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Aubree Valentine,Melissa Stratton 在 'Brazzers' - Step Sibling Rivalry and Fucking Selfies (Hot And Mean)

奧布里·瓦倫丁(Aubree Valentine)正在玩一個有趣的時光,獨自玩一個用自拍棒假陽具操她的陰部的遊戲,而且很熱。突然,奧布里的媽媽來到門口介紹她的新繼妹梅麗莎斯特拉頓。 梅麗莎對奧布里的遊戲很聰明,在奧布里媽媽的背後偷走了她的玩具,並引誘奧布里來從她那裡拿回它。 奧布里順著吸力假陽具發現梅麗莎把它安裝在客臥門上。奧布里接過玩具,剪刀吃梅麗莎的陰戶。

發布 : 5月23日, 2023
標籤 : 連衣裙, 泡泡屁股, , 競技, 高加索, 褐髮, 繼妹, , 修剪的貓, Innie貓, 小山雀, 天然山雀, 贓物短褲, T卹, Outie Pussy, 大山雀, 增強, 性別, 手淫, 口交, 面對坐, 貓指著, 貓咪舔, 拍擊, 臥室, 在室內, 女同性戀, 69, 剪式, 他媽的, 假陽具, 性玩具, 熱門廣告, 4K

Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'

圖片來自 Aubree Valentine,Melissa Stratton 在 'Brazzers' Step Sibling Rivalry and Fucking Selfies

Aubree Valentine 在 'Brazzers' 繼兄弟姐妹競爭和他媽的自拍 (縮略圖 1)
Aubree Valentine 在 'Brazzers' 繼兄弟姐妹競爭和他媽的自拍 (縮略圖 2)
Aubree Valentine 在 'Brazzers' 繼兄弟姐妹競爭和他媽的自拍 (縮略圖 3)
Aubree Valentine 在 'Brazzers' 繼兄弟姐妹競爭和他媽的自拍 (縮略圖 4)
Aubree Valentine 在 'Brazzers' 繼兄弟姐妹競爭和他媽的自拍 (縮略圖 5)
Aubree Valentine 在 'Brazzers' 繼兄弟姐妹競爭和他媽的自拍 (縮略圖 6)

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Aubree Valentine,Melissa Stratton

Melissa Stratton 在 '的朋友'

Melissa Stratton - 的朋友

Danny D 在這個女孩梅麗莎·斯特拉頓 (Melissa Stratton) 的性感故事中扮演的好朋友,她在男人面前運氣不佳。她的前任出軌了,她很沮喪,而且她剛剛搬進了一個新家,裡面有所有這些大箱子和電器。丹尼知道如何讓她振作起來,監視她,制定一個計劃來操她......操她!

Aubree Valentine 在 '角質角色扮演可愛拳頭華麗的姜女神'

Aubree Valentine - 角質角色扮演可愛拳頭華麗的姜女神

Aubree 只想被她的男朋友 Small Hands 肏雞巴——但他太忙於玩電子遊戲了。奧布里決定給她的室友阿比蓋爾一個驚喜——一開始很順利——但奧布里最終的拳頭卡在了阿比身上!儘管他們試圖避免它,但他們不得不尋求小手的説明讓她自由——這導致了一個完全墮落的三人行!

Tru Kait 在 '對coochie很挑剔'

Tru Kait - 對coochie很挑剔

Tru Kait 和 Melissa Stratton 是同一個人!不幸的是,除了他們之外,每個人都知道這一點,當他們發現他們的反應有點......奇怪。嫉妒與它無關,當你像這兩個女人一樣火辣時,它從來都不是關於那個的。誰更擅長他媽的,這才是真正的問題,也是他們希望曼努埃爾·費拉拉立即回答的問題,即使他們必須立即操他才能得到答案。

Aubree Valentine 在 '忘了我姐姐,拿走我的屁股'

Aubree Valentine - 忘了我姐姐,拿走我的屁股


Melissa Stratton 在 '嫂子放蕩的秘密'

Melissa Stratton - 嫂子放蕩的秘密

饑渴的家庭主婦梅麗莎·斯特拉頓 (Melissa Stratton) 一心想從她丈夫的兄弟 Keiran Lee 那裡得到最後一次他媽的。雖然他們過去曾勾搭過,但凱蘭最近結束了他們熱氣騰騰的戀情,並竭盡全力避免誘惑。當凱蘭出現在他哥哥家過週末時,他以為頭髮梳理的梅麗莎不在城裡。然而,鬼鬼祟祟的梅麗莎會改變任何計劃,如果這意味著她最後一次將豐滿的嘴唇包裹在凱蘭的肥雞巴上。梅麗莎毫不猶豫地在她丈夫的眼皮底下偷偷地戲弄凱蘭,以獲得她想要的東西!

Aubree Valentine 在 '深層雞巴按摩'

Aubree Valentine - 深層雞巴按摩


Aubree Valentine 在 '辣妹撞健身教練'

Aubree Valentine - 辣妹撞健身教練

奧布里·瓦倫丁喜歡摸自己的身體。她熱辣的屁股和完美的奶子是一種樂趣,可以通過她透視的緊身運動服來潤滑和玩耍。然而,混合一個多汁的大公雞可能會更有趣,對吧?這就是Xander Corvus的用武之地。桑德迅速撕開奧布里的健身裝備,張開她的陰戶。奧布里在鍛煉球上平衡她的屁股,在桑德的雞巴上彈跳。桑德給了奧布里她一直痛苦的重擊。鍛煉完成。

Aubree Valentine 在 '鬼鬼祟祟的室友喜歡多姆'

Aubree Valentine - 鬼鬼祟祟的室友喜歡多姆

Aubree Valentine和Gizelle Blanco正在客廳里和他們的男朋友看電影。嬌小的吉澤爾的男朋友亞歷克斯鐘斯對她來說是一個傢伙,所以她決定和可愛的奧布里玩得開心。然而,當奧布里和她的男朋友偷偷溜走勾搭時,吉澤爾感到無聊和孤獨。幸運的是,好色的吉澤爾是無恥的,所以她偷偷溜進臥室加入勾搭!吉澤爾正在支配奧布里,並向她展示如何打擊她的男朋友,這時亞歷克斯偶然發現了鬼鬼祟祟的三人組。奧布里的男朋友立即破產,所以女人們把他從亞歷克斯身上換出來,騎他,直到他們完全滿意為止!

Aubree Valentine 在 '和我閨蜜的未婚夫出軌'

Aubree Valentine - 和我閨蜜的未婚夫出軌

奧布里·瓦倫丁(Aubree Valentine)在假期期間為她的閨蜜和她閨蜜的熱未婚夫坐在家裡,並決定在睡覺前淋浴放鬆一下。不幸的是,奧布里像地獄一樣角質,需要的不僅僅是一個溫暖的淋浴來滿足她。值得慶幸的是,她閨蜜的屁股塞就在附近,奧布里喜歡在填滿她的屁股的同時撫摸她的陰部......突然,她閨蜜的未婚夫——亞歷克斯·麥克——出現了!她的屁股懸在空中,陰部暴露在外,亞歷克斯無法阻止自己欺騙他即將與奧布里成為妻子的人。他把她吃掉,玩弄她的屁股,然後操她緊窄的陰戶,射在她身上!(他們說完美的聖誕禮物不存在。

Aubree Valentine 在 '他媽的gf的假陽具愛好室友'

Aubree Valentine - 他媽的gf的假陽具愛好室友

奧佈雷·瓦倫丁和賈茲敏·盧夫是一對角質的大學男女混血兒,只是想在他們的院子里剪刀,但是當他們更謹慎的室友凱亞帶著她的BF Van Wylde回家時,他們被告知要停下來。女孩們同意進去,但繼續挑逗Van,引誘他在充滿假陽具的“女孩洞穴”裡操她們。當凱亞四處尋找Van時,女孩們分散了她的注意力,在她的陰道里放了一根假陽具。凱亞最終抓住了她作弊的BF,但在奧布里和賈茲明耗盡他所有的精液之前!

Charlotte Stokely 在 '伴娘戰爭'

Charlotte Stokely - 伴娘戰爭


Rachel Starr 在 '房地產經紀人'

Rachel Starr - 房地產經紀人

房地產經紀人雷切爾·斯塔爾(Rachel Starr)在準備展示房屋時一直很賺錢,但潛在買家昆頓·詹姆斯(Quinton James)和奧布里·瓦倫丁(Aubree Valentine)對她的路邊吸引力更感興趣,當她向他們展示房產時,她陷入了對她的大奶子和戰利品的精心設計的性幻想。瑞秋把他們領進主臥室,把他們推到床上,因為她知道他們想要什麼:一個熱騰騰的三人組!如果他們不打算提出要約,至少瑞秋可以把奧布里的舌頭放在她的陰蒂上,讓昆頓的大雞巴進入她的陰道!

Lulu Chu 在 '幾個他媽的騙子:第2部分'

Lulu Chu - 幾個他媽的騙子:第2部分

繼續我們離開的地方,Kule Mason對女朋友Lulu Chu和她的朋友一起欺騙他感到心煩意亂。他偶爾會打電話給他媽的夥伴奧布里·瓦倫丁(Aubree Valentine),並邀請她過來打個平。奧布里同意了,但讓凱爾感到驚訝的是,他帶來了一些的限制。當露露早早回家並想操凱爾時,整個事情變成了一場慘敗。奧布里躲了一會兒,但決定對突然被綁起來的露露採取攻擊行動。奧布里咕咕叫露一會兒,騎著凱爾的雞巴,而露露只能看著(越來越角質)。奧布里很快就軟化了被騙的女朋友,很快我們手上就有了一個熱辣的三人組。

Aubree Valentine 在 '窺探我的新步驟兄弟'

Aubree Valentine - 窺探我的新步驟兄弟

奧布里·瓦倫丁的新繼母擔心她的兒子吉米·邁克爾斯現在正在上大學做愛,所以她付錢給奧布里窺探他的臥室,然後找出答案。奧布里偷偷溜進她的繼兄房間, 震驚地發現他一直在手淫她的照片, 但她不禁感到有點受寵若驚...並打開!她讓自己舒服, 揉她的貓, 直到吉米走進她。現在面對面,而且都是角質的,兩人之間的性緊張終於導致了吉米一直希望的:和他的新繼父發生性關係!

Demi Sutra 在 '梅爾金交換'

Demi Sutra - 梅爾金交換

多麼詛咒啊!盧斯蒂 · 黛米 · 蘇特拉不小心剃掉了她的灌木叢!她室友的男朋友和秘密情人昆頓·詹姆斯癡迷於灌木叢,以至於他要和他的女孩奧布里·瓦倫丁分手,因為她剃了她的鬍子。黛米驚慌失措, 在與昆頓勾搭之前得到一根美金 (假陰毛) 。他們差點被天真的女朋友抓住。與此同時,臭名昭著的梅爾金不小心從黛米的酒吧到昆頓的臉,給了他一個有吸引力的傑內賽斯-奎里,很快打開不知情的奧布里。這遠不是黛米貓假髮的最後一站。當三個角質的人偷偷溜走,在房子里閒逛時,這個不可或缺的模糊球給我們上了一課:體毛可以熱得發燙。

Aubree Valentine 在 '侵入 - 她'

Aubree Valentine - 侵入 - 她

奧布里情人節, 與她的活潑的全天然山雀和完美的圓戰利品, 是一個偷偷摸摸的。在這個特別炎熱的天氣里,她只想弄濕。於是,她偷偷溜進一個驚人的室內游泳池。她幾乎不知道,她偷偷溜進的泳池房子屬於史蒂夫·福爾摩斯先生。浸水后,神清氣爽,她不禁放縱她的下一個衝動,玩她的貓。大約在這段時間里,福爾摩斯先生決定看看所有的飛濺是什麼。當他抓住奧布里手指深在自己, 他不禁看著。奧布里發現史蒂夫的硬成員在樹葉中伸出來, 簡直不敢相信!史蒂夫很快提醒奧布里,這是他的游泳池,和他的規則。史蒂夫用一筆交易來交易奧布里想要打一點屁股的所有泳池時間。奧布里認為打屁股是相當無害的, 但很快發現自己球深吸史蒂夫的雞巴。史蒂夫用他的巨大的公雞填補奧布里的緊貓,她把它深。原來,奧布里的一天經過一點隨意的打擾,結果就完美了。

Aubree Valentine 在 '偷偷摸摸的熱房間。'

Aubree Valentine - 偷偷摸摸的熱房間。

和奧布里 · 瓦倫丁一樣熱的室友, 你怎麼能責怪桑德 · 科武斯偷看她呢?穿著緊身短褲, 幾乎不能遮住她的屁股, 奧布里溜進她的臥室, 在那裡她玩她的貓和駝背枕頭, 讓自己下車。然而,隨著桑德和他的大公雞在附近,奧布里很快發現,他可以説明完成工作比她的枕頭好得多!

Aubree Valentine 在 '浸泡濕透,完全滿意'

Aubree Valentine - 浸泡濕透,完全滿意


Aubree Valentine 在 '奧布里在名單上'

Aubree Valentine - 奧布里在名單上


Alexis Fawx 在 '偷窺,偷看和操'

Alexis Fawx - 偷窺,偷看和操


Aubree Valentine 在 '拉伸她的服務'

Aubree Valentine - 拉伸她的服務


來自其他網站的場景特色 Aubree Valentine,Melissa Stratton

Melissa Stratton 在 'Let Him Cook'

Melissa Stratton - Let Him Cook

Melissa invited Johnny over to feature on her live cooking show. However, Johnny had other plans. He couldn't stop staring at her tits since the moment he got there. In the middle of the live stream, he decided to make a move. He snuck under the counter and started eating her ass. She tried her hardest to continue streaming while this was going on. Once Johnny emerged back to the stream, she decided to have a bit of fun of her own, she ducted down and started sucking him off as he continued to cook. Eventually, they decided to go off live and just fuck. Melissa begged him to slide his cock in her tight pussy. From there, her pussy was stretched in several different positions all over the kitchen.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Endorphins'

Melissa Stratton - Endorphins

Melissa Stratton shows off her hot body while working out. She teases her man until he can't resist her anymore. She strips down for a hot, passionate fucking.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Melissa's Bad Medicine'

Melissa Stratton - Melissa's Bad Medicine

This is Melissa Stratton?s first appearance on and she?s a big fan. Tommy Pistol is a neglected psychiatric patient in a lonely hospital room. Naughty nurse Melissa has been taking advantage of him while he?s strapped to a gurney. Melissa taunts and teases Tommy. She sits on his face. Then Melissa pulls back his sheet and sucks his cock. She mounts his hard cock and fucks him good until she cums. Having had her fill, Melissa leaves Tommy to suffer, but what she doesn?t know is, he somehow got the key off of her. Now, out for revenge, Tommy corners Melissa in her changing room and gives her a some payback. First Tommy fucks her throat, ignoring Melissa?s protest. He takes out his frustration and throws Melissa on the desk and fucks her deep and hard. Next, Tommy binds Melissa?s hands and fucks her on the desk, all the while sucking on her feet. Tommy stuffs his cock and balls in her mouth. His revenge is tainted by Melissa?s apparent enjoyment of this manhandling by her former target of torment, and this only frustrated Tommy further. He flips her around and finger-bangs her pussy and then bends her over the desk to eat her ass and lick her slutty pussy. More rough sex leads Tommy to blow his load on Nurse Melissa?s face and tits, then collapses in a lump of anguish. Melissa suggests Tommy go back to bed and the cycle of misconduct continues.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Dean Melissa Disciplines Naughty Vanna And Hollywood'

Melissa Stratton - Dean Melissa Disciplines Naughty Vanna And Hollywood

The dean doesn't care who Vanna's daddy is: Melissa runs a tight ship, and today she's teaching her charges that discipline is the cornerstone of an elite education.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Dirty Wives Club'

Melissa Stratton - Dirty Wives Club

Melissa Stratton discovers she won't spend Valentine's alone this year with her hubby out of town since he has arranged something romantically naughty for her. She gets to be satisfied by a professional with a fat cock. Her juicy wet pussy is about to get fucked and sucked nicely and properly.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Aubree Gets Anally Wild'

Aubree Valentine - Aubree Gets Anally Wild

Miss thick booty, Aubree Valentine, takes Zac Wild's big cock between her cheeks and gets her mouth full of cum!

Melissa Stratton 在 'Melissa's Pose Attracts Black Cobra'

Melissa Stratton - Melissa's Pose Attracts Black Cobra

Melissa just wants to be hot and do her yoga in peace. It was going that way until her roommate Jonathan sees her perfect ass in downward dog as he comes out of the shower. Lust is all he can think about now. If only this was a porn, what would they do? Rip those yoga pants open and dive in. Jonathan decides Melissa is too hot and worth risking it all, so he goes for it. He sneaks up behind her and rips her leggings wide open, exposing her beautiful pussy and asshole. Melissa is shocked at first and asks him what was he was thinking. He tells her he was in a lust trance from how perfect her body is. She asked him what is he going to do now, and he face plants in her ass. She is so turned on by his brazenness, that she wants to see what she does to his dick. He pulls it out and now he is not the only one in a lust trance. Amazed by how big it is, she just has to suck it. Jonathan then starts to realign her chakras with his dick. He gives her a good fucking like her perfect body deserves. She wants him to use her like she is his fuck doll until his balls are empty. They both can agree being roommates is the best decision of both their lives.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Boss Lady Melissa Fucks Assistant On Business Trip'

Melissa Stratton - Boss Lady Melissa Fucks Assistant On Business Trip

On a business trip, Melissa discovers her underling's dark sexual secret. Now this beautiful boss from hell has to decide between firing him, or giving him an early bonus.

Melissa Stratton 在 'New Year 2024 is here and Melissa Stratton and Octavia Red are going to start it with a naughty bang'

Melissa Stratton - New Year 2024 is here and Melissa Stratton and Octavia Red are going to start it with a naughty bang

Melissa Stratton & Octavia Red invited me to a private party. It turns out I am the only one they invited and they expect me to fuck them all night till the ball drops and I cum like new year's fireworks.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Perfect Brunette Beauty Melissa Stratton Creampie'

Melissa Stratton - Perfect Brunette Beauty Melissa Stratton Creampie

Melissa Stratton is the definition of beauty. This blue-eyed brunette babe has an athletic body, big tits, perky ass and smooth skin. Her wet mouth and tight pussy know exactly how to grip a cock. Her horny attitude and sexual enthusiasm make her one of the most desired women on the planet. When she says 'You can cum anywhere' the choice is hard…but deep inside for a creampie just feels so right.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Pornstar beauty, Melissa Stratton, shows you why she's top-tier'

Melissa Stratton - Pornstar beauty, Melissa Stratton, shows you why she's top-tier

I'm one lucky dog because I finally got the opportunity to bang the gorgeous Melissa Stratton. I've seen all her videos. She's drop-dead stunning to see and even more so in person. I loved how she sucked my cock while staring at me with those piercing blue eyes. Melissa put everything into this and will never forget how she made my cock explode all over her.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Cuckold Sessions'

Aubree Valentine - Cuckold Sessions

Aubree Valentine is a woman that has needs and knows what she wants. She is adamant that any potential boyfriend be ok with her fucking other front of them. Aubree is the Queen of Cuckolds and she's been on the prowl for a new cuck since the last one didn't work out. She has a fellow who found her on her platform. He came by for what he thought was a match date, but Aubree's idea involved him watching her take two hung black studs deep in her cunt. FuckBuck was a little apprehensive, but he submitted to Aubree's wishes and watched. Will Tile and Jonathan Jordan slammed Aubree while she squirted repeatedly in this heated romp that ended in a double creampie. Perfect!

Hime Marie 在 'VIP Treatment'

Hime Marie - VIP Treatment

Melissa Stratton and Hime Marie give Danny Steele the VIP treatment at the strip club. He joins them in the backroom and blows multiple loads in their pussies.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Melissas Face Is Messy'

Melissa Stratton - Melissas Face Is Messy

Melissa is so damned sexy and her blowjob skills are crazy good! I watched her fuck herself with a toy and then she got down and gave me such a messy bj. I returned the mess by coating her face with a huge load of cum.

Melissa Stratton 在 'I Have a Wife'

Melissa Stratton - I Have a Wife

Melissa Stratton is brought in when Ryan and his team need help closing deals. She's in town tonight to celebrate their latest deal. After dinner with Ryan and the team, Melissa decides she wants to keep celebrating with Ryan in her hotel room, but Ryan is a married man. He would never dream of cheating on his wife... that is until Melissa shows him her amazing tits and ass! So what's Ryan to do except follow her to her room and pound that wet pussy. A naughty little secret the both of them will take to the grave.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Melissas Makes A Mess'

Melissa Stratton - Melissas Makes A Mess

Melissa stopped by today and she was looking so hot. We both couldnt wait to start fucking. She sucked my cock and let me fuck her big tits and feet before getting on top of me and riding my hard dick. Her pussy was wet and creamy and I loved watching my jizz drip out of her after I shot my load deep inside of her..

Melissa Stratton 在 'Perfect Fucking Strangers'

Melissa Stratton - Perfect Fucking Strangers

Melissa Stratton is working out at the park when she notices some hunk checking her out. She's actually kinda flattered so she makes sure that he gets a good eyeful of her stretching out her tight bod. After a few minutes of teasing him, Melissa has him follow her to an old shack where she rides his cock for her second workout.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Naughty girl, Aubree Valentine, gets washed up before she gets down and dirty with your big hard dick'

Aubree Valentine - Naughty girl, Aubree Valentine, gets washed up before she gets down and dirty with your big hard dick

Sexy brunette babe, Aubree Valentine, is your porn star to experience however you please. She gets all cleaned up in a hot bubble bath, followed by a little quickie before she slips into her sexy lingerie. Aubree has quite the bubble butt, doesn't she? Its perfect roundness looks amazing bouncing up and down a big dick like yours. Finish her off with a warm shower of your cum all over her face and in her mouth.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Thundercock'

Melissa Stratton - Thundercock

Melissa Stratton notices Lawson cleaning her pool; since it's hot out, she invites him in for water. While inside, Melissa talks to Lawson about his dating history and asks to see his profile pic on his dating app. She's pleasantly surprised to see that his pic is of his long, big dong. It's so huge, in fact, that Melissa doesn't believe it's his actual size. She asks him to prove it so Lawson takes off his pants. Melissa becomes enamored with Lawson's thunderous cock and can't help but play with it before taking it in her tight wet pussy.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Co-ed babes Aria Valencia, Aubree Valentine, and Lucy Doll go old school with a game of Spin-the-Bottle that turns REAL naughty in their dorm room!'

Aubree Valentine - Co-ed babes Aria Valencia, Aubree Valentine, and Lucy Doll go old school with a game of Spin-the-Bottle that turns REAL naughty in their dorm room!

Every student at the dorms is just waiting to go on spring break. Your study group team Aria Valencia, Aubree Valentine, and Lucy Doll, want to start early and have some fun and what better way than play an old-school game of spin-the-bottle with a naughty twist to it? I'm sure that they will appreciate the big cock surprise you have for them.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Aubree Is A Ball Drainer'

Aubree Valentine - Aubree Is A Ball Drainer

I knew today would be amazing as soon as I woke up, and I was right! This hottie I met on the boardwalk was not only beautiful, but she was also fun and sexy! I wanted to fuck her mouth the minute she smiled. She was so skilled at cock sucking and when I came, I covered all of her sweet face!

Aubree Valentine 在 'Aubree Goes All The Way'

Aubree Valentine - Aubree Goes All The Way

I met this hottie once before, and wow, did she know how to suck cock. I was thrilled to see her again, and she was down to hang out. I had a feeling her pussy was just as amazing as her mouth, and my dick was more than ready to find out. I filled her sweet hole so full it was dripping with cum!

Aubree Valentine 在 '- Cuckold Sessions'

Aubree Valentine - Cuckold Sessions

Princess Aubree and her little cucky bucky just took delivery of their first real cage for cucky to stay in. She has never let cucky watch her fuck her Bulls before but now that he can be locked behind steel bars she feels maybe it's time to show him just how pathetic he really is and what kind of Men she needs to satisfy her. She even bought cucky a gift of a cock pump so he could maybe get big enough to fuck his latex toy girlfriend. Just as Cucky is starting to whine like a girl in heat the bell rings and the Bulls have arrived. Laughing at cucky in the cage then whip there dicks out for Aubree to suck and fuck. The rhythm is good and her pussy is squirting for more. She finally let's cucky out to watch and tells him to cum on his toy GF since that's the best he can hope for. While she takes two huge loads on her pussy and face only to call for cucky to come clean his Princess up. She knows its so much harder for him to clean up the bull cum after he already shot his pathetic load, but then that's the point.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Sexy teacher Melissa Stratton knows you only learn when the lesson is taught without clothes'

Melissa Stratton - Sexy teacher Melissa Stratton knows you only learn when the lesson is taught without clothes

Your sexy teacher Melissa Stratton is very disappointed on your grades and you might not pass the class but she is in a real good mood and wants to help you. Apparently the only way you will learn is if you get her tight wet pussy on your big cock!

Aubree Valentine 在 '- Glory Hole'

Aubree Valentine - Glory Hole

Our Lovely Aubree is plagued by the creepie boss at work who is forever asking her out. Not knowing that she is really slipping out on her lunch hour to get her needs met by some anonymous cock at the local sex shop. They have a very sexy glory hole in the back where she can get all the dick she needs. While deep with a cock in her throat she hears her phone buzz and picks up with her Boss not realizing she had already gone to "lunch". She quickly gets him off, not the way he wanted and back to the giant cock before her. She tries desperately to choke herself with it as best as she can and finally backs her Phat ass back onto it with a sigh of pleasure. Head back in ecstasy she lets the strange cock pound into her over and over until she drops back to her knees to milk that cock and feel the cum run down her face. Her final thought that if she wore cum on her face back to the office, her boss might finally leave her alone.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Naughty Office'

Melissa Stratton - Naughty Office

Melissa Stratton is spending her new year's eve late at work and she just finds out they surpassed their quota for the year. Being that it's midnight and time to celebrate, her co-worker breaks out all the drinks and party supplies... plus his big hard cock for Melissa to enjoy!

Alyx Star 在 'Never Have I Ever'

Alyx Star - Never Have I Ever

Damon Dice and Alyx Star have gotten together with Quinton James and Aubree Valentine for Thanksgiving. Aubree expects that it'll be another three and a half hours before dinner is ready. To pass the time, Alyx suggests that they should play a game.After a bit of debate, the couples settle on Never Have I Ever so they can get to know each other better. They go to the living room, where they sit down on the couch. Aubree has been crushing hard on the oblivious Alyx, so she takes the opportunity to sit nice and close. The game begins and gets raunchy quickly. It takes a bit of coaxing, but eventually Aubree gets Alyx to admit something dirty during the game: She has never touched a vagina that wasn't hers. Aubree asks if Alyx wants to fix that while sliding her hand up Alyx's thigh. When Alyx still hesitates, Aubree grabs her friend's hand and puts it right on her pussy.With an invitation like that, Alyx isn't about to say no. She slides Aubree's underwear aside and slips her fingers up and down Aubree's slit. Even though Alyx tries to hide it, it's not hard to see how turned on she is. Aubree doubles down by announcing that never has she ever had friends she didn't swing with, which gives both Alyx and Damon pause.When the other couple hesitates, Aubree does some more convincing. She leans forward to capture Alyx's lips in a deep kiss. Then she gets handsy, popping Alyx's luscious titties out of her dress so she can play with them. Alyx's hard nipples can't lie about how much she likes it.Pulling back, Aubree instructs Alyx to go kiss Quinton. Meanwhile, Aubree locks lips with Damon. That only encourages Aubree and Quinton to keep on pushing. Aubree begins feeling up Damon's hardon while Quinton whips his out for Alyx to enjoy. Soon both girls are sucking each other's husband's cocks.There's no point turning back now, so the foursome keeps it up. The guys get to indulge in some serious pussy eating, with Damon exploring Aubree's twat and Quinton tonguing Alyx. Then Aubree climbs on top of Damon's lap to ride him in reverse cowgirl while Quinton gets Alyx on her hands and knees to do her in doggy.The girls switch up their positions, with Aubree laying down on the couch so Damon can bang her as she lays on her back. Looking up, Aubree can watch Alyx riding Quinton's hardon in cowgirl. They switch positions one last time, with Aubree taking it in doggy and Alyx on her back. That's all the guys can give; Quinton fills Alyx with a big creampie and Damon gives Aubree the same treatment, nutting inside her creamy fuck hole.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Perfect Fucking Strangers'

Melissa Stratton - Perfect Fucking Strangers

The tight body on Melissa Stratton makes guy's eyes pop out of their sockets. And when she's horny, guys can tell she wants some dick ASAP. Looks like the library on campus is the best place to fuck a total stranger at the spur of the moment.

Aubree Valentine 在 'The Doppelganger - S43:E11'

Aubree Valentine - The Doppelganger - S43:E11

Ryan Mclean and his girlfriend Aubree Valentine are at a party. Things are winding down, and this Little Red Riding Hood wants to ride her Big Bad Wolf. Aubree tells Ryan to find a room while she goes to freshen up.As Ryan is wandering down the hall, he sees what he thinks is Aubree. Her back is turned, so Ryan comes to kiss her on the shoulder. Little does he know that it's Maya Woulfe, not Aubree. Taking her mystery lover by the hand, Maya leads Ryan into a bedroom where he crawls into bed and lets her begin blowing his cock.Aubree returns to find Ryan missing. Confused, she begins searching the bedrooms until she stumbles upon her boyfriend getting a blowjob from another lady. Instead of being pissed, Aubree agrees that maybe it would be good to share the loving. She lets Maya talk her into delivering a double blowjob that has plenty of sexy potential for even more satisfying outcomes. The girls seal the deal with a kiss and then get down to business.Licking and sucking Chad's fuck stick is just the beginning. Aubree gets on her knees so she can deep throat Chad properly. The position lets Maya slide beneath her new lover's twat and lap at Aubree's clit. When Aubree turns around to bury her face between Maya's thighs, Chad slides on home into his girlfriend's lusty twat.Maya gets a taste of the D next as Chad slides her forward. Sinking between her thighs, he strokes her nice and deep as Aubree rubs her clit. That just stokes all their passion even higher. Chad lays down in the bed so the girls can have their wicked way with him. Riding her boyfriend's tongue, Aubree leans forward to make out with Maya who is going to town on Chad in cowgirl. They finally finish with Maya on her back and Chad between her thighs. He pulls out in time to give the girls a big load of cum to share.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Melissa's Hot Blowjob!'

Melissa Stratton - Melissa's Hot Blowjob!

Horny hot brunette Melissa Stratton flaunts her lingerie and touches herself before swallowing Mick Blue's big cock.

Aubree Valentine 在 'October 2022 Fantasy Of The Month - S43:E4'

Aubree Valentine - October 2022 Fantasy Of The Month - S43:E4

Aubree Valentine is enjoying some self loving as she daydreams about her crush Jay Romero. She's liked him for a really long time, and she's positive that he wants her right back. Decked out in sheer green lingerie and a white robe, Aubree slides her hands all over her delightful body to warm herself up. Taking her favorite vibrator in hand, she teases her nipples to hard peaks and then begins working her way south towards paradise while daydreaming about being ravished by Jay.When the doorbell interrupts Aubree's masturbation session, she has just enough time to put her robe back on and go see who it is. It turns out that the object of her affection, Jay, has had the sudden urge to come to Aubree's house and talk to her. He even let himself in when she didn't come to the door immediately.This is the perfect opportunity for Aubree to finally take action on her crush. She leads Jay to the couch and confesses that she has been super horny lately. Jay tries to protest that Aubree is married, but Aubree isn't in the mood to have her fantasies shot down like that. She tells Jay to shut up and fuck her, and Jay is not foolish enough to say no to that kind of advance.Aubree sweetens the pot by seductively sliding her bra down so that Jay can enjoy a full view of her incredible breasts. She encourages him to touch, both with his hands and his mouth. Still fully in charge, Aubree undoes Jay's pants to pop his hardon free so that she can finally fulfill her fantasies of stroking him off and then sucking him down in a deep throat blowjob.Getting on her hands and knees, Aubree offers herself entirely to Jay. Her slides her thong aside and makes sure her pussy is nice and ready for him. Then he gets on his knees and guides himself home. Aubree can't help but let out a low moan of pure pleasure as she finally gets that cock she's been daydreaming about inside of her. Rocking back to meet Jay's strokes, she helps create a rhythm that only pitches their passion to greater heights.The new lovers change things up with Jay taking a seat on the couch. Aubree climbs on top to straddle Jay's lap so she can sink down onto his stiffie. Taking Jay in one slow inch at a time, Aubree glorifies in the feeling of fullness before she kick starts a hotblooded reverse cowgirl ride.Falling to her side, Aubree lifts one thigh into the air to accommodate Jay. They spoon together, with Jay giving Aubree the nice deep strokes she craves until she's quivering around him. That climax brings Jay to the edge. He has just enough time to pull out before he blows his load on Aubree's landing strip muff, bringing their illicit liaison to an end.

Vanna Bardot 在 'Cock Pleasing Arch Queens'

Vanna Bardot - Cock Pleasing Arch Queens

Vanna Bardot and Aubree Valentine gave me a double blowjob that made me have to pinch myself because I thought I was in heaven! When I saw their arches I had to pinch myself again. Why Because these two beauties have some of the best arches in all the land. Seriously! Doggy was fun, to say the least. Check out these Arch Queens and see what I mean.

Melissa Stratton 在 'POV Fuck and Creampie'

Melissa Stratton - POV Fuck and Creampie

Glamorous, busty brunette Melissa Stratton shows off her tan body. The starlet enters view wearing pantyhose and a revealing top, teasing and playing with her sweet twat. She shares a private date with top director/performer Mick Blue, whose POV-style shooting captures the intimacy. He gropes her from behind the camera. Melissa hops on the bed and takes off her heels to get comfy. When she unleashes her big boobs, her diamond-hard nipples stand at full attention. Mick oils up her luscious breasts. Melissa kicks up her long legs and gives him a foot job. She follows up with a slippery blowjob, moaning and drooling at the sight of Mick's mammoth meat. Melissa rips a hole in her leggings for Mick's access, and he stuffs his big cock into her cunt. An intense fuck features doggie-style drilling, rowdy rod riding and passionate kissing. For the finale, Mick thoroughly plows Melissa, leaving her with a pussy creampie.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Popular artist gets lucky as fuck when he invites Aubree Valentine, Rory Knox, and Tommy King over to his private studio'

Aubree Valentine - Popular artist gets lucky as fuck when he invites Aubree Valentine, Rory Knox, and Tommy King over to his private studio

It's not just Aubree Valentine, Rory Knox, and Tommy King that are fans of this well known artist. He's popular and gaining a big following but ones things for sure - the three gorgeous babes are the only ones that got invited to see some of his private pieces he's working on. The girls like the idea of being his muse for his next art piece and have the bright idea of undressing before his eyes. They get so hot and turned on, including the artist, that they all decide to paint a beautiful fuck fest of a scene right there in his studio all ending with a big splatter "painting" on Aubree's torso.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Now Its A Party - S42:E12'

Aubree Valentine - Now Its A Party - S42:E12

Lexi Luna has been trying to get her husband Ryan Mclane to have a threesome. Ryan keeps turning her down, so Lexi gets craftier and craftier. Today she has decked herself out in a hot little bathing suit with plenty of suntan lotion oiling up her soft skin. She has Aubree Valentine, the new girl in town, come on over for a Fourth of July barbeque wearing a barely-there bikini since she just knows Ryan will love Aubree's tits.Lexi waits until the last moment to tell Ryan that they're expecting company. Then she climbs into his lap and makes out with him until the doorbell rings. Leaving Ryan nice and horny on the couch, Lexi goes to invite Aubree inside. Aubree immediately tries to come on to Ryan, who isn't open to her advances.When Lexi sends Ryan out to go get some more food for their guest, the girls decide the best course of action is to start without him. Making out quickly leads Aubree to pop her plump breasts out of her bikini bra and then push Lexi onto her back. Tugging Lexi's thong aside, Aubree goes to work with her tongue exploring every inch of Lexi's twat.In return for the pussy feast, Lexi gets Aubree on her hands and knees with her bottom up in the air. Jiggling her ass, Aubree entices Lexi to do her worst. Slipping Aubree's bikini bottom aside, Lexi gets right up in her new friend's anus and fuck hole while rubbing Aubree's clit. Aubree is just getting to the good part when Ryan walks in on them.When Aubree tells Lexi that she likes her wieners long and hard, Ryan finally relents and gives in to threesome life. His reward is an enthusiastic double blowjob. The girls demonstrate without a doubt that they both love the cock and that they can share oh so well between sucking and stroking the shaft and balls.Lexi gets the first round with her husband's cock as she slides down onto Ryan's hardon to ride him in cowgirl. Aubree waits for Lexi to be comfortable, then kneels so that she's straddling Ryan's mouth. He uses his tongue to plumb Aubree's twat as his wife makes out with their third above him.Aubree finally gets a chance to enjoy Ryan's hardon next when she mounts him in reverse cowgirl. Lexi seats herself on Ryan's face so he can eat her out. The position lets her lean forward and lick at Aubree's chocolate starfish to double down on her friend's delight.Once the girls have licked their juices clean from Ryan's cock, Lexi takes a pussy pounding from Ryan's long dick. Since she's on her knees anyway, she gets to enjoy lapping at Aubree's snatch some more. The girls tag out so that Aubree is on her back with Ryan buried between her thighs and her mouth muffled on Lexi's tit as they all approach the inevitable conclusion of their liaison.With Lexi's encouragement, Ryan pounds Aubree right up until the very last moment. Pulling out, he lets Aubree jerk him off those last few strokes to cover her muff in his cum shot. Lexi is right there to lick the treat up and to share it with Aubree as they bask in the afterglow of an enjoyable Fourth of July threesome.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Dont Mind If I Do - S42:E11'

Aubree Valentine - Dont Mind If I Do - S42:E11

Minxx Marii and her boyfriend Robby Echo have been together for long enough that the sex is comfortable and fun, but not necessarily new and exciting any longer. They're just getting hot and heavy with one another when Minxx's new roommate, Aubree Valentine, decides to both help them spice things up and get a piece of the action for herself. She waits for Robby to finish eating Minxx out and get on his back with Minxx blowing him, then she makes her move.Putting a finger to her lips to keep Robby from speaking up, Aubree sneaks into the room wearing just a sheer bra and matching panties. Getting on her knees behind where Minxx is kneeling, Aubree leans in and laps at her roommate's dripping twat. Minxx is surprised, but she finds it surprisingly hot when she realizes what's happening. After a few moments of discussion, the girls agree to get together and share Robby's cock, much to Robby's delight.After sealing the deal with a kiss, Minxx and Aubree climb into bed together and flank Robby, with one girl kneeling on either side of his hips. Using their hands and mouths, they demonstrate how nicely they can share by sucking and stroking together. Taking turns just gets both girls even hotter for each other, and soon they can't keep their hands off one another any more than they can keep their hands and mouths off of Robby.Robby continues to lay on the bed and let the girls have their way with him as they work out how to fuck him best. Minxx climbs onto Robby's hardon and begins rocking her hips in cowgirl. Meanwhile, Aubree settles her twat on Robby's face and rides his tongue as Minxx works herself into a big climax.Aubree gets to sample the D next as she gets on her knees between Minxx's thighs. Even as Aubree leans forward to eat her roommie out, Robby glides home into her velvet glove. Going deep, Robby makes Aubree squeal even as she gives Minxx the same favor.Minxx winds up on her back with Robby banging her and Aubree rubbing her clit against Minxx's tongue. Watching his girlfriend and her roommate get it on like that brings Robby right to the brink of his control. Pulling out, he nuts all over Minxx's belly, leaving a puddle for Aubree to run her fingers through as the roommates bask in the afterglow of their newfound sexual relationship.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Sexy brunettes Aubree Valentine and Penelope Kay want to suck that cock and fuck you good'

Aubree Valentine - Sexy brunettes Aubree Valentine and Penelope Kay want to suck that cock and fuck you good

Gorgeous tight bodies are what Aubree Valentine & Penelope Kay are all about and when these babes see what you are packing in those pants they will surely have a ton of fun and will beg for more!

Aubree Valentine 在 'Summer Vacation kicks off with Aubree Valentine, Kay Carter, and Slimthick Vic poolside in sexy bikinis awaiting your cock'

Aubree Valentine - Summer Vacation kicks off with Aubree Valentine, Kay Carter, and Slimthick Vic poolside in sexy bikinis awaiting your cock

Aubree Valentine, Kay Carter, & Slimthick Vic and Summer Vacation and rented out a sweet house for the weekend. While chilling in the back yard by the pool, Aubree rubs Kay and Vic down with some sunscreen and tanning lotion. Aubree needs some too but the other girls refuse to move and soak up the sun. Luckily for Aubree though, she secretly got the number of the next door neighbor the day before. She shoots him a text to come over a lend a hand. Soon after the neighbor arrives, the girls start thinking naughty things. decide to skinny dip, and share the neighbors dick.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Pretty In Pink'

Aubree Valentine - Pretty In Pink

A sheer pink bra and thong hug every one of Aubree Valentine's curves, sending off a do me vibe you'll be foolish to ignore. This cum loving coed is ready to go slow and let her talented hands get her engine revved. From tit play to showing off her landing strip pussy, she's hot and horny and eager.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Get Me Wet'

Aubree Valentine - Get Me Wet

For Aubree Valentine, shower time is guaranteed fun time thanks to the warm water and her talented fingers. This horny coed can't even wait to get into the tub to get started masturbating. Her fingers work overtime, rubbing her clit and spreading her juices all over as she makes herself moan.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Dream Girl'

Aubree Valentine - Dream Girl

Aubree Valentine knows she's smoking hot, and she doesn't want to keep what she's got hidden in her clothes. This stunner is eager to strip down and shake that booty a bit before she goes to work with her talented fingers working her juicy fuck hole into an orgasmic delight.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Cuming For You'

Aubree Valentine - Cuming For You

American babe Aubree Valentine has decided it's time to put her stunning body on display. Her titties are a perfect handful as she teases you by squeezing and kneading those lovely breasts. Tugging her thong aside, she uses the tiniest little vibrator to make her clit tremble and her pussy blossom with juices.

Aubree Valentine 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Aubree Valentine - My Sister's Hot Friend

Aubree Valentine woke up a little early after a wild night of partying and decided to make everyone breakfast. Her friend's brother, David, is the first to wake up. David and Aubree hooked up the night before and David would sure love to get in that sweet pussy once more, so he has Aubree drop the spatula and head over to the couch where they have a quickie before the rest of the crew wakes up.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Under The Mistletoe - S40:E23'

Aubree Valentine - Under The Mistletoe - S40:E23

Sometimes couples can conspire to make their lovemaking way more fun and intimate with just a few props. Aubree Valentine does her part by changing into some sexy red lingerie topped with a Santa hat. Robby Echo completes the scene by appearing with some mistletoe, the perfect excuse for some sensual Christmas delight.Crawling into bed with Aubree, Robby extracts the price of his mistletoe as he bends in for a kiss. One kiss turns into many as the couple settles in for a languorous makeout session. As their lips continue to meet again and again, their hands are also in constant motion as they re-learn each other's sweet curves.Robby's hands are everywhere on Aubree's body, palming her pussy, squeezing her titties, and fondling her nipples. Pulling Aubree's thong aside, Robby slides his fingers up and down that slippery delight. Then he arranges himself between Aubree's thighs and dives in for a full on pussy feast. Aubree encourages it by getting Robby on his back so she can straddle his head and ride his tongue. That even lets her lean back and stroke him off as he keeps on making her moan.Aubree finds herself on her back once again with one foot high in the sky as Robby slides himself home. Her landing strip pussy eats Robby's cock right to the balls as he dives nice and deep. Keeping her shoulders on the bed, Aubree wraps her legs around Robby's hips to lift herself up for a different and salacious angle of penetration.Robby gets on his back next to let Aubree have her way with him. Sliding down in reverse cowgirl, Aubree bounces away as uses one hand to fondle her clit. That suits Robby since it gives him a chance to palm that ass and really squeeze those lovely cheeks. Aubree climbs off the D and sucks her juices off Robby's fuck stick before getting on her hands and knees to continue their lovemaking in doggy. That gets Aubree moaning one last time, which is Robby's key to blow his load. Pulling out, he covers Aubree's delectable bottom with his load to end their Christmas coupling.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Stepsis Is A Closet Freak - S20:E7'

Aubree Valentine - Stepsis Is A Closet Freak - S20:E7

Aubree Valentine has gone to visit her stepbrother, Tony. Once she arrives at Tony's apartment, she enthusiastically starts making plans. Aubree tells her stepbro that she has just got one commitment tomorrow and that she's free for the rest of the trip to do whatever he wants. Tony shows Aubree to her room and lets her know that she should make herself comfortable while he runs to the bank. When Tony returns to the apartment a minute later because he forgot his wallet, he can't help but overhear Aubree's phone call where he learns that Aubree's plans tomorrow are that she's going to be doing porn.When Tony confronts his goodie two-shoes stepsister about her intent to do porn, Aubree eventually admits that she may be good but she's a closet freak. Tony attempts to talk Aubree out of it, but she turns the tables on him by suggesting he help her practice. When Tony isn't immediately into it, Aubree seals the deal by lifting her miniskirt and turning around to twerk her incredible ass in her tiny little thong. What man on the planet could possibly say no to that? Besides, Aubree is so excited to get her hot little mouth wrapped around Tony's cock so she can indulge her curiosity about what it tastes like.Aubree eventually pulls her mouth off the D so she can lay back and let Tony shove it in. He pushes Aubree's thighs back to really open her up for a pussy pounding, then flips her onto her hands and knees so she can show him what she can do in doggy. Tony approves of his freaky stepsis so far, but for a porn she'll need more positions than just that. He gets into bed on his back so Aubree can demonstrate how she rides a cock in both reverse cowgirl and cowgirl. When Aubree has finally hopped off and sucked Tony until he nuts in her mouth, it's clear that she is indeed cut out to star in porn.

Aubree Valentine 在 'gets railed by her friend's husband'

Aubree Valentine - My Wife's Hot Friend

Aubree Valentine always had a thing for her friend's husband, Nathan. In fact, Aubree wanted to date him before her friend beat her to it. Turns out, there's trouble in paradise and Aubree's friend isn't keeping Nathan happy. The perfect situation arises for Aubree to finally get her hands on Nathan's cock and she makes sure to drain it all over her body.

Jackie Hoff 在 '2 Chicks Same Time'

Jackie Hoff - 2 Chicks Same Time

Aubree Valentine wants to fuck her friend's, Jackie's, boyfriend so bad. Aubree is just in luck, because Jackie has decided she wants to let her man fuck other women. They decide the best time to bring this up to Jackie's man is during their Memorial Day bbq. Jackie's man, Robby, isn't keen to Aubree's advances at first, so Jackie spells it out for him...T-H-R-E-E-S-O-M-E. After that is cleared up Robby does not turn down that once in a lifetime opportunity and fucks both Aubree and Jackie.