Madison Ivy at
Brazzers '摩伊戰爭' 主演 Alura Jenson (照片 6)

Alura Jenson,Joslyn James 在 'Brazzers' - MILF Wars (Hot And Mean)

兩個性感,氨綸穿著的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線出現在令人垂涎的Muff Crushers訓練營的最後一個位置。在對陣註冊表格的戰鬥之後,Alura Jenson和Joslyn James試圖通過他們的緊身瑜伽褲和運動文胸跳繩,蹲下和伸展來超越對方。所有這些比賽和眼睛糖果讓他們太開啟了,他們的小攤牌很快變成了一些現實生活中的啞鈴粉碎在健身房

發布 : 12月20日, 2018
標籤 : 競技, BBW, 禿頭的貓, 大屁股, 大山雀, 金發, 高加索, 作弊, 情人幻想, 增強, 巨大的山雀, Innie貓, 綁腿, 女同性戀, 中等屁股, 中等皮膚, 運動文胸, , 妻子

圖片來自 Alura Jenson,Joslyn James 在 'Brazzers' MILF Wars

Alura Jenson 在 'Brazzers' 摩伊戰爭 (縮略圖 1)
Alura Jenson 在 'Brazzers' 摩伊戰爭 (縮略圖 2)
Alura Jenson 在 'Brazzers' 摩伊戰爭 (縮略圖 3)
Alura Jenson 在 'Brazzers' 摩伊戰爭 (縮略圖 4)
Alura Jenson 在 'Brazzers' 摩伊戰爭 (縮略圖 5)
Alura Jenson 在 'Brazzers' 摩伊戰爭 (縮略圖 6)

圖片來自 Alura Jenson,Joslyn James 在 'Brazzers' MILF Wars

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Alura Jenson,Joslyn James

Joslyn James 在 '我作為充氣娃娃的生活'

Joslyn James - 我作為充氣娃娃的生活

紅髮的索菲亞洛克正試圖舉辦一場優雅的婚禮淋浴,這時好色的喬斯林詹姆斯送給她一個充氣性玩偶!索菲亞感到不安,但她曲線玲瓏的朋友莉亞可愛有點喜歡它。索菲亞嫌棄地把性玩偶扔到一邊,告訴喬斯琳把它扔掉。在其他房間里,喬斯琳和莉亞輪流玩玩洋娃娃。就在這時,他們注意到了一些奇怪的事情...娃娃活了過來!但丁·科勒(Dante Colle)以一個完全成型(且堅硬)的男人出現,而徐娘半老無法得到足夠的。當索菲亞發現她的禮物不僅僅是一個洋娃娃時,三個人為誰來操他而爭吵!

Joslyn James 在 '看這個把戲,充氣山雀!'

Joslyn James - 看這個把戲,充氣山雀!

嬌小的查理·薩默(Petite Charly Summer)暗戀她的新繼叔叔米克·布魯(Mick Blue),並在他與姨媽結婚的那一周里一直在尋找誘惑他的方法。大喬斯林·詹姆斯( Joslyn James )結束了一次訪問,米克無法將目光從她美麗,巨大的乳房上移開!喬斯林和米克在廚房裡玩得很開心,因為查理監視著他們。查理可以看到米克有一個大奶子的東西,而查理有完美的玩具來完成她的偷偷摸摸的誘惑計劃!

Joslyn James 在 '與博士晃動的約會'

Joslyn James - 與博士晃動的約會


Joslyn James 在 '我們為什麼不標記團隊您的gf'

Joslyn James - 我們為什麼不標記團隊您的gf

甜蜜和性感的貝利基地希望她的男朋友(約翰尼的孩子)更性冒險。她安排他從喬斯林·詹姆斯那裡得到按摩,他是把狂野的一面帶出任何人的專家。按摩的中途, 喬斯林讓貝利接管按摩, 而她得到桌子下吸約翰尼的傢伙!貝利很驚訝, 當她抓住這個, 但她不能反駁的結果: 約翰尼是一個新的男人, 並準備在那裡操她。喬斯林戴上綁帶, 這樣她就可以加入的樂趣, 幫助約翰尼搞砸貝利好在一些熱三人行行動。

Joslyn James 在 '復仇的展覽主義'

Joslyn James - 復仇的展覽主義

大位的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線喬斯林詹姆斯正在為她的丈夫JMac準備晚餐,但他脾氣暴躁,當他下班回家。鄰居又是一個傢伙,停在他的位置!喬斯林也討厭那個混蛋,所以他們喜歡在舒適的家中罵他。但你知道嗎?操這個混蛋!畢竟現在是星期五,為什麼不幹呢?為什麼不在面向他家的窗戶前, 在廚房裡做愛呢?性炸彈喬斯林和JMac肯定會給他一個很好的節目,因為沒有人亂搞相當喜歡這2在一起!

Joslyn James 在 '靴子樂隊'

Joslyn James - 靴子樂隊

喬斯琳詹姆斯是把她阻力帶工作,而她在家裡鍛煉,炫耀她的炸藥山雀在一個小坦克頂部和她砰的戰利品在她的內褲。當桑德 · 科爾武斯到達, 並油喬斯林的細屁股, 既不表現出任何抵抗有激烈的肛交, 結束她的鍛煉在高調!

Joslyn James 在 '肛門熱點'

Joslyn James - 肛門熱點

烏鴉頭髮, 豐滿的米爾夫喬斯林詹姆斯正在很難與她的 Wi - Fi 。她已經有熱技師, 桑德 · 科武斯, 過來幾次修理它, 但這次她不讓他離開沒有他先幹他!喬斯琳設置桑德"意外"走進她使用屁股插頭后,他輕鬆地放棄了她的進步,從紋身美洲獅收到一個濕滴頭的工作為初學者。一個非常草率的口交與額外的照顧球是功能表上的下一個,一個很好的開胃菜喬斯林的緊貓,吞下桑德的公雞整個,因為她帶他一個地獄的騎。但是, 我們不要自欺欺人: 詹姆斯小姐是一個饑餓的女士, 一個簡單的貓屁股是不夠的。她想要它在她的屁股, 在她的屁股, 她會得到它!...為什麼停在那裡, 當她的貓也可以得到一個奶油?!

Rachel Roxxx 在 '最好的胸罩: 腳戀物癖。'

Rachel Roxxx - 最好的胸罩: 腳戀物癖。

布拉澤斯女人擁有一切: 令人驚歎的胸部, 難忘的屁股和一大堆的個性。但是他們的腳呢?我們知道,我們知道。你想看到女士們的地趾取笑一兩個傢伙。你尋求冒險的腳, 爬拐杖和滴答作響的貓。你要求我們的人崇拜他們,聞聞他們,舔他們。下肢的鑒賞家歡欣鼓舞,這個彙編是用愛,只為你。

Joslyn James 在 '腳步戲'

Joslyn James - 腳步戲

Ricky Spanish和他的女友性感的Kiara Cole受邀在Ricky教授的家中共進晚餐。凱拉(Kiara)試圖通過在桌子底下偷偷摸摸的腳步來在無聊的晚餐中找點樂子,這位教授對此一無所知,但他的妻子摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線喬斯林·詹姆斯(Joslyn James)緊隨其後...晚餐後教授分心時,喬斯林向這對年輕夫婦展示了她的一些先進技巧。

Joslyn James 在 '媽媽有新的胸部!'

Joslyn James - 媽媽有新的胸部!

喬斯林·詹姆斯(Joslyn James)最近離婚了,為了慶祝她有了一對新的奇妙山雀!喬斯林(Joslyn)的兒子帶著他的好友瑞奇(Ricky Spanish)回家,瑞奇(Ricky)視線移開了她巨大的新胸部!喬斯林(Joslyn)非常喜歡這種關注,在兒子忙於玩電子遊戲的同時,她讓瑞奇(Ricky)試駕自己的奶頭,然後去廚房做些三明治,而這位多任務的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線則得到了她一直渴望的辛苦!

Alura Jenson 在 '排水管道工的公雞'

Alura Jenson - 排水管道工的公雞

泰勒·尼克松(Tyler Nixon)是一名學徒水管工,但由於他的老闆手忙腳亂,他被獨自派往Alura TNT Jenson的家。然而,一旦泰勒到達,阿羅拉便明確表示了要勾引他的意圖,但由於她的業餘勤雜工丈夫不斷潛伏並提供虛假的修理建議,泰勒被迫變本加厲。不過,阿羅拉(Alura)是能分散丈夫注意力的專家,因此即使他的公雞堅硬如虎,也可以使泰勒(Tyler)完成任務,即使泰勒也很滿意。在所有管道正常工作的情況下,泰勒最終可以滿足Alura的廣泛需求。

Alura Jenson 在 '沉溺於一點點堅強'

Alura Jenson - 沉溺於一點點堅強

Alura Jenson渴望在健身房度過美好而艱難的一天。另一方面,Ricky西班牙語有很多不同的計劃...... Alura試圖讓Ricky集中註意力並打破汗水,但所有Ricky想要做的就是在健身房裡搗亂,特別是......整個Alura! Alura最終意識到,如果她想激勵這個perv成型,那麼她將不得不用正確的誘餌來鼓勵他......

Joslyn James 在 '安慰他的公雞'

Joslyn James - 安慰他的公雞


Alura Jenson 在 '苛刻的客戶'

Alura Jenson - 苛刻的客戶

Alura Jenson要求與她做生意的每個人都有一定程度的專業精神......這對她的按摩師來說是雙倍的! Jordi,新的水療學徒,在他試圖滿足Alura的任何和所有野性慾望時,雙手滿滿地......他按摩她的腳,在她的身體上滴油,但這還不夠!今天Allura要求一些額外的東西......就像她的屁股裡的大公雞!

Aaliyah Hadid 在 '繼母需要愛!'

Aaliyah Hadid - 繼母需要愛!

Aaliyah只是想向她的繼母展示她在母親節她多麼關心她,但她的角質男友Ricky一直在打擾她,想要他媽的。 Alura抓住他們在廚房裡剔骨,看著他們他媽的玩弄濕漉漉的成熟的陰部。一個充滿了放大荷爾蒙和角質享樂主義者的房子到處亂走會出什麼問題?

Joslyn James 在 'XXXtra慈悲護理'

Joslyn James - XXXtra慈悲護理

喬斯林詹姆斯對丈夫來說太過分了!在她的丈夫亂搞,打破骨盆後,護士Keiran Lee被他們的保險公司送去檢查Joslyn現在坐輪椅的老公。喬斯林喜歡她在迎接凱蘭時看到的東西,並且在她炫耀她的大山雀以了解基伊蘭是否也喜歡他所看到的東西之前,她並沒有花很長時間!一旦她把丈夫的輪椅推開,現在是時候讓Joslyn和Keiran玩了!

Joslyn James 在 '偷偷摸摸的媽媽,無能的爸爸'

Joslyn James - 偷偷摸摸的媽媽,無能的爸爸


Alura Jenson 在 '繼母的側面喧囂'

Alura Jenson - 繼母的側面喧囂

伊麗莎伊巴拉第一次見到她的新繼母,但她並不期待像Alura Jenson那樣豐滿的金發熟女!隨著伊麗莎在她的房間裡學習和她的丈夫走出家門,阿魯拉決定在她的身邊喧囂 - 凸輪!但是當她把一個大假陽具塞進她濕漉漉的貓咪時,伊麗莎走進來,發現自己處於一個因為打斷繼母的工作而受到懲罰的世界。在他們每個人的嘴裡輪流帶著一隻貓,讓她的Alura的觀眾數量上升,所以他們隨之滾動!伊麗莎吮吸了一大堆山雀,阿麗莎命令苗條的黑髮女郎將他們緊張的小貓一起猛擊,直到他們都為現場觀眾拍攝!

Alura Jenson 在 '護理我的Stepson的病態迪克'

Alura Jenson - 護理我的Stepson的病態迪克

如果Alura Jenson的繼子Robby Echo考試他的考試,他將永遠住在家裡!因此,這個豐滿的金發熟女決定是時候讓他下床了,無論她怎樣都能接受高等教育 - 即使這意味著他媽的在洗澡! Alura his rock rock drops drops drops,A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A帶她到他的臥室,羅比得到了一口她緊的成熟的陰部,然後用他的大雞巴伸出來!不幸的是,正如丈夫走進他們一樣,他在溫暖的負荷中釉面。看起來Robby需要找到一個新的住宿地點!

Joslyn James 在 '晚起的提升者得到奠定'

Joslyn James - 晚起的提升者得到奠定

喬斯林詹姆斯答應她的丈夫,她會盡一切努力讓她從床上下來並控制自己的生活 - 即使這意味著用她漂亮的口交嘴唇來控制他的大傢伙!這位豐滿的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線只喜歡超過一口公雞的唯一的事情是讓她的大假山雀性交。把他新的繼母的多汁的屁股全部展開,這樣他就可以將自己捲入她緊繃的陰部,這不是凱爾梅森在第一天早上要做的第一件事,但她所說的就是這樣!只要他能夠忍住,他就會pounds that那個成熟的洞穴,只會拉出她的巨大胸部。是的,這會讓晚餐變得有點尷尬。

Joslyn James 在 '喬斯林的秘密淋浴'

Joslyn James - 喬斯林的秘密淋浴

喬斯林毫無疑問地說服了她的丈夫,他今天可能會稍微遲到一點。這有助於她邀請他在淋浴中快速上陣。唯一的問題是,她的繼子賈斯汀急著要去大學上課,而他的爸爸卻被老闆掐死。當喬斯林在花灑中窺探他的硬雞巴時,她願意考慮賈斯汀的包裝做一個例外。她很快讓他相信,沒有理由讓它變得怪異 - 他們可以有一個很有趣的秘密淋浴fuckfest沒有賈斯汀的爸爸發現!

Alura Jenson 在 'Cuntry俱樂部'

Alura Jenson - Cuntry俱樂部

最近Alura搬進了一個新的社區,她正在尋求加入一個獨家的鄉村俱樂部。但是Isis--處理新會員的艱難,躁動的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線 - 不會輕易接受Alura。她認為Alura看起來太甜蜜,郊外的俱樂部變成了她。儘管她失望了,但艾露拉卻被伊希斯的堅強風度所打開......她會做任何事情來改變自己的想法。

Joslyn James 在 '讓我他媽的你的經理'

Joslyn James - 讓我他媽的你的經理

一個DIY手工愛好者喬斯林(Joslyn)為她在線上看到她將要死的梅森罐子花瓶買下了錯誤的油漆。然而,當她到工藝品店返回半用的管子時,收銀員凱爾拒絕退貨。所以,Joslyn決定做什麼霸主的MILFs做得最好 - 要求和經理說話。當她發現凱爾已經負責營業時,她決定教他一兩件關於滿足他的客戶的情況。

Alura Jenson 在 '桑拿性教育'

Alura Jenson - 桑拿性教育


Alura Jenson 在 '試鏡'

Alura Jenson - 試鏡

Avi想成為一個色情明星。她與她的繼母Alura一起試鏡,想要確定事情會好起來,她的繼女將被公平對待。 Avi會炫耀自己的赤裸裸的身體,這讓她的繼母感到尷尬,她對繼女做色情是害羞和膽怯的。當Avi炫耀她的技巧的時候,她的繼母變得更加尷尬。不是因為她的繼母在她面前吮吸雞巴,而是因為她沒有做到正確!阿拉拉步入並開始顯示Avi的繩索。在你知道之前,這兩個蕩婦都是試聽同樣的角色!

Joslyn James 在 '我的步行者癡迷於我'

Joslyn James - 我的步行者癡迷於我

Carolina Sweet的Stepmom(Joslyn James)只和她一起生活了很短的時間,但是她的繼女還有一些讓James女士沾濕的東西!她嘗試一切機會,偷偷偷看卡羅來納州的手淫,但卡羅萊納州奇怪,她的繼母有多麼接近她!所以,當Sweet的男朋友過來一個下午他媽的時候,Carolina很生氣,看到Joslyn不能離開他們,因為她想要在這個行動!

Alura Jenson 在 '我的繼母連褲襪'

Alura Jenson - 我的繼母連褲襪

Alura Jenson特別是角質,她渴望新的東西:肛交!只有,她的丈夫正在衝上班,沒有時間在他的屁股他媽的大贓物的妻子。令人失望的是,Jenson女士決定繼續她的一天,去喚醒她的繼子。艾拉拉會讓她的繼子Jessy Jones渴望肛交嗎?

Dahlia Sky 在 '讓按摩保姆'

Dahlia Sky - 讓按摩保姆


Alura Jenson 在 '呻吟之後'

Alura Jenson - 呻吟之後

Xander Corvus從一個夜晚醒來,發現從前一天晚上的幸運女士已經跑下班了,但是她為Xander留下了一張筆記,讓他知道他可以使用她的淋浴。只有她沒有讓他知道的是,她和她的角質的母親Alura Jensen住在一起!當Jensen女士進入淋浴時,Xander不僅感到驚訝,他很興奮,豐滿的Alura確保在身體下降的同時變得乾淨整潔!

Alura Jenson 在 '鬆開沙發(進入我的Stepmom)'

Alura Jenson - 鬆開沙發(進入我的Stepmom)

現在是時候,Van停止做沙發土豆,並用他的stepmom,Alura Jenson得到一些新鮮空氣。他們出門跑步,阿拉拉立即跑出來,但是她可以乾他媽的嗎?這個厚實的金發碧眼的家庭主婦在樓梯上把Van放在那裡,要求一個臉上他媽的,並挑戰他,以達到她的色情期望。在她多汁的大腿分開寬闊的地方,阿拉拉蹲在她的無所事事的步子上,快速地騎著馬車,然後抓住他的公雞,猛地一動,直到他全身穿過大假的山雀。觀看這座MILF紀念碑到處都是教Van Van一兩件關於如何對待一位女士的故事,並提醒我們女性建成女性的所有黃金時光!

Joslyn James 在 '他媽的三次在天花板上,如果你想要我'

Joslyn James - 他媽的三次在天花板上,如果你想要我

隨著她的父親和新的母親晚上出去,露西看到了一個完美的機會潛入她的男友範,進入一個很好的殭屍他媽的房子。但是你可以打敗喬斯琳嗅出這個分數,當時她抓住了躲在露西的臥室裡的梵文。 Joslyn在一個年輕人的傢伙身上渴望一個炎熱的夜晚,偷偷摸摸露西,給了一個渴望,馬虎的口交,讓自己在房間裡看著角質的夫婦。一旦喬斯琳加入了樂趣,她已經非常多地教導露西如何在她的嘴裡擠滿一個整個公雞,並深深地踩下雞巴,直到它消失。 Van獲得了他最瘋狂的幻想的三人組,有一個經驗豐富的Milf和一個熱的年輕青少年分享他的傢伙,輪流變得好運?調查這個smokin的熱門高清色情場景,找出來!

Alura Jenson 在 '我的母親在法律上喜歡它的原始'

Alura Jenson - 我的母親在法律上喜歡它的原始


Alura Jenson 在 '鬼鬼祟祟的MILF在劇院裡吮吸'

Alura Jenson - 鬼鬼祟祟的MILF在劇院裡吮吸

當這部電影沒有樂趣的時候,你不能怪他的一個人,想要在這個功能中玩一下,和他的GF一起玩耍。 Richie真的希望他的女朋友和他的傢伙玩電影,但她拒絕了!後來,電影很無聊,把大家搞砸了,但是少數人醒著,導演的熱血媽媽媽媽下來坐在他身邊,讓他的公共性幻想暨生活!阿拉拉穿著他的牛仔褲揉了起來,然後把他的公雞狠狠的打了一下嘴巴。吸吮他後,阿拉拉帶他去洗手間,所以他們可以他媽的。里奇舔了她甜美的貓,然後狠狠的站了起來,直到他向她餓死的小洞射擊了一個胖子!

Alura Jenson 在 '測試我的兒子在法律'

Alura Jenson - 測試我的兒子在法律

Alura Jenson的女兒正在結婚,而新娘們擔心她的新老闆Brick Danger不會忠實。在他走過通道之前,讓他進行測試,阿拉拉決定找出這個磚頭角色真正是什麼樣的人。她走進他的房間,脫下衣服,露出了巨大的假山羊,使磚塊的一切都像他的名字所暗示的那樣困難。她吮吸他的公雞,然後把它包裹在她美麗的巨大的餡餅裡,一直對他說話很髒。她把肥胖的公雞深深地擠在她緊身的MILF陰道裡,然後將它重新堆積,直到她的暨正在滴下腿。最後,磚給她一個很好的怪物面孔,但是現在,阿拉拉知道她的女is就像一個蕩婦一樣,她會告訴新娘嗎?

Alura Jenson 在 '豬肉我'

Alura Jenson - 豬肉我

Alura Jenson是一個豐盛的老師,每次她開始鍛煉時,總是會吸引一群角質的人,感謝她的大量的山雀,圓滿的靴子和瀟灑的小衣服。謠言說,她真的很喜歡公雞,但所有的傢伙都有一點太嚇人了,一勞永逸地發現。只有丹尼抓住了他的雞巴,在女子淋浴間裡穿過一個榮耀的洞,阿盧拉才清楚,她確實是一個公雞瘋狂的蕩婦多少!一看丹尼的肥胖的雞巴,雙手抓住他,直接把他拉過牆,拿起來。她吮吸他媽的丹尼的傢伙,像他這樣的學生一樣訂購他,並教他如何一個真正的主宰他媽的。最後,丹尼在詹森的小美女臉上打破了一個胖子,她讓他知道這只是一個開始!

Alby Rydes 在 '情人節肛門'

Alby Rydes - 情人節肛門

學校舞蹈中的事情變得越來越熱,Alby Rydes的男朋友Jessy Jones建議他們稍後嘗試肛交,以紀念情人節。阿爾比好奇,但由於她以前沒有嘗試過肛門,她去問她最喜歡的老師阿拉拉·詹森(Alura Jenson)教她一些東西。阿拉拉開始慢慢的,舔和指法她的陰部和緊緊的小混蛋,以加熱她的傑西的肥胖的公雞。當Jessy厭倦了等待和尋找Alby時,他幾乎不敢相信他的眼睛!阿拉拉向他顯示如何吃一隻貓,然後他媽的他們美味的濕的貓和大圓的屁股!

Joslyn James 在 '工作那個貓'

Joslyn James - 工作那個貓

娜塔莎·斯塔爾(Natasha Starr)一直在為她的私人教練喬斯林·詹姆斯(Joslyn James)付錢,但是到目前為止,她還沒有看到任何結果。厭倦了不斷的投訴,Joslyn決定給Natasha一個真正的鍛煉,從她漂亮的粉紅色的貓開始!喬斯琳舔娜塔莎的濕貓,直到她開始輕聲呻吟,然後她打破了她的大袋假陽具!一個接一個地,有魅力的女同性戀者填滿了他們的小貓,並用更大更大的玩具搗蛋,直到他們高興地尖叫起來!

Joslyn James 在 '不要吃食物'

Joslyn James - 不要吃食物

在他作為食品評論家的一年中,約翰尼·辛辛斯(Johnny Sins)從來沒有像“沙龍勺”一樣,不喜歡看餐。事實上,他們服務的這個坡度是如此的悲慘,約翰尼開始認為它必須是其他業務的掩護。當他的女服務員Joslyn James邀請他進入浴室,把手放在秘密菜單上時,這一切都開始有意義。他匆匆趕到後面,讓他填補了Milf女服務員的陰部,並用肥胖的jizz條紋化了她的臉。

Joslyn James 在 '崇拜Joslyns腳'

Joslyn James - 崇拜Joslyns腳

喬治·詹姆斯(Joslyn James)在辦公室裡對於她的行為有一點太過分了。她必須盲目地不要注意到IT人員比爾在整個星期裡檢查她完美的腳。他很難看出她的奶油鞋底,腳趾指甲和優雅的拱門,他幾乎流口溜進她的高跟鞋。看看一旦她讓他知道它可以盯著,就會發生什麼,只要他毆打她的陰部,讓她的腳踢那個大公雞。

Syren De Mer 在 '嘗試我的Milf搖'

Syren De Mer - 嘗試我的Milf搖

當您將Alura Jensen,Tiffany Minx和Syren de Mer一起獲得史詩四路狂歡時,會發生什麼?這些PAWG的食品將讓Keiran一個接一個地將每個甜點進行抽樣,直到它們已經足夠了。這個場景有一切:屁股吃,對峙,三手小組口交,蕩婦甚至堆疊在一個史詩般的肛門金字塔!與凱蘭一起,他讓這些角質的米爾夫斯競爭他的肥胖的公雞的味道,並從陰部他媽的肛門反彈到肛門,直到它的時候噴灑一個大的負擔在他們的臉上。

Alura Jenson 在 '滑倒進出'

Alura Jenson - 滑倒進出

在醫院長途跋涉的時間,唯一的辦法是夢想著他們下班後的所有他媽的事情。 Keni花了一整天的時間與現實生活中,脾氣暴躁的護士進行了一輪的比賽。所以當他打破休息室打盹的時候,他們看到一個堆積的米爾夫人的護士,他們的胸部很舒服,他們從衣服裡灑出來。 Alura Jenson跳到床上,喉嚨所有的公雞,然後傳播,所以他可以像一個親毆她的貓。

Jessie Andrews 在 '女僕服從'

Jessie Andrews - 女僕服從

Josyln的錢包丈夫在臥室裡沒有剪它,所以當她看到性感的新女僕Jessie時,她知道她必須擁有她。 Jessie是一位非常敬業的工作人員,他知道如何照顧一個要求苛刻的老闆:按照她所得到的每一個骯髒的訂單!

Joslyn James 在 '我的名字是Fucky教授'

Joslyn James - 我的名字是Fucky教授

社區大學數學課:地球上最無聊的地方。就是說,直到Joslyn到達。約翰尼讓他的教訓如此他媽的無聊,當他問喬斯林到黑板時,其他學生打鼾。在鐘聲響起之前,他會把他媽的和and and!!

Alura Jenson 在 '在阿拉拉深處'

Alura Jenson - 在阿拉拉深處

阿拉拉已經拉上了她的胯部魚網,把她的皮革緊身胸衣拉起來,啪啪啪嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒嗒to to to to business business business business business to to to to to to將他胖胖的雞巴滑入阿拉斯亞多汁的屁股,並使那些G杯子的餡餅搖擺

Claire Dames 在 '我們可以適應你'

Claire Dames - 我們可以適應你


Joslyn James 在 '多汁喬斯林'

Joslyn James - 多汁喬斯林


Alura Jenson 在 '拿起貓'

Alura Jenson - 拿起貓


Joslyn James 在 '他媽的赫爾維拉女主人'

Joslyn James - 他媽的赫爾維拉女主人


Alura Jenson 在 '酒吧後面的大胸脯'

Alura Jenson - 酒吧後面的大胸脯


Joslyn James 在 '綁在你的山雀上'

Joslyn James - 綁在你的山雀上


Joslyn James 在 '一個很大的好處,一個很好的尼斯鄰居'

Joslyn James - 一個很大的好處,一個很好的尼斯鄰居


Joslyn James 在 '將我的胸部傾倒在一個浴缸中'

Joslyn James - 將我的胸部傾倒在一個浴缸中


Joslyn James 在 '喬治·詹姆斯 -  The Tigress Milf'

Joslyn James - 喬治·詹姆斯 - The Tigress Milf


來自其他網站的場景特色 Alura Jenson,Joslyn James

Joslyn James 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Joslyn James - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Joslyn James gets busted by some students for going to a rave over the weekend, and they have pictures of her dancing panty-less on a speaker! So she's willing to do anything to make them delete the evidence ... and she'll start by getting on her knees.



?Alura gets home from a bad anniversary night with her husband Gavin. He had a little to much to drink even! It?s time, Alura is going to get her revenge. She knows Gavin has always wanted a threesome. Alura brings over her hot friend, Foxxy, to spend the evening with the 2 of them. Unbeknownst to Gavin, Foxxy is a Transsexual. Now, Gavin is going to get a threesome he will never ever forget!?

Joslyn James 在 'fucking in the bed with her athletic body'

Joslyn James - fucking in the bed with her athletic body

Giovanni is supposed to be at practice, but instead he's moping around the house thinking about some chick he's trying to get with. His friend's mom Joslyn James has been sent out to find him, and when she discovers him down in the dumps on the bed, she tells him that it's not worth losing his scholarship over some girl. To help him get over his blues, the sexy MILF pulls out her big tits and fucks him on the spot. Hot moms always know best.

Alura Jenson 在 'in Strapon For Sheridan'

Alura Jenson - in Strapon For Sheridan

So Sheridan Love just bought a new toy and she has been dying to show me. Now here I am thinking it?s gonna be one of those cute little Rabbit vibrators. No. Sheridan whips out this strap-on dildo that?s as big as my forearm! Now, if that?s what Sheridan wants me to fuck her with then I am definitely game. I told her that I just didn?t want to hurt her pussy with this massive toy. She just laughed at me.

Alura Jenson 在 'in Love with Halle Hayes'

Alura Jenson - in Love with Halle Hayes

Today is my lucky fucking day! Halle Hayes is in the house! Just look at her there on her knees in the back of a car getting hotter by the second. Oh and I get to walk in on her, I?m so lucky, but you?re lucky too, you get to jerk off to this hot exclusive scene! Watch as we play with each other, sucking each other tits, touching each others bodies and have a ton of fun with this awesome vibrating wand! I have to be honest it was bit cold in the garage we were in, I?d like to take Halle someplace warm and put my tongue in her asshole!

Joslyn James 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Joslyn James - My Friend's Hot Mom

Johnny is over at his friend's house trying to find his friend's lucky controller before the video game tournament. As he is searching through drawers he comes upon his friend's mom's, Joslyn James', panty drawer. So Johnny does what any horny dude would do and sniffs her panties as he touches himself. As he is touching himself he fades into a wonderful dream where he actually gets to fuck and cum inside Joslyn James. With dreams like that, who would want to ever wake up?

Joslyn James 在 'fucks a married man that couldn't resist her HUGE tits'

Joslyn James - I Have a Wife

Joslyn James stops by to borrow some sugar. She noticed the wife of the house has left so what better time to get Oliver all alone. Since they are all out of sugar, she wants to borrow something better -- his huge cock!

Alura Jenson 在 'Alura Jenson, Megan Madien and Harlow Adams in 2 Girls, 1 Guy and A Key!'

Alura Jenson - Alura Jenson, Megan Madien and Harlow Adams in 2 Girls, 1 Guy and A Key!

Look who Megan Madien found sneaking around the our clubhouse, my sister?s fucking husband, Harlow Adams! She just dragged him in, blindfolded and tied up! I?d really like to know what this is all about, why he is wandering around our clubhouse and why is his shirt off? Let me introduce myself to this fucker and see if he remembers who I am, the crazy one, the one that no one in our family wants to talk to. I think he knows who I am, oh ya! Well Harlow, what I really need is the keys to my sisters, safe deposit box, you know the one I?m talking about, the one my sister has! I want what I have coming to me, after grandpa died, he left us all, several millions of dollars, but your cow wife has decided to keep it all to herself! So you are going to tell us where that key is or we will ruin your life, your marriage, and your ability to fuck anyone except the 2 of us! Seems this fuck doesn?t want to cooperate, just keeps saying Fuck You to me. But Megan wants to try a different route to make him talk. Like the 2 of us suck and fuck him till he shoots his load, then I can use all this to black mail him! In the end it all worked out, when we were done emptying his balls, we found the fucking key to the safe deposit box in his fucking shoe! Unbelievable! I?m going to be rich! And Harlow will keep his mouth shut or else!

Alura Jenson 在 'Bully In the Gym - Alura Jenson'

Alura Jenson - Bully In the Gym - Alura Jenson

Fluffy goes for some exercise at the Mean Bitch Gym and meets Goddess Alura Jenson. She?s way bigger and stronger than him and HATES little wimps. She shoves him around like a ragdoll and then orders him to give her his towel so she can wipe up her sweat. She completely owns him and uses him as her gym bitch! HOT ASS WORSHIP, FOOT WORSHIP, FACESITTING, AND MORE!



YOU ARE TRICKED INTO THINKING YOU WILL BE GETTING A 3 WAY WITH 2 WOMEN. Instead you are locked in a closet and dragged out for their amusement. Their pantyhose is over your face and their tits squeeze around your head. Before you figure out what is going on, Foxxy shoves her COCK in your mouth and you are told to SUCK THAT CLIT UNTIL SHE CUMS. - TS FOXXY AND ALURA JENSON



STEP-MOM AND AUNTIE KEEP YOU HOME FROM SCHOOL TO SHOW YOU HOW PAINFUL IT CAN BE TO HAVE AN ORGASM WITHOUT PERMISSION.You know that Step-Mommy and Auntie have the biggest and best Breasts in the world. With your cock between their tits it makes you want to cum so bad. But you better not. They will make you think you are going to cum and then they will make it hurt, to teach you a lesson. You will worship their feet and get so excited. They will Edge You to Oblivion.

Joslyn James 在 'Stranger Joslyn James fucking in the couch with her tits'

Joslyn James - Stranger Joslyn James fucking in the couch with her tits

Joslyn is looking to pitch Danny a for a new interior design job and after reviewing the property Joslyn's price is way to high and Danny explains to her that his wife can't have everything she wants. After some sexual persuading from Joslyn, Danny can't say no Joslyn huge tits and juicy pussy. Danny knows to make his wife happy he needs to fuck the interior designer.

Joslyn James 在 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Joslyn James - fucking in the living room with her tits

Joslyn has come over to see Carlo to discuss her problem. She is a kindergarten teacher and happens to have Carlo's son in her class. She is an old college buddy of Carlo's wife, and so she is trying to fix the problem without going to the principal. He is having some aggression issues, and she knows that Carlo can fix it. He explains the situation and wants to thank her for personally coming over to help. Of course his thanks include kissing her and fondling her breasts! She is caught up in the throes of passion, and they get down and dirty right there in the living room!

Joslyn James 在 'fucking in the classroom with her big ass'

Joslyn James - fucking in the classroom with her big ass

Professor Joslyn James gets busted by some students for going to a rave over the weekend, and they have pictures of her dancing panty-less on a speaker! So she's willing to do anything to make them delete the evidence ... and she'll start by getting on her knees.



ALURA, A CUCKOLDING WIFE, HAS A SPECIAL COCK SAUSAGE DINNER FOR HUBBY TODAY. He is going to Eat Her Bitch Boys Dick for the first time. While She lays on the kitchen counter and plays with her pussy, THE PUSSY HE NEVER GETS, he has to get on his knees and suck another man's cock. WHY? BECAUSE SHE IS A BITCH. She is your Italian wife with PMS, and you will do whatever she says. AND TAKE HER OTHER MAN'S CUM AS SHE SPRAYS IT IN YOUR FACE.



TONIGHT YOUR BEAUTIFUL WIFE WILL BE FUCKING ANOTHER MAN. SHE IS GOING TO BE FUCKING RIGHT OVER YOUR FACE. Wifey brings home a boy toy and takes Doggie Hubby out to the closet. He is locked up in chastity and in a straight jacket. She makes hubby smell HER PUSSY WHILE SOMEONE ELSE IS FUCKING IT. She makes hubby lick her pussy to get it wet for fucking. She uses his spit to get another man's dick wet. She Deep Throats the other man right next to trapped hubby's face. She Tit Fucks, She Licks his balls. She Fucks while She laughs at hubby. She Fucks while She plays with hubby's chastity device. She Fucks while SM0THERING HUBBY'S FACE IN HER BIG TITS. She cums with sounds that Hubby has never heard before. She puts Her Pussy right over hubby's face and makes him watch up close a dick slide in and out. She makes her boy toy cum all over hubby's face and then makes hubby clean off the cock that has just fucked his Wife.

Alex Coal 在 'and Alura Jenson - Glory Hole'

Alex Coal - Glory Hole

Young Alex is new to College but still not finding the right things to fit in. So far finding only very small boys so to speak, she decides to ask her favorite Professor Ms Jensen about her advice on how to relieve her stresses. Professor Jensen says it's good of her to come in as she is not doing well in class and is obviously distracted. Alex Comes clean that she needs help in finding the proper men with the right Dicks to keep her focused. Ms Jensen knows just the cure. Every Thursday after school meeting at the Glory Hole. She assures Alex that she will find the biggest Dicks around and best of all she never even has to talk to them. Just use them for the Dicks they are.

Alura Jenson 在 'After School Education... In Sex and Obedience'

Alura Jenson - After School Education... In Sex and Obedience

Alura is teaching a Sex Education class… Makayla one of her students is caught goofing off in class. She is told to stay after class. She is not the only student who stays after. Another Mysterious student stays after… Then he magically Transforms the two big tit women into his new Robots… his new bitches!

Joslyn James 在 'Fucking Yoga!'

Joslyn James - Fucking Yoga!

Joslyn James was a girl golf pros would dream of. Her recent breast enhancement put extra pressure on her back so she went to Brick Danger for some Yoga exercises. He quickly figured out how to fix the problem. He started by massaging her breasts with some special oil. Then he ripped her pants and spread that oil over ass and pussy. He slit his dick into her pussy and started to fuck her. They fucked and fucked until he spread his semen all over her mouth and face. Her back pain was all gone.

Joslyn James 在 '- Watching My Mom Go Black'

Joslyn James - Watching My Mom Go Black

Joslyn has a bad step son who is constantly getting in trouble and recently she caught him fucking his girlfriend in his bedroom after he snuck her in so he has been grounded. On top of that she surprises him by telling him that the girl was terrible in bed so she has no idea why he isn't banging hotter chicks. She sends him to his room while she figures out an appropriate punishment. She decides to teach him a lesson by calling her two friends over and showing him how exactly the girls he bangs should fuck. Her two handsome friends come in and Joslyn calls her step son into the room. He's surprised that there are two strange gentlemen in the house that are not his Dad and that his Step Mom seems to know them quite well. She tells him to teach him a lesson she's just going to SHOW him what he should be looking for when he's looking for a girlfriend. Super Crazy DP and anal sex follows, while Joslyn and the boys belittle her step son for choosing such a lame GF in the bedroom. After the Pops which are BOTH Anal and Vag Creampies, Joslyn says 'I hope you learned your lesson about picking a better girlfriend and hopefully you learned a few tricks as well from my two handsome friends so you will be better in bed in the future yourself!'

Alura Jenson 在 'Super Villain Transforms Super Heroine Step-Sisters into Robots'

Alura Jenson - Super Villain Transforms Super Heroine Step-Sisters into Robots

Super Heroine Step-Sisters Mikayla and Alura are on the Hunt for the Master.Unfortunately, the Big Tit Step-Sisters step right into his lair. Right into his Trap.Sure enough, she does! Now The Master transforms both of them into Robots to do with as he Pleases!

Joslyn James 在 'fucks her son's friend after getting horny off a libido enhancer'

Joslyn James - My Friend's Hot Mom

Joslyn James is cleaning up her son's room when she notices a bottle of what she thinks is vitamins. She takes some thinking they will giver her more energy but instead she gets horny as hell. Just then her son's friend, Peter, stops by and explains that what she took is actually libido enhancer. Well Joslyn needs to get absolutely laid, so she grabs Peter and has him suck on her giant tits before giving her some dick!

Alura Jenson 在 'in 'Anger Management with Andrea''

Alura Jenson - in 'Anger Management with Andrea'

Yes Mr.Jones, I did go to the counseling center you made me go to… Wait! Let me start over… What I meant to say is thank you for giving me a second chance after my recent behavioral issues at work. I'm learning how my behavior effects others at work. Thank you for sending me to the corporate sponsored anger management course. I realize what I did was wrong and glad your not going to fire me. So this is the last day of my anger management course, today I will be learning how to control my anger. And my therapist is here now with me and I'll be sure to bring my certificate of completion to the office. When I'm done here I'll come back as a whole new women. Bye Mr.Jones… Andrea suck this strap on cock and lets see if I can control my anger! I don't need any fucking anger management, what I need is to have my way, the way I want it with Andrea Grey, right here right now. Anger management, lol, if I make a grown man cry that's his problem! Time to finish this course!

Joslyn James 在 'Begging For A Creampie'

Joslyn James - Begging For A Creampie

Joslyn James is back and her tits are bigger than ever. Shes enjoying a shower thinking shes alone but she isn't the only one enjoying it. Tyler is peeping through the window and lets himself in. He can't stop staring at her gigantic fucking tits. These are a true sight to see.

Alura Jenson 在 'in Fuck Me In The Dungeon!'

Alura Jenson - in Fuck Me In The Dungeon!

Thanks buddy I really appreciated our date and I had a great time and maybe we can talk again some other time. What's that, weird hobbies? My date decided to tell me he had some hobbies, like being into dungeons, card games and things of that nature. His profile didn't say anything about that. And honestly he is kind of a square, the most boring nerd to ever walk the planet actually, I thought he would have been a bit more wild! Then he decided to tell me, that I really didn't fully understand all the things he was into beside his miniatures, figurines and statuettes. Then he went on to tell me more, like, that he had a actual dungeon. So I agreed to see his so called dungeon, on my way out to my car… OMG he really has a fucking dungeon, chains hooked to the ceiling, other BDSM goodies and holy shit even a devil's outfit! I'm all in, it's time to have sex with my hero, the crazy motherfucker he is! I didn't even get your name? Colby Jansen, ok then! LOL

Alura Jenson 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Alura Jenson - My Friend's Hot Mom

Alura Jenson is doing house cleaning and her son's friends pull a prank on her by spraying her down with some water. She's now super pissed and wants to take her anger out on some cock. Watch Alura's big round boobs bounce and wet Milf pussy get fucked.

Alura Jenson 在 ' (Part 3 of 3)'

Alura Jenson - (Part 3 of 3)

Alura was planning revenge when she invited her douchey director over to her hotel room — but surprisingly Will is enjoying his punishment a little too much. Turns out his macho asshole vibe is all an act and he's a bottom at heart. This gives Alura another secret to hold over his head, and she plays it to the max as she pegs his asshole every which way and then makes him suck her strap-on. Will is desperate to cum, so of course, Alura entertains him by edging him and making him worship her feet. Ultimately, Will is her willing submissive who's there for her every time she's in town! (Part 3 of 3)

Alura Jenson 在 ' (Part 2 of 3)'

Alura Jenson - (Part 2 of 3)

Alura has survived the worst porn shoot ever and, surprisingly, has invited asshole director Will back to her hotel room. Will assumes his awesome cock has won her over and, when Alura goes off to change into something more sexy, thinks he's in for more fucking. But surprise, Alura comes back in full Dominatrix mode, bearing floggers and a huge strap on. And her phone. And then she explains that she secretly recorded their entire scene, including the part where he told her he is broke and can't afford to pay her. Alura threatens to put the video online unless Will amuses her in any way she pleases. He knows he's screwed and agrees. First off, Alura makes him strip, smacks him around, then has him suck her cock the same abusive way he made her suck his. But then she discovers a surprise: Will is secretly submissive and is getting off on this. What's next? (Part 2 of 3)

Alura Jenson 在 ' (Part 1 of 3)'

Alura Jenson - (Part 1 of 3)

Alura Jenson is stuck with the worst porn gig ever: the director is a one-man show, filming his own blowjob POV style. He's rude, douchey, doesn't respect boundaries, and announces that, while Alura thought she was shooting for Blowjob .com, her scene will actually be on ChokeABitchWithYourCock. com. Alura does the best she can, giving the asshole one hell of a great blowjob, and also enveloping his dick with her huge boobs. And then, the guy announces he has no money to pay her that day, as was agreed. Alura is angry, but suddenly changes her tune and becomes really friendly and seductive. Wonder what her plan is… (Part 1 of 3)

Alura Jenson 在 'Alura Jenson's experience gives Quinton the best fuck of his life'

Alura Jenson - Seduced By A Cougar

Quinton is out looking for his favorite girl, but she doesn't seem to be around. Alura Jenson is around though and she is more than happy to show Quinton why she is a better fuck. Quinton decides "why not?" and takes her back to his place where Alura fucks him like he's never been fucked before.

Joslyn James 在 'needs service from the Handy Man'

Joslyn James - Dirty Wives Club

Joslyn James is been neglected by her husband and she needs a big cock to satisfy her, she has been eyeing the handy man and will pounce at him at the first opportunity she gets to fuck him. Looks like today is BOTH their lucky days!

Alura Jenson 在 'in Made to Cum'

Alura Jenson - in Made to Cum

Somehow, someway I ended up in the nasty fucking dungeon wearing a mask, my big tits exposed and my entire body in bondage! Hello! Hello! Anyone here? Just then this guy, a freaking stranger comes walking in. I have to admit I got a bit concerned, he was really fucking creepy. Little did I know he hada few fun toys to use on me. What I thought was going to be really bad, turned out really fucking good, as I was made to cum and I squirted all of the fucking place, FUCK!



IT'S GOING TO BE A VERY SPECIAL DAY.Gavin and Foxxy have just gotten married. Now it is time for the Honeymoon!They arrive at the honeymoon house and sadly, it is not very impressive. In Fact it looks run down. Foxxy is not impressed. Gavin on the other hand is really Horny. He has been kept in Chastity for 3 years to show his Loyalty to Foxxy… now is the day he can finally take it off! Just as they start to relax the door bangs open. It turns out to be Alura, camera in hand ready to photograph the newlywed couple.What Gavin doesn't know is that Alura and Foxxy have a grift. He is about to be their sucker. He didn't sign a Pre-Nup and more insidious… He doesn't know that Foxxy has a dick! His life is about to take an unexpected turn.

Alura Jenson 在 'Burglary in Progress (Part 2 of 2) and Bonus'

Alura Jenson - Burglary in Progress (Part 2 of 2) and Bonus

Domme Alura Jenson has trapped burglar Marcelo in her dungeon and is letting him know just how pissed off she is about his invading her home. In part 2, she amuses herself by yanking his cock and balls with a rope rig, railing his ass with a big strap-on in multiple positions, all the while pulling on the rope bondage that's still attached to his cock and balls. As well as making him clean his own ass juice off her big dick. Is Marcelo sorry he tried to burglarize her home? Is it possible to be any more sorry knowing you're totally screwed? Duh…. (Part 2 of 2)A special PeeSA from Severe Sex Films follow right after the scene.

Alura Jenson 在 'Burglary in Progress (Part 1 of 2)'

Alura Jenson - Burglary in Progress (Part 1 of 2)

Marcelo thinks he has an easy score when he jimmies Alura Jenson's back door, but he doesn't realize she's been watching him on her security camera the whole time. Now he's her prisoner and agrees to do anything she wants if she will just not call the police. It takes a lot to amuse Alura, but she starts with some rope CBT, some paddling and flogging — and making him give her strap-on a big sloppy blowjob in anticipation of her ramming her big dick up his ass. And she's just getting started! (Part 1 of 2)

Joslyn James 在 'Joslyn James, London River, and McKenzie Lee fuck a complete stranger when they catch him peeping in their Dressing Room'

Joslyn James - Joslyn James, London River, and McKenzie Lee fuck a complete stranger when they catch him peeping in their Dressing Room

Joslyn James, London River, and McKenzie Lee take a trip to the dressing room to try on some sexy lingerie. But in the middle of changing, the girls feel eyes on them and catch a stranger peeping in on them. The MILFs invite him in a find out he's looking for lingerie for his girlfriend. After they try on numerous pieces of lingerie for him, they decide to share his cock inside the private dressing room.

Alura Jenson 在 'in A Trophy for Wil!'

Alura Jenson - in A Trophy for Wil!

I am a good slut, just ask Will Tile. He loves it when I show up at his job wearing nothing but see through lingerie. Will loves to show my sexy body off to his coworkers. But I'm here for that solid black cock of his. One of his favorite things is to chain me up and work my pussy real good. I am completely at his mercy waiting for him to dump his load in my mouth, and I'm loving every minute of it! Why? Cause I'm a Trophy Wife!

Alura Jenson 在 'Big-Tit Anal MILF'

Alura Jenson - Big-Tit Anal MILF

Platinum blonde MILF Alura Jenson has had her eye on her favorite employee, Isiah Maxwell, for a while. She finally makes her move on him, yanking his big black cock out and slipping it between her lips for a delicious, slobbering blowjob -- she soaks every inch of his dark dick in spit. Alura sits on his thick rod, enjoying a deep anal reaming. She bends over and spreads her cheeks as Isiah thrusts inside her throbbing rectum. Interracial anal action climaxes with Isiah feeding the hungry lady a creamy load of cum to swallow.

Alura Jenson 在 'You get to fuck Ms. Alura Jenson '

Alura Jenson - You get to fuck Ms. Alura Jenson

You have a bad reputation in college after several dates with girls and now you want to fuck Ms. Alura Jensen's daughter!!! She might have something to discuss first and put you in your place for even trying to think of her daughter.

Alura Jenson 在 'HUBBY'S GAY TEST'

Alura Jenson - HUBBY'S GAY TEST

WHEN WIFEY BRINGS HOME HER DATE, SHE BRINGS HUBBY OUT FOR A FEEDING.She is going to do a GAY TEST ON HUBBY. She has always suspected that he was gay. He is weak around her. He doesn't make enough money for her extravagant lifestyle. So he must be good at eating cock. He's certainly not good at anything else.SUCK FASTER OR I'M GOING TO SNAP YOU IN TWO."SUCK LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT, PUSSY BOY."SCISSORHOLD COERCED BI CUM EATING FOR CUCKOLDING WIFE ALURA JENSON

Alura Jenson 在 'Lesbian Nymphomania Runs In My Family!'

Alura Jenson - Lesbian Nymphomania Runs In My Family!

Horny housewife Alura Jenson is hanging out at home when she catches a glimpse of her hot maid Charlotte Sins bending over and flaunting her sweet little booty. Alura is hooked and starts to play with herself as she watches Charlotte.

Pretty soon, Alura decides she wants a taste of that booty and has Charlotte come over and sit next to her for a little chat. Turns out Charlotte is looking to be Alura's maid full time. Alura's DEFINITELY interested in having Charlotte around full time, especially since she's so lonely with her husband away all the time.

Luckily Charlotte doesn't mind keeping Alura company as part of her duties. Alura looks at Charlotte, gently spreading her legs as she begins to rub her pussy. Charlotte may as well start keeping her company RIGHT NOW!

Alura Jenson 在 'Big Titty MILFs 29'

Alura Jenson - Big Titty MILFs 29

Being the top rated Realtor in town, Alura Jenson went to one of her listings to make sure that the house was in top shape for her afternoon showing. As she walked the house she was extremely happy, that was until she made it to the bedroom. There she found Lucas, the son of her client, resting in his bed. The room was a mess and smelt like a garbage can. As she went over to wake him up Alura noticed that Lucas was 'pitching a tent'. Much to her surprise it was much bigger than she would have imagined. Knowing that she had some time before the buyers where going to show, Alura decided to get a closer look at Lucas' 'tent' firsthand.

Alura Jenson 在 'Big Strong Black Man defeats Bit Tittied Blond MILF in'

Alura Jenson - Big Strong Black Man defeats Bit Tittied Blond MILF in

This match brings you Elite Military Combatants going at it like only the Navy vs Marines can. AluraJenson is ex Navy, Will Tile is ex Marines. These two are lethal and they know it so they play nice for thewrestling in the begining but once their natural competitive nature sets in, it's a battlefield on our mats.The power on each of these wrestlers is impressive. At one point Alura throws Will 180 degrees into theair. Real wrestling is 1000X more exciting than the WWE crap stunts you see on TV. Where else are yougoing to see a Beautiful, Blonde, Big Titttied MILF Judo Throw a Grown ass man???? One thing is forsure, who ever loses this match is NOT going to be able to lay there and take it like a loser. Even after aloss, the loser has to talk trash. This makes for some very interesting sex talk!

Alura Jenson 在 '- Watching My Mom Go Black - Scene 2'

Alura Jenson - Watching My Mom Go Black

What's a step-mom to do when her rotten, good-for-nothing, money losing, son of her husband gets dragged in by a couple of men looking for twenty grand? She makes him pay of course. And not just out of his college fund. She tells the thugs who have the scrawny halfwit by his collar that not only will she double what he owes them if they agree to fuck her, but she's going to blackmail her slimy step son as well. He's going to watch and never breathe a word of it to anyone. After a while junior gets some special attention and learns an important life lesson: that women really only want black cock and that there is no substitute for it.

Joslyn James 在 'needs a FUCKING vacation'

Joslyn James - My Friend's Hot Mom

Holiday season and Joslyn James takes her son and Rion on vacation for the college break and since they are exploring the hotel she wants her vacations to start right away with her vibrator but Rion forgot something in the room and catches Joslyn on the act and she won't miss the opportunity to get some real cock inside of her.

Alura Jenson 在 'Workout Buddy Cuckold (Part 3)'

Alura Jenson - Workout Buddy Cuckold (Part 3)

What's the penalty for being a sloppy couch potato and failing to accompany your wife to the gym? Jimmy is finding out the hard way. Alura Jenson has already given her buff study personal trainer Draven a blowjob and made Jimmy hold her spectacular boobs, as she lays on her back getting rammed by the new stallion. She made him wear her panties while sucking Draven's cock. But she's not done yet.Now, she brings Jimmy close-really close-so her can lick Draven's balls while she fucks her muscular trainer. But the closest Jimmy gets to Alura's pussy is when he sucks her juices off Draven's huge cock, and has to lie on the couch looking up as said cock slams into his wife.

Alura Jenson 在 'Workout Buddy Cuckold (Part 2)'

Alura Jenson - Workout Buddy Cuckold (Part 2)

Alura Jenson is married to a man who has really let himself go and she's tired of it. She can't get him to go to the gym and get in shape, so she goes by herself and brings home a muscular, physically fit man to satisfy her needs.To her husband's chagrin, she begins to suck her visitor's cock as her humiliated man watches.Then things really heat up as she insists that both men play a part in her satisfaction. She makes her husband hold her sexy, huge breasted naked body, as she lays on her back getting rammed by the new stallion.Then to humiliate her husband even more, she makes him to suck the muscularly hung man's big dick all while being made to wear her sexy lace thong to further shame him.

Alura Jenson 在 'Workout Buddy Cuckold'

Alura Jenson - Workout Buddy Cuckold

A sexy, huge breasted blonde, Alura Jenson, is married to a man who has really let himself go, and she's tired of it. She can't get him to go to the gym and get in shape, so she goes by herself, and brings home a muscular, physically fit man to satisfy her needs.Her man feels humiliated as she starts to stroke her new hunk's cock through his pants before exposing his huge dick.To her husband's chagrin, she begins to suck her visitor's cock as her humiliated man watches.Then, to shame him further, she makes her husband do push-ups on the floor over her guest's naked body. But he's not getting off that easily. She also insists that he sucks the big man's dick each time he descends while doing his exercise.Then things really heat up as she insists that both men play a part in her satisfaction. (Part 1 of 3)



Alura is really annoyed. She purchased the services of a $4000 escort/stripper for her boyfriend, Draven, to have sex with, but he told the striper he only wants to be with Alura. Alura is furious... She loves being sexually adventurous, but Draven is not co-operating. Alura is convinced that if her relationship is to survive she needs to do something drastic... After talking to her friend Victoria an incredible idea comes to her.Victoria told her that she was able to trick her boyfriend Jimmy (who also is Draven's best friend) into sucking another man's cock. Alura has decides to use this information to her advantage. She tells Victoria to send Jimmy over to her house. Alura's use her body and her information on Jimmy to enlisted him into coercing Draven to Do Bi-Sexual acts with Jimmy.

Alura Jenson 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Alura Jenson - My Friend's Hot Mom

Alura TNT Jenson is in need of some relief from a tough day at work. Her son's friend wants to help and what better way to help? Maybe with a massage and his big black cock.

Alura Jenson 在 'My Big Tit Mommy got Turned into a Sexbot!!!'

Alura Jenson - My Big Tit Mommy got Turned into a Sexbot!!!

Alura is upset that her son has not cleaned out the stable like she told him to. When she begins to tell him off, her son uses his magic power and turns her into a Fembot He is now The Master and he will make her Beg for his Cock. The Master makes her sceam in orgasm over and Over. Mommy is now her son's Sexbot. A lot of Freezing in this Clip!

Joslyn James 在 'Porn star Joslyn James Fucks you until you cum in her pussy!'

Joslyn James - Porn star Joslyn James Fucks you until you cum in her pussy!

Feast your eyes on the gorgeous Joslyn James. Perfect MILF with a round bubble butt and awesome, giant tits. Finish her off with cum all up in her pussy.

Alura Jenson 在 'I Caught My Daughter Fucking My Boyfriend 6'

Alura Jenson - I Caught My Daughter Fucking My Boyfriend 6

Alura Jenson is having problems with her pool and her boyfriend Derrick Pierce, is there to fix it. While Alura goes to do some errand, he fixes more than her pool, he tends to her daughter Keira Croft's pipes and well and gives her a nice dick down right by the pool.

Alura Jenson 在 '- Blacks On Cougars - Scene 2'

Alura Jenson - Blacks On Cougars

Women weaken legs. Just ask anyone who trains boxers...or Alura 'TNT' Jenson! She's part of a secret mission to take down welterweight Ray Black as he prepares for his fight with Kid Vanilla!! Sure, Alura will come into Ray's training camp to interview Ray 'for a magazine'; however, Alura is there to drain everyone's energy -- and their balls! Alura doesn't care if there's 2 men or 200 men! Alura will drain them all. She'll use all three holes: her wet, eager mouth; her sopping wet pussy; and, finally, Alura opens up her 'back door', too! In fact, once seduced, all three men -- the fighter, the sparring partner, and the trainer -- will make Alura 'air tight'!! That leaves only one thing for Alura to do -- drain their nut sacs and their will to win the Big Fight! Talk about Evil!! Alura TNT Jenson is the most evil of all!

Alura Jenson 在 'Milf Fucks The Gardener'

Alura Jenson - Milf Fucks The Gardener

When Alura Jenson noticed her gardener near her window, she got dripping wet. She started masturbating to him and eventually called him over and demanded his cock. He didn't hold back and gave her what she wanted. Alura dragged him to her bedroom, where she shoved his cock deep in her pussy. Her pussy got stretched in several different positions before receiving a giant load all over her gigantic tits.

Alura Jenson 在 'in Hot 3 Way'

Alura Jenson - in Hot 3 Way

So Tya and me were having a nice time together when I turned around and saw what her surprise was, Marko Ducati, on the couch naked waiting for us. Well at first I wasn't very happy, but I thought this is a great opportunity to teach this girl a lesson in love! I mean we are suppose to be lesbians, right? At least I thought she was, but the bitch is bi-sexual, you know what, so am I! I quickly gave I and we both celebrated our 2 year lesbian anniversary by fucking a guy!

Alura Jenson 在 'A Brother For Daughter And Mother!'

Alura Jenson - A Brother For Daughter And Mother!

Mommy comes home to a big naked black guy in her kitchen. Instead of calling the police she joins her daughter upstairs to share in her good fortune...

Alura Jenson 在 'Big Tits Office Chicks 5'

Alura Jenson - Big Tits Office Chicks 5

Alura and Jay are left behind at the office, to watch the phones, while everyone is at the big golf tournament. Not happy, and a bit bored the two of them decide there are much better and sexier things to do.

Alura Jenson 在 'Bisexual Fantasies'

Alura Jenson - Bisexual Fantasies

Thick, buxom blonde realtor Alura 'TNT' Jenson shows a property to studly Gabriel Dalessandro and Dante Colle, assuming they're a regular gay couple. But after the guys reveal that they enjoy sharing a woman, the stacked MILF bombshell leads them to the sofa for a lewd bisexual three-way! Alura unleashes her immense boobs and ass, and the boys take turns helping her suck each other's big cock. The seasoned BBW rides one dick while hungrily slurping the other, finally sharing cum with the kinky strangers.

Alura Jenson 在 'Putting Her Thickness On Display'

Alura Jenson - Putting Her Thickness On Display

Alura is trying to keep her head above water while drowning in debt. Her boyfriend isn't helping much either as he seems more interested in hanging out with his buddy Connor than getting a new job. Seeing how distressed Alura is, Connor offers to help her make some extra money - by taking part in a sexy photo shoot and putting her thickness on display! Connor did not expect Alura's tempting thighs, ass, and tits to be so much more entrancing when they were released from restrictive clothing… As the photoshoot becomes more and more adventurous and the cash payout continues to grow, Alura's becomes hot and bothered - what can they get away with while her boyfriend is asleep? Maybe it's time for Connor to show what's under his clothes for Alura to slide in-between her bouncing round tits! When you're in debt and horny, there's nothing to do but make it rain cash and cum!

Alura Jenson 在 'My Husband Brought Home His Mistress 11'

Alura Jenson - My Husband Brought Home His Mistress 11

Alura and Derrick have long talked about spicing up their marriage. So, one day, out of the blue, Derrick brings home a gift for his wife... and for him: his cute mistress Sophia, who is eager to please both Derrick but also his hot MILFy wife

Alura Jenson 在 'POV Juggfuckers 7'

Alura Jenson - POV Juggfuckers 7

Blonde Alura Jenson is a super busty MILF that enjoys using her massive boobs to pleasure men. After oiling up her cleavage, Alura kneels to orally service Jonni Darkko with a nasty, POV blowjob. The experienced bimbo lewdly sucks Jonni's balls, and she drools on her giant jugs as he fucks her mouth. The director thrusts his meat between Alura's enormous, glistening globes, finally spurting a hot, creamy load of splooge onto her chest.

Blair Williams 在 'Stepmoms Little Helper'

Blair Williams - Stepmoms Little Helper

Blair Williams is a sneaky teen who thought she could get away withsex while her stepmom wasn't home, but boy was she wrong! Just as she began sucking her friends dick her mom walked in. She stayed super quiet and started to play with her mature pussy while her daughter fucked. The next day Alura caught Blair in the shower looking hotter than she did the day before. They ended up bonding and getting wet together in a way that could be considered a little more sexier than just some plain old showertime. A few days later Blair invited her boy over again and blindfolded him so her stepmom could help her please his cock. They both took turns fucking him with their tits, mouth, and pussies. This was the perfect way to start the spreading of joy for the upcuming holiday season!

Alura Jenson 在 'MILF Dominatrix Takedown: Gigantic Titted Dominatrix Gets Bound and DP'd'

Alura Jenson - MILF Dominatrix Takedown: Gigantic Titted Dominatrix Gets Bound and DP'd

Alura Jenson is a literal bombshell of a woman, with platinum blonde hair, a huge gorgeous ass, and massive, gigantic tits. Typically she's a dom, but today we get to see her taken down and fucked by five horny, ravenous guys. To start, Alura is caged, with her wrists and huge tits bound. The men study her, eager to take on this curvy woman and fuck her into submission. When she's released from the cage, she's immediately overwhelmed with cock. She's got cock smacking against her face, sliding in her throat...she's surrounded! They all want a piece of this sweet ass. As a dom, Alura might be able to handle one guy. But five? The men quickly make use of her holes, moving on from her sweet wet throat to fuck her desperate, hungry pussy. She's partially suspended from the ceiling, bent over with her ass out, as each of the men takes turns pounding her pussy and then feeding her their cocks. Her huge tits hang low as she gets plowed. But even if she's overwhelmed, there's more to come. Alura's put on the couch and DP'd deep and hard, filling her throat and holes air tight. She loses herself as the object of lust, repeatedly fucked and DP'd until she begs for the guys hot loads. She gets four huge loads all over her giant tits, and one massive cream pie in her heavily fucked cunt. The guys leave her there, fully used, now needing to please herself. Alura slowly starts to gather herself back together, only to find she's utterly fucked, sweaty and wrecked.

Alura Jenson 在 'Step Mom's New Fuck Toy'

Alura Jenson - Step Mom's New Fuck Toy

Juan “el Caballo” Loco went over his best friend's house to play some cards, but little did he know that his friends step mom, Alura Jenson, was gonna want his dick. Juan's friend had to step out for a second and that's when Alura made her move. She picked up Juan over her shoulder and took him to the couch. There, she made him pull his dick out and proceeded to shove it down her throat. From there, she made his dick fuck her until he busted a giant load all over her face and giant tits.

Alura Jenson 在 'and Dee Williams - Blacks On Cougars'

Alura Jenson - Blacks On Cougars

If you've never heard of Mookie Jordan, you're about to. He's one of the greatest wide receivers his state has ever produced, and some say he might not even finish college to go pro. Mookie has a problem, though, and she might stand in his way of football stardom: his girlfriend, Shonda. Coaches are aware she messes with Mookie's head, so they've asked two of the athletic program's administrators to step in: Alura Jenson and Dee Williams. Wait until you see how they handle Mookie! Alura and Dee's objective? Get Mookie to break up. How are they going to achieve it? By giving Mookie a taste of white mouth...white cunt...white ass. Mookie's invited to fuck any hole he pleases, which is exactly what Mookie does. The 'coogs' drain Mookie's balls not once, but twice: first deep in Alura's sweet cunt, and then again all over both ladies! As they clean each other with just their tongues, Dee and Alura achieve what they set out to do: Mookie's soon texting his GF that it's over!!

Alura Jenson 在 'MILF Private Fantasies'

Alura Jenson - MILF Private Fantasies

Alura Jenson is a MILF that needs more - she's just not satisfied with having a driver and money and a rich husband who will buy her everything. Alura needs COCK! And what Alura wants, Alura gets. The giant-titted MILF doesn't mind the expensive lingerie and jewelry, but there's a different type of pearl necklace that will satisfy this slutty blonde. She demands to be satisfied and gets rough right back with Manuel as he fucks her brains out. She bites? He insists she bites harder if she wants to get fucked harder. There's a real power play between these two, and goddamn are they good at what they do! See, Alura is a spoiled MILF and it's about time she buries her face in some cock and balls... and more. She takes his cock like she owns it, especially when she opens her hungry asshole up for it. It's safe to say, after a power-ass-fucking session with this new man, if money can no longer buy her happiness, a big, fat cock and an explosive load to the face will do just fine.

Jenner 在 'Big Tit MILFs Squat and Squirt On Big Cock'

Jenner - Big Tit MILFs Squat and Squirt On Big Cock

Feeling underappreciated Joslyn decides to trade some chores and anal with her loser boyfriend for some needed dick

Alura Jenson 在 'Beautiful Whores'

Alura Jenson - Beautiful Whores

Alura Jensen is a beautiful, big breasted heiress desperate to keep her inheritance.

Alura Jenson 在 'Anal Craving MILFs'

Alura Jenson - Anal Craving MILFs

Thick blonde BBW Alura Jenson reclines in her sheer stockings, petting her shaved pussy and taunting us with dirty talk. She squeezes a black sex toy between her enormous jugs and fucks herself while wrapping her fat lips around Mark Wood's big boner. The MILF plumper lewdly licks his asshole. She takes a relentless pounding, riding his prick and getting her giant ass fucked. Alura sucks his big tool ass-to-mouth and swallows a creamy load of spermy goodness.

Casey Calvert 在 'and her sorority pledge are hot for MILF Teacher'

Casey Calvert - and her sorority pledge are hot for MILF Teacher

Casey Calvert is the reigning sorority girl for Iota Anal. She has all the pledges doing her bidding and wreaking havoc at the college. Alura Jeson has had enough of these Sorority girls and their shenanigans. She can't wait to get these assholes kicked out of school. Problem is, Casey Calvery and Aspen Ora found Alura's persona gang bang video and they are going to leak it unless Alura does what they say. Alura is bend over her own desk and Pledge, Aspen Ora needs to do what ever Casey says and Casey says to lick Alura's MILF Asshole, gape, and any toys that go in and out of her ass. Casey also says to take the speculum and lick into each others' holes. Casey says take an anal fisting and take an anal strap on

Alura Jenson 在 'and Piper Perri - Watching My Mom Go Black'

Alura Jenson - Watching My Mom Go Black

If you're the child of divorced parents, you know how mom and dad try to "one-up" each other on the gifts and experiences you receive. Take Piper Perri, for example. A few months ago, her father paid for a recording session at a professional studio in order to further her music career. Once Mom caught wind of this, she decided to pay for some new "ink". Once inside the tattoo parlor, the talk went from where to put Piper's new "tat", to how large the tattoo artist's hands speculation of his cock size. Sure enough, once Piper pulled it out and measured it against the size of her forearm (the dick is bigger!), things got interesting really fast. Could Piper, at barely 5 feet high and less than 95 pounds, take all that size? And what's mom gonna say once that massive black dick was stretching out daughter's tiny pink holes? This is a must-watch, must-download scene!

Alura Jenson 在 '- Blacks On Cougars'

Alura Jenson - Blacks On Cougars

Alura Jenson is sexually unsatisfied. Hubby's a workaholic, and when he is home, he's still at work. This leaves Alura to lounge around the pool all day, usually tanning topless. She loves sitting in the backyard, half-naked, in plain view of the neighbors...or the workmen Hubby hires to maintain the property and the pool. Hubby's at a convention across the country, and Alura knows the pool man is scheduled today. She went out and got her make-up and hair done, bought a new bikini, and is in the middle of oiling up her beautiful, enhanced DD's when pool man comes to let her know everything's in order. Everything, that is, except Alura's wet pussy, which has been aching for action. Did we mention the pool man is black? Or that he's hung like a horse? Or that Alura wants to push her boundaries and let pool man in her ass?

Alura Jenson 在 'and Chad White in My Friends Hot Mom'

Alura Jenson - My Friends Hot Mom

Alura Jenson finds her son's friend hanging out at her place while he waits for his friend. He's grown into a fine young man and Alura wants a piece of that. She calls her son and has him run errands so that she can get some time alone to bang her son's friend.

Venus Lux 在 'Big Tittie Blond Nympho Milf Needs cock NOW'

Venus Lux - Big Tittie Blond Nympho Milf Needs cock NOW

Alura Jenson is addicted to what the dick did and she is going insane hunting for cock. Today, Venus Lux is going to over dose Alura on Cock to cure her. Anal Fucking and Pussy Cream pie are the only way to over flow that milf pussy and make her stop craving cock.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'And Joslyn James'

Jessica Jaymes - And Joslyn James

Jessica Jaymes and Joslyn James link up for another Lesbian non-stop action update. These these ladies are gorgeouus and ready to lick pussy. They waste no time at all! These girls know what they like and have one thing in common. They love, Pussy! Enjoy this update.



Sybian rides from Halle Von, Lotus Lain, Alura Jenson and Cici Rhodes!

Alura Jenson 在 'MILF WARS - Alura Jens0n and Syren De Mer vs. THE MACHINES'

Alura Jenson - MILF WARS - Alura Jens0n and Syren De Mer vs. THE MACHINES

Again & again & again - Alura & Syren set a FuckingMachine record w/orgasms & length of time fucked. NO ONE can keep up. Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson.

Alura Jenson 在 'Seduced By A Cougar'

Alura Jenson - Seduced By A Cougar

Alura and Jewels are having a discussion about Alura's husband walking in on them having sex. Alura is sure that her husband will return until she gets a knock at the door. Jewels leads in a young stud named Seth who serves her with papers for her divorce. Seth happily drops off the bad news and tries to make a quick exit before he is snatched up by Alura, she isn't going to allow Seth to hand over divorce papers from her husband and get away with it. Alura and Jewels are going to give him the best threesome he could ever imagine, so that Seth can report back with that information for her husband.

Venus Lux 在 'Day dream of ATM and cream-pies for the Bitchy Big Tittied Blonde Boss'

Venus Lux - Day dream of ATM and cream-pies for the Bitchy Big Tittied Blonde Boss

Venus and Alura are top Attorneys at a big firm. Alura is tired of Venus' attitude and fears it will disrupt business. She brings Venus in to her office to bitch her out. As she's chewing her ass out, Venus day dreams of eating her ass out. This vivid Fantasy depicts Venus dominating this Bitchy Big tittied Blond Boss. The Voluptuous Blonde Sucks Venus's cock while drool falls onto her ample breasts. Venus Fucks Alura's Ass and goes for Ass to Mouth. Alura gets her pussy fucked one more time so it can get filled up with Venus's Cream. Excellent Cream Pie shots. Alura really shows how bitchy bosses can take a hot load!

Alura Jenson 在 'Desperate wife gets her gangbang fantasy fulfilled'

Alura Jenson - Desperate wife gets her gangbang fantasy fulfilled

Alura Jenson's sex drive is constantly demanding and her husband John Strong has the ultimate solution to fulfill her filthy fantasies.

Alura Jenson 在 'FemDom Ass Worship 24'

Alura Jenson - FemDom Ass Worship 24

'The very sight of you makes me sick unless you have your face in my ass,' says huge, towering blonde bitch Alura Jenson in a POV segment as she spreads her massive, sweaty cheeks and demands your worship. She makes her hapless, meek male slave pay oral tribute to her heavy hams and funky sphincter, saying that bunghole tonguing is his only talent. Big, nasty Alura sits on his face, controlling his breath, and reveals that she's been fucking his better-hung brother! She makes fun of his little penis and lowers her haunches for more worship. Amid constant verbal abuse she compels foot worship, makes him suck her sweaty stockings and wraps his dick in the nylons. Dirty Alura strokes out his semen and makes him suck it from her fingers.

Alura Jenson 在 'in Housewife 1 on 1'

Alura Jenson - Housewife 1 on 1

Alura Jenson just found out that her husband was accepted into law school. She's so proud of him that she decides to celebrate the best way she knows fucking his brains out.

Alura Jenson 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Alura Jenson - My First Sex Teacher

Alura Jenson & Ava Addams have had enough of Johnny's shenanigans, but they made a promise to his parents that they would help Johnny out at school. They have finally had enough and think Johnny should repay them for all they put up with, so they have him repay them with his cock.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Strapon Players'

Jessica Jaymes - Strapon Players

What's better than watching two girl fuck.......? Watching three!!!! Pornstars Jessica Jaymes, Joclyn Jaymes and Randi Wright are horny and in the mood for some afternoon delight! So Joclyn puts on her big red strap on and has the girls get it all wet with a nice suck session. She stretches out their tight wet holes by pounding it with her man made dick! Making their juicing tits bounce as they moan for more!

Alura Jenson 在 'Busty Anal'

Alura Jenson - Busty Anal

Anal domination sex with large breast MILFs.

Alura Jenson 在 'Sexual Ransom'

Alura Jenson - Sexual Ransom

Two women with huge tits get bound and ass fucked with role play.

Joslyn James 在 'Cream Dreams 2'

Joslyn James - Cream Dreams 2

Tattooed, punky Joslyn James is a sexy baker who likes making a big mess in the kitchen. She covers her enormous, round tits with whipped cream and pink frosting. When hungry stud Sean Michaels joins her, Joslyn can't wait to worship his huge black dick with her mouth. Sean fills her plump ass with dessert topping, as well as his long shaft, drilling this fierce fox's gaping butthole until it's prolapsed and leaking white cream.

Alura Jenson 在 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

Alura Jenson - My Friends Hot Mom

Alura Jenson has a new business proposition and she's ready to share it with anyone that has money. One of those people happens to be her son's friend, Danny. Danny has a lot of money that his parents left him and Alura wants him to invest in her new endeavour. Danny may be young but he's not stupid. Alura's proposition sounds a lot like a pyramid scheme to Danny, so of course he's hesitant to invest. Alura is willing to do anything in order to get Danny to join, that includes sucking his cock and riding his big dick on her desk.

Joslyn James 在 'Dirty Rotten Mother Fuckers 7'

Joslyn James - Dirty Rotten Mother Fuckers 7

Joslyn James When Husband Is Away Lex Cums To Play. Remember Tiger Woods girls? This is one of them. A pretty MILF with big tits, long legs, a great ass, and plenty of tattoos, Joslyn is the pause that satisfies. From DIRTY ROTTEN MOTHER FUCKERS 7 this is an interracial fuck fest that transpires because Joslyn's husband (who looks a lot like Chris Streams) is in too much of a hurry to let his horny wife suck his dick. The lesson here is never turn down a blow job ........... ever!

Joslyn James 在 'Lil' Gaping Lesbians 6'

Joslyn James - Lil' Gaping Lesbians 6

Professor Joslyn James, a busty, spiky-haired butch, has a special field trip planned for her 'A' students, adorable redhead Penny Pax and sultry blonde Cameron Canada. The big-assed instructor admires her lovely pupils' round bottoms and joins them in a three-way lesbian kiss before helping Penny and Cameron stretch their sensitive buttholes with fat phallic toys. This tender all-girl threesome reaches a crescendo of kissing and lewd rimming as they eagerly expand their sphincters and share the exquisite flavor of ass. Finally, these quick learners ream the teacher's thick booty with an enormous black dildo... and taste her gaping hole.

Joslyn James 在 'Big Anal Booties 02'

Joslyn James - Big Anal Booties 02

With short-cropped blonde hair and sheer stockings, Joslyn James is a curvaceous MILF that loves nasty anal sex. She's perfect for rectally obsessed director Mike Adriano! This mature, tattooed slut shows off her huge tits and outrageous, womanly tush, walking a treadmill as her gigantic booty sways seductively. Mike buries a lollipop in Joslyn's anus and watches her suck it; she even pushes a peeled banana out of her gaping colon! Joslyn deep-throats the director's big tool in a wet, drooling blow job and gets anally reamed by Mike's meaty member until he serves her a messy mouthful of sperm.

Alura Jenson 在 'and Seth Gamble in My Friends Hot Mom'

Alura Jenson - My Friends Hot Mom

Seth's friend called his mom Alura to set up an audition for Seth because he wants to become an actor and Alura has the connections to make it happen. After a brief moment at the receptionist's desk he is invited into Alura's office. He spills his heart to Alura about being in the drama club and taking some acting lessons. Alura really isn't interested in what he has to say but, in his performance. She asks him if he knows what a casting couch is and while he has a clueless look on his face she pushes him against her couch in the office. Seth wants to know what this has to do with his audition, Alura lets him know that if he wants a part in any of her movies, he needs to please Ms. Jenson first!

Alura Jenson 在 'and Mr. Pete in Seduced by a cougar'

Alura Jenson - Seduced By A Cougar

Alura is on the phone with one of her girlfriends to make sure her date stays at the party since it is her first night out since her divorce. She double checks that she has enough money for the tickets, but finds she left her house keys inside without her. She calls a locksmith and Mr. Pete shows up and lets her right in. Alura tells Pete of her plans tonight and that she didn't even like her date she just wanted to get fucked, she even shaved her pussy for this momentous occasion. Well, Mr. Pete is a grown man and Alura is willing take some locksmith dick.

Alura Jenson 在 'Lex Is A Motherfucker 2'

Alura Jenson - Lex Is A Motherfucker 2

Thick, mature, super-busty Alura Jenson assists director Lexington Steele as he attempts to cast his next interracial MILF feature. But Lex soon realizes that the curvaceous blonde fits exactly the criteria he has in mind. He sensuously strokes her huge boobs and bends Alura over the desk to hump against her wide, meaty ass. Soon his lovely employee is sucking on the director's enormous black cock, then passionately bouncing on the towering shaft as her pale butt cheeks wobble. The seasoned slut's rectum gets well reamed by Lex's prick, which she sucks ass-to-mouth. Alura enjoys a messy, tasty cum facial.

Alura Jenson 在 'and Karlo Karrera in My First Sex Teacher'

Alura Jenson - My First Sex Teacher

Alura Jenson is a hot busty blonde sexuality teacher. Karlo seeks her advice since sex is her expertise. He hasn't been able to perform in bed lately. Alura can definitely help with that. She believes in the more hands on approach to teaching and boy does she get her hands on Karlo. Her big butt bouncing on his cock has him cumming in no time. Alura truly is an expert in her field.

Alura Jenson 在 'and Johnny Castle in I Have a Wife'

Alura Jenson - I Have A Wife

Alura Jenson's driver is early. He arrived as she was still getting dressed. She doesn't mind that he gets to peak at her while she changes bra's. In fact, she likes it. She wants him to look. He's a little hesitant since he's married, but no one can resist Alura and her giant tits. He forgets all about his wife and pounds Alura's pussy in no time.

Alura Jenson 在 'Seduce me'

Alura Jenson - Seduce me

Levi and Pauly are in South Beach drinking coladas in the morning when what spots Pauly's eye? Nothing but a blond and beautiful babe that looks perfectly suited to Levi's tastes. Levio grabs Pauly's camera and runs after the suspected MILF and hunts her down. Alura goes into a shop near by. Levi follows her and the two hit it off. We find out that Alura is on vacation while her family is at home. Perfect. Levi sneaks over to the dressing room as she's trying on a bathing suit and he gets a peek at the whole package. With huge tits and an ass to match Levi can't resist, joins her in the dressing room, and gets the party started. They make a little mess in the dressing room as Alura's pussy juice drips. Levi invites her back to his hotel room for a little more privacy. Once inside closed doors Alura lets loose and the the ass and titties start bouncing. Alura hasn't been fucked proper in a minute and gives it everything she's got. Once Levi gets all the MILFy goodness he can handle he covers Alura's face in cum as she requests.

Alura Jenson 在 'and Cody Sky in Seduced by a cougar'

Alura Jenson - Seduced By A Cougar

Hot cougar Alura Jenson is renting out one of her many houses. The potential renter is a college dude whose looking for a house for him and his bros to finish up the school year in. He swears to Alura that they are not big party animals, but she doesn't mind as long as she's invited to a few. In fact, she's ready to get the party started right there and then. A party of two consisting of her and her potential renter. If he fucks her good enough he might just get a discount on his rent.

Alura Jenson 在 '- Black Meat White Feet'

Alura Jenson - Black Meat White Feet

We're bringing you THE Milf of all Milfs-Alura Jenson. Alura is 44-30-44 and nothing gets her juices flowing like a big black cock. Alura's only using her 8.5 size feet to keep that big black cock hard and, so far,it's mission accomplished. The busty, blonde cougar gets her gorgeous feet fucked by Jon Jon's huge slab of black porn. Her toes?Worshiped. Those arches? Completely fucked until her nearly cramps up. Alura's agenda is clear:Use her feet until that black meat spews all its creamy goodness.

Alura Jenson 在 '- Glory Hole'

Alura Jenson - Glory Hole

Mrs. Jenson's husband might just be the luckiest guy in the. Mr. Jenson is married to a huge slut that cruises the outside world for anonymous black cock. Alura's out in an adult bookstore and talking her husband through the various interracial porn titles. The time finally comes for Alura to play with that all elusive big black cock. Unfortunately Alura's new black toy is still wrapped up courtesy of a condom. That just wont'd do. Alura Jenson wants it bareback and that condom eventually comes off that huge anonymous black cock. Alura's tits get rubbed while she scarfs down on an extremely lucky black stranger. That enormous white ass lifts up against the filthy wall and gives that anonymous black cock the ride of its life. Alura's milk jugs bounce and nearly knock her out while that married fuck hole gets what her husband can never, ever provide. Mr. Jenson keeps tabs on his wife and for good reason: She's about to drain that big black cock of all its nutrients. The question has to be asked: Does Alura Jenson have a sister?

Alura Jenson 在 '2 Chicks Same Time'

Alura Jenson - 2 Chicks Same Time

Johnny saved the day when he kept Alura Jenson and Karen Fisher from getting roofied at the club, which is why the two sexy ladies invited him back to their apartment. After taking some crazy pictures of Johnny-on-the-Spot, they wanted to thank him further by seducing him for a nice big threesome. The blonde beauties get naked and fish out Johnny's big dick for both of them to suck on, then fuck it to their heart's content. Johnny saves the day again by banging these two big-butt babes with his massive cock, giving them both orgasms!

Alura Jenson 在 'Big Booty MILF Gets Some Black Steele'

Alura Jenson - Big Booty MILF Gets Some Black Steele

Alura Jenson Big Booty MILF Gets Some Black Steele. In a torrid fuck from DIRTY ROTTEN MOTHER FUCKERS 6 Alura Jenson needs someone to look after her personal safety so she feels secure enough to fall asleep at night. While it's unclear if Alura gets to sleep it's perfectly clear this huge breasted, big assed, blonde MILF likes Lex's big black dick. In a green top that can't contain her huge tits, matching garter belt, stockings and silver glitter spike heels Alura rides Lex's pole in cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, missionary and doggy. She takes Lex on anally and revels in that foot long, black dong pounding her asshole. Satiated, Alura drops to her knees and coaxes a load onto her face to end this interracial celebration and display for all to see how race relations can work in America.

Alura Jenson 在 'and Bill Bailey in My Friends Hot Mom'

Alura Jenson - My Friends Hot Mom

Alura Jenson calls her son's friend Bill over because she's distraught. And she's distraught because she suspects that Bill's mom is fucking her husband! She beats around the bush about it until Bill finally gets her to spit it out. He has no idea how to console her, until he finds out that all she wants to do is suck his dick! He's taken aback by her advances, but when he discovers how good a blowjob she gives, he goes with it and throatfucks her until she's hot and bothered enough to take it in her MILF pussy and scream for his hot load.

Joslyn James 在 'The Street Girl'

Joslyn James - The Street Girl

You are a true golf fanatic, and definitely follow the "Tiger". And couldn't believe that when the scandal broke about him fucking all these amazing women, that Joslyn James was one of them. You are shocked because you are also a huge porn fan. You quickly start browsing the internet to find out her availability . Like a school boy eagerly waiting for the bell to ring. You drive home , get all cleaned up....when you hear the door bell ring. Joslyn wastes no time getting on her knees and sucking your penis. Then she whips out her favorite dildo so you can fuck her tight ass. After a nice ass fuck you cover that dick and start fucking your dream pornstar. her juicy tits bouncing and pussy as tight as hell.

Alura Jenson 在 'and Bruce Venture in My First Sex Teacher'

Alura Jenson - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Alura Jenson's class is over, but her student Bruce isn't leaving any time soon. The blonde, busty college teacher tells him that she's got to lock up the classroom because she's teaching a course at another building soon, so she pushes him to get up and go. Bruce finally admits that he can't stand up because he's got a massive erection! The teacher sympathizes with him, but she blushes when she finds out that she's the one causing his big boner ... and it even turns her on. Professor Jenson locks the door and pulls out Bruce's big dick and shoves it down her throat, then takes a pussy creampie! Lesson learned!

Alura Jenson 在 'FemDom Ass Worship 21'

Alura Jenson - FemDom Ass Worship 21

Tall, stacked blonde MILF Alura Jenson talks to the camera, showing off her giant rack, daring us to beg for her big Amazon ass. Later, this 6'2' mature mistress abuses short geek Jeremy Conway, a wimpy loser who's joined a dating service in search of a smaller, submissive girl. Instead he ends up matched with Alura. Tossing his bouquet of flowers aside, she humiliates Conway and makes him kneel to tongue her jiggling rump and worship her toes. Ruthlessly smothering him with her meaty buttocks, she allows him to cum onto her bare feet, then smears semen on his pathetic face.

Joslyn James 在 'and Giovanni Francesco in My Friends Hot Mom'

Joslyn James - My Friends Hot Mom

Giovanni is supposed to be at practice, but instead he's moping around the house thinking about some chick he's trying to get with. His friend's mom Joslyn James has been sent out to find him, and when she discovers him down in the dumps on the bed, she tells him that it's not worth losing his scholarship over some girl. To help him get over his blues, the sexy MILF pulls out her big tits and fucks him on the spot. Hot moms always know best.

Joslyn James 在 'Does Anal!'

Joslyn James - Does Anal!

It's a pleasure to have Joslyn James on today's update of Mr.Anal. If you don't who she is. Google her! I'm sure you'll know then. Anyways back to Mr.Anal. Joslyn James is sexy with huge massive tits, a pretty pussy and an ass that's totally made for anal. Shcan suck a ggod dick and could take a dick. Any size. She loves to fuck and she loves to be fucked. In her ass-hole and her pretty pussy. Check it out. Joslyn James rocks!

Jessica Jaymes 在 'We Love Bananas'

Jessica Jaymes - We Love Bananas

Pornstars Joslyn James and Jessica Jaymes decide they want to play a little dress-up before they have a little lesbian fun! And get even more excited to introduce produce in to the mix. They demonstrate just how much fun you can have with a bushel of bananas by slamming them in and out of each others warm cunts..then eating them after they are covered in cum! They are naughty and we like it!

Alura Jenson 在 'and Bill Bailey in Seduced by a cougar'

Alura Jenson - Seduced By A Cougar

It's Cyber Monday, and Alura Jenson is ready to do a ton of shopping on the internet! Problem is her computer's all jacked up, so she calls up the Nerd Team to send somebody over to her house ASAP to fix her shit. She was expecting a true dweeb, but when the tech arrives she finds a tall, good-looking, strapping man! Not only that, but she discovers his big dick when she pulls down his pants and sucks and fucks him! Forget Cyber Monday, this blonde cougar is getting the deal of her life!

Joslyn James 在 'PT'

Joslyn James - PT

Sexy and slutty redhead Joslyn James loves showing off in front of the camera. Especially from the privacy of her own home. After performing a personal strip tease for you, Joslyn exposed her giant melons and sweet pussy so she evan pleasure herself with you watching. What gets her off is knowing that all you guys are getting off to her!

Joslyn James 在 'Anal Motherfucker'

Joslyn James - Anal Motherfucker

Kinky slut Joslyn James, clad entirely in fishnets and sporting a close buzz cut, is a busty, mature woman ready to get butt-fucked. A stud squeezes Joslyn's massive boobs and plump, soft booty, thrusting his tongue up her asshole and suckling her giant tits. He even uses his signature speculum to stretch her sphincter open! Joslyn takes his big cock down her throat, drooling onto her cleavage, then gets fiercely sodomized - and sucks his dick ass-to-mouth. By the time he has decorated Joslyn's buttocks with hot sperm, this lovely MILF's rectum is gaping wide!

Joslyn James 在 'Garage Fantasy'

Joslyn James - Garage Fantasy

Pornstar Joslyn James is exposed and revealed all alone naked in a garage. When you enter, bound in electrical tape and ropes, Joslyn is eager and hungry for your giant cock. Joslyn deep throats and gags on you so hard, she spits and gasps for air. And when you can't hold it any more, you busts a creamy load all over her face leaving the slut with a nice facial. Thank you Joslyn.

Joslyn James 在 'Bed Play'

Joslyn James - Bed Play

Pornstar and tabloid super slut is so horny and Tiger Woods hasn't been around. So Joslyn decides to delve deep into her imagination and take care of herself. She locks herself in her private room and slowly starts massaging her body and tight little pussy. She moans in exstacy..reaching a quivering orgasm!

Joslyn James 在 'Jerk My Cock'

Joslyn James - Jerk My Cock

Pornstar and tabloid slut Joslyn James just can't seem to get enough cock! Let Joslyn take control of you and your dick by letting you give her a mouth massage with your most erotic member. After a good deep throat cock sucking session, you spray Joslyn's pretty face with all of your warm cum.

Joslyn James 在 '- Blacks On Blondes'

Joslyn James - Blacks On Blondes

Were bringing you the alleged mistress of Tiger Woods. It looks as if Joslyn actually loves black cock and does some choking....on Jack Napier's black golf club. Joslyn James has recently gone through a lot but nothing could prepare her for the pussy-ravaging mayhem that she got at Blacks On Blondes. Joslyn's apparent love for black meat was finally satisfied when she met up with Jack Napier and that was all she wrote. The alleged mistress got on her knees and sucked on Jack's big black cock until her eyes shined- like they do when the papparazzi are bombarding her. Joslyn James nearly got lockjaw until she decided to turn a blow job into a full out interracial sex tournament. Jack slid his black anaconda deep inside Joslyn's pussy until her screams nearly alerted the neighbors....and more lawyers. Joslyn got on top of her black bull and rode him like a golf cart until her pussy exploded with juices. Those magnificient white tits bounced and shook like as Jack kept pounding that little white snatch. There were no allegations on this day: Joslyn was pledging herself to being a black cock whore and she used that pussy to bring Jack Napier to the brink of coming...a few times. Joslyn James wrapped her pussy lips around that black cock until Jack hit a hole-in-one and dumped a load onto her uterus. We're grateful to bring Joslyn James into the world of Interracial Sex, and we know why Tiger Woods allegedly went crazy for her. We know we did.

Joslyn James 在 'Secretary Whore'

Joslyn James - Secretary Whore

Pornstar Josly James is at the office searching the internet for all the latest on Tiger Woods when her boss catches her on the computer. Well he isn't pleased. So Joslyn decides to make it up to him by dropping to her knees and sucking on his white man meat then spreads her gaping hole to get fucked in every position. Don't think she'll be going back to Tiger any time soon!

Joslyn James 在 'Gets Diesel Dicked'

Joslyn James - Gets Diesel Dicked

Joslyn is such a hottie! She some nice tits too. She wanted some big dick, so I told her I would get Diesel to come through. Joslyn didnt know what to expect. But when she saw the massive bulk all up in her face, covering her face actually; Joslyn was a gasp and at awe of its ginormous size. What happened next is she tried to take all of that into her pussy, that she lovingly called cookie. Well can cookie take down Double chocolate chip or will that cookie crumble.

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Triple Blowjob'

Jessica Jaymes - Triple Blowjob

Porstars Jessica Jaymes, Joslyn James and Randi Wright are three cock hungry sluts. Enjoy these three beauties while they fight over a massive dick, taking turns gobbling the 9 incher. When you have 3 porn super sluts swapping spit and sharing dick, you can't go wrong. When you think you can't take it any more, you spray your giant load all over all 3 of their faces.

Jessica Jaymes 在 '3 Hookers POV'

Jessica Jaymes - 3 Hookers POV

Porstars Jessica Jaymes, Joslyn James and Randi Wright are three cock hungry sluts. Enjoy these three beauties while they fight over a massive dick, taking turns gobbling the 9 incher. When you have 3 porn super sluts swapping spit and sharing dick, you can't go wrong. When you think you can't take it any more, you spray your giant load all over all 3 of their faces.

Joslyn James 在 'Tiger Woods Mistress Dominated!'

Joslyn James - Tiger Woods Mistress Dominated!

Tiger Woods mistress Joslyn James bound and ass fucked!

Jessica Jaymes 在 'Scandal Life'

Jessica Jaymes - Scandal Life

Pornstars Jessica Jaymes and Joslyn James and two tabloid super sluts! When Joslyn decides to ask jessica about her run in with Nick Lachey as they are baking a cake for their charity event, things get hot and heavy. These two lesbians eat frosting off each others bodies and fuck each other with a rolling pin and cum all over the place!

Joslyn James 在 'Slut Secretary'

Joslyn James - Slut Secretary

You might know this tabloid super slut by hooking up and fucking Tiger Woods. When she's not busy being Tiger's mistress, she likes to sit behind the desk and masturbate to internet porn. After exposing her giant breast, slutty Joslyn slips her fingers up her skirt to do a little secretary play when no one is looking...this naughty little slut fucks herself until she drips with cum! Now I understand why Tiger was fooling around on his wife!

Joslyn James 在 'Blowjob POV'

Joslyn James - Blowjob POV

You might know this tabloid super slut by hooking up and fucking Tiger Woods. No stranger to big cocks, Joslyn James shows you exactly how she used to suck Tiger off. After exposing her giant breast, slutty Joslyn gets down on her knees and opens wide for your big man meat. With lots of spit and mouth manipulation, she makes you cum. Enjoying a warm, creamy facial.

Joslyn James 在 'Golfing Tiger-Style'

Joslyn James - Golfing Tiger-Style

Guess who! Joslyn James is looking sexy as fuck on the green. The way she moves her hips is so fucking sexy. looks like she's done this before. Wink Wink! After a long day of smacking balls. It was time for her to snack on balls. Buddy is one lucky son of a bitch. He gets to fuck a big time porn celebrity. you thought she could move on the golf course. Wait until you see her ride a cock. Enjoy!

Joslyn James 在 'and Carlo Carrera in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Joslyn James - My Wife's Hot Friend

Joslyn has come over to see Carlo to discuss her problem. She is a kindergarten teacher and happens to have Carlo's son in her class. She is an old college buddy of Carlo's wife, and so she is trying to fix the problem without going to the principal. He is having some aggression issues, and she knows that Carlo can fix it. He explains the situation and wants to thank her for personally coming over to help. Of course his thanks include kissing her and fondling her breasts! She is caught up in the throes of passion, and they get down and dirty right there in the living room!