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最新更新特色 Oliver Flynn

Luna Star 在 'Zz 聯播:luna 和 jesse'

Luna Star - Zz 聯播:luna 和 jesse

觀看並享受兩個完全辣妹,Luna Star 和 Jesse Pony,在片場度過炎熱的一天。我們首先要看這兩位明星做好準備,並互相問一些熱氣騰騰的問題。然後,大雞巴的螺柱奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)進來了,盧娜和傑西直接跳上了那隻雞巴。他們分享了一個性感的雙重口交,然後讓他們的陰戶在熱的三人行中搗碎!

Peta Jensen 在 '呵呵呵!最好的假期'

Peta Jensen - 呵呵呵!最好的假期

現在是骯髒的季節,嘩啦坐在那隻公雞上。主演:安吉拉·懷特、羅米·雷恩、艾娃·亞當斯、妮可·安妮斯頓、佩塔·詹森、凱莎·格雷、珍娜·伊沃里、泰勒·尼克鬆、凱蘭·李、列維·卡什、米克·布魯和奧利弗·弗林。看看這個 Brazzers 最好的假期暨堆積,即使是聖誕老人也進入了頑皮的名單!

Siri Dahl 在 '被兩個傢伙按摩和毆打'

Siri Dahl - 被兩個傢伙按摩和毆打

Siri 說服她溺愛的男友為她支付專業按摩費用。不過,BF 沒有意識到的是,他實際上只是花錢買了兩個耳釘(Seth Gamble 和 Oliver Flynn)來給 Siri 一個狠狠的他媽的!Siri 在這個火辣的三人行中認真鍛煉了她的身體。

Victoria June 在 '嘰嘰喳喳喳,混蛋和作弊!'

Victoria June - 嘰嘰喳喳喳,混蛋和作弊!


Sandy Love 在 '流覽我的商店,我會操你們兩個!'

Sandy Love - 流覽我的商店,我會操你們兩個!


Luna Star 在 '月神星:勾引和摧毀第1部分'

Luna Star - 月神星:勾引和摧毀第1部分

流亡間諜Luna Star正在逃離三個賞金獵人,因為我們進入了她的蛇蠍美人展示!在波浪上徘徊,水在她的曲線上閃閃發光,露娜對長期的搶劫、滲透等等歷史付出了代價......露娜穿著一身輕薄的衣服,掩蓋了她的致命能力,在一艘位置便利的遊艇上等待她的追捕者。達蒙·迪斯、奧利弗·弗林和米克·布魯四處尋找魅魔間諜,卻被她像飛蛾撲火一樣的魅力所吸引。噘嘴的嘴唇,活潑的奶子,以及會搶奪你靈魂的渴望,Luna 確切地知道如何像玩具一樣工作這些男人。在邋遢的深喉中伸出舌頭舔球。在女牛仔期間用力研磨她的陰部。在三根雞巴之間交換,以保持它們的堅硬和悸動,隨時準備在她需要那些粗大的負載時立即爆發。沒有任何賞金可以與這個密不透風的運動雙滲透明星秀的價格相媲美!

Siri Dahl 在 '需要醫療協助'

Siri Dahl - 需要醫療協助

Siri 有一長串肛門珠不小心卡在她性感的屁股上!奧利弗·弗林博士(Dr. Oliver Flynn)從Siri的緊洞中取出丟失的性玩具。一旦醫療程式完成,Siri 就有心情進行更多的肛門活動,讓幸運的醫生在辦公室給她一個很好的屁股操!

Dani Valentina 在 '者的高級瑜伽'

Dani Valentina - 者的高級瑜伽

性感的丹妮·瓦倫蒂娜(Dani Valentina)總是在清理室友奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)的懶漢,更糟糕的是,他正在用一堆髒衣服來惡作劇她。當丹妮被奧利弗的大雞巴吸引時,從他的雞巴上滑下了一隻管襪,她舉起它,滿臉都是奧利弗濃稠的精液。儘管喜歡這種味道,但丹妮需要通過做一些瑜伽來冷靜下來,當奧利弗窺探她時,他無法將視線從她的大奶子和屁股上移開。奧利弗抓住機會,丹妮的屁股懸在空中,誘人地顫抖著偷偷溜過去,撕開她的緊身衣,把他堅硬的雞巴插入她濕漉漉的陰戶。從那裡開始,過度興奮的奧利弗射精有點太快了,但事實證明,他的坦克里還有很多。好事,因為丹妮才剛剛開始和他在一起。

Dorian Del Isla 在 '放蕩之日:第四部分'

Dorian Del Isla - 放蕩之日:第四部分

在我們放蕩日的最後部分,一支全女性業餘運動隊發現自己處於棒球場中間,因為時鐘滴答作響,走向享樂主義的釋放。他們穿著緊身的小制服,興奮,精力充沛,周圍都是饑餓的男人,他們確切地知道自己正在為什麼樣的情況做好準備。挑逗,嘲諷,誘惑...隨著警笛聲的響起,一群狂歡爆發了,讓每個人都知道他們可以衝進田野,滿足這些有需要的花癡的慾望。但請記住,在這一天,整個社區都在蔓延。在田野裡,在街上,在淋浴間,到處都是你能想像到的地方。為了達到高潮,你需要放下所有的壓抑。滿足你的衝動。向艾莉·安妮屈服。亞歷克西斯·泰。海莉玫瑰。賈茲敏·盧夫。麥迪·梅。 火星小姐。姬瑪麗。凡妮莎天空。歡迎來到今年“發佈”的閉幕時間。願好運與大家同在。

Valentina Nappi 在 '輪姦迪湧現'

Valentina Nappi - 輪姦迪湧現

華麗的瓦倫蒂娜納皮有一個神秘的疾病。沒有令人震驚的癥狀;她只是非常饑渴,想要一些關注!工作人員的醫生米克·布魯(Mick Blue)和奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)找不到瓦倫蒂娜有什麼問題,但給了她一張病床來緩解她的神經。在醫生的背後,鬼鬼祟祟的瓦倫蒂娜引起了醫院秩序的注意 空氣暴徒、阿波羅銀行、好萊塢現金和斯科蒂·細心的勤務兵沒有機會對抗瓦倫蒂娜調皮的 x 級滑稽動作,很快就圍著她來了一場草率的吹氣。當醫生米克和奧利弗回來時,黑髮女郎瓦倫蒂娜拉著他們去醫院輪姦,最後在瓦倫蒂娜漂亮的臉上進行了顏射式的暨盛宴!

Zaawaadi 在 '熱線辣妹栩栩如生'

Zaawaadi - 熱線辣妹栩栩如生

足球運動員奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)被擺在一個扭曲的角度上。感到饑渴,他打開電視,開始撫摸自己到性熱線寶貝,大奶子扎瓦迪和多汁的阿麗亞娜范X.奧利弗打電話給他媽的夥伴,希望她會過來,但她讓他掛乾了。奧利弗轉回性感的電視廣告,開始脫落他的石頭。他不會給跳進屏幕的東西!等一下,扎瓦迪和阿麗亞娜剛剛說了他的名字嗎?!似乎那些漂亮的女人正看著他。奧利弗的終極幻想即將成真嗎?

Luna Star 在 '註定是的2'

Luna Star - 註定是的2

奧利弗·弗林有點束手無策...按照字面。被綁起來需要釋放,Luna Star通過深喉他的雞巴向他伸出援助之手,然後將他倒置旋轉,以便他可以吃掉她。一旦她滿足了,她就開始在他的雞巴上操自己,然後讓他鬆開。奧利弗用她的內褲堵住盧娜的嘴——盧娜因快感而無法停止呻吟——然後彎下腰,隨心所欲地捶打她的陰部。完成後,奧利弗給了她一個中出,讓盧娜把他舔乾淨。

Angel Youngs 在 '訓練我的洞'

Angel Youngs - 訓練我的洞


Harlow Harrison 在 '球落針' dp'

Harlow Harrison - 球落針' dp

詹妮弗·懷特(Jennifer White)出現在新年前夜的派對上,在她的朋友拋棄她後獨自離開。派對的女主人哈洛·哈裡森(Harlow Harrison)向她打招呼並變得輕浮,暗示這不會是一場典型的狂歡,而參加派對的艾莉·安妮·賈茲敏·盧夫(Ailee Anne Jazmin Luv)、奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)、威爾·龐德(Will Pounder)和桑德·科沃斯(Xander Corvus)則在後台跳舞和磨練越來越激烈。當午夜鐘聲敲響時,是時候開始這場派對了!奶子、陰戶和雞巴出來了,詹妮弗簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛——她在參加一個浪蕩公子的派對!詹妮弗受到誘惑但害羞,桑德和奧利弗接近了她,他們想在新的一年裡説明她用雙滲透三人組敲響戒指,這將載入史冊!

Dallas Playhouse 在 '嗅聞舔舐,臉坐著'

Dallas Playhouse - 嗅聞舔舐,臉坐著


Armani Black 在 '淫蕩的房地產經紀人閃閃奶'

Armani Black - 淫蕩的房地產經紀人閃閃奶

黑髮的阿瑪尼·布萊克(Armani Black)是一名房地產經紀人,帶著奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)和他的妻子參觀了新房源。豐滿的阿瑪尼公然與奧利弗調情,與他擦肩而過,使人眼色。當奧利弗的妻子離開房間時,阿瑪尼拿出了她完美、渾圓的奶子,奧利弗簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛!接下來,阿瑪尼方便地將一些檔掉在地上,當她彎下腰時,奧利弗發現阿瑪尼緊繃的陰部從她的短裙中伸出來。奧利弗一定有她!好色的阿瑪尼終於把奧利弗推進了洗手間,並在他們身後鎖上了門。阿瑪尼快感的呻吟淹沒了奧利弗的妻子敲門,兩人無恥地崇拜和享受對方緊繃的身體!

Siri Dahl 在 '變態的傢伙他媽的兩個曲線玲瓏的長相'

Siri Dahl - 變態的傢伙他媽的兩個曲線玲瓏的長相

奧利弗·弗林中了大獎。他不僅在阿比蓋爾·莫裡斯(Abigail Morris)中有一個漂亮的女朋友,而且阿比蓋爾的父親的女朋友是同樣變態和曲線玲瓏的Siri,她碰巧在這對年輕夫婦做愛時打斷了他們。阿比蓋爾和Siri也穿著同樣的性感服裝,這導致奧利弗看到Siri的屁股從冰箱裡伸出來時感到困惑。奧利弗開始不小心操Siri,直到阿比蓋爾抓住了他們,導致女士們之間發生了短暫的爭吵。事情最終被平息,變成了一個火熱的三人組。

Alexis Tae 在 '吞噬'

Alexis Tae - 吞噬

Lithe和誘人的Alexis Tae認為是時候將她的Brazzers場景提升到一個新的水準了。為了證明她對呻吟快感和身體崇拜的貪得無厭的渴望不僅限於一個,兩個,甚至三個男人......亞歷克西斯想要四個都給自己。Alex Mack,Mick Blue,Quinton James和Oliver Flynn。崇拜她的身體,滿足她的每一個願望。用多隻雞巴邋遢的口交來搶奪他們的靈魂,從一個夥伴交換到另一個夥伴,騎著,磨蹭和抓握,以盡可能多地感受她!亞歷克西斯並沒有停下來,直到她吞噬了它們。

Codi Vore 在 '迪克出來,山雀出來 - 讓我們派對'

Codi Vore - 迪克出來,山雀出來 - 讓我們派對

這是一個派對,奧利弗·弗林不知道他走進了什麼。Cori Vore嫉妒地窺探,而Kate Dee在她冷漠的丈夫面前與他調情。科迪通過把她的奶頭拉出來,把它們放在一個盤子上,只給奧利弗,從而提高了賭注。奧利弗試圖收起她的水壺,繼續交流。科迪有其他計劃,奧利弗最終加入了派對,褲子纏在腳踝上。當奧利弗在兩個女人的淫蕩前進中跑開時,凱特讓科迪在盤子下玩她的陰道。科迪的手指卡在凱特體內,迫使她偷偷溜到臥室。奧利弗最終和賈茲明·盧夫(Jazmin Luv)一起進了浴室,後者看到他的堅硬,直接開始吸吮。奧利弗跌跌撞撞地走出浴室,走進臥室,真的只是想穿上褲子,在那裡他發現科迪和凱特深深地穿著剪刀。為此,他的褲子完全脫掉了,三人行就是。

Mellanie Monroe 在 '繼母被卡住了,是時候了!'

Mellanie Monroe - 繼母被卡住了,是時候了!

性感的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線梅拉妮·夢露(Mellanie Monroe)剛剛訂購了一個新的洗衣架,當她被卡住時,她正在盡最大努力設置它!梅蘭妮大聲呼救,但家裡唯一的人是她那笨拙的繼子奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)。奧利弗同意説明梅蘭妮,但當他看到那個多汁的圓屁股時,他想到了其他事情。奧利弗建議他們給梅蘭妮完美的身體上油,讓她從架子上滑下來,但唯一滑倒的是奧利弗的大雞巴進入了他新繼母的完美洞里!

Carmen Valentina 在 '角質家庭主婦的幻想'

Carmen Valentina - 角質家庭主婦的幻想

卡門·瓦倫蒂娜(Carmen Valentina)作為家庭主婦的無聊生活也是如此。每天早上打包午餐,跑腿,無休止的家務;對於這個炎熱而角質的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線來說,生活已經變得太平凡了。最重要的是,她的丈夫甚至不能好好地操她!在卡門說!並開車去一個沒有目的地的那一天,她遇到了一對年輕的戀人,安娜·錢伯斯和奧利弗·弗林,他們睜開眼睛,看到了一個性放縱和放蕩的世界,這與她從未經歷過的任何事情都不一樣。安娜和奧利弗被邀請進入他們的家,勾引了卡門,卡門內心對狂野性愛的渴望被強烈的三人組滿足,讓她暫時逃離了她離開家鄉的生活。

Lexi Luna 在 '捕捉這對夫婦'

Lexi Luna - 捕捉這對夫婦

性感而經驗豐富的Lexi Luna是一對知名夫婦的攝影師,她努力工作,總是從她的客戶那裡得到最好的。今天在工作室,她正在拍攝健康而處女的夫婦Clara Trinity和Oliver Flynn。這對年輕夫婦很僵硬,但Lexi有辦法讓他們放鬆一下!萊克西向克拉拉和奧利弗展示了如何取悅彼此,教他們如何吸吮和性交,他們甚至從未夢想過。誰知道這對夫婦的第一次會是像萊克西這樣抽煙的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線的三人行!

Angela White 在 '一個非常山谷的假期'

Angela White - 一個非常山谷的假期

誘人、腳踏實地的安吉拉·懷特(Angela White)回到了小鎮,為一個停滯不前的季節注入了一些急需的颯爽和狡猾的機智。她通過突然出現而破壞了她的老對手的聖誕派對。女人嫉妒,但男人很高興!事實上,奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)和米克·布魯(Mick Blue)無法將目光從這位悶熱的女士身上移開。安吉拉小心翼翼地花時間解構這些操縱性的有毒的人,並確保她能與她的好大學朋友米克和奧利弗獨處。現在,要是有一些充滿俏皮話的方式把他們倆都帶走就好了......收看安吉拉大道的一個非常特別的假日劇集!只在ZZTV上!

Alexis Fawx 在 '公雞考官'

Alexis Fawx - 公雞考官

令人驚歎的醫生亞歷克西斯·福克斯(Alexis Fawx)正在進行一項全國性調查,以找到美國最健康的雞巴。不需要更多,就能說服天賦異稟的奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)敲響悶熱的醫生辦公室的門。亞歷克西斯渴望瞭解事情的真相,她張開雙臂,餓著肚子歡迎她的新參與者。在徹底檢查了奧利弗的身體之後,對於這位貪婪的科學愛好者來說,只剩下一件事要做:用她好奇的陰道檢查她病人的雞巴。

Carmela Clutch 在 '救命,我被困在襯衫里了!'

Carmela Clutch - 救命,我被困在襯衫里了!

令人驚歎的卡梅拉手拿包想要洗個舒緩的澡。她填滿了浴缸和...等一會!她的上衣太緊了,她的胸部又大到她不能脫掉。哦,不!她的褲子也因為多汁的屁股而太緊了。她要做什麼?她幾乎沒有時間大喊「救命!我被困在我的襯衫里!"窗外,當她炙手可熱的鄰居奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)踢開浴室門救她時。奧利弗拉上襯衫,切開兩個洞,讓卡梅拉的胸部再次呼吸。然後,他把少女翻轉過來,用牙齒撕開她的褲子!卡梅拉很感激奧利弗幫助她擺脫了這種可怕的境地。為什麼不給他一個節目呢?燦爛的女人在她的胸前淋上油,讓她的角質客人處理其餘的。

Angela White 在 '控制'

Angela White - 控制

美麗,豐富,強大,總是在控制,安吉拉懷特撐腰通過生活與熱,角質,男性崇拜者不斷在拖拉照顧她的每一個需要。這些人(伊賽亞·麥克斯韋,約翰·斯特朗,米克·藍,奧利弗·弗林和紮克·威爾德)心甘情願地、急切地完成任何任務——家庭、性或其他。安吉拉結束了她的一天,欣賞她為自己創造的世界,一個超越你最瘋狂的幻想的世界,要求她的性慾被她的男性隨行人員在最後的服務行為滿足 - 取悅他們的感情物件在激烈的身體崇拜幫派邦。

Nola Exico 在 '他媽的法工的女兒'

Nola Exico - 他媽的法工的女兒


Dee Williams 在 'Vr 偷偷摸摸的米爾夫燒傷'

Dee Williams - Vr 偷偷摸摸的米爾夫燒傷

迪·威廉姆斯是奧利弗·弗林女友的新繼母。奧利弗忍不住檢查出她吸煙的熱胸部, 因為她彎腰在他的臉上無內褲。他被他的女朋友抓了, 他只讓他逃脫懲罰, 因為今天是他的生日。她給他買了一把禮物, 把他們的性生活提升到一個新的水準, 一個 Vr 耳機。忘了一件事 , 雖然 - 控制器。奧利弗被留下隱藏的迪克和他的眼睛在VR世界,當他去尋找他的寶貝,他最終遵循一些熱微波善良的氣味,而不是。這導致他的雞巴直接進入迪的完美圓的傢伙。迪不是一個讓一個骨子無人看管的人, 所以她搶走了那隻公雞, 帶奧利弗去臥室過生日, 他不會很快忘記的。

Sofia Rose 在 '紀律處分'

Sofia Rose - 紀律處分


Dixie Lynn 在 '共享床2'

Dixie Lynn - 共享床2

Dixie Lynn用她最好的朋友的電話捉住了BFF的男朋友Oliver Flynn,說服他過來,在她的朋友睡著的時候操她。

Jeanie Marie Sullivan 在 '繼母的遊戲'

Jeanie Marie Sullivan - 繼母的遊戲

熱辣媽珍妮·瑪麗·沙利文(Jeanie Marie Sullivan)試圖通過與他的角質繼子奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)玩遊戲來與他聯繫。遊戲升溫,她無法抗拒使用他的操縱桿玩遊戲。

Kali Roses 在 'ZZ曬黑沙龍'

Kali Roses - ZZ曬黑沙龍

奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)參觀ZZ鞣製沙龍,並受到性感沙龍員工卡莉·羅斯(Kali Roses)的歡迎。卡利(Kali)向奧利弗(Oliver)展示了周圍的風景,並向他提供了有關如何使用曬黑床的非常詳細的演示。當奧利弗(Oliver)做出大膽的舉動並鞭打自己的雞巴時,卡利(Kali)教給他紫外線防護的重要性,同時也向他展示了為什麼這個沙龍真正提供了終極的曬黑體驗!

Julie Kay 在 '吮吸我姐姐的男人'

Julie Kay - 吮吸我姐姐的男人


Katana Kombat 在 'Katana的夏日狂歡'

Katana Kombat - Katana的夏日狂歡

Katana Kombat在陽光下有一些性感的樂趣,在游泳池邊抽泣時吮吸冰棍,在Oliver Flynn抓住她並將她扔進去之前炫耀她的熱身,讓她全身濕透。當然,Katana要求品嚐他的大而硬的雞巴作為道歉。

Lexi Luna 在 '我的繼母是他媽的'

Lexi Luna - 我的繼母是他媽的

Lexi Luna很高興見到她的新繼子Oliver Flynn,並希望給人留下良好的第一印象。 Lexi試圖讓Oliver和他的父親吃上一頓豐盛的晚餐,但她並不是她假裝成的熱門家庭主婦。在Lexi將食物燒得酥脆之後,Oliver的父親將他送到廚房幫助她。奧利弗的父親很少知道,萊西的目標不僅僅是伸出援助之手。

Katana Kombat 在 '淋浴Radi-ho'

Katana Kombat - 淋浴Radi-ho

卡塔娜·岡巴特(Katana Kombat)厭倦了她那令人討厭的丈夫,對他最好的朋友奧利弗·弗林(Oliver Flynn)感到光彩照人,他恰巧正在觀看這場戰鬥。 Katana藉此機會挑逗Oliver,因為她供應小吃和飲料,不小心“溢出”了整個他。 Katana帶領Oliver去洗手間,當他改變時,她在那裡窺探他,從浴室外面自慰。當Oliver開始淋浴時,他沒有註意到Katana已經安裝的淋浴收音機,直到它開始通過連接的對講機開始讓他抽搐。一個驚呆了的奧利弗最終陷入了他認為是淋浴的私人手淫會議。但是當收音機指示他打開窗簾時,幻想和現實以裸體武士刀的形式合併。

Addie Andrews 在 '愚弄我的繼母'

Addie Andrews - 愚弄我的繼母

這是愚人節,Oliver Flynn出去惡搞他的繼母,Addie Andrews。在與一些無辜的惡作劇開始小規模之後,奧利弗選擇了那個大惡作劇;一個完整的餡餅在臉上!艾迪風暴下來,淋浴生氣,奧利弗忍不住跟在後面看著她。當艾迪抓住奧利弗的抽搐時,她把他拖進淋浴間讓他為所有骯髒的伎倆道歉。

Sarah Banks 在 '使Em彈跳'

Sarah Banks - 使Em彈跳


Crystal Rush 在 '比基尼貝貝邦'

Crystal Rush - 比基尼貝貝邦

Crystal Rush購買新款比基尼,Oliver Flynn非常樂意幫助她。她採取了一些不同的對,然後去嘗試它們。當水晶的變化,奧利弗不禁偷看時,他把窗簾拉到一邊,讓人滿眼。在她最終注意到他並被嚇了一跳之前,Crystal幸福地沒有意識到。奧利弗道歉,不想陷入困境,但是水晶似乎並不介意並把他拉進更衣室,所以她可以把手放在他多汁的陰莖上!

Janna Hicks 在 '畫她的臉'

Janna Hicks - 畫她的臉


Vienna Black 在 '放蕩的學習時間'

Vienna Black - 放蕩的學習時間

夏季課程是最糟糕的,曬黑的可愛的維也納黑色一直在學習化學不停,所有的朋友都在海灘!因此,她的家庭教師Oliver Flynn實際上非常可愛,這是一件好事,因為所有這些功課都讓她變成了一個大傢伙的角質!在欺騙他玩一個小小的剝離遊戲之後,她在她美麗的小嘴裡得到了他的每一寸。但是這個放蕩的書呆子還沒有完成,她正在彎腰,讓他伸出她,因為他將巨大的陰莖撞到她的洞內深處,因為她可以處理它!她可能對化學知之甚少,但這兩個肯定有很多 - 特別是她的臉上滿是奶油般的負荷!她肯定通過了考試。

來自其他網站的場景特色 Oliver Flynn

Athena Fleurs 在 'Anal For Athena'

Athena Fleurs - Anal For Athena

Hottie Athena Fleurs flaunts her sexy body in red lingerie before getting fucked hard by Oliver Flynn!!

Vanna Bardot 在 'Flawless Vanna Shows Off Her Perfect Gape'

Vanna Bardot - Flawless Vanna Shows Off Her Perfect Gape

Ever since Vanna has been dating her new man, she will do anything in her power to keep him. Ever since they have started dating, he is only interested in one thing. She has held back until now - but now she knows its time to use that to her advantage.

Josie Tucker 在 'Anal-curious Josie has a special gift for BF'

Josie Tucker - Anal-curious Josie has a special gift for BF

Josie has style, class and a killer ass and she plans to give her BF the special treat his been craving.

Sweet Vickie 在 'Officer Sweet Vickie Teaches Her Bad Boy Ex A Lesson'

Sweet Vickie - Officer Sweet Vickie Teaches Her Bad Boy Ex A Lesson

A lady cop likes to be in hot pursuit, and when a repeat offender starts a high-speed chase the thrill of it all revs up Sweet Vicki's engine.

Vivianne DeSilva 在 'I Have a Wife'

Vivianne DeSilva - I Have a Wife

Vivianne DeSilva has a secret affair with a married man Oliver. Watch as she rides his big long cock up and down and gets her juices flowing to make his throbbing cock explode.

Chanel Camryn 在 'Gorgeous Baddie Ass Fucked By Sisters Hubby'

Chanel Camryn - Gorgeous Baddie Ass Fucked By Sisters Hubby

Chanel can sniff out a sexually frustrated man from a mile away, and her sister's husband's case, several hundred miles away.

Dee Williams 在 'Cock Hungry Socialite Fucks Server At Party'

Dee Williams - Cock Hungry Socialite Fucks Server At Party

Smart, Elite, Successful… Dee has seen it all, and now there's nothing left to do but show what she knows to the younger man who catches her eye when her husband isn't looking.

Adria Rae 在 'Devil Dick'

Adria Rae - Devil Dick

Adria swore she would never go back to her game-playing ex, but she can't resist trying another round... and another...

Violet Myers 在 'Good Vibes'

Violet Myers - Good Vibes

Violet was so excited for this barbeque, until the weather rained all over her vibes. But if Violet can't grab a hot dog, maybe she can still get a sandwich.

Charli Phoenix 在 'Tough Boss Demands Assistant Fucks Her Hard'

Charli Phoenix - Tough Boss Demands Assistant Fucks Her Hard

A bottom-feeding employee obsesses over his man-eating boss. And since nothing gets by Charli, she stops wearing panties to the office so she can get a rise out of her subordinate.

Jane Wilde 在 'Spicing It Up'

Jane Wilde - Spicing It Up

Jane and her boyfriend are away on vacation, and what's the point of taking a trip if you don't try new things? Jane has a plan, and if the end result isn't a surprise for her, at least she can make it special for him.

Azul Hermosa 在 'Seal The Deal Part 2'

Azul Hermosa - Seal The Deal Part 2

Azul was quick to prevent her husband Mick from cheating on her with a flirtatious co-worker. But now... It's time for reparation. As a compromise, Azul has requested anonymous sex with someone of Mick's choosing. Lucky Oliver has no idea what he's getting himself into.

Vic Marie 在 'Lucrative Offer'

Vic Marie - Lucrative Offer

Vic drives a hard bargain, and she wants a man who drives just as hard. Vic always gets what she wants... all it takes is an offer no man can refuse.

Summer Jones 在 'New Experience'

Summer Jones - New Experience

Summer is on the phone with her bestie. After her bestie tells Summer how much more intense her orgasms are during anal sex, Summer decides to prepare her ass for her first anal experience with her boyfriend.

Mandy Rhea 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Mandy Rhea - Neighbor Affair

Mandy Rhea stops by her new neighbors house to see what kind of person he is. She brings pie to welcome him. Her neighbor loves the pie, but Mandy confides in him that her husband hasn't had her pie in a while. That's a shame, so her neighbor makes her feel loved again by giving her a hard dicking and leaving her with a pie as well...a creampie.

Elle Lee 在 'Best Day Ever'

Elle Lee - Best Day Ever

Flowers, adventures, sweet nothings: romance is the key that unlocks Elle's heart... and opens her legs.

Katrina Colt 在 'Escalation'

Katrina Colt - Escalation

Is there no end to this escalation of desire?

Emma Sirus 在 'Sweet Time'

Emma Sirus - Sweet Time

If Emma's going to try anal, she wants to be wooed. What would you do for a chance with this blonde beauty?

Freya Parker 在 'Cinephilia'

Freya Parker - Cinephilia

Study buddy, or femme fatale? When the lights go down, so does Freya.

Molly Little 在 'A Touch Down Here Wins The Game - S44:E3'

Molly Little - A Touch Down Here Wins The Game - S44:E3

Molly Little is feeling a little bit ignored as she wanders into the living room to find her boyfriend Oliver Flynn engrossed in the big game. Molly tries to engage Oliver in conversation by telling him she's ready for their date. Oliver tells Molly that he'll take her out after the game, which is almost over. He urges her to sit with him. When Molly realizes that he's not paying attention, she gets Oliver to promise that he'll take her out somewhere really nice after this.Satisfied that she has extracted her promise, Molly goes and gets herself all dolled up in a way that she hopes will get Oliver to finally notice her. She puts on a hot little thong and a team jersey, then returns to the living room. The game is still on, so Oliver doesn't notice Molly at first. She eventually comes close to seducing him, but the game sucks him back in at the last moment.Pushing Molly off his lap, Oliver moves her onto the remote control without realizing it. Her weight turns the TV off, which finally, finally gets Oliver to give her the attention she's been after. Molly tells Oliver that if he wants the remote he'll have to come and get it. Using the remote, Molly leads Oliver to the bedroom to remind him that pussy is better than football.It turns out that getting his dick sucked is also more appealing to Oliver than football. Molly makes sure to take good care of him as they indulge in a 69. Turning around, Molly sinks down onto Oliver's cock to ride him in cowgirl. Now that she has finally gotten herself filled to the brim with cock, she enjoys every moment of it.Curling up in Oliver's arms, Molly spreads her thighs so they can bang as they spoon. She rolls onto her back and keeps her legs splayed wide open. Oliver is happy to oblige that request by teasing her with the D and then shoving it deep into Molly's meaty twat. He gives it to her until she's groaning in delight, then pulls out to cum on her shaved snatch.Molly is pleased that she got every last drop of Oliver's cum. Using her fingers, she spreads it all over her stomach and breasts, then has a taste. Oliver comes in and kisses his own essence from Molly's tongue, a sexy end to a sexy encounter.

Lexi Lore 在 'Team Up'

Lexi Lore - Team Up

This blonde beauty seems innocent, but Lexi craves the naughtiest of niche bedroom experiences. Come see how Lexi likes to play.

Jennifer White 在 'White Gold'

Jennifer White - White Gold

Come warm up with Jennifer curl up with her in bed, and let her turn up the temperature.

Lily Starfire 在 'Aflame'

Lily Starfire - Aflame

Pretty in pink, Lily seduces the eye and stirs the soul. Come see this heavenly body in action.

Tommy King 在 'The Coat Room'

Tommy King - The Coat Room

A cheating wife's rendezvous in the coat room at their house party is interrupted when her husband comes looking for her. To cover her tracks, she seduces him as her side piece watches from the closet.

Vanna Bardot 在 'Extra Deep Massage'

Vanna Bardot - Extra Deep Massage

Vanna Bardot's boyfriend wanted to suprise her by getting her a private in house massage. Things take a turn when they both realize how sexy they find eachother, and they don't wanna keep their hands off of eachother. Oliver begins to oil her up and then it leads into him fingering her. She gives him an amazing blowjob before they have powerful sex, and try to stay quiet so her boyfriend doesnt find out.

Sophia Burns 在 'Trust Fund Baby'

Sophia Burns - Trust Fund Baby

Trust fund princess Sophia has a major pain in the ass, but he's cute so she'll teach him a lesson about who's on top in this working relationship.

Kianna Dior 在 'Wet, Five-Cock Blowbang!'

Kianna Dior - Wet, Five-Cock Blowbang!

Bodacious Asian MILF Kianna Dior loves being the center of attention, so she's a natural for blowbang action. The busty goddess shows off her statuesque body in purple lingerie, unveiling her massive tits through a sexy tease. When five big cocks surround her, submissive Kianna knows what to do. She sucks big Black cocks and White meat, drooling and choking lewdly. James Angel, Air Thugger, Apollo Banks, Oliver Flynn and Dan Damage fuck her face. Nasty blowjob action includes ball lapping and crude dirty talk. Guys squirt lube down Kianna's throat and smear her face with their pricks. For the climax, each dude splashes Kianna with a messy cum facial. Sperm encases her face as moaning Kianna holds a plate, to capture excess spunk and spit. She pours the raunchy fluid into her throat, swallowing hot cream of semen soup.

Vicki Chase 在 'Mouth of Babes Part 1'

Vicki Chase - Mouth of Babes Part 1

An infamous ward at a mental institution plays her biggest game yet in cell block D.

Blake Blossom 在 'Worth The Wait'

Blake Blossom - Worth The Wait

Blake has a novel approach to succeeding as a model: always bring whatever energy makes the photographer want to see you in the raw.

Andi Rose 在 'That Thing You Do - S43:E1'

Andi Rose - That Thing You Do - S43:E1

Andi Rose is into having fun with her boyfriend Oliver Flynn. She is especially into it if she thinks it'll lead to some sexy times. Dressed in just some sweet lingerie, Andi sneaks up behind Oliver as he's enjoying some morning coffee. Running her hand over his chest and then lower, Andi makes it clear that she'd like Oliver to come back to bed.Coming around to Oliver's front, Andi compliments his technique in bed while continuing to get handsy. Oliver follows suit, pulling Andi nice and close for some sweet kisses and gentle exploration. His hand finds the apex of Andi's thighs and slips her thong aside. Running his fingers through Andi's sweet slit, Oliver finds her nice and wet and ready for more.He begins his morning exploration right there in the kitchen, dropping to his knees before Andi. She helps open herself up by lifting one foot onto the stool Oliver just vacated, and then his tongue and fingers do the rest. Andi wants so much more than that, so she urges Oliver to his feet so she can pop his stiffie free and begin stroking it. That's all Oliver can take before he picks Andi up and heads for the bedroom.Now that they've gotten a little more comfortable, Andi and Oliver can finally take their time. They do just that, exploring one another's bodies with their hands and mouths. There are plenty of sizzling caresses as they narrow their efforts to each other's erogenous zones. As they adjust their positions, they ultimately wind up indulging in a languorous 69.Andi is able to slide down Oliver's body to go from having her pussy eaten to having her pussy full of cock. Rocking her hips in reverse cowgirl, she squirms and moans at the feeling of fullness. Gradually picking up the pace, Andi goes for it with her fingers on her clit and her head thrown back in pure delight.They switch things up when Andi gets on her knees and lets Oliver slide on home. Rocking back to meet Oliver's thrusts, Andi lets her passion shine through. For his part, Oliver doubles down on Andi's pleasure with his big hands all over her ass and even probing his thumb against her chocolate starfish.Oliver lays down on the bed to let Andi do her share of the work. Taking her time, she slides home onto Oliver's fuck stick in cowgirl. Andi uses the headboard to support herself at first, but eventually she leans backwards to change up the angle of penetration as Oliver continues to work her clit. Flipping Andi over, Oliver turns the tables on her by filling her up from above and giving her one last round of pussy pounding. He can't hold back his climax for another moment. Grasping the root, Oliver fills Andi with a creampie treat for her to sample from her fingertips as they both bask in the afterglow.

Lily Starfire 在 'Big Titty Massage'

Lily Starfire - Big Titty Massage

Lilly ordered a private nude massage from Oliver because her back has been hurting. Her big tits prove to Oliver that she's got a lot of weight to carry which is what's hurting her back. Nothing a massage can't fix. He oils her up and massages her entire body, then begins playing with her pussy. She gets really horny and gives him an amazing blowjob. Oliver fucks her in multiple positions on the massage table, letting her titties bounce up and down until she begs him to fill up her pussy with a juicy creampie.

Amber Stark 在 'Sweet Desire - S42:E22'

Amber Stark - Sweet Desire - S42:E22

Shoving Oliver Flynn against the wall, Amber Stark makes her desire for him known. Oliver is no fool; when the hot redhead wants to fuck, he can definitely make that happen. His hands are all over Amber's ass and tits, priming her for a good time.Once Oliver lifts Amber to the kitchen island, he works his way down her body. His first stop is where her nipple presses against the sheer delight of her bra. Stop number tow is to lick at the heat of her desire through the cover of her thong. Lifting Amber up, Oliver tries to head to the bedroom before he is waylaid at the stairs. Amber demands another set of searing kisses as her hand slips to cup Oliver's arousal. Pinching Amber's nipples and spanking her ass, Oliver makes it clear that if she wants it that bad she can have it. When she assents, Oliver turns her around to peel her thong off. In return, Amber pushes him against the stairs so she can spring his stiffie free and start sucking.The sexual power struggle continues as Oliver turns Amber back around over the desk. This time, he gets to his knees and buries his face in the delight of her slick slit. Licking and sucking Amber's meaty pussy as the redhead squeezes her own tits is the perfect foreplay to get them both ready and raring to go. Amber gets back on her feet and leans against the staircase as Oliver finally slides it in from behind.Moving their party into the living room, Oliver takes a seat on the couch. Amber climbs into his lap and slides down with her back to his chest so she can ride the stiffie in reverse cowgirl. Snaking his hand around, Oliver rubs Amber's clit to elicit even hotter mewls of delight than he's already getting. When Amber turns around, Oliver enjoys the jiggle of her titties as she keeps rocking her hips.Climbing on top of the couch, Amber lays back and uses her leg up on Oliver's shoulder for balance as he reenters her. Those deep strokes are almost everything she needs. When Oliver diddles her clit, Amber comes apart. Oliver pulls out to spurt his cum shot all over Amber's stomach as she finishes the job, leaving them sated and cuddling.

Layla Quinn 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Layla Quinn - Neighbor Affair

Layla Quinn see's her next door neighbor Oliver and has heard he's packing so she invites him in to help. See Layla hasn't had big dick and wants to experience getting over filled and wants her juicy pussy gushing out her love lotion.

Blake Blossom 在 'August 2022 Fantasy Of The Month - S3:E7'

Blake Blossom - August 2022 Fantasy Of The Month - S3:E7

It's time for another fantasy of the month, and this time we're thrilled to feature Blake Blossom. Decking herself out in sheer lingerie, Blake jiggles her titties and runs her fingers across her whip. Grabbing a cowboy hat, she completes her sexy Western getup.When Blake goes to the bedroom, she finds Oliver Flynn reading a book. She gets his attention by cracking her whip and then crawls into bed with him. Using the whip to lift Oliver's head towards her own, she captures his lips in a series of kisses that go from flirty to deep. She shoves her tits into Oliver's face, then goes to work grinding her hips against his hardon to make sure he's nice and ready for her.Curling up beside Oliver in bed, Blake rubs her hand up and down his hardon. That's all the giddiyup Oliver needs to go down on Blake. Sliding her thong aside, he buries his mouth and fingers in her soft snatch. In return, Blake goes to work blowing Oliver's hardon. He's standing tall and proud when this horny cowgirl straddles his hips and goes for a stiffie ride.Hopping off to suck her own juices from Oliver's dick, Blake turns around. She re-mounts him in reverse cowgirl, sinking down until she's fully impaled. This new position lets both Blake and Oliver take turns putting the motion into the ocean as Blake moans and sighs her approval.On her hands and knees on the bed, Blake presents herself to Oliver to keep her pussy party going. Going for at in doggy is lets Oliver have his turn with the whip. He uses it to keep Blake in position, especially when he gently wraps it around her neck to tug her back for both of their pleasure.The couple falls to their sides so that Blake can lift her leg high in the air. Oliver sinks back into her cooch, giving her the deep penetration she so desires. Tugging Blake's thigh up ever higher, Oliver goes as long and hard as he can. Eventually that means turning Black onto her back so he can give it to her in missionary to finish her off.Now that Blake has gotten everything she wants, Oliver takes his own turn. He pulls out and uses his own big hand to jack himself off. Blake takes over just in time to guide Oliver's pop short onto her torso. Wearing her boyfriend's cum like a badge of honor, Blake lets her head fall back in carnal bliss.

Anna Claire Clouds 在 'One Last Fling - S42:E15'

Anna Claire Clouds - One Last Fling - S42:E15

Anna Claire Clouds is having a coffee date with her friend Spencer Bradley. Anna is getting married soon, but she's not quite ready to settle down without one more wild fling. She doesn't think her boyfriend, Oliver Flynn, will be on board, though. After discussing, the girls come up with a plan that will allow Anna to get everything she wants.Later, decked out in sheer lingerie, Anna corners Oliver in the bedroom with clear intent to seduce him. They're just getting hot and heavy with one another when the doorbell rings. Oliver is surprised to see that Ryan and Spencer are there. He's even more surprised when Spencer and Ryan join them in the bedroom.Spencer can tell that Oliver isn't quite on board with the seduction yet, so she sends Ryan and Anna off to do their own thing while she works on helping Oliver get comfortable. Ryan and Anna don't have to be told twice. They relocate to the kitchen, where their kisses quickly turn to hot and heavy touches. Before long, Ryan has relieved Anna of her lingerie to rub down those titties and finger bang her meaty twat.Meanwhile, Spencer crawls into bed where Oliver is trying to cover his obvious hardon. She kisses Oliver until he relaxes, then turns her attention lower. By the time Ryan and Anna return to the bedroom, Spencer is happily sucking away at Oliver's hardon. What else is there for Anna and Ryan to do but to join them in bed so Anna can suck some cock, too?Now that everyone seems to be onboard with the couple swap, Anna and Spencer finally get to have some real hardcore fun. They each climb on a dick in reverse cowgirl. Anna rides Ryan, while Spencer rides Oliver. Switching partners, the girls climb back on top in cowgirl and exchange hot kisses as they ride their respective boyfriends.Getting on her knees, Anna wiggles her butt to entice Ryan to take her in doggy. Meanwhile, Spencer lays down with one knee lifted high to invite Oliver to give it to her. The girls make out as they get banged, gradually rearranging their positions so they can perform a tit-focused 69. They keep it up until Ryan pulls out to pop all over Anna's ass. Oliver is merely a hot second behind, pulling out to blow his load all over Spencer's breasts to complete their wild couple swapping fling.

Khloe Kapri 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Khloe Kapri - My Sister's Hot Friend

Khloe Kapri is hanging out at her friend's house doing some yoga and stretching out, and Oliver sees that she is all alone, and go's to talk to her and see if she needs some help stretching but Oliver only wants to stretch her pussy out!!!

Lily Starfire 在 'Lily Gets Fucked On The Bus'

Lily Starfire - Lily Gets Fucked On The Bus

Lily Starfire is in town minding her own business. When the Bangbus pulls up on her, she can't be bothered enough to take their money. She won't get inside the bus unless it's to flash her tits. When she's with Oliver Flynn she immediately recognizes his big dick energy. She lets him play with her tits and sucks him up. Then she lets him get inside her cervix. He fucks her so hard she orgasms multiple times. She sucks his cock and then pounds her pussy long and good before she gets him to cum in her mouth. She gets taken home and is happy to have been fucked on the bus.

Syren De Mer 在 'Sharing My Wife - S15:E12'

Syren De Mer - Sharing My Wife - S15:E12

Syren de Mer is in for one hell of a surprise, courtesy of her husband Ryan Driller. She's been craving a threesome for a while, and Ryan has finally decided to deliver. He leads Syren into the bedroom with a blindfold covering her eyes. When he has sat Syren down on the bed, Ryan nods to his co-conspirator to join them.A second pair of hands kneads Syren's shoulders and move down to her big breasts. Sliding her own hands down the body behind her, Syren discovers that she's got two men to pleasure. Oliver Flynn is already nice and hard for her, as she quickly finds out for herself even as Oliver and Ryan help her out of her bra.Drawing Syren's head back, Oliver plants deep kisses on her mouth. Meanwhile, Ryan squeezes and nibbles Syren's tits. His other hand gets busy palming Syran's hot pussy. Leaning forward, he sucks and kisses the nipples Moving lower, Ryan settles himself between Syren's thighs even as Syren opens wide to begin sucking Oliver off.Getting on her hands and knees, Syren smiles as Ryan slides inside her. She uses her hands to find Oliver's cock once again. Dipping her head, she takes him in her mouth so the force of Ryan's thrusts can create a sensual rhythm for her continued blowjob.When Syren finally kneels against her husband, Ryan finally removes the blindfold so she can see who she's fucking. Her smile when she sees Oliver could light up the room! Of course Syren doesn't hesitate to climb aboard Ryan's fuck stick and bounce away in a stiffie ride! Ryan helps Syren get comfortable, then walks over to stand nice and close so she can suck his dick as she rides the D.Easing Syren onto her side, Ryan spoons behind her. He waits until she's gotten comfortable blowing Oliver, then slides on home. Thrusting nice and deep, he gives Syren plenty to moan about as she muffles her delighted squeals on Oliver's fuck stick.Syren can't stop grinning as the trio rearranges themselves once again. Winding up on her back with her thighs spread to accommodate Oliver between them, Syren sighs in delight. Ryan gets out of bed and stands behind Syren's head so she can gobble that cock down. She does such a good job that Ryan can only stand a few hot seconds of titty fucking his wife before nutting all over her big boobs. Pulling out, Ryan Oliver pulls out just in time to blow his nut all over Syren's twat to bring their threesome to a sexy end.

Kelsi Monroe 在 'Kelsi's Juicy Ass'

Kelsi Monroe - Kelsi's Juicy Ass

Kelsi Monroe is back with her juicy ass. She's out by the pool shaking that shit all over the place. When Oliver Flynn comes through with his ginger cock she's got her wet pussy ready to fuck. She sucks his cock and licks it up and down like a dick shaped lollipop. He fucks her outside then they take it inside where he gets inside her some more. She does a full split on his dick and her fat ass bounces on his genitals. She rides him like a wild ginger stallion. She works hard to juice his dick with her fat juicy ass. He takes his horse cock and cums all up on her pretty face.

Joslyn James 在 'fucks a married man that couldn't resist her HUGE tits'

Joslyn James - I Have a Wife

Joslyn James stops by to borrow some sugar. She noticed the wife of the house has left so what better time to get Oliver all alone. Since they are all out of sugar, she wants to borrow something better -- his huge cock!

Nina Kayy 在 'Nina's Big Booty'

Nina Kayy - Nina's Big Booty

Nina Kay was walking through the streets of Miami showing off her body and butt. Then she went to a backyard and bragged with her naked body. Everything was shaking and twerking. Inside she met Oliver Flynn who was a gentleman and first licked her pussy before it was his turn and she sucked his dick. Then he fucked her titties. She was riding him. He did her in doggy, spoon and mish. In the end he s**t his load into her face.

Adriana Chechik 在 'Airtight, DAP, Squirt'

Adriana Chechik - Airtight, DAP, Squirt

Luminous, devilishly deviant porn superstar Adriana Chechik teases master director Jonni Darkko's lens. A trio studs descends on our horny heroine. Adriana shouts, 'Let's fill me up -- c'mon, boys!' The hardcore fuckers oblige: big cocks simultaneously pack Adriana's mouth, twat and asshole in an airtight double penetration! She gives Oliver Flynn's thick white prick a lusty blowjob as Jax Slayher and Rob Piper's big Black cocks cram her lower orifices! The ultra-sexy brunette's butthole makes two dicks disappear in a double-anal reaming! Adriana masturbates to orgasm, ejaculating a shower of girl squirt! Pricks pound her puckering asshole till it gapes. 'Treat me like I'm Adriana Chechik -- give me the sex I DESERVE!' she roars. The feverish foursome escalates, with pricks ramming swollen holes in several positions and more of Adriana's squirting. A blizzard of jism coats Adriana in a cum facial mess. She scoops up the semen with a serving spoon and swallows the spunk down!

Anna Claire Clouds 在 'March 2022 Fantasy Of The Month - S3:E2'

Anna Claire Clouds - March 2022 Fantasy Of The Month - S3:E2

Sometimes you have a neighbor that's super hot like Lexi Luna. Sometimes that super hot neighbor can tell the couple living nearby has been fucking. Sometimes that super hot neighbor wants to join in.Lexi Luna decides the best way to get in good with her neighbors Anna Claire Clouds and Oliver Flynn is to make her intentions clear. She steps into a lovely sheer bra and thong, then grabs her cell phone. A few naughty selfies later, she chooses the hottest ones and texts them to Anna Claire.Things are getting hot and heavy between Anna Claire and Oliver when she receives the message from Lexi. Oliver questions the purpose of those photos, but Anna Claire claims it's just girl stuff. Before they can continue the conversation or get back to their make out session, the doorbell rings. Anna Claire opens it up and Lexi walks in like she owns the place.Oliver claims he's going to be late for work, so Anna Claire gives him a goodbye kiss. Lexi wants to know where her kiss is. She doesn't get it right away, btu Oliver's stiffie is so obvious that Anna Claire can't help but point it out. That's when Lexi steps in to take what she wants, a kiss and then a hand on Oliver's cock. Anna Claire watches with growing interest and definitely doesn't put up a fight as Lexi prompts them to move their party to the couch.As Oliver sits down, he can hardly believe his luck with two lovely horny ladies racing to get his pants off. The second his stiffie pops out, the girls take turns sucking and stroking him. They deep throat his cock and suck his balls, double teaming that shaft with obvious delight. Eventually Lexi pops out those magnificent breasts so Anna Claire can use them to deliver a titty fuck.Peeling off her shorts and underwear, Lexi lays back on the couch. Anna Claire gets on her knees to lean in and put her mouth to work eating Lexi out. Oliver gives Anna Claire the same treatment to begin. Eventually, though, he joins Anna Claire between Lexi's thighs so Lexi can experience both their tongues at the same time.It continues to be all about Lexi's pleasure as Anna Claire cradles Lexi's shoulders to support her neighbor as Oliver dives nice and deep. The position lets Anna Claire jiggle those lovely breasts while watching her husband fuck Lexi. When it's Anna Claire's turn to enjoy Oliver's cock, she gets him on his back so she can ride him in cowgirl as Lexi rides Oliver's tongue.Hopping off the D, Anna Claire watches as Lexi leans forward on Oliver's body to create a brief 69. It's not long before Lexi seats herself on Oliver's hardon in reverse cowgirl, though. As Lexi bounces and rides, Anna Claire laps up those titties and hard nipples.The girls switch spots, with Lexi cradling Anna Claire as Anna Claire gets that pussy pounded. The position lets Anna Claire continue to feast on Lexi's heavy breasts to Lexi's delight. Eventually Lexi adjusts herself so she can lean forward to lick Anna Claire's clit as Oliver keeps on pumping away.When Oliver is on the cusp of cumming, he has the girls arrange themselves back to back so they can make out for those last few moments. He pulls out of Anna Claire's cooch at just the last second to deliver a double facial to his girlfriend and neighbor. Continuing to devour each other's mouths with the jizz adding to the hotness, the girls agree that they should do this again.

Roxie Sinner 在 'My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Roxie Sinner - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

It's Oliver's birthday, but his girlfriend gets called in to work. Not wanting to leave him alone, his girl has her friend, Roxie Sinner, surprise him. You see, Oliver loves tits and Roxie has big ones, so his girl decides to let him play with Roxie's tits as a birthday present. This of course gives Oliver a hard on. Roxie notices and helps alleviate it by riding his dick and having him jizz on her titties.

Slimthick Vic 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Slimthick Vic - Neighbor Affair

Slimthick Vic and her husband are very distant since Vic cheated on him. But she still has needs and urges to fulfill. Since her husband won't touch her, she sets her sights on her neighbor and gets his cock sliding in her wet, horny pussy!

Anny Aurora 在 'Im Yours - S41:E8'

Anny Aurora - Im Yours - S41:E8

Anny Aurora and her boyfriend Oliver Flynn have the pleasure of waking up together most mornings, and today is just as hot as ever. They're both in their underwear to start, which is just fine for a bit of foreplay. Their make out soon gives way to gentle caresses as Anny's hand finds Oliver's morning wood and Oliver works his way from Anny's tight nipples down to the heat of her passion.Instead of gradually laying off after a few heated touches, the two settle in for even more of the same. Oliver's mouth finds Anny's hard nips to suckle and lick those tender peaks and keep them hard. Meanwhile, Anny keeps on stroking Oliver off in a slow but steady rhythm that really stokes his passion higher. They can hardly wait to get those underwear off so that Oliver can guide his hardon into Anny's sweet heat as he spoons behind her.Coming apart from Anny, Oliver turns around so that he can feast on her sweet juices. The position lets Anny dip her head forward to suck Oliver off at the same time, creating a 69 that is hot as hell and so mutually satisfying. They continue in that vein until Oliver gets to his knees between Anny's spread thighs and slides back home so he can fill her and fuck her to the tune of her sweet moans.Getting to her hands and knees, Anny offers herself to Oliver once again. Her breasts shake beneath her with every one of Oliver's strokes, a testament to how delightfully deep he is filling her up. As Anny's pussy clamps with the delight of her climax, Oliver pulls out to stroke himself off until he cums too, covering Anny's lush ass with the proof of his love.

Kenzie Anne 在 'Sex Without Love'

Kenzie Anne - Sex Without Love

This ornate orgy is inspired by my favorite poem. --Kayden

Kira Perez 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Kira Perez - My Sister's Hot Friend

Kira Perez stops by her friend's house to see if she's around but only her friend's brother is home. Kira's had crush on him for quite sometime now and wants his attention but he's preoccupied with video games. He instantly ditches the game when she distracts him by busting out her nice natural tits and juicy ass. Then she pulls out his long, hard 'joystick' and has her way with him until he cums all over her sweet ass.

Lauren Phillips 在 'Intimate Christmas - S14:E10'

Lauren Phillips - Intimate Christmas - S14:E10

A couples Christmas is just what Lauren Phillips and Oliver Flynn are hoping to enjoy. They're hanging out together, with Lauren decked out in Christmas lingerie and Oliver watching her decorate the tree. When Oliver can't stand the anticipation a moment longer, he begins rubbing his hardon through his pants. Of course, when Lauren notices, she stops decorating immediately to help her beau out.Popping her glorious boobs from their demi bra, Lauren puts on one hell of a show to whet Oliver's appetite. She's no tease, though. Soon enough she has her hot mouth open and wrapped around Oliver's hardon. Sucking him down in a deep throat BJ is just the start. Lauren rears back to wrap up Oliver's cock in a titty fuck and then moves higher so her boyfriend can play with her lovely tits.Setting Lauren up on the couch he has just vacated, Oliver dips his head to get comfy between her thighs. Snaking out his tongue to taste Lauren's juices, Oliver gets comfy for a pussy feast. Lauren can't stop mewling with delight as her hands roam her big jugs to squeeze and knead them in time to the magic Oliver's tongue is creating. On his back, Oliver tugs Lauren so that she's riding his mouth. His tongue is magical, fondling Lauren's clit perfectly. It's not long before she's thrusting her hips to really ride Oliver's face as an active participant until she's cumming hard.Even as her pussy is pulsing with bliss, Lauren shifts her hips back. Sinking down onto Oliver's fuck stick, she impales herself in the most delightful way possible. Her ride is fast and furious, bouncing away in a way that makes her boobs bounce for Oliver's pleasure.They change things up next so that Lauren is on her hands and knees with Oliver pounding the moans right out of her from behind. Doggy style is the way they start, but eventually Oliver palms Lauren's tits to guide her to a kneeling position. Still buried inside Lauren, Oliver thrusts up into her greedy cooch to really make her squeal.Cradling Lauren in his arms, Oliver rolls to his side with his girlfriend spooning in front of him. The new position lets him give it to her nice and deep, much to both their delight. After bringing his bigtit redhead off one last time, Oliver pulls out so that Lauren can stroke him to his pop. Cum covered and replete, Lauren leans back to enjoy the Christmas magic with her beau.

Emily Willis 在 'Fantasy'

Emily Willis - Fantasy

In Emily's fantasy, her partner brings her a man. His only definable quality is a well-hung cock. She can see her partner but never the man's face as they penetrate her.

Kali Roses 在 'loves big cocks'

Kali Roses - I Have a Wife

Kali Roses is waiting on a delivery today. She's waiting for her package to fill her tight little pussy. She is so horny that she can't wait to pleasure herself, not knowing her big package had already been delivered, just to her married neighbor's house. He brings over her package and also his. Kali would rather have the real one and she doesn't care if he's married or not.

Payton Preslee 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Payton Preslee - Neighbor Affair

Payton Preslee's husband is always away on work, so she throws pool parties to keep her from getting lonely. Oliver arrives at today's pool party before anyone else and Payton decides that, since her husband is out, she'll have Oliver fuck her on the couch to keep her from feeling anymore lonelier than she already is.

Lacey London 在 'Just Physical'

Lacey London - Just Physical

Lacey insists that the thing between she and Oliver is just physical, so when he can’t take it further emotionally, he suggests they take it further physically.

Aiden Ashley 在 'Matters Of Attraction - S40:E5'

Aiden Ashley - Matters Of Attraction - S40:E5

Aiden Ashley and Oliver Flynn have long had a mutual attraction, and now they can finally indulge themselves. They begin their intimate encounter in bed, with Aiden already nude and Oliver down to his boxers. Laying together so that Aiden's face is by Oliver's knees, they indulge themselves in sweet caresses as they explore one another.It's a simple thing for Oliver to let his thumb glide up Aiden's bare twat and then slip inside. Aiden's head falls back in delight as Oliver's thumb and then his finger plumbs in and out of her slippery depths. When Aiden's hands begin stroking Oliver's dick, he in turn pulls back to rub her clit in slow sensual circles. Eventually, Oliver leans forward so that he can use his tongue to blaze the path so recently forged by his talented fingers. Not to be outdone, Aiden helps Oliver out of his underwear so she can suck him off as he eats her out.There's no rush at all beyond their own growing passion as Aiden and Oliver continue to enjoy themselves in their makeshift 69. When they finally take things further, Oliver gets on his knees between Aiden's thighs and guides himself home into her sweet slit. The position lets Aiden lift her hips to help set the rhythm, and also allows Oliver to lean back and change up the angle of penetration.Aiden eventually rolls onto her stomach with her knees tucked under her to raise her bottom into the air. Oliver continues to kneel in the apex of her thighs, but this time he gets to take her in doggy. His hands slide up and down her back, enjoying the long lines of her sleek figure as he gives it to her in slow and steady strokes. When Aiden raises herself up so that her back hits Oliver's chest, he keeps their mutual party going while peppering her with kisses all over the back of her neck and caressing her titties with his hot hands.Oliver finds himself on his back with Aiden straddling his hardon next. She lowers her hips slowly to impale herself once again on Oliver's fuck stick. Leaning back so that her hands are on the bed and her back is almost horizontal to the sheets, Aiden gives Oliver one hell of a stiffie ride in her bare twat.The couple winds down their first time while spooning together. With one leg hooked over Oliver's hip, Aiden is completely open to his ministrations. Oliver maintains eye contact so he can follow every one of Aiden's cues as he guides her towards one last climax. A moment later, Oliver pulls out so that Aiden can guide him into spilling all over her belly. Proudly decorated by Oliver's cum shot, Aiden cuddles close so they can bask in the afterglow together.

Sofi Ryan 在 'Sensual Couples Massage - S14:E4'

Sofi Ryan - Sensual Couples Massage - S14:E4

Sofi Ryan and her boyfriend Oliver Flynn have a lovely afternoon planned together. They start things out in bed, with Sofi delectably naked and Oliver wearing only his briefs. After Oliver indulges himself in caressing all of Sofi's lovely curves, he reaches out to grab some massage oil and really get their party started. Covering Sofi's incredible breasts in oil, Oliver goes to work rubbing those sweater puppies down to ensure that every inch is slick and glistening.Setting the oil aside, Oliver goes at it with his hands and mouth. He squeezes and kneads, with plenty of breaks in between to lap at her slippery nips. When Sofia leans into Oliver so she can rub her lovely boobies all over his chest, Oliver grabs the oil and drizzles it onto Sofia's ass so he can go back to work rubbing her curves down.Now that Sofia is all oiled up from tits to twat, she gets Oliver on his back so she can indulge in some fun, too. She relieves him of his underwear, then leans in and shoves her breasts together to create a sheathe. Oliver can't help himself from thrusting his hips up into the titty fuck between those incredible bazongas.Oliver turns the tables on Sofia by pushing her onto her back and settling between her thighs. His tongue is magical as it laps from pussy to clit. He focuses on Sofia's love button, then rears back and positions his dick to take over where his tongue left off. Sofia is so wet that Oliver can shove himself deep with a single thrust. Holding Sofia's knees to keep her legs up, Oliver keeps on pumping for both of their delight.Sofia gets on her hands and knees to change things up. Oliver is game to go deep as Sofia leans her head into the bed. Grabbing Sofia's arms, Oliver positions her upper body exactly where he wants it for the deepest and hottest pussy pounding possible.Next, Oliver finds himself on his back with his bigtit girlfriend riding high on his cock. Reverse cowgirl lets Oliver's hands roam Sofia's jiggling boobies and get an eyeful of the movement of that ass. Turning around for a cowgirl ride, Sofia slows things down so that she can enjoy one last big O courtesy of her boyfriend's hardon.Sofia winds up on her back with Sam straddling her hips. Her hands heft her giant tits back into a sheathe for Oliver to fuck. With such a slicked up delight, nothing can stop Oliver from blowing his load all over Sofia's lovely breasts as the final act of their massage delight.

Kenna James 在 'Succubus'

Kenna James - Succubus

A predator hides in plain sight behind the unassuming demeanor of a traveling business woman.

Rose Winters 在 'Rose Gold'

Rose Winters - Rose Gold

With snow white skin and ice blue eyes, Rose has a cool demeanour that can give you chills. Don't be fooled, because the slightest smile from Rose lets you know she's warm-blooded and loves to make heat from friction.

Avery Cristy 在 'Psychosexual Showcase'

Avery Cristy - Psychosexual Showcase

Mick finds evidence of Gianna's cheating. Oliver takes Gianna's advice and practices Sensate Focus. His wife won't be bothered with him, but he hires Avery to stimulate him about he's just about to come. She does with an expert touch, and then again, and again, and again. Part 3 of 5.

Penelope Woods 在 'Scorching'

Penelope Woods - Scorching

Whether in cherry pink or lily white, Penelope has a flower's delicate beauty and seductive poise. It's rare to catch this blossom spreading her petals, but when she does you're guaranteed a good time in Penelope's garden of earthly delights.

Keira Croft 在 'Vacay Fun'

Keira Croft - Vacay Fun

Keira's boyfriend knows how to spoil her, but she's feeling guilty because she hasn't returned the favour. On a trip away, he expects to see some once-in-a-lifetime sights, but she'd rather share a once-in-a-lifetime fuck.

Izzy Lush 在 'Double Up'

Izzy Lush - Double Up

What are the nice girls not telling you? Izzy smiles like the girl next door, but bites her lip like she's hungry for something. Come find out what stirs this blue-eyed brunette's appetite.

Alexis Tae 在 'Self Fulfilling Rebound'

Alexis Tae - Self Fulfilling Rebound

Alexis has been waiting forever to get with her best friend's boyfriend. She's been looking for a wedge to drive between them, and she's found it

Avery Cristy 在 'Another Person'

Avery Cristy - Another Person

When Oliver insinuates that he might be morally superior to Avery in the way he turns a blind eye to others outside their relationship, Avery enlists Vanna to help her run a field test on his idea of himself.

Lulu Chu 在 'Showstopper'

Lulu Chu - Showstopper

A cute tease or a sizzling hot temptress beyond your wildest dreams? Lulu will let you decide, but either way, you'll wonder how such a petite package can be so potent, how anything so sweet can be so addictive. Come play with fire and see just how dangerous Lulu can get.

Vanessa Sky 在 'Pool Break'

Vanessa Sky - Pool Break

What do sexy young professionals get up to when working from home? Vanessa is so determined to have a one-on-one meeting with her coworker that she would find a way to do it in the office. But since they're at his place, she'll be able to convince him to take a snack break with her that much easier.

Lilly Bell 在 'Feedback'

Lilly Bell - Feedback

Lilly loves her job

Mona Wales 在 'Chaired'

Mona Wales - Chaired

Oliver watches from the outside as his mistress tends to her harem, eager for any form of contact she will give him. Some days it comes in drops and on others he drowns in it.

Kenna James 在 'Yoga Retreat'

Kenna James - Yoga Retreat

Kenna's been keeping in better shape lately, and her boyfriend doesn't suspect that yoga might be a way to increase her stamina, flexibility, and hours away from home. Kenna likes to cheat, Kenna loves to fuck, and with two strangers at a time, this sexy blonde is going to screw herself into all kinds of kinky positions.

Ashley Lane 在 'Pain Bunny'

Ashley Lane - Pain Bunny

Guest director Bloom experiments with a hooking story that explores Ashley Lane's real-life fixation on pain and suspension in the world of Kink.

Ryder Rey 在 'On Off'

Ryder Rey - On Off

Perhaps you've heard it said

Ava Sinclaire 在 'Stretched'

Ava Sinclaire - Stretched

Will you have the red, or the white, or the blonde? With her petite, curvy figure and her beautiful blue eyes, Ava has probably made a few guys pop their corks in her day. Tonight, this fine vintage is opening up the special reserve.

Alina Ali 在 'Behind The Scenes'

Alina Ali - Behind The Scenes

People make assumptions about porn stars, but do they have any idea how these girls really feel about sex on camera? Alina has a crush on her next co-star

Lacey London 在 'Masquerade'

Lacey London - Masquerade

Lacey might have to sacrifice some anonymity to satisfy her curiosity

Emma Starletto 在 'Take A Peek'

Emma Starletto - Take A Peek

Emma sets off sparks in an electric blue microdress. Blonde and biting her lip, let Emma dazzle you until your senses are shattered and you find yourself following her home, where this live wire takes it all off.

Violet Starr 在 'The Right Type'

Violet Starr - The Right Type

Violet is doing what many girls dread

Lulu Chu 在 'Playing The Market'

Lulu Chu - Playing The Market

Lulu likes the stock, but her partner has his doubts. Still, this brainy beauty knows an ideal way to calm his nerves

Mona Wales 在 'So Worth The Trouble'

Mona Wales - So Worth The Trouble

When Mona is made aware of the great trouble Oliver has gone to hide his weekend affair from him, she forces the couple to make the trouble worth it for her too.

Kiki Klout 在 'Karaoke'

Kiki Klout - Karaoke

Kiki doesn't want you to think she's spoiled, even if she can't spare the rod. There is one last thing she wants to unwrap for her birthday, and after that she'll wrap herself around her favourite present.

Penelope Kay 在 'Hit It Good'

Penelope Kay - Hit It Good

Pretty Penelope looks naive but loves to tease. A flirt in a miniskirt, this brown-eyed brunette has an adorable smile and a dirty, dirty secret.

Andi Rose 在 'Impulse'

Andi Rose - Impulse

Pretty brunette Andi Rose looks like the girl next door, and in her white dress and lingerie you could mistake her for an angel. Did we mention the theme of this video is 'good girl gone bad'?

Lana Sharapova 在 'Bringing Her A Game'

Lana Sharapova - Bringing Her A Game

Blonde Lana's friend from back East is visiting her in L.A. and before she gives him a warm welcome she teases him with a glimpse of her favourite new toy. When Oliver arrives, luscious Lana is happy to give him an all-over tour of the house… and her body.

Skye Blue 在 'Wallflower'

Skye Blue - Wallflower

A wallflower receives an ASMR tape from her friend that unlocks a mess of sexual fantasy.

Alexis Tae 在 'Best First Date'

Alexis Tae - Best First Date

Some girls will settle for a night in with the television. Others want to be wined, dined, and sixty-nined. A classy girl like Alexis craves the finer things, and if they're delivered with enough mental foreplay, she'll make your night unforgettable in return.

Destiny Cruz 在 'Tease Me'

Destiny Cruz - Tease Me

Let Destiny make your heart race and your blood pump. In the streets and in the sheets, this green-eyed stunner knows how to tease. By the time she shows off her tight round bottom you'll be seeing stars.

Emily Willis 在 'Living Dangerously'

Emily Willis - Living Dangerously

Some girls need a serious dose of adrenaline to get their rocks off, and the average man won't do. Bad girl Emily gets her thrills by kicking ass, taking names, and going down on whoever's left standing.

Coco Lovelock 在 'Fuckhole'

Coco Lovelock - Fuckhole

Kenna is back with a new favorite sub and a standing proposition for interested strangers. With Coco waiting at home in a spreader bar and Oliver nervously twisting his ring, she looks down at his overnight luggage and his pilot's cap as they share a drink in a hotel lobby. 'I do love a man who has to be gone by morning' she says, flashing the slightest hint of satisfaction.

Emma Hix 在 'Hungry For More'

Emma Hix - Hungry For More

Pretty in pink, velvety soft, wet as your wildest dreams: blonde-haired Emma teases you to the edge of reason. See how this stunner doubles her pleasure with double the penetration.

Mila Monet 在 'Apt 1698'

Mila Monet - Apt 1698

A voyeur in need of an outlet for his kink finds his match in an unlikely meeting through a telescope.

Alice Pink 在 'All Day'

Alice Pink - All Day

Petite in a purple dress, Alice pulls you in and doesn't let go. Let this brunette mesmerize you and lead you to a wet and wild world of sensual delights.

Kenzie Taylor 在 'Buy This House'

Kenzie Taylor - Buy This House

Real estate agent Kenzie likes her clients young and cocky - they always fall for her charms. But when she meets a stubborn buyer who won't let her flirt her way into a sale, Kenzie's own ego is at stake, and she's not walking away from the table until she gets her done deal.

Nina Pink 在 'Tangible'

Nina Pink - Tangible

Tension builds between a walk-in client at a late-night tattoo parlor and the man who inks her as they discuss the tangible nature of pain.

Riley Steele 在 'Don't Ask Me Where I've Been'

Riley Steele - Don't Ask Me Where I've Been

Riley turns Oliver's infidelity on him in a graphic payback. Still, their sexual attraction to each other pulls them back together with grim respect.

Chloe Temple 在 'Rebellious'

Chloe Temple - Rebellious

Bad girl Chloe might be a rebel, but her punk attitude suddenly disappears around guys she wants. Chloe doesn't like fuckboys, but if you treat her right, she'll channel her rebellious streak toward having a blast in the bedroom.

Cecilia Lion 在 'How We Met'

Cecilia Lion - How We Met

Cecilia retells the story of how she met her partner one night in a seedy theater across town.

Alexis Tae 在 'Crunch Time'

Alexis Tae - Crunch Time

Alexis spent a whole week with her sexy friend Kira and Kira' partner, Oliver, and somehow she wasn't able to spit out that the only reason she visited was to have a threesome. The lingering sexual tension mounts as Alexis rushes to pack for her flight. Will these three be able to pull off a menage-a-trois before take-off time?

Kiara Cole 在 'To Ourselves'

Kiara Cole - To Ourselves

How does anyone get lucky enough to land a sexy girlfriend like Kiara? How does anyone resist her when she's in the mood? Kiara wants to inspire her boyfriend and decides to show him what she does best.

Leah Lee 在 'Squeezing It In'

Leah Lee - Squeezing It In

Party-girl Leah threw a rager and forgot about her number one priority while her parents were away: losing her anal cherry to her boyfriend. Now Leah has a decision to make - get in trouble, or miss her chance. Guess which one she'll choose.

Alina Ali 在 'I Hear You'

Alina Ali - I Hear You

Alina's hookup with her manager at work is interrupted when her boyfriend shows up unexpectedly. "He's just here for a lunchtime quickie," Alina says bitterly. Her manager hands over his earpiece. "Wear this," he says, "And do everything I tell you to do."

Kenna James 在 'Confidence'

Kenna James - Confidence

Kenna has discovered her man keeps a harem of women at arm's length from each other. But Kenna is more than cool with it: it turns her on, knowing Mr. Orlando is so irresistible to women, so she reaches out to Vicki. These girls are determined to show their man a good time… it's too bad he's busy. What now?

Gianna Dior 在 'Before and After'

Gianna Dior - Before and After

When the going gets tough, Gianna gets going. All the pressure and late nights have been making things tense between her and her coworker, Oliver, but Gianna has an ideal way to smooth out their differences.

Kenna James 在 'Uncontrollable'

Kenna James - Uncontrollable

Kenna, Avery, and Oliver need to make a quick getaway, but Avery is addicted to the thrill of living dangerously. Avery decides there is never a bad time for an adrenaline-fuelled threesome with her partners in crime.

Avi Love 在 'Shaken And Stirred'

Avi Love - Shaken And Stirred

Avi and Naomi are tourists visiting LA For the first time and staying in a hotel penthouse. They decide the first tourist attraction they want to see up close is the hotel bartender.

Elsa Jean 在 'Influence Part 3'

Elsa Jean - Influence Part 3

After experiencing what her mysterious super fan, Dr. Wolf, had to offer - there's no turning back for Elsa. The mind-blowing sex and quality of the resulting content has enriched Elsa's life in inmuerbale ways - it's the perfect arrangement. Elsa's next fantasy sees her as the object of obsession of a wealthy couple, obeying the whims of a dominating woman as she is instructed to fuck her boy-toy. However, after reviewing the resulting footage, Elsa sees something in the background that starts to raise some suspicions.

Anya Olsen 在 'Three's A Party'

Anya Olsen - Three's A Party

Besties Naomi and Anya want to find out if their hot but uptight roomie Oliver loosens up in the sack, so they interrupt his work and entice him with a threesome.

Kymberlie Rose 在 'Revenge'

Kymberlie Rose - Revenge

Kymberlie is over her workaholic husband. No gifts or material things will compensate for his absence anymore. After her latest argument, she decides to indulge in a little forbidden fun.

Avi Love 在 'Years In The Making'

Avi Love - Years In The Making

Years In The Making

Ariana Marie 在 'Break'

Ariana Marie - Break

Ariana and Cecilia are models and fashion students in Los Angeles. One unproductive afternoon, they decide to call up a mutual crush they have, a young photographer and have a little afternoon delight.

Adira Allure 在 'Tennis'

Adira Allure - Tennis

Adira is spoiled daddy's girl through and through. When she sees something she wants, she has to have it no questions asked. Her father's intern has caught her eye, therefore she must have.

Ryder Skye 在 'Rebel Girlfriend Likes It Rough'

Ryder Skye - Rebel Girlfriend Likes It Rough

Kimber Veils is going over her boyfriends house to enjoy a dinner with the family, but she's too punk to respect the casualties. She sits at the dinner table and starts to jerk off Oliver Flynn under the table while talking to the mother. She then goes under the table and starts to suck his dick. It feels so good, Oliver doesn't even care about the food anymore. They end dinner early and go to the bedroom where they have rough sex. She loves it fast and hard. They fuck in multiple positions before getting a huge load all over her pretty face. Hopefully mom doesn't walk in!

Veronica Avluv 在 'Squirts From Anal'

Veronica Avluv - Squirts From Anal

Veronica Avluv loves to get fucked. She enjoys it even more when both her vagina and asshole get filled at the same time. Avluv joined us this week to do just that. First, she showed us her perfect body and soon she was taking cock in both holes. Stretching her pussy and asshole in several different positions before receiving two giant loads all over her face.

Cindy Starfall 在 'Squirting Compilation'

Cindy Starfall - Squirting Compilation

Enjoy this compilation of our favorite squirters gushing everywhere at the top of their orgasms. 00:01 - Anal Super Squirter02:25 - Busty Super Squirter04:22 - I Love To Squirt06:55 - Let Me See You Squirt09:08 - Look At Her Squirt10:42 - See Abella Squirt13:36 - Soaking Wet Super Squirter15:11 - Squirt Deluxe17:11 - A Squirting Star Is Born19:20 - I Cant Believe I Squirted 90 Times

Scarlit Scandal 在 'Boys Get Spanked Part 2'

Scarlit Scandal - Boys Get Spanked Part 2

Aiden discovers her husband's true nature and gives him the deal of a lifetime. If only he'd read the fine print.

Scarlit Scandal 在 'Boys Get Spanked Part 1'

Scarlit Scandal - Boys Get Spanked Part 1

Oliver has been leading Scarlit on, and so long as she remains blissfully unaware she's going to fuck him like a champ.

Teanna Trump 在 'All That Glitters'

Teanna Trump - All That Glitters

Teanna is an influencer on a meteoric rise. She recently moved to la to further her career and wants to capitalize on the event. She's arranged a promotional photoshoot with a popular photographer and is looking to have a little private fun at the same time.

Francesca Le 在 'Is A HotWife 3'

Francesca Le - Is A HotWife 3

Horny housewife Francesca Le has been lonely since her husband left town. The busty, bodacious MILF invites young Oliver Flynn to her place, seducing him into a decadent backdoor affair. The nervous stud shares passionate kisses with Francesca, and the cheating hotwife strips him down for a messy blowjob. Slobber-soaked throat fucking leads to an intense pussy plowing. Francesca talks dirty as Oliver reams her twat. She clutches his cock and buries it into her bunghole for a raunchy anal reaming. See vulgar, ass-to-mouth fellatio, explicit rectal gaping, and a cum facial.

Naomi Swann 在 'Breaking the Rules'

Naomi Swann - Breaking the Rules

All work and no play makes Naomi a grumpy girl. Her work schedule is gruelling and her love life is stale. But if she had never met her man, she would have never met his brother....

Brooklyn Gray 在 'All About Ass 4'

Brooklyn Gray - All About Ass 4

Glamorous brunette Brooklyn Gray wears flashy lingerie for a sensual, slow motion tease. Anxious for an intense anal reaming, Brooklyn talks dirty and probes her rectum with a dildo. Oliver Flynn spanks her ass as his meat furiously drills Brooklyn's bunghole. He pulls her hair through an aggressive buttfuck. When he yanks his big cock from Brooklyn's booty, she pries open her cheeks to exhibit a vastly gaping sphincter! Salacious sodomy comes with deepthroat fellatio, including a sloppy, ass-to-mouth blowjob. The climax is an epic cum facial.

Jessie Saint 在 'Teen Creampie Cutie'

Jessie Saint - Teen Creampie Cutie

Naughty blonde teen, Jessie Saint, recalls her first high school sexual experience and how it leads to a love of internal creampies. She's only 19 years old but ready for hardcore gonzo style sex! Featuring multiple sex positions and internal cumshot and swallowing finish from Oliver Flynn!

Gia Derza 在 'How To Plan'

Gia Derza - How To Plan

Gia is an up and coming party planner in Beverly Hills. As a way of dealing with unruly clients and to unwind, Gia likes to have wild sex in their houses without them knowing. Oliver is her go-to guy, and with her latest party they're taking it up a notch.

Gina Valentina 在 'The Essence Of Romance - S35:E9'

Gina Valentina - The Essence Of Romance - S35:E9

Hot little Latina Gina Valentina is ready to make Oliver Flynn drool. He sits in a chair, tied up and blindfolded, as Gina takes stock of all the various implements of pleasure at her disposal. She starts with a rose, brushing it along Oliver's neck and chest. Then Gina moves on to a feather, followed by a small whip. Since all Oliver can do is let the feelings wash over him, he has no choice but to go with the flow. That's okay; Gina doesn't leave him wanting for too long. Sliding her hands down Oliver's chest, Gina works her way down until she reaches the bulge beneath his shorts. She runs her tongue up the silk, then pops her treat out to enjoy fully. Soon enough, Gina is sucking to her heart's content in a languorous BJ.When Oliver is free to use his hands, he immediately reaches forward to grasp Gina's ass. Her bottom fills his palms as he kneads the globes while capturing a kiss from Gina's soft lips. As Oliver's hands reach up further to cup Gina's breasts and fondle her puffy nipples, Gina takes a seat on his lap so she can grind herself against Oliver's hard cock.Sliding her thong aside after enjoying her butt rub, Gina sinks down onto Oliver's fuck stick. Her meaty pussy gobbles up Oliver's cock as he uses his hands to help her set a breakneck pace. Turning around, she gives Oliver some reverse cowgirl action that gets even faster and more furious.Finally Gina removes the blindfold and frees Oliver, which lets him swap places with her. Sitting in the chair, Gina spreads her thighs and lets her had fall back in delight as Oliver samples her pussy juices. Only after he has licked every inch of her twat does she get on her hands and knees so Oliver can deliver a doggy style pussy pounding that won't stop until Gina's whole body is throbbing in delight. Gina's orgasm brings Oliver to the end of his endurance. Moments later, he pulls out to cover Gina's ass in his cum. He slides back in to give her a few more strokes of bliss, then finally draws Gina in to pepper her with kisses as they come down from their mutual climaxes.

Skylar Vox 在 'This Whole Time'

Skylar Vox - This Whole Time

Skylar and Oliver have been friends forever. One lazy rich kids afternoon, Skylar realizes that maybe they should be more than friends.

Nia Nacci 在 'Eat My Ass, Frat Boy'

Nia Nacci - Eat My Ass, Frat Boy

Nia found the perfect college job - house-sitting for rich people. It's a win-win - she gets to live in luxury and gets paid to do it. When Nia decides to snoop a little, she gets caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

Nia Nacci 在 'Live Like A Queen'

Nia Nacci - Live Like A Queen

Nia found the perfect college job - house-sitting for rich people. It's a win-win - she gets to live in luxury and gets paid to do it. When Nia decides to snoop a little, she gets caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

Keira Croft 在 'Anal Super Squirter'

Keira Croft - Anal Super Squirter

Keira Croft, brings you female ejaculation! Hard anal sex leaving her dripping with epic squirting action! Including ATP, and ATM's and a facial finish! Do not miss this anal super squirter in action!

Vanna Bardot 在 'Here Comes Vanna'

Vanna Bardot - Here Comes Vanna

Get ready for hot newcomer, Vanna Bardot, in her pre-scene interview, Vanna explains how she lost her virginity twice. Fan favorite is ready for intense gonzo style sex and a cum swallowing finish!

Alura 'TNT' Jenson 在 'satisfies a stud with a passion for MILFs '

Alura 'TNT' Jenson - Mom's Money

Oliver Flynn is really into MILFs. He found out about this sexy, woman named Alura 'TNT' Jenson that can meet his needs for the right price.

Paige Owens 在 'Product Review'

Paige Owens - Product Review

Paige is a vlogger that specializes in sex toy reviews. She's always had a thing for her camera guy, but he's been in a relationship forever. One day after a shoot, she puts him in a position few would be able to resist.

Scarlett Bloom 在 'Graduation'

Scarlett Bloom - Graduation

It's graduation time and Nia and Scarlett are looking to celebrate in a big way. With his parents gone for graduation weekend, Oliver decides to have a little extra fun at his house. Fortunately, mia and Scarlett are on the same page and they just happen to find each other.

Richelle Ryan 在 'sucks and fucks young cock'

Richelle Ryan - Mom's Money

Richelle Ryan is here to show how to fulfill a young mans fantasies. She knows the right ways to make a Milf cum and if going to make you her sex student. Richelle Ryan is going to show you the ultimate Milf experience.

Gina Valentina 在 'No Hesitation'

Gina Valentina - No Hesitation

Gina leads a busy life. Between partying, school, work, and having fun, it's hard to keep track of time. Nevertheless, she always finds a way to take some time for herself.

Bunny Colby 在 'I Want To Watch - S34:E13'

Bunny Colby - I Want To Watch - S34:E13

Bunny Colby is a hot number who has plenty of fantasies that prove she bats for both teams. She may have a boyfriend at the moment in Oliver Flynn, but Bunny dreams of watching Oliver fuck another girl. She finally gets her opportunity when her college friend, Kiara Cole, comes for a visit.To put her plan into action, Bunny waits until she's alone on the couch with Kiara. She slowly moves closer, enticing Kiara with soft touches that tell her college pal exactly what she wants. When Kiara seems open to it, Bunny moves even closer. It looks like Bunny is going in for a kiss, but it takes her a surprisingly long time to get there. Oliver walks in on the two friends without realizing quite what he's getting into. Bunny gives Oliver a quick kiss and then, to his surprise, turns to Kiara and gives her another kiss. Then she takes both of their hands and leads them to the bedroom so the real fun can begin. Both Oliver and Kiara are willing, although Bunny makes it clear that she's calling the shots. She settles Kiara on the bed and then directs Oliver to get on his knees. Rolling Kiara's miniskirt up, Oliver starts licking her clit through her panties. Meanwhile, Bunny lifts Kiara's shirt and rubs her nipples to hardness while loving on her small tits. Then Bunny pulls Kiara's thong aside so Oliver can have full access to her bare slit.As Bunny continues to direct the action, Oliver lays down on the bed and Kiara kneels above him. She pulls his dick close and starts sucking with Bunny encouraging her every step of the way. Her blowjob is delicious, but still not quite enough to satisfy Bunny's fantasies. Peeling off her shirt to pop her big boobs free, Bunny decides to join in on Kiara's fun with both of their hands and mouths working to keep Oliver hard and ready for action.The next part of Bunny's fantasy involves watching Oliver fuck Kiara. Bunny helps Kiara to climb onto Oliver's hardon and slide it into her tight twat. Then she plants her pussy on top of Oliver's face so he can eat her out. The position is perfect since it gives everyone in the threesome deep pleasure, but still allows Bunny to watch her fantasy playing out.Eventually, Bunny decides to take a turn on Oliver's dick. She climbs on in reverse cowgirl and goes to work bouncing away. Meanwhile, Kiara rides Oliver's face in her own version of reverse cowgirl while using the headrest to keep her balance as she's perched on Oliver's mouth.Next, the girls get on their knees side by side on the bed as Oliver kneels behind them. With such a delectable double stack of pussies presented for his enjoyment, Oliver barely knows where to start. He ends up giving it to Bunny first as he rubs Kiara's clit with his free hand. Then he hot swaps to bang Kiara as Bunny continues to enjoy herself by watching.The girls keep the party going by flipping onto their backs and linking legs, still laying side by side. He still has a free hand for Kiara as he goes to town on Bunny's greedy snatch. Bunny helps herself reach her finish as she rubs her clit in time to Oliver's strokes. Kiara also keeps herself hot and ready for a climax by rubbing her clit, which makes it easy for Oliver to reenter her when it's her turn to cum. With Bunny rubbing her clit and Oliver pounding away at her bare twat, Kiara quickly comes undone.The threesome is still in full swing as Bunny gets another round of fleshy fun from Oliver. This time, Kiara hovers on top of Bunny and leans forward to lap at her friend's clit and offer Oliver a ride in her mouth. With Kiara guiding them both, Bunny and then Oliver each reach their climax. Oliver gluts Bunny with a creampie that Kiara eagerly laps up as it drips from her friend's twat. As a finishing move, Kiara gives Bunny a kiss so she can enjoy the taste of her own juices mixed with her boyfriend's cum.

Alicia Williams 在 'Halloween Fuck Session on The Bus'

Alicia Williams - Halloween Fuck Session on The Bus

The bus don't stop! We out here searching and lurking the streets of Miami. Looking for some desperate chicks in need of cash. Since it's halloween our goal was to find someone in costume. We got lucky enough that we found just that. We rolled up to this little hottie dressed as a sexy pirate. She was decorating her front yard. We spit some game and soon enough she was inside the bus. There, we started throwing money at her and sooner rather than later she was sucking Oliver Flynn's cock. He proceeded to penetrate her pussy in several different positions before busting a huge load all over her face. Finally, we dropped her ass off in the middle of nowhere with zero of the promised money. Happy Halloween hoe!!

Chloe Temple 在 'Helpless Teens - Chloe Temple - Lost, Broke and Bound'

Chloe Temple - Helpless Teens - Chloe Temple - Lost, Broke and Bound

Lost little blond cutie, Chloe Temple, is in the middle of nowhere with no way to get home. Miraculously, nice guy Oliver just happens by in his white van and actually agrees to help her out. When he asks for gas money she claims she's broke and isn't down to pay with her pussy. Bitch please! If you want a ride you've gotta submit. Desperate young Chloe agrees to do whatever it takes and is quickly tied up and fed big white cock. Oliver takes the helpless slut to his dungeon for some brutal rough sex then prays her with a huge facial cumshot.

Avi Love 在 'Super Cute Threesome'

Avi Love - Super Cute Threesome

Vina Sky and Avi Love, the super cute duo goes hard in this gonzo style threesome. This is unrelenting hardcore three way action. Including cum swapping and cum swallowing finish!!

Kailani Kai 在 'Fuck Lessons From my Step-Mom'

Kailani Kai - Fuck Lessons From my Step-Mom

Kailani Kai caught her step son in the middle of preparing for something. He was putting condoms on bananas. He had a hot date coming up and didn't want to be unprepared. So Kailani decided to give him some pointers. She approached him and asked him to pull his cock out. He was hesitant at first, but he eventually gave in. She began chocking on his cock, and soon she was bent over with his cock far inside her pussy. Kailani got fucked by her step-son in several different positions all over their living room. It turns out, he knew exactly what to do.

Jessie Saint 在 'Cute Teen Needed Good Dick'

Jessie Saint - Cute Teen Needed Good Dick

Just another day on the Bang Bus.Today, we find a cute blonde teen waiting at the bus stop. Of course, we go and talk to her to try and get her on the bus. It didn't take much convincing. All it took was a steamy kiss with Oliver and she was ready to fuck. She gets on the bus and enjoys multiple positions of hard sex. She was horny and ready for a big dick, and we are more than happy to provide her with it. She can't wait to get a huge load all over her cute face.

Eliza Ibarra 在 'When I Get Off - S33:E13'

Eliza Ibarra - When I Get Off - S33:E13

Barista Eliza Ibarra has been crushing on one of her regulars, Oliver Flynn, for a while now. She has decided that today is the day she'll make her move. She catches Oliver looking over at her, which distracts her from her job enough that she pours coffee all over the floor. On the bright side, Oliver gets quite a show as bends over to clean up her mess. That gives Eliza the confidence to give Oliver his coffee along with her phone number.When Eliza is done with work, they take some time getting to know each other at the coffee shop before they relocate to the bedroom at Oliver's apartment. She tears his shirt open as buttons pop off everywhere. HE responds by pulling up Eliza's miniskirt and tugging her panties aside so he can feast on her lush twat. Pulling her bra up, Eliza frees her breasts so she can palm them as Oliver licks and fingers her meaty snatch.When Oliver backs off to take his pants off, Eliza follows him. Her position makes it easy for her to wrap her hot little hand around his hardon. Drawing him in, she dips her head to sample the goods. Soon enough, she is indulging in a deep throat blowjob that leaves her all smiles as her lips meet his ball sack.Backing off from her BJ, Eliza lays down on the pillows and spreads her thighs to welcome Oliver inside. He takes her with one deep stroke and kicks off a rough and wild fuck fest. Eliza is right there with him, lifting her torso to change up the angle of penetration until Oliver shoves her back onto the bed. She lets him have his way for a moment before lifting her legs high to open herself completely to his cock.Oliver takes his place on the bed next as Eliza hovers above him in a position of complete power. She puts her authority to work sucking him off once again, using both hands to make her blowjob even more complete. Then Eliza turns around on her hands and knees and offers herself to Oliver so that he can take her doggy style.Their romp continues as Oliver once again rolls onto his back. This time, Eliza climbs on top of him and mounts him in reverse cowgirl. She starts off by setting the pace, but Oliver is sure to take his turn thrusting up. Working together, they gradually speed things up until Oliver Eliza's tits are jiggling and her breath is coming in panting moans.Eliza rolls onto her side next, with Oliver curled up behind her. Spooning with Eliza's leg held high, Oliver keeps up the sensual motion as Eliza guides him with her soft cries of delight. He is tireless, working for her pleasure until she can't take another orgasm. Then he pulls out, giving Eliza the opportunity to aim his loaded cock so he cums all over her stomach. Content, they exchange kisses before Oliver goes in for another taste of Eliza's breasts.

Joseline Kelly 在 'I Have a Wife'

Joseline Kelly - I Have a Wife

Lindsey Shaw (Joseline Kelly) is dropping off some papers to her dad's friend. Her Dad's friend hasn't seen her in a while and hardly recognizes her because of how hot she grew up to be. After dropping off the papers, Lindsey tells her dad's friend how much she loves older cock and how bad she wants to bang him. Her dad's friend is hesitant at first because he is married, but in the end he couldn't turn down Lindsey's advances.

Reagan Foxx 在 'Stepmom Has Her Day'

Reagan Foxx - Stepmom Has Her Day

It's finally Mother's Day, and Reagan Foxx is long overdue for some well-deserved pampering… But her husband completely ignores her new lingerie, and her new stepson Oliver Flynn is so busy fucking his girlfriend, Kara Lee, that he forgot what day it was! Reagan orders the rebellious teens to get cleaning so she can finally relax, but Kara, instead, sneaks upstairs, steals Reagan's lingerie, and flashes Oliver behind her back! Once they're caught, Reagan completely loses her mind, dragging Kara aside for some rough sexual discipline, before roping in Oliver too for a hardcore threesome, all while hiding from her husband!

Kali Roses 在 'Let Her Rip'

Kali Roses - Let Her Rip

Curvy blonde babe Kali Roses has found herself a massive, colorful outdoor graffiti mural to show off her stylish new ripped jeans…and maybe, she'll even get to tear them open a little wider! As Kali strips, dances, bounces and twerks, she rips her pants apart, showing off her big round ass and pretty wet pink pussy! Oliver Flynn can't believe his eyes – or resist – so he starts grabbing Kali's ass and eating her out from behind like a madman. Kali decides that it's time to give up on her jeans, so she slobbers all over Oliver's long cock, and spreads her legs so he can split HER in half instead!

Evi Rei 在 'Banging Beats'

Evi Rei - Banging Beats

Buxom ebony teen Evi Rei just had one hell of a rough day – now that she's home, she just wants to unwind with some good music and a good dicking! Evi slips on her headphones, bouncing to the beat and fingerbanging herself to the rhythm, flashing her tits and biting down on the headphone cord. Oliver Flynn has been spying on her from just outside the room, but Evi catches him sneaking a peek, and instead of getting mad, invites him to join her for some hardcore fucking fun! The two of them have hardcore sex while Evi wears her headphones and strips out of her big hoodie.

Katana Kombat 在 'Moist Neon Lights'

Katana Kombat - Moist Neon Lights

Katana Kombat looks fierce as she gets wet and wild soaping up her round ass and tits in the shower. Katana brings her latin flavor to everything she does and that includes her swaying her hips and twerking with water cascading down her tight booty. Oliver Fynn shows up at the right time to feed Katana his cock, just as she was getting hungry for a big dick. It doesn't matter where Katana is, she can always suck and fuck a cock like a sexy devil.

Anya Olsen 在 'That Is One Awesome Tip'

Anya Olsen - That Is One Awesome Tip

Cute teen Anya Olsen is out for a bite to eat with some of her girlfriends. They're just finishing up their meal when suddenly Anya's friends all whip out their cellphones and start filming her! The reason being is that Anya had mentioned to them how she found the waiter to be hot, so her friends dared by her to give their waiter a big tip—by giving him a blowjob right then and there in the restaurant! Only, when Oliver Flynn's manager comes around to make sure everything is to the customer's satisfaction, he's worried about getting fired from having this sexy vixen give him head for compensation! No chick sucks dick quite like Anya, so you can understand why Oliver was hanging around and avoiding getting back to work while Anya had her seductive dick sucking lips wrapped around his big cock! After a while, the manager kept coming around so the girls suggested that Oliver and Anya go fuck in the bathroom stall! This time, looks like its the waiter who's giving his tip to the customer! Can this sneaky slut keep quiet while sucking and fucking Oliver off, without the poor guy's boss finding out he's fucking around on the job?

Khloe Kapri 在 'Bounce Into Spring Break'

Khloe Kapri - Bounce Into Spring Break

Nothing says spring break better than a party, tight asses and bouncing tits. This party is hot and wild but Autumn Falls and Oliver Flynn turn up the heat when they sneak away from the party to get in some naughty time. Kloe Kapri is feeling horny too and she's all too curious about spying on Autumn suck Oliver's big cock while she plays with her clit, but spying quickly turns into a sloppy threesome.

Violet Myers 在 'Stealing Her Phone Again'

Violet Myers - Stealing Her Phone Again

Oliver Flynn has a new stepsister who is busty as fuck! Every time Violet Myers is around him, he can't help but want to stare at her huge tits. But Oliver's not the only one who's been noticing how he's been eyeing the gorgeous Violet. Ms. Myer's dad warns Oliver at breakfast that he better smarten up about staring and trying to eye fuck his daughter! This time around, Oliver catches Violet taking sexy selfies of herself in her bedroom when she's supposed to be getting ready for college. After Violet leaves her phone unattended, Oliver goes through her titty pics and immediately gets sprung! Violet bursts into Oliver's room where she not only catches him jacking off to her boobs--but she had no idea her stepbrother's dick was so massive! Looks like Oliver will finally get to fuck his busty stepsister after all, as Violet wraps her huge boobs around his cock and titty fucks him before straddling his dick and giving him the ride of his life! Violet sucks and fucks her stepbrother as she fondles those massive jugs and cums all over his big cock! Looks like these two will be late for their college class after all!

Kali Roses 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Kali Roses - My Sister's Hot Friend

Kali Roses bumps into her her friend's brother and gets invited back to his nearby studio for a photography session. As the camera clicks away, so does her clothing. Its Oliver's lucky day to be able to photograph this hot chick and then fuck her brains out.

Gabriela Lopez 在 'From One College Chick To Another'

Gabriela Lopez - From One College Chick To Another

Busty beauty Gabriela Lopez has just returned from a vacation and comes home to find her college roommate and her boyfriend having a fuck fest in the adjacent room. But when Gabriela overhears her roommate's boyfriend Oliver Flynn and her getting into an argument, the cock craving Gabriela sees this as a chance to get what she went on vacation for in the first place: a big, thick dick to suck and fuck! Gabriela seduces Oliver by teasing him with her sexy curves and dripping wet pussy, but can Oliver keep this luscious Latina from getting him busted by his soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend? There's nothing wrong with sticking your dick from one college chick to the other, but you better not get caught!

Sofie Reyez 在 'enjoys some step brother cock'

Sofie Reyez - Slut Step Sister

Sofie Reyez is such a tease. After going on a run with her step brother, she pleases herself while showering. She's so horny needs more - and who else is there to satisfy her needs, her step brother.

Gabriela Lopez 在 'takes a huge cock'

Gabriela Lopez - My Sister's Hot Friend

Gabriela Lopez is having guy issues and can't seem to find the right one. Her friend's brother, Oliver, is single and has a big cock. Exactly what she needs.

Mary Jean 在 'Between Her Goalposts'

Mary Jean - Between Her Goalposts

Voluptuous Latina vixen Mary Jean is stepping onto the soccer field to get some practice shots in, but judging by her sexy uniform, she plans on showing off a very different set of ball-handling skills. Our stunner warms up by stretching, twerking, and grinding her ass up against the goalposts before inviting Oliver Flynn onto the turf, so she can grind his big hard dick instead! Mary puts her long legs to good use while taking the pounding of a lifetime in the goalie's net, showing off her flexibility and fuckability, before letting Oliver cum all over her big round ass!

Alexis Fawx 在 'Moms Home Gym'

Alexis Fawx - Moms Home Gym

When badass executive MILF, Alexis Fawx, gets home from a hard day at the office, she wants to get her sweat on in her home gym, so when she finds her stepdaughter's new boyfriend, Oliver Flynn, making himself at home on her weight bench, she tells him to make himself useful and spot her! Oliver's surprised when Alexis strips off her sports bra to let out her big tits, but not as surprised as he is when she shoves his face between them and then sucks his dick! Alexis needs to get some squats in, so she starts fucking him cowgirl, and when stepdaughter, Natalie Brooks, gets home, she makes the brunette teen join in the threesome too, teaching her how to deepthroat before sharing Oliver's equipment. These hotties cap off their workout with Oliver's cum all over their faces before they hit the showers!

Vanessa Cage 在 'Moving Out Part 2'

Vanessa Cage - Moving Out Part 2

Teen Dolly Leigh is still horny after her stepmom, Vanessa Cage, fucks her, so she keeps playing with her pussy until Vanessa has a great idea. The MILF tells her stepdaughter to hide in a big, cardboard box, then asks Dolly's boyfriend, Oliver Flynn, to help bring the box upstairs to the bedroom. Oliver has no idea that when his girlfriend's stepmom starts sucking his cock and riding him cowgirl, his girlfriend is peeking and rubbing her clit! Finally, Vanessa tells Dolly to show herself and join in on their threesome, and these hot blondes share Oliver's cock in their mouths and in their pussies before they share his cum on their faces!

Vanessa Cage 在 'Moving Out Part 1'

Vanessa Cage - Moving Out Part 1

Dolly Leigh's new blonde stepmom, Vanessa Cage, is making her and her boyfriend, Oliver Flynn, pack boxes for their move, but Oliver's mind is on getting into Dolly's box! When Dolly's mean stepmom catches the teens fucking, she tells Oliver to keep working and pulls Dolly into the living room to teach her a lesson. Vanessa sits on Dolly's face and makes her stepdaughter give her a nice long tongue-fucking. Dolly proves that she's able to see a job through, so Vanessa finally rewards her by fingering and licking her pussy till she cums, and teaching Dolly to scissor! Vanessa's in such a good mood, she even suggests they invite Oliver in for a threesome...

Evi Rei 在 'Fucks Her Best Friends Man With Her Big Tits'

Evi Rei - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Evi Rei came to her friends house to try on some new custom bras she made for her. She was supposed to be home but she's not. Her boyfriend is home, lets her in and Evi proceeds to try on the bras right in front of him-tits out! Oliver is hands on but is a little worried his girlfriend will come home. Evi assures him his girlfriend wouldn't care he's helping out. Oliver is getting hard and Evi wants to return the favor with a blowjob. They end up fucking right there in the kitchen and he shoots his load all over her tits.

Julz Gotti 在 'Thick Miami Heat'

Julz Gotti - Thick Miami Heat

Thick Latina Julz Gotti is walking the streets of Miami enjoying a hot summer night in a tight, blue dress and high-heels. She's taking selfies and showing off that big, natural ass of hers. The night heats up when young Oliver Flynn picks her up and flirtatious, long-haired Julz starts giving him a wet blowjob with her pink G-string hanging out of her short dress as they drive around the city. When Oliver and sexy, young Julz get back to the hotel, Julz strips naked to take a bath, showing off her beautiful, big tits and huge, juicy ass. Oliver is one lucky man when Julz allows him to stick his big, throbbing dick in her tight asshole and then cums all over her big, sexy, bubble butt. What did this dude do to deserve such a gorgeous, kinky chick?

Diamond Foxxx 在 'All-Sexclusive'

Diamond Foxxx - All-Sexclusive

Pampered Diamond Foxxx is at an 'all-sexclusive resort,' on her husband's dime. Alone by the pool, she starts discreetly masturbating until resort employee, Oliver Flynn, shows up. Diamond goes out of her way to catch Oliver's attention by showing off her sexy body. Diamond flashes Oliver her room key number and the lucky guy joins her for some afternoon delight!

Melody Parker 在 'Eighteen And Not So Innocent'

Melody Parker - Eighteen And Not So Innocent

Today we got picked up a 18yo that was walking back home from her boyfriends house. It wasn't expensive to get her to flash us and to get her in the van. We find out this cute thing loves big dicks so i had my friend show her his cock. She freaked out for what she calls a huge dick for a white guy. We offered some cash for her to touch it but she ends up sucking and fucking. Her great body looks great taking a pounding until she ends with her face glazed with cum. I felt bad dropping this cute girl off but… watch this innocent girl try to are the van with cum on her face haha.

Violet Myers 在 'Sparkly Clean'

Violet Myers - Sparkly Clean

When Violet Myers starts playing with glitter to create the RK logo in her bathtub, she can't resist the temptation to put her whole body in and really get messy! Violet's big natties look like shiny disco balls as they get covered in glitter. When Oliver Flynn sees her sparkly skin, he says she looks like a mermaid...and he's always wanted to fuck a mermaid. Violet gives him the sparkliest blowjob he's ever had before getting cleaned off and heading to the bedroom to ride his cock cowgirl. Oliver licks Violet's clit clean, then pounds that pussy. He fucks those huge natural tits and cums on her face before topping it off with a little more glitter. Violet loves cum and glitter on her face!

Gianna Dior 在 'Fucking Around Between Takes'

Gianna Dior - Fucking Around Between Takes

Cockhungry starlet Gianna Dior is tired of the crew fucking around while she waits for her scene to start. She just wants to get some dick! Her costar, Oliver Flynn, hears her loud and clear, so he gives her just what she wants: his big hard cock in her mouth. Gianna is so impressed by his huge man meat, she takes a selfie with it! As she's about to post the sexy pics to her social, Oliver sneaks up behind her and fucks that tight little pussy doggystyle. The scene may not even have started yet, but Gianna rides Oliver's cock and can't get enough. Gianna asks Oliver to cum on her face and she gets the whole thing on camera!

Mary Jean 在 'Sneaky Pussies'

Mary Jean - Sneaky Pussies

Mary Jean wants to have a little morning sex with her boyfriend Oliver Flynn and his morning wood, but his comment about her roommate overhearing them flares up this Latina babe's wild jealousy! Mary storms out, so Oliver puts his eye mask back on for a little more shut-eye, not realizing that the babe who pads into the bedroom and starts sucking his cock isn't his girlfriend, it's her roomie Stella Raee! Stella tries to hide when Mary returns, but she's soon discovered and Mary chases her up to Stella's room! Their catfighting soon turns to fucking, and Oliver comes upstairs to find his girlfriend and her roommate in a hot 69! Oliver buries his hard dick in both their pussies, then cums on their faces!

Rharri Rhound 在 'Coaxing A Cuntfession'

Rharri Rhound - Coaxing A Cuntfession

Villainous femme fetale Rharri Rhound is in big trouble, and under interrogation from Detective Oliver Flynn. Faced with a folder of evidence showing her rubbing her pink pussy and exposing her perky tits in public, Oliver is sure Rhonda will have to confess. Rharri, however, knows just how to make a deal with a detective, and does so with a sloppy blowjob! Rharri has the right to remain sexy, as Detective Flynn quickly finds out.

Skylar Valentine 在 'Stuffing Skylar'

Skylar Valentine - Stuffing Skylar

Skylar Valentine may be the tiniest pornstar you've ever seen, but she's been dreaming of the biggest dicks! In Skylar's naughty fantasy, three huge cocks follow her every move, their blindfolded owners trying to catch her as she dodges and weaves and even crawls between their legs! When they finally get a hold of the petite minx, Skylar giggles as they pull up her top to squeeze her sweet little tits and then greedily sucks all their cocks one after another. She squeals with delight as they lift her up and fuck her tight pussy and her mouth all at once, and she can't wait to get her face covered with cum!

Anya Olsen 在 'Models Day Out'

Anya Olsen - Models Day Out

Everyone knows that Reality Kings takes models where nobody else does, and today the beautiful Anya Olsen is heading out to the stunning Florida Everglades with her costar Oliver Flynn. The babe bonds with her new beau as their boat cruises through the swamp and they take shelter from the rain in an abandoned house where naughty Anya wants a preview of what's to come, squatting down to suck Oliver's cock. They head to a gator farm where Anya poses with some of Florida's finest fauna before heading back home where she can let out her own inner wild thing. All that fresh air must have worked up her appetite, because Anya can't wait to get that dick, sucking Oliver until he's good and hard and then hopping on top to ride him until he spunks all over her tits!

Britt James 在 'Britts Big Bouncy Tits'

Britt James - Britts Big Bouncy Tits

Busty New England babe Britt James is loving the warm Florida weather, the beach, and the opportunity to enjoy the sun's rays on her big natural tits that are just barely covered by her tiny bikini top! Britt loves showing off her double Ds and reaping the benefits as they turn every guy in a ten-block radius into her willing fuck toy, and stud Oliver is no exception: he's drawn to her massive cleavage like a magnet! Massaging, motorboating, and all-out worshiping Britt's tits isn't enough, so Oliver oils them up and slides his cock between them, then flips her onto all fours so she can feel his cock deep in her pussy! There's only one place Oliver wants to drop his massive load: all over her big bouncy boobs!

Ryan Smiles 在 'Fucking My Best Friends Mom'

Ryan Smiles - Fucking My Best Friends Mom

Oliver gets more of a reward than he expected when he helps his best friend move out! His buddy's extremely sexy mom Ryan offers Oliver a cool glass of water and as she bends over, her short satin nightgown rides up to show him her big ass and bare pussy. After what he's just seen, Oliver can barely keep his mind on their conversation as Ryan tells him how lonely she's going to be all alone in that big house...and she wants his company! Ryan directs the helpful lad to lick her pussy before she teaches him a thing or two about pounding her doggystyle bent over the counter. Oliver can't hold back and cums all over Ryan's stunning big tits, and he'll be back to help her out around the house again very soon!

Ashley Adams 在 'Wildest Limo Ride A La Fuck Team 5'

Ashley Adams - Wildest Limo Ride A La Fuck Team 5

Today's Fuck Team 5 featuring Ashley Adams, Jane Wilde, and Ryan Conner is nuts! This is a full action-packed episode that can't be missed. The girls start out talking about how they want dick and play with themselves before they ride out to get some random guys. They find and bring some construction workers inside the limo where the girls start having their way with them. Two of the guys leave when things get spicy but the other two get their cocks sucked and fucked. Watch these pornstars go completely crazy until the guy's cum.

Riley Star 在 'Miss 24 7'

Riley Star - Miss 24 7

Riley's been dreaming of dick, dick, dick! Huge boners just keep appearing out of nowhere when she's having breakfast, taking a shower, or talking on the phone. This cock-hungry blonde can't get enough, and she'll always drop whatever she's doing to get a mouthful of dick. But not even Riley's talented lips are able to take care of two dicks at once, so she gets naked to make it easier to have one cock in her mouth and the other in her pussy! Maybe after this blonde takes the two jizzloads of her dreams all over her face she'll finally be able to get some rest!

Lexi Luna 在 'Mechanic Appreciation'

Lexi Luna - Mechanic Appreciation

Cute Asian teen Vina needs her car fixed, and her friend Oliver is happy to help out, especially when Vina decides to thank her with a blowjob! When Vina has to take a break to answer her phone, she doesn't realize that her stepmom Lexi decided to take over. When Vina finds her stepmother sucking her friend's cock, Lexi leads the teens into the bedroom for a threesome, teaching Vina exactly how to deepthroat Oliver's cock before eating her stepdaughter's pussy. Oliver gives both babes some thorough bodywork before jizzing all over Lexi's huge tits and watching Vina lick it off!

Sarah Banks 在 'Thot In The Shower'

Sarah Banks - Thot In The Shower

Now that Oliver and his friend Sarah are roommates, he's getting to see all the skimpy outfits she walks around the house in, and it's extremely distracting! But the sight of her tits bouncing under her crop tops and her big booty squeezed into her little shorts is nothing compared to what he sees when he passes the bathroom while she's taking a shower. His hot ebony roomie has soaped up her sexy curves and started playing with her pussy! Sarah doesn't even notice at first when he creeps in and starts filming her, but when she finally spies him she says with a smirk that he needs to show her what he's got. Fair is fair! This thot likes the look of his big cock, so Oliver joins her in the shower before she gets on her knees to deepthroat his meat, then rides his cock like a champ and takes his massive load all over her big tits.