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Shay Fox,Kelsey Kane 在 'Brazzers' - Halloween Ghost Hunting Threesome (Brazzers Exxtra)

今天是萬聖節,四位大學生(包括非常炙手可熱的 Kelsey Kane 和 Alex Mack)為了這個特殊場合闖入了一座據說是鬼屋。他們希望找到一個傳說中的「幽靈摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線」(謝伊·福克斯飾)據說會在房子里出沒。Kelsey 和 Alex 並不是鬼魂的忠實信徒,他們更喜歡在陌生的房子裡互相操,但他們即將發生一場摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線的遭遇,因為 Shay 偷偷溜進了這對角質夫婦,並將其變成了一個令人毛骨悚然的三人行!

發布 : 10月27日, 2024
標籤 : 短褲, 無袖衫, 大屁股, , 競技, 高加索, 黑髮, 修剪的貓, Innie貓, 大山雀, 增強, 男性平均身材, 歐洲。, 短髮, 大迪克, 連衣裙, 泡泡屁股, 沖孔, 金發, 高跟鞋, 禿頭的貓, 小山雀, 天然山雀, FFM, 性別, 三人組, Cumshot清理, 中出, 貓Cream, 手交, 接吻, 手淫, 口交, 吹口 - 雙。, 深喉嚨, 面對坐, 貓咪舔, 拍擊, 臥室, 在室內, 大山雀崇拜, 女牛仔, Doggystyle, 操 n 舔。, 傳教士, 反向女牛仔, 他媽的, 萬聖節, 熱門廣告, 4K
男模特 : Alex Mack

Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'
Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'
Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'

圖片來自 Shay Fox,Kelsey Kane 在 'Brazzers' Halloween Ghost Hunting Threesome

Shay Fox 在 'Brazzers' 萬聖節捉鬼三人組 (縮略圖 1)
Shay Fox 在 'Brazzers' 萬聖節捉鬼三人組 (縮略圖 2)
Shay Fox 在 'Brazzers' 萬聖節捉鬼三人組 (縮略圖 3)
Shay Fox 在 'Brazzers' 萬聖節捉鬼三人組 (縮略圖 4)
Shay Fox 在 'Brazzers' 萬聖節捉鬼三人組 (縮略圖 5)
Shay Fox 在 'Brazzers' 萬聖節捉鬼三人組 (縮略圖 6)

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Shay Fox,Kelsey Kane

Kelsey Kane 在 '謝赫·達特戰利品'

Kelsey Kane - 謝赫·達特戰利品


Shay Fox 在 '無盡的um課程'

Shay Fox - 無盡的um課程


Shay Fox 在 '在我身上,不在我的長沙發上'

Shay Fox - 在我身上,不在我的長沙發上


Shay Fox 在 '滑入大灰屁股'

Shay Fox - 滑入大灰屁股

Bill可以多少手指滑入Shay Fox的大屁股?有了這麼厚實多汁的MILF戰利品,你最好相信她可以適合多個!這似乎是不合時宜的,這只是曾經拍攝過的第二個場景,展現了Shay獨特的肛門能力,我們非常高興地為Brazzers的成員帶來了這樣的精神。看到這個華麗的女主人在幾乎沒有g字符串的地板上爬行,被打屁股,直到她的臉頰是粉紅色的,生的,準備好一個肥胖的悸動的公雞,這是一個爆炸。搖滾艱辛,凶狠的走了,比爾用長長的平均雞巴敲打了對接孔,直到他忍不住用沙but shower shower shower。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

Shay Fox 在 'Shay Foxs第一肛門'

Shay Fox - Shay Foxs第一肛門

一名新的瑜伽教練出現在Shay Fox的工作室,申請空缺的教學演出。沙伊告訴急切的申請人,向她展示了他如何上課,引導她進行多次運動。一旦凱蘭在Shay的適合靈活的Milf身上放下手,就變得很清楚,她只是想要他媽的。 Shay把她的新僱員穿過他的步伐,確保他知道如何打屁股多汁的贓物,舔她的原始的丁字褲,然後讓他把他的肥胖的公雞在她緊張的屁股,你見過的最熱的肛交瑜伽課程!

Shay Fox 在 '警察局'

Shay Fox - 警察局

Shay Fox和她的男朋友之間的事情開始變熱了,但是當他們被Danny D的官員打斷的時候,Shay Fox決定用她的魅力和大的假山羊把她和她的男人關進監獄。她開始吮吸他的怪獸公雞,給他一個甜蜜的公眾口交,然後爬上她緊身的紅色連衣裙,把這個雞巴深深的她緊身的MILF貓。她騎著那隻公雞在丹尼的車上,直到她渾身解數,然後給了她一個巨大的面容。

Riley Reid 在 '女同性戀者在鎖定'

Riley Reid - 女同性戀者在鎖定

判決進來了,現在萊利·里德(Riley Reid)因為她沒有承諾而發誓要犯的罪行,值班的守衛是手,但與他的同胞Shay Fox,一個喜歡Riley的小女人的豐滿的MILF domme,他沒有任何關係。一旦他們一起在一起,沙伊就剝離了萊利的監獄橘子,以便在下面的莽撞的小山雀。萊利的驚天動地,也引起了很大的興趣,不久之後她就吸吮了沙伊的大假山羊。這是一個怪異的女同性戀監獄他媽的,因為兩個頑皮的寶貝,他們的腳,綁帶,甚至彼此的濕的小舌頭吸吮彼此。歡迎來到最大的安全性,萊利!

Shay Fox 在 '我的Prom Milf'

Shay Fox - 我的Prom Milf


Shay Fox 在 '你媽媽是個。子'

Shay Fox - 你媽媽是個。子

Xander Corvus和他的女朋友Stacey之間的事情一直很好,除了一個小問題:她的超級控制母親Shay Fox!每次Xander都試圖和Stacey一起度過一點時間,她媽媽就要把它們打破了。所以,當Shay中斷夫婦之間的浪漫晚餐時,幾乎沒有什麼驚喜,要求Stacey做她所說的話,遠離角質的男人。為了證明她的觀點,所有的男人都是角質的,Shay開始吮吸和撫摸Xander的大公雞在她面前! Stacey風暴出來,讓Shay和Xander單獨離開他們他媽的。 Xander的厚厚的公雞在Shay的濕的MILF陰道裡深深的撞到球上,然後在她的臉上和大的假山羊身上吹了一大把,他的關係可能​​已經結束了,但總而言之,這是一個很好的分手方式!

Farrah Dahl 在 '終極布魯姆他媽的冠軍'

Farrah Dahl - 終極布魯姆他媽的冠軍

Farrah Dahl和Shay Fox是今年的Ultimate Brazzers他媽的錦標賽中屢屢爆發的兩個蘭迪對手,兩個蓬勃發展的MILF已經準備好並願意為贏得Ultimate Fucker的冠軍而做出一切努力。 Shay得到最初的優勢,一些時間的摩擦Farrah的大山雀,但是然後Farrah通過舔Shay的漂亮的小貓轉過身來!兩個角質的辣椒在這個世紀他媽的一生中頭頂,直到他們中的一個問到每個人的頭腦,為什麼我們大家都不會相處,他媽的? Shay和Farrah分享裁判Manuel Ferrera的肥胖的公雞,吸吮和他媽的他們的方式到一個怪物面部和Brazzers的終極fucker共享的頭銜!

Shay Fox 在 '在賭場幸運'

Shay Fox - 在賭場幸運

Shay Fox喜歡二十一點,但有些日子她的運氣比其他人差。經過特別殘酷的連敗之後,她開始用她的性感呼吸來運氣,在交易她的卡片時,通過褲子揉搓經銷商的雞巴。管理層抓住他們,所以他們發送了Brick Danger,他們是最有經驗的(更不用說大多數掛起的)經銷商,誰知道如何處理像Shay這樣的角質MILF蕩婦。磚將她帶到後房,把她的衣服撕開,露出她的大山雀,然後她跪下吮吸他的肥豬。經過一個不錯的69,沙伊將磚的大雞巴深深地融入她緊身的MILF貓,並且搭上了她渴望的大量jizz!她可能仍然整體下降,但是當你沉迷時,它永遠不會是糟糕的一天!

Shay Fox 在 '骯髒的警察'

Shay Fox - 骯髒的警察

聯邦調查局代理人Shay Fox已經從她的監視車上長時間地窺探約翰尼·辛。她應該是看犯罪活動,但他的大公雞和他媽的方式驅使她瘋狂。最後,她不能再拿起它了,只是為了讓那個雞巴在她的大山雀之間進行襲擊。原來FBI真正代表的是他媽的乳房馬上!

Shay Fox 在 '曲奇和公雞'

Shay Fox - 曲奇和公雞

今天,沙伊正在為她的女兒烘烤一些餅乾當她的女兒終於回到家裡,似乎是一個新的男朋友時,沙伊感到可怕的是,她的小女孩正在欺騙她的“老”男朋友,Keiran Lucky為Keiran,Shay知道如何為他加油一點點愛和一大堆胸部

來自其他網站的場景特色 Shay Fox,Kelsey Kane

Shay Fox 在 'BBC Hungry Bosslady Shay Fox Submits To Young Phographer'

Shay Fox - BBC Hungry Bosslady Shay Fox Submits To Young Phographer

BBC-Hungry Bosslady Shay Fox Submits To Young Phographer

Shay Fox 在 'Sign It All Over To Shay'

Shay Fox - Sign It All Over To Shay

Fluffy has been a good slave for Goddess Shay? he?s an obedient little loser who has become addicted to smelling her feet and asshole. When he arrives for his humiliation session, Goddess Shay calls him a pathetic little fuck and orders him to crawl to her. She shoves her ass in his face and grinds her asshole on his nose, sending him into subspace. She pulls out a document for him to sign? he asks if he can read it but she tells him to just sign it. He knows he should resist but having her ass on his face has made him weak. She takes pictures of the document and then makes a phone call. She tells Fluffy he just signed a Power of Attorney giving complete power over all his money and assets. She laughs at what an idiot he is and tells him that her friends will be emptying his bank accounts and transferring everything he owns to her. And he will have the humiliation of worshipping the woman who is taking everything from him. She tells him ?I own you. And I?m taking every fucking penny!?. After more ass licking, she puts her big feet in his face? HER FEET ARE BIGGER THAN FLUFFY?S HEAD!! She makes him smell them and then lick up all the sweat from her feet. She makes him worship her ass and feet in a variety of positions while his bank accounts are being drained, reminding him constantly about how he will soon be broke and poor. She sits on his face with her full weight, controlling him? then she uses him to make her pussy cum all over his mouth. In the end, she jerks him off while sitting on his face and degrading him! HOT ASS WORSHIP, FOOT WORSHIP, FACESITTING, FINDOM, AND MORE!

Kelsey Kane 在 'Intimate Massage'

Kelsey Kane - Intimate Massage

Kelsey Kane gets intimately rubbed down before getting passionately fucked.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Disc Golf Threeway'

Kelsey Kane - Disc Golf Threeway

Kelsey Kane plays disc golf with 2 guys and distracts them with her hot body. After the game, they go home to double team her and cover her face with cum.

Chloe Rose 在 'Showering Maids'

Chloe Rose - Showering Maids

Two full service maids clean and do sexy teases while Danny watches. They move over to the shower where they suds each other up. Danny joins in for a wet threesome.

Kelsey Kane 在 'stops by to shower and to fuck her friend's brother'

Kelsey Kane - My Sister's Hot Friend

Kelsey Kane is back from a softball game to shower up at her friend's house. Parker, her friend's brother, can't resist taking a look at Kelsey's sexy body all lathered up in soap. Kelsey makes sure her body is all clean so she can fuck him real good.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Exploding Popcorn'

Kelsey Kane - Exploding Popcorn

Nade wanted to watch a movie with his stepsister, Kelsey Kane. However, she had other plans. She wanted to work out before watching so that she could sit down and eat junk food during the movie. As Nade is waiting for her to finish working out he begins to stare at her perfectly round booty. Watching her workout becomes a bit overwhelming to the point that he can't help himself and starts jerking off to his stepsister. Eventually, as she's done with her workout, he quickly hides his dick inside the popcorn bucket. They sit down to watch the movie and she soon starts reaching inside the bucket to get some popcorn. Just watching her reach in and slightly rub his dick in the process was too much for him to handle, so he unintentionally busts a huge load right out of the popcorn bucket. Kelsey is completely shocked by this but she quickly shifts gears and starts hitting on her stepbrother. From there, they decide to have some real fun. Kelsey took cock in several different positions making her cum multiple times before receiving a huge load all over her face.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Blacks On Blondes'

Kelsey Kane - Blacks On Blondes

Like a lot of young women who come to LA to seek their dreams they get hooked up with shady characters. Take Kelsey Kane for example. Hailing from the Midwest this corn-fed lassie finds a hot stud who takes her into his Beverly Hills pad and she thinks she has it made. So do the other girls crashing in rooms here. Until they don't anymore when he gets busted for embezzlement and they have to leave. Kelsey's life is a mess and she finds herself sitting there moping as movers clear out the house. When they ask her what's wrong and she tells them the only thing that would take her mind off this is a good double dicking they are more than eager to help the girl. Two big black cocks in your face will make you forget whatever your problems are. Gulping down on that enormous serving of man meat is all this little blonde needs and soon she finds her pussy having a train run on it as each man takes turn slamming her meatlocker full of sweet cocks. Riding and fucking Kelsey is in cock heaven and just for a moment is truly happy. This is all any girl really needs. And just like that they blast steaming streamers of hot and salty spunk all over her face. Now it's back to reality. Time to move out.

Willow Ryder 在 'ASStounding Anniversary Gift'

Willow Ryder - ASStounding Anniversary Gift

Kelsey was making plans for her approaching anniversary with Johnny. However, he had other things in mind. Johnny's other girl, Willow, showed up unannounced. He quickly snuck her over to the room to have some fun. Eventually he put a pause on that to go back to handle business with Kelsey but he ended up fucking her and that's when Willow walked in on them. They all decided that having a threesome would definitely be the funner option. Kelsey and Willow teamed up to give Johnny a night to remember. From double BJ to each of them riding individually. Both of these girl's asses are incredible and more so seeing them together. They suck and fuck all over the place before they extract some cum from Johnny's cock.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Arousing Realty'

Kelsey Kane - Arousing Realty

Kelsey is a Jr. Real Estate agent learning the ropes from her hot supervisor. She flirts with him as he tries to show her the ropes but she's more interested in cock!

Kelsey Kane 在 'Big Poolside Booty'

Kelsey Kane - Big Poolside Booty

Ass parade always brings you the best top of line booty and this time around it is no different. We have the amazing Kelsey Kane with us today. She has a fit body, amazing personality and the most round big booty you have ever seen. She is ready to shake that ass and show it off for us! She is not alone, here to please that booty is John Legendary. He is going to give her all the pleasure she desires. Enjoy one of the greatest scenes as Kelsey gets banged from all positions and gets cummed all over her pretty face.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Roadtrip'

Kelsey Kane - Roadtrip

Kelsey and her stepbro are taking a roadtrip in an RV and Dad is driving! They're annoyed by the cramped space at first, but after spotting each other naked, they can't resist trying to get away with fucking without Dad catching them!

Kelsey Kane 在 'Sexy Invitation'

Kelsey Kane - Sexy Invitation

Kelsey climbs into bed and invites Kyle to join her for a passionate fuck.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Super Smooth'

Kelsey Kane - Super Smooth

Kelsey shows off her super smooth pussy until its soaking wet and ready for a big cock.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Cleaning Day'

Kelsey Kane - Cleaning Day

Kelsey Kane cleans the house and takes a shower. She gets soaped up and starts masturbating. Afterwards, she climbs into bed and invites Kyle to join her for a passionate fuck.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Gets A Deep Inspection'

Kelsey Kane - Gets A Deep Inspection

On her way to the gym Kelsey's car wont start. She tries to get the aid of her step dad Jovan to help her, at the least come take a look at it. Javon declares he is too busy and she need to find any other means but him. Not taking no for an answer, and realizing he is not blind to how insanely hot she is, she put a plan into motion. He may have been strong enough to say no to her ass in her biker shorts, but bare ass and oiled up is a different story. Suddenly Javon has all the time in the world. First things first he need to faceplant in her ass. Then after she takes his massive dick down the back of her throat, he fucks her like she had been begging for. He leaves her face plastered in cum. They fucked each other brains out. I don't think either of them remembered her car was not working.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Slippery Temptation'

Kelsey Kane - Slippery Temptation

Kelsey gets soaked in oil and shows off her sexy body in a slippery tease.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Real Estate Tease'

Kelsey Kane - Real Estate Tease

Kelsey is learning about real estate from her boss but she's more interested in his cock. He can't resist her and tears open her clothing for a quick fuck before the client arrives.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Horny Influencers'

Kelsey Kane - Horny Influencers

A travel influencer couple rent an RV to film content in. It's not long before they get horny and fuck each other all over the RV.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Kelsey Loves Roses And BBC's'

Kelsey Kane - Kelsey Loves Roses And BBC's

Kelsey Kane has the perfect body. She's skinny, pretty tall, blonde, and the best of it all, a nice bubble butt. We see her walking on the beach by herself so we decided to give her roses. But now she has to play fuck, marry, kill with our crew. And lucky for her, she chose our boy Jay to fuck, and he's ready for it. We entice Kelsey to come in the van showing her our wad of cash we're willing to pay and she happily climbs in. She just came back from the beach and her ass cheeks were nice and red. Her bubble butt is mesmerizing to look at and the way it perfectly curves when she bends over makes my jaw drop. We love her attitude too, she came in ready to fuck. Kelsey can fit Jay's whole BBC inside her tight little pussy and the way she moans makes me crazy! She even screams every time she cums, it makes me want to jack off right now!

Kelsey Kane 在 'Irresistible BBC'

Kelsey Kane - Irresistible BBC

Kelsey can't resist Jon Jon's BBC and begs him to fill her pussy with as much cum as possible.

Dan Damage 在 'Summer Babe'

Dan Damage - Summer Babe

Kelsey shows off her bikini by the pool before getting fucked under the cabana.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Sex Swing Cumming - 9 Orgasms'

Kelsey Kane - Sex Swing Cumming - 9 Orgasms

Kelsey Kane gets strapped into a sex swing to get her pussy pleased to multiple orgasms.

Kelsey Kane 在 'Kelsey Kane'

Kelsey Kane - Kelsey Kane

Kelsey Kane gets interviewed and fucked on the Casting Couch.

Kelsey Kane 在 '4th Of July Creampies'

Kelsey Kane - 4th Of July Creampies

Kelsey celebrates the 4th of July in the pool. She strips naked and masturbates before going inside and begging Brock to fill her up with cum.

Shay Fox 在 'fucking in the hallway with her black hair'

Shay Fox - fucking in the hallway with her black hair

Christian comes over to Shay's house to confront her about her relationship with his wife. It seems Shay has become a health guru to his wife, and now she exercises and eats healthy and is consumed with physical fitness and the lifestyle.  This means a huge change in Christian's sex life and he is not happy about it.  Shay explains to him that its temporary and things will be back to normal soon.  As for his sex life, Shay is sure she will come around and stop turning him down.  In the meantime though, Christian thinks Shay should help him release some of his sexual frustrations.

Shay Fox 在 'fucking in the desk with her glasses'

Shay Fox - fucking in the desk with her glasses

Seth comes into Prof. Fox classroom and kisses her lightly on the lips. They are having an illicit affair, but its still a secret. Seth asks why he received a "D" on his last paper. He hopes she can change the grade for him since they are fucking. Shay doesn't want to further compromise her integrity and he promised not to ask her for a grade change. Seth begins to leave the room, but she calls him back in. Shay loves him and they kiss passionately. This classroom romance is going to another level as they make sweet love on her desk.



EPISODE 1: THE RED FOX... STEALS THE GOLD AND ALL OF THE CUMI LOVE STROKING GOLD AND A COCK AT THE SAME TIME!The Super Villain, RED FOX (Shay Fox) gets caught while trying to steal a statue made of pure gold. Lucky for her she has weapons that cannot be seen by the naked eye. She is a Soul Sucking Vampire. After immobilizing the hapless security guard she proceeds to seduce him and take his soul inch by inch slowing but inevitably making him her minion for life.Each time Shay edges the guard, he sinks deeper and deeper under her control. Her Supple hands stroke his shaft...Her Luscious Large Lips wrap themselves around the head of his cock like a vice that refuses to let go. He wants to Cum so Bad!!! Her Gigantic Tits engulf his cock and he loses himself further and further into the abyss that is her body. Finally, she makes him blast his Enormous Load... And he is hers forever.EPISODE 2: THE RED FOX RETURNSYOU'RE MINE; NO ONE IS COMING FOR YOU.The Red Fox is Back. Deep within her lair...birds trill... Darkness Reigns while the Super Villainess Red Fox ponders what to do with her latest subverted minion.The Red Fox takes her pleasure and delight in money, precious goods, and the tormenting of different minions she has collected on the way. This time she is subverting a security guard that she used her mesmerizing succubus powers to capture and put under control at the scene of her latest heist.She uses her Gloved Hands playing edgings games with her victim. She draws him closer and closer to the edge, not letting him let loose his massive torrent of Cum that he has been aching to unload. She uses her Tits to further his torment! At this point the Red Fox needs a release too! She masturbates as the guard twitches in agony! Finally, Red Fox feeds...she Milks the guard into her mouth for a massive Oral Creampie Treat...The guard is hers...body and soul.EPISODE 3: DRAINED and USEDYOUR JOB AS ONE OF MY MINIONS IS TO MAKE ME COME AT LEAST 30-40 TIMES A DAY.Your job as a minion to the Red Fox will involve Face Sitting, Ass Smothering, Tit Smothering, and at the end the day you will be Milked so hard that you have no energy left to escape the Red Foxes clutches.She is going to make sure you are engulfed in her ass and pussy as she gets off on your face over and over again. After this, the Milking process begins, she as strokes your cock and then sucks and slurps it like a Lollipop. Finally you can take no more and you blast a huge load into her waiting mouth. You are drained and used up, Your Cum just food for The Red Fox. You are Trapped to remain in The Red Foxes Service Forever.EPISODE 4: THE RED FOX IS SUCKING YOUR SOUL OUT THROUGH YOUR COCK: ONE STROKE, ONE SUCKI'M GOING TO SUCK YOUR SOUL OUT THROUGH YOUR COCK. I'M GOING TO SUCK EVERY DROP.THE RED FOX aka SHAY FOX is ready to feed. BIG RED LIPS ALL OVER YOUR COCK. This is one Super Villainess Succubus that it is going to be impossible to resist. She is going to Lick, Suck, and Slurp your Dick until it is ready to explode. She edges you, One Stroke at a Time. She wants to sure she gets every last drop of your essence out of you.ONE STROKE, ONE SUCK at a time… Then she envelopes your cock in her massive tits, eliciting groans of pleasure form you. Your Cock is more sensitive than it has ever been before and your balls are swollen in agony. She primes you right to the edge over and over making sure you are just right for her needs. Then she takes you; All of you. You erupt with a massive orgasm and your soul is her forever.

Shay Fox 在 'Bound Huge Fake Tit MILF'

Shay Fox - Bound Huge Fake Tit MILF

Big Fake tits in tight rope bondage, Shay Fox begs and pleads fort the orgasms to stop

Shay Fox 在 'Manuel Is A MILFomaniac 2'

Shay Fox - Manuel Is A MILFomaniac 2

Shay Fox Big Tit MILF Facial Demolition. Shay Fox has a problem, she really loves to cum but can only do so with a big dick and a rigorous pounding. Being relegated to just her fingers won't do but luckily Manny comes (cums) to the rescue. Big tits and a big ass, this raven haired MILF, once done with Manuel, no longer has a problem. Good stuff.

Shay Fox 在 'Mommy's Back!'

Shay Fox - Mommy's Back!

Thick-lipped, tattooed, black-haired and buxom, nasty MILF Shay Fox dresses up in heels, stockings and matching lingerie. She rubs her prominent clit, ready to seduce black stud Rob Piper. They make out, with tongue-sucking kisses. Shay strokes and mouth-slathers his meat; spit runs as he fucks her face and chokes her. She fingers her shaved snatch as he eats pussy. Taking a cock ride, Shay creams Rob's thick meat. She bounces back on him in a doggie-style fuck. And she laps balls and sucks dick pussy-to-mouth. Shay adds a vibrator to the fucking and Rob sucks her feet and toes as he plows her cunt. A big, creamy load spunks her mouth, tits and lingerie.

Shay Fox 在 'Big Tit MILF Faces Her Fears to Get Dick'

Shay Fox - Big Tit MILF Faces Her Fears to Get Dick

Big tit MILF is objectified and faces down her fears of small spaces when fucked hard in the head box

Shay Fox 在 'in Naughty Office'

Shay Fox - Naughty Office

Shay Fox is looking over Seth's resume but he has no experience and no degree. Shay is trying to find out where to place Seth as a favor to her friend. There is one very particular skill that Seth has though. He has a big cock and can please Shay all day with it.

Shay Fox 在 'Big Tit MILF Training'

Shay Fox - Big Tit MILF Training

Gorgeous big tit MILF in slave training, tit fuck, hardcore reverse cowgirl, tit torture, nipple predicament bondage

Shay Fox 在 'Cock Service by Two Hot MILF Slaves'

Shay Fox - Cock Service by Two Hot MILF Slaves

Two beautiful MILF slaves service cock on the Upper Floor



Horny MILF in bondage and rough sex!

Shay Fox 在 '- Blacks On Cougars'

Shay Fox - Blacks On Cougars

Shay Fox's daughter, Haley Cummings, has destroyed the heart of one Moe "The Monster" Johnson. It appears as if Moe was extremely close to popping the question to Haley, but she had other ideas and her mom, Shay Fox, is the shoulder Moe is leaning on. Moe's shattered soul is soothed and comforted by the woman who was to be his she's just using this new opportunity to step in where her daughter stepped out. Moe's depression turns into eagerness to get his big black dick sucked by a very hungry cougar. Shay works the same cock that Haley used to satisfy, but now it belongs to a mature woman that knows what she wants. Moe's huge black cock gets to fuck the same hole that Haley came out of 18+ years earlier. The deviant MILF gets her pussy rocked by the same guy that her daughter brought home to meet a while back. However, Shay's not passing the chance to show Moe that cougars appreciate the black man just as much as their daughters.

Shay Fox 在 'Lex Is A Motherfucker 03'

Shay Fox - Lex Is A Motherfucker 03

Shay Fox is a thick, stacked MILF with short black hair and blue eyes. In a red latex bikini and heels, she phones the BBC Stud Club. Enter Lexington Steele, the perfect fit for her tall, dark and hung desires. She wraps her puffy lips around his monster cock and he eats her shaved twat. Lex rubs his BBC on her clit, and the interracial fuck is on. Her creaming pussy straddles his bone, and she licks off the excess froth. Shay strokes her hard knockers as she rides. Finally she licks his balls, and Lex plasters her face, hair and neck with a giant, splashy load.

Shay Fox 在 'Foxy Fitness'

Shay Fox - Foxy Fitness

Dancer, porn star and physical fitness contestant, Shay Fox works hard to stay fit. "As I got older, I had to start watching what I ate and working out a little bit more. When I was young, I drank, I partied all night. I never smoked, but I wasn't good to my body. And then working out became a habit, then I went through a really bad breakup and I focused more on working out, then I did my first fitness show, and I had no business being onstage at that time. I was nowhere near ready in comparison to everybody else, but you have to start somewhere. I've done nine shows since then, and I've done pretty well." Shay got into porn late in life, at least compared to the average girl. But with more and more women in their 30s, 40s and older trying porn today, age has become irrelevant in many ways. "I started when I was 40, so I was in my sexual prime. Uninhibited.

Shay Fox 在 'Ms. Fox and Mr. Fix-It'

Shay Fox - Ms. Fox and Mr. Fix-It

Carlos is an on-call repairman. His job sets him up in the houses of many a cheating wife. Today he is at the home of Shay Fox. Her husband is not around and not expected back. Repairing that wall unit for Ms. Fox won't be the only screwing he'll be doing today. Shay has the house, the big fat ring, and the bling. She also has the time to fuck horny workmen. This busty MILF has her messy blow jobs and fucking skills honed to perfection as these pictures prove. "I started porn when I was 40, so I was in my sexual prime," says Shay, who went from lap dancing to porn four years ago.

Shay Fox 在 'Foxy Lady'

Shay Fox - Foxy Lady

Shay Fox is a new arrival and this is her first SCORE photo shoot. Her first SCORE XXX scene hits on February 15th (2014). She says her special talent is "giving sloppy blow jobs." How did Shay get into modeling and porn? "I was stripping in Spearmint Rhino in Las Vegas. I danced when the money was super great and dancing wasn't over-saturated with people and housewives. It was kind of a taboo thing when I started. I was sitting in the club with my girlfriend, and over a Baccardi and Diet Coke, I said, 'I don't think I want to dance anymore. I think I want to try porn.' And she sent out my pictures, and within 15 minutes, I had my first two scenes." Shay didn't strip and lap dance continuously. Like many other dancers, she took life breaks from it and got into other things, like professional cooking for clients. "I kind of veered in and out of dancing. I was a hairdresser for a long time while I was married, and I stopped dancing altogether.

Shay Fox 在 'Foxy shay'

Shay Fox - Foxy shay

It was Rich's birhtday. So I got him something a little special. But I had to let him think otherwise first for shits and giggles,you guys know how I do. So I had him drive to my boys house to just chill and waste time. Only it wasn't my boy but one of the hottest and horniest MILF's ever! I had her come outside and and he was in utter disbelief. She went by the name of Shay and she was gonna rock Rich's world. He was totally caught off guard and couldn't believe I got her as a sex slave for his birthday gift. She knew how to work it and she was definitely worth every penny. She was gonna make sure Rich celebrated his 27th in grand fashion! Your welcome RICH!

Shay Fox 在 'Daddy Knows Best 3'

Shay Fox - Daddy Knows Best 3

Big, bodacious MILF Shay Fox has heard her daughter's friends discussing their teacher, Sean Michaels. This super-stacked cougar visits Professor Michaels in his classroom to request some private interracial tutoring and a taste of his big black cock. He bends her over his desk, lifts up Shay's sheer, lacy lingerie and slides his massive pole inside her wet pussy from the rear. She drops to her knees and slurps her own fragrant juices from his throbbing shaft. Sean plows the thick babe's mature cunt in an intense session of passionate fucking, finally spurting a creamy load across her massive boobs.

Shay Fox 在 'Milf Attack'

Shay Fox - Milf Attack

Sexy MILF Shay Fox is extra horny after her recent divorce from her husband. All alone in her big house, Shay now has to please herself whenever she sees fit. This fit fox wastes no time in her pleasure session. Squeezing her gigantic tits and warm wet hole.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'The Step Mom Shay Fox'

Jessica Jaymes - The Step Mom Shay Fox

Jessica Jaymes is having issues with her boyfriend so she decides to pay her boyfriend's mom , Shay Fox a visit. After sitting down with her and discussing the issues, Shay comes on to Jessica. Seducing her with her feminine touches and special toys!

Shay Fox 在 'Evil Cuckold 5'

Shay Fox - Evil Cuckold 5

Married MILF Shay Fox is dissatisfied at home. So the muscular, super-stacked, mature slut has devised a plan to seduce her personal trainer, Sean Michaels, and enjoy some sweaty, forbidden fun. Shay reaches into Sean's gym pants and releases his enormous black cock, wraps her mouth around the hard shaft and worships its length. Sean bends her over and shoves his giant unit deep into Shay's juicy cunt from behind. This huge-breasted brunette cheater rides Sean's big bone and licks his manly asshole, and when she's fulfilled her interracial jones, the black stud rewards Shay with a creamy cum facial.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Doungeon Matrix'

Jessica Jaymes - Doungeon Matrix

Pornstars Shay Fox and Jessica Jaymes love to roll play. Watch Shay take Jessica to her underground dungeon where she fucks, spanks and eats Jessica's tight pussy , making her cum her creamy juices all over her mouth.

Shay Fox 在 'Meeting Shay Fox'

Shay Fox - Meeting Shay Fox

Retro super slut Shay Fox is one hot MILF. This disco diva is hot, horny and ready to show off her massive tits and toned ass. After stripping naked on her checkered floor, Shay manipulates her tight twat and brings herself to a full blown orgasm.

Shay Fox 在 'Fuck POV'

Shay Fox - Fuck POV

Shay fox is one sexy MILF that knows how to fuck. This seasoned porn pro wastes no time getting right down to business. With her beautiful blue eyes gazing up at you with a mouth full of dick, Shay will have you stiff in no time. And when you are she will ride you and fuck you until you cum all over her pretty face.

Shay Fox 在 'BJ'

Shay Fox - BJ

Shay Fox is new in the scene but this hot MILF has skills. The combination of her huge tits, jet black hair and piercing blue eyes staring right back up at you while you jam your huge cock into the back of her throat will have you cumming in seconds. This seasoned pornstar knows exactly how to get you off and take a nasty facial.

Shay Fox 在 'Is Ready For Cock!'

Shay Fox - Is Ready For Cock!

Shay Fox is a MILF that's in shape. She rock solid and has a figure of a goddess. Seth should consider himself lucky. Shay Fox is coming for one thing only and that's his cock. No need for small talk when it comes to fucking this MILF. All she wants to do is FUCK some cock with stamina. These studs at BangBros has what she's in need off and then some. Seth represented for us just fine. Don't miss out!

Shay Fox 在 'Mom's Creampie'

Shay Fox - Mom's Creampie

Who is ready to watch a Big Tit gorgeous MILF get fucked and left her pussy dripping with warm cream. Shay Fox stops by and shows us her rock solid body with her massive jugs, her thick sexy legs look like they could put anyone in a leg lock and squeeze the life out of them. Champ gives this veteran her moneys worth when he pounds her tight little pussy till its swollen and left soaking wet with baby batter. Enjoy

Shay Fox 在 'Cooking It Up'

Shay Fox - Cooking It Up

Shay Fox is cooking it up on today's new update of Milf Soup. Pasta is what's for dinner, but we would rather see that sexy body of hers. Wasting no time at all, Shay Fox whipped out her massive titties. Damn! Those look so fucking delicious. Brycen thought so too! He was on them titties like white on rice. Next thing you know. Shay was on the floor helping herself to a serving of stiff dick. After sucking the cock for a bit. Brycen took her to the room where all the magic happens. Don't miss out!

Shay Fox 在 'and Christian in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Shay Fox - My Wife's Hot Friend

Christian comes over to Shay's house to confront her about her relationship with his wife. It seems Shay has become a health guru to his wife, and now she exercises and eats healthy and is consumed with physical fitness and the lifestyle.  This means a huge change in Christian's sex life and he is not happy about it.  Shay explains to him that its temporary and things will be back to normal soon.  As for his sex life, Shay is sure she will come around and stop turning him down.  In the meantime though, Christian thinks Shay should help him release some of his sexual frustrations.