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Blake Blossom,Rocket Powers 在 'Brazzers' - Wet At Work (Brazzers Exxtra)

Blake Blossom 在家工作,但大部分時間都花在手淫而不是打字上。在特別緩慢的一天裡,她邀請她的工作暗戀物件到她的地方,在公司時間做愛,即使是在虛擬會議期間。當布萊克的丈夫提前回家時,事情變得非常危險——他會抓住他出軌的妻子嗎?還是她的同事會先抓住他們?

發布 : 9月17日, 2024
標籤 : 眼鏡, 大屁股, 泡泡屁股, 中等身材, 高加索, 金發, 修剪的貓, Outie Pussy, 大自然, 大山雀, 大胸部(天然), 天然山雀, 員工, , 肌肉發達的男人, 黑色男性, 黑髮, 短髮, 大迪克, 性別, 暨射擊, 面部, 手交, 手淫, 口交, 深喉嚨, 頭髮拉, 貓指著, 貓咪舔, 拍擊, 他媽的, 在室內, 辦公室, 異族, 工作幻想, 芭蕾舞女演員, 女牛仔, Doggystyle, 傳教士, 反向女牛仔, 他媽的, 側騎手, 站立攜帶, 4K

Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'
Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'
Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'

圖片來自 Blake Blossom,Rocket Powers 在 'Brazzers' Wet At Work

Blake Blossom 在 'Brazzers' 工作時濕漉漉的 (縮略圖 1)
Blake Blossom 在 'Brazzers' 工作時濕漉漉的 (縮略圖 2)
Blake Blossom 在 'Brazzers' 工作時濕漉漉的 (縮略圖 3)
Blake Blossom 在 'Brazzers' 工作時濕漉漉的 (縮略圖 4)
Blake Blossom 在 'Brazzers' 工作時濕漉漉的 (縮略圖 5)
Blake Blossom 在 'Brazzers' 工作時濕漉漉的 (縮略圖 6)

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Blake Blossom,Rocket Powers

Angela White 在 '庫快閃記憶體器傳授課程'

Angela White - 庫快閃記憶體器傳授課程

安吉拉·懷特 (Angela White) 在圖書館裡有一段歷史,以至於她在某些圖書館裡並不受歡迎。當安吉拉偷偷溜進圖書館與顧客一起在公共場合玩樂時,她最終發現了肯德拉·桑德蘭 (Kendra Sunderland) 和火箭力量 (Rocket Powers),這對的夫婦試圖拍攝性愛錄像帶並複製安吉拉眾多成名作品之一。首先,安吉拉通過快速吹掉堆棧中的某人來熱身,然後她從他偷偷摸摸的公共他媽的中攔截了 Rocket 並向他展示了它是如何完成的。當 Kendra 抓住他們時,安吉拉說服她加入,這要歸功於她天然的大奶子,導致在公共圖書館發生了一場不太安靜的三人行。

Blake Blossom 在 '當地人的交配習慣'

Blake Blossom - 當地人的交配習慣

Blake Blossom 是鎮上的新人,是時候見見鄰居了。這位性感的金髮女郎邀請了她希望最好的新朋友過來,一切都很順利,直到她的新鄰居伊賽亞·麥克斯韋(Isiah Maxwell)在布萊克的處境面前表現出對布萊克的興趣。布萊克讓這對爭吵不休的夫婦解決了這個問題,而以賽亞在回到布萊克身邊時選擇了明顯的贏家,他打開了並準備更深入地瞭解他的新鄰居。

Ryan Reid 在 '黨的生活'

Ryan Reid - 黨的生活

可愛、甜美的小零食 Liz Jordan 和 Ryan Reid 在派對上玩得很開心,互相磨蹭,與所有性感單身漢一起跳舞。不知從何而來,主持人決定派對結束了,而 Liz 和 Ryan 都沒有準備好結束它。他們唯一想包裹的就是用嘴圍住一些巨大的公雞。這就是 Dan Damage 和 Rocket Powers 的用武之地。Liz 和 Ryan 引誘 Dan 和 Rocket 到臥室進行一些熱辣的,這時派對才真正開始。

Ryan Reid 在 '解決她的扭結'

Ryan Reid - 解決她的扭結

里安·裡德 (Ryan Reid) 很饑渴,自從他們度蜜月以來,她的丈夫亞歷克斯·傳奇 (Alex Legend) 就沒有碰過她。值得慶幸的是,她性感的金髮私人教練 Blake Blossom 致力於讓她出汗(和射精!在一個熱氣騰騰的女孩鍛煉后,布萊克快速洗了個澡......卻發現亞歷克斯在監視她。布萊克為的窺視者表演了一場表演,然後用火辣的三人組重新點燃了這對夫婦的激情之火!

Blake Blossom 在 'Nuru 兩人份'

Blake Blossom - Nuru 兩人份

Kieran Lee 即將擁有有史以來最好的水療體驗!安迪·阿瓦隆(Andi Avalon)是一位按摩治療師,喜歡挑戰客戶的極限。她的最新客戶 Lee 和 Blake Blossom 期待傳統、放鬆的按摩,但相反,當她使用非傳統的身體部位按摩這對夫婦時,他們會感到驚訝。

Blake Blossom 在 '研究我的大奶子'

Blake Blossom - 研究我的大奶子

布萊克·布洛姆(Blake Blossom)要來和她大學的朋友亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)一起學習。但在他們開始讀書之前,布萊克問她是否可以洗澡。當亞歷克斯瞥見布萊克完美的自然大奶子時,他簡直不敢相信自己的運氣,很明顯,她很享受他的尷尬和關注。亞歷克斯霸道的父親有點問題,但不像亞歷克斯最初的過度興奮那麼嚴重,當布萊克取笑他時,高潮是巨大的射精爆炸。不過,亞歷克斯才剛剛開始,事實證明他有足夠的儲備來狠狠地操布萊克。偷偷摸摸的性愛接踵而至,直到亞歷克斯又一次吹了巨大的負荷,當他們最後一次被打斷時,一隻管襪最終出現在前面和中間。

Phoenix Marie 在 '布拉澤斯之家4:第5集'

Phoenix Marie - 布拉澤斯之家4:第5集


Alexis Tae 在 '布拉澤斯之家4:第2集'

Alexis Tae - 布拉澤斯之家4:第2集

在第 2 集中,我們的參賽者以雞巴長城的形式面臨他們的第一個挑戰,每個人都輪流崇拜、吸吮、他媽的和扭動它的假陽具。然後是時候在游泳池裡暢遊了一番,然後鳳凰瑪麗問他們關於他們的性偏好。誰喜歡吞咽,誰喜歡噴,誰願意嘗試任何事情來命名為我們的兩個幸運贏家之一?還有更多樂趣和他媽的,從外觀上看,這個賽季可能是迄今為止最難判斷的賽季,因為每個人都絕對會贏得它!

Angela White 在 '帶我去你的飼養員那裡'

Angela White - 帶我去你的飼養員那裡


Angela White 在 '終極油浸三人行'

Angela White - 終極油浸三人行


Blake Blossom 在 '等待我的前任'

Blake Blossom - 等待我的前任


Blake Blossom 在 '摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線圖書管理員偷偷沉迷於吃精液'

Blake Blossom - 摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線圖書管理員偷偷沉迷於吃精液

Blake Blossom前往她當地的圖書館,為她的訂閱者提供一些公共樂趣。約翰尼·洛夫(Johnny Love)正在尋找一本書,當他看到布萊克閃過她的觀眾時。他監視她,直到她被觀眾提醒 - 狡猾的布萊克利用這個機會為她的直播招募了者。所有的騷動都讓詹娜·斯塔爾(Jenna Starr)——一個孤獨的、上癮的圖書管理員——對她職業屋簷下發生的詭計產生了興趣。Jenna不起眼地試圖吃掉他們的剩菜,但最終在狂野的三人行中獲得完整的用餐體驗!

Blake Blossom 在 '蜿蜒曲線'

Blake Blossom - 蜿蜒曲線

美女布萊克·布洛瑟姆(Blake Blossom)在池畔懸掛,穿著透視的紫色連衣裙炫耀她驚人的身材。布萊克拉下她的上衣,讓她完美自然的奶子在陽光下彈跳和咯咯笑。布萊克今天唯一想要的就是一根又大又肥的雞巴來填補她緊致的洞口!當JMac到達時,他用油覆蓋了Blake的奶油身體,並崇拜她的每一寸。很快,布萊克試圖把JMac的所有東西都放進嘴裏,吐出唾沫順著她的下巴滴到她豐滿的奶頭上。布萊克對雞巴有貪得無厭的胃口,直到JMac的雞巴乾涸之前,她才會退出!

Blake Blossom 在 '雙膽陰部浸漬'

Blake Blossom - 雙膽陰部浸漬


Blake Blossom 在 '妻子被釋放'

Blake Blossom - 妻子被釋放

雖然布萊克·布洛瑟姆(Blake Blossom)嫉妒的丈夫可能會用華麗的禮物來寵愛她,比如花哨的珠寶和性感的內衣,但他對妻子缺乏尊重,導致她達到了一個臨界點。當同事賈克斯·斯萊赫(Jax Slayher)來談生意時,布萊克被送到臥室,在那裡她必須等到他離開。然而,布萊克聽完了丈夫的話,偷偷溜出去親眼看看铆釘。她喜歡她所看到的,並被一種強烈的性慾所征服,退到她的房間,在那裡她手淫。賈克斯不小心走進角質的妻子,當兩人終於見面時,性張力濃厚,誘惑是無法抗拒的。賈克斯以她真正應得的方式對待和操布萊克,無論她的丈夫喜歡與否!

Blake Blossom 在 '腳踏車69'

Blake Blossom - 腳踏車69

性感的佈雷克花有一個有利可圖的側喧囂作為FOOTQUEEN69,一個腳為重點的凸輪模型誰愛炫耀她可愛的腳為她的粉絲。當她爸爸邀請一位商業夥伴(李凱蘭)過來吃午飯時,佈雷克希望他很無聊,但事實證明,基蘭是FOOTQUEEN69的忠實粉絲,渴望向佈雷克表達他的感激之情。當佈雷克的爸爸不得不做一些辦公室工作時, 兩人偷偷溜到她的房間, 基蘭在那裡崇拜布萊克的腳, 然後猛擊她的貓。

Blake Blossom 在 '雙流行尼龍亞軍交換'

Blake Blossom - 雙流行尼龍亞軍交換

布萊克 · 布勞斯是一個金髮碧眼的炸彈, 他再次抓住桑德 · 科爾武斯在她的尼龍中抽搐。她受夠了但她的室友,奧利維亞傑伊的壞蛋寶貝,挖它,溜溜出房間由他的傢伙在她身後。她帶他到她的房間,包裹他的公雞在絲襪和吮吸它很難。桑德擔心他們可能會被抓, 但奧利維亞不怕布萊克。奧利維亞噴遍了桑德的公雞, 布萊克在桑德即將打破他的負載之前走進來。她接管,並顯示奧利維亞如何一個真正的暨蕩婦做到這一點。布萊克讓桑德坐下看著她該死的奧利維亞布萊克剪刀與奧利維亞, 直到她決定她希望桑德的公雞參與, 他加入了他的夢想的三人行。

Blake Blossom 在 '乾她女朋友的爸爸'

Blake Blossom - 乾她女朋友的爸爸

豐滿的寶貝佈雷克開花被邀請到她的新女友的地方吃晚飯和可怕的爸爸介紹 - 原來她的 Gf 的爸爸, Jmac, 其實很熱!在女孩們在樓上閒逛后,佈雷克把目光投向了JMac,在廚房裡,他準備晚餐,哄他進入一個熱,偷偷摸摸的混蛋。

來自其他網站的場景特色 Blake Blossom,Rocket Powers

Blake Blossom 在 'Iron Cord Kink'

Blake Blossom - Iron Cord Kink

A housewife doesn't mind confinement, as long as it's done from a place of overpowering desire.

Holly Hotwife 在 'Cheating MILF Holly Gets Tag Teamed By Two BBCs'

Holly Hotwife - Cheating MILF Holly Gets Tag Teamed By Two BBCs

Her husband thinks she's still at the office - but Holly is really working in a hotel room with two huge cocks!

Rocket Powers 在 '18 Year Old Size Queen'

Rocket Powers - 18 Year Old Size Queen

Izzy Rae was walking to meet her friend when the famous bus stopped next to her. They were doing a podcast. They gave her $100 for her time. They bought her underwear for $500. If she wanted to make more money she would have to get on the bus. She did want more money. $1500 to see her pussy. $500 for her to be topless. Meanwhile Rocket Powers got naked out of solidarity. Izzy was a size queen. Rocket had size. A perfect fit. She sucked his dick. They fucked while the bus drove on the bumpy roads of Miami. They did all kinds of positions. Mainly those with deep penetration. After a long time Rocket came into her mouth and on her chin. They were in a hurry so they dropped her off wherever they were and sped off into the sunset.

Rocket Powers 在 'Jasmine Sherni Joins The Parade'

Rocket Powers - Jasmine Sherni Joins The Parade

Jasmine Sherni joins the ass parade today. She is not only gorgeous, but she is thicker than cold peanut butter. Rocket Powers claimed the luck card as he did what we all wanted to do; he went face first in those fluffed out cheeks. I have to pause for a moment and tell you about the head game on this girl. She sucks and slobs on dick like a demon. Just when I was reaching the height of my jealousy, Rocket took her inside and gave that phat ass a good wrecking. Her ass had such a sexy recoil and when she got on top the soft waves rode Rocket into a huge climax. He finished all over her pretty face, and even though it was her first time with us, she was right at home.

Rocket Powers 在 'A Run in with Cubby'

Rocket Powers - A Run in with Cubby

Cubby is going for a jog and little does she know that two guys who spotted her are right behind her, they noticed how hot and how much of a banging body she has. They get to her place and spy on her while she showers. They see her cover herself in body was all over her giant boobs and perfect big booty. But, quickly, she notices that they are peeping at her. She quickly gets out of the shower and tells them what they are doing. However, she sees that both have huge dicks and is super turned on and invites them both to her bedroom where she gets banged from all positions until they both cum all over her.

Blake Blossom 在 'Dream Girlfriend Blake Loves To Please Her Man'

Blake Blossom - Dream Girlfriend Blake Loves To Please Her Man

Blake's boyfriend doesn't have much, but he one thing he does have is tenacity. When he's done directing it at the financial world, he's going to turn it loose on this blonde bombshell.

Blake Blossom 在 'gets her pussy worked out at the gym'

Blake Blossom - Naughty Athletics

Blake Blossom is getting a workout in with her trainer, but she would much rather work it on her trainer's cock. It's not hard to convince him, as he has been staring at her ass the entire workout session. So these two end up working up a sweat by using the gym equipment to fuck on.

Blake Blossom 在 'Beautiful Blake Blossom Cums Back'

Blake Blossom - Beautiful Blake Blossom Cums Back

Blake Blossom returns for another round!! It's safe to say there is no such thing as 'too much' of this incredible world class beauty. Her blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect natural tits and enthusiastic, energetic personality are just some of the reasons she is an all time favorite. This cock hungry babe gives her world famous sloppy blowjob before using her tits and tight pussy to completely drain this lucky dick for a creampie finish!!

Savannah Bond 在 'Thirsty Mom Savannah Goes Airtight In Epic Gangbang'

Savannah Bond - Thirsty Mom Savannah Goes Airtight In Epic Gangbang

The hot older neighbor has a lot of affection to go around, and with her "my door is always open" demeanor there's always room for one more.

Blake Blossom 在 'Double Take'

Blake Blossom - Double Take

Blake and Giselle would rather ask forgiveness than permission, and Blake expects her boyfriend will be pretty forgiving when he gets to see these two strut their stuff down each other's runways.

Charlotte Sins 在 'Enjoys The Rod'

Charlotte Sins - Blacks On Blondes

Charlotte Sins joined the Heavens cult because she really wanted to ascend to a higher place. The cult had a very personable and mesiac type leader in Farizi Powers. He was one suave motherfucker with a huge cock that really knew how to keep his flock of babes in line. The whole group was a fucking and a sucking waiting for the comet to come by earth so they could hop on aboard and transcend to a better place. Well it's been a few months now and Charlotte is starting to miss her family so she goes to her Farizi to ask for some time away from Heaven's Cult. She has been a good recruiter and has brought in many members so he blesses her to visit her family. But first to keep her safe from straying he wants to give her his Golden Rod and really keep her connected. When he pulls out his golden root she is once again in an euphoric state as she gulps down on that meat stick. Her pussy is yearning to have that pole poking deep inside her gut and her Farizi does not disappoint as he lays down the Holy Cult Stick on her wet hole. Cumming harder and harder she is hitting that higher place. By the time he blesses her with the Holy salty transcendence she knows she is not ready to leave yet. Maybe another week before she goes to see her family.

Rocket Powers 在 'Luna's Tight Ass On Parade'

Rocket Powers - Luna's Tight Ass On Parade

So, Luna came by and she brought that tatted smoke show body of hers. She is thick. An ass and tits dream combination. Rocket Powers pulled the luck card today, as she sucked him and fucked him enthusiastically. But the real gift from was giving him her tight asshole. Women use the words tight little asshole all the time, but this is one time Luna is spot on accurate. Rocket could barely get his dick in; it was so little. I know he was in heaven. Even though he was destroying her tiny shit hole, Luna took it like a champ. Rocket blasted off like one all over her face and we can't wait to see Luna again.

Blake Blossom 在 'Wishes Come True - S46:E16'

Blake Blossom - Wishes Come True - S46:E16

Roommates Lilly Bell and Blake Blossom are getting dressed to go out. The girls can't stop staring at each other as they debate which outfit to wear. Taking any excuse they can to touch each other, they both flirt with the idea of getting together.Blake tosses out that it's too bad Lilly has a boyfriend in Robby Echo. It's a casual comment, but it's like a bombshell as the roommies both begin to realize that they could have had each other. Just as they're leaning in to exchange a kiss, Robby comes in and interrupts. Instead of letting her boyfriend leave, Lilly decides to pull him onto the bed and seduce him and Blake into a threesome.There's not much convincing to be done. Soon Robby is enjoying himself enormously as the girls are making out above his lap. They get handsy, feeling each other up and rubbing against Robby's obvious hardon. When the girls whip his dick out, Robby just enjoys the ride as he gets a double blowjob.Soon the girls are undressing in between kisses and caresses as they lay Robby back on the bed. They let him sample their tits in turn and then get on their knees to give Robby a pussy buffet. After they have let Robby sample first one and then the other twat, the girls double stack themselves with Lilly on top of Blake. He keeps on eating them out, then finger bangs both ladies at the same time.When he has finally prepped Lilly and Blake properly, Robby urges Blake onto her knees. She takes him nice and deep in doggy, squealing in delight. At the same time, Blake buries her moans in Lilly's creamy twat.Lilly gets her turn with her boyfriend's dick as she crawls on top of Robby and sinks down on top of him. Riding in cowgirl, she rocks her hips for a lusty motion. As soon as she has made sure that Lilly is enjoying herself, Blake joins in on the fun by seating herself on Robby's face. Sliding forward, Blake takes over for Lilly as she mounts Robby in reverse cowgirl.On her back, Lilly spreads her thighs nice and wide open as she lets Robby slide back home inside her. Blake is all over Lilly, cradling her shoulders and kissing her lips and boobs. When Robby is about ready to blow his load, he pulls out and lets Blake aim his cum shot at Lilly's belly to leave a puddle of hot delight for the girls to share and play with.

Kendra Sunderland 在 'Natural Beauty Kendra Ravishes Blakes Curvy Body'

Kendra Sunderland - Natural Beauty Kendra Ravishes Blakes Curvy Body

Kendra and Blake spend their day having fun. They snap sultry pics in a photobooth, then head over to a poolside retreat so they can get even more intimate!

Blake Blossom 在 'The Keys To Happiness - S20:E1'

Blake Blossom - The Keys To Happiness - S20:E1

Busty and beautiful, Blake Blossom primps in front of the mirror for a dinner reservation. She asks her boyfriend Ken Feels if he's ready, but Ken can't find his keys. Blake spies the keys and playfully puts them down her dress. Plopping down onto the couch, she tells Ken they should play hot and cold for them.Eventually Ken realizes that the keys must be on Blake's person. She continues to play her hot and cold game as he works his way down her body. When Ken pulls her miniskirt up and tugs her thong aside to eat her trimmed cooch, Blake lets him know that he's blazing hot. He's on fire as he finger bangs Blake to an orgasm.Ken gets to his feet at Blake's insistence and watches the keys fall away along with her dress. They agree that it would be best to skip their reservation in favor of fucking. Blake rewards Ken's excellent decision making by dropping to her knees to suck him down in an enthusiastic blowjob.Sitting Ken down on the couch, Blake climbs into his lap. She sinks down on his hardon, taking him in inch by delicious inch. When she's fully seated, she begins rocking her hips in a rhythm designed to bring them both absolute delight.Blake gets on her knees next, inviting Ken back inside. He is quick to oblige, shoving home to give Blake the doggy style pussy pounding she needs. When Blake disengages long enough to get on her back, Ken is quick to reenter her at this new angle of penetration.They wind things down as Blaky lays on her side with one leg held in the air and Ken buried deep in her twat. When her appetite for sex is finally sated, Blake resumes her position crouched in front of her love. Stroking with purpose, she works Ken with a handie until he explodes on her big naturals.

Bella Rolland 在 'Bella Ditches Boring BF For Three Thick BBCs'

Bella Rolland - Bella Ditches Boring BF For Three Thick BBCs

Bella's man jealously leaves the party when he sees her getting touchy with three other guys on the dance floor. Good thing her new friends are there to comfort her!

Blake Blossom 在 'Voluptuous Blonde Blake Rewards Her Boyfriend'

Blake Blossom - Voluptuous Blonde Blake Rewards Her Boyfriend

Romance, adventure, spontaneity... they go together like blonde, busty, and beautiful. Blake has landed in a dream relationship, and a woman will let herself go wild for the right man.

Elana Bunnz 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Elana Bunnz - Neighbor Affair

Elana Bunnz is rinsing off after a hard workout and notices her neighbor looking over the fence. She asks for his help to dry off but what she really wants is his big black cock deep inside her tight wet pussy.

Bella Rolland 在 'A GorgeousAss'

Bella Rolland - A GorgeousAss

Bella Rolland was working out in the garden when her neighbors Rocket Powers and his buddy were peeking on her. When she walked into her gym the two guys sneaked after her and were watching her through the gym windows until she noticed them. When she asked why are you peeking at me, they just answered because you have a gorgeous ass. She loved the compliment. Did they really mean it? She worked out hard on it. She was glad somebody noticed. They suggested that a little oil would be good for the workout. Rocket spread a lot of oil over her big butt. She started to feel hot. Would they mind if she would take off her bikini? They didn't. Rocket oiled her breasts and pussy. Then he licked her ass. She sucked his dick and they fucked. First in the gym. Then they continued in the bedroom. They fucked in every imaginable position until Rocket came on Bella's ass.

Blake Blossom 在 'Stacked Blonde Wifey Blake Begs For His Thick BBC'

Blake Blossom - Stacked Blonde Wifey Blake Begs For His Thick BBC

All work and no play makes Blake a bad girl. It's time to pull her boyfriend's eyes away from his spreadsheet by any means necessary.

Blake Blossom 在 'Host'

Blake Blossom - Host

A short-term rental hostess has a secret fetish her husband can never know about, but all her guests get to witness first-hand.

Jessie Rogers 在 'Anal Blast From the Past'

Jessie Rogers - Anal Blast From the Past

Jessie Rogers used to shoot for Bangbros 10 years ago. She had the most amazing ass. Bangbros caught up with her and she was even more amazing than back then. The ass was world class. The tits were bigger. Rocket Powers was the lucky guy to get that ass. He stuck his tongue deep inside. Then he got a blowjob that made all of us jealous. And last but not least they started to fuck. After a couple of positions Jessie interrupted Rocket and asked him to fuck her in the ass. Some beautiful buggering came right after. Rocket fucked that ass, she moaned as loud as she could and they fucked until he s**t his cum on her belly.

Blake Blossom 在 'Sex Ed Teacher Fucks Timid Young Couple'

Blake Blossom - Sex Ed Teacher Fucks Timid Young Couple

Puppy crushes are rekindled when Blake and Apollo spot their former teacher at the laundromat. Even though they're all grown up, Ms Jessie still thinks they have a lot to learn about anatomy.

Blake Blossom 在 'Selfish Brat'

Blake Blossom - Selfish Brat

A short-term rental hostess has a secret fetish her husband can never know about, but all her guests get to witness first-hand.

Blake Blossom 在 'Dirty Wives Club'

Blake Blossom - Dirty Wives Club

Blake Blossom comes home, sees Ryan, the mover her husband hired, and is instantly turned on. She gives her husband a call to thank him for a long-awaited fuck session. Watch the beautiful Blake Blossom go wild fucking and sucking his hard cock until he jizzes all over her.

Blake Blossom 在 'Birthday Creampies'

Blake Blossom - Birthday Creampies

Blake is giving her man the best birthday gift of letting him creampie her pussy as many times as she wants.

Blake Blossom 在 'Classmate, Blake Blossom, is ready and willing to fuck your brains out before the alumni Halloween party'

Blake Blossom - Classmate, Blake Blossom, is ready and willing to fuck your brains out before the alumni Halloween party

I decided to help my old college classmate, Blake Blossom, set up our old classroom for the alumni Halloween party because she's hot as fuck and we'd most likely be alone. We finished decorating early way before the party was supposed to start. Blake let me know she was turned on by my gladiator costume and I'm sure she could tell I was aroused by her sexy devil costume. Since nobody was around for another hour and a half, Blake and I fucked all over our old classroom. I finally got to see her big round ass and juicy natural tits up close and personal while she bounced on my hard cock.

Blake Blossom 在 'may not know much about football but she is an expert on swallowing cock'

Blake Blossom - may not know much about football but she is an expert on swallowing cock

I'm so excited that football is back in season. My wife invited her good friend, Blake Blossom, to the big football game. She shows up but unfortunately, my wife is stuck at work wrapping up a few things. It's all good with me though because Blake is some serious eye candy. Blake and I decide to pregame before my wife gets home. We start to chat about football when Blake notices my package. She can tell I've got a big sausage and she's hungry! Since my wife isn't going to be home and Blake is here lookin' all sexy as fuck, I let her have a taste and gobble it up.

Blake Blossom 在 'Big Boob Blonde Dream Cum True'

Blake Blossom - Big Boob Blonde Dream Cum True

This might be the greatest big natural tit busty blonde combo yet!! Blake Blossom and Kylie Page are cock loving, pussy licking, horny sluts with the type of beauty that makes heads turn. Individually either one of these babes is top-tier…but together, it's literally a dream cum true. These sexy goddesses can't get enough of each other. They worship each other's bodies and get deep enjoyment from sharing the dick. Enjoy as their pussies get pounded, perfect round asses bounce and large natural breasts shake before they share a cumload in each other's mouths.

Blake Blossom 在 'The Good Life - S44:E30'

Blake Blossom - The Good Life - S44:E30

Blake Blossom is back for another photoshoot. This time Blake is acting as the producer and director for Vanna Bardot and Chad Alva. The trio poses, with Blake taking her own turn in front of the camera as well as telling Chad and Vanna what she wants. Of course, the photoshoot gets sexier and hotter until it's all about the threesome that's already in progress.Blake and Vanna pop each other's breasts out to squeeze and suck. Openmouthed kisses on each other's nipples gets those tips nice and hard. Chad isn't left out of the action as he gets a hands on tour of Blake's body since the blonde is in the middle. Soon enough, all pretense of professionalism gives way to sensual bliss.A hands on tour of Blake's body leads Chad and Vanna to pressing their palms against the heat of Blake's desire. Of course, she's not one to keep all the attention on herself. Leaning to the side, Blake goes to work sucking and stroking Chad's hardon. Meanwhile, Vanna makes herself at home feasting on the sweetness between Blake's thighs. The girls swap spots so Vanna can blow Jake while Blake laps at Vanna's dripping twat.Since Vanna is already on her knees, it's simple enough for Blake to capture her mouth in kisses while Chad gets on his feet behind her and slides home. While taking it in doggy, Vanna dips her head to resume eating Blake out. When Blake is shuddering, she once again kisses Vanna to taste her own juices on her friend's lips.Blake gets her own turn with the D as she mounts Chad for a reverse cowgirl stiffie ride. Vanna tags out, pressing her tits to Chad's face as she rocks and rolls in cowgirl. The girls take a moment to slurp their combined juices from Chad's hardon before Blake gets on her back to take Chad one last time. He pulls out to pop on Blake's landing strip, leaving the girls a hot shot to enjoy.

Blake Blossom 在 'Connections - S44:E27'

Blake Blossom - Connections - S44:E27

Demi Hawk and Jay Romero are enjoying a modeling session together. Blake enjoys teasing Jay, and the connection between them is obvious. As they chat with the camera and flirt with each other, it becomes clear that there's plenty of sexual tension that must be addressed.Blake loves Jay's vibe as they play games before getting down to business. When the modeling session finally begins in earnest, their clothes gradually come off as they get closer and hotter for one another. When Blake is topless, Jay can't help but get more hands on. Blake gets Jay in a chair, and while she licks her way down his chest towards his boner, he pinches her nipples and squeezes those boobs.Opening wide, Blake goes in for a BJ that leaves Jay wanting so much more. She sucks nice and deep, cupping the balls and squeezing the root. When she rises up and delivers a nice titty fuck, Jay lets his head fall back on a groan. He returns the favor of oral sex by putting Blake on her back and diving face first into that muff as he licks and slurps her juices.When Jay spoons behind Blake and slides home, she lifts her thigh nice and high to let him in deeper. Her gasps of delight only get hotter as she rolls Jay onto his back and climbs on top of him to ride him. That boob bouncing stiffie ride is everything Blake has been wishing for.Rolling onto her back, Blake lifts her leg and hooks an ankle over Jay's shoulder so he can enter her easily. He can't get enough of that juicy coochie. When Jay realizes he's about to blow his load, he pulls out to cum on Blake's landing strip to leave her sticky and smiling in absolute bliss.

Blake Blossom 在 'Found Out'

Blake Blossom - Found Out

When a woman finds out her man has been moonlighting as an erotic novelist, she finds a way to bring his dark side to light.

Blake Blossom 在 'Behind The Camera - S44:E24'

Blake Blossom - Behind The Camera - S44:E24

Alex Mack is ready to photograph Blake Blossom and Vanna Bardot. The girls take some selfies and then go to grab some outfits to change into. Getting naked together, they play to the camera even as they put on their hot dresses.The photoshoot goes off smoothly, with both ladies looking sexy as fuck. Eventually Alex finds himself in the frame as well, with his hands all over Vanna. The camera keeps on snapping automatically as the trio begins making out, getting more and more into their sensual needs as Blake slides Vanna's top down to go for those tanned titties.As the trio's clothes come off, Vanna finds herself with her hands and mouth all over Alex's hardon. Since Vanna is on her side, it's a simple thing for Blake to get on her knees between her girlfriend's thighs. Hiking up Vanna's miniskirt, Blake goes to work eating pussy as Vanna keeps sucking Alex off.When the girls switch spots, Blake finds herself in the middle receiving plenty of sensual attention. Alex eases Blake onto her back so he can slide home into that slick snatch. Once she knows that Blake is thoroughly enjoying herself, Vanna straddles Blake's face to get tongue fucked.Now it's Vanna's turn to enjoy the D, which she does on her hands and knees. Taking a doggy style pussy plumbing, Vanna leans in to lap away the heart of Blake's pleasure. Plucking at her own nipples and squeezing her titties, Blake accepts the pleasure Vanna is offering and then some.When Alex takes a seat on the couch, Blake is there to ride him in reverse cowgirl. Her big boobies bounce as she takes everything Alex has to give her. When she's finally sated, she gets on her knees with Vanna to suck Alex off until he pops in a double facial to give the girls a cumshot to play with.

Blake Blossom 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Blake Blossom - My Sister's Hot Friend

Blake Blossom is at her friend's house getting everything set up for the Memorial Day BBQ when her friend's brother, Dan, drops in. Blake has had a thing for Dan for a while so she convinces him to stay for the bbq. Dan agrees and goes upstairs to change. Blake follows him up and catches a glimpse of his big cock while he was changing. Now that she's had a peek she has to have it, Dan finally agrees and gives Blake a memorial pounding.

Blake Blossom 在 'Pussy Workout'

Blake Blossom - Pussy Workout

Sexy ladies Blake Blossom and Kayley Gunner give their pussies a workout!!

Blake Blossom 在 'Appetite For Orgasm'

Blake Blossom - Appetite For Orgasm

You get an orgasm! And you get an orgasm! Everyone gets an orgasm! When Blake Blossom and Vanessa Sky teamed up to come knocking on my door, I knew I had my work cut out for me to keep up with them. It was nothing short of a cum fest happening in my room. Even when I thought we were done, we were not done!

Blake Blossom 在 'On Top'

Blake Blossom - On Top

Blake wants the man she has on the side all to herself. To get him where she wants him, all she has to do is put on some sexy lingerie, triangulate him against her boyfriend, and line up her shot.

Blake Blossom 在 'Big Tits Blonde Blake Blossom Loves Being A Slut'

Blake Blossom - Big Tits Blonde Blake Blossom Loves Being A Slut

Gorgeous Blake Blossom loves when Dan Ferrari goes balls deep inside her tight pussy.

Blake Blossom 在 'Irresistible Blonde Blake Blossom Loves Fucking Married Men'

Blake Blossom - Irresistible Blonde Blake Blossom Loves Fucking Married Men

Big tits blonde Blake Blossom spreads her legs wide for Dan Ferrari to get deep inside her tight pussy.

Jazlyn Ray 在 'Exclusive'

Jazlyn Ray - Exclusive

Lascivious A-lister Blake is still steaming at her incisive interviewer Jazlyn for outing her in an old article. But Jazlyn has another tidbit to share that might keep Blake coming back for exclusives.

Blake Blossom 在 'Looks Better On You - S44:E2'

Blake Blossom - Looks Better On You - S44:E2

Dressed to the nines, Blake Blossom lets herself into her boyfriend Ryan Mclane's house. She knows that she's the other woman, and she revels in it. Dropping her purse, Blake struts into Ryan's bedroom and goes through his wife's drawers until she finds the lingerie. She picks out a few sets that she likes and then strips down to try them on.The purple bra and thong doesn't feel right, so Blake goes ahead and tries on the red set. She finds Ryan's wife's high heels and slides her feet into those. Looking sexy as hell in Ryan's wife's clothes, Blake makes herself at home as she imagines being Ryan's actual wife.When Ryan still doesn't arrive home, Blake realizes she's feeling too horny to wait. She's just getting ready to slide her hand into her thong to masturbate when Ryan walks in on her. Ryan tries to get Blake to go, but Blake throws him down onto the bed and convinces him that she should definitely stay. Once Blake has her lips wrapped around Ryan's hardon, his resistance vanishes. Blake pushes Ryan onto his back and strokes, sucks, and titty fucks.Getting to her feet, she slips out of that lingerie and climbs on top of Ryan. Straddling him, she guides herself down onto his fuck stick and goes to town in her stiffie ride. When she's assured that Ryan is all in, Blake turns around and rides him in reverse cowgirl as he squeezes her ass.Climbing off, Blake sucks her own goo off Ryan's hardon. Then she gets on her back and splays herself wide open, inviting Ryan to eat her out. He obliges, licking their juices right off Blake's twat before getting to his knees and guiding himself into her juicy snatch.Spooning together, they keep on going at it. Eventually Blake rises to her hands and knees and offers herself to Ryan in doggy. He takes everything Blake is offering and more, pounding away at her snatch until she's bucking and moaning. Then he gets Blake on her back one last time as he titty fucks her to his own climax. Ryan tries to tell Blake that this is a one time thing, but Blake insists that his wife will just never have to find out about them.

Blake Blossom 在 'Blonde Baddie Blake Blossom Continuously Cums'

Blake Blossom - Blonde Baddie Blake Blossom Continuously Cums

Blake Blossom has become one of the hottest girls in the adult industry, and for good reason! This perfect, all-natural, blonde beauty with big tits and a spectacular ass is as good as it gets. She cums back for round two at MrLuckyPOV and she never disappoints. Watch her quiver in pleasure as she continuously cums over and over. Her big natural tits and warm wet pussy are the perfect combination to drain a load of cum.

Blake Blossom 在 'Camera Ready'

Blake Blossom - Camera Ready

Blake and Vic are surrounded by designer shopping bags and credit cards. Blake is on the computer, browsing a shopping page. Vic pulls an outfit from a shopping bag and begins to try it on the outfit.

Blake Blossom 在 'Oily Massage'

Blake Blossom - Oily Massage

Blake pours oil all over her hot body and gives Tommy an oily handjob.

Blake Blossom 在 'Slow And Sensual'

Blake Blossom - Slow And Sensual

Blake gets a sensual, oily massage and shows off her beautiful body before having passionate oil sex.

Skye Blue 在 'Power Outage'

Skye Blue - Power Outage

They say if you want to get someone's heart beating, watch a scary movie together. Is Skye afraid of what she's seeing on the screen, or the sudden attraction she's feeling to her friend Blake?

Blake Blossom 在 'Worth The Wait'

Blake Blossom - Worth The Wait

Blake has a novel approach to succeeding as a model: always bring whatever energy makes the photographer want to see you in the raw.

Blake Blossom 在 '- Cuckold Sessions'

Blake Blossom - Cuckold Sessions

Blake caught her boyfriend Elias taking on the phone with his ex girlfriend behind her back. She called him out on it and threatened to break up with him. Elias panicked and asked what he could do to make it up to her. Blake said that since he can talk to his ex, that she now gets to talk to her ex. Blake demands that Elias watches her talk to her ex in front of him. Elias agrees to this stipulation to keep Blake from breaking up with him. So Blake has Elias sit in a chair as they wait for Blake's ex to show up. Blake hears the doorbell and has Elias close his eyes as she gets her ex boyfriend. When Elias opens his eyes he sees that it's Jax Slayer male porn star right in front of him. Elias was at first excited because he is a huge Jax fan, but then starts to feel uncomfortable that Jax was Blake's ex boyfriend. Jax and Blake start kissing in front of Elias as if he's not there. Then Blake asks to speak with little jax because she misses him too. Blake proceeds to pull out Jax's dick as she's talking to it like it was another person. Elias protests and Blake quickly shuts him up. Then Blake starts sucking little Jax like there was no tomorrow. Elias protests and is quickly shut down again by Blake. Jax then proceeds to fuck Blake in front of Elias, like he used to fuck her when they were dating. Jax fucks the shit out of Blake in every position he could think of and was giving her an orgasm every few minutes. Elias would protest and was constantly shut down over and over. Then Jax busted a huge nut on her face as Elias watched. All was forgiven by blake and the world was made right.

Blake Blossom 在 'Dream Slut, Blonde, Stacked, Blake Blossom Worships Jax Slayher's Giant Black Cock'

Blake Blossom - Dream Slut, Blonde, Stacked, Blake Blossom Worships Jax Slayher's Giant Black Cock

Naturally stacked Blake Blossom has a big appetite for BBC. She is a super slut, that likes to talk dirty when she gets fucked. She has multiple orgasms on Jax Slayher's giant BBC!

Blake Blossom 在 'Spy Cam Threesome'

Blake Blossom - Spy Cam Threesome

Blake Blossom hired a private yoga instructor to relax and do some yoga. Her boyfriend, Johnny, is in the room setting up his very own remote control spy cam. Her instructor, Slimthick Vic, has a PERFECT ass, and Blake can't seem to keep her eyes off of it. She pulls down Vics pants and the two girls worship each other for some intense lesbian sex. When Johnny catches them fucking with his new spy cam, he wants in on the action. The girls take Johnny in and they have an intense threesome. They fuck in multiple positions until Johnny lets out a huge load all over both of their faces.

Blake Blossom 在 'All Natural Beauty Blake Blossom Gets A BBC'

Blake Blossom - All Natural Beauty Blake Blossom Gets A BBC

All natural beauty Blake Blossom gets some Steele!

Blake Blossom 在 'August 2022 Fantasy Of The Month - S3:E7'

Blake Blossom - August 2022 Fantasy Of The Month - S3:E7

It's time for another fantasy of the month, and this time we're thrilled to feature Blake Blossom. Decking herself out in sheer lingerie, Blake jiggles her titties and runs her fingers across her whip. Grabbing a cowboy hat, she completes her sexy Western getup.When Blake goes to the bedroom, she finds Oliver Flynn reading a book. She gets his attention by cracking her whip and then crawls into bed with him. Using the whip to lift Oliver's head towards her own, she captures his lips in a series of kisses that go from flirty to deep. She shoves her tits into Oliver's face, then goes to work grinding her hips against his hardon to make sure he's nice and ready for her.Curling up beside Oliver in bed, Blake rubs her hand up and down his hardon. That's all the giddiyup Oliver needs to go down on Blake. Sliding her thong aside, he buries his mouth and fingers in her soft snatch. In return, Blake goes to work blowing Oliver's hardon. He's standing tall and proud when this horny cowgirl straddles his hips and goes for a stiffie ride.Hopping off to suck her own juices from Oliver's dick, Blake turns around. She re-mounts him in reverse cowgirl, sinking down until she's fully impaled. This new position lets both Blake and Oliver take turns putting the motion into the ocean as Blake moans and sighs her approval.On her hands and knees on the bed, Blake presents herself to Oliver to keep her pussy party going. Going for at in doggy is lets Oliver have his turn with the whip. He uses it to keep Blake in position, especially when he gently wraps it around her neck to tug her back for both of their pleasure.The couple falls to their sides so that Blake can lift her leg high in the air. Oliver sinks back into her cooch, giving her the deep penetration she so desires. Tugging Blake's thigh up ever higher, Oliver goes as long and hard as he can. Eventually that means turning Black onto her back so he can give it to her in missionary to finish her off.Now that Blake has gotten everything she wants, Oliver takes his own turn. He pulls out and uses his own big hand to jack himself off. Blake takes over just in time to guide Oliver's pop short onto her torso. Wearing her boyfriend's cum like a badge of honor, Blake lets her head fall back in carnal bliss.

Blake Blossom 在 'Body Made For Cock'

Blake Blossom - Body Made For Cock

When an award-winning starlet gives you head, you take notice! Blake recently won Best Female Newcomer and it was well deserved. This all-natural beauty is a bombshell and she gives me one of the best blowjobs in all the land then lets me fuck her until im weak! Don’t believe me? Then watch for yourself!

Blake Blossom 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Blake Blossom - Neighbor Affair

Blake Blossom stops by her new neighbor's house with some beer as a welcome gift. They get to drinking and Brad mentions that he has noticed her checking him out. He's ok with that as he's noticed her changing at night. If Blake knew he was watching she would of gave him a better show, so she decides to give him a close up look at what he's been looking at by busting out her nice titties. Brad takes it from there and plays with her tits before giving her his thick cock all over his kitchen.

Blake Blossom 在 'Soapy and Horny'

Blake Blossom - Soapy and Horny

Blake Blossom is trying to enjoy a nice bath and masturbation session, but her roommate Johnny barges in because he's gonna be late to work and needs to shower. He gets naked in front of her, which turns her on even more so she decides to have some fun. She pushes her tits against the shower glass and then the real fun begins. She gives him an amazing blowjob before they fuck in the bath tub for multiple positions and he shoots a huge load all over her face.

Blake Blossom 在 'Party Of Three'

Blake Blossom - Party Of Three

How do threesomes happen? For some people, they take planning; for others… they just happen. Madi needs action when she runs into her friend Blake, who likes girls as much as she likes sharing them with her man where anyone might see.

Blake Blossom 在 'Super fans Blake Blossom, Delilah Day, and Jazlyn Ray get spoiled and banged hard by the MVP star quarterback'

Blake Blossom - Super fans Blake Blossom, Delilah Day, and Jazlyn Ray get spoiled and banged hard by the MVP star quarterback

Sexy football fanatics, Blake Blossom, Delilah Day, and Jazlyn Ray, get a personal invite to a pro quarterback's hotel room. He spoils them signed footballs, drinks, and his big hard dick. The girls have no reservation when it comes to having an epic foursome with the famous player. In this case, MVP stands for 'Most Valuable Penis'.

Blake Blossom 在 'Horny Nurse'

Blake Blossom - Horny Nurse

Horny nurse has sex with her patient and gets creampied.

Blake Blossom 在 '- Blacks On Blondes'

Blake Blossom - Blacks On Blondes

Maze has decided to sell his house and is interviewing Agents to find the right one to sell his house. They shake hands in the patio area and she tells him what a nice backyard he has and makes some chit chat and she sees how nice it is and says she wants the Real estate agent job. He says he still has a few more interviews to go before he decides who will get the house, then they go through the primary bedroom back door into his bedroom and she says, "well usually I like to show my clients everything I have to offer as their Real Estate Agent, so I like to finish my interviews someplace comfortable, let's keep talking on your bed! One of my BEST skills are my ORAL negotiation skills, which I will definitely use to make sure you get your house sold at the price you want...let me show you what I mean!" They lay down on his bed and she strokes his thigh and says, "Let's go over some figures, for example you have an awesome one!" and she opens his pants and starts BJ. Crazy sex happens, and he drops a huge load on her big natural tits!!!

Blake Blossom 在 'Blonde hotties Jazlyn Ray and Blake Blossom are willing to share your cock!!'

Blake Blossom - Blonde hotties Jazlyn Ray and Blake Blossom are willing to share your cock!!

Blonde Blue eyes Jazlyn Ray & Blake Blossom are warming up to share your big fat cock, First they start out getting you hard, teasing you with those big tits right where you want them smacking your face, then the toy's come out before they take good care of that big cock of yours.

Blake Blossom 在 'Rob Piper's Slam Piece!'

Blake Blossom - Rob Piper's Slam Piece!

Ace XXX director Jonni Darkko's camera glides lustily over the luscious bod of blonde Blake Blossom. Doffing her bikini, Blake reveals her huge boobs and hairy slit. Porn stud Rob Piper pops her suckable areolae into his mouth while she strokes his big Black cock. The dynamite doll works her tongue and mouth on his dark shaft in deepthroat blowjob. Rob enjoys her natural knockers in a titty fuck -- they drape over his ebony dick. He spits and slurps on her sweet cunt juice. Rob fucks her pussy while her jugs jiggle pleasingly. He jams his flesh rod deep in her gash and then feeds her the pussy-to-mouth flavor. They fuck like bunnies in several positions, until Rob spews several thick strands of spunk across her hairy muff, soaking her twat in cum!

Blake Blossom 在 'Party Hard'

Blake Blossom - Party Hard

All this and brains too

Blake Blossom 在 'Deep Creampie For Blake Blossom'

Blake Blossom - Deep Creampie For Blake Blossom

Blake Blossom is the definition of an all-natural blonde bombshell!! This beautiful busty blue-eyed babe lives up to the hype when she cums over for a late-night fucking. Her blowjob skills are out of this world and her tight, wet, pussy grips like a virgin. Enjoy as she cums over and over while her impeccable voluptuous titties bounce and her round juicy ass shakes. She isn't on birth control, but that doesn't stop her from taking a deep creampie to finish off the night.

Blake Blossom 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Blake Blossom - My Sister's Hot Friend

It's Halloween night and Cody is on a mission to take her sister's friend Blake Blossom to the Halloween party and the only way to do this is by conjuring her and animating the life of a doll with her soul. Looks like conjured babe is extremely horny wanting some dick before going to the party.

April Olsen 在 'and Blake Blossom - Blacks On Blondes'

April Olsen - Blacks On Blondes

Blake and April immediately come to the rescue when their best friend alerts them she has MTV (medically tight Vagina). Her new boyfriend Jovan happens to pack a massive black dong and has sent her to the hospital. She knows if she can't keep him satisfied he will leave her. She loves Jovan. He's so fun and hell of a conversationalist. Knowing he could stray while her pussy is being surgically opened she asks her best friends and size queens Blake and April if they would go service her boyfriend. Having the opportunity to jump on a black cock has been all either of these two fuck holes have ever wanted in life. They rush over to Jovan's house before he can seek a new white pussy to stray to and after listening to him sob a little they get him to show the meat. Oh my, sweet heaven's gate is that thing thick, black and big. Yum yum. Both girls saliva glands are in overdrive as they try to gobble it down like tourists from Idaho at a Vegas Buffet. This cock is so thick it barely fits in their mouths but they make it. Next it's into their sweet dripping cunt holes for some serious fucking. Like meat puppets the girls take Jovan balls deep in a myriad of sexual positions getting their sugar walls banged out and cervix's rung. Over and over and deeper and deeper he probes these two willing strumpets as their pussies meet his cock in a mangle of pussy juice and fury. It's heaven on earth for these girls as they cum over and over again and soon reap the rewards of their kindly deed with their kissers covered in a bucket of Jovan juice. Now these are true friends.

Blake Blossom 在 'Nurse Creampie'

Blake Blossom - Nurse Creampie

Sexy nurse helps her patient feel better with her pussy.

Blake Blossom 在 'It's On'

Blake Blossom - It's On

Don't wait up for Blake

Blake Blossom 在 'Forever Mine'

Blake Blossom - Forever Mine

Blake isn't taking her breakup with Brad very well. She knows he's dating someone else but there's no way they can compare to Blake's incredible natural body! To remind him, she takes some pics in his own truck! He comes over to confront her but once she puts that big natural tits and ass in his face the passion is reignited.

Blake Blossom 在 'Naughty Blonde Blake Blossom Loves Hardcore And Rough Sex'

Blake Blossom - Naughty Blonde Blake Blossom Loves Hardcore And Rough Sex

Busty blonde with an alluring smile, Blake Blossom, is quite vocal when it comes to what she wants to do. She prefers hardcore rough sex over passionate lovemaking. Lucky for her, that is exactly what she will be getting today. After flaunting her big tits and fat ass, Blake immediately reaches out for the hard cock. She slobbers the stiff rod, making sure that every inch of it is wet with her spit. Blake then rides the dick in reverse cowgirl. Her big ass bounces hard while she twerks on top of her man. The sound of her moans fills the room as she enjoys getting fucked hard in missionary and cowgirl. Blake then happily receives her partner's warm cum on her big boobs.

Blake Blossom 在 'Bigger Boobs, Harder Dick!'

Blake Blossom - Bigger Boobs, Harder Dick!

Blake Blossom is shocked at the fact that her boobs seem to be getting bigger. She can't tell if she's just delusional or if they're actually getting bigger. Tyler is spying on her while she checks out her perfect tits in the bathroom. She catches him and asks if they've gotten bigger. She promises him that even though they are roommates, it's not weird. She asks him for a massage and since he does such a good job, it gets her really horny. Her boyfriend won't be home until later, as might as well fuck the roommate! She gives him an incredible blowjob and then they take it to the couch where the real fun begins. He fucks her in multiple positions until she cums all over his dick. He fucks those tits and lets out a huge load all over her face and perfect boobies.

Blake Blossom 在 'The Girl Next Door'

Blake Blossom - The Girl Next Door

Blake is obsessed with her neighbor Will, sneaking into his house just to touch his things. When she puts on a pair of his underwear and rubbing her pussy, she's lost in pleasure, only for Will to find her! She's happy to sit on his face before deepthroating the cock of her dreams and having her massive tits splashed with a massive load of cum!

Blake Blossom 在 'Bound and Pied'

Blake Blossom - Bound and Pied

Blake gets bound and takes multiple creampies by a BBC.

Blake Blossom 在 'Best Massage Ever!'

Blake Blossom - Best Massage Ever!

Blake Blossom's back has been bothering her lately. Her mailman, Peter Green, overheard this and decided to show up at her house dressed as a masseuse. He told her that her friend had scheduled the appointment for her. Unaware of the truth, she let him in. He instructed her to get naked for a full body massage. After massaging her whole body he decided to show her his new tool. As he used this tool on her, she began to get turned on. Blake was dripping wet, so she told him to fuck her. He stretched her tight little pussy in several different positions before busting a huge load all over her.

Blake Blossom 在 'Ping Pong Cum'

Blake Blossom - Ping Pong Cum

Blake Blossom plays ping pong before getting her pussy repeatedly creampied by a big dick.

Blake Blossom 在 'Birthday Blossom'

Blake Blossom - Birthday Blossom

Blake celebrates her birthday with passionate sex and a facial.

Blake Blossom 在 'Hot Neighbor Wants Cum'

Blake Blossom - Hot Neighbor Wants Cum

Blake Blossom has perfect timing when she runs into Sean Lawless and his wife isn't home. She's honest about about wanting to fuck him. He just wants to go inside so he doesn't get into any trouble. She follows him and interrupts his relaxation after work with some ass shaking. He's fed up with her savage attempts to get him to fuck her and lets her inside to let her know. She doesn't care and pushes him on the bed so he can suck her tits. He enjoys sucking her tits. He decides since his wife already thinks he's fucking her that he might as well. She sucks his cock all sloppy like. Then he rips her leggings and fucks her while she rides him. They keep fucking in other sexy positions his wife would never fuck in so as a reward he obviously cums on her face.

Blake Blossom 在 'Hitchhiking Cutie Blake Blossom Gets Her Tits Covered With Huge Load'

Blake Blossom - Hitchhiking Cutie Blake Blossom Gets Her Tits Covered With Huge Load

Stunning belle Blake Blossom knows she can get away with anything by using her good looks, talent in handling cocks, and precious assets-- a bubble butt and tight cunt. Hitchhiking along the freeway, she catches a ride from Charles to whom she decides to show her gratitude in the most delightful way. Blake did not waste any time when they arrived at his home, giving him the sloppiest blowjob and deep throating. They move onto the couch, his thick cock pounding her drenched pussy in missionary, doggystyle, and cowgirl while busty cutie Blake would give blowjobs in between changing positions. Close to the edge, Charles thrusts upwards in reverse cowgirl before moving Blake on her knees and creaming all over her supple tits.

Blake Blossom 在 'Blonde Raver'

Blake Blossom - Blonde Raver

Blonde raver girl gets fucked by a big dick and facialed.

Blake Blossom 在 'always wanted to fuck her friend's dad!!!'

Blake Blossom - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Blake Blossom has a sleep over at her friend's and she always thought that he friend's dad, Brad, was hot. Now is the time to make a move and fuck him before Brad's daughter comes back from practice.

Blake Blossom 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Blake Blossom - My Sister's Hot Friend

Nathan wants a date with her old sister's friend Blake Blossom and visits her at college, Nathan is aware that her boyfriend (soon to be EX) cheated on her and now she wants some good old SEX REVENGE!!!

Blake Blossom 在 'I Have a Wife'

Blake Blossom - I Have a Wife

Hot blonde Blake Blossom is waiting in her hotel room to go to the airport but what she really wants is a hard cock to satisfy her needs, and the concierge Ryan is her perfect candidate, so she asks him to give her a message since the spa was closed and she noticed that he is married but she doesn't care because she wont tell anyone about the hard fuck she will get.

Blake Blossom 在 'Worth The Risk - S38:E30'

Blake Blossom - Worth The Risk - S38:E30

Blake Blossom is a tech interviewer who will do whatever it takes to get the scoop. Today, she's interviewing Tyler Nixon, who has been a bit catty with the details. Blake tries to give Tyler the chance to tell all the normal way, but when Tyler stays mum Blake goes for the deets in a different way. She starts unbuttoning her shirt to show off her nice cleavage a bit better. Leaning in, she strokes her hand across Tyler's leg and crotch.When Blake finds Tyler nice and hard, she goes ahead and pushes her point further by revealing her bra. Slipping even that off, she lets her big titties go free for Tyler's viewing pleasure. Pushing Tyler back in the chair, Blake grabs his hardon by the root and pulls it to her mouth so she can have her way with blowing him. Her deep throat BJ only gets hotter as she pushes her jugs together for a titty fuck.Tyler finally seems ready to spill the beans, but only after he gets everything Blake is willing to offer. Since Blake has Tyler in her home office, they relocate to Blake's bedroom. There, Blake lays down and rubs her boobies down as Tyler tugs her thong aside to eat her out and finger fuck her. When she's nice and wet from Tyler's tongue, Blake takes control.Pushing Tyler onto his back, Blake mounts him in reverse cowgirl. She goes for a wild titty bouncing wide, with Tyler's hands beneath her bottom to help her set the proper pace. Turning around, Blake leans forward to shove her sweater puppies into Tyler's face as her bottom remains in motion to keep their party going.Next, Blake gets on her hands and knees to invite Tyler to come on in from behind. Blakes mewls of delight fill the room as Tyler takes her up on her sexy invitation. Grabbing Blake's lush ass, Tyler anchors himself as he delivers a proper pussy pounding that leaves them both panting.Flipping Blake onto her back, Tyler teases her clit with his tongue and then his dick before shoving back inside. This time, he gives it to Blake long enough to get her moaning with one last orgasm. Then he pulls out and lets Blake present her cleavage for one last round of titty fucking until he blows his load all over her face. As they come down, Tyler agrees that Blake has earned her scoop.

Blake Blossom 在 'shows off her big tits and wet pussy to her hunky masseur '

Blake Blossom - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Blake Blossom stops by for a massage from her friend's boyfriend, Quinton. Quinton is a little surprised, as it is a deep tissue massage which means that Blake would need to be naked. Blake has no issues and insist they continue on. After a few minutes of having Quinton's hands on her naked body, Blake gets a little wet...and that's not just from the massage oil. So she trades places with Quinton, gives him a massage, and a very happy ending.

Blake Blossom 在 'Skirt Scale'

Blake Blossom - Skirt Scale

Troy's ex girlfriend drops by unannounced and with the sole intention of messing with his new girlfriend, Blake. Presented with the option of either taking control or giving it up, Blake slips almost too easily into a power role in their ongoing game.

Blake Blossom 在 'Fucks The PA'

Blake Blossom - Fucks The PA

Blake Blossom is here for a BTRA, and her body is the definition of Big Tits and Round Ass. She shows off her body and oils herself up, but unfortunately, while we're filming, we get a call from the male talent that he can't make it to set. Blake is way too horny to give up. Luckily, our boy

Blake Blossom 在 'fucks a perfect fucking stranger on Valentine's Day'

Blake Blossom - Perfect Fucking Strangers

Blake Blossom had her date dump her on Valentine's Day. Lucky for her, Alex is near by and see's that she isn't in a great mood. He finds out about Blake's problem and offers to be her Valentine's fuck buddy. Add some chocolate and flowers to that deal and how's Blake supposed to resist? Off they go to her place for some Valentine's Day fucking.

Blake Blossom 在 'is Perfection'

Blake Blossom - is Perfection

Blake Blossom joined us this week to have some POV fun. She has it all, a huge pair of natural tits, a great body and a phat little booty to go with it. Preston Parker tried to interview her at first but it was hard to not want her to be naked right away. After he worshipped her body properly,

Blake Blossom 在 'Blake's Boobs Blossom'

Blake Blossom - Blake's Boobs Blossom

Blake Blossom loves getting guys hard, and she's so good at it she doesn't even have to try. Instead, she lets her big boobs do the work. Lucky for Michael Stefano, Blake's feeling a little extra horny today, and she's ready to put in the effort to devour his thick dick.

Blake Blossom 在 'Coping'

Blake Blossom - Coping

If you're looking for someone to share a living situation, you could do worse than rooming with Blake. This cute coed is super respectful and keeps to herself… unless her roommate's boyfriend swings by when Blake is alone in the house. Then again if you're dating Blake's roommate, it's an ever better deal!

Blake Blossom 在 'Getting Dirty In the Shower'

Blake Blossom - Getting Dirty In the Shower

Blake Blossom needs to take a shower at her boyfriend's house. Preston, the boyfriend's dad lets her in. He's not home yet but she can use the shower. Preston can't help but look at her perfect ass. She hops in the shower and gets all wet. the water runs down her big tits. She gets them nice and soapy. Preston hops in to conserve water. She a bit shocked but can't look away at the cock. it's much bigger than her boyfriend's. She begs to get fucked. Preston is more than happy to comply. As long as they can keep it a secret.

Blake Blossom 在 'Big Tits Play Pool By The Pool'

Blake Blossom - Big Tits Play Pool By The Pool

Today we have the beautiful Blake Blossom here to play pool with our boy Sean. We play a friendly match where if you lose, you gotta take off your clothes. Sean makes one in on his first try so Blake shows us some tits. And some nice ones at that, she's good at titty drops and titty shaking. The games keeps going until Blake makes on in, now Sean has to get shirtless! They're both feeling each other out until Sean puts Blake on the pool table and starts to lick her pussy. What a lucky man... They proceed to go outside to get her all oiled up. They waste the whole bottle on just her tits! After going back inside it was time to fuck and Blake loves to get fucked. Watch her titties bounce up and down and windmill as Sean drills her pussy before jizzing all over her beautiful face.

Blake Blossom 在 'Daydreams'

Blake Blossom - Daydreams

Blake is an old soul, a lover of the past. Fan of vintage music, art, and romance. She daydreams and wanders in the bedroom, awaiting her lover's arrival.

Blake Blossom 在 'Wants your COCK!!'

Blake Blossom - Wants your COCK!!

Blake Blossom is at your pool waiting for your sister, and she wants you to put some lotion on her big boobs. She always had the hots for you but now its her time to score come Cock.

Blake Blossom 在 'Big Boobs Blake'

Blake Blossom - Big Boobs Blake

Beautiful, all natural big boobs Blake Blossom has it all. This cutie has been longing for a BBC for quite some time now, luckily for her Jax Slayher has a monster cock and he's ready to give big boobs Blake the fucking she's been waiting for.

Blake Blossom 在 'Caught My Step Sister Camming - S1:E4'

Blake Blossom - Caught My Step Sister Camming - S1:E4

Blake Blossom has been camming for cash and her stepbrother, Tony, has just walked in on her in the act. He takes some time to admire the way his hot blonde stepsis in her bikini. When Blake starts peeling off her bikini, Tony snaps some pictures and starts jacking it. Blake eventually notices and freaks the hell out. She confesses what she's been doing, but Tony isn't pleased that he has to go to work while Blake gets to stay at home and just flash her titties. He shows that he has recorded Blake and says he'll tell their parents. Blake says she's doo anything to keep that from happening. Tony has a few ideas.When Tony offers to let it go if Blake just fucks him a little, she thinks it over and decides that it's worth it. She drops her hands so Tony can see those big titties clearly. Then he gets Blake to turn around so he can admire the way her ass fills out her bikini thong. They relocate to the bedroom so that Tony can take a more hands on approach to his compensation. When he gets that first feeling of Blake's hot mouth wrapped around his hardon, Tony knows he's made the right choice. Rolling onto her hands and knees, Blake makes good on her promise. Tony does his big booty stepsis in doggy, then flips her over so he can really watch those big boobs jiggle as he fucks her. They keep it up, with Blake riding in cowgirl and then reverse cowgirl to give Tony the full experience of her tight bod. When she's had enough, Blake gets off the D and sucks Tony until he gives her a mouthful of jizz. Tony proposes that they shoot some vids for Blake's fan page and she agrees to think about it.

Blake Blossom 在 'Busty and Blonde, Blake Blossom, Gives you her sexy Porn Star Experience!!'

Blake Blossom - Busty and Blonde, Blake Blossom, Gives you her sexy Porn Star Experience!!

The extremely sexy blonde, Blake Blossom, with her perfect tits, tight pussy, and juicy ass will have you on the edge of exploding in her Pornstar Experience!

Blake Blossom 在 'Step Sister Wants Your Seed - S5:E2'

Blake Blossom - Step Sister Wants Your Seed - S5:E2

Blake Blossom is in charge of her stepbrother, Jay Romero, and she's determined not to screw it up. She packs Jay's stuff for school in the morning. Later in the afternoon, Blake walks in on Jay watching porn and masturbating. She decides to have a talk with Jay about being such a fapper. She tells Jay he can't be jerking off all the time because he needs to talk to real girls. Jay confesses her likes Blake's boobs. He claims that if she shows him her tits and he resists then he's making progress. Blake flashes Jay her breasts and Jay manages to not touch. Next, Blake shows Jay her ass. This time, it's harder to resist, but he does. Next up is Blake's pussy as the ultimate test of Jay's resistance. Jay can't resist, so he tries sticking just the tip in. Blake calls him on it, but he justifies that this is the final test. If he can stand just the tip, then he has passed! Of course, Jay lets the whole thing slip in. Blake eventually agrees that it's okay and that maybe they can go a bit longer and faster. That's all it takes for the stepsiblings to really get it going in their hardcore romp.Once Blake has accepted that she likes her brother's cock inside her, she pushes him onto his back and climbs onto his stiffie to ride him. Jay gets the chance to finally squeeze and knead his sister's big boobies to his heart's content as Blake rides him in cowgirl. Then she turns around and lifts her legs high so that Jay can fuck her from underneath. Rolling off Jay's D, Blake shoves her jugs together for a titty fuck that she combines with a blowjob. Getting on her knees, she takes it from behind. As Jay bangs Blake, she begs him to cum inside her. With her brother's jizz dripping out of her pussy, Blake confesses she's not on birth control.

Blake Blossom 在 'Hot And Horny'

Blake Blossom - Hot And Horny

Blake Blossoms arrives home to find that the air conditioner is broken. The heat tends to make her horny. She explains to her roommate that the longer the AC is broken the hornier she'll get. In the middle of this explanation, her roommate accidentally spills his cup of water all over her white shirt, revealing her perfect tits. From there, Blake only gets more turned on. So she pulls him over to the couch to have some real fun. She pulls his cock out and begins to suck him off and titty fuck him. After this, Blake's pussy got penetrated in several different positions before receiving a huge load all over her face.

Blake Blossom 在 'In Bloom - S12:E1'

Blake Blossom - In Bloom - S12:E1

Check out the way Blake Blossom fills out that bra with her big titties. Her big ass is incredible in a g-string, but this young thing's real treasure is her boobs. Follow Blake as she peels off her clothes and gets soaped up in the shower. Once she's all clean, she shakes those jugs for her hookup, Tony.Tony is happy to lie back and relax as Blake does all the work to get started. Her enthusiasm is evident as she sucks the tip of Tony's cock while stroking his long shaft. Leaning down, she deep throats that man meat. Then she rears back and pushes her jugs together for a titty fuck. This horny young thing can't wait to climb aboard a hardon. Tony gets the most incredible view as Blake slides her bald pussy down on his fuck stick and then starts riding. Turning around so that Tony can see that fine ass, Blake keeps on bouncing away on her personal cock.Flipping onto her back, Blake arranges herself at the edge of the bed so that Tony has the ultimate leverage as he stands between her thighs. He fills Blake up to the brim, fucking her just the way she needs. Slipping his hand between Blake's legs, Tony rubs her clit until she throws her head back with the fierceness of her pleasure.On her hands and knees, Blake leans forward so she's face down and booty up. Tony fills her up so nice as he cups his hands on Blake's ass to anchor himself firmly and then goes to town. Their doggy style fuck fest gives Blake yet another big O, leaving her finally sated and eager to please. She does just that as she resumes sucking until Tony nuts in her mouth, giving her the salty evidence of his love.

Blake Blossom 在 'Pornstar Potential Hops on The Bus'

Blake Blossom - Pornstar Potential Hops on The Bus

The bus doesn't stop, pandemic or not, we have to get our nut. This week, Preston Joins us again to roam the streets of south Florida in search of the next money hungry chick ready to get fucked for a few bucks. This week, we came across a super hot chick with perfect natural tits. After some convincing, we got her to jump inside the bus. There, all we had to do is flash a bunch of cash and soon she was ready to do anything for it. Preston made sure to stretch her tight little pussy in several different positions and eventually bust a huge load all over her face. After all of this, we decided that she was way too hot to just dump back out on the street. So we told her that she should definitely consider a career in the porn industry because she definitely might have a great future ahead of her.