Madison Ivy at
Brazzers 'Ghostbusters XXX模仿 - 第2部分' 主演 Nikki Benz (照片 5)

Nikki Benz,Monique Alexander,Romi Rain,Abigail Mac,Ana Foxxx 在 'Brazzers' - Ghostbusters XXX Parody - Part 2 (ZZ Series)


發布 : 7月18日, 2016

Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'
Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'

圖片來自 Nikki Benz,Monique Alexander,Romi Rain,Abigail Mac,Ana Foxxx 在 'Brazzers' Ghostbusters XXX Parody - Part 2

Nikki Benz 在 'Brazzers' Ghostbusters XXX模仿 - 第2部分 (縮略圖 1)
Nikki Benz 在 'Brazzers' Ghostbusters XXX模仿 - 第2部分 (縮略圖 2)
Nikki Benz 在 'Brazzers' Ghostbusters XXX模仿 - 第2部分 (縮略圖 3)
Nikki Benz 在 'Brazzers' Ghostbusters XXX模仿 - 第2部分 (縮略圖 4)
Nikki Benz 在 'Brazzers' Ghostbusters XXX模仿 - 第2部分 (縮略圖 5)

圖片來自 Nikki Benz,Monique Alexander,Romi Rain,Abigail Mac,Ana Foxxx 在 'Brazzers' Ghostbusters XXX Parody - Part 2

Bridgette B 在 '開學了!最好的老師'

Bridgette B - 開學了!最好的老師

上課了,是時候看看一些最炙手可熱的 Brazzers 美女鞭打她們的門徒了!你可以從這個場景中學到很多東西,但即便如此,你可能永遠無法達到一些最性感的老師和學生的水準。如果您曾經為您的老師感到興奮,那麼 Best of Barzzers' Teachers 就是您的不二之選!

Cherie Deville 在 '舉辦一場火辣的角質三人行'

Cherie Deville - 舉辦一場火辣的角質三人行

當抽煙的紅發女郎莫妮克·亞歷山大 (Monique Alexander) 和她的男朋友紮克·懷爾德 (Zac Wild) 到達時,角質摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線/住宿加早餐女主人切麗·德維爾 (Cherie Deville) 迫不及待地想抓住勾引這對戀人的機會。Cherie 設法與 Zac 共處了一段時間,沒過多久他的大雞巴就進了她的嘴裏,但是當 Monique 打斷了偷偷摸摸的打手槍時,他為自己找了個藉口,讓 Cherie 有機會與 Monique 進行一些火辣的女同性戀行為。Zac 很快回來了,這位幸運的女主人終於得到了她一直渴望的東西,與她的客人來一場火辣的三人行!

Romi Rain 在 '浪蕩公子滿足的夫婦'

Romi Rain - 浪蕩公子滿足的夫婦

當性感的斯嘉麗被她的丈夫曼努埃爾舔她的陰戶時,她的新朋友、豐滿的黑髮羅米和她的男朋友帶著一個餡餅作為甜點來訪。當門鈴響起時,斯嘉麗接聽了電話,但她在匆忙中沒有意識到自己已經把裙子塞進了內褲裡!羅米在斯嘉麗走開時看到了她圓圓的屁股。當兩人互相瞭解時,斯嘉麗帶羅米參觀了房子,通向臥室,羅米在那裡試穿了斯嘉麗扔掉的一些輕薄內衣。羅米在她面前脫光衣服,炫耀她健美的曲線和巨大的乳房,然後讓它滑落,她的男朋友沒有滿足她,所以斯嘉麗走進來,撫摸羅米濕漉漉的陰戶,然後把她吃掉。斯嘉麗告訴羅米她有一個驚喜要送給她,然後跑下樓,在曼努埃爾耳邊低語,讓他離開了房間。斯嘉麗照顧羅米困惑的男朋友,在沙發上操他,曼努埃爾去臥室,給一個非常快樂的羅米一個驚喜,羅米給了他一個BJ,然後把他的腦子操掉了。羅米的男朋友提前結束並溜走了,所以斯嘉麗加入了羅米和曼努埃爾的臥室,將性愛提高了幾個檔次,直到曼努埃爾在他們身上釋放出巨大的射精!後來,曼努埃爾、羅米和斯嘉麗在沙發上劃獨木舟,因為 Sextra1 抓住了他們並意識到他已經被排除在等式之外!

Romi Rain 在 '搗亂購物者得分安全貓'

Romi Rain - 搗亂購物者得分安全貓

Romi Rain 是一家商店的保安,她非常擅長。當她抓住幾個小偷和麻煩製造者(麗茲·喬丹和亞歷克斯·麥克)製造麻煩時,她把他們倆帶到密室進行毆打。當 Romi 發現 Liz 的陰戶裡藏著珠寶時,性緊張度增加到 10 度,很快我們就進行了一場熱辣的密室三人行!

Peta Jensen 在 '潛入!Pool的主要地標'

Peta Jensen - 潛入!Pool的主要地標

觀看一些最熱門的 Brazzers 寶貝沐浴陽光,在這個包含我們一些最佳泳池場景的彙編中弄濕!從到三人行,這些女孩知道如何用夏天最大的鉚釘的涼爽雞巴來抵禦炎熱!

Monique Alexander 在 '莫妮克的甜蜜戰利品'

Monique Alexander - 莫妮克的甜蜜戰利品

性感的莫妮克·亞歷山大回來了,一如既往地火辣!看著她給自己上油,在游泳池邊玩弄她的乳房和屁股。然後,她回到裡面用手指撫摸她的陰戶和屁股,讓它們準備好做愛。最後,斯科特·內爾斯(Scott Nails)進入畫面,給莫妮克一個艱難的肛門衝擊!

Ava Addams 在 '紅色、白色和裸體!獨立日的主要地標'

Ava Addams - 紅色、白色和裸體!獨立日的主要地標


Cherie Deville 在 'Brazzers 呈現:20 對 20'

Cherie Deville - Brazzers 呈現:20 對 20

這是 Brazzers 成立 20 周年,我們以一場史詩般的狂歡來紀念這一里程碑,全明星陣容值得這個重要時刻!20 位最炙手可熱、最角質的 Brazzers 辣妹穿著最性感的戒指裝備,準備隆隆作響,讓 ZZ 最大的雞巴填滿他們的洞!從名人堂成員到我們最新的一些獨家明星,您最喜歡的人都在這裡做愛,就像他們以前從未做過的那樣!您不想錯過任何活動,所以拿起您最喜歡的椅子,準備在一年中最大的慶祝活動中大飽眼福!

Peta Jensen 在 '4 他媽的!四人組之最'

Peta Jensen - 4 他媽的!四人組之最

兩個是派對,三個是人群,四個就更多了!四個是他媽的,這就是 Best of Brazzers 在這個絕對炙手可熱的合輯中提供的。

Romi Rain 在 '夥計們很臭!'

Romi Rain - 夥計們很臭!

華麗的基拉·諾伊爾很高興能與她的新男友迪倫·萊傑(Dylan Ledger)相處。但當她拔出迪倫渴望的雞巴時,她確實遇到了一個臭驚喜。她專橫跋扈的室友,豐滿的羅米·雷恩(Romi Rain)看到了騷動,並決定給迪倫上一堂他不會忘記的課。但是,當基拉認為整個磨難很有趣時,黑髮的羅米決定給基拉上一堂清理課!

Romi Rain 在 '軟禁辣妹在刑事制度中起作用'

Romi Rain - 軟禁辣妹在刑事制度中起作用

火辣的寶貝羅米·雷恩(Romi Rain)從監獄獲釋,但她並沒有獲得完全的自由。取而代之的是,她在家中被員警米克·布魯(Mick Blue)看守,並被迫戴上軟禁腳踝手鐲。羅米一個人一呆,她就在想一件事:射精。當她剛越獄的壞蛋男友范·懷爾德(Van Wylde)出現給她一個驚喜時,她開始用魔杖工作。 她興奮地炫耀她的新腳踝首飾,給范一個腳交,在他的雞巴上快速移動,他媽的就像她想被抓住一樣。米克聽到了噪音,決定進行調查。羅米試圖阻止米克進來,並拔出他的大雞巴。羅米印象深刻,把米克拉進她的房間,跳他的雞巴。羅米想要同時擁有兩根雞巴,並偷偷將范的雞巴帶入三人行。兩個人都忘記了他們在生活中的職業,享受著這個雙雞巴,而羅米則在兩次射精後想出了一種逃脫的方法。

Romi Rain 在 'Romi returnzz'

Romi Rain - Romi returnzz

Romi Rain 終於回到了 Brazzers,她一如既往地火辣和角質!烏鴉頭髮的寶貝希望讓她的回歸更加特別,為曼努埃爾·費拉拉 (Manuel Ferrara) 提供她美味的戰利品,曼努埃爾·費拉拉 (Manuel Ferrara) 歡迎她回來肛交!

Peta Jensen 在 '你怎麼能!最好的作弊'

Peta Jensen - 你怎麼能!最好的作弊

他們說作弊者永遠不會成功,但在 Brazzers 上卻不是這樣!我們在一個視頻中收集了一些我們最罪惡的熱門作弊時刻!享受。。。不要被抓住!

Peta Jensen 在 '呵呵呵!最好的假期'

Peta Jensen - 呵呵呵!最好的假期

現在是骯髒的季節,嘩啦坐在那隻公雞上。主演:安吉拉·懷特、羅米·雷恩、艾娃·亞當斯、妮可·安妮斯頓、佩塔·詹森、凱莎·格雷、珍娜·伊沃里、泰勒·尼克鬆、凱蘭·李、列維·卡什、米克·布魯和奧利弗·弗林。看看這個 Brazzers 最好的假期暨堆積,即使是聖誕老人也進入了頑皮的名單!

Karma Rx 在 '加油!最好的感官按摩'

Karma Rx - 加油!最好的感官按摩


Peta Jensen 在 '又熱又熱!最好的淋浴性愛'

Peta Jensen - 又熱又熱!最好的淋浴性愛

Brazzers 最好的寶貝在淋浴時被性交?是的,請。 我們整理了一些最性感、最狂野的淋浴場景,其中包括 Cherie DeVille、Luna Star、Skylar Novela 和 Peta Jensen 等辣妹比以往任何時候都更臟、更濕!

Ana Foxxx 在 '浸漬假期:第 2 部分'

Ana Foxxx - 浸漬假期:第 2 部分

在度假的第二天,卡利·卡特和她的丈夫決定在游泳池邊休息。卡利仍然想著做愛和懷孕,但她的丈夫很快就在游泳池邊睡著了。相反,卡利變成了一個偷窺狂,在游泳池裡偷窺一對性感的情侶(Ana Foxxx 和 Dante Colle),因為他們鬼混和做愛。事蹟完成後,卡利拚命地試圖為自己挽救一些但丁的精液。

Adriana Chechik 在 '彈出 - 最好的射精!'

Adriana Chechik - 彈出 - 最好的射精!

在激烈的硬核他媽的之後,是時候大放異彩了!這些性感的 Brazzers 寶貝迫不及待地想在這個史詩般的合輯中被最大的公雞精液澆灌,其中包括我們最偉大和最混亂的流行鏡頭!

Peta Jensen 在 '最好的 zz - 大學美女'

Peta Jensen - 最好的 zz - 大學美女


Demi Sutra 在 '塗油的陰戶遊戲'

Demi Sutra - 塗油的陰戶遊戲


Ana Foxxx 在 '自由使用者的自白'

Ana Foxxx - 自由使用者的自白

角質性治療師安娜·福克斯克斯(Ana Foxxx)在她的客戶斯科特·指甲(Scott Nails)和他的性感女友里安·裡德(Ryan Reid)到達之前,在她的辦公室撫摸她的陰部。當安娜問他們過得怎麼樣時,里安說她希望他們的性生活更辛辣。當斯科特透露他的扭結被忽略時,安娜建議瑞恩不要理他。斯科特起初很害羞,但在安娜的慫恿下,他脫下瑞恩的短褲,在她玩手機時吃她的陰部。安娜看著,忍不住又摸了摸自己。瑞恩告訴安娜她的願望:親吻另一個女人!安娜答應了,親吻瑞恩,斯科特用他堅硬的雞巴在兩個女人身上摩擦,自由地撫摸她們的奶子,而她們都不理他。然後斯科特在沙發上操他們,直到他把他的熱負荷射進他們的嘴裏。當他離開房間時,安娜告訴瑞恩甩掉斯科特......這樣她就可以擁有瑞恩了!

Cherie Deville 在 '交配遊戲:第1部分'

Cherie Deville - 交配遊戲:第1部分

歡迎來到Brazzers的色情明星約會節目《交配遊戲》的第1部分!我們有可愛的Luna Star在三個性感的神秘參賽者之間進行選擇:Ana Foxxx,Cherie Deville和Ebony Mystique。寶貝們盡其所能(或最壞?)說服露娜,他們珍貴的陰道值得她的愛和淫亂!Luna 從一些簡單的性格問題開始,看看氛圍是否正確,然後轉到棘手和的話題,以真正找到她的匹配。但似乎有些參賽者比盧娜更專注於彼此......也許是時候讓這個遊戲節目讓Hot And Mean找出一個真正的贏家,導致一個狂野的,腿部伸展,舔陰道,硬核剪刀式女同性戀三人組!在第1部分中,烏木可能會被擱置一旁,但請繼續關注第2部分中的內容!

Abigail Mac 在 '護理骨頭'

Abigail Mac - 護理骨頭

這是Brazzers的第一個VR場景!你躺在醫院的病床上,有一個不會消失的骨頭,但幸運的是,性感的護士阿比蓋爾·麥克(Abigail Mac)確切地知道該怎麼做。阿比蓋爾對大硬雞巴有豐富的經驗,並建議她用她的嘴和陰道來緩解你的癥狀。沒有什麼比健康的虛擬現實性愛更能讓你重新站起來了!如果您想瞭解您的設備是否相容,請訪問

Kali Roses 在 '一個非常角質的萬聖節'

Kali Roses - 一個非常角質的萬聖節

怪異而性感的演示安娜福克斯和卡利玫瑰變得如此角質, 當它是萬聖節季節, 他們不禁開始戲弄對方。兩個小魔鬼喜歡吃對方的貓和玩對方的山雀。他們令人髮指的性咒語召喚了兩個角的幼崽: 亞歷克斯傳奇和斯科特指甲。亞歷克斯和斯科特已經很難,並準備穿透女孩的渴望的洞,帶來了他們的脊椎發冷的,一個完全惡魔般的四人。

Abigail Mac 在 '當好亂搞邪惡'

Abigail Mac - 當好亂搞邪惡


Misty Stone 在 '綁上三人行驚喜'

Misty Stone - 綁上三人行驚喜

迷霧斯通認為她的男朋友凱爾梅森是出了家的一天,並已秘密邀請她的副手安娜福克斯過來做愛。迷霧有熱計劃, 把他們的女同性戀性愛到一個新的水準, 一個驚喜的錶帶。當凱爾出人意料地出現時, 迷霧很快就擺脫了他, 追求她活潑的幻想。但是,當迷霧姿勢安娜部分在毯子下,她的屁股和貓伸出來,凱爾的意外返回把綁帶上的驚喜變成一個驚喜三人行。

Abigail Mac 在 '阿比蓋爾麥克的雨'

Abigail Mac - 阿比蓋爾麥克的雨


Abigail Mac 在 '在老闆的周年紀念日打她'

Abigail Mac - 在老闆的周年紀念日打她

令人驚訝的性感阿比蓋爾Mac是興奮地走出辦公室,並滿足她的男朋友為他們的五周年約會。不幸的是, 那個男朋友在最後一刻取消了對她的影響, 讓她角質和工作生氣。阿比蓋爾的老闆,基蘭李,是在正確的時間在正確的地方,發現他性感的助手現在準備干他,而不是。你會喜歡看到阿比蓋爾在性感的紅色內衣佔主導地位,並採取基蘭的巨大傢伙!

Romi Rain 在 '羅米雨'

Romi Rain - 羅米雨

羅米雨看起來美味在明亮的鍛煉氨綸。她取笑我們一會兒, 炫耀她美麗的山雀, 屁股和貓, 然後在昆頓詹姆斯找到一個合適的鍛煉夥伴。昆頓開始工作, 撕開羅米的氨綸, 給她一個硬衝擊。羅米炫耀她無限的能量,因為她吸和亂搞昆頓滿意。在高大的樓梯上干東西可以拍一些熱的低角度照片。羅米結束了一切, 採取昆頓的大負荷在她的嘴裏, 玩暨。

Ana Foxxx 在 '看在狐狸的份上'

Ana Foxxx - 看在狐狸的份上

安娜福克斯使婦科醫生的旅行,讓她的緊貓看。手頭的陀螺儀是一個非常活潑和動手的桑德科爾武斯。桑德給安娜一個徹底的檢查, 用他的手指, 舌頭和公雞挖深, 放鬆, 貓了。他的方法很奇怪,但安娜不能與積極的結果爭辯!

Romi Rain 在 '瓦倫丁維森斯'

Romi Rain - 瓦倫丁維森斯

羅米雨和凱拉凱登看起來絕對在紅色乳膠, 給了我們一個理由來慶祝和愛情人節!要是我們像桑德·科武斯一樣幸運就行,他,經過一些熱的女同性戀動作,可以加入到三人行的樂趣中來,這讓我們都把這個日期記在我們的日曆上,成為我們永遠不會忘記的V日!

Ana Foxxx 在 '讓你成為我的賤人'

Ana Foxxx - 讓你成為我的賤人

嬌小的安娜福克斯回到家后,辛苦一天的工作,才發現房子一團糟,由她的女朋友,豐滿的傑扎貝爾維西爾。她要求傑扎貝爾在洗澡時打掃房子,但發現她在床上手淫。安娜決定控制情況, 給她骯髒, 行為不端的女朋友好他媽的你, 直到他們都暨超級硬。

Romi Rain 在 '克勞斯可以觀看'

Romi Rain - 克勞斯可以觀看

何浩!這是羅米雨和基蘭李的聖誕快樂,因為他們裝飾樹和打開禮物。基蘭禮物羅米一個華麗的糖果甘爾假陽具和角質夫婦跑上樓去操。他們沒有考慮到一個奇怪的聖誕老人闖進他們中間的工作, 雖然!看到聖誕老人, 羅米興奮地即興表演, 把快樂的老人綁在椅子上, 讓他看著她上床。基蘭的球被排幹后仍然角質, 羅米決定把聖誕老人也列入她頑皮的名單!

Abigail Mac 在 '大山雀嘗試運輸'

Abigail Mac - 大山雀嘗試運輸

布布愛好者不會出錯與令人愉快的阿比蓋爾 Mac 。她有兩個驚人的山雀,她知道如何使用它們。在這個場景中,阿比蓋爾在男友伊賽亞·麥克斯韋的眼皮底下嘗試不同的胸罩。被她那可皮的女朋友迷住了, 伊賽亞不能真正把它留在褲子裡。他取笑阿比蓋爾, 她很快就明白她兒子想要什麼。脫衣和骯髒的談話後, 幸運的伊賽亞, 阿比蓋爾確保她足夠濕, 歡迎他的雞巴。

Ana Foxxx 在 '小心處理'

Ana Foxxx - 小心處理

安娜福克斯快樂自己與屁股插頭的説明下, 戲弄她的混蛋和貓, 直到伊賽亞麥克斯韋驚喜她, 並蒙著眼睛遮住她的眼睛。伊賽亞把油倒在安娜的緊繃的身體,並接管,撕開她的褲襪,喂她他的大公雞,導致強烈的油性肛交!

Rachel Starr 在 '最好的胸罩快樂萬聖節。'

Rachel Starr - 最好的胸罩快樂萬聖節。

你喜歡你的性與怪異的一面嗎?服裝和吸血鬼的牙齒是你的東西嗎?那麼, 你與布拉澤斯最偉大的萬聖節時刻彙編的甜蜜款待!我們有一個熱的女巫, 惡魔和吸血者, 讓你抽搐!享受。。。如果你敢的話。

Anna Bell Peaks 在 '地球上的最後一個傢伙: 重新掌握。'

Anna Bell Peaks - 地球上的最後一個傢伙: 重新掌握。

約翰尼 · 辛斯已經昏迷了幾個月, 不知道世界末日已經消滅了地球上的所有其他人。在昏迷期間,他一直由四位不可思議的性感醫生——峰博士、雷恩醫生、安妮斯頓博士和斯塔爾醫生——精心照顧。決心讓這個珍貴的男人重新站起來,女士們已經投入了很多精力在他的健康 - 每個人都希望,當他醒來,他會感謝他們與他的大公雞。嗯, 約翰尼確實醒了, 公雞完好無損 — — 他很高興獎勵所有四位醫生的努力。

Abigail Mac 在 '雪邦:第3部分。'

Abigail Mac - 雪邦:第3部分。

兩對夫婦在山上聚會一周。本來應該是溫暖人心的團聚變成了性驅動的逃避。事情不能變得比在這個加冕情節更扭曲, 因為阿比蓋爾馬克斯和露娜明星聯手 - 和貓 - 充分利用他們的假期。他們密謀告訴他們各自的伴侶,小手和查理斯·德拉,他們背後所有的可恥的性行為。男人怎麼可能生他們的氣, 因為兩個女人只穿著伊芙的服裝承認了他們頑皮的罪行?懺悔迅速變成對四人一人不可抗拒的邀請。 女孩交換雞巴, 分享球和流口水對方在一個急需的和解。冬天可能很冷,冬天可以很殘酷,但在雪中,冬天是其中最熱的季節。

Abigail Mac 在 '雪邦:第 1 部分。'

Abigail Mac - 雪邦:第 1 部分。

兩對夫婦在山上聚會一周。本來應該是溫暖人心的團聚變成了性驅動的逃避。在第一集,我們遵循驚人的和永遠角質阿比蓋爾Mac。當她透露露娜·斯塔,他們要在小屋裡見面的老朋友露娜·斯塔,教她如何回到大學時代時,她震驚了她的丈夫查理斯·德拉。隨著兩對夫婦沉溺於季節性活動,緊張情緒加劇。當他們在按摩浴缸裡充電時, 阿比蓋爾和露娜偷偷地取笑對方。然而,當露娜的丈夫小手帶她去樹林里徒步旅行時,阿比蓋爾真的屈服於她的慾望。打雪仗后,兩個喘氣的辣妹越來越近了,又光著身子。沒過多久阿比蓋爾就跪了, 用她吐痰熱身小雞巴。一棵用冬衣填充的樹幹,為有光澤的女人鋪上完美的愛情床。在那裡,她張開雙腿。小磅阿比蓋爾的渴望貓與他所有可能。他知道該死的沒有人會聽到高潮的女士呻吟和尖叫。冬天可能很冷,冬天可以很殘酷,但在雪中,冬天是其中最熱的季節。

Abigail Mac 在 '揭開情婦的面紗。'

Abigail Mac - 揭開情婦的面紗。

即使豐滿的阿比蓋爾Mac是該地區最熱門的辣妹之一,她不忠的丈夫正在積極試圖欺騙她。不過,正如麥克夫人通過他的謊言網看到的,這個笑話就在他的網上。該名男子即將有一個性感的約會與嬌小的黑頭髮肯德拉黑桃。阿比有其他計畫, 用一點東西來喝她老公最喜歡的茶, 讓他睡一段時間。獨自和喚醒在她的臥室,肯德拉蒙上眼睛自己。當她開始感覺手放在全身時, 她很高興。她讓她神秘的客人窒息,用手指指著她。當她發現受騙的妻子自己接管了丈夫的工作時,她感到多麼驚訝。醜聞使阿比蓋爾和肯德拉更加接近。隨之而來的性愛是狂野的, 因為它得到。

Abella Danger 在 '最好的胸罩: 色情手錶回來'

Abella Danger - 最好的胸罩: 色情手錶回來

唯一比看色情片更好的東西是什麼?你猜對了: 看色情片, 讓最性感的表演者直接和你說話...是的, 你!看著我們的寶貝得到打開和搞砸相機,同時直接與我們的會員連接,因為我們的女孩唯一喜歡的甚至比公雞是他們的角質球迷!

Abigail Mac 在 '鎚子向下擦'

Abigail Mac - 鎚子向下擦


Cali Carter 在 '最好的胸罩:按摩狂熱'

Cali Carter - 最好的胸罩:按摩狂熱

如果每個人都能同意一件事,那就是世界上沒有什麼比好的按摩...特別是如果它有一個快樂的結局!為了您的觀賞樂趣,我們收集了一些最熱、最油、最滿意的按摩服務,這些按摩服務將在 Brazzers 上展示。享受,但不要拉肌肉!

Abigail Mac 在 '最好的胸罩:鍛煉'

Abigail Mac - 最好的胸罩:鍛煉


Alena Croft 在 '最好的胸罩:最卑鄙的女同性戀'

Alena Croft - 最好的胸罩:最卑鄙的女同性戀


Abigail Mac 在 '四季的情婦'

Abigail Mac - 四季的情婦


Aletta Ocean 在 '最好的胸罩:麥迪森常春藤'

Aletta Ocean - 最好的胸罩:麥迪森常春藤


Abigail Mac 在 '正文交換'

Abigail Mac - 正文交換


Romi Rain 在 '她斜拉'

Romi Rain - 她斜拉

性感的Romi Rain炫耀她的砰砰的胸圍在一個吸煙的熱蛇皮服裝之前,得到斯科特尼爾的大,硬迪克的味道。

Monique Alexander 在 '床的另一面'

Monique Alexander - 床的另一面


Monique Alexander 在 '與色情明星的一天:莫妮克亞歷山大'

Monique Alexander - 與色情明星的一天:莫妮克亞歷山大

又來了!一天與色情明星返回,這一次與熱AF BTS鏡頭令人垂涎的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線莫尼克亞歷山大!莫尼克回答你所有最緊迫的問題,並分享一些蒸汽的秘密之前,下來和骯髒的一個,只有基蘭李!

Abigail Mac 在 '性愛場面的解剖2'

Abigail Mac - 性愛場面的解剖2

在Brazzers場景中,房屋中沒有哪個區域比淋浴更重要,那麼誰能比Abigail Mac更好地引導您完成這套看似一眼的標準浴室部分的多用途使用?從經典的即將上班的丈夫論爭到使用浴簾的多個近乎捉摸的場景,阿比蓋爾與Small Hands一起精心策劃了完美的“早晨起床”場景,偷偷溜進屋子……好,真的重要嗎?

Abigail Mac 在 '琥珀在山上:第2部分'

Abigail Mac - 琥珀在山上:第2部分


Ana Foxxx 在 '腳飛碟'

Ana Foxxx - 腳飛碟

安娜·福克斯(Ana Foxxx)已預訂“小手”按摩,因為她被告知他具有特殊的雙腳處理能力。不過,安娜確實只是個戀物癖,希望有人撫摸她的腳,這樣她才能下車。幸運的是,Small Hands具有相同的紐結,當他向Ana展示Ana獨特的腳部按摩時,這是他其他常規按摩設置的一部分,事情很快就升級為包括其他更親密的身體部位-包括Ana的屁股,Small Hands熱情地用磅重與他的硬公雞。

Monique Alexander 在 '倒計時到公雞'

Monique Alexander - 倒計時到公雞

莫妮克·亞歷山大(Monique Alexander)和她的妻子正準備參加親密的除夕慶祝活動。莫妮克(Monique)只滿足於在兩個人中度過新年,但她的妻子還有其他計劃,並以終極的新年禮物-斯科特·奈爾斯(Scott Nails)的大而厚的公雞感到驚訝。

Abigail Mac 在 '在她的房間裡服務'

Abigail Mac - 在她的房間裡服務

Sexy Abigail Mac正處於緊張的商務旅行中,她知道如何擺脫工作。回到旅館房間後,她洗了個熱水澡,然後在房間裡被按摩師曼努埃爾(Manuel)招呼。她需要的只是感官按摩。

Romi Rain 在 '霓虹雨'

Romi Rain - 霓虹雨

羅米·雷恩(Romi Rain)在霓虹燈的雨水下跳舞時,身著幾乎沒有泳衣和完全透明的雨衣,展現出完美無瑕的身體。當伊西亞·麥克斯韋(Isiah Maxwell)登場時,她知道自己該死的很好!

Abigail Mac 在 '刺客刺客使我們分開'

Abigail Mac - 刺客刺客使我們分開

阿比蓋爾·麥克(Abigail Mac)和她的丈夫米克·布魯(Mick Blue)都是暗中暗殺者,他們總是要抬頭看。不過,最近,他們彼此之間變得懷疑,阿比蓋爾(Abigail)決定確切地找出她的丈夫是誰。當這種緊張關係化為烏有之時,他們發現自己和願意結婚的地方有了全新的面貌,這與淫穢的肛門慾望有關,這給“刺客”帶來了全新的強調。

Romi Rain 在 '發現她的屁股'

Romi Rain - 發現她的屁股

私人教練Xander Corvus無法專注於自己的工作,因為性感的健身愛好者Romi Rain總是用多汁的大屁股來吸引他。 Romi嘲笑正在照顧客戶的Xander,直到他再也無法忍受為止–培訓師偷偷地操了Romi,而他繼續盡最大努力為客戶提供指導。

Abigail Mac 在 '第一印像很重要'

Abigail Mac - 第一印像很重要

第一印像很重要,Abigail Mac確實希望她的新同事喜歡她。作為新任秘書,以盡一切可能的方式協助同胞是她的工作。斯科特·奈爾斯(Scott Nails)立即吸引了新員工,並對她的無私幫助他深感興趣。很快,阿比蓋爾就在辦公室中間吮吸他的大公雞!這真的是您期望大公司使用的適當的辦公室禮節嗎?斯科特(Scott)的同事不這麼認為,他直接向人力資源部報告。斯科特被解僱之前,他將不得不在阿比蓋爾漂亮的臉蛋上全力以赴!

Angela White 在 '布拉茨伯茨:起義第4部分'

Angela White - 布拉茨伯茨:起義第4部分

Brazzibots Uprising傳奇的最後一章。 Angela和Xander在他們潛入Brazzibot工廠時互相找到了對方。現在,團聚,他們必須完成他們的開始!當他們遇到陰險的布拉齊伯特領導人羅米雨時,他們到達指揮中心並準備設置炸彈。它不會像他們預期的那樣容易,但是健康的一輪他媽的工作將完成!當Xander播種炸彈時,Angela和Romi以一種感性的方式對抗它。在這場辣妹之戰中,誰會出局?

Abigail Mac 在 '填充她的投票箱'

Abigail Mac - 填充她的投票箱

阿比蓋爾·麥克(Abigail Mac)將在即將舉行的選舉中自豪地履行她的公民義務並投票,但事實證明,很少有事情能夠讓她更多地參與政治。當阿比蓋爾在民意調查結束前不久到達時,她注意到在她面前排隊的笨拙的Xander Corvus。當阿比蓋爾輕推她的方式排在第二位時,她抓住機會,在她旁邊的Xander旁邊的投票室里以令人震驚的自信來取笑他。最初猶豫不決的Xander擔心他的選票被寵壞了,但阿比蓋爾的性感進步使他得出的結論是,行使他的民主自由意味著填充一個不同類型的投票箱。

Monique Alexander 在 '跳舞骯髒'

Monique Alexander - 跳舞骯髒

悶燒的seductress莫妮克亞歷山大將一個幸運的脫衣舞俱樂部人群對待一個吸煙的熱舞舞蹈和性感的地板常規,一直在她的熱情的客戶冷酷,現金耙。經過一段時間的剝離,大花錢的Danny D抓住了她的眼睛,她決定給他最終的VIP體驗。

Abigail Mac 在 'Rent-A-Pornstar:一天的妻子'

Abigail Mac - Rent-A-Pornstar:一天的妻子

邁克爾·拉斯維加斯嚴厲但溺愛母親多年來一直糾纏著他結婚,最近他驚慌失措地說,他私奔,並與他的新妻子幸福地生活在一起,當然這位新妻子並不存在。一個驚慌失措的邁克爾決定給ZZ Rent-A-Pornstar服務打電話僱用一個妻子一天,而性感的,極度角質的阿比蓋爾Mac就接聽了電話。雖然阿比蓋爾看起來很健康,但她的直覺快速接管了,她選擇將她的服務範圍擴大到一個更加親力親為的領域。

Romi Rain 在 '努力工作,他媽的更難'

Romi Rain - 努力工作,他媽的更難


Madison Ivy 在 'Lapdancer的最後笑聲'

Madison Ivy - Lapdancer的最後笑聲


Romi Rain 在 '在池邊搗亂'

Romi Rain - 在池邊搗亂

Romi Rain搖搖她的乳房,在一個淺水池中晃動她的屁股,等待Ricky Johnson來到她的深處堅持他的硬雞巴......是時候弄濕了!

Monique Alexander 在 '公雞在彈出窗口'

Monique Alexander - 公雞在彈出窗口


Abigail Mac 在 '池畔事件'

Abigail Mac - 池畔事件


Monique Alexander 在 '你有多想要它'

Monique Alexander - 你有多想要它

為什麼莫妮克·亞歷山大在工作中獲得良好的高潮真是太難了!?當兩位睜大眼睛的申請人到ZZ公司接受采訪時,Monique認為她終於找到了她祈禱的答案。她把這兩個男人放下來,拿出她胖大的胖子,問一個簡單的問題......“你想要這份工作有多糟糕?” Bambino迎接挑戰,讓Monique成為她渴望的夢想 - 他得到了這份工作,Monique得到了暨。這是雙贏的!

Romi Rain 在 'Jordi法官:關於贍養費的肛門'

Romi Rain - Jordi法官:關於贍養費的肛門

名人正義Jordi ENP是成功的法庭真人秀“Jordi法官”的明星,在那裡他解決了從輕微的財產糾紛到高調離婚的案件。然而,Jordi是一個完全笨手笨腳的地方法官,他沒有意識到他的表演的受歡迎程度是由於他的無能。當憤怒的Romi Rain走進Jordi與前夫對面的法庭以解決關於無償贍養費的分數時,事情很快陷入瘋狂,迫使Jordi採取意外行動,他媽的Romi的屁股。

Monique Alexander 在 '遙控老闆'

Monique Alexander - 遙控老闆


Abigail Mac 在 '在房地產銷售釘牢'

Abigail Mac - 在房地產銷售釘牢

Abigail Mac和她的丈夫,以及獨立的古董獵人Keiran Lee,已經出現了房地產銷售。當每個人都被貼上要貼上物品的貼紙時,Keiran會立即被阿比蓋爾吸引,他們在家裡見面時會立即檢查。然而,當每個人都發現充滿性玩具的好奇心時,基伊蘭開始大聲宣稱每個人都為自己辯護。雖然她的丈夫感到羞愧,但Keiran很感興趣,很快就開始了。事實證明,阿比蓋爾真正想稱的珍貴物品是凱蘭的陰莖。

Monique Alexander 在 '角質主婦的水療中心'

Monique Alexander - 角質主婦的水療中心

Monique Alexander的丈夫說服她休息一天,參觀著名的Horny Housewives水療中心。當Monique感到舒服的時候,她的丈夫在雙面鏡子後面與Xander Corvus會面,討論他希望妻子接受什麼樣的服務...... Monique的丈夫安頓下來,看著他的妻子得到了她一直渴望的東西......小小的和平與放鬆......哦,還有Xander在她緊屁股上巨大而多汁的陰莖!

Abigail Mac 在 '一個骯髒的紀律的劑量'

Abigail Mac - 一個骯髒的紀律的劑量

阿比蓋爾·麥克(Abigail Mac)已經接受了泰勒·尼克松(Tyler Nixon)的破壞性行為,並在課後讓他保持下去。阿比蓋爾認為,接觸泰勒的最佳方式是讓他嘗試自己的藥物,與他交換位置,因為當他試圖在課堂前完成他的演講時給予墊片困難。當泰勒沒有認真對待她時,阿比蓋爾將其提升了一個檔次,讓他開始工作。阿比蓋爾無法保持自己的雙手,拉出泰勒的傢伙,同時指示她繼續工作,同時享受一些樂趣。當阿比蓋爾想要的不僅僅是取笑她的學生時,她糟透了,並在教室裡亂搞泰勒的硬公雞!那會教他的!

Bridgette B 在 '親愛的,這不是你的想法!'

Bridgette B - 親愛的,這不是你的想法!

布里奇特早上下班回家,在一個下午的性愛中讓男朋友大吃一驚。她知道的很少,他剛剛完成他媽的Romi並且即將開始第二輪。 Romi躲在壁櫥裡,但Bridgette嗅出她的時間並不長。送完男友後,布里奇特接受了自己教給羅米的一些尊重 - 用她濕潤多汁的貓玩!

Abigail Mac 在 '角質與危險:身份被盜'

Abigail Mac - 角質與危險:身份被盜

經過幾個月的努力,阿比蓋爾馬克已經與她不知情的配偶適應了她的新家庭生活。她扮演完美的家庭主婦,直到賞金獵人Damon Dice跟踪她。阿比蓋爾決定繼續保持自由女性,並願意做任何事情來安撫達蒙。再加上它已經有一段時間了,因為她有一個適當的他媽的......但這足以讓她的身份保密嗎?

Jane Wilde 在 'HOE-TEL'

Jane Wilde - HOE-TEL

莫妮克亞歷山大正在回到她甜蜜的愛人的懷抱中,但一場意想不到的暴風雨將她帶到一個骯髒的汽車旅館。似乎被擱淺不夠糟糕,似乎汽車旅館的某個人對Monique採取了不同尋常的興趣。當莫妮克發現她被這位活潑的接待員簡·王爾德(Jane Wilde)監視並受其折磨時,她意識到她必須教給偷偷摸摸的小偷窺者一個她不會很快忘記的教訓。

Romi Rain 在 '飢餓的春天破壞者:第2部分'

Romi Rain - 飢餓的春天破壞者:第2部分

當Romi Rain的丈夫發現她在睡著的時候操了一個兄弟會男孩時,他把她從汽車旅館的房間裡踢出來並告訴她找回自己的回家路。除了她的內衣之外什麼都沒有,膽小的春天破壞者Van Wylde為她提供了使用他的房間來改變。然而,Romi仍然對性有興趣,而且她意識到Van已經成熟了,她決定通過被另一個兄弟會男孩搞砸來保持她的新春假傳統活著,這次是在屁股上,令人沮喪的是她的丈夫!

Abigail Mac 在 'BrazziBots:第2部分'

Abigail Mac - BrazziBots:第2部分

亞歷克斯傳奇給他的妻子Abigail Mac帶來了特別的禮物; Brazzibot Nicolette Shea!阿比蓋爾不太高興他在機器人上砸了這麼多錢;直到Nicolette開始做晚餐。當尼可萊特做飯時,阿比蓋爾放鬆並閱讀一本雜誌。她知道的很少,Nicolette讓她的丈夫忙著口交......那天晚上,Abigail穿著性感的內衣感謝Alex。他們在床上閒逛,直到他們意識到Nicolette正在從門口看。阿比蓋爾心煩意亂,直到尼科萊特走過來,展示她振動的手指功能。這對夫婦情不自禁地享受他們新的Brazzibot,而他們的Brazzibot也非常喜歡他們......或者她呢?

Romi Rain 在 '飢餓的春季破碎機:第1部分'

Romi Rain - 飢餓的春季破碎機:第1部分

Romi Rain和她的丈夫希望一起在佛羅里達度過一個浪漫的周末,但他們在春假期間預訂了一個假期! Romi的丈夫無法忍受隔壁Xander Corvus'兄弟會派對的聲音,所以Romi試圖通過為他滑入一些性感內衣來消除他的想法。然而,她的丈夫無法忍受所有的噪音,並決定去給兄弟會男孩們一點心思。當他回來後,在沒有能夠訓練彈簧斷路器後沮喪,他前往淋浴,然後進入睡眠狀態,獨自離開角質Romi。她決定支付兄弟會男孩Xander的訪問,並決定與他一起私人性愛派對!

Monique Alexander 在 '希望假陽具'

Monique Alexander - 希望假陽具


Monique Alexander 在 '免費按摩'

Monique Alexander - 免費按摩

Xander Corvus經過長途飛行後已經登記入住他的酒店,並在第二天安排了一次重要的商務會議,他想要做的就是休息一下。但首先,他決定通過自慰來放鬆身心。然而敲門聲震驚了他,他驚訝地發現莫妮克亞歷山大在那裡說她在這裡進行補充按摩。 Xander隱藏著他那堅硬的陰莖並將她送走,但當他走出一些冰塊時,他又回來發現Monique已經偷偷溜進他的房間裡並擺好桌子。在他最初的震驚之後,Xander安頓下來進行按摩,當Monique在他的房間的電視機上播放一部色情電影時,他才進一步震驚 - 這是她主演的。

Romi Rain 在 '其他的女人'

Romi Rain - 其他的女人

Romi Rain與她的男孩玩具Keiran Lee發生性關係,向他發送了內衣照片。在她被門鈴打斷之前,她度過了愉快的時光。羅米走到門口,驚訝地發現了凱蘭婚禮的結婚邀請函。她穿上外套衝到Keiran的房子裡面對他。當Romi將他嚼出來時,他的未婚妻走到門口,邀請她進去。 Romi因為Keiran的未婚夫炫耀她的訂婚戒指而受苦,直到她不能再拿走它並上樓去拼湊自己。當Romi受到控制時,Keiran溜進房間並抓住她的屁股。在他離開市場之前,Romi會不會給Kei蘭最後一次?

Abigail Mac 在 '感官誘惑'

Abigail Mac - 感官誘惑

Abigail Mac引誘Danny D帶著感性的脫衣舞。他用百元鈔票獎勵她的努力。如果他們繼續前來,阿比蓋爾可能會讓丹尼嘗試一下她賣的東西......

Abigail Mac 在 '測試她的濃度3'

Abigail Mac - 測試她的濃度3

阿比蓋爾對她的求職面試感到緊張,並願意做任何事情來完成工作。當她的採訪者告訴她,他們將測試她在分散注意力的情況下集中註意力的能力時,她接受了挑戰!她很少知道斯科特·尼爾斯會用他的硬公雞塞滿她的嘴,並在她回答問題時玩弄她的乳頭。從來沒有人能夠從挑戰中退縮,阿比蓋爾給出了一生的表現 - 她會得到這份工作嗎?

Monique Alexander 在 '放手!'

Monique Alexander - 放手!


Ana Foxxx 在 '服務和保護那個貓!'

Ana Foxxx - 服務和保護那個貓!

偵探Ana Foxxx和Johnny Sins正試圖逮捕一名重罪犯,但這位鬼鬼祟祟的罪犯卻將Ana扣為人質,導致對峙。約翰尼反而把自己當作人質,當安娜被釋放時,她用性感的身體分散了他的注意力並將他拉下來!一旦被捕,安娜就會以他媽的一生的方式獎勵她勇敢的伴侶!

Abigail Mac 在 '公雞和硬地之間'

Abigail Mac - 公雞和硬地之間

Abigail Mac喜歡被人嘲笑,但是她錯過了她那些沉悶的日子,充滿了前男友的大雞巴。 Keiran Lee對Abigail繼續前進很好,因為在內心深處,他知道無論如何都會想要品嚐他的陰莖!當阿比蓋爾抓住Keiran偷走她的一些內褲作為紀念品時,她決定欺騙她的新丈夫並將最後一個邋blow的口交洗出來。浴室裡鬼鬼祟祟他媽的很難,但在餐桌下他媽的偷偷摸摸的舌頭更難!與她的丈夫在幾英尺遠的地方,Keiran舔她的濕陰部,直到他們有自己的房間!然後,他真的提醒阿比蓋爾,她用一個堅硬的貓咪衝擊和奶油般的面部表情失去了什麼!

Elsa Jean 在 'Pornisity'

Elsa Jean - Pornisity


Abigail Mac 在 '角質與危險:林的生活'

Abigail Mac - 角質與危險:林的生活

Xander Corvus試圖與女友一起度過一個安靜的夜晚,當時一則令人震驚的警方報導稱,一名逃脫的角質犯人從他的汽車收音機中咆哮出來。他的女朋友很緊張,但當Abigail Mac穿上她的監獄制服,褲子被扔到地上時,絕對嚇壞了! Xander目瞪口呆,但堅持到處看看這是怎麼回事,他的女孩跑了,所以他準備他媽的!回到他的車庫裡,Xander將阿比蓋爾彎曲在他的跑車上並將她完美的屁股擴散到更好的地方,以便更好地填充她的緊身陰部,它可以採取所有的硬公雞!抓住她的大乳房,同時她在他身上流口水,足以讓Xander越過邊緣,卸下她漂亮的臉!

Monique Alexander 在 '一小時攝影'

Monique Alexander - 一小時攝影

豐滿的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線莫妮克亞歷山大喜歡拍攝自己的性感挑釁照片,因為她自己玩的那些鏡頭會賺到一筆可觀的現金,她最終可以支付Xander Corvus的一半租金。但是當Xander開始窺探並且滿眼他的紅頭髮室友的裸體時,他開始抽搐 - 而Monique抓住了他!她看到的是什麼是他的包裝,這是很公平的,這是一個很大的問題! Mon cock cock Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon Mon但Xander還沒有完成她,將他的大雞巴深深地塞進她多汁的屁股,他伸出她直到Monique充滿了肛門餅!

Monique Alexander 在 '不服從女主人'

Monique Alexander - 不服從女主人

像莫妮克亞歷山大這樣的女人需要經常性交,而她丈夫的性慾幾乎無法跟上。 Keiran Lee幾個月來一直在清理亞歷山大夫人的房子,她所做的只是對他不好。因此,謹慎對待風,他撕下她優雅的衣服,得到一口那些大的假山雀,並填補她緊緊的陰部,她可以採取的每一寸報復!當Monique在那個巨大的陰莖上工作時,她的甜美口交嘴唇,更加強硬的Keiran喉嚨亂搞她漂亮的嘴巴。用他的舌頭清理她的濕貓,管家把他老闆的妻子填滿了雞巴的邊緣,在最後一秒鐘拉出來給她華麗的臉上釉!現在這是一個棘手的情況。

Ana Foxxx 在 '滴球'

Ana Foxxx - 滴球

馬庫斯·杜普里這些日子並沒有多少出場,但是當他這麼做的時候,他正在為俱樂部最獨特的舞蹈投入大筆資金。只需看一眼黑檀木美女Ana Foxxx的金色蘸奶和濃密的屁股僅限最優質的會員!但是當馬庫斯進來參加比賽時,這意味著他正在滑動她的緊屁股內的每一寸巨型公雞,直到安娜在整個房間裡噴射!在他伸出每一個洞的時候吮吸她的小乳房正是Markus在辦公室度過了漫長的一天后所需要的,但每次推力都讓他更接近Ana她真正想要的東西 - 他的溫暖負荷噴灑在她多汁的戰利品上!

Monique Alexander 在 '好Ol'時尚美國他媽的'

Monique Alexander - 好Ol'時尚美國他媽的

隨著這一切在世界上發生,莫妮克亞歷山大隻是想表現出對部隊的一些讚賞 - 通過讓私人約翰尼城堡在她丈夫面前將自己的權利交給她!有了那個在燒烤爐上烤著熏肉的威妮,這個被油漆過的蕩婦正吞噬著約翰尼的每一寸大雞巴,在兩者之間撒上一點點滴滴。一個小小的砰砰聲讓莫妮克變得濕潤,但她的讚賞和她那多汁的屁股一樣大,約翰尼用他的巨大的陰莖填滿了邊緣!欺騙他的朋友的妻子不是約翰尼認為他今天會做的事情,而是在溫暖的面部表情中上釉她美麗的臉龐,這是摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線永遠需要的美國精神!

Monique Alexander 在 '兩個探戈'

Monique Alexander - 兩個探戈

基蘭剛搬到隔壁有一對健康的夫婦莫妮克和她的丈夫。當他開箱時,他會跳到他們的地方借用一把錘子,那就是當他發現莫妮克的調皮小秘密 - 她的月光作為脫衣舞孃!當她的丈夫在工作時,這個偷偷摸摸的妻子在家裡練習她的舞蹈常規。當基蘭抓住間諜時,莫尼克與他達成協議 - 如果他不會告訴她的丈夫關於她頑皮的跳舞習慣,她會告訴他究竟有多骯髒。

Abigail Mac 在 '雙性戀新娘'

Abigail Mac - 雙性戀新娘


Monique Alexander 在 '色情明星大會滲透'

Monique Alexander - 色情明星大會滲透

Xander感到有點緊張。他一直在排隊,希望能看到莫尼克,他們恰好在大會上簽名。當他終於輪到他時,莫尼克認為他可以幫助她,而她整天與其他纏著她的書呆子交往。所以她決定把他帶到展位後面進行一次小小的VIP旅遊。 Xander可以首先回饋他最喜歡的色情明星,首先是在簽名時簽下她的陰戶。莫妮克再也忍受不了了,所以現在是時候讓Xander加強他的職責,並帶著莫妮克進行一場色情片大會。

Monique Alexander 在 '莫妮克的邪惡網絡'

Monique Alexander - 莫妮克的邪惡網絡


Abigail Mac 在 '角質和危險:結合訪問'

Abigail Mac - 角質和危險:結合訪問

公雞餓死的罪犯Abigail Mac在收到Johnny Sins的一封情書時被鎖起來並孤獨無援。約翰尼表達了他對她的愛,並概述了一個計劃。如果阿比蓋爾同意與他結婚,他們將有資格進行夫妻訪視。阿比蓋爾熱情地表示同意,約翰尼在監獄裡拜訪她,因為在阿比蓋爾監獄看守的監視下,一些曖昧的丈夫和妻子時間到了。

Moriah Mills 在 '拍賣公雞'

Moriah Mills - 拍賣公雞

羅米是一位骯髒富有的社交名媛,對丈夫(和她的男孩玩具)感到厭倦,現在她想通過一個色情明星來把事情弄上一個檔次。 Romi在拍賣會上找到了她的色情明星經歷,她最喜歡的色情明星米克藍被拍賣。不幸的是,還有另一個社交名流試圖與Romi競爭購買Mick。沒有人讓一個敵人得到她最好的,Romi出價直到她贏了。這個鬼鬼祟祟的婊子莫里亞還有其他計劃,並且賄賂拍賣人以找出米克被交付到哪裡,這樣她就可以在那裡擊敗羅米,並擁有自己的一些先發製人的樂趣。當羅米到達享受她的待遇時,她對Moriah有一種口味感到非常憤怒,並且兩次鬥嘴直到Moriah能夠用Mick的大公雞分散Romi的注意力。對於一個好媽媽來說,這兩個女人是一個吸血鬼(吮吸和嘲弄他們進入Mick的青睞),直到米克給出了他們每個人的目標。

Abigail Mac 在 'Xander的世界巡迴賽 - 第4集'

Abigail Mac - Xander的世界巡迴賽 - 第4集

ZZ後面的公雞在他的加利福尼亞豪宅里與Xander見面,看看活著的傳奇人物如何度過他的一天。原來它被美麗的一群美女包圍著。 Xander給我們獨家訪問他奢華的生活方式。阿比蓋爾,吉娜和莉娜試圖說服Xander給他一個最後的告別他媽的。他準備好讓這個謝幕記住 - 最後一個傳奇狂歡!

Romi Rain 在 'Xander的世界巡迴賽 - 第3集'

Romi Rain - Xander的世界巡迴賽 - 第3集

20世紀90年代,Xander的名氣和財富突然停止。看到一個傢伙和他的傢伙一起彈吉他獨奏,沒有人會很有興趣。像羅米這樣的年輕明星正在崛起,這使得桑德爾黯然失色。當他的標籤在最後一次世界巡迴演出中復活時,Xander不確定他會活著。幸運的是,他在最不可能的地方找到了救贖 - 羅米雨的混蛋。

Monique Alexander 在 '這些靴子是他媽的'

Monique Alexander - 這些靴子是他媽的

Monique發現現場的男性天賦陷入交通堵塞之後,至少還有半個小時的時間裡,他不會讓這個男孩定下來。飢渴如飢似渴的莫尼克尋求幫助她解決問題的人。當服裝助手馬庫斯(Markus)被派去照亮她的大腿高皮靴時,她進入了完全的誘惑模式 - 也許他有幾分鐘的時間在她的屁股上操她?

Ana Foxxx 在 '大負荷2'

Ana Foxxx - 大負荷2


Abigail Mac 在 '只是不要操老闆的女兒'

Abigail Mac - 只是不要操老闆的女兒


Romi Rain 在 '流浪的手'

Romi Rain - 流浪的手

Romi是按摩業的熱門所有者,她的學生Xander即將結束訓練。他已經被老闆吸引了一會兒,想要在期末考試時做出這個動作 - 畢竟這是他最後一次見到她了。偷偷摸摸的Xander在按摩過程中讓雙手徘徊,儘管他的老闆剛開始有些緊張,但是一旦發現自己能夠感覺到自己有多好,他就會呻吟一聲。

Madison Ivy 在 '1 800電話性別:8號線'

Madison Ivy - 1 800電話性別:8號線

為了慶祝麥迪遜在辦公室的第一個星期,1-800-Phone-Sex的工作人員希望有一些樂趣。約翰尼從他的單身派對打電話來,這個活潑的三人不能放棄這個機會。現在是時候讓Johnny的最後一個自由的夜晚 - 一個熱熱氣騰騰的房子!

Monique Alexander 在 '1 800電話性別:7號線'

Monique Alexander - 1 800電話性別:7號線


Abigail Mac 在 '角質和危險'

Abigail Mac - 角質和危險

公雞餓死的罪犯阿比蓋爾麥克在林中,並尋找一個大多汁的公雞。她遇到了約翰尼·辛斯(Johnny Sins),看到他在他的車上工作。阿比蓋爾需要釋放所有她被壓抑的監獄激情,但她沒有時間了...

Romi Rain 在 '無人機骨'

Romi Rain - 無人機骨

Van在他的大學城市規劃課程中做了更多的工作,不僅花了幾個小時的時間在他的最新項目上工作,他還投資了一架無人機研究城鎮周圍的不同街區。凡凡想要的是他的GPA ...直到他可靠的無人機在她的後院窺探性感的Romi曬黑。當Romi用機器抓住Vanpeeping的時候,她把無人駕駛飛機作為人質,使他無法拒絕年輕人的提議。

Monique Alexander 在 'Pinkblot測試'

Monique Alexander - Pinkblot測試

年輕的角質大學生馬庫斯(Markus)第一次走進亞歷山大醫生的辦公室,他不知道長達一個小時的療程會有什麼期望。經過特別揭示的墨跡測試,亞歷山大博士認為,馬庫斯將受益於一些“身臨其境的治療” - 在她的經驗,一個緊密,多汁的陰部可以做一個年輕人的心理健康的奇蹟!

Ava Addams 在 '辦公室4  - 戲劇:聖誕節獎金'

Ava Addams - 辦公室4 - 戲劇:聖誕節獎金


Elsa Jean 在 '撞球'

Elsa Jean - 撞球

當艾爾莎的朋友把她拉進鄰居家的泳池時,她猶豫了 - 她甚至沒有穿泳衣!如果他們被抓住會發生什麼?艾爾莎的朋友保證沒有什麼可擔心的。這只是一個天真的樂趣,瓊斯先生幾乎沒有家!然而,他的新婚莫妮克卻非常清醒,並且非常樂意與侵入者走到一起。艾爾莎的朋友跑到山上會發生什麼事情,讓她處理他們不良行為的後果?

Aaliyah Hadid 在 'Exxxceptions:Episode 6'

Aaliyah Hadid - Exxxceptions:Episode 6

好賤人貝利和她的新朋友約翰尼從邪惡蕩婦莫妮克和八月運行。在一輛驚險的汽車追逐之後,邪惡的Sl have將他們困在一個廢棄的倉庫裡。 Luna露臉的好妓女救了Bailey,但救援任務變成了一個有競爭力的四個女孩狂歡,讓Bailey想知道她是否會對邪惡的一面有更多的樂趣。

Abigail Mac 在 '艱難的“核心”培訓'

Abigail Mac - 艱難的“核心”培訓

我們撣掉了以前的VHS,為您帶來了Brazzers健身迷失的經典 - 艱難的'Core'訓練。加入您的主機阿比蓋爾Mac和卡特里娜翡翠,因為他們旋轉卡路里!卡特里娜和阿比蓋爾相信,如果你遵循他們簡單的技巧和竅門,你很快就會擁有那個搖搖欲墜的色情明星。在健身大師Johnny Sins的幫助下,隨著經驗豐富的職業選手炫耀這種鍛煉將會得到怎樣的強硬,他們已經準備好將這種鍛煉過度地推向高速。所以一定要保持充足的水分,並有足夠的手淫,你會立即看到色情明星!*(*您的結果可能會有所不同。巴斯夫人不保證手淫會給你一個星星的身體)。

August Ames 在 'Exxxceptions:Episode 4'

August Ames - Exxxceptions:Episode 4

吹了一個脫衣舞俱樂部後,莫妮克出去尋找她的下一個邪惡的快感。 8月份,一位富有的家庭主婦從一個僻靜的一個月的瑜伽撤退中返回,還沒有學會“失踪”,拿起莫妮克在路邊搭便車,兩個女人成了朋友。八月初一,開明的八月,渴望打動她的“一號女孩迷戀”,嘗試新鮮事物,包括用她全新的bestie打出一個自行車吧,幾乎把自己的生活Xander只想找到自己心愛的女朋友的人。

Monique Alexander 在 'Exxxceptions:Episode 3'

Monique Alexander - Exxxceptions:Episode 3

隨著周圍的混亂和動盪,倖存的女性(Exxxceptions)必須找到適應的方法。對於一些人,如卡利和阿麗雅,他們已經適應了英雄。對於像莫尼克這樣的人來說,這個後消失的世界是一個探索她黑暗面的機會。在混亂和墮落的狂歡中,莫妮克很容易地接受了她作為一個惡棍般的脫衣舞孃的角色 - 嘲弄和戲弄所有夢想擁有她的男人。她興高采烈地看著他們打架,經過一場誘人的舞蹈(充滿了對更多錢的要求),她為他們提供了一個偶然的機會,煽動兩名男子上陣。勝利者來收集他的獎品,她給他他生活中的熱(他可能是他的最後)。

Romi Rain 在 '交易方:第2部分'

Romi Rain - 交易方:第2部分

Romi想成為一個好女朋友,在昨晚的交易之後,她真的需要做得更好。但是,她的女朋友的兒子Xander是一個怎麼樣的男人? Romi有最好的意圖 - 一個快速的淋浴,然後出去與她的女孩浪漫的早午餐 - 但快速南下(一路南,直到Romi的嘴圍繞著Xander的公雞)。真正的問題是,他們可以在被抓之前快速,

Aubrey Black 在 '交易雙方:第1部分'

Aubrey Black - 交易雙方:第1部分

羅米和奧布里是一對快樂的女同性戀夫婦,直到奧布里的兒子到來提供一些誘惑。自然有好奇心的羅米不禁要在他拔出大公雞的時候試一試。然而,奧布里在中途口交時絆倒了他們的熱氣。 Romi發誓她不是直的,這都是一個很大的錯誤,但是在Aubrey用自己的眼睛看到之後,要說服她,要花很多的話來說。有了一個女同志需要完成的工作,Romi讓她的性知道的論點,奧布里不能不享受每一分鐘。

Angela White 在 '他媽的'

Angela White - 他媽的


Monique Alexander 在 'Diva要求迪克'

Monique Alexander - Diva要求迪克

在要求Diva Monique衝動地觸發她最喜歡的女按摩師之後,約翰尼(Johnny),她的過度勞累的個人助理,爭搶在莫尼克發怒之前找到一個備份。臭名昭著的Monique命令Johnny抓住一些油,並得到它。他能滿足她的許多需求嗎?

Abigail Mac 在 '阿比蓋爾和基沙'

Abigail Mac - 阿比蓋爾和基沙

扣上並準備好一個Brazzers特別 - Abigail Mac和Keisha Gray從Brazzers追隨者自己回答問題!在與Markus Dupree下車並弄髒之前,先了解這兩個smokin的黑髮。坍方

Abella Danger 在 'Brazzers House 2決賽'

Abella Danger - Brazzers House 2決賽

就是這個! Nicole,Monique,Skyla,Abella和Kelsi在一場充滿驚喜的瘋狂的他媽的比賽中面對面!誰將贏得您的投票權,並被冠冕在Brazzers House的下一個贏家?

Abigail Mac 在 '白色大衣,粉紅色的貓'

Abigail Mac - 白色大衣,粉紅色的貓

Xander對他延長住院時間感到厭煩。他覺得很好,也不知道為什麼阿比蓋爾博士長久以來一直保持觀察。結果阿比蓋博士想給她最喜歡的病人多一點TLC,所以她決定親自給他一個海綿浴。在確定Xander已經有一點支持之後,Abigail博士決定向他展示這件白色外套下面究竟是什麼 - 一個緊密的粉紅色的陰部,需要舔和他媽的!

Ana Foxxx 在 '留在家裡蕩婦'

Ana Foxxx - 留在家裡蕩婦


Abigail Mac 在 '生活在邊緣'

Abigail Mac - 生活在邊緣


Romi Rain 在 '神秘的磁帶 - 一個XXX模仿'

Romi Rain - 神秘的磁帶 - 一個XXX模仿


Ayda Swinger 在 '權力之王 - 第3部分(A XXX模仿)'

Ayda Swinger - 權力之王 - 第3部分(A XXX模仿)

在從國王懸崖地牢的腸道中被救出後,紅色的小肩膀試圖在她的妓院裡隱藏約翰·多恩。當Jeromay尋找時,紅色的肩膀分散了他自己的胸襟。 John Doe抓住機會進行最後的攤牌。

Romi Rain 在 '權力之王 - 第2部分(A XXX模仿)'

Romi Rain - 權力之王 - 第2部分(A XXX模仿)

約翰·多恩(Xander Corvus)被扔進了國王懸崖的地下城。隨著死亡步行者向國王懸崖邁進,約翰拼命地想要建立一個聯盟來打敗這個即將到來的邪惡。在地下城,約翰為他的事業找到了一個盟友:維克森女巫紅肩膀(Romi Rain),他說他必須完成他的命運,首先,他媽的屁股,創造一個強大的性魔術。

Monique Alexander 在 '唐打我的妻子屁股'

Monique Alexander - 唐打我的妻子屁股


Gabriella Paltrova 在 '好妻子,壞妻子'

Gabriella Paltrova - 好妻子,壞妻子

主婦羅米和加布里埃拉永遠不會相處。羅米是一個道德主義的媽媽,而加比是一個喜歡在院子里赤身裸體的自由精神。但是一旦壞妻子開始誘惑羅米,她就會發現好妻子喜歡這樣的行動 - 把它拿在屁股上。

Alexis Fawx 在 '一塊色情明星'

Alexis Fawx - 一塊色情明星

凱蘭已經陷入了一團糟。他的新連接應用程序與美麗的女人保持一致,但他無法跟踪他們。當他和Monique一起跑步的時候,雷切爾抓住了他的手。更糟糕的是,亞歷克西斯出現了,追逐了!雷切爾不是讓一個小小的比賽陷入困難的傢伙,而是開始沮喪。 Alexis和Monique終於趕上了,也沒有放棄他們的夢想傢伙。最好的解決方案比一個免費的所有fuckfest更好的方法?

Abigail Mac 在 '性成癮者匿名'

Abigail Mac - 性成癮者匿名

當凱倫的妻子在他的互聯網歷史上找到幾個色情網站時,她認為最適合他進行適當的輔導。他發現自己在一個性吸毒者匿名會議,與美麗的切里德維爾和阿比蓋爾麥克。他們幾乎不知道這兩次會議是否正在尋找下一個大公雞。 Cherie和Abigail的數字Keiran是完美的嘗試成為下一個大的男性才華。所有這一切都將是一個小小的試鏡,看看他是否可以處理給阿比蓋爾和切裡的貓咪毆打他們需要的。

Monique Alexander 在 '離開打字池'

Monique Alexander - 離開打字池


Rachel Starr 在 '羅米和瑞秋'

Rachel Starr - 羅米和瑞秋


Abigail Mac 在 '電源班機 -  XXX模仿第5部分'

Abigail Mac - 電源班機 - XXX模仿第5部分

電力班子再次聚集在一起,利用自己的力量推翻邪惡的空間巫婆!在拯救世界和他們的朋友之後,現在是慶祝的時候了 - 瘋狂的狂歡!

Adria Rae 在 '我說沒有朋友'

Adria Rae - 我說沒有朋友

Adria知道平衡商業和樂趣的重要性。 Romi在晚上雇了她作為保姆,有一條規則 - 沒有朋友過。阿德里亞決定一個小小的手機性別將是她性感挫折的最佳補救辦法。亞歷克斯又走了一步,偷偷摸摸著她,而她的陰部濕度很高。她無法抗拒他的雞巴,而他的甜蜜抓住了味道。羅米早點回家找到兩個被打倒的地方,並決定阿德里亞將要彌補這一點不屑一顧。開始分享她的男朋友的努力,讓她進行動作。

Giselle Palmer 在 '有罪行為'

Giselle Palmer - 有罪行為

Giselle因為她的破壞性行為而再次被大學課程踢出來。她的教授Rain教授正在試圖教她課程,她繼續在課堂上進行調皮自己的照片。聯合起來,Rain教授把Giselle帶到課堂前,她教她尊重的重要性。吉賽勒,以及其餘的班級,都很震驚地看到雨教授拉出各種性玩具。羅米把她當上了榜樣 - 當然是吉賽爾的快樂!

Monique Alexander 在 '團隊建設Sexcercise'

Monique Alexander - 團隊建設Sexcercise

年度員工調查回來的時候,這是可怕的時間。 Boss Monique對結果不滿意,特別是信任和團隊滿意度。所以她決定做任何一個好老闆來解決這個問題 - 一堆無用的團隊建設活動。但是,當她注意到他的大塊東西戳入她的時候,她忍不住被邁克分心了。莫妮克決定在飛行中調整練習 - 從邁克爾的肉棒上開始。她知道這些東西都是BS,所以她也可以以團隊建設的名義採取一些深刻的傢伙。

Abigail Mac 在 '電源班機 -  XXX模仿第4部分'

Abigail Mac - 電源班機 - XXX模仿第4部分


Abigail Mac 在 '莫里奇與波恩博士 - 一個XXX模仿'

Abigail Mac - 莫里奇與波恩博士 - 一個XXX模仿


Romi Rain 在 '電源班機 -  XXX模仿第3部分'

Romi Rain - 電源班機 - XXX模仿第3部分

邪惡的角質空間女巫想要一塊Power Banger公雞,她有了山雀說服他加入世界統治!班吉將如何處理這個?

Monique Alexander 在 '引導她的內心精神'

Monique Alexander - 引導她的內心精神


Monique Alexander 在 '一切誘惑的母親'

Monique Alexander - 一切誘惑的母親

Xander和他的女朋友剛剛買了房子。 Xander的婆婆正在來看望新的地方。 Xander很震驚地發現,Monique試圖用誘惑的方式試圖挑逗他,盯著窗戶,或者將她的山雀閃爍在他女兒後面的他身上。但是當Monique的女兒抓住母親試圖偷走她的男人時,她踢她的母親!然而,Xander不能從他的腦海裡搖一搖Monique的山雀和屁股,並告訴他的妻子他需要躺下。當他的母親在法律上決定潛入臥室並完成她的開始 - 通過吸吮和他媽的Xander的雞巴,直到他的公雞跑幹,她跑出房子仍然滴濕!

Monique Alexander 在 '等你轉'

Monique Alexander - 等你轉


Abigail Mac 在 '我的夜晚與色情明星'

Abigail Mac - 我的夜晚與色情明星

私人調查員Jessy Jones被雇用追踪失控的Abigail Mac,他正在街頭作妓女。他在街上尋找她,並作為客戶的姿勢。一旦他和阿比蓋爾一起回到酒店,Jessy承認被丈夫僱用帶回家。只有,阿比蓋爾沒有興趣離開她的職業,並且很高興地顯示傑西,她是多麼好吮吸雞巴 - 以她丈夫的一角錢為代價,就是!

Monique Alexander 在 '家庭事務2  - 第三部分'

Monique Alexander - 家庭事務2 - 第三部分


Romi Rain 在 'Shes So Uptight,但是'

Romi Rain - Shes So Uptight,但是

工作狂羅米雨正在嘗試她的第一次按摩,以幫助她永遠存在的緊張局勢。 Masseur Xander想知道為什麼這樣的一個笨蛋是如此被捲起 - 所以他通過將雙手放下來來誘惑她,揉搓她的濕漉漉的小屁股和緊緊的混蛋,同時試圖抵制感覺如何。她會屈服於讓所有的洞都塞滿的衝動嗎?

Rachel RoXXX 在 '蕩婦酒店 - 第3部分'

Rachel RoXXX - 蕩婦酒店 - 第3部分


Phoenix Marie 在 'Brazzers半場表演II'

Phoenix Marie - Brazzers半場表演II

歡迎來到第二屆ZZ Halftime展會!今年,布魯克林追逐,鳳凰瑪麗,羅米雨,維羅妮卡·阿夫魯夫在下半場比起特定的隊伍進行比賽,他們打了個快速比賽。

Romi Rain 在 '肛門審計'

Romi Rain - 肛門審計

羅米希望在今天上班的時候,最後一件事就是 - 勞力士先生出現在她的書桌上,告訴她需要審核她的費用。 Romi表示,她沒有任何隱瞞,直到她意識到她將網上性玩具訂單與辦公室的一些培訓材料相結合。羅米認為,她可以說服肖恩,這是一個必要的費用,讓他做一些內部的調查。如果他要審核她的屁股,他將要做到這一點羅米的他媽的方式。

Monique Alexander 在 '我不會告訴你的父親'

Monique Alexander - 我不會告訴你的父親


Monique Alexander 在 '監獄他媽的三'

Monique Alexander - 監獄他媽的三

亞歷山大博士認為她已經看到了這一切。作為在監獄系統工作的醫療專業人員,堅韌的人不在乎她。但是,她能否處理Danny D的大量公雞?

Kendra Lust 在 '個人教練 - 第二節'

Kendra Lust - 個人教練 - 第二節

肯德拉感到有罪作弊,她的未婚夫與她的私人教練,但鍛煉是如此的好,她回來了更多。與凱倫一起走了,她在助手阿比蓋爾的手中,他和老闆一樣有角色和侵略性。經過長時間的鍛煉後,阿比蓋爾迫不及待地將肯德拉帶回去。肯德拉不情願 - 她不想再作弊。但阿比蓋爾總是會得到她想要的東西。她踢Kendra的貓,當她出來,然後在健身房剪刀,讓大家看到 - 包括Xander。之後他們都暨女孩們去洗澡一些更多的樂趣,不久之後,Xander加入他們。

Nikki Benz 在 '全服務站 -  XXX模仿'

Nikki Benz - 全服務站 - XXX模仿

肖恩·勞里斯的車已經崩潰了,去看看沙漠中間的一名技工。 Nikki奔馳出來檢查Lawless先生的車。奔馳女士說,她如何討厭收取他的傷害,但是她必須保持自己的生意。肖恩表示,尼基用巨大的山雀嘲笑他,以便他願意付出任何代價。但是,當一個怪物出現的時候,尼基克戰勝了這個生物。巨大的尼基·奔馳很快意識到,她仍然有另一個怪物來馴服 - 肖恩的大公雞,那就是!

Nikki Benz 在 '護士Nikkis房子電話'

Nikki Benz - 護士Nikkis房子電話


Monique Alexander 在 '銷售點'

Monique Alexander - 銷售點

Monique Alexander是一家成功業務的銷售經理。但是,當她的銷售開始下降時,她不得不下決心,她的一名銷售人員即將被解僱!但為了減輕打擊,莫尼克計劃讓他的大公雞搖滾,騎著他的傢伙,直到他們放棄時間!

Abigail Mac 在 '走出去'

Abigail Mac - 走出去


Monique Alexander 在 '去護士的HAM'

Monique Alexander - 去護士的HAM


Romi Rain 在 '在公園變態'

Romi Rain - 在公園變態

兩個熱心的媽媽正在公園裡度過一個下午,當他們的樂趣突然停止時。 Pervy hobo Keiran正在生活中從亞歷克西斯和羅米一旁窺視自己的時間,不能停止愛撫自己 - 即使他們面對他!當兩個人都看到Keiran的公雞有多大時,他們決定把自己的事情交給自己的公園,並且他們操作Keiran,直到他們在他們身上的巨大負擔。

Nikki Benz 在 '迪克卡在肉眼'

Nikki Benz - 迪克卡在肉眼


Monique Alexander 在 '公雞 -  XXX模仿'

Monique Alexander - 公雞 - XXX模仿

豐盛的美女Monique Alexander,Jasmine Jae和Stella Cox是一個重要使命的性感的士兵:他們必須成功地提取丹尼D的jizz在他們的山雀,同時撲滅一群敵人。這些蕩婦將毫無意義地停止,以確保他們的目標得到滿足 - 即使這意味著戰爭!

Monique Alexander 在 '我的Stepmom比你的更好'

Monique Alexander - 我的Stepmom比你的更好


Nikki Benz 在 '用色情明星'

Nikki Benz - 用色情明星

當他的妻子不感興趣的時候,丹尼·迪(Danny D)利用自己的肉體來解除自己。只有令他驚訝的是,肉身開始感覺到現實 - 就像在瞬間,感覺很像在尼基奔馳裡面!她到達了時間的傢伙,準備好教導D先生他媽的她的肉身和她的陰部 - 正確的方式!畢竟,他正在和一個色情明星玩耍!

Monique Alexander 在 'Moniques Secret Spa  - 第4部分'

Monique Alexander - Moniques Secret Spa - 第4部分


Ana Foxxx 在 '滑行'

Ana Foxxx - 滑行

沒有什麼比安娜·福克斯(Ana Foxxx)的誘人曲線變得沾滿油墨,沒有什麼比把自己全身穿過身體更好。這個烏木寶貝迫不及待地想要將一個大而硬的公雞放在一個很大的公雞身上,然後把那個雞巴放在滴水的濕的貓裡面,把油性的他媽媽永遠都忘記了!

Monique Alexander 在 'Moniques Secret Spa  - 第3部分'

Monique Alexander - Moniques Secret Spa - 第3部分


Nikki Benz 在 '連褲襪播放時間'

Nikki Benz - 連褲襪播放時間

Nikki Benz想玩她的圓形屁股總是看起來不可思議,但是穿上了連褲襪和一加侖的油,你已經有了一個大的濕屁股,準備好他媽的。

Monique Alexander 在 'Moniques Secret Spa  - 第2部分'

Monique Alexander - Moniques Secret Spa - 第2部分


Romi Rain 在 '按新聞'

Romi Rain - 按新聞


Abigail Mac 在 'DJ的樂趣'

Abigail Mac - DJ的樂趣

阿比蓋爾·麥克(Keitha Grey)和凱沙(Keisha Gray)不得不等到最近最熱門的舞蹈俱樂部去看他們最喜歡的DJ(Jessy Jones)。這些女孩準備擺脫他們的屁股,或者與瓊斯先生一起上演舞台。女士們不僅僅是興奮 - 他們是激動人心的,滴著濕潤的!所以,當Jessy把這兩個sexpots稱為他的攤位時,Abigail和Keisha決定用自己喜愛的DJ玩一些樂趣!

Monique Alexander 在 'Moniques Secret Spa  - 第1部分'

Monique Alexander - Moniques Secret Spa - 第1部分


Monique Alexander 在 '什麼花了她這麼久'

Monique Alexander - 什麼花了她這麼久

莫妮克·亞歷山大喜歡欺騙她的丈夫,她做了一個事業。一天晚上,她和她最新的客戶(Xander Corvus)在她的丈夫比預期早點回家的時候他媽的在臥室裡。莫妮克已經完全忘記了他們的周年晚宴!不想讓Xander離開沒有得到他的錢的價值,亞歷山大亞歷山大耍吮吸他媽的同時也準備好了。她的丈夫問自己一個問題:她在這麼久呢?

Romi Rain 在 '紀念碑'

Romi Rain - 紀念碑

一位丈夫回到家鄉,發現他的崇拜妻子(羅米雨)被cum cum cum cum in ating in in。。。。。。。。。。雨女士不知道或不明白的是,她是一個骯髒的蕩婦,喜歡他媽的!他可以把這些東西放在一起嗎,找出為什麼這個蓬勃而美麗的羅米決定欺騙她對丈夫的遺憾呢?

Nikki Benz 在 '尼基'

Nikki Benz - 尼基

當你是一個國際知名的色情明星,如尼基奔馳,沒有什麼你珍惜多於一個小的停留時間之間的射擊。幸好對於我們來說,Nikki最喜歡的放鬆方式包括一大堆石油,一個電影人員,當然還有一個Keiran Lee大小的公雞。你喜歡那個屁股舔Nikki,你已經賺了!

Nikki Benz 在 'Nikkis盲人口味測試'

Nikki Benz - Nikkis盲人口味測試


Monique Alexander 在 '色情明星在游泳池'

Monique Alexander - 色情明星在游泳池

當丹尼的妻子不想墮落和骯髒時,她告訴他脫下屁股,做一些家務改變。丹妮的任務是清潔游泳池,只有他更喜歡他媽的一些貓!他的骯髒的頭腦變得越來越好,很快一個色情明星(Monique Alexander)正在游泳,尋找他的大公雞吸吮!

Romi Rain 在 '一天與色情明星 - 阿比蓋爾和羅米'

Romi Rain - 一天與色情明星 - 阿比蓋爾和羅米


Nikki Benz 在 '遊戲,集合,匹配貓'

Nikki Benz - 遊戲,集合,匹配貓

鑽石傑克遜和尼基·奔馳正在享受一個友好的網球遊戲,突然他們被一個球男孩約爾迪·尼諾·波拉接近。霍爾迪竭盡全力的藉口和機會,讓他們更接近於行動 - 也就是說,更接近女士們的山雀和屁股!鑽石和Nikki為變態的球男孩提供了一些熱他媽的!

Romi Rain 在 '奇蹟女人 - 一個XXX模仿'

Romi Rain - 奇蹟女人 - 一個XXX模仿

黛安公主(Romi Rain)已經在人類世界居住了很長時間。她決定作為平民生活,並將她的超級英雄身份保密。但是,當她過去的一個奇怪的訪客來到黛安娜回到亞馬遜,她別無選擇,只能轉化為奇蹟女人,爭取正義,和平,愛,和一個大公雞為這個角質的蕩婦吮吸和他媽的!

Nicole Aniston 在 '健身和果汁'

Nicole Aniston - 健身和果汁

阿比蓋爾和查爾斯在健身房裡正在調查一陣風暴。她緊緊的身體和迷人的笑容讓查爾斯感覺到她沒有時間。經過一些動手鍛煉的技巧,阿比蓋爾感謝查爾斯在健身房裡吸吮他的公雞!他們很少知道健身教練妮可·安妮斯頓(Nicole Aniston)正在進行輪迴 - 她會抓住這兩個人嗎?

Monique Alexander 在 '一天與色情明星 -  Monique'

Monique Alexander - 一天與色情明星 - Monique

有沒有想過和Monique Alexander一起出去玩什麼?這個性感的超級巨星喜歡在戶外,所以她讓我們在遠足時加上標籤。丹尼D不是最大的徒步旅行者,但他和莫尼克都喜歡他媽的。經過汗水,他們回到了Monique向我們展示什麼使她成為色情傳奇的工作室。

Nikki Benz 在 '讓面部護理2'

Nikki Benz - 讓面部護理2

Nikki和Dani正在嘗試一個新的水療中心。他們不知道他們要得到什麼特別待遇 - 他們必須保持他們的男朋友的秘密!

Nikki Benz 在 'Ghostbusters XXX模仿 - 第4部分'

Nikki Benz - Ghostbusters XXX模仿 - 第4部分


Monique Alexander 在 'Ghostbusters XXX模仿 - 第1部分'

Monique Alexander - Ghostbusters XXX模仿 - 第1部分

當莫妮克亞歷山大的家被一個巨大的幻影困擾時,她伸出手來幫助他們。但是,當全男性團體將她從房間裡笑出來的時候,她發誓要開始自己的鬼狩獵團隊:The Nutbusters。

Nikki Benz 在 'ZZ架設2016-第2部分'

Nikki Benz - ZZ架設2016-第2部分

歡迎回到ZZ Erection 2016!伊万卡·鄧普福(Ivanka Drumpf)在見證她的父親在美國歷史上最憤怒的總統辯論之後,抨擊他的首席政治對手。幸運的是,她的前總統候選人和世界知名的外科醫生本·卡特正在用他的醫療知識和悸動的公雞來復甦伊万卡。

Bridgette B 在 'Pussy O Plomo-第4部分'

Bridgette B - Pussy O Plomo-第4部分

現在佈滿了足夠的現金,Bridgette B邀請藥師拉蒙到她的豪宅慶祝他們的新夥伴關係。他很少知道她為了報復。

Nikki Benz 在 '一天與色情明星 - 尼基'

Nikki Benz - 一天與色情明星 - 尼基


Bridgette B 在 'Pussy O Plomo-第3部分'

Bridgette B - Pussy O Plomo-第3部分

阿比蓋爾被抓到布里奇特的網站,但也許她喜歡在那裡。在抽出Abigail之後,Bridgette在酒店房間追踪她的男朋友,並要求大量的贖金。 Keiran願意付出大的代價,同樣願意去惹她貪婪的屁股。

Romi Rain 在 '電影類Coochie'

Romi Rain - 電影類Coochie

Romi Rain為她的課堂帶來了一部特別的“藝術電影”。雖然有些人會認為這部電影是色情的,但羅米知道她是喜歡它的,因為它使她的陰部潮濕,她想和課堂分享。在電影期間,學生Xander Corvus注意到Romi在課堂背後摩擦一個,他加入了她的一個荒唐的學校他媽的會話。

Bridgette B 在 'Pussy O Plomo-第2部分'

Bridgette B - Pussy O Plomo-第2部分

Bridgette B未能與藥劑師Ramon達成商業協議後,通過觀看她的保鏢來紓解自己的阿比蓋爾大腦。這個臥底的代理人可能看起來像一個妓女,但是她能欺騙布里奇特B嗎?

Nikki Benz 在 '最後一槍'

Nikki Benz - 最後一槍


Monique Alexander 在 '如何成為一個色情明星在8容易的英寸'

Monique Alexander - 如何成為一個色情明星在8容易的英寸

Monique Alexander認為Rico是另一個粉絲,所以當他要求她提供如何進入biz的技巧時,她不情願地告訴他,他需要一個大雞巴,並有能力在性行為。然而,一旦Rico顯示Monique,他的包裝熱度很好,她更願意測試他的能力,通過一個世界級的他們從一個頂尖的行業人才。

Nikki Benz 在 '2為1樂趣'

Nikki Benz - 2為1樂趣


Monique Alexander 在 '撕裂她的地毯'

Monique Alexander - 撕裂她的地毯


Brandi Love 在 '布蘭迪愛房地產經紀人'

Brandi Love - 布蘭迪愛房地產經紀人

在獨家的Brazzers採訪中,Brandi Love分享了她和她的丈夫Keiran Lee的性感故事。 Brandi回憶起她和Keiran正在尋找新房子的時間,並絆倒了鎮上最性感的房地產經紀人Monique Alexander。在旅行的時候,著名的色情明星夫婦決定把他們的潛在新臥室搞砸 - 這是對角質地產商的喜悅!

Abigail Mac 在 '約翰尼·內森的民謠第2部分'

Abigail Mac - 約翰尼·內森的民謠第2部分

經過酸痛之旅之後,前世界各地的歌手約翰尼·內森(Johnny Nathan)重新發明自己是20世紀60年代叛逆的搖滾明星。隨著他的新命中“Raindrops On Rainbows”登上榜單,Johnny通過敲擊Jessa Rhodes和Abigail Mac,令人難以置信的複出,這兩個性感的嬉皮小雞們盡其所能。

Romi Rain 在 '沒有學生老師'

Romi Rain - 沒有學生老師


Abigail Mac 在 '約翰尼·內森的民謠第1部分'

Abigail Mac - 約翰尼·內森的民謠第1部分

隨著二十世紀五十年代成為20世紀60年代,洗手的歌手約翰尼·內森發現自己沒有觀眾,他的音樂相關性比他的尊嚴更快。由於沮喪的約翰尼(Johnny)沉迷於離開音樂界,他被兩位前粉絲們接近,阿比蓋爾·麥克和傑西·羅德斯(Aligail Mac&Jessa Rhodes)身著花朵時尚的高度。阿比蓋爾和傑薩將約翰尼拖到一個嬉皮士的愛情中,在那裡他們通過給予他LSD吹他的頭腦,並向他展示了多麼骯髒的免費愛情。

Monique Alexander 在 '色情療法2'

Monique Alexander - 色情療法2


Anna Bell Peaks 在 '地球上最後的小雞'

Anna Bell Peaks - 地球上最後的小雞

約翰尼·辛辛已經昏迷了幾個月,不知道啟示錄已經消滅了地球上每一個人。 Peaks博士,Rain博士,Aniston博士和Starr博士都專注於時間和專長,讓他恢復健康,每個人都秘密地希望,當他終於醒來時,她將會是一個享受他的大雞巴的人。沒有其他人還活著他們的緊身的貓,這些炸彈醫生將不得不打敗了地球上的最後一個雞巴!

Monique Alexander 在 '我們的新女僕 - 第四部分'

Monique Alexander - 我們的新女僕 - 第四部分


Brandi Love 在 '深夜狂歡'

Brandi Love - 深夜狂歡

觀看傳奇的Brandi Love主持人與特別的Brazzers客人Phoenix Marie,Danny D,Marsha May,Monique Alexander,Keiran Lee和Romi Rain的深夜狂歡。

Eva Notty 在 '半場秀'

Eva Notty - 半場秀

在ZZ的第一次Halftime Fuck Fest中觀看你所想念的一切! Nikki Benz,Romi Rain,Jada Stevens和Eva Notty吸引了傢伙,現在為了您的欣賞,我們提供史詩般的重播!

Chanel Preston 在 '讓面部護理'

Chanel Preston - 讓面部護理

香奈兒緊張而需要放鬆,所以她的BFF Monique帶她去一個非常特別的水療中心。莫妮克喜歡得到寵愛,直到她高興地呻吟才不長時間。香奈兒看不到按摩師對她的朋友做了什麼,讓她的呻吟聲像這樣,但是她確定他們希望他們去做這件事。她是一個驚喜,因為那些傢伙輪流偷偷摸摸他媽的家庭主婦。一個放鬆的下午很快就會下降到一個他媽的下午,結束了一些當之無愧的面部表情。看起來好像女孩們將在下週回來!

Abigail Mac 在 '生活在一個女孩是粗糙的'

Abigail Mac - 生活在一個女孩是粗糙的

李凱倫失去了耐心:他的新室友阿比蓋爾·馬克(Aligail Mac)雖然性感為他媽的,但令人厭煩的是,他不斷地抱怨和抱怨。她想要的只是為了凱倫來實現她需要做的好漂亮和粗糙。李先生將他的長距離關係放在一邊,以安撫他的室友,否則Mac女士會繼續麻煩他,直到把他的公雞推到臟兮兮的小嘴裡,才把她關起來無論發生什麼,只要知道:生活與阿比蓋爾是粗糙的!

Nikki Benz 在 '大贓物牛仔褲'

Nikki Benz - 大贓物牛仔褲

每個人都知道,尼基·奔馳是世界級屁股的驕傲的主人,沒有什麼能像尼基的樣子比一雙緊身牛仔褲那樣好看。這就是為什麼當像查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)這樣一個角質的侏儒來到時,Nikki正在和他一起工作,他不得不把他的公雞深深地拉到尼基的德里。

Monique Alexander 在 '成為約翰尼罪 - 第二部分'

Monique Alexander - 成為約翰尼罪 - 第二部分

Cliff Shlong(丹尼D)在布雷澤斯(Brazzers)的工作中,一直在關注他豐盛的同事(Monique Alexander)。絕望地跟她說話,他設法做一個快速的介紹,並揭示了一個猜測一個女人的胸罩大小的天賦。這個女人允許Cliff嘗試,當他正確地猜到她的名字是Dominique時,她更加深刻的印象,但她決定透露更多的懸崖,而不是這樣!但是,他們在Cliff的辦公室裡找到的東西會永遠改變他們的生活!

Monique Alexander 在 '深層清潔'

Monique Alexander - 深層清潔

約翰尼城堡從工作回到家鄉,並註意到房子很髒,他的性感的妻子莫妮克·亞歷山大(Monique Alexander)到達客廳,準備清理她擁有的那個最貼心的內衣!約翰尼然後看著美麗而豐盛的莫妮克開始清理客廳和房子的其餘部分,然後終於踩到並給妻子她一直渴望的東西;一些熱的,粗暴的性愛為骯髒的蕩婦!

Melissa May 在 '房間,板和邦'

Melissa May - 房間,板和邦

已婚夫婦Danny D和Romi Rain D正在向當地大學生Melissa May出租房間。起初,梅利莎不能相信她的運氣,在這樣一個看起來很好的夫婦的高檔住宿中得分。然而,很快就會變得明顯,不僅Romi和Danny是一對性愛瘋狂的他媽的怪胎,但他們計劃帶來梅利莎進入他們墮落的性生活,以激情的三路他媽的。

Janice Griffith 在 '按摩MrsAlexander'

Janice Griffith - 按摩MrsAlexander

離開學校後,詹妮絲·格里菲斯(Janice Griffith)必須在一個種子南邊的按摩室裡給人留下一抹揉搓和手銬。有一天,Janice的驚喜讓她的老師讓她踢出學校Monique Alexander進來按摩!沒有人會有機會去浪費,珍妮絲給亞歷山大夫人一生生氣的油性他媽的。

Monique Alexander 在 '性感牙醫知道鑽'

Monique Alexander - 性感牙醫知道鑽

丹尼D期待著他的牙醫預約,他甚至為他性感的醫生Monique Alexander買了鮮花。他喜歡以無恥的方式與他一起玩耍,以及在他們的日常檢查中顯示的裂縫數量。但是當他看到莫妮克與另一個病人在一起的時候,丹尼認為他正在浪費時間試圖與她分手。亞歷山大女士能否安撫丹尼D,並給予他尋求特殊待遇?

Romi Rain 在 '致命的雨 - 第四部分'

Romi Rain - 致命的雨 - 第四部分

他們認為羅米死了,但她剛剛開始。她跟踪她的殺手Toni Ribas,並設置了完美的狙擊手。但是,當她的老闆公馬出現在後面時,她的計劃很快就變成了一個雙重交叉的雙關幫派。

Allie Haze 在 '致命的雨 - 第三部分'

Allie Haze - 致命的雨 - 第三部分

Allie Haze必須與追求女朋友生命的刺客羅米雨一起工作。作為角質剝離者,這兩個熱殺手接近暴徒Toni Ribas ...但對於Romi來說,可能太接近了。

Abigail Mac 在 '國內屁股'

Abigail Mac - 國內屁股

當官員Johnny Sins出現調查國內騷亂時,他發現Abigail Mac和她的配偶陷入熱烈爭論。唯一的事情是擾亂官員的罪惡,而不是悲慘地解散了神聖的婚姻誓言是看到很好的貓浪費在跛腳的小老公的丈夫身上。正如他宣誓保護和服務的職責一樣,軍官ins s丈夫,用悸動的公雞填滿阿比蓋爾的嘴巴和陰部。

Monique Alexander 在 '漫長的夜晚'

Monique Alexander - 漫長的夜晚

莫妮克·亞歷山大懷疑她的丈夫傑森的作弊,所以她做任何可疑的妻子會做的 - 她僱用李凱蘭,因為丈夫被看守而深夜他媽的她。

Romi Rain 在 '致命的雨 - 第二部分'

Romi Rain - 致命的雨 - 第二部分


Allie Haze 在 '致命的雨 - 第一部分'

Allie Haze - 致命的雨 - 第一部分

羅米的任務,但首先她必須逃脫傑西·瓊斯和他的暴徒。同時在一個便宜的汽車旅館房間Allie Haze他媽的性感的女朋友Peta Jensen,不知道接近的危險。

Alex Grey 在 '全離婚法庭新聞'

Alex Grey - 全離婚法庭新聞

拉蒙和尼基·奔馳正在完成他們的離婚,但他們似乎並不認同任何事情。事實上,只有他們似乎有共同之處才是使另一個嫉妒的渴望。所以當Nikki打電話給她的新男孩玩具Prince Yashua時,Ramon通過炫耀他的新性感小貓Alex Gray作出回應。離婚人士很快就陷入了一場性愛一場的遊戲中,導致了一個有競爭力的他媽的財富。

Abigail Mac 在 '好他媽的你'

Abigail Mac - 好他媽的你

大家都知道,阿比蓋爾·麥克(Abigail Mac)是其中最胖的母狗之一。雖然她可能會有一個豐富的懷抱,屁股和緊身貓的祝福,她的真正的專長是採取大雞巴,前孤兒和保齡球愛好者丹尼山長期供應的東西。

Monique Alexander 在 '向下看,吐出來'

Monique Alexander - 向下看,吐出來

亞歷山大女士是一名嚴格的老師,期望她的學生最好。所以在大測試的那天,她不會讓任何人擺脫作弊。每個學生都非常專注於他們的測試,Monique可以隨便和她最喜歡的學生一起玩耍:Danny D.她展示了她的大山雀,將他的傢伙吸在教室的後面,然後讓他吃了她的貓,而她評價他的考試亞歷山大·亞歷山大女士總是努力學習,今天也不例外。

Nikki Benz 在 'ZZ法院 - 第二部分'

Nikki Benz - ZZ法院 - 第二部分

耐心的辯護律師丹尼D和他的客戶托尼·盧奇(Tony Lucci)進入法庭有信心贏得他們的案子。唯一的問題是,性感的檢察官Nikki Benz對D先生非常感興趣,他被分散注意力,但吸引了她巨大的胸部!丹尼D可以集中精力處理手頭的法律問題嗎,還是會屈服於與那些惹人喜愛的時刻一起度過好時光?

Monique Alexander 在 '懺悔色情心靈第二部分'

Monique Alexander - 懺悔色情心靈第二部分


Abigail Mac 在 '看板櫥'

Abigail Mac - 看板櫥


Monique Alexander 在 '色情心靈的坦白第一部分'

Monique Alexander - 色情心靈的坦白第一部分

一個嗜好性色情導演(Monique Alexander)一直渴望一些大公雞吸吮和他媽的。她經常不禁要跳上她電影的性感時代。在拍攝她下一場偉大的性愛場面時,她過去的一個奇怪的訪客出現在她的身上。但是,在她可以跟他說話之前,當她的色情明星不能執行的時候,她必須在相機的前面。但是對於這樣一個角質的蕩婦,他媽的樂趣從來沒有成為一個問題!

Kissa Sins 在 '偉大的洗車戰爭'

Kissa Sins - 偉大的洗車戰爭


Monique Alexander 在 '我們的新女傭 - 第三部分'

Monique Alexander - 我們的新女傭 - 第三部分

當時Monica的步子剛剛開始,Peta擔心她被召喚到老闆的房間時,遇到了很大的麻煩。但是Monique只是想讓Peta清理她和她丈夫丹妮做的事情,包括那個在她的陰部。 Peta熱切地從Monique的陰蝨裡舔了熱的粘稠的奶油,然後通過手指,舔和剪下來成為這樣一個好女傭的回報。

Monique Alexander 在 '我們的新女傭 - 第一部分'

Monique Alexander - 我們的新女傭 - 第一部分

Peta Jensen是Monique Alexander和她的家人的第一天,她不知道他們為她買了什麼。第一個Monique的步驟,Xander窺視她,而她變成了她的性感制服,然後他說服她吮吸他的公雞!第二天早餐時,Monique告訴Peta交出她的內褲,然後解僱她,所以她可以玩弄她丈夫丹尼的樂趣。莫妮克把濃濃的公雞甩了出來,讓他聞到了女僕的濕內褲,使他變得如此噁心,把她彎曲在早餐桌上,打了個完美的屁股。他們搬到臥室裡去做一個很好的他媽的 - 但他們知道他們正在看嗎?

Romi Rain 在 '醫生um控制'

Romi Rain - 醫生um控制

骯髒的醫生Romi Rain喜歡與她所有的男性患者進行實際操作。今天她正在教英雄米克藍如何持續更長時間在床上。她給病人一個油性的手工作業,讓他媽的她的喉嚨,但他不允許暨,直到她這樣說。她的大奶酪和骯髒的骯髒的談話使得很難不要用大量的力量來刺激她的臉,但是Mick就像他的醫生一樣。高興的進步,她讓他他媽的她辛苦而快速,但最終她太熱了,米克處理。羅米罵他屁股,讓他知道他們還有很多工作要做。

Romi Rain 在 '安肛門'

Romi Rain - 安肛門


Nikki Benz 在 '公雞加拿大人'

Nikki Benz - 公雞加拿大人

加拿大的日子比世界上最著名的加拿大人Nikki Benz更好的方式。她在這裡向我們展示加拿大女孩愛多大的公雞。她的大,有彈性的小餡餅,緊密的陰毛和完美的豐滿屁股使她的同胞在這個全面的肛門他媽的節日感到自豪。 Ohhhhh加拿大!

Blair Summers 在 '讓我繼續對我的繼女'

Blair Summers - 讓我繼續對我的繼女


Ava Addams 在 'Brazzers House Orgy Finale'

Ava Addams - Brazzers House Orgy Finale

作為Brazzers House的最大的決賽的證據,得到了一個堅果膨脹的肉體墮落的財富! Ava Adams,Phoenix Marie,Romi Rain,Tory Lane和Nikki Benz將這款開創性的系列與一個陽光燦爛的狂歡相結合,注定要在全日制緋紅經典的萬神殿中佔據一席之地!我們如何結束Brazzers House?有爆炸!

Ava Addams 在 'Brazzers House性挑戰'

Ava Addams - Brazzers House性挑戰

歡迎來到Brazzers House Sex Challenge!在這一集中,Ava Adams,Phoenix Marie,Tory Lane和Romi Rain每個人都會因為四個獨特的他媽的房間而流連忘返。每個房間都有自己的一套規則和限制條件,由最後四名參賽者決定,如果他們想要出門,就要打破所有的特殊性技能!

Abigail Mac 在 '池邊變態'

Abigail Mac - 池邊變態


Monique Alexander 在 '莫妮克是一個甜蜜的奶油夢'

Monique Alexander - 莫妮克是一個甜蜜的奶油夢

每個人最喜歡的大型色情明星Monique Alexander回答了會員的祈禱和要求。她已經拜訪了Brazzers總部,以完全赤身裸體的操作Xander的巨大肥胖的公雞,結束了一個甜美的奶油餡在她漂亮的多汁的陰部填充。

Romi Rain 在 '我的老婆,我的妻子'

Romi Rain - 我的老婆,我的妻子

她的新的私人教練的到來給了Romi Rain一個確切的機會,她一直在尋找從她作為一個女人的日子重新捕捉一些她的狂野的方式。從他們的第一時間起,羅米與羅伯一起揮舞著,摸著他的喉嚨,並給了他理由,嘲笑她的身體。當丈夫出現,並迅速從鍛煉中繞過來時,羅米無法抵抗機會向他展示一個可恥的朋友發生什麼事情,他們不能一起做他媽的妻子。羅姆的大黑公雞包裹兩隻手後,羅米把她的戴綠帽子的丈夫威廉的手錶摟住,深深地踩了一下,把她的一匹訓練師的野馬放在她心頭的內容上。

Monique Alexander 在 '不要只是親吻屁股,他媽的它'

Monique Alexander - 不要只是親吻屁股,他媽的它


Nikki Benz 在 'Brazzers House第五集'

Nikki Benz - Brazzers House第五集

在Brazzers House結束之前,Brick不得不拍攝著色情明星貓的聖杯,那個豐滿的金髮美女Nikki Benz。用手持式攝像機偷偷摸摸她的房間,幾乎馬上就被打倒了,幸運的是,Nikki認為他很可愛,可以他媽的!她使磚的夢想成真,吮吸他的傢伙,他媽的他,他騎著他,直到她來了! Nikki把那個傢伙當成是那位練習的專業人士,終於拋出了Brick最好的夜晚,把他暨的大量裝滿了!

Abigail Mac 在 '他媽的你的單身派對'

Abigail Mac - 他媽的你的單身派對


Nikki Benz 在 'Brazzers House第四集獎金'

Nikki Benz - Brazzers House第四集獎金

在Brazzers House的這個額外的特別獎金集中,我們有兩個最厲害,最酷,最熱門的女性,Tory Lane和Phoenix Marie,新鮮的障礙物,準備採取行動。他們在洗澡中找到凱蘭,並為一些雞巴酸痛,決定用不可思議的肛門三方驚喜他! Tory和Phoenix帶來強度,用巨大的緊身驢打屁股,最後分享一個面部cumshot!

Gianna Nicole 在 'Brazzers House劇集三獎'

Gianna Nicole - Brazzers House劇集三獎

她與Dani Daniels,Johnny Sins以及Alektra Blue一起,的後院生日快樂,當她決定做一點供認時,Missy Monroe和其他競爭對手Gianna Nicole一起變得更加舒適。原來,大西洋有點迷戀吉安娜!有一點無辜的討論很快變得骯髒,就像Missy和Gianna一起走下去,看看對方的美麗裸體!觀看所有的潮濕和野生的女同性戀動作,因為Missy和Gianna使用假陽具,舌頭和振動器,在Brazzers House的這個獨家獎金集中帶來了地球破碎的高潮!

Monique Alexander 在 '最難考'

Monique Alexander - 最難考

傑西·瓊斯(Jessy Jones)幾年前就會離開ZZ學院,如果不是因為他的父親,Dean總是把他拋在腦後。莫妮克·亞歷山大對於偏袒感到厭惡,並且想確保他沒有通過上一次考試,所以她轉而從未失敗的一種策略:誘惑!除了一雙性感的絲襪之外,莫妮克揉搓她的陰部,直到她滴下濕潤,而不是拿出Jessy的大公雞,開始把桌子上的頭放在頭上!集中終於破了,傑西放棄了他的學術追求,贊成他媽的莫妮克的完美的粉紅色的貓!

Romi Rain 在 '迷失在度假聖地亞哥第二部分'

Romi Rain - 迷失在度假聖地亞哥第二部分

隨著早餐在爐子上煎炸,Brick Danger從他his ging的妻子逃離,親吻起了他的新戀人Romi Rain在床上。隨著丈夫在衛生間裡一husband husband。地走走,Romi用一個深層混亂的口交告訴了Brick,然後跳上了頂端的牛仔女,只要她沒有被抓住就騎著他的杖。然後在俯瞰磚的妻子的樓梯上,羅米把他關起來,直到他把一個大的堅果放進了她餓死的嘴裡。那天晚些時候,他們在衝浪中愚弄,去浮潛,幾乎沒有等待回到小屋,他媽的在樓上的羅米空的床上。看著強烈的屁股吃,y ing ing,anal ering ering ering that down ating ating ating ating ating ating ating ating!!!!

Romi Rain 在 '迷失在度假聖地亞哥第一部分'

Romi Rain - 迷失在度假聖地亞哥第一部分


Monique Alexander 在 'Moniques Cumshot倒計時'

Monique Alexander - Moniques Cumshot倒計時

莫妮克·亞歷山大被困在做一些無聊的新年前夕節目,所以為了在2014年的最後一個晚上調味,她決定發送一個小組的文字給所有的他媽的朋友:第一個到工作室得到暨所有在她漂亮的臉上!約翰尼·辛斯(Johnny Sins)在那裡舔ety split split。。,until until until until until until until until until until。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。莫妮克跪下吮吸他的肥胖的公雞,然後像那樣的冠軍一直騎著她,一直到她的新年快樂的臉上!

Nikki Benz 在 '這次打破互聯網'

Nikki Benz - 這次打破互聯網

震撼全國的照片集已經終於實現了打破互聯網的承諾,感謝大屁股寶貝Nikki Benz和她的上漲了! Nikki剝奪了香檳的淋浴,展現了她緊身的身材,期待著Keiran Lee的大雞巴。她吸了凱蘭的公雞,給他一個粗暴的深層口交,然後傳播那些厚厚的屁股臉頰,把她的緊身屁股深深的拿起那隻公雞。看著Nikki暨在公雞身上,她從一個真正的專業人士肛門毆打!

Abigail Mac 在 'and Eva Lovia'

Abigail Mac - and Eva Lovia

伊娃·洛維亞的女友阿比蓋爾·麥克(Abigail Mac)離開她後,才能夠得到一些雞巴,伊娃認為他們是善良的。但是當阿比蓋爾爬回來的時候,她讓那個笨重的蕩婦知道如果她想要伊娃回來就要賺到錢!阿比蓋爾放下工作,吮吸伊娃緊的陰部舔,然後用她最喜歡的假陽具他媽的。一旦這兩個性感的女同性戀愛好者都有機會cum叨,他們就開始剪斷一個最後的驚天動地的高潮!

Elicia Solis 在 '遵守這個人'

Elicia Solis - 遵守這個人

這不容易使色情。無論女演員有多熱,有時你會說一個錯誤的東西,整個場景都被報廢。這就是為什麼每個好的成年導演都需要像Keiran Lee這樣的合規夥伴!當Keiran看到那些盛大的蕩婦Romi Rain和Elicia Solis被指定為次級方向時,他不得不進來確保他們的三人組合是所有時間最熱的人之一!他開始他媽的兩個漂亮的臉,他們給了他很好的馬虎口交之後,他他媽的他們緊緊的貓,然後給他們一個巨大的面部cumshot分享!

Monique Alexander 在 '蒸汽業務'

Monique Alexander - 蒸汽業務

當約翰尼的老闆莫妮克·亞歷山大(Monique Alexander)邀請他進入桑拿浴室放鬆身心時,他開著頭腦。但是想像一下,當她完全赤身裸體的時候,他的驚喜,向他展示了她緊身的屁股,她的性感的腳和那些大多汁的山雀!在跟隨她進入蒸汽房之後,Monique把水倒在她的身體上,讓它跑下了她屁股的裂縫,約翰尼有一個大胖子,他根本無法隱藏。一旦莫妮克脫了毛巾,她就把嘴巴放在他的大公雞上,把他吸出來,然後把她的米爾夫人的小貓像她喜歡的那樣辛苦。

Romi Rain 在 '說吧'

Romi Rain - 說吧


Abigail Mac 在 'Ava和Slutty女生'

Abigail Mac - Ava和Slutty女生

Ava Addams在ZZ私立學校的露宿女學生被拘留,她只有足夠的不尊重的小妓女的回音。所以當阿比蓋爾·麥克(Abigail Mac)試圖給她一些麻煩的時候,阿娃打起一個假陽具,把阿比蓋爾漂亮的嘴巴咬上去!阿比蓋爾的屁股Ryan Ryans試圖堅持自己的朋友,所以Ava把她歪在桌子上,狠狠的打了個屁股。小uts uts uts uts!icking icking icking icking icking icking icking icking icking until until!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!就這樣,學校的兩個最勇敢的蕩婦直奔上課!

Romi Rain 在 '秘密Wifeswap週末第二部分'

Romi Rain - 秘密Wifeswap週末第二部分

羅米雨起了角質,決定給她的丈夫磚危險早晨的口交,但是當一個汽車警報讓他失去工作時,她必須自己動手。在比爾·貝利(Bill Bailey)走過的時候,她正在揉搓濕漉漉的小unt and和呻吟聲,並且讓他正確地工作,把她吃掉!她給了他一個令人難以置信的馬虎口交,跟著它一個性感的腳手,然後他媽的他,直到他吹了一個負載在她漂亮的臉上!

Lezley Zen 在 '沐浴馬薩斯'

Lezley Zen - 沐浴馬薩斯

Lezley Zen注意到丈夫衣服上另一個女人的氣味,並發現了他的西裝口袋裡的色情女按摩師的名片。為了弄清楚她失踪了什麼,萊茲利預定了一個會議,所以她可以品嚐到她丈夫一直享受的色情按摩。莫妮克·亞歷山大有點害羞地開始她的第一個女同性戀的經歷,但她迅速暖和了萊茲利要求她。莫妮克先生有點不情願地指著萊茲利的濕貓,舔了她的陰蒂,然後按照像她這樣好的蕩婦的命令,莫妮克把她的臉埋在了勒茲利的屁股上,舔了一下她的屁股。一旦她很厲害,勒茲利便撕毀了莫妮克的衣服,並且回頭轉過頭,指著她的陰部,舔了一口比她以前舔過的更好的洞。

Kagney Linn Karter 在 '色情PI  - 第三部分'

Kagney Linn Karter - 色情PI - 第三部分

Kagney Linn Karter,也被稱為Porno PI,是美國最臭名昭著的兩個人之一的李嘉然和莫妮克亞歷山大的熱門。在當地一傢俱樂部找到犯罪二人組合,Kagney扔在她最性感的紅色連衣裙上,並引誘了Monique。她伸展雙腿,炫耀她的紅色蕾絲內褲和屁股,直到Monique和Keiran邀請她回到他們的酒店房間。 Monique和Kagney讓派對開始在床上,玩對方的貓和大山雀,直到Keiran決定把樂趣轉移到淋浴。 Keiran在他們所有的洞裡搗蛋,他們的水滴在他們身上:他們漂亮的嘴巴,他們的粉紅色的貓,甚至緊緊的小混蛋!

Alektra Blue 在 '掛低'

Alektra Blue - 掛低

Nikki Benz和Alektra Blue將為新的粉絲“Hang Low”錄製音樂視頻。經過漫長的一天,他們為相機拍打屁股,那些笨蛋的孩子們不會想要一個不錯的厚厚的公雞來分享。幸運的是,這位看門人Keiran Lee親近,他們可以說他有一個很大的。他們把他放下,用強度扔在公雞身上,輪流吮吸他,他媽的那個大雞巴,直到它終於足夠緊張,他們緊緊的混蛋。女士們肛門毆打,把凱倫的公雞球深深的夾在他們的緊湊的混蛋中,直到他們辛辛苦苦。最後,尼基刺激凱倫的雞巴,直到他們兩口吻著。最好的音樂錄影帶!

Monique Alexander 在 '你的新妻子,我的新玩物'

Monique Alexander - 你的新妻子,我的新玩物

這是Monique Alexander的婚禮當天,應該是她生命中最偉大的一天。但是當她的丈夫惠特尼·韋斯特蓋特(Whitney Westgate)被她的丈夫抓住時,她的大一天就被毀了!惠特妮覺得可怕,決定讓莫妮克成為她最好的方式:通過打破她最喜愛的領帶,讓笨蛋寶貝拼搏!惠特尼他媽的莫妮克緊緊的小unt unt the。。。。。。。。。。。。。until until until until until。。。。。。。。。不久之後,Monique轉過身來,展示了一個真正的女人如何運動,用她最喜歡的振動假陽具,輕輕地翻轉她的手,並將她緊緊的陰道操作。兩個強壯的女同性戀者通過剪除終止他們即興的他媽的會話,直到他們的貓正在辛苦,然後是Monique走過過道的時候!

Courtney Taylor 在 '辦公室4-play VI'

Courtney Taylor - 辦公室4-play VI

當Courtney Taylor,Nikki Benz,Nina Elle和Summer Brielle向老闆男子Keiran Lee抱怨他的屁股朋友Buttler時,讓他陷入了一個緊張的局面。巴特勒總是對這個蓬勃發展的金發女郎進行性騷擾,他們終於有了足夠的感受。他們為基蘭提供最後通atum:他要么去,要么他們做。 Keiran認為他的選擇,幻想關於buxom美女給他一個緩慢和性感的脫衣舞,然後品嚐他們緊的濕貓一個接一個。他們輪流吸吮和他媽的凱倫的肥胖的公雞,舔和指法彼此的緊的貓,而凱倫他們他媽的他們。最後,他在所有美麗的微笑面孔上卸下了一大片面部,並從他的遐想中脫身。但決定還是:友誼還是大山雀?

Alektra Blue 在 'Perv出來'

Alektra Blue - Perv出來


Charisma Cappelli 在 'Foodtruck他媽的節日'

Charisma Cappelli - Foodtruck他媽的節日

由於她的美味食物和充分的劈裂,Romi Rain已將所有的業務都鎖在城裡。但是,當魅力Cappelli出現並開始嘗試外出烹調和引誘她,這意味著戰爭! Romi和Charisma通過越來越性感的午餐特價功夫,盡可能地相互尊重,直到終於別無選擇,只能做飯!重複客戶Brick Danger被選為法官,但是當他們的烹飪太接近電話時,那個笨蛋就不得不通過證明誰是鎮上最性感的廚師打破了領帶!他們輪流撫摸,吸吮和他媽的磚的肥胖的雞巴,大的山雀跳起來,他們把那個公雞到一些身體搖擺的高潮。當Brick給了他們一個大面積的同時分享,他們意識到,他們比一個球隊比競爭對手好多了。沒有什麼像三人一起把人帶到一起!

Kate Frost 在 '豬肉我2  - 第二天'

Kate Frost - 豬肉我2 - 第二天

在豬肉我的預期續集中,由於物理教師約翰尼·辛辛斯(Johnny Sins)盡力勾引那些蓬勃發y的羅西·雨和凱特·弗羅斯特(Kate Frost),我們的乳房數量翻了一番,翻了兩倍。為了開始事情,有一個蒸汽浴的場面,羅米和凱特揉搓對方的大山雀和濕的貓,而一些憤怒的學生從一個隱藏的窺視孔觀看。之後,約翰尼把羅米帶到更衣室,所以他可以和平地干她緊緊的貓和大山雀,但她大聲尖叫,她的性感的朋友凱特來調查!看看約翰尼的巨大的傢伙,凱特忘了自己在做什麼,跌倒在膝蓋上,開始吹噓約翰尼的胖子。他和他們緊緊的老師貓一樣困擾他們的呻吟聲在整個學校都可以聽到,但是,所有這些都是值得的,因為約翰尼在這些蓬勃的寶貝上卸下了一個巨大的堅果。

Dani Daniels 在 '華爾街的妓女Ep-5-一個最後的狂歡'

Dani Daniels - 華爾街的妓女Ep-5-一個最後的狂歡

Dani Daniels知道她的時間是有限的,所以她決定在她被搶走之前最有樂趣。當你像華爾街妓女這樣的大鏡頭時,這意味著一件事:一個狂歡! Dani邀請她最熱門的朋友到她的地方參加一個泳池派對,浪費時間不要下班。丹尼和莫妮克脫掉了他們的薄薄的小比基尼,開始吮吸他們可以找到的每一個堅硬的傢伙。兩個性感的蕩婦輪流他媽的吮吸Xander,Keiran和Mick的大公雞一次一個一個,一次又一次地暨,因為Dani擁有所有的樂趣,她可以擺脫她最後的自由時刻。

Romi Rain 在 'Maleficunt'

Romi Rain - Maleficunt

西方的Slutty女巫,那個Busty的女巫Maleficunt(AKA Romi Rain),她的眼睛在Aurora公主(AKA Violet Monroe)上,她的好歹徒​​Danny D.為了獲得她最深刻和最骯髒的慾望,Maleficunt度過了黑魔法,激發了兩個年輕戀人的激情。她加入了他們的漂亮的他媽的會話,撕裂了Aurora的裙子,露出一雙美麗的天然山雀。女巫和少女分享丹尼的肥胖的公雞,吸吮和他媽的,直到他很難爆裂。丹尼讓這兩個性感的蕩婦都很辛苦,然後給他們一個很大的面部分享。但是現在奧羅拉的無辜已經被一些令人難以置信的性別所玷污了,誰會打敗那個殘酷的巫婆馬菲菲特?

Abigail Mac 在 '角色扮演貓'

Abigail Mac - 角色扮演貓

阿比蓋爾Mac的房間Mia Malkova有一個熱門的日期,阿比蓋爾不贊成。就阿比蓋爾來說,兩個性感的蕩婦不需要男人,至少都是下車。為了證明她的觀點,她打破了她最喜歡的一個角色扮演角色。她開始摩擦,指法,舔Mia的濕漉漉的小貓和緊緊的小混蛋讓她準備好主要的事件。一旦Mia滴濕了,阿比蓋爾把那個大假的雞巴一直推開了米亞的陰部,直到她辛苦。 Mia通過拉出她最喜愛的假陽具,一對大紫色的小雞,吸著一個吸盤來回報。那些角質的蕩婦把他們貼在他們的鏡子上,所以他們可以清楚地看到彼此緊緊的小c子,因為他們騎著他們的假陽具一直到一雙激烈的高潮,讓米亞認真考慮切換團隊!

Breanne Benson 在 '女孩戰鬥'

Breanne Benson - 女孩戰鬥

Romi Rain和她的女同志朋友Breanne Benson和Summer Brielle一起購物,嘗試著一些性感的服裝,當那兩個蓬勃的蕩婦決定向她展示她與孩子一起失踪的時候。她一開始猶豫著嘗試他媽的一個女人,但是一旦她看到夏日的大山雀和Breanne的多汁泡泡屁股,她就不得不給女士一個嘗試。夏天和Breanne撕下了她的大山雀的衣服,開始揉她的陰部。懶散的夫婦舔了起來,指著他們,並且在Romi身上用了自己喜歡的假陽具,直到她高興地尖叫起來,哼了一聲。一旦她終於得到了一些好貓的味道,羅米就做了一件可以回報的事情,確保夏天和布雷納都和她一樣努力!

Bridgette B 在 '專業Perv'

Bridgette B - 專業Perv

在多年的安全技術方面,洛根不得不在許多家庭中安裝相機和設備。但是,有兩名角色的女同志Nikki Benz和Bridgette B的機會讓他的整個世界倒臥起來。他打破了所有的規則,並將照相機安裝在他們的廚房,浴室和其他任何地方,他們可能偷偷偷窺他們的私人色彩。當Bridgette發現一個相機鏡頭盯著她的臉,她打電話給Logan進行另一次家訪。洛根唯一沒有被警察從這個地方拖出的機會就是給他們一些他們多年來一直想念的一個雞巴。

Madison Ivy 在 '你盯著你的老師的山雀'

Madison Ivy - 你盯著你的老師的山雀

隨著一位教授像莫尼克亞歷山大博士那樣吸煙的熱門,毫無疑問,米克每次講課都會白日夢。看到她從她的上衣中剔出的巨大的山雀,使他幻想著在這些成熟的瓜子之間揉臉,摩擦著那些餡餅。當他的同學麥迪遜·艾薇特(Madison Ivy)跳入組合中時,它變得更好,並且加入了教授,雙重吸吮和笨蛋他的肥豬。看這個蒸汽教室BGG,看看米克有多少樂趣採樣這些甜蜜的貓,在麥迪遜和莫妮克的新鮮洞之間來回跳舞

Alektra Blue 在 'Brazzers Cuntathlon'

Alektra Blue - Brazzers Cuntathlon

自從古代以來,沒有一件事情就是展示了他們對公雞的熱忱的渴望,比如說Cuntathlon。你最喜歡的Brazzer寶貝今天在一個肛門fuckfest競爭,以確定誰是最骯髒,最瘋狂的蕩婦。他們會判斷他們的屁股是多麼餓,要拿一個大肥胖的公雞,他們可以吸收一個如凱倫的巨大的雞巴有多深。這些色情小星星有這麼緊密,微小的混蛋,你幾乎不相信他們甚至可以適應他們的陰莖的提示他們的屁股。誰拿黃金?請繼續關注所有BGGG肛門肛交,看看這些sl see中哪一個對於那個人肉是如此兇猛。

Romi Rain 在 '妓女和大迪克'

Romi Rain - 妓女和大迪克

Romi Rain和Keiran Lee都記錄下午的一幕,但是Romi認為她太噁心了,等等。她去了基蘭的地方敲門,幾乎乞求他那個肥胖的公雞。 Keiran試圖保持堅強,拯救自己的工作,但是看一下羅米的大假山羊,他知道他必須讓她的權利在那裡。他媽的她的臉,她的奶子和她漂亮的粉紅色的貓,直到那個盛大的蕩婦滴濕,高興地尖叫!在他把他整個他的公寓,他吹起了巨大的負擔在她的臉和山雀。現在這就是我所說的熱身!

Juelz Ventura 在 '放學後特別'

Juelz Ventura - 放學後特別

當時主要的約翰尼·辛辛斯(Johnny Sins)襲擊並踢出了他們的攝影師,當地的一所學校,朱利斯·文圖拉(Romuel)和羅米雨(Romi Rain)都是半途而廢。這場拍賣會是因為一個很好的事業籌集了很多錢,所以女士們決定以任何必要的手段勝過校長。首先,他們被剝奪了,所以他們可以燃起他們不可思議的身體。然後,一旦從他們的大山雀到緊身驢子的一切都在滴濕,他們就開始在約翰尼的肥胖的公雞上工作了!一旦他們完成了吸吮和他媽的那個大雞巴,他為他們分擔了巨大的負擔,而校長辛辛苦苦,甚至不記得為什麼他這麼高興呢!

Monique Alexander 在 '如何破壞婚姻 - 第一部分'

Monique Alexander - 如何破壞婚姻 - 第一部分


Amy Anderssen 在 '學校吸吮,所以我的老師'

Amy Anderssen - 學校吸吮,所以我的老師

當他的老師艾米·安德森森(Amy Anderssen)獲得了一雙​​新的大假山羊時,小丑傑西·瓊斯(Jessy Jones)無法幫助自己對這些美麗的怪獸進行一些笑話。安德森小姐不喜歡他的幽默,所以她直接帶到了迪恩·尼基·奔馳的辦公室。 Dean Benz在她的時間處理了大量的角質聰明的屁股,所以她確切地知道Jessy需要排隊的位置:面對巨大的灰熊!兩個大膽的寶貝都把大量的水罐拉出來,讓Jessy吸了一口氣,那時候,女士們自己做點兒吮吸!傑西他媽的他們的山雀,他們的臉,然後他們的貓,因為沒有人比德安·奔馳和安德森小姐更重視學生福利!

Abby Cross 在 '學習濕貓'

Abby Cross - 學習濕貓

阿瓦·亞當斯(Ava Addams)是一名閒置老師,被困在學習大廳中,觀看所有性感的女學生準備考試的季節。要通過時間,亞歷山大小姐穿上裙子,所以她可以把她隱藏在椅子上的假陽具運動,而她幻想著周圍所有的性感學生。不久之後,學生們都走了,所以Ava打電話給她的助教Abby Cross吃了她陰濕的陰部。當性感的學生阿比蓋爾·麥克(Abigail Mac)抓到他們的時候,亞當斯(Miss Addams)小姐提供了她的直線A來保持嘴巴關閉,但事實證明,所有這些頑皮的女學生都是要採取行動!所以三個可愛的女士們使用他們的濕舌頭,細膩的手指和Ava的大假陽具,以確保他們在下一個課程之前都很好,很難!

Romi Rain 在 'Romis早婚禮物'

Romi Rain - Romis早婚禮物


Nikki Benz 在 '副隊紀律'

Nikki Benz - 副隊紀律


Romi Rain 在 '我的老闆是妓女'

Romi Rain - 我的老闆是妓女


Krissy Lynn 在 '獲得一些滿意度'

Krissy Lynn - 獲得一些滿意度

當Danny D在商店裡走下梯子時,他點了頭,開始有最美妙的夢想:三個最熱鬧的寶貝,Krissy Lynn,Mia Lelani和Romi Rain,都是用狡猾的裝備和電動工具來挑逗他的。沒有人浪費機會,丹尼甩出他的肥豬,所以他們可以上班給他一些真正的滿足!他一次他媽的一個人,而另外兩個人互相吃飯,一旦他媽的他們所有的嘴,臉和大山雀,他給那些夢想的寶貝一生的面孔!

Monique Alexander 在 '蕩婦大賽'

Monique Alexander - 蕩婦大賽

科特尼·凱恩和莫尼克亞歷山大是競爭一切的棒球運動員。通常他們可以把它全部放在場上,但是當一場比賽因為即將到來的暴風雨而被取消時,他們別無選擇,只能讓裁判約翰尼·辛斯(Johnny Sins)決定誰是現場最好的選手!首先,他們打破了他們的大山雀,找出更好的人,而且從那裡開始變得越來越荒唐了!看著這兩個胖胖的寶貝在他的大雞巴上競爭,試圖證明一次又一次地給予更好的頭腦,他媽的更好,當然誰擁有最大的微笑在她的臉上的負擔!

Monique Alexander 在 '公雞的結冰'

Monique Alexander - 公雞的結冰


Nikki Benz 在 '濕屁股性紅色乳膠'

Nikki Benz - 濕屁股性紅色乳膠

Nikki Benz在比賽中擁有最新鮮的贓物,而且由於她遇到了一切難以忍耐的肛門毆打,所以她已經很久了。今天,她在水上樂園裡穿著一件紅色的乳膠連衣裙,露出了你最瘋狂的白日夢。一旦她剝下來,她的甜蜜的混蛋沒有什麼可以填滿凱倫的肥豬。在她喉嚨裡,他的母親,凱倫的手指他媽的,把她無瑕疵的混蛋,直到她乞討得到他媽的辛苦。

Nikki Benz 在 '惡魔的地獄主人'

Nikki Benz - 惡魔的地獄主人

那些骯髒的惡魔阿列克特拉和尼基將約翰尼拖到地獄去拿一塊巨大的公雞。地獄裡的東西正在加熱,現在他們把他放在桌子上,開始用他們巨大的山雀和渴望的手擦拭他的油性身體。他們希望以一種令人討厭的三人一舉誘惑他,這麼骯髒和熱,他永遠不會想離開。一旦你看到這些蕩婦69彼此,分享他的公雞像飢餓的他們是,你會想加入他在這個陰y ing ing的天堂。

Chanel Preston 在 '黑白四季'

Chanel Preston - 黑白四季


Monique Alexander 在 '莫妮克保持新鮮'

Monique Alexander - 莫妮克保持新鮮

你在地球上如何保持地球上最無聊的新聞的廣播辛辣?當然,有一個驚人的熱門新聞施法者,如Monique亞歷山大和她的巨大的山雀,當然! Deen先生被聘為特別顧問,以保持他們最大的財富開心。他認為他想出了一種使用他的巨大公雞來保持現場直播的氣氛,以確保美國觀​​眾每天晚上回到WBZZ新聞。

Gia Dimarco 在 '拔掉他們最大的工作'

Gia Dimarco - 拔掉他們最大的工作


Nikki Benz 在 '夢幻Milf三人組'

Nikki Benz - 夢幻Milf三人組

Keiran不介意當他的妻子Devon的朋友,像Milf Nikki Benz一樣,留在客臥。然而,這一次,他發現要保持冷靜有點困難。他一直有夢想,他在大廳裡徘徊,去看看躺在床上的那些Milf,濕了,準備分享他的肥豬。

Monique Alexander 在 '脂肪營地 - 磅英鎊'

Monique Alexander - 脂肪營地 - 磅英鎊

莫妮克·亞歷山大(Monique Alexander)經營一個激烈的健身計劃,她唯一想要看到的胖胖的公雞就像約翰尼(Johnny's)一樣肥胖經過八個星期的訓練計劃,她可以把任何一個小塊變成一個合身的螺柱。最好的部分?她為一個失去最重的人提供了一塊貓!

Rachel Starr 在 '洗手間泡泡泡沫和蘇格蘭蕩婦'

Rachel Starr - 洗手間泡泡泡沫和蘇格蘭蕩婦


Romi Rain 在 'RocknRoll護士'

Romi Rain - RocknRoll護士


Nikki Benz 在 '完全不要她 - 她'

Nikki Benz - 完全不要她 - 她


Romi Rain 在 '打破性別'

Romi Rain - 打破性別


Romi Rain 在 '圖書館考察'

Romi Rain - 圖書館考察

Keiran的圖書館館長Romi Rain女士知道他一直在圖書館人質三年,他來到他的房子旁邊詢問他的地獄。她可能很聰明,但她也很胖,知道如何得到她想要的東西!

Christy Mack 在 '春節爆發 - 支持流氓救濟基金'

Christy Mack - 春節爆發 - 支持流氓救濟基金


Romi Rain 在 '瘋狂的莫夫'

Romi Rain - 瘋狂的莫夫


Nikki Benz 在 '你能讓我失望嗎'

Nikki Benz - 你能讓我失望嗎

尼基被打倒了,被送到了被克里斯滕(Kirsten)官員詢問的那個沉迷。 Nikki不合作說至少。經過一個小小的房屋,Nikki同意協助克爾斯滕,條件是克爾斯滕將她關閉,而不是一個更多的方式!

Abigail Mac 在 '我們不需要男孩'

Abigail Mac - 我們不需要男孩


Nikki Benz 在 '一個布列儂新年前夕'

Nikki Benz - 一個布列儂新年前夕


Monique Alexander 在 '但是Doc,Im不是一個蕩婦'

Monique Alexander - 但是Doc,Im不是一個蕩婦


Sarah Jessie 在 '親吻我的屁股達'

Sarah Jessie - 親吻我的屁股達


Nikki Benz 在 '奔馳黑手黨 - 第3部分'

Nikki Benz - 奔馳黑手黨 - 第3部分

頭要滾。現在是Nikki Benz與傳奇本人Mr. Big之間的最後攤牌的時候了。這兩個人是否會達成某種協議,將色情業劃分為兩個?還是大將先生,他媽的Nikki在屁股?

Nikki Benz 在 '戰爭妻子變濕了'

Nikki Benz - 戰爭妻子變濕了


Nikki Benz 在 '奔馳黑手黨 - 第2部分'

Nikki Benz - 奔馳黑手黨 - 第2部分


Monique Alexander 在 'Ep-3-信託問題'

Monique Alexander - Ep-3-信託問題


Nikki Benz 在 '奔馳黑手黨 - 第1部分'

Nikki Benz - 奔馳黑手黨 - 第1部分

Nikki Benz回來了,她正在踢屁股和他媽的大屁股。奔馳黑社會在這裡接管了色情業,而尼基將無法成為成人電影中最大的力量。

Monique Alexander 在 '夢想的唐'

Monique Alexander - 夢想的唐


Monique Alexander 在 '單身女性'

Monique Alexander - 單身女性


Alexis Texas 在 'XXX-Mas之前的噩夢'

Alexis Texas - XXX-Mas之前的噩夢


Monique Alexander 在 '他媽的我傻'

Monique Alexander - 他媽的我傻


Monique Alexander 在 '法律與罪犯'

Monique Alexander - 法律與罪犯


Monique Alexander 在 '綠色的貓'

Monique Alexander - 綠色的貓


Krissy Lynn 在 '樓梯下的色情明星'

Krissy Lynn - 樓梯下的色情明星


Monique Alexander 在 '醫生在'

Monique Alexander - 醫生在


Lisa Ann 在 '水庫蕩蕩'

Lisa Ann - 水庫蕩蕩


Monique Alexander 在 '瘋狂的電影'

Monique Alexander - 瘋狂的電影


Monique Alexander 在 '辮子丘比特'

Monique Alexander - 辮子丘比特


Emma Starr 在 '咸和感性'

Emma Starr - 咸和感性


Monique Alexander 在 '你更好地確定你的堤壩'

Monique Alexander - 你更好地確定你的堤壩

伊甸被派到指導顧問莫妮克,討論她的煩惱,她承認她是一個女同志。 Monique,自己當一個女同志,決定敲詐伊甸園。如果她不舔她的陰部,她威脅告訴整個學校她的骯髒的秘密。伊甸不喜歡最後通,,決定告訴她她喜歡什麼樣的粗糙的性行為。

Britney Amber 在 '星期五,我愛'

Britney Amber - 星期五,我愛

尼基和斯科特的婚姻正在發生變化。她一整天都在家外面工作了兩個工作。所有跡象表明離婚,直到Nikki的朋友布蘭妮過了一個禮拜一天。 Nikki一直有這樣一個幻想,與她有一個三人組,當她學到斯科特超過遊戲,她倍感欣喜。她不僅可以用牛肉乾的牛仔褲,而且到了一周之後,她就會救了她的婚姻。

Nikki Benz 在 '化學實驗室'

Nikki Benz - 化學實驗室


Nikki Benz 在 '抓住蕩婦'

Nikki Benz - 抓住蕩婦


Monique Alexander 在 '一個充滿激情的他媽的事'

Monique Alexander - 一個充滿激情的他媽的事


Nikki Benz 在 '在邁阿密'

Nikki Benz - 在邁阿密

在邁阿密度假時,Brazzers加入Nikki Benz。她在Levi的酒店套房裡打了溫暖的海灘和放鬆身心,然後他媽的大腦。

Monique Alexander 在 '在運行'

Monique Alexander - 在運行


Delta White 在 '我愛公雞n球'

Delta White - 我愛公雞n球


Nikki Benz 在 '響鈴服務'

Nikki Benz - 響鈴服務


Nikki Benz 在 '我的女朋友Mammograb'

Nikki Benz - 我的女朋友Mammograb

在定期的“特別考試”期間,Nikki Sexx醫生和她的病人Nikki Benz之間的事情變得很熱。在Sexx醫生完成口試後,她要求Johnny Sins的幫助來幫助身體全身治療。

Monique Alexander 在 '她向他靠近'

Monique Alexander - 她向他靠近


Monique Alexander 在 '呵護Monique'

Monique Alexander - 呵護Monique

Brazzers與Monique Alexander一起度過了一天,因為她在水療中心享受了一些呵護。之後,她可能會,也可能不會做愛。這一切都取決於縱容如何。

Monique Alexander 在 '主宰老闆'

Monique Alexander - 主宰老闆


Monique Alexander 在 '匆匆丈夫'

Monique Alexander - 匆匆丈夫


Courtney Cummz 在 '小說小說'

Courtney Cummz - 小說小說

約翰尼·辛辛斯和肖恩·邁克爾斯是兩個壞屁股的媽媽,他們什麼也不會讓他們的雇主馬庫斯先生。他們的日子將被槍支,毒品,打擊工作和行動。另外,把老闆的性感的妻子Nikki Benz扔在混合中,你更好地相信一些硬核肛門敲擊是在卡上。我們要回到1994年的ZZ球迷,這將是HOT!

Lexi Tyler 在 '休息一下,舔我的陰蒂'

Lexi Tyler - 休息一下,舔我的陰蒂

Nikki抓住她的同事看著一本同性戀色情雜誌。她發現它很大,他們開始爭論當他們的老闆Lexi偷聽他們。 Lexi發現這本雜誌性感,並且將毫無疑問地將Nikki的舌頭全部覆蓋在她濕潤的陰濕的陰部。起初Nikki抵制,但大家都知道老闆總是! Nikki終於給了Lexi的主導誘惑,並且充滿了女同志他媽的!

Nikki Benz 在 '著名的肛門'

Nikki Benz - 著名的肛門


Nikki Benz 在 '從鞭子鞭打到山雀鞭打到濺起飛濺'

Nikki Benz - 從鞭子鞭打到山雀鞭打到濺起飛濺


Nikki Benz 在 '好,壞,蕩婦'

Nikki Benz - 好,壞,蕩婦

深深的德克薩斯州心臟是一個lil的老棚屋,所有的絕望和高手,來到一個豬的殺人時間!一個你可以彎曲肘部和袋子的地方,你老闆who ers of ers of!!當一個真正的捲曲的狼以Bad Ass Bill的名義脫掉他的彎頭,並在他的卡牌桌上抓到一個四衝擊器,他想要他的戰利品和所有的cooch!幸運的是,Long Banger,Johnny Sins ain不久將要出現,他來到了一些頂尖的地段,如果這意味著有人前往骨果園,那麼就這樣!

Nikki Benz 在 'Heros治療'

Nikki Benz - Heros治療


Carmella Bing 在 '1469年的皇家公雞'

Carmella Bing - 1469年的皇家公雞


Nikki Benz 在 '冒名頂替者'

Nikki Benz - 冒名頂替者

Nikki Benz正在培訓新手Gina Lynn作為Big Dick Agency的最新成員。他們抓住了一個聲稱是約翰尼·辛辛(Johnny Sins)並且有一個巨大的傢伙的男人,但女孩們很快發現他是偽造的。他們設法質疑冒名頂替者,直到他休息並告訴他們真正的約翰尼罪惡是哪裡的。

Nikki Benz 在 '瘋狂週瘋狂!'

Nikki Benz - 瘋狂週瘋狂!

這是Frosh周和大學生正在狂野!特別是這三個宿舍sl uts Jessica,Nika和Nikki!他們正在酒吧偷酒,身體拍攝,山雀被甩了出來,被踢出酒吧!回到公共汽車他們去,他們決定有一個小旅行狂歡,將留在Brazzers學院檔案很長一段時間。

Nikki Benz 在 '色情實驗'

Nikki Benz - 色情實驗

兩個色情明星一房。 24小時監視... Julia&Nikki正在競爭,看看誰能持續最久沒有公雞,並帶回家$ 30'000!誰先搶先?

Nikki Benz 在 '有時候失去勝利!'

Nikki Benz - 有時候失去勝利!


Nikki Benz 在 '非常口頭的面試'

Nikki Benz - 非常口頭的面試


Nikki Benz 在 '大公雞搖滾明星'

Nikki Benz - 大公雞搖滾明星

當岩石傳奇大骨頭進城時,尼基·奔馳是第一個獲得後台去遇見她最喜歡的搖滾鼓手湯米李骨的人。 Nikki認為自己是一個小組,想知道她的搖滾明星偶像是否有一個大公雞,就像其他小組傳聞一樣。她和她的後台疊層層疊過來,發現真相,當她發現湯米·李·博恩的大鼓

Nikki Benz 在 '失憶公雞'

Nikki Benz - 失憶公雞

護士Nikki Benz是Charles的指定護士。當他陷入昏迷的時候,她突然變得渴望公雞,開始吹他!奇蹟般地喚醒了他!在健忘狀態下,查爾斯不記得了。 Nikki通過擺脫他的女朋友的姿勢來利用這種情況,試圖帶回美好的回憶

Nikki Benz 在 '男孩的玩具'

Nikki Benz - 男孩的玩具


Nikki Benz 在 '特殊學習需要'

Nikki Benz - 特殊學習需要

Nikki不完全是你所說的模範學生,湯普森教授知道這一點,所以當她打擾他的課時,他知道什麼會把她關起來......他的大屁股在她的嘴和陰部。 Nikki顯然會在他這樣他媽的時候再次打斷班級...

Nikki Benz 在 '在線電話'

Nikki Benz - 在線電話


Nikki Benz 在 '一種動​​機'

Nikki Benz - 一種動​​機


Nikki Benz 在 '黑色的寶貝'

Nikki Benz - 黑色的寶貝


Nikki Benz 在 '大回報'

Nikki Benz - 大回報


Nikki Benz 在 '足球迷醫生'

Nikki Benz - 足球迷醫生


Nikki Benz 在 '新生吮吸'

Nikki Benz - 新生吮吸

Nikki Benz很不高興抓住她的男朋友從一條小巷裡的一個大一新生的小狗頭上撿起頭。但是,她知道誰要交涉,Blow教授。他知道如何處理這樣的情況,你可以看到它。幾分鐘之內,她一直都是想要的,尼基的男朋友走進他們,但嘿,他們說什麼壞

Nikki Benz 在 '聖誕老人XXXmas驚喜'

Nikki Benz - 聖誕老人XXXmas驚喜

這是一個全部金髮色情的色情明星俠客和三個最熱門的寶貝聚在一起慶祝。 Nikki,Lichelle和Brooke打開了他們的禮物,希望特別的東西:一個大的COCK!他們很快就發現,他們今年聖誕節的一切都是一些內衣和聖誕糖果。他們感到失望,認為聖誕老人忘記了他們,但聖誕老人對他們感到驚訝。一個特別的禮物,將保存這三個大型COCK CRAVING色情明星的XXXmas ...

Nikki Benz 在 '交通違規'

Nikki Benz - 交通違規

Nikki Benz在住宅區駕駛一點點太快。她被卒官拔除,問題是Nikki將Strokes認定為前色情明星。你可以猜測接下來發生了什麼。尼基只是喜歡大公雞,而官員中風是最大的。

Nikki Benz 在 '無聊的性生活'

Nikki Benz - 無聊的性生活


Nikki Benz 在 '幫助手'

Nikki Benz - 幫助手

Nikki Benz的丈夫說他會修車,但他沒有做任何事情。她厭倦了他不照顧的事情,所以她問他們的朋友和鄰居Joe Blow,給她一輛車。似乎這不僅僅是她的丈夫忽略了房子,因為當喬離開了她的地方,她乞求他用大公雞和他的大公雞暨和她的大圓形餡餅!喬很樂意給他的角斗士大公雞渴望鄰居一隻手...

Kinzie Kenner 在 '內衣和Goodtimes!'

Kinzie Kenner - 內衣和Goodtimes!


Nikki Benz 在 'Is Recruiting Big Cocks For Her Big Dic'

Nikki Benz - Is Recruiting Big Cocks For Her Big Dic

公雞狩獵特別,尼基奔馳,再次做到了!她正在開辦自己的“大迪克機構”,為她的事業招募新成員。她的幸運候選人約翰尼·辛斯(Johnny Sins)剛剛離開這種職業就不會加入。但是Nikki決心為她的客戶設置大公雞,但大多是為了自己...

Eva Angelina 在 '四個游泳池派對行動!!!'

Eva Angelina - 四個游泳池派對行動!!!

當三個最熱門的色情明星組裝並團結一下,為飢餓的濕貓尋找一個最終的公雞會發生什麼?他們叫他們的朋友約翰尼,讓他成為最幸運的人!這三個熱辣妹都是大家的夢想!現在幻想成為現實當Nikki Benz,Eva Angelina和Rachel Roxxx摧毀約翰尼的公雞,並用它來實現他們的角質和討厭的色情明星的需求!

Mindy Main 在 '口頭挑戰'

Mindy Main - 口頭挑戰

這個情人節不是一件好事。這對夫婦有性生活的問題。比利正在抱怨說,他的女朋友不能給他一個體面的口交,而米迪的抱怨是,他不能正確地吃飽,所以她永遠不會高潮。 Sex Pro Nikki通過動議吸引了這對夫婦,並使其成為情人節的記憶。

Nikki Benz 在 '金發前的大腦'

Nikki Benz - 金發前的大腦


Nikki Benz 在 '尼基感到討厭'

Nikki Benz - 尼基感到討厭


Nikki Benz 在 '獎勵計劃'

Nikki Benz - 獎勵計劃

Nikki Benz甚至沒有計劃為我們拍攝,她過來叮囑一下她早些時候的一個壞場面,甚至沒有下車!!她真的很生氣,因為我們的男孩聽到她的bit ching聲,提供自己...一個紳士。他媽的角質和生氣的尼基感到他的包裹,並接受他的報價,我不得不滾相機當然。現在讓我告訴你,她不僅僅是為了她早期的糟糕場面而彌補的。你不想錯過這個,nikki真的想下車,下車了!

Nikki Benz 在 '隔壁尼基'

Nikki Benz - 隔壁尼基


Nikki Benz 在 'Sales Manager'

Nikki Benz - Sales Manager

比同事更注意的事情更難,當穿著像蕩婦時,正試圖得到他們的注意。 Nikki Benz嘗試了一切,讓傑里米的注意力,但他太忙了,不能注意到她的大奶酪和非常短的裙子。最後,Nikki感到沮喪,只好告訴他他想要他多少錢。她開始跑到他的腿上,...

來自其他網站的場景特色 Nikki Benz,Monique Alexander,Romi Rain,Abigail Mac,Ana Foxxx

Ana Foxxx 在 'Glory Hole'

Ana Foxxx - Glory Hole

What a beautiful day to be at the beach Ana Foxxx says but after a day of lounging at the beach and seeing all the mostly naked bodies all around her she starts to feel a little tingle in her special place. But walking back to her car she sees one of those adult stores that has that kind of backroom all the girls talk about. The one where you can go to get proper dicked down discreetly and the whole town doesn't know your body count is a bit embarrassing. Well this is just what the chef ordered for this boiling pussy. She gets down to the back room and checks out the trashy decor that seems just right for this kind of raunchy place. She sees 4 holes on offer but only one comes out quickly and she is on it. Devouring that dick and drooling all over herself as well she can not help herself. Backing up on it releases a deep groan of pleasure from Ana that then builds into her hammering her ass back into the wall with a deep need. With an expert grip and touch she milks the cum from this random cock to shoot all over her.

Capri Cavanni 在 '2 Chicks Same Time'

Capri Cavanni - 2 Chicks Same Time

It's Memorial Day and Capri Cavanni has her friend Nikki Benz over for a BBQ. Will seems to be having trouble working the grill once both Nikki and Capri put on their sexy bikinis. They decide to celebrate the right way and have a hot threesome with Will's big hard cock.

Nikki Benz 在 'Ultimate MILF Nikki Cums Hard while Riding His Cock'

Nikki Benz - Ultimate MILF Nikki Cums Hard while Riding His Cock

They say a fool is easily parted from his money. In this case, a saleswoman uses all the wiles at her disposal to part a young man from his girlfriend.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Suffers Brutal Delights in Hardcore Bondage'

Ana Foxxx - Suffers Brutal Delights in Hardcore Bondage

The beautiful Ana Foxxx is back in the dungeon and desperately wants The Pope to kick her ass, maker her suffer, drool, scream, and cum. Just the sound of Pope?s boots make Ana sweat. When he approaches with a bucket full of clothespins, she laughs uncontrollably as a tiny bead of sweat trickles down her arm in anticipation of the torment and pleasure that is to come. In her happy place, Ana is a spectacle in bondage with her broad smile and her lean toned body glistening in the restraints. JP pinches clothespins on Ana?s tits, her skin is so tight there is hardly anything to hold them on. A crotch rope digs into her flesh and holds her in place. She becomes helpless as JP vibes her clit and whips the pins off with the flogger until she begs to cum. Next, Ana is in predicament bondage as JP torments her feet with the crop. A string connects her big toe to a nipple clamp that pulls every time she moves. With the Hitachi on her clit, JP fucks her wet pussy with a dick-on-a-stick and it makes Ana scream, moan, and sing as her eyes roll back in her head. Drooling and breathless, Ana takes deep measured breaths in full suspension as she prepares for what is next. In the third position, Ana is on her back with wrists tied to ankles, causing her back to arch and her chest to thrust as JP threatens and teases her with the Wartenberg roller on her sensitive skin and nipples. The Pope whips her with the flogger and then slides several fingers in Ana?s pussy. He vibes her cunt, causing her to shake and convulse with overwhelming pleasure. Bound tightly, there is no escaping this onslaught of brutal, wild sensations. The Pope tops it off with more relentless pounding with the dick-on-a-stick, sending Ana way over the top into the Foxxx hole. Oh but she is never really safe in the sadistic hands of The Pope.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Anna Foxxx Loves To Suck A Huge Dick'

Ana Foxxx - Anna Foxxx Loves To Suck A Huge Dick

Take a glimpse into the past of Anna Foxxx's fiery performance. This sweet chocolate gal flaunts her sexy body by swaying her hips erotically, attracting the hearts of men. She wears vibrant red lingerie with white fishnet, black high heels, and shiny silver accessories. Anna flaunts her delectable ass before removing her bra, exposing her small tits. With an unwavering lust, she bends down, pulls out the lucky man's hard dick, and gives him a blowjob-handjob combo. The raven-haired hottie sucks and slurps with a hint of excitement in her mesmerizing eyes, delivering an award-worthy cock worshipping before the big-dicked stud grabs the back of her head and proceeds to facefuck her. Anna continues to offer her mouth for a blowjob, making him cum on her face.

Abigail Mac 在 'Days are getting warmer and your cock is getting harder as Abigail Mac and Alexis Monroe have a threesome'

Abigail Mac - Days are getting warmer and your cock is getting harder as Abigail Mac and Alexis Monroe have a threesome

Today's your day to get the best of both worlds! You're poolside with Abigail Mac and Alexis Monroe — one with luscious big tits, the other with a fat big ass. And they're all for YOU. One blonde, one brunette, double the fucking fun! Grab one handful of Abigail's tits and another handful of Alexis's ass and go to town. This is the threesome you've been waiting for all summer long, and it's finally here. Get two blowjobs, two hot pussies and three orgasms in one day!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Punishing the House Boy: Ana Foxxx and Baxxx'

Ana Foxxx - Punishing the House Boy: Ana Foxxx and Baxxx

Boss bitch Ana Foxxx comes home from a long day to a dirty house and needs her houseboy Baxxx to pay for his laziness. She makes him worship her feet and clean her heels before bending him over the dirty countertop and spanking his ass red. Next, she teaches him a lesson he won?t soon forget with his head in the sink for some water torment. While Baxxx is tied, gasping, and face still dripping, Ana sits on his hard dick until she allows him to cum all over himself. She still isn?t finished with him yet, as she puts her big cock in his ass while his head is in the oven. Ana, wanting to finally cum, sits on Baxxx?s face, smothering him, while wildly orgasming.

Romi Rain 在 'ROMI RAIN Private Date POV With Mick'

Romi Rain - ROMI RAIN Private Date POV With Mick

Bodacious XXX superstar Romi Rain visits top director/performer Mick Blue for a hot private date. His POV camera captures the intimacy. The busty porn queen wears tight black lingerie to accentuate her sumptuous curves as she shakes, teases and strips. Romi masturbates her wet slit, tasting pussy juice from her moist fingers. She crawls to Mick, amazed when she encounters his big cock. Romi immediately feasts on his thick boner. She rims his bunghole and laps balls while giving a messy blowjob, and then she bends over and spreads open her twat for intense fucking. Romi diddles her clit while Mick's meat jackhammers her cunt, and she talks dirty for the duration. The wild encounter delivers vaginal rod riding and slick titty fucking. Romi jerks Mick's dick and savors his load. She takes a creamy cum facial and then stares into the camera to thank Mick.

Romi Rain 在 'lets you have fun with her big sexy ass and big tits before she rides your dick'

Romi Rain - lets you have fun with her big sexy ass and big tits before she rides your dick

Party time! Excellent! Not. Yeah, there's a shindig going on downstairs, but it's a complete sausage fest. Wouldn't you rather be up here, blindfolded and listening to a beautiful woman quietly talk dirty in your ear? And when said blindfold is removed you find out that said beautiful woman is none other than pornstar Romi Rain? Fuck yeah! Now that's a party. You should be kissing Romi's feet — and you will be — for getting you out of there and moving the fun upstairs, because she's horny as hell and ready to fuck! She can't wait for you to reach out and squeeze her fat big tits in this unfathomable pornstar experience, all in virtual reality. Spin her around and her big beautiful ass is right in your face, and then right on top of your dick! Party on!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Game, Set, Match: Anna Foxxx and Johnny Castle'

Ana Foxxx - Game, Set, Match: Anna Foxxx and Johnny Castle

Ana Foxxx has been taking tennis lessons from her trainer, Johnny Castle. One day she decides toask him over for a cold glass of lemonade to cool off after their lesson in the sun. Johnny jumps atthe chance to get to know her a little more, so they go to her house for refreshments. Shortly afterarriving, Ana starts to flirt with Johnny. He?s not sure what to think of this at first, but Ana makesit abundantly clear what her intentions are, and he goes for it. The more they do, the dirtier Anagets. They begin in the kitchen, and can?t get enough of each other. Johnny is here for all of it evenwhen she says she wants to be tied up and abused. Next they move to a new area where Ana canbe bound and Johnny can show her a few other tricks he has. She is tied in a doggy position sothat he has full access to her and can spank her in the process. He throat fucks her and fucks herpussy until she explodes with orgasms. Next they move to a table where Ana is on her back andJohnny fucks her mercilessly into non stop orgasms.

Romi Rain 在 'Professor Romi Rain gives you a naughty one-on-one sex education lesson'

Romi Rain - Professor Romi Rain gives you a naughty one-on-one sex education lesson

One of Professor Romi Rain's student must stay after class for being inappropriate. It turns out he's been acting out because he really doesn't know anything about women, so Professor Romi Rain teaches him all there is to know about pussy, starting with hers.

Nikki Benz 在 'It's time for you to experience Nikki Benz and her huge tits, her mouth that craves cock, and her wet pussy that needs a hard pounding'

Nikki Benz - It's time for you to experience Nikki Benz and her huge tits, her mouth that craves cock, and her wet pussy that needs a hard pounding

Uh-oh, you-know-who is here right now and you KNOW you can't escape her grasps! Yes, you're getting the full Nikki Benz Porn Star Experience today, with her big tits, a mouth that's a magnet for your cock, and a pussy that's craving a deep hot fucking. Don't be afraid now; Nikki may be a bit intimidating due to her legendary superstar status, but she still wants YOUR dick! So sit back and allow the busty blonde to work her magic with her holes and hands to pleasure you the only way she sees fit. Nikki can tell by the bulge in your pants that you're happy to see her, an she's happy to work your cock over until you're more than satisfied, a la your jizz spurting all over her fat tits. There really is no way to prepare yourself to ride the Benz Train…but you had better prepare yourself! Only at Naughty America VR!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Bondage Grudge Fuck'

Ana Foxxx - Bondage Grudge Fuck

Ana Foxxx has been teasing Johnny, but not putting out, so we get her tied up and let him get what she?s been keeping from him. Ana is strung up in an inverted ankle suspension with her mouth right at cock level. Johnny enters and begins working her over before using her mouth as a cock receptacle. Her tight pussy is at the perfect height for him to lick it, so he has a little snack while his cock is buried in Ana?s throat. Next, Ana is ass up on a box with her pussy begging to be pounded. Johnny obliges her and fucks her hole mercilessly, as she screams and moans. He continues to dish out corporal punishment in between deep pussy fucking. Ana is now is a side suspension with on leg up exposing her pussy and leaving her mouth available as well. He gets to work slapping this slut around, and then power fucks her pussy and mouth. He uses a vibe to rip massive orgasms form her before moving on to the final position. Her arms are box tied behind her and Johnny throws her around like a piece of meat as he uses her holes one final time. Ana is beat, and can do very little to stop him from taking what he wants.

Nikki Benz 在 'Sexy Blonde pornstar Nikki Benz Is here to take your big cock in her perfect tight wet pussy'

Nikki Benz - Sexy Blonde pornstar Nikki Benz Is here to take your big cock in her perfect tight wet pussy

She's back, baby, and she's going VR! Nikki Benz is doing Naughty America for us, which means she's doing YOU. She's giving you a porn star experience in virtual reality, and it's going to change your life forever. Those big ol' Benzo boobies are gonna slap your brain silly today, as it's been a while since you've buried your nose between them. And you'll do just that when she sticks them in your face for you to suck on before she slides them down to hug your dick with them. She's been dying to see you again, just let Nikki do her thing and have her way with you and your dick, and tell you what she wants – you won't regret it. Her pussy's thirst for hard cock needs quenched, and you've got just the beverage she wants, brewing up in your balls and ready to spurt all down her throat. Make her happy!

Lacy Lennon 在 'Three By The Sea'

Lacy Lennon - Three By The Sea

Lifes a beach, and then you... fuck! At least thats the way it works when Ana Foxxx and Lacy Lennon show up. Either one of these ladies alone is a dream come true, but put them together in a beautiful setting on a beautiful day, and I swear I was staring into paradise.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Sexy Ebony Slut Is An Anal Loving Disco Queen'

Ana Foxxx - Sexy Ebony Slut Is An Anal Loving Disco Queen

Ana Foxxx gets her asshole destroyed at her disco-themed anal sex party.

Nikki Benz 在 'Dr. Nikki Benz gives her patient a checkup he will never forget'

Nikki Benz - Dr. Nikki Benz gives her patient a checkup he will never forget

Dr. Nikki Benz is very thorough when it comes to her work. She likes to check everything, and we mean everything! Today, she notices one of her clients is packing a giant sausage. She can't help but have a sudden urge to shove that thing in her mouth followed by her wet pussy. The Dr. ends up giving her patient a checkup he will never forget!

Nikki Benz 在 'Perfect Fucking Strangers'

Nikki Benz - Perfect Fucking Strangers

Nikki Benz gets a random visit from a stranded guy with a dead phone and stalled car. She's asked if she would be so kind as to charge his phone so he can call for a tow. She invites him in but he doesn't want to intrude. She decides to take some naughty pictures in hopes to lure him in. After getting his charged phone back and sees Nikki in some sexy lingerie he can't resist the invite from this beautiful stranger. Little does he know, she likes it in the ass and cum all over her face.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Shopping Slave - Ana Foxxx'

Ana Foxxx - Shopping Slave - Ana Foxxx

Goddess Ana graciously allowed her slave to come Christmas shopping with her! They walked through the mall and she pointed at various things and each time, her slave would scurry off to purchase what she wanted. She then made him pay for giftwrapping of all the gifts she picked out for herself. But now that they have returned home, she tells him he should have bought more for her. So, she tells him he will need to call his bank and increase his credit limits and apply for a loan. As she rubs her perfect ass up and down his face, he feels weaker and weaker? he wants to resist as his life spirals out of control but Ana is just too beautiful and powerful to be denied. He will be drained of everything he owns and she knows it! HOT ASS WORSHIP, FOOT WORSHIP, FACESITTING, AND MORE!

Nikki Benz 在 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Nikki Benz - My Wife's Hot Friend

Nikki Benz is having a blast at her friend's anniversary party. It doesn't take long for Nikki to find herself alone with her friend's husband and have him blast some cum all over her face.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Foxxxy Slut is Tormented in Device Bondage'

Ana Foxxx - Foxxxy Slut is Tormented in Device Bondage

Ana begins her day in a confined wooden frame with her head locked into a neck stock. The Pope begins to fuck with her head form the very start and Ana knows that this will only get worse. Eventually she is blindfolded and suddenly everything changes. The fear sets in as he toys with her and Ana can?t tell where he is. The zapper makes for a sadistic toy to up the ante on her suffering and mind games. Next Ana is bent over and displaying her amazing ass. Her legs are spread and held in place with steel traps and her arms are bound to a platform with leather straps. The Pope launches a full out assault on her flesh with his flogger as Ana screams in agony. She begs for him to stop and only after he is finished does he fill her pussy with cock. She is pounded with his fat dildo and her screams become moans as she cums uncontrollably. The final scene has Ana bent backwards over a wooden arch with her hands and legs pulled into a spread eagle. Her suffering is not even close to over. The cat-o-nine tails is used along with other implements to torment her fully. She struggles and fights against her restraints but she?s not going anywhere and she knows it.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ana Foxxx: Endless Potential'

Ana Foxxx - Ana Foxxx: Endless Potential

Ana Foxxx is a realtor who only deals with VIPs, so when Derrick Pierce reached out looking to expand his business to her area, she jumped at the opportunity. He has given her all of his expectations, and she went to work to find him exactly what he was looking for. She finds out that he?s made his fortune with adult content, and is curious about what that means exactly. Derrick grabs her close, and in a instant, Ana sees what it means. Afraid of what she has started, she?s too turned on to stop it. Derrick uses her for his amusement, and once the stakes get high, Ana can?t wait for Derrick to show his hand. Soon, Ana finds herself in a full rope-suspension and totally helpless. Derrick gives her a little more than she was looking for. Once he?s had enough of the wind and outdoors, he takes her inside for one final look at the property, and to get one final fuck in before he makes his decision.

Kayley Gunner 在 'Married housewife, Nikki Benz, wants to share a big dick between her and her friend's Kayley Gunner and Savannah Bond while her husband is out of town'

Kayley Gunner - Married housewife, Nikki Benz, wants to share a big dick between her and her friend's Kayley Gunner and Savannah Bond while her husband is out of town

Nikki Benz's husband is out of town so she's having a girls day with her friend's Kayley Gunner and Savannah Bond. After they get dropped off back at Nikki's, the girls talk about how hot their driver was. Nikki decides to call the driver and have him come back to hang out at her place. Things quickly heat up and get naughty as all these MILFs want to do is suck dick and get their pussies nice and worked!

Nikki Benz 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Nikki Benz - My Friend's Hot Mom

Nikki Benz arrives home to find her son's friend, Lawson, hanging out while her son is at work. Lawson tells Nikki how no one showed up to his birthday party and Nikki feels really bad about it. She comes up with an idea -- she sends Lawson to the store and when he gets back she has a little birthday surprise for him...a tube of lotion! Nikki lets Lawson rub that lotion all over her ass and tits before taking his big black cock out of his pants and rocking his world! Best birthday gift ever!

Abigail Mac 在 'fucking in the living room with her tattoos'

Abigail Mac - fucking in the living room with her tattoos

Romi Rain just broke up with her boyfriend, and she desperately wants to go out to a new club in Hollywood that just opened up. But when she tries to persuade her bookish roommate Abigail Mac to go out, she tells her she needs to study. Romi complains that Abigail is always studying and never wants to have any fun time going out and meeting guys. She tells her that she's way too hot to not be going out, and when Romi says she'll be happen to stay in with Abigail, then slips her tongue in her mouth, her roommate is ready to have some fun. The two get to know one another by way of a pussy-eating, vibrator-fucking good time!

Nikki Benz 在 'Blonde Nikki Benz fucking in the bed with her petite'

Nikki Benz - Blonde Nikki Benz fucking in the bed with her petite

Johnny's getting married today, and he's nervous as hell. His dad's girlfriend Nikki Benz checks in to see how he's doing, and when she sees that he's a nervous wreck, she tells him that she's going to help him calm down and regain his confidence. But when she starts rubbing his cock, Johnny can't believe his eyes! Nikki tells him it's not cheating because he isn't married yet, and she emboldens her movement when she wraps her lips around his big dick, sticks her big tits in his face and fucks him on his wedding day!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Lost In The Anal Sauce'

Ana Foxxx - Lost In The Anal Sauce

Ana Foxxx is at the top of my favorite performer list. If she isn’t at the top of yours then you probably just haven’t seen a scene of hers and lucky for you, that is about to change. I was so excited to have her come to my room. I was even more excited that she was offering me her sweet ass. Ana and anal. It just rolls off of your tongue, doesn’t it?

Nikki Benz 在 'Naughty Office'

Nikki Benz - Naughty Office

Nikki Benz is the new secretary who doesn't mind taking dick -- erm, dictation. However, she wants to take some time off and the boss is being a prick. He won't let her take off until he gets off ... all over her face.

Nikki Benz 在 'Naughty Office'

Nikki Benz - Naughty Office

Salesman Jack has an appointment to show Nikki Benz a new software (Or shall we say new hardware? ) program her company might buy, but he's incredibly awkward and can't make the sale. But dammit, Jack. I'm horny! Fuck me now and forget your fucking hardware.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ana Has A Party In Her Panties'

Ana Foxxx - Ana Has A Party In Her Panties

It was early in the morning as I went for coffee and I passed this tight and toned babe all dressed up in a tight dress and heels. She was just coming back from a Bachelorette party and was looking fine. She wanted to keep the fun going so I invited her over and shot my load in her open snatch!

Ana Foxxx 在 '- Gloryhole Initiations - Scene 3'

Ana Foxxx - Gloryhole Initiations

What is a girl to do when Ana is stood up for a blind date? Jump back into her phone and find the address of that Glory Hole that is close and get her needs met all the same. It's just like she remembers but for the new paint job. She knows the drill and spreads her sexy legs wide to play with her special place to lure in the Dicks. Out pops a big nice Cock hard and ready for her to use. She drools and spits all over that big dick like a Woman with a purpose to have all her holes filled. Starting with the pussy she takes that down to the base fast for her first cum. Not to be leaving anything undone she backs up on that Cock with her Ass, her eyes roll back in her head getting what she really needs. Taking that Cock fresh from her Ass to Mouth she milks it for all she is worth until a massive spray of cum over and over plasters her face and big ass smile.

Nikki Benz 在 'Naughty America'

Nikki Benz - Naughty America

Nikki Benz LOVES to get naughty! And if that means fucking her sister's boyfriend, then she'll do it. She knows he can't resist her sweet ass and big huge tits -- nobody can. So when her sister calls ahead to let them know she'll be late, Nikki gets him in her bedroom and has him fuck the shit out of her!!!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Mean Loan Officer - Ana Foxxx'

Ana Foxxx - Mean Loan Officer - Ana Foxxx

Miss Foxxx loves being a Loan Officer. Her job allows her to meet weak losers who are desperate for her help. When Eriq walks into her bank, he's exactly what she wants. She makes him crawl and beg… she knows he needs that loan and will do anything for it. She laughs at him as he degrades himself for her. She loves having power over him!! HOT ASS WORSHIP, FOOT WORSHIP, FACESITTING, AND MORE!

Ana Foxxx 在 'fucking in the living room with her small tits'

Ana Foxxx - fucking in the living room with her small tits

College cheerleaders Skin Diamond and Ana Foxxx are scheming to win the cheer competition by seducing the judge Johnny at his home. But when they get there, they find rival college cheerleader Leilani Leeane already sucking his cock, already a head up! When they call them out, Leilani wants them to admit that they were there to suck his cock, too, and stack the odds in their favor. At that point, all Johnny can do is continue to be a fair and balanced judge, which means he has to fuck all three cheerleaders to find out who will win. Rah-rah-sis-boom-blast!

Romi Rain 在 'Busty Anal MILF Powerhouse!'

Romi Rain - Busty Anal MILF Powerhouse!

Newly blonde MILF powerhouse Romi Rain poses in sexy lingerie. She shakes her big tits, bounces her big ass and spreads her cunt lips widely. Star woodsman Mick Blue enters her boudoir. Romi strokes and engorges his tool in a lusty blowjob. Mick worships her massive boobs. He rims Romi's asshole then delivers a doggie-style anal invasion. Romi licks her juicy flavor off of his cock ass-to-mouth. Mick's meat thrusts into and pounds her bunghole spoon-style as Romi gleefully masturbates. Mick stuffs his wand between her giant jugs for a titty fuck. Romi grips her stockinged gams in a missionary-style anal reaming, loving every moment. She sucks Mick's schlong ass-to-mouth. Romi happily assumes the position, and a wet cum facial spunks her nose and chin.

Monique Alexander 在 'fucking in the couch with her piercings'

Monique Alexander - fucking in the couch with her piercings

Monique has checked out the new neighbor and walks over to his place to invite him to one of her crazy pool parties but what she never expected was to have a wild time in his pants.

Monique Alexander 在 'fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Monique Alexander - fucking in the couch with her big tits

Ramon has come in from working outside on the landscaping all day. His father's new girlfriend Monique is there waiting to go shopping, on his dime of course. She is grossed out by the hot, sweaty Ramon, and he takes advantage of that fact, and gets a little closer to her. Even though she is bitchy, snobby, and dating his father, Ramon just has to get a peek at those fantastic boobs.

Nikki Benz 在 'fucking in the public place with her tits'

Nikki Benz - fucking in the public place with her tits

Nikki is dating a rich man who owns a chain of tanning salons. She goes to the one where his son works at, and demands to tan immediately. He complies with her request, but when she demands he brings her some tanning lotion, he loses his cool. He stalks back there and when he opens the tanning bed door......a naked Nikki leaves him speechless. When she pulls out his cock, he knows he needs to stop....but he just can't help himself. Sorry pops!

Ana Foxxx 在 'fucking in the couch with her small tits'

Ana Foxxx - fucking in the couch with her small tits

Ana Foxxx charges into her friend Susan's house frantically searching for her, but Susan's brother Johnny tells her that his sister is upstairs passed out, after a long night with her boyfriend. Ana said Susan wasn't answering her phone, and that she needs to desperately talk to someone because she just broke up with her cheating-ass boyfriend. Johnny, being the good guy that he is, consoles the poor soul and gives her the comfort she needs, i.e., his hard cock in her juicy pussy.

Nikki Benz 在 'fucking in the garage with her tattoos'

Nikki Benz - fucking in the garage with her tattoos

Nikki is set on her husband taking her to dinner and a movie on Friday night. He tries to get out of it by faking a flat tire, but she doesn't buy it. She isn't letting him get away, and decides to fuck right there in the trunk!

Nikki Benz 在 'Blonde friend Nikki Benz fucking in the couch with her tits'

Nikki Benz - Blonde friend Nikki Benz fucking in the couch with her tits

Nikki and James just returned from a long hike in the mountains. When they get back to their place, James starts to get frisky and Nikki is surprised to see that he still has some energy left. Before the door even slams shut James is slamming Nikki right on the couch!!

Nikki Benz 在 'Shaved boss Nikki Benz fucking in the desk with her lingerie'

Nikki Benz - Shaved boss Nikki Benz fucking in the desk with her lingerie

Nikki calls her subordinate Mick instead her office for a little chit-chat. It seems he has been sending slanderous emails about her and she found out. Its time to make him learn the error of his making her orgasm....or else!

Kagney Linn Karter 在 'fucking in the bar with her tattoos'

Kagney Linn Karter - fucking in the bar with her tattoos

Kagney Linn and Monique are tired of lame tips and lamer cowboys hanging around their bar. These girls are ready to have some fun with the new bar-back because once the bar is closed, their legs are open for a wild ride!

Nikki Benz 在 'fucking in the desk with her piercings'

Nikki Benz - fucking in the desk with her piercings

Nikki Benz is the new secretary who doesn't mind taking dick -- erm, dictation. However, she wants to take some time off and the boss is being a prick. He won't let her take off until he gets off ... all over her face.

Nikki Benz 在 'fucking in the bathroom with her big tits'

Nikki Benz - fucking in the bathroom with her big tits

Nikki Benz is having a blast at her friend's anniversary party. It doesn't take long for Nikki to find herself alone with her friend's husband and have him blast some cum all over her face.

Nikki Benz 在 'fucking in the bed with her tattoos'

Nikki Benz - fucking in the bed with her tattoos

Nikki Benz likes to get naughty. And if that means fucking her sister's boyfriend, then she'll do it. She knows he can't resist her sweet ass and huge tits. So when her sister calls ahead to let them know she'll be late, Nikki gets him in her bedroom and has him fuck the shit out of her!!!

Nikki Benz 在 'fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Nikki Benz - fucking in the couch with her big tits

Nikki Benz is puzzled. While visiting her old friend, she noticed that he's become tame. They had so much naughty fun back in the day, but he enjoys things like gardening. His life might be numbing but that cock can still get her cumming!!!

Nikki Benz 在 'fucking in the bedroom with her tattoos'

Nikki Benz - fucking in the bedroom with her tattoos

When Nikki Benz and her husband Billy find Sativa Rose at a bar and bring her home, it's their wildest fantasy come true ... anonymous sex with a stranger. They don't even ask her name! And they want to keep it that way and fuck her again.

Nikki Benz 在 'Bride Nikki Benz fucking in the hotel with her big tits'

Nikki Benz - Bride Nikki Benz fucking in the hotel with her big tits

Let's nominate Tommy for luckiest guy in the world!! For a groom with cold feet, he sure does have one hell of an imagination. Watch "sharing is caring" come to life as Penny Flame and her maid of honor Nikki Benz show Tommy just how perfect married life can be.

Nikki Benz 在 'Wife Nikki Benz fucking in the couch with her tattoos'

Nikki Benz - Wife Nikki Benz fucking in the couch with her tattoos

Nikki Benz is getting cold feet about her engagement to Cheyne and thinks they should take some time apart to "find" themselves but still wants to fuck him. Just what every guy dreams of - hot pussy on call without all the emotional baggage that usually comes with it!

Nikki Benz 在 'fucking in the public place with her piercings'

Nikki Benz - fucking in the public place with her piercings

Nikki Benz and Puma Swede heard a rumor that one of their patrons is a great fuck. He's waiting on a couch in the back. When the bar closes, these two sirens get the chance to see if his cock is as thick as the rumors!

Abigail Mac 在 'Teaches Gianna Story The Ins And Outs'

Abigail Mac - Teaches Gianna Story The Ins And Outs

Super sexy Abigail Mac,Gianna Story and Markus form a fuck faction ensemble in this scene from Abigail is 'first fiddler' as the racy harlot leads Gianna Story into a bedroom on a leash. She gives Story some spanks, plays with her tits then fully envelops one and then repeatedly pops it out of her mouth with matching noise. Gianna tries and copies Abigail that elicits a 'So eager to please aren't you' from Mac. The sexpot informs Story there's a big surprise coming up then blindfolds Gianna. Markus is lead in by the tie and not his exposed hard-on. Abigail asks 'Do you like giant dick Where do you want it' then fully strips Story and makes her beg for cock. Gianna is finally allowed to see the dong and the two work on sucking it. She's then put in doggy where Markus does double-dips from Story's pussy to Abigail's mouth. He gets creative and stacks the girls up to form a 'fuck totem'. He has the wider assed Mac underneath and he comments how many pussies he has to play with. Next he puts Abigail in doggy and pulls the same double-dip as before with holes reversed. Miss Story is put in missionary and eventually rolls her heels overhead. We start to hear sex yodels from Story as Markus fingers her twat. Abigail's upscale frame is fucked then fingered until she squirts. The well worked twosome continue their efforts as Markus pumps as much cum as he can into their mouths. The deviants share their donation and spit on roll out...

Nikki Benz 在 'Housewife 1 on 1'

Nikki Benz - Housewife 1 on 1

Nikki Benz is getting cold feet about her engagement to Cheyne and thinks they should take some time apart to "find" themselves but still wants to fuck him. Just what every guy dreams of - hot pussy on call without all the emotional baggage that usually comes with it!

Nikki Benz 在 'gets NAUGHTY and shares her husbands big cock with a hot chick they just met at the bar'

Nikki Benz - Housewife 1 on 1

When Nikki Benz and her husband Billy find Sativa Rose at a bar and bring her home, it's their wildest fantasy come true ... anonymous sex with a stranger. They don't even ask her name! And they want to keep it that way and fuck her again.

Kagney Linn Karter 在 'Naughty Country Girls'

Kagney Linn Karter - Naughty Country Girls

Kagney Linn and Monique are tired of lame tips and lamer cowboys hanging around their bar. These girls are ready to have some fun with the new bar-back because once the bar is closed, their legs are open for a wild ride!

Monique Alexander 在 'Mrs. Creampie'

Monique Alexander - Mrs. Creampie

Monique Alexander owns a day spa. She knows her husband is cheating on her with younger girls so Monique gives in to her temptations with a young employee of her's. She teaches this young inexperienced man how to handle a real woman.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Playing With Ana Foxxx'

Ana Foxxx - Playing With Ana Foxxx

Ana Foxxx is a very playful person. Today we get to see her having fun in the comfort of her own home. The Pope guides her through what he wants from her; tease and denial, a fucking machine, and self inflicted corporal.

Romi Rain 在 'loves creampies'

Romi Rain - Mrs. Creampie

Tyler owes $25k! Some thugs bring him in to the boss to figure out where the money is. The boss's wife, Romi Rain, steps in and makes Tyler pay off a little bit of his debt with a good, hard fuck.

Anikka Albrite 在 'First DP Compilation'

Anikka Albrite - First DP Compilation

We selected some our prettiest models first DPs and we are proudly giving you this compilation. 0:08 - Haleys First DP01:45 - Lenas 1st DP03:19 - Alexis 1st DP04:49 - Janes 1st DP06:46 - Viennas 1st DP08:40 - 1st DP For Holly10:03 - Abellas 1st DP/DA12:05 - Anas 1st DP13:40 - Anikkas 1st DP15:31 - Ashleys 1st DP17:20 - Kates 1st DP17:20 - Kelsis 1st DP

Romi Rain 在 'Facialized Compilation'

Romi Rain - Facialized Compilation

XEmpire knows how much you love a messy facial finish! We've decided to give you a gift for you to enjoy! 00:02 - Lanas 1st Blowbang02:14 - Adrias 1st Blowbang04:09 - Her 1st Blowbang05:31 - Her 1st Blowbang - 10 guys07:06 - Karlees 1st Blowbang09:06 - 10 Guy Blowbang11:23 - Adriana In Blowbang15:17 - Lucys 1st Blowbang17:07 - Aidras 10 Guy Blowbang

Monique Alexander 在 'Redhead Monique Alexander Gets Pounded in POV'

Monique Alexander - Redhead Monique Alexander Gets Pounded in POV

Monique Alexander is a big boomed, pretty-faced MILF who is here to suck and fuck like one of the world's best sluts. With her fat pussy and juicy ass, this woman knows how to satisfy a cock. This POV experience is second to none. She gags deep down on this rock hard dick before getting her whore hole pounded hard. This sexy, mature babe takes a huge load on her face and loves every second of it. Enjoy seeing this beautiful MILF redhead wearing a seductive black outfit showing up her big tits and tight pussy, she places nacked on the couch and you can bury your cock in her twat, then she sucks your dick and plays with it giving you a good blowjob, she is ready to please all your sexual desires and you can put her on all positions first on a doggy position, next she rides your dick forward and backward, after she gives you a dick sucking and finally she ends on her back receiving a cock punish very deeper on her pussy before she is ready for you with her mouth open to receive your big hot cum inside.

Britney Amber 在 'Creampie Compilation - Jonni Darkko'

Britney Amber - Creampie Compilation - Jonni Darkko

Fuck yeah. Blow your load with director Jonni Darkko's sexiest creampie scenes in this sticky compilation of gorgeous babes filled with fresh hot cum. Watch the cream drip as they fuck, suck, and lick up the sweet, sweet climax of these mind blowing scenes. You won't regret dropping your pants for this one!

0:00 - Kissa: Squirt, Gaping Anal, Creampie!
1:34 - Lily's DP/DV/DA 6-Creampie Gangbang!
3:33 - Long-Tongue Latina Alina: BJ, Creampie
4:49 - Valentina's Butt Fuck & Pussy Creampie
6:18 - Messy MILF Alexis' Oily Creampie Fuck
7:58 - Orgasmic Lily's Big Cock Creampie Fuck
9:32 - Squirting Anna Bell's Creampie Fuck
11:43 - Jasmine: Interracial DP Creampie Orgy
13:33 - Kalina Spoon-Feeds Herself A Creampie!
15:53 - My Hot Creampie
18:28 - Orgasmic Avi's Big Cock Creampie Fuck
20:39 - Squirting Adriana's Creampie Foursome
22:40 - Juicy Keisha's Pussy Creampie
23:57 - Katrina: Squirt, Gaping Anal, Creampie
26:05 - My Hot Creampie
27:33 - Squirting Latina Victoria Creampied!
29:52 - Luna Star's First DP
30:59 - My Hot Creampie
32:59 - Katrina's First Gangbang + First Double Vag!

Nikki Benz 在 'Director Fills In to Fuck'

Nikki Benz - Director Fills In to Fuck

Nikki Benz is on set with Bang Bros but its a little different today. For this shoot, the legendary Isiah Maxwell is scheduled to be the director. He is taking photographs of Nikki when they realize the male talent is super late. Nikki asks if he could fill in and replace the male talent because she loves working with Isiah so much. He eventually caves in and lets his PA Dave take control of directing. He takes out his huge black cock and she gives him an amazing blowjob before they fuck in multiple positions and she gets a huge load all over her face.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Dear Diary: Ana Foxxx gets tied up and double fucked'

Ana Foxxx - Dear Diary: Ana Foxxx gets tied up and double fucked

Ana Foxxx is questioning her relationship with hubby Eddie Jaye. Even though she loves him more than anything there is something lacking in the sex and she's thinking about other men.Wearing a silky kimono with hardly anything underneath Ana writes all about her secret desires in her private diary but Eddie senses something odd or different about her lately so he takes a risk and sneaks a peak at her journal. Sure enough his worst fears have come true so he devises a plan to see just how loyal his sexy wife is. When Eddie sends best friend Donny Sins over to visit Ana he convinces her he's been fantasizing about getting together and Ana takes the bait! At first she is reluctant but then all hell breaks loose and she and Donny are hitting it hard on the bed in the master bedroom. Donny spreads Ana's long, smooth, toned legs and licks her pussy . He peels her dress off and reveals her small firm natural tits and then flips her over on her stomach to suck his dick with gusto. She jerks his cock with her hands and takes it deep down her throat to get him rock hard. Finally he fucks her with his long firm cock and she is loving it. She plays with her clit as he fucks her and she almost cums. But while they are passionately kissing Mr. Eddie Jaye busts in and catches them in the act. Uh oh things are gonna get crazy. Eddie takes charge and tells them both what is going to happen and kinkiness ensues. First foxy Ana is gonna get tied up cuz thats how she likes it. They bind her up with rope and take her from both ends. Eddie fucks his wife's already wet, fucked pussy while Donny stuffs his cock down Ana's throat and gets a solid, sloppy knob job. They take turns with her slutty holes and then put her on all fours in doggie and keep fucking her brains out. She sucks dick while getting her pussy pounded and then she mounts Eddie and bounces her little ass all over his thick dick. While she's cowgirl fucking her man Donny fills Ana's asshole with his long hard cock and she savors the hardcore double penetration. Back on the bed Eddie and Donny fill her holes and they fuck and suck and get this dirty slut off in all the best ways until they each shoot their hot loads all over her pussy. What a good husband to give his wife exactly what she needs. This Sex and Submission is brought to you by JP 'The Pope".

Abigail Mac 在 'The Oral Experiment - Reagan Foxx and Abigail Mac'

Abigail Mac - The Oral Experiment - Reagan Foxx and Abigail Mac

Reagan Foxx and Abigail Mac are two of the sexiest, most dominant women I've ever worked with. Whenever you see one of these lovely ladies in a scene, you KNOW it's going to be scorching... so I couldn't wait to feel the heat of having them BOTH together in the same place!

We brought Reagan and Abigail in today to have them share their thoughts on the joys of giving and receiving oral. We started with an easy question: whether they're givers or receivers. Of course, it surprised no one to learn that they both love giving pleasure! What WAS surprising was hearing Abigail admit that she wanted to submit to Reagan and lose control. Reagan countered that she loves that push and pull, that shift in power dynamics during a steamy encounter, so I knew it was going to get VERY interesting watching them duke it out in the bedroom.

The interview only got hotter when we asked Reagan and Abigail what their favorite part is about giving oral. Abigail dove into erotic details that would drive anyone wild... including you! Meanwhile, for Reagan, it's all about that intimate connection with your partner in the heat of the moment. She revealed that she loves looking her partners in the eye as she makes them give way under her skilled tongue...

As you can see, we really have something special in store for you today! Now just kick back and get ready to lose yourself as these beautiful ladies show us exactly how lesbian oral sex is done!
- Bree Mills

Ana Foxxx 在 'Black Cougars On The Prowl'

Ana Foxxx - Black Cougars On The Prowl

Once again, Ana Foxxx is dealing with bullshit from her ex-husband, who is constantly trying to go back on deals that are firmly stipulated in their divorce papers. Just because he wants to show off to his new young girlfriend, he thinks he can cut back on alimony payments or make them late. Well dammit, that's not the case. Nobody is stepping on Ms. Foxxx! Overhearing all of this is Jay Romero, a young plumber who has stopped by to fix her sink. Such a nice little piece of white meat, Ms. Foxxx thinks.

After her latest argument with her ex, she needs something to soothe her. Something like a rock hard cock only a young stud can deliver. And what man could ever resist the charms of this MILF? Jay is like any other man and soon finds his cock out and rock hard, buried balls deep in Ms. Foxxx's warm and drooling mouth. Soon enough she implants herself on his stiff fuck root and gets ready to take it for a spin into orgasm after orgasm. Suffice it to say that this young plumber just had the time of his life and eventually blasts a geyser of cum all over this hot and sweating cougar's face.

Nikki Benz 在 'Porn Veterans Unite'

Nikki Benz - Porn Veterans Unite

Sexy Nikki Benz needs a juicy cock. She has a beautiful round ass and big luscious tits and no one to fuck, yet. We tell her that Tommy Pistol is waiting for her. Nikki is excited, she always wanted to fuck the legendary Tommy Pistol, He is also excited to bang Nikki. Of course, Nikki delivers on experience and shows Tommy all her tricks. it's a wild fuck and one to watch.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ana Foxxx: Destroyed with Bondage, Electricity, and Brutal Anal'

Ana Foxxx - Ana Foxxx: Destroyed with Bondage, Electricity, and Brutal Anal

Strong and gorgeous Ana Foxxx has her petite ebony body tied up in fully restrictive rope bondage. Her handler today is the tormented Tommy Pistol. He is ready to brutalize her body, take all of her holes and overwhelm her pain sensations. Starting with nipple play, Tommy tugs on her sensitive perky breasts. Tommy alternates from pulling and slapping them. She screams in pain. Next comes out the crop on her perfectly sensitive tight pussy. She begs him for pleasure but the screams of pain say otherwise. The cane finally comes out and torments her body as she writhes in the rope bondage. Next her mouth is tested. He stuffs his gloved hands down her throat getting that hole nice and wet. She slobbers spit all over her beautiful face. His cock is rammed down her lubricated mouth. He slaps her face hard to remind her that pleasure comes with pain. He brings out the Hitatchi and edges her over and over again, denying her orgasm. Next she is suspended and tied in rope bondage. He slaps her pussy and brings out the electric zapper. She scream in pain at every shock. Next her pussy is tested. The dripping wet tight hole begs for his cock and Tommy delivers. A deep pounding gets her screaming and begging for orgasm. Not yet. Finally Tommy uses her ass. He stretches her anal hole wide open for a sex. He goes back and forth between each hole using her body. He shoves his huge balls in her pussy and fucks her before shooting a huge load on her body.

Nikki Benz 在 'Gets Dredd's Giant BBC'

Nikki Benz - Gets Dredd's Giant BBC

Porn superstar Nikki Benz is back for more BBC as she takes on Dredd for round 2. Nikki hasn't been the same since her last meeting with Dredd, she couldn't get the images of that giant cock pounding her out of her head so Jules brought them back together to feed Nikki's craving. She's wearing a sheer dress that doesn't leave much up to the imagination as we can see her perfectly huge tits on full display as moves and shakes her body for the camera. We get an amazing view of her bootyful ass as Nikki makes her way by the pool and over to the cabana where she sprawls out on the couch. Dredd arrives and after exchanging pleasantries Nikki helps him out of his clothes to give her full access to his giant cock. Nikki doesn't miss a beat as she wraps her lips around that massive dong and strokes it with both hands at the same time. She uses her huge tits to titty-fuck Dredd's tree-trunk cock, making it disappear between them before laying him down on the couch so she can ride that BBC hard. Nikki's bulbous booty bounces as she takes that dick as deep as she possibly can then she takes a break so she can lick her pussy juices off Dredd's massive dick, paying special attention to the balls. Dredd wants more of that pussy so Nikki gets back on top, this time in reverse cowgirl, and impales herself on that gigantic cock. They turn into spoon position so Dredd can play with Nikki's perfect tits while he hammers away at her pretty pink pussy then he fucks her in missionary and doggystyle before dropping his load directly into her mouth. If you liked round 1, you're going to love round 2 between these two porn megastars.

Abigail Mac 在 'Abigail Needs Dick'

Abigail Mac - Abigail Needs Dick

The beautiful Abigail Mac is with Bang Bros today! She knows she can count on us to give her the amazing dick she deserves. She came to set horny and ready to fuck. She flaunts her amazing body to our camera and her beautiful pussy. she plays with herself a little bit before Isiah Maxwell comes to the rescue to bless her with some MONSTER COCK. They fuck in multiple positions and he lets out an amazing cumshot all over her beautiful face.

Demi Sutra 在 'Taste'

Demi Sutra - Taste

What do you get for the man who has everything? On Valentine's day, she knows exactly what he craves above all else - she knows his taste.

Ana Foxxx 在 'needs room service of coffee and COCK!!!'

Ana Foxxx - Dirty Wives Club

Ana Foxxx has just arrived to the hotel where the convention is held at and her room is magnificent. Since her husband lets her have all the fun she wants when she travels, she is in the mood to order some room service of coffee and Cock!!!

Elsa Jean 在 'Elsa Jean, Ana Foxxx and Anne Amari - Zebra Girls'

Elsa Jean - Zebra Girls

Elsa's roommates, Anne and Ana, are always trying to get her to play Truth or Dare. Elsa never realized it was their attempt at getting in her pants. Well, she finally breaks down and plays. Quickly she falls prey to the dare and of course they both want Elsa to strip for them. While stripping, Elsa gets turned on by them perving on her and before she knows it, she is in a full on 3 way lesbian sex romp with her roommates. They suck on each other's pussies and lap up the orgasm juice dripping on each other's lips. Anne and Ana share Elsa's pussy...taking turns flicking her little clit with their tongues. Elsa returns the favor and licks both of them in doggie from clit to asshole.

Romi Rain 在 'Leads The AssParade'

Romi Rain - Leads The AssParade

Romi Rain is lounging by the pool in a tiny bikini that hugs her curves just right. Right enough to get our attention. She shows them off by twerking her ass side to side and up and down. She even jiggles her perfect tits. We decide to reward her with a big black cock. Romi is thrilled. She takes him inside and starts deepthroating his large cock. She's ready to take it all in her tight pussy, come and watch.

Ana Foxxx 在 'is Racked, Bound, and Tormented'

Ana Foxxx - is Racked, Bound, and Tormented

Ana is one of the most beautiful women we have everseen, and she loves to be bound and tormented. Her body is tight and fit, herface is angelic, and her flesh pristine. What happens when you take theperfection that is Ana Foxxx, and add the sadistic mind of The Pope? You geta mind-blowing shoot that puts her body on display, as she is tormented andput through the paces. Ana begins in a standing position, but not just anystanding position. she is in a predicament that keeps her body stressedthroughout the entire scene. Her body is pulled in all directions which ispainful enough, but then The Pope enters and begins his manipulation ofher body and mind. She is flogged, then nipple clamps are added before she isallowed to have her first orgasm. More orgasms quickly follow and Ana's faceleaks with drool as she orgasms uncontrollably. In the next scene, we haveAna in a seated position with her legs spread, her hands pulled down, and herneck pulled up. A bowling ball is added to her neck to restrict breathingenough to make her control herself for the duration of the scene. A crop isused for precision to get all of the sensitive parts as she struggles to breathe.He is relentless with his punishment and her faces show signs of breaking asthe torment goes on. As this scene nears its end, her body has clothespinsadded and then flogged off. She is made to cum multiple times before thescene concludes as he reward. The final scene begins and Ana is face downand bent over with her ass in the air. Again, Ana is made to endure a brutalpunishment issued by The Pope. He eventually gives her a dildo to fuck herface with as he continues to torment her. Next the didldo is shoved into hertight pussy and she is fucked, vibrated, and finger fucked until she forgetsher own name.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Hot Fit Slut Ana Foxxx Bound, Fucked, DP'd and Stuffed Airtight'

Ana Foxxx - Hot Fit Slut Ana Foxxx Bound, Fucked, DP'd and Stuffed Airtight

Smoking hot babe Ana Foxxx does not put out on the first date so angry suitor Donny Sinns calls his boys over to give Ana more cock than she can handle. They break into her apartment, catch her on the couch, and roughly shove their fingers in her cunt and in her mouth. Ana struggles at first but after they push her to her knees, she is overwhelmed with cock and gives everyone a turn at her holes. As the boys fuck her mouth, spit trails down Ana's body, running from her mouth over her small tits directly to her wet pussy. Soon Ana becomes a messy sloppy sloppy slut taking cock after cock in her mouth. Next, the boys put Ana in a leather straight jacket that leaves her tits exposed. They flog her tits and stomach as they continue face fucking her. Once she's drenched in spit, they release her from bondage and stuff her from both ends. Ana works cocks with her hands, mouth, and pussy. She takes every hard cock in her tight cunt multiple times and cums hard as the boys take turns pounding her pussy. Soon they turn their attention to her ass. Ana moans as the first fat cock slides into her asshole. She gets passed around the group, each getting a turn fucking her perfect ass. Finally they double penetrate Ana in the pussy and ass at the same time. Ana cries out as they fuck both her holes. Her cries are soon muffled by the cock pushed into her mouth. Ana cums hard as these boys stuff her airtight. After they've had their fill, Ana gets on her knees and begs for their hot loads of cum. She gets her wish and they paint her face. Donny promises Ana that next time they'll do the same with a new group of friends. Ana can't wait.

Romi Rain 在 'Top Heavy Sluts 2'

Romi Rain - Top Heavy Sluts 2

Hyper-curvaceous Romi Rain splashes her huge jugs in the pool. Markus Dupree fucks her throat aggressively, making her gag and drool on his throbbing rod. She squeezes her big boobs together for a titty fuck. Markus licks her asshole in a nasty rim job, and he slides his big cock inside her juicy twat. Romi spreads her ass cheeks, and he porks her up the ass. The dirty girl gives an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Romi's body spasms as she cums on his thick prick. See expansive anal gaping. Romi squirts girl cum! For the climax, she swallows a load of chunky semen.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Indecent Interview'

Ana Foxxx - Indecent Interview

Ana Foxxx is patiently waiting in an office for a job interview when Casey Calvert hurries in, apologizing for running late. Ana isn't fazed as she hands over her resume, eager to show off her potential. Although Casey likes what she sees on paper and in person, there's one little problem: Ana doesn't have a college degree. Even though everything else about Ana is fantastic, the company is very strict about only accepting applicants with degrees.

Ana is disappointed but hopeful, nudging Casey a little to find out if there are any exceptions. Casey is conflicted but asks if Ana has any other special skills that aren't on the resume. Maybe if Ana can REALLY blow her mind, Casey might be able to pull some strings.

Ana slowly grins as she sees her opportunity. She has some very practical skills that she'd LOVE to show Casey... Casey curiously allows it, and Ana wastes no time walking around the desk and kneeling between Casey's legs. Although Casey is shocked, she's unable to resist as Ana goes down on her with gusto. As Ana eats out Casey's pussy like a champ, will it be enough to knock all of the other candidates out of the running?

Aiden Starr 在 'House-Owned Whores Earn Their Place at The Halloween Fuck Fest'

Aiden Starr - House-Owned Whores Earn Their Place at The Halloween Fuck Fest

In our final installment of the Halloween Sadists Ball, Governess Ana Foxxx is up for some serious discipline at the hands of busty Governess Aiden Starr. Ana has been a sloppy, cum-hungry slut, unable to hold her position, ask for her orgasms, remember the rules, and what's worse is that her uniform is already shredded. Aiden stares with sadistic disdain at Ana's bare feet poking through her torn stockings while Ana wiggles nervously in her tight shibari frog tie. The guests look on with much pleasure as Aiden lectures Ana about the importance of her uniform and offers her a new pair of red and black, submissive-issue stockings... at a price. Ana's torn pantyhose are stripped away, leaving her tender toes vulnerable to cropping and shocks with a zapper. Ana squeals and apologizes, but Aiden moves on to her pert nipples, pinching and biting them until they are swollen and covered with vicious teeth marks. Aiden then applies some brutal metal clamps to both Ana's nipples and labia, pulling them tightly in her hands and she teaches Ana the house rules one final time. Every orgasm Ana will have from here out will only come when she has recited the rules and has a clamp pulled off of her tender bits. Ana screams and sweats through her punishment, and eventually succeeds in delivering her recitation through the suffering painful punishment orgasms. The crowd cheers and claps as she collapses with a new pair of stockings. The party goers find themselves horny from this display and begin working each other over. One latex submissive endures a hard flogging and anal hook, while another submissive is locked in stocks and made to take a strict caning with a metal rod as swingers fuck each other and look on. Gorgeous women are tied and spanked heavily, while others suck cock and take a paddling while having their nipples clamped together in a painful daisy chain. A beautiful femme domme teases her man with a bound face sitting session, and others beg for orgasms from a hitachi as their asses and thighs are beaten red. Stefanos is perturbed to find that Ana has earned her red and black stockings before senior submissive Chloe Cherry. He bring Chloe over and demands that she find her stockings among the crowd while her pursues her with a zapper, and our guest of honor Donny Sins takes her pussy and mouth for fucking. Chloe is a sweet and desperate mess as she crawls through the party, begging for her uniform, finding sadist female party-goers who will give her each garment at a price. Her tits are clamped with wooden pins and she is given a glass to hold on a silver tray and told not to drop it, as Donny rails her from behind. Ana is a crafty little whore, and crawls over to steal the cock, almost sending Chloe's tray crashing to the ground. But Chloe holds tight and manages to keep the dick and her new uniform. Ana is sent to service Donny in an intense reverse cowgirl to earn her collar, but it is Chloe who comes out victorious with a rousing anal fuck, coaxing the cum from Donny and orgasming to the admiring cheers of an impressed party.

Abigail Mac 在 'The Pick-Up Artist: Crash Course'

Abigail Mac - The Pick-Up Artist: Crash Course

Scarlett Sage and Violet Myers are two friends ready to swear off men, though they have no idea how to be lesbians! That's when they contact Abigail Mac, a renowned lesbian pickup artist, for help.

When they meet Abigail, they are intimidated by how intense she is. Abigail doesn't waste time whipping them into shape so that they can get and eat pussy like pros. Abigail gets them to practice their moves and pick-up lines on each other, although Scarlett and Violet are shy at first. However, with Abigail's coaching, the heat between the friends soon starts building...

Now Abigail demands that they have sex with each other! Scarlett and Violet are thrown off because they're friends, but Abigail tells them that since they ARE friends, they should be able to eat each other's pussies! That way, they can get some actual experience for when they go out and get the real deal on their own. They DO want pussy, don't they??

Although Scarlett and Violet are nervous, they see the logic in Abigail's words. With Abigail's strict guidance, they begin feeling each other up and stripping each other down. Since she can't trust these newbies not to mess up, Abigail follows suit. She's not going to rest easy until she knows these ladies can make ANY WOMAN weak in the knees!

Abigail Mac 在 'Lesser Of Two Evils'

Abigail Mac - Lesser Of Two Evils

Fear-Plagued Woman Is Given Agonizing Choice By Home Invader

Maggie (Abigail Mac) is petrified of the world outside of her home because of agoraphobia. Try as she might, she just can't bring herself to step out the front door. It's so bad that she even gets groceries delivered, although even that little bit of outside human interaction is overwhelming.

Maggie spends her days milling around the house and using forums where other people gather to talk about their phobias. She feels comforted in such spaces, able to freely discuss her experiences. She feels a kinship with these people, although she's never met any of them and might NEVER meet any of them...

Or so she thinks.

One day, she hears movement within the household. Although she's uncertain, she goes to investigate the sound, glancing nervously to the windows and doors. To her horror, a hooded man (Derrick Pierce) emerges from one of the rooms, confronting her. She's bewildered as the stranger belittles her, telling her how pathetic it is that she's kept herself cooped up for four months -- that's right, he's been WATCHING her. He despises people like her and wants her to prove that her fears are really all just in her head. If she walks out that door, she's a free woman; if she lets her FEARS rule her, then she can submit to him.

Maggie is disgusted as she realizes this stranger wants to fuck her. She flees but when she approaches the front door, her heart starts to pound. She can hardly breathe and her feet are like cement. With the stranger smirking at her back, is Maggie brave enough to step outside to save herself?

Dee Williams 在 'Kinky Workshop: Ana Foxxx and Dee Williams Strap-On DP Arabelle Raphael'

Dee Williams - Kinky Workshop: Ana Foxxx and Dee Williams Strap-On DP Arabelle Raphael

Arabelle Rafael doesn't know what she's getting into when Dee Williams brings her to her kinky friend Ana Foxxx's workshop, to see her new 'bondage rack'. But Ana and Dee are super excited to show her how it works, so they immediately make her their subject. They strap Arabelle into it, nice and secure, with her wrists, chest, and ankles buckled to the steel frame. It's a bit intimidating, but Ana promises Arabelle that she's going to have a great time. The two women cut away Arabelle's dress and panties, exposing her, and subjecting her to an intense vibrator. Dee grabs the flogger and Ana uses a leather paddle on Arabelle's exposed ass. Arabelle would scream, but Dee has stuffed Arabelle's panties into her mouth. The women add nipple clamps to Arabelle's large natural breasts because more pain is always better. Ana smacks Arabelle's ass nice and red before letting Arabelle's breasts feel the sting of her leather paddle. Dee and Ana strap Arabelle to the floor, her legs tied wide apart. Arabelle's pussy is there for Ana to enjoy. Licking, kissing, slapping her tender regions. Arabelle's moans are stifled when Dee sits on her face. Dee's voluptuous ass smothers our helpless Arabelle. Arabelle must use her tongue to satisfy Dee or she won't be allowed to breathe. Meanwhile Ana stuffs Arabelle's ass with a metal butt plug. Jealous that Arabelle is getting all the fun, Ana switches with Dee and sits on Arabelle's face while using a vibrator to cum. Arabelle's tongue must work to please Ana in exchange for air. Now the women fuck Arabelle. Ana fucks Arabelle's pussy good and hard with a strap-on dildo. Dee flips Arabelle over doggy style to fuck her ass. Dee rides her good and hard and now with both holes juicy, lays on her back and pulls Arabelle down on her, impaling her butthole while her pussy is exposed to Ana's own strap-on. Ana commands her visitor to ride the DP. Arabelle is filled up completely, and spent. It looks like Ana's bondage rack has done its job!

Abigail Mac 在 'Work Week'

Abigail Mac - Work Week

Tyler's boss has made a game of breaking him down a little each day in order to get in her last requests at the end of each workweek. Monday he'll return again strong.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Black Girl Magic'

Ana Foxxx - Black Girl Magic

Donning a colorful bikini and matching stripper heels, gorgeous black babe Ana Foxxx performs a steamy strip tease. Ramon Nomar rims Ana's asshole and worships her beautifully trim body. Ana gags as she gives Ramon a slobbering blowjob. The hung stud plunges his thick rod into her rectum. Interracial anal sex features intense, ass-to-mouth cocksucking and hard fucking, both vaginal and anal. Ana talks dirty as Ramon drills her orifices and whimpers as he pumps out a cum facial. The mocha-skinned beauty stares into the camera, covered in hot, creamy semen.

Abigail Mac 在 'Gets Deep Anal Penetration'

Abigail Mac - Gets Deep Anal Penetration

Abigal Mac is sultry and wet in the opening of this Jules Jordan exclusive scene. Mac does some serious tease poolside, decked out in a chain laced bikini. Her thick thighs and tight ass showcase well and then she gets under some water! Her ass drips as she gives the camera a pussy peek-a-boo. Manuel Ferrara shows up and Abigal is game. After gagging on his meat, Mac takes Ferrara's dick standing doggy. He pounds her ass then lifts her leg as she yells approvingly. They head indoors and Abigal gets her asshole drilled until she cums. This ups her energy level and she mounts Manuel wiggling her hips furiously. Manuel then feeds a hard earned load into her pretty mouth...

Monique Alexander 在 'fucks in classroom'

Monique Alexander - My First Sex Teacher

Monique Alexander has recently become a teacher's assistant and she's taking her position seriously. When Alan bugs her for his test back, she refuses to give it to him, unless he gets her in some positions that will get her off!!!

Ana Foxxx 在 'A For Anal'

Ana Foxxx - A For Anal

Toned black beauty Ana Foxxx stretches her lithe legs in sexy black pantyhose. Crazy Russian stud Markus Dupree pulls out the butt plug expanding her asshole, and his prick plows her butt from behind. He gives her a tasty, wet rim job, making Ana's legs tremble in pleasure. She masturbates while he deeply reams her round ass. Ana hops on top and spasms as Markus' hard-on stretches her tight sphincter. She enjoys an intense anal ride, and she cums on his meaty rod. Playful butthole gaping and a wet, ass-to-mouth blowjob lead to a splashy cum facial.

Aiden Starr 在 'Ana Foxxx Demoted at The Sadists and Swingers Halloween Ball'

Aiden Starr - Ana Foxxx Demoted at The Sadists and Swingers Halloween Ball

The Upper Floor's Halloween Sadists and Swingers Ball is to be served by two trained house sluts, Chloe Cherry and Ana Foxxx. Governess Aiden Starr is not convinced that Ana is worthy of wearing the full uniform as Ana's service on the The Upper Floor preceded Aiden's rigorous training regime. Aiden sets a simple test for Ana: if Ana can keep the house collar on the tray in her hand through the entire first service session, then she can keep it. But if she drops it, she'll be subjected to brutal whore and service training at the very bottom of the slut pile. So Ana has her hands full, literally. In the meantime, a tightly tied Chloe Cherry can only moan and scream as she has her tight teen body punished for every mistake Ana makes. And Ana's in quite a bind! She's holding a tray, while in an athletic squat, with tight clamps on her pussy and nipples, with Donny Sins throat fucking her with his massive cock. Ana holds on tight for as long as she can while slobbering and working his dick, but gravity prevails and the tray falls. Chloe's feet are held aloft and exposed in her rope shibari, leaving her vulnerable to the barrage of electro zaps. Ana is throat fucked and then pounded from behind as she licks Chloe's cunt ad begs for Chloe to take the dick so she can request more instruction and take her flogging. The scene ends with Chloe taking a glorious pounding in her beautiful pink pussy while reciting the rules for the delighted crowd. Ana is given punishment orgasms on her knees like a filthy little trainee. The crowd is dressed in kinky Halloween costumes and having a wild party with plenty of partner swapping, asses spanked, and sluts earning their Master's cum. The Darko BDSM babes take the shiny new wooden TUF paddle at the hands of their Master Darko, leaving both beautiful masochists gasping with deep red asses. A masked red-headed bondage slut takes a brutal rope suspension, flogging, and relentless orgasms, while another party goer offers her perfect ass for a long and strict caning with a metal rod. When Ana and Chloe return to the floor, it is for Chloe's anal fucking in a doggy rope tie that makes her round ass press deliciously against the ropes. However, Ana again steals the show with her disobedience. The governess discovers Ana has rips in her stocking already, and has Ana lick Chloe's asshole as she personally zaps each of Ana's exposed toes for being out uniform. Ana is already quite sorry for her mistake by the time Donny uses her mouth as a wet service hole, but she is truly apologetic when the Steward traps her clit with a vibrator and Aiden refuses to let her cum. In the meantime, Chloe is enjoying a deep anal fucking in doggy and asking for all her orgasms like a good girl. Ana on the other hand is cumming, and falling over herself, unable to speak since she is so overwhelmed with the vibrator. Sweating, zapped and flogged, she can't stop herself from cumming without permission to the entertainment of the crowd. Aiden laughs in spite of herself and promises Ana that she will pay for each stolen orgasm for the rest of the night. Please join us for the next installment of this incredible celebration of perversion, kink and sexual service.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Social Promotion: Ana Foxxx Gives Up Her Ass For More Followers'

Ana Foxxx - Social Promotion: Ana Foxxx Gives Up Her Ass For More Followers

Social media superstar Ana Foxxx has over a millions followers, but not without thanks to her agent Stirling Cooper, who demands to be paid in kind. But it's not money he wants, it's sexual favors. Ana won't have it, so she throws her drink in his face and storms off. But that's not the end of it. Stirling busts into her home and takes what he wants. Ana's tied up and fucked in every hole. She's flogged and cropped, and left a twitching slab of fuck meat. First, Ana finds herself strapped down to a sofa, spread eagle. Stirling adds nipple clamps, crops her, then primes her with a vibrator to get her loosened up. He then face-fucks her over the back of the sofa as her spit runs over her face, coating her. He flogs her pussy, sending waves of pain and pleasure through her body. Stirling then ties Ana to a table with one of her legs up so he can get at her soaking wet pussy and asshole. He teases her ass and cunt while flogging her, then slides his big thick dick inside her. He fucks her we pussy then moves on to her hungry ass. Both holes take his dick deep and hard. Stirling eventually loosens the rope so he can flip Ana onto her back and fuck her missionary. He slams both holes again, fucking her like a whore. He shoots his huge load all over her fucked cunt, leaving her plowed and soaked in her own shame.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Overstep'

Ana Foxxx - Overstep

While visiting an old college friend, Ana feels a spark with the person she'd least expect: her friend's husband. Unwilling to let it die, she proceeds with a calculated seduction that lands her exactly where she wants to be.

Romi Rain 在 '- Boss Lady'

Romi Rain - - Boss Lady

Romi gives potential employee Tyler an up-close and personal look at her vagina when he struggles to come up with a convincing sales pitch for a pocket pussy.

Nikki Benz 在 'Busty Therapist Fucks Her Client'

Nikki Benz - Busty Therapist Fucks Her Client

Isiah is masturbating, as he always does, when his stepmom walks in with a woman he's never seen before. Obviously embarrassed, Isiah asks his mom to get out. His stepmom tells him that her and his dad are concerned for him because all he does is masturbate all day every day. He introduces him to Nikki, a sex therapist. Nikki asks him when the last time he had sex was. After revealing that it's been over a year since he's last fucked, Nikki knows that's the root of his problem. Nikki asks him if he would like to fuck her. Isiah obviously would love to. She pulls out her huge tits and Isiah get's rock hard. She starts to suck his dick and Isiah can't believe how good it feels. This is what he's always dreamed of. He then gets to titty fuck her before she finally sits on his dick and rides it. Isiah gets into it and they fuck the shit out of each other until he busts a load all over her face.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Anal Fuck-Off: Ana Foxxx, Kira Noir, Jane Wilde in Lesbian Psychodrama'

Ana Foxxx - Anal Fuck-Off: Ana Foxxx, Kira Noir, Jane Wilde in Lesbian Psychodrama

Ana Foxxx, Kira Noir and Jane Wilde! Need I say more? Three super hot babes star in this weeks lesbian psychodrama role play where the girls are "pitted" against each other with their anal skills to prove their love to Ana. Who loves her the most? Who will Ana choose to keep as her number one fuck toy? When Jane shows up at Ana's place Kira is already there flirting with Ana on the bed. Jealousy and a chance to win Ana over kick in and the great Anal Fuck Off begins! They pull Ana's little top off and tongue her nipples getting her all turned on. Ana has a butt plug in her ass and the girls play with it sliding it in and out of her tight asshole and licking it clean. Each of them determined to fuck Ana the best they each take turns pleasing her with butt toys, pussy licking and hot tender kisses on her lips and her asshole. A long metal dildo glides in and out of Ana's firm ass until she cums hard and the girls clean it off voraciously. They are all getting along pretty good so now it's Kira's turn to get some action and boy do these lovely ladies give it to her. First while Ana vibes Kira's pussy Jane drives her petite fist right up her asshole and it drives her to crazy town. Then Ana gives her a good ass fuckin' with a fat blue strap on cock while Jane slaps and chokes her. More fisting please! Jane fills her butt again with a fist and then they try to fill her up with an even bigger butt plug. Can they get it in? And then little Jane Wilde gets big treatment from Ana and Kira, first they fuck her ass with a glass dildo to warm her up. Then they stuff an even bigger toy in her but and Jane goes Wilde. Jane is famous for her top notch gaping, her ass just gapes like no other. She wiggles and writhes as Ana and Kira fuck her, lick her ass and get her off again and again. Who wins in the end? The Anal Fuck-Off delivers some hot hot hot girl girl girl action! Wow!

Kenzie Reeves 在 'Resisting Arrest'

Kenzie Reeves - Resisting Arrest

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- All-Girl: Abigail Mac & Kenzie Reeves, XBIZ 2020

Angry Cop Vents Frustrations On Teen Vandal With Rough Sex

Officer Sonia Kapelli (Abigail Mac) is sitting in her car watching the wretched world go by when she gets a call from a dispatcher about a vandalism in progress. When she answers the call, she sees the troublemaking teen, Zoe Willis (Kenzie Reeves), adding the finishing touches to her graffiti masterpiece.

Zoe is alarmed when a cop car suddenly starts speeding down the alleyway where she's working. She drops her spray can and legs it, hoping to outrun the long arm of the law. But as the sirens scream and engine revs, Zoe doesn't like her chances.


By some stroke of luck, Zoe's able to duck around a corner and lose the pursuing officer. She rushes into a nearby warehouse, relieved to have dodged that bullet. After she takes a few moments to catch her breath, she removes another spray can from her satchel, ready to continue her mission.

'I wouldn't do that if I were you.'

Zoe freezes in her tracks, slowly turning around as Officer Kapelli approaches. She oozes authority, which triggers that rebellious side of Zoe to flare. She tries to run but stops when Officer Kapelli orders her to freeze. She's compliant when Officer Kapelli pats her down to check for any weapons but becomes suspicious when Officer Kapelli starts manhandling her. Zoe knows the cop is rougher than she should be and protests, but the protests fall on deaf ears.

Zoe becomes cockier, angrier, as she challenges Officer Kapelli while being handcuffed with her hands behind her back. What is she being arrested for? Vandalism and trespassing, when REAL criminals are on the streets? THESE words seem to be what makes Officer Kapelli see red. What does Zoe know about how the world REALLY works?

Zoe doesn't stop. She's under the cop's skin now and pushes even further... until she makes one harsh comment too many.

As Officer Kapelli's expression darkens and her eyes become predatory, Zoe knows her luck's finally run out.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Dirty Wives Club'

Ana Foxxx - Dirty Wives Club

Kassandra Kelly (Ana Foxxx) just got stood up by her husband on their anniversary and she is furious. Luckily, her neighbor, Chad, stops by bearing gifts. After a chat with her neighbor Kassandra decides it's time to get the dick she deserves so she dresses up and bangs her neighbor.

Romi Rain 在 'Birthday Stripper'

Romi Rain - Birthday Stripper

Today is your birthday and your best friend Mark White brings you at the local strip club for some special surprise. Romi Rain is dancing and the join and money can buy anything. Watch Romi sucking your cock and fucking you while your friend is filming it with his phone. Its a great experience that your wife hopefully will never find out . Romi gets pounded like a dirty little whore until she begs for your fat cum and you cover all her face.

Natassia Dreams 在 'Submissive Protocol: Natassia Dreams Creates Perfect Doll Ana Foxxx'

Natassia Dreams - Submissive Protocol: Natassia Dreams Creates Perfect Doll Ana Foxxx

Stunning scientist Natassia Dreams in her white lab coat is finally ready to unveil her perfect creation. The most stunning, life like, and submissive sex robot ever created, Ana Foxxx. After booting up Ana, Natassia runs through a few protocols to test out her doll. Finally she gets to submissive and Ana gets down and ready to server her mistress. Removing her tight red latex dress, Natassia delivers a brutal spanking on Ana's perfect round ass. Natassia needs to continue testing her creation and moves on to pussy licking. Delicious, this doll is dripping wet for her mistress. The hitachi comes out and delivers Ana a huge orgasm. Now can this robot suck cock too? Ana goes down for some deep oral with Natassia's hard cock. Sucking and licking gets her mistress ready for fucking. With Ana tied down in rope bondage on the bed they get to work testing out her pussy. Ana can take a deep pounding and begs for more. Natassia delivers a deep anal fucking next and blows her load all over Ana. This robot is ready to make mistress rich!

Abigail Mac 在 'The Casting: An Abigail Mac Story'

Abigail Mac - The Casting: An Abigail Mac Story

Nominated - Best Three-Way Sex Scene -- B/B/G: Abigail Mac, Seth Gamble & Jake Adams, AVN 2020

Struggling Actress Coerced Into Sex Audition By Creepy Director

Scene opens on Amy (Abigail Mac), a young waitress, as she waits by a bus stop at the end of a long shift. Still dressed in her work uniform, she rifles through her purse to find some change for the bus when her phone rings. It's her agent on the other end of the line, calling to inform the struggling actress that she received an invitation to audition for a new mainstream project -- a lead role in a pilot. Amy is ecstatic and surprised. It's the first audition she's ever had... The agent tells her that he received the invitation from the director himself, eager to meet Amy after seeing her demo reel. Eager to accept, she tells the agent to set up a time and she'll be there. 'Do you think you could make it to Los Verdes by 5pm?' The agent asks. Amy looks down at herself. 'As long as they don't mind my work uniform,' she jokes. The agent tells her he'll set it up and send the address. Amy puts the phone back in her purse and sits quietly for a moment, before jumping up and down in excitement at the bus stop.


Inside a staged living room, several crew members finish setting up lights and preparing their cameras. A small bespectacled man, the director (Jake Adams), comes on to the set and barks orders at several of them. Despite his slight stature, he commands a presence and the crew work obediently under him. He walks over to a separate area, where a makeup artist is finishing up with the male lead (Seth Gamble)'s hair. 'Tony Romeo,' the director says, clasping the man's hand. 'Do I have a fun audition for you today!' The actor flashes a toothy grin. 'Like last time?' he asks. The director smirks at him, adjusting his glasses, before telling the makeup artist to wrap it up. The actress will be here any moment. And he wants a closed set.

Outside the building, Amy paces by the door. It is already after 5pm and she doesn't want to make a bad impression. A PA lets her in, paging the director on his walkie-talkie. Amy steps inside to view the set. It looks so professional ... like a real living room! She nervously sits down on the couch when the director storms in. With a strong handshake, he introduces himself. 'I'm Steven Rothschild, welcome to my set!' Amy recognizes the name instantly. Rothschild is one of cable's most successful showrunners. 'You're the guy behind Red, White, and Bad!' she exclaims. 'That's one of the best shows on television right now!'

Tony struts into the room. 'OR ever!' he says, jokingly sliding into their conversation. Amy looks doubly starstruck. Tony Romeo is the hottest young actor in Hollywood right now. 'Oh my god, Tony Romeo. Are you in this?' He smiles, looking at the director. 'Are you kidding? Stevie wrote this for me!' He clasps his director friend on the back before sitting down on the couch. The director puts his arm around Amy and tells her that Tony is going to be helping read lines for her audition today. Is she ready to get started? Amy nods, then asks if he got her portfolio the agent sent over. Steven looks her up and down. 'Don't worry, I've seen everything I need to see about you already,' he says with a smile before turning to tell the crew to leave the room. This is a closed audition.

The director sits down beside Tony and asks Amy to stand before them. He asks her age, height, weight and then to spin around for him. Amy looks a little confused. 'Do we have a script?' she asks. The director smiles and repeats his request, with Tony chiming in. 'Stevie likes to freestyle his auditions,' he adds. 'Starting off with how you look!' Amy slowly turns around, trying to keep her composure. She feels awkward. The director likes what he sees and pays several compliments to Amy's physique. 'You look like you take very good care of yourself,' he says, jotting down a note. 'Have you done a lot of physical roles in the past?' Amy feels even more awkward. 'Um ... I work out,' she replies.

The two men look at each other and nod, before Tony gets up and walks over beside her. The director compliments how good they look together. 'Now, that's an attractive cast!' he remarks. Tony comes in close to Amy and puts his arm around her. He smells great and is very handsome. Amy blushes at the thought of him touching her. 'Thanks,' she squeaks. 'Now, are you sure you don't want me to read anything in specific?'

The director stands up and walks over to them, scoping them out. 'Are you comfortable with romantic roles?' he asks Amy. Amy nods. 'Good,' the director continues. 'Because this new project is a love story and it's going to feature several very intimate scenes.' The camera lingers on Amy's face, as she tries to remain confident and professional despite her unease. Tony playfully teases her by saying not to worry, he brushed his teeth. 'I'm sure that won't be a problem,' she replies quietly.

The director goes on to explain that there is one pivotal scene in the project that involves nudity. It is very important that she feels comfortable with being nude on camera. Amy's smile wavers. 'Um ... ok, I guess,' she replies. The director's tone changes sharply. 'Well, are you ok with being nude on camera or not?' he barks. Tony releases his grip and looks at her. Feeling cornered, Amy nods nervously. 'Yes, of course. I'm an actress,' she says. The director relaxes. 'Great,' he says, clasping his hands together. 'So, let's see you out of these clothes then. I want to make sure you don't have any tattoos or blemishes that would take away from the innocence of your character.'

Amy stares at the men in shock, before slowly looking across the room. It is empty. The crew have left. She is completely alone. 'I don't have any tattoos,' she whispers. The director crosses his arms and motions again for her to undress. 'He just wants to make sure,' Tony adds reassuringly. There is a long pause before Amy slowly begins to remove her work uniform. She strips down to her bra and panties. 'See, no tattoos,' she says, eager to redress. The director stops her. 'Let me take a good look,' he says scanning her body. 'Please remove your undergarments.' Amy wraps her arms around her chest. 'I don't think that's necessary, do you?' she asks. Tony chimes in again, joking that she might have something hidden under there. They just need to take a quick look. It's not a big deal. 'You are an actress, right?' he says, his joking attitude turning serious. Feeling intimidated, Amy nods and slowly slips off the rest of her clothing.

She stands before the two men fully nude and vulnerable. They exchange knowing looks before the director compliments her body again, saying how lovely she looks and what great shape she is in. She is a natural born star. Amy fakes a smile. 'Thank you,' she says. 'Shall I get dressed now?' The director says sure and goes back to sit on the couch when Tony interjects. 'Wait, wait, wait!' he says enthusiastically. 'Stevie, I have a great idea! Since we are all here and there is such a good vibe going on, why don't we just rehearse that scene you told us about to see what the chemistry is like? You can work out the angles you'd like for when we actually film it!' The director smiles. 'That is a FANTASTIC idea!' he replies as Amy covers herself up and the director leaves the room to grab his camera.

Tony starts to remove his clothing, staring intently at the nervous woman. 'You should really relax,' he says coldly. 'Stevie hates difficult women!' He pulls down his pants to reveal his semi-erect cock, as she turns away embarrassed. The director returns with his camera and begins to guide them into position. 'I imagine that this scene starts with a long, intimate kiss,' he says. 'Standing just about where you are now. When you're ready, please begin.' He kneels to get a nice low angle look at Amy as Tony closes in on her. 'Are you ready, beautiful?' he says, inches from her lips. Looking down at his cock on her thigh, she closes her eyes and says 'ok.'

The director yells action and Tony kisses her. She nervously kisses him back, not sure what to do with her hands, but the leading man grabs them and wraps them around his muscular frame. 'Closer,' the director whispers eagerly. 'More passionate!' Throughout the awkward make out session, the director moves around the couple to view his various angles. When he is not satisfied with something, he sharply asks Amy to bend and contort herself. The requests become increasingly exploitative and she tries to protest but both men remind her that this is an audition and she shouldn't break character. 'If you do what the director asks, you will get the part,' Tony whispers aggressively in her ear. 'So, don't be a diva about it!' She feels horribly conflicted but doesn't want to lose the role of a lifetime so, mustering up her courage, she tries her best to do everything the director says, no matter how invasive. She ends up spread eagle on the couch for both men to see, as the director sticks his lens right up to to her pussy and breathes heavily. 'This will make a perfect transition,' he mutters to himself as he hands his camera to Tony.

'Tony, I want your character to begin the sex scene with oral first, followed by penetration,' he says, matter-of-factly as he undoes his zipper. 'But, it needs to feel authentic, so let me show you how I'd like you to do it first.' Tony nods, pointing the camera. Amy looks at the director. 'I'm sorry ... What?!' she stammers. Looking at her coldly, the director arches an eyebrow. 'You don't have any issue with me showing him, right? I like to get into the minds of my characters through roleplay. It's just my style.' She closes her legs and starts to get up. 'I don't think I feel comfortable with that, I'm sorry.' She rushes over to her clothes and starts to gather them on the ground when she hears the men laughing behind her. Angry, she stands up and turns around. 'What is so funny?' She asks, her anger welling up alongside her anxiety. The men stop snickering and face her. 'You chicks are all the same,' Tony says. 'You take an opportunity and you ruin it with your attitude! Nobody wants to work with a bitch like that.'

Amy tries to defend herself. She doesn't have an issue with nudity or even a sex scene, she just wished she'd be informed. 'I thoroughly explained this all to your agent,' the director adds. 'He assured me that you were professional and experienced.' Amy walks back over to them, pleading. 'I am,' she says, exasperated. 'And I want this role, I really do! I just wasn't expecting this much pressure!'

Tony puts his arm around her and slowly pushes her back down on the couch. 'Look, I'm sorry if I offended you, I just hate it when actors aren't respectful on set. It's my biggest pet peeve ... right, Stevie?' The director nods, pulling his dick out. 'Nobody is here to pressure you sweetheart,' he says. 'We just want to make sure we create the most authentic scene possible!' She stares at the penis in his hands, her lips quivering. 'So, are you willing to continue?' he says. 'Because I've got girls lined up if you don't think you're strong enough for this role!' Amy closes her eyes. This isn't what she expected. But, if she doesn't do it, she won't get the role. Slowly, she spreads her legs wide again and stares at him. 'Yes,' she says quietly.

Romi Rain 在 'Parades Her Ass and Gets Fucked'

Romi Rain - Parades Her Ass and Gets Fucked

With her juicy perfect ass and her huge pair of tits, Romi Rain is one of the hottest performers in the business. This time, she joined us to parade her ass for us.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Sexy Slut Ana Foxxx Tormented in Steel Devices'

Ana Foxxx - Sexy Slut Ana Foxxx Tormented in Steel Devices

Ana Foxxx is one of the most beautiful women in the adult industry, and we're lucky that she loves bondage so that we get to see her in scenes like this. The Pope doesn't waste any time getting her restrained and helpless so that he can have his way with her. Her neck, wrists, and ankles are held by steel shackles that are mounted to the wall. He enters with his flogger and begins tormenting her. Ana giggles to cover the screams and frustration from his discipline, so he switches gears and gives her a real reason to laugh. He torments her with tickling until she can barely breathe, then hurts her, then tickles her more. The Pope goes back and forth for several minutes until he squeezes multiple orgasms from her to end the scene.Next we have Ana bent over in a doggy type position, with her head and wrists in metal traps. This time he enters with a crop in his hand, but that's definitely not the only thing he uses to make her suffer. She is spanked for a bit, then he introduces the cat-o-nine to make this slut dance like she has never danced before. Her tits get some clothespins, then he begins to fuck her face. After testing her gag reflex, the attention is turned to her sweet pussy. Once her pussy has been fucked properly, the magic wand comes in and finishes her off and leaves her shaking in her bondage. In the final scene, we have her on her back with her legs spread nice and wide. Her sensitive soles are fully exposed, so that is the first of many targets. The Pope sets his sights on. He slowly moves to every exposed inch of her flesh with his crop. He seems to be satisfied with her suffering, so he fucks her pussy along with the magic wand to rip multiple orgasms from her pussy.

Romi Rain 在 'Makeup Sex'

Romi Rain - Makeup Sex

An other great episode is coming to you on spizoo and today it's featuring the beautiful Romi Rain. Being married is pretty difficult and you will see why, the little things in a couple can get really sour. But the best part is the hot and steamy makeup sex after all. After a fight there is always an amazing sex session and we call it ' angry sex '. Watch Romi Rain and Brad Knight hit it off in one of the best sex scene you will ever see. This is real sex . Enjoy

Abigail Mac 在 'Artcore: Centerfolds'

Abigail Mac - Artcore: Centerfolds

Showing off her round ass and toned body, Abigail Mac shoves stud Charles Dera's face into her tits. He sticks his tongue into her wet cunt and eats pussy. In a sloppy blowjob, his cock pokes the back of Abigail's throat. Charles stuffs his prick inside her wet twat, delivering a doggie-style fuck that makes her moan for more. Abigail masturbates as Charles' pole slides in and out of her muff; riding on his rod, she experiences an intense orgasm. Lustful vaginal pounding comes complete with a heaping mouthful of cum.

Romi Rain 在 'Romi Rain's Obsession'

Romi Rain - Romi Rain's Obsession

When two beautiful soles cum together, on the same screen, it is pure magic. That is exactly what we got when we paired up Romi Rain and Derrick Pierce, for a love making extravaganza. Watch these two industry veterans go at it, like never before. Romi knows how to service a man. She drops to her knees, and takes his cock into her mouth. Derrick is then overcome by temptation, so he makes her his. Using her dripping wet pussy, as his pleasure piece. After they please each other, he has to unload his man juices on her. Leaving both of them fully satisfied.

Romi Rain 在 'Watch Me Work - S9:E5'

Romi Rain - Watch Me Work - S9:E5

Romi Rain finds Ryan Driller doing some work from home, but that won't do for this busty babe. She struts out in a bra and panties, determined to get Ryan's attention. Ryan resists Romi's charms, doing his best to maintain his focus. That works right up until Romi pops her enhanced tits out of her bra and leans forward so they cover Ryan's screen. That's too much for one man to handle, so he palms Romi's jugs and pulls her closer.Romi comes to Ryan willingly, climbing into his lap once he has set his computer aside. From there, she leans in so he can motorboat those fine knockers. Once Ryan has satisfied his initial base urges, Romi gets to do the same. She sinks down slowly, stroking Ryan's fuck stick to full mast and then leaning in for a titty fuck. Opening her mouth, she starts lapping away at her rock candy treat.Needing more than just some good suck, Romi climbs into Ryan's lap and slides on down. Her thighs are spread wide in their fishnet stockings as she rides with her boobs jiggling on every stroke. When Romi leans forward, Ryan can bury his face in the soft goodness of her breasts.They readjust their position so that Romi is on the couch with her legs split as far as they can go. Ryan takes a few moments to eat her out with his skilled tongue while simultaneously finger banging her snatch. Then he slides on in, banging Romi's greedy snatch with all the passion of insatiable sexual desire.Romi gets on her knees next so Ryan can take her from behind. He fills his hands with her tits and ass, enjoying the softness as he pushes his hardness deep inside. Pulling Romi up from her kneeling position, Ryan lays down and tugs her backwards onto his face. Romi leans forward, filling her mouth with Ryan's dick and completing their 69. Their mutual feast continues until Ryan can't take it anymore. He pops all over Romi's mouth until his load dribbles down her chin and onto her chest.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Trace of Love'

Ana Foxxx - Trace of Love

Lucy (Rina Ellis) is back to her childhood home after a few months away. Her best friend Claire (Ana Foxxx) comes to visit her. The two girls have a sleepover like they used to have back in the day. This intimate moment brings back memories of their childhood and slowly in the dim light of her mother's room Lucy and Claire get closer. Everything starts with a simple touch on her arm. Lucy traces Claire's arm and this gentle touch gradually moves all her over her body. Aroused by it, Claire kisses Lucy and things progressively move to a passionate and romantic reunion between the long-time friends.

Ana Foxxx 在 'wants to fuck you NOW!!!'

Ana Foxxx - wants to fuck you NOW!!!

The word is out and you have the biggest dick out there and the word got to Ana Foxxx and she wants to try it out if she can handle such a big cock like yours in the hotel room.

Abigail Mac 在 'We Tease Together'

Abigail Mac - We Tease Together

Pretty little Ella is taking same teasing selfies, showing off her tits bursting and overflowing out of her bra, her round ass in her cute panties… When Abigail walks in to spot her taking this risqué pics. And of course the gorgeous Abigail knows how to show off her best angles - if she wants to impress her boyfriend, she'll need a couple tips. High angle, puppy dog eyes, and squeeze those soft tits together. To make him really hard, you need something to be more provocative… What if they did some things together? Just go with it, Ella! You're so pretty, this will work, guaranteed! Girls playing together, teasing together, is normal, right? Guys love it! And this one seems like it's for the boys, not the girls… Or is it?

Ana Foxxx 在 'Sex And Lies Scene 3'

Ana Foxxx - Sex And Lies Scene 3

In the world of the ultra-rich, sex and lies reign supreme. Alisa (Avi Love)is a personal assistant who craves nothing more than order; difficult to maintain when everyone you work with is lying and fucking their way through life. Caught in the middle of endless chaos where she works Alisa eventually finds her way to a new job; one actually built on lies, but lies told perfectly. Creating space for cheating, wealthy women to live out their most erotic fantasies with each other. In the end Alisa will face herself. She'll stop lying to herself and in doing so liberate her own desires.

Abigail Mac 在 'Dredd 6'

Abigail Mac - Dredd 6

Abigail Mac gets devastated by Dredd's GIANT BBC! Abigail's dressed in a sexy black lace neglige with matching bra and panties and high heels. She soaks up the sun outside on the deck as Jules uses his camera to inspect every inch of her perfect body. They head inside where Abigail continues to tease us with all of her amazing assets before heading to the bedroom to wait for that MONSTER cock. Dredd comes in and does his own examination of Abigail's body until she pushes him on the bed, gets on top of him, and helps him out of his clothes. Abigail grinds her pussy against Dredd's pants then pulls out his massive cock and gets to work. She sucks and strokes that big dick until Dredd's about to blow his load, then stops and teases him again with her body asking 'Do you want me to take my clothes off' After making Dredd say he loves her outfit, Abigail slowly starts shedding her bra and panties as Dredd buries his face between her perfectly round ass cheeks. Abigail gets so turned on that she sucks that BBC some more before getting on top to ride Dredd's huge pole. She moans as she takes that giant cock deep in her tight pussy telling Dredd to keep fucking her harder and harder. Dredd tells her to lick all her cum off of his cock, which Abigail happily obliges to then gets right back on top to ride that BBC some more. He stretches her pussy out with his massive member then plasters Abigail's face with his huge load.

Ana Foxxx 在 'lets her son's friend try out the new panties'

Ana Foxxx - Open Family

Did someone say CROTCH LESS PANTIES !!!! Yes please. Andy asked his friend Juan to go to her house to pick up a phone charger and Ana Foxxx is there to help him out BUT now he has to help Ana Foxxx to see if the crotch less panties look good and if they work without obstruction for the penetration and a big load of Cream pie cuming your way.

Ana Foxxx 在 'WHITE OUT 8'

Ana Foxxx - WHITE OUT 8

Black porn superstar Ana Foxxx gets the White out treatment as four young XXX studs get down and dirty servicing her every need. First we get to know Ana and why she is who she is. After pleasuring herself and putting on a teaze for us she gets to meet her four white studs. She proceeds to blow each one individually then have them all take turns licking and eating her sweet pink nookie pie. Dripping wet and ready to go she now takes on all four cocks pounding the hell out of them with her sweet cunt and willing mouth into a frothing inferno of gizzum all over her face.

Abigail Mac 在 'One Kiss'

Abigail Mac - One Kiss

Ivy Wolfe is sent to a gay conversion therapy center after she gets caught in a car with another girl. When she arrives she's welcomed by Magdalene St. Michaels the therapist and person in charge of the facility. Ivy is quickly introduced to her roommate Carter Cruise. She explains to Ivy the rules of the establishment. Everyone needs to follow them, but Abigail Mac and Paige (Sabina Rouge) like to bend them. At night Paige likes to sneak in Abigail's bed. Most of the time they just cuddle and comfort each other, but tonight it's different, tonight Paige decides to kiss Abigail. Slowly that passionate kiss becomes a long time desired sex night.

Romi Rain 在 'Sexual Situations Scene 1'

Romi Rain - Sexual Situations Scene 1

'Wanna have sex' Gorgeous Gina Valentina takes the viewer through 5 sexy scenarios illustrating the various ways that people hook up – Casual sex, kinky sex, make-up sex, break-up sex and 'Friends with benefits'. An all-star cast of starlets brings these 'Sexual Situations' to life with passionate and intense sexual performances.

Abigail Mac 在 'Office Mediation'

Abigail Mac - Office Mediation

Abigail Mac is at her desk working when her boss, Sinn Sage, comes by asking for reports. Abigail tries her best to keep things professional as Sinn leans against her chair and compliments her outfit. Abigail's uncomfortable but accepts the compliment, although it's when Sinn asks her to stand up so that she can get a better look that Abigail draws the line. Sinn pouts as she's denied, lamenting that Abigail's no fun. As soon as she leaves, Abigail grabs the phone and finally gives HR a call.Abigail meets with Lindsey Cruz, who works at HR. Abigail is relieved to get things off her chest, stating that Sinn has been giving her unwanted compliments and touches that make her feel uncomfortable at work. When Lindsey suggests mediation, which requires Abigail facing Sinn. Abigail is not onboard. However, Lindsey says it's only fair that Sinn has a chance to address the allegations as well. Although she's reluctant, Abigail agrees and Lindsey calls Sinn to arrange a meeting.A short while later, Abigail and Sinn sit with Lindsey, and there is no missing the tension in the room. Sinn doesn't think that complimenting an outfit counts as sexual harassment and that this whole thing is ridiculous. Abigail argues that complimenting and making innuendos are two very different things!Things get heated as Abigail and Sinn get into a heated shouting match. Tempers flare as they both try to prove that they are right, although the lust between them quickly becomes apparent. After Sinn calls Abigail a stripper for the way she dresses at work, Abigail insists that Sinn WISHES she was a stripper! Then Sinn could get her naked to have sex with her because that's what the boss lady REALLY wants, isn't it?!Suddenly, they can't hold back anymore. They surge forward and crash their lips together, hungrily devouring each other's mouths as Lindsey looks on in shock. She tries to wiggle away from the horny women, who are heavily making out and moaning up a storm. However, she's pulled back into the fray as Abigail suggests that she sticks around for 'compliance purposes.' Turned on by the two powerful women before her, Lindsey's unable to resist temptation and readily joins them.They have a wild threesome, with Lindsey along for the ride as Abigail and Sinn let loose their pent-up sexual frustrations for each other. Abigail lets her naughty boss suck on her breasts and lick her pussy, although the fun's only just started. Abigail wants to make her boss pay!

Aidra Fox 在 'Hollywood Scene'

Aidra Fox - Hollywood Scene


SCENE OPENS on Aidra Fox, walking down a busy city street. Holding a guitar case, she turns a corner and meets up with Lee, her manager. Aidra tells him that she made a lot today, handing him some bills. He can't believe what he's seeing. SIX dollars and some quarters is NOT a lot! She was out there for two hours!! Did she even play any of the good songs?? She played everything that he told her to play, but they weren't really paying that much on that corner. He picks up a slip of paper that she dropped on the ground. What is this? She tells him that it's a phone number that some girl dropped in her guitar case. He looks at the paper closely. Wait a minute---did the girl give Aidra DJ GAMBLE'S phone number??? He's the hottest DJ out right now! If this phone number is's GOLD, Lee adds. They have to go call him RIGHT away.

CUT TO Cruella (Abigail Mac), DJ Gamble's associate. She walks through a beautiful house and opens the front door, greeting Aidra and Lee, the people that she spoke with on the phone. She invites them in, telling them that DJ Gamble is waiting. A mysterious glint in her eyes, she closes the door behind them.


Cruella leads them into a high-tech home studio, where DJ Gamble (Seth Gamble), headphones on his ears, sits in front of a computer screen. When Cruella tells him that they have guests, he takes his headphones off and turns to Lee and Aidra. Lee tries to shake his hand, but DJ Gamble doesn't acknowledge him, instead fixing his gaze on Aidra as he walks up to her wordlessly. He stares at her for a moment longer, as if he's appraising her, before he turns and sits back down again. Aidra narrows her eyes, puzzled, as DJ Gamble whispers something in Cruella's ear.

Cruella returns to Aidra, telling her that Mr. Gamble is VERY interested in talking more. But before they talk, Cruella wants to make sure that she's comfortable, so she helps Aidra off with her coat. Aidra smiles, taken by their attention and hospitality. But her smile turns to a gasp of shock a moment later when Cruella abruptly squeezes Aidra's ass, complimenting her on her figure. Aidra can't believe what just happened and excuses herself and Lee so that they can speak privately. In the other room, Aidra is freaked out, saying that these people are just trying to FUCK her! Lee convinces her to at least hear them out and they go back into the studio.

Caressing her arm sensually, Cruella tells Aidra that she and Gamble spoke and they are very interested in doing business together. Lee tells her that if she wants to talk business, she has to talk to him, so Cruella takes Lee to the other room. When they return a few moments later, they announce that they've reached an agreement.

Seemingly out-of-the-blue, Cruella looks Aidra in the eye and firmly tells her to take off her clothes. Aidra looks at Lee in disbelief. W-what is she talking about?? When Lee prompts her to do it, Aidra is furious. How could he DO this to her?? At that moment, DJ Gamble spins around in his chair, loudly clearing his throat and walking up to Aidra. Aidra looks on in shock as Lee excuses himself, leaving the trio alone. Just...take your clothes off, he says softly. That's NOT what she came here for, so Aidra announces that she's leaving. DJ Gamble stares at Aidra, telling her that she can leave, but if she does, they won't have a chance to make her into the star she was born to be. All she has to do is give them a little...something.

So...if she wants their help, she has to be a good girl and take off her top for them. Taking a deep breath, Aidra says yes and slowly takes her top off. DJ Gamble begins to rub Aidra's pussy over her pants as Cruella kisses her neck and squeezes her tits. They slip Aidra's bra off and Cruella sucks on her nipples, stripping her pants off and revealing her perfect pussy. When DJ Gamble and Cruella take their clothes off, Cruella directs Aidra to kneel in front of him and holds her hair as Aidra slides his hard dick into her mouth.

DJ Gamble and Cruella have promised to make her dreams come true, but Aidra's going to have to sell her soul for that taste of stardom...

Abigail Mac 在 'Hot Nights, Cold Blood Scene 1'

Abigail Mac - Hot Nights, Cold Blood Scene 1

Olivia, a strip club cocktail waitress turned dancer, gets entangled with her married, mob-affiliated boss, Sal, after breaking up with her boyfriend. When Sal's wife, Gia, spies the two of them fucking during a one-on-one meeting, she's had enough – she conspires with her husband's friend and fellow gangster, Bobby, to murder her husband and take over his profitable strip club. When Bobby betrays Gia by bailing on their master plan in favor of his friendship with Sal, Gia has no choice but to execute her plan alone… or better yet, find another partner. Will she be able to draw Olivia away from Sal and over to the dark side

Abigail Mac 在 'Hot Nights, Cold Blood Scene 4'

Abigail Mac - Hot Nights, Cold Blood Scene 4

Olivia, a strip club cocktail waitress turned dancer, gets entangled with her married, mob-affiliated boss, Sal, after breaking up with her boyfriend. When Sal's wife, Gia, spies the two of them fucking during a one-on-one meeting, she's had enough – she conspires with her husband's friend and fellow gangster, Bobby, to murder her husband and take over his profitable strip club. When Bobby betrays Gia by bailing on their master plan in favor of his friendship with Sal, Gia has no choice but to execute her plan alone… or better yet, find another partner. Will she be able to draw Olivia away from Sal and over to the dark side

Nikki Benz 在 'Big Boob French Maid Services Mandingo's Big Black Cock'

Nikki Benz - Big Boob French Maid Services Mandingo's Big Black Cock

Naughty maid Nikki Benz is here to service all of Mandingo's needs. She does some dusting in her slutty maid outfit with a tiny patent leather top, matching mini skirt with NO PANTIES, fishnet stockings, a choker, and black high heels. Nikki makes her way over to Mandingo, who is waiting on the couch, and teases him as she shows off her perfect body. Mandingo joins her in the kitchen, turns her around, and lifts up her mini skirt so he can lick her tasty pussy from behind. Now that Nikki's all hot and horny she drops to her knees so she can service Mandingo's massive member. She sucks that big dick deep and hard then slides it between her giant tits so Mandingo can titty fuck those huge melons then sticks her ass in the air so he can pound her pussy doggystyle. Nikki easy handles that giant cock like the seasoned pro she is as Mandingo fucks her hard in doggy, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, and spoon positions before blasting his load all over her sexy face!

Romi Rain 在 'He Loves Me In Collars And Cuffs Scene 5'

Romi Rain - He Loves Me In Collars And Cuffs Scene 5

He loves when I give him control and when I let him do all of those kinky things to me that hurt so good. He teases and touches me and right when I can't take it anymore, he releases me and gives me what I really want: hot, passionate sex.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ana Foxxx, Chanell Heart, and Evi Rei fuck a lucky white dick'

Ana Foxxx - Ana Foxxx, Chanell Heart, and Evi Rei fuck a lucky white dick

Ana Foxxx, Chanell Heart, & Evi Rei are getting their drink on, and one thing they like more than partying is fucking. Lucky for them they have a nice big cock to ride before hitting up the club

Abigail Mac 在 'Vivid Girls - Episode 1 - A Cruel Bet'

Abigail Mac - Vivid Girls - Episode 1 - A Cruel Bet

Nominated - Best Featurette, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- Comedy: Abigail Mac, Whitney Wright & Seth Gamble, XBIZ 2020

A fancy sports car pulls into a lavish property as Kate (Abigail Mac) watches from inside through a window. She turns back towards her guests for the evening: Cecilia (Whitney Wright), an awkward but beautiful teenage girl, and her well-dressed father. Cecilia's father can't thank Kate enough for her help in easing his daughter into life at the elite private school she is being transferred to. Putting on her best fake smile, Kate assures him that as the head of the school welcoming committee, she's happy to mentor Cecilia! She's going to make SURE to that his daughter is introduced to all the right people. Cecilia's father is relieved, and again expresses his thanks to Kate as Cecilia looks on uncomfortably.

As the pair stand up to leave, Victor (Seth Gamble), a refined looking young man, struts into the room. Kate introduces Victor as her stepbrother. Oozing charm, Victor says hello to Cecilia's father and introduces himself to Cecilia, planting a soft kiss on her dainty hand. Cecilia looks away, blushing at his touch. As Kate escorts the family out, Victor collapses onto the couch. A moment later Kate comes sauntering back into the room, but her demeanor has changed completely from well-mannered to catty and biting. She complains to her brother that Cecilia is NOT as innocent as she looks and in fact, is actually the cause of a recent breakup between Kate and her now EX-boyfriend, Jet Jetson. It seems that Jet ditched the popular Kate in favor of trying to seduce the virginal Cecilia. Victor sighs, telling her that he doesn't care about her PETTY love troubles. HIS conquests are much more important. Seeing that their interests can perhaps align, Kate asks her brother for his help. She desperately wants to get revenge on her ex, and to do that, Victor needs to seduce Cecilia. Victor refuses, saying that he has a list of real women he's targeting right now. He doesn't have time to get caught up in her little...melodramas. He doesn't need Kate to serve up a woman for him to seduce, he can fuck ANYONE he wants.

Really?, Kate asks with a sly glint in her eye. Care to put...a wager on it? Victor arches his eyebrows, intrigued. He asks his sister what the terms are. Motioning to his car outside, she tells him that if he isn't able to fuck that sweet 18-year old virgin, then he'll have to give her his car. 'And if I win?' he asks. Taking off her jacket and showing off her luscious cleavage, she tells him that if HE wins he'll get the one thing that he's been obsessing over ever since their parents got married. Smiling seductively, she tells him she'll fuck his brains out. 'What makes you think I'd go for that bet?' he asks, turning away from her. She teases that she's the ONLY person he can't have, and it KILLS him. Victor still isn't convinced, so Kate plays her trump card, sticking out her tight ass as she tells Victor that she'll let him put it...WHEREVER he wants. Smiling to himself, he turns around and tells her they have a deal.

Several days later, Kate and Cecilia sit in a park, enjoying a picnic. Cecilia innocently snacks on some fruit as Kate brushes her hair. Kate asks Cecilia if the rumors are true...DID she go out on a date with Jet Jetson? Laughing nervously, Cecilia tells Kate that she did go on a date with Jet. It went ok, but he pretty much talked about his psycho ex that he just dumped the whole time. His ex sounds like SUCH a loser, Cecilia laughs as Kate grits her teeth, angrily pulling on Cecilia's hair. Oops, sorry, Kate says sweetly when Cecilia yelps. Telling Kate that Jet has invited her out with his family for the weekend, Cecilia confesses that she's really nervous. She's never even been to first BASE before, so how is she going to know what to do with someone like Jet?!

Kate looks at her quizzically. Hasn't she ever practiced that kind of thing with one of her girlfriends before? Eww, gross--no!, Cecilia says, making a face. Kate reassures her that it's NOT gross, in fact it's perfectly natural for girls to test things out on each other. She instructs Cecilia to sit up and close her eyes. Cecilia does as she's told and the two girls share a soft and tender kiss. Kate then tells Cecilia that they're going to practice using tongues. They move towards each other and kiss again, their soft tongues intertwining. Pulling away from Kate, Cecilia looks enamoured and weak in the knees. Matter-of-factly, Kate explains that if Cecilia wants to be with someone like Jet, she really needs to practice first. Nobody likes a virgin, after all! Maybe...Victor can help her out. Cecilia's eyes go wide at the thought of Victor. 'He would NEVER kiss me,' she exclaims. Kate smiles, saying that she'd bet he'd do A LOT more than just kiss her. Taking out her cell-phone, she calls her step-brother. When he picks up a moment later, she greets him confidently. 'You know that thing we discussed the other day? Well, I've decided to give you a head start ...' she says, passing the phone to Cecilia, who answers it awkwardly. When Victor hears who it is, he puts on his most charming voice. Telling Cecilia that he's a photographer, he suggests that they get together and take some photos that night. With a nervous laugh, Cecilia accepts.

Later that night Cecilia lounges on Victor's bed as he snaps photos of her. He tells her that he really thinks that she could be a model. He LOVES taking her photos,'s too bad that she doesn't have more experience with...SEXY poses. Cecilia spins around awkwardly, telling him that she CAN be sexy! She begins to pose on the bed, as unbeknownst to Cecilia, Kate peeks in through the bedroom door. Finally, Victor stops Cecilia and tells her to try and make herself more comfortable, unzipping her hoodie to reveal her white lacy bra. As she keeps posing, he eventually suggests she should lose ALL her clothing. This is a little too much for Cecilia, who stops posing abruptly. Zipping up her hoodie, she tells Victor that she should probably leave now. Seeing that it's all slipping away from him, Victor makes his move, asking her if he can kiss her. This is the moment that Cecilia has been waiting for and she eagerly agrees. But she's surprised once again when Victor slips off her sweat pants, telling her he wants to kiss her...DOWN THERE. He eases her onto the bed, tracing kisses up her creamy thighs. Licking his lips, his buries his face in her tight virginal pussy, licking hungrily as Cecilia gasps with pleasure.

Victor is about to win this cruel bet, but when Kate finally gives him what he's been craving, will SHE want a taste of sweet Cecilia too?

Abigail Mac 在 'Obstruction of Justice'

Abigail Mac - Obstruction of Justice

Officer Abigail Mac strides up to a home, her expression hard and serious as she greets Kissa Sins, the homeowner. Abigail's been called to the scene of a disturbance and listens as Kissa tells her she heard a big bang in the house. She's so focused on her job that Abigail is obliviousto Kissa checking her out as she's invited inside.Abigail checks the house, ready for a confrontation around every corner. Her intense concentration prevents her from seeing that Kissa is following behind her and admiring her ass. Kissa is not at all worried about a possible intruder, which annoys Abigail because this is a very serious matter! Abigail tries to learn more about what happened and is directed to a living room where Kissa claims she heard the big bang. Abigail is confused, remarking that she doesn't see any broken glass, or signs of entry, or...Abigail slowly turns around and faces Kissa with a stern and knowing expression on her face. The jig is up. There's no intruder, is there? Kissa tries to play innocent as she flirts, saying that maybe the source of the bang is standing right in front of her. Abigail heaves out a world-wearysigh. They get more calls like this than they should, where people just want to bang a hot cop, or whatever. It's a waste of everyone's time and Abigail's going to leave now.However, Abigail is caught off-guard as she's suddenly thrown onto the couch and pounced by Kissa, who is horny as hell for this woman in uniform. Abigail is surprised, exclaiming that she's on duty and really DOES have to leave, but Kissa is persistent, grinding against her and gropingher breasts. Although Abigail tries to remain professional, she can't help but squirm and moan beneath Kissa. Kissa doesn't give her time to think, and Abigail soon gives in. Her sense of duty quickly fades away as Kissa dives into her pussy with her tongue, which leads to even more fun. Abigail may have been uptight before, but she's not so much now!

Abigail Mac 在 'The Pick-Up Artist'

Abigail Mac - The Pick-Up Artist

Alina Lopez and Abigail Mac are in Abigail's living room, sitting on the couch. Alina takes a deep breath before speaking. The first time she saw Abigail, she thought that she was so pretty, she says to Abigail shyly. Abigail puts her hand up in Alina's face 'Hold it,' Abigail says, 'you should NEVER be the first in the conversation to pay a compliment. Haven't you learned anything from my book?', pointing to the book that she wrote, How To Pick-Up Chicks, For Chicks, By A Chick. Alina is shy, saying that she hasn't had a chance to read the book yet, but she's heard of Abigail and is eager to learn. Well, since Alina paid for this course, it's a good thing that they're starting at chapter one, 'Taking Stock', a role-play exercise to see what Alina's pick-up skills are, Abigail says.To show Alina how to correct her mistakes, they are now going to reverse roles. Abigail will pretend to pick-up Alina at a bar. They begin the role-play. Abigail just sits there silently, not even looking at Alina. After a long pause, Alina is confused and starts to ask Abigail what is happening. Abigail cuts her off. What did she say?, asks Abigail snobbishly. This bar is so loud. Well, Alina starts but is cut off again. 'You know, that eyeshadow you're wearing is beautiful, it really takes the focus away from your nose,' Abigail says. Alina looks hurt and confused, saying 'Thanks?' Abigail stops the role play. What she was doing there is a technique called 'Ignore And Call Her A Whore', detailed in Chapter 5. They're jumping ahead a bit, but that's ok. The technique involves ignoring the person you're trying to pick-up, and then, insulting them. Alina is more confused than ever, saying that she thought that the idea was to win someone over, and how do you ignore someone who already isn't paying attention to you, aren't you supposed to get their attention? Abigail dismisses her concerns, saying that this is a common misconception. But the idea of insulting someone, or 'negging' is that when you make someone feel bad for themselves, they feel less valuable, and then they're easier to pick-up, Abigail says. That makes no sense, that would never work on her, Alina says. Of course it works, Abigail counters, which brings them to Chapter 2: 'Be The Alpha Female!'Alina is still confused. She starts to say that Abigail's 'negging' technique actually didn't work on her, but Abigail cuts her off, saying that once Alina has lowered the girl's social value with an insult, she must assume the role of the alpha female in order to fully complete the pick-up. One must be confident, assertive and aggressive. Abigail slides closer to her on the couch, asking her what she wants for breakfast tomorrow morning. Does she understand that she just assumed that she was going to fuck her?, Abigail says. That show of strength, that display of Alpha femininity will make her completely irresistible. Doesn't she find her hard to resist?, Abigail asks Alina. Not exactly... says Alina. Abigail sees that her techniques are not working, and switches gears. Well, on the off-chance that this technique doesn't work, which is very rare, she can suggest an alternate technique, Abigail says. It is called 'You Gotta Touch'. In this technique, the pursuer will constantly touch the girl they're trying to pick-up, in subtle, but consistent ways, Abigail says, running her fingers on Alina's bare leg. As she's running her hands along Alina's leg, Abigail makes small talk with her, switching her hand eventually to play with Alina's hair. Abigail stops and asks her if that's working. Not...really, it just kind of feels like some skeezy perv that she met at a bar is trying to feel her up, says Alina. Is Abigail sure that this stuff works? Now that she is getting into it, it kind of seems like a bunch of BS, says Alina skeptically. 'Oh, I assure you that these are proven techniques. This book wasn't number 127 on the best-seller list for 2 weeks in a row for nothing.' Abigail says defensively. Out of how many books?, Alina starts to ask, but is cut off when Abigail tells her that there is one more technique that she can teach her that is sure to work.It is called Go Big Or Go Home, Abigail says and leans in and kisses Alina abruptly. For a second, she is so caught by surprise that she is a little into it, but quickly comes to her senses and pulls away, shocked. What is she doing??, Alina demands. Well, when all else fails, you go in for the kiss and see what happens, Abigail says. That is ridiculous, and totally sleazy, Alina counters. How can that ever work?, she asks. She'd be surprised how often it actually did work, Abigail says smugly. She looks Alina over and says that she seemed like she liked it. Well, maybe she did like it a bit, Abigail is a very good kisser after all, but that doesn't excuse it. Abigail is exasperated and calls Alina a hopeless case. Alina says that Abigail is a scam and none of these techniques work, in fact, she's not even sure if they're legal! Abigail gets angry, and tells Alina that she's the expert after all, so what does Alina know?! Alina tells her she doesn't know anything, she just knows that she doesn't want to pick up a girl this way! She wants to be herself, to make the first move, to tell a girl that she's pretty, all the stuff that makes dating exciting and fun! Abigail tells her she thinks Alina is naive. Alina says SHE thinks that Abigail hides behind a tough exterior, but inside, is just a scared girl looking for love. Something strikes a chord in Abigail and she looks away. At the same time, Alina's confidence is building. She can see that vulnerable girl inside her, Alina says, putting her hand on Abigail's leg. Abigail seems to be trying to resist, not meeting Alina's eyes. She can see all the amazing things that girl has to offer, Alina says, stroking Abigail's face, who tries to look away, but is finding it harder and harder to resist. Alina locks eyes with Abigail. Yes, she can see that girl, and despite the ugly things that she says, that girl inside is so very beautiful, Alina says and kisses Abigail. Abigail kisses her back, and things quickly get intense as Abigail slips Alina's dress off, licking her perky little tits. Aline doesn't waste any time stripping Abigail's dress off, burying her face between her massive tits as her hand creeps down between Abigail's legs. Even though Abigail is the one teaching the course, Alina's about to show this pick-up artist some techniques she's never even DREAMED of.

Bridgette B. 在 'Secret NYE VR Porn Party With You and Seven Porn Stars'

Bridgette B. - Secret NYE VR Porn Party With You and Seven Porn Stars

Welcome to Fidelio. We're happy to see you, as, once again, it's that time of the year. Thank you for providing the password to the city's most exclusive New Year's Eve party. The evening's festivities begin prior to entrance, with a full cock-and-ball inspection by Naomi Blue. Once she's licked, stroked and sucked your package to her tongue's content, you'll find yourself in the rear chambers with her and two other party goers – Emma Starlet and Dolly Leigh. We hope you aren't afraid of a little water, because these three sirens will eventually lead you into the shower to clean you, suck you and fuck you until, well, it's time to move on. And move on you will, to find big tits and asses aplenty, what with Romi Rain, Bridgette B., Whitney Wright and Kayla Paris at your service. And the tick-tock of the clock will race your cock until your final midnight stroke. That's when the ball will drop, yours will, too, and you'll spray your party full of New Year's cheer. Happy New Year's from Naughty America!

Romi Rain 在 'Dogged'

Romi Rain - Dogged

Hot wife Romi Rain has a fantasy of taking lots of strange cocks while her husband gets it all on camera. Romi's hubby isn't too sure about this, but she is! Especially when she spots Xander Corvus on the sidewalk and sticks her head out the window to suck his cock. Xander fucks Romi doggystyle, and she loves that dick so much she tells him to climb in while she goes to find a few more. They roll up on Alberto Blanco and Juan Lucho, who are only too happy to turn this cuckolding into an orgy, taking turns fucking Romi's pussy and her mouth. As Romi says, "I'm a woman of eclectic tastes," and she gets to taste three flavors of cum all over her!

Monique Alexander 在 'Dredd 5'

Monique Alexander - Dredd 5

Monique Alexander tries to tame the new monster cock DREDD! Monique's looking sexy as every in her lace lingerie as she shows off her amazing curves for the camera. She pulls out her perfect perky tits and plays with them as she waits for her BBC to arrive. Dredd shows up and Monique doesn't mess around, she gets right down to business, pulling down his pants and pulling out his huge cock. After being taken aback from the size of that dick, Monique opens her mouth wide and attempts to take that big dick down her tiny throat. She can't fit it all the way in but that doesn't stop her from trying as she gags herself on that BBC. At this point, Monique can't take it anymore and needs that huge dick in her tight little pussy so she puts her ass up in the air and tell Dredd to go to town. Dredd pounds that pussy hard, only stopping so Monique can taste her pussy juices off of that cock, then they move to the bedroom. Dredd licks that tasty pussy good, then plows his tree trunk cock back into that tight hole. Monique jumps on top so she can ride that massive man-meat, then takes his huge load down her horny throat.

Elsa Jean 在 'The Secret Life Of A Housewife'

Elsa Jean - The Secret Life Of A Housewife

No description available.

Abigail Mac 在 'Night Penetration'

Abigail Mac - Night Penetration

Stunning Abigail is all dressed up with nowhere to go - but that's not to say that her night will not be filled with excitement. It's time for her to enjoy the evening's activities.

Romi Rain 在 'Romi Rain's Obsession'

Romi Rain - Romi Rain's Obsession

When two beautiful soles cum together, on the same screen, it is pure magic. That is exactly what we got when we paired up Romi Rain and Derrick Pierce, for a love making extravaganza. Watch these two industry veterans go at it, like never before. Romi knows how to service a man. She drops to her knees, and takes his cock into her mouth. Derrick is then overcome by temptation, so he makes her his. Using her dripping wet pussy, as his pleasure piece. After they please each other, he has to unload his man juices on her. Leaving both of them fully satisfied.

Abigail Mac 在 'Costume Fitting'

Abigail Mac - Costume Fitting

Esperanza Del Horno and Abigail Mac are on the set of 'LA Hospital,' and Abigail can't contain her excitement. As Abigail sits in just her bra and panties with a stethoscope around her neck, she excitedly tells Esperanza, who works in the wardrobe department, that she wanted to become an actress just to be on this show! Esperanza is amused by the new actress' enthusiasm, telling her that she's already been working there for two years and loves it. Esperanza then asks what type of role Abigail has, and Abigail admits that she only has a background role for now but hopes to someday play one of the doctors. Esperanza insists that she's good friends with the casting director and could put in a good word for Abigail. Abigail is ecstatic but uncertain, and Esperanza promises that as long as they get to know and trust each other better, she'll aim to get Abigail a big speaking role. Abigail is over the moon with the thought of her wildest dreams coming true, and Esperanza announces that it's time to make sure Abigail's scrubs fit. Esperanza then seduces Abigail, playing up her desire to make it big in LA, stating that she knows the secret to success: going that extra mile! Esperanza touches Abigail's breasts and pussy, insisting that if she'd just loosen up a little bit, she could get ahead in her career. This is Abigail's chance to show how good of an actress she really is!

Romi Rain 在 'Towel Girl 2'

Romi Rain - Towel Girl 2

Hot lesbians Nicolette Shea and Romi Rain have been waiting for the chance to spend some quality time together one-on-one, so when they have the sauna to themselves at the spa, it's the perfect opportunity. These slutty MILFs oil each other up and rub their huge tits together, then start eating each other's pussies. That's when towel girl, Alex De La Flor, catches a glimpse of them through the door, and she starts getting as hot as a sauna watching the nasty show. When Alex gets caught peeking by the hot cougars, they pull the sweet teen inside to join them, licking her pussy and ass and making her the center of their horny babe sandwich!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Deadpool XXX - An Axel Braun Parody Scene 1'

Ana Foxxx - Deadpool XXX - An Axel Braun Parody Scene 1

Time to make the chimichangas! The merc with the mouth finally gets his own porn parody, thanks to legendary Director Axel Braun and Wicked Comix, and while this movie doesn't have Ryan Reynolds, it does have ridiculously hot chicks, a buttload of sex, and tons of epic boobs! Starring Seth Gamble in a hilarious, Award-Worthy turn as the regenerating degenerate, Wicked girl jessica drake as Lady Deadpool, Romi Rain as Elektra, plus The Punisher, Wolverine and not one but two Domino's!Deadpool XXX: An Axel Braun Parody may not be the parody you knew you needed, but it sure as fuck is the one you deserve!

Romi Rain 在 'Deadpool XXX - An Axel Braun Parody Scene 3'

Romi Rain - Deadpool XXX - An Axel Braun Parody Scene 3

Time to make the chimichangas! The merc with the mouth finally gets his own porn parody, thanks to legendary Director Axel Braun and Wicked Comix, and while this movie doesn't have Ryan Reynolds, it does have ridiculously hot chicks, a buttload of sex, and tons of epic boobs! Starring Seth Gamble in a hilarious, Award-Worthy turn as the regenerating degenerate, Wicked girl jessica drake as Lady Deadpool, Romi Rain as Elektra, plus The Punisher, Wolverine and not one but two Domino's!Deadpool XXX: An Axel Braun Parody may not be the parody you knew you needed, but it sure as fuck is the one you deserve!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Swing On By - Part 2'

Ana Foxxx - Swing On By - Part 2

After her husband, Jason, heads to the bedroom with Mick's wife, Kimber, ebony beauty Ana Foxxx finds herself alone at the party. The stunning hostess has promised her husband she won't partake this evening, but she still likes to watch. As she peeks in at Jason fucking Kimber doggystyle, Kimber's husband, Mick Blue, finds Ana. His sexy gaze and soft, sensual caresses convince her to show him the ropes to make the evening a true wife swap!

April O'Neil 在 'Fantasy Factory: Wastelands (Episode 4)'

April O'Neil - Fantasy Factory: Wastelands (Episode 4)

April O'Neil wakes up after being knocked out by Commander Mac (Abigail Mac), only to find herself all alone in the abandoned house. She stumbles outside and finds a receiver, then is told by a mysterious voice, known only as The Programmer, that she needs to break into GirlsWay Corporation's Pleasure Park to rescue VX-13 (Kenna James).April makes her way into Pandora and infiltrates Pleasure Park, relying on The Programmer's guidance. As April meets with various pleasure bots, they start to become suspicious of her intentions because of how nervous she is. If she's not careful, she's not going to survive long enough to find VX-13.While April is busy trying not to get caught, VX-13 is locked in a jail cell and guarded by android soldiers. Commander Mac arrives at the cold steel bars and taunts VX-13 about being broken. VX-13 insists that she's ALIVE and has a soul, but Commander Mac doesn't buy any of it. In fact, she's angry, revealing her resentment for synthetic humans for the first time. They're immortals that are revered, never having to worry about starving or being destroyed, while humans fight to survive.Meanwhile, April hurries to find VX-13 before security catches her. She accidentally stumbles across a number of the elite living out their fantasies with synthetic humans throughout Pleasure Park. Although the performers are not pleased about being interrupted, April escapes unscathed.After April frees VX-13, they come face-to-face with The Programmer (Cherie DeVille), who shares new information that could change the way humans and synthetics co-exist. Her unexpected revelation however gets interrupted by Commander Mac, who has caught up to them and kicks in the door. The four women's game of cat and mouse comes to a climactic close as they give into their primal urges in a foursome fuck-fest where the lines blur between android obedience and human desire.Things take a serious turn as their orgasmic high fades and dark reality sets in again. If they have any hope of shaking up the world order, they first have to make it out of GirlsWay Corporation alive.

Abigail Mac 在 'A Stepsisters' Love'

Abigail Mac - A Stepsisters' Love

Brunette beauty Abigail Mac ends up seducing her younger, blond all natural stepsister Athena Faris, following a bad breakup. Athena Faris has been crushing on her hot, busty stepsister. While comforting Athena, Abigail makes her move, grabbing her and kissing her with all of the pent up desire. Athena is shocked but Abigail's sensual touches send her over the edge, her panties drenched with her desire. Both ladies finger fuck each other, eat each other out and trib in a few more positions, until they collapse into each other's arms, exhausted by their multiple orgasms.

April O'Neil 在 'Fantasy Factory: Wastelands (Episode 3)'

April O'Neil - Fantasy Factory: Wastelands (Episode 3)

April O'Neil and VX-13 (Kenna James), find a moment's respite -- a much-needed change from the usual harsh treks through the Wastelands. As they enjoy the warm day together, April introduces VX-13 to the various plants she harvests to make medicine for people. She's confused when VX-13 asks her why she kills the plants, which she's never thought about before. April explains that she does so because she wants to help people since she's a doctor -- or at least she used to be.The girlfriends eventually find a long driveway leading to an abandoned building. Although VX-13's worried for their safety, April assures them that they'll be safe. They then break into the house in search of supplies they can use, but find nothing. April's disappointed, but insists that they stay overnight. It's not every day that they get a chance to stay in a proper house now, although April once lived a comfortable life. VX-13 admires April and wants to comfort her, so they share an intimate encounter on a single blanket on the floor.Like their first encounter, it's slow and tender as they take their time warming each other up. It starts with tender kisses before April pleases VX-13 by sucking on her nipples and licking her pussy. It isn't long before VX-13 returns the favor, wanting to give April pleasure, too. However, their temporary state of bliss is shattered as soldier androids crash into the house. Although April catches a glimpse of VX-13's hidden strength as she defends herself, they are both apprehended.Commander Mac (Abigail Mac), follows in the soldiers' wake and makes herself known to the terrified girls. She's there to take back GirlsWay Corporation's precious property. Through all of this, April still doesn't realize that VX-13's an android, which pleases Commander Mac to no end since she LOVES seeing other people's misery.Finally VX-13's true identity is revealed to April as Commander Mac activates VX-13's seduction mode, then makes VX-13 seduce April. Although April is reluctant at first, it could be the last time she's with VX-13 before Commander Mac drags her back to GirlsWay Corporation. Who knows what will happen to VX-13 then? There's nothing else she can do now except play along with Commander Mac's twisted game. A threesome is soon underway with lots of kissing, eating out pussy, and tribbing -- all for the purpose of showing April that VX-13 is not the sweet human girlfriend she thought she was.

Helena Locke 在 'One Tough Slut: Helena Locke pushes Ana Foxxx to the edge!'

Helena Locke - One Tough Slut: Helena Locke pushes Ana Foxxx to the edge!

There's no mistaking that Ana Foxxx is one badass slut and in this update, her ass is on the line! Domina Helena emerges from the shadows clad in shiny latex, eager to see how much this little girl can take. Ana is gagged and on her knees, with her legs are tied open and her arms tied behind her. Helena flogs Ana's front and back to warm her up and puts clover clamps on Ana's nipples and labia. Ana giggles with anticipation as Helena brings out the cane. Her giggles turn to cries as Helena gives her a good firm caning on her thighs. Her legs tremble and she breaks out in a sweat. Helena moves to cane her perfect ass and Ana takes every stroke. She yells around the gag, spit trailing over her lips and down her chest. After Helena removes Ana's clamps, Ana cums hard. Next, Ana is suspended from one leg as Helena threatens her with the zapper. Once Ana has her instructions, Helena brings her down and puts her to work. Eager to avoid the sting of the zapper, Ana buries her face in Helena's cunt, using her tongue to pleasure her Domina. Ana's face gets sloppy wet as Helena rides her face and cums hard. Then, Ana is put on her hands and knees in thumb cuffs. Helena gives her a long hard spanking on her ass, paying extra attention to her shy asshole. She pushes her strap-on cock into Ana's pretty pussy and fucks it until Ana cums. After her orgasm, Ana works Helena's cock into her ass. Every thrust opens her ass up more, making her moan like crazy. Helena fucks Ana hard, before flipping her over on her back and fucking her some more! Ana cums hard with Helena's dick in her ass like the good slut she is.

Abigail Mac 在 'Fantasy Factory: Wastelands (Episode 1)'

Abigail Mac - Fantasy Factory: Wastelands (Episode 1)

'Every storm starts with a single drop.'It felt like it all happened so quickly, yet our storm was years in the making. Humankind created androids to make life easier, but the androids became more and more like their creators with each upgrade.GirlsWay Corporation's 'pleasure bots' became the first androids to be indistinguishable from humans. Beings that started off as tools soon became toys of the rich -- and ultimately weapons. The corporation began producing super soldiers, and society evolved to where only the rich occupied the cities, using the soldiers to expel the poor and middle classes to create their own paradise.Beyond that paradise existed the Wastelands.Georgia Jones approaches a rundown facility, known as the Fantasy Factory, its crumbling walls angrily scrawled with graffiti proclaiming the agony and hatred of the people. Georgia finds a group of scantily-clad women, led by Dana DeArmond, that offer their sex services, saying that they have every kind of girl to satisfy Georgia's needs. Georgia's eyes fall upon a bubbly and eager Alexis Fawx, and knows exactly what -- or who -- she wants. After haggling with Dana, the deal is sealed.It isn't long before Georgia and Alexis come crashing together on a lone mattress in an otherwise bare room. Alexis is eager to get started, her fierce passion taking Georgia by surprise. There is little hesitation as Alexis roleplays as a naughty housewife to fulfill all of Georgia's secret desires. At times, Alexis twitches and jolts, but powers through to ensure that her client is completely satisfied. Georgia doesn't say anything about these odd moments, instead turning to putty in Alexis's skilled hands. In this bleak world, she catches a brief glimpse of paradise herself as Alexis eats out her pussy and lustfully tends to her nipples and breasts.Meanwhile, Commander Mac emerges stealthily from the darkness of the wastes, moving with purpose as she closes in on the Fantasy Factory. She confronts Dana, telling her that she's there to retrieve property that's been stolen from her employer. Dana demands that Commander Mac leave until Commander Mac reveals that the piece of property she's seeking is a synthetic human worth millions of credits. Although Dana tries to fight back, she sees no choice but to surrender once Commander Mac reveals her heavily-armed backup.Unchallenged, Commander Mac then takes the facility by storm, bursting into the room where Georgia and Alexis are still naked and intimately embraced. They are shocked at the intrusion, but Alexis knows exactly why Commander Mac's there. In order to keep her true identity a secret and secure her freedom, Alexis submits to Commander Mac, letting her call the shots. Georgia hardly knows what's going on except that she now has two sexy women vying for her attention! Her world is turned upside down as she gets caught up in a fiery threesome as Alexis and Commander Mac fight to come out on top. For Alexis, it's a matter of survival, and she can't afford to lose.

Monique Alexander 在 'T.I.T.S: Bouncing Above the Law Scene 2'

Monique Alexander - T.I.T.S: Bouncing Above the Law Scene 2

When world famous artist Bigga Wang has his designer dildo collection stolen, it's up to hotshot detective Olive (Honey Gold) to track it down. Olive is convinced the robbery has local crime boss Draco's trademark style all over it. Finding no real help from fellow detectives Alexa (Monique Alexander) and Gabby (Whitney Wright) or the chief of police, and with her ass on the line, Olive follows a tip from an anonymous informant to a warehouse where Draco is looking to unload his ill-gotten gains. Knowing her tits can open more doors than her badge, Olive shows up incognito in a knockout red dress. Little does Olive know, Draco has a mole in the precinct, and before she can buy the million dollar dildos, Draco thinks she should sample the goods. Normally she might be shy, but Olive is undercover, and Draco is kind of cute...and she did swear an oath to do whatever it takes to bring the bad guys to justice!

Honey Gold 在 'T.I.T.S: Bouncing Above the Law Scene 4'

Honey Gold - T.I.T.S: Bouncing Above the Law Scene 4

When world famous artist Bigga Wang has his designer dildo collection stolen, it's up to hotshot detective Olive (Honey Gold) to track it down. Olive is convinced the robbery has local crime boss Draco's trademark style all over it. Finding no real help from fellow detectives Alexa (Monique Alexander) and Gabby (Whitney Wright) or the chief of police, and with her ass on the line, Olive follows a tip from an anonymous informant to a warehouse where Draco is looking to unload his ill-gotten gains. Knowing her tits can open more doors than her badge, Olive shows up incognito in a knockout red dress. Little does Olive know, Draco has a mole in the precinct, and before she can buy the million dollar dildos, Draco thinks she should sample the goods. Normally she might be shy, but Olive is undercover, and Draco is kind of cute...and she did swear an oath to do whatever it takes to bring the bad guys to justice!

Kayden Kross 在 'You Talking to Johnny'

Kayden Kross - You Talking to Johnny

A car pulls up at Ana's house uninvited. One of Ana's guests looks out the window. "Does she have a bat," he asks. The girl with the bat has questions of her own. She squares off with Ana. "You talkin' to Johnny?" Ana stands up and straightens her dress coolly. "What if I am?"

Ana Foxxx 在 'Pearl Necklace For a Thieving Date'

Ana Foxxx - Pearl Necklace For a Thieving Date

Ana Foxxx isn't as good of a thief as she thinks she is, and when the nice guy she's stealing from turns out to be a sex freak, she does whatever it takes for him to not call the cops! Tying her up in pearl necklaces, this ebony hottie deepthroats every inch of dick she can take before he's pounding her pussy and glazing her tiny tits!

Romi Rain 在 'Metal Massage Part 4'

Romi Rain - Metal Massage Part 4

Small Hands was still short on rent and landlord Joanna Angel was only giving him one more day to come up with the rest. Then, like an angel sent from the metal gods above: Romi Rain, legendary lead singer of Toxic Pussy walked through the doors! She had to come inside what really seemed like her kinda place. Small Hands nearly lost it, as he worships the ground she walks on! Romi LOVES going to spas on her days off, but hates LAME fluffy towels and and smelling like flowers. She was certainly at the right place, and ordered the air guitar special! It included Small Hands playing air guitar, and Romi massaging herself, dripping in coconut oil! And then there's all of the sex on the massage table, of course. Her experience was so amazing that she, still drenched in oil and cum, decided to buy the place and keep it open forever! Talk about a happy ending.

Abigail Mac 在 'Horny Gamer Chicks'

Abigail Mac - Horny Gamer Chicks

Tired of her girlfriend Darcie always playing videogames when she wants to fuck, Abigail suggests a challenge: a player-versus-player match while both babes are bouncing on big dildos, and the winner gets to make the loser do whatever she wants. Both babes are willing to play dirty, trying to distract the other by spanking their big asses, rubbing their clits, or squeezing their tits, but finally Abigail is victorious, and she wants a long, luscious sex session, starting with Darcie eating her pussy while riding the big toy cock! These babes grind on each other's faces as they 69 and cum over and over for a major bonus score!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Carnal Scene 5'

Ana Foxxx - Carnal Scene 5

No description available at the moment. Please check back soon.

Nikki Benz 在 'Sucks Everything Off'

Nikki Benz - Sucks Everything Off

Nikki Benz has the most fuckable tits in the industry. Firm and round just waiting for a cock to slide between them. She is truly made to be fucked. From her delicious tits, to her whore mouth just waiting for a cock to slobber on and satisfy. She wants nothing else but a hard cock in her mouth. Nymphomaniac and exhibitionist Nikki Benz touches her body and bends over to show you her ass to get you ready to fuck her. Playing with her tits, teasing and showing off is what she does to get you hard and ready to get you off. Nikki Benz shows off like a slut to get you hard. She sucks on her finger like it is a big cock, that is how desperate she is to have you in her mouth and how much she wants to be facefucked by you. Her favorite place is on her knees with her plump lips wrapped around your dick, giving a BJ like her life depends on it. Face fuck her or let her lick and suck you until you blow your load. She will beg for more once she shows you everything she has. Give her more, let your cum drip off her face like a slut and give her everything she deserves.

Sinn Sage 在 'Ana Foxxx 1st Lesbian DP'

Sinn Sage - Ana Foxxx 1st Lesbian DP

Big booty strap on duo Sin Sage & Abella Danger take on Ana Foxxx for her very 1st lesbian DP. Intense lesbian DP action like never before with intense face sitting and ass worship to the max! Giving Ana an unforgettable first time!

Abigail Mac 在 'The Female of the Species'

Abigail Mac - The Female of the Species

Abigail Mac wears a red dress with a slit that runs fully up the leg. Home after the heist, she and Stallion make their way slowly down a corridor. Is it adrenaline they're hyped up on? Maybe. Either way, she draws the night out, toying with him before she dives in.

Brooklyn Chase 在 'Brooklyn Chase, Ana Foxxx and Skyler Nicole - Zebra Girls'

Brooklyn Chase - Zebra Girls

Management versus Labor. It's an age-old struggle, and this update is just another example. Brooklyn Chase is the CEO of an extremely successful sale company. Ana Foxxx and Skyler Nicole are two of her top producers...but there's a problem. Lately, sales have been slacking, so Ms. Chase arranges a special meeting. She's there to whip Ms. Foxxx and Ms. Nicole into shape. No more slacking. No more excuses. Brooklyn will have her sales force back to cold calling and making presentations and closing deals. 'What I need are closers!' Ms. Chase demands. What she's about to get is a Grade-A fucking, lesbian style! Ana and Skyler are going to call out Brooklyn for her overreaction, then calm her nerves with some stress relief: titty sucking and pussy eating and a good, old-fashioned butthole cleaning. Then, the girls are turning to a sex toy for all their holes -- especially Brooklyn's! In fact, Brooklyn is about to have both holes stretched simultaneously! After this highly unconventional meeting, Brooklyn, Ana and Skyler will come to a great understanding...and there's a good chance there will be a repeat soon!

Monique Alexander 在 'Awesome 4th Of July Threesome'

Monique Alexander - Awesome 4th Of July Threesome

This is a great 4th of July! Watch horny MILF Monique Alexander share Adria Rae's boyfriend for one hot sex. The two girls couldn't get their hands and mouth of Juan's cock. Shocked Juan gets a double blowjob from his girlfriend and her stepmom as they hide from her father. They have secret sex for a bit before the stepmom finally takes Juan over to the room. Adria Rae Joins in where they both team up form the blowjob to the fucking. They have hot sex form various positions until they make Juan's cum load explode out of him.

Romi Rain 在 'Bionic Boobs'

Romi Rain - Bionic Boobs

Busty Romi Rain accepts the Challenge and she's so incredible! This hot babe knows how to take care of a cock. She opens wide for a big black dick and sucks it like no one else!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Squirt A Baby In Me'

Ana Foxxx - Squirt A Baby In Me

Ana Foxx is babysitting for her friends. The kids are out for the day and shes taking advantage of some alone time, luxuriating in the couples spacious bathtub and taking her time to clean every nook and cranny of her Nubian goddess body. After her shower, shes wandering around the couples bedroom, looking at photos of their perfect family. That gets her biological clock ticking loudly so she hatches a plan. When Ryan gets home, she lets him know that his wife and kids are out and they are all alone. Not one for subtlety, Ana gets right to the punchline and asks Ryan to squirt a baby inside her. Hes shocked because Ana and his wife are best friends, but her biological imperative to procreate supersedes everything else and she quickly finds herself on her knees, sucking his big dick hungrily. He doesnt hesitate to fill her tight black hole with his cock and shoot his creamy load inside her. Hopefully his wife wont ask too many questions nine months from now when Ana pops out a fair skinned bouncing baby boy or girl.

Casey Calvert 在 'A Very Personal Assistant'

Casey Calvert - A Very Personal Assistant

Casey Calvert is a long way from Iowa, as she trains as a temp personal assistant for Hollywood agent, Cherie Deville! Abigail Mac, the usual assistant, is giving Casey the full run-down of duties, which all seem normal. But soon they are in Cherie's 'special' bedroom full of the horny MILFs sex toys--which Casey will now be in charge of cleaning and keeping organized. Also, she must find Cherie hot young female escorts to fulfill Cherie's desires, or Casey can offer herself up for debauchery--which Abigail says is one of the true perks of the job. Naïve and very curious, Casey may need some hands-on training from Abigail to keep their boss happy. Abigail begins her training on Casey's very tight, wet pussy, milking orgasms from her before Casey takes control fingering and sucking Abigail's slick holes. Casey will be a perfect assistant!

Abigail Mac 在 'Babysitting Lesbians: Caught on the Couch'

Abigail Mac - Babysitting Lesbians: Caught on the Couch

Abigail Mac and Whitney Wright have hired Jill Kassidy to babysit but for some reason, Whitney doesn't fully trust her. When she starts grilling her with questions, Abigail tries to smooth things over asking Whitney to play nice. Abigail tells her that they planned this outing for quite some time and that she's clearly overreacting. Abigail convinces Whitney to let this go so they can have a good time together and leave the house. Jill now has the house all to herself and is going to take full advantage. She pulls out the computer and puts on some porn and starts playing with herself. As she loses track of time, Abigail and Whitney get home a little sooner than expected. When Whitney is about to walk into the house, she sees Jill playing with her pussy through the window, she tells Abigail to look but Abigail tells her she's probably just watching a movie. They enter the house to find Jill on the living room couch masturbating and watching porn. Whitney can't believe she would be doing this in their home, but Abigail tries to smooth things over saying that all teenagers act like that. Jill apologizes saying that she's really sorry and would like to make it up to them. When Whitney asks her how she could possibly make it up to them, Jill proposes they have a threesome! Whitney can't believe she would have the nerve to suggest that after being caught red handed but Abigail thinks it's a great idea. Once Jill and Abigail decide to seduce Whitney, her horniness gets the best of her and the three girls end up having the time of their life!

Abigail Mac 在 'Bad Girl Justice: Part 2'

Abigail Mac - Bad Girl Justice: Part 2

This is the story of a notorious playboy professor and the women whose lives intersect with his. In part 2, Abigail pulls out all the stops to let professor Mountain know that she's serious about doing anything to mark her territory. After a sexy song and dance, Abigail gets exactly what she wanted and they two lovers are hot and heavy with an illicit fuck in a public bar bathroom. It's quick and hot and dirty—just the way you want it.

Abigail Mac 在 'Bad Girl Justice: Part 1'

Abigail Mac - Bad Girl Justice: Part 1

This is the story of a notorious playboy professor and the intense and intelligent women with whom his life intersects. In part one, the married professor's main side-piece (Abigail) begins to see what all the rumors are about as she witnesses his inappropriate flirtation first hand. Ivy, another student at the prestigious university, is in the big city for the first time in her life and hoping to experience everything college life has to offer. Easily swayable but always up for fun, Abigail manages to guide Ivy's eyes away from the prized professor and instead get them fixed upon her. Together the girl's experience one of the most quintessential college activities—lesbian sex.

Ana Foxxx 在 'A (XXX) Documentary 3'

Ana Foxxx - A (XXX) Documentary 3

Ana Foxxx and Donnie Rock share their thoughts on the industry before discussing their turn-ons and what they plan on doing in this passionate scene. They do not disappoint as they pleasure each other in all the right ways.

Abigail Mac 在 'I'll Tell You Everything'

Abigail Mac - I'll Tell You Everything

Abigail has arranged to have some fun with a hot guy she's met and has agreed to tell her man everything. When she arrives at his hotel, she ensures that every detail is captured so her boyfriend can enjoy each second with her.

Quinn Wilde 在 'Love and Hate'

Quinn Wilde - Love and Hate

Monique Alexander is on the phone with her lawyer yelling at the top of her lungs. She's about to lose her company to her business partner who is suing her for everything. When her lawyer reminds her that they need some evidence, Monique has just about had it with his incompetence. She needs results and needs them now! While she's on the phone with him, her business partner Quinn Wilde walks in the room. She yells at her lawyer and hangs up the phone. When Monique demands to know why Quinn would do this to her, Quinn calmly asks her to lower her voice. But Monique is furious with her and can't calm down at all. Quinn tries to talk some sense into Monique but she's not listening. When Quinn tries to leave, Monique starts getting overly aggressive with her. She grabs her by the shoulders and tries to restrain her. Quinn fights back as the girls wrestle each other to the couch. Monique panics and gives Quinn a kiss. When Quinn asks her what the hell she's doing, Monique doesn't have an explanation, she just wants them to get along and she doesn't want her to leave. The girls both say that they hate each other as they kiss. They both wonder why they just can't get along while they tear off each other's clothes and make out passionately. Losing themselves in the moment, it looks like the girls just fucked their problems away as they reconcile and keep their partnership alive.

Adriana Chechik 在 'Stepsister Succubus'

Adriana Chechik - Stepsister Succubus

The lithe-yet-curvaceous Abigail hears a muffled commotion coming from her step-sister's room… She creeps toward the door covered only in a pair of soft panties and skin-tight top, highlighting her hedonistic lines. Abigail opens the door to reveal Adriana on her back getting devoured and fucked by her boyfriend. As she watches the show, Abigail can't help but get a little jealous of the action. She runs her hands along her fit body, lightly teasing as she watches the performance in front of her. As the two lovers finish, Adriana ventures off to the bathroom, giving Abigail to perfect opportunity to creep in for her own taste of the action… Until Adriana comes back! But maybe these step-sisters can find a way to share? What follows is one of the hottest, sloppiest, and jealousy-inspiring threesomes known to human history. These two will leave your cock, your heart, and your soul drained.

Abigail Mac 在 'No Names'

Abigail Mac - No Names

Abigail Mac has a secret she can't tell anyone. She's been having urges lately and she doesn't know what to do with them. She's been craving the touch of a woman and is just about ready to explode. As she runs her day to day affairs, thoughts of lust consume her. She has no one to confide in and would never imagine doing so anyway. She has to keep this is a secret. This is a part of herself that she doesn't want to share with anyone. She seeks secrecy and discretion. She's heard of an agency that can provide all anonymity she desires and the fact that it's a phone call away makes the decision to call irresistible. She calls the agency and asks if she can see pictures of the girl she's hiring. When they are texted to her, she confirms her appointment and finishes up her work. That evening, she shows up at the designated meeting place and knocks on the door. When she sees the girl from the pictures (Sarah Vandella) greet her, she tries to introduce herself but is silenced. The girl covers her mouth and smiles and she informs her that there are no names in this room, only pleasure. They kiss and they grope each other as they rip off each other's clothing. They hop on the bed and then Abigail climbs on top of Sarah and starts to dry hump her. The girls devour each other's bodies as they lick every inch. They take turns sitting on each other's' faces. Tribbing and grinding, they make each other cum and satisfy every desire. Yet when they leave the room, they still don't know each other's' names.

Romi Rain 在 'Axel Braun's Inked 4 Scene 2'

Romi Rain - Axel Braun's Inked 4 Scene 2

More ink! More sex! More babes! Legendary director Axel Braun is back into the realm of tattooed hotties with the fourth volume of his award-winning series, and this one is a scorcher! Superstar Karma RX leads a stellar cast and performs what may be her steamiest scene to date, masterfully captured by Braun's expert camerawork. If you dig inked chics, don't miss this!

Abigail Mac 在 'Abby Loves Seamen In Her Mouth'

Abigail Mac - Abby Loves Seamen In Her Mouth

The only thing brunette cutie Abigail Mac loves more than boats is fucking and sucking dick on one! Hopping out of her red bikini to reveal a juicy ass and a perfect set of fuckable tits, Abby spreads her pussy wide for a hard pussy pounding at sea!

Charlotte Stokely 在 'Becoming A Voyeur'

Charlotte Stokely - Becoming A Voyeur

When Elsa wakes up after an unforgettable night, Charlotte is no longer there. Like her entrance, she's disappeared without notice. Elsa takes a hot shower and comes back to her room. With all her concentration on her preparation for school, she doesn't notice India looking at her. India offers her help to Elsa and she gladly accepts. India sits on the side of the bed and helps Elsa get ready. India apologizes for the previous night and says that she hopes they were not too loud. Elsa looks away shyly with an awkward nod. Elsa surprises India by asking how she knew that she was attracted to women. India begins telling her story, but Elsa interrupts her suddenly after seeing Charlotte's reflection in the mirror. She gently asks India to leave, making sure she doesn't see Charlotte. When she's back in her room Charlotte teases her a little bit about India before inviting her to come study with herself and a 'friend.' Elsa refuses on the pretext that she needs to get to school, but Charlotte insists and Elsa ultimately agrees. In the end, Charlotte is the only one who has reached out wanting to be her friend since she arrived, and meeting other people could be good for her. Elsa tags along with Charlotte to Ana's (Ana Foxxx) dorm room.Elsa is sitting on the couch and Charlotte and Ana are on the bed. They are very close to each other. Charlotte is reading her book and Ana is looking at her. It's obvious that she's not listening to Charlotte. Gradually, Ana gets closer to Charlotte. Charlotte tries to concentrate on her studies, but Ana's look is making her nervous and excited. She can't hide the goosebumps on her arm when Ana gently glides her fingertip across Charlotte's hand. Ana grabs Charlotte's hand and kisses it. Charlotte doesn't want to study, she wants to kiss Ana, she wants to taste those lips, feel her tongue sliding against Ana's mocha skin, wants to have sex with this amazing girl who makes her panties wet the second she lands her eyes on her. Elsa stays on the couch watching all the mounting sexual tension in front of her. She knows she 'should' leave and let them be alone, but the lustful part of her wants to stay and watch them making love. She watches Charlotte please Ana with her tongue; she watches Charlotte's body reacting to the pleasure of Ana's finger inside her pussy. She watches them having multiple orgasms...and she loves it.

Abigail Mac 在 'Painted Booty'

Abigail Mac - Painted Booty

We asked sexy Abigail Mac if she was up for a little social experiment. Of course, the sexy brunette is always up for anything, so we painted a pair of jeans and a bikini top on her smoking hot body. Then, we went for a walk by the beach to see if anyone would notice. How did people react when they realized her clothes were non-existent? We won't spoil it for you, but you'll wish you were there! After strolling down the street and making many heads turn, Abigail ventured in a park looking for a big hard cock to suck and fuck. Lucky for her, Charles Dera was there! He saw right through her paint illusion and slapped her perfect ass! Then, what happened next can only be described as lust at first sight as they fucked each other's brains out right then and there on the park bench!

Romi Rain 在 'Too Little Too Late Scene 4'

Romi Rain - Too Little Too Late Scene 4

Timing is everything. Robbie and Christine (Tommy Pistol, Aaliyah Love) were college sweethearts who lost touch. After a chance encounter at a restaurant, they both realize that they have never lost their feelings for each other – the only problem is that Robbie has a girlfriend and Christine is about to be married. After reconnecting as friends again, their feelings become even stronger, but is it a case of Too Little, Too Late'

Ana Foxxx 在 'is Machine Fucked, Flogged, Shocked And Made to CUM'

Ana Foxxx - is Machine Fucked, Flogged, Shocked And Made to CUM

The beautiful and sexy Ana Foxxx is back and hotter than ever. The day begins with Ana perched up high with her legs spread and restrained with leather belts to the steel frame. We dusted off Omega, the fucking machine, and placed in inside of her pussy. Now that it's mounted there's only one thing left to do, so we turn it on and start fucking this sexy bitch. The scene is brutal nipple torment and non-stop machine fucking. Next we have Ana Face down, but made to hold her head up to prevent her from choking. Her hands and feet are held in place by steel shackles that are mounted to the floor to make her completely helpless. The Pope enters and begins to crop her feet, and then continues to the rest of her body. He sneaks away and returns with a blindfold to up the ante of the mind fuck he is administering. The zapper adds a sadistic touch to the already fucked up game he is playing with Ana. Fear has taken over Ana's mind and body and The Pope takes full advantage of this to torment her more. In the final scene Ana is on her back on a wooden table and held down with steel shackles. Flogging begins and the room is filled with her screams, but that only inspires him to continue. To finish Ana off, The Pope fucks her and then adds a vibe to tease her for a bit before he makes her cum uncontrollably.

Ana Foxxx 在 'and Alexa Grace - Blacks On Blondes'

Ana Foxxx - Blacks On Blondes

Ana Foxxx and her Hubby run a hustle...and Alexa Grace needs a job. It's a simple hustle, too: advertise you need a 'housekeeper', put the ads online, and wait for the ladies to answer. It all seems legit, but when the potential housekeeper -- in this case, Alexa Grace -- goes into the bedroom to try on the 'required uniform', Ana and Hubby know they've 'caught' another white girl! When Alexa reappears, in the skimpy French Maid's outfit, Ana is only wearing a bra and panties and her beautiful nude stockings; Hubby's only in his undies, and the 'tent' he's 'pitching' is as big as anything Alexa's ever seen! Alexa can't believe she can even fit it in her mouth! Alexa also can't believe she's eating Ana's pussy while Hubby slowly slides his engorged cock deep into her little pussy!

Karlee Grey 在 'Forget Your BF'

Karlee Grey - Forget Your BF

Karlee and Abigail enjoy a wild foursome without their boyfriends.

Romi Rain 在 'Romi and Joanna Fuck Prince'

Romi Rain - Romi and Joanna Fuck Prince

Romi Rain and I got invited to Prince Yahshua's for a private show, but he didn't seem to be enjoying himself. He described his recent heartbreak, and thought two hot goth strippers would make him happy. We're very eager to satisfy and he paid us for the whole hour, so we asked if there was anything ELSE we could do, after using half the time to do ALL his chores because we're sweet and have an excellent work ethic. Prince wasn't getting the hint, so Romi and I let our mouths and pussies do the talking. And by talking I mean sucking and fucking his big, brokenhearted cock and making each other cum!

Abigail Mac 在 'Peer Pressure: The Trophy Wife'

Abigail Mac - Peer Pressure: The Trophy Wife

Kenna James and Mia Malkova are at home scheming. The girls have come up with the perfect plan to make some serious coin from their sugar mama Abigail Mac. Mia is going to disappear for a while and pretend she got kidnapped. They will then contact Abigail and demand a ransom for Mia's return. Mia disappears to her hideout as Abigail contacts every private investigator in town. She slams the phone down and calls Kenna into her office. She hands over a million dollars in unmarked bills and demands she meet up with these criminals and return Mia to her. When Kenna meets ups with Mia at the hideout, Mia can't believe Abigail just handed over the money. What the girls don't know is the briefcase contains a tracking device that has disclosed their whereabouts to Abigail, who just spotted them through the bedroom window. When she knocks on the door, the girls have no idea who it is. When she walks in, they practically have a heart attack. Mia tries to come up with an elaborate story about how Kenna rescued her, but Abigail is not buying it. She tells them both about the tracker in the briefcase and how she can't believe they thought they were gonna get away with it. When the girls are left with no other option, they plead with Abigail to make it up to her. When she demands to know how they plan on doing this, the girls prefer to show her as they start kissing her and taking off her clothes.

Ana Foxxx 在 '1st Gangbang'

Ana Foxxx - 1st Gangbang

Ana Foxxx with her gorgeous supermodel looks has an insatiable appetite for hardcore gangbang action. Get ready for this relentless 5 on 1 gangbang. Focusing on multiple DP positions and intense anal pounding. Ana takes it like a pro with a grand facial and swallow finish.

Romi Rain 在 'Axel Brauns Dirty Talk 2 Scene 1'

Romi Rain - Axel Brauns Dirty Talk 2 Scene 1

No description available at the moment. Please check back soon.

Romi Rain 在 'Dredd Up Your Ass'

Romi Rain - Dredd Up Your Ass

Brunette goddess Romi Rain is here to blow your minds and your cocks with this hardcore IR Anal scene with DREDD! Romi is looking sexy as ever in her black lingerie with high heels and a jeweled belly button ring dangling from he stomach. She shows us her amazing curves as she basks in the sunlight and runs her hands over her slick skin. Dredd shows up and Romi gets right to work sucking that BBC of his. It's bigger than her forearm and thicker too, but that doesn't stop this slut from trying to jam it all the way down her throat. She gets him nice and lubed up with her spit before jumping on top to slide that huge dick in her tight little pussy. Romi takes that cock like the pro she is as she grinds that cock deeper and deeper into her little hole. She stops to taste her pussy juices off of that BBC then spreads her cheeks for some deep anal penetration. Romi takes that huge cock deep in her tiny asshole before Dredd blasts his load down her throat. You're not going to want to miss this one!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Showcases: Eliza Jane - 2 scenes in 1'

Ana Foxxx - Showcases: Eliza Jane - 2 scenes in 1

Eliza Jane isn't having the best day. She's trying to webcam but her viewers are complaining about what she's wearing and how her show is boring. She tries to plead with her audience and while she's doing this, her internet goes down. Desperate and frustrated she wishes that a fairy godmother could come and rescue her. When Brett Rossi, her fairy cam mother appears, Eliza can't believe her eyes. Brett explains that she has 3 wishes and that she shouldn't squander them. Eliza needs her internet back up and when Brett counts to 3 and yells the magic word her internet is back up and running. While Eliza contemplates what she should wish for next. Brett looks at her room and tells her it might be time for some redecorating. As she says the magic works the room changes and Eliza couldn't be happier. Brett remarks that the outfit Eliza is wearing is awful and at the flick of the wand Eliza gets a makeover that makes her look hot as fuck. When Eliza's viewers spot Brett they ask the girls if they can cam together. It doesn't take much for Eliza to convince Brett to dyke it out with her. When the girls finish their show, Brett tells Eliza that she needs to leave but Eliza pleads with her not to. She's never had this much success at camming at needs a girl to dyke it out with. Brett tells her she's really pushing her luck but says she will grant her one more wish before she goes. She's gonna send her another girl, and by the flick of a wand, Anna Foxx appears. Anna is perplexed at what she's doing there but when Brett tells her to attend to all of Eliza's needs, she does so with pleasure.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Cumless: A DP XXX Parody Scene 1'

Ana Foxxx - Cumless: A DP XXX Parody Scene 1

Charlotte is not your average college student— she's rich, she's popular, and she's the hottest virgin in town! After her best friend Deeana loses her virginity though, Charlotte can't stop thinking about her own true love— her new stepbrother Joseph and his rock, hard cock!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Cumless: A DP XXX Parody Scene 2'

Ana Foxxx - Cumless: A DP XXX Parody Scene 2

Charlotte is not your average college student— she's rich, she's popular, and she's the hottest virgin in town! After her best friend Deeana loses her virginity though, Charlotte can't stop thinking about her own true love— her new stepbrother Joseph and his rock, hard cock!

Jenevieve Hexxx 在 'Romi Meet Jeneveive'

Jenevieve Hexxx - Romi Meet Jeneveive

What happens when two of the hottest tattooed brunettes in the adult industry meet? Nothing short of fireworks. After getting to know each other a little better, showing off their bubble butts and huge tits, the gorgeous Romi Rain and the feisty Jenevieve Hexx are ready to turn the heat up. Romi pushes Jenevieve's feet back over her head and ferociously eats her pink pussy, tonguing her hard and sucking her clit. Jenevieve returns the favor, spreading Romi's pussy lips wide and slowly lapping at her cunt, making love to it with her mouth. As Romi's cries of pleasure grow more intense, so does Jenevieve, licking her harder and harder until she cums, making her thick thighs tremble. They kiss, tasting each other's pussies on their lips, and then bring out a double headed pink dildo. Romi slides one end into Jenevieve's wet pussy and takes the other end into her mouth, fucking and sucking at the same time. She then straddles Jenevieve, lowering her pussy onto the other end of the dildo, bouncing her juicy ass up and down as she fucks it. Flipping around, Romi rides the dildo in reverse cowgirl, Jenevieve thumbing her asshole and spanking her as she's getting fucked. The dildo pops out, but Romi grinds her fat ass on Jenevieve's pussy, and the rub each other to the point of exhaustion. They kiss passionately, lying spent in each other's arms.

Romi Rain 在 'Romi's Fuck Massage'

Romi Rain - Romi's Fuck Massage

Ricky has scheduled a massage from Romi Rain. As he takes of his clothes, she gets all hot and bothered when she sees the huge bulge in his underwear. She gets on her knees for a closer look and then tells him it would be better if he takes them off. When see sees the big black cock she begins the massage with her mouth. She can barely fit it in her mouth, but being the professional that she is, she keeps trying even if it means gagging on it. They then move on to the table when her fucks her hard and long and she enjoys every minute of it. Finally, she gets a big hot load in her mouth.

Riley Reid 在 'Just For You, Babe'

Riley Reid - Just For You, Babe

It is a time of celebration for Riley - not only is it her boyfriend's birthday, but he is newly divorced and a free man. She was his assistant, he was her boss - it is a well known scenario - and after a brief affair had become something much more serious. The trouble is, that Riley doesn't want to find herself on the opposite end of the affair - so she has devised a plan to set the tone of their relationship. After more than a few drinks, her man wakes up to find Riley and her friend Ana getting up close and personal right next to him. Is she going to be girlfriend of the year or what?

Charley Chase 在 'The Big Fuck Club'

Charley Chase - The Big Fuck Club

Four gorgeous girls and two bad boys tried a special sex game. Watch them enjoy shared orgasms and fountains of cum!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Cum Running'

Ana Foxxx - Cum Running

When Ana arrives home after a long day at the office, all she wants to do is relax. She takes off her heels and runs a hot bubble bath, slipping off her tight red dress and sighing with pleasure as she sinks into the warm water. As Ana relishes in her leisurely soak, rubbing the bubbles over her ebony skin, she realizes the bath isn't the only reason her pussy is wet! Her fingers running sensuously over her clit aren't enough to take care of her needs, so the stunning beauty sends a quick text to her booty call Lucas, who is happy to come running! Leading her to the bedroom, Lucas treats his lady to a sensual massage, oiling up her body and rubbing his hands all over her curves. Needing to taste her, Lucas laps at Ana's juicy folds before giving her the deep fucking that's just what she needed. Ana loves having such a talented cock on call!

Abigail Mac 在 'Anatomy of Desire'

Abigail Mac - Anatomy of Desire

Blonde nurse Jessica (Lily Labeau) has started to feel butterflies whenever she looks at tanned brunette orderly Brenda (Abigail Mac), but she's not sure she's ready to dive into eating pussy. The day Jessica catches herself spying as Brenda gives a beautiful patient a flirty sponge bath, she knows it's time to act! The beautiful blonde asks her friend for a private chat in the breakroom, and nervously tells Brenda that she's started having some confusing feelings. The stunning lesbian is happy to give Jessica a crash course in fucking ladies! After a long, passionate kiss, Brenda starts to caress Jessica's beautiful tits and pussy. Before long, the sexy nurse is out of her scrubs and Brenda is introducing Jessica to the delights of eating pussy and scissoring! As her BFF makes her cum over and over, Jessica knows for sure that pussy is for her!

Helena Locke 在 'HUSH Ep 4: Helena Locke Gives Ana Foxxx The Executive Treatment'

Helena Locke - HUSH Ep 4: Helena Locke Gives Ana Foxxx The Executive Treatment

In Episode Four of Hush... Helena Locke in HR finds herself in the middle of this entire game, continuing from Episode Three. After a quick phone call where she shushes Cherry over her concerns about Bella and her incriminating photos, she welcomes Ana Foxxx, the VP of Marketing into her office for a one-on-one meeting. Ana's stressed out in her new job, and is looking for a little RandR with Helena. Helena gags her and ties her up and rolls her onto the floor, setting into her with some hot ass spanking and dives face-first into her wet hungry pussy. While Ana is virtually helpless, Helena then takes her own liberties, sliding her fingers inside her tight cunt, then sitting on her face and smothering her while she eats her pussy. Ana loses herself more and more as Helena uses her for her own desires. She cums on Ana's face with a vibrator, then paddles her and fucks her with a dick on a stick. Ana cums intensely hard as Helena power fucks her with that tool, slamming it into her with rapid ferocity. Ultimately, Ana's stress is relieved, but she knows it won't be gone for long. Clearly, another executive session will soon be in order...

Nikki Benz 在 'I Only Want Sex: Part 2'

Nikki Benz - I Only Want Sex: Part 2

Nikki was Nicole's boss before she decided to branch out on her own and start her own fashion empire. Nikki is bitter, but she would never admit that to anyone. After not parting on the best terms and with her biggest competitor's company continuing to grow, its time for Nikki to do something about it. When she gets a meeting with Nicole's exclusive model, Jason, she knows exactly how to play it so that he will become her key to Nicole's downfall.

Romi Rain 在 'The Flasher'

Romi Rain - The Flasher

Romi gets a kick out of flashing people in public! But when she shows her goods to the wrong guy, he calls the cops and ends up getting a show that blows his mind!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Dark Divas'

Ana Foxxx - Dark Divas

Visually-stunning Ana Foxxx talks about getting all dressed up: putting on sexy lingerie makes her feel special. When Tyler comes home, he lets her know just how special she is.

Abigail Mac 在 'You're Fired'

Abigail Mac - You're Fired

Uma Jolie isn't the best employee: she's repeatedly late for work, spills coffee all over the floor, and ruins important documents. Her boss, Abigail Mac, threatens to fire her but Uma needs this job and will do anything to keep it. Abigail, however, isn't so sure: this isn't the first time she's fucked up. Relishing in this opportunity she inquires about her attire, her tight dresses, the fact that she doesn't wear a bra to work, maybe she's trying to turn her boss on, and maybe she wants to get her pussy wet? Uma denies everything saying that she doesn't like wearing bras and this is just how she dresses. When Abigail gets a little too touchy-feely for her, she tells her she's feeling a little uncomfortable. Abigail retorts that that's unfortunate because she thought she actually wanted to keep her job. It looks like Uma has no choice but to do what is necessary to get her bills paid. Abigail assures her that it'll be their little secret and that no one beyond these walls will find ever out about this. She asks her to pull her shirt down, Uma hesitates but Abigail needs to see those rock hard nipples. It looks like Uma is somewhat enjoying this and this pleases Abigail immensely. She asks Uma to strip for her, nice and slow. When Uma is certain there's no camera in the office, she starts taking off her clothes. Shy at first, Abigail cheers her on by instructing her on what to take off next. Once she's undressed, Abigail commands her to get on her knees and eat her pussy. Shoving her face into her cunt Abigail moans in delight. She climbs on top of her and fucks Uma's face. She cums all over it and screams in ecstasy!

Monique Alexander 在 'Secret Anal Desires'

Monique Alexander - Secret Anal Desires

Since her husband started his new business last year, Monique has had hardly any time with him. She has found ways to keep busy but in the end they have only been distractions. However, this weekend has been different. When he takes charge of the situation, Monique has her suspicions that he knows what she has been up to, and she is about to get her punishment.

Abigail Mac 在 'and Johnny Castle in Housewife 1 on 1'

Abigail Mac - Housewife 1 on 1

Your wife Abigail Mac is so appreciative of you. You work so hard and long to give her everything she wants, and she wants to show you what it means to her. So, she's going to give you your own personal striptease! And once she's done getting your cock big and all warmed up, she's going to slide it into her wet mouth ever-so slowly and suck on it just until your about to cum…and then she's going to stop. Once you recover, she's going to bend over and ask you to ram your dick right into her from behind, not stopping until she's had her fill of doggystyle! The pleasure from your wife goes on and on like this until you give her the hot white creamy treat she's been dying for!

Julia Ann 在 'and Romi Rain and Tyler Nixon in Naughty Office'

Julia Ann - Naughty Office

The new mailboy is doomed! Julia Ann and Romi Rain are cock-ravenous office professionals who fucked the last mail-delivery employee out of his job, and now they're ready for the new guy, Tyler. The busty babes tagteam him when he walks in for the day's delivery, insinuating all kinds of inappropriate sexual talk with all of their innuendos. But when he gets fed up with it and just pulls his cock out for them, the horny babes are all over it! The big tits come out and Romi and Julia slobber all over Tyler's knob! An office threesome ensues, and not only does he bring the mail, but he delivers cum all over their faces! Let's see if he'll be back again.

Nikki Benz 在 'Dredd'

Nikki Benz - Dredd

Super slut Nikki Benz takes on the new monster cock Dredd. Everyone please welcome back the one and only Nikki Benz to JJV. This blonde bombshell is looking better than ever as she teases in her skimpy lingerie set that can barely contain her amazing assets! With her long flowing hair, gigantic tits, tight ass, and legs for days there's not much more a guy can ask for. Nikki teases us as she wanders around the mansion looking for a big cock to fuck. She's instantly excited when she sees Dredd and his BBC are waiting to stretch her out and she drops to her knees to attempt to take that massive black pipe down her throat. "That's the biggest cock I've ever seen" says Nikki, but that doesn't stop her, she wants that BBC in her wet pussy. She takes that cock balls deep as Dredd pounds away at her tight fuckhole before jumping on top of him and giving him the ride of his life. Nikki drains that cock of all its cum like the good whore she is and paints her tits with whatever cum she didn't swallow.

Dillion Harper 在 'Lesbian Workout Stories: Going Hard'

Dillion Harper - Lesbian Workout Stories: Going Hard

Romi Rain is an intense fitness coach who always pushes her clients to the ultimate limit. Dillion Harper has been one of her favorite customers for a while, but with a recent breakup she's extra feisty in today's session. Punching at the boxing mitts with all her rage unleashed, it's clear that things have gotten a bit unhinged. Romi asks whats up, inquiring whether she still sees her (in her opinion toxic) boyfriend. Dillion is a bit shy but then breaks the news that she is no longer seeing her man. Romi was never one to miss an opportunity.As Dillion slowly confesses how she never really 'felt good' when she was with that boyfriend, Romi moves in, warming up to her nimble body and expressing shock that a man would not be grateful to be so fortunate having a girl like her. Bringing the boxing wraps around her supple back, Romi tells her how trainers learn skills to 'really' help their clients. Empowerment training can often involve surrendering to another's will... As Romi gently ties Dillion's hands and folds them behind her back, sensually caressing the beads of sweat on her fit body, she reaches down into her shorts, telling her she wants her to be the best she can possibly be.Submission to this strong, assertive trainer makes Dillion even more aroused. She's never been with a woman before, and feels unsure if its professional to fuck her trainer, but deep inside something needs Romi so bad she can barely speak clearly. The two drop to the mat, and under the pretense of a breathing exercise, Romi takes a giant whiff of Dillion's wet pussy. Encouraging her further to scream out that her boyfriend does not deserve her fine ass, Romi strips off her shorts to lick and caress her bald pussy. As Dillion shudders with orgasm after incredible lesbian orgasm, she cries out to Romi 'It's too much!' Finally, Romi Rain strips down to reveal her fit trainer's body to scissor and grind on Dillion's wet vagina until they both come together. Romi then spins Dillion around to kiss her sweet body while fingering her snatch, slowly moving her body over Dillion's face to mount her pussy right over her mouth. As the trainer moans with delight while Dillion licks her pussy, she decides she needs to make her protege come one more time. Vigorously fingering and licking that dripping wet vagina, Dillion cries with pleasure as she squirts all over the blue exercise matt. Her man could never do that for her, that's for certain. Maybe getting it on with her trainer was not so bad after all. They agree: 'same time next week!'

Abigail Mac 在 'Wedding Belles Scene 1'

Abigail Mac - Wedding Belles Scene 1

Best friends Abby and Casey are planning the perfect double wedding – except their hungry pussies keep getting in the way. From male strippers to the boyfriend's best friend, old flames and new cocks keep springing up. While the girls try to keep it in their pants, Casey's future husband isn't exactly behaving himself. When he commits the ultimate betrayal, will Casey finally be able to cut the wedding knot Or is she tied down for life

Abigail Mac 在 'Lesbian Roommate Interview'

Abigail Mac - Lesbian Roommate Interview

When Abigail Mac's got in a fight with her gf in the middle of interviewing Miley Cole to be her new roommate, her interview quickly turned into a casting couch! Abigail tore off Miley's clothes and showed her exactly how a real pro pleases a woman!

Romi Rain 在 'Justice League XXX An Axel Braun Parody Scene 1'

Romi Rain - Justice League XXX An Axel Braun Parody Scene 1

The King of Parody is back, with the biggest and most anticipated Adult movie of the year! Legendary director Axel Braun unites the heroes of his DC AxelVerse in more ways than one, in this epic Wicked Comix mega-production. With a stellar cast headlined by the ferociously sexy Romi Rain as Wonder Woman and a phenomenal Charlotte Stokely as Batwoman, "Justice League XXX: A Porn Parody" will show you why it's time to COME TOGETHER!

Charlotte Stokely 在 'Justice League XXX An Axel Braun Parody Scene 3'

Charlotte Stokely - Justice League XXX An Axel Braun Parody Scene 3

The King of Parody is back, with the biggest and most anticipated Adult movie of the year! Legendary director Axel Braun unites the heroes of his DC AxelVerse in more ways than one, in this epic Wicked Comix mega-production. With a stellar cast headlined by the ferociously sexy Romi Rain as Wonder Woman and a phenomenal Charlotte Stokely as Batwoman, "Justice League XXX: A Porn Parody" will show you why it's time to COME TOGETHER!

Romi Rain 在 'Justice League XXX An Axel Braun Parody Scene 5'

Romi Rain - Justice League XXX An Axel Braun Parody Scene 5

The King of Parody is back, with the biggest and most anticipated Adult movie of the year! Legendary director Axel Braun unites the heroes of his DC AxelVerse in more ways than one, in this epic Wicked Comix mega-production. With a stellar cast headlined by the ferociously sexy Romi Rain as Wonder Woman and a phenomenal Charlotte Stokely as Batwoman, "Justice League XXX: A Porn Parody" will show you why it's time to COME TOGETHER!

Abigail Mac 在 'VAMPIRES: Part 4: The Showdown'

Abigail Mac - VAMPIRES: Part 4: The Showdown

After stepsisters Lucy (Abigail Mac) and Ella (Shyla Jennings) move to Los Angeles in the wake of their father's death, Lucy falls prey to a coven of vampires. With the help of her blind sister Ella and vampire hunter (Serena Blair), Lucy vows to destroy the coven matriarch Anya (Jelena Jensen) and save her own mortal soul. At the coven's mansion, Anya (Jelena Jensen) has just awakened her first-born progeny Angelica (Angela White) from her long slumber to destroy the fledgling vampire Lucy. The matriarch palpates her vagina, letting Angelica feed off her life force. Anya's supersonic hearing alerts her to the presence of her prey, Lucy and Ella. Indeed, the stepsisters are outside the coven's mansion attempting to break in and start a fire. As the vampire hunter (Serena Blair) talks them through picking the lock over the two-way radio, the front door bursts open. Standing in the entrance is the formidable silhouette of Angelica. Luckily, Serena takes her out with a tranquilizer dart, and Lucy walks into the house looking for Willow (Melissa Moore). She doesn't notice Angelica get up. Moving faster than lightening, Angelica pounces on Lucy and catches her off guard. She tackles her to the ground, rips off her clothes and tribs her pussy. As Lucy fights for her life, Ella and Serena secure the perimeter completely unaware of her predicament. Soon, matriarch Anya comes upstairs and joins Angelica in fucking Lucy on the floor. Anya parts her legs, she wants to play before the feeding. Anya and her progeny gang up on Lucy, riding her mouth, licking her pussy and tribbing the poor girl until she's sufficiently weakened, devouring her until Lucy is absorbed into the coven. Anya steps away just as stepsister Ella finally manages to set the house ablaze and rescue Lucy from the Angelica's clutches with the help of a crystal ornament. She may have saved her sister's mortal soul, but can they outrun the vampires?

Abigail Mac 在 'Lesbian Census'

Abigail Mac - Lesbian Census

Census worker Abigail Mac is going door-to-door collecting household data. When she gets to the home of Cassidy Klein, Abigail is happy to see a female face. She begins to ask the questions on her census questionnaire, and Cassidy answers obligingly. When she gets to asking if she is heterosexual or homosexual, and Cassidy won't give her a straight answer, Abigail comes out and says what she's thinking; Cassidy is afraid of offending her. Cassidy doesn't want that on her record. If Abigail agrees to remove the comment, she will prove that she isn't homophobic. Cassidy grabs Abigail and kisses her, then she brings Abigail inside. Back in the house on Cassidy's bed, the girls resume their passionate embrace. Turns out, Abigail just didn't ask the right questions. Cassidy has been lesbian all along. She can't wait to suck on Abigail's huge natural tits, nor can she wait to pull off her pants and start messing with the wetness between her knees. Abigail is just as excited to touch Cassidy's sweet little slit. She tongue fucks her asshole then her pussy. Cassidy finger fucks Abigail then tribs her pussy all over the bed, then girls trib their bouncing bums. After Cassidy devours Abigail's ass, Abigail rides Cassidy's tongue. The lesbians wrap it up with a bit of 69, then Abigail makes Cassidy cum with her fingers!

Vicki Chase 在 'Fantasy Threesome'

Vicki Chase - Fantasy Threesome

Nothing is better than having two girls on your cock! Watch curvy Romi Rain and the gorgeous Vicki Chase get down and dirty in a wild and nasty threesome with Mick Blue. Exposing all of their wildest three-way fantasies. This scene will leave you cumming like never before!

Shyla Jennings 在 'VAMPIRES: Part 3: Calling The Cavalry'

Shyla Jennings - VAMPIRES: Part 3: Calling The Cavalry

After two stepsisters move to Los Angeles in the wake of their father's untimely death, they cross paths with a coven of vampires when one them swipes right on the wrong dating profile. Sister Lucy (Abigail Mac) finds out her hookup Willow (Melissa Moore) is a vampire soon after they meet. She is seduced into an all-girl orgy with her date's whole family, and then slated for death. Lucy's date convinces the coven leader to spare Lucy's life and turn her into a vampire instead. Confused and afraid, Lucy runs home and begins to feel the effects of the turning. Her blind sister Ella (Shyla Jennings) tries to intervene. Lucy tells the whole strange story and her sister pledges to save her damned soul.The following morning, Lucy wakes up to a call from a stranger (Serena Blair) who knows about the vampires. She strongly advises the sisters to leave the house for their own safety. They decide to heed her advice and accept her offer to pick them up. The stranger drives them to her safehouse from the undead, underneath a church, stocked with garlic and ammunition. She is a vampire hunter and tries to enlist them. Lucy is slow to trust the stranger but her sister implores her to get aboard. The stranger is a doctor and offers hope. It may be possible to reverse her condition. She can help.Lucy submits to a medical exam and lets her naked body be inspected. The doctor reveals the only way Lucy can become human again is to eliminate leader of the coven. The sisters stick to their vow to save Lucy and begin formulating a plan. Serena gives them survival tools for their mission. She tells Lucy she has to prepare for tomorrow by feeding her energy to her now. She elaborates, and Lucy resists, but the blind sister slips her hand between Lucy's legs to make her more cooperative.Soon the threesome of lesbians are naked and sucking each other's hard nipples, full breasts and juicy pussies. Serena takes her time licking Lucy's meaty lips while the vampire gets face-fucked by her sister. Drained of all energy, Lucy eventually can't take it anymore, but Serena makes her keep going. And her sister pitches in to help. The lesbians form a chain of mouth to ass, licking and nibbling and making each other cum. Lucy sticks her finger in Serena's pussy and slowly extracts its juice. Her sister joins in. The threesome take turns riding each other's tongues and tribbing each other's pussies, cumming over and over again!

Romi Rain 在 'and Seth Gamble in Ass Masterpiece'

Romi Rain - Ass Masterpiece

Bam! Romi Rain brought her ass today, and it's time to get you wet! Sexy Ms. Rain sheds some clothes for you today and climbs atop the pool table so you can get a good look at everything she's going to give you. Her fat ass is all oiled up and ready for you to spank while you fuck her doggystyle! And give her luscious big tits some attention, too; they wanted to be sucked on just like you want your dick sucked! And Romi will be sure to blow you and get you to blow your load. But not before she rides your cock some more, her fantastic ass bouncing up and down in hypnotic fashion!

Abigail Mac 在 'Busty Beauties'

Abigail Mac - Busty Beauties

Abigail Mac and Noelle Easton are both blessed in the boob department, and they love to play with their own tits as well as each other's. Under the guise of trying to decide on a seductive outfit for their double date with Preston Parker later that night, the girls end up taking off their bras to caress one another's huge knockers. Their all natural tatas jiggle and quiver as they warm each other up for the pleasure that's still to come.Once both girls are topless, Noelle bends to lap at Abigail's diamond hard nipples. Abigail can't bite back her soft moans of approval, nor can she stop her expression from becoming one of pure longing. When Noelle draws back, Abigail leans forward to press her lips to her girlfriend's in a deep kiss that is only interrupted when Preston Parker walks into the room.Turning their mutual desire on Preston, the girls seat themselves side by side and press their bigtit busts to his stiffie so that he can feel their softness through his pants. Freeing Preston's hardon from its confines, the girls take turns caressing his dick across their breasts. Pushing the large globes together, they even give him a preview of a tittie fuck.Relocating to the bed, the girls get on their knees while Preston lays down. That position makes it easy for first Abigail and then Noelle to suck deep and long of Preston's erection. Their double blowjob includes plenty of attention to their lover's balls, and even some deep throat action.When it's Preston's turn to put his mouth to work, he does so with gusto. Starting with Abigail, Preston uses his day-old beard and soft mouth to create a rainbow of delights between his girlfriend's thighs. Meanwhile, Noelle busies herself with lapping at Abigail's sensitive tits before an even better idea strikes her. Climbing on top of Abigail, she peels off her thong so that her pussy and Abigail's create a double stack of joy for Preston to feast upon. Her new position allows Abigail to give as good as she got, motorboating Noelle's delightful bosom.When Preston pulls back from his oral delight and replaces his mouth with his dick, Abigail is once again the first to enjoy his charms. Noelle is happy to let Abigail get fucked first since this gives her the chance to plant her creamy fuck hole on Abigail's face. Pinned between her two lovers, Abigail muffles her moans of delight at Preston's pussy pounding by burying her face in Noelle's meaty snatch. The trio continues like that until Abigail's whole body is pulsing with joy. Only then does Noelle switch things up, replacing her twat with her tit so that Noelle can continue to gag her own screams of excitement.With Abigail well-satisfied, Preston takes a moment to lick her anus for those last few seconds of bliss. Then he rolls onto his back and watches as Noelle and Abigail lick the brunette's essence from his stiffie. Then Noelle swings her leg over his hips, impaling her bare fuck hole on his fuck rod so that she can go for a ride on his hard dick.With Abigail crouched behind her to support her big boobs as they swing and jiggle, Noelle starts rocking her hips in a fast rhythm. Getting her whole buxom body into it, she works herself towards a swift climax that leaves her panting.Abigail is happy to tag in and keep Preston rock hard. Riding him in reverse cowgirl, she pumps her booty up and down so that he can enjoy the jiggle along with the friction. Her body still humming, Noelle kneels nearby to suck Preston's cock and squeeze Abigail's ass as she guides them both to even greater heights of pleasure.Once both girls are fully satisfied, they lay side by side on their backs while Preston towers above them. From his position of power, Preston strokes himself off as he aims at the bounty of their waiting breasts. When his climax overcomes him, he covers Abigail in a shower of jizz that she eagerly shares with Noelle.

Shyla Jennings 在 'VAMPIRES: Part 2: Sisters'

Shyla Jennings - VAMPIRES: Part 2: Sisters

During last night's torrid orgy, coven matriarch Anya (Jelena Jensen) kept her promise to Willow (Melissa Moore) and turned the blind girl's sister Lucy (Abigail Mac) into a vampire, rather than taking her life. Back at her late father's cabin, alone and asleep in bed, Lucy's body rocks with spasms as her once-mortal form metabolizes the venom now coursing through her blood. She awakens the following morning, drenched in sweat. She gets out of bed and looks out the window. The sunlight scorches her retinas and burns her skin. She takes shelter inside her bathroom, and panics when she looks in the mirror but sees no reflection. Ella (Shyla Jennings) hears the commotion and comes running. By the time she finds Lucy, her burns have spontaneously healed. But Lucy is still shaking like a leaf. She doesn't want Ella to see her in that condition., but Ella brings her into her bedroom and stays there to care for her. Once Lucy settles down in bed beside Ella, she suddenly feels famished, but her hunger is for sex. With a wicked gleam in her eye, Lucy divulges a family secret. The truth is that she is only Ella's sister by marriage. Ella isn't in the mood for sex and she is worried for her sister, but Lucy makes her quench her thirst. In the middle of fucking, Lucy draws the life force out from Ella's lungs. When Ella recovers, scared and confused as to what happened, she instinctively grabs her cross. She holds it up like a shield, and its protective powers scorch Lucy's face. She demands to know what's going on. Lucy tells her about Willow and the vampires. Ella is so devoted to Lucy, the shocking revelation does not deter her from cumming in Lucy's mouth, again and again. It's not like there's any way out of this mess anyhow ... Or is there?

Ana Foxxx 在 'Lesbian Beauties 19 - All Black Beauties'

Ana Foxxx - Lesbian Beauties 19 - All Black Beauties

What does one do when one realizes that they may, perchance, be a slutty lesbian? Well, if you are Jenna Foxx you eat out Ana Foxxx in a public bathroom. Yes, these two hot, young, all natural black queens get all up in each other's vaginas and start lapping away like eager puppies at their mom's teat. They keep grubbing on each other's well groomed fuck holes until cum issues forth like a forbidden dam, overflowing during a flood of epic proportions. Not to be outdone, they move from eating beaver to fingering away like expensive power tools. They orgasm like crazy and then continue on with life, as you do.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Dark Obsession Scene 1'

Ana Foxxx - Dark Obsession Scene 1

A man's ex-wife comes back to haunt him – even with a second wife now in the picture. Some people just can't let go. And her stranglehold will soon become deadly…

Romi Rain 在 'Dark Obsession Scene 3'

Romi Rain - Dark Obsession Scene 3

A man's ex-wife comes back to haunt him – even with a second wife now in the picture. Some people just can't let go. And her stranglehold will soon become deadly…

Ana Foxxx 在 'Dark Obsession Scene 4'

Ana Foxxx - Dark Obsession Scene 4

A man's ex-wife comes back to haunt him – even with a second wife now in the picture. Some people just can't let go. And her stranglehold will soon become deadly…

Ana Foxxx 在 'Dark Obsession Scene 5'

Ana Foxxx - Dark Obsession Scene 5

A man's ex-wife comes back to haunt him – even with a second wife now in the picture. Some people just can't let go. And her stranglehold will soon become deadly…

Romi Rain 在 'Dark Obsession Scene 2'

Romi Rain - Dark Obsession Scene 2

A man's ex-wife comes back to haunt him – even with a second wife now in the picture. Some people just can't let go. And her stranglehold will soon become deadly…

Ana Foxxx 在 'Lesbian Beauties 19 - All Black Beauties'

Ana Foxxx - Lesbian Beauties 19 - All Black Beauties

Stunning, all natural ebony beauty Ana Foxxx is a lesbian slut with perky knockers. She is so horny and slutty she can't even believe it herself, so she eats out Sarah Banks just to make sure she is a real lesbian. Sarah is another hot, black babe who eats pussy for fun and profit. They are so slutty and have such nice bodies that they make out and finger each other relentlessly. They cum a bunch of times and then reflect on what the future may hold for a couple of hot, lesbians.

Carter Cruise 在 'VAMPIRES: Part 1: Welcome To The Family'

Carter Cruise - VAMPIRES: Part 1: Welcome To The Family

How does a blind girl from Boston wind up in a dirty back alley running for her life? It all started when Ella (Shyla Jennings) and her big sister Lucy (Abigail Mac) moved to Santa Clarita after their father's death. They settle into the ranch house bequeathed to them in his will. Ella unpacks her bags, and Lucy finds a girl online for a quick hook up. Lucy goes out to meet Willow (Melissa Moore) at her family home and the attraction is instantaneous. But the second Lucy mentions her blind sister, Willow cuts their encounter short and rushes her out of the house. Except they're intercepted by Willow's sisters Amber (Carter Cruise) and Dawn (Georgia Jones). When the sisters tell Willow she has to share her new friend with them, Lucy assumes they are talking about sex. Unbeknownst to Lucy, Willow's family is a coven of Vampires and they wish to consume her most vital juices. The coven's stern and powerful mother figure Anya (Jelena Jensen) enters the room and confronts Lucy as though she were intruding. Lucy tries to excuse herself and return home to Lucy, but Anya bewitches her to stay. Bearing some affection for Lucy, and out of pity for the blind sister she cares for, Willow tries to undo Anya's spell, but her defiance only invokes her anger. Willow pleads with Anya in private to spare Lucy's life and turn her into a Vampire. Anya agrees to grant Lucy immortality if Willow gives up her remaining one hundred years above ground. Willow accepts her self-sacrifice and prepares to give Anya pleasure. While Lucy is slowly overtaken by Willow's hypersexual and thirsty sisters, Anya reveals in the ecstasy of making Willow cum, Willow joins her sisters in devouring Lucy. She vacuums the cum from Lucy's clit, then Anya tribes the mortal girl's pussy until she falls asleep. Willow and her sisters are uncertain if Lucy will survive the night. They contemplate if Willow must kill her to save her own life. And then they feed on each other's fresh pussies.

Abigail Mac 在 'Cum And Play With Me'

Abigail Mac - Cum And Play With Me

Tanned babe Abigail Mac is ready for a fun night. She teases in her lacy matching lingerie as she strips playing with her firm tits and pussy. She is getting so wet and horny! Out comes her toy that does its job perfectly as she moans and cums.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Fucking My Horny Step-Brother'

Ana Foxxx - Fucking My Horny Step-Brother

Ana Foxxx is taking erotic pictures of her new bra and panties before she started playing with herself. Juan hears some noise and comes out to check it out. He finds his step-sister masturbating and recording from her phone. He pulls his phone to enjoy the show and started recorded as well. She freaks out when she catches him and tries to get his phone but after he doesn't want to give it up, she decides to take matter into her own hands. She gives this lucky guy a great sucking before she starts riding his cock. We see her getting fucked from all positions until she takes his load on her face to make sure he doesn't tell anyone.

Romi Rain 在 'Miami Blowjob'

Romi Rain - Miami Blowjob

Romi Rain is one of the hottest adult stars in the biz today. She has curves that will drive you wild. Those beautiful eyes, and that raven black hair will leave you wishing she was sucking your cock for days on end. Watch this filthy little cock sucker take a big fat cock all the way down her throat, and gag until she can no longer breath. This slut polishes this knob, and makes him shoot a nice healthy load of man sauce all over her pretty little face. You don't want to miss this one.

Ana Foxxx 在 'The Perfect Threesome'

Ana Foxxx - The Perfect Threesome

Ana has tried threesomes before, but has always felt left out, the third wheel. So when her boyfriend suggested they try something adventurous with their sex life, she said she would love to, but she had to be a serious part of it from the very beginning. He said he had to problem with that. And, she had the perfect third person in mind--her best friend from high school whom she'd kind of had a thing for anyway, but never expressed her desire to dig her salivating tongue into some female flesh. And on the big night, nothing disappoints Ana as she gets her fill of pussy and cock and comes again and again.

Abigail Mac 在 'Lesbian Anal Workout'

Abigail Mac - Lesbian Anal Workout

What can be better than brunette bombshell Abigail Mac sharing a lesbian anal workout with all-natural beauty Kissa Sins! The workout heats up with plenty of deep wet kisses as they worship each others perfect breasts. As the intense workout continues Abigail and Kissa devour each others hot bodies in a tribbing and analingus frenzy, reaching shared anal orgasms, leaving them dripping in sweat from the ultimate anal workout.

Romi Rain 在 'Big Tip For Pizza Sluts'

Romi Rain - Big Tip For Pizza Sluts

Romi Rain and Aspen Romanoff are two lonely, horny sluts who aren't just hungry—they're cock hungry! Romi and Aspen call up their local delivery boy, Charles Dera, who comes by with a hot slice for each of them. The girls try to seduce Charles with their sexy lingerie and massive tits rather than give him a big tip—because they want to be the ones getting it for a change! Aspen and Romi have their way with Charles, proving that this pizza guy goes the extra mile to satisfy his customers—especially horny sluts like these! Hot and spicy dick sausage, cumming up! The girls lick each other and fuck and suck Charles, then he finishes off this threesome by giving these ladies his “special sauce.” Who doesn't love pizza?

Abigail Mac 在 'Loosen Up'

Abigail Mac - Loosen Up

Being a fitness celebrity, Abigail doesn't have much time for herself, what with workouts, auditions and all the other responsibilities, she appreciates personal moments she manages to get. Her latest gig is a job in LA and to keep her from getting injured she has been given her own fitness therapist while on set. When they first meet, it is all business but soon enough they become more friendly and he loosens up. Before long, her massage sessions are becoming a lot more personal, and it's time to take it to the next level.

Monique Alexander 在 'Sliping and Sliding'

Monique Alexander - Sliping and Sliding

Juan “El Caballo” Loco is having a fun day. He's outside in a hot summer day playing on a water slide. It's so hot out there that he's doing this without wearing pants. His step-mom, Monique Alexander, decided to join him in the fun. She went out there, got naked, and made Juan slide into her pussy. After that, Juan slid his cock inside his step-moms pussy. He slammed her pussy in their front yard on top of the water slide until they decided to go fuck in a more comfortable spot. Inside the bang fest continued, Juan pounded his step-moms pussy in several different positions until busting a giant load all over her mouth, neck and chest.

Romi Rain 在 'Paying Mr M'

Romi Rain - Paying Mr M

When Romi got married, she thought that her time of having sex for favors was over. However, her husband has made some bad financial decisions and is now in deep with Mr M, and Romi's the solution to the problem. He has offered her to him for the afternoon to avoid losing everything. Although she is put out that her man could do this to her - she knows that the repayment for this favor is going to be amazing.

Ana Foxxx 在 'and Mike Mancini in American Daydreams'

Ana Foxxx - American Daydreams

What the fuck! Mike's trying to bang his girlfriend Ana Foxxx, but she's just too boring! She doesn't moan, she doesn't scream…she doesn't get into it at all! Frustrated, Mike lays in bed and dozes off while Ana's getting him a glass of water. But it must be a massive glass of water, because Mike dreams that Ana gets all freaky like a pornstar on him, sucking his cock like a wild woman and riding it like it's her job! Let's hope this dream doesn't end…too bad it does!

Monique Alexander 在 'Biker Babes'

Monique Alexander - Biker Babes

Biker babe Monique loves riding bikes almost as much as she loves riding straight girls. When she spots Violet with her boyfriend, Monique can't wait to corrupt the pussy...

Ana Foxxx 在 'Takers Scene 2'

Ana Foxxx - Takers Scene 2

TAKERS is a gritty Erotic Thriller set in the near future. The government has turned its back on society and the Health Care and Medical Insurance Industries have gone haywire. Medical costs have skyrocketed and many procedures have become “Black Market” operations.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Takers Scene 5'

Ana Foxxx - Takers Scene 5

TAKERS is a gritty Erotic Thriller set in the near future. The government has turned its back on society and the Health Care and Medical Insurance Industries have gone haywire. Medical costs have skyrocketed and many procedures have become “Black Market” operations.

Abigail Mac 在 'Tits and Ass'

Abigail Mac - Tits and Ass

Today's your day to get the best of both worlds! You're poolside with Abigail Mac and Alexis Monroe — one with luscious big tits, the other with a fat big ass. And they're all for YOU. One blonde, one brunette, double the fucking fun! Grab one handful of Abigail's tits and another handful of Alexis's ass and go to town. This is the threesome you've been waiting for all summer long, and it's finally here. Get two blowjobs, two hot pussies and three orgasms in one day!

Abigail Mac 在 'Abigail Takes Charge with Sofi'

Abigail Mac - Abigail Takes Charge with Sofi

Abigail Mac is excited to get her hands all over the nubile Sofi Ryan! She takes the lead with her since Sofi hasn't been with too many girls and is an excellent teacher. She loves exploring her shaved pussy with her tongue and fingers. She loves getting her off and now it's time for Sofi to find out what exactly gets Abigail wet! But Abigail isn't done with her yet and loves making Sofi scream with pleasure!

August Ames 在 'Let's Get Physical: Part 3'

August Ames - Let's Get Physical: Part 3

After her recent photoshoot and unbelievable experience with her photographer, Abigail has been in high demand. She has moved to LA, and it's the best decision she has ever made. From the moment she met August at her next job, she has experienced feelings she has never had before towards another woman, and she wants to explore it more. When August admits that she is a big fan of Abigail, she makes her move. After leading her upstairs to the bedroom, what they don't know is that they are about to be joined by none other than their hot photographer. This journey is about to take another unexpected turn.

Romi Rain 在 'An Anal Affair'

Romi Rain - An Anal Affair

When Romi Rain notices her husband tagged another woman in his photo, she strikes up an online chat with her. Turn out Ashley Fires is the extremely attractive wife of her husband's colleague. After Romi compliments her dress in the photo, Ashley checks out Romi's album and becomes enamored. Both married ladies reveal they are stuck in a rut with their husbands, so they've come to rely on the company of other women to make them feel alive. But Ashley's husband checks her history and the GPS on her car. They have to be careful or else they'll get caught. They arrange to meet at the park at 2 PM. Romi brings Ashley back to her place and jumps her as soon as she closes the door. Ashley rips off Romi's dress and ravages her sexy body. She suctions her lips to her pussy and doesn't let go till she cums. Romi returns the favor by tweaking Ashley's clit with her skillful tongue. Romi gets down on all fours to feed Ashley her ass. Ashley tribs Romi's pussy from behind, then Romi fucks her ass with an anal toy. Ashley pulls out another anal probe and fucks Romi's ass all over the sofa. Then Romi gives Ashley's asshole a final hurrah before they both return to their husbands!

Abigail Mac 在 'Dream Pairings: The Collector - 2 scenes in 1'

Abigail Mac - Dream Pairings: The Collector - 2 scenes in 1

It was a gloomy day for Brett Rossi, after getting fired from her job for the tenth time. Bored, hungry and lonely, she decides to hire a call girl. She goes to her favorite escort website, and realizes she's become something of a collector. Then it dawns on her that hookers are expensive. She acknowledges she has a problem, and decides to call trainer Abigail Mac instead. Abigail comes over with her exercise mats and coaches Brett through various ass shaking moves. This trainer likes to work hands on with her clients. She humps Brett's ass just to help her into position. Brett finally comes clean to Abigail about her sex addiction, admitting her workouts are too stimulating for her. Abigail wants to treat her addiction and promises to take an organic approach. As hard as Brett's trying to get her life on track, she succumbs to Abigail's boob massage. Once the rest of her workout clothes come off, Brett spreads her lips for Abigail, then reciprocates on the trainer's pussy. Later that day, Brett looks for a trainer she's not going to fuck and calls New Age trainer Lyra Law. Their session is going well until Lyra insists on finishing the class totally naked. Brett is fully clothed but cannot concentrate with Lyra's pussy on display. Bretty decides to cool down by taking off her clothes. Lyra tries to balance Brett's chakras. She strokes her thighs doing myofascial release, then wraps her arms around Brett in a warm naked hug. She instructs Brett to use her body as a healing tool. She lets Brett touch Lyra's root chakra at her pussy. Then she lets Brett touch her root chakra with her own root chakra. Lyra goes down on Brett to cure her addiction like she's done for another one of her clients, then she tribs it out of her system. The lesbians take turns rimming each other's assholes, then they cum simultaneously in 69!

Romi Rain 在 'Bikini Blowjob POV'

Romi Rain - Bikini Blowjob POV

Don't you love brunettes with huge big tits and a girl that loves to suck cock ? Well today we have back miss Romi Rain and her love for big fat cocks. Watch Rom i strip down just for you and suck on your giant cock. She loves some good old school throat fucking and she loves jerk you off until you cover her hit sexy face with you thick white cum . There will be more of Romi Rain for sure .

Ana Foxxx 在 'Criminal Passion Part 4'

Ana Foxxx - Criminal Passion Part 4

In the final part of Criminal Passion, bear witness to an insidious affair between the late Senator Montgomery (Tommy Gunn) and Lieutenant Ross (Anna Foxxx). What starts as two eyes locked from opposite ends of a party ends up in the senator's bedroom, as he strips his partner down to nothing. She plays with her tight pussy until he's ready to take over, eating her out with feverish passion. No sex is sweeter than the forbidden fruit of a torrid affair, but even after his lover rides his big dick and takes a huge comshot, will justice ever be served for the senator

Alexa Grace 在 'Chocolate and Vanilla'

Alexa Grace - Chocolate and Vanilla

Watching two naked chicks go at it — that's hard to beat. Especially when they're scorching hot pornstars Ana Foxxx and Alexa Grace. And now, in VR, your immersed in their horny world where they lick each other up and slap each other's asses, the kind of clit-tickling fun that only girls do best. But it only gets better, because after a while they're ready for some dick, and it just so happens that you and yours are right there in front of them! Porcelain-doll Alexa and ebony beauty Ana climb atop you and suck your dick good and hard. While you're fucking one, the other sucks her tits. You'll get a taste of both pink wet pussies, then watch one of them eat the other out while you're behind a big fat ass, bouncing off it doggystyle! This flavorful threesome will leave you horny for more!

Abigail Mac 在 'The Ass Catcher'

Abigail Mac - The Ass Catcher

Baseball team hopeful Mandy Muse is fifteen minutes late for tryouts, pissing off coach Abigail Mac. On top of it, the teen is wearing a crop top version of the uniform, which really grinds Abigail's gears. The coach gives her a chance at the home plate to see what she can do. At first, Mandy misses every pitch, but then she hits a few. Abigail can see she has potential and a great ass. She gives her some pointers, but they're starting to sound sexually suggestive. Abigail makes her intentions clear when she tells Mandy that she wants to continue their session in her bedroom. If Mandy wants to get picked, Abigail needs to know she's a team player. Back in Abigail's bedroom, where push comes to shove, Mandy is more reluctant than she first seemed. But her uncertainty gives Abigail the edge to convince her with encouraging words, and stealth fingers that expertly unbutton the nervous player's crop top. Mandy doesn't have to do anything but kiss Abigail. When she gives her a peck like the coach is her mother, Abigail shows her what sort of kiss she expects. The mood is getting warmer when Mandy takes off Abigail's top. But then she abruptly calls the whole thing off. Abigail coaches her through her lesbian reluctance with a little tough love. Mandy remembers how much she wants to be on the team, and agrees to suck her titties. Dominant Abigail devours Mandy's teenage tits, then makes her bend over to worship her ass. She removes Mandy's tight ass pants and necks with her naked on the bed. Mandy gets nervous when Abigail starts trailing her way down to her pussy, but she bravely allows her in between her legs. She fingers and licks the cum from her shaved pussy, then tries her energetically and almost breaks the bed. Coach Abigail sits over Mandy's warm mouth and grinds against her tongue until she cums. Then she rims Mandy's asshole. After she makes Mandy admit she loves the way she fucks her, Abigail drops the final bomb. She wants to fuck her with the baseball bat. As Mandy's teen pussy swallows the bat wielded by Abigail, she rubs her clit and makes herself cum!

Abigail Mac 在 'Dredd 2'

Abigail Mac - Dredd 2

Abigail Mac takes on the new monster cock Dredd! Abigail has always been up for a challenge, she's taken on Lex, Mandingo and now gets a shot at Dredd's BBC. She's looking sexy in her blue lingerie, hanging by the pool and getting a nice tan until Jules introduces her to Dredd. Abigail wastes no time and pulls his monster cock right out, once her initial shock of the size is over she enthusiastically decides that she's going to deep throat this BBC. Watching this beautifully big breasted, tightly toned brunette slut slobber away on a huge black pipe is a sight to see, but Dredd's not done with her yet. He flips her around and slides his cock deep in that tight pussy of hers. Abigail can't get enough, this eager snow bunny bends and twists her body to give Dredd the best angles to give her the deep dicking she desires. This is not one to miss.

Romi Rain 在 'Porn Star Experience'

Romi Rain - Porn Star Experience

Party time! Excellent! Not. Yeah, there's a shindig going on downstairs, but it's a complete sausage fest. Wouldn't you rather be up here, blindfolded and listening to a beautiful woman quietly talk dirty in your ear?And when said blindfold is removed you find out that said beautiful woman is none other than pornstar Romi Rain? Fuck yeah! Now that's a party. You should be kissing Romi's feet — and you will be — for getting you out of there and moving the fun upstairs, because she's horny as hell and ready to fuck! She can't wait for you to reach out and squeeze her fat big tits in this unfathomable pornstar experience, all in virtual reality. Spin her around and her big beautiful ass is right in your face, and then right on top of your dick! Party on!

Monique Alexander 在 'Late To The Party'

Monique Alexander - Late To The Party

Monique Alexander is a horny driver who is looking for some dick. Luckily for her, she picks up a worthy client in Jessy Jones--who is with his embarrassing girlfriend. Having been kicked out of a few cars before, Jessy is getting really frustrated with his girlfriend, who is making an ass of herself. Jessy and his girlfriend are supposed to be on their way to a party but he's about to realize that Monique wants him all to herself! While Jessy's girlfriend is in the backseat, Monique sees this as the opportunity to make her customer satisfied—by sucking on her big tits, that is! In order to get back at his embarrassing girlfriend, Jessy succumbs to the seductive Monique as she not only drives him to his party, but she gets a ride herself--on his big, thick cock! Will Jessy's pounding of Monique's dripping wet pussy wake up his girlfriend, or will they get away with their bumpy backseat banging?

Romi Rain 在 'Romi Rains in a BBC'

Romi Rain - Romi Rains in a BBC

OK, no fucking around on this one. After playing ball and on his way home, Ricky comes across a beautiful sight. The amazingly hot Romi Rain is doing some gardening in her tiny Daisy Dukes. Being only human, of course, he spies on the gorgeous girl. Romi is definitely the whole package, beautiful face, long black hair, tight bubble butt, and big juicy tits. After he gets caught looking, he thinks he's in trouble but instead she invites him in. Romi proves why she is one of the hottest stars in the business as she takes big black cock like a true champ.

Romi Rain 在 'Art of Foreplay: Final Grade'

Romi Rain - Art of Foreplay: Final Grade

Teen Kristen Scott is waiting for her teacher Romi Rain to help her write her paper. Her friend's on the phone warning her to stay on her guard because Miss Rain has been known to be inappropriate. Sure enough, the instant she arrives and hears Kristen has a girlfriend, she shuts the computer and unbuttons her blouse. Kristen does her best to refuse Miss Rain, but she can only resist for so long with those big boobs in her face. After Miss Rain invokes teacher student confidentiality, and tells Kristen what she needs to do to pass, she gropes the teen's small tits and dominates her pussy, just as Kristen takes a call from her girlfriend. Romi ducks under the desk and licks her clit, while Kristen scrambles to find an excuse for why she's breathless. When Romi finally comes up for air, she straddles Kristen on the chair and tribs her to orgasm. Then she folds her over the kitchen counter and licks her ass. Kristen takes another call from her girlfriend and pretend she's not cumming during their conversation. Then while Kristen's mouth is full of Romi's pussy, the teacher answers the phone and talks to Kristen's girlfriend. Then Romi fingers Kristen through one more check in and Kristen swears at the top of her lungs her paper is almost done!

Abigail Mac 在 'Pussy Fever'

Abigail Mac - Pussy Fever

Abigail Mac is an extremely horny step-mom who is in dire need of a big cock to fulfill her dripping wet pussy's desire for dick. Abigail has put on some of the sexiest lingerie she owned and sits on the couch rubbing her delicious pussy lips hoping to entice her new husband to come and fuck her. Only, her husband doesn't seem to care since he's got an important business meeting to get to. Abigail, without her husband to fuck her, still feels incredibly horny. So when her new step-son, Markus Dupree, isn't feeling well enough to go his college course, this slutty step-mom decides to help make him feel better—by sucking and fucking him until he's got a fever for her pussy! With Markus complaining of a headache Abigail slips him the blue pill to make sure that his cock is rock hard! Looks like horny housewife finally gets the big cock she's been waiting all day for--and her new stepson is lucky to have such a busty slut for a stepmom!

Abigail Mac 在 'Spoiled Scene 1'

Abigail Mac - Spoiled Scene 1

Hot birthday sex becomes something else entirely when Abigail Mac ties up her girlfriend (Olive Glass). Half naked and without her phone, Abigail innocently goes out to her car for something kinky and is accidentally locked out of the house. By the time she's borrowed a phone from her freaky neighbors Mari and Tanner, and been rescued by girlfriend Kendra, Olive has vanished…or has she Her disappearance is more than a vanishing act; Olive is orchestrating an adventure. An exploration of sex, all tied together in a waking dream that Abigail must walk, and sometimes run through. In the process, she'll not only question her friend's sexuality but her own. In the end she'll discover what it means to be spoiled.

Abigail Mac 在 'Spoiled Scene 5'

Abigail Mac - Spoiled Scene 5

Hot birthday sex becomes something else entirely when Abigail Mac ties up her girlfriend (Olive Glass). Half naked and without her phone, Abigail innocently goes out to her car for something kinky and is accidentally locked out of the house. By the time she's borrowed a phone from her freaky neighbors Mari and Tanner, and been rescued by girlfriend Kendra, Olive has vanished…or has she Her disappearance is more than a vanishing act; Olive is orchestrating an adventure. An exploration of sex, all tied together in a waking dream that Abigail must walk, and sometimes run through. In the process, she'll not only question her friend's sexuality but her own. In the end she'll discover what it means to be spoiled.

Isis Love 在 'Grocery Store Adventures'

Isis Love - Grocery Store Adventures

Monique Alexander was hoping to find some pussy while walking down the street. She's out on the prowl hoping to find a woman to seduce into some lesbian fun! Little did she know that Isis Love was out doing the same! Having just finished grocery shopping, Isis is struggling to carry all of her grocery bags by herself. She asks Monique for help and, while Isis is bent over, Monique can't help but peek underneath her sexy sundress. Just as Monique suspected, Isis isn't wearing any panties! When Isis asks if Monique wouldn't mind coming over to her house to help put the food away, Monique can't help but feel like there's some chemistry between these two sluts! While unpacking the bags, Monique finds Isis' sex toys! Happily embarrassed, Isis' plan to bring some pussy back to her place has worked out just fine! Only, Ms. Alexander is used to hunting for pussy, not being the pussy that's hunted! Isis and Monique toy around with each other, kissing one another's big tits and rubbing their clits together! Looks like Monique's grocery store adventure for pussy was a dripping wet success!

Romi Rain 在 'Birthday Stripper'

Romi Rain - Birthday Stripper

Today is your birthday and your best friend Donnie Rock brings you at the local strip club for some special surprise. Romi Rain is dancing and the join and money can buy anything. Watch Romi sucking your cock and fucking you while your friend is filming it with his phone. Its a great experience that your wife hopefully will never find out . Romi gets pounded like a dirty little whore until she begs for your fat cum and you cover all her face.

Adriana Chechik 在 'Interracial Nation Scene 2'

Adriana Chechik - Interracial Nation Scene 2

Porn scion Rikki Braun digs deep into the beauty of difference and inclusion in this sexy, hardcore exercise in style. Featuring a phenomenal cast, headlined by AJ Applegate and Adriana Chechick, Interracial Nation is as Wicked as it gets!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Shades Of Love'

Ana Foxxx - Shades Of Love

Tender caressing leads to deep kissing in this latest sensual Lesbian X coupling. Watch as Ana and Alexa slowly undress each other, taking their time to connect and explore. Prolonged pussy licking leads to intense orgasms shared and celebrated between these two soulful performers.

Romi Rain 在 'in Tonight's Girlfriend'

Romi Rain - Tonight's Girlfriend

I'm here for a tech convention, but after work it's all play. And by that I'm talking about a pornstar experience. Romi Rain is here and I was actually able to book her for tonight. The fact that I'm going to have sex with her is beyond my wildest dreams. Sin City…you can get anything here.

Celeste Star 在 'Cheat Day'

Celeste Star - Cheat Day

Abigail Mac is getting pumped for the gym in the bathroom, but her girlfriend Celeste Star is just waking up. When Celeste tries talking her out of going, Abigail insists she's raring to go after taking a pre-workout supplement. Celeste thinks they should use that energy to have sex. Abigail gives in, but only if Celeste will be her soul mate. Celeste kisses Abigail's cute face and pulls off her sports bra like she's been waiting to fuck her all night. The lesbians embrace and move into the bedroom. Abigail pulls of her lover's top and gropes her sexy ass. She also pulls off Celeste's panties to find out if she's wet. Then they play a game. Celeste shut her legs and Abigail pries them open, working out her arms before giving her girl a tongue bath. Now Abigail is hot and asks Celeste to cool her off. Celeste removes Abigail's workout pants and kisses her all over. She spanks her firm legs and squeezes her meaty pussy lips, swelling Abigail's clit. Celeste sucks on her pussy till she cums. Celeste hoists up her ass and Abigail plants her face in there and rims it. They collapse into 69 and lick each other out until Celeste orgasms in Abigail's mouth. Celeste licks Abigail's labia till she cums. They wetten their slits with spit and grind their suctioned pussies till they cum. Then Abigail works her core holding herself up while Celeste sucks another cum from her pussy!

Monique Alexander 在 'Pineapple Pussy Express'

Monique Alexander - Pineapple Pussy Express

Monique Alexander is one horny MILF who's dying to eat some fresh pussy. She calls up her girlfriend who tells her all about this pizza place where you just have to order extra pineapple--and they'll express deliver a slutty girl with a dripping wet pussy! Monique places her order and then puts on some sexy black lingerie to get ready to dominate this teen! When Riley Reid arrives to deliver the pizza, she's expecting to get a big tip--but she's surprised to find that her pussy's actually been ordered for Monique! Having never been with another woman before, Riley's a bit nervous at being able to satisfy her new customer. Luckily for Riley, Monique has plenty of pussy licking experience and is willing to show her how to suck tits and lick clit! Soon, Riley's completely naked and munching on Monique's muff! Looks like luscious lesbian Monique will be ordering from Riley more often--because no other pussy lips taste as sweet as hers!

Romi Rain 在 'Livestream Wet Dream'

Romi Rain - Livestream Wet Dream

Ryan McClane decides to try out a social media live stream service to show off Romi Rain by the pool. When she has a camera pointed at her, you know she's going to start stripping and showing off that awesome body. One thing leads to another and they're now fucking live for hundreds of viewers as she swallows his load!

Abigail Mac 在 'Let's Get Physical: Part 2'

Abigail Mac - Let's Get Physical: Part 2

After Abigail's fun at her last shoot, she is in constant demand and is now moving to LA permanently. With a fabulous new photographer on the job, she knows that she will do well. All she has to do is go the extra mile to leave a lasting impression on him. After the photoshoot has finished, she offers a repayment for the excellent opportunity he has given her. Needless to say, he knows exactly what's on the menu.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ana's 10 Guy Blowbang'

Ana Foxxx - Ana's 10 Guy Blowbang

Ana Foxxx earns her bragging rights after taking on 10 guys in this intense blowbang with an epic facial finish! Watch as Ana devours cock after cock, working up huge loads to cover her ebony skin until she is virtually unrecognizable. The fans asked for it, and Ana delivered! Do not miss this latest Hard X blowbang release!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Secret Desires Scene 3'

Ana Foxxx - Secret Desires Scene 3

A group of beautiful women work to fulfill the fantasies of their male clients. From fuck dolls to foot worship, these men all have a secret desire just waiting to be satisfied...

Ana Foxxx 在 'I Like Black Girls 04'

Ana Foxxx - I Like Black Girls 04

Steve owes John a debt, but Steve can't pay. So, he sends sexy Ana out to try to placate John. She does a hell of a job at it.

Romi Rain 在 'Dream Pairings: The Nanny Cam'

Romi Rain - Dream Pairings: The Nanny Cam

While Reena Sky's military husband is deployed in Iraq, he asks her to seduce the nanny Romi Rain and video tape it. After repeating his request enough times, Reena understands he's serious. As Reena reasons through it, she agrees that Romi is hot and she appreciates her company. Reena loves her husband and wants to make him happy. If it's her wifely duty to cheat, then she'll fuck the nanny and share the video recording. Knowing how much it will please her husband, Reena anticipates Romi's arrival more eagerly today. When Romi walks in wearing a skimpy white tank top, Reena fawns over her tits. She stays at home while Romi dusts and the newborn naps. The girls get to talking about relationships. And when Romi announces she's taking a break from guys, Reena wants to know if that means she dates women. Romi laughs that she's been with a woman once. Reena admits she had a girlfriend before she got married, then Romi heads into the living room unsure how to respond. Reena follows Romi into the room and hides the live recording Nanny Cam on the mantle. She sits down next to Romi on the sofa and gushes over her beauty. Reena tries to steal a kiss, but Romi pulls away, batting her lashes shyly, and stating that she doesn't want to come between her marriage. Reena promises she would be no imposition. This time Romi returns her kiss. Her huge tits fall out of her tank top instantly. Reena gropes her tits and mouths her erect nipples. Then she pulls off Romi's pants. Romi heatedly strips off Reena's blouse and jeans, kissing her and declaring her too beautiful to be neglected. Wearing only pink sneakers Romi outstretches her legs and Reena devours her pink slit. Reena climbs onto the sofa and hovers her naked pussy over Romi's mouth. Feeding it with fingers and rimming her asshole, the nanny makes her cum multiple times over. When Romi turns around and presents her juicy ass unwittingly to the Nanny Cam, lesbian Reena unleashes on it. Licking and fucking Romi's holes, Reena puts on quite a performance for her husband overseas. Releasing her pent up sexual energy, she frantically rocks her hips, tribbing Romi's wet pussy till she extracts the mother of all orgasms from her hungry cunt. Lesbian Romi clambers onto Reena's pussy and tribs her with crazed desire. She hornily spreads her legs around Reena's head and serves her pussy straight into her mouth. When Reena's done sucking the cum from her clit, Romi tribs her pussy in reverse, riding her thigh freestyle. After that, the lesbians flick each other's clits and 69, desperate to taste and be tasted, till the wee one wakes up!

Romi Rain 在 'The Closer'

Romi Rain - The Closer

Romi Rain is a hard negotiatiator but Van Wylde closes the deal by stuffing her tight pussy.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ebony Gamer Gets a Good Fuck.'

Ana Foxxx - Ebony Gamer Gets a Good Fuck.

Ana Foxxx was trying to beat her boyfriends high score on a video game. He comes in and tries to mess up her game by playing with her perky tits and sweet little pussy. Eventually she gets so horny that she gives in to his advances. Enjoy watching this hot black girl get fucked good all the while trying to keep playing the video game. Her reward is a a big load on her pretty face

Abigail Mac 在 'Parent Teacher Conference: Part Two'

Abigail Mac - Parent Teacher Conference: Part Two

So far, teen Kate England has managed to avoid her parent teacher conference, but her luck runs out when her history teacher Abigail Mac comes over to the house. Abigail informs Kate's step mother Tegan James that her daughter's been skipping school chronically. She's made every attempt to reach her by email and phone, but her efforts have been unsuccessful. Meanwhile Kate's upstairs gloating because she thinks she's in the clear. She deleted all the email evidence yesterday on her step mother's phone after fucking her to gain access to the device. Tegan invites the teacher inside and goes upstairs to bust her bubble. She's flunking history. The MILF confiscates Kate's phone and leaves her with something to think about. Back in the livingroom, Kate's conservatively dressed teacher Abigail finds herself attracted to Tegan and can't resist coming onto the sexy tanned MILF. She reaches out to touch her huge breasts, thinking Kate isn't home. She straddles Tegan's lap and the lesbians kiss passionately. Just then Kate decides to see what's happening downstairs. Kate's in total shock as she watches silently from the doorway, jealous that her mom got to bang her hot teacher first. She reaches into her jean shorts to masturbate, then bumps her head against the wall and blows her cover. Tegan calls her into the room. Abigail covers up her beautiful milky white breasts, but Tegan lets her huge tits hang out. She's unfazed by the teen's interruption. Abigail offers to leave the house but Kate suggests they make it a lesbian threesome. When the teacher looks at them confused, they admit to their sexual relationship. Abigail become irate and threatens to call the authorities. They point out the home security camera and threaten to report her to the school for sleeping with a parent. Abigail calms her heated judgements. She still isn't comfortable having sex with her student, but fucking her mother is okay. Kate watches and strokes her bare pussy while the lesbian foreplay resumes. After Tegan makes the hot teacher cum in her mouth, Abigail reciprocates while Kate rides her step mother's face. Abigail graciously lets Kate lick the MILF at the same time, slowly warming to the idea of a threesome with her student. After Tegan cums all over her mouth, Abigail eats Kate while Tegan licks her hairy pussy. Then the MILF and the dirty little Mommy's girl swap. Tegan rides Abigail's face while Kate makes her hot teacher cum. Tegan tribs the teacher while Kate sits on her face. Then Kate tribs Abigail hard until she cums! Did Kate earn a passing grade for that hot lesbian threesome?! Click to find out!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Dream Pairings: Kristen Scott'

Ana Foxxx - Dream Pairings: Kristen Scott

When Elsa Jean catches her girlfriend Kristen Scott spying on their roommate Ana Foxxx in the shower, she runs into her bedroom distraught. Kristen apologizes till Elsa forgives her. She gives her tender kisses till the lesbians get caught up in desire for each other's nubile bodies. Fueled by their fight, they lustily lick each other's sweet pussies their orgasms release. Elsa scissors her legs between Kristen's and rocks on top of her juicy pussy till she cums. Kristen sits her pussy between Elsa's outstretched legs, tribbing her till she cums. They collapse on the bed and exchange sweet kisses. Much happier and hungrier after their make-up sex, Elsa leaves to pick up some take-out dinner. Kristen's in her bedroom waiting for Elsa to return with the food when Ana pops into the doorway wrapped in a towel. She needs her to rub some lotion onto her back. Kristen is taken aback by the timing of her odd request, but follows her in Ana's bedroom. But Ana doesn't just want the lotion applied to her back. She wants it all over. Ana lies down naked on the bed, inviting trouble. Kristen can't refuse the ebony beauty, even though Elsa would be furious if she caught them. She tries to resist Ana's seductions, but once she rubs the lotion onto her small tits, she succumbs. Although Kristen's riddled with guilt, she spreads her legs and lets Ana eat her meaty pussy till she erupts in her mouth. She falls into Ana's arms and doesn't hesitate when Ana sits her muscular pussy on her face. Kristen reciprocates making her cum with her tongue. The lesbians entwine their opened legs and trib out another orgasm. All before Elsa gets home? Click to find out!

Romi Rain 在 'My Hot Creampie'

Romi Rain - My Hot Creampie

Wearing trampy fishnet dresses and alluring lingerie, blonde bombshell Lolly Ink and curvaceous, black-haired Romi Rain are seriously tattooed, super-busty strippers who love kissing and worshiping each other's gigantic jugs. When well-hung stud Mr. Pete joins in on their fun, the nasty girls take turns riding his boner in a lewd, pussy-pounding threesome. After giving both horny, heavily inked sluts an athletic fucking, Pete climaxes by pulling his pole out of Lolly's shaved cunt... and unleashing a gooey explosion of hot cum in Romi's face.

Romi Rain 在 'Booty Call: Part 2'

Romi Rain - Booty Call: Part 2

Now that Karlee Grey arranged a hook-up for Romi Rain with a guy at work, Romi rushes to get ready, squirming and fondling herself in the shower. When Isiah Maxwell arrives, he decides to do a little role playing with Romi and make her crawl across the floor and beg for his big black cock. Dominating Romani is fun and they both play it to the hilt while having some great mind blowing sex, her boobs bobbing while his black rod is thrusting. They make a very orgasmic couple!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Stripped Down Scene 5'

Ana Foxxx - Stripped Down Scene 5

Fate has given brothers Nate and Brian the upper hand in the past. Their strip club had a sizzling reputation for being the sexiest spot in the city and the cash was rolling in. New girls flocked in every day for a chance to grace the lighted stage and VIP rooms. Life was one big lap dance. But now three years later, Nate's wife Tammy (Chanel Preston) has decided to make some trouble andthe club's star dancer Jezebel (Anna Foxxx) is caught right in the middle. The owner of the building, Veronica (Alana Cruise), is circling, asking questions, and she has her eye on Brian. The business that was so full of happy endings is getting gritty. Where's the rent Where's the new talent to keep the customers happy And who the hell stole all the receipts out of Nate's desk As Nate and Brian watch their girls work the pole, it's only a matter of time before trouble comes crashing down. Will the club survive

Romi Rain 在 'Makeup SEX'

Romi Rain - Makeup SEX

An other great episode is coming to you on spizoo and today its featuring the beautiful Romi Rain . Being married is pretty difficult and you will see why, the little things in a couple can get really sour. But the best part is the hot and steamy makeup sex after all. After a fight there is always an amazing sex session and we call it ' angry sex '. Watch Romi Rain and Brad Knight hitting it off in one of the best sex scene you will ever see. This is real sex . Enjoy

Monique Alexander 在 'Mandingo Massacre 12'

Monique Alexander - Mandingo Massacre 12

Monique Alexander and Mandingo are a match made in interracial power fucking heaven! Monique is a professional cock-sucker, looking hotter than ever! Her sexual energy is insane and her body looks amazing as she teases and dances, staring her fuck-me-eyes into the lens and waiting for a nice big black cock. There's a damn good reason Monique is an all time favorite, including her love of the pole as she dances on one and deepthroats a different kind. Mandingo's monster cock gets worked over with her fierce mouth - choking never sounded so hot. She makes sure his BBC is properly lubricated for her sweet pussy, and then her cum glistens on his pipe as she tastes herself on him. There's a Mandingo Massacre alright, and the sticky, white carnage is spread all over her mouth and tits! Monique Alexander, please never go away

Abigail Mac 在 'Fashion Model 2: Doing Whatever It Takes'

Abigail Mac - Fashion Model 2: Doing Whatever It Takes

Budding blond fashion model Lily Rader is ready to take her place as the fresh new face of Eternity Cosmetics. She walks onto the photography set wearing nothing but an airbrushed bra and panty set in blue, dazzling the sultry makeup company owner Charlotte Stokely and the hot photographer Abigail Mac. Supermodel co-star Aiden Ashley is forced to step aside as Charlotte gushes over the new girl's astounding beauty. Aiden scowls in her matching pink airbrushed lingerie. The diva doesn't like sharing the limelight and demands a closed set. Aiden and Charlotte take their pissing match into the other room, where Charlotte turns the tables. She thinks Lily is perfect for the campaign and full of ambition. She threatens to drop Aiden, unless she proves how much she wants the part. Aiden knows how it works in the industry. She agrees to give Charlotte what she wants. Charlotte hikes up her dress and Aiden goes down on her, eating pussy for the first time. The lesbian fashion mogul is impressed and cums in her virgin mouth. Back out on the photo set, Abigail coaches Lily through her first shoot. Just as they sit down to look over the photos on the digital camera, Lily notices what's going on in the other room. Abigail states matter of factly that's how girls get ahead in this industry. If Lily wants to win favors, she'll fuck her. Lily doesn't want to take that route to the top, nor does she want Aiden to eclipse her. She agrees to go with it for the sake of being famous. Abigail unearths her huge perky tits from her top. Then her pants come off and she parts her legs. Lily crawls between them, taking a mouthful of her pussy and sucking her clit till she cums. Abigail spits on Lily's pink slit, then fucks it with her thumb till her orgasm releases. That's when Aiden sees Lily fucking the lesbian photographer and storms into the room throwing a tantrum. Charlotte is amused by her tirade and proposes a trade. She tells Aiden to be a good girl and lick Abigail's pussy, while Lily switches to licking Charlotte. Then the ladies flip over and models lick their assholes. Charlotte and Abigail extract the cum from the models, and make the rivals kiss and make up. Then the lesbian foursome forms a daisy chain, rimming ass and licking pussy, lined up in a row! Enjoy!

Romi Rain 在 'Easter Bunny'

Romi Rain - Easter Bunny

Happy Easter from all the spizoo team and from the stunning and beautiful bombshell Romi Rain . We did this photoshoot in honor of easter and the bunnies :) ... Romi is going to warm up your upcoming easter with her sexy strip tease and then she is going to get one a one just with fingering her wet tight pussy until she cum all over her fingers. Happy Easter to everyone

Ana Foxxx 在 'and Misty Stone and Ryan Driller in 2 Chicks Same Time'

Ana Foxxx - 2 Chicks Same Time

Misty Stone and Ana Foxxx aren't gonna let a horrible movie theater experience ruin their night! They had such a terrible time at the picture show that Misty went ahead and called up her little black book and found one of her good guy friends to come over and entertain them. Ryan shows up minutes later and Misty's ready to jump his bones and show Ana another type of movie! But this time around, Ana doesn't want to just be a viewer, she wants to participate! Both ebony beauties are wet for Ryan's big dick to make for a horny threesome, so make sure the popcorn's got extra butter!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Axel Braun's Brown Sugar Scene 1'

Ana Foxxx - Axel Braun's Brown Sugar Scene 1

Ana Foxxx headlines an all-star cast perfectly directed by the legendary Axel Braun in yet another scorching example of classy, hot erotica from porn powerhouse Wicked Pictures. You know you want them, so go ahead and have a taste, but please be careful: these girls are sweeter than honey...and HOTTER THAN HELL!

Nikki Benz 在 'Dream Fucks'

Nikki Benz - Dream Fucks

Nikki Benz is back for more at JJV and this time she wants it in her ASS! This blonde-haired, big-titted beauty is ready for some backdoor punishment from the man himself, Jules Jordan. He makes her get on her knees and give him some mouth service as he wraps his belt around her neck for better control. Titty-fucking leads to hardcore pounding at the top of the stairs when Jules rips open Nikki's lace lingerie for easy access to her pussy & ass. Once her pussy is well fucked Nikki jumps on top and shoves Jules' hard cock deep between her ass cheeks. He stretches out her asshole in every position before blowing his load all over Nikki's angelic face.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ella Nova Desperately Needs Anal Lesbian Medical Therapy'

Ana Foxxx - Ella Nova Desperately Needs Anal Lesbian Medical Therapy

Ella Nova just can't seem to escape dating all these awful men and decides she needs to see a specialist. Ana Foxxx diagnoses her with BDS: Bad Dick Syndrome and has the perfect treatment for Ella in her medical dungeon. She needs to remove all the thoughts of nasty dick out of her head and cleanse her pussy of bad penis. Strapped up in leather bondage Ana brings out all her lesbian medical devices to treat Ella with superior orgasms at the hands of a woman. Ella's pussy begs for more. Pussy licking, metal dildos, hitachi, and corporal punishment are just the beginning. Ella must also be taught how to take a hard strap on fucking and deep anal submission to bring Ana Foxxx true pleasure.

Abigail Mac 在 'Let's Get Physical'

Abigail Mac - Let's Get Physical

Abigail loves her job. She's a fitness model and has an unbelievable body. She's already hit it off with the photographer at a previous shoot and he's just as hot as she remembers. The sexual tension is unmistakable and she's not going to leave LA until she's got exactly what she's been fantasising about. She doesn't have to wait long - he makes the first move and tells her exactly what she wants to hear - and she's not going to waste one more second.

Romi Rain 在 'and Ryan Driller in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Romi Rain - My Wife's Hot Friend

Romi Rain is so grateful that her friends allowed her to stay at their place while she sorted things out for a few weeks. In fact, she's SO grateful that she decides that there's no better time to thank her friend's husband Ryan than when he's in the shower! Rome takes it a step further by telling her that she wants to share something with him, too — her! So, off come the clothes and out come Romi's big tits and fat juicy ass, and into the shower with her friend's husband she goes! After a little bit of wet shower sex, the little cheating secret moves to the bedroom where they Romi and Ryan go from clean to dirty again! Sharing is fucking caring … literally!

Abigail Mac 在 'and Lucas Frost in Naughty Office'

Abigail Mac - Naughty Office

There's a new intern at work, and that means war between the two office sexpots! Abigail Mac and her arch rival Deborah in accounting are getting catty over who's gonna bang the new errand boy, Lucas, first! Abigail makes the most of her time and gets to work when Lucas stops by with some files for her. Instead of licking envelopes, she has him tongue her pussy and give her the office-sex dibs that'll make Deborah jealous. Lucas isn't so sure he should be doing this but — shut up and get to work, intern!

Monique Alexander 在 'Over The Counter'

Monique Alexander - Over The Counter

Monique Alexander had to work on the weekend. She was a receptionist at a big company. Her boyfriend called. He was very horny. Unfortunately there was nothing she could do about it at work. So he took matters in his own dick and dropped it on her bell. Logan jumped over her desk, put his hand over her mouth and the other hand into her panties. Monique tried to scream with excitement. He went under the desk to eat her pussy. At that moment Monique's boss came in but luckily continued to his office after a short hello. She bent over the desk and Logan was eating her ass when a lady came in asked for the elevators. It was time to play with his dick. She was so happy he came to her office that she was in a silly mood. She used his dick as a windshield wiper for her glasses. Then she deep throated him. The phone rang. She answered with her mouth full. Logan threw her over the desk and doggie styled her. Then he doggied her against the wall. Last not least he missioned her on the table and came into her face.

Romi Rain 在 'and Ryan Mclane in Dirty Wives Club'

Romi Rain - Dirty Wives Club

When you're Romi Rain's husband, what can you do to please her when you're working all the time? Just stay at work! That's according to dirty wife Romi, who has another cock to do your job when you aren't around — which is ALL the time. Her big tits and big ass won't fuck themselves, so Romi calls over her fuckbuddy Ryan to do the dirty work. And how dirty it is! Watch how this busty brunette gets good and messy when she gets the dick she's craving! A horny wife will get fulfilled one way or the other!

Ana Foxxx 在 'in Tonight's Girlfriend'

Ana Foxxx - Tonight's Girlfriend

I'm a banker, so I play with numbers all day. But I don't want to play with numbers tonight. No, tonight I'm going to play with a pornstar — Ana Foxxx. I met her once at a porn convention, and when I discovered I had the opportunity to have her in person for a night, all I could think of was getting a sloppy blowjob from her, just like the ones she gives in her movies. It's a good thing I'm good with money.

Ana Foxxx 在 'and Johnny Castle in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Ana Foxxx - My Sisters Hot Friend

Ana Foxxx is over at her friend Susan's house, but she's nowhere to be found. What Ana does find is some muscly dude in the shower! When she calls her friend to ask where she is and who the the guy is, Ana's pleasantly surprised to discover that that's Johnny, her friend's brother! It's been a good five years since she's seen him…and since she's fucked him! After seeing her, Johnny tells Ana that his sister never learned of their tryst, and since she won't be back at the house for some time, they may as well have another go-around! Ana's all in, and goes all out to fuck and suck Johnny like it'll be another five years!

Romi Rain 在 'Sucks Cock POV'

Romi Rain - Sucks Cock POV

OMG the amazing Romi Rain and her huge tits are back for more fun times at . Today Romi is wearing a sexy yellow outfit and her mage hue tits are just pooping out. After a sexy dance and a little striptease romi gets on her knees and she starts to sucks your fat cock. She is amazing and you can't last much longer and you unload a fat load all over her pretty lips . Thank you Romi

Abigail Mac 在 'Piano Lesson'

Abigail Mac - Piano Lesson

Today the beautiful Abigail Mac is back and sexier than ever. Watch this stunning sexy beauty strip down to nothing and play with her tight pink wet pussy. She use her fingers and show you how much she loves to cum for you. Enjoy

Ana Foxxx 在 'Teach Me Anal'

Ana Foxxx - Teach Me Anal

Ana is a successful model, but has always wanted to be an actress. Now she is ready for the next step. She has hired the best acting teacher in LA to help her realise her dream. She has classes at his home workshop and their time together is intense. She is really attracted to him and thinks about him all the time, her feelings increasing over every lesson. Now it's her last session with him and she wants him to know just how she feels. While they are going over a few breathing exercises, his hands caress her body and she knows just where she wants this to go. It's time to learn the ultimate lesson from her leading man.

Romi Rain 在 'In Down Town'

Romi Rain - In Down Town

Today we introduce you back the super start Romi Rain. She is a curvy sexy brunette that will make your screen melt. She starts with a sexy striptease and after that she show you how much she likes been watched when she is masturbating. She finger blast her tiny pink pussy until she cum all over herself.

Monique Alexander 在 'The Blonde Dahlia Scene 4'

Monique Alexander - The Blonde Dahlia Scene 4

Bumbling Detective Brooks (Asa Akira) and her very tightly wound partner (Michael Vegas) are on the trail of a dangerous serial killer. Brooks must go undercover at the local strip club in a last ditch effort to lure out the murderer. The plan works a little too well though, and the hunter becomes the hunted in this hilarious crime comedy.

Ana Foxxx 在 'stretches more than just her muscles'

Ana Foxxx - stretches more than just her muscles

Ebony hottie Ana Foxxx calls in her trainer for a quick workout. She stretches out in various ways while showing off her sexy body. She gets scared when she felt Dylan's hard on but quickly she starts playing with it. We see her giving his cock great sucking before getting deep and raw inside her. She fucks on doggystyle before riding it until she gets his load inside her mouth.

Monique Alexander 在 'Honey Are You There'

Monique Alexander - Honey Are You There

Monique Alexander was getting ready for a romantic night out with her beau when Katya, her cute cleaning lady walked in on her in the bathroom. She was just putting away some clean towels she had just finished washing and saw Monique's tatted, naked body in all it's gorgeous glory. Katya was obviously embarrassed and put in an awkward position but she made the best of it by apologizing for the intrusion, complimenting her boss and acting as naturally as one could in that situation. Monique always checked her out while she tidied up around the house and saw this as a perfect opportunity to seduce her.

Kendra Sunderland 在 'Kendra's Obsession Part 3'

Kendra Sunderland - Kendra's Obsession Part 3

Since Kendra and Ely have opened up to their fantasies, they are living them out every chance they get. On another sexy photoshoot together, Kendra gets to work with Ana, a beautiful lingerie model who she finds herself instantly attracted to. Knowing that Ely loves to watch her in action, after the shoot as finished, she goes into the back room with her knowing what is on the cards. All that's left to make it perfect is for Ely to join them and watch the show.

Abigail Mac 在 'Etiquette For An Innocent Rebel'

Abigail Mac - Etiquette For An Innocent Rebel

Jillian was in desperate need of some charm school. She sat with the worst posture, cursed like a sailor, and was generally just unpleasant to be around. Good thing Abi took her under her wing, but it wasnt going to be all fun and games. She first started by sitting Jillian up in the chair correctly, and ball gagging her mouth to prevent her from cursing. She eventually let her free and tried teaching her some table manners. It was of no use. Abi decided to give Jillian the charm school crash course. Abi placed a long thick dildo on Jillians chair. She forced her to sit on it and fuck it, then meet her in the living room when she was good and wet. Low and behold, Abi was waiting in the living room with a huge strap on. She was going to fuck Jillians tight pussy to a pulp, hoping maybe it would change her attitude, and it actually did! Every time she sees a girl now, she cant wait to dyke her out lol.

Sara Luvv 在 'The Faces of Alice: Part Four'

Sara Luvv - The Faces of Alice: Part Four

Alice (Sara Luvv) wakes up thrashing in bed, tormented by the voices in her head that are taking control of her body, and pitting her between two multiple personalities, lipstick lesbian Alicia and butch Al. But Al has sexual urges that make her personality harder to suppress. So, Al gets out of bed, slips on a smoker's robe and lines up a day's worth of pussy (Jenna Sativa, Charlotte Stokely, Abigail Mac). Before she can finish fucking them all, Al blacks out. Her multiple personalities flicker in and out of consciousness, until Alice comes back up. She doesn't remember what made her decide to stand outside naked, or why a stranger is offering her flowers. She runs back inside and cowers in a heap behind the front door, just as the councilor Ellen (Serena Blair) from Safe Spaces knocks on the door, called over by Alice's concerned roommate Christy. Grateful to see Ellen, Alice explains her blackouts and migraines. Alice suspects she had sex with a goddess the night before, and woke up possessed by two lesbians' spirits. She can feel them with her now, and she thinks they're masturbating. Ellen offers to hold a seance to communicate with Alice's alter spirits. She instructs Alice to remove her robe, and lie on the floor spiritually. Surrounded by candles, the medium waves her hands over Alice's naked body and summons Al, and then Alicia. But the two inner lesbians conspire to gang up on Ellen and fuck her as a team. Alicia starts kissing Ellen too sensually for her to resist the seduction. She puts her dark puffy nipples in Ellen's mouth and coos when she sucks them. Ellen tries to regain her composure, thinking she must resist having sex with her troubled and possibly haunted friend. But Al takes over and pushes Ellen's face into the floor and eats her bare ass. Al folds Ellen's naked body into plough position, with her legs thrown overhead. Al inserts her fingers in Ellen's pussy, extracting her orgasm with her tongue. Then pretty Alicia takes her turn, daintily telling Ellen she'd like to get fucked. She opens her legs, and Ellen obediently licks up and down her landing strip, till Alicia melts in her mouth. Al comes back hungry to fuck Ellen. She begins tribbing Ellen's pussy with wild abandon. When Alicia returns, the lesbians grind their pussies till they cum. Finally, Alice fights her way to the surface, but she's no match for the other two lesbian personalities. Ellen is left trapped in the closet, as the Faces of Alice head out to have more fun.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Fashion Model Ana Foxxx Turns Will Havoc Into Her Plaything'

Ana Foxxx - Fashion Model Ana Foxxx Turns Will Havoc Into Her Plaything

The stunning Ana Foxxx is at a high fashion photo shoot with the nervous and sweaty Will Havoc.

Romi Rain 在 'Inner Demons Scene 3'

Romi Rain - Inner Demons Scene 3

A tormented man in a troubled marriage discovers that he harbors dark fantasies which he can no longer control. Through his therapist, he begins a psycho-sexual journey to discover the truth behind his inner demons.

Romi Rain 在 'Hires A Gigolo'

Romi Rain - Hires A Gigolo

Romi Rain is an amazing housewife and she always take care of the family finances. Today she found out that her husband is been hiring hookers and she gets extremely upset. She calls a male escort agency to get an appointment to get back at him. But she goes an extra mile on this vendetta, she even record the event. Romi gets fucked hard like a dirty little whore, she sucks a huge Giogolo's cock and she gets pounded until a huge load covers her face.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Sex and Photographs'

Ana Foxxx - Sex and Photographs

Stunning Ana started college a few months ago and its been great. She's made some good friends and loves her classes but she needs more cash. When one of her girlfriends suggests modelling, she gives it a shot. On one of her shoots, she works with a really hot male model, Jason, and is attracted to him straight away. When the production breaks for lunch, he grabs her by the hand and leads her to the bedroom. At first, she's not sure, but by the look in his eyes, she knows exactly what he wants.

Ana Foxxx 在 'and Seth Gamble in Naughty America'

Ana Foxxx - Naughty America

Ana is so excited for Black Friday, she's about to by a whole lot of stuff for herself. Her boyfriend doesn't agree, he thinks she should be buying stuff for others. Little does he know Ana has something special for him for Black Friday.

Abigail Mac 在 'Mandingo Massacre 10'

Abigail Mac - Mandingo Massacre 10

Nothing we can tell you will do this interracial pairing justice. Mandingo wrecks the gorgeous and seductive Abigail Mac and it's fucking perfect. She rubs his gigantic black cock slowly all over her beautiful spit-covered lips, she takes him balls-deep - NO EASY TASK - inside her perfect pussy. Mandingo fucks her hard and fast, grasping her tight body with those big black paws. Abigail Mac is perfect and Mandingo's big black cock perfectly does its job all the way through. It's the hottest fucking massacre you'll see, so go ahead and enjoy.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Stunning Ebony Slut in Brutal Bondage and Tormented'

Ana Foxxx - Stunning Ebony Slut in Brutal Bondage and Tormented

Ana Foxxx is tormented in grueling bondage by The Pope

Abigail Mac 在 'Pornstar Workout'

Abigail Mac - Pornstar Workout

Ever wonder how pornstars keep so fit? Watch as Abigail Mac shows off her fitness routine in this hot and steamy pornstar workout. Featuring naked squats and naked trampoline exercises, followed by an intense gonzo coupling, this is one hot scene you don't want to miss. This is hardcore fucking at its best.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Special Dark'

Ana Foxxx - Special Dark

Sweet Ana Foxxx is a filthy babe that is hungry. She's got a big appetite and only cock can satiate her craving - but first, she gives herself a heaping serving of butt-fucking with a beautiful toy that you want your cock to replace. Ana is so pretty as she gets herself worked up and even prettier with a big dick in her mouth. Her tight body smoking hot as she offers up her holes for filling, taking that big cock in her pussy and her mouth and her asshole and back to her mouth. She sure is a Special Dark slut, working hard for a creamy finish!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Hosed Down'

Ana Foxxx - Hosed Down

Aria's neighbors are having a pool party, but Aria isn't invited and it's so lonely in her kitty pool! So when the sexy next door neighbor accidentally volleys a beach ball into her backyard, Aria might actually get some action…as long as her mom doesn't find out!

Monique Alexander 在 'Karma Scene 2'

Monique Alexander - Karma Scene 2

Theresa (Monique Alexander) and her sleazy attorney devise a plan to set up her wealthy husband Dominic and win a huge divorce settlement. They are almost successful until he has a chance run in with his ex-wife's accomplice Janelle (Harley Jade). Once Dominic and Janelle realize they were both scammed, they team up to teach Theresa a lesson in karma.

Romi Rain 在 'DP Masters 4'

Romi Rain - DP Masters 4

Romi Rain, the perfect slut. From DP Masters 4, the epic series continues and offers up this AIRTIGHT Romi Rain scene. Stacked and packed is the name of the game, Miss Rain knows how to handle cocks. She's a true professional and there's something about that COCK-fidence that will make it HARD not to cum within the first few minutes - but if you can hold out, it gets even better. With a fierce hunger for all the cock in the room, Romi gives deep-throating, mouth banging blowjobs to these three fuckers and her beautiful pussy opens up for each to take turns on her. Once they tried her out, it's time to DP her and mouth fuck her at the same time, sealing her up and going hard on her. Mick, Chris, and Jules' cocks take turns everywhere inside Romi and she can handle it - working her way up to a triple scoop of splooge from all three of these big dicks.

April O'Neil 在 'Little Red: A Lesbian Fairy Tale: Part Five'

April O'Neil - Little Red: A Lesbian Fairy Tale: Part Five

Red This is a tale of transformation; of predators and their prey. Of little girls who obeyed their mother; but got lost along the way.Ever since I was found in the forest, I've been observing what's been happening all around me, and I finally think I've figured it out. I might have been quiet, and acted naive at first, but when I saw the big picture, things start to come together pretty quickly. Predators are out there, and they aren't shy about taking advantage of their prey. Even now no matter who sees me, they see a beautiful young innocent girl that they can't help but fall in love with. People have been keen on taking advantage of me, without ever asking me what's best. Let the power struggles my story has taught me be a warning. Mrs. Riding and The Social Worker... my family, has finally given me the tools I needed and the get out of the mess I ended up in. They gave me the strength and courage to overcome Wolf and Fox. They pinned the bitch down and sucked cum from her vicious unrelenting pussy until finally with their help we overcame all odds, until in the blink of an eye it all came crashing down.

Abigail Mac 在 'Wife Blowjob'

Abigail Mac - Wife Blowjob

Did you ever dream about waking up near Abigail Mac and get to give you the perfect breakfast blowjob ? In this episode we bring you that dream to reality. You wake up near this stunning woman wearing some sexy lingerie and after few sweet words you are going to see why Abigail Mac is Abigail Mac. She strokes and suck your cock and chokes on that fat piece of meat, gagging and spitting. She even knows how much you love plaster her sexy face with a warm fat load of jizz standing in front of her when she looks up at you and she asks you to cover her pretty face. Enjoy

Romi Rain 在 'Anal Fiends 2'

Romi Rain - Anal Fiends 2

Super-busty, black-haired bombshell Romi Rain is an anal fiend! After teasing us in a skintight red one-piece, the glamorous slut penetrates her shaved pussy and asshole using a glass dildo. She gives Chris Strokes' giant cock a slobbery, gagging blow job. Romi squeezes his shaft between her huge knockers. Chris reams her thick, phat booty. After delivering a serious butt-banging to this curvaceous bitch, he splatters her tongue and cleavage with hot cum.

Romi Rain 在 'Rack Focus'

Romi Rain - Rack Focus

Romi Rain has the perfect, fat tits for this RACK FOCUS ASS-Fucking scene! You know her and you love her and that's because Romi is a knockout with enthusiasm. She's everything anyone could ever want - and more. After showing off her bubble butt and perfect bald pussy, bouncing her titties in slow mo, and sucking her fingers with her pretty mouth, she plays with herself and has her titties and clit licked and sucked on. She gets so turned on and she cannot wait to return the favor with her slobbery oral skills. She slams that cock all over her face and titties and her hungry pussy needs it inside NOW! She rides and glides and flips on her side for the cock while those magnificent titties bounce all over, into her own mouth for her to taste her pretty pink nipples. She tastes her own pussy too before easing that big, hard cock into her asshole - the PROMISED LAND! This is what makes Romi Rain a star - the longing desire to have every wet hole she has filled with cock - bigger the better - and that goes for the load too!

Abigail Mac 在 'Little Red: A Lesbian Fairy Tale: Part Four'

Abigail Mac - Little Red: A Lesbian Fairy Tale: Part Four

Mrs. RidingThis is a tale of transformation; of predators and their prey. Of little girls who obeyed their mother; but got lost along the way.When I first heard that my dear husband's granddaughter was found, and that the social worker wanted me to take her in I was so delighted. I never got a chance to have little ones of my own, so I couldn't resist falling in love from the first moment I had a chance to be a grandma. Nothing could have prepared me for her first visit though. That Wolf certainly fucks whatever she wants, and I can't say I'd disagree. After she took my first greeting with my sweet Little Red and turned it into some kind of filthy mockery, I knew that my place was silence in the corner. I'm happy I got to see what that total bitch did when Red came searching for me. I am just so proud that my sweet Little Red has come to find me, and that she was so courageous to get tangled up with that Wolf. It was all so frightening seeing her get close to that bitch but she really held her own as Wolf peeled off that innocent dress to get Red worked up to the point I can say she really has a way with women. Secretly I want to have my hands on the sweet girl but Wolf took that from me a second time, and that, I just can't forgive. I saw Wolf pound their pussies together so hard I was quite certain she'd break my granddaughter, but Red held up, and now that they're passed out, I have a chance to pull my weight.

Abigail Mac 在 'DNA Scene 3'

Abigail Mac - DNA Scene 3

Wicked Pictures and Award Winning director Brad Armstrong bring you the futuristic tale of a company with cutting edge technology able to bring back loved ones who've passed away. Eager clients commission the “Carbons” who are then cloned from available DNA samples. The bereaved can now get the closure they've been searching for or feel their lover's touch one last time. The clones are perfect in every way and business is booming. CEO Malcolm Moore (Brad Armstrong) and V.P. Lidia Kline (jessica drake) are elated, but things take a turn for the bizarre when one of the carbons, Kayla (Asa Akira) becomes aware of her former life and realizes Miles Dunn (Small Hands) the man who had her brought back to life is actually her killer. From there it's a game of cat and mouse with Kayla on the run and Miles quickly closing in. DNA is an erotic thriller packed incredible performances and amazing visuals. This sci-fi masterpiece is sure to please anyone who appreciates Porn with a Plot. Great Sex, Great Acting, Great Movie.

Abigail Mac 在 'Transmission: Part Two'

Abigail Mac - Transmission: Part Two

Without truly understanding what they've discovered Samantha Rone and Hillary Scott spent a beautiful cum filled evening together celebrating their incredible discovery of intelligent alien lifeforms trying to communicate with them. What they didn't know is that the NSA and their tax dollars are hard at work infiltrating their software and hardware, sure to pick up on any dealings the two lesbians have with what Abigail Mac astute in her response, deems is entirely classified information. After all, who wants riots and destruction over one measly little message? The security of the Nation is what's at stake. Samantha defends her lesbian and human rights, but at each turn the dominating agent stifles her arguments. Finally it comes out that the two are indeed lesbians, and Abigail finds herself intent on distracting them. Samantha scorns as Abigail coaxes her lesbian girlfriend into kissing her passionately, all so she can be sure the young lesbian ladies will follow the rules in order to be part of this investigation. Hillary gets to the floor in order to please Agent Mac, while Samantha unhappily licks Abigail's drooling lesbian mouth. The rules are simple, keep your mouth shut and eat Abigail's wet pussy. She orders Samantha to touch herself, and feed her the sweet wet pussy juices. Abigail Mac twists these lesbians into new positions at every turn draining their pussies of all traces of liquid in loud lesbian orgasms all before deciding that abducting sweet Samantha will keep Hillary quiet.

Abigail Mac 在 'Squirting Stories: Part Three'

Abigail Mac - Squirting Stories: Part Three

Cadence Lux is a great girlfriend according to her lover Briana Banks. But whenever the lesbian couple has sex, Cadence releases a discharge from her vagina, and Briana doesn't quite know what to make of it. Briana asks her best friend Abigail Mac to help find out if something is wrong with Cadence, by seducing her and then reporting back to Briana. When Abigail gets Cadence to confide in her about their relationship issues, she give her reassuring soft touches, which escalate to gentle caresses, then a few soft kisses. With barely a tank top to pull down to reveal her small tits, there isn't much in Abigail's way, other than Cadence' resolve to stay faithful to Briana. But all that falls by the wayside when Abigail slips her hand over her jean shorts between Cadence' legs. She can feel the heat and wetness just beneath her jean shorts, the only thing separating Abigail's roving fingers from the sensitive flesh of Cadence' pussy. Abigail brings Cadence closer to orgasm, making her pussy wetter and juicier, until she squirts. Cadence' sopping, squirting pussy is a bigger turn on than Abigail could have anticipated. Sorry Bestie!

Abigail Mac 在 'and Alexis Monroe and Preston Parker in 2 Chicks Same Time'

Abigail Mac - 2 Chicks Same Time

Preston is throwing an Octoberfest party. When his friends tease him for dressing the part, Abigail Mac and Alexis Monroe cheer him up by bursting his bratwurst.

Abigail Mac 在 'Little Red: A Lesbian Fairy Tale: Part Three'

Abigail Mac - Little Red: A Lesbian Fairy Tale: Part Three

WolfThis is a tale of transformation; of predators and their prey. Of little girls who obeyed their mother; but got lost along the way.It's not easy being in cahoots with a runt Fox. I'm Wolf and I deserve my spot at the top of the fucking order. I just chuckle when folks tell me I've got a big ego, because I can fuck you up without a chance to defend yourself. I play the little pawn when I need to but when all howl breaks loose I'm the alpha, and I'm not taking shit from some sly little runt, just cause she's the one making the bucks. Who am I? Predator, plain and simple. From the top of the chain I feed on the screams and discomfort of all these little play toys. Fox sent me over to take care of poor old grandma, and I did more than care for her. Red's little cape was my ticket to grandma's massive breasts. As soon as I nuzzled my muzzle into her lap she was gushing liquid between my claws. Mrs. Riding was ready to make me feel comfortable, thinking I was that Little Red Riding. But I wanted to eat her dumb ass gold-digger body, once I sniffed those soft GILF nipples and those creamy wet granny lips! My lesbian hunger is only quenched when she submitted to my writhing pussy against her slippery asshole. Tying her up was just the cherry on top of her sweet sexy carcass.

Abigail Mac 在 'Creamy Lips'

Abigail Mac - Creamy Lips

Ruby and Abigail engaged in a friendly all out super soaker war. The ladies drenched each other and after running out of ammunition, they took the battle indoors. Abigail put her guard down and promptly found herself mounted. Ruby straddled Abigail's pretty face and slid her wet pussy all over it. Soon after, Ruby tongue fucked her tight little bunghole. Abigail had multiple assgasms and then reciprocated. The girls finger fucked each other and then called a truce.

Romi Rain 在 'Romi Meets Mandingo'

Romi Rain - Romi Meets Mandingo

Romi has never met Mandingo, but she knows she's in for a challenge! She's always wanted to experience his massive member, and Hard X finally has the exclusive scene fans have been waiting for. Watch as this buxom babe takes on the biggest black cock in the business, letting him take her anally as well. Do not miss this epic IR showdown!

Lily Lane 在 'BTS Episode 93'

Lily Lane - BTS Episode 93

We crept on porn superstar Monique Alexander and her gorgeous scene partner Lily Lane the day they shot a brand new Cum On My Tattoo scene. Monique has been in this biz for 15 years and this was her very first Burning Angel scene! We found out exactly how satisfying it is to throw a cream pie in a man's face, and what her death row last meal would be. Sweet newbie Chloe Carter gets naked for her photoshoot and we all fall in love with her vagina.

Cheyenne Jewel 在 'Orgasm on the Mat Destroys one Teams chances of winning'

Cheyenne Jewel - Orgasm on the Mat Destroys one Teams chances of winning

This is a closely contested battle between two great tag teams. Mona Wales is the team caption for "team Whip". She is coaching the beautiful ebony goddess, Ana Fox. These long legged Beautiful vow to destroy "team Wrangler". Cheyenne Jewel and Adley Rose who make up team wrangler will stop at nothing to win this match. The excitement of having two beautiful babes on top of you making you helpless and making you take an orgasm is too much for one wrestling. One wrestler succumbs to the fingering and kissing and has an orgasm on the mat. Loser Trib fuck each other and get fucked hard in front of an audience

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ana Foxxx's Messy Throated Experience'

Ana Foxxx - Ana Foxxx's Messy Throated Experience

Smoking hot Ana Foxxx is full of energy when it comes to deep throating cock. Ana is eager to show off her amazing skills that she has learned. This ebony beauty will lick, suck and drool all over this lucky guy's cock.

Romi Rain 在 'Enter Her Exit 2'

Romi Rain - Enter Her Exit 2

Captivating brunette Romi Rain flaunts her tanned body and epic, gigantic hooters. The dark-eyed beauty reveals a pre-plugged sphincter when she yanks off her tight booty shorts. Director/stud Mike Adriano extends his traditional welcome, tongue-fucking her anus. Romi whimpers when the hung stud plunges his thick dick up her asshole, provoking a mess of nasty farts and extensive anal gaping. The sultry slut sucks cock ass-to-mouth in the midst of a scorching butt fuck, and Mike cakes her beautiful face in cum.

Richelle Ryan 在 'The Madam Scene 5'

Richelle Ryan - The Madam Scene 5

As the owner of a prestigious escort agency, Ashley (Stormy Daniels) learns the secrets and fantasies of all her clients. She seems to have it all: money, power and hot sex! But remember… things are not always what they seem.

Lily Lane 在 'Cum On My Tattoo - Monique Alexander and Lily Lane'

Lily Lane - Cum On My Tattoo - Monique Alexander and Lily Lane

Lily Lane and Xander Corvus stopped over sexy new neighbor Monique Alexander's house to welcome her to the neighborhood with a pie! What a sweet gesture.. but she doesn't want a fucking pie, she wants CUM on her TATTOO, so obviously she smashed that cream pie in Xander's face! Being neighborly, Lily was happy to screw her silly until her boyfriend cleaned up and came to finish the job and make a sticky creamy mess out of them, interrupting their brief lesbian licking tryst into a steamy threesome between new friends! It's all about community.

Abigail Mac 在 'Banging Cuties'

Abigail Mac - Banging Cuties

Glamorous, buxom Abigail Mac shows off her plump ass and round boobs for horny director Mike Adriano. This petite, sassy, trash-talking slut wants her throat and juicy twat stuffed with Mike's thick meat! He tongues Abigail's asshole and pussy, and she gags on the director's throbbing shaft in a messy, slobbery, deep throat blow job. She even rims his bunghole. The nasty bitch eagerly rides cock, bouncing her phat booty in a fucking frenzy, until Mike ejaculates in her pretty mouth.

Romi Rain 在 'in Tonight's Girlfriend'

Romi Rain - Tonight's Girlfriend

I've been with my share of women, but none really brought any excitement to the bedroom. I feel that Romi Rain is different though. I've seen many of her videos and she's really enthusiastic. Tonight, I have Romi stop by my room and I have her take control of me. She definitely brought that excitement with her.

Nikki Benz 在 'and Ryan Mclane in Dirty Wives Club'

Nikki Benz - Dirty Wives Club

Nikki Benz is waiting for her husband at the hotel, but he's running late as always. She decides to pass the time by inviting one of the hotel employees into her room and banging him before her husband gets there.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Anal Intensive'

Ana Foxxx - Anal Intensive

The black bombshell Ana Foxxx is back at it again for HardX in an epic anal sex scene. Ana's beautiful face and smoking hot body look even better with Manuel's thick cock pumping all of her holes. Ana looks more amazing than ever in a very heated anal scene that has been highly anticipated!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Fit To Be Tied'

Ana Foxxx - Fit To Be Tied

Sexy salesgirl Anna has a big commission on the line – if only she can get bored CEO Charles to buy one more tie he doesn't need! Will her personal touch be persuasive Or will Anna get ALL TIED UP to close the deal!

Cherry Torn 在 'Ana Foxxx Giggles When Shocked and Comes Hard on Electricity!'

Cherry Torn - Ana Foxxx Giggles When Shocked and Comes Hard on Electricity!

The beautify Ana Foxx submits to hot dominatrix Cherry Torn with bondage, predicament, e-stim sticky pads, an orgasmic samurai fucking, face sitting and the insertable violet wand electrode!

Monique Alexander 在 'The Red Viper, Scene 2'

Monique Alexander - The Red Viper, Scene 2

There's much more than meets the eye at The Red Viper, a strip club where the sexy entertainment is as dirty as the ulterior motives of its patrons and staff.

Romi Rain 在 'Anal Hotties 2'

Romi Rain - Anal Hotties 2

With model looks and a slutty porn star attitude, sultry, chesty beauty Romi Rain works the pole for director Mike Adriano. He extends his traditional welcome, tongue-fucking her asshole. Romi giggles tauntingly while nursing him with her newly enhanced tits. She deep-throats his throbbing boner -- gushing slobber as she playfully sucks -- and hops on his lubed member for a scorching ass fuck. Romi kisses Mike as he pounds her holes, throating him ass-to-mouth after every position switch. Mike unloads creamy cum over Romi's ass cheeks and she shows off her gaping anus for home viewers.

Abigail Mac 在 'Queen Lady'

Abigail Mac - Queen Lady

Porn superstar Abigail Mac knows just how to get your blood pumping in all the right places. She absolutely sizzles as she mixes her classy looks with her trashy demeanor. Turning it on for her special viewers. Abigail is absolutely stunning and sexy in her sexy red lingerie. And loves when you jerk off to her while she plays with her gigantic DD tits, and big swollen clitoris. This slut will have you milking your goo immediately!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Study Break'

Ana Foxxx - Study Break

While studying for a challenging midterm, Ana Foxxx seduces hot sorority sister Nikki Darling to submit to kinky lesbian sex! The girls relieve stress with bondage, finger banging, scissoring, nipple clamps, flogging, cropping, foot worship, facesitting, and pussy and anal strap-on fucking!!!

Ana Foxxx 在 '1st DP'

Ana Foxxx - 1st DP

Ana Foxxx is super excited to have her very 1st DP! The stunning Ana does a little happy dance while she talks about how she thought it was an experience she might never get to have and this scene is a first for Mason and one of the guys as well. The energy is palpable from the tease down to the deep double penetration fucking. HardX is very proud to bring you this amazing exclusive!

Abigail Mac 在 'Trouble X2 Scene 1'

Abigail Mac - Trouble X2 Scene 1

On his first day back in the dating game, Nick meets not one but TWO beautiful women.  Olivia (Abigail Mac) is hot, sexy, and confident.  Jenny (Cherie DeVille) is sweet, smart and funny. Not in a rush, he takes his time casually dating them both. Finally Nick knows he must make a choice but how does he choose between two perfect women that adore him  Before he has a chance to decide, however, Nick finds himself in a lot of trouble! The one thing he did not know about Olivia and Jenny is that they were friends. Things come to an explosive head when they discover they've been dating the same man. Will there be any way to salvage their relationships or will all three be forced to go separate ways

Abigail Mac 在 'Trouble X2 Scene 5'

Abigail Mac - Trouble X2 Scene 5

On his first day back in the dating game, Nick meets not one but TWO beautiful women.  Olivia (Abigail Mac) is hot, sexy, and confident.  Jenny (Cherie DeVille) is sweet, smart and funny. Not in a rush, he takes his time casually dating them both. Finally Nick knows he must make a choice but how does he choose between two perfect women that adore him  Before he has a chance to decide, however, Nick finds himself in a lot of trouble! The one thing he did not know about Olivia and Jenny is that they were friends. Things come to an explosive head when they discover they've been dating the same man. Will there be any way to salvage their relationships or will all three be forced to go separate ways

Abigail Mac 在 'Seducing Miss Dolce'

Abigail Mac - Seducing Miss Dolce

When Darcie Dolce hired a pool-cleaner from the yellow pages, she had no idea a smoking hot babe like Abigail Mac was going to show up. And when Abigail noticed how the lady of the house was staring at the way her bathing suit curved around her big boobs, she decided to see if she couldn't take her payment in the form of hot lesbian sex. Abigail tipped up her bottle of water and let the stream cascade over her breasts, soaking Darcie's pussy at the same time. The seduction well under way, Abigail and Darcie headed inside to tear their clothes off and start fooling around on the sofa. Girl'girl sex doesn't get any hotter than the naughty fun Abigail Mac and Darcie Dolce got up to in today's hot Babes lesbian scene!

Lorelei Lee 在 'City of Sin: Entitled John Brought Down a Peg'

Lorelei Lee - City of Sin: Entitled John Brought Down a Peg

Classic tale of the helpless hooker? Another boring narrative that starts with a lady in distress? Fuck no. This is the truth. The real story of the City of Sin and its reigning princesses, the gloriously divine Lorelei Lee, Ana Foxxx, and newest Divine Bitch, Arabelle Raphael.When entitled john, Lance Hart, tries to take advantage of these three seemingly disadvantaged tricks, he gets an unforgettable taste of the power and strength of women. Three women, to be exact. Three ruthless, gorgeous women.After poor Mr. Hart grabs Arabelle, thinking he can intimidate this glorious and powerful woman with a little tip of the hat, some harsh words, and a stack of pitiful ones, she calls over her friends, Lorelei and Ana to help teach this entitled boy a lesson in masculinity.Lesson One: pain. Our pitiable john is flogged repeatedly from all sides, humiliated and beaten down, made to worship the hard working, sweaty feet of the very women he thought himself better than. Lorelei, Arabelle, and Ana pull his chest hair until he screams, laughing mercilessly at his sad, pathetic cries and the pre-cum dribbling from his lonely dick. Smothering, blindfolds, and face slapping drive this lesson home!Lesson Two: taking cock. The only way to bring entitled men down a peg is - you guessed it - pegging. All three of these gorgeous, powerful women arm themselves with a cock, each one burying dicks thicker than Lance's own deep inside his muscled body - a mere facade meant to shield the soft and snivelling manliness that hides within. Unable to escape the powerful clutches and scathing taunts of Ana, Arabelle, and Lorelei, our john takes the lesson hard and fast, pausing only to suck his own filth off of each divine cock.Lesson Three: just a toy. That's right. You're just a toy. A toy to be used by women more powerful than you. And when these three powerful women cum again and again, smothering Lance as he devours the delicious flavors that orgasm has scented their heavenly cunts, it becomes clear: his cock is a dildo. A dildo that Lorelei, Arabelle, and Ana use to bring themselves the infinite pleasures that such entitled johns cannot.Lesson learned? We'll have to wait to see what The Queen of City of Sin has to say about that...

Abigail Mac 在 'Blows Her Fan'

Abigail Mac - Blows Her Fan

I've been following Abigail Mac on twitter for the past couple of years and I consider myself a huge fan. Finally last week she answered back to one of my posts and we started to chat. Short time after that we went for lunch and we got really along, and I invited her to my house. In few minutes Abigail got on her knees and gave me the best blowjob I ever had. She gave me the real pornstar experience BJ , I even titty fuck her and choke her. I jerked off so much to her movies that I blast a fat load in her mouth and she swallowed it . Abigail can't wait for our next date.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Bitch Boss'

Ana Foxxx - Bitch Boss

It's hard to believe Tyler's lasted so long at his job, given how his bitch of a boss finds new ways to make his life a living hell. After working all weekend on a report, only to see Ana tear it into little pieces and throw it in his face, Tyler's anger boiled over, and he quit on the spot. But seeing Tyler stand up for himself only made Ana horny to see his confident, ballsy side in action, so she sat back in her chair and pulled her panties to the side so he could give her pussy a lick. Watch what happened next, as Ana guided Tyler through her femdom office fantasy, and he was only too happy to serve her every sexual need!

Abigail Mac 在 'Lex The Impaler 9'

Abigail Mac - Lex The Impaler 9

It's's pouring... Lexington Steele is scoring... some beautiful pussy - courtesy of the mega babe Abigail Mac. Goddamn this brunette has a smokin' body and big beautiful - eyes? Yeah, eyes, oh - AND TITS! She's a stunning piece of work that has a sexy voice that knows all the right things to say. She talks into Lex's pole while she promises to treat him so well. She's a lady of her word and proceeds to suck that legendary cock with some serious skill. Abigail LOVES that black sword and she has no problem throwing herself on that. Her puffy pussy pokes out of her red, net panties and she keeps those sexy thigh highs on while she gets impaled by Lex's throbbing black spear. He even tells her what you're gonna be thinking and that is just how beautiful her pussy is. He licks it and slicks it up before digging deep inside her again, on her back, from behind, she rides and glides and bounces all over his dick - cumming and sucking her sweet juice off of him. She keeps those big doll eyes wide open when Lex delivers several pumps of nectar onto her face and she loves the taste!

Nikki Benz 在 'in Tonight's Girlfriend'

Nikki Benz - Tonight's Girlfriend

I love tits and I love Nikki Benz, so I flew to meet her when I heard she was doing house calls. Another thing I love is ice and I made sure I have enough of that on hand for when she stops by.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Tear Her Apart'

Ana Foxxx - Tear Her Apart

After a long wait we finally have Ana Foxxx back in our dungeon. Her perfect body is contorted and stretched into menacing positions to ensure that her suffering is monumental. She is completely helpless and unable to stop the brutal torment that is sadistically administered to her. She is overwhelmed with pain and domination but then rewarded with earth shattering orgasms.

Abigail Mac 在 'Boyfriend Tape'

Abigail Mac - Boyfriend Tape

Abigail Mac is an hot ass pornstar. She called me the other day and asked me to do a special tape . An accuard request but hey It s Abigail Mac and I really like this girl. We went in her bedroom and she took her camera and started to tell her boyfriend how much she loves him and he will make him a personal tape for him. After that it was on, Abigail sucked me off and I fucked the shit out of her and her big huge tits. Her pussy was so tight that I almost wanted to cum immediately. After a nice good pounding I blasted her hot pretty face with a fat load of cum. Abigail Mac is for sure one of the hottest pornstars around.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Cute Blonde Rookie is Destroyed by Ebony Goddess'

Ana Foxxx - Cute Blonde Rookie is Destroyed by Ebony Goddess

Lyra Louvel is a beautiful new wrestler with long lean legs that go on for days and days. She's a fighter at heart but she doesn't stand a chance against the Ana Conda. The loser is stripped down and hand gagged while she is fucked hard. She is Leg scissored with the Ana Conda's powerful thighs while she gets finger fucked to orgasm and then finished off with a face sitting from a beautiful ebony goddess.

Abigail Mac 在 'Dirty road trip'

Abigail Mac - Dirty road trip

These two wild girls hit the road for a rager of a good time. Abigail Mac was restless the whole way and was bouncing off the walls, so to speak. She obviously got horney when she got bord. She was shaking her ass and tits before the trip even started. They stopped for short break to stretch the legs and check the scene. Dani Daniels and her partener in crime couldn't help themselves with a such a breathtaking view, so they made out for a bit. Once they were back on the road, Dani was all worked up and wanted to stop for quicky. She took Abigail to an old make out spot from back in the day. The view was great but even better when they stripped down and tongue tickled each other. They went from the front of the vehicle to the back before this pussy much detour was over. Keep an eye on the road because you never know when hot and sexy girls will be doing a TnA drive by.

Nikki Benz 在 '- Cuckold Sessions'

Nikki Benz - Cuckold Sessions

Don't ever let your wife talk you into "dance lessons". Why? There's always a handsome, toned-up (and horny) dance instructor, and he's waiting to bang your better half. Unless you're a cuckold. If you are, then you know what dance lessons mean. Take Nikki Benz and her man, for example. She's freaky, and he's even freakier. So when the lessons turn into sex, then time for Hubby to pull his dick out and stroke while Wifey gets her holes stretched wide open. Today gets interesting, because not only is the Dance Teacher pounding his wife, so is his business partner. They're both big and black and all holes are open, so don't be surprised if Wifey gets a big cum load dumped deep into her tight ass. Then, watch as the second bull paints his wife's tits with his enormous load! Hubby knows to cherish Nikki Benz...and their special relationship!

Romi Rain 在 'Romi Rain's Monster Cock craving!'

Romi Rain - Romi Rain's Monster Cock craving!

Today we are joined by the sexy and seductive Romi Rain. She has a hunger to fill and ready for some Monster Cock to satisfy her inner desires. We quickly cut through the small talk and check out her big plump and juicy tits along with the rest of her sensational body. Romi doesn't waste any time and once Isiah shows up this busty brunette is on her knees lathering up his cock while showing off her deepthroat skills. Romi is no ametuer and takes in every inch as she sucks and fucks her way to multiple orgasms, before taking a huge load to the chin.

Ana Foxxx 在 '4 sexy wrestlers fight in 100percent competitive erotic wrestling tag match'

Ana Foxxx - 4 sexy wrestlers fight in 100percent competitive erotic wrestling tag match

Angel Allwood and Nikki Darling take on Mona Wales and Ana Fox in 100% competitive erotic wrestling. This is a sex fight at its finest. These girls use their Tits, Ass and muscles to out power each other. They hold each other down with wrestling holds while they finger and fondle each other. Losers are put in the "biggest loser" fight to make each other cum. Winners brutally fuck the losers and humiliate them in front of an audience.

Abigail Mac 在 'Abigail Mac, eager to fuck!'

Abigail Mac - Abigail Mac, eager to fuck!

This chick is super hot and she's ready to make the guy explode jizz all over her mouth. Abigail Mac shows off her sexy body before showing off her deep-throat skills with a dildo. She fucks nice and hard on all positions until she finally gets the cum inside her mouth.

Nikki Benz 在 'Undisputed 2'

Nikki Benz - Undisputed 2

It's no secret that super slut Nikki Benz loves some big black cock. She gets exactly what she's craving in this scene from Prince Yahshua's Undisputed 2! The brunette bombshell prances around in her sexy lingerie - leaving little to the imagination. She knows she's in for a wild ride with this black stallion and she obviously can't wait. She wraps her perfect dick sucking lips around that huge black snake. She plays with herself while taking Prince's cock balls-deep inside her professional hole. Benz is a top notch whore! She screams when she cums on that cock and then obviously asks for more. Face down, ass up. She bounces her huge tits while riding and is always happy to slurp her own cum off his fat rod. Prince deposits a nice gooey, sweet load into her pretty mouth and Nikki Benz LOVES how that shit tastes!

Romi Rain 在 'Casual Encounters Scene 3'

Romi Rain - Casual Encounters Scene 3

Julie embarks on a sexual journey by answering an ad in the casual encounters section of a website. She unlocks her deep desires, and finds that within her lies an untapped side of her sexuality. She wants more than just the normal relationship with one man, or one woman. She wants it all, and she wants to feel everything; experience sex in a whole new way.

Monique Alexander 在 'Tattooed Blonde Monique Alexander Fucks Outdoors'

Monique Alexander - Tattooed Blonde Monique Alexander Fucks Outdoors

Blonde bombshell Monique Alexander loves big gangster cock. She gives her man some sloppy head and, after a wild spot of deep throat, Monique Alexander has her pussy sucked and fucked real hard. Once her wet pussy is satisfied from riding a hard cock, she finishes her man off with a blowjob, sucking up her juice and swallowing his cum.

Romi Rain 在 'Screaming Ass Gasms 3'

Romi Rain - Screaming Ass Gasms 3

When Romi Rain gets naked, you're gonna wanna make some noise. This chick works hard for that body of hers and her body, in turn, will make you rock hard too. She's got huge tits and a great ass - it helps that she's a filthy slut that likes getting butt fucked! She's making noise of her own when Ramon plugs her hard and fast and she cums so hard with her backdoor stuffed. A perfect candidate for this scene from the 3rd installment of Screaming Assgasms, this girl wriggles and writhes and screeches in delight with a cock in her ass! How perfect can one chick get? Oh, wait, she loves to suck her own ass juice off it too! And she takes a massive facial and then puts that cock right back in her booty for one last ASSGASM!

Kenna James 在 'Good licks'

Kenna James - Good licks

Kenna James, Abigail Mac, and Rilynn Rae have just ended a soccer match. The girls are looking real sexy in their uniforms and tight little shorts. They go back and fourth rubbing the loss in each others faces. That's when the pillow fighting begins, and that's also where things get hotter. Three way kisses, titty sucking, that leads to them undressing for the main course, Pussy. These girls now how to get down and dirty, and they do. Licking assholes, pussies, and whatever crevasse they can fit their tongues and fingers into. In the end the are all winners in the game of pussy play.

Abigail Mac 在 'Sex And Confidence, Scene 6'

Abigail Mac - Sex And Confidence, Scene 6

Even some of the most powerful men have their insecurities. In this series of vignettes, we follow John, Mick, James and Keiran as they explore and deal with the challenges and frustrations of certain sexual situations… mastering their fears and self-doubts with the help of some sexy, patient and understanding women.

Aj Applegate 在 'Flick and chill'

Aj Applegate - Flick and chill

Abigail Mac jump started the scene with some see through lingerie and a playful whip. She teased us was just before the blonde bombshell, Aj Applegate, strutted her way over to Abigail. Abigail spred her legs as Aj bent over next to her. Abigail gave her a couple nice swats with her whip to let her know who was in charge. She proceed to tease Aj's pussy through her panties as she sat on her lap. Things heated up to the boiling point. These two magnificent vixens dominated each other in the so many sexy ways. Abigail toung fucked her partners pussy until it was so moist it was running down her legs. They took turns pleasing each other until there was no more cum to give.

Samantha Rone 在 'Samantha Rone, Ana Foxx and Chanell Heart - Zebra Girls'

Samantha Rone - Zebra Girls

If you were ever involved with the Greek system during your college years, you know about hazing. In fact, almost all clubs and organizations have some sort of hazing ritual, from mild to severe. The women of Pi Delta Pi -- led by President Ana Foxxx and Secretary Chanell Heart -- love to haze the pledges...and the pledge they have had their eyes on for some time is incoming frosh Samantha Rone. They called a "private meeting" and deliberately told Samantha to under dress for the occasion, just so they could fuck with her. And fuck with Samantha Rone they did! Samantha is told what to do in order to join the ladies at Pi Delta Pi, and Samantha does what any good pledge would do...from getting naked to licking pussy and tasting ass, Samantha wants nothing more than to please her new sorority sisters...which she does!

Nikki Benz 在 'Face of An Angel Mind of A Devil'

Nikki Benz - Face of An Angel Mind of A Devil

Nikki Benz and Jesse know just hot to make getting clean so dirty. These big titted sluts get all wet and soapy, rubbing each other all over and getting worked up, they know there's only one thing missing - COCK! Fortunately for them, they don't have to go far to get what they want. There happens to be an endowed dude right in the shower next door. Chris Strokes has been distracting himself watching these two lick each other and you can't blame him! Their bodies are begging to be filled with meat after they go vagitarian on each other and the girls satiate their cock-cravings with ferocity! This blonde and brunette duo suck the life out of him and then take turns offering up their sweet pussies to his massive mamba. When one is getting fucked, the other one keeps her hands and mouth busy. Such good friends, cheering each other on while they each get plowed and beggin' Daddy Strokes for a nice big load to share. This is a smoking hot threeway from Jesse's 2rd showcase for Jules Jordan Video and it just keeps getting better.

Anikka Albrite 在 'Mick Blue's Best Day Ever'

Anikka Albrite - Mick Blue's Best Day Ever

Ass-blessed blonde Anikka Albrite surprises husband Mick Blue with a spectacular, multi-racial, five-on-one reverse gang bang! Longhaired black beauty Ana Foxxx, tasty brunette Aidra Fox, black-haired babe Megan Rain, shapely Latina Abella Danger and Anikka all bring natural bodies in stylish lingerie, with shaved snatches in front and butt plugs inserted around back. The girls play with each other and Mick, face sitting, cocksucking, pussy eating and tonguing bunghole before a round robin of butt fucking! Amid a constant rumble of gasps, moans and joyful fuck noise, five shapely asses line up for twerking, rim jobs and sodomy. The girls cluster around the rectal reaming with spit play, ass-to-mouth BJs and dirty talk. Five mouths compete to suck cock, lap balls and tongue bunghole. Five asses pummel Mick's face. Five heads lean back for deep throat drilling. With five thirsty smiles in one POV shot, Mick jacks jism across five extended tongues, and the girls share spunky kisses. Breathless Mick admits, 'I am a lucky bastard.'

Abella Danger 在 'Mick Blue's Best Day Ever'

Abella Danger - Mick Blue's Best Day Ever

Perky, longhaired Ana Foxxx, a slender ebony babe in white fishnets, has a nasty anal rendezvous with director Mike Adriano. This sultry black sweetheart spreads her dark labia for the camera, revealing the pink meat inside. Ana kneels and worships the director's dork, taking it down her throat in a wet, gagging POV-style blow job that brings tears to her eyes. Mike greases up her tight asshole, plunders it with his Caucasian cock and lets her suck ass-to-mouth. After her rectum has been well reamed to the point of gaping lewdly, Ana opens wide for a creamy cum treat.

Abigail Mac 在 'swallows more than once!'

Abigail Mac - swallows more than once!

The lovely Abigail Mac is with us today on BMF! Talk about sexy! This chick is definitely a perfect 10. From head to toe. Ready to get filled up with Mike's fat cock, but first he had to get a taste of the tight wet pussy. Licking it until she orgasmed in his mouth. Then Abigail hopped on his dick to grind it hardcore. He couldn't believe how great this pussy was. Making him bust multiple loads in her mouth to swallow. Crazy!

Megan Rain 在 'Mick Blue's Best Day Ever'

Megan Rain - Mick Blue's Best Day Ever

Ass-blessed blonde Anikka Albrite surprises husband Mick Blue with a spectacular, multi-racial, five-on-one reverse gang bang! Longhaired black beauty Ana Foxxx, tasty brunette Aidra Fox, black-haired babe Megan Rain, shapely Latina Abella Danger and Anikka all bring natural bodies in stylish lingerie, with shaved snatches in front and butt plugs inserted around back. The girls play with each other and Mick, face sitting, cocksucking, pussy eating and tonguing bunghole before a round robin of butt fucking! Amid a constant rumble of gasps, moans and joyful fuck noise, five shapely asses line up for twerking, rim jobs and sodomy. The girls cluster around the rectal reaming with spit play, ass-to-mouth BJs and dirty talk. Five mouths compete to suck cock, lap balls and tongue bunghole. Five asses pummel Mick's face. Five heads lean back for deep throat drilling. With five thirsty smiles in one POV shot, Mick jacks jism across five extended tongues, and the girls share spunky kisses. Breathless Mick admits, 'I am a lucky bastard.'

Monique Alexander 在 'Miss monique'

Monique Alexander - Miss monique

Monique Alexander walked in on her stepdaughter's bf, Danny, while he was showering. She was mesmerized and aroused by his huge schlong so instead of turning away, she pulled her thong to the side and began to play with her soft wet pussy. She waited for the perfect opportunity to creep inside and wrap her mouth around his cock. Danny was surprised and worried that his gf would find out. Monique put his concerns to rest by leading him to her bedroom and riding his cock until his blasted all over her pretty face.

Abigail Mac 在 'Jessica And Abigail POV'

Abigail Mac - Jessica And Abigail POV

In this update you get to see Abigail Mac and Jessica Jaymes get fucked in many positions. Abigail ass is amazing and Jessica has nice big tits. So amazing they had Mr Lucky curling his toes while riding his dick. Pussy gripping the dick so tight, it had him busting a nut on their faces in the end~!! Abigail Mac and Jessica Jaymes clearly know what they are doing. Enjoy!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Anal Players'

Ana Foxxx - Anal Players

Wearing white fishnets and fuck-me pumps, mocha goddess Ana Foxxx teases director Mick Blue, eager to get his huge white dick in her tight ass. Ana shows off the butt plug lodged in her anus, and Mick expands the petite slut's sphincter using bigger toys and lots of thick, creamy lube. Ana kneels and gets her throat fucked in a wet, nasty blow job, even rimming Mick's bunghole. She receives a thorough interracial ass reaming, and a gooey cum facial!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Hungry Assholes'

Ana Foxxx - Hungry Assholes

Light-skinned black doll Kira Noir and dark mocha beauty Ana Foxxx are in the studio today, eager to offer Kira's tight, young asshole to well-hung white director Mike Adriano. Their interracial threesome begins with a wet, slobbery, POV-style double blow job; the girls deep-throat Mike's massive member and slurp on his balls as drool runs everywhere. Next, Kira gets rudely sodomized, and Ana helps out with plenty of messy ass-to-mouth sucking and a sensuous, climactic kiss.

Abigail Mac 在 'Her Own Personal Christmas Miracle'

Abigail Mac - Her Own Personal Christmas Miracle

As the office Christmas party wrapped up, Abigail Mac found herself all alone at her desk, wishing she had a certain someone to take her to bed for a magical night. While she dreamed of Prince Charming, Abigail's boss Ryan McLane noticed her moping and swooped in to see if his attraction to her was mutual. After going in for the kiss and unzipping her dress, Ryan went down on Abigail, licking her pussy until Abigail couldn't wait another second to have him deep inside her. Abigail climbed on and rode Ryan's cock, then dropped down to suck him off until he sprayed his load all over her face. How did their colleagues react when they walked in to see Abigail on her knees with a big cumshot running down her lips You'll have to watch this hot scene to find out!

Ana Foxxx 在 'On Your Knees! It's the debut of Mistress Ana Foxx!'

Ana Foxxx - On Your Knees! It's the debut of Mistress Ana Foxx!

Welcome the gun slinging, whiskey drinkin, bad ass Divine Bitch, Ana Fox! You've waited so long and the time has finally arrived. This smokin hot bitch shows you that around her, you are completely powerless. She trains Tony to be her new cock sucking slave on the street, selling his mouth to make her cash. Fucking hot humiliation, spanking, mouth fucking, cock sucking training, pegging, bondage and dildo gag in her delicious sweet pussy are all included!

Abigail Mac 在 'Abigal Mac Space Sex'

Abigail Mac - Abigal Mac Space Sex

Abigail Mac is back and she is in Space Sex. Abigail takes on Ralph and she sucked on his cock and balls before taking it hard from different positions until her body finished up glazed. Enjoy this update!!!

Abigail Mac 在 'Oil Overload 14'

Abigail Mac - Oil Overload 14

The always HOT Abigail Mac gets slick and slippery in this scene with Manuel Ferrara. The big-titted brunette, snapped into a sexy black teddy, greases up her amazing body and gets railed by a fat, uncut cock. Abigail is one of the most eager performers in the biz and her body was made to be manhandled. She's such a hot slut and she knows it, and when she unsnaps that little piece of fabric between her legs, there's no stopping her. She's not the only one that gets super wet. This scene will cause some eruptions elsewhere and when Abigail fucks, it's like she knows you're watching and it makes her fuck harder and hotter! She takes a cock down her throat so well, and a FAT cock at that. Her pretty face is the perfect landing spot for a load and she even swallows... yum!

Romi Rain 在 'Dirty Talk'

Romi Rain - Dirty Talk

Hugely buxom, tattooed Romi Rain talks a filthy streak directly to viewers while getting three holes thickly reamed in stud Manuel Ferrara's striking, POV-style footage. The scene starts with a close-up of aggressive shit-talker Romi's slutty mouth as she unleashes her nastiest thoughts: 'Fuck me harder, you piece of shit. ... This pretty little asshole all for you, and you're gonna fuck it like a little bitch? ... I just want my inner whore fucked out of me.' POV camera work puts the viewer in the fucker's seat as black-haired Romi sucks fat cock, tongues bunghole and balls, gets her bald pussy pounded and hot butt spanked and porked. A titty fuck and ass-to-mouth BJ leave her wallowing in cum. 'I want you to keep my scent all over that cock. I won't shower if you won't!' says Romi with an evil grin.

Abigail Mac 在 'Jessica Loves Abigail Mac'

Abigail Mac - Jessica Loves Abigail Mac

Jessica Jaymes is new to The Stripper Experience club. In the green room she meets Abigail Mac and they have a little chat . Jessica Jaymes has her first show and Abigail invite her over on the dance floor. Lets say that it was a fantastic lesbian show for the lucky customers of our private room . Enjoy

Nikki Benz 在 'Welcome back Nikki Benz'

Nikki Benz - Welcome back Nikki Benz

Nikki Benz is one of the hottest Milfs in the game. Hands down! Mike shows you how a juicy ass like this should be worshipped. He couldn't contain himself. Sucking that pussy until it was nice and wet, ready for a good fucking. In return Nikki Benz shoved his big cock deep down her throat. Gagging and spitting all over it. Almost making him cum with in seconds. Then Nikki Benz hopped on that fat dick and took a sweet pounding. You have to see this ass move. It's INSANE!

Abigail Mac 在 'loves to Tease You'

Abigail Mac - loves to Tease You

Hot and young Abigail Mac is super stripper and oh so very sexy! Watch this young glamazon get naked on a sensual photo shoot in an upscale VIP room in her strip club. Whe loves playing and teasing the cameras, knowing you will be the only ones watching! CUM on in and let Abigail provide the highest level of spank material for your eyes only! Thank you Miss Abigail Mac!

Reena Sky 在 'Open Relationship Scene 1'

Reena Sky - Open Relationship Scene 1

Maggie (Romi Rain) and Roger (Danny Mountain) are a sex-crazed married couple... but there is more to their marriage than what meets the eye. After a fulfilling day of separate sexcapades, the duo reunites at an erotic party, and their evening culminates in a surprise climax.

Reena Sky 在 'Open Relationship Scene 5'

Reena Sky - Open Relationship Scene 5

Maggie (Romi Rain) and Roger (Danny Mountain) are a sex-crazed married couple... but there is more to their marriage than what meets the eye. After a fulfilling day of separate sexcapades, the duo reunites at an erotic party, and their evening culminates in a surprise climax.

Romi Rain 在 'Open Relationship Scene 7'

Romi Rain - Open Relationship Scene 7

Maggie (Romi Rain) and Roger (Danny Mountain) are a sex-crazed married couple... but there is more to their marriage than what meets the eye. After a fulfilling day of separate sexcapades, the duo reunites at an erotic party, and their evening culminates in a surprise climax.

Abigail Mac 在 'Slut Therapist'

Abigail Mac - Slut Therapist

Abigail Mac is on SPIZOO!!!!! This week has been a crazy adventure. She's horny and ready to show her phat ass all over our cameras. This little nerdy white girl has everything we love here at SPIZOO, She's got a banging ass and thick delicious thighs. a cute smile and a bubbly personality can't forget those perky big tities! It was amazing watching her get laid down by a proper dicken! This is a must watch update! Join Today!!!!!!

Abigail Mac 在 'My Private Garden'

Abigail Mac - My Private Garden

Abigail Mac spreads her pink pussy wide open

Romi Rain 在 'Manuels Fucking POV 3'

Romi Rain - Manuels Fucking POV 3

Romi Rain has massive tits and Manuel is definitely a tit-man. That's probably why he picked this brunette slut to suck and fuck, POV style, from Manuel's Fucking POV #3. Also, she's hot and gives a sloppy fucking blowjob. Romi Rain is just pure filth and her body is a 10. She talks so dirty while gagging on his massive member and you just know she's happy to do it. She knows how to ride cock too and take a pounding when it's time. Her pretty little pussy takes all of that big cock hard and fast and she moans with pleasure the entire time. This vixen gets loud - "Oh my god, I'm so full!" and she is! Hot POV action with so many positions, deepthroating and titty fucking and a gusher of a load on her slutty little face!

Abigail Mac 在 'Married Wives Love Big Black Cocks !'

Abigail Mac - Married Wives Love Big Black Cocks !

Abigail and August are best friends from their college days. They used to have some great times but now August is married her naughty times are over - or are they? When Abigail suggests a threesome with a sexy black man she's met at the gym, August just can't refuse. She can't believe how big Rob's dick is but she doesn't take long to get used to it! They suck it slowly together before August licks his sexy ass as her friend gently jerks him off. He takes Abigail from behind, letting her feel his total length. Then on to August, giving her the biggest cock she's ever had, making her cum loudly as he spanks her ass. Back to his saucy girlfriend, he pumps her while August licks her wet pussy, before getting it next, right up to the balls, getting her cumming again. After Abigail has ridden him with her wet pussyhole, August climbs aboard to get her final fill, including a pussy full of his creamy cum. Who says her wild days are over?

Abigail Mac 在 'Tease My Ass And Fuck My Pussy'

Abigail Mac - Tease My Ass And Fuck My Pussy

Buxom, sassy Abigail Mac is dolled up in thigh-high boots and a black one-piece that emphasizes her giant boobies. Director Mick Blue gets busy worshiping Abigail's big ass, removing her butt plug and replacing it with his tongue. Using rubber-gloved fingers and dildos, he probes her sensitive anus; Abigail kneels to service the director's massive cock and balls with her talented mouth. Soon she's riding his huge boner in an intense pussy pounding session that leaves her lips dripping with creamy semen.

Nikki Benz 在 '- Blacks On Blondes'

Nikki Benz - Blacks On Blondes

Poor Isiah Maxwell. His girlfriend just dumped him. She felt Isiah was a little "too freaky" in the sheets, and she didn't like the fact that Isiah would ask her to perform anal sex. Thank goodness Isiah has a great friend in Nikki Benz. They've been platonic friends practically forever, although if you asked Isiah's ex, well...she always felt Isiah was banging Nikki. When Isiah tells Nikki this, the floodgates open, and it's on. What starts as a friendly hug turns into passionate kissing. Soon Isiah's eating pussy, and Nikki's returning the favor. What stops Nikki from giving up the pussy? Absolutely nothing. What stops Nikki from giving up her tight asshole? Absolutely nothing. When this is all said and done, Nikki's face is covered in Isiah's warm jizz, and they come to a mutual understanding: fuck buddies!

Anna Bell Peaks 在 'Hot Chicks Big Fangs 2, Scene 6'

Anna Bell Peaks - Hot Chicks Big Fangs 2, Scene 6

The curvaceously dangerous Nikki Benz is the leader of a house full of horny vampires. Immortality has given these ladies an incredible thirst for blood and an insatiable appetite for sex! They have been preying on men for centuries and continue to create schemes to lure their victims into their lair. This year, the ladies host a spooky Halloween party that will supply plenty of men to feast on, with a big orgy surprise at the end of the night!

Abigail Mac 在 'does good deeds!'

Abigail Mac - does good deeds!

Oh man, do we got a treat for you! This babe is fucking STACKED! Perfect rack, big ol' butt and a juicy pussy that's begging for a good fucking. This sexy white girl goes by the name, Abigail Mac, and she is all about getting fucked hard and deep throating big dicks. Don't hate the playa, hate the game! Watch her get dicked down from behind, while those big titties bounce around and she's moaning with great joy!. Fuck yeah! Abigail Mac is the real deal man! Hardcore all throughout, Bangbros style!

Abigail Mac 在 'Flesh Hunter 13'

Abigail Mac - Flesh Hunter 13

Abigail Mac has a present for her husband, Jessy Jones, and that present is the sexy slut, Amia Miley. Mac has picked out a hot, strappy outfit for Miley and proceeds to touch, tease, and taste her while she preps for hubby to come home. She gets Miley nice and wet and sends sexy pictures to Jones in anticipation. It's his lucky day when he comes home and these two slutty brunettes are Jones-ing for cock! They double team him with their mouths and he takes turn on their little pussies while they lick each other. It's every man's dream and this one COMES true, all over their beautiful faces...

Anikka Albrite 在 'Anikka's Bootycise'

Anikka Albrite - Anikka's Bootycise

Ass-blessed blonde Anikka Albrite and hot bikini brunette Abigail Mac are ready for a session of anus-expanding 'bootycise' -- both have butt plugs inserted. Each sucks the other's plug ass-to-mouth and each deeply tongues bunghole (making eye contact with the camera). They make out in an inflatable pool full of balloons, eat gummy candies from pink sphincters and share them mouth-to-mouth. The girls pour oil all over each other and caress glistening butts. The grease lubricates bald pussy fingering, butt plug play and a gorgeously captured ass-to-ass fuck with a slick, thick double-headed dildo. Abigail rides Anikka's strap-on as Anikka slaps her tits, orgasmic wails echoing. The marathon climaxes with passionate, oil-slathered lovemaking.

Nikki Benz 在 'swallows that big black snake'

Nikki Benz - swallows that big black snake

Nikki Benz is back motherfuckers!!!!!! This time around she stopped by to get her big black cock fix!!! Nikki is hot dime piece who's been in the porno game for quite some time. This chick is not afraid of getting drilled by the monstrous anaconda. Our boy Lex pounds that phat pussy till busting all over her face and huge tits. Nikki loved every single inch of that huge black dick. NOTHING CAN STOP THIS NYMPHOMANIAC!! Prepare yourself for interracial fucking at its finest, as Nikki Benz swallows that big black snake. THIS IS MONSTERS OF COCK MOTHERFUCKAS!!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ana Does Anal'

Ana Foxxx - Ana Does Anal

Statuesque Ana Foxxx brings her stunning body to HardX, reuniting with Mick Blue for some amazing anal action!

Aiden Ashley 在 'Kiss and caress'

Aiden Ashley - Kiss and caress

Abigail Mac stepped into her roommate's, Aiden Ashley, room to let her know she was headed to the mall. Aiden Ashley notice that Abigail was wearing one of her shirts, and made her take it off before she left. Abigail most likely did this on purpose because she knew how horny Aiden was. Either way, dressed like she was, Abigail was looking to hook up one way or another. If her nipples were any harder they would of ripped right through the shirt. She had some serious side boob action as well. Everything about the shirt screamed I want to get laid. She got want she want as Aiden did what any of us would do which was grab Abigail and not let go. They locked lips and what clothes remained came off. Of course neither one of them were wearing panties because when you live with a girls that love to eat pussy there is just no reason to have them on. These two vixens got on each other like syrup and pancakes. They were hot and sticky. After this pussy munching session Abigail probably didn't make it to the mall if she even attempted to go in the first place.

Abigail Mac 在 'Here To Please'

Abigail Mac - Here To Please

You couldn't expect Aspen Rae to focus on teaching Abigail Mac how to play the guitar when she's sitting close enough to feel the flush of sexual desire pass over her in a hot wave. Mid-way through her lesson, Abigail responded to the sexual tension in the air and leaned forward to touch her skin. Once they connected, the hot lesbian sex followed naturally, and Abigail found herself motorboating Aspen's beautiful boobs. Abigail dove down and licked Aspen's clit, eating her pussy with fast, hard licks that left Aspen moaning with pleasure. The hot lesbian sex continued with a mutual masturbation and scissoring, until both ladies worked themselves to the dizzying height of another intense orgasm.

Ana Foxxx 在 '2 Cute 4 Porn 02'

Ana Foxxx - 2 Cute 4 Porn 02

Black beauty Ana Foxxx moves seductively in lacy white lingerie, showing pierced navel and a natural, beautifully trim bod. She soaks and plays naked in a milk bath, with striking visuals of her dark figure wallowing in liquid white. Ana and director/stud Manuel Ferrara make out; he fingers and eats he holes and squeezes her nipple. She perches over him for intense 69, her fellatio making lewd noises as slobber floods his balls. The dirty cutie deeply tongues his asshole. Manuel masturbates Ana as he fucks her to sweaty, gasping reverie. She sits on his face for cunnilingus and blows him, pussy-to-mouth. A manhandling fuck includes choking, anal fingering and rimming; a massive facial leaves Ana heavily masked in sperm, and laughing cutely.

Abigail Mac 在 'Smoking Hot White Girl!'

Abigail Mac - Smoking Hot White Girl!

In this update you get to see Abigail Mac get fucked in many positions. This girl's ass is amazing. So amazing she had Mike curling his toes while riding the dick. Pussy gripping the dick so tight, it had Mike busting a nut more than once. Abigail Mac clearly knows what she's doing. Enjoy!

Abigail Mac 在 'A Wife's Affair: Part Five'

Abigail Mac - A Wife's Affair: Part Five

Last time you were here we saw Abigail get a devastating phone call from her husband Manolo telling her everything's gone under, and that as long as they're together they'll be ok. Vanessa is now faced with the challenge of keeping Abigail in her life. Days later, the collectors came for Abi's cars, the furniture, the house, and everything. Vanessa is sad to hear these developments, trying to help Abi through this tough time, but power has begun to get under her skin. Abigail's not the rich housewife she once was, and somehow the life Vanessa and Abigail have been leading up until now is on the rocks. Vanessa reassures Abigail she will take care of her, but how she'll do this remains to be seen. Meanwhile Charlotte is on her way back to the house, to steer Vanessa and Abi's lives in a new, darker direction.Vanessa spills the news, and Charlotte brushes it off like salt. It's Charlotte that holds the cards that will change the game. Charlotte has found a way to open a new club, and Vanessa has been selected to manage it under Ms. Summer's business. When Abigail rolls up in a beater she runs to Vanessa's arms to find Charlotte milking her to raise the bar. Abigail is like a furious tiger, bounding dopily through Charlotte's dark jungle. Vanessa explains the entire situation. They can finally leave their husbands. Abigail knowing she's in a tight situation can't do anything but follow Vanessa to France and start the new lesbian sex club.But first, Charlotte has some training to do. Abigail and Vanessa need a crash course in 'following protocol' Charlotte gives the direction, and Abigail, with nothing to lose follows without hesitation. Charlotte joins them and before long we see the three of them moaning, writhing and pussy eating their way from one to the other. Abigail has her eyes open through the whole thing, determined to make sure she's Vanessa's top sub.

Nikki Benz 在 'Lex Turns Evil 04'

Nikki Benz - Lex Turns Evil 04

Thick-lipped Nikki Benz has an ass like twin basketballs; pretty Romi Rain's tats show through her hooker dress. They dance outdoors, exposing naked holes. Stud Lexington Steele whips out his black 11-incher right in front of the neighbor's house, and the shameless lovelies kneel to blow him, spit flowing. Inside, mouth kissing leads to cocksucking and cunnilingus. Lex fucks Nikki into a frenzy as Romi masturbates Nikki's clit. Romi rides Lex's meat and both girls suck dick pussy-to-mouth -- one works the shaft, one laps the ball sac. As each slut gets hammer-fucked, the other sits on her face in a physical mash-up. The dirty-talking, orgasmic threesome climaxes with the ladies swapping spunk mouth-to-mouth.

Nikki Benz 在 'Lex Turns Evil 4'

Nikki Benz - Lex Turns Evil 4

Thick-lipped Nikki Benz has an ass like twin basketballs; pretty Romi Rain's tats show through her hooker dress. They dance outdoors, exposing naked holes. Stud Lexington Steele whips out his black 11-incher right in front of the neighbor's house, and the shameless lovelies kneel to blow him, spit flowing. Inside, mouth kissing leads to cocksucking and cunnilingus. Lex fucks Nikki into a frenzy as Romi masturbates Nikki's clit. Romi rides Lex's meat and both girls suck dick pussy-to-mouth -- one works the shaft, one laps the ball sac. As each slut gets hammer-fucked, the other sits on her face in a physical mash-up. The dirty-talking, orgasmic threesome climaxes with the ladies swapping spunk mouth-to-mouth.

Romi Rain 在 'Big Tit Bombshells'

Romi Rain - Big Tit Bombshells

Huge-titted brunette MILF bombshell Romi Rain teases horny stud Mick Blue with her giant jugs, wetting down her fishnet- and T-shirt-clad chest with a hose, and squeezing his face between her fat boobs. Mick coats the tattooed slut with oil, and Romi treats his throbbing shaft to a sloppy, deep-throat blow job and a greasy tit wank. Soon he's exploring her pussy and tender asshole with fingers, toys and his massive boner. Finally Mick showers Romi's round hooters with creamy cum.

Cadence Lux 在 'Pussy pairing'

Cadence Lux - Pussy pairing

Candence Lux had the pleasure to live with Abigail Mac for some time. While she was there, she could not contain her inner desire to sniff Abigail's panties. She waited for her to leave and got a face full panties while she rubbed her pussy. This time she got busted right in the middle of a intimate panties session. Abigail got home earlier then expected and walked in on her roomy with a face full of panties and soaked hand. At first Abigail was upset, but soon turned this incident into a great opportunity to fulfill her own naughty fantasy. She made a move on Candence which was the best move since they moved in together. They licked and kissed each until the panties were nice and moist. They swapped the panties like they were a sweet delicacy. What could have been a strange and uncomfortable incident turned into a fantasy come true.

Abigail Mac 在 'Deception Scene 4'

Abigail Mac - Deception Scene 4

Detective Alicia Wallace (Asa Akira) is a valuable and respected officer on the LAPD… until her husband is murdered. With a crime hitting so close to home and no leads in sight, accusations begin to fly. Even her own partner suspects something is amiss. When an escaped criminal resurfaces, no one is prepared for just how deep the deception runs.

Abigail Mac 在 'A Wife's Affair: Part Four'

Abigail Mac - A Wife's Affair: Part Four

When Abigail came to join Vanessa at Ms. Summer's house, Abigail went straight for the kill. Vanessa so fluidly showed Abigail the living room, kitchen, and dining areas, but today they finally quite fucking long enough to make it to the back yard. Vanessa is in love with Ms. Summer's Back yard, with the beautiful pool, and hot tub. But for her, showing Abigail the lesbian sex that's waiting there for her is the real treat. Vanessa lies back and just soaks in Abigail's slick tongue worship.When Vanessa is done with her first orgasm she gives toy Abigail a passionate kiss, before challenging Abi to a game of racquet ball. Whoever wins gets their pussy eaten. What better way to make the best of a day than have sex games all day long. Vanessa turns Abigail against the glass and writhes her way down Abigail's behind, to find her way to Abi's fresh, horny pussy. The reverb in the Racquetball room sends moaning throughout the entire mansion. Vanessa hears Abigail screaming and it makes her want to tongue her tiny clit even harder pushing Abi's breasts pressed against the glass. When evening comes they make their way to India's bedroom, where they finish their weekend with a climatic acrobatic fuck. See Abigail eat Vanessa inside out using plenty of saliva to lube her up. We see some of the most incredible scissoring, and some incredible 69 that leave neither one un-licked. Abi's phone rings in the heat of things, and soon the ringing becomes so incessant that it interrupts Vanessa's repeat pussy licking. When Abi finally picks up, Manolo is on the other end, with some news that is guaranteed to knock Abi down a few rungs. Will it finally be time to let their secret out?

Abigail Mac 在 'A Wife's Affair: Part Three'

Abigail Mac - A Wife's Affair: Part Three

Vanessa is nearly start-struck when she is asked to housesit for Ms. Summer while Charlotte is doing important business in the south of France. Vanessa can't help but drool over Ms. Summer's beautiful mansion, but when things get a bit lonesome and boring Vanessa calls up Abigail. Abigail knows what's up, and is hesitant to let Vanessa know what she really thinks. When Vanessa brags about Ms. Summer's home, Abigail is defensive, sticking up for herself and her own gorgeous house. Vanessa isn't stupid, and before long she gets the idea that Abigail is jealous. In a bid to help Abigail through her fears, Vanessa invites Abigail to get a look for herself.When Abigail arrives she can't help pouncing on Vanessa, making sure she knows how much she missed her. Abigail licks Vanessa's long neck, and instantly Vanessa is reminded why Abigail deserves all her affection. Vanessa has seen the house, so knows exactly where to fling herself to entice Abigail to strip her bra off and suck her big tits. Abigail demands that Vanessa peel off her panties and play with her pussy with her wet fingers. Abigail puts herself on the back of Ms. Summer's couch and asks Vanessa to devour her pussy. Abigail wants her husband to smell Vanessa on her pussy when he gets home.Abigail knows Vanessa is the best pussy eater she knows, and it doesn't take long before Vanessa's moaning into her pussy has her writhing against Vanessa's beautiful face until she cums on Vanessa's mouth. Abigail is hungry, so they go to find some strawberries, which obviously mean they are not done. Vanessa wants Abigail to feed her strawberries, and we see Abigail rub the berries over Vanessa's perky nipples, and share the berries in a passionate kiss. Soon Vanessa is screaming from Abigail's expert pussy eating. But that's not all. Soon Abigail forces Vanessa to answer her questions. Abigail suspects Vanessa of cheating on her, but these sneaking suspicions are something that fade in the sounds of more moaning and expert pussy licking.

Romi Rain 在 'and Tyler Nixon in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Romi Rain - My Friend's Hot Girl

Tyler is looking for his friend, but he only finds his friend's girl, Romi, home. Romi asks Tyler for some help with the sun tan lotion. Things get a little heated while the lotion is being applied and Tyler and Romi end up fucking.

Daisy Summers 在 'Lady lust'

Daisy Summers - Lady lust

Abigail Mac took her friend Daisy Haze Summers out for a wild ladies night because it was long over due, moreover Daisy broke away from her man shackles. Daisy was single again and refreshed from the night before. She was bright eyed with hard nipples. She was excited to finally have Abigail all to herself as Abigail felt the same way. Both of these two sexy girls were hungry, but it wasn't for your typical breakfast. They wanted to devour each other. They locked lips after they realized they shared the same feelings for each. The cloths were spread out through the kitchen to the den. They both released some pent up horniness. They went at it like it was their first and only chance to fuck each other.

Abigail Mac 在 'Fitness Model Loves Big Black Dick'

Abigail Mac - Fitness Model Loves Big Black Dick

Stunning wife Abigail has been all left alone on vacation because her husband has to work until he can join her. She meets a hot black man at the bar and her pussy has been yearning for cock for far too long. She isn't sure she is going to be able to take a big black dick but she's about to find out! She looks unbelievable as she gets out of the pool, wet and horny, and wastes no time in showing Flash her fantastic assets! She can't get enough of his huge black cock and gets it as deep into her throat as she can handle. When he dips it deep in her wet pussy, she can't believe how it fills her up. She screams loudly as he pumps hard into her from all angles. This sensational scenario ends with her gorgeous face covered in cum, and Abigail hoping for much more before her husbands arrival!

Romi Rain 在 'Monster Cock Vs Romi Rain'

Romi Rain - Monster Cock Vs Romi Rain

Monsters of Cock!!!! Hell Yeah!! Romi Rain stops by this week to get her monster cock fix. Romi is one hot piece of ass! She has a pair of big ass tits, a perfectly round ass, and a dick ready to suck a dick dry. She came ready to try on that monster cock. Romi took a big black cock bigger than her forearm!! This chick don't play, she loves the cock, all of them!!

Abigail Mac 在 'Soft Lips'

Abigail Mac - Soft Lips

Aspen should have known better than to show up to her appointment at the mechanic's without the means to pay for her repairs. But she lucked out that her mechanic Abigail was willing to take her payment in a steamy bout of hot lesbian sex. Abigail bent Aspen over the hood of the car, gently spanking her ass and licking between her legs from behind. Her intense oral skills has Aspen gasping with surprise, and riding the wave of pleasure until she came with Abigail's tongue on her clit. Abigail took off her shirt, so Aspen could lick at her nipples, before jumping on a shelf and spreading her legs to have her pussy fingered intensely, until her legs shook with the power of an intense orgasm.

Allie Haze 在 'Triple BJs'

Allie Haze - Triple BJs

Leggy, adorable Allie Haze, busty, exotic Romi Rain and sassy superslut Chanel Preston are an oral dream team of wanton cocksucking. These gorgeous girls are ready to apply their talented mouths to the huge cock of lucky director Mike Adriano. The sexy trio spreads their plump, soft asses, submitting to lewd tongue inspections, before slathering Mike's massive shaft and balls with dripping saliva in a nasty, messy, close-up triple blow job -- with wet bunghole-rimming and a sloppy, cum-swapping finish!

Simone Sonay 在 'Big Tipper'

Simone Sonay - Big Tipper

Hot MILF customer Simone Sonay pervs out on sexy barista Ana Foxxx every time she buys her latte. When the opportunity to get Ana alone presents itself, Simone takes full advantage with spanking, flogging, finger banging and pussy strap-on fucking. Simone makes Ana service her with pussy licking and a multiple orgasmic pussy and anal strap-on!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ebony Barbie Squirts On Massive Cocks And Begs For More!!'

Ana Foxxx - Ebony Barbie Squirts On Massive Cocks And Begs For More!!

The very first second that Ana clicks on the vibrator her body twitches and purrs as she massages her beautiful-pink-swollen clit with delight. When the first machine penetrates her tight pussy, the only thing that can silence her ecstasy is another cock deep throating her mouth again and again. In doggie she squirts all over the machine and only begs for more. And more is what she gets as The Monster pounds her pussy until she is breathless and cum drunk.

Ana Foxxx 在 'It's A Small World'

Ana Foxxx - It's A Small World

Feeling free with no worries in the world, Allie Rae enjoys her time alone bathing in the sun nude, rubbing her flawless body with oil. Meanwhile, Ana Foxxx walks into Allie's house, looking for her friends as she was told there was a party happening. Wandering around the house, she notices Allie outside by the pool .Ana Knocks on the door, startling Allie. Allie jumps up, swearing through the door asking what in the hell Ana was doing in her house. Ana apologizes, explaining that she was under the impression there was a pool party here. Allie makes it clear she has no idea what Ana was talking about and demands she leaves before she calls the cops. Allie retracts her awful attitude and offers Ana some hospitality.Allie asks Ana about her family, but Ana was more concerned why Allie mentioned she didn't have any black friends. Allie felt embarrassed not knowing how to answer, even though she knew Teanna Trump but weren't really friends. Sitting together on the couch, they realized they had a lot more in common than expected, regardless of their background. Allie realizing she had nothing but a towel covering her naked body felt uneasy, but Ana encouraged Allie to show her nipples since they were both girls. Allie never seeing a black girl or any girl naked was taken back. Ana wanted to know if Allie ever had sex and Allie confessed she never had sex before. Ana proposed that she can teach Allie and show her things and since Allie's parents were away on vacation, this seemed like the perfect opportunity.Ana Foxxx undresses and initiates Allie with a little make out session. Allie was feeling a little nervous but Ana promised she was going to be good to her and make her feel really great. Allie sits on the top end of her couch, spreading her legs exposing her luscious pussy for Ana to indulge her face into. Ana lays Allie down placing her pussy in her mouth, touching her first moka pussy for the first time. Watch Ana and Allie perform sexual favors and more only here on WEBYOUNG.COM!

Shyla Jennings 在 'The Business of Women Part Four: Taking the Bait'

Shyla Jennings - The Business of Women Part Four: Taking the Bait

The affairs and inner workings of India's business have been weakened to a fresh vow, the vow between Ms. Summer and her sub Samantha must be solidified. Samantha must give up all control to her mistress India, and India makes it clear that the future of her business hinges on one important pact, never to be broken. Once this pact is made Samantha can get to work, learning bondage under India's expert tutelage.Meanwhile, vigilante dom. Ms. Veracruz is being chauffeured on her quest to find Shyla Jennings, Ms. Summer's runaway daughter. It's not long before Ms. Veracruz finds her and initiates her plan for seduction. Shyla is unwittingly innocent to the inner workings of Vanessa's work. Within minutes Shyla is convinced to join Ms. Veracruz against her stepmother, taking her own vow of submission to Ms. Veracruz, and relishing the idea of putting India in the most vulnerable position.Shyla's initiation begins immediately with the help of menial Abigail, who gives Shyla the ropes, showing Shyla that Vanessa is token object requiring all her doting energy. Shyla agrees to their pact, and gets started with her training immediately following her ceremonious acquisition. Ms. Veracruz peels off her constricting garments and orders her subs to show her why they live. For her pleasure.Ms. Veracruz' network proves useful, when Abigail conspires with Charlotte to set up a meeting for Vanessa's newest prot?g? Shyla that the innocent and corruptible Samantha would never think of refusing. To be continued...

Romi Rain 在 'POV Juggfuckers 6'

Romi Rain - POV Juggfuckers 6

Glamorous, busty brunette Romi Rain poses in fishnets and see-through bikini underwear, showing tan skin, tiny waist and a pierced navel. She pours oil all over her big, jutting globes and wallows in a mess of whipped cream, which she licks off of her nipples. Director Jonni Darkko sucks sweet, creamy nipples and sticks his prick in her cleavage for a grease- and drool-soaked titty fuck. Romi slobbers on her boobs in a blow job shot POV-style. Smiling, she laps Jonni's shaved nut sac. The dark-eyed beauty throttles his meat with her oily fun bags. Deep-throat cocksucking trashes her make-up; spit floods her face and nostrils. Romi kneels for a cum facial, and juicy white wads spray her tongue, nose and forehead.

Abigail Mac 在 'Abigail Loves Zoey'

Abigail Mac - Abigail Loves Zoey

Hello Girlsway Fans! My name is Abigail Mac, and today I wanted to share with you a little secret I've been waiting to fulfill for the longest time. I have this incredible fantasy with Zoey Monroe. She fills up my ass until I can't take it anymore and puts a vibrator on my clit and then she fucks me with so deep and hard with a toy in my pussy. I can't stop thinking about her doing all of these things to me. I can't wait to go down on her and taste her sweet pussy covered in wetness...I really want to realize this fantasy that haunts me every night. What do you think?

Nikki Benz 在 'gets a dirty face'

Nikki Benz - gets a dirty face

Nikki Benz is back... with a vengeance! This deadly dame is ready to take on some hard black cock. A Private detective, looking for some public dick! This brunette bombshell knows how to please a man, lighting her cigarette and blowing smoke as she sucks and fucks. Nothing can stop this badass nymphomaniac! Prepare for hardcore interracial banging! Nikki always gets what she wants!

Gabriella Ford 在 'Kiss it'

Gabriella Ford - Kiss it

Gabriella was all wrapped up in bed when Abigail came strutting in. She was in her bikini and ready to hit the beach. She tried to get Gabriella out of bed but couldn't budge her. Gabriella had other plans in mind which included Abigail's sexy bikini body. She told Abigail that she would be taken good care of if she was to join her in bed. A few sexy smiles and kisses later the bikini was on the floor with nipples hard and teased. These two tan bunnies were hot for each other. You could feel the chemistry between them, as they got in between each others legs. With so much energy spent on such a sexy morning they just cuddled and forgot about everything else.

Abigail Mac 在 'The Business of Women Part Three: The Secret'

Abigail Mac - The Business of Women Part Three: The Secret

India's employees have never lasted long. We know Charlotte is on her way out. India's don't ask, don't tell policy means that she doesn't need to do the dirty work of firing her girls. Vanessa Veracruz knows this process all too well. Having been crossed off India's list herself, she waits in the wings for the day she will finally exact her revenge on India, and her harem, once and for all.Charlotte's precision knowledge of India's inner workings proves useful for mastermind Vanessa and the doting and menial Abigail, whose massage techniques are always put to good use. Ms. Veracruz spins a plan so vicious that it will result in India's inevitable ruin. Vanessa learns that India has a secret daughter who has run away from home because she isn't getting the attention she deserves. Vanessa is determined to hit India where it hurts and find Shyla, aiming to turn her to her side.Abigail's touch becomes too much for Vanessa, but she has stress to relieve. Vanessa orders Abigail to worship her like the goddess she is, and without skipping a beat, Abigail gets to work, pleasing Vanessa one body part at a time. Abigail answers simply, 'Yes, Ms. Veracruz,' as she feels her way, blinded, around Vanessa's perfect, seraphic body. Make no mistake; Vanessa is woman who knows her business and never fails to get the girls, or pleasure she wants.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Panty Fucking 4'

Ana Foxxx - Panty Fucking 4

Gorgeous Ana loves showing off her cute panties in public. After a day out shopping for new underwear she gets home to give Ryan a look. He doesn't even bother taking them off before burying his face in her snatch. After fucking Ana's face she bounces that delicious black booty on his cock for a healthy dose of cum in her pussy.

Romi Rain 在 'The Brotherload 7'

Romi Rain - The Brotherload 7

Romi Rain one big black cock is not enough. This petite big busted brunette is pool side, and she wants you to see her perfectly big tits and ass as she is thinking about being fucked by Princes big black cock. In no time Romi Rain is giving him a one hell of a blow job, in return he give this dirty whore what she's been waiting for, and that's a pounding from his massive size cock in her tight wet pussy.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Our New Family Part Two: Sexy Sister'

Ana Foxxx - Our New Family Part Two: Sexy Sister

Anna Foxxx reflects on her bed, going over all the new changes in her life. These changes had Ana ponder whether her new adjustments would be a bad or good thing. See, Ana's step mom, having raised her her entire life, recently married which also meant she had a new step sister by the name Teanna Trump. Not only was this a life changer, but today, Ana was going to experience something with Teanna she would have never expected.Teanna knocks on Ana's door, sits down and shares with her about how happy she was having a new step mom and a step sister which meant she was ready to have a talk with Ana's mother about sex. Ana thought it would be better they talk about it rather than her step mother. Teanna wasn't sure that Ana would be the best tutor in that field, until Ana admits having sexual intercourse with her step mother. Teanna was so intrigued and wanted to know more about Ana's lesbian experience. Ana was more than happy to show her everything her mother taught her. After all, they were family now.Ana takes Teanna's hand, bringing her into the bathroom where they can be alone. The bath is filled with warm water ready for them to play. Ana rubs Teanna's shoulders making her tingle with goose bumps. Ava washes Teanna's breasts and stomach where water trickles down Teanna's pussy. Ana sprays hard water over Teanna's pussy, making her clitoris harder until she moans and quivers. Ana goes to her knees, spreading her sister's legs, teasing Teanna's clit with the tip of her fingers. Both girls are so eager to be naughty as Ana licks Teanna's pussy lips eating her out experiencing multiple orgasms. Teanna wants to please her sister, so eager to lick Ana's shaved pussy. Ana is filled with sexual emotion, spreading her ass for Teanna to lick every inch. Teanna was successful in giving Ana a pleasing orgasm, where they both pledge to satisfy one another on a very regular basis. Hopefully, their step mother can join in on the fun and really show them a thing or two!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Our New Family Part One: Trusting Mommy'

Ana Foxxx - Our New Family Part One: Trusting Mommy

Being introduced to a whole new way of life, Ana foxxx helps her step mother, Misty Stone unpack and settle into their new home. Ana is bummed out, with all these new changes happening so quickly, she becomes overwhelmed and feels helpless. Ana's father married Misty after her mother died, but soon after, Ana's father left them feeling grief of marrying too soon after. Misty believed that remarrying someone else was the best way for them to be a family again and to start over fresh. But Ana needs positive reinforcement from her step mom in fear of being abandoned again.Still pouting on the couch, Ana is still a little upset with all these new adjustments. Misty sits down with Ana to find out what's really going on with her. Ana confesses that all the girls at school talk about sex and have cool stories to share, but she doesn't and feels left out. Ana wants to gain experience in the know-how so she can be just as popular. Misty suggests Ana finds a girlfriend whom she could trust and experiment with but Ana doesn't see anyone at school that would fit. Misty comes to the conclusion that her and Ana share this experience together, so their love can strengthen during these hard times. Ana is hesitant at first because Misty is her step mom, but mommy knows best and who else can you trust more than your mom?Misty gently kisses Ana on her lips, comforting her daughter with her loving words. Ana feels confident in trusting her mother allowing Misty to fondle her breasts and using her fingers to excite Ana's pussy. Misty ensures Ana that it's OK to feel the way she does. Petting Ana's pussy through her panties, Misty rubs her daughter's outer lips making Ana moan for more. Misty instructs Ana to remove her clothing, wanting to feel her daughter's fingers over her lower lips. Doing everything her mother asks of her, Misty places her pussy right on Ana's face and demands that she fucks it. Misty screams with intensity as she reaches climax but she is not done showing her daughter all there is to know just yet. As they position themselves in a 69, Misty orders Ana to pleasure her again by licking and stretching out her clit. Misty orders her daughter to cum all over her mouth until she herself cannot control another orgasm. Misty makes it very clear that what they both experienced was something not to be shared with anyone else, not her new step father, or her step sister. Will Ana keep that promise or will she go behind her mother's back looking to learn more and exciting new things with her new family?

Romi Rain 在 'Top Notch Anal'

Romi Rain - Top Notch Anal

Super-busty, lingerie-clad Romi Rain is back in action, and this plush, curvaceous slut wants some anal loving from notorious porn pervert Mike Adriano. Mike snakes his tongue between the cheeks of Romi's huge ass, rimming her tender butthole. She obediently gags on the director's fat member, slobbering into a glass. She tongues his bunghole and wraps her enormous titties around Mike's throbbing shaft. This voluptuous slut gets fucked in all holes. She enjoys an anal speculum inspection and an oral cum shot.

Romi Rain 在 'and Johnny Castle in I Have a Wife'

Romi Rain - I Have A Wife

Romi Rain picks up on Johnny while his wife is busy getting a massage. Romi takes advantage of this and bangs Johnny before his wife finishes her massage.

Nikki Benz 在 'Mr. and Mrs. Benz'

Nikki Benz - Mr. and Mrs. Benz

Sweet and innocent housewife, Nikki Benz, is a secret assassin with the deadliest curves known to man! Her husband is a regular guy, or so she thought because he's also an assassin! It's kill or be killed as these two battle it out, but with each shot their adrenaline brings them closer to their horny honeymoon memories. With no secrets left, they engage in the best sex of their lives and then some.

Romi Rain 在 'Welcome Home'

Romi Rain - Welcome Home

Busty mature brunette gives her man a 'Welcome Home' fuck

Ana Foxxx 在 'A Hot Stroll Down the Boulevard'

Ana Foxxx - A Hot Stroll Down the Boulevard

Roxy and I took a nice walk down the boulevard scoping out the scenery and each other. She looked so hot I couldn't get my head out of the gutter. We have a stroll down some side streets where she kept teasing me her through the camera. But all this teasing was making sexually frustrated, so we decided to go back to the hotel and take advantage of the beautiful weather some other time. When we got back to the hotel, the A/C felt so nice on our hot bodies. Roxy Rox took out her laptop to record our lesbian experience. We both undressed and Roxy showed me her nice pink pussy. It looked so yummy. I passed the Camera to Roxy so I can eat her out. We took turns pleasuring one another. I could tell you more, but we turned on the laptop to record the entire thing!Roxy Rox and Ana Foxx

Dani Daniels 在 '2 Chicks Same Time'

Dani Daniels - 2 Chicks Same Time

Dani Daniels & Nikki Benz are trying things on for their lingerie party and need Derrick's advice. Derrick is in heaven watching two hot girl's change. Apparently, not only did they need his opinion, they also needed his cock.

Nikki Benz 在 'Pussy Domination, Nikki Benz vs Prince'

Nikki Benz - Pussy Domination, Nikki Benz vs Prince

One of the things on Nikki's wish list was to do a scene with Prince Yashua. Well Bang Bros never disappoints. We made her wish come true. We present to you, Nikki Benz vs Prince Yashua. Together for the first time!! Come watch Prince tear that legend pussy up!

Abigail Mac 在 'Abigail Loves Dana'

Abigail Mac - Abigail Loves Dana

Hey guys, its Abigail Mac and I want to tell you about something that I keep on fantasizing about over and over. You know, I have done a few scenes for and there's one girl that I have on my mind in particular. Her name is Dana DeArmond. I know that she could just dominate me, fuck me like no one ever would. I really want to take my anal experience to the next level. She's so experienced and she knows exactly what she's doing, especially when it comes to Anal. And I just want her to fuck me until I just can't take it anymore. Do you want to watch that?

Nikki Benz 在 'Bullet 2 The Top, Scene 5'

Nikki Benz - Bullet 2 The Top, Scene 5

Tony, a convict released from prison is ready to regain his power, wealth and appetite for women. He was the big shot in Spain, but in LA, he's no one. He's craving the luxurious lifestyle and the money to make girls do anything for him. As time passes and with each scandalous action, he becomes the head mobster in town, gaining the sexiest and most cum hungry trophy wife, Nikki Benz. He now owns LA, and with power, his wife and Dani Daniels please him to optimal pleasure! His new life is thrilling but everyone including the Feds is trying to take him down. Featuring A-list cast members including Nikki Benz, Julia Ann, Keisha Grey, Natalia Starr, Dahlia Sky, Dani Daniels and Sarah Jessie, and seven hardcore sex scenes.

Dani Daniels 在 'Bullet 2 The Top, Scene 7'

Dani Daniels - Bullet 2 The Top, Scene 7

Tony, a convict released from prison is ready to regain his power, wealth and appetite for women. He was the big shot in Spain, but in LA, he's no one. He's craving the luxurious lifestyle and the money to make girls do anything for him. As time passes and with each scandalous action, he becomes the head mobster in town, gaining the sexiest and most cum hungry trophy wife, Nikki Benz. He now owns LA, and with power, his wife and Dani Daniels please him to optimal pleasure! His new life is thrilling but everyone including the Feds is trying to take him down. Featuring A-list cast members including Nikki Benz, Julia Ann, Keisha Grey, Natalia Starr, Dahlia Sky, Dani Daniels and Sarah Jessie, and seven hardcore sex scenes.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ana Loves Natasha'

Ana Foxxx - Ana Loves Natasha

Hi, I'm Ana Foxxx, and I'm really excited to share another fantasy with you guys. I'm going to take what I learned with Phoenix and try it out with a really experienced girl, Natasha. She's really sexy and she has a hot accent. I really want to go first, maybe, and surprise her after kissing her for a while. I'll take whatever she gives me. This time I'm a lot more comfortable and I'm going to use bigger toys and make her really proud and excited to play with me. I can't wait to see what she's going to do when it's her turn. Maybe she'll take the same toys and show me what she can do with them, and I can't wait to see her freaky ways. I hope you guys enjoy this anal scene as much as I do.

Niki Skyler 在 'Kinky kisses'

Niki Skyler - Kinky kisses

The best way to raise the stakes while being competitive playing video games with pals is to make a friendly wager. In this one, the randy roomies Abigail, Ariana, and Niki decided to bet on who would have to take their top off if they lost. It was all a big excuse to drop their controllers and start pushing each others buttons. These ladies definitely leveled up and figured out their cheat codes for maximum pleasure. With roomies like these, who needs a boyfriend?

Samantha Saint 在 'Tongue In Cheek 03'

Samantha Saint - Tongue In Cheek 03

Curvaceous brunette model Abigail Mac is doing her utmost to please bitchy, big-boobed blonde clothing designer Samantha Saint. Abigail dolls up in one of Samantha's strappy, skin-tight dress and presents herself to her Amazon employer. However, Samantha makes it clear that the best way to keep her job in this tough economy is through a sensuous session of lesbian ass rimming and pussy worship! Young Abigail proves her value to the company, licking Samantha's fragrant, flavorful butthole with total dedication.

Abigail Mac 在 'Natasha Loves Abigail'

Abigail Mac - Natasha Loves Abigail

I don't know if you guys know this about me but, I've never had anal sex with a girl before. I'd want it to be with the classiest girl in the business, Abigail Mac. I want her, to just do anything that she wants to do to me. I could picture us totally being together, all over each other. Smacking my ass, rubbing my pussy, she would take whatever she wanted to take and, she would just stick it in my ass. I would scream and, she would lick me just to get my attention off of it. She would give me a toy to play with myself so, I would keep going and going. She would sit down, so I could lick her as well. Eating her pussy from the inside and out and then, she'd fuck my ass again. That would be nice ;)

Ana Foxxx 在 'beautiful doe eyed Blond gets Destroyed by a Dark Beauty'

Ana Foxxx - beautiful doe eyed Blond gets Destroyed by a Dark Beauty

Doe Eyed Blond Gets the fucking of a life time for a Beautiful Black Wrestler with Ridiculously strong legs.

Abigail Mac 在 'A Wife's Affair: Part One'

Abigail Mac - A Wife's Affair: Part One

Dear Girlsway members,My inspiration for this pilot came as the direct result of speaking with our fans. After asking what new scenarios they would be interested in, one of the most frequent replies were stories about married or 'taken' women. This excited me greatly and gave our production team many naughty ideas, including this first scene about a wife who cheats on her husband ...with another wife. We hope you enjoy and leave your feedback on what you liked, would improve and what you'd like to see us shoot in the future.xx BreeSynopsis:After years of being married to Manolo, Abigail Mac has become a bored and lonely house wife. With no meaningful conversation and no spark to make her feel truly desired, she has taken matters into her own hands and taken on new relationships ... with women. Times have also been rough for house wife Vanessa Veracruz too. Her husband works late nights and never opens himself up to be the vulnerable lover she desperately needs. When Abigail and Vanessa first became friends, they immediately felt that spark between them, but their husbands were holding them back.Since the day they first kissed it was as if instantly they knew that they couldn't be apart. They offer each other a true passion and chemistry that they've never felt before. So now, Abigail is done with her husband. She sits at home waiting for the minute he leaves to call Vanessa so she can sneak away to be naughty with her. Vanessa is less certain. Her husband, as dismissive as he his, still loves her, but will it be enough to compete with Abigail's sexual appetite and gorgeous body.Throughout their day together it becomes apparent how important they are to one another. With each orgasm, they show each other how much they can't stand to be apart. And, most importantly, they convince each other that there can be no husbands for them, only wives.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Yes Master - Ebony Boss Slut Gets the Tables Turned'

Ana Foxxx - Yes Master - Ebony Boss Slut Gets the Tables Turned

When bossy Ana Foxxx gets challenged by her office playmate, he turns the table and blackmails her with a video of them fucking on her bed. He fucks her so good that she submits to him completely. He ties her up in tight bondage and flogs her into submission.

Ana Foxxx 在 'and Scarlet Red - Zebra Girls'

Ana Foxxx - Zebra Girls

Volleyball practice has ended , but the fun times certainly haven't for Ana Foxxx and Scarlet Red. A late evening for both ladies eventually ends up in the bedroom where Scarlet Red is on Ana's menu. The Hitachi gets broken out and this girl-on-girl interracial lickfest goes to the next level. Ana's beautiful tongue gets Scarlett's juices nearly covering an extremely lucky bed. Ana's black box is next for some oral loving....and that's exactly what happens. Scarlet's mouth makes love to Ana's naughty place until her eyes roll back into her head. The ebony and ivory fuck-a-thon ends when both ladies quiver,shake and nearly pass out from this intense encounter

Ana Foxxx 在 'Pussy Whipped 03'

Ana Foxxx - Pussy Whipped 03

In a dungeon we find buxom blonde Carissa Montgomery looking hot in latex lingerie as she inspects her slave, leggy, longhaired black fox Ana Foxxx. Slutty Ana wears only a tiny, see-through one-piece. Carissa talks a nasty streak throughout the scene, bossing and berating Ana for being such a slut. Carissa strips trim Ana, flogs her pussy and chews the nipples on her little, natural tits -- preparing them for suction devices. Fingers and clothespins violate Ana's labia and vagina. Ana adds a vibrator and, when she has permission, wets herself in girl cum. Carissa applies a star wheel to Ana's nipples, then sits on her face as Ana laps Mistress cunt. There's fun with a glass toy. Ana gets pumped by a big dildo on the end of a power drill! Adding the vibe makes Ana howl in orgasm.

Romi Rain 在 'Manuel's Maximum Penetration'

Romi Rain - Manuel's Maximum Penetration

Romi Rain Big Tit Slut Gets Maximum Penetration. A dirty whore with big tits who can deep throat a cock; who could ask for anything more? From the epic MANUEL'S MAXIMUM PENETRATION Romi makes good use of Ramon Nomar taking his cock every which way possible. With a nasty attitude only found in the filthiest porn Romi Rain will make you beg for more. Don't miss this force of nature.

Phoenix Marie 在 'Ana Loves Phoenix'

Phoenix Marie - Ana Loves Phoenix

Hi, my name is Ana Foxxx, and I really want to tell you about this fantasy I've been having. I really want to try anal sex with a girl, and I've never done it before. I really want my first time to be with somebody pretty experienced, and maybe you guys have heard of her? Phoenix Marie? I really like the idea that she's really experienced, and I really want her to dominate me. I know Phoenix can be pretty aggressive but I hope she'll be gentle with me. I'm really excited just to see where it goes, and I want to just play with her! In my fantasy, it starts off with Phoenix showing me how much she can take, and I know she's really experienced so I'm going to study really hard, and learn a lot from her. And then, it's going to be my turn, and maybe she'll start with a tongue, or a finger. But I brought some toys with me, and I'm not really scared to let her use them. I bet you guys are really excited to watch me get my little butthole stretched out by Phoenix. I hope you guys really enjoy this, I'm doing it just for you.

Abigail Mac 在 'Tender Touch'

Abigail Mac - Tender Touch

As Ashely Sinclair emerges from a hot and steamy shower, her tender tan skin freshly clean, there's nothing she desires more than the tender touch of her lesbian lover Abigail Mac. Dropping her towel, she enticed her lover into erotic embrace, locking lips and legs as they brought each other to orgasm after orgasm. Sit back and take a gander as soft lips and gentle fingers explore every inch of two perfect tan and toned bodies, because after a shower, nothing quite beats getting dirty all over again.

Vanessa Veracruz 在 'Secret garden'

Vanessa Veracruz - Secret garden

Vanessa had hung out with Abigail for a coffee. When they met up, she told her that her boyfriend was really jealous from her flirting with Abigail the night before. Abigail had sneaked Vanessa her phone number, and now they were meeting up on the down low. It wasn't long before Abigail began kissing Vanessa. The action continued inside the house where they undressed each other and revealed those luscious bodies. Vanessa and Abigail licked each others hot pussies and assholes until they both climaxed several times. It was another great day of living together!

Nikki Benz 在 'Post Workout Fuck Fest with Step Mom'

Nikki Benz - Post Workout Fuck Fest with Step Mom

After getting home from the gym, Bella and Seth need to take a shower before heading to class. Unfortunately, Bella's Dad is a cock block and doesn't let other guys into the house, much less use the shower. Good thing her step mom, Nikki, is home. Horney Nikki peeps on Seth showering and can't help herself. She undresses and blows him, only to get caught by Bella. Nikki doesn't have to do much convincing for Bella to join in. What we have now is one hell of a fuck fest. Enjoy.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Jess Loves Nikki'

Jessica Jaymes - Jess Loves Nikki

Ask and you shall receive! Two of porns biggest stars Jessica Jaymes and Nikki Benz reunite to give you all what you've been asking for. This salt and pepper duo have your jaws immediately dropping as they dive head first in to each others gigantic soft tits and soaking wet pussy holes. These two porn pros know exactly what you want to see and deliver as always! It doesn't get any better than this watching these two top notch sluts fuck each other till their dripping wet cunts can't take any more! Thank you Nikki and Jessica...more,more,more!!!!

Abigail Mac 在 'Abigail Loves Romi'

Abigail Mac - Abigail Loves Romi

Hi, I'm Romi Rain, and I really wanted to tell you about a fantasy that I've always had. I've actually never played with a girl anally before, I've never had a girl in my butt. I've never really gotten to play so deeply with a girl either, in her butt. There's really only been one girl that I've had a real like attachment to and wanted to do everything with, and you might know her as Abigail Mac, this gorgeous little Italian girl. Her and I actually did my first girl/girl scene together. I think I was her second or third, so ever since then we've always had this really intense chemistry. We like to make each other cum. She asked me personally to be a part of her first anal scene and I couldn't say no! I mean I never agreed to it with anyone else before because I wanted to make sure it was right too, and Abigail, she was destined to be my first. What I love about Abigail is the way that we play off of each other. I tend to be a little bit more dirty and aggressive and she's very sensual and sweet but can turn into like this dirty little beast if you poke at her. She's one of those beautiful awesome girls who likes to be played with. She likes it when I smack her ass, she likes it when I spit deep inside of her pussy, she likes it when I grab her by the face and practically strangle her with my tongue and. Ugh I'm getting a little warm just thinking about it. We talked privately about what she wants me to do to her. She doesn't want me to take it easy on her, and I don't think I'm going to, and I'm going to make her scream inside my mouth. I'm going to swallow her cries of pleasure and I'm definitely going to make her cum out her ass. That's what she wants and gorgeous little Abigail deserves it. And I'm going to make her swallow up my asshole, I'm going to sit on her face until she can't breathe anymore. It's going to be intense. We like to envelope each other when we get together. It's going to be a little wild. I think there's going to be a lot of spit. I think there's going to be a lot of crying out. Maybe even a few marks. I've been known to leave a couple of marks on gorgeous little Abigail, but she's always smiling in the end so hopefully I can make her smile the biggest you've ever seen it, after I get outside of her butt.

Cosima Knight 在 'Sun Kissed On The Beach'

Cosima Knight - Sun Kissed On The Beach

The beach is my favorite place on earth but it just wouldn't be the same without my girl Cosima Knight. Sand can be a bit annoying too! Cosima was ready to take a shower, but I just wanted to see her get splashed one last time. When we got back to the showers, Cosima got all wet, and I started getting a bit warm in my bikini bottoms... the cold water of the shower did not help with that! The only thing I could think of to fix this feeling is a bit of intimacy back in our room. The feeling of our slippery soapy bodies just made me more and more horny. Just wait until you see the sex tape we came up with! Enjoy!From Ana Foxxx and Cosima Knight

Nikki Benz 在 'Nikki Goes Glam'

Nikki Benz - Nikki Goes Glam

Come see Nikki Benz play with her sweet wet pussy. This update is very hot and you don't want to miss it....Enjoy!

Jenna Sativa 在 'All i want for xxxmas'

Jenna Sativa - All i want for xxxmas

It was another Christmas holiday with hot girls. This time it was Jenna, Abigail and Vanessa, and they had a special gift unwrapping this year. It turned out that Vanessa had brought Jenna as a gift to Abigail. Abigail loved her sexy present and didn't waste anytime unwrapping her gift. They undressed Jenna and revealed that succulent body. The ladies began kissing, and soon after, they were all naked and looking very sexy. Jenna, Abigail and Vanessa licked each others pussies, and Vanessa bent over, as they licked her pussy and asshole. It was another great holiday of HOT girls living together!

Abigail Mac 在 'Abigail Loves Anikka'

Abigail Mac - Abigail Loves Anikka

Hey everyone, it's Abigail Mac. I want to tell you about this fantasy that I've been having. It's with one of my good friends, she's super super sexy. Her name is Anikka Albrite. Just thinking about her just makes me tingle and um, it's something I've never done before. It's something that I never had experienced or even tried. It's Anal. And, I mean I've never done anal before, but I feel like with her, and all of her experiences with it and her amazing round ass it would just be perfect. I mean I keep have these thoughts of her just touching me, and you know playing with my pussy and playing with my ass and she licks it and sticks her tongue deep in there and just makes me go crazy! I'm nervous, I don't know if I can even take anything in there but I don't know I kind of want to. I know I want to with her. I'm just so attracted to her. I can just see just her shoving that toy in me, and just me wanting it and wanting it more. I think it'd be so hot. I think it would feel really really good. I don't know though I mean would you guys want to see that?

Samantha Rone 在 'Girls grinding'

Samantha Rone - Girls grinding

Abigail and Samantha ordered sexy lingerie together, and it had just arrived in the mail. Abigail immediately tried hers on and was so turned on by how it felt, she had to call Samantha over right away. Samantha soon emerged from the bathroom looking absolutely stunning, and Abigail couldn't stop herself from kissing and caressing her. The girls moved to the bed, and the new outfits quickly come off, as they rubbed their bodies together. As tongues explored various orifices, the juices started to flow and the volume increased as the girls cried out through their climaxes.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Panty Pops 10'

Ana Foxxx - Panty Pops 10

Dark ebony cutie Ana Foxxx asks director Kevin Moore which of her extensive collection of panties is his favorite. The best way to get a decision is to model them one by one, and let Kevin rub his stiff dick in her fine, panty-covered booty crack. Ana kneels and slurps on her white boyfriend's hard boner. She tries on various pairs of undies until he splatters her chocolate cheeks with hot, creamy cum.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'The Wrestler Fans'

Jessica Jaymes - The Wrestler Fans

Welcome back to you all. Today's Spizoo update is off the chain. When pro wrestler Evan Stone is in distress after loosing his winning title, Jessica Jaymes and Nikki Benz are there to greet him in his private dressing room. These two wrestler groupie sluts are willing to do whatever it takes to make their all time favorite champion feel better. Evan takes complete advantage of their advances, having his way with every inch of their voluptuous bodies. Jessica and Nikki take Evan's gigantic cock in their wet mouths and holes….and he enjoys their huge tithes and tight as fuck pussies!

Abigail Mac 在 'Pussy Wide Open'

Abigail Mac - Pussy Wide Open

In an underground sex world, a masquerade ball is taking place with Abigail Mac's body as the prized possession. Her tantalizing legs and voluptuous breast are everyone's desires, because she's never been touched before. Witness her incredible first time as she handles the masked man's cock eagerly and to perfection.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ebony Submissive Fucked in Tight Bondage'

Ana Foxxx - Ebony Submissive Fucked in Tight Bondage

Bondage and Rough sex with Ana Foxxx

Staci Carr 在 'Fun buns'

Staci Carr - Fun buns

Abigail and Staci had a lunch date planned, so Staci was stopping by to pick her up. When Staci arrived, Abigail was still in her new tub enjoying herself. She had forgotten about their little date and insisted she just jump in the tub with her since she was looking so damn hot. It didn't take long for Staci to strip and jump right in the tub with her. Before long, Abigail had her hands all over her and was dying to jam her tongue right in her wet pussy. Don't miss out, as these two go crazy on each other then get out of the tub and continue the pussy munching, ass eating party. Super hot!

Monique Alexander 在 'swallows black cock'

Monique Alexander - swallows black cock

Monique Alexander is back, and she is ready to do her first interracial scene in years! This porn veteran loves a good challenge, and today she'll be taking on some MONSTER COCK! Prince Yashua will gladly assist, and make sure that her tight pussy and mouth get pounded hard! Hell yeah! Interracial hardcore fucking insanity! Watch this beautiful nympho receive the drilling of a lifetime. Enjoy!

Scarlet Red 在 'Told You It Was Easy'

Scarlet Red - Told You It Was Easy

At a party last week we had the perfect opportunity to catch a straight girl becoming a lesbian. There's nothing like converting a horny straight girl over to my side. I shoved my lesbian friend Alice into the closet with the camera and told her where to focus. I ran to get this girl I know who just broke up with her boyfriend at the same party! There's nothing like a furious straight girl after breaking up with a jerk to seduce. They're so malleable, in more ways than one. Let me tell you when we whipped out our beautiful tasty nipples and started to tease and suck each other's hungry pussies she really turned the passion on. It's almost like her whole life she'd been waiting for the right sex crazes lesbian to show her how easy lesbian sex is. And now, I've got the lesbian sex tape to prove it!From Abigail Mac and Scarlet Red

Nikki Benz 在 'Jungle Fever'

Nikki Benz - Jungle Fever

Nikki Benz Busty MILF Devours A Big Black Cock. Unlike most African viruses NIKI BENZ JUNGLE FEVER is not contagious and it's limited to one patient, Nikki. Antibiotics won't cure Nikki, the only thing that will is a dose of big black cock. Watch Nikki Benz cope with her sickness as only Nikki can, as a first class whore.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Full Throttle - Ebony Babe Suffers Beautifully'

Ana Foxxx - Full Throttle - Ebony Babe Suffers Beautifully

Sgt. Major wages war on hot ebony babe, with evil devices and torment.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Throat Training'

Ana Foxxx - Throat Training

Sultry, dark-mocha slut Ana Foxxx teases the camera with her slender, all-natural frame, excited about sucking on director Mike Adriano's big white boner. Ana makes nasty slurping sounds as she deep-throats the director's giant cock -- tears running down her cheeks and slobber dripping off her chin. Gasping and drooling, Ana finishes her sloppy, POV-style blow job with a mouthful of creamy cum.

Abigail Mac 在 'Girls And Their Toys'

Abigail Mac - Girls And Their Toys

Abigail Mac and Daisy Haze love munching on each others' snatch

Abigail Mac 在 'Dirty girls'

Abigail Mac - Dirty girls

After much talk, these two molten-hot vixens got together for a day from everybody else. They'd had a nice day out, and Abigail wanted to show Dani how much she appreciated it. She seductively eased her way closer to Dani and worked her lips to Dani's. They locked and made sure they both wanted what was going to come next. Once they got back to Abigail's apartment, the nipples got hard and panties got moist. Abigail licked Dani clean and made sure she was more than satisfied. Dani was definitely turned on from the sweet ass licking, so she returned the favor. These two made a sexy afternoon one hot day to remember!

Abigail Mac 在 'shows the Machines Who's The Boss!'

Abigail Mac - shows the Machines Who's The Boss!

Sexy, big tit babe fucked non-stop by machines. She cums and cums, clutching her pussy and rubbing her sensitive clit.

Abigail Mac 在 'Satisfy Me'

Abigail Mac - Satisfy Me

Ashley Sinclair was practicing piano in her lace panties, knowing that nothing turns on her woman Abigail Mac like a woman with nimble fingers. The gentle tones of the piano lured Abigail into the room, wearing some matching lingerie to accent her mouth-watering curves. The brunette beauties slowly peeled off each other's bras and panties, revealing creamy white skin, perfect pink nipples, and wet pussies aching to be touched. Abigail worshiped her lover's feet, sucking the toes and licking the soles until she couldn't help herself but lick Ashley's lovely pussy. Ashley's legs quivered with climax and then she returned the favor, rubbing her lover's swollen clit with erotic abandon.

Romi Rain 在 'Darkside sc6'

Romi Rain - Darkside sc6

Romi Rain Looking For Trouble With Public Sex. They could get in big trouble. Fucking outside, in public, may be thrilling but the consequences could be severe. From ROMI RAIN DARKSIDE comes a tale of daring, a tale of flouting authority, an out in public copulation by two miscreants too excited to wait for privacy. Watch.

Monique Alexander 在 'and Nicole Aniston in Naughty Office'

Monique Alexander - Naughty Office

There's a costume party going on at the office. Monique and Nicole dress up in their most revealing costumes. This doesn't fly well with their boss, Johnny. He thinks they are showing too much skin for the office, but the girls see that his penis thinks otherwise. They whip out his hard dick and get fucked in their hot little outfits.

Monique Alexander 在 'Bathtub Threesome with the Stepmom'

Monique Alexander - Bathtub Threesome with the Stepmom

Karlee is on punishment for not keeping up her GPA. The bf wants to come over really bad but the stepmom isn't having. While the stepmom goes to tae a shower. She tries sneaking in the BF. But Karlee gave him the wrong directions to her room. Somehow he ended up in the bathroom where the stepmom was taking a bath. She screamed a the top of her lungs. Catching him in the act of sneakiness. Since they both want to break the rules then she has no choice but to do so as well. The stepmom hops back in the tub and tells Karlee to eat that pussy. I'm pretty sure this is more then what the bf bargained for, but he'll gladly take the threesome. Enjoy!

Nikki Benz 在 'Jungle Fever'

Nikki Benz - Jungle Fever

Nikki Benz Receives A Big Black Cock Blackout! What's a blonde whore to do when confronted with two big black cocks? The answer is provided by the star of NIKKI BENZ JUNGLE FEVER, Nikki Benz when she takes full advantage of all that dick. Sucking and fucking her way through this interracial three way, there's no one quite like Nikki.

Romi Rain 在 'Darkside'

Romi Rain - Darkside

Romi Rain POV Cock Torture Leads To A Facial Reward. Give it up, Romi's in charge. This licentious, raven haired trollop will whip you with a belt, smack your dick with a riding crop, even bite your hard cock but end up fucking you silly in this filthy fraction of ROMI RAIN DARKSIDE. Let Romi Rain reign, you'll be happy you did.

Nikki Benz 在 'Jungle Fever'

Nikki Benz - Jungle Fever

Nikki Benz Wedding Day With A Big Black Cock. Wow! Nikki Benz is fine and then some. Blonde hair, big tits and a round accommodating ass add up to a total babe that craves black cock in this slice of NIKKI BENZ JUNGLE FEVER. Black on blonde interracial sexual depravity, it doesn't get much better than this. Watch.

Monique Alexander 在 'in Housewife 1 on 1'

Monique Alexander - Housewife 1 on 1

Monique Alexander is tanning by the pool when her husband arrives. She knows how much her husband loves watching her oil herself up so she starts getting her body nice and shiny for him. Monique see's that he's getting hard so she whips his dick out and starts fucking it good.

Romi Rain 在 'Darkside'

Romi Rain - Darkside

Romi Rain Home Invaders Come To Prowl, She Rewards Them With An Open Mouth. A crowd pleaser indeed is Romi Rain, when faced with an invading hoard she sucks her way to freedom. From ROMI RAIN DARKSIDE here's a whore with all you need, big tits and an open mouth, enjoy.

Nikki Benz 在 'Jungle Fever sc6'

Nikki Benz - Jungle Fever sc6

Nikki Benz Takes On Two Black Stallions. How about a drop dead gorgeous blonde with very big, perfectly shaped boobs and a delectable ass in an interracial three way that'll wear you out. Blacks on blonde from NIKKI BENZ JUNGLE FEVER is quality adult fare that Nikki sparkles in, watch.

Romi Rain 在 'Darkside sc4'

Romi Rain - Darkside sc4

Romi Rain Seduces Two Young Servants Of The Lord. They were sent out to find converts and, funny thing, they got converted. From ROMI RAIN DARKSIDE witness as two missionaries learn that carnal pleasures trump Biblical morality, that a three way beats the holy trinity every time. Witness, y'all.

Nikki Benz 在 'in Naughty Rich Girls'

Nikki Benz - Naughty Rich Girls

Nikki is looking to buy a boat just so that she can bring guys on-board with her. She's willing to take the boat after a test drive and has no fear that the cost will not hurt her daddy's wallet. Jessy being the salesman that he is tries to go over the features of the boat with her, but Nikki doesn't want to be bored with the technical aspects of it. She's more interested in what features he has to show her! Jessy pulls out his best sells pitch from his pants and shows her how deep he can go down in her throat, as well as the nice views she has while she's getting pounded from behind. A lot of time and sweat went into this sell.

Romi Rain 在 'The terms'

Romi Rain - The terms

Romi had to take over the family business because her husband had to go away. She and her family ran a very strict, old-school business. They came over from the Old World and began a thriving business, of, well... we won't get into all the details. Romi had been so horny since her husband went away. Her hungry pussy had been keeping her up late and, so, when Tony stopped by to give her the latest news regarding a business venture, Romi pounced. Watch her make her employee fuck her! She bosses him around and takes a ferocious pounding.

Nikki Benz 在 'Jungle Fever'

Nikki Benz - Jungle Fever

Nikki Benz Devours Lexington Steele's Big Black Cock. How does she do it? How does Nikki make taking large portions of Lex's big black cock seem effortless? NIKKI BENZ JUNGLE FEVER pairs the stunning blonde with large cocks of the black persuasion and here our lovely heroine must accommodate Lex the too, too large. An interracial scene for the ages, Nikki & Lex, wow!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Tight pink pussy pounded hardcore'

Ana Foxxx - Tight pink pussy pounded hardcore

Welcome back for another awesome update of BrownBunnies. This time we have a sexy chocolate skin ebony goddess named, Ana Foxxx. Her body is flawless. Nicely slim and fit. With a fat ass of course. Sean Michaels has the absolute pleasure of giving her some good dick. He has a really huge cock. I hope that tight pink pussy of Ana's can take it. We shall see. Enjoy.

Nikki Benz 在 'in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Nikki Benz - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Nikki is just what Richie need to be nursed back to health. Her extensive knowledge in healing remedies has him healthier than ever.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Orgasm Denial and Control - Final Day'

Ana Foxxx - Orgasm Denial and Control - Final Day

Ana Foxxx inverted suspension while face fucked and her pussy teased and denied, hard pussy penetration, fucking in tight bondage

Ana Foxxx 在 'Sexy Ana Foxxx and Her Squirting Pussy!'

Ana Foxxx - Sexy Ana Foxxx and Her Squirting Pussy!

Sexy, fit, strong babe machine shagged til she squirts over the dong as it thrusts in & out. Great ass shots, dripping pussy close-ups & fantastic Os!

Romi Rain 在 'Darkside'

Romi Rain - Darkside

Romi Rain Shows You Her Darkside With Her 1st Big Black Cock. From ROMI RAIN DARKSIDE witness a certified porn super star take her first big black cock. An interracial epic confrontation between our raven haired harlot and the sheer immensity of Lex with the added intrigue of it being their first encounter. Watch.

Romi Rain 在 'Romi Sucks Bruce'

Romi Rain - Romi Sucks Bruce

In this new update we have the very cute Romi and were hanging around walking back to the oiffce and this girl out of the blue just offers my boy Bruce a blowjob and I had to ask twice but she insisted and the hell with it we went into her office and first off this girl showed us her bubble butt and wow! she is definitely the total package but on to the dick sucking, this girls blowjob are amazing as you guys can see! I hope you all enjoy this fucking update I sure did! Damn....Stay Tuned for more hot action at SPIZOO!!!

Nikki Benz 在 'Jungle Fever'

Nikki Benz - Jungle Fever

Nikki Benz Takes It In Her Ass, 1st Black Cock Encounter. First black cock in her ass is Sean Michaels? Wow, Nikki Benz is one bad bitch. Huge boobs, great body and through all the anal with super sized Sean, The beautiful whore keeps her six inch platform heels on. What a good whore.

Romi Rain 在 'Darkside'

Romi Rain - Darkside

Romi Rain Eye Of The Tiger, Takes A Massive Cock In Her Ass For The First Time. Painted to resemble a tiger and trapped in a cage, you've never seen anything like this in porn before. From ROMI RAIN DARKSIDE this is as close to beastiality as JJV will ever get. What else does this slice of depravity have? Blowjobs? Yes. Big tits? Yup. Anal? Hell yes. Ass to mouth? That too. This scene has it all plus Romi painted like a tiger. Unique.

Abigail Mac 在 'Sexy session'

Abigail Mac - Sexy session

Abigail and Gabriella had been friends since their sorority days, which weren't long ago. They'd pledged together and lived together. The four years they lived together in their sorority house, the girls never truly experimented with each other. Abigail was always curious though and had wanted to taste her friend, Gabriella. So, Abigail invited her over to her new house and planned to seduce her. Unbeknownst to Abigail, Gabriella was all about pussy, and it didn't take much seduction at all. Watch Abigail finally get to taste the pussy she'd wanted since her sorority days.

Halle Von 在 'She'll Always Think of Me'

Halle Von - She'll Always Think of Me

So, I found this cute young lady, just looking around downtown earlier, and I thought I'd bring her back to my place and ask her some questions. Before she even said yes I knew she was na?ve, innocent, and even though she has a killer bleach blonde look, she was new at sex. So, as my interview went on, we got more and more in touch with one another, and soon I was showing her how to have her very first orgasm. It was so adorable the way her cute little face glows and frowns at the same time, not totally aware of what she's feeling in her sweet little pussy. As I caught her on video, I figured I was making a lesbian sex tape that everyone would want to see. So, I'm submitting this video because Sex Tape Lesbians has lesbians filming lesbians down pat, I think this sextape will be one that no one will want to live without!From Abigail Mac and Halle Von

Monique Alexander 在 'in Housewife 1 on 1'

Monique Alexander - Housewife 1 on 1

It's Monique Alexander wedding anniversary and she's so happy that her husband remembered. She decides that her hubby deserves a special treat for her mouth and pussy.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Black Panthers 2'

Ana Foxxx - Black Panthers 2

Ana Foxxx is a longhaired black babe with toned muscles, natural tits and a big, meaty ass. She models form-fit finery -- fishnets, tight shorts and bikini top --from Lexington Steele's new clothing line. The black stud pulls her shorts up her butt crack and frottages her under those tight nets with his gigantic cock. Ana kneels to suck dick and Lex peels down her nets for a doggie-style fuck. Naked, Ana rides prick, bouncing, masturbating. She sucks dick pussy-to-mouth and her wet snatch makes his huge, dark pole glisten with girl juice. They fuck and suck in many positions before Ana licks Lex's ball sac and he jerks jism on her face, in her mouth, all over her chest.

Abigail Mac 在 'Sexin' It Up'

Abigail Mac - Sexin' It Up

Abigail Mac pulls down her bra and plays with wet pussy

Monique Alexander 在 'in Naughty Office'

Monique Alexander - Naughty Office

Monique sends for her new intern to come into her office and definitely likes what she sees when she gets there. Shes asks if he's a team player because a team player always follows the boss's orders. Jessy is reluctant to take his shirt off when she asks, Monique reminds him that she's the boss and he said he was a team player. Jessy ends up taking one for the team and banging her in all the imaginable positions then blows his load all over her. Looks like this intern is getting the job after having one hell of a first day.

Romi Rain 在 'in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Romi Rain - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Romi Rain is headed over to watch the football game at her friend's party, but of course her friend isn't there since she dislikes football. But her friend's man is there. Romi feels bad that her friend doesn't appreciate her boyfriend or have the same interests as him. Since Romi does share the same interest she is kind of attracted to him, and since no one has showed up to the football party yet Romi takes the opportunity to fuck her friend's man.

Romi Rain 在 'Big Tit Centerfolds 04'

Romi Rain - Big Tit Centerfolds 04

Busty brunette bimbo Romi Rain shows off her giant, oiled tits in a revealing, skin-tight black dress and platform heels; she hoses herself down in the hot sun. Big-dicked Erik Everhard buries his face between her fine ass cheeks and pumps his cock in Romi's cleavage before drilling her passionately from behind. This sexy slut rides his massive member and eagerly squeezes his shaft with her fat tits. She worships his meat until he showers her chest with creamy cum.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Ana's Orgasm Denial and Control, Day Three'

Ana Foxxx - Ana's Orgasm Denial and Control, Day Three

Ana Foxxx orgasms denial and control, sybian ride, face fucked, hot natural tits clamped and weighted, suspended fuck

Romi Rain 在 'in Housewife 1 on 1'

Romi Rain - Housewife 1 on 1

Romi Rain needs to wake her husband up. What better way to get him to rise and shine then by making sure his cock rises? Romi awakens that sleeping giant of a dick of his and has him fuck her silly. Who doesn't love the small of sex in the morning?

Abigail Mac 在 'Suck that pussy'

Abigail Mac - Suck that pussy

What happens when two hot chicks stay at an incredible house in Malibu? The beautiful surroundings make their juices flow. They become increasingly sexual, and since there are no men around, they're willing to sexually experiment. These two had been friends for a while and neither one had ever admitted to eating pussy. Of course, you wouldn't know that 10 minutes into this hot WLT update. Funny thing about chicks, and what is also quite HOT, is that they are willing to go lesbo wherever and whenever. And watching a hot chick sucking on a thick, pink pussy is just about the best sight ever. Watch these two friends explore their inner nooks and crannies.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Crazy Facial'

Ana Foxxx - Crazy Facial

Ebony beauty Ana Foxxx is one hot piece of ass! And judging by all her naughty talk she sure looks like she knows how to work that slutty mouth. As soon as you whip your hard cock out, Kiki starts jerking you off. Using her wet spit and juicy tongue to build up the cum in your balls. As she starts to suck you off, you get more excited. She starts shoving it in deeper and faster until you just can't contain your naughty self. You explode a huge vat of warm jizz all over her perfectly made up face. Thank you Ana for the first-class blow job!

Romi Rain 在 'Oral Overdose'

Romi Rain - Oral Overdose

Big-breasted brunette bombshell Romi Rain visits director Mike Adriano for some nasty, POV-style cocksucking. This top-heavy dame strips nude and lets Mike tongue-worship her puckered butthole, huge knockers and succulent, shaved pussy. Before long, Romi's on her knees, frantically bobbing up and down on his shaft, gagging as she eagerly slurps on the director's dork and balls. After a sensuous session of titty fucking and deep-throat fun, Mike pumps his member between Romi's big boobs and spurts a messy load of goo into the classy slut's cleavage.

Romi Rain 在 'Sexy brunette loves cum in her pussy'

Romi Rain - Sexy brunette loves cum in her pussy

She just loves coming to us to get her pussy filled with cum! Romi Rain is back again for another Bang Bros creampie! Looking sexier than ever with her fit and toned body plus her huge juicy tits and awesome personality! We love Romi Rain and giving her what she wants. She deep throats Mike's cock so he can tear her pussy up! Pounding her tight shaved pussy in all different positions till he fills its with his warm loving cum. Enjoy!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Strict Discipline and Oral Training for Ana Foxxx, Day Two'

Ana Foxxx - Strict Discipline and Oral Training for Ana Foxxx, Day Two

Submissive good girl trainee Ana Foxxx submits her quivering exhausted body to the training program to earn hard dick in her hungry pussy

Ana Foxxx 在 'Welcome to SUMMER VENGEANCE. Winner takes loser right after buzzer'

Ana Foxxx - Welcome to SUMMER VENGEANCE. Winner takes loser right after buzzer

Winner takes the loser right in the the prize round before the ref has even called it an official win.

Romi Rain 在 'in Naughty Office'

Romi Rain - Naughty Office

Johnny's the new intern at the office and he came in to get Romi's signature. Unknown to Johnny it's fuck me Friday at the office. Johnny's a little clueless on what that is seeing as he is the new guy. Romi's pussy is wet and needs to be pleased, she has no problem showing the new kid the ropes.

Remy LaCroix 在 'Prom Night Threesome Fucking His Gf And StepMom'

Remy LaCroix - Prom Night Threesome Fucking His Gf And StepMom

Remy and Van were getting ready for their big night together. They have been a couple for a few months and Remy plans on doing something special for Van tonight. Shes gonna give him a piece of ass. First though they need to take pictures, Nikki, the step mom insists that she must have a few pictures of her step-daughter before she sends them both off on their big night. Nikki who's a bit of an empathic woman, she picked up a feeling of uneasiness in Remy. So when Van realized that he had left all the liquor at his friends house and left to go pick it up. Nikki took the chance to ask her what was going on. Remy confessed that tonight was the big night, but she was unsure because she had never done it before and wanted to get it right. Well being a good step-mother that she is Nikki calmed Remy down and then began to teach her how to please a man by eating Remy's pussy. Remy who never had her pussy eaten before was in total bliss, so much so, she failed to notice her boyfriend had walked in on them until she had cum with ecstasy. Luckily Nikki had a solution for this problem too..A threesome with her stepdaughter, her boyfriend and herself. You can say that this really was a night to remember forever. The end.

Romi Rain 在 'Romi Rain'

Romi Rain - Romi Rain

Romi enjoys working in the porn and is now one of top girls in the business. Not only is she super hot, but also really nice, and gives really good blowjobs! This Italian babe will be more than happy to show off that she is orally fixated and blow some slurpy head.

Romi Rain 在 'My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Romi Rain - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

For being such a great dad, Danny decided to buy a car for him for this upcoming Father's Day. He brought along his dad's girlfriend and her friend to check out the car and to be there for the surprise. While he stepped away to call his dad, Summer asked Romi why she's with his dad when his son is so hot. Summer is willing and ready to fuck his brains out but, Romi says she saw him first. So, they make a deal to go share his huge cock.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Salt And Pepper'

Jessica Jaymes - Salt And Pepper

Ask and you shall receive! Two of porns biggest stars Jessica Jaymes and Nikki Benz reunite to give you all what you've been asking for. This salt and pepper duo have your jaws immediately dropping as they dive head first in to each others gigantic soft tits and soaking wet pussy holes. These two porn pros know exactly what you want to see and deliver as always! It doesn't get any better than this watching these two top notch sluts fuck each other till their dripping wet cunts can't take any more! Thank you Nikki and Jessica...more,more,more!!!!

Abigail Mac 在 'Tasty buds'

Abigail Mac - Tasty buds

Abigail and Ryan had a quick run around the neighborhood and came back to Abigail's place for a stretch. Abigail put her on an inversion table and soon started checking out her super tight abs. Ryan was all about the attention and let her know that she was getting really turned on. Abigail did not hesitate to plunge her tongue in her pussy after that. These two went at it with a lot of work out energy right on the bench then on to the mats. This was a hot one you don't want miss!

Jessica Jaymes 在 'The Club Night'

Jessica Jaymes - The Club Night

Porn legends Jessica Jaymes and Nikki Benz are both featuring at "The Stripper Experience" when in walks a hot regular of the club. After Nikki chats up the customer, she takes him for a private dance in the champagne room while Jessica continues to shake her ass on stage. Nikki quickly calls Jessica over after feeling up the customers huge bulge and the girls both attack Mr. Stone right there on the couch. Blowing his huge cock then taking turns getting pounded all over the entire room. Even on the main stage! Thank you Nikki and Jessica for this one!!

Romi Rain 在 'Loving Spoonful'

Romi Rain - Loving Spoonful

Hot big tit slut that knows how to keep u hard til u explode

Nikki Benz 在 'Awesome Fan'

Nikki Benz - Awesome Fan

Porn superstar Nikki Benz has always been one of you all time favorites! With her curvy body, model type looks and ever so sexy booty, this woman really gets your perverted juices flowing. You've been saving your pennies for this little slut for a long time and when she show up to your door, you waste no time in having her change into a sexy bra and panties so you can have her suck your rock hard cock and fuck her senseless! you blast your fat load all over her big ass! And she even let's you film it so you can forever have the unforgettable memory of fucking one of porn's biggest stars!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Severe Reverse Cowgirl Training Ana Foxxx, Day One'

Ana Foxxx - Severe Reverse Cowgirl Training Ana Foxxx, Day One

Ana Foxxx trained in severe reverse cowgirl fucking

Romi Rain 在 'Rain Over Me'

Romi Rain - Rain Over Me

Romi Rain feels a gush of intense arousal

Ana Foxxx 在 'Extreme Orgasms'

Ana Foxxx - Extreme Orgasms

Runway model Ana Fox tied in Japanese bondage, gyno chair with tight gag and lot's of drool, pliers on the clit, suspended doggie fuck

Romi Rain 在 'in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Romi Rain - My Wife's Hot Friend

Seth is a psychologist and Romi is having some commitment issues in her relationships. So, Seth's wife referred her over to see if he could help her. In order for Seth to help her through these tough times, Romi is going to have to do everything Seth says. In her first session Seth has to make sure she is committed to the cause by having suck his dick and taking his load all over her face. This is a great first step!

Nikki Benz 在 'Big Tits Blonde Rides Waves and Cock at Beach!'

Nikki Benz - Big Tits Blonde Rides Waves and Cock at Beach!

The only thing better than fun in the sun is fuck in the sun, and we got both here for you! Nikki Benz came out with us for some time out on the water. She was having a good time riding around topless, letting her tits bounce around with every wave jump. At some point she had enough and came back to shore to ride a whole other type of wave. A wave of sex and dick! Enjoy!

Monique Alexander 在 'in Naughty Office'

Monique Alexander - Naughty Office

Monique Alexander is being naughty in the office. She's playing with her pretty little pussy when her boss walks in. Monique confesses that she couldn't help herself after losing herself in the fantasy of the romance novel she was reading. Her boss thinks that maybe if he helps her live out her fantasy in real life she won't be playing with herself during work hours. He gives her a nice spanking for being a bad girl before fulfilling her fucking fantasy.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Isis Love Takes Revenge on Gorgeous Debutante Runway Model'

Ana Foxxx - Isis Love Takes Revenge on Gorgeous Debutante Runway Model

Ex runway model takes heavy bondage, sticky pads, zappers, conductive rubber, samurai, acrylic plug, strap-on and body-plate electrified fingering!!!

Romi Rain 在 'Frontal wedge'

Romi Rain - Frontal wedge

Levi found a super hot MILF named Romi all alone on the beach while I was nursing a hang over. Levi spotted her from a distance because she was pretty much wearing nothing. Her bikini was super tiny and wedging right up her pussy. He had to go make a move and talk to her. Turned out Romi was on a mini-vacation and had left the kids back home. This horny MILF was looking to get into some action, and she was anything but shy. Romi invited him up to her room and didn't even flinch when he asked if he could call me to come record the hot encounter. You don't want to miss one moment of this HOT nympho MILF going to town on Levi's cock. There's nothing like a smoking hot MILF that loves getting nailed hard.

Romi Rain 在 'Pretty.Dirty 6'

Romi Rain - Pretty.Dirty 6

Beautiful melon chested Brunette, Romi Rain, is craving some sensual hard cock between her tits and tight pink pussy lips. She unleashes her huge tits and wraps both her lips and tits around our swollen dick for good sucking before we slid into her hot heavenly hole. Romi took all our inches as we grabbed all the juggs we could before blasting massive ounces of cum across her sweet chest.

Dani Daniels 在 'Lovin lounge'

Dani Daniels - Lovin lounge

It was Dani's bachelorette party, and her best friend Romi wanted to make sure it was unforgettable for her. After everyone left, they were the last two around with the bartender. Romi got Dani all hyped up about her last chance to really let her hair down, as she turned and smiled at the bartender. The girls grabbed Johnny and pulled him across the bar where they proceeded to take control of him. Johnny was more than happy to comply with these two busty beauties. They quickly undressed him and worked his cock between both they're lips. Johnny provided Dani the party she was looking for, as he was tirelessly fucked and sucked by the two horny hotties. After both girls had gotten their fill, Johnny gave Dani his wedding present, a big gushing facial, while Romi collected what was left and drank it down.

Daisy Ducati 在 'Daisy Takes On the Ana Conda. Someone gets SQUEEZED'

Daisy Ducati - Daisy Takes On the Ana Conda. Someone gets SQUEEZED

Submission to muscle power and then Sexual submission in the end

Monique Alexander 在 'in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Monique Alexander - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Monique enters her future abode surprised to find Derrick playing pool even though it's his dad's house and he lives there. She lets him know she's going to be moving in soon and he's going to be moving out because his dad can't get enough of her "bomb ass pussy" and men will do anything for it! Derrick lets her know it will always been family first and Monique makes a wager that if she can beat him in a game of pool he has to leave. It looks like she was too confident in her abilities because he'll still be hanging around and in addition she'll be stroking his stick whenever he likes.

Nicole Aniston 在 'Feminine touch'

Nicole Aniston - Feminine touch

Abigail and Nicole were working out at Abigail's place. They were looking really hot in those super-tight workout shorts and sports bras. Their fat pussies stuck out of those shorts, and it was really HOT. After the workout, they were all sweaty, and they began making out. Soon after, they were licking each others pussies and assholes. The workout was hot, but the way they worked out each others bodies was way better.

Nikki Benz 在 'first ever creampie!'

Nikki Benz - first ever creampie!

Nikki Benz has huge tits and a juicy fat ass. Van Wylde can't wait to stick his big dick inside that tight wet pussy. Nikki deep throated the cock then sat on it. Riding that dick bouncing that ass. Until Van busted a huge nut inside Nikki Benz pussy.

Kagney Linn Karter 在 'Kagney Linn Karter, Monique Alexander, Tasha Reign in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Kagney Linn Karter - My Sisters Hot Friend

Spring time is upon us and that means spring break is here. Kagney, Monique, Capri, and Tasha are all relaxing by the pool talking about their excitement to go see Capri's brother Xander perform. They head into the house to get ready and try on 20 different outfits when Capri just doesn't feel up to it, she heads into the bedroom for a break. After the girls figure out what they're going to wear they check on Capri one more time and end up leaving without her. After the show they had to the back with their VIP wristbands, jumping all over Xander and we all know what happens in the VIP room. These lovely ladies don't as it's their first time but, Xander is ready and willing to give them a crash course on how to test his microphone.

Dahlia Sky 在 'Peanut Butter and Jelly Toe Sandwiches: Lesbian Foot Sploshing!!!'

Dahlia Sky - Peanut Butter and Jelly Toe Sandwiches: Lesbian Foot Sploshing!!!

Foot sploshing with peanut butter, jelly and honey, lesbian foot worship, toe sucking, lesbian footing. Ana Foxxx cums all over Dahlia Sky's feet!

Dahlia Sky 在 'Total foot hottie Ana Foxxx fucks Dahlia Sky's Tight Hole.'

Dahlia Sky - Total foot hottie Ana Foxxx fucks Dahlia Sky's Tight Hole.

Two of kinks hottest models fuck in this sexy girl girl foot fantasy.

Violet Rose 在 'The Anal Petition of Ana Foxxx'

Violet Rose - The Anal Petition of Ana Foxxx

Ana Foxxx petitions to serve the Upper Floor and is fucked in all holes

Ana Foxxx 在 'Black Heat 1'

Ana Foxxx - Black Heat 1

Ana Foxxx Black Beauty Gets A Facial. Who loves Chocolate? Maybe it'd be better to ask who doesn't love chocolate? If you're a chocoholic then Ana Foxxx from BLACK HEAT is for you. A natural nubian princess with long legs and a gorgeous face Ana can suck a cock well. On her hands and knees Toni Ribas fucks her mouth like it's a cunt and Ana flinches not. An interracial outing from BLACK HEAT, have Ana Foxxx be your walk on the wild side.

Gigi Allens 在 'I Have A Wife'

Gigi Allens - I Have A Wife

Romi are youth counselors for the local community and it seems that Danny's kid is the ring leader of the group causing some trouble for the neighborhood. Danny doesn't want to get the local authorities involved. Gigi has an idea that they can keep everyone happy as she pulls her shirt open exposing her big tits and Romi goes spread eagle in her little red dress. In order for them to keep their mouths closed Danny is going to have to fill it with his big cock.

Abigail Mac 在 'Bare ladies'

Abigail Mac - Bare ladies

Abby was staying over at Abigail's place while getting over some guy she'd been seeing. Abigail was taking a bath and got to thinking about Abby being so hot and cute. She started touching herself and soon went in all the way and started finger blasting her wet pussy. She came out after and saw Abby hanging around looking bummed, so they started talking. Abby told her she was not being satisfied by her man, then Abigail confessed to her that she was just masturbating to her. This got her turned on, and they both got into a make out session. This soon turned into some full-blown pussy eating once the clothes started slipping off. These two where not shy about driving their tongues down each others tight assholes. You don't want to miss a moment of this hot girl on girl action, this one's a classic!

Nikki Benz 在 'Big Tit Centerfolds 03'

Nikki Benz - Big Tit Centerfolds 03

Glamorous, lush-lipped blonde Nikki Benz' striped bikini top can't contain the 34DD mega-mams she displays for the camera in an extensive tease session out under a sunny blue sky. She oils up her jugs for stud Danny Mountain to massage. After a titty fuck in the open doorway, they repair to the couch for a long session of cocksucking, ball licking, pussy eating and lots of screwing ... all interspersed with tons of titty fucking. Danny splashes his semen onto Nikki's boobs and after an oral clean-up, she bounces her cum-coated jugs for the camera.

Romi Rain 在 'in My First Sex Teacher'

Romi Rain - My First Sex Teacher

Romi Rain is a Language of the Human Body professor. Her student, Johnny, doesn't really understand the subject though. He believes he's taking a class about tits and ass. Being a great teacher means knowing how to reach your students and since Johnny is only interested in tits and ass Romi goes ahead and shows Johnny hers. She then has Johnny suck on her huge titties and bang her on her classroom desk.

Romi Rain 在 'and Bill Bailey in American Daydreams'

Romi Rain - American Daydreams

Billy just got back from the lingerie store with a surprise for his girl. He can't believe what an amazing store it was. The employees even tried on the lingerie for him to make sure that it was the perfect gift. He instantly fell in lust with the employee that was helping him, a hot brunette who was wearing this pink bikini outfit. Once home, Billy passes out and awakens to the hot brunette employee reaching for his cock. He takes this chance of a lifetime and bangs her brains out until he wakes up and realizes it was all a dream....or was it?

Alexa Aimes 在 'Ultimate Surprise. Rookies get Bullied by Ariel X'

Alexa Aimes - Ultimate Surprise. Rookies get Bullied by Ariel X

these Rookies show promise. They are able to tag and take advantage of Ariel in 2 on 1 action getting her the closest to a mat orgasm that we've seen

Romi Rain 在 'Internal Damnation 7'

Romi Rain - Internal Damnation 7

Romi Rain Creampie Pussy Gets Filled Up With Jizz. Not for the faint of heart, this slice of INTERNAL DAMNATION 7 stars a dangerous Romi Rain. Dangerous? Look at her get up, spikes on her wrists, neck, bra, garter belt, and studs everywhere else. Turns out those dangerous looks and wardrobe are just a front to rile Toni Ribas so he'll fuck the shit out of her and while doing just that he'll choke her, slap her tits, slap her face and just as she's cumming too. Romi Rain don't want no timid fucks, this whore wants to get worked over. If she's not sore it wasn't hard enough and the cum dripping out of her slut slot is just the icing on the cake. Don't you dare miss Romi Rain.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Two exotic wrestlers struggle on the mats for sexual supremacy'

Ana Foxxx - Two exotic wrestlers struggle on the mats for sexual supremacy

Wrestlers, Ana Foxxx and Milcah Halili, struggle to impose their sexual dominant will onto each other. Only one can come up on top.

Romi Rain 在 'Romi Loves To Dance'

Romi Rain - Romi Loves To Dance

Hot tattooed brunette Romi Rain is brand new to the scene but knows exactly what she is doing to turn you on. She especially knows what to do in the strip club and exactly how to work a pole! Romi let's you watch her as she seductively dances and strips. Showing off her amazing giant tits and tight wet hole. She takes things a little further by getting overly excited and full on makes herself cum, right there on stage! Thank you Romi for being such a naughty little slut!

Romi Rain 在 'Romi's Gift'

Romi Rain - Romi's Gift

Ask and you shall receive. Pornstar Romi Rain is back and ready to fuck. And you can tell she genuinely loves to fuck from all of her recent videos you've been watching. Romi show up in her mechanic outfit telling you about some leaks in your hotel room, your best friend sent it to you, ready for a good pounding. You have her suck your hard cock , then fuck her in every position. Leaving her wanting more! Thank you for being the perfect dream slut Romi!

Romi Rain 在 'Romi Cum Covered'

Romi Rain - Romi Cum Covered

Sexy pornstar Romi Rain is pretty new the the world of adult entertainment, but she is already making a huge splash. This sexual deviant loves to do everything naughty and makes no exception when taking you in to the strip club to suck your dick in the champagne room. She talks so nasty as she chokes and gags on your meaty man member. Enjoying your huge creamy facial all over her pretty little face.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Jessica Loves Romi'

Jessica Jaymes - Jessica Loves Romi

Porn superstar Jessica Jaymes just loved fucking Romi Rain so much for her last scene for Naughty that she couldn't wait to taste her sweet pussy once again right here for you over here at the Spizoo network. These two busty brunette super sluts have an undeniable onscreen chemistry. and after a hardcore bisexual make out session, they feast on each others asses and pussies while they squeal and screen in erotic ecstasy. More of these two please. What a fucking pair for a jerk off session!

Romi Rain 在 'Titty Creampies 06'

Romi Rain - Titty Creampies 06

Buxom brunette Romi Rain strokes her shapely body, including her big, round 34D hooters, putting on a sultry show for director Kevin Moore. As he films the voluptuous beauty POV-style, Romi unveils her jumbo jugs and kneels on all fours to suck the director's hard dick. The stacked slut pours oil over her chest, then wraps her firm knockers around his shaft, stroking up and down, drooling and slurping his boner. After more of this luxurious treatment, Kevin can't help shooting a hot, creamy load between Romi's glistening boobs, and watching her massage his cum into her shiny tits.

Abigail Mac 在 'Girlie grind'

Abigail Mac - Girlie grind

Abigail and Shae went on a shopping excursion. Abigail couldn't keep her eyes off Shae the entire trip. When they got back, Abigail commented on Shae's jacket and quickly removed it. She got right to the point, and Shae approved with a kiss. Shae was new to the girl-girl thing, but Abigail didn't break her in slowly. She flipped her over, pulled down her panties, and submerges her face between Shae's ass, right on the kitchen counter. Shae was all in then, and they moved to the living room to get more comfortable. There they continued to fondle each other and licked and sucked on each others tits, clits, and pussy lips. Eventually both girls were dripping wet with pussy juice, as they climaxed multiple times.

Romi Rain 在 'Slutty And Sluttier 20'

Romi Rain - Slutty And Sluttier 20

Busty, tattooed brunette bombshell Romi Rain enjoys a sensuous shower, water cascading off her fat titties and perky, round ass. The raven-haired vixen slips on black lingerie, fishnet stockings and high heels, then struts to director Manuel Ferrara to seduce him as he films POV-style. Romi reveals her huge jugs, strokes her bare pussy, then unzips the director's pants to wrap her lips around his massive, uncut cock. After blowing him, the foxy slut takes a ferocious, passionate pounding from Manuel; he fucks her relentlessly, choking and slapping the voluptuous bitch until finally splattering Romi's pretty face with hot cum.

Nikki Benz 在 'Nikki Benz, Tasha Reign and Mark Wood in I Have a Wife'

Nikki Benz - I Have A Wife

The two sexy blondes Nikki and Tasha have been squatting at a summer beach home when the owner Mark walks into the bedroom to find them both naked on his bed. The two ladies put on their lawyer hats and tell Mark that they have been house squatting there for too long and he can't kick them out due to squatters rights! Mark threatens to call the police and the two ladies think that they can come to a agreement without getting the police and his wife involved. Mark tries to put up a fight but can't resist Nikki's big fucking tits in his face!

Alektra Blue 在 'Orgy Sex Party Everyone Is Invited'

Alektra Blue - Orgy Sex Party Everyone Is Invited

Orgy Sex Party Everyone Is Invited. Five, count em, five hotties in a wild orgy that has anal, ass to mouth and double penetration along with the usual cock sucking, facials and big tits. You get Alektra Blue and Bailey Blue. Not sisters, no incest here. You also get Chanel Preston, Romi Rain and Summer Brielle. The four dicks these whores use to great effect are capable and effective yet not worth naming. From ORGY MASTERS 4 this scene is worth watching twice because there's so much going on at one time you can't see it all in one viewing. Chanel gets double penetrated and eats pussy at the same time. Bailey takes it in her ass like a champ and all the sluts get a facial in the end. What an orgy!

Amy Anderssen 在 'Bad Elfs'

Amy Anderssen - Bad Elfs

WelCUM part 2 of miss Jaymes special XXXmas release. After naughty elves Jessica Jaymes, Nikki Benz and Amy Anderssen pass out at the North Pole from a nice fuck session and a little too much egg nog. St. Nick returns to find out that the girls have been slacking on their toy making duties. He decides he will not tell Mrs. Clause and not fire them unless they please his cock in every way. And that includes making all the girls gag on Santa's cock and take a good pounding in every position. Then Santa spreads his warm XXXmas cheer all over their naughty little faces! Happy Holidays!

Romi Rain 在 'and Johnny Sins in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Romi Rain - My Wife's Hot Friend

Romi Rain is doing laundry at her friend's house when her friend's husband, Johnny, walks in. It has occurred to Johnny that he and Romi have never been able to talk alone. Since his wife is out of the house he wants to know more about Romi's crazy college stories that his wife has told him so much about. Well his wife also talks to Romi about him. She let Romi know that Johnny has a big cock and ever since then Romi has always wanted to see it. She gets the chance to see it tonight. Not just see it, but also feel it in her mouth and in her tight pussy.

Nikki Benz 在 'Nikki's Suite'

Nikki Benz - Nikki's Suite

Porn superstar and Penthouse Pet of the year Nikki Benz is one of the hottest blonds in the biz. Watch Nikki as she rolls around in lingerie in her bedroom for a little person time with herself. Massaging her gigantic tits and tight wet pussy will have your heart pumping immediately. And watching her make herself cum will have you cumming so hard that you had better have a towel handy. Thank you miss Benz for letting us watch you get off!

Nikki Benz 在 'Blowjob POV'

Nikki Benz - Blowjob POV

Porn superstar and Penhouse Pet of the year Nikki Bezn is one of the top star in the entire industry! So you know she is a well seasoned pro at sucking cock and being camera aware to give you all those perfect angles while she's doing it! Nikki gladly tears your underwear off and gets to work. Sucking and jerking your man member in the privacy of her own bedroom. She loves using her hands, spit and warm mouth to work that jizz out of your overflowing balls! Thank miss Benz!

Romi Rain 在 'Soaking Wet Poolside Fucked Hard'

Romi Rain - Soaking Wet Poolside Fucked Hard

Romi Rain shows off her sick body in this scene from Soaking Wet. Get a nice, long, HARD look at this sexy brunette before she power sucks the life out of Erik Everhard. He makes a meal out of her pussy, and can you blame him? She's delicious and if you thought Erik fucked like a powerhouse, watch Romi ride his fat cock and give him a run for his money. This is an intense and energetic scene where the sex is on's a good thing they're surrounded by water.

Romi Rain 在 'Busty Big Booty Girl In Need Of An Oil Change'

Romi Rain - Busty Big Booty Girl In Need Of An Oil Change

Romi Rain Busty Big Booty Girl In Need Of An Oil Change. From OIL OVERLOAD 9 you get Romi Rain, in leopard print bra and panties along with black stockings, oiling herself up front and back just to grind on Toni Ribas's cock. Not that that isn't a good reason but Romi has more in mind. First she drives Toni crazy by deep throating his cock and then this cum dumpster takes dick in every position and loves it. Romi Rain is just in this business for the cock and nowadays that's rare. Don't miss Romi Rain.

Monique Alexander 在 'Big Night In'

Monique Alexander - Big Night In

Monique skips a dinner date to ride a hard dick

Lyla Storm 在 'Leggy Porn Stars Fight for Sexual Domination'

Lyla Storm - Leggy Porn Stars Fight for Sexual Domination

Both these girls have long strong legs. They both administer dangerous Leg Scissors. Only one can walk out being the Sexual Dominant!

Romi Rain 在 'Manuel Ferrara's Cock Between Her Tits'

Romi Rain - Manuel Ferrara's Cock Between Her Tits

Romi Rain Manuel Ferrara's Cock Between Her Tits. Erotic. Wild. Nasty. Big tits. Big Butt. All describe Romi Rain whose dark eyes tell the tale of a sexual dynamo and then some. From BRA BUSTERS 5 Romi takes on Manuel Ferrara and this brunette gets out of control. Slapping the shit out of her own pussy while she gets fucked. Taking Manny's big cock and beating her own face with it. Coaxing him to fuck her harder as she's getting choked and slapped. Romi Rain does not play. She's serious about fucking, you'll see. This is one hot whore not to be missed.

Alexis Ford 在 'Nikki Benz, Alexis Ford Your Cock Is Under Arrest'

Alexis Ford - Nikki Benz, Alexis Ford Your Cock Is Under Arrest

Nikki Benz, Alexis Ford Your Cock Is Under Arrest. If one must be arrested these are the circumstances under which I'd not mind all that much. Nikki Benz and Alexis Ford are cops and Chris Strokes is the delinquent. From FLESH HUNTER 12 these busty cops have novel interrogation tactics. No match for those huge boobs and wet pussies Chris is soon giving up any and all secrets he's ever known. An excellent pair of law enforcement professionals these cop sluts get all they're looking for and then some. No good cop, bad cop, here you get big tits, bigger tits and they don't get much bigger than this. Every drop of info is extracted and the arrestee is verbally and physically abused (that's the good part). Watch Alexis and Nikki work, now.

Monique Alexander 在 'and Mark Wood in Neighbor Affair'

Monique Alexander - Neighbor Affair

Monique has come over to Mark's house to have a talk with him about her boyfriend dumping her again! She just doesn't understand why she keeps getting dumped. She cooks, cleans, and gives great sex. What more could a man desire? Monique wonders why she can't find a nice guy like Mark and Mark doesn't think he is her type. Well, there's no time like the present to find out as Monique just lost a boyfriend and Mark is around for the rebound. Mark gives her the big dick fucking that her boyfriend never could and as gratitude Monique takes his load right in her mouth. Lets chalk one up to the nice guys

Abigail Mac 在 'Girlie games'

Abigail Mac - Girlie games

Abigail and Jayden were getting ready to go to a party. They were both looking super sexy in those lingerie outfits. The ladies had on hot stockings, sexy underwear and high heels. Abigail wanted to see what Jayden was wearing, and soon after, they were all over each other. Abigail and Jayden began kissing and undressing each other. They licked each others pussies and assholes. Abigail brought out some dildos and worked Jayden's sweet pussy with them until she came.

Nikki Benz 在 'Tease'

Nikki Benz - Tease

Porn superstar Nikki Benz is one top notch blond bombshell! Dressed for anyone's wet dream, Nikki slowly strips down to nothing. Revealing her giant DD tits and perfectly tight twat. She massages her pretty pink pussy with such excitement, she sends her body into a quivering orgasmic rage. Forgetting the cameras are even there, she cum all over her sticky little fingers. Thank you for letting us watch Nikki!

Romi Rain 在 'Happy Halloween'

Romi Rain - Happy Halloween

Romi Rain is running out of places to hide. She's desperately trying to escape from Ryan, the demented night watchman. She runs through the woods hoping to lose him in the darkness but he finds her and takes her captive. When he starts eating her pussy and shoving his cock down her throat, she becomes possessed by lust, succumbs to Ryan...

Romi Rain 在 'and Jessy Jones  in My First Sex Teacher'

Romi Rain - My First Sex Teacher

Jessy is up to to no good. He got the urge to fap while at school and had the smart idea of doing it in the teacher's bathroom. His hot teacher, Romi Rain, catches him and has him report to her classroom immediately. Well, the only reason Jessy was fapping is because he can't stop thinking about how hot Romi is! That doesn't get Jessy out of hot water though. You see, Jessy is on a student visa and if word of his bathroom escapades got out he would easily be sent back. Romi doesn't want him to get kicked out, so she's willing to work with him. She wants him to show her exactly what he was doing in the bathroom. Jessy drops trou and begins masturbating for Romi, but Romi thinks she can do better. She takes a hold of his cock and doesn't let go until he fucks her pussy good and comes all over her pretty face.

Nikki Benz 在 'Gets A Deep Anal Drilling'

Nikki Benz - Gets A Deep Anal Drilling

Nikki Benz Gets A Deep Anal Drilling. In black leather with gold spikes bra and panties, black fish net stockings and black six inch spike heeled boots Nikki gives you a look at her heavenly body. This big titted, blonde bombshell is every mans dream. A small girl with big tits, a big ass, blonde hair and a mind as nasty as her body Nikki can deep throat, likes it in her ass and licks up every drop. Who could ask for anything more? Watch Nikki show Jules Jordan nirvana in this hot offering from DEEP ANAL DRILLING 5. Nikki Benz is a luxury vehicle, high return on investment!

Jessica Jaymes 在 'SisterHood Part2'

Jessica Jaymes - SisterHood Part2

What better treat for Halloween than watching two of porn's biggest stars get fucked by yet another heavy hitter, Mick Blue. In part two of "SisterHood" , Jessica and Nikki are ready to take their vow of celibacy with pastor Blue. They all convene in the church and the girls are ready to receive their vows. But first they have to indulge in pleasing the pastor Blue right there on the altar. These two naughty nuns suck and fuck their way right into the church. Taking God's goo all over their innocent little faces! You will really love this sinful little treat! Happy Halloween!

Monique Alexander 在 'and Johnny Castle in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Monique Alexander - My Friend's Hot Girl

Hot redhead Monique Alexander has always wanted to be on TV. Luckily her boyfriend's best friend, Johnny, is a big time producer and he has a part in his new show. Monique stops by to discuss why she would be qualified for the part. Johnny just doesn't see it in her, he doesn't think she would fit the role. That is, unless, she fits his dick in her wet pussy. Monique runs out of the house at this suggestion, but she realizes that this is Hollywood and she's going to have to fuck a few dicks to get a head, so she runs right back in and on to Johnny's cock.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Sister Hood'

Jessica Jaymes - Sister Hood

A long anticipated scene between two of porn's heaviest hitters is finely here. Jessica Jaymes and Nikki Benz finally fuck! These two naughty Catholic school girls are about to swear to a life of celibacy but not before they can take advantage of every last minute of their freedom. Nikki had never even been with a girl before. So Jessica decides to show her the ropes. They quickly dive in to each others wet pussy's. And enjoy sucking on each other gigantic tits! Right in their dorm rooms! Thank you Jessica and Nikki for a wet dream CUM true!

Nikki Benz 在 'and Danny Mountain in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Nikki Benz - My Wife's Hot Friend

Danny just found out that his wife fucked his best bud behind his back and the only way for Danny to forgive her is to bang one of her friends. His wife's friend, Nikki Benz, had always thought Danny was hot. Danny's wife knows this, so she sends him over to bang Benz. Nikki is taken back at such a bold request, but it is the only way to save her friend's marriage. Being the good friend that she is Nikki spreads her legs and takes one for the team. Danny and his wife are very lucky to have such helpful and caring friends.

Romi Rain 在 'and Johnny Castle in I Have a Wife'

Romi Rain - I Have A Wife

Johnny is selling his car because his wife wants to economize and save money on gas. Romi wants the car but thinks Johnny's asking price is a little too much. She asks if there's any way to lower the price but, Johnny won't budge. To supplement the difference Romi offers her lips around Johnny's cock. He deflects her initial advances but, once she pops her big tits out of her shirt they proceed to seal the deal.

Romi Rain 在 'Sloppy Head 5'

Romi Rain - Sloppy Head 5

Busty bombshell Romi Rain loves teasing a guy with her enormous tits before sucking on his rock-hard dick. Lucky director Jonni Darkko films Romi, dressed in sexy black lingerie, sheer stockings and glittery red pumps, POV-style as this voluptuous beauty gags on his boner. She drools saliva into her cleavage and wraps the wet globes around his stiff dork. Soon she's covered in gooey slobber, her face and massive hooters glistening. Romi expertly deep-throats Jonni's shaft, lovingly spreading her warm spit all over his cock and balls, until he spurts a huge, creamy load of sperm all over her happy face.

Chanel Preston 在 'Filth and Sin'

Chanel Preston - Filth and Sin

Ana Foxx joins a convent in hopes of changing her ways but finds a life void of sin means submitting to the wicked Mother Superior's every sexual whim

Monique Alexander 在 'and Danny Mountain in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Monique Alexander - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Monique Alexander is a fiery redhead. She always gets what she wants and right now she wants cock! Not from her boyfriend though, she wants his younger, better looking son. Of course her boyfriend's son is reluctant at first, seeing as she's his dad's girlfriend, but once she gets her hands all over his cock he can't resist. Monique sucks and fucks her boyfriend's son until she gets something else she wants, his jizz all over her face.

Monique Alexander 在 'Oil Changed Before Ass Invasion'

Monique Alexander - Oil Changed Before Ass Invasion

Monique Alexander Oil Changed Before Ass Invasion. Monique Alexander was a Vivid contract girl but broke out to let her freak flag fly or, more specifically, let her inner dirty whore out for the whole world to see. From OIL OVERLOAD 9 Monique takes on Erik Everhard after she teases the camera to death. She looks great! Glamorous and hot in matching lingerie with black stockings and as hot a pair of spike heels as are made today. Monique oils herself up in preparation for the pounding Erik's going to give her cute ass, wet pussy and nasty mouth. She is so dirty, sucking the dick that just came out of her ass with enthusiasm and gusto. Monique Alexander, a tattooed, big titted fuck toy as nasty as she can be. Life is good.

Romi Rain 在 'and Seth Gamble in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Romi Rain - My Friend's Hot Girl

Romi Rain is all set to study with her boyfriend for the night, but when she arrives to his place he's no where to be found. Her boyfriend's roommate reluctantly confesses that he's out partying at a frat with tons of hot chicks. Romi doesn't like being ditched while her man parties so it's payback time. She gets back at her boyfriend by fucking his roommate.

Monique Alexander 在 'Tongue In Cheek'

Monique Alexander - Tongue In Cheek

Busty, tattooed, dirty blonde Juelz Ventura models various skin-tight dresses for lingerie-clad MILF Monique Alexander. After Juelz has decided on the most provocative of club attire, she joins her MILFy girlfriend on the bed for some sensuous lesbian lovemaking. The ladies take turns licking each other's sweet butthole and anally invading each other with kinky butt toys. Finally, their passionate private bedroom assfest complete, Monique and Juelz collapse in one another's arms.

Aleksa Nicole 在 'Tongue In Cheek'

Aleksa Nicole - Tongue In Cheek

Glamorous, busty brunette Aleksa Nicole, wearing skimpy panties and pink platform pumps, loves masturbating for the entertainment of director Kevin Moore. This nasty slut makes herself cum using a big vibrating wand on her neatly trimmed pussy. Then she's joined by stacked Romi Rain, who eagerly laps at Aleksa's asshole and tongues the brunette slut's sloppy slit. Soon Aleksa is getting her asshole expanded with an inflatable butt plug. The gorgeous lesbians share a kinky session of oral lust and nasty toys until they reach intense climaxes.

Romi Rain 在 'and Tyler Nixon in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Romi Rain - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Romi Rain is getting nice and wet in the shower. When she hears her boyfriend walk in she asks him for a towel, but it's not her boyfriend who hands her the towel, it's his adult son. Romi's a little surprised, but it's nothing she hasn't showed him before. Romi and her boyfriend's son have a little history together and they're ready to re-start that history. Romi fucks and sucks her boyfriend's son all over her boyfriend's bed.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Fragments IX'

Ana Foxxx - Fragments IX

Fragments IX - Ranie and Ana give it their all in challenging and unique bondage predicaments, but in the end become fragments.

Monique Alexander 在 'and Mark Wood in Naughty Office'

Monique Alexander - Naughty Office

Mark has fucking had it with his job. He's put up with so much shit over the years, breaking his back and logging in extra hours, and now corporate's dicking him around. Well no more. He turns in his resignation to Monique Alexander and tells her to piss off, that he's gone. But Monique isn't ready to let him go; she wants to keep him as an employee, so she's willing to do whatever it takes to keep him there. And that includes letting him give her the old in-out at the office. The tattooed beauty unfurls Mark's giant dick, pulls up her skirt and let's him have a go. She sucks his dick so good that not only will he stay with the company, he'll ask her if he can work for free.

Romi Rain 在 'BACK For More Cream-Pie'

Romi Rain - BACK For More Cream-Pie

What's up y'all? I 'm willing to bet that you guys aren't ready for this week's Big Tits Cream Pie. Reason being is because Romi Rain is too fucking fine for you to handle. This is one chick that isn't joking when she says that she loves to fuck and get fucked. That's why our boy Chris Strokes was the right man for the job. He pounds that pussy until it was FUBAR and she enjoyed every single inch of it. Watch as Romi unleashes the beast within her. And you definitely don't want to miss the wet blowjobs she's known for giving. Peace out y'all and enjoy!

Romi Rain 在 'and Johnny Sins in Naughty Office'

Romi Rain - Naughty Office

Romi Rain is new on the job, and she got to go to Germany for work! Problem is, she spent WAY over her budget out there, and now accounting is busting her chops about it, telling her she's gonna have to reimburse the company. Romi doesn't have any money, but she's willing to do whatever it takes to keep from getting fired. Even if it means taking accountant Johnny's big dick in her throat right there in the office! Romi let's the number-cruncher bend her over the desk and throb his knob inside of her, then illustrate his favorite number to her -- 69.

Lorelei Lee 在 'Hot Snatches and Sweaty Toes: Lesbian Gym Footworship Fantasy!!'

Lorelei Lee - Hot Snatches and Sweaty Toes: Lesbian Gym Footworship Fantasy!!

Beautiful Athletes, Ariel X and Ana Foxx, Sensually worship each other's pedicured toes in a hot and sweaty lesbian gym fantasy!!

Lolly Ink 在 'Inked Angels'

Lolly Ink - Inked Angels

Wearing trampy fishnet dresses and alluring lingerie, blonde bombshell Lolly Ink and curvaceous, black-haired Romi Rain are seriously tattooed, super-busty strippers who love kissing and worshiping each other's gigantic jugs. When well-hung stud Mr. Pete joins in on their fun, the nasty girls take turns riding his boner in a lewd, pussy-pounding threesome. After giving both horny, heavily inked sluts an athletic fucking, Pete climaxes by pulling his pole out of Lolly's shaved cunt... and unleashing a gooey explosion of hot cum in Romi's face.

Monique Alexander 在 'Monique Alexander, Tasha Reign and Danny Mountain in 2 Chicks Same Time'

Monique Alexander - 2 Chicks Same Time

Happy Fourth of July!!! To celebrate, Monique Alexander and Tasha Reign are frolicking in the pool, topless with their tits hanging out, while Danny is cooking hotdogs on the grill. But while those weiners are roasting, the girls want to roast Danny's footlong in their hot mouths and pussies! Three isn't a crowd on Independence Day as this backyard threesome heats up with some good ol' fashion fucking! No need for fireworks ... all the banging you need is right here!!!

Abigail Mac 在 'Lust Me'

Abigail Mac - Lust Me

Abigail stares wistfully out the window perhaps remembering an earlier moment with a lover She fondles her perfect breasts, her hips swaying to an imaginary drumbeat, teasing, putting on a show for any lucky passerby. She explores her body in exquisite detail, stroking, holding back, making the feeling last, and when she can no longer contain her mounting urgency, she surrenders to the flood of her orgasm.

Romi Rain 在 'and Bill Bailey in Housewife 1 on 1'

Romi Rain - Housewife 1 on 1

Romi Rain's mom finally left her and her husband's house after three days, and now she's ready to have some fun time with her hubby. 'Cept, he's not in the mood, being all crotchety and pounding away on his laptop. But Romi has her tricks: a nice set of big tits and a great blowjob mouth. She kneels down and pleasures her husband's big dick in her throat, then bounces her massive mams in his face while she fucks him cowgirl style after tittyfucking him!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Former Runway Model Tamed - Ana Foxxx'

Ana Foxxx - Former Runway Model Tamed - Ana Foxxx

Amazing Ana submits to very strict and challenging bondage including inverted spread eagle suspension, ball tie strappado, and strict straddle spread!

Romi Rain 在 'American Cocksucking Sluts 3'

Romi Rain - American Cocksucking Sluts 3

Big-breasted brunette bombshell Romi Rain visits director Mike Adriano for some nasty, POV-style cocksucking. This top-heavy dame strips nude and lets Mike tongue-worship her puckered butthole, huge knockers and succulent, shaved pussy. Before long, Romi's on her knees, frantically bobbing up and down on his shaft, gagging as she eagerly slurps on the director's dork and balls. After a sensuous session of titty fucking and deep-throat fun, Mike pumps his member between Romi's big boobs and spurts a messy load of goo into the classy slut's cleavage.

Romi Rain 在 'Make it Rain Inside Romi's Pussy'

Romi Rain - Make it Rain Inside Romi's Pussy

This week the gorgeous Romi Rain stops by to get a nice treat from the good folks over at Bangbros. She shows off her flawless body and gives us a peek inside the world of a hot and ready Boston girl looking to get her pussy fucked and filled. Mike can barely contain himself in this and before you know it his tongue is deep in her ass and his dick stretching her tight little pussy out. Enjoy watching this bombshell getting a Boston cream.

Nikki Benz 在 'Ass Fucked By Manuel Ferrara'

Nikki Benz - Ass Fucked By Manuel Ferrara

Nikki Benz Ass Fucked By Manuel Ferrara. Blonde hair, big tits, big ass and a penchant for big cocks up her world class ass. From BRA BUSTERS 4 Nikki Benz clad in classy lingerie and spike heels gives Manuel Ferrara everything any dude could ask for. Anal? Yup. Ass to mouth? Sure. Tit fucking? Oh yeah. A drop dead beautiful blonde with big tits, who likes anal. What's not to like? Nikki Benz has it all, you'll see.

Romi Rain 在 'Rain Or Shine'

Romi Rain - Rain Or Shine

Romi Rain gets all glamoured up and shows off her body in all of its glory. When Ryan get's home it turns into an all out, hard, passionate fuck-stravaganza! He opens the door and she's ready to go any way he wants her. They start in the hall, up against the walls and windows for any lucky onlooker to get a happy glimpse of and make th...

Romi Rain 在 'and Johnny Castle in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Romi Rain - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Romi Rain had a fight with her boyfriend, so she goes to visit his bartender son at the drinking establishment where he works. Problem is, she tells him the fight stemmed from her telling her man that she thinks Johnny is sexy! The barkeep is wide-eyed and bewildered by the news that he thinks he might need a stiff drink, but Romi convinces him otherwise that what he really needs is his stiff dick lapping up her pussy juice! Johnny forgets about the watering hole and concentrates on her wet hole and big tits! This proves, once again, that going to bars solves all fights.

Romi Rain 在 'I Have A Wife'

Romi Rain - I Have A Wife

Romi Rain and Tiffany Tyler ordered some Chinese food, hoping it would get delivered by their favorite deliveryman. But when they discover that a new guy, Danny, is arriving with their food, they decide they need to christen him. Danny's amused by their advances, but he tells them he's married. Oh well! Because Romi Rain and Tiffany Tyler don't give a fuck if you're married, engaged, or unavailable -- they're still gonna fuck your brains out! Watch these two sexpots as they take on a big dick in a hot and steamy threesome sure to make you want to become a Chinese food deliveryman.

Yasmine De Leon 在 'Black Anal Addiction 2'

Yasmine De Leon - Black Anal Addiction 2

Slender, dark chocolate Ana Foxxx teams up with glamorous caramel cutie Yasmine de Leon for a nasty anal threesome with director Mike Adriano. Ana greases up her girlfriend's phat, flawless booty until it glistens. These ebony goddesses drool on their natural tits and reveal their tender buttholes; they take turns rimming each other's puckered hole and slurping on the director's dork and balls. After a slobbery double blow job, Mike rectally reams these sexy bitches as they suck cock ATM-style. He ejaculates in Ana's open mouth and watches the horny sluts swap his gooey load.

Yasmine de Leon 在 'Black Anal Addiction 02'

Yasmine de Leon - Black Anal Addiction 02

Slender, dark chocolate Ana Foxxx teams up with glamorous caramel cutie Yasmine de Leon for a nasty anal threesome with director Mike Adriano. Ana greases up her girlfriend's phat, flawless booty until it glistens. These ebony goddesses drool on their natural tits and reveal their tender buttholes; they take turns rimming each other's puckered hole and slurping on the director's dork and balls. After a slobbery double blow job, Mike rectally reams these sexy bitches as they suck cock ATM-style. He ejaculates in Ana's open mouth and watches the horny sluts swap his gooey load.

Nikki Benz 在 'Big Tit Oil Slick'

Nikki Benz - Big Tit Oil Slick

Nikki Benz Big Tit Oil Slick. What could be better than a hot blonde hardbody with big tits all oiled up sucking your cock? Not much I'd say. That's exactly what you get in this slice of OIL OVERLOAD 8. Nikki Benz starts out in tube top, a super short skirt, black stockings and stiletto heels. After teasing with a dirty strip Nikki gets oiled up by Manuel Ferrara who proceeds to ravish her every which way but anally. Nikki Benz is a superstar of adult movies, see why.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Black Anal Addiction 2'

Ana Foxxx - Black Anal Addiction 2

Perky, longhaired Ana Foxxx, a slender ebony babe in white fishnets, has a nasty anal rendezvous with director Mike Adriano. This sultry black sweetheart spreads her dark labia for the camera, revealing the pink meat inside. Ana kneels and worships the director's dork, taking it down her throat in a wet, gagging POV-style blow job that brings tears to her eyes. Mike greases up her tight asshole, plunders it with his Caucasian cock and lets her suck ass-to-mouth. After her rectum has been well reamed to the point of gaping lewdly, Ana opens wide for a creamy cum treat.

Romi Rain 在 'and Johnny Castle in My First Sex Teacher'

Romi Rain - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Romi Rain finds her student Johnny fast asleep in her class ... again. When she wakes him up and asks him what's going on, he tells her that he's bored by history, as showcased by his little drawing of her big tits! Prof. Rain is amused by her student's doodling, and rather flattered by his statements. But she tells him that if all he was interested in was her tits and big nipples, all he had to do was ask to see them. The sexy teacher gives Johnny a lesson by sucking his cock and fucking him in her classroom. Where do I sign up for this class.

Monique Alexander 在 'Elegant XXX Hardcore'

Monique Alexander - Elegant XXX Hardcore

Monique Alexander Elegant XXX Hardcore. Like glamorous redheads? What if they have tattoos? How about if they really want to suck your cock? From HARDCORE ALLURE 2 here's a beautiful redhead in sexy lingerie who can't stay away from your cock. What a dilemma. Monique Alexander was a contract for one of the companies that has contract girls. They worry about their image but now Monique can slut it up with no one to hold her back. See Monique Alexander as dirty as she wants to be.

Nikki Benz 在 'Anal Dream Team'

Nikki Benz - Anal Dream Team

Amazingly busty blonde MILF Nikki Benz is decked in total slut attire ' sheer stockings, stripper heels and lacy lingerie ' all ready for a nasty anal date with perverted director Mike Adriano. She flaunts her huge, round butt, and Mike hungrily suckles Nikki's well-manicured pussy and titanic titties. He tongues her puckered bunghole and examines her rectum with a speculum and a miniature camera as Nikki pushes candies up her ass. Nikki wraps her giant knockers around the director's shaft, deep-throats his cock and takes a rude butt-fuck that makes her squirt sweet, melted green goop from her wrecked colon.

Madelyn Monroe 在 'Step mom teachers her daughter how to suck a dick'

Madelyn Monroe - Step mom teachers her daughter how to suck a dick

Madelyn Monroe plays the daughter who waits for her step mom Nikki Benz to step out to do groceries to sneak in her boyfriend for a quick fuck. But what Madelyn gets is a whole lot of trouble when her step mom finds her on the couch sucking dick. Luckily Madelyn's boyfriend has a big dick and that soon tantalizes Nikki to show Madelyn how to do a proper deep throat. Now Step mother and daughter team up to take dick together and get fucked before DAD/Husband gets home and finds them both doing something naughty.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Black Diamonds 2'

Ana Foxxx - Black Diamonds 2

Smoky-eyed Skin Diamond is a tight, tattooed punkette in bra, French-cut panties and shiny, black stiletto heels. This frisky ebony princess shoves her fingers down her throat, making herself drool, and masturbates using a clear dildo which she shoves up her sweet ass and licks clean. Next, young Skin goes to work on director Sean Michaels' enormous pole. Releasing it from his slacks, she slobbers all over his dark shaft, then bends over to take a deep pussy pounding. Sean reams the adorable slut's asshole with his huge black cock and leaves Skin with a messy cum facial.

Romi Rain 在 'and Alan Stafford in Naughty Office'

Romi Rain - Naughty Office

Restaurateur Romi Rain is thinking of expanding her eatery to the East Coast, and she's relying on her numbers guy Alan to tell her what's best for it. She even goes so far to ask him to go to Boston with her to upon up three new locations. But what that also translates into is that she wants him to dine on her pussy right then and there in the office, where she can eat his meat! He sucks her big juicy tits and sucks down her pussy before she eats his cream sauce. Beantown and chowdah, here we cum!

Abigail Mac 在 'Pleasure Dawn'

Abigail Mac - Pleasure Dawn

Beautifully proportioned Abigail Mac is a pleasure to watch as she rotates her hips in time to the music, her white lace panties accentuating the curvature of her ass and the swell of her belly. On the bed, Abigail takes full advantage of the butterfly position to get as much slow pleasure between her legs as she can. Getting lost in the sensations her fingering gains pace until she finishes off in a delicious finale of painfully sweet pleasure. Mouthwatering to say the least.

Nikki Benz 在 'Ridin' Benz'

Nikki Benz - Ridin' Benz

This week we have the gorgeous Nikki Benz showing a bit of her workout session. She calls over the local massage therapist to help work out her kinks and tight spots, after he arrives he gets straight to work. Who would waste time massaging this fine ass girl. Once he gets going the oil starts spilling and massage gets intense. Nikki gets the inside of her pussy massaged in every way possible. Enjoy

Misty Anderson 在 'Lesbian Girl On Girl'

Misty Anderson - Lesbian Girl On Girl

Monique Alexander forgot to pay the heating bill, so now her house is freezing cold! She and her roommate Misty Anderson need to get warm quick, so they bundle up and cuddle on the couch together to get cozy and comfy. But being so close makes them want to do more than cuddle; they find another way to heat things up by stripping off their clothes and eating each others' juicy pussies! Out comes the dildo and the hot lesbians are fucking each other girl-on-girl style, forgetting all about the cold!

Abigail Mac 在 'and Romi Rain in Lesbian Girl on Girl'

Abigail Mac - Lesbian Girl On Girl

Romi Rain just broke up with her boyfriend, and she desperately wants to go out to a new club in Hollywood that just opened up. But when she tries to persuade her bookish roommate Abigail Mac to go out, she tells her she needs to study. Romi complains that Abigail is always studying and never wants to have any fun time going out and meeting guys. She tells her that she's way too hot to not be going out, and when Romi says she'll be happen to stay in with Abigail, then slips her tongue in her mouth, her roommate is ready to have some fun. The two get to know one another by way of a pussy-eating, vibrator-fucking good time!

Nikki Benz 在 'Spread Your Cheeks'

Nikki Benz - Spread Your Cheeks

Mr. Anal! What more can I say? Today's update is off the charts! I really don't want to spoil this for you. I'm going to keep it short and simple. Nikki Benz is sexy and has a bad-ass body. She pleasures herself with a dildo. Yes! In her tight ass-hole. She sucks a mean dick and loves to be fucked in the ass. Jackpot! Enjoy.

Kirsten Price 在 'Kirsten And The Footsie Kats'

Kirsten Price - Kirsten And The Footsie Kats

Three sexy go-go dancers get sweaty n pantyhose, worship each others feet and have hardcore lesbian strap-on and anal sex with gaping!

Nikki Benz 在 'and Johnny Sins in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Nikki Benz - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Johnny's getting married today, and he's nervous as hell. His dad's girlfriend Nikki Benz checks in to see how he's doing, and when she sees that he's a nervous wreck, she tells him that she's going to help him calm down and regain his confidence. But when she starts rubbing his cock, Johnny can't believe his eyes! Nikki tells him it's not cheating because he isn't married yet, and she emboldens her movement when she wraps her lips around his big dick, sticks her big tits in his face and fucks him on his wedding day!

Romi Rain 在 'Raw 16'

Romi Rain - Raw 16

Private footage captures director/stud Manuel Ferrara meeting buxom, raven-haired porn slut Romi Rain at a hotel for a bit of extracurricular fucking. He films the ultra-busty, tattooed bombshell as she rinses her voluptuous body. Manuel joins her in the shower and rams Romi's juicy cunt from behind. Moving to the bed, she strokes the director's meat with both hands, lovingly slurps on the fat shaft and worships his ball sack. She straddles him and rides his throbbing tool. He fingers Romi to a squirting ejaculation; she eagerly laps up her own juices mixed with Manuel's cum from a glass tabletop!

Monique Alexander 在 'Lesbian Strawberry Foot Food Crushing!'

Monique Alexander - Lesbian Strawberry Foot Food Crushing!

Gracie Glam and Monique Alexander worship, lick, suck and fuck each others feet and crush delicious strawberries underneath their perfect arches!

Monique Alexander 在 'is your Whipped Ass Girl Of The Month!'

Monique Alexander - is your Whipped Ass Girl Of The Month!

Famous porn starlet, Monique Alexander is fucked and whipped in lesbian bondage for the very first time!

Monique Alexander 在 'Whipped Ass Girl Of the Month Teaser 2!'

Monique Alexander - Whipped Ass Girl Of the Month Teaser 2!

Behind the scenes footage into the intimate life of Monique Alexander

Monique Alexander 在 'Monique Alexander: Whipped Ass Girl Of The Month Teaser 1'

Monique Alexander - Monique Alexander: Whipped Ass Girl Of The Month Teaser 1

Behind the scenes intimate portrait of Monique Alexander your Whipped Ass Girl Of The Month July 2012!

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Hot Time With Monique'

Jessica Jaymes - Hot Time With Monique

Porn superstars Monique Alexander and Jessica Jaymes have always been close friends, and always curious about taking it to the next level. So in this scene, these two pussy hungry slut ravage each others body from head to toe. Tasting each others lips, pussies and nice fake tits. Monique makes Jessica moans with excitement as she cums all over her face!

Ana Foxxx 在 'and Johnny Castle in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Ana Foxxx - My Sisters Hot Friend

Ana Foxxx charges into her friend Susan's house frantically searching for her, but Susan's brother Johnny tells her that his sister is upstairs passed out, after a long night with her boyfriend. Ana said Susan wasn't answering her phone, and that she needs to desperately talk to someone because she just broke up with her cheating-ass boyfriend. Johnny, being the good guy that he is, consoles the poor soul and gives her the comfort she needs, i.e., his hard cock in her juicy pussy.

Monique Alexander 在 'Super Sexy'

Monique Alexander - Super Sexy

Watch pornstar Monique Alexander strip down and tease you in her sexy dungeon. After exposing her tits and pussy, she masturbates herself into a giant orgasm. Leaving your cock hard and balls empty!

Ana Foxxx 在 'Fine and Sexy Dark Chocolate'

Ana Foxxx - Fine and Sexy Dark Chocolate

Welcome back for another awesome Brown Bunnies update. This update is definitely a must see. Ana Foxxx has a sexy round booty, small waist, and some Hersey's juicy tits. This chocolate bunny has the beauty and the booty that will make you want to dream about how can this dark chocolate bunny take a hardcore pounding. Gotta tell you, this brown bunny takes it hardcore in every position possible. It's fucking awesome.

Ana Foxxx 在 '- Cum Bang'

Ana Foxxx - Cum Bang

Civil liberties are fading away at a rapid pace. Ana Foxxx is enjoying a quiet aftenoon with her boyfriend when they're both served legal papers. Apparently the new Governor has signed a bill into law that requires black females to get Cumbanged by white guys ONLY if they're currently in an interracial relation. Ana-being so in love with her man- will do whatever it takes to get over this hump. Ana meets up with 8 of the rowdiest rednecks this side of the Mississippi. Ana turns lemons into lemonade by enjoying the task at hand: Sucking and fucking all those white cocks. Ana goes down the line and grabs the crotch of every pair of pants before her knees meet the floor. There's no white cock in the room that doesn't aim right for her face. Ana gobbles every white cock until her eyes and nose expand until they nearly pop. Those beautiful arms jerk off any available cock as her mouth sucks on enlarged white nuts. The mayhem level goes up a level when Ana gets bent and the welcome sign over her pussy gets lit up. One by one each cracker cock pokes at her pussy as her mouth is given no timeout for sucking white dick. Ana's boyfriend joins the mix and shares his love with his brothers in arms. That beautiful black booty points towards the Union as her pussy gets slammed like Fort Sumter. The last thing left to do is bombard Ana's face with gallons and gallons of white gravy. Love might be blind, but it's certainly sick and twisted.

Ana Foxxx 在 '- Glory Hole Initiations'

Ana Foxxx - Glory Hole Initiations

Ana Foxxx has always hit the books instead of being the whore she truly is. Ana's no longer a bookworm and she's now a certified white cock slut. The bottled water she recently had is now wanting to escape via her black pussy. The only restroom in sight is this public one and it won't be only urine that stains the floor. Once inside, Ana Foxxx gets naked in order to use the complete privacy to her full advantage. The next thing that happens is the stuff of legends: An anonymous white cock comes into the picture. Ana inspects the anonymous cock before sucking him down to the balls. Ana slurps and gags on her first white cock before sliding him in between her smooth thighs. Ana rides that white cock as her black pussy begins to throb and ache from the friction. The huge nut sack on the white boy is proof that he's going to cover her in his baby making juice.

Monique Alexander 在 'I Love Monique Alexander'

Monique Alexander - I Love Monique Alexander

Porn superstar Monique Alexander can't wait to show off her brand new tits and get your dick rock hard! This ex-vivid contract star can do what ever she wants and proves it by teasing, stripping down and showing you all her contract material. Monique wastes no time finger fucking herself in to an orgasm and moans with excitement.

Nikki Benz 在 'Breast Worship 2'

Nikki Benz - Breast Worship 2

Meow! Nikki Benz is the sexy kitty with huge knockers. She makes her followers worship them. This dirty kitty loves to suck and fuck until she cums. You will worship her too after seeing this!

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Jessica And Monique POV'

Jessica Jaymes - Jessica And Monique POV

Porn superstars Jessica Jaymes and Monique Alexander are world class cock suckers. These ex Hustler and Vivid contract stars are free and uninhibited, ready to swap spit and share a 9 in. dick! And when you just can't hold it anymore, you spray their faces with a massive, creamy load. Leaving these two stars faces destroyed and covered in cum.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Monique Alexander POV'

Jessica Jaymes - Monique Alexander POV

Porn superstars Jessica Jaymes and Monique Alexander are world class cock suckers. These ex Hustler and Vivid contract stars are free and uninhibited, ready to swap spit and share a 9 in. dick! And when you just can't hold it anymore, you spray their faces with a massive, creamy load. Leaving these two stars faces destroyed and covered in cum.

Ana Foxxx 在 '2 Chicks Same Time'

Ana Foxxx - 2 Chicks Same Time

College cheerleaders Skin Diamond and Ana Foxxx are scheming to win the cheer competition by seducing the judge Johnny at his home. But when they get there, they find rival college cheerleader Leilani Leeane already sucking his cock, already a head up! When they call them out, Leilani wants them to admit that they were there to suck his cock, too, and stack the odds in their favor. At that point, all Johnny can do is continue to be a fair and balanced judge, which means he has to fuck all three cheerleaders to find out who will win. Rah-rah-sis-boom-blast!

Monique Alexander 在 'This Milf Rocks! feat. Monique Alexander'

Monique Alexander - This Milf Rocks! feat. Monique Alexander

Monique Alexander is a red-head milf with an amazing body. This mom definitely rocks! She has a nice pair of tits, a juicy ass and a tight pink pussy that looks tasty. Derrick should consider himself lucky. To fuck a mom that looks like Monique is every young mans dream. He was in for a good fucking. Monique showcased how a cock should be sucked. Slobbering all over the cock, prepping it for what's to come and that's a good fucking from Derrick. But first he just had to taste that cherry of hers. Like they say, " The older the cooch, the better the juice". Then he pounded the fuck out of that tight pussy from multiple positions. Definitely a must see. Don't miss out! Enjoy.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Babes In Toyland MJ'

Jessica Jaymes - Babes In Toyland MJ

Watch colorful duo Jessica Jaymes and Monique Alexander get you off as the take you on a psychedelic sexcapade. These two porn super stars show you just how much they love eating pussy and get payed the big bucks to do it. These babes are sizzling hot and make each other cum all over this industrial funky toyland.

Monique Alexander 在 'Monique In Candyland'

Monique Alexander - Monique In Candyland

Welcome our Vivid ex-contract girl, Monique Alexander ... and what a young and great cock sucker, wearing a crazy pink wig. After she gives you a nice strip tease, Monique asks for big fat cock in her mouth. And what she asks for, she gets . A deep, sensual and nasty Blowjob POV style . This girl sucks cock like a PRO and gets massive warm face of jizz in the end

Monique Alexander 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Rich Girls'

Monique Alexander - Naughty Rich Girls

Monique Alexander is out shopping for new furniture but she isn't happy with what she sees. In fact she is getting so upset by the lack of quality that she begins to insult the salesman. He doesn't put up with it and bluntly asks her if she's been fucked recently. With that kind of customer service Monique perks right up and gets the fucking of a lifetime...

Monique Alexander 在 'and Alec Knight in Housewife 1 on 1'

Monique Alexander - Housewife 1 on 1

Monique Alexander has a long list of chores for her husband to do today but he's not really motivated to do any of them. Monique knows that all the motivation he needs is right in between her legs.

Nikki Benz 在 'Happy Birthday Nikki!'

Nikki Benz - Happy Birthday Nikki!

Its Nikki's birthday and she is surprised by the Mofos family with a free voucher to Last Chance Tattoo. She goes through the day anticipating and deciding on what tattoo to get. The nerves get the best of her and fortunately Jordan is around to ease her, she gets more for her birthday than she could have bargain for.

jessica drake 在 'Without You Scene 3'

jessica drake - Without You Scene 3

Amy (Stormy) is a maid who is secretly in love with her boss Donovan (Evan Stone), a very powerful and successful businessman. Since working for Donovan, Amy has made every attempt to make her feelings for him known without success. When Donovan becomes engaged to a woman that Amy is sure is only after Donovan for his money, Amy attempts once again to catch Donovan's attention and affection. As luck would have it, Donovan and his fianc get into an argument and his fianc declares the wedding off. Now stuck at the last minute without a date to an important business function, Donovan asks Amy to attend the function with him posing as his fianc. When the evening is over, Donovan and Amy share an intimate encounter and Amy feels that finally she and Donovan will be together as she has always dreamed. What Amy soon discovers though is that sometimes before love can shine through, mistakes must be made first. The next morning after Donovan and Amy's evening together, Donovan's fianc calls to reconcile their relationship. Donovan leaps at the chance to get back together with his fianc and apologizes to Amy, claiming that their evening together was a mistake. Hurt and heartbroken, Amy resigns as Donovan's maid. It only takes a few days for Donovan to realize that he made a mistake letting Amy go and he confesses his love to her. And they live happily ever after...