Madison Ivy at
Brazzers '第一他媽的愛' 主演 Aletta Ocean (照片 15)

Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' - Love at First Fuck (Big Tits at Work)

愛是一個不可預知的事情。你什麼時候都不會知道丘比特的箭將要罷工,而對於丹尼D來說,當他睜大眼睛看著那個美麗的黑髮深奧的​​阿萊塔海洋時,就一下子打了他一眼。她在當地的咖啡館工作,一旦眼睛閉上眼睛,丹尼就知道自己已經擁有了她。 Lovesick和角質,他跟著她進了後房,在那裡,他抓住他盯著她美麗的大假山羊,並決定返回他的感情。愛情的二重奏偶然回到咖啡店,嚇倒所有的客戶,因為Aletta跪下,開始吮吸Danny在咖啡館中間的巨大公雞!她的肥胖的雞巴深深地在她緊緊的陰部,呻吟著,只有新的愛可以帶來的榮幸,然後在她漂亮的臉上大量的她的新的情人的jizz!

發布 : 4月23日, 2014
標籤 : 工作幻想, 褐髮, 小姐, 大山雀, 大山雀崇拜
男模特 : Danny D

Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'
Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'

Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'

圖片來自 Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' Love at First Fuck

Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 1)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 2)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 3)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 4)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 5)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 6)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 7)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 8)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 9)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 10)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 11)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 12)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 13)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 14)
Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' 第一他媽的愛 (縮略圖 15)

圖片來自 Aletta Ocean 在 'Brazzers' Love at First Fuck

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Aletta Ocean

Alessandra Jane 在 '最佳 ZZ - 丹尼·'

Alessandra Jane - 最佳 ZZ - 丹尼·


Aletta Ocean 在 '被拒絕的家庭主婦'

Aletta Ocean - 被拒絕的家庭主婦


Aletta Ocean 在 '阿萊塔海洋最深的德里爾'

Aletta Ocean - 阿萊塔海洋最深的德里爾

阿萊塔海洋已經準備好在這場羽絨和骯髒的肛門盛會中接受很多丹尼 D 的雞巴!阿萊塔穿著一套熱辣的紅色內衣炫耀她性感的身體,從而打開了場景。沒過多久,她就赤身裸體了,丹尼出現了,把她所有的洞都弄髒了。

Aletta Ocean 在 '最好的胸罩:麥迪森常春藤'

Aletta Ocean - 最好的胸罩:麥迪森常春藤


Aletta Ocean 在 'Oversnatch-一個XXX模仿'

Aletta Ocean - Oversnatch-一個XXX模仿


Aletta Ocean 在 '失去了布列ers第3集'

Aletta Ocean - 失去了布列ers第3集


Aletta Ocean 在 '偷窺色情明星'

Aletta Ocean - 偷窺色情明星

Aletta海洋正在嘗試一個新的性感的衣服在她的家,當一個不那麼秘密的仰慕者(丹尼D)窺視她。引起注意的是,Aletta決定通過拍攝自己的性感自我,深深地了解Danny,D先生的偷窺者記錄了她剝下的每一件衣服!一旦海洋比海洋濕潤得多,她誘使丹尼感到驚喜 - 他的大屁股在她的陰部裡靠得很近!

Aletta Ocean 在 '倫敦之旅第二部分'

Aletta Ocean - 倫敦之旅第二部分

麥迪遜常春藤的倫敦之旅繼續她的終身夢想,使宮殿守衛值班。在摸索丹妮的大香腸,並嘲笑他之後,她終於讓丹尼給她裸露的乳房了!麥迪遜在宮殿裡繼續肆無忌憚的走過來,拿著銀器把他們放在胸前!在白金漢內,麥迪遜滑入私人房間,發現王子fo with一個女僕。更好的相信她想給他一個口吻適合一個國王!隨著女僕,麥迪遜花了她的時間享受皇家權杖,並被扔在他們生命中最大的骨頭!

Aletta Ocean 在 '阿萊塔海洋肛門談判'

Aletta Ocean - 阿萊塔海洋肛門談判

丹尼D可以是一個設置的一個diva,但當你像他一樣掛,你可以負擔得起一點要求。但是當一個糟糕的一天變成人質的時候,丹尼的要求很簡單:一個三明治,一個重寫,一個多汁的泡泡屁股他媽的!幸運的是,Aletta海洋正在給丹尼一點點肛門談判,他很快就忘了所有的麻煩,因為他狠狠的叮叮噹,直到她高興地尖叫起來。 Aletta吸吮了丹尼的大雞巴,然後在她漂亮的臉上和華麗的彈性大假奶頭上拍了一張巨大的臉頰。

Aletta Ocean 在 '間諜艱難的3命中女孩'

Aletta Ocean - 間諜艱難的3命中女孩

在Spy Hard系列的驚人的第三個進入中,這一次,我們找到了我們的英雄,代理人Jason Blaine,被一些想要通過任何必要的方式從他那裡獲取信息的暴徒。幸運的是,丹尼對世界上最致命的強盜刺客的支持:阿萊塔海洋!在她作為一個不情願的女學生的秘密身份中,Aletta在St Brazzers Hall寄宿學校忙著上課,當時我們的英雄是大型的秘密代理人。阿萊塔來救他,快速地派出所有的俘虜,只有一個真正的武術大師可以管理這種技巧。為了回報她的善良,丹尼給她一塊肥胖的公雞,他媽的漂亮的臉,她美麗的大山雀,當然她緊緊的貓,然後給她一個巨大的面部,送她上課。

Aletta Ocean 在 '給女傭提示'

Aletta Ocean - 給女傭提示

酒店在所有的旅行指南中都有五顆星,但是Jay不知道為什麼。當裸體女僕Aletta Ocean用大山雀漫步時,這一切都是有道理的。在這個聯合中,為全方位服務包裝彈出包括一些個人關注你的公雞。 Aletta帶著VIP客人睡覺,並利用她所有的技能來獲得她曾經擁有的最大的技巧。

Aletta Ocean 在 '帶科學'

Aletta Ocean - 帶科學


Aletta Ocean 在 '海洋運動'

Aletta Ocean - 海洋運動


Aletta Ocean 在 'Alettas洗車'

Aletta Ocean - Alettas洗車


Aletta Ocean 在 'Alettas解剖學'

Aletta Ocean - Alettas解剖學

尼克朗是一個秘密的截癱。秘密是,他實際上並不殘疾。他只是假裝被癱瘓了,所以他可以獲得一些像Aletta Ocean這樣一個像他媽的醫生一樣照顧他的日子。在身體檢查期間,勃起給尼克,而Aletta決定和他一起走路,然後把他的屁股扔在街上。

Aleska Diamond 在 'Ep-8-最後呼叫Bootiepest'

Aleska Diamond - Ep-8-最後呼叫Bootiepest


Aletta Ocean 在 'Ep-7-結尾是後方'

Aletta Ocean - Ep-7-結尾是後方


Aletta Ocean 在 '尾郵件'

Aletta Ocean - 尾郵件

隨著郵局總是混合他們的包裹,送貨女孩阿萊塔誓言使事情正確,一次一包!雨和雪都不會讓她離開路線 - 更濕潤,更好 - 即使她被訓練敲門鈴,Aletta絕對喜歡後門!

Aletta Ocean 在 '他媽的還是你打的'

Aletta Ocean - 他媽的還是你打的


Aletta Ocean 在 '你和他媽的,你和他媽的'

Aletta Ocean - 你和他媽的,你和他媽的


Aletta Ocean 在 '公雞沐浴由屁股'

Aletta Ocean - 公雞沐浴由屁股


Aletta Ocean 在 '塞在泡菜中'

Aletta Ocean - 塞在泡菜中


Aletta Ocean 在 '不要碰!'

Aletta Ocean - 不要碰!


Aletta Ocean 在 '一個幸運的'

Aletta Ocean - 一個幸運的


Aletta Ocean 在 '雙重滲透沉降'

Aletta Ocean - 雙重滲透沉降


Aletta Ocean 在 '主要物種'

Aletta Ocean - 主要物種


Aletta Ocean 在 '我的臉上的照片SHOOT'

Aletta Ocean - 我的臉上的照片SHOOT


Aletta Ocean 在 'Nightsuckers'

Aletta Ocean - Nightsuckers


Aletta Ocean 在 '3可靠的他媽的孔'

Aletta Ocean - 3可靠的他媽的孔

今天是Brazzers團隊建設的一天!已經為員工規劃了活動,以便彼此認識和相互信任。當玩“蜘蛛網”Aletta被抓住繩索,不能離開!隨著員工進入下一個事件,Scott切入網絡並釋放Aletta。眾所周知,英雄必須得到獎勵! Aletta是地球上最性感的寶貝,將Scott對待一些真正的他媽的“Brazzers風格的團隊建設”。讓他把他的公雞在她每一個熱的性感他媽的孔!該死的!

Aletta Ocean 在 '世界最美麗'

Aletta Ocean - 世界最美麗

為所有事物性感美麗;那些熱和骯髒,一切都是鐵桿和生的。如果它們全部包裝在一個盒子中,並發送給你,那個盒子將會讀“Aletta Ocean”。這是一個寶寶,胸部會吹你的負擔這麼難,你可能會坐一個禮拜。在這個場景中,她扮演一個角色的女按摩師,在戲劇電影表演中引誘她的常客。

Aletta Ocean 在 '他媽的你的測試!'

Aletta Ocean - 他媽的你的測試!


Jenny Hendrix 在 '大屁股風格'

Jenny Hendrix - 大屁股風格


Aletta Ocean 在 '他媽的法律'

Aletta Ocean - 他媽的法律

可憐的Aletta在長期監禁中一直忠於她的丈夫Bramm。為了做到這一點,布拉姆姆決定讓他的妻子在下一次訪問期間他媽的懲教官員。 CO認為這是他的幸運日,但是真的嗎?有沒有一些釀造在Bramm的計劃的頭腦?

Aletta Ocean 在 '漂浮像蝴蝶刺一樣的小腿'

Aletta Ocean - 漂浮像蝴蝶刺一樣的小腿

Aletta即將開始第五次拳擊課,當她的教練Keiran Lee開始讓她失望並告訴她改變運動時。根據Keiran的說法,她的大山雀似乎成了這個問題。她堅持繼續上課,教導Keiran教練有價值的教訓...不要侮辱她的大山雀!

來自其他網站的場景特色 Aletta Ocean

Aletta Ocean 在 'Petite Aletta Ocean fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Aletta Ocean - Petite Aletta Ocean fucking in the couch with her big tits

Aletta comes to her friend's house after the newlywed's have just got back from their honeymoon and she's sad to hear that the honeymoon was a bust. Turns out Will needs more experience in the please my wife department and Aletta being the good friend that she is decides Will should practice on her body. What a great friend!

Aletta Ocean 在 'Shaved Aletta Ocean fucking in the hallway with her big tits'

Aletta Ocean - Shaved Aletta Ocean fucking in the hallway with her big tits

Aletta Ocean cannot believe her eyes: her friend's brother is cleaning his sister's house. When Aletta asks Danny why he's doing this he tell her that he lost a bet with his sister. Even though Alleta thinks it's funny, she still feels bad for Danny. Before Alteea's friend comes home to a half-clean house, she's gonna make sure Danny's cock is 100% clean!

Aletta Ocean 在 'Girlfriend Aletta Ocean fucking in the couch with her tits'

Aletta Ocean - Girlfriend Aletta Ocean fucking in the couch with her tits

Juelz Ventura had a date set up for tomorrow night but the guy showed up this evening. Juelz doesn't mind since since her and her best friend Aletta Ocean were just watching a movie and sipping some wine. While Juelz was in the kitchen popping some corn, Aletta tries to put the moves on Juelz's man. This isn't the first time this has happened but it's gonna be the first time this lucky guy has two chicks at the same time!!

Aletta Ocean 在 'gets fucked'

Aletta Ocean - My Wife's Hot Friend

Aletta comes to her friend's house after the newlywed's have just got back from their honeymoon and she's sad to hear that the honeymoon was a bust. Turns out Will needs more experience in the please my wife department and Aletta being the good friend that she is decides Will should practice on her body. What a great friend!

Aletta Ocean 在 'Fill My Holes and Make Me Scream'

Aletta Ocean - Fill My Holes and Make Me Scream

Busty brunette slut gets slammed hard by two muscular studs in this hard core double penetration scene

Aletta Ocean 在 'Stuff My Holes you Filthy Gimps'

Aletta Ocean - Stuff My Holes you Filthy Gimps

Sultry Madam Aletta Ocean gets all her tight little holes stuffed to the max in the wonderfully weird double penetration scene

Aletta Ocean 在 'Sexy Aletta Ocean wished this porn casting would make her a pornstar'

Aletta Ocean - Sexy Aletta Ocean wished this porn casting would make her a pornstar

She walks through the shell curtains and shows you her beef curtains...

Aletta Ocean 在 'Fly Girls: Final Payload Scene 2'

Aletta Ocean - Fly Girls: Final Payload Scene 2

Jasmine Jae is a pretty girl who plays ugly games - starting with clueless airline CEO Marcus London. After bankrupting his airline, Jasmine plans to flee the country. Until she runs into bankrupted investor and old flame Nacho Vidal, who demands a return on his investment. To pay back Nacho and Marcus, and save her life, Jasmine devises a new scheme...but this time, she's met her match Nicolette Shea, who has grand plans of her own...

Aletta Ocean 在 'Fly Girls: Final Payload Scene 3'

Aletta Ocean - Fly Girls: Final Payload Scene 3

Jasmine Jae is a pretty girl who plays ugly games - starting with clueless airline CEO Marcus London. After bankrupting his airline, Jasmine plans to flee the country. Until she runs into bankrupted investor and old flame Nacho Vidal, who demands a return on his investment. To pay back Nacho and Marcus, and save her life, Jasmine devises a new scheme...but this time, she's met her match Nicolette Shea, who has grand plans of her own...

Aletta Ocean 在 'Best of Aletta Ocean'

Aletta Ocean - Best of Aletta Ocean

Watch the gorgeous Aletta Ocean play dirty in this amazing compilation of her best works that include lesbian sex, threesomes, anal, double penetration and more. Enjoy!

Aletta Ocean 在 'Ho Ho Hoe See Santa's Sexy Helpers Aletta Ocean and Lara Amour'

Aletta Ocean - Ho Ho Hoe See Santa's Sexy Helpers Aletta Ocean and Lara Amour

Santa knows how to party and in this orgy scene you will see hotties Aletta Ocean, Helena Sweet, Lara Amour, Lucy Belle and Stella Delcroix playing Santa's sexy helpers. They hold a pool side gang bang after which, these guys are sure to find themselves on Santa's naughty list.

Aletta Ocean 在 '- Blacks On Blondes'

Aletta Ocean - Blacks On Blondes

What does one of Europe's biggest porn stars do when she's not sucking and fucking on camera? For Aletta Ocean, it's running her laundromat. You heard right. Unlike most of her peers, Aletta saves her money...and invests it in various businesses. She loves her laundromat because it generates revenue whether or not she's there...or sucking and fucking on a set somewhere. How lucky is our man Isiah that he happens to be doing his laundry the one day Aletta's there doing her books? He can't figure out the change machine, and soon he can't believe his good fortune. Let's face it, Aletta doesn't see many black men in Budapest, so when she does, Aletta loses all her common sense and behaves like the true Black Cock Slut she is.

Aletta Ocean 在 '- Cuckold Sessions'

Aletta Ocean - Cuckold Sessions

What's the best thing a Hubby can give her BCS wife? Do I really even need to answer that question? Enter Zack and his beautiful wife, Aletta. They've been part of the cuckold lifestyle since they started dating years ago. Zack knows what's up. He understands the black man's girth will stretch his lady's holes open far more than he ever could, and why deny her that pleasure? Zack's always been a voyeur, too, and he thinks there's nothing hotter than watching his beautiful wife Aletta get banged out. Today's an extra-special day for Zack and Aletta! In addition to celebrating their anniversary in a beautiful condo they rented for the occasion, Zack stumbled upon porn star JonJon at one of Budapest's hottest clubs the night before! Zack hired JonJon as an anniversary gift. We all know this is a gift Aletta will never forget!

Aletta Ocean 在 'More than enough for two'

Aletta Ocean - More than enough for two

Aletta Ocean is passionate enough to serve the desire of not one, but two men. Those gorgeous, amazing tits, that constantly burning pussy is ready to take and give pleasure. Both Csoky and Nick take advantage of this opportunity and take their own joy from this smoking hot threesome.

Aletta Ocean 在 'Private Rehearsal'

Aletta Ocean - Private Rehearsal

Aletta is a real movie diva, but even she needs some private rehearsal from time to time... just to secure her position. The director invites her backstage for a casting couch session. And how does the majestic babe do on this session? Let's not spoil the fun. Check it out for yourself.

Aletta Ocean 在 'Once a Diva, Always a Diva'

Aletta Ocean - Once a Diva, Always a Diva

Aletta Ocean is a real sex diva, that's a fact. She always was, she always will be. It is in her motions, her behavior, her expression, even when she plays with her own pussy... or especially then. In the next twenty minutes or so she will mesmerize us with her glamorous body and arousing solo show... and all we have to do is to watch and awe.

Aletta Ocean 在 'The Sexiest Firefighter'

Aletta Ocean - The Sexiest Firefighter

It would be hard to decide if gorgeous and busty Aletta will extinguish fires, or start them with her smoking hot body. But it is very clear that any of us would be happy to light up the curtain just to have this sexy firefighter breaking into the house.

Aletta Ocean 在 'Busty Schoolgirl Aletta'

Aletta Ocean - Busty Schoolgirl Aletta

Aletta Ocean... a well-known name of a popular girl. They call her a porn diva for a good reason. But today we peek back into the past... to the time when our beloved Aletta was barely more than a young schoolgirl craving to have some fun.

Aletta Ocean 在 'Born to be a Diva'

Aletta Ocean - Born to be a Diva

To seduce a gorgeous diva like Aletta, one really has to put everything in. The flirting, the gifts, the attire, the look and the cock are all have to be top-notch and on the maximum to achieve this difficult challenge. In return, the Diva gives them the most stunning sexual experience a man can hope for. Just watch!

Aletta Ocean 在 'Hot fucking in public'

Aletta Ocean - Hot fucking in public

Aletta Ocean is back with a sea of fun and sexy. Aletta Ocean is definitely one of the hottest European porn stars, but she's also very down to earth, and down for anything. This time the gang went four wheeling through some Spanish hills. She wasn't very good at that, as you'll see, but there's other things she was great at. She gets a full body oil massage from two hot ladies while showing off her incredible body. She plays with her little pussy in a bikini. She deep throats herself while giving a rough nasty blow job. Then she gets fucked hard in several positions till she is covered in cum, and all of this happens outdoors at a scenic public park, overlooking the town, while people are watching. Enjoy.

Aletta Ocean 在 'anal fucked in a cave'

Aletta Ocean - anal fucked in a cave

Aletta Ocean is sexy as fuck. look at those lips and look at those hips. This sexy babe has it going on. From head to toe. We go on wild ride with her somewhere in the middle of Europe. Pleasuring herself and sucking Alberto Blanco's dick as he drives. Then we need a secluded area. That way we don't get caught out in public. That would be a heavy fine. We head to a cave so these two can finish what Aletta Ocean has started. Alberto fucked Aletta Ocean in almost in every hole you can imagine. Yes, even ANAL! She gets that asshole stretched out. Don't miss out on this adventurous update. Enjoy.

Aletta Ocean 在 'The Big Titty Queen Is Back For A Full Program DP Attack!'

Aletta Ocean - The Big Titty Queen Is Back For A Full Program DP Attack!

Everybody's favorite Eurobabe pornstar Aletta Ocean is back with her big tits and a mind to get DP crazy, and that's exactly what she's gonna get! She has some photographer fans coming by, but before they get deep into the photoshoot they wanna get deep into this slut goddess! Aletta starts out by wetting her outfit down, which clings tightly to her body, but eventually her designer wear has to come off to show off her flawless body, and she doesn't waste any time working those two cocks! Stroking, sucking, and then taking dicks deep in her pussy and ass, this DP, A2M loving freak does the full program, showing off exactly what's she's worth in the porn biz, until these guys can't take anymore and have to blow loads all over her perfect pornstar face! Aletta Ocean delivers the hardcore goods!

Aletta Ocean 在 '- Sweatin' Up a Lesbo Storm Of Big Tits, Spread Ass, And Licked Clits and Bum'

Aletta Ocean - - Sweatin' Up a Lesbo Storm Of Big Tits, Spread Ass, And Licked Clits and Bum

Aletta Ocean is one hot ass Eurobabe, at the top of the porn game and she knows it! In the very first edition of "SweatLook" she's going to show off what she looks like when sweating up a sex storm, really getting into the action and giving it her all! This babe is in demand, and she's got two hotties, Tiffany Shine and Aprill Blue, who have been dying to get a taste of Aletta's big jugs, sweet ass and pussy, and of course fall into those eyes and porn-puffy lips! Aletta's got a mind to get nice and wet with all those sexy satin outfits, so she sprays them all down until their tits are visible through their blouses, and once the clothes ripping begins the lesbo action really heats up, with these sweaty looking babes working those pussies and asses, with Aletta getting a nice double dose of ass crack licking from two babes that consider her a goddess! Build up your own sweat as you watch this insanely sexy wetlook themed lesbo action! Aletta and crew are out to get off hard and put on a sweat-inducing show!

Bobbi Starr 在 'Their Big Treat'

Bobbi Starr - Their Big Treat

Ian Scott certainly has his hands full! Raven-tressed Aletta Ocean from Hungary and auburn-topped Bobbi Starr from the USA are truly ready for action when they get a peek at his johnson. These wild girls peel off their bikinis as quickly as they can to get down for some hard-riding and deep-sucking threesome action.

Aletta Ocean 在 'Slam It In A Filthy Fucker'

Aletta Ocean - Slam It In A Filthy Fucker

Buxom beauty Aletta Ocean takes a studs throbbing cock into her wet pussy and tight little ass in this truly breathtaking hardcore scene.

Aletta Ocean 在 'Loves To Get Fucked In Her Tight Wet Pussy!'

Aletta Ocean - Loves To Get Fucked In Her Tight Wet Pussy!

In this weeks Big Tits Round Ass we have the beautiful Aletta Ocean and guys let me tell you something about this GODDESS she is definately the complete package ladies and gentlemen she has the face the curves and the witt and did I mention that she is absolutely gorgeous! she was waiting for my good friend the ever so lucky "franco" and once he got to her man she gave it to him in all way she was so good that this guy had to stop a couple of times if you know what I mean! I hope you all enjoy watching this beautiful woman get fucked cause I sure did!

Aletta Ocean 在 'Anal Thumping'

Aletta Ocean - Anal Thumping

Today on Mr. Anal for the first time we have the fucking sexy ass Aletta Ocean. She is fresh off her break and totally ready to get fucked in her tight ass. We love her already for being super sexy but now that she is on Mr. Anal we have more of a appreciation for her beautiful ass more and more.

Aletta Ocean 在 'best handjob ever!'

Aletta Ocean - best handjob ever!

This is the hand job of all hand jobs. You need to see this episode. Aletta has great hands for tugging and she loves it. She even rubs her ass and pussy on it. Aletta has the most fantastical ass, its so well formed and beautiful. Aletta even plays with her tits and titty fucks too. She does everything she can do while not fucking the dick. I swear after watching this your wont look at your hand again.

Aletta Ocean 在 'Big Titty Beauty'

Aletta Ocean - Big Titty Beauty

Whats up fuckers? this week we're coming to you all the way from Spain, we decided to take the bus out for a nice European getaway and the gorgeous Aletta Ocean was there to get naughty with us all the way. We picked up a random local that had zero clue to what he was getting himself into. As soon as the chap walked into the bus Aletta took over the show, she had him strip down to his jammies Alletta then pulled this guys cock out and demanded for him to get hard. lets just say today was this guys lucky day.

Aletta Ocean 在 'Lives The Super Shiny Glam Fashionista's Oily Jugs and Anal Gaping DP Dream'

Aletta Ocean - Lives The Super Shiny Glam Fashionista's Oily Jugs and Anal Gaping DP Dream

World-famous Eurobabe pornstar extraordinaire Aletta Ocean is giving us the full package in this very first Big Tits On Screen update, and she's definitely launching this site with a bang! Aletta is a goddess who expects nothing less than total destruction from her boy toys, who may pound her pussy, face, and ass with intensity, but she's always in charge with her incredibly sexy, super fashionable self as her perfect, mega tits are about to explode out of her blouse underneath her leather jacket! Once this beauty has two cocks at her disposal she puts them to work, stroking them, showing off her deepthroat skills while drooling all over her satin blouse to absurd levels, so much so that she takes the opportunity to undress and then put on another incredible outfit! At this point Aletta gets ready for her super hardcore afternoon, first oiling down her jugs and blouse, and then spreading wide to get taken double-team style, with one dick in her mouth and one in her pussy, and that's just the warm-up for the pounding anal action she's about to enjoy, getting her amazing asshole gaped wide open and then getting some DP love, getting fucked in her pussy and ass at the same time, showing us what an incredible pornstar slut she is! This freak also knows how to handle some jizz, happily getting double blasted on her face and massive, amazing tits! Do not miss the incredible Aletta Ocean like you've never seen her before!

Aletta Ocean 在 'Dollz House'

Aletta Ocean - Dollz House

Stunningly beautiful Aletta Ocean takes on two men in this award winning double penetration scene. Hot stuff

Aletta Ocean 在 'Aphrodiziac'

Aletta Ocean - Aphrodiziac

Curvaceous Aletta Ocean gets to grips with both of her male sex slaves in this double penetration fetish scene that will leave you wanting more!

Aletta Ocean 在 'Panty Pops 4'

Aletta Ocean - Panty Pops 4

Aletta Ocean is a super-sexy Hungarian brunette with a perfect bubble butt that I couldn't resist. Between her big round tits, that impeccable tush, and the sexy Euro accent, I was helpless. This is a dirty girl who knows how to tease!

Aletta Ocean 在 'Office Relaxation Technique'

Aletta Ocean - Office Relaxation Technique

What would you do if you were so stressed by work and the high hopes of the stunning boss are too hard to reach? Well... I would say, fuck it, or fuck them to be more proper... And that's just what they ended up doing, everyone on the conference table fucking the brains out of each other until the stress level exited their bodies and spewed into the mouth of beautiful busty sex goddesses.

Anastacia Divine 在 'Total Body Workout'

Anastacia Divine - Total Body Workout

Here are four beautiful girls getting a little sweat at the gym while making the boys drool and making them think of something other than lifting weights. After being teased a little too much, the boys are going in for the kill and making the girls break a bigger sweat by pounding them. With bombshells like these at the gym, I would be there all the time too...