

阿瑪尼·布萊克(Armani Black)是一個頑皮的騙子,當但丁·科爾(Dante Colle)提前到達時,她偷偷溜進了她的副手邁克爾·維加斯(Michael Vegas)下午的喜悅。阿瑪尼想吃蛋糕,也想吃掉蛋糕,他蒙住但丁的眼睛,讓邁克爾參與進來,進行一點雙重滲透。當但丁摘下眼罩時,他不會生氣,他會得到他的陰道和肛門。阿瑪尼在丈夫下班回家之前高興地接受了雙重面部護理。等。。。她的丈夫?

Dee Williams 在 '免費使用逍遙遊:第3部分'

Dee Williams - 免費使用逍遙遊:第3部分

金髮女郎迪·威廉姆斯(Dee Williams)是自由使用天堂的常客,他從未完全滿意過。女人對雞巴有一種貪得無厭的渴望,根本無法淬火。Xander Corvus,本月員工和#1健康專家,對她在度假村大驚小怪,他向管理層承諾Dee將100%滿意!他要求他最好的員工但丁·科爾(Dante Colle)説明他滿足Dee在主持電話會議時的每一個需求。在通話中,Xander和但丁用他們的雞巴填滿了Dee的緊小洞,並輪流吃Dee的甜蜜陰道。Dee無法忍受太久,很快她就放下了電話,開始享受快樂。這兩根悸動的雞巴正是Dee所需要的,但她不會滿足,直到她被精液浸透了!

Jexxxica Blake 在 '以正確的方式揉搓 jexxxica'

Jexxxica Blake - 以正確的方式揉搓 jexxxica

Jexxxica Blake穿著一件橙色的小比基尼在游泳池周圍穿梭——泳衣緊緊地貼著她的曲線,炫耀著她完美身材的每一寸。Jexxxica今天感覺角質,她在游泳池裡獨自一人變得孤獨。但丁·科爾(Dante Colle)手裡拿著一杯冷飲來了。Jexxxica感謝他,但這不是她想要的飲料,她寧願把她豐滿的嘴唇包裹在但丁粗大的雞巴上。Jexxxica讓但丁去拿油,他和他一樣,她溜進了一個更舒服的東西。但丁崇拜並用油浸泡了傑克西卡的身體,直到他再也受不了,並把他堅硬的雞巴滑入傑克西卡緊致的洞里。沒有什麼比在陽光下度過一個下午更好的了,尤其是當它結束時,但丁在傑克西卡的大而圓的奶子上到處都是!

Jade Venus 在 '最深的他媽的'

Jade Venus - 最深的他媽的

翡翠維納斯正在過夜。她一邊聽色情播客,一邊玩弄她的陰道。豐滿的黑髮陷入了深沉的夢境。與但丁·科爾(Dante Colle)一起,Jade擁有有史以來最狂野,最性感的清醒夢。她的一些最頑皮的想法在我們眼前上演。不幸的是,這隻是一個幻想...還是?

Alexis Tae 在 '肛門實習生'

Alexis Tae - 肛門實習生


Brittney Kade 在 '你的全息夢女孩'

Brittney Kade - 你的全息夢女孩

金髮 Brittney Kade 從頭到腳穿著緊身全息內衣。她的小比基尼幾乎不能容納她華麗的大奶子。Fit Brittney已經有腿好幾天了,一旦她給你那些臥室的眼睛,遊戲就結束了。但丁·科爾(Dante Colle)及時趕到,布裡特尼沒有浪費任何時間,而是將豐滿的嘴唇包裹在他又大又硬的雞巴上。很快,但丁正在填補布裡特尼的完美洞,她尖叫著想要更多!

Izzy Lush 在 '他的妻子製造了所有這些噪音'

Izzy Lush - 他的妻子製造了所有這些噪音

Izzy Lush的懷疑在她跟隨丈夫和他的情婦到一家骯髒的汽車旅館時得到了證實。作弊的混蛋將不得不付錢,還有什麼比租隔壁的房間並有自己的外遇更好的方法呢?Izzy等著但丁·科爾的到來,她盡可能大聲而激烈地操他,崇拜和深喉他的大雞巴,敲打牆壁,並在他犁她的陰道時尖叫更多!這肯定會引起她丈夫的注意,當他最終發現他的妻子是製造所有這些噪音的人時,他會大吃一驚!

Susie Stellar 在 '裸體到鄰里'

Susie Stellar - 裸體到鄰里

單身辣妹蘇茜·斯塔爾(Susie Stellar)正在對她的新家進行一些裝修,這時她被鄰居但丁·科爾(Dante Colle)打斷了,丹特·科爾(Dante Colle)帶來了一個餡餅來歡迎她來到附近。蘇茜需要有人拿著手電筒筒,而她正在修理浴室水槽下面的東西,但但丁忍不住偷偷看了一眼她的奶頭和屁股。當水管爆裂時,蘇茜渾身濕透,並邀請但丁和她一起洗澡取暖。

Jane Marie 在 '簡的熱水浴缸調戲'

Jane Marie - 簡的熱水浴缸調戲

如果有一個女人知道如何讓事情變得悶熱,那就是簡·瑪麗!胸部簡在透視的白色緊身衣中炫耀她驚人的奶子;她華麗的眼睛把你拉進來,只是乞求一根堅硬的大雞巴。Jane 的屁股是來自另一個世界的東西 - 緊繃,曬黑,並填充了寶石屁股塞。只缺少一樣東西,一根悸動的雞巴,簡可以包裹她華麗豐滿的嘴唇。當但丁·科爾(Dante Colle)到達並給她帶來簡夢寐以求的肛門快感時,簡的祈禱得到了回應!

Cherie Deville 在 '三為路'

Cherie Deville - 三為路

Cherie Deville和Lulu Chu厭倦了他們無聊的日常生活。粘人,不滿意的合作夥伴。繁瑣的工作。遮蓋服裝。是時候他媽的改變這一切了。把小心(和他們的胸罩)扔給風,做任何他們想做的事情 - 無論誰!如果他們在路上遇到像但丁·科爾這樣的英俊男人......誰能說他們不能把他帶到酒店房間去操他呢?搶奪他的靈魂,吞下他的雞巴?來回交換,直到他們迷失在搗鼓,呻吟,磨人的混亂中?沒有人。因為你知道嗎?這就是Cherie和Lulu喜歡它的方式。哇哦,自由!

Porsha Carrera 在 '精液採樣蕩婦得到她的預兆'

Porsha Carrera - 精液採樣蕩婦得到她的預兆

Porsha Carrera和Marykate Moss是兩個鐵杆的精液,他們在精液樣本和生育診所找到了自己的使命。相信我,他們不怕對貨物進行抽樣。當但丁·科爾(Dante Colle)和他的妻子出現進行授精時,女士們讓她為押金做好準備,結果卻被綁帶弄偏了。但丁檢查了他的女士,並抓住了偷偷摸摸的女孩在他蜂蜜暴露的陰道前發生的女孩動作!他忍不住加入了進來,還好他的妻子戴著那些消音耳機。世界上最不專業的護士讓但丁成為一個三人組,滿足他們對精液的渴望,因為他們將他的精液交換在嘴上。但丁的妻子的夢想被粉碎了,因為她意識到他是唯一一個得到幸福結局的人。

Korra Del Rio 在 '肖道姆遊戲 3'

Korra Del Rio - 肖道姆遊戲 3

Korra Del Rio的影子有時有自己的思想,並且喜歡取笑Korra,就像這個令人驚歎的寶貝喜歡取笑你一樣!為了不被性感的皮影戲所超越,科拉終於把手和嘴巴放在但丁·科爾堅硬的雞巴上,然後她把她放在她的背上,臉弄得她,球很深!然後,但丁張開科拉的雙腿,舔她的屁股,進行性感的邊緣工作,直到他用他的大雞巴填滿她的屁股,進行硬核的性交,最後以他溫暖的精液遍佈她漂亮的臉。

Alexis Tae 在 '綁成三人行'

Alexis Tae - 綁成三人行

華麗的Alexis Tae和April Olsen穿著小比基尼支撐著他們的東西,然後用油淋濕他們完美的身體。這些女孩迫不及待地想讓但丁·科爾(Dante Colle)到來,所以她們用雙面假陽具享受了一些獨奏的樂趣。如果這些女人沒有讓你流口水,你只是沒有給予足夠的關注。最後,但丁帶著一根堅硬的雞巴來了,四月滑進了一條帶子里。嬌小的亞歷克西斯已經準備好把她所有的洞都填在一個真正史詩般的帶式三人組!

Eve Marlowe 在 '量身定製'

Eve Marlowe - 量身定製


Codi Vore 在 '希望在螺母'

Codi Vore - 希望在螺母

一天晚上,當獨自看色情片時,但丁·科勒許下一個致命的願望:那個性感的明星科迪·沃雷將是他現實生活中的室友。不知怎麼的,這個願望變成了現實,第二天早上他發現科迪敲著門。隨著她的襯衫掛出一個花冠和過頭的蕩婦舉止, 科迪是他媽的, 並駕駛她的新室友野生。但丁不會放棄機會, 衝擊她神奇的色情明星貓!

來自其他網站的場景特色 Dante Colle

Dante Colle 在 'Caught Off Guard: Dante Colle Fucks Prison Guard, Derek Kage'

Dante Colle - Caught Off Guard: Dante Colle Fucks Prison Guard, Derek Kage

Newbie prison guard Derek Kage is already bored and tired of his job and it?s only been a week. Little does he know that when he is tasked to take the high-risk prisoners to the showers his life will be changed forever his boredom will soon be transformed into a hot and savage real life BDSM fantasy.Once Derek gets Dante Colle into the showers, he can?t help but notice this bad boy?s sexy, muscular body and starts fantasizing about giving him head. Ahh but it?s just a dream, it didn?t really happen. Later that night lust filled Derek Kage finds himself in the cell with Dante just wanting to talk but Dante knows why he is really there and gets Derek to admit his desires. Let the fun begin! Soon enough Derek is bound to a chair, stripped down and being paddled and waterboarded.He chokes and gasps for breath as the water tickles his throat, his skin turns beet red as he gets slapped and battered by Dante?s leather paddle. He can barely take it but he does.Next Derek is bound tight with rope in the cell on a prison bed. Dante canes his ass and thighs leaving distinct red marks on his delicate skin. He slides the cane into Derek?s ass and fucks him with it and then graduates to a billy club and fucks him some more. After giving Derek a thorough throat fucking Dante mounts his submissive little plaything and pounds his hole with hard cock. Now gagged and tied to the prison cell bars spread eagle Dante teases and torments Derek?s cock and balls with the paddle and the cane and then fucks his ass deep and hard until he cums. Finally, Dante jerks Derek off and lets him cum then leaves him all alone tied up in the cell. Caught Off Guard!

Brandi Love 在 'Hotwife Brandi Seduces Hubbys 2 Young Eager Interns'

Brandi Love - Hotwife Brandi Seduces Hubbys 2 Young Eager Interns

A couple into sharing recruits interns capable of satisfying the boss's wife.

Dante Colle 在 'Field Day: Dante Colle and Jake Waters'

Dante Colle - Field Day: Dante Colle and Jake Waters

Drill Sergeant Dante Colle gets a call about a problematic recruit, Jake Waters. The recruit is sent over to Dante to be straightened out using Dante?s unconventional methods. He puts Jake to work outdoors in the heat, making him scrub the workout equipment with a toothbrush. He has Jake do push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. Dante pulls out his cock and makes Jake suck it and Jake gets face-fucked while trying to do sit-ups. Dante makes Jake turn around and he crops his bare ass, and then fucks it deep and hard. Dante ties Jake up in rope bondage, puts on his leather gloves and then hits him hard with his leather flogger. Dante lifts him up into a full rope suspension and shows no mercy with the flogger. After that, Jake gets covered in clover clamps. One by one, Dante takes them off and pushes his fingers into the sensitive areas. Jake gets tied up with rope on his back, with his legs spread, Dante fucks his tight ass, and Jake enjoys every inch of his cock.

Emma Hix 在 'Repurposed'

Emma Hix - Repurposed

An interior decorator discovers her kinky calling as a multi-functional showpiece ideal for entertaining.

Asher Day 在 'The Intrusion: Dante Colle Punishes Asher Day With Bondage and Hardcore Fucking'

Asher Day - The Intrusion: Dante Colle Punishes Asher Day With Bondage and Hardcore Fucking

When Asher Day sneaks into his neighbor?s alluring new pool to take a swim, little does he know the price he will pay for his reckless curiosity. After stripping down and making a huge splash by doing a cannon-ball into the refreshing water Asher swims to the edge of the pool only to meet his maker and pool owner Dante Colle. Dante demands to know what this stranger is doing in his pool but Asher stammers, he is caught red-handed and must be punished. Stripped down naked, gagged and tied up tight Asher is under complete control of Dante?s command. It?s almost like he knew this was going to happen, like he wanted it to happen. Dante wears leather gloves and explores Asher?s vulnerable body. He uses a black leather paddle to beat his tender thighs and stomach which stings and turns his skin pink. After taking several strikes from the paddle Asher deserves a reward. Tied up and on his knees, Dante attaches nipple clamps to Asher?s nipples, gives him a beating with a wooden stick and then crams his hard cock down Asher?s throat for a thorough face fucking. Finally with Asher bound in black rope and bent over Dante fucks his ass good until Asher cums and Dante shoots his load all over his little intruder.

Michael Boston 在 'Caught raw handed_part 1'

Michael Boston - Caught raw handed_part 1

Catfish scams investigator Adam Russo interviews neighborhood hotties: Part 1- Michael Boston reports on voyeur Dante Colle. In the end, who really got Caught Raw-Handed?

Vanna Bardot 在 'Secret Menu: Vanna Bardot and Dante Colle'

Vanna Bardot - Secret Menu: Vanna Bardot and Dante Colle

Vanna Bardot is in search of a little rest and relaxation, so under a friend?s referral, she goes to get a massage. Dante Colle is supposed to be the best in the biz, but the catch is that he offers so much more off the menu; you just have to know what to ask for. Vanna knows the code and asks for a very special treatment that consists of sex and bondage. Dante escorts her to the back room for a little more privacy and gives this slut exactly what she asked for. Vanna is bound in tight rope and Dante torments her with a flogger and his hands before burying his cock deep inside of her. He puts her mouth and pussy to good use as he uses Vanna like a good little pain slut.

Dante Colle 在 'sCREAM: A Kinky Halloween Parody with Dante Colle and Michael Jackman'

Dante Colle - sCREAM: A Kinky Halloween Parody with Dante Colle and Michael Jackman

Ghostface is back and up to his old tricks in this kinky Halloween homage to the classic horror film. Michael Jackman wants to get into the Halloween spirit so he has plans to make popcorn and watch a scary movie but his plans are derailed when horny boyfriend Dante Colle wants to play a sick game.After an exhilarating and terrifying take down, Michael ends up bound to a chair and gagged with duct tape under the night sky. Wearing black leather gloves Dante teases and torments his captured prey by slapping, choking and filling his mouth with cock. Then inside on the couch Dante beats Michael?s tender flesh with the crop before stuffing his manhole with dick. Dante fucks his ass every which way until they both shoot their hot loads. Now what about that scary movie?Happy Halloween!

Vanna Bardot 在 'Influence: Vanna Bardot - Part 3'

Vanna Bardot - Influence: Vanna Bardot - Part 3

Vanna gets lucky, and then she gets busted. She might be able to charm her way into getting twice as lucky, with the help of a trick up her… wherever. Part 3 of 5. Stay looped in with Part 4 on SLAYED.

Penny Barber 在 'Tasty MILF Is Hungry For Young Studs Cock'

Penny Barber - Tasty MILF Is Hungry For Young Studs Cock

Penny is the perfect mom, and all of her son's friends want to taste what she whips up. When one of them gets a moment alone with her, he sees an opportunity to slip his hand in her cookie jar.

Yinnie DeDom 在 'Dante Colle and Yinne DeDom: The Replacement'

Yinnie DeDom - Dante Colle and Yinne DeDom: The Replacement

Dante Colle breaks into Yinnie Dedom?s house and takes him down. Yinnie gets tied up with rope on his knees with his wrists bound and attached to the floor. Dante wastes no time warming Yinnie up and hits him hard with a big wooden paddle. He gropes at his body with his leather gloved hands and then works him over with the leather crop. He grabs Yinnie by the braids and shoves his fat cock down his thoat. Next, Dante flips him over and fucks his tight hairy asshole raw and hard. He hits Yinnie with a leather crop and then brings back the vicious wooden paddle. He hits Yinnie into a shaking, convulsing fit which makes Yinnie want to cum. Dante unleashes his load in Yinnie?s mouth and then allows Yinnie to cum.

Natasha Nice 在 'Curvy Milf Gets DPed By 2 Eager Young Studs'

Natasha Nice - Curvy Milf Gets DPed By 2 Eager Young Studs

When Natasha practices her serve, the male staff at her country club can't peel their eyes off the hem of her tennis skirt. Today one workout isn't enough for Natasha: she'll be hitting up the sauna for a deuce.

Sofi Vega 在 'Sofi Vega's Sexual Fantasy'

Sofi Vega - Sofi Vega's Sexual Fantasy

Latina and super sexy, Sofi Vega has come to to fulfil her sexual fantasy, but it won't be without some suffering for the lucky Dante Colle! That's right, this horny mulatto is in a particularly teasing mood today in Private Specials, Sexual Fantasies, and after undressing in front of Dante and ordering him to eat her pussy, Sofi repays her lucky hostage with a sloppy deepthroat blowjob before hopping on for a ride and enjoying a hot and wild fuck that has her moaning until her beautiful ass is covered in cum!

Lena Paul 在 'Sire'

Lena Paul - Sire

A journalist follows the story of a charismatic Dom for whom woman will do anything to be given the honor of wearing one of his rings.

Sofi Vega 在 'Sofi Vega, Popstar Wants it All'

Sofi Vega - Sofi Vega, Popstar Wants it All

Latina, bold, and super sexy, we are of course talking about Sofi Vega, and today in Private Specials, Elegant Sexy Ladies Vol. 2, you can see her for the first time on! Popstar Sofi calls upon Dante Colle to help her record a new hit video, but dressed in just a thong and bra, this black beauty's incredible ass proves too difficult to resist, and what was supposed to be a run-of-the-mill video shoot soon turns in a full blown sex scene full of deepthroat, hard fucking, and a juicy cumshot to finish! Don't miss it!

Mary Rock 在 'Mary Rock, In-depth Interview'

Mary Rock - Mary Rock, In-depth Interview

In Private Specials, Elegant Sexy Ladies Vol. 2, journalist Mary Rock has set out to do an in-depth interview with soccer player Dante Colle, but this is, so 'in-depth' has a whole other meaning! There's only one thing bound to happen when a sexy nympho like Mary gets one-on-one with a stud, and as expected, it doesn't take long before she's treating Dante to a deepthroat blowjob before spreading her legs and offering her beautiful pussy for an intense and intimate fuck that has her quivering with pleasure all the way to a facial cumshot!

Alexis Tae 在 'Squealer'

Alexis Tae - Squealer

The rush of the heist fuels something unexpected between an unlikely criminal pair.

Maitland Ward 在 'Casting Couch'

Maitland Ward - Casting Couch

Maitland has made her mark in Hollywood, and now she calls the shots. She's auditioning two guys for one provocative role... but she has three parts that need filling.

Lexi Lore 在 'Team Up'

Lexi Lore - Team Up

This blonde beauty seems innocent, but Lexi craves the naughtiest of niche bedroom experiences. Come see how Lexi likes to play.

Vanessa Sky 在 'Abberation'

Vanessa Sky - Abberation

Are women better liars than men? Or is it just that guys see a pretty face like Vanessa's and assume she would never betray them... with not one but two guys at a time.

Kenna James 在 'Lawless Part 2'

Kenna James - Lawless Part 2

Kenna shows Dante that the only rules she lives by are the ones she makes herself.

Chloe Cherry 在 'Personal Whore'

Chloe Cherry - Personal Whore

Chloe and Dante have a secret place they meet to fulfill role play fantasies that sits far away from the watchful eyes of family. When one day Chloe surprises Dante with an escort fantasy, he's shocked to find she brought along a real client.

Nikki Vicious 在 'TS Nikki Vicious Seduces Dante Colle'

Nikki Vicious - TS Nikki Vicious Seduces Dante Colle

In lingerie and sheer black stockings, blonde TS beauty Nikki Vicious writhes temptingly on her back. She pulls her hard girl-dick out from under her panties. In her boudoir, she greets star porn stud Dante Colle with an orally engorging blowjob. He returns the gesture, taking her chick-prick in his mouth for slurping. 'Your mouth feels sooo good,' purrs Nikki. Dante holds her ass up and rims her butthole as they make eye contact. He fucks Nikki on the bed in a doggie-style anal reaming. His prick plunges her asshole, and Nikki tastes herself ass-to-mouth! Her slobbering mouth engulfs his meat in an impressive deepthroat effort. Dante reams her asshole as Nikki masturbates. 'I'm gonna pop all over your face!' declares Dante. He drains his full load onto Nikki's tongue in a sticky cum facial.

Scarlett Hampton 在 'The Morning After'

Scarlett Hampton - The Morning After

Scarlett wakes up on the couch with jizz leaking from her pussy. Looks like she had an awesome night and is about to have an even better morning. Dante gets back with breakfast, she thanks him by sucking his dick and letting him get another go at her teen cunt. She's so tight he can't help but shoot his load once before immediately going back for more!

Kat Dior 在 'Dante Inspires Kat Dior'

Kat Dior - Dante Inspires Kat Dior

Dante gives Kat Dior just the inspiration she needs to be a better person in the one. She really fucks him nice and sweet at first then goes harder when he starts to squirm.It gets a little dark and creepy by the end.

Amber Moore 在 'Amber's Room'

Amber Moore - Amber's Room

Amber decides to take a little time for herself, pulling her toys out of the nightstand and going to work on her teen pussy. She gets a little loud and even though the sign on the door tells him to keep out, Dante can't resist those big, all-natural teen tits and soaking wet pussy on display. Without saying a word she welcomes his fat cock, making sure he blasts her juicy ass with jizz.

Emily Willis 在 'Influence 2 Showcase'

Emily Willis - Influence 2 Showcase

Having been taken in by a wealthy matron, Emily spends her days excitedly engaging in the sexual games and manipulations of the household. But, as they do, eventually the day came that Emily sat everyone down and explained that she was ready for a change, and so was facilitated. Returning from her first conquest with Elsa, Emily is stopped short upon finding Kayden waiting to introduce her to Mick. He will be her manager. Mick hands off a preset phone, welcoming her to the fold as the newest model on their roster under VXN. Emily dives enthusiastically in, dragging an extra body or two with her.

Pierce Paris 在 'Live Deliciously'

Pierce Paris - Live Deliciously

Pretty TS Korra Del Rio sports dark hair with blonde highlights and a red ensemble of fishnet lingerie and lace-up, stiletto heels. An introductory montage shows Korra glamorizing in a makeup chair, posing for still photos and taking dirty selfies before her threesome with bearded, tattooed Dante Colle and heavily hung Pierce Paris. The horny, bisexual men enter the frame naked and hard. Korra sucks/strokes both boners at once. She deepthroats Dante, slobbering, and each dude gives her a blowjob. Next is an anal 'spitroast,' with Pierce's big cock fucking Korra's asshole as Dante drills her mouth. Dante sodomizes Korra while he blows Pierce; then Pierce fellates Dante ass-to-mouth as Pierce reams Korra's backdoor. Dante nails her tail as Korra deepthroats Pierce, with the guys sharing French kisses. Korra's girl dick bounces wildly as she rides cock. See a versatile round-robin of stroking, fucking and sucking in various positions and permutations. (Pierce really slams Korra's butthole!) The climax is a messy, double cum facial for Korra.

Emma Rose 在 'TS Emma Rose and Stud Dante = 69 and Anal'

Emma Rose - TS Emma Rose and Stud Dante = 69 and Anal

Curvaceous TS Emma Rose teases her pink nipples and flashes bright blue eyes in a sexy kitty headpiece. She plays with the head of her dick, and hot stud Dante Colle sucks that she-cock, making Emma moan in pleasure. She sucks his boner, and they share a voracious 69! Dante stuffs a finger inside her puckering sphincter, and he gives her a tasty rim job. He stuffs his cock deep inside her eager asshole and plows her relentlessly. Dante strokes her she-cock through the anal reaming, and her tight asshole gapes. Emma masturbates his meat, teasing out a hot cum facial.

Dante Colle 在 'Workout Flirting'

Dante Colle - Workout Flirting

Dante Colle is hitting the gym hard. His buddy, Michael Delray is much less serious about the fitness requirement of the team they are on. Michael just wants to fuck.Dante gets frustrated with Michael trying to grab his dick while he?s working out, so he turns the tables on him. He convinces Michael to put on a chastity device ?for fun,? then just blows him off.Later on, Micheal is begging to get unlocked. Dante humiliates him and finally leaves him with a dildo to fuck himself with.

Dante Colle 在 'Friends Helping Each Other'

Dante Colle - Friends Helping Each Other

Welcome to ?Friends Helping Each Other.? It?s a show about good buddies helping each other out!Dante asks his good pal Damien if there?s anything he can do to help. Damien tells him he really just wants a blow job.Dante is reluctant, and clearly thinks Damien is being an asshole, but Dante is a good pal so he sucks his dick anyway. Damien proceeds to be a huge diva about the whole thing, asking him to choke him, telling him dirty things to say? Dante finally snaps and does the hard thing, he tells his friend the truth. ?You?re being such a fucking bitch right now!?They eventually get each other off after a bunch of choking and ball squeezing and dick sucking.[I don?t know man, I was going through a weird time when I made this one. It?s still sexy.]

Domino Presley 在 'TS Domino Presley: 69, Fuck, Cum Shots'

Domino Presley - TS Domino Presley: 69, Fuck, Cum Shots

Nominated - Best Trans One-On-One Sex Scene, AVN 2022

Nominated - Best Sex Scene - Trans, XBIZ 2022

Glamorous TS Domino Presley's dramatic makeup accentuates her pretty face the way her elegant lingerie accentuates her fantastic body. The darkhaired beauty teases director Joey Silvera's camera, flaunting big boobs, gorgeous bubble butt and an intriguing bulge. She and muscular Dante Colle kiss passionately and unleash each other's cock. He deepthroats her, and as he rims her asshole, they stroke her boner. Dante fucks Domino's mouth and she sucks his big, bouncing balls. The stud and the dirty-talking trans stunner share 69. Her big butt pumps; she makes eye contact with the camera as she sucks and drools. With Domino on her back, Dante delivers a well-lubricated buttfuck. She gasps and masturbates with manicured fingers. As he drills the moaning girl hard, clear pre-cum streams from her girl-prick! 'Get on your hands and knees,' Dante orders, and a deep, doggie-style anal reaming makes her tight butthole gape. Domino jacks off intensely, tugging her scrotum, till dollops of jism spackle her lingerie, skin and the couch. 'I told you I cum a lot!' declares Domino. She strokes Dante's lube-slick dick to orgasm, his semen splashing her breasts (and not her careful eye makeup!).

Igor Romani 在 'Fuckerbate, Part 4 RAW'

Igor Romani - Fuckerbate, Part 4 RAW

In the finale of the Fuckerbate series, Thyle Knox is reunited with all of his previous partners (Dante Colle, Igor Romani, and Jack Kross) and this next challenge is really going to stretch his limits ?.Double Penetration!!!

Thyle Knoxx 在 'Fuckerbate, Part 3 RAW'

Thyle Knoxx - Fuckerbate, Part 3 RAW

Part 3 of the Fuckerbate series finds Thyle center stage with a small audience and one demand? ?Dance Monkey?!!Thyle tries his best to show off his moves but truthfully fucking is much more his forte. Up steps Dante Colle to help Thyle complete his next challenge.

Maitland Ward 在 'Muse Episode 1'

Maitland Ward - Muse Episode 1

Acclaimed author, documentary filmmaker, professor, and-Infamously-an activist formerly employed in the sex industry, Maitland Ward's notoriety precedes her. An educator at heart, she is quick to direct the discussion forward, and to exact discipline wherever necessary. Episode 1 of 5.

Adriana Chechik 在 'Chanel Santini Compilation'

Adriana Chechik - Chanel Santini Compilation

Ultimate compilation of Chanel Santini's hardest and hottest moments. Enjoy the fine selection of hardcore anal, delicious deepthroats and facial action that we have put together for you!

0:00 - Chanel & Khloe: TS-On-TS Anal/Cum Swap
11:29 - 2 T-Girls + 1 Stud = Double-Anal 3-Way
17:25 - Chanel: Gingers First TS
29:23 - Chanel: TS-On-TS Anal Gaping
36:20 - I Am Angela, Ep. 3: Superstars
41:29 - T-Girl Fucks XXX Star Adriana!

Michael DelRay 在 'Spiderman vs Dante Colle RAW'

Michael DelRay - Spiderman vs Dante Colle RAW

Evil Dante Colle has teleportation powers. He uses them to trap and humiliate his nemesis, Spiderman. While Spidey could easily defeat him, Dante threatens to use his powers to teleport directly into the buttholes of the one?s Spiderman loves, so he agrees to do whatever Dante wants him to do.First, Dante makes Spiderman worship his stinky villain feet. Then he starts to rub on Spiderman?s crotch with them, humiliating him for getting erect. He lubes up his feet and gives Spidey a foot job, bringing him right to the edge of cumming.Spiderman begs for release. Dante makes a deal with him. He?ll let him cum, but only if Spiderman lets him fuck his ass right after, which will completely ruin his orgasm. Spiderman has no choice, he agrees. Dante teleports a Cowboy in, who begrudgingly sucks off Spiderman until he cums.Now that Spiderman has agreed to let the evil Dante Colle fuck his ass, Dante takes wants to relish the moment. He makes Spidey suck his cock first. Spiderman gets very sensual and gives Dante an amazing blowjob until the villain figures out his plan. Spiderman was hoping to suck the cum out of Dante so he wouldn?t have to get ass fucked.Dante bends Spidey over and takes his time sliding his big evil cock inside him. Spiderman moans while his ass gets stretched out. Dante fucks his brains out then flips him over to fuck him while Spiderman jerks off all over his own spandex. After Dante cums on his spandex suit as well, he teleports away, leaving Spiderman defeated and humiliated.

Jane Marie 在 'TS Jane Marie Sodomized To Whimpering!'

Jane Marie - TS Jane Marie Sodomized To Whimpering!

Busty, exotic TS Jane Marie models refined lingerie, teasing and stripping through a seductive intro. The flashy brunette greets stud Dante Colle with a drooling blowjob, lapping his balls as she sucks. Dante's dick reams Jane's tight asshole from behind, buttfucking the trans beauty as she talks dirty. She rides his meat; he sodomizes her to whimpering. When the intense anal action climaxes, Dante pumps hot cum onto Jane's tits.

Dana DeArmond 在 'Anal Fun: TS Jenna Gargles, MILF, Stud'

Dana DeArmond - Anal Fun: TS Jenna Gargles, MILF, Stud

Hot TS Jenna Gargles and cisgender porn star Dana DeArmond hook up with adventurous stud Dante Colle for a gender-bent, anal threesome! The blonde trans hottie and the blonde MILF playfully show off each other's intriguing body. They give Dante nasty blowjobs, and his prick buttfucks both shameless babes. This unbridled trans play date features passionate kissing, intense throat fucking and tasty, ass-to-mouth fellatio. Finally, Dante finishes the ladies off with a messy cum facial.

Bunny Colby 在 'Bunny Colby's Bisexual Threesome'

Bunny Colby - Bunny Colby's Bisexual Threesome

Young, busty Bunny Colby is an exhibitionist that loves kinky boys. The insatiable cutie meets bisexual dudes Michael DelRay and Dante Colle, soon joining them for a hot threesome! Michael and Dante make out as Bunny gives them blowjobs, and then Dante's boner slams Bunny's pussy as Michael buttfucks him! Her huge jugs jounce as Michael drills her cunt. Adorable Bunny giggles as his sperm plasters her bush. Depraved anal action includes hard man-on-man sodomy, ass-to-mouth fellatio, and a mutual masturbation cum climax.

Ginger Banks 在 'Super Ginger VS Dante Colle'

Ginger Banks - Super Ginger VS Dante Colle

Villainous Dante Colle has captured Ginger Banks. He knows that she knows where a necklace with space crystals is. He believes that anyone who wears the necklace with instantly have super powers, and he plans to use these powers for evil.Ginger lays on a dirty mattress in a warehouse, wearing nothing but tattered pink pantyhose. Dante interrogates her. She is scared, but tough, and won't tell him anything. "Maybe I'll just have to fuck the information out of you..."He rips open her pantyhose and slides his hard cock inside her. He fucks her hard and rough. At first she squirms, but soon she starts to cum. He keeps fucking her and eating her pussy, making her cum over and over. Finally she screams, "I'll tell you where the necklace is, just please cum in my pussy!"Dante calls her a slut, but gladly fills her with cum. She tells him wear the necklace is, but when he puts in on he is surprised..."Oh what's wrong Dante? Feeling funny? That necklace gives ME power over whoever wears it, as long as I have their DNA inside me... thanks for that..."Now that Ginger has complete control over the villain, she makes him lick his own cum out of her pussy, lick her feet, and worship her ass.While she smothers him with her wet pussy she tells him she has plans for him on her home planet...Dante had no idea she was an alien, and what he got himself into.Villainous Dante Colle is now on Ginger's space ship, still wearing the crystal necklace that gives her complete control over him. Ginger happily toys with him, telling him that her home planet is full of women like her who all need male sex slaves. Her job was to find good strong bad guy to bring back.She teases him then puts on a strap on dildo and slides it in his ass. He screams for her to stop but she just laughs. She knows he'll eventually learn to love it.Ginger fucks him hard from behind, then on his back. His cock is undeniably throbbing hard while she pounds his ass, but he still claims he doesn't like it. She strokes his hard cock, and he begs her to let him cum."Only when you admit that you love getting fucked in the ass..."Dante protests."Oh come on, I'll even let you cum in my wet pussy again. You want that don't you? Just admit you love my cock in your ass." She says while she keeps pounding him with her strap on and stroking his cock.He gives in eventually and tells her what she wants to hear. She makes him beg her to let him lick his own cum out of her pussy again before she slides his cock inside her and fill her up.

Lena Moon 在 'TS Lena Moon: Gaping Anal Ride'

Lena Moon - TS Lena Moon: Gaping Anal Ride

With her lush lips and fabulous, artfully tattooed body, Lena Moon is a most comely TS. She teases in stylish lingerie and jewelry, showing off ivory skin, big boobs and hot ass, plus the hard bonus lurking in her panties. She and top stud Dante Colle kiss. He sucks her nipples; he strokes and then deepthroats her she-meat. Lena gives him an enthusiastic blowjob, and she laps his balls. He grips her head to fuck her throat, spit flowing. Lena interrupts her cocksucking reverie to stroke their two shafts in one hand, and Dante returns the favor. He pries his spit-lubed boner up her hungry asshole, and he chokes her as he rams her rear to bliss. Lena gives ass-to-mouth head. She takes anal ride, she-boner waving up and down as she bounces. Dante spits in her winking sphincter and then buttfucks her into the floor, followed by more spit-soaked A2M and Lena's sloppy, dedicated rim job service. Dante porks her into the couch, making her bunghole gape widely. Kneeling for a cum facial, Dante jacks his jism into her mouth.

Evelyn Claire 在 'Checkmate'

Evelyn Claire - Checkmate

Evelyn's partner is jealous when she invites an old friend over, but he doesn't have enough power to stop it. He watches carefully from the sidelines before storming off over a leading comment. Evelyn won't have it. "Did your mother not teach you to share," she asks. She teaches him herself.

Casey Kisses 在 'Best Christmas Ever: Gorgeous Casey Kisses Submits To Dante Colle'

Casey Kisses - Best Christmas Ever: Gorgeous Casey Kisses Submits To Dante Colle

On a cozy winter night, two lovebirds sit by holiday light. Sharing naughty gifts they wrapped, soon her perfect ass will be slapped. But first, what is this? A Kink butt plug, a stroker, what bliss! The ropes come out for her to submiss, as what he desires is Casey's Kiss. The stunning couple, Casey Kisses and Dante Colle are home for the holidays. Forget the family, these two want to spend a kinky night at home. Opening up their gifts, Dante finds Casey visited the kink store and got him new toys for him to try out on her. A butt plug, a stroker, nipple clamps, leather cuff, oh my. This truly will be a kinky Kink Store Christmas. Dante flips over his beautiful girlfriend as she begs him to begin. He ties her up in restrictive rope bondage, pulls up her tight dress and starts slapping that perfect ass. Next is the butt plug which her tight asshole is hungry for. She screams as the nipple clamps are pinched over her sensitive nipples. Dante pulls out her huge cock and goes down for a deep throat cock sucking. This gets her rock hard and begging to cum for him. Please daddy let me cum. Dante edges his girlfriend and takes it up a notch. Out comes the vibrator and cock stroker. This gets Casey's body excited. She has never felt anything like this before and her rock hard cock is ready to blow. Edged and denied again, Dante takes off her nipple clamps as she screams in pleasure. The ropes come out again, and this time Casey is tied up in full restrictive rope bondage suspension. Her body is ready to submit to her boyfriends cock. All she wants for Christmas is Daddy's Cock. She eagerly pleases her man's hard cock and deep throats him. She wants more! She needs him in her. He lowers her into a submissive position and slides his cock into her ass. Deep anal fucking gets her rock hard and begging to cum. She finally is allowed to cum for Dante and unleashes her load onto his cock. He flips her over and fucks her again then cums all over her cock and body. Merry Christmas.

Haley Reed 在 'Boxed'

Haley Reed - Boxed

Dante can't keep his eyes off Haley when he visits a new gym to spar and her boyfriend is quick to notice. "Were you looking at her?" he asks. Dante dances around the question, careful of his word choice and fully unprepared for the couple's motives.

Dante Colle 在 'Going Down On The Farm - Part 1'

Dante Colle - Going Down On The Farm - Part 1

Here on the Buckin' Bronco Farm, the guys work hard and play a little harder. Some shenanigans are always expected but it's a delicate situation when the boss is around, so when he heads into town, Elliot Finn takes the opportunity to steal some time with Dante in the stable. Dante Colle doesn't want to get caught by the bossman, but he doesn't mind when he catches fellow ranch hand Mark Long watching them from one of the stalls. He motions Mark over as Elliott sucks him off, and Mark slides his rock hard dick against the side of Elliott's ass. Elliott turns and discovers Mark standing behind him. He looks up Dante looking on approvingly, and smiles, falling back onto Dante's dick as Mark continues to rub himself against his hole. They turn him around as Dante slides his bareback cock deep into Elliott's hole. Elliott sucks Mark off down to the base but Mark is looking to bury his cock in something a little more warm. He flips Elliott around and plunges his 8' cock all the way into Elliott as Dante looks on with hunger. He watches Mark fuck his beau and then decides he wants to take a turn, mounting Mark and giving him a cowboy ride worthy of the farm's namesake. It's just too bad for Mark he's not the only who was watching...

Dante Colle 在 'Cock Spy'

Dante Colle - Cock Spy

Wandering by a random window has never paid such handsome dividends for Quin Quire, but when he happens upon Dante Colle getting dressed from the shower, he can't help but spy. When Dante notices, he's understandably pissed, but Quin doesn't waver, locking eyes with Dante and staring into the depths of his passion. Never before has a peeping Tom been so bold, but there's something about Quin that Dante can't resist or deny, and he lets Quin in. He fights himself as Quin tries to force it, but finally he gives into his lust, and Quin rewards him by letting Dante fulfill every fantasy he's ever had with a man. Enjoy!

Donte Thick 在 'The Double D B&B'

Donte Thick - The Double D B&B

Here at the Double D Bed and Breakfast, a guest will find all the standard accommodations that one would expect- scenic views, quiet, clean rooms, attention to detail and impeccable service- but the proprietors of the inn offer one extra amenity that sets them apart. Dante Colle and partner Donte Thick have been in the hospitality business for a few years now, and the one thing they pride themselves on is the level of personal service they provide for each guest... especially ones as desirable as Spencer Laval. Spencer discovers that the term 'full service' doesn't just mean a stocked ice machine or a continental breakfast. Instead, Spencer receives the full hands on treatment from the Double Ds, and after his experience, he's positive that not only will he be writing a glowing review, but he'll also be sure to book again in the near future.Enjoy!

Dante Colle 在 'Hard Working Distraction'

Dante Colle - Hard Working Distraction

With the stresses of settling a family estate looming over him, Dante Colle sure could use a mental break. Boy toy Steven Lee thinks that it's Dante's other head that could use some relief, and Dante smiles. Steven knows him better than he knows himself, so he closes the door to the outside bullshit and takes off his clothes, making his way to the bed. Steven does his best to relieve Dante's tension, but it's not the kind of stress that simple blowjob is gonna cure, so Dante takes things into his own hands and mounts Steven, riding him until he begins to relax. Steven is rock hard deep inside of Dante, who flips over onto his hands and knees and tells Steven to fuck him harder. Steven does as he's told and Dante strokes himself, telling Steven to fuck the cum out of him. He shoots his load all over himself as Steven pulls out and gives a double shot just to make sure Dante gets the attention he needs. Exhaling, Dante feels his stress melt away, as Steven gives him a 'told you so' grin.Enjoy!

Ella Reese 在 'We Swing Both Ways 3'

Ella Reese - We Swing Both Ways 3

When Dante and his wife Ella come to visit Los Angeles for a weekend swing party they are shocked to find a naked man still in the rental they are staying at. Turns out he is a porn actor who was had fallen asleep at a shoot the night before and was forgotten by the crew. Now what could this hot swinging couple possibly do with a naked bisexual porn star? Opportunity does not often knock so this couple hops at the situation and immediately act on their bisexual fantasies as they let the porn star have fun with both of them. Not only does Dante Colle get to suck a cock he also takes it up the ass. Of course he does the same to Wolf Hudson. Ella Reese is more than happy as both men get to fuck her pussy and blast loads all over her pretty face.

Carter Woods 在 'The Kiss'

Carter Woods - The Kiss

It all starts with a kiss, the soft caress of your lover's lips, giving way to stronger urges, moving you to embrace your passion and indulge in your fantasy. For Dante Colle and Carter Woods, that urge has overtaken them, as they writhe together in a naked frenzy of skin and sweat on the sofa. Dante looks deep into Carter's eyes as the two of them connect on physical and emotional levels, satisfying each other's every carnal whim as they fearlessly engage in their passion for one another, reaching climax together and falling back into each other to do it all over again. All sparked by a simple kiss. Enjoy!

Charlie Pattinson 在 'Forget Him'

Charlie Pattinson - Forget Him

Dante Colle is feeling pretty low on his anniversary, but luckily for him, good friend Charlie Pattinson is around to console him on this most auspicios day. Dante is reeling from the break up, and he's feeling it more than ever today, but Charlie is already on the way over to make sure Dante isn't spending this anniversary alone. When he arrives, Dante asks what he has in mind, and Charlie tells him they should spend the anniversary the way they are supposed to be spent. Smiling, he leads him back to the bedroom and lays him down, then proceeds to give Dante a fuck he won't soon forget, and one that makes it hard for him to remember why he was even sad in the first place. With friends like Charlie, who needs lovers? Enjoy!

Dante Colle 在 'A Gay Christmas Story'

Dante Colle - A Gay Christmas Story

It's three times the holiday fun when Roman Eros, best friend Dante Colle, and his step-brother Ryan Jordan, all share in the festivities. Roman, ever the horny troublemaker, coaxes Ryan into letting him get a massage, and when Roman unearths Ryan's raging hard-on, the massage quickly turns naughty. Dante wonders if Ryan has seen Roman and discovers that Roman is unwrapping an early gift, but when he catches them, Roman invites him to share. Ryan and Dante are hesitant at first, but what are the holidays for, if not for sharing with the ones you love? Roman sucks and fucks as Ryan and Dante keep it in the family, and they all three fulfill their deepest Christmas wishes and naughtiest fantasies.Enjoy!

Dante Colle 在 'Over the Edge: Handsome Stud Dante Colle Unable to Resist Master Keys'

Dante Colle - Over the Edge: Handsome Stud Dante Colle Unable to Resist Master Keys

Welcome back Dante Colle to KinkMen! This fit and handsome stud is ready for more kink torment. Master Sebastian Keys ties up Dante's perfect body in fully restrictive tight rope bondage. Unable to touch his own huge cock, Dante must submit to Tony Orlando's constant pleasure. Tony starts right on Dante's monster cock. Stroking it fully up and down until it is rock hard and ready to explode. Tony works is mouth on Dante with a deep throat gagging blowjob. Dante from the beginning says he is ready to explode, close to cumming and cannot hold it back. The edging is tormenting this submissive. Sebastian brings out the nipple clamps which gets Dante even closer to the edge. Sebastian must hold Dante back and covers his moaning mouth while Tony works on worshipping Dante's naked feet. Licking his toes gets Dante squirming. They two bring out a sex toy jacking sleeve and get to work on Dante's shaking cock. This is just too much for Dante and he explodes! This handsome sub couldn't take it and went over the EDGE! Master Keys isn't done with him yet though and torments Dante with repercussion tickling. This endurance tickling is too much for Dante who can't fight back. The men then put Dante in a full body rubber sack. With Dante's cock exposed and mouth in a ball gag, Tony gets back to work. Next up is a full cock stroker. Dante's huge dick barely fits in it. Sebastian wants to turn it up again and brings out a vibrating cock ring. This again proves too much and sends Dante back over the edge with a huge cum load.

Dante Colle 在 'Hard To Resist'

Dante Colle - Hard To Resist

Plagued with self doubt, Dante Colle stands at his neighbor's door, attempting to summon the courage to knock and confront both his feelings and his crush publicly. At the last moment, he chickens out and turns to leave, turning right into the chest of none other than his neighbor, Johnny Hill, who has been watching this unfold for several moments. Now that they are face to face, Johnny smiles, but says nothing, as he unlocks the door and leads Dante inside. Leading him to the bedroom, Dante realizes Johnny has been secretly eyeing him from across the building as well, and as he strips Dante out of his clothes and begins to suck him off, Dante's hesitation turns to unbridled passion. He pushes Johnny further down onto his cock before flipping him over and returning the favor. Johnny dick gets rock hard and he tells Dante he wants to fuck him, but Dante has his own ideas, and tells Johnny he wants to fuck him first. Johnny is unsure but agrees, so Dante slowly works his cock into Johnny's tight hole. Johnny is so tight Dante can barely get it in, but once he manages, Johnny looks over his shoulder and moans his approval, so Dante picks up the pace, fucking Johnny hard before pulling out and nutting all over Johnny's back. Johnny smiles and says, 'My turn'. Dante shakes from his orgasm and climbs on top of Johnny, mounting his cock and giving it a ride. He grinds against hard on Johnny's rod, taking it all the way to the base as he strokes his dick while Johnny watches. Johnny tells Dante how nice his hole feels, flipping him over and spreading is legs as he fucks Dante harder. Dante strokes himself off, spitting a second load all over his stomach as Johnny's dick swells up ready to spit. He pulls out and soaks Dante with his batch as Dante moans in delight.Enjoy!

Dalton Riley 在 'Trusting Sin'

Dalton Riley - Trusting Sin

It's the haunting season, which is why Dalton Riley & Jeremy Spreadums are huddled close, taking comfort in each other's company as they move from the shower to the bed together. The couple is seemingly just enjoying themselves as usual- Dalton kissing his way down Jeremy's body, taking his cock into his mouth as Jeremy moans his approval- but it seems they both have a dark passenger on their shoulder, whispering doubts into their conscience. That little devil happens to be Dante Colle, perhaps an agent of chaos, or just as likely, a fallen angel, here to show them the opportunity that arises when one embraces his dark fantasies and gives in to sin. Will he tear them apart or bring them together? Enjoy!

Princeton Price 在 'Convenient Holes'

Princeton Price - Convenient Holes

Princeton Price assumes he's just here for a regular massage, but Dante Colle has some unconventional methods and a conveniently suitable table to help him give Princeton the massage of his life! Once Princeton is loose and comfortable, Dante begins to milk his cock. Princeton's face lights up as he realizes what he's gotten himself into, and Dante's technique is so good that Princeton decides to go with it. He pulls Dante closer to him as continues to suck him off. Rock hard, he tells Dante he wants to return the favor, so Dante stands up and Princeton gags on his dick. Now that Princeton is on board with program, Dante bends him over for the next phase, sliding his slippery, hard cock deep into Princeton's waiting hole. He fucks Princeton hard from behind, flipping him over and pounding him missionary before pulling out and nutting all over him. Princeton exhales as the cum splashes all over his taint, and since his dick is rock hard from getting fucked, Dante decides to climb aboard, riding Princeton until he's ready to shoot his load. He slips off Princeton's cock just as Princeton erupts, and as he does, Dante shoots a second load all over himself. With both of them sweaty and covered in cum, Princeton tells Dante he's a big fan of his methods.Enjoy!

Quentin Gainz 在 'Ass Lickin' Good'

Quentin Gainz - Ass Lickin' Good

When Dante Colle and Quentin Gainz come together, it's a feast for all the senses, as both guys look good enough to eat. With all this eye-candy, you can't blame these guys for wanting to get a taste of each other, and that's just what they do, as Dante strips Quentin out of his jeans and then tongue fucks his hole before sliding up behind Quentin and slipping it in. He grinds on Quentin from behind as he pumps him full of hard cock, kissing his neck and shoulders as he fills him up. Quentin moans from pleasure as Dante thrusts into him, before the switch and Quentin has his turn at Dante's ass. He lets Dante mount him, giving him a nice hard ride as Dante strokes his cock. Dante is close and tells Quentin to finish strong, so Quentin flips him over and pounds him as Dante spreads his legs and lets his load fly. He coats himself as Quentin pulls out and empties himself onto Dante's throbbing cock and balls.

Natalie Mars 在 'Hot For Transsexuals 5'

Natalie Mars - Hot For Transsexuals 5

Two gorgeous, ultra-feminine T-girls, busty blonde Latina Chanel Santini and pale brunette Natalie Mars, sit on the kitchen counter stroking their lady-dicks. Lucky stud Dante Colle joins the TS temptresses for a perverse threesome. Dante sucks both girls' stiff boners. Soon everybody is blowing each other's hard cock meat. The kinky players arrange themselves in lewd, ass-fucking daisy chains! Natalie even enjoys a double anal penetration! She rides a huge dildo as her playmates splatter her pretty face with hot jizz.

Skylar Snow 在 'We Swing Both Ways 2'

Skylar Snow - We Swing Both Ways 2

Skylar and her boyfriend are very excited to get to visit France together. It is so romantic. Especially when the young couple is engaged to be engaged. While in France they meet a very nice older french gentleman who shows them his chateau and his grape vineyard. Soon the grapes will be growing to be harvested to make wine. Soon the couple are having a picnic and he asks if they are married. When they tell him they are not he asks how do they know he will stay committed. First should he not experience a man to see if he is gay or not. Skylar is very excited to discover how committed Dante is to her and finds out quickly as they share their first, but probably not last, cock together. They both enjoy a hot bisexual encounter in the south of France. This is after all, where the term Menage a trois was invented.

Aubrey Kate 在 'The TS Life'

Aubrey Kate - The TS Life

Stunning TS megastar Aubrey Kate sports a sexy cheerleader outfit, practicing with cheer studs Dante Colle and Michael DelRay. Soon afterwards, she joins her kinky teammates for an intense anal three-way. Aubrey jerks off while sucking their stiff dicks, and the boys prep her tight rectum with lewd rimming. A wild sandwich fuck features Aubrey in the middle, drilling Dante's rump while Michael sodomizes Aubrey's! The graphic backdoor spectacle features ass-to-mouth deep throating, slimy sperm swapping and two massive cum loads sprayed over Aubrey's gorgeous face.

Sebastian Keys 在 'New slave Dante Colle flogged, fucked, and eager'

Sebastian Keys - New slave Dante Colle flogged, fucked, and eager

Welcome Dante Colle to KinkMen! Dante is new to kink and he's about to be thrown in the deep end with leather stud Sebastian Keys. Dante begins by worshiping Sebastian's leather chaps and heavy leather boots. He licks and kisses the leather, relishing the taste for the first time ever. He removes Sebastian's boot on command and worships Sebastian's foot. Sebastian moans as Dante licks his foot eagerly, wiggling his tongue in between each and every toe. After Sebastian is satisfied, he reveals Dante's cock and instructs him to present his ass. Sebastian spanks Dante's perfect ass before shaving the hair on Dante's ass cheeks so he can see that bottom turn rosey red with each smack. Pleased with his handy work, Sebastian licks Dante's asshole as he holds Dante down with his foot. Next, Dante is tied upright and fitted with an open mouth gag. Sebastian flogs Dante's front, paying extra attention to his rock hard cock. Then he secures Dante facing the wall so he has unrestricted access to Dante's ass. He flogs Dante's back and ass, before bringing Dante down to take advantage of his wet open mouth. Sebastian fucks Dante's face relentlessly and Dante takes every inch as he drools all over himself. Finally, Dante is suspended for the first time ever, bound by rope and vulnerable to Sebastian's devious desires. Sebastian slips an electric anal plug into Dante's ass, dialing the electricity up to get Dante's ass ready for his cock. Dante moans as he feels the electricity course through his asshole. He struggles as Sebastian jerks his cock, unable to escape the sensations. Once Dante is warmed up, Sebastian brings him down to the floor and pushes his cock into Dante's tight hole. He pounds Dante's ass while licking Dante's feet. Finally, he blows a fat load all over Dante and then jerks Dante off on his belly. Covered in cum, Dante is suspended again and left hanging for the next man to find.

Bobbi Dylan 在 'Bi-Sexually Active'

Bobbi Dylan - Bi-Sexually Active

Making it in Hollywood has always been about establishing connections and friendships. Working the room. Seeing an opportunity and taking it. Like take this young couple for instance. Here you have two young actors, Dante and his girl friend of many years, Bobbi. Both are aspiring actors. When a producer of a tv series invites them over for dinner and to discuss being on a new drama they jump at the opportunity. Soon they realize the real reason they are invited over is because that producer would like to have sex with Dante. And of course his girlfriend if she would like to join in. Seize the opportunity when presented and yes they did.

Gabriel D'Alessandro 在 'Aubrey Kate Plus 8'

Gabriel D'Alessandro - Aubrey Kate Plus 8

In red stockings and matching angel wings, blonde TS superstar Aubrey Kate spreads her sculpted legs, probes her butthole and lewdly sucks her fingers clean. The tattooed trans goddess finds herself surrounded by nine horny dudes (Chad Diamond, Gabriel Dalessandro, Dane Stewart, Rob Yeager, Pierce Paris, Michael DelRay, Dante Colle, Damien Thorne and Sebastian Keys) all demanding that Aubrey gag on their raging cocks. The boys slurp on her stiff she-meat, rim her sensitive sphincter and serially pound her tight asshole in a full-scale anal trans gangbang that leaves Aubrey completely covered in hot sperm.

Penelope Reed 在 'Bi-Sexually Active'

Penelope Reed - Bi-Sexually Active

Penelope can sense something is going on with her husband. He has been cold and distant lately. He must be seeing another woman. What else could it be? So one morning over breakfast she confronts him about it. She demands to know why he is acting so weird. Turns out he gave head to a coworker at the office. What? Is her man gay? She demands to meet the man who's cock her husband sucked. He comes over that evening and she puts the pressure on both of them. She wants to see her husband suck his dick. And he does. Quite well. She gets turned on and joins in. See all she really wanted was to be invited.

Alura Jenson 在 'Bisexual Fantasies'

Alura Jenson - Bisexual Fantasies

Thick, buxom blonde realtor Alura 'TNT' Jenson shows a property to studly Gabriel Dalessandro and Dante Colle, assuming they're a regular gay couple. But after the guys reveal that they enjoy sharing a woman, the stacked MILF bombshell leads them to the sofa for a lewd bisexual three-way! Alura unleashes her immense boobs and ass, and the boys take turns helping her suck each other's big cock. The seasoned BBW rides one dick while hungrily slurping the other, finally sharing cum with the kinky strangers.