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Shay Sights,Ken Feels 在 'Brazzers' - Setting Her Sights On A Gangbang (Brazzers Exxtra)

Shay Sights 的丈夫邀請了他的四個朋友來觀看這場盛大的比賽!當自私的丈夫對 Shay 不屑一顧,然後讓她為男人們帶零食時,Shay 決定把他的朋友偷走。這導致了沙發後面偷偷摸摸的三人行,然後在臥室里進行了一場完整的輪姦!可憐的老公直到為時已晚才弄清楚。

發布 : 9月25日, 2024
標籤 : 男性平均身材, 美國男人, 灰色。, 短髮, 大迪克, 肌肉發達的男人, 歐洲。, 連衣裙, 小屁股, , 競技, 高加索, 黑髮, 妻子, 禿頭的貓, Innie貓, 大山雀, 增強, 棕色頭髮。, 鋼棒, 狂歡, 性別, 暨射擊, 面部, 多次清理, 手交, 偷偷摸摸, 噴出, 口交, 吹牛 - 三路。, 深喉嚨, 他媽的, 作嘔, 貓指著, 拍擊, 臥室, 在室內, 客廳, 肛門, 大山雀崇拜, 作弊, 情人幻想, 雙穿透 - DP。, 第一個幫派, 芭蕾舞女演員, 女牛仔, 牛仔吹口, Doggystyle, 狗式 - 站立。, Doggystyle口交, DP BJ, 傳教士, 傳教士BJ, 反向女牛仔, 他媽的, Side Fuck BJ, 熱門廣告, 4K
男模特 : Damon Dice, Vince Karter, Will Pounder

Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'
Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'
Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'

圖片來自 Shay Sights,Ken Feels 在 'Brazzers' Setting Her Sights On A Gangbang

Shay Sights 在 'Brazzers' 將目光投向輪姦 (縮略圖 1)
Shay Sights 在 'Brazzers' 將目光投向輪姦 (縮略圖 2)
Shay Sights 在 'Brazzers' 將目光投向輪姦 (縮略圖 3)
Shay Sights 在 'Brazzers' 將目光投向輪姦 (縮略圖 4)
Shay Sights 在 'Brazzers' 將目光投向輪姦 (縮略圖 5)
Shay Sights 在 'Brazzers' 將目光投向輪姦 (縮略圖 6)

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Shay Sights,Ken Feels

Logan Exx 在 '屁股碾壓角質家庭主婦'

Logan Exx - 屁股碾壓角質家庭主婦

Rico 只是想做他作為園藝師的工作。如果謝伊和她的丈夫洛根在他工作時忙著做愛,他就忍不住了。如果性感的熟女 Shay 對年輕男人有眼光——也就是他,他也無能為力!看著 Rico 試圖在這個角質家庭主婦渴望的屁股上得到它,同時避免被她嫉妒的丈夫剪掉!

Mellanie Monroe 在 '肛門給你,但不是為他'

Mellanie Monroe - 肛門給你,但不是為他

新移民和鄰居文斯(Vince)正在等待他的互聯網連接,當他決定詢問他的鄰居 - 已婚夫婦Ken和Mellanie - 他是否可以連接他的遊戲機並在那裡玩一會兒。肯希望與這位妻子進行一些,但不得不接受安慰,因為梅拉妮只是不喜歡它。也就是說,直到她看到文斯在做什麼!現在她必須想辦法讓文斯的大雞巴在她的屁股和她的丈夫身上消失!

Shay Sights 在 '與繼母2過夜'

Shay Sights - 與繼母2過夜

華麗的謝伊·維斯和她的繼子紮克·懷爾德沒有意識到他們在旅途中必須共用一個汽車旅館的房間。只有一張床和大量的性張力,很難抗拒誘惑。紮克勃起了,謝伊盡最大努力説明他,把他抽搐起來。但是,在角質的繼子射精之前,他們發現自己處於一個全面的他媽的會議中。饑餓的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線承擔了他厚厚的粘稠負荷 - 但她會告訴她的丈夫什麼?

Shay Sights 在 '為她的女兒做'

Shay Sights - 為她的女兒做

當Shay Sights得知她的女兒被鄰居的混蛋欺負時,她決定將事情交到自己手中,並向欺負者拜訪! Shay朝他的房子走去,但惡霸的垃圾父親Keiran Lee接了門。凱蘭(Keiran)on著他的嘴,他的目光盯住了性感的憤怒摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線,摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線譴責了他,假設他的大嘴巴可以彌補他的小雞巴!當克里斯西(Krissy)意識到自己是多麼不對勁時,她與凱蘭(Keiran)達成協議:如果他告訴兒子要遠離女兒,她會他媽的他的。

Shay Sights 在 '公雞痴迷老師'

Shay Sights - 公雞痴迷老師


Shay Sights 在 '像管道一樣放管'

Shay Sights - 像管道一樣放管

這是米克曾經不得不打電話給水管工的第一次。 Shay Sights與他期待的完全相反!她一整天都在修理他的漏水槽,米克的眼睛被鎖在她襯衫上的巨大山雀上。當這份工作完成後,米克只需要找出一種方法,將這個Milf hottie從浴室送到臥室,所以他可以潤滑他的公雞和他媽的屁股。

Shay Sights 在 '立即行動,稍後屁股'

Shay Sights - 立即行動,稍後屁股


Shay Sights 在 '白日夢'

Shay Sights - 白日夢

盧卡斯不能停止幻想他媽的他華麗的同事。它是不間斷的那些大甜美的小餡餅,那些他媽的我的眼睛 - 他只是不能彈出來!他沒有意識到的是,Shay女士也在做一個小白日夢...她正在計劃讓她成為現實,正確!

Shay Sights 在 '他媽的你的法拉利'

Shay Sights - 他媽的你的法拉利


Shay Sights 在 'Frankendick的新娘'

Shay Sights - Frankendick的新娘

弗蘭肯德克博士的城堡深處,怪物弗蘭肯德克(Frankendick)擁有太大的公雞,以搗蛋uck。。 Frankendick博士必須創造一個可以處理Frankendick的怪獸的蕩婦!但是,這個妓女愛公雞,所以她不能得到足夠的,所以弗蘭肯迪克打電話給幾個朋友,幫助歹徒弗蘭肯德里克的新娘!

Shay Sights 在 '你做我說的話'

Shay Sights - 你做我說的話

Shay Sights的丈夫是這樣的混蛋。首先,他甚至不想把它粘在她緊身的Milf的陰道裡,最長的時間,然後他帶來了一些浮華和他的朋友比爾回家。他想要他的妻子知道她只是一個榮耀的妓女,所以他告訴她脫下身體,露出赤裸裸的身體。那個混蛋的丈夫可能認為他很尷尬她,但是沙伊知道比爾會給她一直渴望的好爸爸。

Shay Sights 在 'Weve Cum A Long Way'

Shay Sights - Weve Cum A Long Way

安東尼最近離婚了他的高中甜心,一直在很難處理它。他的鄰居Shay Sights一直在等待這一刻,她打算用緊的貓平息他的悲傷。

Shay Sights 在 '三打,你還好嗎'

Shay Sights - 三打,你還好嗎


Shay Sights 在 'Whoredom治愈無聊'

Shay Sights - Whoredom治愈無聊

Shay Sights是一個孤獨的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線,其丈夫Reginald不​​斷前往商務旅行。他代替與妻子度過的時間,發送包裹讓她感覺美麗。相反,他們只讓她感到不滿。有一天,她從Mick Blue的門口收到一個敲門聲,他自願為她服務。在與米克進行即席拍攝之後,Shay將她的目光放在了米克的傢伙身上。

Shay Sights 在 '我媽媽的室友'

Shay Sights - 我媽媽的室友

Shay Sights是一個熱媽媽,她有一些認真的山雀。當她在度假期間來到她的兒子時,她不能幫助自己周圍的英俊的室友。但是沒關係,他也不能幫助自己,特別是當他每天都滿臉滿臉的時候。

Kianna Dior 在 '當你四點'

Kianna Dior - 當你四點


Shay Sights 在 '早安公雞'

Shay Sights - 早安公雞


Jewels Jade 在 '它的一個美麗的小雞在鄰里'

Jewels Jade - 它的一個美麗的小雞在鄰里


Shay Sights 在 '賄賂法'

Shay Sights - 賄賂法


Shay Sights 在 '不要忘了奶油!'

Shay Sights - 不要忘了奶油!


Shay Sights 在 '法律的長假陽具'

Shay Sights - 法律的長假陽具


Shay Sights 在 '午餐袋奶'

Shay Sights - 午餐袋奶


Shay Sights 在 '平面上的山雀第3部分'

Shay Sights - 平面上的山雀第3部分

這是“飛機山雀”的最後一章,Shay Sights在中途渴望一些大公雞,唯一一個似乎需要的東西是Tony Di Sergio船長...她會坐在駕駛艙給他一點點訪問

Shay Sights 在 'Mominatrix'

Shay Sights - Mominatrix


Shay Sights 在 '認識我的無恥的妻子'

Shay Sights - 認識我的無恥的妻子


來自其他網站的場景特色 Shay Sights,Ken Feels

Essie Got Back 在 'wants her friend's husband's cock pounding her tight pussy'

Essie Got Back - My Wife's Hot Friend

Essie Got Back is getting ready to fly home after spending a great time with her friend and friend's husband. She is sad to leave because she wanted to get laid but didn't manage to pick up anyone. Since her friend sleeps like a rock, she figures she could fuck fuck Max and scream without waking her friend up and seeing his dripping cum all over her pretty face.

Bianca Bangs 在 'Naughty Bookworms'

Bianca Bangs - Naughty Bookworms

Bianca Bangs is strapped for cash and might need to drop her favorite class. Her professor would hate to see her drop his class so he makes a little arrangement with her. He'll be her sugar daddy and make sure the class is paid for and in return Bianca can study his cock.

Kelly Caprice 在 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Kelly Caprice - My Wife's Hot Friend

Kelly Caprice is visiting her friend from out of state and has reservations at a local place to catch up. Ken is waiting for her to get dressed so they can meet at the restaurant but she hasn't decided what to wear. She tries on a dress right in front of him and he can barely control himself. Her big giant tits are a huge turn-on for him and she can tell. Kelly decides, as long as it's kept a secret, she'll let her friend's husband have fun with her big tits and wet pussy before she leaves town.

Blake Blossom 在 'The Keys To Happiness - S20:E1'

Blake Blossom - The Keys To Happiness - S20:E1

Busty and beautiful, Blake Blossom primps in front of the mirror for a dinner reservation. She asks her boyfriend Ken Feels if he's ready, but Ken can't find his keys. Blake spies the keys and playfully puts them down her dress. Plopping down onto the couch, she tells Ken they should play hot and cold for them.Eventually Ken realizes that the keys must be on Blake's person. She continues to play her hot and cold game as he works his way down her body. When Ken pulls her miniskirt up and tugs her thong aside to eat her trimmed cooch, Blake lets him know that he's blazing hot. He's on fire as he finger bangs Blake to an orgasm.Ken gets to his feet at Blake's insistence and watches the keys fall away along with her dress. They agree that it would be best to skip their reservation in favor of fucking. Blake rewards Ken's excellent decision making by dropping to her knees to suck him down in an enthusiastic blowjob.Sitting Ken down on the couch, Blake climbs into his lap. She sinks down on his hardon, taking him in inch by delicious inch. When she's fully seated, she begins rocking her hips in a rhythm designed to bring them both absolute delight.Blake gets on her knees next, inviting Ken back inside. He is quick to oblige, shoving home to give Blake the doggy style pussy pounding she needs. When Blake disengages long enough to get on her back, Ken is quick to reenter her at this new angle of penetration.They wind things down as Blaky lays on her side with one leg held in the air and Ken buried deep in her twat. When her appetite for sex is finally sated, Blake resumes her position crouched in front of her love. Stroking with purpose, she works Ken with a handie until he explodes on her big naturals.

Angel Youngs 在 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Angel Youngs - My Daughter's Hot Friend

It's Spring Break and Angel Youngs & Jazmin Luv are chilling poolside when they notice their friend's dad. They get so horny just checking out this DILF that they have to have him -- like now! They invite him over to their room for some naughty fun with their wet college pussies. Yes, that's right, a gold ol' threesome to start off their Spring Break.

Ken Feels 在 'Dessert Before Dinner - S46:E8'

Ken Feels - Dessert Before Dinner - S46:E8

Ken Feels and Myra Moans are getting ready for date night. Once Myra has finished getting dressed, she approaches her boyfriend and asks about their dinner. Ken tries to come on to Myra then and there, but she puts him off, telling him that they don't have time before their reservations.Still feeling playful, Ken comes back at Myra to play wrestle with her. He winds up picking up his pocket sized girlfriend and carrying her to bed. When Ken spreads Myra's thighs and tugs her panties aside so he can run his tongue up her slit, Myra lets her head fall back on a moan and gives in to the sensual energy thrumming between them.Now that Ken has gotten Myra right where he wants her, he takes his time eating her out. Pulling Myra's top down, he even gets his hands involved. Myra barely has time to do some playing of her own with Ken's hardon before he has rolled her onto her side so he can spoon behind her as he shoves nice and deep.Myra gets on her knees next so that Ken can finally relieve her of her dress. When he takes her from behind in that position, Myra can't help her mewl of delight. Her hips are in constant motion, rocking back to meet her boyfriend stroke for stroke.Ken gets on his back next, letting Myra take the reins. She responds by sliding down on his fuck stick until she is fully impaled in cowgirl. After riding until her moans are breathy, Myra falls onto her back to let Ken plunge back into her. He pulls out at the exact moment he cums, giving Myra a salty dessert to enjoy before their dinner reservation.

Ellie Nova 在 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Ellie Nova - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Ellie Nova is over her friend's side hustling for some extra cash to get her through college. While her friend is out she takes advantage of the alone time and gets online to show off her big natural tits and nice round ass for that cash. Her friend's Dad walks in on her and she's really embarrassed, but also finds out that he knows all about her side hustle and wants to make a deal. He'll support what she's doing and in return, she'll treat him to all of his sexual fantasies; a win-win for them both.

Shay Sights 在 'Naughty Office'

Shay Sights - Naughty Office

Shay Sights has to call in an employee to discipline due to some NSFW activity on his monitered cell phone. It's costing her company money and she is not having it. Unless she gets a piece of the action. Shay is turned on reading all the nasty texts and if he doesn't want to lose his job, she better get it good and hard.

Layla Jenner 在 'Immense Pleasure - 10 Orgasms'

Layla Jenner - Immense Pleasure - 10 Orgasms

Layla gets her pussy fucked until she cums over and over again.

Andi Avalon 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Andi Avalon - Neighbor Affair

Andi Avalon is new in the neighborhood and she already has a new cock to fuck. While her neighbor's wife is out, Andi stops by his house in sexy lingerie to get her pussy stuffed. But her neighbor has a naughty game he likes to play. He has her call her husband and carry on a conversation while she's getting dicked down. Her neighbor does the same and rings up his wife as Andi sucks and fucks his cock. Her neighbor loses the game though as he moans with pleasure while busting a nut in Andi's mouth. Good Game.

Serenity Cox 在 'Naughty Serenity Fucks Young Stud While Hubby Watches'

Serenity Cox - Naughty Serenity Fucks Young Stud While Hubby Watches

Perfectly faithful on paper, a conservative couple keeps up the appearance of piety but dabbles in the hotwife life on vacation. Nobody, not even her husband, saw Serenity coming...

Cherry Kiss 在 'Dirty Wives Club'

Cherry Kiss - Dirty Wives Club

Cherry Kiss is tired of being left alone by her traveling husband. She has sexual desires that are not being met and is so fucking horny she calls over her neighbor for some hard pounding that will tame that hot pulsating pretty pussy of hers.

Bobbie Lavender 在 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Bobbie Lavender - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Purple haired cutie, Bobbie Lavender, stops by her friend's house to meet up and do some shopping. She's a little early though and makes herself at home while waiting for her friend. Bobbie makes it over to the bathroom where she finds some sexy lingerie that her friend's dad must of bought for his wife. Bobbie really likes the lingerie and decides to try the lingerie on. That's when her friend's dad walks in on her. Bobbie explains that she really likes the lingerie and her friend's dad thinks maybe she can keep it if she does a little favor for him as well. Bobbie knows what that means and jumps at the chance to fuck her friend's dad if it means she gets to keep the lingerie.

Kimmy Kimm 在 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Kimmy Kimm - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Kimmy Kimm is over for a study date waiting on her friend and stumbles on her friend's dad jerking off. She's so turned on that she convinces him she won't tell if she gets to see more. She has a thing for older men and can't help herself to take it all in her wet dripping pussy.

River Lynn 在 'American Daydreams'

River Lynn - American Daydreams

Blonde cutie River Lynn is studying for her exam with her best friend. Her friend went out to get some sandwiches and then Ken arrives to find River all by herself. They start chatting and he asks River if she would have a drink with him sometime. yeah right, the only way she gets his big cock sliding in and out of her wet pussy is in his dreams.

Ken Feels 在 'My Teacher And I Make History - S45:E20'

Ken Feels - My Teacher And I Make History - S45:E20

Molly Little is getting history tutoring from Ken Feels. She's not really paying attention since she's super into her tutor, but before that can come to a head Ken's phone buzzes with a severe thunderstorm warning. That's Molly's opportunity, and she doesn't hesitate to make her move.Crawling her pint sized body into Ken's lap, Molly grinds against him while also delivering a nice kiss. She can feel how hard he is, so despite his weak protest that they should be studying she knows that they're going to take their time fucking instead. Slithering down Ken's body, Molly tugs his pants off and his cock out of his boxers.Sucking Mr. Feels off is just the first thing on Molly's to-do list. As the thunder keeps on crashing outside, she goes back to straddling Ken's lap and grinding against him as she flaunts her little titties with their hard nips. With such a tease bumping up against him, Ken can't deny his need to peel Molly out of the rest of her clothes and eat her bare snatch.Molly takes things even further as she sits Ken down and impales herself on his hardon. Ken can keep on mouthing those nippies as Molly rides his dick, but he needs something harder and deeper. Molly can oblige! She rolls onto her side so Ken can take her in his arms and spoon her from behind.Rolling Molly onto her back, Ken lifts one of her legs until her foot rests on his pec. That lets him go to town pounding her creamy cooch. He keeps it up until Molly is pulsing around him, and then pulls out so she can stroke him off all over her stomach.

Shay Sights 在 'Her Mommy's Got a Dark Temper!'

Shay Sights - Her Mommy's Got a Dark Temper!

Some people go into the world of their ghostly reveries so deeply that they stop noticing the obvious reality. They sit voluntarily imprisoned in their castles of clouds, dress up as fictional characters, prepare for parties with like-minded fellows wearing rose-tinted glasses, and do not even realize, for example, that their mommies are fucking their own boyfriends in the next room...

Shay Sights 在 'has her eyes locked in on one big cock'

Shay Sights - has her eyes locked in on one big cock

Shay Sights has a workout session with her son's friend when she accidentally knees his balls. She insists on helping him out by having him sit down and take off his pants. To her surprise, her son's friend has a big dick and she can't help but be turned on. Shay enjoys herself to some dick in the gym. It'll be their big secret that they can continue on behind her son's back.

Shay Sights 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Shay Sights - My Friend's Hot Mom

Shay Sights gets an unexpected dick pic from her son's friend Tyler by accident. It was meant for a someone he's trying to hook up with. She tells him that you shouldn't just send a picture of your dick to someone and expect anything to happen. Shay shows him how to set the tone in person, paying attention to que's, and then taking action on ultimately pleasing her.

Shay Sights 在 'Fuck Me Like Your Dad Doesn't'

Shay Sights - Fuck Me Like Your Dad Doesn't

Shay Sights went to relax at the pool. Her plan was to relax all the way! She brought her big dildo. First she oiled her body then the dildo. Then it was time for the fun. Very slowly she slid it in her ass. She moved it back and forth and moaned. Meanwhile Johnny Love came home from school and saw his step mom doing the nasty. He hid and was jerking off while watching her. His hiding place wasn't too good and she spotted him. She threatened to tell his dad unless Johnny wouldn't help her analy. She sucked his dick to get him going. Then he put his dick in her ass and they fucked in riding, doggy, spoon and mish until Johnny came in her face.

Shay Sights 在 'Stepmom Drives Me Nuts - S18:E4'

Shay Sights - Stepmom Drives Me Nuts - S18:E4

Codey Steele is putting off doing his driver's test because there's no real incentive for him to move forward with his life. After all, his stepmom Shay Sights has been basically acting as his personal chauffeur. Shay is tired of being at her stepson's beck and call, so she has decreed that Codey is going to learn to drive, no matter what. Shay decides to help Codey study, but her big bazongas and hard nipples are a constant distraction to him.Once Shay figures out that the problem is her boobs, she has a way to help him out. Handing him a steering wheel, she tells him to act like he's driving. She hikes her miniskirt to show off her pussy in her sheer undies, then pops her tits out. Any time Codey looks, Shay tells him he's crashed again. Eventually, she instructs him to just go jerk off and get it out of his system. Codey is taken aback, but his hesitation gives Shay an even better idea: She's going to fuck the shit out of her stepson so he goes in and aces his driver's test without getting distracted by his second head. Spreading her thighs, Shay tells Codey to get in there and lick stepmommy's pussy.Eventually Shay has Codey sit up straight. Telling him to keep his hands on the steering wheel, she leans in and shows him how a real woman sucks cock. Her sloppy deep throat BJ just winds Codey up even higher. Shay is happy to take advantage of that big one by bending over and taking a doggy style pounding. Climbing on top of Codey, Shay bounces away in reverse cowgirl. She then falls onto her back and hikes one ankle over her stepson's shoulder to open herself nice and wide for him to bang her. Pulling out at the last moment, Codey nuts on Shay's smooth twat which Shay hopes will make it easier for him to concentrate on his driving test.

Shay Sights 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Shay Sights - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Shay Sights has caught her favorite student sharing notes with other students -- particularly the females. It's time for some disciplinary action and she tells him to pull out his cock to shove it in her wet pussy.

Shay Sights 在 '- Watching My Mom Go Black'

Shay Sights - Watching My Mom Go Black

Seems stepson Elias is having a hard time getting any sleep with all the fucking his stepmom is doing. Even better - she's not fucking his dad. She's fucking big black men whenver his dad is out of town. And he has to hear it all night long. Her moans of pleasure. The headboard banging against the wall. The mattress squeeking as cock after cock rails her dripping wet milf hole. So Elias decides to tell her he is fed up with not being able to get any sleep and you know what his step mom does? She says "oh so you can't sleep listening to me get a little pleasure in life cause you are too busy imagining what I'm doing. You can watch." Say what? What the fuck - you want me to watch. Turns out a new black lover has just arrived and Elias gets a front row ticket to watch his stepmom handle some seriously large cockage. The man who will be fucking his slut of a stepmom is Jovan and he comes packing a big one. Elias is scared for her but she takes it like she's in heat and once she gets it through the initial insertion it's smooth sailing. Damn is she in bimbo heaven as she grunts and rides that big black pole like it's her last day on earth. Covered in cum she shows off her accomplishment as Elias questions his life. Will he too one day grow up to be a cuck like his dad?

Shay Sights 在 'fucking in the classroom with her big tits'

Shay Sights - fucking in the classroom with her big tits

Professor Sights calls Bill into her classroom after hours and tells him that he's not doing so well in her course. He's worried that if he fails he wont' be able to keep his football scholarship, and that won't fly. What will fly, according to the professor, is showing Bill her expertise in deepthroating and trading him a nice hard fuck for a nice good grade. School is in session.

Shay Sights 在 'Cougar Shay Sights fucking in the floor with her tits'

Shay Sights - Cougar Shay Sights fucking in the floor with her tits

Shay Sights has a thing for younger guys and isn't shy about letting them know it. After she finds out that her current client is only slightly older than her boyfriend, she doesn't waste any time sinking her teeth into some new prey and taking his load on her face!!!

Shay Sights 在 'fucking in the classroom with her black hair'

Shay Sights - fucking in the classroom with her black hair

Danny is coming to class tired because he has been clubbing all night and Shay Sights doesn't want any excuse. He's going to learn the hard way by...screwing her!

Shay Sights 在 'fucking in the living room with her piercings'

Shay Sights - fucking in the living room with her piercings

Shay Sight is mad about her husband always coming home late. She works hard and manages to get home on time and to top it off her husband did not even give her a early bird fucking! what the hell! she is getting some cock right now and thats that!!

Shay Sights 在 'gives Anthony more than a tip!!!'

Shay Sights - Seduced By A Cougar

Shay Sights forgot her purse at the car wash. An employee finds it and decides to take the purse to her. She's so grateful that she wants to tip him in a very special way. It involves her wet pussy and mouth. And when she sees those muscles on him, it makes her hornier and hornier every second. She so turned on and into it that she lets him cum in her mouth!

Shay Sights 在 'wants Ricky to do some chores and ride his cock!!'

Shay Sights - Seduced By A Cougar

Shay Sights has Ricky do some work around the house for her. He just finished up and needs to move on to more houses so he can pay his tuition but Shay doesn't want to let him go just yet! She's been watching him closely and now she wants to help him out with a little extra tip by having him take care of her wet pussy and pleasure her.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Jessica Meets Shay Sights'

Jessica Jaymes - Jessica Meets Shay Sights

Jessica Jaymes and Shay Sights are two hot pornstars that love to fuck! Shay has a booty for days and Jessica takes advantage of every extra in and curve of her voluptuous body! This salt and pepper duo ravage each other bodies like two lesbian teenagers. Swapping swot, finger fucking and cunt munching. Thank you guys for letting us watch you two hot sluts fuck!

Shay Sights 在 'Stripper Dancer'

Shay Sights - Stripper Dancer

Busty pornstar Shay Sights is feeling extremely horny and wants you to watch. Spy on her as she exposes her extremely curving body, rolling around and touching herself at the stripper experience club. Shay soon slips her fingers between her legs, rubs her tiny tight hole, and makes herself cum. All wile you are watching.

Shay Sights 在 'Cum Loving Cougar Shay Sights Takes Anal'

Shay Sights - Cum Loving Cougar Shay Sights Takes Anal

Private XXX brings you the busty cougar Shay Sights! Private's Superstar wastes no time, she opens up her mouth and gives her man a sloppy blowjob showing him just how far a milf can deep throat. Then, she bends over and takes some young man meat hard from behind, taking a doggie style pounding! Shay Sights shoves her face to the floor and lifts her ass up to take him even deeper in her warm wet pussy. This brunette cougar loves ass play, she sits on her man's fat cock and grinds him with some hard sensual anal. Then, she has her ass split some more as he pounds her hard and fast, letting her big boobs jiggle to his pumps. To finish, Shay gets down low and takes a huge facial, licking her lips before going ATM and sucking up the rest of his cumshot.

Shay Sights 在 'Stripper Blowjob'

Shay Sights - Stripper Blowjob

Sexy pornstar Shay Sights loves to tease and aims to please. Enjoy watching this fine specimen go balls deep on your dick. Working it like a cock hungry slut. Using her spit, hands and warm tongue, she manipulates every inch of your solid cock. You enjoy blasting her trashy little mouth with all of your man good!

Shay Sights 在 'Load Warriors 2'

Shay Sights - Load Warriors 2

Sensuous superslut Asa Akira, exotic Latina Brooklyn Lee and busty Asian doll London Keyes are horny to give head. Fortunately, horny performer is ready with his big cock! The three girls let the stud taste their sweet buttholes. Then the nasty trio works their hungry lips over his hard shaft and dangling balls while he shoots POV-style. These messy sluts deep-throat his pole, slobbering, gagging, swapping gobs of gooey spit, and they tongue the anus. After cock spurts a hot load into their mouths, the girls snowball his cum and kiss. That's teamwork!

Shay Sights 在 'Sights Seeing'

Shay Sights - Sights Seeing

After three years of absence, Shay is back and she's hotter than ever!!! She's been craving big cock and she's telling us all about it!!! She's also a registered esthetician so she spends some of her time waxing other women's bikini line... Enjoy!