Madison Ivy at

Lexi Luna is as new as they come to the porn world, but like her name implies, her celestial body is already changing the tide of the industry. Originally hailing from Florida, Lexi grew up striving to be the very best, be it at school, in dance, or later in life, in the bedroom. Of course, Lexi has always harbored secret sexual desires that were more risque than her friends; delicious perversions that she now embraces openly and without fear. And whether it's masturbating to the steely muscles of bodybuilders, worshiping the long, fat cocks of her male co-stars and private fuck partners, or exploring the bondage and submission lifestyle as an active mistress, Lexi is all about pushing the human body to its limits and lusting over the results. One look at this vivacious new vixen's scenes, and you will be pushed to your own limits of desire.

最新更新特色 Lexi Luna

Lexi Luna 在 '哎呀,錯誤的熟女!'

Lexi Luna - 哎呀,錯誤的熟女!

Lexi Luna 讓她的“密友”Emily Addison 過來喝茶和剪刀,但他們很快就被 Lexi 的繼子 Zane Walker 和他的朋友 David Lee 回家打斷了。讚恩想操艾米麗,但經過一些混亂,他最終在洗衣房裡操了他的繼母萊克西!這一切都導致了 Zen 和徐娘半老之間的火熱三人組(大衛也得到了一點行動!

Natasha Nice 在 '壞!- 最好的被抓住'

Natasha Nice - 壞!- 最好的被抓住

做壞人的感覺很好,但當你被抓住時就沒有那麼有趣了......還是嗎?看看 Brazzers 最熱門的偷偷摸摸的作弊者在這個堅果破壞彙編中以不止一種方式被釘住!

Lexi Luna 在 '由我男朋友的自慰媽媽主導'

Lexi Luna - 由我男朋友的自慰媽媽主導


Lexi Luna 在 '鬼鬼祟祟的聯誼會蕩婦操我的客人'

Lexi Luna - 鬼鬼祟祟的聯誼會蕩婦操我的客人


Lexi Luna 在 '我朋友媽媽的陰戶'

Lexi Luna - 我朋友媽媽的陰戶


Lexi Luna 在 '與台階共進午餐'

Lexi Luna - 與台階共進午餐

阿波羅和他的女朋友克洛伊被邀請與萊安娜和她的新繼母萊克西共進午餐,萊娜是他們的新鄰居。他們幾乎不知道 - Leana和Lexi碰巧是完全的仙女,對這對年輕夫婦情慾盡。阿波羅和克洛伊試圖阻止鄰居的偷偷摸摸的前進,然後萊安娜欺騙克洛伊離開,這樣他們就可以和阿波羅一起走了!

Lexi Luna 在 '骨折開裂淫亂'

Lexi Luna - 骨折開裂淫亂

米克·布魯(Mick Blue)是一位受歡迎的病毒式在線脊椎按摩師,他以説明破解色情明星的背部和肌肉疼痛而聞名,使他們在漫長的一周工作后恢復體形!Lexi Luna拜訪Mick進行調整,在他用他熟練的手擊中她疼痛的身體上的所有正確部位后,她感覺很熱,角質和靈活,足以用硬核他媽的感謝醫生!

Lexi Luna 在 '角色扮演指南'

Lexi Luna - 角色扮演指南

性感的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線Lexi Luna展示了她令人印象深刻的角色扮演技巧。無論Lexi是女僕,空姐還是老師,她總是很熱!幸運的Zac Wild在現場近距離檢查Lexi的服裝,導致Lexi的熱氣騰騰的大雞巴他媽的。

Lexi Luna 在 '嬉皮士接受教育'

Lexi Luna - 嬉皮士接受教育

約書亞第一次把他太酷的時髦女友凱莉·火箭帶回家,希望能得到一些行動。約書亞嘗試了幾招,但被凱莉拒絕了,凱莉被她的社交媒體帳戶分散了注意力。范偷偷溜進來嘗試和他哥哥的女朋友的手,留下凱莉角質和困惑。萊克西給了約書亞一個可憐的手工,以增強他的信心。然後,Van & Lexi 向這些嬉皮士展示了如何在與 Kylie 的瘋狂三人組結局中完成!

Lexi Luna 在 '捕捉這對夫婦'

Lexi Luna - 捕捉這對夫婦

性感而經驗豐富的Lexi Luna是一對知名夫婦的攝影師,她努力工作,總是從她的客戶那裡得到最好的。今天在工作室,她正在拍攝健康而處女的夫婦Clara Trinity和Oliver Flynn。這對年輕夫婦很僵硬,但Lexi有辦法讓他們放鬆一下!萊克西向克拉拉和奧利弗展示了如何取悅彼此,教他們如何吸吮和性交,他們甚至從未夢想過。誰知道這對夫婦的第一次會是像萊克西這樣抽煙的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線的三人行!

Lexi Luna 在 '酒店泳池連接'

Lexi Luna - 酒店泳池連接

已婚女商人Lexi Luna在長時間的會議後正在享受酒店的游泳池。一對年輕的女同性戀夫婦引起了她的注意,尤其是金髮碧眼的吉娜·奧米(Gina Ohmy)。吉娜注意到盧娜在檢查她,並喜歡上它,在女友的背後炫耀她熱辣的奶頭和屁股。當吉娜的女朋友離開時,她讓她動起來,在游泳池裡調情並勾引盧娜,導致一場又熱又濕的女同性戀外遇!

Lexi Luna 在 '真空中的愉悅'

Lexi Luna - 真空中的愉悅

性感的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線萊西·盧娜(Lexi Luna)正在用吸塵器吸塵,為男友的大學年齡的兒子胡安·洛科(Juan Loco)的到來做準備。當他的父親不看時,胡安擁抱了萊克西,抓住了一把屁股......萊克西完全沒問題。當男孩們上樓時,Lexi在她的陰道上使用真空吸塵器。胡安偷偷看到萊克西這樣做,並決定他也想嘗試一下,在萊克西休息時刷掉真空吸塵器。萊克西抓住胡安用真空吸吮他的雞巴,並與他對峙......但是在這一點上,兩人都是如此角質,以至於他媽的對方是自然而然的結論。

Lexi Luna 在 '夢幻女孩'

Lexi Luna - 夢幻女孩

布魯內特·萊克西·露娜正試著讓她的男朋友Jmac起床,這樣他就可以幫忙打掃衛生了。Jmac 正在打盹, 只需要 5 分鐘。下次Jmac睜開眼睛時,萊克西穿著緊身的紅色乳膠套裝站在他身邊。萊克西的大, 美麗的山雀幾乎不能被控制!萊克西渴望公雞, 她準備讓 Jmac 去工作。頭這麼好,貓這麼濕,山雀幾乎太多汁了!Jmac 是做夢, 還是華麗的萊克西露娜真的那麼好?

Lexi Luna 在 '一個快速的,而她清洗'

Lexi Luna - 一個快速的,而她清洗

性感的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線萊西露娜正在清理廚房時,她的丈夫的朋友,桑德科爾武斯,進入和感覺她緊貓出(似乎)無處。原來,兩人一直在她丈夫的鼻子下作弊 - 事實上,他現在在隔壁房間!儘管她判斷力更好, 萊克西洞穴和偷偷亂搞桑德之前, 送他回來, 以保持她的丈夫陪伴。

Lexi Luna 在 '如何使詞彙暨'

Lexi Luna - 如何使詞彙暨

吸煙熱治療師萊克西露娜聘請大學花花公子紮克威爾德的父母, 以説明他克服一個討厭的分手。當紮克透露分手是由他無法使他的女朋友暨, 萊克西給他一個動手課程, 如何取悅一個女人。

Lexi Luna 在 '萊克西要你暨結束'

Lexi Luna - 萊克西要你暨結束

總是性感的萊克西露娜 (在一些熱內衣) 開始與你視頻聊天, 要求你過來。她只是做了一個奇怪的噩夢, 希望你安慰和擁抱她。起初你很猶豫, 所以萊克西決定為你脫光衣服。她抓住一個振動器, 並開始告訴你, 她會做什麼, 你的公雞, 如果你過來。鼓勵你和她一起幹掉,但她希望你為她節省一些精力。

Lexi Luna 在 '萊克西的感恩節餡'

Lexi Luna - 萊克西的感恩節餡

Lexi Luna 給我們所有值得感謝的東西, 因為她把一個節目, 併發揮她的貓, 熱身自己為基蘭李, 誰即將塞萊克西的嘴和貓與他的大公雞!

Eliza Ibarra 在 '鋪設房東'

Eliza Ibarra - 鋪設房東

當叛逆的青少年伊莉莎伊巴拉抓住她緊張的房東萊克西露娜看著她做愛, 她決定給她一個味道。伊莉莎取笑萊克西, 直到她不能隱藏她的慾望, 然後兩個黑髮寶貝去, 吃對方的貓和滿足房東萊克西的幻想。

Lexi Luna 在 '公雞的禮物'

Lexi Luna - 公雞的禮物

性感的Lexi Luna與一些朋友(包括派對籌辦者和名譽的女僕Tia Cyrus)舉行了一場規模不大的單身派對。在打開禮物時,一個震驚的Lexi發現其中一個包裹藏著一隻巨大的公雞從桌子上戳出來!在她朋友的哄動下,蒂亞(Tia)和勒西(Lexi)吮吸並騎著那隻神秘公雞。 Xander Corvus(公雞的主人兼Tia的丈夫)一旦不再能接受它,就會從桌子下面出來,並在為Lexi和Tia提供良好的單身派對上扮演更積極的角色。

Lexi Luna 在 '治愈我,感受我'

Lexi Luna - 治愈我,感受我

職業網球選手勒西·露娜(Lexi Luna)與她的新物理治療師凱爾·梅森(Kyle Mason)進行了第一次約會。她的美麗家給他留下了深刻的印象,但她完美的身材給他留下了深刻的印象。當他幫助她伸展時,他不禁感到一兩分……而Lexi一點也不介意!

Lexi Luna 在 '你在對我的朋友做什麼?'

Lexi Luna - 你在對我的朋友做什麼?


Lexi Luna 在 '我的繼母是他媽的'

Lexi Luna - 我的繼母是他媽的

Lexi Luna很高興見到她的新繼子Oliver Flynn,並希望給人留下良好的第一印象。 Lexi試圖讓Oliver和他的父親吃上一頓豐盛的晚餐,但她並不是她假裝成的熱門家庭主婦。在Lexi將食物燒得酥脆之後,Oliver的父親將他送到廚房幫助她。奧利弗的父親很少知道,萊西的目標不僅僅是伸出援助之手。

Lexi Luna 在 '男孩玩具豪華版'

Lexi Luna - 男孩玩具豪華版

Lexi Luna從老公那裡找到一張紙條,裡面寫著“去釣魚”。週一回來'沮喪,她坐下來開始玩她的假陽具,但這還不夠!她上網並訂購了一款名為“The Boy Toy Deluxe”的東西。晚上,Lexi不耐煩地等待她的包裹。突然,門口響了起來......她打開門,遇到了一個大大的男人大小的盒子。她撕開它露出一個赤裸裸的盧卡斯弗羅斯特,帶著堅硬的陰莖!她得到的不僅僅是她討價還價,但是誰知道,這可能很有趣......看起來她的周末計劃剛滿了!

Lexi Luna 在 '鄰里抓舉委員會'

Lexi Luna - 鄰里抓舉委員會

Lexi Luna將在家舉辦社區觀看會議。她不情願的丈夫在那裡,而Keiran Lee是唯一出現的鄰居。 Lexi希望重新制定可能出現的可疑情景,當她讓Keiran和她的丈夫在沙發上看電視時,冒充竊賊。當她的丈夫完全無視她的注意力(為了鄰居的安全)時,她決定把目光放在Keiran上並給他一些值得關注的東西......

Lexi Luna 在 'Lexi變得濕透了'

Lexi Luna - Lexi變得濕透了

Lexi Luna穿著一件緊身的小禮服進入淋浴間,在將她的笨拙的身體壓在玻璃淋浴牆上之後,先將鏡頭取下來,然後移到浴缸裡,剝下來,用肥皂洗淨自己。當約翰尼·辛斯進入並展示他那個大而硬的傢伙時,萊西不禁有品味。

Lexi Luna 在 '夢幻實驗室舞者'

Lexi Luna - 夢幻實驗室舞者

在他的實驗室里呆了幾個星期後,Alex Legend博士終於創造了他的終極創作 - Lexi Luna!有一大堆假山雀,一個多汁的屁股,和一個如此緊,但同樣濕潤的貓,他終於完成了不可能的事情。現在唯一要做的就是通過帶她乘坐他的大雞巴來測試他的新實驗!就像他給她編程一樣,她每一寸都沒有嘮叨反射漱口他的球和口水。她將自己的整個陰莖深深地放在她的陰部內,並且變得更加靈活,以確保亞歷克斯博士有一把屁股可以抓住,因為他將她展開!

Cory Chase 在 '去HAM或回家'

Cory Chase - 去HAM或回家

當她丈夫的前女友需要住宿時,Cory Chase不高興 - 特別是當他的前任是Lexi Luna時!就在這個豐滿的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線開始接受這種情況的時候,她抓住Lexi的內衣試圖操她的丈夫!沒有這樣的運氣,科里不會在沒有吸取教訓的情況下讓她的客人去。 Lexi知道她即將讓她的陰部性交,但她不知道這將是一個綁帶揮舞Cory!有一個摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線舔她的屁股,因為她對自己的女士來說是不夠的,她需要跨越Lexi的濕漉漉的陰蒂,並在這個懲罰結束之前吮吸她的大假奶子!

Lexi Luna 在 'Stepmom被浸泡'

Lexi Luna - Stepmom被浸泡


Lexi Luna 在 '貓呼叫'

Lexi Luna - 貓呼叫

在被一輛充滿兇手的汽車沿襲街道之後,Lexi決定給他們準確的要求他們 - 正如預期的那樣,Lexi在場上他們的要約比他們處理的要好。當查爾斯,一個有幫助的好的撒馬利亞人,從遠處看到那些從Lexi大喊大叫的人,他急著幫忙。在查爾斯的幫助下,Lexi決定教這些玩家一個教訓 - 如果你要提出要約,請確保你可以通過。

Lexi Luna 在 '你打鼾,她。'

Lexi Luna - 你打鼾,她。

Lexi生病,厭倦了當她的婚姻被推到一邊,更不用說她的美容休息。但是,當熱和角質交換學生Xander進入圖片時,他做的不僅僅是暨她的救援。 Lexi的丈夫今晚可能會有一些非常大聲的夢想!

來自其他網站的場景特色 Lexi Luna

Lexi Luna 在 'Neighbor Affair'

Lexi Luna - Neighbor Affair

Lexy Luna is planning a Halloween party at her house, and word has it that her house is haunted because a crazy Doctor killed a bunch of patients. Because she was planning the Halloween party, Lexy forgot to buy candy for the trick-or-treaters and asked her neighbor for some. When Will comes in and sees Lexy all dressed up as a sexy vampire, he can't take his eyes off her tight body. She notices and starts flirting before asking for one more favor to help with decorating. He agrees and secretly plans to prank her. Will puts on a Doctors costume and attempts to scare her but instead, Lexy is more turned on by the fact that she can see the outline of his big cock through his scrubs. Being the vampire that she is, Lexy can't help but suck on big Doctor Will.

Lexi Luna 在 'The Photo Shoot - S44:E28'

Lexi Luna - The Photo Shoot - S44:E28

Lexi Luna wants to try out her new camera, and her favorite model is sitting right there on his bed. The pair have dated in the past, but aren't currently together. Lexi assures Ryan that their previous relationship is water under the bridge, but the busty babe has a plan that involves getting some of that D again.Her professional requests to Ryan get increasingly sexual, from asking him to take off his shirt, to telling him to lose the pants. Ryan is uncomfortable with the direction this shoot is taking. Eventually, Lexi very matter-of-factly tells him that he needs to relax. She's even willing to help him out.Although Ryan is still a bit unsure, he remembers the feel of Lexi's body against his own and he can't help but want that again. He lets her take his hardon in hand and begin stroking. When Ryan reaches out to pop those big boobies out to kiss and suck, Lexi just leans in closer and keeps stroking him off. Of course, now that she has laid eyes on the D, Lexi can't help but want to blow it, too.When Lexi climbs on top of Ryan to straddle his hips and slide down onto his hardon, all he can do is hang on for the ride. Lexi takes what she needs in cowgirl, then rolls onto her back so that Ryan can repay the favor by taking the lead in missionary. He keeps Lexi's party going as he bangs her so hard her tits jiggle.Once Lexi has slurped her own pussy goo from Ryan's hardon, she goes back to work in reverse cowgirl. Falling to her side, she makes out with Ryan as he reenters her from behind, spooning her nice and deep. When Ryan pulls out to cum on her bare twat, Lexi knows that he should finally be nice and relaxed for some great photos.

Lexi Luna 在 'Teacher Fucks Her Former High School Student'

Lexi Luna - Teacher Fucks Her Former High School Student

When a handyman shows up at an inconvenient time, he discovers high-powered women like Lexi don't screw around when it's time to get down to business.

Lexi Luna 在 'invites her very sexy friend, Octavia Red, over to celebrate the 4th of July with an expolsive threesome'

Lexi Luna - invites her very sexy friend, Octavia Red, over to celebrate the 4th of July with an expolsive threesome

Lexi Luna's boyfriend had mentioned before that he thinks her friend, Octavia Red, is hot as fuck. Lexi has a big surprise in store for her boyfriend on the Fourth of July. Octavia is coming over for a naughty threesome with the both of them for a very memorable and explosive time. Nothin' like hot, sexy porn in the USA that only NaughtyAmerica can deliver just for you. Nobody does it better!

Lexi Luna 在 'June 2023 Fantasy Of The Month - S44:E23'

Lexi Luna - June 2023 Fantasy Of The Month - S44:E23

Looking stunning as hell in a bikini, Lexi Luna stands in front of a camera making sure that it'll capture everything. She's about to do a try on haul for her summer bikinis when her boyfriend Quinton Jones walks in. He asks if he can watch, and Lexi cheerfully agrees.After the first bikini, Lexi teases Quinton with her body as she puts the next one on. The third bikini is upcoming, but Quinton can't resist the desire to lick those nipples and give her a reason to hurry up. Lexi puts her third outfit on and claims she's saved the best for last, but her quick sign off makes it clear that for Lexi the best is still yet to come.She turns around and struts right over to where Quinton is waiting for her on the bed. Pushing him backwards, she climbs on top of him and straddles his face. Quinton can't get enough of eating out that sweet, slippery pussy. Lexi loses the bikini as she lets Quinton have his feast.Since Quinton is already prone on his back, Lexi can easily slide down his body and go for the gold. He's hard as a rock for her, so she goes straight to work sucking the balls and slurping the stiffie. From there, it's so easy to adjust her hips so that she can ride Quinton's hardon as he suckles her breasts.Swapping spots so that she's on her back with Quinton standing above her, Lexi spreads her thighs to welcome him back inside. He gives it to her nice and deep, but the angle of penetration isn't quite what she's looking for. She gets on her knees and sighs in delight as Quinton gives her a doggy style pussy pounding.Falling to her side, Lexi cuddles up to Quinton. He spoons behind her, giving her full hands on action. When he shoves back inside, Lexi is there for him stroke for stroke. He keeps up their coupling until the last moment, when he pulls out and lets Lexi finish him off all over her fabulous titties.

Joshua Lewis 在 'The Only Way To Study - S18:E10'

Joshua Lewis - The Only Way To Study - S18:E10

Joshua Lewis is getting double teamed by tutors Natasha Nice and Lexi Luna. Both busty ladies are here to help him study. He keeps sneaking glances at the ladies' boobs, which Natasha notices. She pulls Lexi aside and declares that it's time for them to take things to the next level.Natasha unbuttons Lexi's shirt to help up the sexy vibes before they return to the table. She comes up behind Joshua and lets him know that they can help him in other ways, too. Next thing Joshua knows, he's being double teamed by two hot and busty tutors rubbing their hands all over his dick.The dynamic tutor duo guides Joshua to the bedroom, where he lays down and lets the ladies dominate him. They waste no time at all, popping their huge breasts out and lavishing love on each other's sweater puppies while Joshua can only watch. Natasha and Lexi soon bring Joshua back into the action by blowing him and delivering some titty fuck delight.Since Joshua is already prone, it's a simple thing for Natasha to climb aboard his hardon. As one busty tutor rides his dick, Joshua finds his face smothered by Lexi's dripping twat. He lets them have their way with him as they lean forward to make out above him.Next it's Lexi's turn to enjoy the D as she gets on her knees. Natasha swallows Lexi's moans with deep kisses as Joshua fucks Lexi from behind in doggy. Then she slides beneath Lexi to lick Lexi's clit in a lesbian 69 that allows Lexi to eat her out even as she keeps on getting fucked by Joshua.Getting on her back, Natasha hooks an ankle around Joshua's neck and opens herself up completely. Laying beside Natasha, Lexi waits her turn until Joshua spoons behind her and gives her some deep satisfaction. He finally pulls out to blow on Lexi's muff, leaving Natasha to slide her big ones through the mess and to let Lexi lick them clean. The ladies agree that Joshua is going to need a lot more tutoring.

Lexi Luna 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Lexi Luna - My Friend's Hot Mom

Lexi Luna is home with her daughter's friend Apollo, who is such a great guy in her eyes. She doesn't understand why he's not dating her daughter, he's such a gentleman, good-looking, and has a big cock. Lexi has been on the lonely side lately and has the urge to get fucked and who better to take on this sexy MILF? Apollo's big cock goes deep and takes Lexi all the way to a point of no return.

Lexi Luna 在 'Will My Boobs Grow Bigger - S19:E2'

Lexi Luna - Will My Boobs Grow Bigger - S19:E2

Lulu Chu needs some space from her boyfriend, so she joins his stepmom, Lexi Luna, in her bedroom. Lulu can't help but compliment what great boobs Lexi has. Lulu wishes hers were bigger, but Lexi is full of advice about how Lulu can feel good with her own body. She guides Lulu on a boob massage so she can get nicely acquainted with the delights of her own body. Lexi and Luna soon find themselves enjoying some mutual masturbation as Lexi keeps on sweet talking her stepson's girlfriend.Things are going swimmingly when Clark Kent, Lexi's husband, walks in on them. Lexi tells Clark she's helping Lulu discover herself. Clark starts to leave, but Lexi points out that Clark is really good at eating a lady out and that Lulu has never had that pleasure. She coaxes a reluctant Clark into delivering quite the pussy feast that continues until Lulu cums. In return, Lexi insists that Clark would love to have his cock and balls sucked by both girls at the same time in a double blowjob.Clark barely puts up any resistance at all when Lexi suggests Lulu should ride his cock. Watching a petite Asian bounce away on his dick convinces Clark that this threesome is the perfect idea. Lexi goes for it in reverse cowgirl as Lulu watches and rubs herself off. Then she gets on her back with Clark between her thighs to demonstrate a proper pussy pounding. Lulu gets on her knees for Clark to do her in doggy. He only pulls out to let Lexi aim his pop shot onto Lulu's bottom. The girls sample the jizz just as Lulu's boyfriend walks in on them.

Leo Vice 在 'Naughty But Nice - S43:E22'

Leo Vice - Naughty But Nice - S43:E22

Lexi Luna and Will Pounder can't help but watch in delight as their new neighbors Molly Little and Leo Vice make out at a Christmas gift swap. After the elder couple reminisces for a bit about young love while Molly grinds on Leo's lap, Lexi tells them to quit it until they've opened presents. She goes to grab gift bags so they can get moving with it.Molly unwraps a gift that turns out to be a cum cookbook. Intrigued, she asks if the older couple has made anything from it. Lexi and Will casually chat about how they made the cum crepes when their girlfriend was last over. Surprised, Molly quizzes the other couple and learns that they have all kinds of extramarital relationships to keep things spicy.Obviously interested, Molly asks if the crepes are a one load or two load recipe. Lexi assures Molly that it's a two load recipe and that Will would be happy to make the crepes if they can get enough cum. Molly is happy to make that happen, and soon enough she and Lexi are making out and stroking each other's titties as the boys watch and grow hard.The ladies each lean forward so that they can lay hands on the other's partner. Molly strokes Will's stiffie while Lexi gives Leo the same treatment. It's not difficult for the girls to spring those hardons free to indulge in a couple of hot deep throat blowjobs.Lexi is the first to get on her knees for Leo to fuck her in doggy right there on the couch. Glancing at the couple, Molly realizes she doesn't want to be left behind! She hikes up her miniskirt and gets on her knees as well so Will can go to pound town on her pussy.The ladies get the guys onto their bottoms so that they can have some more sexy fun. Lexi guides the way by mounting Leo's hardon in reverse cowgirl while he fondles Lexi's incredible big ones. Molly mirrors Lexi as she bounces away on Will's cock.The girls switch back to their original partners as they rush headlong towards their big finales. As thei moan and squeal in delight, the girls urge their husbands to finish as well. Pulling out, Leo blows his nut on Molly's stomach. Will gives Lexi the same treatment, leaving two big loads to be cooked up into crepes.

Bunny Madison 在 'Just What I Always Wanted - S17:E8'

Bunny Madison - Just What I Always Wanted - S17:E8

Decked to the halls in a lingerie bra and thong, Lexi Luna struts into the room to meet Will Pounder. She has his gift in her hands, so she tells him not to get too handsy yet. She hands Will the present, which is sexy photos of another woman. Telling Will to close his eyes and follow her, Lexi leads Will to the bedroom where Bunny Madison is waiting for a Christmas threesome.The ladies reassure Will that they want him to relax so they can take care of him. Easing Will back, Bunny pops her big ones out of her bra as Lexi leans forward to begin stroking and sucking Will's fuck stick. Once Will is nicely situated, Bunny joins Lexi to take her turn with slurping the D.Bunny gets to enjoy the first go with Will's hardon. Seating herself so that she's riding in cowgirl, Bunny rocks her hips as she helps Lexi onto Will's mouth. Once they're both situated, the girls enjoy their rides while groping and kneading one another's titties.Lexi takes point next as she slides forward to mount Will's hardon in reverse cowgirl. Bunny watches and puts her hands to work helping, then gets on her knees so Will can do her from behind. That puts Bunny in perfect pussy feasting position to eat Lexi out.Scooting Lexi forward, Will goes to pound town on his wife. Bunny cradles Lexi's head in her lap as Will gives it to her nice and hard. Pulling out at the last minute, Will blows his load all over Lexi's belly to complete his Christmas surprise threesome.

Lexi Luna 在 'Sexy MILF Lexi Luna needs a happy ending massage!'

Lexi Luna - Sexy MILF Lexi Luna needs a happy ending massage!

Your friend's mom Lexi Luna is in desperate need of a massage and it so happens that you are a professional masseuse. She hires you for your service and has nothing to hide, baring it all just to tease you. But of course, things heat up and you both want more than hand stuff!

Aubree Valentine 在 'Now Its A Party - S42:E12'

Aubree Valentine - Now Its A Party - S42:E12

Lexi Luna has been trying to get her husband Ryan Mclane to have a threesome. Ryan keeps turning her down, so Lexi gets craftier and craftier. Today she has decked herself out in a hot little bathing suit with plenty of suntan lotion oiling up her soft skin. She has Aubree Valentine, the new girl in town, come on over for a Fourth of July barbeque wearing a barely-there bikini since she just knows Ryan will love Aubree's tits.Lexi waits until the last moment to tell Ryan that they're expecting company. Then she climbs into his lap and makes out with him until the doorbell rings. Leaving Ryan nice and horny on the couch, Lexi goes to invite Aubree inside. Aubree immediately tries to come on to Ryan, who isn't open to her advances.When Lexi sends Ryan out to go get some more food for their guest, the girls decide the best course of action is to start without him. Making out quickly leads Aubree to pop her plump breasts out of her bikini bra and then push Lexi onto her back. Tugging Lexi's thong aside, Aubree goes to work with her tongue exploring every inch of Lexi's twat.In return for the pussy feast, Lexi gets Aubree on her hands and knees with her bottom up in the air. Jiggling her ass, Aubree entices Lexi to do her worst. Slipping Aubree's bikini bottom aside, Lexi gets right up in her new friend's anus and fuck hole while rubbing Aubree's clit. Aubree is just getting to the good part when Ryan walks in on them.When Aubree tells Lexi that she likes her wieners long and hard, Ryan finally relents and gives in to threesome life. His reward is an enthusiastic double blowjob. The girls demonstrate without a doubt that they both love the cock and that they can share oh so well between sucking and stroking the shaft and balls.Lexi gets the first round with her husband's cock as she slides down onto Ryan's hardon to ride him in cowgirl. Aubree waits for Lexi to be comfortable, then kneels so that she's straddling Ryan's mouth. He uses his tongue to plumb Aubree's twat as his wife makes out with their third above him.Aubree finally gets a chance to enjoy Ryan's hardon next when she mounts him in reverse cowgirl. Lexi seats herself on Ryan's face so he can eat her out. The position lets her lean forward and lick at Aubree's chocolate starfish to double down on her friend's delight.Once the girls have licked their juices clean from Ryan's cock, Lexi takes a pussy pounding from Ryan's long dick. Since she's on her knees anyway, she gets to enjoy lapping at Aubree's snatch some more. The girls tag out so that Aubree is on her back with Ryan buried between her thighs and her mouth muffled on Lexi's tit as they all approach the inevitable conclusion of their liaison.With Lexi's encouragement, Ryan pounds Aubree right up until the very last moment. Pulling out, he lets Aubree jerk him off those last few strokes to cover her muff in his cum shot. Lexi is right there to lick the treat up and to share it with Aubree as they bask in the afterglow of an enjoyable Fourth of July threesome.

Lexi Luna 在 'Only The Lonely'

Lexi Luna - Only The Lonely

Lonely wife seduces her stepdaughter's ex-boyfriend.

Lexi Luna 在 'Make My Stepdaughter And I Pregnant - S17:E8'

Lexi Luna - Make My Stepdaughter And I Pregnant - S17:E8

Liz Jordan's dad has recently married Lexi Luna. Lexi and Liz get along great, almost too well. One of Liz's dad's friends, Ryan Driller, has come to stay with the new blended family. Liz has always had the hots for Ryan, but now that she's an adult she wants his baby. Lexi is into that fantasy since that would make her a GILF. They hatch a plan to get into Ryan's pants. The girls sit on the couch, flanking him on either side. When Ryan starts asking questions about where Liz's dad is, Lexi offers to get him some water. She accidentally on purpose spills it all over him, especially on his crotch.The girls act quickly once the water has been spilled, peeling Ryan out of his clothes before he can protest. When Ryan's big dick springs free, Lexi and Liz can't hide their appreciation. Lexi leaves them alone by offering to get Ryan a towel. When she returns to find Liz not fucking Ryan, Lexi gets more straightforward and just instructs him to get Liz pregnant. Ryan tries to decline, but the girls aren't interested in taking no for an answer. They free their breasts from their tops, then reach down to deliver a double handie. That does feel good, so Ryan quits protesting as they lean in to gobble his cock in a shared BJ.Unable to deny any longer how much he wants to fuck both horny girls, Ryan allows Lexi to talk him into letting Liz ride his disco stick. She goes for it in reverse cowgirl as Lexi helps her along. Then Lexi takes a turn, bouncing away in cowgirl with her big boobs shoved in Ryan's face. It's so hot watching her stepmom do her crush that Liz can't help but masturbate. Lexi gets on her hands and knees so Ryan can do her in doggy while she eats Liz out. Then Lexi has Liz get on her side so Ryan can spoon behind her until he gluts her with a creampie. The girls make a comment that hopefully it works this time, which leaves Ryan wondering how many other guys they've seduced together.

Lexi Luna 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Lexi Luna - My Friend's Hot Mom

Lexi Luna and her son's friend, Cody, are fucking each other, but Lexi has made it clear that they are not to fuck in her house anymore after they were almost caught last time. So Lexi is more than upset when she finds Cody in her bedroom. Cody has a good reason though, he couldn't find his shoes and figure he might of left them there. Since he's already there and no one is home, Lexi decides to take that cock for one more spin in her bed.

Jewelz Blu 在 'Magical And Delicious - S15:E4'

Jewelz Blu - Magical And Delicious - S15:E4

Lexi Luna and Jewelz Blu are into both each other and St. Patrick's Day. They enjoy decking themselves out in festive outfits that leave very little to the imagination. Lexi rolls up Jewelz's sheer shirt to stick shamrock pasties onto Jewelz's nipples as the final touch, creating a maelstrom of sexual tension as she does. The girls are trying to be good and wait for their third, Oliver Flynn, but it's so hard to be patient as they caress each other over the top of their clothing. Eventually they crawl into bed together, where their hands get even busier. They explore each other's big bottoms, hiking up their miniskirts along the way so they can indulge in some skin on skin contact. Taking things slow and steady, the girls gradually unveil themselves to each other. Their pasties are soon long forgotten, in the wake of making one another's nipples nice and hard. Sliding their hands lower, they each hike up the other's miniskirts and slide their lover's thongs aside to gently rub each other's clits.Just as Lexi and Jewelz are getting to the good part, Oliver finally arrives. The girls are nice and primed for him as they welcome him in bed between them. Jewlez and Lexi both turn their attention to catching Oliver up with a double handie that gets him nice and hard for all of their pleasure.As Jewelz remains in place, Oliver and Lexi each scoot lower so they can make themselves at home between her thighs. Putting their tongues to work, the duo pull out all the pussy licking stops to make Jewelz moan! Oliver eventually leaves the pussy feast to Lexi as he slides even lower to come up and put his tongue back to work for Lexi's enjoyment.Since Lexi is already conveniently on her hands and knees, it's a simple thing for Oliver to take things one step further. Guiding his hard dick into Lexi's velvet glove, he shoves in until he's balls deep. Lexi rocks back into his thrusts, but never gives up on lapping away at Jewelz's greedy clit.Jewelz is next to get the D as she slides down the bed. Cradling Jewelz in her arms, Lexi makes sure her girlfriend is satisfied before shoving her big boobs into Jewelz's face. Jewelz is eager to go ahead and lick Lexi's hard nipples as Oliver gets her panting with excitement. When Lexi falls onto her back, Jewelz reaches over to work Lexi's clit with her fingertips.Oliver finds himself on his back next with two busty babes take turns dominating him. riding his fuck stick. Lexi takes the first stiffie ride in reverse cowgirl as Jewelz lays to the side with Oliver's fingers roaming her snatch. Laying so that her back is pressed to Oliver's chest, Lexi thrusts her hips while rubbing her clit to really make herself moan.Lexi sits up to speed things up as Jewelz takes over her own masturbation. Once the girls have licked Oliver's hardon clean, Jewelz mounts him in cowgirl. Lexi straddles Oliver's face so he can eat out the juices from their joining as Jewelz makes herself purr riding his cock.Finally sated, the girls get on their knees with Oliver rising above them. They work his fuck stick together, sucking his cock and balls with total eagerness. Oliver even gets to enjoy a titty fuck from Jewelz as he careens towards his finish line. When Oliver finally busts his nut, he manages to cover both of his busty lovers' titties in his love, leaving them a sticky gift to rub all over each other.

Anna Claire Clouds 在 'March 2022 Fantasy Of The Month - S3:E2'

Anna Claire Clouds - March 2022 Fantasy Of The Month - S3:E2

Sometimes you have a neighbor that's super hot like Lexi Luna. Sometimes that super hot neighbor can tell the couple living nearby has been fucking. Sometimes that super hot neighbor wants to join in.Lexi Luna decides the best way to get in good with her neighbors Anna Claire Clouds and Oliver Flynn is to make her intentions clear. She steps into a lovely sheer bra and thong, then grabs her cell phone. A few naughty selfies later, she chooses the hottest ones and texts them to Anna Claire.Things are getting hot and heavy between Anna Claire and Oliver when she receives the message from Lexi. Oliver questions the purpose of those photos, but Anna Claire claims it's just girl stuff. Before they can continue the conversation or get back to their make out session, the doorbell rings. Anna Claire opens it up and Lexi walks in like she owns the place.Oliver claims he's going to be late for work, so Anna Claire gives him a goodbye kiss. Lexi wants to know where her kiss is. She doesn't get it right away, btu Oliver's stiffie is so obvious that Anna Claire can't help but point it out. That's when Lexi steps in to take what she wants, a kiss and then a hand on Oliver's cock. Anna Claire watches with growing interest and definitely doesn't put up a fight as Lexi prompts them to move their party to the couch.As Oliver sits down, he can hardly believe his luck with two lovely horny ladies racing to get his pants off. The second his stiffie pops out, the girls take turns sucking and stroking him. They deep throat his cock and suck his balls, double teaming that shaft with obvious delight. Eventually Lexi pops out those magnificent breasts so Anna Claire can use them to deliver a titty fuck.Peeling off her shorts and underwear, Lexi lays back on the couch. Anna Claire gets on her knees to lean in and put her mouth to work eating Lexi out. Oliver gives Anna Claire the same treatment to begin. Eventually, though, he joins Anna Claire between Lexi's thighs so Lexi can experience both their tongues at the same time.It continues to be all about Lexi's pleasure as Anna Claire cradles Lexi's shoulders to support her neighbor as Oliver dives nice and deep. The position lets Anna Claire jiggle those lovely breasts while watching her husband fuck Lexi. When it's Anna Claire's turn to enjoy Oliver's cock, she gets him on his back so she can ride him in cowgirl as Lexi rides Oliver's tongue.Hopping off the D, Anna Claire watches as Lexi leans forward on Oliver's body to create a brief 69. It's not long before Lexi seats herself on Oliver's hardon in reverse cowgirl, though. As Lexi bounces and rides, Anna Claire laps up those titties and hard nipples.The girls switch spots, with Lexi cradling Anna Claire as Anna Claire gets that pussy pounded. The position lets Anna Claire continue to feast on Lexi's heavy breasts to Lexi's delight. Eventually Lexi adjusts herself so she can lean forward to lick Anna Claire's clit as Oliver keeps on pumping away.When Oliver is on the cusp of cumming, he has the girls arrange themselves back to back so they can make out for those last few moments. He pulls out of Anna Claire's cooch at just the last second to deliver a double facial to his girlfriend and neighbor. Continuing to devour each other's mouths with the jizz adding to the hotness, the girls agree that they should do this again.

Lexi Luna 在 'I Think My Stepmom Is Seducing Me - S17:E2'

Lexi Luna - I Think My Stepmom Is Seducing Me - S17:E2

There's something about a funeral that makes Lexi Luna really horny. She puts on the requisite black dress, but she makes sure it makes her tits look good. The short skirt is a plus, too. When she steps out of the room, her stepson, Alex Mack, is blown away. He can't help but comment about how pretty Lexi is. They leave it at that for the time being so they can go to the funeral, but neither of them is really finished with the other. When they return, Lexi can't help but ask if Alex really thinks she's hot. She puts out there that people at the funeral must have thought he was her boyfriend, and is very careful to say that there's nothing wrong with a younger guy dating an older woman.Alex is a little hesitant, but Lexi is coming on strong and he doesn't really have the willpower to tell his busty stepmom to cut it out. He tries to ask about what would happen if his dad found out, but Lexi isn't hearing any of it. In fact, she wants Alex to lick her pussy and she isn't interested in taking no for an answer. She pops her big tits out to squeeze and knead those fleshy fun bags, then hikes up her miniskirt so she can put Alex's head right where she wants him. Alex's hesitation melts away beneath the delightful musk of his stepmom's pussy juices. Soon enough, he's lapping and suckling Lexi's dripping snatch with every evidence of true delight.When Lexi sits Alex down and climbs onto his cock so she can ride him in cowgirl, which lets her stick her big bosom right in Alex's face to have them titties sucked. Turning around, she reaches down to rub her clit as she keeps her stiffie ride going. When Lexi climbs off, she sucks her own juices from Alex's cock before she gets down on her knees to present herself for another round of pussy pounding. This time, Lexi takes it in doggy as Alex fucks her from behind. They end their liaison with Lexi on her back, one leg hooked over Alex's shoulder as he drive her to a big O. Watching his stepmommy with her big boobs come apart thanks to the power of his dick is more than Alex can take. He gives in to Lexi's begging and gluts her with a creampie that leaves her smiling despite the sadness of the funeral.

Lexi Luna 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Lexi Luna - Big Cock Bully

Lexi Luna just found out that her husband isn't getting the raise that his boss promised and she's had it. She marches to her husband's boss' house and demand that her husband get that raise. She also wants her husband's boss to stop bullying him. Her husband's boss is a hard ass though and won't give in so easily. If Lexi wants her husband to get that raise she's going to have to let her husband's boss fuck not only her pussy, but her sexy feet too.

Lexi Luna 在 'I Have a Wife'

Lexi Luna - I Have a Wife

Sexy realtor Lexi Luna is showing a house to Kyle. Everything is going smoothly but she wants to sell this house fast! When Kyle checks out the bedroom, Lexi makes her best move. She loves to have her clients test out the bedroom properly and make a great fucking sale!

Lexi Luna 在 'Shows off her new tits to her neighbor and he can't keep his dick in his shorts'

Lexi Luna - Neighbor Affair

Kyle's neighbor loaned him a ladder and he needs it back. His neighbor is out of town but asks him to go ahead and leave it on the side of the house. While Kyle is there, his neighbor also has him help out his wife, Lexi Luna, with random stuff around the house while he's away. Kyle finds her in the back yard by the pool tanning. Looks like Lexi is in need of lotion. Kyle applies it to her back and big tits but now Lexi can't help but crave a cock and lucky for Kyle, a big cock is available. What a good neighbor Kyle is!

Lexi Luna 在 'Spell MYLF For Me'

Lexi Luna - Spell MYLF For Me

Welcum into Mylf of the Month Lexi Luna's classroom! Students Sarah Lace, Yumi Sin and Rico Hernandez are learning their A, B, C's today, Ass, Boobs and Clit; Rico has been such a good student so he gets to review the material with a 'hands on' technique. Miss Lexi takes care of Rico's dick in front of the class so everybody can retain the information!

Lexi Luna 在 'wants to fuck her friend's husband in the office!!!'

Lexi Luna - My Wife's Hot Friend

Lexi Luna is working on weekends and her friend's husband Lucas got a job with her. Lexi knows that her friend works and travels a lot, so Lucas gets questioned about his love and sex life, but his answer is that he just jerks off and lives his life as a regular dude. So Lexi feels bad for him and offers to fuck Lucas even though he is her friend's husband.

Aila Donovan 在 'I Will Not Look At My Stepmoms Tits - S15:E10'

Aila Donovan - I Will Not Look At My Stepmoms Tits - S15:E10

Rion King is already in trouble for looking at his stepmom, Lexi Luna's, tits. Lexi's friend, Aila Donovan, comes over to go shopping with Lexi and happens to glance down to see what Rion is up to. When she realizes what Rion is writing out, she also sees that Rion is looking down her shirt. Aila is ticked, but she and Lexi duck out to get groceries. When they return, they ask Rion to come help put everything away. Things are going okay until a bag of oranges spills. Seeing his stepmom and her BFF on their knees sends Rion into a sexual fantasy where Lexi and Aila are on their knees in lingerie, nice and eager to suck him off.The girls snap Rion out of his fantasizing, but Aila isn't about to let him get away with his creeper thoughts or the resulting boner. She convinces Lexi to turn Rion around and pull his pants down for a spanking. Instead of feeling repentant, Rion finds himself getting turned on. Aila realizes Rion is still really hard. She tells Lexi that they need to embarrass him so he stops fantasizing like this. The ladies pull their boobs out, but that just makes Rion even hornier. Aila's next solution is that they start sucking Rion off so he feels the shame of having his stepmom's lips on his dick.Aila and Lexi taking turns sucking him off just makes Rion's erection even worse. Lexi tries popping her big naturals out and delivering a titty fuck, but that doesn't make it go down. Eventually, they relocate to the living room so the girls can tag team Rion to chastise him properly. Lexi rides him first in reverse cowgirl, but then tanned toned Aila goes for a stiffie ride in cowgirl. Rion's boner remains, so Lexi lays down and lets Rion bang her as Aila takes the opportunity to ride her friend's mouth. The girls swap spots so that Aila is on her hands and knees with Rion doing her in doggy while she leans forward to lap at Lexi's cream filled fuck hole. When Rion pulls out and cums all over Aila's ass, the girls hope they have cured him of his inappropriate obsession with them and their boobs.

Lexi Luna 在 'It's a very naughty 4th of July with Madelyn Monroe, Madison Morgan, and Lexi Luna'

Lexi Luna - It's a very naughty 4th of July with Madelyn Monroe, Madison Morgan, and Lexi Luna

Madelyn Monroe, Madison Morgan, and Lexi Luna are throwing a Fourth of July party. But all they really want to do is share a good hard cock and get fucked until everyone cums! There is nothing like banging a sexy redhead, a blonde, and a brunette each with perfect juicy tits and plump asses. This is a naughty 4th of July you'll never forget!

Lexi Luna 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Lexi Luna - My Friend's Hot Mom

David is saying his goodbyes to his friend's mom, Lexi Luna. He is very thankful that she let him spend a few nights at her house and gives her flowers as a gift. Lexi was hoping for something else though. Since David has been teaching her yoga she's been really attracted to him and decides that the gift she wants is his yoga trained cock! Lexi gets what she wants.

Lexi Luna 在 'Turning Me On - S13:E7'

Lexi Luna - Turning Me On - S13:E7

Lexi Luna is loving life as a lingerie and softcore model. Today she's posting with Robby Echo. Robby is nice and flirty as he snaps shots. Lexi hams it up for the camera, flaunting all her luscious curves. When Robby takes a break from shooting, Lexi asks to see the photos. She tells Robby that they're turning her on, and that she'll need to masturbate. Robby gets some sultry shots of Lexi making good on her promise, but Lexi doesn't want to have the camera on her right now when she suspects she could just have Robby inside her. Tugging Robby close, she seals her lips to his for a deep kiss. Then Lexi lets Robby get to his feet so she can pull his jeans down and satisfy her urges by delivering a nice deep throat blowjob. Taking her time, she licks and sucks from balls to tip as she sates herself on the musky delight.Now that Robby is just as hot and horny as she is, Lexi can't wait another moment to get her kicks. She pushes him down onto the couch and climbs on top of him. Sinking down onto Robby's fuck stick, Lexi shoves her tits into his face and starts rocking her hips for a full blown stiffie ride. The position shoves her generous boobs into Robby's face for added delight. He can even reach around and double down on Lexi's pleasure by rubbing her anus. When Lexi turns around for some reverse cowgirl action, Robby gets to enjoy the full curves of her backside.Taking a seat on the arm of the couch and then falling backward so that her pussy is presented like the gift it is. Robby dives face first into that greedy cooch. He feasts on their combined juices, then lifts one of Lexi's legs to hook her ankle over his shoulder and go back for more sex. Flipping Lexi onto her belly, Robby keeps up his proper pussy pounding as Lexi moans long and loud. Cupping his hands beneath Lexi's chest, Robby pinches the nips and squeezes the tits. That added pressure really gets Lexi off.Falling to her side on the couch with Robby spooned behind her, Lexi lifts her leg once again to welcome Robby back inside. He takes her up on the offer by guiding himself home one last time. Lexi's velvet glove milks the last of Robby's resistance from him as he gives her one last big O. Pulling out, he barely makes it to Lexi's mound before he pops his load and leaves her cum covered and sated.

Lexi Luna 在 'gets some big cock from another man'

Lexi Luna - Dirty Wives Club

Sexy Lexi Luna is upset with her husband for not being around enough. She calls over a handyman to check out some odds and ends around the house. She really doesn't need anything fixed... except her wet pussy. She's hot and ready for some handyman cock to fix all her sexual needs.

Crystal Rush 在 'Crystal Rush, Lexi Luna, and Spencer Scott fuck a wealthy lawyer in The Dressing Room in exchange for sexy lingerie '

Crystal Rush - Crystal Rush, Lexi Luna, and Spencer Scott fuck a wealthy lawyer in The Dressing Room in exchange for sexy lingerie

Crystal Rush, Lexi Luna, and Spencer Scott reserve a spot at The Dressing Room where they get to hang out in a private room and try on sexy lingerie. Its a bit pricy for Crystal and Lexi so Spencer invites her wealthy lawyer friend to help out. You see, he likes to watch women get dressed, get his dick sucked and fucked, all in exchange for luxurious gifts.

Lexi Luna 在 'Teen Seduces Stepmom While Dad's Away'

Lexi Luna - Teen Seduces Stepmom While Dad's Away

Hot mom Lexi Luna plays with her step-daughter while her husband's away! While sitting around chatting on the couch with her step-daughter, Lexi complains how she didn't know that her husband would be away traveling so much once they got married. Her step-daughter reveals that when Lexi isn't around she's caught her dad texting other women, so they decide to tease him and send him a text of their own. They pull down their shirts and put slices of pizza over their nipples and take a picture to send to him but end up getting pizza all over their boobs. Lexi gets the idea that they should help each other get cleaned up and without hesitation her step-daughter agrees…After licking all of their tits clean the girls take off their shorts and take turns licking and fingering each others wet pussies then they 69 until both beautiful babes have multiple orgasms. Having worked up an appetite, Lexi and her step-daughter share some pizza and agree they should have more pizza parties in the future!

Lexi Luna 在 'gives student a testosterone boost by wrapping her pussy around his cock'

Lexi Luna - My First Sex Teacher

Lexi Luna finds a pack of gas station testosterone pills between her student's work and decides to help him out. Being a teacher, she knows that stress causes lower testosterone so she helps him relax with a massage and a quick fuck on her desk.

Kayley Gunner 在 'Lexi Luna is getting married and she wants a foursome with her fiancé and best friends, Kayley Gunner and Paisley Porter'

Kayley Gunner - Lexi Luna is getting married and she wants a foursome with her fiancé and best friends, Kayley Gunner and Paisley Porter

Lexi Luna has a surprise in store for her bridesmaids and fiancé. Before tying the knot, she'd like to have a foursome. It's obviouos the groom has no objection when it comes to banging three hot babes every which way!

Lexi Luna 在 'gets dick from her son's friend while the party rages outside'

Lexi Luna - My Friend's Hot Mom

Lucas Frost stops by a party that her friend's mom, Lexi Luna, is having. He arrives just in time as Lexi needs her pipes taken care of. Lucas can't figure out her pipe situation though, but Lexi is more than happy to still thank him by fucking him while the party goes on outside.

Lexi Luna 在 'Revenge On Dad'

Lexi Luna - Revenge On Dad

Stepdaughter Bunny brings home a pizza for dinner and asks her stepmom Lexi Luna about her day. Lexi says that she's always having difficulty contacting her dad, especially at night. Bunny confesses that her dad is most likely cheating on her and suggests that she helps her get revenge on him by making her moan more than her dad ever did.

Lexi Luna 在 'Snack On This - S14:E2'

Lexi Luna - Snack On This - S14:E2

Lexi Luna has been feeling really neglected lately. Her hubby hasn't been giving her the attention she deserves, and it's been forever since she had some time to herself. The bigtit milf finally has a day all to herself, with no stepkids or husband to worry about, and her intention is to day drink and masturbate all day long. After she packs her stepson, Tyler Nixon, off to school, she gets down to the business of making herself cum. She sets out her collection of sex toys and spends some time feeling her creamy twat and big titties up.Grabbing her first dildo, Lexi spreads her thighs and shoves it all the way inside. That feels pretty incredible, so Lexi picks up a stick on dildo and puts it on the floor to ride. That's when Lexi learns that Tyler forgot his school uniform gpt sent home. Lexi sends her stepson away, but not before Tyler gets a good look at his busty stepmom. Moments later, he returns and asks for a snack. It's been so long since Lexi has had a moment to herself that she just snaps and shoves Tyler against the wall, telling him that if he wants a snack then it's going to be her pussy. Pushing Tyler onto the bed, Lexi makes good on her word and sits her big ass on his face so that his tongue can give it to her right. Although Lexi insists on her needs being met, she's not cruel enough to leave Tyler hanging. Leaning forward as she rides his mouth, she opens wide to deliver a BJ that completes their 69.Then she sits up and shifts her hips forward so that she is impaled on Tyler's fuck stick just like she was trying to be with her dildo. Turning around, she rides Tyler in cowgirl so that he can watch mommy's big boobs bouncing away. Tyler wants to touch, so Lexi gets on her hands and knees to allow Tyler to come into her behind and palm those titties. Rolling onto her back after enjoying herself in doggy, Lexi spreads her thighs and lets Tyler bring her home. Moments later, Tyler pulls out and cums all over mama's stomach to finalize their lovemaking.

Kiara Cole 在 'My Girlfriends Mom - S13:E3'

Kiara Cole - My Girlfriends Mom - S13:E3

Kiara Cole and her stepmom Lexi Luna are very close. Kiara walks in with her boyfriend, Nathan Bronson, to find her in a skintight leotard doing yoga. Kiara runs off quickly to grab her laundry, leaving Lexi to question Nathan. She starts out with the standard questions about school and family, but then moves on to sex. Eventually she insists on seeing Nathan's penis to inspect it and make sure it's good enough for her stepdaughter. She offers to let Nathan see her tits if it will help him be hard when she does her inspection.Once Lexi lays hands on Nathan's dick, she starts stroking him to make him nice and hard. Nathan is panicked that Kiara is going to come back and flip out that her mom is sucking him off. Kiara rears back to start delivering a titty fuck, and Nathan's fears come true when he realizes Kiara has returned. That's when Kiara lets him in on the secret: she and her stepmom are a package deal. As soon as Nathan stutters his agreement, Kiara and Lexi get to work delivering a double BJ that helps him relax and accept this new reality.When Kiara gets on her knees, Lexi holds her daughter's ass cheeks apart so Nathan can enjoy a look. Then he gets the privilege to fuck Kiara for the very first time while Kiara enjoys eating her mommy out. Then Lexi scoots forward so she can have her turn enjoying Nathan's hardcore charms. Kiara takes the time to make sure her mom is in good hands, then climbs onto Lexi's face to ride her mama's mouth. Next Nathan lays down so that Kiara can hop on that cock and ride him with Lexi's help. They finish their threesome with Lexi on her hands and knees, feasting on Kiara's puss while Nathan delivers a proper pussy pounding. Having finally satisfied his two lovers, Nathan gets to enjoy another double BJ until he nuts in Kiara's waiting mouth.

Lexi Luna 在 'Step Moms Big Tits - S12:E9'

Lexi Luna - Step Moms Big Tits - S12:E9

Lexi Luna is trying to get ready for a function and she needs her stepson, Jay's, help getting her necklace on. Jay is put off by the way Lexi waltzes into his room half-naked wearing a demi bra, panties, and a short robe, but he does as she asks. Late, Lexi walks in on Jay in the bathroom while he's masturbating. Jay is embarrassed, but Lexi acts like it's nothing. The next day, Jay is still in bed when Lexi goes into make sure he's up for school. He already had morning wood, but seeing his mommy in another bra and panty combo gets him stroking it.Pulling the covers off, Lexi comments that Jay can't go to school like that. He keeps on stroking it since Lexi is encouraging it. She helps out by popping her titties out of her bra so he has some visual stimuli. When that's not enough, she leans in to deliver a big titty fuck. Still more desperate measures call for mama to start sucking Jay's hardon with a deep throat BJ that she hopes will do the trick. Jay still can't cum, so Lexi resorts to truly desperate measures.Peeling off her panties, Lexi hops onto Jay's dick and starts riding him as her big boobies bounce around. When she turns around for a reverse cowgirl ride, Jay gets an eyeful and a handful of that big ass! He gets to enjoy Lexi's big booty even more when she lets him pound her doggy style. Jay is close to his finish line, and he crosses it as Lexi turns over so he can stick it back in. Her big jugs are the perfect place for Jay to pop his load as he finally gives in to mommy's orders and cums.

Lexi Luna 在 'Get Well Soon'

Lexi Luna - Get Well Soon

Lexi Luna may be resting up after a procedure in the hospital, but that doesn't mean she can't have a little fun while she's there. With her pink sex toy to play with, Lexi feels better already. She stuffs it inside her bald MILF pussy and pulls down her gown to expose her tits. Rubbing her clit, her body shakes as she brings herself to orgasm after orgasm while our stud watches her every move. Seeing how this beautiful MILF plays with herself has him ready to join the fun, so Lexi rubs his cock through his pants while he squeezes her pink nips.

Lexi Luna 在 'Sweet Valentine'

Lexi Luna - Sweet Valentine

Lexi surprises Kyle with sexy lingerie for Valentine's Day.

Nia Nacci 在 'Pool Shark'

Nia Nacci - Pool Shark

Lexi Luna is having a relaxing day when Nia Nacci shows up at her door. Nia is a friend of Lexi's little sister, though it seems like there's trouble in paradise. It's just that Lexi's little sister is super competitive and Nia's getting tired of her poor sportsmanship. Nia noticed that her friend suddenly got really good at pool after being taught by Lexi, so would Lexi be willing to teach HER how to play pool, too??

Although Lexi doesn't feel right about going behind her sister's back, she DOES agree that it'd be nice to see her sister knocked down a couple of pegs. After slyly looking Nia over, Lexi agrees to give Nia some pointers as long as Nia doesn't say anything!

Lexi brings Nia inside and begins teaching her the basics to becoming a pool shark. Of course, things naturally get hot between them as Lexi presses their bodies close in order to show her the correct form. However, while Lexi obviously has the hots for Nia, Nia seems oblivious to her advances... until Lexi gives Nia's breasts a little grope. When she does, Nia takes a shot and does well, which tells Lexi one thing: Nia just needs to unwind! If she doesn't let go of all that tension, Nia will NEVER beat Lexi's little sister at pool...

Nia is determined to win, so she agrees to do whatever Lexi says to in order to be at the top of her game. Lexi leads the way with a sultry kiss, which soon leads to them sucking on each other's breasts and eating out each other's pussies. Things get even hotter as they 69 each other and trib to their heart's delight! But will this extra lesson be enough to make Nia a winner??

Aria Lee 在 'Mom And Step Son Do Yoga Together - S12:E4'

Aria Lee - Mom And Step Son Do Yoga Together - S12:E4

Aria Lee is a typical student who lives for her vlog. Today's episode shows Aria changing out of her pajamas on camera as she chats about the strange relationship between her adopted mom, Lexi Luna, and her stepbrother, Juan Loca. Juan and Lexi do many things together that would normally be reserved for couples: provocative yoga, showers together where they wash each other, and more. Aria is a little confused about the mother-son relationship that Juan and his stepmom have, but she also finds it super hot. She's in luck when she finally walks in on the two of them getting hot and heavy with one another. Not only does she have confirmation that Lexi and Juan are fucking, she is invited to join in on the fun! Of course she agrees to a threesome, especially since she can catch it all on camera for her vlog. The girls begin by working together to suck Juan off, but soon Lexi lays on her back with Juan banging her greedy twat and Aria riding her mouth. Then Aria finally gets a taste of her adopted brother's D as she takes a doggy style pussy pounding while muffling her moans in her mama's snatch. Lexi gets another go with Juan as she climbs on top and rides him with Aria lapping away at his balls. Then the girls work together for another tandem BJ until Juan pops his load and gives them both a facial! Satisfied, Aria signs off on her blog entry with a cum-covered face and a big smile.

Lexi Luna 在 'Pearls Before Pies'

Lexi Luna - Pearls Before Pies

Lexi is a perfect MILF, with a pair of big fake tits that even make Ryan take notice. She shows him her cute thong with a row of pearls that rub against her pussy just right. Ryan doesn't hesitate to eat that pussy in the hallway, before fucking those huge tits and Lexi's mouth. Once they make it to the bedroom, he gives her a hard pounding and deep creampie.

Lexi Luna 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Lexi Luna - My Friend's Hot Mom

It's spring break and Lexi Luna has taken in her son's friend to do some work around her house. While Lexi's husband is at work and son is out on the town for spring break festivities, Bambino gets to work on his Friend's Hot Mom's wet, bare pussy! Doesn't look like the house work is getting done any time soon.

Lexi Luna 在 'Separate Rooms Pt 2'

Lexi Luna - Separate Rooms Pt 2

Having caught his slutty stepmother, who he thought was a conservative and uptight about sex, coming out of his girlfriend's bedroom, Kyle can't believe that Lexi would fuck his own girlfriend under his watch! After following the busty Lexi back to his dad's bedroom after just fucking his girlfriend, Kyle decides to go and confront his stepmom in her room, but she doesn't want his father to wake up. Luckily for him, Lexi's still fucking horny and craving some cock so she's more than happy to let her stepson pound her pussy bedside! But when Kali hears them banging from down the hall, she wants to get in on the fun too! Can these three get each off without waking up the dad in the room?

Lexi Luna 在 'Separate Rooms Pt 1'

Lexi Luna - Separate Rooms Pt 1

Kyle Mason has his college girlfriend, the cute as a button Kali Roses, over at his dad's house. These two horny teens are having some fun under the covers while watching a movie with his dad and his new stepmom, Lexi Luna, in the same room. But when the cock blocker that is Kyle's new stepmom alerts his dad that these sneaky teens of having sex under his roof, he reminds them that they have to sleep in different rooms while they spend the night. Only, these teens can't get enough of each other and decide to break the rule. That's when Lexi has no choice but to step in and teach the bratty Kali a lesson in following rules! Lexi spanks Kali, but this only makes her even wetter! Ms. Luna decides the only way Kali's going to learn is by eating out Kyle's stepmom's pussy and learning how to take sexual orders from a busty MILF! They might be sleeping in separate rooms, but there's still plenty of fucking to be had in this house!

Lexi Luna 在 'Friendly Neighborly Milf'

Lexi Luna - Friendly Neighborly Milf

Stunning MILF Lexi Luna is minding her own business, watering her plants on a hot summer day. She's looking sexy as fuck in her tight denim attire, showing off ample cleavage and getting her next door neighbor Damon Dice absolutely sprung! Damon's had the hots for this sexy MILF next door ever since she moved to the neighborhood and he and his buddy decide to peek in on how this busty slut spends her afternoon. When Damon spies on Lexi changing in her living room, she catches him and decides to teach this pervert a lesson he won't ever forget--as in, how to fuck a MILF properly! One thing's for sure, this friendly neighborly MILF is one cock craving cutie who can absolutely suck and fuck dick like a professional slut!

Lexi Luna 在 'Past Her Curfew'

Lexi Luna - Past Her Curfew

Blonde teen Addison Lee loves to be a bad girl! Addison snuck out to a bar after her curfew, but as she enjoys a smoke and revels in her wickedness, suddenly her stepmom, Lexi Luna, pulls up in a cab and makes her get in! The brunette MILF may have put an end to Addison's fun at first, but when they get back home Addison realizes that she can have a whole different kind of naughty fun with her new stepmother. Lexi eats her stepdaughter's sweet pussy and even tongues her ass, and then the cute teen rubs her clit over her stepmother's big tits before lapping at Lexi's twat! Addison's new curfew is definitely home by 69.

Lexi Luna 在 'Robbing Momma'

Lexi Luna - Robbing Momma

MILF Lexi Luna finally has the house to herself, the perfect opportunity to put on her hottest lingerie and touch herself just the way she likes. She's rubbing her clit when suddenly her alarm is set off by two masked figures breaking and entering! What Lexi doesn't know is that the would-be robbers are her daughter's friend Kenzie Reeves and Kenzie's boyfriend, Seth Gamble, and crime is Kenzie's favorite aphrodisiac! Lexi watches on the security cams as Seth fucks Kenzie doggystyle, then goes to teach these teens a lesson, starting with making them eat her pussy. Momma's the one who gets what she wants: Seth's dick in her pussy as she 69s with Kenzie before she sits on the blonde teen's face and then takes Seth's cum in her mouth! But just giving Lexi a great fuck isn't enough to get Kenzie and Seth off the hook...

Lexi Luna 在 'Fucks Her Coworker '

Lexi Luna - Naughty Office

Johnny Castle and Lexi Luna are coworkers. Johnny is in an amazing mood since he's planning his buddy's bachelor party this weekend. He's telling Lexi all about it and what the plan is! Bad news drop: Johnny has to work OT over the weekend and he's at his wits end, he's about to quit. Lexi does not want that to happen. How does she convince him not to quit? She sucks his dick and fucks him really good. He's skipping the party, keeping his job and will be ready to fuck, err, work Monday morning!

Lexi Luna 在 'Hungry And Waiting'

Lexi Luna - Hungry And Waiting

Lexi Luna orders some food and decides to have sex with the delivery boy.

Lexi Luna 在 'Stepson Peer Pressures Cheating Wife Lexi!'

Lexi Luna - Stepson Peer Pressures Cheating Wife Lexi!

Busty housewife Lexi Luna loves cheating on her husband with younger guys. When her stepson (Robby Echo) catches her red-handed, he peer pressure her into a lewd family affair! A taboo pussy plowing features sloppy fellatio and a creamy facial.

Kitty Carrera 在 'My Girlfriend, Their Threesome Slut'

Kitty Carrera - My Girlfriend, Their Threesome Slut

Kitty Carrera's boyfriend won't fuck her, and his roommate sounds like he's pounding his girlfriend hard! But when Kitty barges in to make them stop, she gets pulled into a threesome! Both babes slobbering on a big dick, tasting pussy, and sucking on each other's perky tits!

Lexi Luna 在 'Mechanic Appreciation'

Lexi Luna - Mechanic Appreciation

Cute Asian teen Vina needs her car fixed, and her friend Oliver is happy to help out, especially when Vina decides to thank her with a blowjob! When Vina has to take a break to answer her phone, she doesn't realize that her stepmom Lexi decided to take over. When Vina finds her stepmother sucking her friend's cock, Lexi leads the teens into the bedroom for a threesome, teaching Vina exactly how to deepthroat Oliver's cock before eating her stepdaughter's pussy. Oliver gives both babes some thorough bodywork before jizzing all over Lexi's huge tits and watching Vina lick it off!

Lexi Luna 在 'Lexi Having Wild Fun Around The City'

Lexi Luna - Lexi Having Wild Fun Around The City

The hot and playful Lexi Luna takes a day to hang out and get fucked with us. In todays update we see her great body and attitude as we're out across the city. This chick is down for public fun and we get to see her show her tits to random guys before she starts sucking on cock and running to not get caught. She's horny and ready to take cock anywhere. She gets fucked as they tried to hide the best they could. These two get wild as they fuck with the hight traffic behind them. The rain changed our plans so we had to sneaked into a neighbors patio to finish making Lexi cum.

Anya Olsen 在 'Stepmother Seduction'

Anya Olsen - Stepmother Seduction

Anya Olsen comes back to her dad's place after her first week of college and meets her new stepmom, Lexi Luna. Her eyes immediately wander to Lexi's big tits and she simply can't keep her eyes off her cleavage, which makes her super horny. She pretends she has to study and runs upstairs where she wanders into the master bedroom. She finds her stepmom's dildo and starts masturbating with it. Lexi eventually goes to check up on Anya and finds her playing with her favorite sex toy. She watches for a few moments before joining the horny teen for a hot lesbian fuck. The hot MILF and her stepdaughter then take turn licking and playing with each other's dripping wet pussies!

Lexi Luna 在 'All The Right Curves - S4:E6'

Lexi Luna - All The Right Curves - S4:E6

Lexi Luna can't decide what to wear so she puts on a fashion show for Bambino. Her busty figure and slender body look good in almost anything, but when she flips up her miniskirt and can't get Bambino's attention she changes dresses. Her next dress is also a hard sell, but when she pulls the top down to display her big tits Bambino seems a bit more interested.When Lexi finally comes strutting out in just a lingerie bra and thong, Bambino is finally willing to give her the acknowledgement she craves. Lexi rewards him by whipping her tits out once again, and this time she even lets Bambino touch and lick the large globes.Pushing Bambino backwards, Lexi climbs on top of her boyfriend and rubs his stiffie across the softness of her breasts so he can feel the contrasting hardness of her nipples. Then she opens her mouth and licks along his shaft before engulfing him in the warm wetness. Sucking and slurping, she delivers a blowjob that only ends when Lexi gets on her knees so Bambino can fuck her slicked-up titties.Leaning back on the couch, Lexi keeps up the titillating stimulation to her knockers with her own hands as Bambino shifts his attention south. He pushes her thong aside to lap at the sweet musk of her pussy juices. Liking what he tastes, he takes things another step further by peeling off Lexi's underwear and sinking balls deep into her creamy fuck hole. Lexi can't stop moaning as Bambino bangs her, especially when she lifts one leg so his angle of penetration is deeper than ever.Climbing on top of Bambino's lap Lexi slowly impales herself on her boyfriend's fuck stick as he guides her with his hands on her hips. She grinds her hips as she bounces up and down, creating a delightful friction for both of them. Moving with enough force that her generous bazongas quiver with each thrust, Lexi doesn't stop her stiffie ride until she explodes with delight.Still not satisfied, Lexi leans forward on the couch and groans with delight when Bambino grabs her big ass and guides his fuck stick back inside. The doggy style pussy pounding is a hard one, with plenty of ball-slapping strokes. When Lexi rises so that her back hits Bambino's chest, he reaches up to squeeze her boobs as he brings her home once again.Finally sated, Lexi turns around. Still on her knees, she reaches out to start stroking Bambino's hardon with one hand as she props her boobs up with the other. When he's on the edge of cumming, Lexi aims his hardon at her tits so he covers her in a shower of salty love.

Dolly Leigh 在 'Stupid Cupid'

Dolly Leigh - Stupid Cupid

Cupid Lexi is done with hooking people up and spreading the love; she's alone on Valentine's, jealous of her roommate, Dolly, and her own boyfriend, Jessy, and ready to think about herself for a change! When Jessy arrives with flowers for Dolly, Lexi will do anything to get a hand on his cock-- including a threesome!

Lexi Luna 在 'Sexual Anticipation - S4:E3'

Lexi Luna - Sexual Anticipation - S4:E3

Victoria June and Lexi Luna can't keep their eyes or their hands off each other. The girlfriends kick things off with gentle caresses up and down each other's bodies, but they can't abstain for long. Victoria relieves Lexi of her top and then bends forward to use her hands and mouth to worship the large mounds of Lexi's breasts. Eager to match her lover, Lexi watches with delight as Victoria lifts her shirt and then indulges herself in the taste and feel of her girlfriend's titties.It's not long before both girls have discarded their tops. Lexi lays Victoria down on the couch to fill her mouth with her girlfriend's breasts and diamond hard nipples. She gradually works her way down Victoria's body, discarding the busty beauty's remaining clothes along the way. When Lexi's fingers brush the creamy sweetness of Victoria's twat, a moan escapes her lover's lush lips.Applying herself to Victoria's absolute delight, Lexi takes her time licking and sucking Victoria's cream filled snatch. Victoria enjoys every moment while working her hands over the mounds of her boobies. When Lexi slides a finger deep inside to hit Victoria's g-spot, the raven-haired coed comes apart in her girlfriend's arms.Getting on her hands and knees, Lexi waves her enticing rump while Victoria presses her bust to Lexi's back. Sliding her hands down, Victoria works Lexi's shirt and thong off. Once Lexi's twat is bared, Victoria is quick to settle on her knees behind her girlfriend so she can indulge in a lusty pussy feast. Lexi's gasps of delight soon fill the room, encouraging Victoria even as Lexi pinches her own nipples in a prelude to her climax.Wishing to once again warm Victoria up, Lexi settles herself between her lover's thighs and applies her talented tongue and magic fingers to long, slow strokes up and down Victoria's slippery slit. When Lexi presses two fingers deep inside, Victoria throws her head back in ecstasy. Her girlfriend's undeniable sexual need makes it easy for Lexi to arrange them both in a 69 with Victoria on top. From there, they can each lick and finger the other to a final climax that leaves them both finally satisfied.

Stoney Lynn 在 'Fulfilling Her Femdom Fantasy'

Stoney Lynn - Fulfilling Her Femdom Fantasy

Stoney Lynn was in a bind for cash and was willing to do anything to get it. Her boyfriend recommended an unsavory option, but Stoney was incredibly desperate. She was sent to a big mansion where she met Lexi Luna. Within minutes of meeting her, Stoney was presented with a fat stack of cash and commanded to worship Lexi's feet. Stoney followed instructions promptly, and before she knew it her tits were out and Stoney was getting DYKED hardcore style. Lexi then began to power finger her pussy and had Stoney lick her juicy mature cunt. Lexi then defiled Stoney's pussy with a taut strap on dildo until she was fully satisfied. Stoney got her money, and Lexi fulfilled her femfdom fantasies for the week. What could be better?

Lexi Luna 在 'Room Service Seduction'

Lexi Luna - Room Service Seduction

Lexi Luna seduces the room service delivery guy at her posh suite.

Lexi Luna 在 'and JMac in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Lexi Luna - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

There's something to be said for being single. JMac is five hours fresh out of a relationship, and he's as happy as can be. But his ex-girlfriend's friend Lexi Luna is not. She tells JMac that his ex is a nightmare when she's single, dragging her out to party and try to get dick at all hours of the night, and that he HAS to get back with her. But J's enjoying bachelorhood so far, and has no reason to look back. But that's when Lexi gives him two reasons: big tit 1 and big tit 2! Yup, she's willing to let him play and suck on her big tits a few times a months if he gets back with his ex so she doesn't drag Lexi into her single-lady train wreck. Sounds like a plan to JMac! And it gets better when she asks him if he's ever thought of fucking her, and suggests he does! Keep your girlfriend and fuck her big-breasted best friend a few times a month…he needs to go play the lottery!

Cristi Ann 在 'Step-Sisters Lexi Luna and Cristi Ann end up sharing a cock'

Cristi Ann - Step-Sisters Lexi Luna and Cristi Ann end up sharing a cock

Conniving Lexi Luna seduces Cristi Ann's man for his cock. This chick is super hot so it wasn't long until we see her sucking on cock and getting fucked. The two go over to her room while Cristi is looking for Lexi all over the house. We see Lexi sexy body take a hard pounding before Cristi Ann angrily walks in. She's mad at first but she takes this opportunity to finally do the threesome that she's been fantasizing about. Yup, Cristi Ann and her stepsister Lexi Luna get wild with JMac's cock. These two fuck on various positions while licking each other until they both end with their pretty faces glazed.

Lexi Luna 在 'Titties In Charge'

Lexi Luna - Titties In Charge

Bruce was slacking at work and his gorgeous boss caught him redhanded. She piled the work onto his desk and demanded he got it done ASAP. If not, there would be hell to pay. He could never keep his eyes trained on her eyes and instead always let them wander down to her cleavage. He would stare at her ample bosom and couldn't help himself. He started daydreaming about burying his face into her big tits and drifted into la la land. His fantasy became an extremely vivid dream and he enjoyed every minute of manhandling her boobs and plunging his cock into her tight, wet pussy.

Lexi Luna 在 'Fuzzy Peach'

Lexi Luna - Fuzzy Peach

It was a rainy day out last week but Bruce still insisted on checking out the pool at his building. Of course, there was no one in sight when we got there. We were about to leave when we struck gold, this amazingly hot chick came by wearing next to nothing as a bathing suit. We went to talk to her right away and found out she was staying at a friends house. She got really interested in coming to Bruce's place when she heard he had his own balcony to sunbathe. When she came over, Bruce just took her straight to the couch where they started fooling around. You have to see the giant knockers on this hot momma and the rest of her awesome curves. It did not take long before Bruce was jamming his tongue in her wet pussy then ramming his cock balls deep down her mouth. You can not miss one minute of this hottie going off on the cock, she will not disappoint.