Madison Ivy at
Brazzers '簽署我的副本' 主演 Karmen Karma (照片 3)

Karmen Karma 在 'Brazzers' - Sign My Copy (Pornstars Like it Big)

Karmen Karma非常喜歡Van Wylde的書,因為他的漫畫簽名,她就像精靈女王一樣打扮!一個奇幻作家的生活很無聊,他習慣於遇到各種奇怪的粉絲,但他經常把它推到卡門。因此,當他在桌子下面開始玩他的大雞巴,而他正在簽署他的書的副本時,他會縮短他的簽名短片並消除她所讀到的性愛場面!在他的陰莖全部流口水之後,這個豐滿的書蟲將她多汁的屁股放在膝蓋上,並輕輕地將他的每一寸岩石在她的陰部深處豎起!沒有什麼比她最喜歡的作家受到毆打並且在她的大山雀身上帶著奶油味更重要!

發布 : 8月7日, 2018
標籤 : 中等身材, 禿頭的貓, 大山雀, 金發, 口交(POV), 身體套裝, 靴子, 高加索, 角色扮演, 增強, 中等屁股, 中等皮膚, Outie Pussy, 反女牛(POV), 偷偷摸摸,

Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'

Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'
Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'

圖片來自 Karmen Karma 在 'Brazzers' Sign My Copy

Karmen Karma 在 'Brazzers' 簽署我的副本 (縮略圖 1)
Karmen Karma 在 'Brazzers' 簽署我的副本 (縮略圖 2)
Karmen Karma 在 'Brazzers' 簽署我的副本 (縮略圖 3)
Karmen Karma 在 'Brazzers' 簽署我的副本 (縮略圖 4)
Karmen Karma 在 'Brazzers' 簽署我的副本 (縮略圖 5)
Karmen Karma 在 'Brazzers' 簽署我的副本 (縮略圖 6)

圖片來自 Karmen Karma 在 'Brazzers' Sign My Copy

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Karmen Karma

Karmen Karma 在 'Tits Out and Toned'

Karmen Karma - Tits Out and Toned

性感的Karmen Karma在運動球上用汗水,跳繩,舉重和彈跳,然後拖車Isiah Maxwell給她起油,揉搓她並給予一個好的,堅硬的舔!

Karmen Karma 在 '剝奪競爭'

Karmen Karma - 剝奪競爭

Karmen Karma和Sabina Rouge是競爭對手脫衣舞女,他們將為一位高價值的客戶表演。他租用了整個俱樂部進行非常特別的私人表演。一旦Karmen和Sabina開始他們的日常工作,他們的客戶興高采烈地將美元鈔票扔到舞台上,被他們的表演所吸引,但女孩們最終開始為自己表演! Sabina和Karmen的赤裸的身體在開始舔對方的陰部之前互相摩擦,這對客戶的喜悅很大。然而,正如他很快就知道的那樣,舞台僅適用於表演者!

Karmen Karma 在 '只算三'

Karmen Karma - 只算三

Xander對他的小手術過程有點緊張。然而,經驗豐富的醫生Karmen Karma向他保證,沒有什麼可擔心的。不幸的是,對於Xander來說,他必須在手術過程中入睡。當卡門將面罩放在臉上時,Xander大口喘氣並試圖放鬆。當Xander來的時候,Karmen似乎已經從醫療專業轉變為放蕩的護士!他在做夢嗎?只有一種方法可以找到......

Karmen Karma 在 'Whoreschach測試'

Karmen Karma - Whoreschach測試

Karmen Karma正在諮詢一位治療師,以處理一種過度活躍的性慾,這種性慾開始蔓延到她的日常生活中,除了誘惑她連續欺騙她的丈夫。幸運的是,Keiran Lee博士開創了一種開創性的新分析方法,稱為Whoreschach測試。但李博士並不完全知道他正在處理什麼,因為卡門暨與丈夫一起走進他的辦公室,從一開始就把李博士放在他的後腳上。在了解了卡門的痴迷程度之後,李博士的方法的界限受到了嚴峻的考驗。事實證明,在一個人的心中不斷發生性行為是完全合理的 - 在某些情況下,鼓勵。

Karmen Karma 在 '花鬥'

Karmen Karma - 花鬥

Karmen Karma知道如何變得時髦。她展示了她性感的70年代的外觀,沿著她的亮片褲和屁股跑指甲。卡門為嬉皮士Xander Corvus做了一場演出,脫掉了她的上衣,直到他把她彎到椅子上並撕開她的褲子。沒有什麼比自由戀愛更像了!

Karmen Karma 在 '敲打她的兄弟'

Karmen Karma - 敲打她的兄弟


Ivy Lebelle 在 '常春藤和卡門'

Ivy Lebelle - 常春藤和卡門

有色情明星的日子又回來了,這次有兩個超級華麗女孩的幕後花絮--Ivy Lebelle和Karmen Karma!常春藤和卡門回答了一些亟待解決的問題。你不想錯過這個充滿活力的二人組!

Karmen Karma 在 '後台爆炸'

Karmen Karma - 後台爆炸

即將到來的說唱超級明星Isiah Maxwell將在演出結束後由R&B女歌手Karmen Karma訪問。她問他是否想要在她的一首歌上做一個特寫,告訴他他們可以一起賺很多錢。 Isiah受寵若驚,假裝用一大筆賬單給他的經紀人打電話。當卡門擦掉他的一張臉紋身並意識到這是假的時,他們笑了起來並開始弄明白。卡門稱他是一個裝腔作勢者,垃圾與他交談。 Isiah沒有採取任何糞便,並且像街頭男人一樣站穩腳跟。卡門挑戰他的血統,希望他證明他是他所宣稱的。她坐在沙發上,露出濕漉漉的濕貓,敢於讓他做點什麼。 Isiah毫不猶豫地證明自己並潛入她的陰部,給她每一寸巨型陰莖。

Karmen Karma 在 '法律上的不忠'

Karmen Karma - 法律上的不忠

當Xander Corvus拜訪他的兄弟,在國外待了一年之後,他對他新的性感嫂子Karmen Karma感到敬畏。 Xander發現自從他上次見到他以來,他的兄弟已經發生了很大的變化,現在他的生活變成了一種古怪的宗教和極端保守的生活方式。雖然Xander吵鬧的性格似乎冒犯了他的兄弟,但是Karma開始想知道讓她的新野性和調情的姐夫以她丈夫永遠不會做的瘋狂方式操她是什麼感覺。在客房裡,Xander接受了Karmen的深夜訪問,他希望Xander讓她的幻想成為現實。經過一番猶豫,Xander無法拒絕這個機會,他幫助釋放了Karmen的內心狂野的一面,在他媽的一個炎熱的夜晚,實現了她秘密變態的慾望!

Karmen Karma 在 '卡門休閒週五'

Karmen Karma - 卡門休閒週五

達蒙是這位專橫,嚴謹的女商人卡門的新私人助理。他上班的第一周非常緊張。然而,在星期五,他突然發現Karmen在本週末採取了一種隨意的方式 - 她穿著鉛筆裙下面的性感內衣,在她指揮他的待辦事項列表的同時慢慢地脫下來戲弄他。一旦她開始準備在她的辦公桌上自慰一些週末的R&R,Damon決定加入打破著裝要求。

Karmen Karma 在 '剪影大滿貫'

Karmen Karma - 剪影大滿貫

Karmen Karma只為她俱樂部最獨特的成員表演,當Markus Dupree走進來時,她知道她已經度過了一段美好時光。 Markus舔著她緊繃的小屁股,準備他的fucktoy一個肛門手續的晚上!每一寸卡門的多汁戰利品都浸透了所以馬庫斯可以將每一寸巨大的硬公雞都深深地滑入她的內心,每次推力都會讓她更加舒展!對於這個漂亮的蕩婦來說,這還不夠,然後她會把馬庫斯吞到球上,直到她嘔吐,但不會停止!最後,在她所有的洞被使用和性交之後,卡門傳播自己,因為馬庫斯卸下她的屁股和貓的奶油負荷!她是最擅長的,她知道這一點。

Karmen Karma 在 '學習蛙泳'

Karmen Karma - 學習蛙泳

今天這是一個真正的焦慮,而Karmen Karma正在為一份救生員的工作進行試鏡,而不是炫耀她的乳房中風,她正用她的乳房撫摸老闆的陰莖! Keiran Lee已經進行了一些非常糟糕的試鏡,但是Karmen幾乎不能維持下去。幸運的是,這個豐滿的寶貝已準備好付出額外的努力!首先是深層次的部分,而Karmen讓她的口交嘴唇起作用!隨著她的大乳房出現,Keiran伸展她的陰部,並在他的大雞巴一直滑到她的陰部的深處!她可能不知道如何游泳,但卡門肯定知道如何像專業人士那樣將射液射到臉上!

Karmen Karma 在 '精心浸泡的園丁'

Karmen Karma - 精心浸泡的園丁

Karmen Karma在自己的花園裡自慰時只是輕描淡寫地打量著自己,當時基亞倫李決定偷看他鄰居的大假山雀!一看Keiran和Karmen就知道她正準備讓自己的陰戶充滿並被他的怪獸公雞拉長 - 但是在深深地打動了它的生命之前! Keiran的大傢伙沒有放慢腳步,從她的濕窟窿裡拔出來,慢慢地把自己的每一寸都深深地粘在她的屁股裡面!當Karmen乞求狠狠的肛門時,Keiran知道她真正想要的是讓他在溫暖的荷載下釉上她漂亮的臉蛋!一段時間內成為一個好鄰居並沒有什麼壞處!

Adriana Chechik 在 '生活在肛交樂園'

Adriana Chechik - 生活在肛交樂園

當您混合Adriana Chechik,Megan Rain和Karmen Karma時,您會得到什麼?三個twerkiest,bounciest,最潮汐的所有時間!如果你喜歡贓物,請務必看這個場景!

Karmen Karma 在 'Karmens肛門奶油'

Karmen Karma - Karmens肛門奶油

紋身的他媽的閹割Karmen Karma有一個屁股,只是不會退出採取雞。沒有什麼這個性感的小號比一個振奮人心的全天屁股搗蛋,幸運的是她的拉蒙·諾馬爾只是這個工作的人。事實上,拉蒙已經答應了卡曼一個可愛的奶油餡餅甜點,如果她把她的屁股他媽的像一個冠軍。

Karmen Karma 在 '羯磨大屁股'

Karmen Karma - 羯磨大屁股

Karmen Karma的屁股回來了!而且你知道他們對羯磨說什麼,她會怎麼辦?看凱曼搖搖她的潮濕的屁股,然後為李小龍的大件絕對濕潤。你會看到為什麼人們總是說羯磨的一個大屁股bit子,一個公雞在屁股的癢!

Karmen Karma 在 'BIGGER,The Wetter'

Karmen Karma - BIGGER,The Wetter

Karmen Karma獲得了她想要的一切,而且一個ace管層在洗澡中拜訪她,進行了一場潮濕和野性的性愛。在卡門從她的婚紗禮服中釋放出她的衝擊力的身體之後,她在浴缸旁邊坐著濃厚的多汁的屁股,等待一個招標公雞把她分成兩個。當丹尼向她展示了一個堅硬的動物公雞時,卡門深深的嘲笑著,把盡可能多的腳ong,,,,。。。。。。。。。。。把你的眼睛看在卡門,把她的大屁股放在浴缸裡,以及她如何彎曲在浴缸的嘴唇上,讓他們從背後變得很爛。卡門得到了所有的骯髒的幻想:從熱蠟燭滴下她的山雀,手指在她的屁股,一些光窒息她喜歡它,更多的你需要調入看!

Karmen Karma 在 '把你的女兒帶到Twerk日'

Karmen Karma - 把你的女兒帶到Twerk日


Karmen Karma 在 '一個女小學生幻想'

Karmen Karma - 一個女小學生幻想

Karmen Karma是一名明星學生,對她的老師Gunn先生大吃一驚。她是他最喜歡的學生,但有時她喜歡幻想成為一個骯髒的蕩婦,可以勾引她的教授。岡恩先生會撕掉她身上的衣服,露出兇猛的山雀和緊身屁股,然後她會跪下,給他一個壯觀的粗野的深層口交。她會把她老師的厚厚的雞蛋球深深的夾在她緊身的女生小貓身上,耿耿於懷,因為耿恩先生,她深深地!了一下,然後在她漂亮的臉上吹了個巨大的屁股!

Jezebelle Bond 在 '沐浴在淋浴'

Jezebelle Bond - 沐浴在淋浴

Karmen Karma已經把眼睛看在洗衣機Tyler Nixon一段時間了,她決定她終於得到了一塊肥胖的公雞。她在工作時走到他身邊,把她頂起來,露出她華麗的大山雀,並帶領他去洗澡,在那裡她變得漂亮,滴濕。她哼了一聲吮吸他的公雞,給他一個深刻的深淵BJ,只有當卡門的繼母耶澤貝爾·邦德(Jezebelle Bond)決定加入這個動作時才被打斷!兩個性感的蕩婦在他們之間分享泰勒的雞巴,吸吮和他媽的,直到他們辛辛苦苦!

Karmen Karma 在 '把她帶到圍巾'

Karmen Karma - 把她帶到圍巾

在Girth Brooks跳上舞台之前,他喜歡得到一塊漂亮的貓。事實上,他讓他的王牌安全人Johnny Sins在他們的任何地方靠近他的桿前都會對所有的小組進行審查。約翰尼用最好的大山雀和她眼中的調皮閃光發現了這個妓女,說她絕對知道如何處理一隻公雞。為了聽她的試鏡,Karmen Karma用雙手操作那隻公雞,把它全部放在喉嚨裡,把它吐出來,沾上濕潤的吐痰。從後面舔著她的貓咪,並指出,卡門擠壓了約翰尼的雞巴上的胸口,讓他舔著大塊瓜子之間的濕漉漉的谷地。她跳上沙發,將她無瑕疵的貓大開眼界,狠狠的打了一拳。看看這個拉扯的剪輯,看看什麼樣的粗糙他媽的有卡門後台傳球他媽的她的夢想的人。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '賣Sybian'

Ariella Ferrera - 賣Sybian

Karmen Karma來到Ariella Ferrera的辦公室,銷售最新最好的女性放鬆設備。阿麗亞娜有一點推遲了卡門遲到和奇怪的行為,但卡門知道一個快速的顯示會改變主意好。卡門在阿里亞里的桌子上跳起來,脫掉內褲,開始騎著調皮的裝置。幾乎瞬間,她的陰部開始變濕了,在很久之前,她很辛苦。阿麗亞娜是由卡門的表演開啟的,決定為自己而嘗試,而這台機器讓她和卡門一樣努力!最後,角質的女同性戀者決定溺水,開始舔舔,剪斷和手指敲擊,直到他們更加困難。看起來卡曼完全是出售了!

Karmen Karma 在 '不要忘記吹你的服務器'

Karmen Karma - 不要忘記吹你的服務器

Karmen Karma和她的父母一起度假,一會兒越來越無聊,當她發現一些終究可以讓她感興趣的事情時,她的服務員的褲子突然出現!他們的服務器,丹尼D,有點害怕卡門的騎自行車的爸爸,但一個看看卡門的天然山雀和圓的戰利品足以改變主意!她脫掉了她那個矮小的比基尼小伙子,吸了他的胖公雞,在陽光下給他一個深層的口交。之後,丹尼在緊緊的青少年的小貓身上深深地went了一下,然後才發出一個大笑臉,然後笑了起來。

來自其他網站的場景特色 Karmen Karma

Lyla Storm 在 'Gluttony Part 3'

Lyla Storm - Gluttony Part 3

Harper Hughes struggles with desperation as the scene unraveling around her just keeps getting hotter and hotter.

Karmen Karma 在 'All Holes Stretched To The Limit'

Karmen Karma - All Holes Stretched To The Limit

Karmen Karma gets DP'd by the European Connection, Markus and Steve! Karmen is wearing a purple fishnet outfit as he shakes her ass for us out by the pool. Excited to be tag teamed she pulls her tits out and plays with them then makes her way over to the wall where she finally slides down her thong panties. Karmen teases us with her horny holes before heading out to find her studs. They're waiting for her in the kitchen and the second they get their hands on her, Markus and Steve start going to town. Markus buries his face between Karmen's ass cheeks while Steve pulls out his cock and feeds it to her. When Markus pulls down his pants he can't resist thrusting his boner right into Karmen's wet pussy as she continues to gag on Steve's monster dick. She drops to her knees so she can easily switch from sucking one dick to the other then they prop Karmen up on a stool begin the anal onslaught. Markus starts hammering her butthole but then spins the chair to give Steve a go at that ass before joining him as he pierces her pussy to make it a true DP. Karmen loves every second of it as she squirts all over the place. Like the good girl she is, Karmen laps her squirt up off the floor before heading to the couch her she mounts Steve. He pounds tat pussy while Markus reams her rump then Karmen flips around so the guys can switch holes. Karmen pulls out a huge chain of anal beads and slowly inserts them one by one deeper into her cavernous ass. Steve pulls them out them puts them in Karmen's mouth to be cleaned before Markus grabs them and put them back in her ass while he fucks her pussy hard. He pulls them out as he plows her from behind then Markus and Steve hammer Karmen's holes until they explode all over her face.

Karmen Karma 在 'Anal Savages 4'

Karmen Karma - Anal Savages 4

Kissa Sins and Karmen Karma tag-team Markus Dupree in this intense, squirting, No-Holes-Barred fuck session. Kissa and Karmen are two beautiful babes with big asses and an insatiable appetite for cock…in any hole! They're making their way up the stairs as we watch their bodacious booties bounce with every step they take. They stop on the landing to make out and twerk for the camera before continuing their journey back to the pool area. As they wait for their cocksman, Kissa and Karmen inspect each other's asses with their tongues, then twerk some more before heading inside to meet up with Markus. They crawl into the bedroom on all fours and see Markus waiting for them, butt naked and with his cock in his hand. Once they're within reach, Markus stands up and feeds them his cock as he squeezes their asses. Kissa takes the front while Karmen goes around back to give him a rim job as her girlfriend sucks on his uncut cock, then they switch it up as Karmen goes to town sucking on that dick while Kissa sucks on his balls. They move over to the chair where Markus goes Straight To The A and pushes his big dick deep into Kissa's tight asshole while Karmen rides her mouth. Karmen turns around to get a better view of the ass pounding right as Markus pulls his cock out and fingers Kissa until she squirts all over Karmen's face. They get up so they can smother Markus with their bodacious butt cheeks, then they take turns taking his cock up their assholes as they both sit on his lap. What happens next can only be described as an intense anal fuck-fest ending in an anal cream pie that gets pushed out into Karmen's sexy mouth. I'm not going to give it all away, but believe me, you're not going to want to miss this one!

Karmen Karma 在 '- Boss Lady'

Karmen Karma - - Boss Lady

Over demanding and bossy Karmen Karma has one last job for us to do for her in the bathroom. Little did we know it meant our hard cock filling her empty pink hole, boosting up her self confidence and unloading tons of cum on her huge tits.

Karmen Karma 在 'Sweet Karma'

Karmen Karma - Sweet Karma

Posing provocatively in a short skirt and boots, Karmen outrageously flirts as she strolls around the city. Curvaceous and beautiful, and inked to perfection, she ensnares your senses as she shows off her immaculate body - and when she reaches the bedroom, she has so much more she wants you to see and experience.

Karmen Karma 在 '- Cuckold Sessions'

Karmen Karma - Cuckold Sessions

You're about to witness a very special Cuckold Session. Legendary cuckboi Fluffy has a lot of money, so when he's single, he orders up cuckold sessions like you and I order up a pizza. Today he's extremely excited, as Karmen Karma has agreed to run Fluffy through the wringer! The 'sesh' starts after Karmen enters his home and asks, 'why did you cancel on me yesterday?' The truth? When he was flying back home, airport security detected his chsity device! No lie! This amuses Karmen to no end! After treating Fluffy like her personal pet, Karmen's Crew enters! These guys are stone cold fuck machines, and Fluffy's a bit unnerved. They're strangers in his home! Will they steal from him? As Fluffy asks some basic questions, Karmen stuffs a ball gag in his mouth! No more talking for fluffy! And then, her Crew makes Karmen 'Air Tight'. After unleashing massive loads all over Karmen's beautiful D-cups, the gag is removed for Fluffy's final humiliation of the day -- clean up duty!

Karmen Karma 在 '- Interracial Blowbang'

Karmen Karma - Interracial Blowbang

Karmen Karma is a super slut with an insatiable appetite for black men. Perhaps 'insatiable' isn't even a strong enough word for Karmen's love! I mean, just look at her...dressed up as 'the meter reader' simply so she can gain access to the newest Dogfart Social Club! Sure enough, Karmen squeezes through the security fence and is in while the fellahs shoot dice and play cards! When they see Karmen, they immediately knew something was up...and what kind of 'meter reader' wears stilettos and sexy stockings to work? Once Karmen confesses, it's ON! Today there's 13 homies hanging, and soon they're banging! Karmen's mouth, that is...all 13 taking furious turns on her wet, eager mouth, and skull fucking Karmen silly! The only thing more incredible? Karmen's deep, deep throat! She'll take any of these young, hung studs balls deep! No gagging for the biggest whore in the all land! The grand finale is amazing! Just watch as Karmen, masturbating furiously, is glazed like a doughnut! So much semen for slutty, slutty Karmen!!

Karmen Karma 在 'Greedy Bitches Scene 1'

Karmen Karma - Greedy Bitches Scene 1

When pornstar-cum-con artist Karmen Karma hears news of fellow pornstar Nicolette Shea's plan to walk the XXX Awards red carpet in a 10.6 million dollar diamond thong, she hatches a scheme to steal the extravagantly expensive item with the help of her ex-girlfriend, Lela Star. Little do the girls know that they'll have some healthy (and incredibly hot) competition – co-stars Kissa Sins and Honey Gold have their sights set on stealing the piece, as does Quinn Wilde, the conniving wife of the thong's creator, Xander Corvus. Will any of these girls manage to keep their eyes on the prize and steal the priceless piece, or will they get distracted by the many temptations the XXX Awards have to offer

Honey Gold 在 'Greedy Bitches Scene 4'

Honey Gold - Greedy Bitches Scene 4

When pornstar-cum-con artist Karmen Karma hears news of fellow pornstar Nicolette Shea's plan to walk the XXX Awards red carpet in a 10.6 million dollar diamond thong, she hatches a scheme to steal the extravagantly expensive item with the help of her ex-girlfriend, Lela Star. Little do the girls know that they'll have some healthy (and incredibly hot) competition – co-stars Kissa Sins and Honey Gold have their sights set on stealing the piece, as does Quinn Wilde, the conniving wife of the thong's creator, Xander Corvus. Will any of these girls manage to keep their eyes on the prize and steal the priceless piece, or will they get distracted by the many temptations the XXX Awards have to offer

Karmen Karma 在 'Twerk Class In Session'

Karmen Karma - Twerk Class In Session

Petite Kimmy Granger and olive-skinned Kissa Sins get to their twerk-class early and take sexy pics while they wait for their teacher, busty Karmen Karma, to arrive. Once teacher Karmen is on the scene, the girls line their big, juicy asses up and show the camera what they've got! The next test is twerking on dildos, but the horny girls soon grow tired of that, and dirty-blonde Karmen thinks they are ready for the real thing. Big-cocked Markus Dupress should do the trick! This scene is filled with fit bodies, big juicy asses, beautiful tits, tight pussies, and lots and lots of squirting. Watch as these sexy girls swap kisses, spit, dick, cum and so much more!

Karmen Karma 在 'Competitive Casting'

Karmen Karma - Competitive Casting

When Karmen Karma is an hour late to set, this diva is shocked to find that she's already been replaced! Her costar Zachary Wild is on the couch shooting stills with up-and-coming starlet Lenna Lux, and the director tries to tell Karmen to go home, but she refuses to give up what should be her scene. In fact, she grabs Zac's dick and challenges Lenna to a suck-off! The tatted-up porn pro does her best to prove her sexual supremacy, but newbie Lenna won't be denied, and the cute Latina shows that her cocksucking skills are a match for Karmen's! So Karmen hops on Zac's cock, only allowing the starlet a turn when Lenna says please! As Zachary fucks both babes, he can't possibly pick one winner when he could let them share his cum!

Megan Rain 在 'and Karmen Karma - She's In Charge'

Megan Rain - and Karmen Karma - She's In Charge

Megan Rain take's her punishment and submits to the sexual proclivities of her lesbian master Karmen Karma.

Karmen Karma 在 'DP Masters 3'

Karmen Karma - DP Masters 3

Dear Karmen Karma, Thank you. Thank you for being a slut. Thank you for smiling while you show off your big ol' titties and tight booty. The way you look when you see three dudes that are going to fuck your brains out whip out their cocks is like you're an excited gift-receiver on Christmas morning. Thank you for demonstrating your crazy, sloppy blowjob skills. Karmen, thank you for not having a gag reflex and shoving all of those cocks down your filthy throat. Thank you for taking a cock in your pussy, in your asshole, and in your mouth simultaneously - you're an amazing airtight kinda whore. Thank you even more for getting truly fucked hard and loving it dirty and rough. THANK you for taking TWO COCKS IN THE ASS AT THE SAME TIME AND LOVING IT! Thanks for cumming hard when it gets even nastier and taking a fat load of jizz in your asshole and more on your face and tits. And thank you, from the bottom of our pants, for licking that cum up like a filthy slut. These DP Masters know it's true - You're the best!

Karmen Karma 在 'Evil Anal 23'

Karmen Karma - Evil Anal 23

Busty bombshell Karmen Karma shows off her awesome bod and elaborate tats in a net bikini and heels. By the pool, she makes out with Manuel Ferrara, who bends her over a patio table to finger her butthole. Karmen kneels for a face fuck; gag spit flows. The stud chokes and spanks her. Inside, she grips the wall in a standing, doggie-style fuck. He eats her bald twat to ecstasy. Her thick, BJ lips perform pussy-to-mouth fellatio, and he presses her face up his ass for a deep rim job. He eases his monster meat up her ass and masturbates her clit as he sodomizes her. In a frenzied anal ride, thick prick disappears in thick cheeks. Manuel jacks jets of jism long-distance to her open mouth. Makeup trashed, she wallows joyfully in his juice.

Kajira Bound 在 'Rookie utterly Destroyed on mat with Orgasms'

Kajira Bound - Rookie utterly Destroyed on mat with Orgasms

One rookie shows pure domination. She pins her opponent and fingers her non stop making her cum again and again.Karmen Karmen came here to do two things: Make bitches cum and blow bubble gum and she's all out of bubble gum. Karmen dominates her opponent with one hand in the pussy and one hand making a flex all while she blows bubble gum making it look sooooo easy.Unfortunately the winner of this match retired from porn before the end of the tournament so she forfiets. We will update what would have been her next match in the tournament with the light weight championship match instead.

Karmen Karma 在 'Sloppy Head 7'

Karmen Karma - Sloppy Head 7

Busty, tattooed young fox Karmen Karma is in big-cock heaven, eagerly slurping on the massive members of black stud Moe 'The Monster' Johnson and Russian brute Markus Dupree. Upon filling her mouth with slimy goop, Karmen deep-throats their giant pricks, making a slobbery, lube-soaked mess of herself, until the boys shower her with a tsunami of semen. Next, Karmen swallows director Jonni Darkko's hard dick, lapping at his balls, and gets her talented mouth pumped full of more hot jism.

Karmen Karma 在 'Screaming Ass Gasms 3'

Karmen Karma - Screaming Ass Gasms 3

Karmen Karma is such a degenerate little slut! This tattooed babe shakes her ass and titties to warm herself up in a sexy gold outfit. Screaming Assgasms 3 brings us this hot anal scene where James Deen wastes very little time before lubing his hand up down Karmen's throat and probing her asshole. They both know what's cumming! That doesn't spoil the journey and the two of them have a lot of fun with each other. Karmen Karma loves getting her booty spanked and loves being talked to like a filthy whore! She LOVES it rough and the more she's treated like a whore, the more she cums!!! She gets her asshole fingered while she plays with her pink pussy and then begs to taste it. This filthy slut loves it everywhere and can't wait to take Deen's cock down her throat. She knows how to suck cock! She has no gag reflex and takes his entire shaft down her sloppy, wet throat. When Deen pounds her soaking pussy she loves it more and getting it rough and hard is just the beginning. Her favorite is getting fucked in the ass, and she even says so, and that's when the real ASSGASMS cum and they cum hard. This is one loud slut who loves a cock in her asshole more than anything - so let's give her what she wants!

Karmen Karma 在 'Anal INK'

Karmen Karma - Anal INK

Bodacious, tattooed bimbo Karmen Karma rocks a sequined bikini that showcases her phat booty and plump titties. After oiling up her chest in the warm sun, this sultry brunette heads indoors for a nasty anal date with big-dicked Mark Wood. The older stud stuffs her asshole with toys, invades her throat with his giant cock in a slobbery, messy face fuck, and ruthlessly reams her anus. Karmen receives a creamy oral cum shot -- exposing her inner bottom lip ink that reads, 'Slut'!

Karmen Karma 在 'Wet Asses 6'

Karmen Karma - Wet Asses 6

If you want to make Karmen Karma a happy little whore, the recipe is pretty simple. Pre-heat Karmen in a sexy turquoise bikini. Watch her simmer while she shows off her tight tattooed body. Stir occasionally, and watch her booty shake while she greases it all up, including those big titties. Add a healthy spoonful of enthusiasm while she deepthroats and chokes on a nice fat cock. This is a very important part, so take your time. Next, remove the cock from her throat and inject it into her hot, wet pussy. If you hear her moaning and asking for more, this means you're doing it just right. The best part is when you have primed her up, Karmen should be ready for a big sausage plunged directly into her asshole. Continue pounding for a while, even when you think you've pounded enough, until ready. Finally, glaze Karmen's face in a nice jizz finish. Voila - A Happy Karmen Karma!

Karmen Karma 在 'Ass Tricks'

Karmen Karma - Ass Tricks

Busty, tattooed slut Karmen Karma wiggles her phat booty and strokes her plump, bald pussy for the camera. She works a huge black dildo into her rectum, and horny stud Xander Corvus takes over, thrusting four fingers inside Karmen's asshole. She eagerly sucks his massive dick, then rides his shaft while pleasuring herself with toys, including an inflatable butt plug and a vibrator that makes her climax. Karmen slurps his raging boner, ass-to-mouth, and receives a messy, tasty load of cum!

Karmen Karma 在 'Tight Anal Sluts'

Karmen Karma - Tight Anal Sluts

Tattooed, stacked young slut Karmen Karma wants director Mike Adriano's huge boner buried deep in her thick, soft, jiggling ass. Spreading her generous butt cheeks, Karmen strokes her shaved slit, squeezing her fat boobs while Mike thrusts his tongue inside her anus. She takes the director's dork down her throat, gagging and slobbering all over his shaft. Karmen stretches her asshole with a big anal toy, gets her massive booty thoroughly fucked and sucks dick ass-to-mouth till Mike shoots his load.

Karmen Karma 在 'Manuel Opens Their Asses 3'

Karmen Karma - Manuel Opens Their Asses 3

Karmen Karma has a photoshoot with Manuel and obviously she looks hot as fuck in the pictures... but she asks to take a look at them and thinks she could do better. "My eyes look better when I have a cock in my mouth," and she's absolutely right! Of course he's happy to oblige and snaps even more shots of this filthy slut deepthroating his fat, uncut cock. One thing leads to another and after she slurps as much cock as she can she's taking it deep in her super tight pussy and just can't wait to stretch her asshole out for it too. All of Karmen's holes are pounded in this fuck-session and when this slut cums she gets even more cock-crazy! Loud, filthy, slutty and eager! Karmen Karma is on fire in this one and when she spreads her filthy mouth open for a massive load, she's earned it. She doesn't waste a single drop either.

Mia Li 在 'December tag Team Erotic Wrestling Match up'

Mia Li - December tag Team Erotic Wrestling Match up

Today we have Jayogen and Angel Allwood for "TEAM BEAST" Taking on Mia Li and Karma Karma for "TEAM MUSCLES". This is Karmen's very first tag match up and she is sure to be back for more. Karmen and Mia are able to tag up on Angel Allwood and finger fuck her right in front of Angel's husband who is sitting in the live audience. Every female wrestler wants to kick ass for her man but Angel has to endure brutal face sitting and fingering all while her beloved husband sits and watches

Anikka Albrite 在 'Anal Players'

Anikka Albrite - Anal Players

Busty, tattooed slut Karmen Karma is eager get her plump ass explored by director Mick Blue. After the well-hung stud stretches Karmen's sphincter using an inflatable butt plug, he and Karmen join the director's wife, stunning blonde Anikka Albrite, for a nasty anal three-way! The girls worship Mick's enormous cock in a ball-slurping, POV-style suck job, then take turns getting rudely butt-fucked and blowing his throbbing, tasty shaft, ass-to-mouth. Finally, Anikka and Karmen share a hot load of cum.

Karmen Karma 在 'Another Azz Creation 2'

Karmen Karma - Another Azz Creation 2

Karmen Karma is a good little slut that's waiting at home for daddy, AKA, Prince Yahshua. He calls to let her know he's right around the corner and she greets him in her birthday suit, just the way he likes it. What ensues next is a fast paced, rough house fuckfest. Karmen Karma knows how to suck cock and she loves a big black one. She slurps and gags on that fat meat before it slams into her sweet, pink hole! He fucks her brains out so hard and so fast. Then it's time to lube up and take it like the slut she is in her tight asshole. Ass to mouth is no problem for a filthy girl like Karmen and she loves the taste of her own ass juice. Pucker up, miss Karma, you got a big load cumming your way!

Karmen Karma 在 'Nutz About Butts 2'

Karmen Karma - Nutz About Butts 2

Karmen Karma is a tattooed slut that knows how to twerk it. This brunette is filthy hot while she bounces her booty - slow motion included so you can really see it clap. She wastes no time when she comes inside to greet Ramon with her juicy pussy as she hops on his face and he immediately dives his fingers into her asshole. She loves the taste of her own ass and shows him how grateful she is with a CRAZY SLOPPY BLOWJOB. Gagging and choking herself and preparing for the brutal ass pounding she's gonna get. Watch Karmen cum and scream while taking that fat cock in her ass. She just can't get enough and we can't get enough of it either and like a good little slut, she does what Ramon tells her. Fuck this scene is hot! Why are you still reading? CLICK PLAY!

Karmen Karma 在 '- Deepthroat Challenge 2015'

Karmen Karma - - Deepthroat Challenge 2015

Pick your poison! Throated's 2015 Deepthroat Challenge has babes Sarah Vandella, Riley Reid, Morgan Lee, Karmen Karma and Allie Haze putting 'em up for the fight. Red-head lovers are in for a feisty treat with Karmen Karma, a tattooed vixen with a killer ass. Her makeup runs up, down, and all around her face, but that doesn't stop the talented lady! Down to the balls it is. Like what you see? Cast your vote and spread the love like these pros do.

Karmen Karma 在 'Ready For Anal'

Karmen Karma - Ready For Anal

Voluptuous, tattooed cutie Karmen Karma has never before been butt-fucked by big-dicked director Mike Adriano. The brunette shows off her round boobs and thick, booming booty; Mike can't resist tonguing her tender anus. Karmen drools into a glass while gagging on the director's dork. She slurps Mike's thick shaft as slobber goes everywhere and lewdly rims his bunghole. This nasty bitch even spits on the camera lens before getting her rectum wrecked in a session of hard, messy sodomy.

Ariel X 在 'Hard Body Wrestlers go all out in 100percent competitive Erotic Wrestling'

Ariel X - Hard Body Wrestlers go all out in 100percent competitive Erotic Wrestling

Ariel X is back on the mats to welcome a beautiful new rookie to the mats. Welcome, Karma "Bad" Karma. She wrestled in her school days but today she's in for a rude awakening. Warning!!! there are some brutal holds, Back Breaking camel clutches, Japanese Strangle holds, Brutal Leg Scissors and powerful Slams. This is erotic wrestling at its most painfully honest finest. The winner never lets up, Even after the Buzzer the girl on top keeps going and fingers her opponent to orgasm. In the Prize round, the Loser is humiliated by being made to suck on freshly wrestled on feet and suck freshly wrestled on Ass. Extreme Face sitting, Extreme Strap on Fucking and if that isn't enough, the winner drags the loser on the The Whipped-Ass set to give her even more of a hazing. To see the segment of Whipped Ass continue go to

Ariel X 在 'Loser's Smackdown!'

Ariel X - Loser's Smackdown!

The action doesn't end when the lights turn off and the cameras stop rolling on the hottest girl on girl erotic wrestling site Ultimate Surrender! Follow wrestling legend Ariel X and rookie bombshell Karmen Karma into the showers for more domination, humiliation and intense fucking! Karmen beautifully suffers through and enjoys lift and carry, spanking, foot worship, foot fucking, strangling, finger fucking, first time fisting, face sitting, real chemistry, and hot orgasms!

Karmen Karma 在 'Internal Damnation 10'

Karmen Karma - Internal Damnation 10

Thank heaven... for little sluts like Karmen Karma! This tattooed brunette just can't seem to get enough cock and Jules Jordan Video is happy to supply it. See, Karmen flips herself around so she can get her throat fucked and then takes one big cock on each end and there's nothing gentle about it. Marcus Bay and Toni Ribas take this whore on a wild cock ride that includes face fucking and pussy pounding before she gets a brutal ass fucking, DP - and - BOTH COCKS IN HER ASS! If you're dreaming of a filthy, cock hungry slut, Karmen Karma is here to make your dreams come true.

Simone Sonay 在 'Busty Slave Girl Anally Destroyed at Kinky Brunch'

Simone Sonay - Busty Slave Girl Anally Destroyed at Kinky Brunch

Karmen Karma is a busty slut slave, fit and ready to serve a crowd of sadistic BDSM lifestylers. Wiley MILF bombshell Simone Sonay is on hand to teach her how to keep the cocks hard, the silver trays straight, and the crowd laughing. Karmen had her fresh pussy fucked on the table, her clit tormented by the sybian, and finally her perfect asshole railed by a horny Butler. Both gorgeous slave girls come out on top, but only because they are bouncing on cock in rope bondage, begging for more. Plenty of electrical punishment, predicament, and rough sex.

Karmen Karma 在 '- Blacks On Blondes'

Karmen Karma - Blacks On Blondes

Trick or treat! Ah, you have to love this time of the year. Karmen Karma sure does. She's getting dolled-up for Halloween in her "naughty cop" outfit when there's a knock at her door. Kinda early in the day for Trick-or-Treaters...especially adult Trick-or-Treaters. But these two have something up their sleeves. They know about Karmen, her slutty ways, and that her Hubby is out at the store. Be careful what you post on Social Media! And sure enough, these two hit the jackpot. Karmen's down for anything, and we do mean anything. For the first time, all holes are available, and our Black Bulls do as they please with them, including loading them up with their large, sticky loads. This is Karmen Karma's first interracial double penetration, but we're sure it won't be her last.

Francesca Le 在 'Beautiful Karmen Karma pushes her Anal Boundaries Only for EverythingButt'

Francesca Le - Beautiful Karmen Karma pushes her Anal Boundaries Only for EverythingButt

Ariel X here to post a personal note about this shoot. Since taking over Everythingbutt as a director, this scene with Francesca Le and Karam Karma is the hottest thing I've seen. Karmen was determined to push her boundaries for Everything Butt. She gives us her First Speculum Experience First Anal Fisting and First One camera Enema. Francesca Le does some beautiful, extreme Face sitting. There is something so sexy about seeing a hot girl really pushing to fit giant objects into her posterior. Karmen has to call mercy a few times but she is willing and determined to take the whole fist and huge toys. This is intense. Powerful Anal Oragasms and Authentic Anal Gape Training

Karmen Karma 在 'Asshole Therapy'

Karmen Karma - Asshole Therapy

When sexy party girl Adriana Chechik, tattooed fox Karmen Karma and horny director Mike Adriano get together, you know there's a nasty, ass-reaming three-way about to go off. Adriana buzzes her pussy with a vibrator, squirting orgasmically. After plenty of girl-on-girl rimming and a wet, POV-style double blow job, Karmen slurps Mike's giant cock ass-to-mouth, eating the globs of melting butter that emerge from Adriana's wrecked, prolapsing butthole. These wild sluts enjoy anal speculum fun and share a creamy load of cum.

Karmen Karma 在 'Fresh and Useless: Brand New Girls Sexually Exploited by The Butler'

Karmen Karma - Fresh and Useless: Brand New Girls Sexually Exploited by The Butler

Butler Bill Bailey steps into the Master bedroom to enjoy a drink and finds a pair of hapless slaves locked in punishment bondage. These brand new girls managed to anger Governess Aiden Starr and have been stripped of their uniforms and left naked with a note requesting Bill make them earn their clothes back. Bill is not the sort of man to turn down a good time and makes good use of 19 year old Melissa and slutty cock sucker Karmen. Both girls drool and beg as he runs his gloved hands over their vulnerable flesh and shoves his cock deep in their gagged mouths. Karmen screams as bill violently fucks her in the body stocks and whips her tight body with a flogger. Karmen is set in a predicament, holding both girls uniforms on silver trays that she must keep balanced in the air. If she drops them, innocent little Melissa will be zapped mercilessly while fucking hard dick. It's an impossible challenge, even for a well toned slave. Karmen has tight nipple clamps and a hitachi tied tightly to her pussy creating helpless orgasms in waves. Melissa begs her to keep her arms up as she exhausts herself bouncing on Bill's dick, but eventually gravity wins and Karmen is apologizing to Melissa's pussy with her tongue as both slaves are zapped repeatedly. Bill has been thoroughly amused with the whole affair, and gives the slaves back their newbie uniforms. Then he ties them both on a table with their sweet asses in the air for a proper reaming. These newbies learn how to properly serve the House with many orgasms and faces covered in cum.

Joanna Angel 在 'Behind The Scenes of - Dude, Am I A Slut'

Joanna Angel - Behind The Scenes of - Dude, Am I A Slut

Karmen Karma was calling the show all day, but since there are tons of sluts who want to talk to me, Jason Ellis, I never picked up - so she came to my studio at the end of the show, pressing her big pierced tits up against the glass dying to know of her slut status. I could help her with that by ordering her onto her knees to suck on my humongous cookie. Bent over my soundboard, I stuffed my panties in her mouth, and teased her glorious round ass and wet slit with my tongue and fingers. I rode her face as she sucked on my clit, fingerbanged each other, and scissored on the couch. Karmen's a dirty little bitch, I'm the future of radio, and she might just be a slut! Red Dragons!

Karmen Karma 在 'BTS Episode 46'

Karmen Karma - BTS Episode 46

Here's your first look at our brand new Ellis show porn parody, 'Dude, Am I A Slut?' where I, Joanna Angel, play the role of the one and only Jason Ellis. And my cookie is fucking humongous! I've been going on Jason's show for 10 years and he and his callers came up with the idea to parody his radio show, based on the previously mentioned bit, where girls call in and confess slutty stories, and he gets to determine whether or not they're a slut. The scenes were selected from actual calls made to the show, fan favorites, and some of them were truly crazy - so we got to re-enact these calls, porno style, and the movie wraps up with Jason (me), having sex with a caller (Karmen Karma).

Karmen Karma 在 'Joanna Angel's Pool Party - Part 2'

Karmen Karma - Joanna Angel's Pool Party - Part 2

Our instagram whoring paid off when Karmen Karma showed up looking for a good time in a hot red bikini! We played Marco Polo in the swimming pool, and our new guest disappeared with Seth Gamble. She didn't come for the party, she's horny and came to get some stiff cock for her holes to satisfy her craving. She ravenously deep throated him, slobbering all over and choking on his knob. Seth made her cum from pussy licking - she knew there was a reason she wanted to be slutty and fuck him right away. He delivered his member to her wet slot, Karmen rode him rough like a stallion, and he took her doggy style, perfect ass and big tits bouncing. Cool party!

Karmen Karma 在 'Slurpy Throatsluts 3'

Karmen Karma - Slurpy Throatsluts 3

Busty, tattooed sluts Alexa Aimes and Karmen Karma love covering everything in gooey spit -- especially a huge, throbbing dick like that of director Mike Adriano! These nasty brunettes swap mouthfuls of pink liquid and bubbly saliva before putting their talented mouths to work on the director's massive member. Alexa and Karmen gag and drool, deepthroating Mike's thick shaft, and wetly worship his ballsack in a messy dual blowjob that leaves them dripping with goo... and sharing Mike's cum.

Karmen Karma 在 'Slurpy Throatsluts 03'

Karmen Karma - Slurpy Throatsluts 03

Tattooed brunette Karmen Karma and curvaceous, big-titted blonde Laela Pryce are working together for the first time, teaming up to deepthroat the huge cock of director Mike Adriano. The sexy sluts take turns slurping on Mike's balls and gagging on his massive dick as slobber drips everywhere and mascara tears run down their faces. Laela and Karmen collect their gooey drool in a glass bowl, and even tongue the director's bunghole. Finally, both cock-hungry sluts share a mouthful of cum.

Karmen Karma 在 'Throated Contest 2014 - Karmen Karma'

Karmen Karma - Throated Contest 2014 - Karmen Karma

Horny 23 year old Karmen Karma is the deepthroat challenge. She is 1 of 10 sluts competing and there will be 1 winner. Watch that tattooed bitch swallow a monstrous cock deep down her throat while she gags and won't let go till she gets a nice facial. Don't forget to cast your vote on and maybe one day you will get a blowjob from her!

Karmen Karma 在 'Strap Some Boyz 04'

Karmen Karma - Strap Some Boyz 04

Busty, tattooed bitch Karmen Karma strokes her pussy and squeezes her giant knockers, anticipating an intimate anal date with submissive boytoy Spencer. Except he's the one who's getting assfucked -- courtesy of Karmen's big strap-on dildo! She lets him pump her juicy pussy while making Spencer suck on the fake cock. Karmen blows him and eats his bunghole, inserting several fingers... then brutally reams the lucky dude with her sphincter-stretching phallus until he helplessly spurts his load.

Kelly Chaos 在 'BTS Episode 38'

Kelly Chaos - BTS Episode 38

Today we continue our behind the scenes look at 'Dreaming The Dream,' starring Karmen Karma, Jordyn Shane, and the ever-hilarious Tommy Pistol. Being one of the funniest things we've ever shot, you get to take a look at how the wheels turn in the mind of resident joker Tommy Pistol. Then we catch up with Taurus - our lovely half Irish half Jewish girl hasn't shot for us in a long while and we're so happy to have her back with BurningAngel for more kick-ass porno videos. Kelly Chaos gets on her knees in the shower, and then assists me with the help of Taurus in completing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by dumping a cooler full of ice water and dildos on my head!

Karmen Karma 在 'Panty Pops 10'

Karmen Karma - Panty Pops 10

Pervy director Kevin Moore trains his POV camera on the long legs and big, sexy ass of tattooed cutie Karmen Karma. This glamorous bitch loves teasing a man in her thong panties, then pulling them aside to get fucked doggie-style. She slurps on the director's dick, then models several different pairs of seductive underwear. Karmen treats us to a private show, and she rides Kevin's pole until he decorates her plump butt cheeks with hot semen.

Karmen Karma 在 'Dreaming The Dream'

Karmen Karma - Dreaming The Dream

Hot tattooed strippers Karmen Karma and Jordyn Shane were performing on the pole, shaking their big titties and wiggling their juicy booties. Things started to heat up in the champagne room, at least for patron Tommy Pistol. He was partying a little too hard with the booze and started doing his own sexy dance, and really he just got flat out hammered and started annoying the talent. Thankfully, he passed out from the alcohol. And do you know what else? He had the best threesome fuck dream, ever, in the history of dreams. His dream girls loved every minute of it! And when he woke, he got his ass thrown out by the bouncer after bouncing his dream strippers on his boner.

Karmen Karma 在 'in My First Sex Teacher'

Karmen Karma - My First Sex Teacher

Karmen Karma is spending some time in the field with her archaeology professor. While doing some digging Karma discovers an ancient dildo. She is so happy about her find that she decides its time to repay her professor as a thanks for bringing her along on the trip. Karma thanks him by fucking him on the dig site.

Karmen Karma 在 'Drill Her Ass'

Karmen Karma - Drill Her Ass

Heavily tattooed alt-girls Karmen Karma (pierced brunette with fleshy butt) and Kleio Valentien (blonde Texas farm girl), meeting the first time, share Mike Adriano's big prick plus lots of spit and sperm. The shaved sluts kiss and warm up POV-style, orally worshiping Mike's big boner and balls. He rims Kleio and opens her sphincter with a speculum as natural-breasted Karmen deep-throats dick and spits into Kleio's rectum. Straight up Kleio's ass goes Mike's prick, which both girls suck ass-to-mouth. Lube drips from Kleio's anus. The girls tongue Mike's bunghole. After Kleio laps Karmen's pussy cream from her crack and Mike's meat, she spits it into Karmen's mouth for swallowing. Mike cums twice, with each slut drooling his wad into the other whore's mouth.

Karmen Karma 在 'Karmen Blowbang'

Karmen Karma - Karmen Blowbang

Karmen, this is one Slutty ass chick..this update is a must see! Karmen is a sexy amateur dark haired woman that has all natural body. Perfect sized tits, a round ass and tight pussy. Not even five mins into the update Karmen is pulling out a cock to suck intensely.Damn shit is good so far. Next thing she notice, she surrounded by two more dicks. It's time to suck dick and get some hot cum. After she cocks all there cocks... The studs busted huge load on her pretty face. Cum see the action!!!

Karmen Karma 在 'Learning the Hard Way'

Karmen Karma - Learning the Hard Way

BDSM and rough Sex outdoors

Karmen Karma 在 'Big Butt Brunette Gets Fucked!'

Karmen Karma - Big Butt Brunette Gets Fucked!

Today I have one of my fav and very special Karmen Karma. Everything about this girl is perfect to me. She is like the champion of dick sucking and totally has one of the prettiest pussy. Now her ass is another novel all together called AMAZING 101, lol. Today on set she showed us what Yoga moves that are her favorite and then how nice her ass look get banged.

Karmen Karma 在 'Down The Throat'

Karmen Karma - Down The Throat

Black haired vixen Karmen Karma has an itch deep down her throat and the only relief is swallowing every inch of our swollen tonsil scratcher. Karmen spread her pink honey across our face and went down on our throbbing meat choking her self with our balls in her face. We could not go without putting her juicy ass up in the air and diving deep inside before filling her mouth with some hot thick cream ointment.

Karmen Karma 在 'Inked Angels 03'

Karmen Karma - Inked Angels 03

Sexy Karmen Karma's leather fetish dress shows natural tits, a tattoo sleeve and more rad ink all over her trim bod. Director Kevin Moore gets her to pose and talk about her tats (the OVER and COME on her fists can be reversed to read COME OVER), and then muscular Erik Everhard gives her an intense fuck. They trade oral favors. He spanks her cute ass as he fucks her; she masturbates. Karmen enjoys some 69 with pussy-to-mouth flavor. She kneels to catch his cum on her tongue, blows bubbles and swallows.

Karmen Karma 在 'Keep It In The Family'

Karmen Karma - Keep It In The Family

An insatiable girl (Karmen Karma), obsessed with her stepbrother (Van Wylde), reaches a breaking point when she holds him hostage until he agrees to fuck her.

Karmen Karma 在 'Wet Food 5'

Karmen Karma - Wet Food 5

Impressively inked blue-eyed brunette Karmen Karma kneels, submitting to five menacing erections for a soaking circle-suck. The dirty-talking cutie goes crazy sucking/stroking cocks as gag spit wrecks her mascara and runs down her pierced titties. The dudes bark orders and get rough, gripping her head to fuck her mouth, cock-slapping her face, pulling her hair, choking her out. 'I'm your fucking cum dumpster,' she cheerfully announces. 'Cover my face!' They totally plaster her smile -- her 'dream come true.' Karma wallows in the slime and tries to eat every drop.

Karmen Karma 在 'Tattooed Goddesses'

Karmen Karma - Tattooed Goddesses

Karmen Karma Slutty Tattoo Goddess Fucked Hard. Sexy lingerie, black stockings, high heels. All are secondary to Karmen Karma's sexy green eyes. Wow! What a hot, natural bodied brunette. In this fifth of TATTOOED GODDESSES (95 proof by the way) Karmen, her sleeved right arm, her cranking ass and those sultry green eyes conspire to fuck Mick Blue silly. With raven hair and an even darker soul Karmen Karma is the illustrated girl of your dreams. See why.

Karmen Karma 在 'Karmen Solo'

Karmen Karma - Karmen Solo

Tattoo covered babe Karmen Karma writhed sensually in her black corset lingerie and fishnet stockings, teasing and giving her best 'fuck me' eyes. Then she played with her pretty punk pussy and fucked herself silly with a nice thick dong toy until she came like the good little hardcore slut she is!

Jayden Lee 在 'Strap For Teacher 03'

Jayden Lee - Strap For Teacher 03

Tattooed brunette bimbo Karmen Karma and tanned Asian cutie Jayden Lee secretly visit Coach Kurt to satisfy his special desires. Sporting big strap-on dildos, the all-natural sluts buzz each other with a vibrator and service the instructor, wetly slurping his throbbing cock and rimming his bunghole. The eager girls sit on his face and ride his pole. Jayden blows him as Karmen reams his rectum with her fake dick. This nasty trio tries out every permutation of fucking and getting fucked with Kurt getting thoroughly sodomized. Both young ladies share a messy load of his hot cum.

Karmen Karma 在 'Sloppy Head 5'

Karmen Karma - Sloppy Head 5

Tattooed glamour slut Karmen Karma loves teasing a guy with her perfect, all-natural body before sucking on his rock-hard dick. Lucky director Jonni Darkko films Karmen, dressed in a black corset, punk choker and platform pumps, POV-style. This pierced cutie drools onto a pane of glass, then kneels to gag on his boner, slurps his testicles and plays with her own spew. Soon she's covered in gooey slobber, her chin dribbling phlegm as the director fucks her pretty face. Karmen expertly deep-throats Jonni's shaft until he covers her happy face with a huge, creamy load of sperm.

Karmen Karma 在 'Karmen Karma'

Karmen Karma - Karmen Karma

Karmen Karma and her amazing tits have arrived in our house to get throated. She's the kink of cutie that is super aggressive when it comes to sex and getting what she wants. She's tattooed up and horny as fuck. Watch her slap her own ass before pulling down her panties to show it off to the world. Karmen likes it rough which is a good thing because blowjobs on Thorated don't play nice. It's about gagging, choking and making her take it hard. But Karmen knows why she's here and she even tells you that you better be stroking it off as she puts on her show.

Karmen Karma 在 'My girl lollipop!'

Karmen Karma - My girl lollipop!

Karmen Karma fucked by perverted old men in a souvenier shop.

Karmen Karma 在 'Whore's Ink'

Karmen Karma - Whore's Ink

Tattooed, raven-haired cutie Karmen Karma simply loves to fuck. The glamorous, vinyl-clad slut masturbates with a vibrating wand, warming herself up for a hot threesome with well-hung dudes Jordan Ash and Billy Glide. Karmen kneels between them, wraps her lips around each of their huge cocks and slurps one, then the other. The illustrated bitch gets her juicy cunt thoroughly porked by each stud while orally servicing the other throbbing boner. After a rough, choking copulation and a slobbery face-fuck, Karmen opens wide for two simultaneous cum facials... and she rubs herself while licking her fingers clean.

Karmen Karma 在 'Spandex Fuckery!'

Karmen Karma - Spandex Fuckery!

Karmen Karma is a new porn superstar that everyone is talking about! She takes dick like a true champion, and that is why we love her. In this scene, she explores her fetish for spandex! She stretches her outfit over her skin and shows off her tight ass through her tight pants - and then she devours Danny's cock and receives a pussy pounding!

Karmen Karma 在 'and Jordan Ash in I Have a Wife'

Karmen Karma - I Have A Wife

Party girl Karmen Karma is blasting her music at 6 a.m. and her downstairs neighbor Jordan Ash can't handle it, so he bangs on the ceiling with a mop. Karmen goes to his door to see what's up, and when she finds out that he's an uptight, married working man who doesn't know how to party, the tattooed and pierced beauty decides she needs to show him how to have some fun. But she doesn't invite him upstairs to listen to music ... rather she makes her own music with him by sucking his big dick and riding it right there, while his wife is in the other room sleeping!

Karmen Karma 在 'Karmen POV'

Karmen Karma - Karmen POV

Mr. Pete showed up to take Karmen to the airport, but she wasn't ready yet. After noticing how sexy her driver was, she decided she would like her daily dose of cock before she left! Mr. Pete gladly took care of her craving!