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One of the internet's favorite amateur babes, Lily Lou, has finally gone pro! Lily got her start selling her panties online, and says she gradually overcame her shyness as she dipped her toes into the world of photo and video. When the time was right, this curvy brunette made the jump from her personal setup to the professional sets of Porn Valley, and she's feeling right at home! No stranger to fucking her pussy and ass on camera with toys, this gamer babe has leveled up to the biggest and best cocks in the business, and you'll love watching Lily bring her skills to the booty biz.

最新更新特色 Lily Lou

Alexis Fawx 在 '我不做,但她會'

Alexis Fawx - 我不做,但她會

亞歷克西斯·福克斯 (Alexis Fawx) 與丈夫米克·布魯 (Mick Blue) 的性生活非常愉快,除了......她不喜歡,她知道Mick真的很想要它。亞歷克西斯通過邀請性感的 Lily Lou 過來解決這個問題。但是看著 Lily 和 Mick 一起玩得那麼開心,Alexis 就覺得 FOMO 很嚴重。我們最終得到了一個肛門三人行,讓每個人都完全滿意,完全疲憊不堪!

Lily Lou 在 '稱這個 whambulence 我的男朋友是個騙子'

Lily Lou - 稱這個 whambulence 我的男朋友是個騙子

Chloe Surreal 正在與已婚男人 Dante Colle 進行一場熱氣騰騰的性愛,他的妻子不在城裡。或者至少他們認為她是。當但丁的妻子在航班取消后回到家時,但丁失去了冷靜,假裝心臟病發作,試圖迅速將克洛伊偷偷溜出去。這隻會在呼叫醫護人員時引起更多的騷動。Lily Lou 推著她的輪床蹦蹦跳跳地進來,開始研究但丁。莉莉很快意識到但丁的問題不在於他的心臟,而在於他憤怒的勃起。她把他叫出來,舔他,而她的同事分散了妻子的注意力。就在這時,莉莉看到克洛伊躲在一棵植物後面。莉莉把克洛伊拉進去,進行一場火辣而刻薄的三人行,這讓但丁的妻子喘不過氣來。

Abigaiil Morris 在 '莉莉史詩般的生日輪姦'

Abigaiil Morris - 莉莉史詩般的生日輪姦

Lily Lou 今年早早吹滅了她的蠟燭,我們幫助她實現了願望!現在可能是 Lily 的特殊日子,但我們都收到了一份禮物:邀請觀看她的生日輪姦!當緊張的房主外出時,保姆 Lily 舉辦了一場盛大的派對來紀念這一時刻。Abigaiil Morris 加入了派對,兩個寶貝為所有男人表演了一場女同性戀剪刀表演,然後他們跟著 Lily 來到臥室!當有這麼多的雞巴可以去的時候,沒有時間吃任何蛋糕!Lily 會在這個狂野的、粉紅色頭髮的陰戶猛烈搗蛋的盛宴中大吃一驚!

Kendra Cole 在 '在zzland醒來'

Kendra Cole - 在zzland醒來

在一個無聊、單調的日子里,華麗的莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)夢想著逃脫。如果她生活在一個性愛隨意、有趣和草率的世界裡會怎樣?與陌生人的任何偶然相遇都可能以她多汁的屁股磨蹭他們並最終乞求他們走得更遠。在那裡,她可以假裝自己被困住了,她樂於助人的室友會操她,直到她滿意為止。或者呆在一個房間裡,每個角落的室友都在偷偷地做愛,同時抑制著他們的呻吟?為什麼事情不能更像色情?!要是她有一個神奇的色情教父帶她去ZZLand就好了,在那裡她所有的夢想都可以成真......幸運的是,莉莉的夢想變成了現實,當她擁有大雞巴螺柱曼努埃爾·費拉拉(Manuel Ferrara)時,她可以隨心所欲地吸吮和他媽的!

Lily Lou 在 '與旁飾蕩婦打成平手'

Lily Lou - 與旁飾蕩婦打成平手

辛納屈·夢露和她的同居男友剛剛訂婚!他們很高興在出去吃晚飯之前告訴 Lily Lou 和她的男人這個好消息。辛納屈幾乎沒有意識到,莉莉一直在操她的新未婚夫,直到她發現莉莉在離開房間之前向他發出了口交手勢。莉莉偷偷溜進辛納屈的臥室,穿著她的婚紗裝扮,同時用吸力假陽具瘋狂。辛納屈當場抓住了莉莉,張開她的雙腿,給這個副業蕩婦上了一堂又熱又刻薄的女同性戀課。

Lily Lou 在 '最好讓它變得粗糙 - 她的陰戶很生氣'

Lily Lou - 最好讓它變得粗糙 - 她的陰戶很生氣

Lily Lou 決定用一些性感內衣、多汁的自由使用的貓和一個邋遢的 BJ 來“獎勵”她的 oafish 搭檔(Mick Blue)——直到她看到他的手機亮了起來,上面有他前任的不修邊幅的短信!被憤怒和慾望所征服的莉莉變成了一個好鬥的花癡狂。米克(自然而然地)認為憤怒會熄滅她的激情之火。儘管如此,這句有罪的文字還是讓莉莉的性慾沸騰了,他懇求米克把她趴在沙發上,舔他的屁眼,把她的陰戶搗碎在他的臉上。米克帶著莉莉在房間里到處亂撞,在樓梯和地板上粗暴地撞擊她,而她則用假陽具在她的陰戶和屁股上火腿。在用他的熱精液塗在莉莉的臉上后,米克仍然無法弄清楚莉莉是否對他生氣。 (憤怒的貓只是打得不同!

Lily Lou 在 '性感的主播喜歡獨角獸和雞巴,不是按這個順序'

Lily Lou - 性感的主播喜歡獨角獸和雞巴,不是按這個順序

Lily Lou 是一個放蕩的主播,目前在大學期間和她的叔叔住在一起。當叔叔帶他的兩個朋友(Mick Blue 和 Scott Nails)過來玩撲克時,莉莉忍不住偷偷溜到她的房間做愛,首先是在她的直播中,然後是私下!

Lily Lou 在 '新婚之夜餡料'

Lily Lou - 新婚之夜餡料

莉莉·婁(Lily Lou)是一位新娘,她盡最大努力成為好人。但是,當她的前男友(她姐姐的現任男人)科迪·斯蒂爾(Cody Steele)表現出一點嫉妒和很多感動時,新娘發現很難抗拒。只要你不被抓住,和老甩鍋一起快速嬉戲是什麼,對吧?莉莉的丈夫文斯·卡特(Vince Karter)可能會對此有不同的看法。

Emma Hix 在 '鬼鬼祟祟的侍者假公雞陰戶交換'

Emma Hix - 鬼鬼祟祟的侍者假公雞陰戶交換

莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)到達她的酒店,緊隨其後的是她的前任艾瑪·希克斯(Emma Hix),她一直在跟蹤她。莉莉告訴艾瑪停止低調的跟蹤,不,她沒有被邀請到她的酒店房間。艾瑪決定偷偷溜進去,接手侍者,偷走他的制服,把一隻假雞巴藏在褲子裡。莉莉愛上了艾瑪的偽裝,並在克洛伊·超現實到來之前抽出侍者的雞巴進行小雞巴動作。克洛伊發現艾瑪和莉莉胡鬧,一秒鐘也沒有被她的偽裝所迷惑!她鞭打艾瑪的雞巴短褲,莉莉和克洛伊輪流展示艾瑪的陰戶誰是老闆。

Kira Noir 在 '三方拔河'

Kira Noir - 三方拔河


Lily Lou 在 '雙他媽的戴綠帽子'

Lily Lou - 雙他媽的戴綠帽子

莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)的任務是與她的前任打成平手,所以她穿著最放蕩的衣服出現在他家,而他的兩個最好的朋友亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)和斯科特·奈爾斯(Scott Nails)則在那裡。莉莉的前男友認為她是來勾搭他的,在他兩個嫉妒的哥們面前戲弄和誘惑他,但她把他串起來,足以讓他相信她想在綁他時發生一些的性行為。但莉莉不想操他——她想操他,讓他的朋友們雙雙聯手!

Lily Lou 在 '肛門強盜被抓住並被中出'

Lily Lou - 肛門強盜被抓住並被中出

亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)和他的妻子睡著了,卻沒有意識到一個全身穿著尼龍的竊賊莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)正在他們的房間裡偷偷摸摸地偷走他們的現金和珠寶。當莉莉窺探亞歷克斯的早晨起床時,她無法抗拒那個雞巴。 莉莉冒著很大的風險,把亞歷克斯跳在床上。亞歷克斯醒來後感到震驚,但興奮地發現一位性感豐滿的神秘客人乞求給他一個邋遢的口交。他把壞土匪趕出臥室,在妻子醒來之前偷偷溜進客廳里和莉莉做愛。

Lily Lou 在 '用她的下頜帶教小子'

Lily Lou - 用她的下頜帶教小子

壞蛋寶貝 Gal Richie 走進她的餐廳,發現擺放著鮮花和零食的漂亮餐桌,但很快意識到這不適合她。她的室友莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)留下了一張紙條,指示她不要碰。Gal 決定在紙條上噴一噴,把一個漂亮的爛攤子弄得一團糟,沒有他媽的。當莉莉走進去發現一團糟時,她已經吃了。她闖入了 Gal 並抓住了她他媽的自己的大腦。莉莉給了她一個屁股(她很喜歡),然後讓她去打掃衛生,而她則留在後面享受蓋爾的玩具。莉莉不知道蓋爾的房子里到處都藏著玩具。當 Gal 找到她值得信賴的下巴帶假陽具時,她又開始取悅自己。莉莉通過她的陰戶抓住了粘在冰箱上的蓋爾,並決定將角犬從她身上剔除......或者至少嘗試一下。

Lily Lou 在 '不要烘乾我的負載'

Lily Lou - 不要烘乾我的負載

莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)正在洗她的熟食,這時米克·布魯(Mick Blue)出現了,忍不住對她的好屁股嗤之以鼻。當莉莉的女朋友抓住他時,他被告知讓 F 遠離她。米克表現得很無辜,但在一分鐘內,他故意把莉莉已經很緊的上衣擦得太小了。莉莉發現她搞砸了,並向她的女朋友哭泣。 米克及時溜進來,指出莉莉的上衣看起來超級熱的大麥掛在她的大奶上。莉莉高興地彈跳著她的奶子,立即變得饑渴。 米克很樂意説明他堅硬的雞巴。

Lily Lou 在 '爸爸的朋友訓練我的屁股'

Lily Lou - 爸爸的朋友訓練我的屁股

莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)試圖偷偷溜走她的男朋友,但她被過度保護的父親抓住了,他很快就把男朋友帶了出來。莉莉下樓去操她的屁股,把注意力轉向爸爸的朋友(斯科特·斯皮爾斯飾);斯科特偷偷溜走和莉莉做愛並不需要太多的說服力。斯科特用手指和性玩具在莉莉緊繃的屁眼上,然後把他的雞巴滑進去。這個他媽的屁股完全值得惹惱莉莉的爸爸!

Lily Lou 在 '偷偷摸摸的交換變成了 dp'

Lily Lou - 偷偷摸摸的交換變成了 dp


Lily Lou 在 '絕望的迪爾夫雞巴一個骯髒的娃娃'

Lily Lou - 絕望的迪爾夫雞巴一個骯髒的娃娃

彼得的妻子離開了他——他孤獨而沮喪。當他窺探他的兒子裘蒂和他的女朋友莉莉時,彼得回到他的房間和他的性玩偶獨處一段時間。 當莉莉在裘蒂的父親操玩具時得到一個相當大的包裹時,她設計了一個狡猾的計劃,讓自己被 DILF 雞巴!

Alyx Star 在 '交換伴娘'

Alyx Star - 交換伴娘


Lily Lou 在 '一個蕩婦加兩個雞巴等於射精失明'

Lily Lou - 一個蕩婦加兩個雞巴等於射精失明

莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)想引起室友范·威爾德(Van Wylde)和斯科蒂·P(Scotty P)的注意,但他們忙於玩電子遊戲,無暇顧及。直到她脫下內褲,直接甩到范的臉上。范看到莉莉要去他媽的了,兩人起飛去忙起來。Scotty P注意到他們的缺席,決定偷看Van的房間。嫉妒的斯科蒂抓住他方便的花花公子口袋陰戶,看著火辣辣的動作。范把他的負荷吹到莉莉的眼鏡上,她是精液盲!她直接走進Scotty P的房間,正好趕上他的玩具。最後,三個人聚在一起,以她只能想像的方式填滿莉莉。

Lily Lou 在 '他媽的健身'

Lily Lou - 他媽的健身


Maddy May 在 '商務在前面,派對在後面'

Maddy May - 商務在前面,派對在後面

Lily Lou,Maddy May和Van Wylde一起在一家麵包店工作......這意味著那裡顯然有一大堆性愛!這些蕩婦和妖怪正在偷偷摸摸,剪刀,吸吮和他媽的,他們的顧客並不聰明。

Vanna Bardot 在 '爺爺的三路逍遙遊:第1部分'

Vanna Bardot - 爺爺的三路逍遙遊:第1部分

年輕夫婦克裡斯和瓦納以及迭戈和莉莉前往這傢伙爺爺的共用夏季小屋出租度假。女士們設計了一個計劃,讓這些傢伙迅速離開,這樣他們就可以獨自一人探索一些女同性戀滑稽動作 - 但當然,這總是說起來容易做起來難!

Vanna Bardot 在 '爺爺的三路逍遙遊:第2部分'

Vanna Bardot - 爺爺的三路逍遙遊:第2部分

繼續第1部分的結尾 - 克里斯剛剛被發現撞到瓦納和莉莉 - 迭戈帶著克裡斯和莉莉沖了出去,瓦納剛剛偶然發現克裡斯的角質爺爺肖恩達姆抽搐......隨著女士們發現年長男人的樂趣,事情將變得更加怪異!

Lily Lou 在 '下到下來就過去'

Lily Lou - 下到下來就過去

可愛的莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)在分手後被摧毀,並被她忠實的朋友安娜·斯凱(Anna Sky)安慰。溫柔的安娜向莉莉保證一切都會好起來的,就在這時,兩人開始接吻了!他們一直暗戀著對方,安娜的室友凱爾·梅森(Kyle Mason)分心了,兩人有一些隱私。安娜正騎在莉莉的臉上,凱爾走過她的臥室門。凱爾情不自禁,他開始揉搓他又大又硬的雞巴,同時監視著那些漂亮的女人。當安娜發現凱爾時,她確切地知道需要發生什麼 - 也許辛辣的三人行只是説明莉莉克服前任的事情!

Lily Lou 在 '郊區的秘密 - 第 3 部分'

Lily Lou - 郊區的秘密 - 第 3 部分

《郊區的秘密》第3部分發生在一個激烈的撲克之夜。更多的八卦在網上洩露 - 特別是一個關於不忠的莉莉婁的性感故事。當莉莉自己衝進來並試圖說服她的男朋友這些謠言是假的時,真是令人震驚。一個短暫的調情時刻發生在客人面前。被莉莉的誘惑所激起,並被男友的反駁所震驚,賈克斯·斯萊赫全力以赴,勾引了女孩。 在她即將成為前任的面前。在餐廳里,肛門動作接踵而至。這一次,狗仔隊抓住了現場!走投無路的愛管閒事的者聲稱,很快,全世界都會知道這個墮落的地方。

Jesse Pony 在 '骯髒的旅館經理他媽的女同性戀客人'

Jesse Pony - 骯髒的旅館經理他媽的女同性戀客人

成為像Alex Legend這樣骯髒的旅館經理是有好處的。當可愛的夫婦Jesse Pony和Lily Lou租了一個房間時,Alex很快就在兩個辣妹中四處奔波,因為他帶他們參觀了一下。莉莉是第一個注意到並回報的人,在她的女朋友不看的時候給了亞歷克斯口交。後來,亞歷克斯躲在莉莉的雙層床上,趁機在她洗完澡後操她。當他們不得不幫助傑西從床架下解開時,他們被打斷了(這是一個很長的故事)。一旦自由,傑西就被說服加入其他人的性感三人行。

Abigaiil Morris 在 '更多 . 內褲 . .'

Abigaiil Morris - 更多 . 內褲 . .

傑伊和他的女朋友莉莉在家裡閒逛,偷偷摸摸地四處閒逛,而驚豔的阿比蓋爾 - 傑伊的新老繼妹 - 暗示性地躺在周圍,給她的繼兄內褲高峰。最終,莉莉發現傑伊的注意力被分散了,所以她把他拖到他的臥室去玩弄一些內褲的樂趣。阿比蓋爾監視他們,並再次挑逗她的繼兄傑伊,開始了一連串的內褲和暨遊戲滑稽動作,最後傑伊在女孩的內衣里瞪大了眼球!絕對連褲!!!

Angela White 在 '安吉拉的享樂主義之家第1部分'

Angela White - 安吉拉的享樂主義之家第1部分

《享樂主義之家》是一部現實主義的奇幻系列,講述了一群富有的家庭主婦們為了逃避通常無聊的慶祝活動而舉辦新年雞尾酒會的故事。這一次,他們計劃以所有正確的方式出錯。回到他們以前的搖擺人生活,充滿享樂主義,興奮和信任。所有這些都是在典型的郊區上層階級的背景下進行的,他們手頭上有太多的時間。現在,第一步是說服策劃者安吉拉·懷特(Angela White)的丈夫米克·布魯(Mick Blue),同意他們的冒險計劃符合他的最佳利益。值得慶幸的是,令人驚歎的莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)將説明她說服她的男人。

Siri Dahl 在 '漏水的圖書管理員和內褲癡迷'

Siri Dahl - 漏水的圖書管理員和內褲癡迷

范維爾德 - 熱百合樓正在學習到深夜, 為明天的期末考試。范接受他疲倦和性沮喪的事實。他試圖得到幸運,但努力工作的莉莉專注於優先事項。當角質的范在一個安靜的角落裡擦出一個, 他遇到了輕快的 Siri 達爾。沒過多久,兩個變態者就決定互相幫助,實現共同的目標。當他們被古怪的莉莉抓住時, 事情發生了令人驚訝的轉折。令范驚訝的是,莉莉終於露出了她狂野的一面,與墮落的二人組合一起參加了一場瘋狂的三人行,從而吹走了一些蒸汽。

來自其他網站的場景特色 Lily Lou

Lily Lou 在 'Cant Stop, Wont Stop'

Lily Lou - Cant Stop, Wont Stop

Have you ever wondered what it would look like to transform a sexy ball of energy into a person and then give it pink hair, a hot body, and an appetite for sex It would look exactly like Lily Lou! She came to fuck, and let me tell you, thats what happened. And happened. And happened! I managed to keep up with her though!

Lily Lou 在 'Dominates Monster Cock'

Lily Lou - Dominates Monster Cock

Lily Lou waltzes in to our pool for a little bit of sunbathing. She shows off her big tits and her fat ass by drizzling oil all over it. We love watching Lily Lou show off her body. She's been begging for Jax's big cock for a while and he's ready for the job. After a little flirting, they were both naked and ready to fuck. Everything is perfect about Lily Lou: her ass, her big tits, wet pussy, pink hair, the way she cums hard and loud, and the way she can take on a huge cock.

Lily Lou 在 'Has Her Ass Explored'

Lily Lou - Has Her Ass Explored

Lily Lou gives Manuel Ferrara a tour of her ass.

Lily Lou 在 'Spying on Big Boobs'

Lily Lou - Spying on Big Boobs

Lily Lou is getting ready to take a shower, little does she know that she is about to be spied on by Damion Dayski. She gets inside and starts lathering all over her giant boobs and big ass. Within no time, Damion comes in and starts peeking. Eventually he gets caught and starts running away from her. A chase ensues until eventually he falls to the bed and she notices how big his dick is. Her attitude changes, gets close to him and tells him she can help him out, and doesn't want him to get blue balls. From there, she begins to suck on his giant cock and then gets banged really hard from all positions until he cums all over her face.

Lily Lou 在 'LILY LOU Big Boobs, Pussy Creampie POV'

Lily Lou - LILY LOU Big Boobs, Pussy Creampie POV

Busty, beautiful porn model Lily Lou wears a tight, shiny red catsuit with clear heels, checking herself out in the mirror to initiate a stellar tease. The bodacious vixen unzips, talking dirty while her big boobs spill out. Strikingly gorgeous with her hair dyed pink, Lily sinks to hands and knees and crawls to top director/performer Mick Blue, taking his big cock into her mouth. Lily gives a messy opening blowjob, incorporating a spit-slickened titty fuck and a nasty rim job into her repertoire! She flaunts her chunky booty and opens the catsuit bottom so Mick's prick can easily slide into her slit. Lily whimpers as he pounds her poon, riding wildly while Mick thrusts away. She lies spread-eagled on the bed, her humongous jugs bouncing while Mick bangs her box. The private, one-on-one date features intimate, POV shooting. Orgasmic sex climaxes with an oozing pussy creampie!

Lily Lou 在 'Needs a Happy Ending'

Lily Lou - Needs a Happy Ending

Lily Lou was waiting for her regular massage guy but instead Jay Bangher showed up as a replacement. He had no clue that she needed the happy ending to relax all the way. He didn't get any hints instead tried to be professional. Finally she had to tell him what she wanted. As he was still hesitant she suggested that first she would massage him and then he would massage her. She oiled his dick and massaged his balls. Then it was her turn. He fingered her and almost made her cum. She told him she needed his dick to cum. So they fucked. She sucked his dick and they fucked more until Jay came in her face.

Lawson Jones 在 'Big Boob Workout'

Lawson Jones - Big Boob Workout

Lily Lou is getting a workout and had Lawson Jones training her. He is trying to teach her different strategies but he can't concentrate on how big her boobs are. Lily is noticing this, and after several times telling him to stop looking she decides to flash her boobs to get him to finally concentrate. Thing is he gets a hard on from just seeing her. Lawson apologizes for what just happened. Lily tells him not to apologize and decides to help him and gives him a blowjob. From there, she gets banged from all positions until he creampies inside her pussy.

Lily Lou 在 'Lets Get Wet!'

Lily Lou - Lets Get Wet!

Lily is bored all by herself in the pool. Her Step dad wont join her because he is cleaning up for a party later. The nerve of him ignoring her the way she looks.She comes up with the idea to get him in the water. Show him her big ass tiddies. Once she does and she starts bouncing those massive tits in his face; cleaning up is no longer his concern. Lets get wet. But one catch, it is a no clothes pool. She pulls his trunks down and her tits are not the only thing that is massive around here. The mere size of her step dads dick; and swimming is no longer on her mind. She has to put it in her mouth. Horniness takes over and they fuck like they are fresh out the joint. He leaves her face covered in cum. Good thing it is a pool close by to clean it off before the guest arrive.

Tiffany Watson 在 'Best  Of Freaky Fembots'

Tiffany Watson - Best Of Freaky Fembots

What's up, Team Skeet fans? We've had a lot of fun with our hit series, Freaky Fembots, so far, and we can't wait to keep the good times rolling for future videos. The thought of having an ultra-realistic sex robot who bends to your every whim and fucks like a maniac is just incredible – what could be better?! We've put together some of our favorite moments from the series for this Selects update. You'll see the hottest lineup of fembots sucking and fucking, whose greatest ambition is to please the men who lust after them.

Lily Lou 在 'Hard To Get'

Lily Lou - Hard To Get

You won't land a woman like Lily without punching your weight. This silk-stocking stunner might be a serial mistress, but she won't settle for anything less than being pampered like a princess, and today another woman's man is giving her the royal treatment.

Lily Lou 在 'A Legend in the Making'

Lily Lou - A Legend in the Making

It's time for another Team Skeet All Stars celebration, and this month, we're putting newcomer Lily Lou in the spotlight. Lily's career is still brand new, but that hasn't stopped her from quickly rising to the top and winning over the hearts of fans worldwide. We first fell in love with Lily for her tenacity and kinky demeanor. This babe is guaranteed to go far and stand with the best of the best.

Anna Claire Clouds 在 'Happy Wife Happy Life - S41:E15'

Anna Claire Clouds - Happy Wife Happy Life - S41:E15

Have you ever been to a toy party? Anna Claire Clouds and her husband Ryan Driller have invited Lily Lou and her boyfriend Quinton James to a pleasure party. What Lily and Quinton don't know is that Anna Claire and Ryan have something in mind that's a lot more fun than just toys.Anna Claire starts off by showing her guests a sweet little fingertip vibrator. She describes its functions and shows it off on her own skin first. Slipping her hand lower, she demonstrates the vibrator by putting it on her own clit while Lily and Quinton watch. Leaning over, Anna Claire demonstrates that Ryan likes it, too.With Lily's permission, Anna Claire shifts to sliding the vibrator up her friend's arm and to her tits. Anna Claire gets even more handsy as she lifts Lily's miniskirt and presses the toy to Lily's hairy twat through her sheer panties. Handing the vibe off to Quinton, Anna Claire leans in to cuddle with Ryan as they watch the show.Anna Claire goes on to tell Quinton and Lily that it's not really about the toy so much as it's about the situation and the way the lady is being touched. She reaches out to stroke Lily's twat and then puts Quinton's hand where hers was. Asking Lily if she trusts her, Anna Claire goes in for a deep and passionate kiss. After a tiny bit more patience while Quinton and Lily make out, Anna Claire asks if the couple would like to join her and Ryan so they can experience something really special. Lily and Quinton can't say yes fast enough.Relocating to the bedroom, the girls lay the boys down in bed. They each rub their partner's cocks through their jeans, although Lily allows Anna Claire to spice things up by putting her hand on Ryan's dick. Of course Anna Claire takes the same liberty with Quinton. The girls eventually pop those cocks out to suck off beside each other. They each demonstrate their deep throating and ball sucking skills, much to the other's delight. With Anna Claire encouraging her, Lily bares her titties. Anna Claire does the same, then comes over to give Quinton's cock a suck that turns into a double BJ. Quinton is nice and hard when Lily peels her skirt and panties off so she can ride Quinton's cock. Her hairy snatch eats her boyfriend up and her big titties bounce on every thrust, creating an incredible picture. Anna Claire is soon matching Lily bounce for bounce on Ryan's dick.Swapping partners, Anna Claire slides down onto Quinton to resume her reverse cowgirl ride. Meanwhile, Lily mounts Ryan in cowgirl. The girls each like the new cock, but while they have the variety they want to enjoy it. Climbing off their stiffie rides, Anna Claire goes back to Ryan and gets on her knees while Lily does the same for Quinton. Their doggy style pussy poundings are the perfect opportunity for the girls to make out while moaning their excitement.Disengaging from the D, the girls swap partners again. They're both on their backs as Ryan leans in to feast on Anna Claire's snatch and Quinton gives Lily a nice pussy licking. Getting back to their feet, the guys slide back home, filling their partners with plenty of dick. They keep the pussy party going as long as they can before Ryan pulls out to pop on Lily's trimmed muff and Quinton gives Anna Claire's snatch the same treatment. Swapping their sticky treats, the girls agree they'll have to do this again.

Lily Lou 在 'Lily Loves Licking'

Lily Lou - Lily Loves Licking

Lily Lou is a good girl. She knows how to throat a dick and loves to be face fucked. Just when you thought she couldn't get better, Lily Lou eats ass too. Watch her do both with Mick Blue.

Lily Lou 在 'Intimate Anal Date POV'

Lily Lou - Intimate Anal Date POV

Fresh-faced, lovely brunette Lily Lou lasciviously plays for the camera in cute string lingerie. Her luscious body features natural tits. Director/fucker Mick Blue promises the young babe a hard anal fucking in the interview preamble to their intimate private encounter. He coats her boobs in glistening oil. Mick diddles her lubed asshole with a dildo, priming it for his thick prick. On her back, she takes a hard anal fucking. Lily sucks his big cock ass-to-mouth, tasting meat pulled freshly from her flavorful butthole. Mick's POV-cam captures Lily licking his asshole in a nasty rim job. He buttfucks her again, this time doggie-style. Lily deepthroats his dong ass-to-mouth! Mick jackhammers her sphincter more, until he busts his nut all over her visage in a spunky cum facial! Hello, Lily Lou, Goodbye heart!

Lily Lou 在 'Letting Loose In Lily'

Lily Lou - Letting Loose In Lily

I love having a chill and relaxing day off. I really love it when I run into a hottie that also has the day off. We both needed to blow off some steam and let’s face it, she had that hot ‘girl-next-door’ look about her that had me excited. I knew if I got her number I was going to pop a hot load in her. And, I got her number…

Lily Lou 在 'Lily's Anal Pounding'

Lily Lou - Lily's Anal Pounding

Dressed in a hot pink bikini, Lily Lou is ready for Mick Blue's anal pounding!

Lily Lou 在 'Oil-Spewing Anus Fucked!'

Lily Lou - Oil-Spewing Anus Fucked!

Sexy brunette Lily Lou teases in a bikini, and she looks scrumptious soaked in oil. The darling girl strips and spreads her holes for the camera, continuously coating her bodacious bod in lubricant. Lily stretches her wet slit with a dildo. She soon welcomes Spanish stud Ramon Nomar with a nasty blowjob. Young Lily slobbers and chokes as Ramon fucks her face, her pale skin glimmering with hot grease. Ramon starts her off with furious pussy fuck -- Lily whimpers and sucks a dildo throughout. Action escalates as Ramon's boner fucks her tight rectum. Their bodies drenched in oil, the lovers share hard anal reaming with freaky, ass-to-mouth cocksucking and rude rectal gaping. Nasty girl Lily rims Ramon's bunghole, talks dirty, and her wrecked anus spews hot lube! Finally, Ramon slathers her with a messy cum facial.

Lily Lou 在 'Eager'

Lily Lou - Eager

Lily looks innocent, but she's been with all kinds of guys. A sweet hedonist with an open mind, a fun attitude, and curves that look luscious in lingerie, Lily is up for adventure… even if she won't be able to see it coming.

Lily Lou 在 'Anal Penetration'

Lily Lou - Anal Penetration

Lily Lou and Manuel Ferrara put on a hardcore submissive masterclass in this scene from After viewing the somewhat brief tease sequence we soon realize the motivation. Charming Miss Lou has a lot of love to give and there's no time to waste… Standing at the top of the stairs Lily presses her backside against the glass. We can see all the glute-gelatin she has to work with. It's a ton, especially for being such a tiny firecracker. Manuel gives some commands and Lou follows. He says 'I say stay, you stay' Lou responds 'of coarse'. The long haired brunette smiles and opens her pretty mouth wide. She feeds on Manuel's spit that he's depositing out of the camera's view. Next Ferrara fingers her pretty twat. She immediately squirts and proceeds to lick up her liquid refreshment. By the third squirt session Manuel has the ass-vamp feed on it from his dripping hand. A missionary session with Lou's fluttering cheeks evols to anal. The deep ream moves to cowgirl and Lily's squirt spigot is turned on a fourth time...The energetic yet methodical performance continues as Manuel churns her asshole in doggie. Lily's mammoth cheeks combined with the drill is a powerhouse visual. The session is finished off with a massive gape. After one more missionary session with requested gape, Lily sucks off a sitting Ferrara. He unfurls streams of glamour glue to the awaiting Lily Lou's mug. Fade out ensues as Manuel says 'What a good girl'...

Lily Lou 在 'Ruthless'

Lily Lou - Ruthless


Lily Lou 在 'This Way'

Lily Lou - This Way

Lily is downtown and determined to show the city she has the sexiest curves on the streets. Follow this luscious young lady somewhere private and find out what else she has to prove.

Lily Lou 在 'New, Hot, Kinky, Gorgeous'

Lily Lou - New, Hot, Kinky, Gorgeous

The gorgeous new babe Lily Lou is here to blow your mind away… and she knows it. Bobby Beefcakes gets to interview and welcome this incredibly confident and magnificently kinky woman into the ranks of adult entertainment. A true blessing all around, Bobby will fuck Lily in all the taboo ways she deeply craves!