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最新更新特色 Dan Damage

Cherie Deville 在 'Hztv:硬核拆遷'

Cherie Deville - Hztv:硬核拆遷

HZTV reno 房子里的事情變得越來越瘋狂!雖然我們已經看到我們的拆除和翻新專家很容易通過他媽的而不是修理東西來偏離手頭的任務,但你只能想像當 Brazzers 明星 Cherie Deville、Kira Noir、Ryan Reid、Willow Ryder、Dan Damage 和 Hollywood Cash 同時在同一屋簷下時會發生什麼!三人行、女同性戀、山雀和陰戶......還有更多!是時候開始工作了!

Dan Damage 在 '兩面對一蕩婦'

Dan Damage - 兩面對一蕩婦

丹·唐格(Dan Dangler)是一個好奇的雙性戀辣妹,但這對她的丈夫來說是個新聞,他在與茉莉花·謝爾尼(Jasmine Sherni)和紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)的一個非常頑皮的雙重約會之夜中發現了這個消息。當豐滿的美女看到她的閨蜜茉莉今晚看起來有多火辣時,她無法控制自己。今晚過後她不會感到好奇。

Kira Noir 在 '我會操這整個房子第 1 部分'

Kira Noir - 我會操這整個房子第 1 部分

基拉·諾伊爾(Kira Noir)扮演終極問題解決者。在有衝突需要解決的地方,老闆壞人就是讓它發生的人。Alex Jones 和 Dan Damage 是一對無法相處的父子二人組。新的繼母結束了房子里發生的睾丸激素之戰。基拉向家人展示了很容易相處,他們可以在緊繃、濕潤的陰戶上建立聯繫。

Dan Damage 在 '一個充滿純粹意圖的屁股'

Dan Damage - 一個充滿純粹意圖的屁股

Nichole Saphi 和 Dan Damage 是一對致力於謙虛和正直道德倫理的夫婦,他們同意婚前不發生性行為。雖然他們有純潔的意圖,但他們罪惡的過去開始趕上他們——尤其是金髮碧眼的妮可,她快要走到盡頭了——她不僅想做愛,她還想在她的屁股裡做愛!尼科爾開始引誘丹回到他們的老路上,但他設法反抗。紋身的尼科爾已經受夠了,現在需要被操。當丹與更高的權力商議時,尼科爾安排了一次匿名聯播,讓丹免受誘惑,同時讓她吃飽了雞巴。然而,丹回家時,大尼科爾正在與匿名亞歷克斯鐘斯相處,一個邋遢、肛門、三人行的前景讓他越過了邊緣!他屈服於誘惑,他和亞歷克斯輪流填滿尼科爾緊繃濕漉漉的洞。

Ryan Reid 在 '黨的生活'

Ryan Reid - 黨的生活

可愛、甜美的小零食 Liz Jordan 和 Ryan Reid 在派對上玩得很開心,互相磨蹭,與所有性感單身漢一起跳舞。不知從何而來,主持人決定派對結束了,而 Liz 和 Ryan 都沒有準備好結束它。他們唯一想包裹的就是用嘴圍住一些巨大的公雞。這就是 Dan Damage 和 Rocket Powers 的用武之地。Liz 和 Ryan 引誘 Dan 和 Rocket 到臥室進行一些熱辣的,這時派對才真正開始。

Dan Damage 在 '我的約會很糟糕,讓我們分享你的'

Dan Damage - 我的約會很糟糕,讓我們分享你的

性感的室友 Suttin 和 Gal Ritchie 都帶著約會回家。不過,當其中一個傢伙被證明是啞巴時,女孩們同意將更好的雞巴組合在一起!

Cherie Deville 在 '切麗他媽的整個社區嗎'

Cherie Deville - 切麗他媽的整個社區嗎

標誌性的 Cherie DeVille 度過了美好的一天。陽光明媚,工作已經完成,她已經準備好了“獨處時間”。她的計劃很快改變,突然的敲門聲顯示,炙手可熱的水管工亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)正在尋求鋪設一些管道。邀請他進來,切麗心想這可能是一個色情比喻。就在這時,熱心的推銷員亞歷克斯·麥克(Alex Mack)來了,想和房子的女主人說話。緊隨其後的是披薩送貨員 Hollywood Cash,帶著他多餘的香腸出現。突然,包裹遞送員Dan Damage又敲了敲門。就在切麗認為這一切可能太過分的時候,員警米克·布魯(Mick Blue)趕到,希望控制局勢。這是什麼的笑話?某種色情諷刺?一個嫉妒的鄰居試圖讓切麗興奮?或者只是一大堆幸運的公雞供她吞噬?是的,就是這樣,最後一個。熱。

Cali Sweets 在 '鬼鬼祟祟的繼母熟女做一個內褲中出'

Cali Sweets - 鬼鬼祟祟的繼母熟女做一個內褲中出

Dan Damage 拜訪了他的女朋友,卻被她新頑皮的熟女繼母 Cali Sweets 攔截。 丹希望能鍛煉他的雞巴,但他的女朋友正忙著鍛煉她的臀部。丹決定鞭打它並撫摸它,同時他看著她彎曲和伸展。沒過多久,卡利就並撲了上去。在一次近乎偷偷摸摸的工作之後,丹跟著卡利進入臥室,開始了一場被禁止的嬉戲。

April Olsen 在 '滑雪面具蕩婦為它增添了趣味!'

April Olsen - 滑雪面具蕩婦為它增添了趣味!

當 April Olsen 和 Dan Damage 在床上鬼混,準備用手銬讓事情變得格外辛辣時,他們聽到了有人闖入房子的聲音!原來他們手上有一個熱貓竊賊——一個戴著滑雪面具的大奶寶貝克洛伊·庫珀。變得非常的機會出現了,那麼為什麼不利用呢?這對夫婦聯手對抗入侵者,並將她圍成三人組,給她上了一課!

Dan Damage 在 '煎餅、睡衣和貓'

Dan Damage - 煎餅、睡衣和貓

還有什麼比舒適的煎餅早餐更好的呢?得到一個偷偷摸摸的貓的一面來配合它!當莉莉星火為他提供早餐時,Dan Damage 實現了這個夢想,然後邀請他在冰箱旁操她......所有這些都在他們的重要他人的眼皮底下。兩個騙子在廚房裡到處亂搞,可能會回去幾秒鐘!

Demi Sutra 在 '臉他媽的放蕩的 npc 雞巴吞噬者'

Demi Sutra - 臉他媽的放蕩的 npc 雞巴吞噬者

Brazzers 展示了我們自己的、炙手可熱和腐敗的誇張的 Demi Sutra 版本,為互聯網提供了他們真正想看到的東西。不,不,不僅僅是一個漂亮的女人服從每一個捐贈命令並噴出語音臺詞。但黛米自己迷人的風格將其提升到了下一個「免費使用」的水平,因為我們的兩個螺柱,亞歷克斯·鐘斯和丹·薩因特,用他們尋找的手指和悸動的公雞代替了黛米的所有道具。當她試圖(但失敗)控制她的呻吟時,Sutra 繼續深喉和流口水、騎馬和乞討。更多表情符號。更多戲謔。更多摸索。更多,更多...狂熱的粉絲們——如果你繼續堅持下去,黛米也會這樣。

Cherie Deville 在 '隔壁的秘密蕩婦'

Cherie Deville - 隔壁的秘密蕩婦

室友克裡斯·戴蒙德(Chris Diamond)和丹·損害(Dan Damage)為他們的新吸煙熱感的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線鄰居切麗·德維爾(Cherie Deville)感到興奮,並發現自己在爭奪她的注意力。切莉起初對他們表現得害羞、甜蜜和無辜,但他們很快發現她實際上是一個性瘋狂的蕩婦,想要操他們倆。對於鄰里三人組來說,這是美好的一天!

Maya Farrell 在 '讓我們做面部護理 4'

Maya Farrell - 讓我們做面部護理 4

經過緊張的一周后,Cami Strella帶Maya Farrel在水療中心度過輕鬆的一天。然而,這個水療中心並不像其他水療中心。憑藉其帶窗簾的按摩床和靜音按摩師 Dan Damage,非常規的設置非常適合 Cami,她想要的不僅僅是摩擦——她想要一些雞巴!當丹給女孩們的腿和腳上油按摩時,他熟練的手很快就來到了卡米的陰部,用手指指著她,而瑪雅卻不聰明。卡米很快就忍不住了,在他們他媽的在桌子上做愛之前給了丹一個偷偷摸摸的口交......而且,當然,如果沒有面部護理,在水療中心度過一天是不完整的!

Kira Noir 在 '淹沒在雞巴里,我的愛人'

Kira Noir - 淹沒在雞巴里,我的愛人


Natasha Nice 在 '我女朋友的姐姐是個怪胎'

Natasha Nice - 我女朋友的姐姐是個怪胎

Dan Damage和他的女朋友正在為他女朋友的妹妹,曲線玲瓏的Natasha Nice舉辦晚宴。丹從未見過娜塔莎,但他絕對被她美麗的臉蛋和驚人的大奶子驚呆了!娜塔莎不認為丹有半分壞,所以,當他們吃飯時,她「不小心」把叉子掉在地上,開始偷偷勾引毫無戒心的男朋友!很快,娜塔莎就騎在桌子底下,直到他用滴水的內射填滿娜塔莎。娜塔莎的姐姐一點也不聰明,所以娜塔莎把丹偷到洗手間,兩個人在那裡他媽的,直到丹在娜塔莎的大而美麗的奶子上彈出!

Siri Dahl 在 '太緊'

Siri Dahl - 太緊

Siri正在洗澡,洗著她熱乎乎的曲線玲瓏的身體,準備約會。可惜她笨拙的助理丹忘了把她的約會夜禮服留出來!Siri 完成保濕,叫他進來給她裙子......但是清潔工縮小了它!丹必須保持專業,同時試圖將裸體Siri的太緊的連衣裙滑到她的屁股和大奶子上!太緊了,不會繼續!對丹來說幸運的是,Siri 是如此饑渴,以至於他不可避免的骨頭導致她放棄了她的計劃,掀開丹的褲子,吮吸他巨大的雞巴!她讓丹在浴室裡的每一個表面上敲打她之前,讓丹操她,導致Siri的巨大面部......看來Siri的約會將不得不等待!

Liz Jordan 在 '哼 '

Liz Jordan -


Natasha Nice 在 '徐娘半老佔領邁阿密 - 第 2 部分'

Natasha Nice - 徐娘半老佔領邁阿密 - 第 2 部分

在邁阿密摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線冒險的第二部分,輪到曲線自然有彈性的娜塔莎·尼斯(Natasha Nice)以時尚的方式追求她的慾望 - 不是一個而是兩個男人來滿足她對悸動、抽送、飽滿雞巴的需求,準備在她多汁的大奶子上爆裂!但是在哪裡可以找到它們呢?在與誘人的亞歷克西斯·福克斯和旋轉者 CJ 邁爾斯一起在水上裸露和他媽的摩托艇上做愛之後,摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線三人組發現自己陷入了另一個派對——這次被 buff 自行車員警打斷了。好吧,兩隻公雞一張嘴!娜塔莎可以通過搶奪他們的靈魂、彈跳她多汁的屁股和舔掉他們每一滴熱騰騰的負載來拯救這一天。因為邁阿密還沒有為這樣的徐娘半老做好準備......你是?

Cassie Del Isla 在 '放蕩之日:第一部分'

Cassie Del Isla - 放蕩之日:第一部分

乍一看,Cassie Del Isla似乎是一個簡單的郊區妻子,華麗的曲線完美地包含在她的晚裝中,準備與她的丈夫Mick Blue共進晚餐。但。。。似乎有些不對勁。空氣中瀰漫著一種緊張的氣氛,一種卡西幾乎無法抑制的期待能量。一些未被識別和未說出的東西讓她看著時鐘。因為今天很特別。她和她的整個國家可以自由地沉迷於享樂主義活動,沒有任何判斷。為了擺脫她所有最深、最黑暗的慾望。把自己放在陌生人丹·損傷和威爾·龐德的蹂躪和蹂躪中。讓她內心的自由,在她的每個洞里抽三根雞巴,呻吟和流口水。今天是放蕩日的開始。

Mini Stallion 在 '小寶貝與高個子作弊者三人行'

Mini Stallion - 小寶貝與高個子作弊者三人行


來自其他網站的場景特色 Dan Damage

Azul Hermosa 在 'Perfect Wife Worships Hubbys Cock'

Azul Hermosa - Perfect Wife Worships Hubbys Cock

Perfect Wife Worship's Hubby's Cock - Azul Hermosa

Maitland Ward 在 'American MILF Episode 4'

Maitland Ward - American MILF Episode 4

Stir crazy Maitland has spaces to fill, and boxes that need opening. She might be able to intercept a package, but it's all in the delivery. The raunch new sex comedy from Kayden Cross. Part 4 of 5.

Alexis Tae 在 'This Furniture Can Fuck!'

Alexis Tae - This Furniture Can Fuck!

What's up, TeamSkeet fans? Let's get into the Classics mix and start having some fun. Originally released November 26th, 2022, this scene comes from our hit series, Freeuse Fantasy. The scenes here are always wild and involve babes fucking at will or being used entirely for sex, no questions asked. People worldwide can't get enough of Freeuse Fantasy, and we feel the same. This scene is especially wild, as it involves sex with furniture. All around the living room are pieces of furniture with big cocks - a slutty girl's dream come true. When Whitney and Alexis discover this house, they know they have to take all of the cocks for a test drive. For the entire afternoon, Whitney and Alexis get to fuck every cock they see. These slutty babes want their pussies stretched out at all times, and they need to find a way to satisfy their dripping-wet desires. Getting to ride the furniture makes Whitney and Alexis want to be used to the fullest extent and stay in this house forever. The girls carry out casual conversations, all while taking a ride and milking the furniture dry again and again.

Mia Molotov 在 'I Must Have It'

Mia Molotov - I Must Have It

I Must Have It

Maya Woulfe 在 'Bratty Babe Maya Demands Anal Attention Right Now'

Maya Woulfe - Bratty Babe Maya Demands Anal Attention Right Now

How anyone could ignore such a sexy brunette dressed up in lingerie is a mystery, but when Maya wants attention this brat knows just how to get it.

Tanya Tate 在 'Legendary MILF Tanya Has Very First Anal Experience'

Tanya Tate - Legendary MILF Tanya Has Very First Anal Experience

When his crush leaves a young man on red, an older woman shows him that he doesn't know everything, and "experience" is relative.

Blake Blossom 在 'Dream Girlfriend Blake Loves To Please Her Man'

Blake Blossom - Dream Girlfriend Blake Loves To Please Her Man

Blake's boyfriend doesn't have much, but he one thing he does have is tenacity. When he's done directing it at the financial world, he's going to turn it loose on this blonde bombshell.

Chanel Camryn 在 'Worthy'

Chanel Camryn - Worthy

Chanel's a nympho, but a selective one. This classy piece of ass makes her studs submit to a rigorous screening process, but if they can pass her test she'll let them pump through her hoops.

Cory Chase 在 'Strict Headmistress Gets DPed In Airtight Gangbang'

Cory Chase - Strict Headmistress Gets DPed In Airtight Gangbang

The dean of an elite college is charged with shaping her students into upright men. Their first lesson: how to treat a woman right.

Jane Wilde 在 'Petite Hottie Jane Has Her Tiny Ass Gaped Wide Open'

Jane Wilde - Petite Hottie Jane Has Her Tiny Ass Gaped Wide Open

Petite Hottie Jane Has Her Tiny Ass Gaped Wide Open

Maitland Ward 在 'Pigeonholed'

Maitland Ward - Pigeonholed

An actress beyond her it-girl years is fed up with playing Suzie Homemaker roles and hungry to prove she's still... hungry.

Savannah Bond 在 'Thirsty Mom Savannah Goes Airtight In Epic Gangbang'

Savannah Bond - Thirsty Mom Savannah Goes Airtight In Epic Gangbang

The hot older neighbor has a lot of affection to go around, and with her "my door is always open" demeanor there's always room for one more.

Nikki Benz 在 'Ultimate MILF Nikki Cums Hard while Riding His Cock'

Nikki Benz - Ultimate MILF Nikki Cums Hard while Riding His Cock

They say a fool is easily parted from his money. In this case, a saleswoman uses all the wiles at her disposal to part a young man from his girlfriend.

Medusa 在 'Fit Yoga MILF Medusa Rides Young Studs Cock All Day'

Medusa - Fit Yoga MILF Medusa Rides Young Studs Cock All Day

A yogi teaches her pent-up student that manning-up means learning to focus and achieving true intimacy.

Ellie Tay 在 'Principal Ellie Teaches Naughty Student A Lesson'

Ellie Tay - Principal Ellie Teaches Naughty Student A Lesson

A school administrator turns her students' misbehavior to her advantage.

Alex Grey 在 'The System'

Alex Grey - The System

The System

Venus Valencia 在 'Sexy Client Venus Valencia wants a price drop in exchange for an unforgettable afternoon of sex'

Venus Valencia - Sexy Client Venus Valencia wants a price drop in exchange for an unforgettable afternoon of sex

Hot client Venus Valencia loves the designs I'm showing her for the remodeling of her house. But she doesn't agree with the price. So with a little persuasion from this gorgeous gal, the price goes down while my cock goes up! I get rock hard and get all the way up in her mouth and wet pussy for a good proper fuck.

Kitana Montana 在 'My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Kitana Montana - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Kitana Montana notices her friend's boyfriend Dan working out alone and really turns up the heat. With her big round tits and that perfect ass that she maintains from staying horny. She's ready to take on Dan's really big cock while getting her cardio in.

Haley Reed 在 'Dissolution Part 1'

Haley Reed - Dissolution Part 1

Haley and their ex are celebrating their divorce while they're still on good terms. The bittersweet meal helps her realize there were a few things they never had a chance to do together...

Lulu Chu 在 'Sly Grifter Lulu And Partner Get Into Good Trouble'

Lulu Chu - Sly Grifter Lulu And Partner Get Into Good Trouble

Lulu likes to live the glamorous life by any means necessary. If that means leading on a rich guy so she can rob him blind with her boyfriend then the post-burglary passion will make it all worth it.

Mellanie Monroe 在 'finally gets her neighbor alone to fuck his brains out'

Mellanie Monroe - finally gets her neighbor alone to fuck his brains out

I live next door to one hot as fuck MILF, Mellanie Monroe, who's been eye fucking me for quite some time. I was out doing yard work when she got home and insisted I help her bring in her shopping haul. She started to put stuff away and then explained to me she forgot the 'creamer'. Mellanie came on to me strong and told me she's been wanting my hard cock to give her some cream. She takes my ring off, then hers, and proceeds to rub my cock to make it hard. I tried to resist but there is no way I was going to let an opportunity to fuck a hot MILF like this go by.

Cecelia Taylor 在 'College hottie Cecelia Taylor finds out her friend's brother is packin' some serious sausage'

Cecelia Taylor - College hottie Cecelia Taylor finds out her friend's brother is packin' some serious sausage

My sister's hot friend, Cecelia Taylor, stopped by to talk about throwing my sister a huge party. I tried to tell her that her ideas were grandiose and would cost a lot but that didn't stop her from trying her hardest. She started rubbing up on me then whipped out my dick and was happily surprised at the size. She ended up convincing me by giving me some of her wet college pussy.

Jade Valentine 在 'Petite Cutie Jade Gets Her Tight Ass Stretched Out'

Jade Valentine - Petite Cutie Jade Gets Her Tight Ass Stretched Out

Don't let Jade's soft skin and delicate lingerie fool you: this valentine plays rough. Watch this spinner squeeze her taut tushy around the toughest fellow she can find.

Kenna James 在 'Anal Loving Influencer Kenna Captivates Her Audience'

Kenna James - Anal Loving Influencer Kenna Captivates Her Audience

Influencing is getting to be a grind, and not the good kind. Kenna wants an experience that will make sparks, and she can't have that without some burning hot friction.

Alex Grey 在 'Blonde Baddie Alex Gapes Her Little Ass Wide Open'

Alex Grey - Blonde Baddie Alex Gapes Her Little Ass Wide Open

Blonde Baddie Alex only flirts with a select few. Linger on her pale blue eyes and voluptuous curves, then follow her inside and let Alex share her secrets.

Valentina Nappi 在 'Professor Valentina Nappi breaks off her fling with her student but not before one last ride'

Valentina Nappi - Professor Valentina Nappi breaks off her fling with her student but not before one last ride

I've been seeing my hot college Professor, Valentina Nappi, on the down-low. We've been having passionate sex for months in her classroom but now she wants to call it off. I convince her for one last 'hurrah' but lets be real -- she'll be back for more, begging to have my big throbbing cock in her tight, wet pussy.

Liz Jordan 在 'Tiny Cutie Liz Has Huge Anal Appetite'

Liz Jordan - Tiny Cutie Liz Has Huge Anal Appetite

It's always the quiet ones: lithe brunette Liz lives away from the spotlight, but for a lucky few she'll slip into some lingerie, slide a plug into place, and put on a showstopping performance.

Katrina Colt 在 'Sexy Real Estate Pro Katrina Gives Client Anal bonus'

Katrina Colt - Sexy Real Estate Pro Katrina Gives Client Anal bonus

Slinky and sophisticated, Katrina is the comeliest up-and-comer in the LA real estate game. When a big-time buyer takes an interest in one of her listings, Katrina shows him some additional built-in features that come with this hot property.

Bobbie Lavender 在 'Sexy gamer babe Bobbie Lavender loses the game in order to fuck her friend's brother'

Bobbie Lavender - Sexy gamer babe Bobbie Lavender loses the game in order to fuck her friend's brother

My sister's friend, Bobbie Lavender, loves video games, and she always plays online with my sister. I've had a huge crush on her, and who wouldn't? She has the curves and the looks that kill, so one day, I saw she was online and requested to play with her with my sister's account. I really want a date with her, so I made a bet if she can win 2 out of 3 games, I will stop bothering her, but if I win, I get to come over and pleasure her pussy with my thick cock.

Serenity Cox 在 'Naughty Serenity Fucks Young Stud While Hubby Watches'

Serenity Cox - Naughty Serenity Fucks Young Stud While Hubby Watches

Perfectly faithful on paper, a conservative couple keeps up the appearance of piety but dabbles in the hotwife life on vacation. Nobody, not even her husband, saw Serenity coming...

Willow Ryder 在 'WILLOW RYDER Blowbang and Bukakke Fun'

Willow Ryder - WILLOW RYDER Blowbang and Bukakke Fun

Spunky beauty Willow Ryder looks hot as fuck in a stellar intro, shaking her chunky booty and teasing. The young, curly-haired vixen models sheer lingerie and heels that accentuate her sexy shape. Seven studs (Musa Phoenix, Milan Ponjevic, Donny Sins, Dan Damage, Hollywood Cash, Scotty P and director Jonni Darkko) surround her. Willow eggs the guys on as they grope her body and spank her butt. She kneels to distribute raunchy blowjobs, moving from boner to boner. Slobber seeps from her sweet lips as she sucks and slurps, choking through a mess of face-fucking fellatio. The guys finger her holes while she devours big Black cocks. Amid the hard-on horde, Willow enjoys epic blowbang fun -- oral lube injections and serious deepthroat fellatio lead to a lewd, bukakke-style finale. Multiple, slimy cum facials rain down over Willow's head as she collects spunky run-off in a glass. Finally, Willow opens wide and pours the accumulated semen over her tongue, swallowing a portion.

Scarlett Alexis 在 'Your sweet sugar babe Scarlett Alexis treats you like the king you are'

Scarlett Alexis - Your sweet sugar babe Scarlett Alexis treats you like the king you are

I'm on a work trip so I called my sugar babe, Scarlett Alexis, to meet up with me. She told me how much she missed me and my cock. Before we met up, I went out and bought her this sexy white laced lingerie that would look amazing on her while we fucked. Once she arrived at my hotel room, I had her change into it and spoil me like I spoil her. She worships my hard cock while I enjoy her perfect tight body and wet pussy.

Blake Blossom 在 'Birthday Creampies'

Blake Blossom - Birthday Creampies

Blake is giving her man the best birthday gift of letting him creampie her pussy as many times as she wants.

Vanna Bardot 在 'Flawless Beauty Vanna Has Insatiable Sexual Appetite'

Vanna Bardot - Flawless Beauty Vanna Has Insatiable Sexual Appetite

Before a big shoot, Vanna likes to blow off steam. She has her eye on her bodyguard, and her heart set on heading off to Miami with a bang.

Mandy Waters 在 'Your dad's girlfriend, Mandy Waters, needs your cock to fill her wet pussy'

Mandy Waters - Your dad's girlfriend, Mandy Waters, needs your cock to fill her wet pussy

My dad is dating this hot, sexy girl, Mandy Waters, and oh-man is she a babe! She called me to pick her up at the airport because my dad was busy. As I left her she started to eye me up and down and teased me on how much I remind her of my dad. She invited me into her place and I saw she has a stripper pole. Then she tells me the story of how she was a stripper and that is how she met my dad. Immediately, she wanted to give me a pole and lap dance. Mandy noticed my big cock trying to rip out of my pants and she couldn't resist taking my cock in her tight pussy! This'll be a naughty secret I'll take to the grave.

Blake Blossom 在 'Classmate, Blake Blossom, is ready and willing to fuck your brains out before the alumni Halloween party'

Blake Blossom - Classmate, Blake Blossom, is ready and willing to fuck your brains out before the alumni Halloween party

I decided to help my old college classmate, Blake Blossom, set up our old classroom for the alumni Halloween party because she's hot as fuck and we'd most likely be alone. We finished decorating early way before the party was supposed to start. Blake let me know she was turned on by my gladiator costume and I'm sure she could tell I was aroused by her sexy devil costume. Since nobody was around for another hour and a half, Blake and I fucked all over our old classroom. I finally got to see her big round ass and juicy natural tits up close and personal while she bounced on my hard cock.

Kendra Sunderland 在 'gives you something you've been fantasizing about'

Kendra Sunderland - gives you something you've been fantasizing about

I almost had it; one more client to close and the trip to Cabo with all the expenses paid was mine. I started my day getting everything ready to call up my client when my gorgeous co-worker, Kendra Sunderland, came in begging me to let her have the last client because she wanted to win that trip. I started to think how fine she'd look in a bikini on the beach. She catches me looking at her -- and who couldn't with those big tits in my face all the time? So in exchange for landing the last client, she willingly spread her legs wide open on my desk and let me fuck her every which way.

Kianna Dior 在 'KIANNA DIOR Busty Cum Slut 10 Sc. 8'

Kianna Dior - KIANNA DIOR Busty Cum Slut 10 Sc. 8

Kianna Dior wears a sheer, black one-piece swimsuit and strappy black heels. The stacked, dirty blonde MILF shimmies her massive rack surrounded by a squadron of seven studs with hard-ons (Milan, Dan Damage, Jovan Jordan, Air Thugger, Hollywood Cash, Nade Nasty and director Jonni Darkko). 'I'm a big cock slut!' dirty-talking Kianna declares proudly as she stuffs a big Black cock in her mouth. The lusty lady packs prick after prick in her mouth with greedy blowjob depravity. Kianna lies down for a rampaging titty fuck as her busy mouth services another dick. All seven guys take turns thrusting their hefty poles between her big tits. On her knees, drooling Kianna feeds on rods as the blowbang intensifies. One-by-one, the dudes ejaculate onto deviant Kianna's tongue, with more pearly semen plastering her chin as she catches the run-off in a martini glass. She swallows a cum shot concoction.

Kianna Dior 在 'KIANNA DIOR Busty Cum Slut 10 Sc. 3'

Kianna Dior - KIANNA DIOR Busty Cum Slut 10 Sc. 3

Extremely busty porn legend Kianna Dior stars in her own wild west-themed vignette! The stacked MILF negotiates rocky terrain in boots, gloves, a thin black bikini and a cowboy hat. Some lewd voiceover by our star sets the tone as Kianna moves indoors to greet horny rustlers Alex Jones and Dan Damage. They suck her huge, naked breasts. She drops down to give Alex's big Black cock a blowjob. Kianna slobbers on their schlongs with depraved oral lust. She straddles Alex, his dick in her twat. Then Dan rails her pussy doggie-style. In various positions, she takes one rod in the mouth the other in her twat. Kianna squeezes her big boobs around Alex's prick for an oiled titty fuck. Dan too drives his dick between her slickened knockers. The feral threesome builds to a creamy conclusion as the guys blast Kianna with cum facials. She uses a small serving tray to catch the sticky drippings, and she slurps up the spunky runoff.

Sage Rabbit 在 'My Naughty Massage'

Sage Rabbit - My Naughty Massage

I had the best client this time at the Spa, a sexy blue-eyed blonde called Sage Rabbit, who wanted a massage, this girl was in another league of gorgeous, the massage started by her legs but as I went closer to her thigh was timid, I knew she was into it right away, took very little time for her to see how hard I was and wanted me to fuck her on the massage table.

Layla Jenner 在 'College teen Layla Jenner wants to eat your cock whole and squeeze out your creamy sauce'

Layla Jenner - College teen Layla Jenner wants to eat your cock whole and squeeze out your creamy sauce

I work at the local pita restaurant and make deliveries all over town. Today, I got a call from one of my regular customers that flirts with me. I'll admit, I flirt back and have fantasized about her. She's a nineteen year old college chick that's hot as fuck! She always ordering a pita stuffed with extra meat and white creamy sauce. When I made the delivery to her home today, she quickly tossed it aside and told me she was just horny and wanted her 'pita' stuffed with my meat! In the end, I jizzed my creamy white sauce all over her face and she loved it. I'm definitely looking forward to going back for more.

Blake Blossom 在 'may not know much about football but she is an expert on swallowing cock'

Blake Blossom - may not know much about football but she is an expert on swallowing cock

I'm so excited that football is back in season. My wife invited her good friend, Blake Blossom, to the big football game. She shows up but unfortunately, my wife is stuck at work wrapping up a few things. It's all good with me though because Blake is some serious eye candy. Blake and I decide to pregame before my wife gets home. We start to chat about football when Blake notices my package. She can tell I've got a big sausage and she's hungry! Since my wife isn't going to be home and Blake is here lookin' all sexy as fuck, I let her have a taste and gobble it up.

Madison Wilde 在 'College babes Madison Wilde and Molly Little invite you over to have a naughty threesome with your huge cock'

Madison Wilde - College babes Madison Wilde and Molly Little invite you over to have a naughty threesome with your huge cock

Man, I love horny college babes! Apparently, Madison Wilde has been exploring herself sexually with some toys but needs a real cock to gobble down. She and her roommate, Molly Little, text me some sexy pictures and invite me over to have a threesome. See what I mean by horny college babes?! I show up and let these girls have their way with me all before I give them my thick load.

Cassie Del Isla 在 'Today's menu calls for French delicacy by way of the exotically beautiful Cassie Del Isla'

Cassie Del Isla - Today's menu calls for French delicacy by way of the exotically beautiful Cassie Del Isla

I know you'll agree with me when I say there is something special about French women. They exemplify what it is to be comfortable with sexual desire and eroticism. Cassie Del Isla definitely lives up to that. She's hot as fuck and knows how to take care of herself and others in the bedroom. I have her come by my hotel to fulfil my fantasy and gave me the perfect porn star experience with her.

Ryan Keely 在 'Pinup hottie Ryan Keely gives you her wet, orgasm filled Porn Star Experience'

Ryan Keely - Pinup hottie Ryan Keely gives you her wet, orgasm filled Porn Star Experience

The gorgeous MILF, Ryan Keely, is your treat today, all dressed up in her sexy lingerie with that pinup girl style. Get your dick nice and ready because she definitely knows how to take care of a hard cock. You can tell Ryan Keely loves to fuck. Her orgasms are like no other that keeps coming and coming.

Dan Damage 在 'Summer Babe'

Dan Damage - Summer Babe

Kelsey shows off her bikini by the pool before getting fucked under the cabana.

Katie Kinz 在 'Naughty coeds, Katie Kinz and Lilly Bell, enjoy a creamy sundae with their friend's dad'

Katie Kinz - Naughty coeds, Katie Kinz and Lilly Bell, enjoy a creamy sundae with their friend's dad

Katie Kinz and Lilly Bell made plans to hang out with their friend to indulge in ice cream sundaes. When the college girls show up to the house, they're greeted by their friend's dad who informs them his daughter isn't home and won't be for quite some time. Katie and Lilly are taken aback by how fucking hot the dad is and can't believe it. The girls proceed to make the sundaes and even share one with him. When he gets ice cream on his tie both girls suck it clean before they all decide to get naughty in the kitchen and indulge in a hot threesome.

Kylie Page 在 'lets her co-worker enjoy her tits, mouth, and pussy to keep his mouth shut'

Kylie Page - lets her co-worker enjoy her tits, mouth, and pussy to keep his mouth shut

A coworker of Kylie Page's finds a stack of photocopied tits around the office copy machine. He confronts Kylie threatening to go to HR for this nonsense. She tries to deny it but there is no way it's an act by anybody else at the office. No other woman there even comes close to the big natural tits of Kylie Page. Realizing her predicament, she tells her coworker he can fondle her tits in order to keep his mouth shut from HR, but he wants more than that, he wants a sloppy blowjob. Kylie didn't realize how much meat her coworker was packing -- once she finds out, the blowjob quickly turns to a pussy pounding for both their pleasures.

Dee Williams 在 'and Syren De Mer give a college jock a warm welCUMing'

Dee Williams - and Syren De Mer give a college jock a warm welCUMing

Dee Williams stops by to hang out with her best friend Syren De Mer. Dee starts to confide in her about the lack of sex from her husband when there's a knock at the door. Syren explains it's her son's friend picking up some sports equipment. He's invited in and the MILFs come up with the bright idea to tag team this college lad to break Dee's dry spell.

Sera Ryder 在 'Get your cock nice and ready because Sera Ryder will give you an amazing Porn Star Experience'

Sera Ryder - Get your cock nice and ready because Sera Ryder will give you an amazing Porn Star Experience

Brunette beauty, Sera Ryder, shows you what a pornstar experience with her is all about. This sexy petite babe is fun-sized but don't let that fool you. Sera sure can take a big dick with ease. In fact, she loves when she can wrap both hands around it with room for a BJ. Even more, she also loves to wrap her feet around a good hard cock. Sera will talk dirty and tease you until you are throbbing hard and fuck you until your balls explode. Did we mention she loves facials? So save that load for her face at the end. Only at Naughty America -- nobody does it better!

Reagan Foxx 在 'Nurturing Mom Is Insatiable For Young Cock'

Reagan Foxx - Nurturing Mom Is Insatiable For Young Cock

When a young man wakes up hungover, his friend's mom nurses him back to his best self. He isn't old enough to be drinking, but he's grown up enough for other things.

Britt Blair 在 'Naughty college student Britt Blair needs a better grade and is willing to do ANYTHING for you to help her out'

Britt Blair - Naughty college student Britt Blair needs a better grade and is willing to do ANYTHING for you to help her out

Britt Blair is a rebellious student and doesn't want to go to class. But at the same time, she wants good grades. The professor explains that the only way that is possible is if she does all the things he wants with her. It starts with a sloppy BJ and ends with cum all over her pretty face!

Jennifer White 在 'Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 4'

Jennifer White - Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 4

Glamorous, fantastic porn MILF Jennifer White's neon green lingerie perfectly complements the surrounding neon set decoration. The stunning lady teases and strips, flaunting big boobs and a lusciously fit, tanned body. Surrounded by eight hung studs (Jax Slayher, Rob Piper, Richard Mann, Alex Jones, Hollywood Cash, Dan Damage, Musa Phoenix and Lawson Jones), Jennifer asks, 'Are you guys gonna make me your fuck toy today?' Moments later on the couch, huge cocks simultaneously fill her pussy and asshole in a double penetration. She gives a slobbering blowjob, rendering herself airtight! Jennifer's chunky butt jiggles as one dick drills her cunt and another hammers her anus. Epic gangbang action includes drooling, ass-to-mouth head; throat reaming; and rectal gaping! The dudes take turns on her holes, slam-fucking her to multiple, squirting orgasms! She moans through slimy lube injections and intense anal reaming. Finally, Jennifer drops to her knees, and each guy slathers her with a cum facial -- the combined result is a graphic, bukakke-style mess.

Lexi Luna 在 'invites her very sexy friend, Octavia Red, over to celebrate the 4th of July with an expolsive threesome'

Lexi Luna - invites her very sexy friend, Octavia Red, over to celebrate the 4th of July with an expolsive threesome

Lexi Luna's boyfriend had mentioned before that he thinks her friend, Octavia Red, is hot as fuck. Lexi has a big surprise in store for her boyfriend on the Fourth of July. Octavia is coming over for a naughty threesome with the both of them for a very memorable and explosive time. Nothin' like hot, sexy porn in the USA that only NaughtyAmerica can deliver just for you. Nobody does it better!

Jennifer White 在 'Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 2'

Jennifer White - Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 2

Bodacious porn queen Jennifer White captivates through a stellar opening tease, donning orange lingerie that perfectly matches the neon lighting around her. The thrilling MILF shares an epic blowbang with 11 hung studs -- Kris K XXX, Scotty P, Lawson Jones, Donny Sins, Eddie Jaye, Dan Damage, Apollo Banks, Nade Nasty, Musa Phoenix, Hollywood Cash and Tyrone Love! She kisses Donny's lips and then drops to her knees to work on big cocks. The guys surround her, masturbating. Hot Jennifer moves down the line, sucking each stiff dick. Her big boobs play a major role in the action, swaddling multiple schlongs for slippery titty fucking. This melee of fellatio includes epic dirty talk; messy lube sucking; and aggressive throat reaming. The crude blowjob party climaxes with a graphic, bukakke-style cum facial! Irrepressible Jennifer waits with her mouth open as each guy bastes her in hot cum!

Riley Reign 在 'from Human Resources has a 1-on-1 with big dick employee'

Riley Reign - from Human Resources has a 1-on-1 with big dick employee

Riley Reign from human resources received a complaint from fellow employee Jessica that Dan rubbed his junk against her arm when he walked by her in the breakroom. Riley goes to confront Dan about the situation. He claims he has a big dick and was just walking by and it accidentally brushed against her arm in the tight confines of the breakroom. Riley doesn't buy it. She says everyone says they have a big dick so she asks Dan to prove it. He whips out his big cock and Riley is shocked and amazed. She quickly forgets about the incident and helps herself to Dan's thick sausage.

Dan Damage 在 'Petite Babe'

Dan Damage - Petite Babe

Cute, petite girl masturbates with a dildo to get her pussy ready for a big cock.

Kayley Gunner 在 'Your neighbors, Kayley Gunner and Tiffany Watson, stop by for your man-meat when they see you're BBQing all alone'

Kayley Gunner - Your neighbors, Kayley Gunner and Tiffany Watson, stop by for your man-meat when they see you're BBQing all alone

Kayley Gunner & Tiffany Watson live next door to an attractive married man. His wife always gives them the stink-eye because Kayley and Tiffany are gorgeous babes that always sunbathe topless in their backyard. While doing their thing on a gorgeous memorial day weekend afternoon, the girls get a whiff of the neighbor BBQing. Kayley peaks over the fence to see the neighbor all by his lonesome self. Kayley and Tiffany decide to crash his party and lucky for all of them, his wife is away. They've all noticed one another checking each other out with fuck-me eyes so they jump on this opportunity to have some naughty fun before the wife gets back!

Blake Blossom 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Blake Blossom - My Sister's Hot Friend

Blake Blossom is at her friend's house getting everything set up for the Memorial Day BBQ when her friend's brother, Dan, drops in. Blake has had a thing for Dan for a while so she convinces him to stay for the bbq. Dan agrees and goes upstairs to change. Blake follows him up and catches a glimpse of his big cock while he was changing. Now that she's had a peek she has to have it, Dan finally agrees and gives Blake a memorial pounding.

Charlotte Sins 在 'Sexy pornstar Charlotte Sins is ready to pleasure you!'

Charlotte Sins - Sexy pornstar Charlotte Sins is ready to pleasure you!

Sexy pornstar Charlotte Sins have been waiting for your hard cock. Now is the moment to strip you down and slide your big dick on her tight, wet pornstar pussy!

Tommy King 在 'It's time for your hardcore anal Porn Star Experience with Tommy King'

Tommy King - It's time for your hardcore anal Porn Star Experience with Tommy King

It's time for you to fill all three holes of the sexy porn star Tommy King. She's hungry for cock, so whip it out and give it to her good. Start with her mouth to satisfy her oral fixation. Then move on to her tight wet pussy and make her cum. Finish her off with your dick pounding her round, juicy bubble butt until you bust all over that ass!

Alexia Anders 在 'Wild Craving'

Alexia Anders - Wild Craving

Pretty in pink and ready for kink, Alexia is showing off her lithe little frame to attract the type of man who takes his sex served raw.

Shay Sights 在 'has her eyes locked in on one big cock'

Shay Sights - has her eyes locked in on one big cock

Shay Sights has a workout session with her son's friend when she accidentally knees his balls. She insists on helping him out by having him sit down and take off his pants. To her surprise, her son's friend has a big dick and she can't help but be turned on. Shay enjoys herself to some dick in the gym. It'll be their big secret that they can continue on behind her son's back.

Adira Allure 在 'Your sexy neighbor Adira Allure wants to ride your big cock before her sex party'

Adira Allure - Your sexy neighbor Adira Allure wants to ride your big cock before her sex party

Sexy neighbor Adira Allure is having a sex party at her house and she has seen you looking at her for some time now, so she finally comes to your house and asks you to please stop it, but she notices your big cock and cant wait to sit on it and cum over and over on it!

Vicki Chase 在 'VICKI CHASE NINFOMANA Sc.5 Gangbang'

Vicki Chase - VICKI CHASE NINFOMANA Sc.5 Gangbang

Comely porn queen Vicki Chase stuns in glamorous lingerie, teasing to initiate a grand gangbang! Seven men make her the center of attention, groping her, and Vicki worships seven big cocks. Insatiable Vicki services Dan Damage, Jax Slayher, Rob Piper, Alex Jones, Richard Mann, Lawson Jones and Hollywood Cash in a nasty blowbang. Action heightens as two studs double-penetrate Vicki, simultaneously slam-fucking her pussy and asshole! She gives a choking blowjob through intense DP pounding, riding and whimpering as big Black cocks stuff and hammer her lower orifices. Raunchy anal reaming comes with ass-to-mouth flavor and crude rectal gaping, plus serious double-anal debauchery! Vicki's cunt ejaculates girl squirt! She returns to her knees for an epic finale. Each guy rewards her with a messy cum facial. Covered in wads of oozing sperm, irrepressible Vicki looks into the camera and says, 'Do I look like a fucking champion whore?!'

Anissa Kate 在 'Sexy flight attendants, Anissa Kate and Cherry Kiss, give you special access to the 'Backdoor Cockpit''

Anissa Kate - Sexy flight attendants, Anissa Kate and Cherry Kiss, give you special access to the 'Backdoor Cockpit'

On your flight you meet two flight attendants, Anissa Kate and Cherry Kiss. Your charming personality and flirtatious ways have convinced them to meet you at your hotel to have some real first-class worthy fun. Believe them when they say they'll treat you like no other! The sexy Euro babes welcome you to soar high and enter the backdoor cockpit for everyone's pleasure.

Naomi Foxxx 在 'Professor Naomi Foxxx gets hot and horny for her big dick student when everyone leaves the classroom'

Naomi Foxxx - Professor Naomi Foxxx gets hot and horny for her big dick student when everyone leaves the classroom

Professor Naomi Foxxx finds out one of her students is going on vacation to an exotic island for a surfing getaway. She explains to him that he must go to this private sex resort while there. Her student hopes that pretty girls as hot as her are there and Naomi can't help being turned on by the student's flirtatious behavior. Soon after she lets him fondle her big ass tits, Professor Foxxx rips off his pants to be pleasantly surprised by his big dick! She takes it to the next step fucking him all over her classroom and letting him shoot his big load on her tight body.

Allie Addison 在 'Oiled Allie'

Allie Addison - Oiled Allie

Allie gets oiled up and gives a sexy tease before getting fucked by Dan's big cock!

Aurora Fox 在 'is willing to do anything to get what she needs from the IT department at the office'

Aurora Fox - is willing to do anything to get what she needs from the IT department at the office

The naughty college slut girl is still inside Aurora Fox. She's in need of some pictures from college that may make her some money but she's not tech-savvy enough to retrieve them. She calls upon her IT department at the office to assist her. When he tells her he doesn't have what's needed, she insists he go to the store. Unfortunately, the IT guy has no time to run that kind of special request so Aurora makes a deal with him. She'll suck his cock in exchange for his help. But as soon as Aurora sees the kind of dick he's packing, she can't help but the extra mile and take that dick in her wet pussy!

Cherry Kiss 在 'Gorgeous European Pornstar Cherry Kiss gives you a naughty experience you won't forget!'

Cherry Kiss - Gorgeous European Pornstar Cherry Kiss gives you a naughty experience you won't forget!

You've never had a girl like Cherry Kiss. This hot babe sure knows how to fuck! Cherry constantly gives off a 'fuck me' vibe and definitely knows her way when it comes to being naughty. She loves it all and craves it all. Rough sex, gagging, spanking, facials -- whatever your thing is, Cherry is up to fulfill.

Alexia Anders 在 'Sexy yogi babes Alexia Anders, Jazmin Luv and Tiffani Madison need a good stretch with your massive cock!'

Alexia Anders - Sexy yogi babes Alexia Anders, Jazmin Luv and Tiffani Madison need a good stretch with your massive cock!

It's been many years since you've done yoga so you booked yourself a class to get back into it. Looks like you can't stretch as well as before, but don't worry, sexy yogi babes Alexia Anders, Jazmin Luv & Tiffani Madison are here to help you lengthen out those big muscles. Maybe you can help them stretch out other parts of their hot tight bodies!

Sweet Sophia 在 'Worth Her Weight in Gold'

Sweet Sophia - Worth Her Weight in Gold

Lucky man Dan is over the moon when he finds a leprechaun's gold inside the walls of his house. But Dan isn't having it when Sophia the Leprechaun appears to reclaim what is rightfully hers. For days, the Exxxtra Small babe follows Dan around to find where he's hidden her pots of gold. Sophia strikes a deal with Dan – she'll let him fuck her 'lucky charm' if he promises to give back all the gold. Unable to resist, Dan fucks Sophia right then and there. Her pussy is unbelievable, and she thinks Dan's cock is just as impeccable. Ultimately, getting to fuck Sophia was worth every last bit of gold!

Ariel Darling 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Ariel Darling - Neighbor Affair

Redhead bombshell Ariel Darling has just moved into her new home. She finds out that her favorite strip club patron lives next door to her. Straight away she feels horny because she knows he has a big dick and Ariel LOVES long, thick cocks! When she goes next door to chat with him, she finds out he's married. Ariel still puts out her flirtatious, seductive vibe and Dan can't help himself. He's too horny all the time to control his urges and gives Ariel the pounding she's been craving.

Jenna Starr 在 'MILF Jenna Starr gives a private pole dancing show when her son's friend stops by unexpectedly'

Jenna Starr - MILF Jenna Starr gives a private pole dancing show when her son's friend stops by unexpectedly

Jenna Starr just finished putting together her new stripper pole when her son's friend unexpectedly stops by to borrow something. She invites him inside and lets him know her son is not home. The friend is intrigued when he noticed the stripper pole. Feeling naughty and horny, Jenna tells him to stay for a private show. Sure enough, it gets both of their juices flowing and Jenna can't help but plop her big ass right on that big hard cock! Might as well have some fun and get a good secret fuck in when nobody is home.

Mazy Myers 在 'Putt Putt Pussy'

Mazy Myers - Putt Putt Pussy

Mazy has a golf date with Dan on a private miniature gold course. They flirt during their game and Mazy escalates the situation by stripping and masturbating on the course.

Alexa Nova 在 'Supernova'

Alexa Nova - Supernova

Alexa's the most decadent amenity this hotel has on offer. Cozy up with this redhead and get a taste of her hospitality.

Marilyn Johnson 在 'wants to get back with her EX but he is married now'

Marilyn Johnson - I Have a Wife

The sexy Ex girlfriend Marilyn Johnson misses Dan's' big cock and she is at the same party as he is. She corralles him in the bathroom and wont let him leave until he fucks her one more time!

Ariel Darling 在 'Ariel Darling, Riley Reign, and Skylar Snow tag team their friend's brother who happens to be in the right place at the right time'

Ariel Darling - Ariel Darling, Riley Reign, and Skylar Snow tag team their friend's brother who happens to be in the right place at the right time

Ariel Darling, Riley Reign, and Skylar Snow are in town and get to crash at their friend's place. Their friend's brother obviously got wind of them coming so he shows up unexpectedly. When he gets there, the girls are getting undressed so they can take a swim in the pool. They invite him in to chat and catch up a while topless for the lad. Skylar notices the big bulge in his pants and figures they could get all sweaty indoors before jumping in the pool.

Hime Marie 在 'Looks like some naughty backdoor action is in store for college babes Penelope Woods, Hime Marie, and Rory Knox'

Hime Marie - Looks like some naughty backdoor action is in store for college babes Penelope Woods, Hime Marie, and Rory Knox

Penelope Woods gets caught anally masturbating by her good friends Hime Marie and Rory Knox. Her friends are intrigued as they have only done anal a few times. Hime prefers just the tip. Penelope gets them warmed up and shows them how to relax and enjoy anal. Then she has the bright idea of inviting her boyfriend over to share. He loves anal sex and Penelope thinks Hime and Rory need to experience the real thing from a guy with a nice big dick. It's safe to say they're now fans of backdoor action!

Haley Spades 在 'Bookworm babe Haley Spades gives her professor some wet college pussy for Valentine's Day'

Haley Spades - Bookworm babe Haley Spades gives her professor some wet college pussy for Valentine's Day

Haley Spades has had a crush on her professor and what better day to confess your love than Valentine's Day. She makes sure to be the last person to leave class so she can give the professor his gift. He receives some chocolates, flowers, and best of all, her wet college pussy for him to enjoy!

Ailee Anne 在 'Medical students Ailee Anne, Laney Grey, and Summer Vixen get a hands on full body check up from their Professor'

Ailee Anne - Medical students Ailee Anne, Laney Grey, and Summer Vixen get a hands on full body check up from their Professor

College students Ailee Anne, Laney Grey, and Summer Vixen are the last ones left in their medical class. Their professor decides to do some hands on work with the three of them. The girls see if the stethoscope can pick up the sound of their professor's throbbing cock and as soon as they see the size of it, they can't help but take turns with it in their wet college pussies.

Ember Snow 在 'Naughty Office'

Ember Snow - Naughty Office

Dr. Ember Snow is one sexy doctor. Her lucky patient, Dan is in for a check up and doesn't know whats in store. She has been super horny lately and once Dan's big cock comes out she performs a thorough diagnosis making him explode his cum all over Ember's nice big tits.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Stroke It'

Nicole Doshi - Stroke It

Nicole has the grace, the style, and the sex appeal. All she needs now is the right man to come along and satisfy the only craving she has left.

Octavia Red 在 'Sexy Pornstar Octavia Red is BACK and she's in charge of your cock'

Octavia Red - Sexy Pornstar Octavia Red is BACK and she's in charge of your cock

Sexy Pornstar Octavia Red is one of our favorites and she had to do a special one-on-one just with you. Looking sexy in her lingerie that will be discarded as fast as your dick will get hard. Get ready and enjoy this sexy redhead!

Bella Luna 在 'Maintenance guys gives college babes Bella Luna, Britt Blair, and Chanel Camryn a shower of cum'

Bella Luna - Maintenance guys gives college babes Bella Luna, Britt Blair, and Chanel Camryn a shower of cum

The dorm room showers are messed up so Bella Luna, Britt Blair, and Chanel Camryn have the maintence guy come by to cehck it out. He's unable to fix the issue because the piping is screwed up. Since he's there and they can see he's got a huge tool in his pants, they insist he check out their "plumbing". The three co-ed babes each take turn riding his big dick until he showers the three of them with a huge cum load.

Melissa Stratton 在 'Sexy teacher Melissa Stratton knows you only learn when the lesson is taught without clothes'

Melissa Stratton - Sexy teacher Melissa Stratton knows you only learn when the lesson is taught without clothes

Your sexy teacher Melissa Stratton is very disappointed on your grades and you might not pass the class but she is in a real good mood and wants to help you. Apparently the only way you will learn is if you get her tight wet pussy on your big cock!

Jazmin Luv 在 'Co-Ed babes Jazmin Luv, Kiana Kumani, and Keira Croft hook up with a big dick gym goer in the locker room'

Jazmin Luv - Co-Ed babes Jazmin Luv, Kiana Kumani, and Keira Croft hook up with a big dick gym goer in the locker room

Jazmin Luv, Kiana Kumani, and Keira Croft just wrapped up their workout and decide to hit the showers in the locker room. When the girls come back to their locker, they catch a dude with Jazmin's panties. They noticed him in the gym checking them out earlier. The girls think he's kind of hot even though he's a perv and they demand to see his cock. Pleasantly surprised, the girls make him take care of their sexual needs or else they'll go to management and get him banned.

Kenzie Love 在 'Busty brunette Porn Star Kenzie Love want's to suck that cock and fuck your brains out'

Kenzie Love - Busty brunette Porn Star Kenzie Love want's to suck that cock and fuck your brains out

Sexy Porn Star Kenzie Love has all the right curves and the perfect tits for you to enjoy. She is more than willing to show you how she moves her body and juggs right in your face while she slides your big cock in her tight wet pussy!

Kay Carter 在 'It's Girl's Night Out for Kay Carter, Maddy May, and Megan Maiden and they're craving some hard cock to share'

Kay Carter - It's Girl's Night Out for Kay Carter, Maddy May, and Megan Maiden and they're craving some hard cock to share

Kay Carter, Maddy May, & Megan Maiden are having girls night and the time has flown by. They didn't realize "last call" was announced and missed their chance for refills. The girls hit up the bar tender but he's not about to lose his license for them. To persuade him, the girls are willing to lock the door and have some fun around the bar, filling their wet thirsty pussies with his big hard cock.

Pristine Edge 在 'Dirty Wives Club'

Pristine Edge - Dirty Wives Club

Pristine Edge told her husband, whom is the coach of the football team, that she would bake some cookies for the fundraising event but she is not that good of a baker. One of the players, Dan, comes over to pick up the batch and finds that the cookies are all burnt and has to wait for the new batch to come out of the oven. They both have the time to kill and "fuck around" if you know what I mean.

Harmony Rivers 在 'What happens when three horny college babes find out their Professor has a HUGE dick'

Harmony Rivers - What happens when three horny college babes find out their Professor has a HUGE dick

College co-eds Harmony Rivers, Madison Wilde, and Penelope Woods find out another one of their peers is getting a passing grade for hooking up with their professor. The girls want the same deal so they approach their professor straight up. This college professor has no problem helping them out, in fact, it's the main reason why he became an educator.

Emma Rosie 在 'Small Packages'

Emma Rosie - Small Packages

Emma will dazzle you until your senses are shattered and you find yourself following her home, where this live wire takes it all off.

Katrina Colt 在 'Your banging girlfriend Katrina Colt likes to get fucked in the ass!'

Katrina Colt - Your banging girlfriend Katrina Colt likes to get fucked in the ass!

Your sexy girlfriend Katrina Colt has a special new years experiment she wants to try out with your big cock, she want's you to shove that dick in her ass, but first she has a special show to give you with a toy to stretch her out so you can slide that big cock in her! Start the new year off right, Naughty America style!

Adira Allure 在 'and her boyfriend hook up with Jewelz Blu and Tiffany Watson for a New Year's Eve foursome fuck fest'

Adira Allure - and her boyfriend hook up with Jewelz Blu and Tiffany Watson for a New Year's Eve foursome fuck fest

Adira Allure and her boyfriend are horny as fuck! While partying for New Year's Eve, the couple met two hot babes Jewelz Blu and Tiffany Watson. Adira is craving pussy herself and decides to call Jewelz and Tiffany to join them for a foursome. Luckily they agree to meet up and bring in the new year with a good fuck fest!

Cyrstal Chase 在 'Naughty America'

Cyrstal Chase - Naughty America

Crystal Chase is picking up after the company's Secret Santa game at work and the only person who is there is the very horny Percy Sires. She feels bad that Crystal doesn't have a place to go for dinner on Christmas, so Percy has a special proposition -- go back to her place and have a hot threesome with her and her big dick boyfriend!

April Olsen 在 'Your sexy girlfriend April Olsen likes to get fucked in her ass!'

April Olsen - Your sexy girlfriend April Olsen likes to get fucked in her ass!

Your horny girlfriend April Olsen has a special treat just for you, she bought a new toy and wants to give you a special anal show that you won't forget, and after her ass is all stretched, her ass is is yours to fuck again and again until you bust your load!

Vicki Chase 在 'Mouths of Babes Part 2'

Vicki Chase - Mouths of Babes Part 2

Vicki's back and everyone deserves a chance to meet Vicki. Warmed up by a massive blowbang, the doctor, his orderly, and a security guard try to subdue her in her room. She subdues them instead.

Theodora Day 在 'All Day and Night'

Theodora Day - All Day and Night

Shimmering in a white minidress, Theodora loves to play games. Come see this queen take a piece.

Dan Damage 在 'Dripping Pussy'

Dan Damage - Dripping Pussy

Lola teases her dripping, wet pussy with a vibrator before getting fucked and facialed.

London River 在 'Divorced and horny MILF London River needs help with her pussy toys'

London River - Divorced and horny MILF London River needs help with her pussy toys

Ever since hot MILF London River got divorced, she has started to spice up her life but she is having a ton of trouble making her new sex toys work. Some plug in and others use batteries so she calls a sexy stud over to come help her out. There is nothing like her son's friend to handle al big package and plug in right in her pussy!

Alena Croft 在 'MILF's 7-Boner Blowbang!'

Alena Croft - MILF's 7-Boner Blowbang!

Busty, platinum blonde Alena Croft teases in a skimpy pink number, starved for hard cock. Wearing a choker that reads, 'CUMSLUT,' the sexy MILF flaunts big boobs and a stellar body, anticipating a nasty blowbang with seven ready studs: Dan Damage, Hollywood Cash, Air Thugger, Kris K, Donny Sins, Nade Nasty and Musa Phoenix. Alena goes down the line, sucking big Black cocks and thick White meat. She chokes and slobbers through nasty, graphic blowjob action. The enthusiastic lady talks dirty, laps balls, and she deepthroats dicks. She opens her mouth widely for the guys to squirt lube into her gullet. Alena crudely collects her slobber in a glass through the messy oral melee. For the finale, each aggressive mouth fucker rewards Alena with a nasty cum facial. This bukkake-style climax leaves Alena swallowing copious helpings of excess semen!

April Snow 在 'Kay Carter and Skye Mae seek the guidance of therapist April Snow on how to take care of their man's big dick energy'

April Snow - Kay Carter and Skye Mae seek the guidance of therapist April Snow on how to take care of their man's big dick energy

Kay Carter and Skye Mae are in an open relationship sharing the same man. They all agree to see therapist April Snow to discuss how to improve their sex life. April suggest bringing in another woman and everyone is on board. Kay and Skye insist it's April who joins in for their foursome. So right then and there during the session, the girls whip out their mans big dick and April is more than happy to join in and take a ride on that thick cock of his.

Kianna Dior 在 'Wet, Five-Cock Blowbang!'

Kianna Dior - Wet, Five-Cock Blowbang!

Bodacious Asian MILF Kianna Dior loves being the center of attention, so she's a natural for blowbang action. The busty goddess shows off her statuesque body in purple lingerie, unveiling her massive tits through a sexy tease. When five big cocks surround her, submissive Kianna knows what to do. She sucks big Black cocks and White meat, drooling and choking lewdly. James Angel, Air Thugger, Apollo Banks, Oliver Flynn and Dan Damage fuck her face. Nasty blowjob action includes ball lapping and crude dirty talk. Guys squirt lube down Kianna's throat and smear her face with their pricks. For the climax, each dude splashes Kianna with a messy cum facial. Sperm encases her face as moaning Kianna holds a plate, to capture excess spunk and spit. She pours the raunchy fluid into her throat, swallowing hot cream of semen soup.

Alexis Tae 在 'Wet, Eight-Cock Blowbang!'

Alexis Tae - Wet, Eight-Cock Blowbang!

Black stunner Alexis Tae knows extreme porn. Looking sexy in glamorous lingerie, the slender vixen preps viewers -- and her eight co-starring cocks -- for a raunchy blowbang! Alexis teases the camera, showing a choker that reads, 'CUMSLUT.' Lucky stiffs Jovan Jordan, Dan Damage, Apollo Banks, Milan, Lawson Jones, Jason Sweets, Scotty P and Coach Cardher encircle Alexis, excitedly groping her. Alexis drops to her knees, and the guys take their places on the couch. She sucks and slobbers over each throbbing erection, choking through an epic face fucking. Alexis eggs the guys on with dirty talk, deepthroating big cocks as spit seeps over her perky tits. A melee of filthy blowjob action includes ferocious throat fucking. White meat and big Black cocks leave Alexis slathered in slimy saliva. Her reward is a tornado of flying cum facials! The sweet girl collects excess semen on a plate under her chin, licking up surplus sperm.

Tommy King 在 'Messy, Nine-Cock Blowbang!'

Tommy King - Messy, Nine-Cock Blowbang!

Nasty, bodacious porn babe Tommy King wears a tight top and high-heel fetish boots, eager to satisfy nine big cocks in a blowbang! The wicked vixen glowers into the camera as she teases and strips, flaunting her chunky butt cheeks. Porn dudes Dan Damage, Nade Nasty, Scotty P, Johnny Goodluck, Donny Sins, Jack Blaque, Air Thugger, Jovan Jordan and Hollywood Cash surround Tommy, rods throbbing, and she says, 'I want my throat to be used like a pocket pussy!' The guys spank her thick booty and chatter rudely while Tommy makes her way around the boners, talking dirty, sucking, drooling and choking on thick White meat and big Black cocks. Explicit blowjob action includes deepthroat fellatio and face fucking as Tommy collects thick spit in a bowl. She laps balls and feeds herself the slobber. In an epic, bukkake-style climax, the guys treat her to multiple cum facials, sperm enveloping her entire head!

Ailee Anne 在 'Out Of This World'

Ailee Anne - Out Of This World

Out Of This World

Alexis Malone 在 'Petite college babe, Demi Hawks, and MILFs Alexis Malone and Rachael Cavalli, get their share of stuffing from a big fat cock this Thanksgiving'

Alexis Malone - Petite college babe, Demi Hawks, and MILFs Alexis Malone and Rachael Cavalli, get their share of stuffing from a big fat cock this Thanksgiving

Demi Hawks is invited to a lovely Thanksgiving dinner at Rachael Cavalli's -- her boyfriend's mom's place. Demi's boyfriend has a last minute store trip to pick up some things needed for the feast. While away, his good friend arrives. He happens to be Demi's ex-boyfriend and one thing she can't resist is his big fat thick dick! Demi takes him into the laundry room for a quick blowjob but gets busted by not only Rachal but Rachael's friend Alexis Malone. Demi explains the situation and the MILFs are intrigued and horny. They insist they continue what they were doing while they watch. Looks like sausage is on the menu instead of turkey this Thanksgiving!

Crystal Clark 在 'Married MILFs, Crystal Clark, Kayla Paige, and Sarah Taylor, invite the neighbor over for some fun while their husbands are away'

Crystal Clark - Married MILFs, Crystal Clark, Kayla Paige, and Sarah Taylor, invite the neighbor over for some fun while their husbands are away

Kayla Paige is so excited to finally have some free time with her 'besties' Crystal Clark and Sarah Taylor. They did some lingerie shopping to feel sexy even though their husbands could care less. But Kayla knew that all along! Her plan is working flawlessly as she wanted to go shopping for lingerie with her friends and then come back to her place and surprise them with a special foursome between them and her new neighbor.

Vicki Chase 在 'Mouth of Babes Part 1'

Vicki Chase - Mouth of Babes Part 1

An infamous ward at a mental institution plays her biggest game yet in cell block D.

Victoria Voxxx 在 'Warmed Up'

Victoria Voxxx - Warmed Up

Victoria has fantasies, and she's found someone willing to fulfill them. All she has to do is be at the right address at the right time and do all the things her previous boyfriends thought were so wrong.

Lexi Lore 在 'Squeeze Play'

Lexi Lore - Squeeze Play

Squeeze Play

Charlotte Sins 在 'is craving some dick in her ass'

Charlotte Sins - is craving some dick in her ass

Charlotte Sins wants something special today -- your thick cock shoved right up her ass. Yes yes, anal sex with the one and only Charlotte Sins and her beautiful bubble butt is what you have forward to look to today. Just see how she stretches her tight little hole and slaps her pussy to warm up. It's all part of Charlotte's plan — as is her sloppy blowjob — to get you hard and ready for her asshole. Experience Charlotte Sins in VR where she sits right on YOUR dick.

Cecelia Taylor 在 'Horny Cosplay'

Cecelia Taylor - Horny Cosplay

Cecelia dresses up as a sexy anime character and gets fucked and facialed by a huge dick.

Bella Blu 在 'The Haloween party was LIT! but the afterparty is even better with Bella Blu, Hazel Moore, and Jewelz Blu riding your cock'

Bella Blu - The Haloween party was LIT! but the afterparty is even better with Bella Blu, Hazel Moore, and Jewelz Blu riding your cock

You are one lucky dog taking three sexy babes Bella Blu, Hazel Moore & Jewelz Blu to the Halloween party in a luxurious limo. These gorgeous babes give you a taste of what they will do to you after the party is over and you take them back to the hotel to satisfy their slutty desires.

Anna Claire Clouds 在 'Co-Ed hotties Anna Claire Clouds, Hime Marie, and Kylie Rocket fuck for cardio endurance'

Anna Claire Clouds - Co-Ed hotties Anna Claire Clouds, Hime Marie, and Kylie Rocket fuck for cardio endurance

College sluts Anna Claire Clouds, Hime Marie, and Kylie Rocket are hitting the gym in preparation for a race coming up. The girls grow bored of the usual workout session with their trainer and decide to increase their cardio endurance the good ol' fashioned way - hardcore fucking!

Mellanie Monroe 在 'Your friend's hot mom Mellanie Monroe is a MILF that wants you to watch her strip'

Mellanie Monroe - Your friend's hot mom Mellanie Monroe is a MILF that wants you to watch her strip

Your true MILF queen Mellanie Monroe need you to watch over the house while she is gone but secretly she want you to follow her and watch her undress and take you in to her private dressing room where she will wrap her wet pussy around your big cock!

Kayley Gunner 在 'Married housewife, Nikki Benz, wants to share a big dick between her and her friend's Kayley Gunner and Savannah Bond while her husband is out of town'

Kayley Gunner - Married housewife, Nikki Benz, wants to share a big dick between her and her friend's Kayley Gunner and Savannah Bond while her husband is out of town

Nikki Benz's husband is out of town so she's having a girls day with her friend's Kayley Gunner and Savannah Bond. After they get dropped off back at Nikki's, the girls talk about how hot their driver was. Nikki decides to call the driver and have him come back to hang out at her place. Things quickly heat up and get naughty as all these MILFs want to do is suck dick and get their pussies nice and worked!

Adira Allure 在 'shows the new hires Braylin Bailey and Harmony Rivers how to keep the boss satisfied'

Adira Allure - shows the new hires Braylin Bailey and Harmony Rivers how to keep the boss satisfied

Long time assistant Adira Allure is threatened by her bosses new hires, Braylin Bailey and Harmony Rivers. She's afraid of being pushed to the sidelines. But that's not what the boss was thinking. The boss wanted the new hires to assist Adira among other things. Adira finally lightens up and then she shows Braylin and Harmony how to keep the boss happy and satisfied in the office.

Hot Ass Hollywood 在 'Busty blonde Hot Ass Hollywood has seen you peeping and now she wants to fuck you'

Hot Ass Hollywood - Busty blonde Hot Ass Hollywood has seen you peeping and now she wants to fuck you

You are back from college for a few weeks and you are back at it watching that busty babe, Hot Ass Hollywood, sun bathe topless. She noticed and invites you over to have a drink because she figures why not get some dick in her MILF pussy. Who can resist those big tits and and babe that wants your cock?!

Kianna Dior 在 'Busty Cum Slut 9 Sc. 1'

Kianna Dior - Busty Cum Slut 9 Sc. 1

Statuesque, sexy Asian-American MILF Kianna Dior tantalizes poolside in a string bikinithat barely contains her immense melons. The supremely stacked diva squeezes her big tits, bouncing the heavy hooters like water balloons. Kianna spreads her hairy pussy, flashing her twat hole. The dirty-talking babe gulps on heavily hung Dan Damage's hard boner. Kianna grips his ball sack while delivering a sloppy blowjob. She pounces on his big cock, and he fucks her snatch as he feasts on her gargantuan boobs. A mouth fuck makes her choke up spit. Dan fucks her cunt more, in several lewd positions. Dan busts his nut, splashing a creamy load to her hair and forehead. The cum facial runs down her cheeks and drips off her chin.

Charli Phoenix 在 'Sexy MILF Charli Phoenix makes a call for a maintenance guy to come over and take care of her plumbing'

Charli Phoenix - Sexy MILF Charli Phoenix makes a call for a maintenance guy to come over and take care of her plumbing

Sexy blonde Charli Phoenix has just got a divorce completed and wants to celebrate by fucking someone else that is not her ex-husband, so she grabs the phone and calls you to come and fix her sink. You tell her you don't have the right tools and must leave to get them but that's when she tells you the only tool you will need is your big cock in her MILF pussy.

London River 在 'Sexy teacher London River notices the looks you give her and lets you have a chance at satisfying her wet MILF pussy'

London River - Sexy teacher London River notices the looks you give her and lets you have a chance at satisfying her wet MILF pussy

You have taken Professor London River's class twice now and she knows that you exceed the curriculum but now she has a better understanding why you have taken her class so many times. She sees you look at her big tits and her big ass when she moves around all day in front of you. Now she wants you to slide your cock in her and it will be your time to show her how many times you can make her cum.

Bunny Madison 在 'and Sarah Taylor surprise their friend Crystal Rush with a naughty bachelorette party'

Bunny Madison - and Sarah Taylor surprise their friend Crystal Rush with a naughty bachelorette party

It's Crystal Rush's bachelorette party and her friends Bunny Madison and Sarah Taylor have a naughty surprise in store for the three of them. Since they needed more champagne for the room, the girls convince the room service guy to stay and have a little fun. Lucky for these ladies, this guy has big dick that can handle the three of them. He fucks them real good and ends with an explosive cumshot. Looks like Crystal can cancel her facial appointment before the big day.

Kenzie Love 在 'Naughty America'

Kenzie Love - Naughty America

Kenzie Love is having a medical issue and she's too embarrassed to see just any ol' doctor, so she stops by her friend's boyfriend's office (who happens to be a doctor). You see, Kenzie took some of her boyfriend's sex pills and her pussy has been dripping wet all day. Her friend's boyfriend has just the remedy for that...his hot beef injection. He pounds Kenzie right there and then and relieves Kenzie of her aching wet pussy problem.

Rachael Cavalli 在 'Your friend's sexy MILF Rachael Cavalli is ready to share her cupcakes with you'

Rachael Cavalli - Your friend's sexy MILF Rachael Cavalli is ready to share her cupcakes with you

Your friend's sexy MILF Rachael Cavalli has asked you to prepare the birthday party for her son, but unfortunately, he went to his girlfriend's for another party. Since its just you and Rachael now, she wants to share her more than her cupcakes with you, but be sure to keep this naughty secret between the both of you.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Popular artist gets lucky as fuck when he invites Aubree Valentine, Rory Knox, and Tommy King over to his private studio'

Aubree Valentine - Popular artist gets lucky as fuck when he invites Aubree Valentine, Rory Knox, and Tommy King over to his private studio

It's not just Aubree Valentine, Rory Knox, and Tommy King that are fans of this well known artist. He's popular and gaining a big following but ones things for sure - the three gorgeous babes are the only ones that got invited to see some of his private pieces he's working on. The girls like the idea of being his muse for his next art piece and have the bright idea of undressing before his eyes. They get so hot and turned on, including the artist, that they all decide to paint a beautiful fuck fest of a scene right there in his studio all ending with a big splatter "painting" on Aubree's torso.

Freya Parker 在 'Naughty Office'

Freya Parker - Naughty Office

Realtor babe, Freya Parker, just sold another house for a ton of money and Dan can't stand it. He has a hunch that she is fucking her clients into buying the homes and if tables were turn and it was himself fucking his clients, he'd be fired. But maybe Dan can team up with Freya, please her and satisfy her needs, then in turn she could help him with a sale or two.

Dee Williams 在 'Horny MILF Dee Williams Is flattered that you want to fuck her tits, mouth, and wet pussy'

Dee Williams - Horny MILF Dee Williams Is flattered that you want to fuck her tits, mouth, and wet pussy

You are at your friend's house to talk to her sexy mom, Dee Williams, and get her advise on how to talk to girls, but secretly you just want to go balls deep in her wet MILF pussy!

Chanel Camryn 在 'Co-ed babes Chanel Camryn, Khloe Kapri, and Penelope Kay just met a stud on the airplane and invite him back to their rental for some naughty fun'

Chanel Camryn - Co-ed babes Chanel Camryn, Khloe Kapri, and Penelope Kay just met a stud on the airplane and invite him back to their rental for some naughty fun

Khloe Kapri and Chanel Camryn just flew into Vegas to visit their friend Penelope. While on the plane ride, Khloe and Camryn met a hot stud and decide to invite him over to their place for some naughty fun.

Casca Akashova 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Casca Akashova - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Casca Akashova has a thing for tall students. She's a science professor and she has a theory that tall guys have tall cocks. She puts that theory to the test and finds out that she can barely fit this student in her tight hole.

Molly Little 在 'Miss Little One Night Stand'

Molly Little - Miss Little One Night Stand

Molly Little came to Miami for spring break. Already the first night she scored, was just walking home from a one night stand when the notorious white van stopped next to her. Since she was from Tennessee she didn't know the urban legends about white vans and she thought it was slightly strange that strangers would offer her $100 bills but it was Miami after all. So they gave her $100 for her phone number. Another $100 for her good looking friend's number. Then $300 for her panties. But where would she change? Oh in the bus? Sure thing. She pulls down her pants, pulls down the panties. Completes the sale. Wants to pull her pants back up but the guys rain another gazillion dollars on her. So yes, of course she agreed to stay naked. Then Dan Damage took out his dick and it was giant. All the penises she had before were just wee wees compared to this. She was intrigued. She was curious. She took it in her mouth and sucked it. Then he carefully entered her in missionary. Once she got used to the size she climbed on top of