Madison Ivy at
Brazzers '對達爾夫人說你好' 主演 Farrah Dahl (照片 3)

Farrah Dahl,Janet Mason 在 'Brazzers' - Say Hello to Mrs Dahl (Moms in control)

珍妮特·梅森(Janet Mason)不知道,但是她最好的朋友Farrah Dahl和她的Stepon磚已經好幾個月了。每次Farrah過來喝茶,Brick他媽的Farrah的臉,有時甚至給他一個手杖在桌子下,而他的stepmom珍妮特坐在那裡!但是,當她走在他們他媽的一天,珍妮特不是像他們害怕的生氣,她只是生氣,她沒有被邀請!兩名大型的MILF與Brick公雞搏鬥,試圖證明誰給出了最好的口交,他們最好的,誰是更好的cum子,因為他們從他的公雞裡猛熱一下!

發布 : 10月20日, 2014
標籤 : 調教, 摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線, 金發, 紅頭, 三人組, 口交(POV), 女牛仔(POV), 大山雀, 大山雀崇拜, 繼母
男模特 : Brick Danger

Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'
Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'

Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'

圖片來自 Farrah Dahl,Janet Mason 在 'Brazzers' Say Hello to Mrs Dahl

Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 1)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 2)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 3)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 4)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 5)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 6)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 7)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 8)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 9)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 10)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 11)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 12)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 13)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 14)
Farrah Dahl 在 'Brazzers' 對達爾夫人說你好 (縮略圖 15)

圖片來自 Farrah Dahl,Janet Mason 在 'Brazzers' Say Hello to Mrs Dahl

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Farrah Dahl,Janet Mason

Cassidy Klein 在 '讓我們打電話給你的男朋友'

Cassidy Klein - 讓我們打電話給你的男朋友

甜蜜,夢幻般的卡西迪·克萊因喜歡在裙子上跳舞,聽著她最喜歡的音樂,但是她的繼母Farrah Dahl將她吃掉時,她並不喜歡愛她。當Farrah告訴Cassidy打電話給一個大公雞給他們分享,Xander Corvus是驚喜 - 他要去他媽的兩個蕩婦!

Farrah Dahl 在 '媽媽崩潰浪漫週末'

Farrah Dahl - 媽媽崩潰浪漫週末

你能相信Xander的女朋友的母親因為遇到母親節而在浪漫的周末入睡的神經嗎?當Xander上樓檢查他們的房間時,他發現Milf Farrah在一個泡泡浴裡自己放在家裡,在浴缸裡浮出水面,然後洗了大塊假山羊。 Farrah抓住她的時刻勾引她的繼子,並提出以比她女兒所擁有的更多的技巧和氣質吸吮他的公雞。 X ander took。ba。。and and。。。。。。。。。。。。把你的眼睛放在ra y的鐵桿他媽的Xander給他的角質的婆婆,因為他彎曲她的浴室瓷磚,並以每一個方式鑽她!

Farrah Dahl 在 '漂亮的教授'

Farrah Dahl - 漂亮的教授

Farrah Dahl教授的實驗室同事從來沒有註意到她,儘管她對公雞的渴望很大。為了得到她想要的東西,Jessy在她的大山雀之間的公雞,Farrah在實驗室里工作了很長時間,開發出一種讓人不可抗拒的特殊食譜。當Jessy和他的女朋友回到實驗室時,他們發現了一個他們以前從未見過的Farrah,一個角質的Nympho Milf,穿著衣服,滲出了性感。 Farrah鴿子直到Jessy的傢伙,深深地琢磨著每一個美麗的一寸,並且把它漂亮而光滑,然後把它塞進大塊瓜子之間。看看Farrah如何把她的腿放在她的辦公桌上,從後面把肥胖的公雞,就像她一直想要的那樣。

Janet Mason 在 'Stepmom喜歡早晨的木材'

Janet Mason - Stepmom喜歡早晨的木材


Farrah Dahl 在 '山雀和郁金香'

Farrah Dahl - 山雀和郁金香

自從他進入新的社區以來,Brick Danger一直在偷窺鄰居,性感的MILF Farrah Dahl,她做園藝。每天早上,儘管如此,當她的工作完成之後,那個蓬勃發展的寶貝最終會變得濕透並且和她的貓一起玩,而且磚喜歡隱藏在樹林裡進行一些偷窺行動。有一天,Farrah點了他,而不是大喊大叫或叫喊警察,她拉出他的傢伙,開始吮吸他!她給了他一個口交,直到他堅硬,準備採取行動,然後他回報的舌頭他媽的MILF的貓,直到它滴水濕潤。 Farrah騎著這個公雞,經歷了一個真正的MILF,然後得到一個很好的大面部的她的煩惱!

Gracie Glam 在 '纏繞纏擾者'

Gracie Glam - 纏繞纏擾者

豐盛的MILF珍妮特·梅森(Janet Mason)最近一直從秘密仰慕者那裡獲得匿名禮物,她只會愛上這個神秘的紅色男人。所以當Gracie Glam過來並且從同一個纏擾者那裡得到一個包裹的時候,這個二人組織拿出了一個計劃來抓住他的行為。設置一些他買了他們的性感內衣,他們引誘他進了房子,在那裡他們跳動,教他一點關於尊重的一點教訓!兩個漂亮的寶貝輪流吸吮他媽的肥胖的公雞,騎著那個雞巴,直到他們都辛辛苦苦。他們輪流吃掉對方的濕貓,並騎著比爾·貝利的硬公雞一直到一個大面部,讓他們分享!但問題是,現在他得到了他想要的東西,他們的秘密崇拜者最終會離開他們嗎?

Janet Mason 在 '母親節按摩'

Janet Mason - 母親節按摩

今年的母親節,所有豐盛的MILF珍妮特·梅森(Janet Mason)真正想要的是一點和平安寧。但是,當她的家人按摩時驚喜時,她決定從惡劣的環境中發揮最大的作用。她的按摩師比爾·貝利(Bill Bailey)慢慢地開了一口漂亮的油性背部摩擦,然後輕輕地踩了一下腳。一旦她鬆了一口氣,他開始給她多汁的屁股一下子,然後翻身,所以他可以按摩她的大MILF小食。比爾靈巧的手指使珍妮特如此噁心,她要求他吸吮他的大公雞,要求他很樂意放縱。比爾他媽的她的臉,她的大山雀,當然她緊的貓,然後在她的臉上爆炸巨大的負擔!母親節快樂!

Farrah Dahl 在 '終極布魯姆他媽的冠軍'

Farrah Dahl - 終極布魯姆他媽的冠軍

Farrah Dahl和Shay Fox是今年的Ultimate Brazzers他媽的錦標賽中屢屢爆發的兩個蘭迪對手,兩個蓬勃發展的MILF已經準備好並願意為贏得Ultimate Fucker的冠軍而做出一切努力。 Shay得到最初的優勢,一些時間的摩擦Farrah的大山雀,但是然後Farrah通過舔Shay的漂亮的小貓轉過身來!兩個角質的辣椒在這個世紀他媽的一生中頭頂,直到他們中的一個問到每個人的頭腦,為什麼我們大家都不會相處,他媽的? Shay和Farrah分享裁判Manuel Ferrera的肥胖的公雞,吸吮和他媽的他們的方式到一個怪物面部和Brazzers的終極fucker共享的頭銜!

Farrah Dahl 在 '冷的腳,熱的貓'

Farrah Dahl - 冷的腳,熱的貓

李凱蘭即將結婚一個剛剛知道的女人,他開始冷腳。那是當富裕的MILF Farrah Dahl感覺到一個機會,讓她動起來。她走進他的房間,讓他知道一旦他結婚了,他會得到多少小貓,然後從緊身衣上脫下來炫耀她緊身的贓物和大山雀。一看,她的大MILF奶酪讓他搖滾,所以她開始吸吮他的肥胖的公雞野生放棄。也許在他在一些甜蜜的MILF貓的深深的球中,他會對婚姻感覺好一點!

Janet Mason 在 'Masturpiece劇院'

Janet Mason - Masturpiece劇院


Janet Mason 在 '坎坎罐頭'

Janet Mason - 坎坎罐頭


Diamond Foxxx 在 'Milf吸引力規則'

Diamond Foxxx - Milf吸引力規則

在這個場景中,是Milf誘惑的秘密;檢測Milf的關鍵組成部分以及使她的公雞所需的基本成分。 Scott Nails和Keiran Lee將在今天的這個教學視頻中成為我們的演員,介紹如何引誘Milf。在你的日常狩獵中應用這些規則,讓我們知道你的Milf在床上!

Austin Kincaid 在 '糟糕的日期變得很棒!'

Austin Kincaid - 糟糕的日期變得很棒!


Janet Mason 在 '布羅茨改造'

Janet Mason - 布羅茨改造


來自其他網站的場景特色 Farrah Dahl,Janet Mason

Janet Mason 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Janet Mason - My Friend's Hot Mom

Mrs. Mason is trying to back out of the driveway, but her son's car is blocking her in. Luckily, one of her son's friends is there to help out, by pulling out... and cumming on her face!!

Aubrey Black 在 'Hot MILF's Aubrey Black, Farrah Dahl and Vanessa Cage teach you a lesson in fucking'

Aubrey Black - Hot MILF's Aubrey Black, Farrah Dahl and Vanessa Cage teach you a lesson in fucking

After school and what to do? This time around your with your friends' hot moms…but your friends aren't around! Sure, it's a bit of an unlikely and awkward situation, but the possibilities are endless! And when your friends' moms are Aubrey Black, Farrah Dahl and Vanessa Cage, the possibilities are HOT! These three big tits MILFs are fucking horny and ready to go, not expecting their sons home any time soon! It's virtual reality, so reach out and grab those big boobs and slap those big asses! Aubrey Black will spit hot Aussie dirty talk into your ear while Vanessa Cage is sucking your cock and Farrah Dahl is sucking your balls. And it goes from there: each will open up their wet hot pussy to your throbbing big dick, ready for more and more. Pleasure these MILFs and you'll have an after-school activity for the rest of the year! Only at Naughty America VR!

Janet Mason 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Janet Mason - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Mason won't put up with her TA fucking one of the students. She lets him know that if he's going to fuck around, it's going to be with her...

Janet Mason 在 'fucking in the bedroom with her average body'

Janet Mason - fucking in the bedroom with her average body

Janet Mason is renting out another room in the big property that she owns, and she's showing her soon-to-be tenant around the house and what will be his new room. While he's touring the home, he notices other guys living in rooms there seem to be scared of the busty landlord, and want her to leave them alone. When he discovers cameras in his bedroom and bathroom, he's so scared he tries to leave. But being the horny cougar that she is, Janet Mason corners the poor bastard, shoves her big tits in his face and pounces on his big dick! Sold!

Janet Mason 在 'fucking in the living room with her piercings'

Janet Mason - fucking in the living room with her piercings

Prof. Mason is out an about and ran into one of her students who is having trouble deciding on a major. She gives him solid advice and he responds by grabbing her tits. She doesn't believe how forward he is but she doesn't mind advising him on how to please a sexy older woman...

Janet Mason 在 'fucking in the bedroom with her tits'

Janet Mason - fucking in the bedroom with her tits

Janet Mason always seems to be in a hurry. So when her neighbors ambush her in the hallway, she's not amused. Then she learns their true intentions... to feed her two cocks. Even though her heart is pounding from the surprise, Janet wants her neighbors to pound something else!!

Janet Mason 在 'fucking in the desk with her tits'

Janet Mason - fucking in the desk with her tits

Professor Janet Mason is losing a student. He's leaving for community college to pursue different disciplines. But Janet won't let him go without saying good bye and gives him a little something to remember her, like a blow job. Even though she's losing a student, she's gaining a fuck-buddy!!

Janet Mason 在 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Janet Mason - fucking in the living room with her tits

Janet is a college counselor/tutor that helps students get back on track when their performance begins to drop. She has very persuasive methods. Daniel is about to find out first hand what her method is.

Janet Mason 在 'Red head Janet Mason fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Janet Mason - Red head Janet Mason fucking in the couch with her big tits

Johnny just got done dropping off Billy at work when, he decides to go back to Billy's house where he thinks he might of lost his phone. Janet, Billy's mom answers the door and that is exactly what Johnny was hoping for. Janet and Johnny were both looking for Johnny's phone, but Johnny was looking for more then just his phone. Janet searched Johnny's pockets and found something more then just a phone, she found Johnny's hard cock ready to go!

Janet Mason 在 'fucking in the bed with her piercings'

Janet Mason - fucking in the bed with her piercings

Kris is at his buddy's house tooling around on the computer when he finds racy pictures of his friend's mom. She walks into the den to ask him if something's wrong with the network, and sees he's made a new discovery. She's upset, but Kris tries to lighten the mood with a few laughs. Turned on, he also tries to tells her that he wants to get in her pants while nobody's home. Not only does he get in her pants, his dick makes it inside her wet pussy.

Janet Mason 在 'gets a Cream Pie consolation'

Janet Mason - Mrs. Creampie

Janet Mason just suffered a loss and the only thing that can cheer her up is a hard fuck and a drippy, good creampie.

Farrah Dahl 在 'The More Badmilfs The Better'

Farrah Dahl - The More Badmilfs The Better

Farrah Dahl was telling her best friends Ryder Skye and Laura Bentley about how she was going to convert an extra in her house to a gym. All of these milfs were pumped about that since their crew loved to work out. Farrah's stepson cody loved to watch these mature women get physical, so he was definitely a big fan of this happening. And it seemed like each time one of them would get him alone they would either fuck him or suck his cock. Everything was going great until Farrah found out what was going on. It was time for these BadMilfs to punish Cody. They did this by each taking their time to get pleasure from his cock, and making him fuck the shit out of them until his supply of cum was drained for eternity.

Farrah Dahl 在 'Stepmom Knows How To Work Huge Ass On Daughter's Face'

Farrah Dahl - Stepmom Knows How To Work Huge Ass On Daughter's Face

Many stepmoms claim to know how to smother their daughter's face with their huge ass. But this magnificent mommy shows she's the champ! Finish with a family scissor...

Farrah Dahl 在 'Axel Braun's Cougar Alert Scene 3'

Farrah Dahl - Axel Braun's Cougar Alert Scene 3

Be advised … cougars have been spotted in the neighborhood! Luckily, legendary director Axel Braun was there with his camera to immortalize them as they roared their way down the pants of a few good boys. MILF superstar Ava Addams leads a stellar cast in another steamy title from adult powerhouse Wicked Pictures!

Janet Mason 在 'and Van Wylde in My First Sex Teacher'

Janet Mason - My First Sex Teacher

Van is taking his final and he fails miserably. His teacher, Janet Mason, takes this personally and is convinced that Van failed because she's not motivating him properly. She decides the best way to motivate Van is by riding his dick.

Janet Mason 在 'and Johnny Castle in Seduced by a Cougar'

Janet Mason - Seduced By A Cougar

Janet Mason calls the pool guy over to clean her pool, but she's more interested in having him take his rod and sticking it in her.

Janet Mason 在 'and Misty Stone - Cuckold Sessions'

Janet Mason - Cuckold Sessions

If you're hip today's lingo, you'll probably know "to catfish" means to lie about yourself during an online, "getting to know you" chat session. One of the biggest reasons to catfish? Dick Size, of course. That's what today's cuckold -- Ciccle -- is guilty of...catfishing Janet Mason and her man on one of those online, swinger websites. You know the "swinger" lifestyle -- married couples looking to "hook up" and have some adult playtime. Ciccle and Misty are brand new to the game, while Janet Mason and Rob Piper are seasoned vets. After a few hours of "getting to know you" time, it's back to the apartment for swinger time. That's when the clothes come off, and Ciccle's "8 inch thick rod" is exposed for what it truly is -- a 5 inch winkie. That's when Janet Mason takes control, teaching Ciccle a lesson for liars and teaching Misty what to do with a worthless, tiny wiener.

Janet Mason 在 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

Janet Mason - My Friends Hot Mom

Johnny stops by to visit his friend, but his friend no longer lives at home. Fortunately for Johnny, his friend's mom, Janet Mason, still lives there and she's more than happy to play with Johnny.

Janet Mason 在 'Horny Stepmom frames the stepdaughter for sex.'

Janet Mason - Horny Stepmom frames the stepdaughter for sex.

The stepmom caught the two love birds having sex. Well not exactly. They had no idea anybody was home at the time, but the stepmom was. She crept up and recorded them through a mirror that was in the room. The bf went for a drink and the stepmom cornered him in the kitchen demanding that he fucks her mild pussy. While fucking the milf, the stepdaughter catches them in the act, but she can't say a peep to her dad. She has her on video fucking the bf. It's either tell dad what's going on or have a threesome with the stepmom. We shall see.

Alex Tanner 在 'Teaching alex'

Alex Tanner - Teaching alex

Tony was playing games with his little sexy redheaded girlfriend, Alex, but she wasn't very excited about it. She brought her concerns to her step mom Janet, who got hot and bothered when she heard the news. Janet told Alex that she'd help her learn how to take control of her man. When Tony arrived, Janet made sure she started things off right. She had him up against the wall and speechless while she stroked his dick. Janet wanted him to know who was in control and what game they were going to play. Alex had just gotten her first lesson, which was guys were weak when it came to hot, sexy, redheads in control. They moved over into the next room for some deeper learning. Tony kept his head high and ready for some student-teacher relations. Janet overlooked some things, as the young couple sucked and fucked. But Janet wasn't going to just supervise, as she bent over to take some hard studying of her own. They all put the moves on each other, as the threesome sex-ed lesson headed in the right direction. These two sexy females finished their lesson off with some of Tony's extra credit cum all over their pretty faces.

Janet Mason 在 'Mommy's Back!'

Janet Mason - Mommy's Back!

Rear Admiral Janet Mason, a busty redhead in a sexy uniform, returns from a tour to dark-haired, natural-bodied secret lover India Summer. The hot, dirty-talking MILFs kiss and make out. India eats Janet's hairy pussy from behind before making the welcome more festive: She's brought 'lovely penis' Xander Corvus, who follows directions well. The girls trade off blowing cock, generating spit strands, as India fingers Janet. Janet takes a sweaty fucking as India sucks her tits and then sits on her face. India gets nailed with Janet fingering her clit and asshole, and both girls suck dick pussy-to-mouth. Janet enjoys a skin-slapping cock ride, and she eats India as India is plowed. The Rear Admiral strokes semen into her mouth, and the ladies share a luscious cum kiss.

Janet Mason 在 'and Tara Holiday in My Friends Hot Mom'

Janet Mason - My Friends Hot Mom

Tara Holiday confesses to her friend, Janet Mason, that she's going through a dry spell. The only action Tara has been getting is from her dildo. Janet suggests that Tara call one of her son's friend's over so they can have some fun. Tara reluctantly agrees but is glad she did once Xander is plowing her hot milf pussy.

Janet Mason 在 'Bed and Bath'

Janet Mason - Bed and Bath

Veteran Janet knows exactly how to please her man

Janet Mason 在 'and Ivy Sherwood - Zebra Girls'

Janet Mason - Zebra Girls

Dr. Janet Mason has had her fair share of patients who are going through some sort of crisis. Ivy Sherwood's had her share of black men, but she's been diverting her eyes towards other women. Confusion has brought her to Dr. Mason's office where she can hopefully set her life in order. The doctor's questioning gets a tad more hardcore and she risks losing her license the second things get steamy. Dr. Janet Mason's office becomes the spot where she gets her hands on some black pussy--and there's much more happening. Ivy's self-doubt is truly erased when Janet Mason's lips kiss the same place where she's taken many big black dicks. The legs get spread, the moans get louder, and the abuse of power Dr. Mason is showing is as clear as day. Ivy's black box gets licked and slurped on by an experienced older white woman....and isn't that really what the good doctor ordered? We have a sneaking suspicion that this isn't the last time Ivy Sherwood will shell out some good money for a spot on Dr. Mason's couch.

Janet Mason 在 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

Janet Mason - My Friends Hot Mom

Janet Mason's son stops by to visit and he brings his fraternity brother, Trent, with him. Janet sends her son off to pick up items for the BBQ so to give herself time alone with Trent. As soon as her son leaves Janet is all over Mason and prepared to take his dick. Seems like Janet wants some sausage before the BBQ begins.

Janet Mason 在 'Sexy back in black'

Janet Mason - Sexy back in black

We spotted Janet across the parking lot. She was dressed to kill, but that wasn't going to intimidate us. We actually had to hunt this MILF down. She was on the move, but we finally caught up with her at a restaurant. Levi moved in solo and came to find out Janet had the perfect life. She could have fun and play away from the husband and kids if she just got permission. Levi worked his charm, and she was all for it. Janet got the green light from her hubby and gave us what we wanted. As soon as the phone was put down, she started stripping. Her see-through leotard showed off her body nicely. Janet was in shape for her age and knew how to work Levi's cock inside her wet pussy. She was a hot midday firecracker and a great hunt.

Janet Mason 在 '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 4'

Janet Mason - Blacks On Blondes

Sean and Isiah are father and son looking for a new place to call home. Sean's with Realtor Janet Mason looking for a new place, when she drops the bomb that this house was used for the filming of adult video. Sean, caught off guard, is turned on by this revelation and he and Janet begin getting quite comfortable with one another. Isiah leaves the car and walks in on his father being unfaithful to the woman that gave birth to him. An awkward situation gets more interesting when two generations of black men forget the house hunt in favor of some mature pussy. Father and son both get their big black cocks sucked on by the busty cougar who's just trying to make a cut of the deal. The porn house becomes yet the location of more filth--in the form of some interracial fucking. Janet Mason's Realtor's licence is in complete jeopardy when she lets both guys go to town on her amazing body. Then again, when in Rome do as the black cock sluts do and take some black jizz in her welcoming cunt.

Janet Mason 在 'Lex Is A Motherfucker 03'

Janet Mason - Lex Is A Motherfucker 03

Uninhibited brunette beauty Dana DeArmond's tight dress reveals her tasty ass and legs. She kisses and makes out sensually with curvy, redheaded MILF Janet Mason, whose lingerie and fishnets accentuate tan-lined knockers and a bodacious butt. Dana tongues Janet from behind, nose in crack, and massages Janet's G-spot with four fingers. The girls lock lips around Lexington Steele's enormous, black boner, and the interracial threesome is on. He ravages both girls as they lick unoccupied holes and taste each other's pussy on his BBC. Lex creams their faces and the girls share a messy cum kiss.

Janet Mason 在 '- Watching My Mom Go Black - Scene 2'

Janet Mason - Watching My Mom Go Black

My son is such a good boy and that's why I couldn't believe the kind of crowd he was mingling with. He came home while two black thugs were roughing him up. They told me that he owed $10,000 or else I'd be calling the coroner to get his body.I knew by the tattoos and clothing that they were the kind of guys who have done time before. Yet again my son wrote a check his ass couldn't cash and that's when mommy comes in to fix things. I'm a housewife so my funds are very limited but I know black men love seasoned white pussy. I gave up some ass but I knew my son had to watch so I wouldn't ever have to worry about him again. Both black guys whipped their dicks out and my jaw dropped once I saw what I was about to play with. My knees got rug burn as I went back and forth on 2 big black dicks that nearly snapped my jaw like a twig. My white pussy was about to get fucked like never before and my eyes kept rolling in the back of my head. Every so often I'd catch a glimpse of my son in disbelief but I was more concerned with taking these big black dicks all the way until I couldn't take it anymore. My ONCE tight pussy soon became a pool of black jizz after both guys shot me full of seed. My son might be having a black baby brother in about 9 months.

Janet Mason 在 '- Blacks On Cougars - Scene 2'

Janet Mason - Blacks On Cougars

It really is hard to find good help these days. My rich husband has hired yet another guy that wants to get paid to fuck around at work. Shane Diesel is new to the company and it was time for his evaluation but what he has in his pants was what I was interested in. Once in my husband's office I abused my power by sexually harassing this big black stud. I never get the pussy ramming I deserve so desperate times call for desperate measures. Speaking of measuring, at first glace his cock appeared to be well over a foot but it seemed longer once I slid it down my throat. His big black dick was the size of my arms and getting it deep inside my white box would be no easy task. He took his time going deeper and deeper and ince by inch. Being married to a pathetic white boy made me forget that dicks can get this big. The desk made a nice spot for me to spread my legs as his black pole pulverized my cervix. We fucked on every inch of my husband's office and my taste buds had to get a nice helping of black goo.

Janet Mason 在 '- Blacks On Blondes - Gangbang'

Janet Mason - Blacks On Blondes

You've asked nicely, you've pleaded, you've begged, you even threatened terrorist attacks! Finally it's here, the holy grail of Cougar pussy, in all her glory...Janet Mason! To celebrate this momentous occasion, we assembled a gang of 8 to bang her. Janet goes through this throng of black meatslingers fucking and sucking her way to cumshot glory! She then enjoys a menu of popshots, in her mouth, on her lovely face, and even 2 in her much lusted after pussy for you creampie fans. Cuntree gets so worked up over this MILF legend that he offers up a second load to bring the total to 9 for the queen of cougars! Janet will be checking, so be sure and show her some rating love for this outstanding performance !

Janet Mason 在 '- Blacks On Blondes - Returns'

Janet Mason - Blacks On Blondes

Not a week goes by that we don't get requests for more Janet Mason. The queen of cougar pussy, the ultimate MILF is a members favorite, and ours too, so...she's back!

Janet Mason 在 '- Watching My Mom Go Black'

Janet Mason - Watching My Mom Go Black

I was rollin' with my crew when we came across some white thug wanna-be trying to jack my ride. I don't take too kindly to people fucking with my ride, so me, Cuntree Pipes, and Ace nearly cut his head off. We first took him to his Mom so he could say his final goodbye when she offered to do anything in order to save her son's pathetic life. We didn't think that she'd want to fuck with 3 niggas since her offspring is white but she was on her knees slobbering on 3 black cocks. We was about to split but not before her pussy got wrecked by all of us. She couldn't stop shaking since the only dicks she's used to are tiny white ones that can't get hard. Janet Mason is one of the craziest and hottest MILF Cougar's I've ever encountered but she ain't too crazy to fuck with 3 black guys.

Janet Mason 在 '- Blacks On Cougars - Scene 3'

Janet Mason - Blacks On Cougars

Call me a hopeless romantic but nothing gets my pussy wetter than engaging in some hot public displays of affection. Toss in the fact that my lips meet those of a ripe young black guy and its an invitation for a party in my pussy that only black cock need R.S.V.P. Years of searching for the biggest and meatiest black cock has brought me to Flash Brown and the black baby elephant's trunk he has under his basketball shorts. We took our party indoors as not to offend my redneck neighbors or the police. Once inside I gave him a private showing of every inch of my body including the huge milk jugs on my chest which had him hypnotized. After he payed homage his White Queen then we would take it up a notch and that meant relaxing my jaw to take in his black cock. After all, most of my experience has been with tiny white boys whose cocks were as wide as a straw so today's fun was a bit of a challenge. After getting him nice and rock hard it was time to see how far I could fit him into my dripping wet snatch. I'm slowly becoming an expert in interracial sex since I took him from the tip of his dick all the way to the base of his cock. His huge black dick parted my sweet honey lips and the entire time it felt as if I was giving birth to a black cock and the enjoyment was off the scale! I could tell by the look in his face that he was holding back some creamy jizz sauce for mommy and he didn't disappoint when it came time to glaze my face.

Janet Mason 在 '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 3'

Janet Mason - Blacks On Blondes

The email campaign was massive. Our twitter feed? You blew it up. The message boards were breaking all types of records just of the mere mention of Janet Mason and Mandingo. Your wish was our command and we finally bring you the epic meeting of these two legends of interracial porn. We begin things with Janet Mason worshiping Mandingo's iconic huge black cock. Janet Mason sucks and spits all over Mandingo's big black cock until her white pussy is next on the chopping block. Janet Mason's love for big black cock becomes truly evident when she climaxes the very second the tip of his dick enters her dripping wet box. Janet's awesome tits shake and jiggle with every pelvic thrust that Mandingo lays into her... and the screams get louder and louder. We could have ended the show right there and things would have been fine; however, Janet Mason was milking her encounter with Mandingo for all it was worth, and vice versa. Janet's ability to walk properly was hampered each and every second Mandingo was plowing into her delicious snatch. The historic meeting of these two comes to its epic conclusion when Mandingo's baby batter shot out of his black cannon and all over Janet Mason's face. Fade to black.

Janet Mason 在 '- Glory Hole - Scene 2'

Janet Mason - Glory Hole

Janet Mason 2

Janet Mason 在 '- Glory Hole - Scene 3'

Janet Mason - Glory Hole

Janet Mason's husband has given her the green light to go out and get some random black cock. We find that Janet's trek has brought her to a filthy bathroom where graffiti is as evident as the slutty cougar inside its walls. Janet's clothing peels off a body that puts girls half her age to shame. What could be next on her list? How about that random big black cock she was so desperately searching for? Janet's wedding ring is on one of many fingers that wrap around that big black cock right before she sucks it down her throat. The busty wife gives the ultimate blowjob right before her that pussy rides the wall. The lucky black stranger's cock pumps in and out of Mrs. Mason until the constant friction causes him to erupt deep inside her. What husband wants, hubby gets.

Jessie Rogers 在 'and Janet Mason - Watching My Mom Go Black'

Jessie Rogers - Watching My Mom Go Black

The bond between mother and daughter is a sacred one. Janet Mason is telling her daughter,Jessie Rogers, that Mr. Mason isn't quite cutting it in the bedroom. Janet's been having an extramarital affair and Jessie's understanding is no shock: Her boyfriend hasn't been up to par as well. It's apparent that mother and daughter have gone off the reservation in order to fulfill the needs that come with womanhood. Janet's new fuck buddy, Lexington Steele, is already on his way and Jessie's about to meet her new potential father....but other things are on the menu. Janet and Lex inform Jessie that an upgrade to big black cock will do way more good than any sessions of family therapy or getting another white boyfriend. Once at ease, Jessie Rogers and Janet Mason throw caution to the wind and begin playing with Lex while Mr. Mason is slaving away at his office. Jessie and Janet both take turns sucking off Lex and we're front row to a mother showing her daughter the power of interracial sex. Jessie Roger's is the first of these white sluts to jump on Lex's huge black cock and it shows that courtesy to her mother takes a back seat to hunger for black meat. Lexington Steele's huge black cock goes from Jessie's pussy and right into her mothers, Janet Mason's. The black cock hungry cougar feels the same black cock that was just inside the apple of her eyes. Lex slams into both white sluts and the worried face from earlier disappears from Jessie's face. Janet's grin is an indication that she's glad to have brought her daughter to the dark side. Everyone is a bit happier once Lex drops his legendary nut sauce and their family Christmas card just got a bit blacker.

Janet Mason 在 'Juicy Fruit'

Janet Mason - Juicy Fruit

Intimate moment shared by Janet Mason and her man

Janet Mason 在 '- Black Meat White Feet'

Janet Mason - Black Meat White Feet

You've seen Janet Mason on our network before.She's a cougar/milf/black cock slut that does everything and anything to get some big black meat. We had to have her come back for our new site,and Janet does not disappoint. The legendary cougar has some young black cock worship those long,smooth legs that are covered in stockings. Those petite little feet get felt up right before a huge slab of black beef fucks her arches. You can hear Janet's pussy getting wetter as each minute passes that her feet are getting fucked by a big black cock. Janet's known to have her feet played with, but never to a degree like this. Janet Mason continues to use her feet to massage that black cock until its contents have exploded all over her cuticles.

Janet Mason 在 'and Chad White in Seduced by a cougar'

Janet Mason - Seduced By A Cougar

Janet Mason is renting out another room in the big property that she owns, and she's showing her soon-to-be tenant around the house and what will be his new room. While he's touring the home, he notices other guys living in rooms there seem to be scared of the busty landlord, and want her to leave them alone. When he discovers cameras in his bedroom and bathroom, he's so scared he tries to leave. But being the horny cougar that she is, Janet Mason corners the poor bastard, shoves her big tits in his face and pounces on his big dick! Sold!

Janet Mason 在 'Evil Cuckold'

Janet Mason - Evil Cuckold

Married Ava Devine and Johnny Fender are joining a swingers' community in Las Vegas as soon as they can sell their house. Would-be buyer Sean Michaels needs an incentive to close the deal, so Ava offers a hot interracial fuck. She's delighted as she pulls his big black cock from his pants, and Johnny says, 'You hit the jackpot, baby,' as he strokes his dick. Shameless Ava deep-throats and rims Sean as Johnny tongues his cheating wife's asshole and finger-fucks her pussy. She sucks Johnny while stroking Sean. The stud butt-fucks Ava to howling; she sucks Johnny while Sean reams her anally. Sean and Johnny both cream her smiling face.

Janet Mason 在 'Fairy Tale Scene 3'

Janet Mason - Fairy Tale Scene 3

Fairy Tale Newlyweds Jack (Eric Masterson) and Jill (Stormy Daniels) move to the suburbs to escape their hectic city life. Unfortunately for them, their new garden is inhabited by a mischievous fairy (Kaylani Lei) who becomes obsessed with the man of the house, threatening to tear the newlyweds apart. As Jill becomes suspicious that something is going on with the house, she turns to her neighbors to get the scoop on the former tenants. It seems that everyone who lives in the house starts behaving strangely. When Jack finally tells Jill the truth, Jill decides to confront the tiny fairy with hilarious results. Will Jack and Jill's marriage survive Can they live happily ever after in this Fairy Tale Find out...

Janet Mason 在 '- Interracial Blowbang'

Janet Mason - Interracial Blowbang

Hi, I'm Janet Mason and let me tell you of the time I eased black/white relations. I dressed in my most revealing outfit and made my way to the part of town where even the cops dare not go. I love black men as much as the next milf and it was even much more of a pleasure since I was offered up to nearly a dozen young black bulls. If my husband only knew that I was out servicing black thugs then I'd be in the doghouse. I came into the middle of a meeting of radical black guys and their talk of the white man's evils soon turned into talk of how I'd be there little white whore. I couldn't stuff there cocks down my mouth quick enough and it was nice being in the company of real men and not flacid white boys who can't handle a real woman like me. I went down the assembly line of aggravated ebony studs and I must have met my monthly interracial quota in the first five minutes alone. My makeup was soon on the floor as my face was the only suitable target for this gang's DNA deposits. I know I didn't really solve any real problems today but I know I left with several smiling black faces behind me.

Janet Mason 在 '- Interracial Pickups'

Janet Mason - Interracial Pickups

I hit the jackpot today with this white Milf. My daily search for white sluts brought me to this woman named Janet Mason. She was lost and needed to get to the bank in time. I offered her some help if she promised to be part of my "private porn". The more we spoke the harder my black dick was getting and I knew she could suck a black cock like a pro. We got back to my place and after some pictures it was time to get down and dirty. It would be a waste not to shoot this white whore as she worshipped my fat black dick. She attacked my shit as if she had been starving for it and the record button never went off.I've had white pussy of all ages and this MILF could fuck! She wanted me to fuck her in doggystyle, missionary, and and other way which would give her the reward of black jizz all over the place. She made me promise not to release this tape to the public but it would be a shame not to.

Janet Mason 在 'Youre Fuckin Fired'

Janet Mason - Youre Fuckin Fired

The whole team is in the conference room to wait for the hard meeting of the week due to poor performances of the team. Jon Jon on his part is looking forward to gloat about his performances that are at the top of the ladder compared to his co-workers, when Janet, his boss gives him shit for not complying and following rules and shit. Then gets fired, that takes it for him and decides to show her who's boss in this bitch !!!

Janet Mason 在 '- Cuckold Sessions'

Janet Mason - Cuckold Sessions

I've sucked and fucked cocks of all shapes and sizes and being a cougar means I know what I like. Unfortunately, I married a white guy who would rather work all the time than satisfy my primal hungers. He walked in on me and some black guys who I had come over to give some painting estimates. They got a bit frisky with me and my concern for paint was put on hold as I would rather play with some fat donkey dicks. Hubby sat in the corner and watched (since he doesn't want to lose half his shit in a potential divorce) and we were off the the black races! Those black men lined up and I sucked them off one after the other. They didn't give my white pussy any mercy and I knew my husband was a few feet away eating his heart out. I can't tell you just how hard I was pounded by my cuckold could tell since my screams must have ruptured his eardrums. I did manage to sneak in a few kisses to him as I was being violated and to show his true love to me he was going to have to clean up some black mess. I enjoyed my new black friends ordering that jerk around and we now get together weekly for interracial fucking that my pussy pays the price for.

Janet Mason 在 '- Glory Hole'

Janet Mason - Glory Hole

Janet thought she'd pick up some extra cash by working a few shifts at a strip club. Hell, she has these grapefruit sized hooters, may as well put them to good use. What she didn't expect was a special gift in the form of a long black dick, her favorite present! Once it makes it's presence known, Janet soon forgets she's here to show off her goodies, and soon she's showing off her skills. First she sucks this huge cannon to full size, then stretches to get it into her pussy, which is screaming for a turn at this unexpected bonus. One thing Janet loves even more than getting her pussy poked is having the poker fill her mouth with his unique creamy treat, and she gets plenty to satisfy her cravings!

Janet Mason 在 'In need for some brotherly love'

Janet Mason - In need for some brotherly love

Janet Mason just moved in and needs help moving the heavy stuff around the house. She calls her neighbor CJ and gets mesmerized by his blackness. Her desire for the black cock over powers her as she gets dished out a life time's worth of pounding.

Janet Mason 在 '- Blacks On Cougars'

Janet Mason - Blacks On Cougars

The snail mail I get on a daily basis ranges from ordinary to absolutely ridiculous. I got a letter from someone referring to himself as a "Limp Dick white Boy". This guy loves interracial porn and was hoping to see me take on two big black cocks. It just so happened that I came across Ice Cold and CJ Wright as I was mailing back the sad sack of shit white boy. I knew I was in for a treat since all my interracial sex capades had guys with no less than a foot of meaty, black dick in their pants. Both guys took me to my limits and I knew this when I initially went on my prowl for younger black cock. Fuck, they both stretched my pussy so much that it felt like I was giving birth to nothing but black cock and my pussy hasn't been the same since.

Janet Mason 在 'and Chad Alva in My First Sex Teacher'

Janet Mason - My First Sex Teacher

Prof. Mason is out an about and ran into one of her students who is having trouble deciding on a major. She gives him solid advice and he responds by grabbing her tits. She doesn't believe how forward he is but she doesn't mind advising him on how to please a sexy older woman...

Janet Mason 在 'and Daniel Hunter in My First Sex Teacher'

Janet Mason - My First Sex Teacher

Janet is a college counselor/tutor that helps students get back on track when their performance begins to drop. She has very persuasive methods. Daniel is about to find out first hand what her method is.

Janet Mason 在 'and Johnny Castle in My Friends Hot Mom'

Janet Mason - My Friends Hot Mom

Johnny just got done dropping off Billy at work when, he decides to go back to Billy's house where he thinks he might of lost his phone. Janet, Billy's mom answers the door and that is exactly what Johnny was hoping for. Janet and Johnny were both looking for Johnny's phone, but Johnny was looking for more then just his phone. Janet searched Johnny's pockets and found something more then just a phone, she found Johnny's hard cock ready to go!