Madison Ivy at
Brazzers 'Oiling一個妓女' 主演 Alena Croft (照片 8)

Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' - Oiling A Whore (Dirty Masseur)

妓女Alena的客戶Jessy有一個不尋常的要求 - 他想給她一個按摩。雖然開始耐力,艾琳娜開始享受按摩這麼多,她打破了基本的掛鉤規則 - 沒有接吻,沒有免費的肛門!

發布 : 11月26日, 2016
男模特 : Jessy Jones

Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'
Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'

Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'

圖片來自 Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling A Whore

Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 1)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 2)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 3)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 4)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 5)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 6)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 7)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 8)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 9)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 10)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 11)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 12)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 13)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 14)
Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling一個妓女 (縮略圖 15)

圖片來自 Alena Croft 在 'Brazzers' Oiling A Whore

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Alena Croft

Lily Love 在 '乾淨的他媽的!ZZ Maids的主要地標'

Lily Love - 乾淨的他媽的!ZZ Maids的主要地標


Kelsi Monroe 在 '戰利品電話!大屁股的主要地標'

Kelsi Monroe - 戰利品電話!大屁股的主要地標

觀看一些最性感的 Brazzers 明星在這個屁股美味的合輯中搖晃他們的賺錢工具!這些女孩已經拿到了貨物,她們迫不及待地想向你展示她們是如何工作的,扭動它,在一些大肥雞巴上彈跳她們完美的大靴子!

Alena Croft 在 '肛門在淋浴拉伸。'

Alena Croft - 肛門在淋浴拉伸。

性感的米爾夫阿萊娜克羅夫特試圖伸展她緊身的新牛仔褲, 但她的屁股只是太大, 他們!為了幫助褲子滑過她完美的, 多汁的屁股, 她進入淋浴, 浸泡他們 - 仍然沒有運氣!幸運的是,她丈夫的熱朋友斯科特·指甲走進她,非常願意説明她伸展她的新牛仔褲和她的緊身混蛋。

Alena Croft 在 '最好的胸罩:最炙手可熱的老闆'

Alena Croft - 最好的胸罩:最炙手可熱的老闆


Alena Croft 在 '最好的胸罩:最卑鄙的女同性戀'

Alena Croft - 最好的胸罩:最卑鄙的女同性戀


Alena Croft 在 '她是個很流暢的接線員'

Alena Croft - 她是個很流暢的接線員


Alena Croft 在 '但是她媽媽會'

Alena Croft - 但是她媽媽會

Alena Croft為女兒和她的男友Xander Corvus生日那天買了一個煙頭令她震驚,但當Xander不想使用它時,她就失望了!當艾琳娜(Alena)發現自己的禮物沒有被使用時,她將自己送給Xander自己的禮物:與女友的媽媽肛交!

Alena Croft 在 '卡明出壁櫥'

Alena Croft - 卡明出壁櫥

當Scarlit的媽媽不在時,Scarlit會上場!思嘉莉(Scarlit)認為她週末要獨自呆在家裡,帶她的朋友泰勒·尼克松(Tyler Nixon)到處閒逛,但當思嘉莉(Scarlit)的繼母艾琳娜(Alena)比預期的早回家時,他們很快就被打斷了。斯卡利特(Scarlit)將泰勒(Tyler)藏在壁櫥裡,在不知不覺中,她的另一個朋友就爬過窗戶。現在,有兩個男孩在她的房子裡,她的繼母就在門外,Scarlit頭頂著!一旦Alena抓到Scarlit在她房間里和幾個傢伙搞混,她就知道該如何懲罰頑皮的青少年-通過操弄他們的大腦!

Alena Croft 在 '呼吸,伸展'

Alena Croft - 呼吸,伸展

布里奇特(Bridgette B)第一次帶了她最好的朋友Alena Croft上瑜伽課。布里奇特(Bridgette)向阿琳娜(Alena)解釋說,她的瑜伽教練里奇·約翰遜(Ricky Johnson)與以往不同,他將改變您的生活! Alena看著Ricky並決定繼續他的非常規教學方法。瑞奇(Ricky)會先將它們引導到角質熟女,然後再經過一些更高級的位置。

Alena Croft 在 '媽咪忙'

Alena Croft - 媽咪忙


Alena Croft 在 '和我女朋友的媽媽一起玩'

Alena Croft - 和我女朋友的媽媽一起玩

阿萊娜克羅夫特是兩個孩子的母親,最近喪偶。為了紀念已故的丈夫,並保護她的孩子的感情,她發誓再也不會結婚,甚至不再約會,只有一個選擇,就是讓她的岩石脫落 - 每當她有機會,他媽的秘密。幸運的阿萊娜,她女兒的男朋友傑西瓊斯碰巧有一個性感的金發熟女的東西......

Alena Croft 在 '媽媽總是說是的'

Alena Croft - 媽媽總是說是的

Duncan Saint想藉他父親的車,但他還沒有完成所有的家務。當他的父親拒絕給他鑰匙時,Duncan問他的新一步媽媽,Alena,知道她很難說拒絕。不幸的是,他的父親在那裡幫助阿萊娜並隱藏鑰匙,所以鄧肯不會想要偷他們。鄧肯會找到鑰匙嗎?當她抓住他的房間時,他會用他巨大的陰莖操他媽媽的濕漉漉的陰部嗎?

Alena Croft 在 'Fuckerfly效應'

Alena Croft - Fuckerfly效應

回想起自己從來不應該與自己分手的一個老男朋友,他們發送了摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線Alena Croft及時修復她的性生活!為了迎合年輕的自己,Chloe Couture,青少年Alena和她成熟的對手通過吮吸他的大傢伙,與Xander Corvus合作。由於Xander的巨大公雞正在衝擊他的金發青少年女朋友的陰部貓,未來的Alena通過提供一口自己的陰部來回報她的青睞!沒有人知道時間表有多糟糕,但現在有一個三人組合,有兩個版本的Alena Croft可以參加。由於兩個寶貝都會以一種新鮮的方式上釉,他們會舔掉對方堅定身體的每一滴水,然後將Alena對他們的未來和他們的一生Xander!

Alena Croft 在 '他媽的醜小鴨'

Alena Croft - 他媽的醜小鴨

經過多年等待她的學校團聚,金發碧眼的寶貝Alena Croft終於要為她的球隊隊長贏得機會了!唯一的問題是他現在是一個完全失敗者。所以當Alena認為服務員開始接近她的時候,她想知道為什麼不讓他在大衣室裡吮吸她大假的山雀!吮吸著他那令人震驚的巨大公雞,這個豐滿的辣妹比她在很長一段時間裡更潮濕,但現在他很難騎上。約翰尼將自己的大屁股展開,深深地滑入她的陰部,直到他給她留下一個鼓舞人心的餅。原來他是她的老同學約翰尼變成了一個他媽的機器!

Alena Croft 在 '偷偷摸摸的媽媽2'

Alena Croft - 偷偷摸摸的媽媽2


Alena Croft 在 '聖誕老人的Twerkshop'

Alena Croft - 聖誕老人的Twerkshop

紫水晶和阿倫娜是性感的小精靈,在聖誕老人的工作室里工作,整天都在做性玩具,準備過聖誕節。但即使是勤奮的精靈們也需要一點樂趣,這就是為什麼他們總是在組裝生產線上互相玩耍。他們甚至使用自己的玩具(它增加了個人風格,你不覺得嗎?)。當工廠經理(頭腦精靈邁克爾)抓住他們的時候,他們覺得他會生氣,但他只是想進入樂趣(畢竟,每個人都應該在聖誕老人的twerkshop充滿歡樂和公雞......) 。

Alena Croft 在 '教學分析'

Alena Croft - 教學分析


Alena Croft 在 '做骯髒的工作'

Alena Croft - 做骯髒的工作

Alena Croft希望她的實習生Jessy Jones努力工作。但是當她的繼女克里斯汀·斯科特(Kristen Scott)到達辦公室時,傑西(Jessy)分心了這個小小的蕩婦的角色可以!克勞夫特女士不僅對瓊斯先生缺乏集中感到失望,她對克爾斯滕的吸煙技巧感到尷尬!艾琳娜更願意教她的繼女,正確吸吮和他媽的一些公雞,誰比誰更好地練習比實習生?

Alena Croft 在 '蜂蜜堅果靴'

Alena Croft - 蜂蜜堅果靴

Alena Croft是MILF的一個金發碧眼的炸彈,有一個角質的處置和一個屁股,只是不會退出takin的傢伙。今天填補艾琳娜的臀部的榮幸落在了一個知道他在女性肛門周圍的人的李小龍的身上。

Lily Love 在 '熱浪'

Lily Love - 熱浪

這是一個炎熱的夏天,布魯斯和他的妻子艾琳娜正在爭取他們的錢問題。 AC被打破,他們無力解決它,加上它很熱,Alena幾乎沒有任何東西,而她們的女僕莉莉在洗淨時必須剝下來。當布魯斯告訴莉莉,他們本月買不起她時,她羞怯地告訴老闆,他可以用其他方式支付她的錢。布魯斯很高興有義務,但是他的妻子還在家裡,所以他們必須是鬼鬼祟祟的。當他的妻子叫他在樓上道歉的時候,她決定也要他媽的!這種熱量使人們瘋狂和飢渴。看起來布魯斯手上有一個雜耍的行為!

Alena Croft 在 '媽媽市場'

Alena Croft - 媽媽市場


Alena Croft 在 '我的女同性戀醫生'

Alena Croft - 我的女同性戀醫生


Alena Croft 在 '品嚐阿拉納斯屁股'

Alena Croft - 品嚐阿拉納斯屁股

夢幻般的金發炸彈Alena Croft是一個柔滑,性感的MILF,渴望你的公雞。觀看時,為了您的觀看樂趣,您可以隨意挑逗,並品嚐她在屁股上的ass!!

Alena Croft 在 'Alena Croft-臭名昭著的BOOTY'

Alena Croft - Alena Croft-臭名昭著的BOOTY

Alena Croft回來了更多的傢伙,但是這次她把她的第一個肛門片放在了一個新的水平上!在Alena挑逗和擠壓您的觀看樂趣後,她通過撫摸和吸吮Mick Blue的大雞巴來剝離並開始主要活動。米克深深地陷入了她的大潮濕的屁股,給了她那種肛門他媽的,你只能從這裡的大屁股得到在Brazzers。看到Alena暨整個Mick的公雞一次又一次的動作,終於拿出一個大胖的面部cumshot來阻止她的第一個肛門場面!

Alena Croft 在 '城市學校江邦'

Alena Croft - 城市學校江邦

艾琳娜·克羅夫特(Alena Croft)非常認真地將她的職業作為替補老師,但當她被分配到一個充滿大黑公雞的整個教室時,她的寬恕的一面接管了!艾琳娜掉落在一個肥胖的雞尾酒中心的膝蓋上,花了她的時間,給每一個人一個很好的馬虎口交。看看混亂的Flash Brown,Jon Jon,Rob Piper和Jovan Jordan他媽的那個漂亮的替代品漂亮的粉紅色的貓,然後用四個巨大的面容cumshots軟管!

Alena Croft 在 '不要忘記你的午餐,親愛的'

Alena Croft - 不要忘記你的午餐,親愛的

Alena Croft來到ZZ學院,帶她去參加Jessy Jones的午餐。她和老師一起放下,然後停在洗手間裡使用這些設施,但是當她聽到Jessy進來,並從女友哈雷·馮開始得到一個口交時,想像一下她的驚喜! Alena,一個練習的MILF和Dick吮吸的主人,幾乎不能相信她所看到的,並決定自己去教Halle如何完成!當她吸吮傑西的大雞巴時,阿琳娜給了哈雷一些指針,然後自己騎了起來,辛苦地和傑西一起玩弄狗狗。最後,Jessy在Halle的嘴裡發出了一個大的爆發聲,與Alena分享!

Alena Croft 在 '我的丈夫學生 - 第二部分'

Alena Croft - 我的丈夫學生 - 第二部分

最後一次在我丈夫的學生身上,豐滿的MILF Alena Croft給了無辜的女學生肯尼迪·利,警告說要離開丈夫拉蒙。但是對於那些瘋狂的侄子肯尼迪來說,沒有什麼比禁止的迪克更吸引人的!當她來到早餐桌上時,除了拉蒙的襯衫之外,他不得不放棄青少年的誘惑,而當她走進來,艾琳娜也不高興,在肯尼迪的濕潤的嘴巴里找到了丈夫的傢伙!阿琳娜決定教一個小賤人一課,並啟動一個驚人的三人組,直到兩個金發女郎分享了大量的拉蒙的吉他!

Alena Croft 在 '我的丈夫學生 - 第一部分'

Alena Croft - 我的丈夫學生 - 第一部分


Alena Croft 在 '媽媽偷了聚光燈'

Alena Croft - 媽媽偷了聚光燈


Alena Croft 在 '在桑拿放血'

Alena Croft - 在桑拿放血

每個星期三,豐滿多彩的金發女同志Alena Croft和Alyssa Lynn在桑拿浴室聚會一下,可以輕鬆休息。當他們到達生意的時候,長長的雙腿相互纏繞,身體扭動,當他們越來越接近高潮時,當史蒂夫·謝(Sievie Shae)發現自己的小戀人聚集在一起時,幾乎不敢相信她的眼睛! Stevie被展示開了,她開始手淫,但是艾莉莎和艾琳娜也不需要花費很長時間才能發現這個妖豔的偷窺者。幸運的是Stevie,另外兩個可愛的女士們對公司很高興,他們的二人變成了一個女同性戀三人組,因為他們舔,吸吮,並將彼此的粉紅色的貓揉成一系列令人難以置信的身體搖擺的高潮!

Alena Croft 在 '貝弗利山的真正的妻子'

Alena Croft - 貝弗利山的真正的妻子

在本週的比佛利山莊的真正的妻子的劇集中,豐滿的金發女郎艾琳娜·克羅夫特正在前往比爾·貝利的房子。她不知道他想要什麼,但她穿著打動了一切。當她到達那裡的時候,她聽到她的狂熱的阿里亞·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera)正在和他掛鉤!兩個性感的蕩婦進入一場貓戰鬥,在比爾的大公雞戰鬥時撕開彼此的衣服,直到他設法用一個建議來解決混亂:做愛,而不是戰爭!阿麗亞娜和阿萊娜都喜歡這個想法,輪流他媽的比爾的肥胖的傢伙,吃飯彼此的緊密的貓。比爾在這樣一個美好的時光之後,阿麗亞里在阿萊娜的厚厚的戰利品之後突然出現了一大堆他的嘶嘶聲,他跳進了更多!他再一次把這兩個胖胖的寶寶交給他們,然後給他們一個很好的大面部分享。也許畢竟他們都可以成為朋友!

Alena Croft 在 '多米尼克斯'

Alena Croft - 多米尼克斯

Alena Croft的丈夫不知道每天在工作時,她正忙於在家工作,作為一個豐盛的多米諾骨牌!她整天都有男人進出這個地方,做她所有的家務,只是為了讓她在她緊張的陰部裡得到一切機會。到目前為止,沒有一個公雞足夠大,給她留下了深刻的印象,但是當她看到李小龍的大爆炸聲時,她決定要有一點樂趣!她跪下吮吸那個肥胖的公雞,用激情和專業的精力打磨他的手柄。她把Keiran的雞巴深深的抹在了基地,然後伸開雙腿,以便舔緊緊的小貓,直到她濕透了。最後,她把那頭肥胖的公雞深深的吸了進來,很難騎著,直到整個身體都渾身顫抖,然後在她臉上大量的粘著嘶嘶聲。

Alena Croft 在 '25 Cent Peep Show'

Alena Croft - 25 Cent Peep Show

Alena Croft是一個性感的脫衣舞孃,為所有角質的小伙子搖晃她的東西,他們進來看她的小小的窺視表演。她的同事Vanessa很惱火,Alena不斷花時間和她的客戶,所以她決定教她一點教訓。當Alena忙於為客戶跳舞時,Vanessa帶著一雙眼罩和一個帶子,真正給這個人一個表演!阿琳娜吮吸他媽的塑料雞巴,然後綁起來,傳播她的美麗的腿,讓她的女同志的情人!他們使用振動,他們的錶帶,甚至他們的舌頭互相關閉,當他們都達到高潮,玻璃另一邊的傢伙幾乎不相信他的運氣!

Alena Croft 在 '構成變態'

Alena Croft - 構成變態

乍得阿爾瓦難以將自己的生活繪畫班的中間變成角色。這不是他的錯,老師艾琳·克羅夫特(Alena Croft)聘請了她能找到的最性感的赤裸裸的模特兒,這是吸煙的阿什利火焰。乍得試圖勾畫她的巨大的山雀和她厚實的靴子的史詩般的曲線,但是她的下體太分散注意力了。當克羅夫特女士在臀部中間抓住這個角質的人時,她和阿什利決定讓乍得上課後教他如何感覺是一個性的對象。

Alena Croft 在 '感性騷擾'

Alena Croft - 感性騷擾

當約翰尼·辛辛斯(Johnny Sins)的老闆,豐滿的金發碧眼的寶貝艾琳娜·克羅夫特(Alena Croft)打電話給他的辦公室聊天時,他期待著最糟糕的一天。所有的辦公室蕩婦一直在抱怨約翰尼沒有足夠的打擊他們,他們是如此飢渴,他們都認真需要一些雞巴!由於阿萊娜知道約翰尼有點害羞,她打電話給夏布里埃爾幫助他的果汁流動。總是準備好成為一名球員,約翰尼崇拜他們的大山雀,他們他媽的他們,然後吃他們漂亮的小貓,直到他們滴濕!之後,他他媽的兩個性感的蕩婦,以證明他有什麼需要做辦公室螺柱!

Alena Croft 在 'MILF和曼尼'

Alena Croft - MILF和曼尼

所有鄰里的女士們都在狂歡這個新的約翰尼·辛辛德(Johnny Sins)。豐滿的MILF Alena Croft聽到她的一個女朋友說,她僱用約翰尼後,她獲得了最好的休息,所以她打電話給他一個動作。她的丈夫有點懷疑,但阿萊娜設法使他離開足跡,足夠長時間與約翰尼一起度過。她花了一些時間崇拜他的大雞巴,撫摸著它,吸吮它,甚至把它包裹起來,放在大的假山羊裡面。一旦阿萊娜的陰部滴濕,約翰尼的肥胖公雞準備採取行動,約翰尼彎曲她在梳妝台上,他媽的她!

Alena Croft 在 '阿拉納斯文胸充滿了好吃的東西'

Alena Croft - 阿拉納斯文胸充滿了好吃的東西

艾琳娜·克羅夫特(Alena Croft)不停地被抓住,手裡並不屬於他們。她的步子不得不來到商場太多次以保釋出來,每當這個Milf被抓住與她的胸罩和內褲的花式首飾。這一次他已經夠了如果她想再走開一段時間,她會加熱,真的給他一些足夠好的東西讓他堅持下去。

Alena Croft 在 '咆哮他媽的20年代'

Alena Croft - 咆哮他媽的20年代

現在Alena Croft是最熱門的演講者。無論她在哪裡唱歌,忠實的粉絲和崇拜者都會為她的親筆簽名和其他任何可以得到他們手的東西。一次展示後,一個人跟著她回到她的更衣室,並通過她巨大的胸部的鑰匙孔窺探。查看骯髒的他媽的,一旦愛麗娜抓住她的最大的粉絲窺探她的私人時間。

Alena Croft 在 '監獄情慾教訓'

Alena Croft - 監獄情慾教訓


Alena Croft 在 '一個微小的貓的大包'

Alena Croft - 一個微小的貓的大包

Keni Styles喜歡與Croft夫人的秘書一起工作,但最近她已經得到了大量的交付。他們不斷越來越大!凱尼不可能把阿內納在辦公室里關閉的所有這些假陽具放在腦後,相反,他讓他的想像力自由奔放,把他從地獄中脫穎而出!

Alena Croft 在 '乳房失效'

Alena Croft - 乳房失效

Alena Croft博士是許多醫生之一,試圖幫助病人從健忘症中恢復過來。這個人不記得了,但是第一次有東西回來了!這是他的醫生的甜屁股和華麗的山雀正在做的伎倆,所以他們唯一的選擇是讓他深深地記住,盡可能多地記住他。

來自其他網站的場景特色 Alena Croft

Alena Croft 在 '- Cuckold Sessions - Scene 2'

Alena Croft - Cuckold Sessions

Cucky Marcelo is scurrying around his Mistresses house cleaning and getting it ready for his Mistresses date later. He is so quick he runs out of things to do and spends the rest of his time worshiping his Mistress feet until they hear the doorbell. Dismissing Marcelo to greet her stud Alena casually makes her way to the living room to find her Big Cock and her Cuckold waiting for her to service her every need. Alena immediately tells Will to whip it out and provide the Big Cock she loves so much while ridiculing the tiny caged thing her cuckold is sporting. The passion is high while Will puts her through the paces and even forces a squirt out of her right into cucky's face. Taking the load proudly in the face as is her favorite, she then spits it right into Marcelo's face below her as his reward.

Alena Croft 在 '- Glory Hole - Scene 2'

Alena Croft - Glory Hole

For such a sexy lady as Alena every day is an adventure and today is no different. Out and about but with that familiar itch in her special place Alena drops by the Glory Hole to get that itch scratched. Dressed in her pretty pink and proper dress she is ready to feast on some cock and go. Leaning back and watching the dirty movie offered, she summons a mighty huge cock with a knock on the wall from her heel. Out from the wall comes a cock that is more than 3 hands deep. Sucking it for all she has and then some she knows she wants to share this experience with her Stagg husband. Backing up on the anonymous cock from the wall she calls her husband and tells him just how it is splitting her open and making her squirt and cum all over herself. Her Husband is encouraging as ever with her slutty adventures and asks her all about it. Hanging up with him she focuses on draining his cock for all that he is worth and is rewarded with an enormous load of cum to take home to her adoring husband.

Alena Croft 在 'MILF's 7-Boner Blowbang!'

Alena Croft - MILF's 7-Boner Blowbang!

Busty, platinum blonde Alena Croft teases in a skimpy pink number, starved for hard cock. Wearing a choker that reads, 'CUMSLUT,' the sexy MILF flaunts big boobs and a stellar body, anticipating a nasty blowbang with seven ready studs: Dan Damage, Hollywood Cash, Air Thugger, Kris K, Donny Sins, Nade Nasty and Musa Phoenix. Alena goes down the line, sucking big Black cocks and thick White meat. She chokes and slobbers through nasty, graphic blowjob action. The enthusiastic lady talks dirty, laps balls, and she deepthroats dicks. She opens her mouth widely for the guys to squirt lube into her gullet. Alena crudely collects her slobber in a glass through the messy oral melee. For the finale, each aggressive mouth fucker rewards Alena with a nasty cum facial. This bukkake-style climax leaves Alena swallowing copious helpings of excess semen!

Alena Croft 在 '- Blacks On Cougars - Scene 2'

Alena Croft - Blacks On Cougars

It's time something had to be done about Mrs. Croft. She has been a constant source of problems and an embarrassment for her husband. You see - Alena Croft is a bit of a cougar who loves going down to her husbands' company and praying on all the young men he hires. Today the firm has just hired a brand new training class of college graduates. That's fresh meat in Alena's parlance. Well this is a different day and age so HR has been assigned to deal with her before it becomes a major problem. In a 'me too' world even the young men may play the victim card. So Isiah is sent down to explain what sexual harassment is and to keep Mrs. Croft occupied. Well the only thing that Alena wants to keep her occupied is a big black trouser snake and Isiah seems to be packing a beast. Coiled and ready to strike his mamba climbs loose from his pants and Alena is in heaven. Always hungry for cock she greedily gobbles it down. Slobbering on man meat always gets her cunny dripping and ready for pole. Soon enough Isiah is blasting his HR tool deep into her wet box as she moans in delight. Mabye if HR kept somebody around like Isiah she would not have to come pray on the new recruits. All this cougar really needs is non stop man meat stuffing. Power driving her cock garage Isiah pummels her witless and delirious. Soon he fills her up with a massive expulsion of man juice that only sends more orgasm ripples cascading through her throbbing innards.

Alena Croft 在 '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 3'

Alena Croft - Blacks On Blondes

It's a Dogfart poker tournament and who rides in but a true Queen of Spades to bring the boys some entertainment!! She dismounts and crawls across the table eager to fill her pussy with 18 big, black cocks. She swallows and measures each inch of their cocks and ends up taking about 13 feet of dick!! Not wanting to waste a drop of perfect jizz, she produces a glass funnel and her pink pussy swallows it all down. An 18-man Creampie perfectly executed by the one and only Alena Croft!

Alena Croft 在 'Unwrap Your Milf'

Alena Croft - Unwrap Your Milf

Alena Croft enlists her friend's help to surprise her husband Sean Lawless with a special anniversary gift. Alena's friend films as Alena changes into a sexy surprise. When Sean gets home, he can't believe his luck. He runs to the bedroom to gift his wife with the celebatory fuck she deserves!

Alena Croft 在 'Dredds MILF Devastation'

Alena Croft - Dredds MILF Devastation

Blonde MILF Alena Croft meets Dredd and his monster BBC! Sexy Alena is looking super fine in her black lace body stocking with high heels and a black thong. She dances and twerks to show off her amazing curves then pulls out her giant tits and plays with them as she gets wetter and wetter. Alena removes her thong to expose her pretty pussy and fingers herself as she waits for Dredd to show up. Dredd comes in and Alena immediately pulls out his monster cock and gets to sucking. This blonde size queen sucks and strokes that BBC like it's the last dick on earth, then climbs on top and impales herself on that huge cock. Dredd rips apart her body stocking to get a better look at her phat ass while he pounds away at Alena's seasoned snatch. Alena proves that she can handle one of the biggest cocks on the planet then gets her face blasted with all of Dredd's cum.

Alena Croft 在 'Pool Hall Milf'

Alena Croft - Pool Hall Milf

As pool shark Tony Rubino practices his game, tall blonde bombshell Alena Croft does what she can to attract his attention! This sexy MILF wants some pointers on her billiards techniques, but her seduction skills need no improvement. Alena bends over and grinds her big ass against Tony's dick as he helps her grip the cue, pulling her dress up high to get a better range of motion...and giving Tony an amazing upskirt view at the same time! That pussy is so tempting Tony just has to taste it, and then Alena deepthroats his wood before bending over so he can pound her doggystyle. Tony takes aim and like the pro he is shoots his cum in Alena's mouth!

Haley Mae 在 'Innocent And Ripe'

Haley Mae - Innocent And Ripe

Having recently turned 18, innocent and ripe teenager Haley Mae is one eager beaver. She really wants to suck and fuck all the dick she can get before her next birthday! Lately, Haley's been seducing her mom's personal assistant Bruce Venture who is the one that drives Haley to school in the morning. When Bruce comes to pick her up, he's ready to go--but little does he know how much Haley's been looking forward to showing up at her front door! Haley pulls Bruce inside and while he's a little hesitant to keep fooling around with this 18 year old vixen, he can't help but get turned on by how much of a cock craving slut she is! Haley wants to skip school and just have Bruce pound her pussy at home while her stepmom Alena Croft is resting. Only, Haley's pleasurable moans have awoken the horny MILF that is her stepmom--and Alena walks in to find Bruce's dick deep inside her stepdaughter's pussy! Since Haley's skipped school, Alena decides to teach her slutty stepdaughter a real lesson--how to properly suck and fuck big dick like a real whore! Lucky for Bruce, on this morning he gets to bang two smoking hot chicks before breakfast!

Kali James 在 'Threesome On A Sick Day'

Kali James - Threesome On A Sick Day

College cutie Paris Love doesn't feel like going to college today. She decides to pretend to be feeling under the weather while lying in her bed. Her stepmom Alena Croft assumes that she's telling the truth and plans on letting Paris miss yet another day of college to get better. Only, when Alena leaves her room, Paris rushes over to the window to sneak in her boyfriend Johnny Castle to spend the day in bed getting her tight pussy pounded! When Paris leaves for a moment, Johnny waits for her--but little does he know that Alena's come back to give her stepdaughter some medicine! Alena pulls off the covers and sees Johnny's big dick ready to be sucked, so she can think of no better way of getting back at her lying stepdaughter than sucking her boyfriend's dong! Safe to say, Mr. Castle is one lucky dude--but when Paris realizes how much of a cock craving slut her stepmom is, will she be willing to share her boyfriend with her?

Alena Croft 在 '- Blacks On Cougars'

Alena Croft - Blacks On Cougars

When The Dogfart Bulls are out and about, they often stop by adult book stores. They love checking out the Dogfart DVD's; however, there's a problem with today's visit. The end cap carrying the Dogfart DVD's is only 1/2 full, and our crew is now demanding from the star-struck clerk as to why? He's having a hard time believing living legends like Sean Michales and Rico Strong and JonJon are even at the store, so he gets store manager Alena Croft involved. 'The reason I keep this display like this? Dogfart needs to show the Cougars more gang bang love! After all, I'm a 'Coog' and a big fan of Dogfart's gang bangs! I demand more!!' Alena says. Well, you slutty Coog, more is what you're gonna get: 5 BBCs -- including your employee's -- are going to take all three of your white holes! Alena starts by using her soft, sensual mouth to warm the crew up. Then, it's on to her sopping wet cunt. And then, for the first time in her life, Alena is going to allow the gang bang to move to her tight, anxious asshole! What next? How about random nut busts all over the place, leaving Alena Croft literally covered in cum!! There's a first for everyone, no matter how old you are, and today is Mrs. Croft's first anal gang bang!

Alena Croft 在 'Movie Night Done Right'

Alena Croft - Movie Night Done Right

Brad and his girlfriend Evelin are watching a movie. He is super horny, but Evelin is worried that Alena, her new stepmom, is going to catch them in the act, so she suggests they only make out instead. Little does she knows that Alena is equally as horny! In fact, the MILF is so horny that she starts masturbating while spying on the teens. Then, Alena sneaks into the living room and changes the movie they're watching for a porn film! She then pulls off the blanket the teens are using, revealing Brad's big hard dick, which she immediately starts sucking. Of course, lucky Brad has no problem with this sudden turn of events, but Evelin intends to show her stepmom she is better than her at sucking cocks! A competition ensues and results in both the teen and stepmom fighting over who will get to suck and fuck Brad's cock!

Alena Croft 在 'Getting Dirty With Ms Croft'

Alena Croft - Getting Dirty With Ms Croft

Yard work can be grueling and hard--but what's even harder is when your boss is a busty MILF who doesn't wear any panties! Kyle Mason and his friend are working on Ms. Alena Croft's flower bed. Alena is a bitchy boss who just wants Mr. Mason and his friend to do some proper yard work. But what's really wrong with Ms. Croft is that she's got a thorn in her side--she hasn't been fucked in months and is clearly in need of some dick! After watching Alena show off her naked snatch while on her hands and knees, the guys notice her getting naked in the bathroom! With her massive tits and tight pussy on full display, Kyle decides to sneak into the shower and get a closer look at his hot as fuck boss! Alena showers and gets herself nice and wet but soon begins fantasizing about one of her yard workers sneaking in and giving her the dicking she desires. Luckily for Ms. Croft, Kyle has been watching her masturbate in the shower, getting turned on by this sexy slut as she rubs the shower head all over her dripping wet pussy! But when Alena catches Kyle peeking in on her flicking her clit, will she be upset or pleasantly happy that he's the big dick she's been waiting for?

Naomi Woods 在 'Sealing The Deal'

Naomi Woods - Sealing The Deal

Naomi Woods is selling magazine subscriptions for her sorority and decides to stop in at her friend's house. Her friend isn't home – but her smoking hot stepmother, Alena Croft, is. As it happens, Ms. Croft just got home from a marketing conference— and she's highly intrigued by everything Naomi Woods has to offer and decides to give her a few pointers of the oral variety! Eager to learn about the power of sex and how it sells, Naomi can't wait to get her dripping wet pussy lips licked by her best friend's sexy stepmother! Alena Croft just wants to see Naomi succeed so she puts this sorority slut to the test, seeing how she can handle licking pussy and getting pounded by a strap-on cock! But will Naomi's best friend find out about these luscious lesbians getting it on?

Alena Croft 在 '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 2'

Alena Croft - Blacks On Blondes

Alena Croft has a special relationship with Hubby. When he's away on a business trip (which is often), she's allowed to invited one of her Bulls over to keep her satisfied until Hubby can make it back. Hubby, in return, gets to watch the action up close and personal via naughty pictures and video Alena captures during her sexy times. Hubby and Alena are both excited about today's session, because Alena's Bull is huge -- even for BBC standards -- and The Bull loves shit talking both Hubby and Alena as he has his way. Did I mention Alena invites her lovers to the Marital Bed? That's right -- no cheap motels or even classy hotels for Alena and her Bulls...they fuck Alena in the same bed she shares with Hubby. Talk about Marital Bliss!

Alena Croft 在 'Right down the slit'

Alena Croft - Right down the slit

Haley wanted to get fucked but her BF was out with a few friends. He was too busy to have phone sex therefore, Haley picked out a zucchini from her kitchen veggie and fruit basket that approximated the size of her BF's cock. While she was fucking the zucchini, her BF's mom, Alena, walked in on her. Haley was startled and extremely embarrassed. Alena figured it was only right to show Haley how it was done. She fucked Haley with the zucchini and then tongue fucked her tight little pussy. Alena also taught her how to lick the clit and finger a wet pussy.

Alena Croft 在 'Titty Creampies 9'

Alena Croft - Titty Creampies 9

In a tiny black top and skintight red skirt, curvaceous blonde MILF Alena Croft teases director Kevin Moore with her massive jugs. While he shoots POV-style footage, the pale, busty beauty wraps her experienced lips around his rock-hard dick; she swallows his pole and licks his ball sack. Alena spreads oil all over her giant hooters and traps the director's shaft in her deep, slippery cleavage. She tit-wanks his throbbing member until it erupts hot cum, and she licks her fingers clean.

Alena Croft 在 '- Blacks On Blondes'

Alena Croft - Blacks On Blondes

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!" Sure, it's an age-old adage, but it fits our scenario today. Alena Croft lurks on Hubby's phone when he's not around, always on the look out for signs of his infidelity. Sure enough, Alena spots something fishy from a "bitch", which means it's time to get even. In a flurry of texts and phone calls, Alena's managed to gather up seven "friends" (mostly personal trainers, pilate teachers, yoga and boot camp get the picture). At first, her friends have no idea why they're there, but it only takes a few minutes before they know it's a Gang Bang Party! Each of the seven takes turn on Alena's mouth and cunt, and to really rub it in, Alena documents it all on Hubby's phone! At the end, after the Bulls use Alena's face as a jizz target, and whatever didn't land on her face she swallowed. And in one final blow, they take one last photo -- a group photo -- for Hubby to enjoy when he finally finds his phone.

Alena Croft 在 'Feeding Frenzy 12'

Alena Croft - Feeding Frenzy 12

Alena Croft heard there were some cocks here for her to suck and that's making her... HUNGRY. Her perfect mouth is eager for multiple men and it's her lucky day because there are quite a few dudes that are more than willing to fill it up for her...five to be exact. She even counts them as they rub her massive titties and round booty. She's salivating and begging for those hard cocks and she knows she can handle it. This expert cock-gobbler is surrounded and in moments she's stroking and choking on all of them! It's a goddamn Feeding Frenzy for this MILF's mouth and she knows exactly how to take it. Alena is right at home in the middle of a dick-nado and there is no calm in this cum-storm. She's working for the payoff of five fat, sticky loads for her to enjoy so much that she swallows every drop!

Alena Croft 在 'Anal Craving MILFs'

Alena Croft - Anal Craving MILFs

When sexy blonde Alena Croft looks through a cellphone and discovers sexted photos, she confronts young neighbor Logan Pierce. But Alena doesn't want to punish him; she wants to get in his pants! The gorgeous MILF moves close, pressing her giant boobs into him, and soon Logan is receiving an expert, deep throat blow job. Alena squeezes his huge cock between her tits. After getting her thick ass ruthlessly sodomized, this seasoned seductress opens wide for a tasty, creamy cum facial.

Alena Croft 在 'The Brotherload 8'

Alena Croft - The Brotherload 8

"I'm really fucking cum-hungry," she says... Alena Croft sure is! Blonde, huge tits, round booty - this MILF gets DEEP DRILLED by the man himself, Lexington mother fucking Steele! Not only does this beautiful slut open her sweet little hole up for that big black cock but she takes it in her asshole too. That's right, an experienced whore like Alena Croft can open her tightest of holes up for a professional like Lex and she gets her insides probed so well. She doesn't stop playing with her pussy the whole entire time and she's eager to please when she hops off the cock to taste her own ass juice and then takes it right back inside. Lex plops a hefty load on her pretty face but Croft needs more... four more, actually. The gang is all here and they waltz right in the help coat her in man-milk. Chivalry isn't dead and when the lady asks for every last drop from every last guy, she gets what she asks for. So much cum, it knocks her eyelashes off. Yum yum!

Alena Croft 在 'Penetrate the pussy'

Alena Croft - Penetrate the pussy

Sean Lawless is a wild motherfucker. Aside from fucking an insane amount of chicks he also maintains property on his spare time. He was employed by some wealthy homes and had his handful. But when work was light, he'd basically trash it with the golf cart. Well, today wasn't his lucky day. He went to the wrong house at the wrong time. He just so happen to run into Alena Croft, and she had a reputation of a nasty behavior. After catching Sean red handed she fired his ass. But today was Sean's lucky day. She didn't have enough money to pay him back. That didn't sit well with Sean and she had to find a way to pay him back, so the next best thing happened...

Alena Croft 在 'Ms Croft's Sexy Executive Decision'

Alena Croft - Ms Croft's Sexy Executive Decision

Ms Croft has an unfulfilled promise to her newly promoted employee back from Terry's party. Now that he's an executive, she discovers that there's nothing stopping her from banging him right there and then as he licks her toes and trusts down her pretty pink pussy on the meeting room table.

Alena Croft 在 'Anal Is My Business 02'

Alena Croft - Anal Is My Business 02

Blue-eyed, blonde MILF Alena Croft shows off her busty body in a brief skirt, stockings and heels. Nearly nude, she spreads her shaved pussy and fingers her asshole, seducing stud Mark Wood. He rims her anus and opens it with a glass toy. Alena strokes his erection; a face fuck makes her drool. He plugs his prick straight up her ass, and doggie-style sodomy makes her gasp. With Alena's leg on his shoulder, Mark butt-fucks her, his dominant tit slaps and choking make her flush orgasmically. The slut sucks dick ass-to-mouth and cock-slaps her own face. Alena's huge cheeks mash Mark's meat, and skin-slamming sodomy echoes. After a sloppy cum facial, Alena cleans cock orally.

Alena Croft 在 'Anal Is My Business 2'

Alena Croft - Anal Is My Business 2

Blue-eyed, blonde MILF Alena Croft shows off her busty body in a brief skirt, stockings and heels. Nearly nude, she spreads her shaved pussy and fingers her asshole, seducing stud Mark Wood. He rims her anus and opens it with a glass toy. Alena strokes his erection; a face fuck makes her drool. He plugs his prick straight up her ass, and doggie-style sodomy makes her gasp. With Alena's leg on his shoulder, Mark butt-fucks her, his dominant tit slaps and choking make her flush orgasmically. The slut sucks dick ass-to-mouth and cock-slaps her own face. Alena's huge cheeks mash Mark's meat, and skin-slamming sodomy echoes. After a sloppy cum facial, Alena cleans cock orally.

Alena Croft 在 'Manuel Ferrara's Reverse Gangbang 3'

Alena Croft - Manuel Ferrara's Reverse Gangbang 3

Manuel fucking Ferrara is absolutely the luckiest man on the planet. Take this stellar slut lineup and identify the hottest! You can't! This is a full deck of the hottest, nastiest whores in the business and that means Jasmine Jae, Cheri Deville, Nina Elle, Alena Croft and Ryan Conner are ALL TOGETHER and fucking the brains out of one lucky cock. Maybe this is not a task for just any dude, but you'll definitely be picturing yourself in the middle of this sexy ass fiasco. Your fingers making Cheri cum while Alena rides your cock and you're sucking on Nina's big titties. Your fat cock plunging into Ryan's big ass while Jasmine sucks your balls. It's all any man could possibly want is a stack of stacked sluts at your service. They're mouths and hands and holes are at your disposal and they lick and fuck and suck each other and you the entire time, just begging and working for that massive cum-dump all over ALL of their pretty fucking faces!

Alena Croft 在 'Table Top Seduction'

Alena Croft - Table Top Seduction

MILF with huge tits seduces a young man.

Alena Croft 在 'The Captive Slut Under the Stairs'

Alena Croft - The Captive Slut Under the Stairs

When slutty club chick Alena Croft is taken captive by a brooding sociopath, she is kept in his basement as a plaything for when he is bored. Until one day when she tries to escape, she gets lost in the cavernous basement and realizes that there is no way out.The update includes hard anal sex, bondage, dominance and submission, erotic captivity and big fake tits.

Alena Croft 在 '- Cuckold Sessions'

Alena Croft - Cuckold Sessions

Alena Croft and her Hubby, Bob, have an interesting relationship. Bob is in his mid-fifties, and honestly, he can no longer keep up with his hot, horny wife. He quit trying years ago. Now he's accepted other men will enjoy her, so why not enjoy himself as Alena enjoys herself? Here's their trick: they call repairmen and have them come check whatever it is they say is "broken": the refrigerator, the AC, the pool pump...whatever. As Bob's showing the workmen around, they'll always catch Alena doing inappropriate things. Then they size up the workmen's reaction, and if Alena and Bob get a "good feeling", Alena makes the next move. Just watch and see Alena and Bob work their magic on today's plumbing crew!

Alena Croft 在 '- Interracial Blowbang'

Alena Croft - Interracial Blowbang

It ain't easy waiting tables. Hell, any waitress will tell you that. Add the fact your entire section is filled by the Big Black Bulls known as "The Dogfart Crew", and you know your day is gonna be tough. Unless you're Alena Croft. There's two things Alena's serving up on her menu: wet mouth and sweet, pink pussy. Suddenly, the demands for food and drink turn into gropes and hard dicks, and just as she promised, Alena Croft serves them all...until they're full. She's full, too...full of the jizzum of a dozen hung bulls.

Alena Croft 在 '- Glory Hole'

Alena Croft - Glory Hole

Gotta love bored housewives like Alena Croft. The busty, blonde soccer mom gets bored quickly, too, which usually means her boring day turns into a naughty day. She'll tell Hubby anything to get away, and by "away" we mean her favorite adult bookshop. Alena loves to walk in dressed in a short skirt and low-cut top, just so she can watch the creeps eyeball her every move. Today she's going to grab some DVDs and pay for a half hour in a private viewing booth. She made sure to flaunt around the store and make it obvious as to where she's going. It sure did work! Not one...not two...but three perverts packed into the booth next to hers, and soon it was on! With two holes and three dicks, they all had to take turns, which was fine by Alena. She took care of them all, swallowing more spunk in a single afternoon than most sluts swallow in a week. Then it's back home to Hubby, who's gonna wanna give his beautiful wife a big kiss on the mouth.

Alena Croft 在 'Dirty Rotten Mother Fuckers 9'

Alena Croft - Dirty Rotten Mother Fuckers 9

Alena Croft is a dream - the perfect blonde MILF with big tits and a filthy mind. This player knows the game and she wins everytime. Everhard reaps the benefits of this experienced slut and gets everything you could possibly want, starting with a taste of her sweet pussy and having the favor returned with an incredible blowjob, deep throat and all. Just the tip of the iceberg when Alena wants more and he delivers, taking her pussy and then her ass. The harder she takes it, the more she wants it. Spread eagle anal and full ass to mouth for a facial...she clearly loves the taste.

Alena Croft 在 '- Watching My Mom Go Black'

Alena Croft - Watching My Mom Go Black

Step-moms can be a bitch. You probably know this already. Take Alena's new step-son, Trent. He knows this all too well. Trent's already caught his new step-mom cheating on his dad...and with a black dude, no less! The only thing that makes matters worse is Trent's fetish. See, he's an unabashed voyeur, and isn't it funny how step-moms know so much? She knew Trent's a little perv, so she cut the deal: let me have my fix of BBC, and I'll let you jerk your winky and watch. In fact, if Trent's a "good little boy", he gets rewarded. So kick back and watch as Alena allows Trent to jack his dinky all over step-mommy's extra-large titties. Sounds like a good deal to me!

Alena Croft 在 'Lex Is A Motherfucker 04'

Alena Croft - Lex Is A Motherfucker 04

Director Lexington Steele is casting his newest production, but when sultry, curvaceous blonde MILF bombshell Alena Croft shows up, the muscular African-American stud gets a little tongue-tied. Having the mature beauty show off her giant, round tits and phat ass, he whips out his enormous cock and lets Alena gobble the throbbing black shaft. The voluptuous mom rides Lex's gigantic prick in a passionate interracial audition that ends with a creamy cum load in Alena's mouth.

Alena Croft 在 'Wet Food 6'

Alena Croft - Wet Food 6

Alena Croft is an ultra-busty blonde bimbo obsessed with big, stiff cocks. She gets a special treat: a dozen horny black and white studs, ready to shove their enormous dicks down her throat! She kneels, surrounded by cock meat, and eagerly services the boys with her talented mouth -- gagging on their thick shafts until her eyes water and her face is covered in spit. One by one, the studs fill her mouth with hot splooge, and Alena gulps it all down.

Alena Croft 在 'Tunnel Vision 4'

Alena Croft - Tunnel Vision 4

Alena Croft POV In Your Big Tit Dreams. What a good whore is Alena Croft. This big titted blonde, in the business suit over slutty lingerie, wants cock and this hottie knows how to get it. From TUNNEL VISION4 it's like you're fucking Alena. It's like she's sucking your dick. It's like you're the man! Don't miss out on your chance to fuck a porn star right now.

Alena Croft 在 'Prey For Play'

Alena Croft - Prey For Play

See Alena run. Alena runs fast. Run Alena run! Ryan and Kelly have a new big breasted, slutty toy to play with and she is being very uncooperative. She runs away every chance she gets, but there is no escaping the clutches of Kelly's enormous tits. Her punishment for running away, is to fuck, suck, lick, slurp and swallow everything they t...