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Kiki Minaj,Ema Karter 在 'Brazzers' - Submissive Side Pieces (Brazzers Exxtra)

Ema Karter和Kiki Minaj在Danny D邀請他們來打戰利品電話時很興奮。雖然他和妻子是一個溫文爾雅的丈夫,但他喜歡支配他的側雛。一旦兩個寶貝到達,丹尼就蒙住他們的眼睛並用手指指著他們,然後讓他們堵嘴並崇拜他的雞巴。在他給他們倆嘗了一口之後,丹尼操了他們緊窄的小穴,並在他們身上射精......卻收到一條短信,說他的妻子快回家了。

發布 : 5月21日, 2023
標籤 : 泡泡屁股, , 競技, , 黑髮, 高跟鞋, 禿頭的貓, Outie Pussy, 大山雀, 增強, 苗條。, 歐洲。, 短髮, 丈夫。, 大迪克, 連衣裙, 運動文胸, 沖孔, 歐元, 金發, , Innie貓, 性別, 三人組, Cumshot清理, 面部, 奴役, 統治, 物神, 手交, 手工作 - POV。, 接吻, 慢莫, 口交, 吹口 - 雙。, 吹口 - 波夫。, 深喉嚨, 他媽的, 作嘔, 貓指著, 貓咪舔, 拍擊, 在室內, 客廳, 35 加。, 屁股崇拜, 大山雀崇拜, 作弊, 情人幻想, 異族, 女牛仔, Doggystyle, 狗式 - 站立。, 操 n 舔。, 傳教士, 盲目的, 4K
男模特 : Danny D

Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'
Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'
Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'

圖片來自 Kiki Minaj,Ema Karter 在 'Brazzers' Submissive Side Pieces

Kiki Minaj 在 'Brazzers' 順從的側件 (縮略圖 1)
Kiki Minaj 在 'Brazzers' 順從的側件 (縮略圖 2)
Kiki Minaj 在 'Brazzers' 順從的側件 (縮略圖 3)
Kiki Minaj 在 'Brazzers' 順從的側件 (縮略圖 4)
Kiki Minaj 在 'Brazzers' 順從的側件 (縮略圖 5)
Kiki Minaj 在 'Brazzers' 順從的側件 (縮略圖 6)

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Kiki Minaj,Ema Karter

Ema Karter 在 '除了他的雞巴,什麼都不適合'

Ema Karter - 除了他的雞巴,什麼都不適合

金髮女郎艾瑪·卡特(Ema Karter)為今晚的約會買了一系列熱門的新衣服。不幸的是,她的惡作劇室友 Xander Corvus 會不惜一切代價破壞她的計劃。當健美的艾瑪分心時,桑德爾突然衝進來,用相同衣服的縮小版取代了她的新衣服——所以當艾瑪去試穿她的選擇時,沒有合適的!當然,Xander 正在拍攝 Ema 性感地掙扎著從臥室門的縫隙中穿上每件物品。當艾瑪發現桑德爾的愚蠢計劃時,她撲向他並要求知道他對她的衣服做了什麼。Xander拒絕告訴她,被她從太小的連衣裙頂部彈出的大奶子迷住了。艾瑪知道獲取這些資訊的最有效方法——從他身上操出來!

Ema Karter 在 '多汁的陰戶淩亂的雞巴'

Ema Karter - 多汁的陰戶淩亂的雞巴

艾瑪·卡特(Ema Karter)正在趁著炎熱的天氣洗車!不幸的是,當你像她一樣性感時,總有人想伸出援手。她的鄰居 Xander Corvus 就是其中之一,她把他趕走了,但命運的邪惡轉折讓艾瑪雙手跪在地上,乞求愛管閒事的鄰居借給他堅硬、堅強......

Adriana Chechik 在 '最好的 zz - 全部肛門'

Adriana Chechik - 最好的 zz - 全部肛門

屁股在,Brazzers 在一個地方提供最好的肛門場景時為您提供支援。沒錯,點擊播放並巡航通過您最喜歡的性感明星的屁股被搗碎!這個熱氣騰騰的系列以您在其他任何地方都看不到的濕潤和狂野的肛門場景為特色。

Ema Karter 在 '社交名媛性愛錄像帶'

Ema Karter - 社交名媛性愛錄像帶

性感的社交名媛艾瑪·卡特(Ema Karter)喜歡粗暴,但她的丈夫太膽小了,無法隨心所欲地操她。幸運的是,艾瑪是她的私人保安團隊的成員,丹尼D,有足夠大的球 - 和一個巨大的雞巴 - 給她她一直渴望的激烈性交。當艾瑪的丈夫走進她給丹尼口交時,她命令他拍攝他們他媽的,希望在這個過程中學到一兩件事如何取悅他好色、淫蕩的妻子!

Kiki Minaj 在 '無告訴汽車旅館第3部分'

Kiki Minaj - 無告訴汽車旅館第3部分

在出差時走錯了路后,豐滿美麗的路易絲·李發現自己住在 No-Tell Motel,這是一個適合的色情汽車旅館。經理丹尼D很高興見到另一位熱心的客戶......當他意識到露易絲只是出於方便而不是墮落而呆在那裡時,他才感到失望。當她得到一個過夜的房間時,她遇到了性感的Kiki Minaj,她正在尋找一個住宿的地方——並在度假時射精。露易絲不禁被琪琪怔住了。丹尼看到了他們一對的潛力,帶領露易絲進入汽車旅館的控制室,在那裡他們兩個監視琪琪,琪琪玩弄自己,對著鏡頭表演,因為他們他媽的在控制室的櫃檯上做愛。然後,丹尼推著一輛食品車進入琪琪的房間(露易絲藏在裡面),然後在露易絲的注視下操她。琪琪很快意識到她和丹尼並不孤單,並興奮地邀請露易絲一起玩。他們一起吮吸丹尼的雞巴,互相吃掉對方,讓丹尼操他們緊窄的陰戶。

Kiki Minaj 在 '在藥房排隊'

Kiki Minaj - 在藥房排隊

少數顧客,包括誘人的Kiki Minaj,正在藥店排隊等候藥劑師出現。困惑的丹尼 D 風暴, 得到右後短裙琪琪, 不小心撞到她的屁股。琪琪可以轉身罵那個魯莽的男人, 但她實際上喜歡感覺那傢伙的巨無霸。她開始用屁股刷陌生人的胯部。沒過多久,幸運的丹尼就偷偷地在排隊等候時猛擊琪琪的精緻混蛋。過了一會兒,其他顧客都厭倦了等待。 "該死的藥劑師在哪裡!丹尼臉皮。他只記得他其實是藥劑師!是時候到櫃檯後面去, 試著把藥片放進瓶子里, 同時偷偷地填補 Kiki 渴望的洞!

Kiki Minaj 在 '裸體到鄰居'

Kiki Minaj - 裸體到鄰居

Kiki Minaj是Danny D的新鄰居,在向他和他的妻子介紹自己之後立即引起了他的注意。 Danny的妻子並不喜歡他在她的小裝扮中檢查Kiki性感身材的方式,並確保她們都知道她的感受!然而,琪琪不是一個可以退出挑戰的人,決定當她偷偷摸摸尋找他的大公雞的味道時,她會更多地看看Danny!

Kiki Minaj 在 '他媽的自由戀愛'

Kiki Minaj - 他媽的自由戀愛

作為她活動的一部分,Kiki Minaj是性感的自由戀愛活動家,在當地治安官的家裡種植假陽具。當治安官的兒子Danny D在行動中抓住她時,Kiki行動迅速並利用她的性能力將他轉變為原因。

Kiki Minaj 在 '貓在靴子裡'

Kiki Minaj - 貓在靴子裡

Danny D的同事邀請Danny以下班後的飲料為幌子,而他的妻子則熱切地等待著他們在家裡。當他們到達時,Danny很震驚地看到他的同事的妻子Kiki Minaj穿著內衣和靴子。令人驚訝的是,Danny放下他的飲料,而Kiki將玻璃踢開,要求她的丈夫赤手空拳清理亂七八糟的東西。基基坐在丹尼旁邊的沙發上,用她的丈夫作為腳凳。她檢查了她的客人並要求看他的陰莖。 Kiki讓她的丈夫炫耀他讓Danny更舒服然後拉出Danny的陰莖進行比較。丹尼的陰莖給人留下深刻的印象,基基允許她的丈夫看著她帶著丹尼去騎。 Danny將於明天為休息室進行一些熱烈的談話......

Kiki Minaj 在 '一點點額外的東西'

Kiki Minaj - 一點點額外的東西

為了節省一些現金給男朋友買一個驚人的生日禮物,Kiki Minaj決定將她的整套公寓出租給旅行者,遠遠低於它的價值。當訪客Danny D向她提供一些額外的東西來看她洗澡時,她決定接受他的提議......然後給他很多,比他討價還價更多!

Kiki Minaj 在 'Prized Posessions'

Kiki Minaj - Prized Posessions

Kiki Minaj正在等待她丈夫穿著最新最性感的內衣,但這位醉酒的老人選擇退休,而不是關注他吸煙的妻子。厭倦被忽視,琪琪用她丈夫最珍貴的財產填充一個盒子,並向鄰居宣布一切都必須去!幸運的丹尼D恰好出去慢跑,漫步,喜歡他所看到的。角質家庭主婦Kiki喜歡她所看到的,並邀請他在裡面尋求一個非常特別的優惠:Danny可以隨心所欲,只要他給她一個她迫切需要的鐵桿他媽的!

Kiki Minaj 在 '有機高潮'

Kiki Minaj - 有機高潮

Danny D只是出去散步,當他看到他豐滿的黑檀木鄰居Kiki Minaj俯身在她的廚房櫃檯上,在她緊的濕貓身上塞滿了一塊巨大的黃瓜!她發現了他,但在他開始道歉之前,琪琪離開櫃檯,在窗戶外面吞下了每一寸Danny的大雞巴。跳進去,Danny正如他所說的那樣,彎曲那厚厚的多汁的屁股,然後在她的陰部推開新鮮的產品的同時將它擴散並狠狠地敲打她!這個英國寶貝需要品嚐那個厚厚的陰莖和她的沙拉,所以她用她甜美的口交嘴唇完成了他,直到他在奶油色的裝載上給她的大山雀上釉!

Kiki Minaj 在 '噴水和Slurp'

Kiki Minaj - 噴水和Slurp


Kiki Minaj 在 'Latexxx'

Kiki Minaj - Latexxx

加入Kiki Minaj,她用紅色乳膠調皮,逐層剝去緊密的塑料,直到Danny Martin能夠加入她

Emma Butt 在 '他媽的第一個計時器'

Emma Butt - 他媽的第一個計時器

霍爾迪的18歲生日正在成為他有史以來最好的一次 - 他的哥哥第一次帶他去脫衣舞俱樂部!只有一個問題 - 俱樂部的關門時間就像二人到達一樣!幸運的是,晚上最後一位MILF-Y表演者Emma和Kiki非常喜歡Jordi,並決定為他的生日拋棄一塊骨頭(r),而一直忽略那個討厭的哥哥付錢!

Angel Wicky 在 '女士們,Twerk出來'

Angel Wicky - 女士們,Twerk出來


Kiki Minaj 在 '呵斥打屁股'

Kiki Minaj - 呵斥打屁股

Kiki Minaj不滿意她媽媽的新男朋友,Danny D. Kiki寧願找到一些公雞來吸吮和他媽的。所以,Kiki試圖勾引D先生自己,但他並不感興趣。懊惱的是,Kiki決定在房子周圍碰上大屁股。她終於得到了丹尼的注意,並給她打了一屁股,她一直在餓死!

Kiki Minaj 在 '粉紅色和豐滿'

Kiki Minaj - 粉紅色和豐滿

Kiki是濕的,準備玩了。她完美的圓形屁股看起來像粉紅色緊身衣那樣可愛。在我們洗澡後,Danny D把她的屁股提升到一個新的水平。

Kiki Minaj 在 '砰砰的夜晚'

Kiki Minaj - 砰砰的夜晚

當一個不安寧的女孩(Kiki Minaj)不能得到任何關閉的時候,她決定打電話幾乎每一個她可以想到在她附近的傢伙來他媽的她。唯一的問題是,Kiki獲得了一點聲譽,她找不到任何人他媽的!突然間,米娜女士發現她被搶了!她決定引誘竊賊(Danny D),讓她溺愛她一直在渴望!

Carla Cox 在 '噴槍果汁吧'

Carla Cox - 噴槍果汁吧

丹尼一直把所有的空閒時間都花在果汁吧,試圖把他的悲傷淹沒在新鮮的果汁中。他不能處理與妻子在家,特別是當他可以和調酒師Ca​​rla Cox和Kiki Minaj在一起時。他們是這樣骯髒的熱撻,他會給任何一個很好的肛門他媽的他們的豐滿的屁股。所以當這些蕩婦建議他打雙方的屁股和屁股,直到他們噴了,好吧,這是丹尼的每個角色的夢想都是真的!

Kiki Minaj 在 '公共訪問貓'

Kiki Minaj - 公共訪問貓

Kiki Minaj有一個非常特別的扭結:她需要一個真正乾淨的貓,所有的時間。她的角質衛生儀式非常有趣,他們將她放在丹尼D的奇怪習慣的談話節目中。一旦她到了那裡,她就無法抗拒主持人的骯髒,即使這意味著他媽的在黃金時段的電視上住。

Kiki Minaj 在 '從家工作的危險'

Kiki Minaj - 從家工作的危險


來自其他網站的場景特色 Kiki Minaj,Ema Karter

Ema Karter 在 'Hard Bodied Ema Gives Gym Buddy A Real Work Out'

Ema Karter - Hard Bodied Ema Gives Gym Buddy A Real Work Out

Even on vacation, athletic blonde Ema is on the ball. And after she gives her hard-bodied workout partner a good look at her curves in action, Ema's going to be on the cock as well.

Kiki Minaj 在 'Kiki Minaj: Babysitter Punished 4 Wanking On The Job'

Kiki Minaj - Kiki Minaj: Babysitter Punished 4 Wanking On The Job Content Department Note:Monsieur Pascal only allows us to use a very limited number of his sluts at any one time. Every time we put up a scene we have to take one down. Since he has been a bit tardy with his latest batch of scenes, he asked us if we could republish a classic one from years past. We decided that this was far better than no update at all. This scene has not been on our site for 3+ years.We love strong women at PascalsSubSluts, women who are open and a good laugh but don't take any bullshit. And who, of course, love to let it all go at the hands of a bastard gentleman with a throbbing argument for them to submit and obey. Well, they don't get much stronger than Kiki Minaj. Mess with this bitch and you'll know it. Treat her good and she'll have you in stitches. The girl's a star – reality telly's loss, reality porn's gain. She's also an internet slut and serves PascalsSubSluts wonderfully. She's tough and her scene's rough. She plays a babysitter who's looking after my GF's sister's baby. We're supposed to be looking after it but we've had to do a shoot at the last minute. We get back to find her wanking off to gay porn on Andy's computer – 'tube site I hasten to add!' (Andy) – while the little darling's shrieking its head off in the next room. But since she didn't hear us come in (cos she's got the headphones on) and Andy's got her on vid pulling up her knickers in a panic (cos his camcorder's always on), she fast finds herself under strict instruction by two dirty old men to pull them down again and finish what she started – else the taped evidence be submitted to her childcare agency and you wouldn't like that now sweetheart, would you? Alas once she's made herself cum she's still got work to do because she's given me such a raging hard-on that… well, you know. Needs must. And blackmail is such a happy lubricant.

Kiki Minaj 在 'XXX Maid For Sex'

Kiki Minaj - XXX Maid For Sex

Kiki dressed in her naughty maid outfit thoroughly cleans the bedroom while the hotel guest is still sleeping in his bed. She cannot contain her insatiable lust as she sneaks a peak at his huge cock and then uncontrollably sucks and licks it clean like a real pro! Wearing no knickers Kiki spreads her tight pussy and gives him the ride of his life! This is room service at its best!!

Martina Smeraldi 在 'Kiki and Martina: DP and Squirt Training'

Martina Smeraldi - Kiki and Martina: DP and Squirt Training

At the gym, busty black babe Kiki Minaj trains young, athletic cutie Martina Smeraldi, Jocks Luca Ferrero, Kristof Cale and Vince Carter carelessly interrupt them, and a wild interracial orgy breaks out! Luca fucks Martina's throat, and Kiki gives Kristof and Vince a slobbering, double blowjob. When the girls have properly soaked the guys' thick cocks, two studs treat Kiki to a ruthless double penetration drilling. This sweaty, interracial fuckfest features fornication, ruthless anal reaming, ass-to-mouth fellatio, and orgasmic ejaculations of girl squirt! Finally, the men reward the open-mouthed girls with multiple, messy cum facials.

Kiki Minaj 在 'Double Anal Troublemakers'

Kiki Minaj - Double Anal Troublemakers

Busty, ass-blessed black babe Kiki Minaj shows off in a stylish outfit, her nipples poking through her shirt as she teases. Kiki meets heavily hung Yanick Shaft and Mike Angelo for an interracial devil's threesome! The spunky starlet fondles her slit as one guy fucks her face and the other reams her stretched rectum. The raunchy encounter delivers nasty rimming; sloppy, ass-to-mouth blowjobs; and intense double-anal penetration, with both big boners simultaneously plowing her asshole! The men flood Kiki's pussy two hot creampie climaxes!

Luca Ferrero 在 'DP Bandits! 2'

Luca Ferrero - DP Bandits! 2

Sweet black Kiki Minaj is hungry for cock in all holes, so studs Luca Ferrero and Yanick Shaft satisfy her craving in a threesome! The hot babe gives drooling blowjobs, choking on their dicks. Kiki takes Yanick's throbbing boner up the ass as Luca shoves his prick deeply into her juicy ebony pussy for a scintillating, interracial double penetration! She pants heavily through an anal reaming, rubbing her wet clit and bouncing up and down on Yanick's big boner. The threesome includes hot rectal gaping and a sloppy, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Kiki takes a creamy serving of cum on her tongue.

Kiki Minaj 在 'Ebony beauty twerks on drivers cock'

Kiki Minaj - Ebony beauty twerks on drivers cock

Kiki Minaj had mischief written all over her face. It was a hot day, and Kiki was dressed for the occasion. I could practically see her pussy when she got into the cab! When I offered her the cab ride for free, Kiki was all too happy to show me her "pom pom." As I found us a quiet place to park, Kiki pulled her shorts down and twerked her big ass up and down. I couldn't wait for her to do that on my dick, and it was worth the wait! I ate her pussy and stuck a finger in her arse to make her cum, then she deepthroated the Bishop and sucked my big balls. After a fun spot of anal, Kiki, the little slut, stuck her finger in my arse as I fucked her face, then swallowed a huge load of cum. When a woman fucks me this good, I'll drive her anywhere!

Kiki Minaj 在 'Sneaky Salon'

Kiki Minaj - Sneaky Salon

Whenever sexy stylists Kiki and Georgie's salon is empty, they keep their hands busy by squeezing each other's big tits and playing with their pussies. When an early client interrupts their quickie, these sexy British birds don't want to stop their fun just yet, but if they're sneaky enough, they can get off behind her back...and with her boyfriend! Kiki and Georgie install their brunette customer under the dryer, then offer her boyfriend Jordi a massage while he waits, and their skilled fingers soon close around his big cock. With one pale blonde and one ebony stunner sucking his dick and riding him, soon Jordi is the one giving the pretty beauticians a facial!

Kiki Minaj 在 'Deep Throat. Ass Fist. Pussy Bump. Can This Be True Krystal Niles Nails UK Backstage Banging!!!'

Kiki Minaj - Deep Throat. Ass Fist. Pussy Bump. Can This Be True Krystal Niles Nails UK Backstage Banging!!!

Ladies love Senzi's big, black dick and even when a party is raging on in the other room babes Kiki Minaj and Krystal Niles want what Senzi's got until they get his spunk! These two babes go for it all, busting out the oil and doing this threesome properly, with plenty of lesbo and hardcore action going down! These two freaks really work that dick, double stroking and sucking and shoving it inside, taking Senzi for a double-team ride until even this pro can't take it anymore! THe more jizz the better, and these cum lovers are no stranger to playing in the gooey goodness! Often backstage is where the real party's at and this interracial threesome will have you partying with them for days!

Kiki Minaj 在 'Get The Fuck Into These Witchy Bitches!!! Soak Them, Nail Them, Cum On Them!!! The UK Fuck Doll Clash!'

Kiki Minaj - Get The Fuck Into These Witchy Bitches!!! Soak Them, Nail Them, Cum On Them!!! The UK Fuck Doll Clash!

Bruno walks into a scene that any guy would love to see, Kiki Minaj, Chessie Kay, and Krystal Niles freshly lesbo'd and horny as fuck, but he's upset that his girl Krystal would do this to him! However, all wounds can be healed through some fucked up hardcore, and this angered gentleman is about to take it out on this threesome with some rough sex! Deep throat, gagging, and then spraying these chicks down with the shower hose are all part of the wetlook warm-up before Chessie takes it hard and then Kiki's ass gets fiercly pounded with the other ladies cheering it on and getting their lesbo on! It's a big titty, interracial extravagana that puts their endurance to the test, but it's all worth it when Kiki and Chessie get their just desserts of a facial that they happily cum swap as Krystal rubs her clit to satisfaction! They all get off in a wet and nasty fashion!

Kiki Minaj 在 'Exotic Ballet'

Kiki Minaj - Exotic Ballet

Gorgeous ballet dancer Kiki shows talent not only on the dance floor but also in the ways of love. Yes, you heard it well. The graceful and exotic beauty is not that shy as she looks like. She loves to play with big, juicy cocks... the more the merrier. But the most surprising thing that she loves anal even more... who would have thought?

Nikky Thorne 在 'Danger! Mean Pussies and Sweet Asses: Tiffany and Kiki vs. Anissa and Nikky - Wet Dreams Are Made Of This!'

Nikky Thorne - Danger! Mean Pussies and Sweet Asses: Tiffany and Kiki vs. Anissa and Nikky - Wet Dreams Are Made Of This!

Kiki Minaj and Tiffany Doll just got their denimed up selves fucked up properly in the hot tub, and they had no idea classy, bloused up beauties Nikky Thorne and Anissa Kate were watching from behind the bush, just waiting for the guy to leave so that they could turn this party lesbo! It may take a moment to get these prissy chicks into the water, but as soon as they do the lesbo heat steams the place up, and those toys come out to be put to good use! Kiki and Tiffany just got their pussies pounded, so now it's all about the ass play with all four ladies taking a dildo deep inside their butts, working that anal wetlook until they can't take any more! They may have different styles but they all have the same dirty tastes!

Kiki Minaj 在 'The Ass Skewer Spears Up Some Butts en Brochette - Can You Smell What The Cock Is Cooking'

Kiki Minaj - The Ass Skewer Spears Up Some Butts en Brochette - Can You Smell What The Cock Is Cooking

Renato may be a bit upset when he first walks in on babes Kiki Minaj and Anissa Kate getting their anal lesbo on in his band room, but at the same time can you really blame the guy for making the most of the situation!? It may be against the rules, but Renato's gonna take it all out on those two assholes, making sure they knows who's boss of this band! With some oil and a mind to rip those blouses and leather pants up, he tears into these oily beasts and their big tits and watches them lick some ass, warming up those holes before his fingers and cock go deep inside! This leather clad threesome goes all out ass to mouth and these freaks get a big mouthful of analyzed cock, gagging on that monster before taking a mean pop-shot and swapping that spunk! Fuckin' freaks and their leather - now that's what we call an ass skewing and a delightful mouthful of butts en brochette!!

Kiki Minaj 在 'Invasion Of The UK Boob Babes: Krystal Niles, Chessie Kay and Kiki Minaj are 'Busty, Bad and Butt Fixated''

Kiki Minaj - Invasion Of The UK Boob Babes: Krystal Niles, Chessie Kay and Kiki Minaj are 'Busty, Bad and Butt Fixated'

High class hotties Krystal Niles and Kiki Minaj know they're fine and they just can't help admiring each others outfits and curvy asses, and when Chessie Kay, decked out in shiny pink, catches them in the act she wants in on the fun! Kiki wants to introduce her new fuck buddy hopeful to Chessie, and she quickly approves and in no time they're on the bed, playing out their full lesbo fantasies of working their holes and licking those luscious tits in a beautiful interracial lesbo threesome scene! Of course you know that as splay is gonna come out front and center with some fingers up Kiki's asshole, and they're not stopping until those clits are rubbed raw and they're all squealing in delight!

Tiffany Doll 在 ''The Denim Devils' - Frisky Jokin' N Bangin' All Day Long Till Pussy and Ass Got Wet and Served Hardcore'

Tiffany Doll - 'The Denim Devils' - Frisky Jokin' N Bangin' All Day Long Till Pussy and Ass Got Wet and Served Hardcore

Cool chicks Tiffany Doll and Kiki Minaj love their denim, foosball, and of course any sexy dude they meet at the bar! After an especially intense game of foosball these fun-loving freaks decide to cool down in the hot tub, of course still wearing their ass-tight jeans, and once the wetlook washes over them they all get horny as hell and ready to service Mugur's hard dick with their wet selves! These jean queens know how to work a big dick, and they know what they want - some ripped denim interracial threesome action! Right then and there in the water they go at it, getting dick thrusted right into their pussies and loving the feel of that wet denim until they want some other fluid blasted onto their jeans as Kiki takes a nice load on her ripped denim! Little did they know they were being spied on by to classy ladies who want to get in the game...

Samia Duarte 在 'Party Backstage Jackass Royal - An All You Can 'Eat' Special Offer, Squirting and Fisting All Inclusive Joyride ...'

Samia Duarte - Party Backstage Jackass Royal - An All You Can 'Eat' Special Offer, Squirting and Fisting All Inclusive Joyride ...

As if a mega-fucking-orgy wasn't enough, sometimes those extra special sluts need some "backstage attention", where they can triple-team one dick until they all get off hard! Bloused up bangers Samia Duarte, Kiki Minaj, and Akasha Cullen are all about taking their party play to the next level, getting themselves into a more intimate interracial foursome with one very lucky dude, pulling out all the oil stops that will allow them to fist themselves and taking on that dick deep in their perfect-for-fucking faces! These bangers ain't stopping until those pussies are squirting something fierce, and needing even more fluid action, as soon as they empty that cock of spunk they happily play around with it and all get a taste! Now back to the party, sluts!

Kiki Minaj 在 'Welcome 2 Sindrive, Anissa Kate!!! Leather-Clad Bums Anissa and Kiki In 'Watch Out, We're Glad To Be Mad!''

Kiki Minaj - Welcome 2 Sindrive, Anissa Kate!!! Leather-Clad Bums Anissa and Kiki In 'Watch Out, We're Glad To Be Mad!'

When SinDrive newcomer, Eurobabe bombshell Anissa Kate, finds Kiki Minaj snooping around the band room she takes it upon herself to snoop around Kiki's luscious black ass! Anissa immediately noted their common love for leather, knowing there's gotta be a serious freak underneath the fine fabric, and sure enough it doesn't take long for some ass spreading lesbo to begin! Kiki bends over and gets her holes explored, and then Anissa demands the same, spreading wide for some finger and tongue loving, pulling that leather down just enough to show us her beautiful fuck holes! These two beauties look hot as fuck with their naughtiness, and those black leather pants will have you as horny as they are! And you know whenever sluts are getting nasty in public someone's sure to walk in on them, and that's exactly what's going down in part 2 coming up! Welcome to SinDrive, Anissa!

Samia Duarte 在 'The Wetter, The Better Interracial All Ass Access Gaping and Cum Swapping 'Meet and Greet' With Kiki'

Samia Duarte - The Wetter, The Better Interracial All Ass Access Gaping and Cum Swapping 'Meet and Greet' With Kiki

Location scout Samia Duarte has no been freshly lesbo'd by property owner Pamela Sanchez, and now that video shoot manager Max Cortes and star dancer Kiki Minaj have entered the scene Samia is happy to report that they've got the perfect place for the shoot! However, Kiki's not fully convinced when she feels how cold the water is, and after putting on quite a bitchy show she realizes the only way she's gonna get warmed up is to make some friction with Max, and once those two start going at it Samia and Pamela want a piece! Before they know it they're in a four-way, interracial, wetlook, anal, ass-to-mouth and deepthroat fuck-fest, with all three babes getting those assholes stretched wide and pounded hard until manager Max busts a nut on them, and they proudly swap that jizz with their slutty selves! It turns out this location was indeed perfect for some badass video shoots!

Tiffany Doll 在 'Anal Whores Ready For More: Deep Throat And Back Door Galore!'

Tiffany Doll - Anal Whores Ready For More: Deep Throat And Back Door Galore!

Super sluts Tiffany Doll, Kiki Minaj, and Samia Duarte just gone done warming their own holes up in some lesbo play, and now after a change of outfit (because they always like to look fresh even in their trashiest moments!) they're ready to go, and this time their boy-toy Emilio is around, and they're going to give him the anal blasting time of his life! All three of these chicks get those pants ripped open and their asses spread before lining their faces up for some friendly deep-throat face fucking action, and from their it's all about the back door! All three of these anal lovers are happy to take their turns getting pounded, licking those other assholes to warm them up in the process, and they especially love their heads on the floor and their asses up high to gobble down that dick! Once they've all been banged and beautifully ass gaped Emilio unleashes a load of jizz on Samia's ass, and Tiffany and Kiki are more than happy to lick it all up! Pervy ones is an understatement!

Kiki Minaj 在 'Lost in lust'

Kiki Minaj - Lost in lust

We hooked up with these two loose girls that wanted to party. Tony was talking his game and testing the waters. He was letting Akasha know how good at oral he was, and how they should try it out. Meanwhile Kiki and James were looking at a map. JJ took charge and wanted to see some ass, so he asked if they were going to party or what? The booty started to shake, but we still couldn't see the ass. Akasha was a little surprised and excited to take her shorts off and show her plump ass. These sexy ladies both shook their booties in their panties. Kiki was on fire, so she got on her knees and introduced herself to James' cock. Akasha warmed up to Tony, so she could see how good he was at licking pussy. She wasn't let down as she moaned and quivered with pleasure. The guys also got more then they expected because Akasha loved to get her ass filled. After a few hot positions, the two loose party girls got some serious facials.

Kiki Minaj 在 'Lady In Charge'

Kiki Minaj - Lady In Charge

She may be the one on her knees, the meat in their sandwich, but in the manner of most really gorgeous girls, our sensational newcomer Kiki Minaj is clearly the lady in charge in this threesome encounter with Choky Ice and Sabby.

Kiki Minaj 在 'One Fist Beyond'

Kiki Minaj - One Fist Beyond

It's one thing to sing in a mega-bucks video about how you got a big fat booty for some dude's anaconda-sized schlong, but it's another thing to put your money where your asshole is and actually demonstrate that your buns can take massive girth. But hey, that's the difference between mainstream fantasy and pornographic reality, right?

Tiffany Doll 在 'Latex Lesbos Know Kinky Is The Only Way To Go!'

Tiffany Doll - Latex Lesbos Know Kinky Is The Only Way To Go!

Whenever horny beauties Kiki Minaj, Samia Duarte, and Tiffany Doll are hanging out you know they're going to have one hell of a time, and Kiki is especially in the mood to see what she can get from these two kinksters! All dolled up in shiny clothes and some latex pants that are begging to get ripped open, these lesbos are well equipped with toys and a mind to get nasty with each other! With faces crammed into their pussies and playing with those asses, these freaks are ramming away with those dildos and getting rough and tough with their fashionable selves until they can't take anymore! However, there's actually never enough for these fucked up sluts, so Kiki grabs the phone, calls up a hot stud, and that action is coming up soon on SinDrive!

Kiki Minaj 在 'Backstage Blasted By First Time Group Fisting and Squirting For These Interracial Party Fuckers'

Kiki Minaj - Backstage Blasted By First Time Group Fisting and Squirting For These Interracial Party Fuckers

Backstage sluts are the best, because they'll do whatever it takes to party with the VIP crew, and this guy is definitely going to put them to the test to see if they're worthy enough to hang out backstage! Shit's really about to get crazy in the backroom as a Drunk Sex Orgy event is plowing along in the main club, but these three babes, Kiki Minaj, Alyssa Divine, and Victoria Summers, want some private attention, and that's exactly what they're going to get, starting with some oil all over their shiny blouses! From there the dick comes out and these babes show off their deep throat skills before lining up to each take a proper pounding! Those juicy, oily tits are also going to get plenty of attention mixed in with some spitting and all around roughing those sluts up, and all that madness is just the appetizer for the fisting, squirting, and cum swapping these babes love to play out! Backstage is where the action's at!

Samia Duarte 在 'Poppin' Popstar Ass And Going Triple Slut Deep On The Cock Mic!'

Samia Duarte - Poppin' Popstar Ass And Going Triple Slut Deep On The Cock Mic!

Popstar sensation Kiki Minaj is in the house and eating up all the press attention she's getting from ultra hot, satin clad reporter Tiffany Fox and her sexy cameraman, and with the help of her equally bangin' assistant (on-call slut) Samia Duarte they're about to have some "off camera" fun! Kiki's all about some oil play, so she squirts Tiffany's blouse down as her assistant warms up the cameraman, and once he's rock hard all three babes start gobbling down that cock, with Kiki of course showing off that she can go the deepest! Tiffany is the first to take that dick deep in her vag, definitely breaking some employment rules, but fuck it, and not to be outdone, both Kiki and Samia go all-out anal, pounding their pretty buttholes until the cameraman can take no more and splooges all over Tiffany! Still not done being sluts, Kiki and Samia lick it off and play with that cum as the icing on the cake they deserve after this triple bitch on the cock mic event!