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Brazzers '蒙上眼睛的騙子。' 主演 Tru Kait (照片 6)

Tru Kait 在 'Brazzers' - Blindfolded Cheater (Real Wife Stories)

特魯凱特是厭倦了丈夫安吉洛戈德沙克, 所以她跳上約會應用程式, 找到一個可愛的傢伙欺騙他。想像一下, 當她發現安吉洛有他自己的約會檔案時, 她的反應!凱特迅速策劃了一個計劃, 讓騙子嘗嘗自己的葯, 讓他蒙上眼睛的熱約會, 並把他毫無戒心的大腦拿出來!

發布 : 10月17日, 2020

Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'
Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'

Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'

圖片來自 Tru Kait 在 'Brazzers' Blindfolded Cheater

Tru Kait 在 'Brazzers' 蒙上眼睛的騙子。 (縮略圖 1)
Tru Kait 在 'Brazzers' 蒙上眼睛的騙子。 (縮略圖 2)
Tru Kait 在 'Brazzers' 蒙上眼睛的騙子。 (縮略圖 3)
Tru Kait 在 'Brazzers' 蒙上眼睛的騙子。 (縮略圖 4)
Tru Kait 在 'Brazzers' 蒙上眼睛的騙子。 (縮略圖 5)
Tru Kait 在 'Brazzers' 蒙上眼睛的騙子。 (縮略圖 6)

圖片來自 Tru Kait 在 'Brazzers' Blindfolded Cheater

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Tru Kait

Tru Kait 在 '和平的瑜伽貓'

Tru Kait - 和平的瑜伽貓

性感的 Tru Kait 是一名瑜伽老師,通常與女性客戶打交道。因此,當一個帥哥(瑞奇·約翰遜飾)毫無徵兆地進入她的班級時,她發現自己立即變得饑渴。將 Ricky 放在其他參與者的後面,Kait 能夠以各種受瑜伽啟發的姿勢操他!

Tru Kait 在 '對coochie很挑剔'

Tru Kait - 對coochie很挑剔

Tru Kait 和 Melissa Stratton 是同一個人!不幸的是,除了他們之外,每個人都知道這一點,當他們發現他們的反應有點......奇怪。嫉妒與它無關,當你像這兩個女人一樣火辣時,它從來都不是關於那個的。誰更擅長他媽的,這才是真正的問題,也是他們希望曼努埃爾·費拉拉立即回答的問題,即使他們必須立即操他才能得到答案。

Tru Kait 在 '鬼鬼祟祟的暨蕩婦'

Tru Kait - 鬼鬼祟祟的暨蕩婦

Tru Kait 是一個鬼鬼祟祟的小作弊暨蕩婦。她最大的轉捩點是他媽的隨機帥哥,然後帶著滿是精液的臉回家,就在她丈夫的鼻子底下。今天,Keiran Lee 是她的首選男人。她把他帶回家做愛......但是,當她的丈夫早早出現在家工作時,事情就變得複雜了。凱特可以從凱蘭那裡得到她的精液,而老公卻沒有抓住他們?

Desiree Dulce 在 '為什麼不操我'

Desiree Dulce - 為什麼不操我


Tru Kait 在 '刮刀炫耀'

Tru Kait - 刮刀炫耀


Laney Grey 在 '繼妹枕頭大戰之夜!'

Laney Grey - 繼妹枕頭大戰之夜!


Tru Kait 在 '嘗試他的大小'

Tru Kait - 嘗試他的大小

特魯凱特順著她姐姐的房子去借一些內衣給她的男人穿。她沒有意識到她姐姐的男朋友李凱然是家裡唯一的一個。她以為她獨自一人, 從她妹妹的衣櫥里拿出一些選擇, 並嘗試第一盤。基蘭走進她道歉, 但凱特不想尷尬, 而是想為他做模特, 得到他的意見。隨著基蘭顯然越來越慌亂, 並引起凱特的甜山雀和屁股的視線, 他試圖隱藏他成長的邦納。當凱特注意到基蘭試圖隱藏什麼,她變得如此打開,她想看到他的硬公雞,忍不住吸吮它之前作弊對操對方的大腦了!

Tru Kait 在 '損壞可愛的照顧者'

Tru Kait - 損壞可愛的照顧者

彎曲的黑髮特魯凱特是完美的照顧者。她會告訴你你需要多少水化, 而她活潑的山雀戳穿她的針織毛衣上衣, 什麼都不隱瞞。她會把你的溫度與她的褲子騎高之間她的圓,完美的屁股。小手正在享受每一刻與她的身體 - 我的意思是照顧。右。凱特把她的病人帶進浴室,洗個澡。脫下褲子,把他放輕鬆下水。。。只是被拖入自己和浸泡!她脫下她毀了的衣服, 露出下面那緊繃、合身的身體。事情已經走到了這一步, 所以也許一些簡單的心率練習, 讓小手的血液流動?也許一些深喉嚨, 硬衝擊, 和血清素的熱爆發將有助於擺脫這些持久的疾病?

Kristina Rose 在 '兩個妻子,一個公雞'

Kristina Rose - 兩個妻子,一個公雞

當兩者都是同樣值得的性女神時, 怎麼會有人在令人驚歎的克莉絲蒂娜 · 羅斯和豐滿的特魯 · 凱特之間做出選擇呢?可悲的是,這是小手的困境。這個男人嫁給了那兩個瘋狂的性感女人。當然,這會導致頻繁的競爭 - 和頭痛!連環丈夫今天會選擇誰去干?這肯定是一個艱難的選擇,但沒有那麼難的小手『魔鬼戲弄迪克。

Tru Kait 在 '在我看的時候操我妻子'

Tru Kait - 在我看的時候操我妻子

Tru Kait 是這一幕中眼睛的盛宴, 幾次更換衣櫃, 向正在通過相機觀看的丈夫炫耀她的大山雀。看,他瞭解了她的欺騙行為,現在他癡迷於看她操一個熱,年輕的男人的想法,所以她邀請紮克野生實現他的幻想。他們為約會準備了一件黑色的小禮服。看著紮克磅特魯凱特的緊,濕的貓,直到她乞求他暨在她的完美山雀。讓派對開始吧!

Tru Kait 在 '她喜歡廚房裡的公雞'

Tru Kait - 她喜歡廚房裡的公雞

特魯凱特是一個性感的黑髮與砰砰的身體和熱女朋友匹配。她的女孩只有一個問題:他們的室友桑德·科武斯他表現得像個討厭鬼, 在他們熱氣騰騰的化妝課之間。凱特不會讓一些變態的人跟她的女人做愛的。她面對桑德, 一邊喝酒一邊嚇了他一驚, 這意味著她穿了一件濕襯衫。這讓她瘋狂到褲子桑德, 發現他的大多汁的公雞。她讓桑德成交,如果他把他的怪異水準從11級降到4級,她會干他的。桑德進來了當凱特的女朋友回來想做三明治時,他們在冰箱前做愛。桑德和凱特在做午餐時偷偷摸摸地做愛。幸好她女朋友的眼鏡只是為了炫耀!凱特把桑德所有的公雞都塞到喉嚨里她打算操出桑德的怪異,並盡她最大的努力,直到他暨在她的臉上。原來他們不擅長低調,被抓到赤裸裸的冰箱裡。這麼多該死的取悅她的女朋友!

Tru Kait 在 '1個女孩5鏡頭'

Tru Kait - 1個女孩5鏡頭

特魯凱特是一個黑髮彈殼與大美麗的山雀, 一個充氣戰利品和可吸的嘴唇。她更有趣的特寫通過魚眼鏡頭彈跳覆蓋在油。生活通過安吉洛戈德沙克的男朋友的經驗,你看她的POV吸吮他的公雞,這就像她就在你的腿上。凱特喜歡努力工作,公雞和吞下它一路下來,她華麗的喉嚨。她喜歡用她油膩的腳給一個潤滑的足部工作。但現在她的緊貓餓了騎那大硬公雞。覆蓋在油,她得到的傢伙一路上升她的貓,她喜歡它。她喜歡給頭和浸泡安吉洛與她的口水, 直到他所有泡沫。安吉洛打破了他的負載遍佈凱特的臉, 她玩暨, 使泡沫, 並享受它的每一秒。

Tru Kait 在 '特魯凱特的熱氣騰騰的內衣淋浴'

Tru Kait - 特魯凱特的熱氣騰騰的內衣淋浴


Tru Kait 在 '後黨暨下'

Tru Kait - 後黨暨下

特魯凱特的冥想室友紮克 · 威爾德批評她的聚會生活方式, 但她不買他自以為是的健康怪胎門面。仍然角質后吹一個花花公子回家的路上 (和他的暨仍然在她的臉上證明這一點!), 特魯迅速證明, 紮克, 所謂的自助者, 是角質, 因為她是當她堅持她的屁股和山雀在他的臉上, 幫助他們下車與一些瘋狂的激烈性愛!

Tru Kait 在 '按摩師的視角'

Tru Kait - 按摩師的視角

通過埃裡克·埃弗哈德的眼睛,一個幸運的按摩師,看到生活。埃裡克和被忽視的家庭主婦特魯·凱特有個約會。凱特很惱火,她的丈夫送她自己去溫泉浴場過生日,而不是提出做一些作為夫妻的事情。埃裡克承諾,他的按摩將是值得的,並得到工作;揉她的背部, 腳屁股和山雀。凱特被身體接觸打開, 懇求埃裡克給她她丈夫不會...通過完成按摩與一個很好的他媽的你。

Tru Kait 在 '在身體庫存中砰的一聲'

Tru Kait - 在身體庫存中砰的一聲

惡魔般的性感和角質特魯凱特回家購物,發現她有房子自己(她的男朋友克裡斯托夫已經出去過夜與男孩)。期待獨處一段時間, 凱特試圖引誘另一個他媽的你的朋友過來, 採取自己手淫的照片在她的性感的新身體庫存。她非常失落,她沒有注意到克裡斯托夫早早回家,在臥室里偷看她。克裡斯托夫從後面偷偷溜起來, 開始吃她的貓。凱特被她的男朋友的早期回歸震驚了, 但充分利用它, 喜歡得到她的新尼龍搞砸。

Tru Kait 在 'Is A True Tease'

Tru Kait - Is A True Tease

我們發現驚人的特魯凱特,穿著透明的體衣,在性她男朋友中間。當她不能讓他過來時, 特魯 · 凱特把她的注意力轉向一個一直看著她的活潑的朋友。她決定釋放她壓抑的性能量,為他們表演,涉及髒話,炫耀她的山雀,然後用一個特殊的假陽具在她的貓。

Tru Kait 在 '誰擁有誰'

Tru Kait - 誰擁有誰


來自其他網站的場景特色 Tru Kait

Tru Kait 在 'Flawless Brunette Tru Kait Drains Cock'

Tru Kait - Flawless Brunette Tru Kait Drains Cock

Tru Kait is the definition of flawless. This brunette hottie has curves in all the right places. With the face of a runway model and the mind of a horny slut, this absolute stunner of a woman is a dream cum true. Her tan Latina ass bounces and her perky tits jiggle as she gets fucked in every position. She loves nothing more than milking a hard cock all over her tits and in her mouth, so tonight she is happy.

Tru Kait 在 'Kait Has A Hard Body, And A Healthy Appetite For Sex With 2 Men'

Tru Kait - Kait Has A Hard Body, And A Healthy Appetite For Sex With 2 Men

Super model Kait performs in her first threesome. Kait shares her sexy hard body with her two playboys Jules Jordan and Zac Wild. The guys save the best for last. With a double facial on this beauties face.

Tru Kait 在 'Kait Is Hot As Fuck'

Tru Kait - Kait Is Hot As Fuck

Zipper breaker Kait is on deck and FAF (Fly As Fuck) in this scene from Plenty of jelly packed into Kait's tiny frame. And it's all on full display during the tease. Kait's thickset behind is stupefying with the black assless nets she's adorned in. Her rack can cause whiplash if you aren't expecting what pops out of her top. Beefy boobs with big cookie-sized nipples. Munch! After her outdoor rollout Kait is indoors and on a countertop popping each cheek with twerky delight. The doe-eyed starlet makes her way to the sofa. She makes her hairy twat available for Manuel Ferrara to dive down and stimulate. Kait salvos and engulfs Ferrara's meat down her throat. She puts her long hair over to the side and gets nasty on Manuel's nethers. Kait hops on Ferrara's cock in cowgirl and her booty continues to impress. Some reverse-cow and missionary commence then Manuel folds Kait's legs and whomps her ass slab. Kait finds a curvy black chaise and she gets face down. Ferrara straddles the lounge from behind and puts Kait's sweet ass and thighs in motion. Manuel shows off his cum control in a disciplined pop sequence. He humps then comes round and deposits into pretty Kait's mouth. He returns to the scene of the crime only to return and deliver even more frost to the face. Then he pulls the 'tru-fecta' by going back for a third pump and finally jettisoning all his liquid manhood into a fully fed Kait...

Tru Kait 在 'Classic Beauty Kait Makes Her Debut Fucking Manuel Ferrara'

Tru Kait - Classic Beauty Kait Makes Her Debut Fucking Manuel Ferrara

Stunning Internet Sensation Kait Makes Her Jules Jordan Debut With Manuel! Blink your eyes a couple of more times to make sure you're not dreaming when you see Kait and all her beauty wrapped in sexy lace lingerie. She tempts you with her sensually seductive hip gyrations as Kait shows off her stunning curves. Kait makes her way around the pool and back to the house where she finds Manuel waiting for her in the doorway. They passionately kiss as Manuel takes off her bra and starts cupping her perfect tits while Kait grinds her ass against his crotch. She unzips his pants and gets on the ground so Kait can take that massive cock in her mouth while she strokes the shaft. Manuel shoves his dick deep down Kait's throat as she gags and spits all over it before moving over to the couch. Kait gets on all fours so Manuel can slide off her panties and bury his face between her ass cheeks then flip her over and feed on her wet pussy. She spreads her legs wide open as Manuel climbs on top and penetrates her tight pussy with his thick cock while he grabs onto her amazing rack. Kait's tight asshole winks as he pounds away at her dripping wet pussy until Manuel flips her over into doggy to drill her from behind. He hammers her hard as Kait reaches back and spreads her cheeks apart so her hungry pussy can take more of his bulging boner inside. Manuel lays down on the couch so Kait can crawl between his legs and give him a rimjob before mounting Manuel in cowgirl and taking his cock for a ride. She bounces her pussy on his balls and twerks on him until Manuel can feel that she's ready to explode and picks her up and fingers her until she squirts all over. Kait gets into doggy so she can back her ass up onto Manuels dick and make it disappear into her hungry snatch. She gets up and sits on Manuels face then they lay down into spoon so he can play with Kait's clit as he dicks her down. They get into reverse cowgirl which gives you a perfect view of Kait's massive juggs bouncing as she hops on Manuels cock until he covers her with his huge load!

Tru Kait 在 'Tru Kait's Big Tits Are The Perfect Cum Dump'

Tru Kait - Tru Kait's Big Tits Are The Perfect Cum Dump

Busty bombshell Tru Kait shows off her irresistible body in red lingerie and cream stockings. The skimpy silk sexy wear can barely contain Tru Kait's huge jugs and thicc ass. The big-breasted beauty slowly crawls her way to the big cock waiting for her. She uses her soft lips and warm tongue to tickle every inch of her man's huge dick. Tru Kait tries to fit the whole shaft inside her mouth but ends up gagging. After the sloppy blowjob and deepthroat action, Tru Kait rides the lucky guy in reverse cowgirl. She can't help but moan as the guy fucks her in missionary and doggy style, Tru Kait teases her man with her hands and feet before letting him shower her tits with his warm cum.