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最新更新特色 Jmac

Anya Olsen 在 '加油!繼姐妹的主要地標'

Anya Olsen - 加油!繼姐妹的主要地標

有一個新的角質成年繼妹可能屈指可數,尤其是當你是一個角質的新成年繼兄弟時!無論這些女孩是想讓她們的新繼兄弟全部屬於自己,還是願意分享,有一件事是肯定的:有人上床了! 享受這個彙編,其中包含我們一些最放蕩、最偷偷摸摸和最性感的繼兄弟姐妹場景!

Ameena Green 在 '她對自己的工作很糟糕——而且也很搞砸!'

Ameena Green - 她對自己的工作很糟糕——而且也很搞砸!

阿米娜·格林 (Ameena Green) 是一名饑渴且心煩意亂的機場安檢人員,當她晃動她的陰戶並看著時鐘上的色情片時,讓行李堆積如山。活著是多麼美好的時光啊!當一個同樣饑渴的旅行者 (JMac) 通過安檢並看到她時,阿米娜決定打破她不修邊幅的日常生活。

Charlotte Lavish 在 '洗他們,擦乾他們,操他們'

Charlotte Lavish - 洗他們,擦乾他們,操他們

當你在自助洗衣店感到無聊和饑渴時,會發生很多事情。炙手可熱的三人組 Charlotte Lavish、Haley Davies 和 JMac 在決定一起進行性感三人組時,都在清洗衣服。但是他們能在的主人抓住他們之前完成嗎?

Connie Perignon 在 '二成小便'

Connie Perignon - 二成小便

康妮·培里儂(Connie Perignon)在一家咖啡館發現了一位可愛的顧客(幾乎一模一樣的雙胞胎!),並試圖通過謹慎地閃爍她裸露的陰部來引起她的注意。不幸的是,大自然的呼喚打斷了她的滑稽動作,她在公共場合撒尿之前衝進了浴室。在洗手間里,她發現了一個驚人的發現——她的內褲里長出了一根肥大的雞巴。她玩了一下,撫摸著軸,在她的神秘雙胞胎(之前的藍球)撬開她之前體驗了她的第一次站立小便。首先,她享受康妮美麗的陰戶,現在她巨大的雞巴?這是什麼咖啡館?女孩們試駕康妮的神秘雞巴,有點廁所奶子他媽的,漁網撕裂,屁股臉頰拍打污穢,然後撫摸到鏡子上。精液在玻璃上看起來不是很有趣嗎?大自然在呼喚——這是角質的AF!

Kelsi Monroe 在 '月神之星:勾引和摧毀第4部分'

Kelsi Monroe - 月神之星:勾引和摧毀第4部分

甜美的月神星終於收集了所有必要的資產和資訊,以啟動她的悶熱計劃。目標:JMac。以及他隨時負責保護和攜帶的寶貴資訊。為了幫助她進行這次搶劫,盧娜利用她曲線玲瓏的聯繫人凱爾西夢露潛入邁阿密蓬勃發展的私人俱樂部之一。目標?使用任何必要的手段和漏洞,將 JMac 減少到流口水的混亂中。用他們彈跳多汁的屁股的結合力量擠奶他悸動的雞巴,讓他幸福地不知道他到底有多操。露娜和凱爾西通過他們瘋狂渴望的嘴巴搶奪的不僅僅是他的靈魂,因為露娜在深喉雞巴和一次又一次的高潮之間提升......帶著另一項出色的工作逃入黑夜,我們現在都知道為什麼 Luna 是邁阿密的星燕子了!

Brandy Renee 在 '厚實、潮濕,可用於吹牛場'

Brandy Renee - 厚實、潮濕,可用於吹牛場

白蘭地蕾妮有那種你流口水的身體,Brazzers 想用閃亮、閃閃發光的油覆蓋它,這樣你可以看到每一個曲線都閃閃發光!多汁的大奶子,可抓住的臀部,彈跳的背拍 - 她擁有一切。起初,她的透明衣服被浸濕了,所以它們緊貼著她的身體。只有一塊薄薄的布料擋住了,Jmac上下按摩白蘭地,建立和釋放這種緊張感。隨著她的寵愛和摸索,白蘭地對雞巴的慾望不斷上升,直到她再也無法忍受!她把JMac拉近,饑渴地抓著,乞求他扯掉她的衣服,像她應得的那樣操她。

Armani Black 在 '操我二成!'

Armani Black - 操我二成!


Serena Santos 在 '嘿,你,放下那些內褲'

Serena Santos - 嘿,你,放下那些內褲

室友貝利·貝斯和塞雷娜·桑托斯對他們的鄰居 JMac 進行了性感報復,因為他們發現他一直在監視他們,闖入他們的家偷走他們的內褲,聞聞它們並把他的精液留在各處。

Natasha Nice 在 '徐娘半老佔領邁阿密 - 第 1 部分'

Natasha Nice - 徐娘半老佔領邁阿密 - 第 1 部分

抵達邁阿密參加一個沉悶的工作會議,已經被激起,因為亞歷克西斯·福克斯、CJ 邁爾斯和娜塔莎·尼斯立即被他們的年輕司機取笑。美洲獅吃的肉...當他們到達酒店時,三人不禁被周圍的春假混亂所誘惑——在街上閃現,在游泳池周圍徘徊,性張力可以用刀割斷!這些大學生認為他們可以勝過我們徐娘半老這樣的人嗎?!也許他們會把彈跳的奶子、多汁的屁股和緊繃的身體從他們的“會議休閒”衣服中拿出來,換上更暴露的東西,以偷走像 Jmac 這樣的潛在合作夥伴,然後偷偷溜到一個房間,參加一個充滿口水、暨和紫發小貂瓦萊麗卡·斯蒂爾的獨家邋遢三人組。這些耳釘和新鮮的男女同校幾乎沒有為他們一生的享樂主義性他媽的準備——只有通過有需要、好色、懂事的徐娘半老的經驗誘人能量才有可能......

Sisi Rose 在 '塗油的努魯擦拭'

Sisi Rose - 塗油的努魯擦拭


MacKenzie Mace 在 '角質救生員分享一隻公雞'

MacKenzie Mace - 角質救生員分享一隻公雞

凱莉火箭和麥肯齊梅斯是兩個好色的救生員,樂於通過在工作中玩鉤子來掀起波瀾......特別是如果這意味著要操他們的同事J Mac。 他們無法將視線從他的凸起上移開,他們說服他回到他們的公寓,脫掉泳衣,這樣他們就可以吮吸他的雞巴,然後輪流讓他們濕漉漉的陰戶搗碎和舌頭。一旦這個三人組完全滿意,J Mac 讓這些寶貝在射精之前最後一次乞求他的雞巴!

Vanessa Sky 在 '準備好,粗糙,渴望取悅'

Vanessa Sky - 準備好,粗糙,渴望取悅


Phoenix Marie 在 '打雙打'

Phoenix Marie - 打雙打

菲尼克斯·瑪麗和凱爾西·門羅是兩個富有的鄉村俱樂部競爭對手,他們都對網球教練JMac情有獨鍾。當JMac與他最熱門的兩個客戶一起給自己上兩本書時,他一起給他們上了一課 - 雖然女孩們最初拒絕,但她們決定互相挑戰:無論哪個重磅炸彈贏得他們的網球拉力賽,都會他媽的JMac。雖然JMac試圖阻止這種無稽之談,但女性們一心想得到D-幸運的是,如果有必要,她們願意分享。

Rharri Rhound 在 '在骯髒的他媽的之前清理乾淨'

Rharri Rhound - 在骯髒的他媽的之前清理乾淨

頑皮的房屋清潔工Rharri Round在她的客戶JMac尋求的不僅僅是她的房子清潔服務時,她得到了一個很大的驚喜。彎曲的金髮女郎彎下腰,狠狠地操了一下。她不僅喜歡它,而且還搖晃她的屁股,乞求JMac更硬,更深的他媽的!他們可能正在製造另一個混亂,她以後將不得不清理,但至少他們都滿意。

Phoenix Marie 在 '兩個負載總比沒有好'

Phoenix Marie - 兩個負載總比沒有好


Sarai Minx 在 '鍛煉我'

Sarai Minx - 鍛煉我

Sarai Minx是一個性感的健身房蕩婦,在取笑相機的同時進行熱鍛煉。JMac出現並給了她只有JMac才能提供的那種堅硬,強大的他媽的。撒萊明天會渾身酸痛...而不僅僅是因為她的鍛煉。

Jennifer Exxotic 在 '偷偷摸摸的肛門按摩'

Jennifer Exxotic - 偷偷摸摸的肛門按摩

Jennifer Exxotic使她的大Brazzers在這個熱門的肛門場景中首次亮相!當她的秘密情人JMac在丈夫工作時偷偷溜進她的家時,兩人想直接去他媽的。不幸的是,詹妮弗的丈夫回來了。詹妮弗避免被發現作弊,聲稱JMac是她的按摩師,當她忙碌的丈夫在附近家工作時,JMac把手伸到詹妮弗的身體上......直到他終於把他的雞巴插進她濕漉漉的陰道和緊繃的屁股裡!

Asteria Diamond 在 '撥出電話,傳入公雞'

Asteria Diamond - 撥出電話,傳入公雞

美麗的Asteria Diamond剛剛晉陞,幾乎沒有時間睡覺,更不用說他媽的男朋友JMac了。JMac已經接受了這一點,但找到了相當有趣的方法來誘惑勤奮的Asteria。無論嬌小的Asteria是否在工作電話中,JMac都決心讓他們的性生活火熱如地獄!

Blake Blossom 在 '蜿蜒曲線'

Blake Blossom - 蜿蜒曲線

美女布萊克·布洛瑟姆(Blake Blossom)在池畔懸掛,穿著透視的紫色連衣裙炫耀她驚人的身材。布萊克拉下她的上衣,讓她完美自然的奶子在陽光下彈跳和咯咯笑。布萊克今天唯一想要的就是一根又大又肥的雞巴來填補她緊致的洞口!當JMac到達時,他用油覆蓋了Blake的奶油身體,並崇拜她的每一寸。很快,布萊克試圖把JMac的所有東西都放進嘴裏,吐出唾沫順著她的下巴滴到她豐滿的奶頭上。布萊克對雞巴有貪得無厭的胃口,直到JMac的雞巴乾涸之前,她才會退出!

Anissa Kate 在 '用於性愛的濕 rx'

Anissa Kate - 用於性愛的濕 rx

一個女孩掙扎著騎著她男朋友的大雞巴,去看她的醫生,想知道發生了什麼! 醫生向她保證,這一切都在她的腦海中,並提出説明她和她的男朋友通過Rx策略的一些特殊手來解決他們的問題。 醫生為這對夫婦提供服務。

Amari Anne 在 '為性愛而雕刻'

Amari Anne - 為性愛而雕刻

阿瑪瑞·安妮(Amari Anne)正在努力創作她的最新藝術作品:一個堅硬的公雞雕塑!她的裸體模特JMac使Amari在如此接近真實事物時很難專注於她的藝術!阿瑪瑞放下她的雕塑,雙手(和嘴巴)纏繞在他的大雞巴上進行精湛的口交只是時間問題,然後她把它的每一寸都放在她緊致的陰道裡進行硬核的性交!

Alice Visby 在 '大o'

Alice Visby - 大o

令人驚歎的愛麗絲·維斯比(Alice Visby)已經準備好拍攝唇彩試穿!愛麗絲在她的手機上打了記錄,但就在她開始的時候,她的環形燈壞了。幸運的是,愛麗絲的室友Jmac在家,並同意將電話放在原位。豐滿的愛麗絲用光澤覆蓋了她大而華麗的嘴唇,並對其進行了測試!愛麗絲吮吸香蕉,深喉嚨冰棍,最後咬成奶油餡的糕點。Jmac無法將目光從那張嘴上移開;愛麗絲的吸吮技巧真是無與倫比!最後,Jmac再也受不了了,他把他那又大又硬的雞巴插進環形燈里,希望愛麗絲能用它來做下一次測試。

Breyana Moore 在 '單身派對撞車者'

Breyana Moore - 單身派對撞車者

美味的布雷亞娜·摩爾(Breyana Moore)即將結婚,但她即將成為丈夫的人卻無處可尋。當Breyana意識到新郎從前一天晚上開始就一直在他骯髒的最好的朋友的地方與脫衣舞娘一起在單身派對上時,真是令人震驚。憤怒的布雷亞娜沖向Jmac的地方,仍然穿著她的婚紗,只想著一件事:讓她未來的丈夫以各種可能的方式嫉妒。即使這意味著讓他的夥伴Jmac在他面前操她!

Nikita Reznikova 在 '一個兄弟説明一個ho'

Nikita Reznikova - 一個兄弟説明一個ho

Nikita Reznikova有一個喜歡把生活帶到極致的壞蛋裴。這一次,他在滑雪山上追逐一些熱尾巴時,他的雞巴極度斷裂。尼基塔沒有生氣,她失望了。她對他的雞巴和她的整個身體有很多很棒的計劃。這就是JMac(最幸運的啜泣)進來的地方。尼基塔要求她的男人把他最掛著的男人帶過來,以彌補她。畢竟,她的男人沒有委託不是她的錯,她為什麼要受苦呢?Nikita很快就把自己揉搓在JMac上,她的bf看著,他對電視上的遊戲比家裡的遊戲更感興趣!Nikita說服JMac以"是"換一個"是",然後他們開始做生意。尼基塔的男人提醒JMac在陰道裡操她,然後去床上睡午覺,而他的女孩把她的石頭拿掉。戀愛不是一件美好的事情嗎?

Annabel Redd 在 '深層按摩安娜貝爾'

Annabel Redd - 深層按摩安娜貝爾

性感的安娜貝爾·雷德(Annabel Redd)迫切需要全身按摩。她對油膩的手遍佈她的皮膚感到非常興奮,她甚至不等她的按摩師,開始在她的連體衣上淋上油。當她把油擦在自己身上時,半透明的面料慢慢地露出安娜貝爾豐滿的奶子和渴望的陰部。當Jmac終於來到按摩室向有角的Annabel伸出援手時,她非常高興。她讓他們男人用手指著她的洞,釋放他的雞巴,並在他照顧她身體的其餘部分時對他進行深喉嚨。安娜貝爾是一個幸運的女孩。隨著Jmac的手和雞巴遍佈她,她終於可以高潮了!

Hazel Grace 在 '關於教授的濕夢'

Hazel Grace - 關於教授的濕夢

大學女生Hazel Grace認為她的創意寫作教授Jmac超級熱,她開始在他的在線課程期間在桌子底下自慰。在她射精后,夢幻般的黑茲爾閉上了眼睛一秒鐘,卻被唯一一個莫名其妙地出現在臥室里的Jmac本人嚇了一跳。角質黑茲爾無法抗拒這樣一個華麗而天賦異稟的男人。她跪在地上,繼續給他口交,然後他把她帶到床上,搗碎她渴望的陰道。這個完美的他媽的會議,只是一個夢想還是真的發生了?黑茲爾說不出來,也不想知道!

MacKenzie Mace 在 '真人大小的枕頭悍馬'

MacKenzie Mace - 真人大小的枕頭悍馬

色情迷麥肯齊·梅斯(Mackenzie Mace)絕對愛上了Jmac-她看過他的每一個色情視頻,並確信他們註定要在一起。麥肯齊甚至有一個由Jmac製成的真人大小的身體枕頭!她租的是租的空餘房間,當Jmac自己出現看時,這位明星的美女幾乎昏倒了。麥肯齊一直夢想著她終於能操這個傢伙的那一天,在她完全吃飽之前,她不會讓他走。

Rachel Starr 在 '日光浴明星'

Rachel Starr - 日光浴明星

豐滿的瑞秋 · 斯塔爾穿著白色裁剪上衣在池畔, 她在水裡玩, 浸泡她的小襯衫通過。Lusty Rachel 完美、穿孔的通過她的襯衫展示,她圓多汁的混在一起,穿著她的Tong比基尼充分展示。布魯內特·雷切爾在躺椅上放鬆,很快,Jmac就用油覆蓋了她彎曲的身體。瑞秋在 Jmac 的臉上, 他用舌頭探索她的每一寸腫塊和貓。瑞秋把 Jmac 的硬公雞滑到她緊繃的貓裡, 給了他他生命中的池畔騎行!

Scarlett Sommers 在 '草率按摩天堂'

Scarlett Sommers - 草率按摩天堂

斯佳麗·索默斯已經找到了欺騙她丈夫的完美方式——在家做按摩師!隨著 Jmac 在按摩臺上, 斯佳麗油他 (和她自己), 揉她的山雀和身體在他的大公雞...如果作弊的妻子需要格外小心, 她準備好了, 在桌子底下切出一個榮耀洞, 以獲得完美的偷偷摸摸的吹風工作!這姑娘都搞清楚了!

Carmela Clutch 在 '他聽不見我們說話'

Carmela Clutch - 他聽不見我們說話

卡梅拉離合器是一個壞蛋寶貝與砰的一聲。她半裸地在床上醒來, 渴望公雞。她打電話給她的男朋友, 開始髒話麥片時, 她的房東, Jmac, 出現在未經宣佈和嚇到她。她沒有進入入侵, 不在乎他是否聽她談論她緊濕的貓。Jmac 不能忽視她和她的半裸的混蛋在座位上發抖, 而不是變得尷尬, 他進入它。他迫不及待地想脫下工具帶,給她看他的鎚子。卡梅拉讓他去她, 而她取笑她的男人, 欺騙她的男人以為她只是在玩自己。Jmac 拿出他的公雞, 卡梅拉開始工作深喉他, 大聲, 最終是時候放下電話, 並得到一些硬核他媽的。

Lexi Luna 在 '夢幻女孩'

Lexi Luna - 夢幻女孩

布魯內特·萊克西·露娜正試著讓她的男朋友Jmac起床,這樣他就可以幫忙打掃衛生了。Jmac 正在打盹, 只需要 5 分鐘。下次Jmac睜開眼睛時,萊克西穿著緊身的紅色乳膠套裝站在他身邊。萊克西的大, 美麗的山雀幾乎不能被控制!萊克西渴望公雞, 她準備讓 Jmac 去工作。頭這麼好,貓這麼濕,山雀幾乎太多汁了!Jmac 是做夢, 還是華麗的萊克西露娜真的那麼好?

Blondie Bombshell 在 '我的前夫是個女郎'

Blondie Bombshell - 我的前夫是個女郎

真正的炸彈金髮女郎炸彈殼和駝背 Jmac 是前妻誰仍然住在同一棟房子里。由於她現在是單身,金髮女郎拿起凸輪,並正在為她的觀眾上演一個節目。她的前男友在節目結束時抓住了她, 忍不住看著她讓自己在凸輪上。做完后,金髮女郎終於承認了 Jmac 。該名男子試圖說服她,他可以讓她暨更難,她決定看看他是否可以把他的錢,他的嘴他的...或者更確切地說, 他的嘴, 她的貓在哪裡!

Alexis Fawx 在 '偷偷摸摸的泳池性愛'

Alexis Fawx - 偷偷摸摸的泳池性愛


Victoria June 在 '在池畔散步'

Victoria June - 在池畔散步

當你的名字是維多利亞六月, 你是最搶手的女孩之一, 黨從來沒有真正結束。早晨的陽光照耀著維多利亞柔滑的身體,在池畔充滿了她的慾望。Jmac 不是救生員, 但是當他在泳池邊看到維多利亞時, 他已經準備好給她一些口對口的行動了。他們不小心把衣服扔到游泳池裡,互相扔東西。親吻維多利亞後, 傑馬克吞噬了她 (w) 洞。維多利亞的嘴和貓渴望Jmac的傢伙的味道。他用力推著那位女士直到他要爆炸。最後,維多利亞把Jmac的重擔都裝在臉上,然後回到游泳池裡放鬆。

Gogo Fukme 在 '移動器, 搖床, 骨製造商'

Gogo Fukme - 移動器, 搖床, 骨製造商

GoGo FukMe 正處於沉悶的瑜伽程式之中, 當她決定通過放一些音樂和跳舞來活躍一切。當她跳來跳去, 摔斷了一步, 我們得到了一個偉大的看看她的大山雀和屁股。喜歡風景的其他人是常春藤 Jmac, 他偷偷溜進來, 開始看 Gogo 。當 GoGo 抓住 Jmac 打她的屁股時, 她起初罵他 (Jmac 畢竟是她室友的男朋友), 但兩者之間有一些嚴重的化學反應, Jmac 很快就順利地把他打進了戈戈。GoGo原來和她在跳舞一樣擅長吸吮和做愛!

Victoria Lobov 在 '周年紀念驚喜'

Victoria Lobov - 周年紀念驚喜


Joslyn James 在 '復仇的展覽主義'

Joslyn James - 復仇的展覽主義

大位的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線喬斯林詹姆斯正在為她的丈夫JMac準備晚餐,但他脾氣暴躁,當他下班回家。鄰居又是一個傢伙,停在他的位置!喬斯林也討厭那個混蛋,所以他們喜歡在舒適的家中罵他。但你知道嗎?操這個混蛋!畢竟現在是星期五,為什麼不幹呢?為什麼不在面向他家的窗戶前, 在廚房裡做愛呢?性炸彈喬斯林和JMac肯定會給他一個很好的節目,因為沒有人亂搞相當喜歡這2在一起!

Leila LaRocco 在 '給她丈夫加薪'

Leila LaRocco - 給她丈夫加薪


Paisley Paige 在 '遊戲成本'

Paisley Paige - 遊戲成本

佩斯利佩奇是一個嬌小的甜寶貝與緊身胸圍和眼鏡。當她放下錢包, 不小心向 Jmac 露出一根粉紅色的魔杖時, 他很好奇。他問這是為了什麼,佩斯利向他保證他不會明白。她獨自去她的房間一段時間。但實際上,她很高興能為她的粉絲們做一點凸輪工作。在漂亮的粉紅色假髮和小貓耳機的説明下, 她變成了她頑皮的凸輪女孩角色, 並打破了新的魔杖。她上演了一場讓所有歌迷都流口水的節目。JMac 在聽到一些呻吟聲後進行調查。他走進來,偷看她的私人節目,忍不住揉他的公雞,而他看著她的工作,緊貓。佩斯利抓住他, 並決定給她的粉絲們一個所有訪問通行證到她的性景觀。

Kiki Klout 在 '一間浴室滿屋子'

Kiki Klout - 一間浴室滿屋子

你曾經被困在浴室裡等過嗎?當你可以在閒暇時直接走進來, 這難道不令人驚奇嗎?好吧,琪琪·克勞特沒那麼幸運是的,她很漂亮,彎曲,態度很好。。。但這並不能解決Jmac在浴缸裡浪費時間和一群橡皮鴨的問題!隨著淋浴頭在她的陰蒂上噴灑溫水的夢想, Kiki 砰的一聲, 喊著讓 Jmac 滾出去。這是她的私人時間,她需要它。好。好!如果他不想搬家。。。Kiki 爬進浴缸, 開始無恥地撫摸她潮濕的貓, 閉上眼睛, 高興地呻吟。Jmac, 沒有一個被排除在外, 急切地跳進去伸出援助之手 - 和更多...

Skylar Vox 在 '斯凱拉被包裹和點擊'

Skylar Vox - 斯凱拉被包裹和點擊

彈殼金髮斯凱拉沃克斯剛剛犯了一個巨大的錯誤, 開始與她的男朋友 Jmac 的惡作劇戰鬥。Jmac 不會輕率地被惡作劇, 並回應到斯凱拉的一瓶身體洗滌。但這隻是他復仇的一部分當 Skylar 在使用受污染的肥皂後赤身裸體地跑出淋浴時, Jmac 把她逼到牆角, 用保鮮包緊緊地包裹著她。Jmac 取笑裸體和綁斯凱拉, 讓她承認他是更好的惡作劇者。所有這些行動已經得到了他們兩個相當角質, 雖然和 Jmac 很快有他的手在 Skylar 的塑料覆蓋的身體。Skylar 接受她的 「失敗」, 允許 Jmac 撫摸她, 用她的嘴做免提口交。最後,斯凱拉從塑料包裝中解脫出來,這樣她就可以給她的男人一個適當的該死的

AJ Applegate 在 '緊身襯衫, 緊屁股'

AJ Applegate - 緊身襯衫, 緊屁股

Aj 蘋果門一直很糟糕, 在洗衣服, 離開它到最後一分鐘, 並縮小一切在烘乾機!她的男朋友, Jmac, 也許並不瘋狂 Aj 洗衣服, 但他不抱怨, 當他看到她在一個收縮的 Tong, 幾乎適合她緊屁股周圍...他絕對不抱怨, 當他有機會堅持他的大公雞內心深處!

Maya Farrell 在 '合唱團吸, 我也是'

Maya Farrell - 合唱團吸, 我也是

瑪雅·法雷爾被掃地出門,只穿一條小小的內褲和一件背心。她的室友JMac正在瑪雅想要打掃的地方讀書,但她不會讓他弄到她那條路。相反, 她得到他的頂部, 得到她所有最好的位在他的烤架。Jmac 盡了最大的努力繼續閱讀, 但任何人都很難把目光從像瑪雅那樣漂亮的人身上睜開。瑪雅完成她的除塵, 但還有一份工作在她的雜務清單: 吸吮 Jmac 的公雞乾淨!

Mary Jean 在 '陌生人的積氣'

Mary Jean - 陌生人的積氣

拉丁眩暈者瑪麗讓被拖到一個神秘和性感的偽裝黨由她的朋友,誰迅速消失在人群中。瑪麗讓去探索她自己,導致她到一個僻靜的房間,在那裡她跑進JMac。很快,這個聚會就變得清晰起來,不僅僅是跳舞,因為JMac當場引誘瑪麗·吉恩。雖然起初膽怯,瑪麗讓給黨的性能量,並迅速吸吮JMac的雞巴。Jmac 然後提供一個硬的他媽的你, 肯定會使瑪麗讓一個偽裝的常客。

Abella Danger 在 '危險是髒衣服'

Abella Danger - 危險是髒衣服

無知的 Jmac 什麼時候會意識到附近最熱門的寶貝阿貝拉 · 丹格在打他?會是當她邀請自己到他的地方, 聲稱她的洗衣機壞了, 她必須洗衣服嗎?會不會她會在他的機器前彎腰, 幾乎刷她甜美的屁股對他的拐杖?看來阿貝拉將不得不在 Jmac 的電器上指指點點。Jmac 被勾選了,接受了阿貝拉的邀請,參加她兩個角質派對。

Serena Santos 在 '把你的雞巴拿出來閉嘴'

Serena Santos - 把你的雞巴拿出來閉嘴

塞雷娜桑托斯真的進入她最喜歡的節目的季末,而她咀嚼一碗麥片,她沒有時間與JMac閒聊,也沒有回答他任何惱人的問題。雖然公然檢查薩琳娜的熱胸部和山雀, Jmac 很快瞭解到, 薩琳娜是直言不諱, 因為他們來了: 告訴他鞭打他的雞巴, 閉嘴, 所以他們可以搞砸, 而她看完她的節目!

AJ Applegate 在 '跟隨噴頭'

AJ Applegate - 跟隨噴頭

JMac 是一個很大的驚喜, 當他跟著一個濕的線索進入他的室友 Aj 蘋果門的臥室, 在那裡他發現她噴出風暴, 偷看她, 而她玩她的貓!幸運的是, Jmac, 當 Aj 抓住他時, 她命令他在裡面完成她開始的工作!

Blake Blossom 在 '乾她女朋友的爸爸'

Blake Blossom - 乾她女朋友的爸爸

豐滿的寶貝佈雷克開花被邀請到她的新女友的地方吃晚飯和可怕的爸爸介紹 - 原來她的 Gf 的爸爸, Jmac, 其實很熱!在女孩們在樓上閒逛后,佈雷克把目光投向了JMac,在廚房裡,他準備晚餐,哄他進入一個熱,偷偷摸摸的混蛋。

LaSirena69 在 '性前的自拍'

LaSirena69 - 性前的自拍

拉西雷納 69 太熱了, 她知道。做愛前拍幾張自拍沒什麼錯, 對吧?她太角質了, 她會用英語、 西班牙語和你髒話, 但她最喜歡的語言...性!得到一個很好的 Pov 的拉西雷納, 因為她得到臉搞砸硬由 Jmac 的大傢伙。看著她弄濕和呻吟, 因為她得到衝擊, 直到她得到良好的面部, 她渴望!

Kelsi Monroe 在 'Returns'

Kelsi Monroe - Returns

女士們先生們。。。你已經要求了你已經懇求了我們聽到你響亮而清晰, 我們從 2021 年開始砰的一聲!G. o. a. t. 凱爾西夢露讓她期待已久的回報在壯觀的方式!看起來比以往任何時候都好, 這個肛門女神取笑我們在海岸上, 旁邊花哨的汽車...但你真正來這裡是為了崇拜這位女王的榮耀。凱爾西在她的字面的寶座上坐了下來,因為她重新介紹給渴望的Jmac和他的巨大的公雞,準備負責,並給凱爾西的傳奇混蛋一個熱烈歡迎回來!

Gabbie Carter 在 '偷偷摸摸的淋浴性愛'

Gabbie Carter - 偷偷摸摸的淋浴性愛

加比卡特認為她要給男朋友洗澡了,在她進入之前脫掉她薄薄的衣服,只是當她發現他的弟弟JMac在洗澡時,她才感到震驚!一旦她的眼睛發現 Jmac 的大傢伙, 加比不能説明自己, 加入他, 泡沫她的大濕山雀之前, 偷偷摸摸的吸吮和他媽的你!

Abella Danger 在 '回家角質肛門。'

Abella Danger - 回家角質肛門。

阿貝拉危險從俱樂部回家晚了, 感覺冷淡。她討厭她疲憊的男朋友和她上床, 但運氣不好。她提到與多個花花公子跳舞, Jmac 被激怒了, 足以給她強烈的肛門, 她一直渴望。

Cali Carter 在 '最好的胸罩:按摩狂熱'

Cali Carter - 最好的胸罩:按摩狂熱

如果每個人都能同意一件事,那就是世界上沒有什麼比好的按摩...特別是如果它有一個快樂的結局!為了您的觀賞樂趣,我們收集了一些最熱、最油、最滿意的按摩服務,這些按摩服務將在 Brazzers 上展示。享受,但不要拉肌肉!

Anissa Kate 在 '不是來喝咖啡的'

Anissa Kate - 不是來喝咖啡的


Katana Kombat 在 '教師休息室'

Katana Kombat - 教師休息室

歡迎來到一所非常特殊的學校,那裡的性感數學老師(如Katana Kombat)會在被行政管理人員抓住之前,就減去衣服,增加貓咪的嘴巴和增加性高潮等方面上課!

Crystal Rush 在 '性愛'

Crystal Rush - 性愛

Sexy Crystal Rush加入了一個新的健身班,以取得優異成績為榮。一旦Crystal意識到班級的工作原理,她就可以發揮全部作用,而不僅僅是遊戲……燃燒卡路里的最佳方法莫過於讓教練JMac填補屁股!

Katana Kombat 在 '失眠的治療'

Katana Kombat - 失眠的治療

JMac一直在與嚴重的失眠作鬥爭,因此他拜訪了該領域的專家Katana Kombat博士。當JMac承認過去為他工作的唯一事情是在睡覺前突然抽搐時,Katana採取了非常實際的方法來治療她的新病人。然而,Katana願意付出更多的努力,提供自己的貓咪來真正照顧他,並確保他得到一些急需的休息!

Adrian Maya 在 '肛門癮君子的日記'

Adrian Maya - 肛門癮君子的日記

阿德里安娜有一個秘密,她很想告訴她,但她沒有信任她的信息 - 除了她的日記!她用禁忌的快樂寫下了她迷戀的每一個細節。戲弄和伸出她緊繃的小混蛋。當她加入JMac和一瓶油時,夢想很快就會成為現實。她會以某種方式填充她的屁股,只有她的日記才會知道!

Nicolette Shea 在 '我很敏感'

Nicolette Shea - 我很敏感

尼可萊特是一個非常敏感的人。事實如此敏感,她無法處理皮膚與皮膚的接觸,這對她來說太過分了!那她為什麼要和你可能會問的按摩治療師預約呢?嗯,她有一個計劃。她準備好了,穿著乳膠緊身連衣褲。她的按摩師,JMac一開始很震驚,但他是一名專業人士,在任何條件下都能工作!一旦他的手滑過她甜美的身體,他們很快就會找到唯一露出的皮膚。 Nicolette試圖警告JMac,一旦她被喚醒,她不會對她可能做的事負責。現在他要找出來了!

Rachel Starr 在 '色情明星訓練營'

Rachel Starr - 色情明星訓練營

雷切爾斯塔爾準備好了! Rachel穿著輕薄的迷彩緊身連衣褲和一雙熱靴,Rachel深蹲,抬起和伸展,在從JMac深深舔舔之前變得渾身發熱。

Addie Andrews 在 '私人泳池派對'

Addie Andrews - 私人泳池派對

泡泡金發碧眼的艾迪安德魯斯在她性感的比基尼泳裝中取笑相機,然後剝離並滑入泳池。她看到JMac的岩石堅硬的公雞池邊 - 她無法抗拒,她吸吮他的雞巴並且讓他變得濕漉漉的和他媽的他媽的!

London River 在 '性治療'

London River - 性治療


Rachel Starr 在 '五星按摩'

Rachel Starr - 五星按摩

Rachel Starr在JMac接管她之前給自己起了油,按摩她的乳房,陰部,腿部和腳部。 Rachel因為JMac的手在她閃閃發光的身體上而變得飢渴,所以她戲弄他的大陰莖並用腳撫摸它然後將它推到她的深處!

Katana Kombat 在 '沐浴美容'

Katana Kombat - 沐浴美容

Katana Kombat完美的屁股和乳房都濕了,她渴望JMac的大公雞!看著Katana把她的靈活性展示出來,因為JMac在浴缸里和周圍亂搞了她,直到他整個臉都悶悶不樂!

Michele James 在 '這就是朋友的作用'

Michele James - 這就是朋友的作用

經過認真的辯論,JMac和他的女朋友將他們的關係置於冰上。 JMac現在正處於他的智慧結束時,前往他認為可以幫助挽救這種關係的唯一人 - 他女朋友最好的朋友米歇爾詹姆斯。米歇爾感受到了JMac並感受到壓倒性的壓力!她告訴他,他現在所需要的只是一種性感的油性按摩,因為眾所周知,一旦你放鬆肌肉,你就會放鬆心情......

Anastasia Knight 在 '我的繼姐妹糟透了'

Anastasia Knight - 我的繼姐妹糟透了

阿納斯塔西婭·奈特(Anastasia Knight)令人討厭的繼兄弟JMac是周末的大學之家,而她的媽媽堅稱他們分享了阿納斯塔西婭的房間。誘人的青少年試圖通過讓他感到不舒服來駕駛JMac離開她的空間 - 最值得注意的是通過觀看手機上的色情片和自慰。但JMac不會在沒有戰鬥的情況下摔倒 - 他甩掉他的雞巴並抽搐,讓Anastasia嘗試自己的藥。當阿納斯塔西婭瞥見JMac的大雞巴時,她意識到共享一個房間可能並不是那麼糟糕......

Bonnie Rotten 在 '邦妮的按摩'

Bonnie Rotten - 邦妮的按摩

Bonnie Rotten不是普通的按摩師,因為她的最新客戶很快發現了!在給JMac和她自己加油之前,Bonnie將她的身體展示在一個比基尼比基尼身上!在她深入研究之前,她在JMac的雞巴上摩擦她的屁股和乳房。一旦她有了品味,邦妮就讓他操她,直到他在邦妮的臉上卸下一個幸福的結局!

Maxim Law 在 '永遠是伴娘'

Maxim Law - 永遠是伴娘

JMac和他的女朋友即將結婚,但這個傢伙在他的餘生只有他媽的一個女孩變得緊張......特別是在看到伴娘Maxim Law改變之後。馬克西姆盯著JMac盯著看,看到一個千載難逢的機會來品嚐新郎,即使它恰好在她新娘成為最好的朋友的鼻子底下。

Olivia Austin 在 '護士奧利維亞'

Olivia Austin - 護士奧利維亞

沒有人喜歡去醫院看病...除非他們像Olivia Austin那樣性感的護士對待他們!在找到了患者JMac的大膽,堅硬的傢伙後,奧利維亞決定給予他一些特別的關注,照顧他的所有需求,然後一些,即使他的妻子正在房間外面等他。

Shay Evans 在 'Shay Dreaming'

Shay Evans - Shay Dreaming

辦公室無人機JMac只是無法休息 - 在被辦公室辣妹Shay Evans冷落後,當他的同事們來到城鎮時,JMac在他的辦公桌上打瞌睡,幻想他媽的性感Shay在供應櫃裡。太糟糕的夢想這種好處並不總是成真!

Jaye Summers 在 '帶我回家'

Jaye Summers - 帶我回家

傑伊薩默斯的父母在工作中被阻止,留下她被一位家庭朋友接走。 Jaye並不高興與陌生人搭車 - 直到她看到誰在駕駛座上:一個性感足以跟上她的足球場幻想的男人。賈斯汀竭力抵禦她的進步,但是傑伊太難抵擋了。

Vienna Black 在 '電影迷'

Vienna Black - 電影迷

維也納黑是無聊和尋找的東西佔據她的注意 - Jmac的無聊的紀錄片只是沒有削減它。維也納真正追求的是一個好的,很難操 - 就像他們在電影裡一樣!那麼 - 至少她看的那些

Diamond Foxxx 在 'HR轉向'

Diamond Foxxx - HR轉向

這是Dorno和Pick的定位日,他們要做的第一件事就是圍繞HR協議進行定位。他們的公司非常嚴格,員工理解哪些行為是不能容忍的。人力資源負責人Diamond Foxxx希望確保沒有任何事情會被誤解,並清楚地表明什麼是不允許的,因為新入職的員工殷勤地記錄下來,吮吸他媽的第二手Isiah Maxwell。

Cory Chase 在 '教練的妻子'

Cory Chase - 教練的妻子

當淘氣的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線侵入她的丈夫的電子郵件,並邀請他的一個足球隊的最熱門的球員到她的地方緊急練習,她沒有意圖測試他的表現在外地 - 她更感興趣,讓他在袋子!經過嚴格的一對一密集訓練後,Cory建議Jmac打淋浴,他知道自己計劃加入他的時候,他一點也不知道。

Monica Asis 在 '如果鞋適合'

Monica Asis - 如果鞋適合

莫妮卡正在買鞋子,但是她急躁的丈夫希望她能在下午有一場比賽要看球的時候趕快把他們搞砸。這對夫婦在鞋子推銷員JMac面前爭論著,他不禁感到被莫妮卡和她的丈夫命令他不要再給她帶上兩雙鞋。當丈夫走開的時候,莫妮卡向JMAC傾訴,告訴她她和她丈夫爭吵的骯髒的秘密 - 他不再操她了!莫妮卡要求JMAC幫忙撫平腳,然後讓他親吻和舔她的腳趾,而在你不知道的情況下,這個飢渴的賤人渴望吸吮那個推銷員 - 即使她的丈夫就在拐角處!

Adriana Chechik 在 '停止和去鋤'

Adriana Chechik - 停止和去鋤

阿德里安娜是一個真正的停止和鋤頭。當Jmac停下來接她的時候,她同意服務的一個價格,但是到了性別進展的時候,總是似乎在額外的稅收或費用。 Jmac應該不會說不,走開,但是如果沒有那麼好的堅果,他怎麼能離開這個性感的美麗?他有錢,為什麼不呢?當這個停止和鋤頭踩剎車時,Jmac繼續付出下一個門檻,直到他的帳單和他的熱負荷使她的漂亮的臉上下雨。

Cassidy Banks 在 '男朋友的低聲說'

Cassidy Banks - 男朋友的低聲說


Kenzie Reeves 在 '讓你的怪胎旗子他媽的'

Kenzie Reeves - 讓你的怪胎旗子他媽的


Phoenix Marie 在 '眾議院洗禮'

Phoenix Marie - 眾議院洗禮

熱門家庭主婦鳳凰瑪麗愛房地產,但她的激情是性愛。在她可以買到一個新房子之前,她要求她的丈夫J Mac在每個房間裡都操她。希望房地產經紀人不要介意這兩個角質的怪胎打破新居。

Cristi Ann 在 '所以你認為你可以Twerk,太'

Cristi Ann - 所以你認為你可以Twerk,太

包裹了另一個戰利品,JMac正在準備稱之為一個晚上。突然間,一個不知名的新人(Cristi Ann)接近希望證明自己的階段,並回答了她一生被問到的問題:所以你以為你也可以twerk?克里斯蒂從寬鬆的衣服上脫下衣服,穿上性感的表演,或者說是她的大而豐富的贓物!

Marsha May 在 '步兵睡袍派對'

Marsha May - 步兵睡袍派對


Ryan Smiles 在 '替換'

Ryan Smiles - 替換


Marsha May 在 '復活節肛門'

Marsha May - 復活節肛門

這是複活節,對於性感的lil minx Marsha May這意味著一件事情:一個大的濕屁股他媽的會話!幸運的是,Jmac正在拿著一大瓶潤滑油和一塊岩石硬的公雞。

Diamond Kitty 在 '所以你認為你可以Twerk'

Diamond Kitty - 所以你認為你可以Twerk


Skyla Novea 在 '胸罩收藏家'

Skyla Novea - 胸罩收藏家

注意豐滿的女士們! “胸罩收藏家”正在尋找一些新的胸罩,以增加他的收藏!當她送回臥室穿上胸罩時,Jmac恰好正在通過Skyla Novea的抽屜進行搜索。但令她驚訝的是,他們都消失了! Skyla抓住了Jmac偷走了自己的火盆,但是卻沒有變得生氣,美麗而又豐盛的花園寧願放屁,因為他媽的很好!

Sara Jay 在 '邁阿密Milf冒險I'

Sara Jay - 邁阿密Milf冒險I


Cristi Ann 在 '與Wifey混亂'

Cristi Ann - 與Wifey混亂

Cristi Ann是色情界最熱門的新人之一。憑藉她甜美的山雀和美味的貓咪,克里斯蒂(Cristi)已經準備好被完美呵護,並且被她骯髒的男按摩師Jmac惹上了她的好脾氣!

Gia Paige 在 '我不離開'

Gia Paige - 我不離開

Gia Paige的姐姐曾經欺騙他的妻子,而Gia想要一些錢來關閉他的嘴巴。她通知Jmac,不管他做什麼,她都不會離開他的房子,直到她得到報酬。 Jmac將Gia的信念置於考驗之中,讓她在休息室裡一輩子的粗暴他媽的。

來自其他網站的場景特色 Jmac

Kira Perez 在 'XXX Games'

Kira Perez - XXX Games

Jmac is on the hunt for some pussy laying around the house. He finds himself reacquainted with Kira Perez. This video showcases a whole plethora of different sex positions that only a couple with the physical frame of Jmac and the short stature of Kira Perez can accomplish. These two turn sex into an action sport. That being said she gets fucked like a slut good and hard then obviously lets him cum on her pretty face.

Kira Perez 在 'Mom Can't Find Out!'

Kira Perez - Mom Can't Find Out!

JMac has a dinner date planned with his wife tonight, so he wants to rub one out quickly before dinner. While he's masturbating, his stepdaughter, Kira, walks in on him. At first he freaks out and covers up, but she tells him that she actually wants to help! She wraps her hand around his huge cock and starts to softly stroke it. He freaks out because her mom is in the other room right there! She's in the shower so they only have 15 minutes to fuck. She starts to give him an amazing blowjob before he fucks her hard until he cums all over her face and sneaks her out of there before his wife gets out the shower.

Kira Perez 在 'Kira Loves Big Cocks'

Kira Perez - Kira Loves Big Cocks

After skipping her college classes for the day, Kira decided to stop by her friends house. However, once she arrived at his house. The only one home was her friend's dad, Mr. Mac. She happened to knock at the door while he was in the middle of a jerk off session. Mr. Mac wrapped a towel around himself and headed to answer the door. After he told Kira that his son was not home, she noticed that underneath his towel there was a huge hard dick. Determined to see it for herself, Kira walked in and closed the door behind her. Mr. Mac was reluctant but she insisted. Eventually, she got on her knees and pulled his towel off, revealing his huge cock. Kira was happily surprised. From there, she began to choke on his cock. After some time of this, Mr. Mac took her over to the couch, where he penetrated her pussy in several different positions before exploding all over her face.

Codi Vore 在 'Bouncy Tits Fuck'

Codi Vore - Bouncy Tits Fuck

Codi Vore is feeling herself in the mirror as she gets ready for a workout. She takes a good look at her big bouncy tits. She puts her giant tits away in a sports bra. As she works out they can't be contained. Her breast spills out of her bra. Her tits move as she moves, up down side to side. She works up a sweat and takes a shower She gets all soapy. Her tits glisten in the shower. Jmac is ready to make love in their room. His cock rock hard on site. He fucks her pussy good. and cums all over her.

Crystal Rush 在 'Romantic Anal With Creampie'

Crystal Rush - Romantic Anal With Creampie

We have a sensual one today, folks. We have the beautiful Crystal Rush coming in and talk about how much she loves anal. We ask her what's her favorite way to have sex and she loves it when a guy is soft and smooth. She doesn't care about size, as long as he knows what he's doing and can get it in nice and gentle. Well we have Jmac on the way with some flowers to romanticize her. After meeting Jmac wastes no time in getting her comfortable and ready to fuck. After some soft nipple sucking and sensual pussy licking, Crystal wants to get fucked. We start off slow since that how she wants it but halfway through she says fuck it, fuck me harder! So Jmac does what he does best, beat the pussy up with that massive shlong. She wants it so bad that she makes crazy O faces all over this one. Watch Crystal get mangled around and fucked until Jmac unloads a mess of jizz insider of her pussy.

Blake Blakely 在 'Fling Before The Ring'

Blake Blakely - Fling Before The Ring

The Bang Bus does not stop son! We out here roaming the streets of Miami looking for money hungry chicks, ready to do anything for some cash. This time around we ran into some chick on the way home from picking out her wedding dress. We decided to offer to pay for her dress, all she had to do was fuck our boy, Jmac. After some hesitation, she agreed and soon enough she was chocking on Jmac's cock. Her pussy was penetrated in several different positions all over the BangBus. Finally, once she was properly fucked, it was time to dump her in the middle of nowhere without a single dollar. Good luck with your wedding hoe!!!

Bri Klein 在 'The Grim Pussy Ripper'

Bri Klein - The Grim Pussy Ripper

On this spooky episode, We got Jmac dressed up as the grim pussy ripper. He rips Vaginas and assholes with his massive cock. We spot Bri Klein walking down the street. We ask her if she liked haunted vans. For one hundred dollars She hopped in. Once inside she was taken by the Grim Ripper. She is so impressed by the dick she starts sucking it. Jmac Skull fucks her until she's gasping for air. He removes her clothes immediately and gets to work. He picks her up and starts fucking mid-air. He pounds her pussy so good and hard she starts calling him 'daddy'. She gets what she wants a nice thick coat of cum on her face.

Dani Blu 在 'Stepsister Finally Gives Him Pussy'

Dani Blu - Stepsister Finally Gives Him Pussy

Dani Blu is trying to get a quick shower in before work, but her stepbrother JMac is feeling extra horny today and can't stop watching her. Her beautiful body getting nice and soapy turns him on so much that he secretly starts to jerk off. He gets caught and tries to play it cool. She was feeling horny today too, and she knows how badly he's been trying to fuck her. She decides to finally let him hit. He jumps in the shower with her and she gives him an amazing blowjob before moving into the living room to continue. They fuck in multiple positions and she swallows a huge load.

Annabel Redd 在 'Big Titty Joy Ride'

Annabel Redd - Big Titty Joy Ride

Look at the tits on this chick! Today we have the beautiful Annabel Redd having a joy ride on her bike. The way her gigantic boobs barely fit in that bikini...that gets me going. We have her stop halfway because we're concerned for her skin. It's hot and we can't have this beauty all sun burnt! So of course we give her some sun block. It just so happens that our sun block gets her to look very shiny and it actually shows off her huge knockers. But hey, we're not mad at it. She continues on her joy ride where we can really see how fucking great her tits are. Have I mentioned how big her boobs are? They're pretty big. Annabel wants to know who she is shooting with and so we take her to Jmac's house. We find him dead asleep but Annabel gets right on top and wakes him up. Jmac notices how big her tits are so he start to play with them with some oil. Annabel looks hot as fuck with oil dripping down her busty chest. They get so hot and heavy that they start to tit fuck, then a big titty blowjob, and then the best sex you've ever watched. I recommend this one if you like big boobs, folks. Stick around to watch Annabel's tits flop around in different crazy positions and hear her moan like she's never moaned before.

Havana Bleu 在 'Creampie For Havana Bleu'

Havana Bleu - Creampie For Havana Bleu

Havana had planned to sunbathe by the pool. But once she spotted Jmac, her plans changed. She began doing anything possible to seduce him. She managed to do just that. So much so that he came right over and ripped off her bikini right away. After applying some oil on her perfect tits, they headed inside to start the real fun. Havana took Jmac's cock and shoved deep inside her pussy, getting fucked in several different positions. And as things were coming to a close, she begged for him to cum Inside her.

Destiny Cruz 在 'Stepbro Fucks Her By The Pool'

Destiny Cruz - Stepbro Fucks Her By The Pool

Destiny Cruz is relaxing by the pool on a summer day. She takes a look around and realizes that she's alone. She takes her top off and rubs oil on her perky tits. Her stepbrother, JMAC, comes outside and falls in love with her tits. He decides he wants to test the water, no pun intended, and see how she reacts to his giant cock. He walks outside naked and at first she's shocked. After she looks at his dick, she realizes she could have a little fun. She sucks his dick and then he gives her the Mac Attack. He fucks her in multiple crazy positions and gives her a huge cum shot all over her face.

Alina Belle 在 'Alina's Perfect Ass'

Alina Belle - Alina's Perfect Ass

Alina Belle joins us this week to show us her goods. Alina has one of the best asses in the business. She indulges us by parading that perfect ass for us. Her body covered in oil is a sight to be seen. After all of that, our boy Jmac is the one in charged of giving her the good fucking that she deserves. Her pussy was stretched in several different positions as she begged for cum. Finally, it all culminated with huge load all over her face.

MJ Fresh 在 'A Creampie After Laundry'

MJ Fresh - A Creampie After Laundry

MJ is doing laundry and JMAC walks in and decides to have some fun. He rips her pants off and starts to finger her. She enjoys it so he wants to take it up a notch. He pulls out his dick and starts to fuck her. She loves it but wants to get out of the washing machine and get into the kitchen so she can get fucked properly. She gives him an amazing blowjob before bending over and getting fucked hard. They fuck in multiple positions and she begs him to cum inside of her. He leaves her with an amazing, thick creampie. Hopefully the roommate doesn't catch them!m

Kira Perez 在 'Fucks Her Stepdad'

Kira Perez - Fucks Her Stepdad

Kira arrived to her house to find that the door was locked. When she went around back to try and access through the back door. She spotted her step father jerking off in the living room. She continued to spy on him for some time. However, this turned her on so much that she started masturbating as she watched him. Unfortunately for her, her phone started ringing and her step father spotted her right away. He confronted her, but when she kept coming on to him, he decided to take her to the couch and give her the proper fuck that she deserved. Kira's pussy was penetrated by her step dad's cock in several different positions before busting a huge load all over her pretty little face.

Jocelyn Stone 在 'Doggy Style at The Doggie Door'

Jocelyn Stone - Doggy Style at The Doggie Door

Excited for the pool party, Jocelyn Stone arrived at her friend's house to find out nobody was there. After calling her friend, she found out that the party had been pushed until later. Jocelyn started searching for a way to enter the house in order to wait inside. When she discovered a doggie door, she thought it would be the perfect way to get inside. Only problem is that half way inside, she got stuck. She was unable to get out. She waited patiently while stuck at this doggie door. Eventually, Jmac eager to attend this pool party also arrived unaware that it had been delayed. However, he was just in time to help Jocelyn get out. In order to slide her loose from the doggie door, first he pulled off her shorts. Then he began to oil her to try and slide her out. All these attempts her futile. At this moment, Jmac had a bright idea, that maybe if he fucked her, her muscles would relax and she would be able to slide out. He penetrated her pussy as she was stuck at the doggie door. Her pussy stretched with every single stroke. But eventually, she was so relaxed that she managed to get loose from this contraption. After this, they decided to just finish the job as they wait for the other party goers. Jmac stretched Jocelyn's pussy in several different positions before busting a huge load all over her perfect tits.

Leila LaRocco 在 'Sensual Blowjob'

Leila LaRocco - Sensual Blowjob

Leila Larocco is here to give one hell of a blowjob. Watch and listen closely as she sucks tenderly on JMac's cock and tells him just how much she loves it. How long would you last if you had these gorgeous eyes looking at you while she sucks you dry?

Nicole Rey 在 'Nicole Loves Sucking Dick'

Nicole Rey - Nicole Loves Sucking Dick

A beautiful day by the pool wouldn't be complete without a blowjob! Nicole loves to suck dick and today she's hanging out with JMac. She gives him an amazing blowjob and lets him titty fuck her with her great tits. She sucks like a pro and can't wait to get a huge load out of him.

Jocelyn Stone 在 'Quiet Maid Fucks Hard'

Jocelyn Stone - Quiet Maid Fucks Hard

Jocelyn Stone arrives to JMac's house to do some cleaning. JMac wasn't expecting the young hottie. He can't stop looking at her cute body. He offers her some extra money to take her clothes off. It takes some convincing but eventually she agrees. Her tits are amazing. He can't stop looking at them. He starts to jerk off in

Athena May 在 'A Porn Star Is Born'

Athena May - A Porn Star Is Born

This week on the Bang Bus, we are searching for the perfect girl to join our 'tube' channel. We spot pretty young thing, Athena May. As an aspiring model and actress, we tell her the best way to break-in the film industry. We convince her to flash her cute tits for a hundred bucks. To our surprise, she's down and she does way more, for a fee of course. But we're happy to pay. She gets on the bus and gets butt naked. She kisses Jmac, and he whips it out. She's shocked to see his girth but loves a good challenge. She chokes on his giant cock. Jmac shows no mercy, he pounds her tiny pussy until he busts.

Nola Bell Faiyez 在 'Slutty Tourist Fucks For Extra Cash'

Nola Bell Faiyez - Slutty Tourist Fucks For Extra Cash

Today on the bus, we've been driving around the beach to find some travelers. Luckily we found shy girl Nola Bell Faiyez, who is so shy after all. After offering some money we convince her to get on the bus. After some more 'convincing' Jmac whips out that giant cock and Nola couldn't help herself and starts sucking that cock. Before you know it she's riding that dick like a pro. Jmac pulls out to show us her gaping pussy. But as you know you should never get on a bus with strangers.

Gia Milana 在 'Gia Gets Creamed In Her Pie'

Gia Milana - Gia Gets Creamed In Her Pie

Gina is taking selfies by the pool waiting for Jmac's hard cock to show up. We get a nice preview of her big beautiful tits before the action starts. Jmac jumps right in oiling up those mounds, occasionally reaching down to caress her pie. Gina can't wait to get a fat load of Jmac's jizz to fill her hole to the brim.

Jada Stevens 在 'Makes a Cumback'

Jada Stevens - Makes a Cumback

We sent out Jmac on the prowl for pussy, after driving around in the bus, they seem to be S.O.L. When all of a sudden they spot a girl in a suggestive outfit. They immediately floor it to catch up with her. When they pull up is the legendary Jada Stevens. She has some free time and decides to catch up. She shows off her best asset... her ass. She walks down the street and shows off her round ass. She gets on the hood and twerks for a bit. We immediately invited her to the bus. Where she continued shaking her ass. Bewildered Jmac ate her ass and pussy right on the bus. We finally get to the house, where Jada finally gets what she really wanted, a good pussy pounding. You got to see this one for yourselves.

Victoria Cakes 在 'Fuckin' That Watermelon Booty'

Victoria Cakes - Fuckin' That Watermelon Booty

Jmac is hungry, and Victoria Cakes is horny. How do they satisfy both of their needs? Watermelon Booty! This is truly a sight you need to see to believe. Victoria's huge ass painted beautifully to look exactly like a real watermelon. It's wet, juice, and ready to be opened up. They fuck in multiple positions, she bounces her huge ass all over, and let's not forget about her AMAZING tits. Her sexy body makes JMac cum all over her face. This is the best watermelon i've ever seen...and that's a fact!

Kylie Rocket 在 'Aspiring Actress Gets Fucked Hard'

Kylie Rocket - Aspiring Actress Gets Fucked Hard

Another day on the Bang Bus. Today we run into a cute young girl who apparently wants to be an actress. Little does she know, she's just landed her first leading role! She's the star of todays Bang Bus. After talking to her we convince her to flash us for $200. Then we get her on the bus where the real fun happens. We give her some more money to get her fully naked. She's feeling herself. Now that she's comfortable, it's time to drop the bomb. $2,000 if she'll fuck Jmac. She does it. They have amazing sex in multiple positions and he cums all over her pretty face.

Rachel Rivers 在 'Gets Caught Taking Nudes'

Rachel Rivers - Gets Caught Taking Nudes

Rachel Rivers is bored and horny at home. While everyone is away she gets a naughty idea. She starts recording herself beating her pussy. Her Stepdad comes home early to catch her daughter in the act. Rachel is busted but with some quick thinking, she thinks of a solution to avoid punishment. She perks up and sucks her stepdad's cock, feeling unfettered Jmac picks her up and then 69 in mid-air. Rachel gets her pussy pulverized by her stepdad's massive cock. She gets stretched to her limit in her pussy and acrobatically.

Casca Akashova 在 'Casca Sucks Jmac By The Pool'

Casca Akashova - Casca Sucks Jmac By The Pool

It's Friday! Casca is lounging by the pool tanning those huge beautiful tits patiently waiting for her scene. She looked so fucking hot in her tiny little bikini, I knew it was the perfect time to offer her some of Jmac's fat cock. Casca couldn't be happier! Within seconds she was sucking, slurping and drooling like a champ. She couldn't wait to have Jmac's warm load all over her huge pillowy tits.

Jayden Black 在 'Santa's Little Helper Gets Fucked Hard'

Jayden Black - Santa's Little Helper Gets Fucked Hard

Jayden Black was dressed in a very sexy Christmas outfit. The Bangbus stopped right away and the guys obviously offered her money to do things. First she flashed her booty for $300 for another $700 she got into the van. For $500 she did a lap dance. For another $1500 she let Jmac fuck her hard. Oh yeah, that sexy little Santa girl. He fucked her extra hard. Then he came on her face. They tricked her out of the car, butt naked in the middle of the Everglades and drove off quick. Obviously all that money stayed in the car.

Brie Viano 在 'Low Key Freak Fucks on The Bus'

Brie Viano - Low Key Freak Fucks on The Bus

This week we pulled up on this hottie on her way to a friends house. We enticed her with some free money to answer some questions for our fake internet show. Once she had loosened up a little bit we started hinting at our real intentions. She continued right a long because she's a money hungry slut like most these chicks out here. Once the right amount of money was flashed before her eyes, she began chocking on Jmac's cock. From there, he stretched her tiny little pussy in several different positions before busting a giant load all over her face. After we were done with her, it was time to send her ass packing. Later slut!!

Alina Belle 在 'School Girl Alina Bell Breaks Dress Code'

Alina Belle - School Girl Alina Bell Breaks Dress Code

Alina Bell is getting ready for school and decided to spice up her school outfit but making it sexy. It shows off her best asset the booty. She squeezes in her tight shorts and slips on her barely-there top and then kisses her stepfather goodbye. Once he notices what she's wearing, he gets furious then he gets horny. She turns around to be Jmac's little slut and takes a rough fuck.

Selena Sosa 在 'Second Round on The Bus'

Selena Sosa - Second Round on The Bus

This week we pulled up on these two hot chicks but sadly they wouldn't give us the time a day. So we sent their ass packing. Luckily for us we ran into another girl had actually been on the bus. It turns out that she was down to fuck, and really wanted to hop in again and get some cock. She climbed inside the bus and soon she was choking on Jmac's cock. I love these super easy girls. From there, her pussy got stretched all over the fucking bus. Once we were done with her, we sent her ass packing for the second time.

Gabbie Carter 在 'License to Drill'

Gabbie Carter - License to Drill

Gabbie Carter was always horny. So horny that her Jmac needed the newest tech gadgets to satisfy her. When he came home, dressed in a suit, with a metal briefcase, obviously she was masturbating. Again. He sneaked through the door, opened his suitcase and mounted a giant dildo on top of a drilling machine. Slowly he snaked up on her and started the drill. She asked, who are you? Mac, JMac. First he fucked her with the electric drill. Then she blew his secret agent. Then they fucked in lots of classified positions. Gabbie's tits were shaking left and right! After lots of fucking Jmac shot a load of cum into her face.

Julz Gotti 在 'Big Booty 3some By The Pool'

Julz Gotti - Big Booty 3some By The Pool

It's a lucky day for all of us. Two Brazilian beauties Julz Gotti and Alina Belle are together and hungry for some good dick. They show off their amazing asses by twerking and teasing. Then they start making out and show us some girl on girl booty licking. JMac comes in and surprises them and they couldn't be happier to finally get some good dick today. They have an amazing threesome in multiple positions and we can't get enough. Enjoy as their booties bounce all over while they scream with pleasure. JMac busts a huge load all over both of their beautiful faces.

Alina Belle 在 'Hot Brazilian Ass Fucked Poolside'

Alina Belle - Hot Brazilian Ass Fucked Poolside

Alina Belle came for an Ass Parade pool shoot. But it was raining. Who cares. The beachballs were colorful. Her ass was big. She was Brazilian. 24 years old. Very cute and sexy. She shook her ass towards the camera. Spread her asshole. JMac came through the rain. Wow, he was mesmerized by her sexiness. Brazilian girls are the cutest! He oiled her butt and played with it. Then they fucked. Standing up. Doggy. Spooning. Missionary. They did it all. Alina's ass was bouncing all the time. In the end he came all over face.

Annabel Redd 在 'Annabel Fucks For a Good Creampie'

Annabel Redd - Annabel Fucks For a Good Creampie

Annabel is taking a bubble bath, making sure to wash her huge tits nice and clean. She gets a little horny and decides to do a quick masturbation session in the tub. While moaning loudly, JMac overhears her and peeps in. He is amazed with how perfect her tits are. She rubs himself a little bit but gets caught. He thinks he's in big trouble for spying, but actually, she invites him in and asks him to touch her tits. He takes off his clothes and hops in the tub with her. She titty fucks him and blows him. She can't stop gagging with his huge cock down her throat. He fucks her in the tub, letting those huge titties bounce around. They move over to the couch and she begs him to cum inside of her, leaving her with a dripping creampie.

Leah Lee 在 'A Super Hot Chick On This Bang Bus'

Leah Lee - A Super Hot Chick On This Bang Bus

Today we find this super hot girl that I quickly give her a lot of money. This chick looks incredible with her small shorts and great face. Jmac was with me on this and helped out convincing her to flash us and to get inside the van. This tight bodied chick looks super duper hot. Im super happy with this one and that I got her to get naked and to finally play with some dick. She gives a good sucking before seeing her fully naked and getting fucked, Jmac fucked her really hard from various positions until he finishes on her face. Im kind of sad that we left her by the everglades but make sure to enjoy this one.

Cory Chase 在 'Cory Fucks The Neighbor's 18yr Old Son'

Cory Chase - Cory Fucks The Neighbor's 18yr Old Son

Cory Chase went to her neighbor's house to borrow some eggs. Only the 18 year old son Jmac was at home. He had no clue where in the fridge eggs might be so Cory had to search herself. As she was bending over he was staring at her butt and realized she had no underwear. She caught him staring and got upset. She was about to call her husband over to beat this kid up. But he said he would do anything. Anything? That's a word which triggers lots of fantasies. Always be prepared for if anybody offers you to do anything. You are up for lots of fun. So she dropped down his pants and realized his dick was much bigger than her husbands. She sucked it well. Then Cory had Jmac fuck her doggy on the stairs. They moved to the sofa. She was riding him like she has never been riding before. They fucked some missionary and he came all over her face. Oh there was one more thing. He would also have to mow her grass!

Violet Myers 在 'Violet Creampied By Jogging Partner'

Violet Myers - Violet Creampied By Jogging Partner

Violet Myers was in the middle of her daily jog, when Jmac spotted her and began to follow her. He followed her all the way to her house. After breaking in, he witness Violet bringing a dildo out form her room, attache it to her door and start fucking it. When she was interrupted by a phone call, Jmac had a great idea. He quickly grabbed a drill and drilled a glory hole on her door and shoved his cock thought it. When Violet returned she continued fucking her dildo only that this time the dildo was actually Jmac's cock. After fucking it for sometime, she realized that something was different and she discovered the truth. Bu this discovery only got her even hornier and she brought him in to get her pussy stretched

Jenni Noble 在 'Fucking The Water Melon Girl'

Jenni Noble - Fucking The Water Melon Girl

Jenni Noble was selling water melons. She went from door to door until she rang JMac's doorbell. Mac's wife was shouting annoyed from the bathroom for him to open the door. He did. And he was amazed at what he saw. Two giant water melons. He asked Jenni and immediately started to motorboat her giant cleavage. He squeezed her giant breasts, pulled her nipples hard. Jenni liked it. She went quickly for his cock. The two took it to the bedroom. He started to doggy her. Her big breasts were shaking to the rhythm of his fucking. They changed positions. He fucked her more. As he was coming into her face his wife walked in and screamed in shock. She was holding one of the water melons. It dropped and shattered in a million pieces.

Lily Adams 在 'Double Your Pleasure'

Lily Adams - Double Your Pleasure

Today, Lily Adams is going to make us see double by showing off her skills with not one, but TWO dildos. And two mirrors. And three images of herself, technically. This gorgeous sloppy girl rides and sucks at the same time, warming you up before she brings in the real deal to complete her show. One minute she's sucking real cock while riding a dildo, the next she's trying to jerk off and suck fake ones while getting railed by Jmac. Every angle is covered to give you every moan of pleasure of drop of drool. Plus, the ending facial is one of the best - you ever see a girl cum swap with herself? Now you can!

Kitty Carrera 在 'Specs Appeal'

Kitty Carrera - Specs Appeal

Red glasses, brown waves, white lingerie, perky butt, devilish smile, erotic fiction… Today we have sweet and petite Kitty Carrera to blow you away with her amazing body and mischievous attitude. A spinner with a smile, Kitty is ready to wrap mouth around Jmac's thick cock, moaning as it slowly slides in for your viewing pleasure. Thigh high socks and balls-deep cocks are the name of the game today, enjoy!

Xianna Hill 在 'Breaking In The Burglar'

Xianna Hill - Breaking In The Burglar

Xianna Hill is creeping in on Jmac's house - slipping in through the window to find some worthy items to grab. But the crowning achievement are Jmac's crown jewels as the dangle in front of her face. This thief is looking to steal a little bit more than some valuables… Maybe a good pounding? A thick cock to spread her tiny teen lips? Balls slapping against her naughty perky ass? Or someone to grab hold of her hair and pound her against the shower wall after she pervs a little bit. We all know where this is headed, but you'll find that Xianna is way more than worth it…

Kara Lee 在 'Scoring Love'

Kara Lee - Scoring Love

Beautiful bouncing big naturals Kara Lee has taken the court to demolish Jmac in a game of tennis. Kara is a sight to behold - no love, no foul. Alright, I'll be honest. I could give you a bunch of tennis puns, but at the end of the day we know why you're here - Kara has beautiful tits and a lot of enthusiasm and skill. She's here to suck, fuck, and coax out a big load for you all to enjoy. We just figured spanking her with a tennis racket and fucking through a net would add some neat visuals. Plus she looks fucking great in that outfit, right? Stay for the slow motion bits at the end!

Kira Noir 在 'Public Pranking'

Kira Noir - Public Pranking

Jmac and his friend are out on the prowl at the park on a rainy day, to spank, strip and prank as many hotties as they can find! But when they spot the gorgeous ebony babe Kira Noir and go a little too far in their mischief, she gets pissed off and decides to return the favor. She chases Jmac into the bathrooms and pulls down his pants to shame him on camera, but gets blown away by how huge his cock is! So they fuck as hard as they can in the toilet stalls, not even stopping when they're caught on camera!

Joseline Kelly 在 'Enhanced Lap Dance'

Joseline Kelly - Enhanced Lap Dance

Joseline Kelly is serious about honing her lap dance techniques and knows that practice –realistic practice, more importantly –makes perfect. After showing off some moves on an empty clear chair, the sexy as fuck Joseline demonstrates her enhanced method for sharpening her skills. Ms. Kelly produces a suction dildo and sticks it on her clear chair, showing exactly how she simulates performing for a hard cock. But when Jmac sneaks into the room,a surprised Joseline turns out to be primed and eager for only one thing: a real live cock to suck and fuck! Watch as she puts her enhanced lap dancing skills to use on a real, big cock! We hope this tempting teen puts on another one of these smoking hot performances again real soon!

Izzy Bell 在 'Taped Up Hottie'

Izzy Bell - Taped Up Hottie

Wow Izzy Bell is so hot, there's just something about her. She's quirky, fun, has a great spirit and that ass though! The tape suits her so well, she should just add this to her wardrobe. J Mac looks like he loved peeling tape off of Izzy, it's like unwrapping a gift, a tight, sexy gift.

Mary Jean 在 'Bae Dazzle'

Mary Jean - Bae Dazzle

Check out the gorgeous Mary Jean glowing like a goddess as she walks down the Miami streets. If you like big ass and tits then Mary surely won't disappoint. I never thought that I would enjoy glitter so much but she just makes it work on so many levels.

Mi 在 'Dishing Out Some Pleasure'

Mi - Dishing Out Some Pleasure

Mi Ha Doan brings over a guy for dinner but what she's most hungry for is his cock! Mi Ha's dad is home so if these two teens want to bone, they've got to be sneaky about it! While at the dinner table, the irresistibly cute Mi teases Jmac by giving him a footjob underneath the table, getting his big dick nice and hard. Once they've finished with dinner these two sneak off into the kitchen where Mi Ha gets her slutty mouth absolutely stuffed by Jmac's big dick! Mi Ha sucks and fucks Jmac while trying to keep her moans of pleasure to a minimum. But will her father catch these two fucking around in the kitchen before dessert gets served? One thing's for sure: the naughty Mi Ha Doan absolutely loves dishing out some pleasure!

Maya Bijou 在 'Lusty Laundry Day'

Maya Bijou - Lusty Laundry Day

It's laundry day, and petite teen Maya Bijou is all out of clothes – the perfect opportunity for this naughty slut to seduce her new step-daddy, Jmac! She flirts and flashes her tight little ass at him behind her mom's back, before heading to the laundry room…Until Jmac comes to offer his helping cock, of course! He fucks, spanks and licks Maya's pretty pussy before pounding her fast and hard. Good thing she's so tiny too, because when her mom comes to check up on them, this little Latina can hide in the dryer until the coast is clear…And then fucks her stepfather until he leaves cum all over her clothes and face!

Cassidy Banks 在 'My Mechanic Fucked My Wife'

Cassidy Banks - My Mechanic Fucked My Wife

It was a regular day at the mechanic shop. I was working on a car for this busty chick named Cassidy Banks. She was in a rush and I was taking my time, seeing how I could grease this rich girl out of a few more bucks. Well, little did I know that she was married and she was bitching and complaining over the phone to her husband. I really just wanted to get paid and this girl tried paying with a credit card. Good thing we don't take any, but there's other ways of paying! This busty slut probably didn't get enough cock today so she practically was begging to get her pussy pounded! But when her husband showed up looking for her, I had to make sure that this sneaky slut's moans weren't a dead giveaway!

Autumn Falls 在 'Just Bouncing Around'

Autumn Falls - Just Bouncing Around

Hot Latina Autumn Falls is walking her bumping booty around the streets of Miami, doing some window shopping as well as showing off her wares in a tight, little dress. That's not quite enough for this exhibitionist, though, so Autumn pulls up her skirt to flash her ass and gets out her big, natural tits for her fellow shoppers! When she finds Jmac watering his garden, she bounces those boobs and he wets her down with the hose before oiling up those massive titties while she jiggles! They head inside where Autumn can bounce on Jmac's big, thick cock, and takes every inch in piledriver before he cums on her tits.

Riley Star 在 'Bus Bench Biddie'

Riley Star - Bus Bench Biddie

Dutiful granddaughter, Riley Star, is taking her grandfather to a show...or at least, she will, if the bus ever comes. Their transport is nowhere in sight, but what does come along is Jmac and his big cock, and Riley wants to get on it! She isn't the least bit shy to suck that huge cock right on the bench, and this blonde teen proves she's all grown up as she takes every inch in doggystyle, but she's still cute and petite enough for Jmac to pick up in stand-and-carry! Jmac cums on Riley's small tits right before the bus comes too.

Jill Kassidy 在 'Under The Table 2'

Jill Kassidy - Under The Table 2

Good girl Jill Kassidy is trying to help football star, Jmac, study, but he's having trouble concentrating on the books. Jill discovers that instead of taking notes, Jmac's been sketching dirty pictures, and she's intrigued. Jill starts sucking Jmac's huge cock in her kitchen, and before long she's letting the sexy star quarterback fuck her behind her boyfriend's back. She loves that this athlete is big and strong enough to give her a real pounding, even picking her up for a stand-and-carry! Jmac may not have written a word of the assignment, but he signs his name on Jill's face in his cum!

Katrina Jade 在 'Big Tiddy Goth Gf'

Katrina Jade - Big Tiddy Goth Gf

Tatted-up alt-babe Katrina Jade is taking to the streets to find out who wants a big-tiddy goth GF, and it turns out the answer is everybody! After getting her pierced tits squeezed and motorboated by a couple of sexy strangers in the park, Katrina climbs into Jmac's car and lets him take her home! This naughty vixen proves that goths are the horniest as she deepthroats Jmac's cock and slides it between her huge boobs for a hot titty-fuck. Katrina can't get enough of Jmac's huge dick in her pussy, riding him hard and throwing her big booty back in doggystyle. She takes that big load all over her tongue and her massive jugs, proving that sometimes goths wear white!

Diamond Kitty 在 'Back And Thicker Than Ever'

Diamond Kitty - Back And Thicker Than Ever

Diamond Kitty is back thicker and hornier than ever. Her ass is bigger than ever before and she specifically called up bang to show us her goods. she came to us to parade her ass and to get some good Miami dick. Diamond got the dick she was craving. Her pussy got stretched in several different positions. Watching her giant ass bouncing up and down on a cock is sight to see. Her beautiful huge booty is perfect for AssParade.

Sarai Minx 在 'Sexy Ebony Girl Fucks Mechanic'

Sarai Minx - Sexy Ebony Girl Fucks Mechanic

Jmac is in the driveway working on a car's engine. He knocks on the front door and when no one answers, he goes to the back. As he peers inside, he sees Sarai is on the couch playing herself. He watches as she plays with her nice big tits and fingers her sweet pussy. When she catches him looking, he thinks he might be in trouble. Instead, all that masturbation has gotten her horny for some Jmac dick. He fucks her hard and long right there on the couch until he finally cums right on those beautiful brown tits.

Ashley Barbie 在 'Ashley Barbie's Massive Ass'

Ashley Barbie - Ashley Barbie's Massive Ass

Ass Parade was made for us to bring to you guys some of the phatest asses in the business. This week, met up with Ashley Barbie. This chick's ass is gigantic. I can watch her twerk for days on end. But that's not all, she's the total package. This beauty has an enormous pair of tits to go with that ass. We had her parading her ass and twerking in the pool before we took her upstairs to get fucked. Jmac was the one in charged of properly stretching her pussy in several different positions.

Rose Monroe 在 'Pumpkin Booty Patch'

Rose Monroe - Pumpkin Booty Patch

Rose Monroe and Valentina Jewels, decide to have some fun for Halloween, they transformed a pumpkin patch into a booty patch. They have spray painted their big booties like pumpkins, install hidden cameras and wait for a lucky winner. Jmac is shopping for pumpkins with his girlfriend when to his surprise he encounters 2 well-placed round and juicy pumpkins in the patch. He knows these are special, so he gets his girlfriend to walk away and takes advantage of the situation, he starts fingering the pumpkins then while he fucks the pumpkins, the girls jump out yelling 'surprise you are the winner, now you get to hose our big asses', obviously Jmac will collect his prize, from this point on the girls start kissing each other they are really horny, they give Jmac a double bj before getting fucked multiple times, taking turns in different positions, at the end they get caught by Jmac's girlfriend, would it be a happy ending?

Cecilia Lion 在 'Naughty Cecilia Gets The Perfect Treat'

Cecilia Lion - Naughty Cecilia Gets The Perfect Treat

Cecilia Lion goes trick or treating in a sexy witch costume. She just happened to knock at the perfect house this time. JMac ran out of candy early but ask for her to give a treat so he can give her a treat. Naughty Cecilia flashes her tits so he gets his drill to give her his treat. She hears the loud noise and gets close to the door and freaks out when she sees the hole through the door. Mac slide his dick through the whole and she's in shocked but likes it. We get to see her playing with his dick and even fucking it through the door. JMac finally brings her in the house where he gives her a hard pounding from multiple positions. He ends up spreading his cum load all over her face at the end.

Kara Lee 在 'Fucking on the 13th'

Kara Lee - Fucking on the 13th

It's Halloween night and Kara Lee, dressed in a very sexy Little Red Riding Hood costume, is out looking for candy, she approaches a home,  knocks on the door but nobody answers, only a disturbing sound can be heard in the distance, Kara feels attracted by the need to know what is this noise, where is it coming from, she starts walking towards the sound that becomes louder and louder, as she gets closer, she can see a masculine figure chopping wood with a chainsaw, little does she knows, she entered the domain of one of the most terrifying specters, she can't control her impulse and approaches him, touches him on the shoulder and violently he turns his head towards her, he wears a hockey mask, she screams, he attacks her and rips her top, she manages to escape but he starts chasing her until she trips and falls, she wants to save her life, so her only option is surrendering to his sexual desires.

Jennifer Jacobs 在 'Ready Player Cum'

Jennifer Jacobs - Ready Player Cum

Welcome to The Construct, the best game you've ever played. Customize the outfits of your pornstar projections as you take on three classic adult film scenarios. Your objective is to complete your avatar's mission, whether delivering a pizza or laying some pipe, while convincing the hottie to fuck you. If you come on too strong, it'll be game over, but if your approach is just right, you might just persuade both babes to slobber all over your cock in a hot blowjob before begging you to fuck their pussies! You win when they share your cum in a hot facial!

Angelica Cruz 在 'Getting Her Pussy Stretched on The Bus'

Angelica Cruz - Getting Her Pussy Stretched on The Bus

The BangBus is always looking for the next desperate money hungry chick that is willing to take a ride. This time we pulled up on this chick as we were cruising the streets of Miami. This chick seemed scared at first. However, we put her mind at ease when we offered her some bullshit modeling job. She fell for it and not long after she was flashing us her tits. Once she jumped in the bus, It was easier to get her to do what ever we wanted to. This chick ended up struggling to fit Jmac's cock in her pussy. Her pussy got stretched further than ever before. She took that cock in several different positions before getting her face glazed in cum. After we used her, it was time to lose her.

Gabriela Lopez 在 'Fucking The Hottest Flower Girl'

Gabriela Lopez - Fucking The Hottest Flower Girl

Today we got a great treat for you guys. We found and fuck the best looking flower girl. She says she's helping out her grandma so we helped out by buy all the flowers and offering money so she can send her grandma on vacation. This chick is gorgeous, one we got her inside the van I knew i had to get her naked. We offered money to see her tits and finally offered more to get her fully naked. She has an amazing pair of tits. We caught her looking at JMac so we knew we could get her to suck pretty quickly. She sucks and tit fucked before getting her pussy stuffed by a pro. She got fucked from various positions until he spread his load all over her tits.

Kenzie Reeves 在 'Social Proof'

Kenzie Reeves - Social Proof

Social media influencer Kenzie wants to make the leap to professional slut, but not all of her followers believe that this tiny girl is able to take a porn-sized cock. Kenzie decides to clap back at her haters in a very special new vlog...and she's invited the biggest dick in Florida to fuck all her holes! After measuring up Jmac's massive cock, Kenzie proves herself with a sloppy blowjob followed by getting on all fours to let Jmac pound her pussy doggystyle. Then it's the moment of truth when she tells him to shove that cock in her little asshole, and Kenzie takes a second to boast to her fans "I just took him in all my holes, and I'm not even done yet!" before riding Jmac's cock till she cums! This nasty babe takes his load on her face like a pro and proves she's ready for the big leagues.

Kitty Carrera 在 'Picking Up Hot Ass On The Bus'

Kitty Carrera - Picking Up Hot Ass On The Bus

This time we went out with Jmac to pick up some hot ass, we pulled up on a 20-year-old hottie on her way home, I tried to pick her up, but she wasn't nice to me,  as soon as she saw Jmac she fell for him, her attitude changed, she jumped on the bus and things started to get hot. This chick, wanted to be fucked, so she let Jmac penetrate her in several different positions and at the end, took a giant load to the face. Once she was properly fucked, I dumped her, so probably next time she will be nicer to me.

Paisley Pepper 在 'Pretty Paisley'

Paisley Pepper - Pretty Paisley

On a boring rainy day, there's nothing for petite Southern gal Paisley Pepper to do but watch porn, play with her pussy, and fantasize about taking a really big cock. And there's no cock she wants more than Jmac's! When Paisley arrives on the Reality Kings casting couch for her first time audition, she wastes no time in saying the name of the Latin stud whose massive meat is her deepest fantasy, and speak of the devil, Jmac appears! He's more than happy to give this hottie free rein, letting her do her best to deepthroat his huge dick and then get her pussy nice and wet with his tongue before seeing just how much she can take. This honey is from Texas, so she rides him like a champ before asking him to cum all over her pretty face!

Aspen Rose 在 'Filter Then Fuck Her'

Aspen Rose - Filter Then Fuck Her

A photo shoot with gorgeous blonde Aspen Celeste is always going to be an impressive experience, but even her lucky photographer has no idea how much! As soon as he arrives, Aspen breaks out her bag of tricks: an extensive collection of sex toys and bondage gear that this babe loves to play with when all her friends cum over. After trying out some filters as Aspen poses, Jmac gives Aspen just what she wants, snugging leather cuffs on her wrists and ankles, and tying a rope to her black leather collar. Aspen can't wait to bend over and let Jmac tongue her clit and fuck her deep and hard, and she cums over and over as Jmac spanks her ass and pounds her pussy!

Katana Kombat 在 'Katana Can Dance'

Katana Kombat - Katana Can Dance

Meet sexy Latina Katana Kombat in her first ever porn scene right here at Reality Kings. Katana is a dance instructor with a flawless body honed by many hours of her favorite salsa and ballroom dancing, and she's ready to show off her sexiest moves and even teach stud Jmac a thing or two! Katana shakes her ass and wiggles her hips in her fun and flirty dance outfit, but what Jmac likes best about it is the hot view of her cleavage spilling out of her tight little top. Katana gives Jmac a quick salsa lesson and even leads him around by the cock before he takes the lead and shows her some moves of his own, from doggystyle to cowgirl and even stand and carry!

Ella Knox 在 'Break of Dawn'

Ella Knox - Break of Dawn

Ella slips into her lacy white robe and makes herself a cup of coffee, but it's going to take more than that to get this gorgeous brunette going this morning! As her husband JMac pads back from the shower, wearing only his jeans and looking good enough to eat, Ella suggests that they could be late today, and he likes what she's thinking. Jmac feels a new surge of energy after a passionate embrace, and he lifts Ella high in the air for an upside-down 69 before sliding his cock deep inside her pussy, starting their day off right!

Sommer Isabella 在 'Forget Cleaning, Show Me Your Assets'

Sommer Isabella - Forget Cleaning, Show Me Your Assets

Sommer Isabella is today's maid to convince into getting naked. She's super hot and i talk to her as she cleans around the house. I told her why I'm recording her and she was cool with it so i moved on to being mr nice. I finally found the perfect time to ask if she would clean naked for more cash, it took a bit of convincing to get it to do it but she agreed. We get to see her amazing tits and great ass. Things get interesting when i took her upstairs. I started playing with my cock as she cleaned and got her to get comfortable with it. With more money offering she starts playing with my cock. She gives a good hand job that leads to a blowjob. I get to feel her tight pussy from multiple positions until i spread my load in her mouth.

Michele James 在 'Book Nerd Gets Fucked on The Bus'

Michele James - Book Nerd Gets Fucked on The Bus

This week the bus puled up on this nerdy cutie sitting by a tree reading a book. We made up some shit about paying people to review books. She seemed very interested, until we started asking questions about her pierce nipples that were visible through her shirt. She stormed off but we caught up with her and eventually convinced her with some dough to hop in the bus. Inside the bus it was game on son, we quickly got her to show us her big ass tits. Not long after, Jmac was stretching her pussy with his cock. This chick took a a good ol' fucking right before we dumped her on the side of the road.

Paisley Rae 在 'Sleepover Cheat'

Paisley Rae - Sleepover Cheat

There's nothing worse than being the first one up the morning after a sleepover and having to keep yourself entertained, so when Paisley opens her eyes first on the floor of her bestie's room, she pulls out her phone and starts quietly scrolling some porn and double-clicking her own mouse. Her BFF doesn't wake up, but her boyfriend Jmac does, and Paisley silently asks him to let her eat his cock for breakfast! The cheating pair try their best to keep their voices down, but as blonde Paisley rides Jmac's big cock, it isn't easy not to squeal with pleasure! After cumming all over Paisley's stomach, Jmac sneaks back into bed, but this sleepover isn't over yet!

Ivy Wolfe 在 'Devoured By The Wolfe'

Ivy Wolfe - Devoured By The Wolfe

Shy schoolgirl Ivy really wants to fuck JMac but doesn't know how to seduce him. After phoning her sluttier friend for advice, she calls JMac to come over. Once the tall, muscular stud arrives with the book she asked for, Ivy immediately transforms from meek darling to man-eating Wolfe! Ivy devours JMac's huge cock in a sloppy blowjob, then takes every inch and asks for more as he fucks her so hard he makes her eyes roll back in her head. This cock-hungry she-wolf is truly given over to her basest instincts as JMac makes her little pussy cum again and again, until she's howling to taste his jizz!

Annika Eve 在 'Getting Pussy From my Maid'

Annika Eve - Getting Pussy From my Maid

This week we I ordered this made service. A young hottie named Annika showed up at my house ready to clean, but little did she know that I had a different idea in mind. After letting her clean for a little bit I had to ask her if she was down to clean my house naked for some extra dough. She was hesitant but eventually agreed. Once she was naked it was not too difficult to get her to to give me her tight little pussy. I fucked my maid all over my bathroom, in several different positions before unleashing a giant load all over her face.

Angelina Diamanti 在 'Pussy Hunting At The Beach'

Angelina Diamanti - Pussy Hunting At The Beach

JMac is scoping honeys at the beach when he spots a trio of hotties who look like they could use a big manly hand to rub some lotion on their backs. Two of the babes have boyfriends waiting back home, but big-titted brunette hottie Angelina from Dallas is single. She's more than ready to come home with JMac to get some good dick to make her vacation a bit more fun! This babe has incredible big tits that JMac can't wait to squeeze, and she gives an extremely hot blowjob before riding JMac's cock like a mechanical bull! Angelina takes every inch of that dick like a champ before heading back to the beach to give JMac the scoop on which of her besties to set his sights on next.

Luna Star 在 'Miami Car Wash'

Luna Star - Miami Car Wash

It's a hot day at JMac's car wash when sexy Latinas Luna and Sophia roll in looking to get their ride sparkling clean. JMac only gets hotter when the babes step out in their tiny bikini tops and cutoff shorts, watching as JMac hoses down the car. But Luna isn't impressed by his technique, so she grabs the hose and decides to show him a thing or two. Sophia joins in and soon these hot mamacitas have started a water fight. JMac can't believe his eyes when they start stripping down and twerking their big wet booties, but he doesn't hesitate for one second when they invite him to join them so they can play with his hose, too! There's more than enough of JMac's big dick to go around as he bends Luna over the hood to fuck her doggystyle, then gives the flexible Sophia a standing ballerina dicking. They get out of the sun and both hotties lick and suck his cock before riding his dick till he squirts all over their faces.

Alexis Fawx 在 'My Neighbor Is A Squirting Nympho'

Alexis Fawx - My Neighbor Is A Squirting Nympho

JMac has noticed his hot MILF neighbor Alexis wearing super tight dresses that show off her huge fake tits--how could he not? But when he brings a buddy over to meet her, he finds out that she's way more nasty than he'd ever hoped in his wildest dreams. Alexis has a ton of sex toys just lying around her kitchen, and she's not shy at all to explain that she uses them to make herself squirt. She even offers to give the guys a demonstration! Alexis hops up on the counter and pretty soon the floor is soaked with her squirt as she fucks her pussy with a huge dildo, then tells JMac it's his turn. She gets out his cock and gives it an incredible sloppy blowjob before riding him and throwing her big ass back. Alexis can't get enough until JMac cums on her big boobs!

Ryan Conner 在 'Doing Anal In A Wild Boat Ride'

Ryan Conner - Doing Anal In A Wild Boat Ride

We took Ryan Conner's big booty out on a boat ride today. We checked her amazing huge ass before going to get Jmac so he help her out. Jmac goes nuts when he sees her huge ass until he finally feeds her his dick. She gives a great bj until she finally gets his dick inside her. She got her pussy and big ass fucked until she makes his cum in her mouth.

Sophia Leone 在 'In Public With Latina Beauty Sophia Leone'

Sophia Leone - In Public With Latina Beauty Sophia Leone

You guys have requested and here i am giving it to you guys! Today we bring you Sophia Leone, the super sexy Latina thats down to have some naughty fun whenever and wherever. This chick shows off her amazing body through the streets of South Florida before she gets to taste some dick in hidden place. Jmac had her suck some dick on a bus stop, in the car and even in a random park. There was no stopping once these two got horny and going. We see her getting fucked all over the place with the wildest being in a car wash that we just drove by. Make sure you don't miss this great movie of great sex in random places with the hottest Latina ever.

Amara Romani 在 'Anal Sex Education'

Amara Romani - Anal Sex Education

When a study session with her boyfriend Jmac turns into heavy petting, Amara is longing to go further but doesn't want to break her virginity pledge, so she goes to her new stepmom London for advice. The tall blonde MILF is more than happy to teach Amara about all the fun ways to fool around without putting a cock in her putting one in her ass instead! London licks and fingers her stepdaughter's tight virgin asshole to get it ready, and when Jmac comes looking for his girlfriend, London shows the teens just how to get started with their first ever anal sex, before enjoying Jmac's huge cock for herself!

Cory Chase 在 'Fooling Around Hiddenly Around Town'

Cory Chase - Fooling Around Hiddenly Around Town

Cory Chase comes to have some public fun with us. She shows off her big tits all over town before she meets up with Jmac. The two fool around hidden where we see her sucking on cock and getting fucked. We get a sexy car wash teased from her before finally seen her getting fucked right and long. She takes his cum load in her mouth to finish things off.

Dolly Leigh 在 'Polish That Cock'

Dolly Leigh - Polish That Cock

If blonde teen Dolly wants to make it to the big concert tonight, she's going to need help getting her chores done, but her stepbrother JMac needs some incentive before he'll agree to pitch in. Even twerking her ass and flashing her cute tits doesn't persuade him, but when Dolly offers to suck his dick, her step-bro is all too happy to accept! Impressed by the way his pretty stepsister polishes his cock, JMac sweeps Dolly off her feet for some dirty doggystyle on the floor and fucks her on the kitchen table till she cums over and over. But after he makes a mess of the kitchen and Dolly's face with a huge load, JMac doesn't stick around to clean up!

Mi Ha Doan 在 'Mister Clean And The Messy Mini Mistress'

Mi Ha Doan - Mister Clean And The Messy Mini Mistress

Mi Ha Doan is young, petite and working hard cleaning houses to pay for school. Shes been cleaning for a young married couple lately. The wife is such a bitch! Shes so picky. But her husband is always very nice to Mi Ha. One day while his wife was at the grocery store, she caught him snapping a photo of her while she was cleaning! She doesnt appreciate him taking pics...unless shes getting paid for it. He quickly grabs his wallet and trades dollar bills for items of her clothes. Her perky little tits and sweet ass turn him on and get the blood rushing to hs big cock. He pulls out some more money and then pulls out his cock and feeds it to her. She came over to clean the house, but instead she got fucked hard by Mister Clean himself. She cant clean for shit but she sure does know how to make a mess, with fat, pearly strands of his cream all over her face and lips. As shes leaving, his wife gets home and sees her at the front door...with cum still smeared on her lips. This bitch really cant clean to save her life! Fuming with rage, his wife finds him fast asleep on the sofa, his big, half hard cock lazily leaning against his thigh, a satisfied smile plastered across his sleeping face.

Lena Paul 在 'Rich Girl Gets Greasy'

Lena Paul - Rich Girl Gets Greasy

It was a regular day at the mechanic shop as we worked on the cars and got greasy in the process, all while trying to find ways to rip our customers off! It was a regular day, that is, until this clearly rich bitch stepped into the shop and started acting like she owned the place! This chick was busty as fuck, but man she just wouldn't listen to us at all! She started bossing us around, yelling at us, telling us how we should be doing our jobs. Only, one look at her and we can tell that her husband is too busy making money to fuck his honey! Underneath her rich exterior was a horny slut on the inside, just waiting for us to rip her clothes off and get her completely fucked! When Lena Paul couldn't pay her bill due to the fact that her credit cards were all maxed out, my buddy Jmac and I came up with an alternative to getting her to pay--by flashing us those gigantic titties of hers! Soon, Lena was on to our little game and before long she had Jmac's cock deep down her throat! That'll shut her up! Looks like this rich girl loves to get greasy, because she took Jmac's load all over her like a true professional whore! Let's just hope her husband doesn't find out how much of a slut his busty wife really is! We hope to see the sexy Lena more often at the shop, because she's now our favorite customer!

Lexi Lore 在 'Making Movies'

Lexi Lore - Making Movies

I was minding my own business hanging out at the park. I was out with my camera looking to get some chicks to do some skits--that is, this was my plan to eventually get them to bang! I was hoping to pay them to get these videos to go viral--by maybe posting them to a porn site later that is! I found these two cute petite teens looking scantily clothed. I know it was hot outside but these two ladies only made it hotter! The blonde seemed more interested in my money rather than her friend who seemed put off by my offer to give them cash to see their tits and ass! Lexi Lore was the whore who was down to earn a buck for a fuck! After fooling around in my car for a bit, where this braced faced teen started to suck off my big dick, I drove this blonde teen back to my place where her tight pussy was just eager to get stuffed by my thick dick! I had so much fucking fun banging the fuck out of this petite teen that I'm sure our little sex tape is going to go viral! I really hope to see Lexi fucking on camera again soon because this teen sure knows how to take dick!

Aspen Rose 在 'Amazing Aspen'

Aspen Rose - Amazing Aspen

You've seen her in the nightclub, you've seen her in the streets of Florida, but now welcome to the first time Aspen visited Reality Kings! This lithe 23-year-old from Austin, Texas, has shown up to make an impact on the porn world at large. Aspen breaks the ice by getting right down to it - confessing her love for sex. And that's what we like to hear! Though she's been in numerous multi-year relationships, she always lets herself go a little wild after a break-up. This includes threesomes with close friends, sex in public (including on the steps of a church!), and even letting us in on a post-engagement betrayal involving a sex tape. You can't make this stuff up. And for all the aspiring fans out there, she even drops a little truth about cock size; no matter the size, as long as you know what you're doing, Aspen is going to love every moment of it! When our stunt cock arrives to give her the first taste of porn star dick, aspen hungrily devours it before being bent over for her favorite doggy style position. If you're a fan of First Time Auditions, you know that this is a pretty common claim. But when Jmac is pounding into her, you can see the way Aspen grinds her hips backward, groans without shame, and grasps at the couch… It's all real here, folks.

Ryan Conner 在 'Gets a Creampie by The Pool'

Ryan Conner - Gets a Creampie by The Pool

This week we're joined by Ryan Conner. This chick is the total package, she has a huge pair of tits and a phat ass. We wanted to check out her body while she was inside the water, so we headed to the pool. Her tits just floating under water are a sight to see. Ryan and Jmac couldn't contain themselves and they started fucking in the pool. After a few positions inside the pool they moved moved next to the pool to finish things off. Ryan's phat booty bounced on Jmac's cock until he delivered a huge load right in her pussy

Scarlett Johnson 在 'Perfect Way To Get A Lap Dance'

Scarlett Johnson - Perfect Way To Get A Lap Dance

Today we found a unicorn people!! Jmac wanted to go straight to the beach rather than looking for some ass but good thing we didn't listen. We found a great looking chick taking the walk of shame. I quickly pulled over and talked to her. This chick looks fucking good, i quickly give her some cash to get her attention. After a couple of questions we find out that this redhead is a fucking stripper. Man i was glad since it made it easier to convince. Once inside i get to show off her great tits and give a lap dance. This chick goes crazy after she felt the hard cock and asks if she can touch it. This horny chick gave a great blowjob before Jmac starts fucking her hard. She got fucked hard from multiple positions until cum was placed on her face to get dump outside.

Skyler Nicole 在 'Mechanical Bull Booty'

Skyler Nicole - Mechanical Bull Booty

Can you ride? Skyler can. And she puts on a show while doing it. She completely takes over this dive bar and shows us all how it's meant to be done – a curvy ebony goddess on top, and a bulking beast underneath. Completely under her control. People usually say that good dancers are also good in bed. But I think we all know that good riders are also… Well… Good riders. And Skyler is no exception. Come see her shake, twerk, ride, and whip us into a fervor. Oh, and the bull is just the first part of her riding demonstration. But you probably already knew that, right? What are you waiting for? Giddy-up.

Charity Crawford 在 'Right In The Pussy'

Charity Crawford - Right In The Pussy

What's the best way to get people to pay attention to the important news impacting their communities? Hire a gorgeous reporter, put her in a sexy red pencil skirt, and send her out to get the scoop! We bring you now to hotshot brunette reporter Charity Crawford, who has had enough of trying to go live without some dickhead interrupting her with lewd comments. Or maybe she just needs to give head to some dick, especially when she spots bystander JMac with a cock demanding more of her attention than any news item ever could. Charity tries her best to report on the scene while having her tits felt up, then gets down to blowjob business in her dogged pursuit of the truth. Then Charity bends over her action van, and what comes after gives new meaning to “FHRITP!”

Aurora Roseris 在 'Hitting All The Bases On The Bus'

Aurora Roseris - Hitting All The Bases On The Bus

The bus is out here baby! Lurking the beautiful streets of Miami for some chicks in need of money. We rolled up on this softball player on her way home from a game. We offered her a ride and told her that we were filming a sports documentary. After some convincing, she hopped on the bus. Here, we started flashing the cash like crazy to get her to do more and more. By the end of it she had sucked some mean dick and had gotten her pussy blasted by Jmac. Everything went as usual, until we dropped her off and tossed her all her belongings. Right before we were able to take off, she ran up and smashed out windshield with her softball bat. At least we didn't really give her any money and we can use that to fix our windshield. After that's done, we'll be out there hunting for the next one.

Larem 在 'Larem's First Sex Scene'

Larem - Larem's First Sex Scene

Larem was referred to us by a friend of the good ol Bangbros. She wanted to see what Porn was all about. At 18 years old, we quickly brought her into our office and interviewed her. We wanted to see what Jmac could do to this naturally perky breasted 18 year old and we were not disappointed. He wrecked that pussy in so many positions it's unbelievable. I've actually never seen a girl cum this many times or this hard. She was completely dick drunk by the end of this scene. She even asked for a bag of ice for her pussy when the scene was over. I am hoping we can continue to shoot this beautiful 18 year old amateur.

Julianna Vega 在 'Huge Booty Julianna Vega Riding Cock'

Julianna Vega - Huge Booty Julianna Vega Riding Cock

Julianna Vega returns to AssParade!!! Julianna has one of the best booties in the business. A huge booty perfectly made for ass parade. Jmac and I met up with her as she was jogging. Julianna showed us what she's got. We worshipped her perfect ass for some time before we took her inside so she can take some dick. Julianna's pussy got stretched in several different passions. Her ass bounced up and down on that dick several times. It all culminated with a giant load all over her face, mouth and tits.

Kokohontas 在 'Twerk It'

Kokohontas - Twerk It

This week on Round and Brown, Kokohontas is celebrating Spring Break by twerking all over Miami! Thankfully, we were there to film as the hot ebony pushed the limits of public decency by literally twerking all over the place! Of course, she drew a lot of attention to herself, but this is exactly what she wanted! She even included random passerby in her twerk routine! Then, she ventured into a park where she noticed Jmac sitting on a park bench and got his attention by shaking her twerktastic booty in his face! Then, Jmac brought her back to his place for a private show, which Kokohontas was more than happy to give him! When his cock got rock hard, she took great care of it by sucking it and twerking on it!

Lena Paul 在 'Anal Sexercise'

Lena Paul - Anal Sexercise

If you didn't know porn starlet Lena Paul was a yogi, your eyes are in for a workout: you won't believe how this gorgeous brunette girl twists and contorts her busty body. Who wouldn't want to see Lena's luscious ass squeezed into hot pink yoga tights? JMac certainly thinks it's a sight to behold, so he tears those tights open to get at what he wants, but finds a surprise waiting for him: Lena likes to plug her ass before she gets into plow pose! JMac teaches Lena all about plowing after worshipping her ass, and Lena gives JMac a lesson in advanced yoga poses, like the 69. Lena opens her throat chakra wide for a blowjob, then stretches her tightly toned pussy around JMac's dick. But JMac won't be satisfied until this yoga slut is twisted around like a pretzel while her asshole gets the anal stretching Lena needs to reach nirvana.

Moriah Mills 在 'Round Brown And Soapy Wet'

Moriah Mills - Round Brown And Soapy Wet

Jmac is driving home when he sees hot Ebony vixen Moriah Mills waiting in his driveway with a bucket full of soapy water and a sponge. As soon as Jmac stops the engine, Moriah starts washing his car, which of course includes a lot of twerking! Her method is quite unusual: first, she lathers soap all over her big tits and round ass! Then, she uses her huge ass-ets to scrub the car clean! As she gets soapy wet, her pussy gets dripping wet, so she sprays Jmac with the water hose, forcing him to pull down his pants and reveal the big hard dick he's been hiding! The hot Ebony slut immediately puts her cock-sucking lips to good use, licking and sucking Jmac's cock! Then, they get the car dirty again as he bends her over the hood and fucks her brains out until she squirts!

Ashley Adams 在 'Campside Cheat'

Ashley Adams - Campside Cheat

Jmac has been dragged out of his comfy home for a “character-building” family outing by his father. The only redeeming quality is that his dad's cock-hungry girlfriend, Ashley Adams, has also been forced to attend – giving Jmac a proper natural beauty to be entranced with! Who wants to fish when you could instead be checking out Ashley's nice round tits? Even better, what if you caught her masturbating in the tent? There she lays, stroking her soaking wet pussy as she imagines your cock hardening beneath your shorts! And it seems that Ashley has the same thing on her mind - let's forget his father and have a wild, raunchy, sloppy fuck fest by the fireside! Not even the natural wildlife can drown out this girl's dirty talk as Ashley convinces Jmac to turn this campsite into a cheater's getaway…

Arie 在 'Moving Day'

Arie - Moving Day

Arie is moving to a new apartment and asked for the help of her friend Jmac. While her helpful friend is busy moving boxes out of her room, the hot ebony notices a box caught under the bed. She tries to reach for it but has trouble pulling it out. Jmac to the rescue! But first, he takes the time to enjoy the perfect view of Arie's butt shaking around. Jmac can't help but play with her tight ass as he pulls out the box! Then, Arie backs up into Jmac and gets a feel of his boner! The ebony slut can't resist pulling down Jmac's pants to get a good view of his big hard cock and wraps her perfect lips around it! Of course, her pussy gets dripping wet and Jmac makes sure to get a taste of it before fucking her brains out!

Jane Wilde 在 'Vibrating Panties For Jane'

Jane Wilde - Vibrating Panties For Jane

I went with my buddy Jmac to see his new girlfriend, Jane Wilde. The two met the night of her 18th birthday party and Jmac had a belated gift for her! When we showed up to her house, the petite blonde immediately opened her present: a pair of vibrating panties! We convinced the horny teen to try them on and let Jmac control the remote while we went to run some errands. Of course, Jmac had some fun with it, teasing Jane by triggering the panties while she was walking around! Her pussy got soaking wet from the vibration, so she started masturbating in the car on the way to the flower shop! Once there, she tried to ask for the clerk's advice, but her new panties made it extra hard for her to focus! She returned to the car with a deep craving for cock, which Jmac was happy to fulfill! She sucked his big hard dick, then we drove to a quiet spot where Jmac got a taste of Jane's pussy juice before fucking her brains out!

Nia Nixon 在 'Wet For A Dilf'

Nia Nixon - Wet For A Dilf

Nia Nixon has the hots for Jmac, her hot DILF neighbor. While he's installing a water sprinkler, the horny teen spies on him over the fence while fingering her dripping wet pussy. Then, she throws her brother's football over the fence, giving herself an excuse to venture into Jmac's yard. Desperate for his attention, she walks through the water sprinkler, making sure to get soaking wet! Jmac comes running, offering Nia a towel to dry herself, but the ebony vixen has a better idea: she takes off her wet clothes, exposing her hot teen body to Mr. Mac! Of course, Jmac can't resist Nia's perky tits and hot teen bod! After the slutty teen wraps her cock sucking lips around Jmac's huge cock, the two get wet together as they have a neighborly fuck in the backyard!

Mya Mays 在 'Ass Mate'

Mya Mays - Ass Mate

Tight-ass ebony Mya Mays is looking for some action, and she knows no better way to have fun than… playing chess? Well, maybe she knows one better way to have fun – playing strip chess with her friend, JMac! Mya is new to the game and JMac has her naked in no time. Lucky for Mya, JMac is packing a piece big enough for checkmating. When JMac whips out his bishop it's game time, and Mya can't help but wrap her lips around that member. Mya's strategy is letting JMac facefuck her until he's good and hard, then she mounts that cock and has her way with it. Mya cums all over JMac's dick as he drills her pussy until she's begging for his cum. It's a good thing Mya is better at fucking than she is at chess, because these two sure make a mess of the board… just like JMac makes a mess of Mya's pretty face!

Evelin Stone 在 'Private Island Pussy'

Evelin Stone - Private Island Pussy

Hey people, JMac here. I was out for my run, hoping I might run into this brunette cutie Evelin Stone. As luck would have it she was out for a stroll and she told me she had to go pick up jet skis to meet her friend. I told her I would be into that, we hopped on a jet ski and she wrapped her legs around me. The ride must have had her excited because soon she was flashing her tits and showing off her booty in her tiny little cutoffs. We caught up with Evelin's friend Jessie Wylde, and now I had two hot brunettes eyeing me. Jessie was thirsty from a long day in the sun so these ladies were ready to share my big dick down their throats. Then Evelin sat down on my cock – you have to hear how she squealed when I thrust up into her – and Jessie rubbed her clit until it was her turn to have her pussy pounded. After the girls had had their fill, they sucked every last drop of cum out of my dick. I've had threesomes before, but this was public fucking for the history books.

Stephanie West 在 'Fucking Dentist Appointment'

Stephanie West - Fucking Dentist Appointment

Jmac has taken his sexy girlfriend Stephanie for a check-up at the dentist office, where his best buddy Sean Lawless happens to be the tooth doctor! Jmac knows that Stephanie is a kinky slut, and just one look at her pretty face and perky tits and you'll know why, but now he's finally ready to see how dirty she can get — especially if it means taking two dicks at once! Wanting to keep this a surprise for his slut, Jmac and Sean trade places as they sneakily give Stephanie each of their dicks, hoping that she'll be able to tell the difference! But with the number of cocks Ms. West has sucked and fucked over her lifetime, she can't tell the difference and the guys continue to keep her guessing! Will Stephanie be pleasantly surprised to find out her boyfriend's set her up with the double dicking she's been craving? Of course she will — she loves getting drilled by the dentist! Sean and Jmac give Stephanie the spit roasting that she's been waiting for as they drill her mouth and dripping wet pussy simultaneously! Looks like Stephanie didn't just find a new dentist, she found a new doctor to give her some dick, too!

Krissy Lynn 在 'and JMac in Naughty Office'

Krissy Lynn - Naughty Office

Krissy Lynn knows something's up with her employee JMac because she saw a few social media posts of his griping about his job. She calls him in to confront him about it, and he just tells her he's really stressed out over things and was just blowing off steam. Krissy doesn't want to lose him as an employee, so she tells him she's working on getting yoga classes at the office, not to mention mediation and healthy snacks and smoothies there. But the best thing she can offer – and does – is sex! JMac can't believe, especially him being a married man and Krissy being his boss. But, you gotta do what the boss says…even if it means fucking her on the desk at the office!

Sophia Leone 在 'and JMac in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Sophia Leone - My Sisters Hot Friend

Slobs! JMac's sister has left another mess in his kitchen, and he's getting tired of it. He's constantly cleaning up after her, and now he's ready to kick her and her friend Sophia Leone out of his house! Sophia rolls in to grab some water before heading out to meet his sister, but when she hears the news, she's jawdropped. It's dropped so wide open that she's ready for JMac's big dick to fit inside it if he'll just give them some more time to clean up their act! And even though it doesn't quite fit all the way in there, it's still a nice blowjob from his sister's hot Latina friend! Pretty soon he's bending her over the kitchen counter and fucking her doggystyle, bouncing off her fat ass like he's always wanted to. Is that worth allowing his messy-ass sister to stay a few more months? You tell us!

Lexi Luna 在 'and JMac in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Lexi Luna - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

There's something to be said for being single. JMac is five hours fresh out of a relationship, and he's as happy as can be. But his ex-girlfriend's friend Lexi Luna is not. She tells JMac that his ex is a nightmare when she's single, dragging her out to party and try to get dick at all hours of the night, and that he HAS to get back with her. But J's enjoying bachelorhood so far, and has no reason to look back. But that's when Lexi gives him two reasons: big tit 1 and big tit 2! Yup, she's willing to let him play and suck on her big tits a few times a months if he gets back with his ex so she doesn't drag Lexi into her single-lady train wreck. Sounds like a plan to JMac! And it gets better when she asks him if he's ever thought of fucking her, and suggests he does! Keep your girlfriend and fuck her big-breasted best friend a few times a month…he needs to go play the lottery!

Lily Rader 在 'and JMac in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Lily Rader - My Friend's Hot Girl

When a girl suspects her boyfriend of cheating, what does she do? Snoop around, of course! Which is why Lily Rader is scanning through JMac's emails and accounts on his computer. Not because he's her man, but because he's best friend's with her boyfriend, and also his business partner. She's curious about all the expensed hotels and dinners she sees on the accounts details. And when JMac gets home and discovers she's been rifling through his life online, he confronts her about it. But he isn't about to give his friend up, which turns out to be either the wrong move or the right move, because that's when Lily takes off her top! Plying J with her tits and big fat ass, Lily knows she'll get answers from him AND his big cock! And he does dick her down dutifully, like a guy's best friend should, but after the cums all over her face he also tells her that her man isn't cheating on her – ohhhhhhhh!

Kimber Lee 在 'and JMac in Naughty Rich Girls'

Kimber Lee - Naughty Rich Girls

Rich girl Kimber Lee wants the walls in her home painted eggshell, no matter what her dad says! That's what she tells the painter who's about to roll satin all over them. But he's only doing what Daddy Richbucks is paying him to do, so he's not too worried about what Kimber's telling him. When the spoiled brat hears that, she throws a tantrum and tells the painter she's going to get him fired! The tradesman can only mutter under his breath that this rich chick needs to get laid, but Kimber's selective hearing kicks in and she demands he pull out his cock. She can't believe the painter has a big dick, so she sucks and fucks it, making him pound her big ass until he paints her face eggshell with his cum!

Carolina Sweets 在 'and JMac in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Carolina Sweets - My Friend's Hot Girl

JMac can't control himself when it comes to his buddy's girlfriend's underwear. He's letting them stay at his place during their vacation, but when his homie's girl Carolina Sweets is sorting through her clothes trying to decide what to wear for the cookout, he eyes her panties while her boyfriend is out and even snags them for his own sniffing pleasure! He can't even wait to start jerking off to them, so he does so in the kitchen, but Carolina catches him in the act. He wants her to not divulge what she witnessed to her boyfriend, but Carolina wants something in return — J's big dick! Her boyfriend isn't packing like hie is, so she wants to know what it's like to be deepthroated and fucked by a fat cock!

Shae Celestine 在 'Shae The Dick Sucker'

Shae Celestine - Shae The Dick Sucker

Just wait until you see pretty-eyed Shae Celestine. She's 19, brunette, built like a model… but don't let her cute face fool you. In her red bra, black miniskirt, and holdup stockings, Shae's the naughty teen slut we all dream about. This self-confessed “porn addict” tells us all about her experiences playing with girls, giving blowjobs for rides, and provoking orgies in her dorm room. This green-eyed beauty teases with her tight ass and long sexy thighs, before showing us how wet the camera is making her as she plays with her pussy. So is she as good as advertised? JMac stops by to test her out, and you can tell she likes the attention to her tits and pussy. But not as much as she likes rolling JMac's dick up and down her tongue. Shae looks supercute gagging on cock for the first time and sounds even hotter when she's thrusting during doggystyle. She squeals and moans as JMac's dick stretches her out and ends up covered with a big thick cumload. You can thank us later.

Kinsley Anne 在 'My Girlfriend Gets Revenge'

Kinsley Anne - My Girlfriend Gets Revenge

Sure, pale dark-haired Kinsley Anne seems sweet and innocent, but a little advice: never break this teen nympho's heart! Having found out that her boyfriend cheated on her, Kinsley decides to make him a nice video—of herself fucking someone else's brains out! And not just anyone, her boyfriend's father! Kinsley plans on showing her dark side to her pathetic soon to be ex-boyfriend: she dolls herself up in black lingerie, fishnets, and slutty makeup before sucking and fucking a dildo so her boyfriend can see what he'll be missing. After, she calls his dad JMac over so she can smother his face with her pussy. Next she sucks and fucks JMac's much bigger dick… all while giving her boyfriend the finger, with some small penis humiliation thrown in. Take a look at what wild, slutty Kinsley won't be giving him anymore. Take that, you bastard!

Moriah Mills 在 'XXX-POSED'

Moriah Mills - XXX-POSED

We hope you're ready for some hot bootylicious action because Moriah Mills is back! This time, she's up to no good and she's not gonna let anything stop her! It was a scorching hot day in Florida, but the curvy ebony managed to make things even hotter as she ran around town, posing for photos and pushing the limits of public decency! We followed Moriah as she flashed her big tits and twerked her amazing ass up and down the streets of Fort Lauderdale! After a while, she was getting hot and horny, so she went skinny dipping in the ocean. We promised her a surprise, so we took her to meet Jmac in the park! The Instaslut immediately started sucking his big cock in public! After they almost got caught, we returned to our studio where Jmac got a taste of Moriah's dripping wet pussy! Then, she twerked her massive ass on his cock as he fucked her brains out!

Marilyn Mansion 在 'and JMac in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Marilyn Mansion - My Friend's Hot Girl

When JMac catches his buddy's girlfriend Marilyn Mansion dancing to music in her earbuds while cleaning in the kitchen, he bombs her with singles like she's a stripper! Marilyn's embarrassed but she plays it cool, even when J starts hitting on her while her boyfriend isn't around. He's always wanted just one little kiss from her, so Marilyn decides to give him what he wants if it'll shut him up and leave her alone. So she does…and it turns into her getting her little pink pussy getting obliterated by his massive cock! Marilyn's tongue goes from inside J's mouth to all around his dick and balls before they slam her from behind, making her big natural tits bounce and flop all over the place! One innocent kiss is all it takes…and then your buddy's chick has cum all over her lips!

Victoria June 在 'and JMac in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Victoria June - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Mo' money, mo' money, mo' money! J is crankin' out fake bills like it's his job, and it may soon be because he's planning on making all kinds with his counterfeits! But if he doesn't, he plans on banging girls-a-plenty at the strip club. His girlfriend doesn't know that, but her friend Victoria June does now after walking in on him printing funny money. She knows his scheme and threatens to exposes his phony ass to his woman…unless he gives her that big dick she's heard all about! Rumor is at the club that J's got monster meat, and Victoria knows she can get a piece of it if she plies him with her big tits. J's a sucker for giant jugs, and once Victoria pulls them out and gets J's huge cock in her wet pussy, she's got him in her hand like a stack of bills!

Monica Asis 在 'and JMac in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Monica Asis - My Wife's Hot Friend

When friends are down, you bring them up…and sometimes also to have sex with them. Which is exactly what scandalous-ass JMac's trying to do with his friend's wife Monica Asis. She's all bummed because her pooch recently swallowed his last dog bone, so J takes advantage of the situation and brings her a painting of her dog, in hopes to score some extra feely-touchy points with her. And guess what? His idiocy worked! Monica can't thank J enough for the gesture, so she starts feeling all over his big dick! We can't believe it either. Nor can we believe the bangin' bod on the sexy Latina! Her perky natural tits and tight body and ass are perfect for J's big dick to pound. And Monica shows off that she can suck cock like a champ! RIP Sparky!

Olivia Lua 在 'Heavyweight Hardcore'

Olivia Lua - Heavyweight Hardcore

Olivia Lua wants to train for a triathlon and, based on her brother's recommendation, has enlisted the help of Jmac, a heavyweight boxing champ. Jmac is happy to help her train and show her how to properly lift weights. However, Olivia seems more interested in Jmac's big cock than his advices! In fact, the horny slut finds a way to turn every one of her trainer's instruction into an opportunity to tease him! Despite Olivia's numerous innuendos, Jmac remains professional, forcing her to step up her game! He eventually shows off how strong he is by lifting her up like he would do with free weights, which only gets the athletic babe wetter! That's when Olivia makes her moves, giving him no choice but to finally succumb to the horny girl's charms! The training session then turns into a fucking session as Olivia sucks and fucks her trainer's huge cock!

Kelsi Monroe 在 'and JMac in American Daydreams'

Kelsi Monroe - American Daydreams

Did somebody order a hooker? Fuck yes! That's what dreamy Kelsi Monroe asks her boyfriend JMac after real Kelsi Monroe storms out on him when she discovers he's been making late-night phone calls to ladies of the night. But in J's dream, big-booty Kelsi gets paid to get him laid! Her big fat ass shakes and wakes him up, and informs him that his wish is her command. Kinky Kelsi gets to sucking J's big dick right away, and she deepthroats it so far that she gags and kicks until she can't take anymore! And that's when she spreads her legs high and wide for J to shove his hard, lubed-up cock deep into the sultry depths of her hot wet pussy! Kelsi and her meaty buttcheeks take a pounding every which way as J piledrives his prick into her before cumming all over her beautiful smile. Until, that is, he's awakened by reality Kelsi, screaming at him once again.

Blake Morgan 在 'Milf Craves Young Cock'

Blake Morgan - Milf Craves Young Cock

Jmac receives a phone call from Blake Morgan, his buddy Cody's mom, inviting him to a surprise party for Cody. Of course Jmac is happy to attend. However, when he shows up to Blake's house, he soon finds out the horny MILF has other intentions! First, she greets Jmac wearing only lingerie, then she pushes him on the couch and starts masturbating for him! After her delightful surprise show, she pounces on him and buries his face in her big tits before tit fucking him! Tired of her boring husband, Blake only has one thing in mind: getting Jmac's big cock deep inside her. How could Jmac say no to such a request? After all, it's not every day you get to fuck your best friend's mom! To show how serious she is, Blake wraps her luscious lips around Jmac huge rod. Then, Jmac is happy to fuck the MILF's brains out after licking her dripping wet pussy!

Vera Bliss 在 'Suck On This'

Vera Bliss - Suck On This

Vera Bliss has an oral fixation—she constantly needs something in and around her mouth! So when there's no cock around for horny Vera to suck on, she settles for lollipops. She has an appointment with Jmac, her new dentist, who tells her he doesn't want her to suck on sugary pops! Thankfully, he has a healthier alternative to offer Vera – his big cock! The slutty teen is happy to show him the result of years of sucking practice as she gets down on her knees to put her cock-sucking lips to good use! Then, Vera hops on the chair as Jmac licks her tight juicy pussy while her dad wait for her in the waiting room! The horny teen tries to remain quiet while getting her pussy pounded by her dentist! Will she manage to contain her moans or will they alert her father that something is going on in the examination room?

Moriah Mills 在 'Pool Hall Twerk'

Moriah Mills - Pool Hall Twerk

Curvy ebony Moriah Mills is ready to get down and dirty as she looks to clean up at the billiards table. You may have heard of pool sharks, but all Moriah wants to do is show you how much she loves to twerk her bootylicious ass in her sexy pink lingerie! This curvy cutie is ready to rack some balls—with her fantastic tits and ass, that is! And JMac comes along give this hustler exactly what she needs. JMac worships Moriah's bouncy tits and juicy pussy, then lets Moriah chalk up his cue tip with her mouth. Moriah hops up on the table for a gaming room doggystyle deep-dicking. These two fuck until they're snookered. My magic 8ball is telling me JMac will give Moriah all she can handle, all over her big sexy ass. Would you like to take on Moriah?

Lia Ezra 在 'Lia Needs It Now'

Lia Ezra - Lia Needs It Now

Blue-eyed brunette stunner Lia Ezra's girlfriend told her about the cum fiesta, and this curious teen had to come find out. Lia tells JMac the special password, and he can see just how sexy Lia's curves are in her minidress. Within seconds, this nympho slut is pulling up her skirt, climbing on the bed, and frigging her pretty pink pussy. Horny Lia wants to know what JMac is waiting for, so she shakes her tits and ass and masturbates for the camera until JMac can't take it anymore and he tears off her underwear. Lia's impatient and hungry for cock, and she positively moans around JMac's dick. In between squeals, she demands JMac fuck her harder and declares her love for big dicks. Then she asks for JMac's special cum fiesta sauce. Lia had a blast (all over her face and hair), and she'll be sure to tell her girlfriends!

Sami St. Clair 在 'and JMac in Naughty Athletics'

Sami St. Clair - Naughty Athletics

Sami St. Clair is working with her personal trainer to get into shape, but she's so depressed from her break-up with her boyfriend that when her trainer sends her off on a run, she makes a pit stop to pick up a box of glazed donuts! Her trainer catches her stuffing her face with pastries, then brings her back to her place to give her a talking-to. But Sami only knows of one thing that'll help her get over her ex: getting under her trainer! He's hesitant at first, but when Sami wraps her lips around his big dick, her trainer is ready to make her sweat! After several sets of thrusting and pumping, he gives her all the glaze and frosting she wants by cumming all over her tongue!

Naomi Woods 在 'Jogging For Dick'

Naomi Woods - Jogging For Dick

Naomi Woods is jogging down the road and working up a sweat in her yoga pants, sports bra, and sneakers, when some frat bros drive by, hazing their pledge. Naomi can't believe their eyes: the boys have thrown a naked stranger out of their ride… and he's hung! Friendly Naomi invites JMac home for some hospitality, but when they get inside Naomi won't let him get dressed either. Instead, she measures his dick against her cheek, and deep throats his cock. After a long, sloppy blowjob, Naomi squeals on JMac's dick as she rides it reverse cowgirl. Then Naomi bends over and JMac eats her ass before some deep-dick doggystle. JMac tosses lithe Naomi around on his dick, and she bounces her pussy up and down like only an athletic girl can. JMac leaves her drooling jizz, and Naomi helps him send a naughty message to his friends. This is one hazing that backfired!

Nina Skye 在 'Nipple Spinning'

Nina Skye - Nipple Spinning

Twenty-one year-old blue-eyed redhead Nina Skye is auditioning for a pornographic film role. This stunning kindergarten teacher loves to be on camera, and she knows how to have fun: with fidget spinners attached to her nipples! Too bad her new friend JMac isn't much good at spinning them, so he finds another way to help Nina unwind. Nina sucks his cock, then gets ready to take it in her pretty pink pussy. JMac isn't much good at fidget spinning, but he sure is great at piledriving! And Nina shows the camera just how gorgeous she looks having her pigtails pulled and her pale ass smacked during doggystyle. Nina likes the action so much she sticks out her tongue to taste JMac's cum – but uncoordinated JMac blows it right in her eye! This is one wild and whacky audition.

Quinn Wilde 在 'and JMac in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Quinn Wilde - My Friend's Hot Girl

Tomato, potato! Quinn Wilde gets BUSTED by her boyfriend's pal J while she's sucking some other dude's cock in a car! He calls her out and tells her that he's calling her man and ratting her out, but Quinn reminds him that they kissed a while back while in a different state of mind at a party. Not the same thing, says J! But Quinn makes it worth his while not to call his friend by offering to suck his big dick. No way J can pass that up from his friend's hot girl, especially when it comes with a nice hard fuck and blasting his load in her mouth!

Kenzie Taylor 在 'Bossy Boobies'

Kenzie Taylor - Bossy Boobies

Oh no! Quarterback JMac is fumbling the big game and now the owner's bossy daughter, Kenzie Taylor, is giving him what for! Too bad he can't focus on the plays with her big bouncy boobies staring him in the face. Kenzie decides the only way to help him get it together is shock treatment: she smothers his face with her tits, then makes him promise not to tell anyone when she drops down for a blowjob. Kenzie loves this quarterback's cock so much she gives it a titfucking, then rides that dick with her pussy. JMac shows Kenzie all the right moves as she puts him through the paces. It's one heckuva halftime show!

Kiley Jay 在 'Cheaters Delight'

Kiley Jay - Cheaters Delight

Kiley Jay is chilling in her room, masturbating. She's trying really hard to get off, but can't seem to bring herself over the edge. All of a sudden, she hears moaning coming from her mother's bedroom. Knowing her mother isn't home, she jumps to the conclusion that her stepdad, JMac, is cheating on her mom!! How could he!? She calls her mom panicking and leaves a voicemail… but when she peeks into the bedroom, she catches her stepdad jerking off to porn… he's not cheating at all. Fuck! JMac covers himself up, but Kylie finds the whole thing kind of exciting… in fact, she's really turned on. This is just what she needed to get off. She seduces her stepdad. The irony? Well, her step-dad wasn't cheating in the slightest… until she made him.

Victoria Vargaz 在 'Sweet Salsa'

Victoria Vargaz - Sweet Salsa

Victoria Vargaz is a dance instructor working on her moves in the park. The hot Latina catches the attention of Jmac who happens to be jogging nearby. Enticed, he watches her sweet moves and asks if she would give him lessons so he can impress his friends at their wedding. She agrees and they attempt some dance moves in the park. After Victoria suggests they go back to her house so she can show him more 'specialized' moves, they leave the park for a spontaneous hot-stranger hook-up. Things heat up even more when Jmac gets a lapdance from the slutty Latina. She strips off her clothes and pulls down the lucky jogger's shorts, revealing Jmac's huge cock which she can't wait to suck before he uses it to pound her dripping wet pussy!

Willow Winters 在 'Willows Little Secret'

Willow Winters - Willows Little Secret

The wonderful Willow Winters has a dirty secret she's eager to share: she fucking loves porn! And not just any porn, what Willow loves the most is watching big, massive cocks fucking tight, petite teen pussies! Willow loves to look good and although this busty teen might be lacking in sexual experience, she makes up for with enthusiasm and a love for getting fucked! Willow made sure that she looked good because this innocent looking girl is actually a sexual freak! With a sweet round ass and a need to masturbate on a nightly basis, Willow's looking to get more sexual experiences which is the biggest reason--other than big dicks--that this cutie came to get creamed! With her admiration for big cocks, we decided to make this tempting teen's dreams cum true--by giving her the biggest dick we could find! All that was left was for Willow to blow and bang, and after watching her sweet tits and bootylicious ass bounce on Jmac's dick, we hope to see the wild Ms. Winters more often!

Holly Hendrix 在 'and JMac in My Girl Loves Anal'

Holly Hendrix - My Girl Loves Anal

Caught buggplug-handed! Holly Hendrix starts experimenting with anal sex toys in the shower and her boyfriend J comes home and catches her! but he's so turned on by it that he pulls out his big dick to give Holly the real thing! She blows him good and gets his cock nice and stiff to go straight up her butt!

Dakota 在 'and JMac in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Dakota - My Sisters Hot Friend

Maybe a splash of cold water is what Dakota Skye needs to calm her urge of cock? Maybe not!

Olivia Austin 在 'Shoe Fetish'

Olivia Austin - Shoe Fetish

Olivia Austin has a shoe fetish, but her penny-pinching husband will only let her get one new pair. Torn between the two pairs she likes, she asks for Jmac's opinion and receives unexpected foot appreciation. This gives Olivia an idea and she offers to indulge Jmac's foot fetish if he agrees to give her a discount. To help persuade him, she makes sure he notices she is not wearing any underwear under her dress! Jmac is happy to suck Olivia's beautiful feet while she fingers her dripping wet pussy. The horny MILF almost gets caught by her husband while giving Jmac a foot job, but they don't let this stop them! Quite the contrary! Olivia can't wait to deep throat the massive cock before fucking it with her huge tits! Then, Jmac finally gets to give the slutty MILF a good deep dicking! Will it be enough to convince him to give her a discount?

Jade Amber 在 'How Fitting'

Jade Amber - How Fitting

The beautiful Jade Amber has gone shopping for some new clothes. Only, Jade's not actually in the store to shop. You see, Jade's a world famous webcam girl who loves showing off her perky tits while toying around in public settings! When Jade goes into the changing room to put on a show for all her online followers, she catches the attention of store manager Jmac--who can't help but want to spy on this sneaky slut! But when the paying customers begin to complain about the wait for the changing room, Jmac has to step in and tell the promiscuous Jade to hurry the fuck up! But when the amazing Ms. Amber sees Jmac's big cock in his pants, she wants to take her time sucking his cock behind the curtain! Jade's dripping wet pussy was just hoping for a big dick to suck and fuck and looks like her private webcam video will be getting a big boost--because this tempting teen loves sucking and fucking huge cocks!

Olivia Lua 在 'and JMac in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Olivia Lua - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

There's a problem with old age -- it makes you limp. Yeah, it happens to the best of us, and will continue to. And when it does, things change. Like when it happened to Olivia Lua's older boyfriend, she made a change: she fucked his son. She hadn't been laid in a week, which meant the world was ending, so she complained to her flaccid boyfriend's younger, harder, higher libido-er son, and he did his ol' pops a big, big favor and, well, fucked his woman. For him.

Jillian Janson 在 'and JMac in I Have a Wife'

Jillian Janson - I Have A Wife

Jillian Janson is always looking out for her friends. She lives with her friend, and she always hears her screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night. So, Jillian confronts her friend's husband J and tells him that she doesn't like the way he's been treating her. He laughs and tells Jillian that there's nothing wrong, it's just his big dick that makes her scream like a banshee when they're fucking all night long! Jillian doesn't believe him, so…DING! DING! DING! However, J makes Jillian scream a different way, but giving her anal sex! Yup, big dick in her tight little asshole, all the while his wife is picking up breakfast for him!

Megan Rain 在 'Anal Gamer'

Megan Rain - Anal Gamer

Beautiful Megan Rain really wants to get fucked, only her boyfriend Jmac is too distracted by his video games. Megan's so fucking horny that she just wants to get her pretty, dripping wet pussy pounded by her boyfriend's big dick! But too bad he's hooked on video games to notice Megan's skimpy outfit with a G-string thong that shows off her amazing ass! Nothing's going to stop Megan from having a little fun as she has her way with him even while he's mashing buttons. But when Megan takes the controller from Jmac, he decides to play with her tight asshole—to Megan's pleasant surprise, that is! Ms. Rain gets so turned on that she drops the controller and gets the anal sex she's been craving! Jmac stuffs Megan's holes and plows her pussy before sticking it deep inside her ass for the anal bliss this gamer girl couldn't wait for! Looks like Megan Rain just took sex to a new hole level!

August Ames 在 'and JMac in I Have a Wife'

August Ames - I Have A Wife

JMac's psychotic secretary August Ames is actually so psychotic that she made a copy of his house key and entered without him knowing, simply because she's obsessed with him. She hides when he arrives home, but then pounces on him when he's least expecting it! He's a married man and tries to fend her off, but he can't but help be attracted to her psycho-obsessive tendencies, not to her mention her big natural tits. And once she shows him how she likes to choke on his big dick, it's game over. He's absolutely no match for her tan lines on her magnificent big ass, and the crazy just keeps coming until he's cumming all inside her mouth.

Harley Jade 在 'Banging Dat Booty'

Harley Jade - Banging Dat Booty

Curvy cutie Harley Jade is one of those thick chicks that you just can't wait to see take a hard cock deep inside her tight pussy. With a round and beautiful bubble butt, its no surprise that Harley loves to show off her amazing ass as she twerks in a skimpy leotard. This anal queen is just dying for a nice, big cock to stuff not only her dripping wet pussy but her tight asshole too! After Harley bounces up and down on the trampoline with her big tits and P.H.A.T. booty, she catches the attention of Jmac, who steps in ready to lick her ass from behind! After several moments of worshipping Ms. Jade's amazing ass, Jmac shows off his hard dick to this curvy cock craving slut as Harley finally gets to have her pussy pounded--and her tight ass stuffed for an anal penetration she soon won't forget! We love watching Haley beg for anal sex because as this sexy slut will attests--there's nothing that she loves more than getting her booty banged!

Ava Hardy 在 'Stretchy Pussy'

Ava Hardy - Stretchy Pussy

Twenty-three year old blonde cutie Ava Hardy has always had a fascination with big dicks. She absolutely loves massive cocks and the idea of sucking one gets her pussy dripping wet! Ava has what she considers to be a magical pussy--because she loves getting her pussy stretched while getting pounded by a big dick! With her perky tits and beautiful eyes, we couldn't wait to see Ava show us what she can do with the cock she's been craving! Luckily for Ms. Hardy, Jmac couldn't wait to see her pretty pussy in action! Jmac dove right into Ava's pussy, eating her out as this tempting teen moaned with pleasure while fondling her tits. It's when Jmac got up and whipped out his cock that Ava really went to work! We look forward to seeing Ava Hardy making her mark in the adult entertainment industry because this sexy slut is fantastic at sucking and fucking massive cock!

Emily Mena 在 'and JMac in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Emily Mena - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

While lazy J is searching around for the TV remote in between the couch cushions, he comes across quite the interesting discovery: a bra that isn't his woman's! But at the size of the garment, he deduces right away it must belong to his chick's friend Emily, because she has the big tits to fill it! He starts jackin' to it right away, which is perfect timing because Emily walks in on him. He tries to deny anything and everything up and down, but Emily knows that he isn't a match for her massive jugs. So out they come and pretty soon, J cums, too — all over them!

Raylin Ann 在 'My Friends Slutty Sister'

Raylin Ann - My Friends Slutty Sister

Nineteen-year-old cutie Raylin Ann has been craving a big cock all afternoon. She's been waiting around the living room wearing nothing but a tight shirt and an even tighter set of panties. Raylin passes the time by looking at dick pics on her phone, but that only makes this sexy teen even hornier for some cock! Raylin gets a surprise when her brother's friend Jmac stops by. Raylin can't help but think that Jmac is the dick she's been desiring, so she tries her best to get his attention! Raylin bends over, teasing her perfectly round booty to Jmac, but he doesn't notice that her sweet ass is in his face! So when Raylin sits down on the couch looking to pounce on Jmac's cock, he's not sure if its a good idea to fool around with his best friend's slutty sister! So when Raylin follows Jmac to the bathroom to take a pic of his dick for her collection, Jmac finally gets the point: this horny teen just wants a really big cock deep inside her dripping wet pussy! Jmac lifts off Raylin's shirt, revealing her perfect tits as he realizes how much he wants to fuck his friend's sister! Raylin sucks Jmac's dick and rides his cock like the real slut she is as she finally gets the dicking she's been waiting for all fucking day! But will Raylin's brother catch these two in the act?

Kenzie Reeves 在 'Showing Kenzie A Good Time'

Kenzie Reeves - Showing Kenzie A Good Time

They say time flies when you're having fun, but for Kenzie Reeves, she's bored with all the time in the world. While waiting for her mom to come home with the car so that she can go shopping, Kenzie has to figure out to do for a couple of hours. This sexy petite teen doesn't want to study for her college exams, she much rather kill some time by sucking her boyfriend's cock! Horny Kenzie teases Jmac by sending him some naughty nudes of herself putting her slutty mouth to good use--by deep-throating her dildo! Kenzie decides to strip out of her clothes and tease her boyfriend by just showing her tight pussy underneath her bed sheets! So when Jmac arrives, he notices how wet his girlfriend's pussy is and decides to slide his big dick between her luscious pussy lips! Kenzie loves getting fucked, and now she knows what to do whenever she has to wait--suck and fuck some cock for a quick date! Now Kenzie knows the truth: time flies when you're deep-throating some dick!

Keisha Grey 在 'and JMac in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Keisha Grey - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Keisha Grey knows where it's at! She's buying all kinds of stuff on her boyfriend's credit card — she's got to keep looking good somehow! But when her boyfriend's son JMac finds out what's going on, he storms over to her as she's sunning near the pool and confronts her about the ridiculous credit card bill that's gonna bankrupt his pops. But Keisha knows how to handle the situation — with her fat big ass and big natural tits! She knows J can't resist her bubble butt and big boobs, especially when she flaunts them and tells him she wants to suck his big dick, too! Keisha persuades J to forget about the credit card even more when she asks if he wants a taste of her asshole, just like she gives to dear ol' dad. J's got no problem giving his dad's girlfriend the anal pounding she wants. Like father, like son!

Aidra Fox 在 'and Keisha Grey and JMac in 2 Chicks Same Time'

Aidra Fox - 2 Chicks Same Time

Aidra Fox still has a bone to pick with her boyfriend JMac after he whipped out his big dick in front of her coworker at their barbecue the other night! So much so that she decides to fuck with him and makes him pull it out in front of her best friend Keisha Grey. He pays his penance, and in doing so impresses Keisha with his monster cock! Aidra takes notice and it turns her on to the point where she wants her friend to get a little taste, too! The two rip off their bikini tops by the pool, inviting J to mosey over to their tits with a big thick boner The party moves inside where the lucky boyfriend gets one sucking his balls while the other gives him a blowjob, followed up with one fat big ass to slam with another one to slap, all before some facepainting for these sexy beauties! This threesome isn't for amateurs…prepare yourself!

Carter Cruise 在 'and JMac in I Have a Wife'

Carter Cruise - I Have A Wife

Beaten by a girl! JMac can't stand that his wife's friend Carter Cruise destroyed him in foosball, and now he wants revenge! He's been practicing since she's been staying over, and when she shoes up again, Carter's ready for round two. Except this time she asks if he'd care to make it interesting by adding a little wager: whoever wins gets to ask for something, whatever it is they want! J's down…until he gets his ass beat again!!! It's time to pay up, and Carter wants one thing: to see for herself if he does have a big dick, or if his wife is just lying! But the sexy little blonde finds out that it's so big, his cock lands in her mouth when it pops out of his shorts! Carter fucks her friend's husband so good that her pierced nipples get so hard they practically pierce him in the heat of the moment!

Kelsi Monroe 在 'Ballerina Booty'

Kelsi Monroe - Ballerina Booty

Kelsi Monroe has gone to see renowned dancing coach JMac for ballet lessons. Kelsi is has always wanted to be a dancer and JMac has decided to give her a private lesson. After some hands-on stretching, JMac wants to see what Kelsi can do, so he lets her take center stage--by twerking and shaking her big, beautiful booty! Kelsi twerks her ass off and teases JMac with her phat ass! After an intense and extremely sexy performance, Kelsi is ready to cool down by sucking and fucking JMac's rock hard cock! This horny slut's dripping wet pussy can't wait to get stuffed by her instructor as Kelsi's perfect ass steals the spotlight as she dances on his big cock!

Vanessa Sky 在 'Cum Inside Fuck Awhile'

Vanessa Sky - Cum Inside Fuck Awhile

Vanessa Sky came by Jmac's place to chill with his sister, but she's running some errands. Jmac offers for Vanessa to come inside and chill while she waits for his sister to get back. But luckily for Jmac, this luscious Latina just wants to get after his big cock! Vanessa's working on her English, but at least she knows fucking is a universal language! Watch as this Spanish slut sucks and fucks Jmac's big dick until she's dripping wet and begging for more! But will Jmac's sister come back and bust them before Vanessa gets a load all over her pretty face?

Lilly Ford 在 'Fast Ass'

Lilly Ford - Fast Ass

Lily Ford was out for an evening of bike riding. But when she took a spill and sprained her knee, she calls out for someone to help her. Luckily for Lily, JMac was working out at the park and rushed over to rescue her. JMac offered to take Lily back to his place where he could help her rest up. Only, Lily was hoping that a big dick like JMac would bring her back to his place because this teen slut just really wants to be manhandled and have her tight pussy spread open and fucked hard! Lily's a kinky slut who just loves to fuck, which is why she wanted something more fun to ride than a bike--a big cock is more her style!

Brooke Beretta 在 'Pussy In Charge'

Brooke Beretta - Pussy In Charge

Brooke Beretta is the busty boss of the office. She's annoyed that her employee, JMac, isn't getting his work done. He seems distracted and Brooke wants to know why. JMac can't stop obsessing over Brooke's beautiful big boobs. JMac can't control himself, or his dick, as he gets rock hard. When Brooke realizes that JMac still hasn't provided her with the documents she needs, she catches him stroking his big cock in the bathroom! Ms. Beretta decides to suck JMac's cock to help him focus on his work. But soon this busty slut wants to have a meating--by getting fucked in the conference room, that is! After all, in this office, Brooke's dripping wet pussy is in charge!

Phoenix Marie 在 'He Likes To Watch'

Phoenix Marie - He Likes To Watch

Hot busty MILF Phoenix Marie loves to get picked up from a club by a younger cock. Luckily for her JMac can't wait to go back to her place and play with this beautiful babe's booty! Phoenix then pushes Jmac down on the couch, ready to suck his big dick dry! Only, when Ms. Marie's ready to slide his cock between her pussy lips, a light in the living room turns on! It's Phoenix's husband who wants a front row view of his slutty wife getting fucked hard! Good thing that his wife never disappoints as Phoenix Marie is eager to prove she's one of the greatest whores of all time!

Cory Chase 在 'New Cock To Fuck'

Cory Chase - New Cock To Fuck

Sierra Nicole has her boyfriend Jmac over for a make-out session. Things get pretty hot and heavy on the couch, but when Sierra's stepmom Cory Chase comes home, she interrupts them. All Cory wants to get a piece of Jmac's cock for herself. Cory teases him with her huge tits behind Sierra's back. When Sierra and Jmac go to her room for a private party, will horny Cory be able to join these teens and get in on the fucking fun too?

Bailey Brooke 在 'Dick Devour'

Bailey Brooke - Dick Devour

Bailey Brooke was out keeping her perfect body in shape when Jmac spotted her. She was such a sight to see Jmac had to get some video of her. She knew how amazing she looked and was probably used to guys snapping shots of her. She gave him a nice little grin as she jogged by. He followed her until he could get a chance to break the ice. Bailey stopped to stretch when Jmac made his move. It seems though Bailey wanted Jmac to talked to her because she was eyeing him as well. After a light introduction Jmac offered to help her do some stretches. She followed him home, and he kept his word. Bailey and her banging body got some serious stretching in as Jmac put the moves on her.

Aidra Fox 在 'and JMac in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Aidra Fox - My Wife's Hot Friend

Oh shit! Aidra Fox is just chillin' at home when her friend's husband comes bustin' down the door to find his wife! He storms in suspecting his woman is cheating on him because she didn't come home last night, and he expects to find her at Aidra's house. But she's not there, and Aidra tells him she doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. He's unconvinced, but Aidra finds a way to distract him — by giving him her wet pussy! Aidra's so horny for JMac's big dick that she's willing to suck it and fuck it, even if he is her friend's husband! Who needs a wife now, anyway?!

Meko Lilly 在 'Milk And Cookies'

Meko Lilly - Milk And Cookies

Meko went over to Jmac's place to apologize for running over his mailbox. She had a homemade batch of cookies as a peace offering. When Jmac answered the door, he immediately noticed Meko's provocative outfit. She had on a tight shirt that nicely pressed against her perky nips and cutoff shorts. Jmac invited her inside and soon after apologizing, Meko went to the kitchen to get some milk. When she returned, she poured milk all over her tits and asked Jmac if he wanted a lick. Jmac to a lick and then some. He fucked her tight teen pussy all over the living room and then shot his jizz on her pretty face.

Megan Sage 在 'and JMac in Naughty Bookworms'

Megan Sage - Naughty Bookworms

CPR is in full effect, and Megan Sage has failed! That's what her professor's assistant JMac tells her when she heads back to the classroom awhile after taking her test. She's disappointed to hear that, so she decides she needs to practice a little more. But Megan can't stand practicing on the rubber dummy in the classroom….so she asks her teacher's assistant to be her patient! He has no problem with that…until she kisses him instead of trying to learn proper CPR. She figures she can give him help in other ways if he can help her with a passing grade, so Megan gets all the blood to his big dick, resuscitates it and fucks it until JMac's revived!

Khloe Kapri 在 'Neighbors Mail'

Khloe Kapri - Neighbors Mail

Having Khloe Kapri as a neighbor would be amazing. Having Khloe hand deliver your mail because the mail person delivered it to the wrong house and then fucks you would just be astonishing. Khloe brought over some mail and dropped it as she saw how ripped Jmac was. She couldn't believe it. She was a little embarrassed as they bent down to pick it up. As they were crouched down Jmac's massive cock fell out of his boxers. She looked up and couldn't miss it. She instantly was amazed. She went after his cock like it was the eighth wonder of the world. She crawled all the way to his living room after it, and she wasn't taking no for answer. She gobbled it down her throat once Jmac had no where else to back up. Jmac made sure Khloe felt like she got the cock of wonderment. Khloe looked amazing with her slender body and landing strip as she got a good fucking.

Aaliyah Hadid 在 'and Aidra Fox and JMac in Wives on Vacation'

Aaliyah Hadid - Wives On Vacation

Wives on vacation! That doesn't just mean shopping, girl talk and Mai Tais by the pool for Aidra Fox, it means cheating on her husband and getting fucked hard! She's in it to win it, and her married girlfriend Aaliyah Hadid can't believe it! Aidra's so wet for cock that she's ready to fuck the random dude who's just picking up his barbecue at the house their renting. The girls lure the unsuspecting married man indoors, and when out springs his big dick, they find out they're in for more than they bargained for! The cheating threesome gets hot and heavy, with big tits, big ass and a lot of fucking!

Aaliyah Hadid 在 'and JMac in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Aaliyah Hadid - My Friend's Hot Girl

What's hotter than banging your buddy's sexy wife? Bangin' her while his dumb ass is still in the house somewhere! That's just how Aaliyah Hadid and her husband's friend JMac push the limits to heighten the levels of their ongoing tryst. J is so horny for that pussy he climbs 18 stories up her building to come in the back door, only to find Aaliyah dressed up like a hot cop — leather boots, hat, handcuffs and all! She's role playing with her husband to celebrate their anniversary, but JMac doesn't care because his big dick needs some suckin'! Aaliyah the cop makes her husband respect her authority by ordering him to take a shower … while she orders J to slap her big bubble butt and fuck her like she needs it!

Kimber Lee 在 'and Tiffany Watson and JMac in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Kimber Lee - My Sisters Hot Friend

Tiffany Watson's in a pickle: her boyfriend wants to have anal sex with her, but she doesn't think she's ready for it. Her best friend Kimber Lee helps her overcome her fear by tickling Tiffany's butthole with a toy, but all hell breaks loose when Kimber's stepbrother walks in on them! But leave it up to dirty lil' Kimber to improvise and tell Tiffany she should get used to a real cock in her ass ASAP! And since Kimber's stepbro is there, why not his big dick?! Kimber's not afraid to get a little step-dick to make this one big happy threesome!

Olivia Lua 在 'and JMac in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Olivia Lua - My Sisters Hot Friend

JMac thinks nobody's home, so why not sit on the couch and stick his hand down his pants a while? But little does he know that his sister's friend Olivia Lua is over, and not just that, but she catches him masturbating! J's embarrassed and stuffing his meat back into his pants, but Olivia wants him to keep it going — especially since nobody else is around! Once she gets a good look at his big dick, the sexy brunette is so impressed that she wraps her lips around it. Pretty soon she's wrapping her long legs around J as he fucks her before his sister gets home!

Lilly Ford 在 'Pretty Lilly'

Lilly Ford - Pretty Lilly

Lilly Ford heard about the Cum Fiesta and wanted to experience it for herself. She was a cutie with pretty blues eyes. She showed her tits as the password to get in the Fiesta. She undressed and revealed her luscious body. She spread out on the couch and played with her sweet pussy. She sucked and fucked that cock. She got her pussy pounded all over the place and got that Cum Fiesta all over her pretty face.

Raven Wylde 在 'Lil Spinner Freak'

Raven Wylde - Lil Spinner Freak

Raven Wylde was obsessed with her neighbor whom she thought was hot as hell. She couldn't get his attention because she figured she was too young for him, but she couldn't help it anymore and wanted to do anything possible to feel closer to him. Raven was preoccupied with the thought of him and decided to sneak into his home to maybe find some memento as an object of obsession to focus on or at the very least just soak in some his vibes. She searched the house a little and came across a pair of his underwear. She started sniffing them and fantasizing having his cock all over her face. Just then her neighbor popped up behind her and caught her red handed. She tried to escape in embarrassment but her neighbor had other plans for her.

Zara Ryan 在 'and JMac in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Zara Ryan - My Sisters Hot Friend

Crikey! Zara Ryan just arrived in the States on a 23-hour flight to visit her friend, and she isn't home! BUT, her friend's brother JMac is there to welcome her into their home with his Floridian southern hospitality while his sister is running errands. JMac's floored when he learns that the red-headed Aussie has been a bit more than friends with his sister, but he can't believe when Zara starts hitting on him! She's fascinated with the size of his arms and hands, so much so that she wants to see how else America does it big! Out boomerangs his giant THAT'S a cock! Welcome to America, Zara!

Kendall Woods 在 'and JMac in Naughty Bookworms'

Kendall Woods - Naughty Bookworms

All work and no play makes Kendall Woods ... a smokin' hot chick! But studying all the time leaves no room for sucking cock, so she doesn't mind when her professor's aid is there to make sure she doesn't cheat on her test. She'll gladly fuck him for an A!

Haley Reed 在 'and JMac in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Haley Reed - My Sisters Hot Friend

Haley Reed stops by to visit her friend, but she is more interested in hanging out with her friend's brother, so she heads off to his bedroom. Her friend's brother, JMac, just wants Haley out of his room and she promises to leave if he lets her see his dick. He whips it out and Haley decides to put her mouth on it. JMac knows he shouldn't be doing these things with Haley, but she's so good at it that he just goes with it.

Kimber Lee 在 'and JMac in Naughty Office'

Kimber Lee - Naughty Office

Kimber Lee has been waiting all day to eat her amazing sub sandwich filled with meatballs and sausage, but she had to wait a bit longer to eat it so when she went to grab it from the office fridge, someone else grabbed it.

Zara Ryan 在 'Fit And Tight'

Zara Ryan - Fit And Tight

Zara Ryan came all the way from Australia for her first time audition. She was a redheaded cutie with gorgeous eyes and we couldn't wait to see if her land down under was shaved or matched the drapes. She started out the audition by undressing and playing with her sweet pussy. JMac joined the party and she sucked and fucked that cock. She got her pussy drilled and got that man juice all over her pretty face. It was an awesome audition.

Annika Eve 在 'Caught At The Pool'

Annika Eve - Caught At The Pool

JMac was hanging out in the house when he noticed a sexy women, out by the pool. She was an uninvited stranger with a sexy body, looking hot in that bikini. She took her top off and revealed those perky tits. JMac went outside and asked her what she was doing. She was embarrassed and told him that she was mistaken and thought she was at her friends house. She said her name was Caroline Ray and decided that since she was already there, JMac could rub some oil on her. He started rubbing the oil on her and she began to shake her luscious ass all over the place. Soon after, they went inside and she sucked and fucked that cock. She got her pussy pounded as her sweet rump bounced around. She got that man juice all over her sweet tits.

Mya Mays 在 'Pay Attention To Me'

Mya Mays - Pay Attention To Me

JMac was completely enthralled playing some silly game he downloaded onto his console when scantily clad Mya sauntered in and started distracting him. She simply couldn't stand playing second fiddle to some pixelated nonsense when she was there, in the flesh, sexy and in living color gyrating her hips and jiggling her booty! She pulled her moves on him and before either of them knew it his "joystick" was in her mouth. It didn't take long for him to completely switch gears and mash her buttons just right!

Mia Martinez 在 'Wtf My Mom Is Home'

Mia Martinez - Wtf My Mom Is Home

Mia missed the bus to get to work so she called her man to give her a ride. By the time he picked her up she was really late so she decided to just go home. Once they got back to her place she bent over to pick up a mess her brother had left in the kitchen. She was looking so fucking hot in her tiny shorts that Jmac had to get a handful of ass and titties. Mia was very nervous about fooling around in the house since her parents were right outside doing yard work! Jmac was persistent though and kept at it till he had her bent over the kitchen counter eating her ass and pussy. Before long she was on her knees swallowing his hard cock then begging to get railed. Do not miss one second of this smoking hot Latina getting her juicy ass rode hard til she surprises her unsuspecting father with a face covered in steaming hot man juice!

Stacey Kiss 在 'Pucker up'

Stacey Kiss - Pucker up

Stacy Kiss knocked on our door looking for the Fiesta. I'm sure horny girls who don't have time to deal with the dating scene but still want to have a good time with great sex spread the word far and wide. Stacy just happened to catch wind of our sexcapades and she was horny and brave enough to come a knockin'. This cute little blond got exactly what she sought out to find. A stiff hard cock and a good, intense fucking. We've become an urban legend, a myth, a rumor people dismiss as untrue and that's suits us just fine because those who need to know about us eventually find out for themselves what we're all about. Just like other tales people don't believe we also go bump in the night... or in the day time for that matter. We bump uglies 24/7/365.

Vanessa Sparks 在 'All Sparks'

Vanessa Sparks - All Sparks

We've told Jmac for the longest he's needed some yoga in his life, so for the first time he took our advice. He'd been feeling a bit stiff lately and yoga was the proper cure. He came across a yoga number while on his daily jog and gave it a shot. Now this is where the story gets good. He calls the number up to schedule an appointment and gets one for the earliest spot available. He freshens up and suddenly hears a knock at the door. He opens it and its the baddest petite mamacita you'll ever see. She must of been at most 5'2" and with the juiciest little ass. There was definitely some sexual chemistry from the get between the two. Things got especially spicy when she was prepping him with massages. While giving Jmac the rub down VanessaSparks suddenly felt a boner and decided to massage that too! Latina chicks are by far the freakiest! One thing led to another and Vanessa had Jmacs cock so far down her throat she was practically gagging on it. JMac made sure to pick her little ass up and straight demolish that pussy! Turns out he ended up stretching her out instead!

Bailey Brooke 在 'and JMac in I Have a Wife'

Bailey Brooke - I Have A Wife

Bailey has to stay at her rental a few more days but her time is up. She will do anything to get that extra time.

Bea Wolf 在 'Beautiful Bea'

Bea Wolf - Beautiful Bea

We had a real beauty come through to audition for us who was brand new to the game and ready to dive right in. She was this cutie from California that had all the perfect curves, nice juicy breasts and a perfect round ass. After telling a bit about her self, she started removing her clothes and getting comfortable on the couch by playing with her tight wet pussy. Jmac then joined her and started eating out her now soaking pussy as she moaned in ecstasy. She told us she was into big dick so she was very pleased to see what Jmac had in store for her as she started stuffing his hard rod in her mouth. She then finally hopped on the cock and went for real ride. You don't want to miss any of this hot momma bouncing up and down on the dick screaming for more until she gets man juice all over her face. This is a definite new comer to look out for, she's a keeper.

Jamie Marleigh 在 'Miss New Booty'

Jamie Marleigh - Miss New Booty

Today we present to you JamieMarleigh. Jamie was a red bone delight with a phat juicy donk. She was one hell of a freak and she definitely had that Southern girl swag. You could tell that ass came from her momma and with some helpings of sweet potatoes. She passed by today to experience the RoundandBrown show. She was excited to meet JMac and to finally get drilled by him. Jamie knew what she wanted and was assertive with the cock. There's a saying that goes "Southern girls do it best", and by seeing Jamie do her thing, we believe it.

Joseline Kelly 在 'Deep stroke'

Joseline Kelly - Deep stroke

Joseline arrived at the fiesta ready for action. She wore a nice outfit that accentuated her perky teen tits and firm round booty. After showing her tits at the door, access was granted. Once inside Joseline sucked a huge cock and then took it for a ride. She got her tight pussy stretched out and her pretty face jizzed on. Joseline went home with a limp and a story to tell.

Brittney White 在 'Phatt butt'

Brittney White - Phatt butt

Brittney is a petite vixen with huge chocolate natural boobs and a peach shaped booty to boot. We drenched her tits with baby oil and then watched her massage, smack and squeeze them to our delight. Then we doused her round and brown booty with the oil and she immediately rubbed it in and started twerking. We were mesmerized and could've watched her all day but she wanted Jmac to stretch out her tiny pussy. Soon after receiving a magnificent sloppy blowjob, Jmac put on his hard hat and went to work. He pounded Brittney's pretty clam from multiple angles and in various positions that only a pro could pull off. Eventually, after widening Brittney's tight little pussy, Jmac blasted his load all over her pretty face.

Ally Tate 在 'Big dick taker'

Ally Tate - Big dick taker

Ally Tate arrived at the fiesta ready to get fucked. She was greeted at the door by Jmac who after looking over Ally's tight body, asked for the password. She showed him her pierced perky nips and access was granted. Once inside, Ally slobbed on Jmac's big cock and then begged him to stretch out her tight little pussy. She got what she wanted and then some.

Envy Star 在 'Clap that ass'

Envy Star - Clap that ass

We've got some real serious curves on Round and Brown this week. Chilling near the beach, I found a real hot ebony beauty just strolling down the street. She was on vacation and not at all shy as to what she was looking for, DICK. Lucky for her, Jmac was on his way to pick me up so I introduced them and headed back to the crib. This hot momma did not disappoint at all. She knew how to shake her amazing ass and loved making her massive tits bounce all around. She was an expert cock sucker who really liked to get sloppy as well. You have to see this one, too much hotness to miss out on.

Maya Bijou 在 'Beautiful Bijou'

Maya Bijou - Beautiful Bijou

Jamc got a call from Maya Bijou the other day. She must have sensed our presence because we weren't far from her. She was at the mall ready to get some lingerie when she realized forgot her money, so she says. From the look of her and what she was wearing, she forgot a few other items as well. As an eighteen year old fox, she figured she would call us up, and we would throw money at her. Once we saw her flash that shaved tight pussy of hers, we started to think about making it rain on her. This young hottie knew the power of her hot body, so she let us get a taste right there out in the open. We decided to give her some loot, but we had to stop by the crib to have some fun first. She was eager to get her groove on and move on. Jamc dove right into her tight little ass hole and licked her thorughly. Maya and her tiny frame could really take a huge cock. Jmac gave it to her as she came a couple times. She was worth her weight in gold, but we didn't agree on anything crazy like that. She did try to get more out of us since Jmac splattered her hair with some extra man gel.

Sierra Simmons 在 'Buried in booty'

Sierra Simmons - Buried in booty

Sierra Simmons had a blast and a mouthful last time she came over to hang. Now she's back in action. She knew exactly what we wanted to see and she delivered beyond our expectations. Sierra juggled her big juggs and twerked her nice round and brown booty while we worshipped. Soon after, Jmac relentlessly fucked her tight bald beaver from multiple angles and in various positions. He then glazed Sierra's pretty mouth with his jizz which she absolutely found finger-licking good.

Yara Skye 在 'Yummy yara'

Yara Skye - Yummy yara

Rarely do we get chicks that are completely awestruck and fans of studs, today was one of them. Yara Skye was a beautiful ebony goddess ready to film with us when we told her the surprise. She'd throw hints here and there of wanting to do a scene and work with JMac. Well today was her lucky day. When we broke the news to Yara she got so happy it almost brung a tear to my eye! Jmac made sure to fuck this fan of his extra good and thats exactly what happened!

Darling Deicide 在 'My darling'

Darling Deicide - My darling

While I was out with Jmac last week we spotted this cute Latina girl waiting at a bus stop in the rain. She was taking a bus because her boyfriend would not give her a ride so we started offering her one right away. She was pissed at her man so she was very willing to get out of the rain and go hang out with us. Once we got her back to the house, Jmac worked his game on her and had her stripping down and sucking his cock in no time. This cutie even had her nipples pierced and was a great fuck. Dont miss out on this awesome Latina action, very hot.

Lena Paul 在 'My hot boss'

Lena Paul - My hot boss

Lena Paul was upset! JMac's company messed up the finishing of the floor. Now he was 20 minutes late. Instead of taking her seriously he kept staring at her breasts. When she confronted him about it JMac said frankly he wanted those tits. And guess what? If you ask for something nicely, you usually get it. So he sucked them. Then she sucked him. Next he licked her ass until she climbed on top of him. JMac is a strong guy, while she was riding him he just lifted Lena and held her spread-eagled up in the air. While fucking her. Her beautiful, natural tities were bouncing left and right and up and down. He fucked her sideways, doggystyle and from the top until he finally came all over her tits.

Kimmy Kush 在 'If the bra fits'

Kimmy Kush - If the bra fits

Kimmy Kush is back and sexy as ever. Those jugs were looking big and juicy. She pulled them out and shook them all around. JMac joined the party and placed his dick in her mouth and in between those huge tits. She got her pussy drilled as those amazing melons bounced around. She got her pussy rammed and got that man juice all over her.

Nina Kayy 在 'Fuck that frame'

Nina Kayy - Fuck that frame

We've got a whole lot of thick ass for you this week on Monster Curves. The lovely Nina Kayy joined us again to show off all her amazing curves and she did not disappoint. She had on an outfit that barely held in her massive jugs and her huge luscious ass was already out. After showing us how she made her ass shake and tits bounce, we surprised her by reuniting her with Jmac. She was all over his cock sucking it down before Jmac hopped on her ass to give her a real ride. Do not miss this hottie getting the fucking of her life and loving every minute of it, HOT!!!!!

Calypsa Micca 在 'Meat handler'

Calypsa Micca - Meat handler

Calypsa Micca came over to do a workout video with JMac. She was eighteen years old and looked super hot in that tight dress. She began the work out video by undressing and revealing her luscious body. She had a big juicy rump and she shook it all around. The exercise for the workout video became fucking and sucking. She rode that dick as her big round rump bounced around. She got her pussy pounded and got that man juice all over her face. It was a great workout.

Aria Rose 在 'Sweet spot'

Aria Rose - Sweet spot

Aria Rose was having car trouble and luckily we passed by at the perfect time to save the day. We called a roadside assistance service and they told us they won't be able to make it out there for at least an hour or two. Well, at least that's what we told her so we could offer her the chance to relax and possibly repay us for our kindness by giving us some pussy. She agreed as long as we helped her pay for the repairs and also put a little something on top. She jumped on JMac's cock after sucking it and thinking it may be too big for her. Her exact words after doing her best to try and deal with his size was,"It hurts, but it hurts so good!"

Layla London 在 'Do it for dollars'

Layla London - Do it for dollars

The sexy Kylie was out on the beach this week looking for some hot couples that were willing to do the superman challenge , Naked!! She was running all over the place and finally found two couples that wanted to make some fast cash. Both girls got butt naked out in the open and let their full tits and ass soar in the wind. Then from there we move to the club where Jmac and his crew were interviewing ladies to fill positions. Some fine girls came through that had all the right assets and we really wanted to see them in their full glory. In total, we got 3 girls to show off some giant knockers and the final one was wanting to do a whole lot more once she saw what Jmac was packing. Dont miss out on this insanely hot latina getting the ride of her life at this Money Talks job interview. This one is a keeper!

Hannah Reese 在 'Hot for hannah'

Hannah Reese - Hot for hannah

Hannah Reese wanted to see for herself if there was any truth to what her best friend was bragging about. She arrived at the fiesta with no expectations whatsoever. After knocking on the door, she was greated by Jmac who asked her for the password. Hannah showed him her perky tits and much to her surprise, she was granted access. Soon after entering, she found herself with a huge cock in her mouth. Hannah slobbed on the knob and then courageously begged to get fucked. Jmac pounded her tiny pussy and made her orgasm multiple times before blasting his jizz all over her pretty face.

Molly Mae 在 'Blonde beauty'

Molly Mae - Blonde beauty

This week on Money Talks we go for a ride with some sex toys and find a couple willing to test them out. It gets real hot in the backseat of this ride. Then we head to the spa where Jmac is ready for some hot ass to walk through the door. And lucky for us the amazing Molly Mae comes in for a tan and ends up fucking Jmac for the right price.

Kelly Greene 在 'Taking it deep'

Kelly Greene - Taking it deep

The word of mouth is a beautiful thing. All the babes that have come through have been told by a friend that has witnessed the Fiesta. Now that the word has spread across the nation and all over the world, the CumFiesta house has become a global attraction. We've even had a few groups of chicks pass by but thats a story for another time. Today's Fiesta babe was KellyGreene. This chick was desperate for the cock and knew exactly what she wanted. We knew what she wanted because she told us, a huge fat cock! And thats exactly what she got, and by the looks of it, she'll be the next one to spread the word around...

Mila Marx 在 'Sexual relations'

Mila Marx - Sexual relations

Mila Marx arrived at the fiesta ready for action after receiving the address and password from her cock hungry friend. She was greeted at the door and after showing her perky tits access was granted. Once inside, Mila got to fulfill all of her sexual fantasies. She was fucked by Jmac from various angles and positions before getting her pretty face glazed with jizz.

Kharlie Stone 在 'Kissing kharlie'

Kharlie Stone - Kissing kharlie

Kharlie Stone came for her first time audition. She was a cutie with a juicy booty. She explained the whole process from beginning all the way to the sucking and fucking. She got her pussy munched and she sucked that cock. She got her pussy drilled and got that man juice all over her face.

Renee Roulette 在 'Surf rider'

Renee Roulette - Surf rider

Welcome aboard another CaptainStabbin Anal Adventure. This week we have Renee Roulette, a slim 19 year old with some nice booty curves to her. Unsurprisingly enough, this was not Renee's first time doing anal. Take from that what you will. Yet, it was still amazing to see her take a dick the size of J-Mac's in such a tiny butthole. She took it like a champ and even craved for more. Even her blow job skills were on point. This might be the humble beginnings of a future Anal All-Star here, remember where you saw her first.

Ocean Pearl 在 'Oceans pearl'

Ocean Pearl - Oceans pearl

Ocean Pearl came by The Round and Brown Compound to unwind and let loose. She teased for a little bit, rubbed baby oil all over her perfectly plump ass for a little longer and waited patiently for J Mac to arrive. She was horny as hell after teasing for quite a while and J Mac reaped the benefits of that build up. Nothing motivates him more than a great ass and a girl who is game to push the action and heat things up.

Cece Capella 在 'Amazing thrillers'

Cece Capella - Amazing thrillers

Cece Capella the teen big natural sensation invited us into her bathroom to see how she takes her topless selfies. We had loads of fun with her fun bags and eagerly anticipated dropping a load on them. After bouncing, squeezing and smacking her natural melons, Cece took her sexy ass to the living room where Jmac, and his magical leprechaun, magically appeared ready to fuck her pot of gold. Cece masterfully slobbed on Jmac's little buddy before making a tit sandwich with it. Jmac ferociously pounded Cece's tight teen pussy and then glazed her boobs with multiple shots of jizz from his super soaker.

Shae Summers 在 'Fun in the sun'

Shae Summers - Fun in the sun

Big breasted Shae just could not get enough of JMAC! She called up and asked if she could come over. She is from our nation's capital but moved down to Miami looking for sun and fun. Once she met JMAC she kind of developed a bit of an obsession with him. Well, not with him but with his dick. This time was no different. She threw on a nice orange and yellow bikini as if she needed to entice him at all. All JMAC had to do was find out she was on her way and he was more excited than I've ever seen him. Something about those boobs would make any man completely giddy like a school girl!

Brittany Shae 在 'Shes got the juice'

Brittany Shae - Shes got the juice

Another glorious edition of Captain Stabbin'! Bringing you anal adventures since 2002 and still going strong! Over the years the legend of the captain has grown into urban legend. But the captain lives and the sea is still his bitch. Yea the captains have changed and legacies handed down from past to present but the essence of the CaptainStabbin' still lives. So without further ado today we bring you the sexy Brittany Shae. Brittany was your regular country girl who had never seen the sea, so we were obliged to let the captain show her the ropes. We set the good ol ship off to the true north and reached our sacred spot of debauchery. Let's just say after today Brittany's anus will never be the same...

Bugatti Bubblez 在 'Bubblez body'

Bugatti Bubblez - Bubblez body

Bugatti Bubblez has an ass that's in a class of it's own. The new standard for round and brown booty. We didn't measure it, but it's definitely bigger than 40 inches. Bugatti not only has a massive ass, thick legs and perky tits but she knows how to twerk like the best of them. We oiled up her donk and watched in amazment as she broke the laws of physics. Soon after the nearly causing an earthquake, Bugatti jumped on Jmac's schlong and rode it to the promise land. He relentlessly fucked her huge booty all over the place and then blasted her pretty face with unbelievable amount of jizz.

Goldie Oritz 在 'Game of pussy'

Goldie Oritz - Game of pussy

In the land of Kings it is always best to be closest to the royal family. There are many games the kings may play, but the game of pussy is only for the highest honor. They invited all the princesses and fine young royal ladies from far and near to carouse in the most exquisite of festivities. Aubrey Gold, Emma Ryder, Dylan Daniels, Mallory Madison, Saya Song, Kylie Rose were just a few that were on the king of all lists. The guest of honor was Goldie Oritz, and she was bright and sexy as gold. She definitely stood out and grabbed some attention from the others. In this game of pussy there were only winners because we love to spread the wealth.

Mandy Muse 在 'Swimming in it'

Mandy Muse - Swimming in it

We picked up Mandy Muse to take a nice trip out in the ocean with us. She had never been fishing, so we thought it we would teach her a few things about catching the big fish. She was a hot young girl that was down for whatever. That is the real reason we brought her along. Everything else is just a bonus. We battled the waves for a while as fishing seemed to lose it's fun by the second. We let Mandy reel in the last line. As she bent over Jmac, she shook her ass and teased us. Jmac knew how loose she was so he popped a finger in her ass. She wasn't fazed what so ever. Right then we knew this was going to be another Captain Stabbing adventure. We moved to the front of the boat to let the real open water sport begin. Mandy took his cock with all her might as the sun beat down. They worked on their tans as Jmac work on her ass. He went hook, line and sank his cock deep in to her, but there was still one final lesson for her. Every one that comes aboard the SS Stabbin gets tossed into the deep blue sea to complete the adventure.

Mila Jade 在 'Party with mila'

Mila Jade - Party with mila

There is no surprise when we throw a party that the girls get completely loose. Mila Jade and her friends Alexis Rodriguez, Ava Shanchez, Layna Landry, Foxxy Star, and many more were there to make this party super hot. Jmac brought his large member the ladies love so much. He put it on them like the stud he is. One after another they rode his dick as they took breaks in between only to slobber on it. They took care of their own as well. If they weren't on the cock they were tongue deep in some party snatch. They shook some ass like there was no tomorrow. They lined up and showed the club how to shake it down and dirty.

Jade Jantzen 在 'Jizz on jade'

Jade Jantzen - Jizz on jade

Jade Jantzen joined Jmac and the crew on their latest adventure. She agreed to give up the booty in exchange for a day out on the sea. Once they were out far enough, Jmac pulled out his one eye sea monster. Jade gave him an amazing blow job and then begged to get fucked. Jmac did not hesitate, he immediately fucked her wet clam all over the boat. Then he plundered her tight little asshole before blasting his jizz all over her face and throwing her overboard.

Ava Sanchez 在 'Sizzling buns'

Ava Sanchez - Sizzling buns

Ajaa and Ava Sanchez were cooking some meat on the grill outside. They were looking super fucking hot in those bikinis. While they were cooking the meat, they were shaking those amazing asses all over. JMac joined the party and the girls decided to share his meat. Soon after, they sucked and fucked him. They took turns getting their pussies pounded. They got that cream all over their pretty faces.

Rachel James 在 'Pleasing rachel'

Rachel James - Pleasing rachel

Rachel received the address to the fiesta from her best friend who attended a few weeks ago. When she arrived she showed her perky nips at the door and access was immediately granted. Once inside, Rachel revealed that she was a cock hungry teen who enjoyed to suck cock. Jmac satisfied her affinity for slobbing on the knob by stuffing her pretty mouth. Soon after, he fucked her tiny pussy all over the living room and glazed her pretty face with a load of his jizz.

Jaye Summers 在 'Sexy dance'

Jaye Summers - Sexy dance

The best place to be is in the VIP, and the ladies know it. They showed off the goods because they knew how to keep the party live. They'd told all their friends, so the party was bumping. Jaye and her party buddies were already wet and excited in the limo. They would of started to suck and fuck right there if we hadn't gotten to the club in enough time. The girls flaunted for the camera and moved their way into the club for more action. Ass and tits continued to bounce as they felt each other up. They kissed and teased each other until they wanted more. Jmac and Tarzan got the best of the action, as the girls ate them up. They made a few trains of licking pussy with Jamc in the back hitting the caboose. Then the ladies all collected together for the big finale, as the guys hosed them down.

Kayleigh Nichole 在 'Kinky kayleigh'

Kayleigh Nichole - Kinky kayleigh

We had a smoking HOT blonde babe for you this week on the amateur goldmine known as the CumFiesta. Kayleigh was a 19-year-old with a pretty face and an amazing body. it just so happened Kayleigh got wind of the fiesta from a friend, and she sure as hell wasn't gonna miss it. After showing her beautiful passwords and stripping down and showcasing that amazing ass. Kayleigh finally got down to business. She worked that huge dick like a pro and even got a facial. You don't want to miss this one!

Bailey Bae 在 'Loose pussy'

Bailey Bae - Loose pussy

Bailey and her posse of pussy showed up with fire in their eyes. They were hot and ready to party non-stop. The big booties started off the party and got things in motion. It was some serious shaking because it got the girls revved up. They started playing with the ass and got even more frisky once they got a feel. One after another, the tops came off, and the hard nipples were freed. As the parties in the VIP went, so did the clothes. The ladies went after each other to please. There were so many, it was hard to keep the camera in one place. This party was live with some real hardcore orgy action. This group was hornier and hungrier than most, as they devoured each other blissfully. The guys did what they do best and made sure the cock was ready for the seemingly everlasting rotation of wet pussy. As the girls climaxed multiple times, they wanted to end the night with a blast. Jmac and Tyler gave the girls just what they sought.

Brooke Summers 在 'Bust on brooke'

Brooke Summers - Bust on brooke

Brooke heard about the Cum Fiesta and wanted to come experience it for herself! She showed her perky tits as the password to get in, and we were very excited about what was to come. Brooke had thick sexy legs and a huge juicy ass. She undressed and shook that big luscious booty all over. Brooke got right down to business and started sucking that cock. She rode that dick like a rodeo, as her bubble butt bounced all over the place. Brooke got her pussy drilled deep and even got that man juice all over her pretty face.

Eva Lovia 在 'Titty bar'

Eva Lovia - Titty bar

One after another, they jumped out of the limo happy as could be. The ladies smiled and flashed their way into the club while the camera followed. The party was in full force with ass and tits shaking all over the place. Panties were dropped like the bass beats. These fine ladies took turns on Tyler's dick, as the sexy Eva had a one-on-one dace with Jmac's cock. Her perfect curves made every move look hot. Jmac put her in so many different positions, it was insane. There was nothing that could wipe the smile off her face. Eva even smiled more as she gobbled up Jmac's load. Tyler had his hands full picking up all the other horny girls. There were too many to count, as they kept swapping on his dick. One after another, like they jumped out of the limo, they jumped on his cock.

Stacie Andrews 在 'Pleasure me'

Stacie Andrews - Pleasure me

Stacie got into a playful catfight with her girlfriend who was withholding the address to the fiesta while giving her explicit details. Soon after prying open her friend's kung-fu grip, Stacie snatched the phone and sent herself the address. When Stacie arrived, she was greeted by Jmac who looked her over and then asked for the password. Stacie showed her perky tits, and Jmac approved after a firm squeeze granted her access. Once inside, Jmac relentlessly fucked Stacie's tight teen pussy from multiple angles and positions. He eventually shot his load all over her pretty face and sent her home with a story to tell.

Shae Summers 在 'Squeeze and tease'

Shae Summers - Squeeze and tease

Shae made a triumphant return this week. She reclaimed the #1 spot as the fan-favorite, big natural girl of all time. Shae was only 19-years-old when she first impressed us, and her boobs were definitely bigger since the last time we had her on. We worshiped her huge funbags while she caressed, bounced, squeezed and sensually shook them. Jmac brought out the water hose, sprayed her big melons and then grabbed a handful. Soon after, he stuffed Shae's pretty mouth with his huge dick. Jmac eventually took her indoors where he titty fucked her and also banged her tight teen pussy. He eventually blasted his jizz all over her massive tits.

Mila Castro 在 'Feeling mila'

Mila Castro - Feeling mila

Mila was in dire need of some good dick, so her cock-hungry friend recommended the Fiesta. She was greeted by Jmac, and after Mila flashed her perky nips, he granted her access. Once inside, Mila stripped, slid her hand inside of her panties and gently rubbed her soft pussy. She then gave Jmac an outstanding blow job which included some ball licking and humming. Jmac banged Mila's tight clam from various angles and positions making her experience multiple orgasms before blasting her face with a heavy load of jizz.

Danira Love 在 'Hair pie'

Danira Love - Hair pie

Danira had a furry surprise for us. She'd been hard at work for the last few months growing out her bush. Danira had done a great job so far. She said, in total, she'd stopped trimming about three months ago. Her pubes were wiry and amazing. She stroked her pretty pink pussy for us, which was nestled in her delicious bush, and got it all wet. JMac enjoyed it just as much. Not only did he get to pound that hot bushy pussy, but he got to nut all over it too. There are few things hotter than a hairy pussy covered in drops and gobs of nut.

Sunny Marie 在 'Sunny loving'

Sunny Marie - Sunny loving

The day was brighter than most when Sunny Maria came knocking on the door. Her smile filled the room with excitement while Jmac just wanted to fill her mouth with something even more exciting. This is just what happens when these sexy young girls come for the fiesta. Sunny was nineteen and a had a boyfriend back home with no idea how naughty and horny she was. She couldn't stop smiling because she was so turned on from the moment she walked in. Sunny told us her pussy was soaked before she had her shorts off. She begged for the cock while Jmac had his tongue deep inside her ass. Once she laid eyes on his fiesta stick, she wasn't sure it was going to fit, but it always does one way or another. Jmac pounded her young pussy until she was content. Sunny got a nice healthy fiesta coat to make her face shine even brighter. Her boyfriend will have some big shoes to fill when she gets back home if you know what we mean.

Serena Torres 在 'So fine'

Serena Torres - So fine

Serena was extremely unsatisfied with her boyfriend's flaccid member which was never ready for action when called for duty. Soon after gossiping with her girls, one of them gave her the address and specific instructions on how to gain access to the Cum Fiesta. Serena waited until her man went to work then headed over to the Fiesta. When she arrived she was greeted by Jmac, who after looking her over, asked for the password. Serena showed him her perky tits and then her nice round booty. She was granted access and escorted to the living room where she displayed her flexibility by doing a full split. Jmac was in awe of Serena's talent, and after letting his imagination run wild, he asked her if she had any other positions she'd like to share. Serena got on her knees and gave him an amazing blow job. She then begged him to fuck her hard, Jmac obliged and superseded her demand. After relentlessly pounding her tight pussy, Jmac shot his load all over her pretty face.

Alaina Kristar 在 'Naked party'

Alaina Kristar - Naked party

We fired up the dance floor and burned up the night. Our ladies were red hot. They danced around and teased each other by lifting up their skirts. Esmi and her active hands started exploring even further up the skirts. One after another, the legs spread and the pussies opened up. While most clubs only pop bottles, we popped everything. The girls took turns on each other and then went back for more. The guys had the ultimate work out because there was more ass than usual. The girls lined up and got filled with some cock. These ladies were amazing while one squirted to top the rest. It will be hard to forget this sexy bunch.

Janice Griffith 在 'In deep'

Janice Griffith - In deep

Janice stopped by the CumFiesta house to show off her hot 18-year-old body. This chick was banging hot and could take a hard banging like a champ. Her little booty looked so nice getting slammed by Jmac in doggy, as it slapped up against him. Watch this young beauty go wild. Janice might be petite, but she took that dick balls deep down her throat and up her hungry, little, pink pussy. No doubt, Janice knew how to fuck! Hopefully, this won't be the last time we see this incredible beauty. We can't get enough of her!

Bree Bubbles 在 'Busting bubbles'

Bree Bubbles - Busting bubbles

Bree's friend, a recent fiesta attendee, gave her the address of the Cum Fiesta. Initially, Bree wasn't interested; but after hearing all of the details, she decided to see if the fiesta would live up to the hype. When she arrived, Jmac greeted her, and after the pleasantries, he asked for the password. Bree showed him her perky titties and access was granted. Once inside, Bree sensually stripped and teased Jmac until his cock got rock hard. She begged to suck his dick, so Jmac stuffed her pretty mouth before pounding her tight little pussy. He fucked her all over the bed and then glazed her face with a load of his jizz.

Sophia Ashton 在 'Happy halloween'

Sophia Ashton - Happy halloween

It had been a hot minute since the last house party. But Halloween was the time to get wild. We all knew our wild ladies made it happen, and they loved to play dress up. Your favorite girls got all sexed up in their best costumes. There wasn't anything spooky, just a whole lot of sexy. It turned into a jammed packed house with a lot of friction. The best kind of friction that is. Tits, ass, and pussy were rubbed up on some faces and most importantly on cocks. There was so many girls that wanted dick, so the guys just kept on fucking. Esmi was a show all in herself. She kept the party going when it needed it most. There was almost not enough man sugar to go around for the late night trick-or-treaters, but some of the girls got a nice helping.

Tessa Arias 在 'Feeling on tessa'

Tessa Arias - Feeling on tessa

Tessa strutted in looking real fly. She started the conversation off with, "I am here for some dick." Tessa was ready, but she still needed to give the password. Once she did, it was game on. Tessa came in and pulled up her dress to reveal her bare ass. Her eighteen-year-old frame was so tight and petite. She was so horny, Tessa could barely contain herself. She flexed her legs to show off her perfect little snatch. Once Jmac was done watching her, Tessa spit all over his cock and made sure the balls were not neglected either. She didn't even take her dress off all the way because Tessa wanted to sit on the dick so badly. Jmac really put it on her little body, and she was a loud one. I think the people in the next neighborhood heard her. Jmac pounded her, as Tessa begged for his cum. She wanted dick and got a piece she won't forget anytime soon.

Nikki 在 'Super sucked'

Nikki - Super sucked

I found a super hot blonde last week named Nikki just sitting all alone at this bench. Turned out, she was on her lunch break from her shitty job that didn't pay much. Nikki was very nice, so I got to talking to her about hooking her up with some real money. She was totally into me, so I suggested we go fool around in a nearby staircase that was very secluded. Once Nikki saw how much money I was throwing down, she was all about it. She got straight to sucking my cock while I played with her awesome juicy titties. You won't want to miss this hottie moaning and screaming like crazy in the hallway, as she got a serious pussy pounding. It was super hot!

Gina West 在 'Business affair'

Gina West - Business affair

Gina's gym was losing money, and she was fed up with Jmac, one of the other trainers, slacking on the job. He hadn't been keeping up with clients and Gina's fit sexy physique and big tits couldn't do all the work. Gia figured she might as well get something out of hiring him; so she forced him to work out, and then when the time was right, she'd sits on his face. Jmac didn't object, especially since Gina started to blow him at the same time. These two got into some heavy fucking for an extreme workout session. Jmac got his cardio and weight training at once, as he worked out Gina's body in many positions, including the the Ballet Dancer and a standing cradle position.

Coco Blue 在 'Coco nut'

Coco Blue - Coco nut

Coco was walking her fine ass to work when Jmac spotted her from his car. It was hard to resist such a beautiful woman, so he tried to pick her up. It took a bit of convincing to get Coco into his car, but it finally happened. Since Coco had to be at work within an hour, she was hesitant. Jmac, however, offered her lots of money and a car ride to her job. And after she saw his dick, her hot, pink pussy got wet as fuck and she was down for a fuck in the woods. Watch this hot, Cuban chick take dick in the woods for money.

Zoey Foxx 在 'So much pussy'

Zoey Foxx - So much pussy

These sexy ladies strutted into the club with their skirts hiked up. Those asses were out and jiggling, and they let everyone know the party was going to get down and dirty in Dade county. Panties were stripped down with the quickness. I'm surprised they even wore them out since they wanted to take them off so fast. Zoey and her friends got heated up, as they licked and nibbled on each other. They all bumped and rubbed on each other, as the bass dropped. The girls had big smiles and even bigger tits with round booties. They all took turns sucking and riding the cocks. Zoey had a super wet surprise, as she unexpectedly squirted multiple times. She drench the guys' cocks and almost the camera. The fellas returned the favor and spread the love all over their faces.

Jazmine 在 'Jizz on jazz'

Jazmine - Jizz on jazz

Jazzmine's friend wouldn't stop mentioning the pounding that her tight pussy received at the Fiesta. After countless hours of listening to her friend describe every minute of her time at the Fiesta, Jazzmine decided to see for herself what all the hype was about. When she arrived, Jmac asked for the password. She showed him her big tits and nice firm ass, and access was immediately granted. Jmac escorted her to the living room, and soon after a sensual strip tease, he stuffed her pretty mouth with his huge cock. Soon after getting his cock slobbed on, Jmac relentlessly fucked Jazmine all over the couch and then shot his load in and all over her mouth.

Tiffany Cane 在 'Suck and stroke'

Tiffany Cane - Suck and stroke

Jmac was out taking surveys and found this sexy girl, Tifanny, sitting on the stoop in a form fitting one piece that accentuated her big tits. She was a little weary, but Jmac's boyish charm, and the offer to pay for her time, soon had him sitting next to her which offered a chance to get a piece. The dollars kept flowing, and Tifanny got less and less reserved, as she flashed her pussy and sucked cock. They took it to a more exclusive local, the middle of the woods in some park, and they got down to the hardcore business. This shy girl showed Jmac what's up, as she sucked, rode, and ground his dick until he exploded into her mouth and face.

Charlie Stevens 在 'Dick for charlie'

Charlie Stevens - Dick for charlie

I found a cute girl last week that was in need of help. Her name was Charlie, and I found her in a parking lot talking to her friend on the phone about how she could not get her check cashed. She was in need of money to pay the rent, so I stepped in and offered to help. Charlie hesitated a lot at first but finally warmed up and came along with me to see what I could do for her. I hooked her up with some money and she started showing off the goods. It wasn't long before I had her stroking my cock and wanting to suck it. After some more negotiations , I finally got to fuck her right in my car. Don't miss out on this hot little number.

Autumn 在 'Autumns warmth'

Autumn - Autumns warmth

Autumn was waiting for her boyfriend, and guess who just so happened to show up? That's right, the one and only Jmac was out creepin and spotted Autumn with her fiery red hair and plump ass and titties. It didn't hurt that the sexy outfit she was wearing accented her assets just right. A little persistence and persuasion paid off, and soon Autumn was in the car flashing her titties. Given the prospect of more cash, and being upset with her boyfriend, Autumn didn't have to think too long before she went with Jmac to his friend's crib. Anyway, it looked like his friends house, so Jmac took Autumn to the side of the house and proceeded to pound that pussy proper. Autumn sucked and fucked all her anxiety out, gave Jmac his money's worth, and took a shot to the chin.

Kayla West 在 'Cum on kayla'

Kayla West - Cum on kayla

We had some extra juicy knockers come through this week. Kayla was super hot and had a perfect set of Big Natural tits. She was practically spilling out of her bra. Kayla was very horny and more than happy to oil those puppies up and play with them for us. It wasn't long before she was really hungry for cock and went right for Jmac. He had a whole lot of breasts to play with and loved ramming her and playing with her massive beauties, as they bounced all over. Don't miss out, as Kayla gets a nice hot load to satisfy her at the end. HOT STUFF!

Tysen Rich 在 'Cum creator'

Tysen Rich - Cum creator

Tysen knocked on the door, knew the password, flashed her boobs and strolled right into our humble abode. Jmac asked her a bunch of questions just to break the ice and get things going. She said she was from California and loved to party, but when he asked what her favorite position was, she answered with the most boring answer one could think of. Tysen said she loved missionary. YAWN! Luckily for us, she was just trying to be a little more demure and reserved. Once J-Mac got her excited and into it, she proved to be quite the entertaining lay. Tysen couldn't help but show how much she loved sex and all the positions J-Mac went through with her. We suspect her favorite was never truly missionary, but if it was by some small chance, it most definitely was not her favorite now. It seemed to us she enjoyed the Pile Driver the most.

Gianna Nicole 在 'Time to turn up'

Gianna Nicole - Time to turn up

Gianna hit the club with a crew of girls that would stop you in your tracks. By herself, she was heart-racing, but toss in a mix of fire red and forget about it. They put on a show no other club would be able to handle. South Florida has the best around, and it was proven time and time again. The ladies were like magnets to each other and cock as well. The guys didn't have a chance to even think. The ladies were half naked and lusting booty the moment they hit the dance floor. They were soon butt ass naked and entangled with each other. This group of girls was extremely hot on so many levels.

Vionah Merci 在 'Like a pro'

Vionah Merci - Like a pro

Vionah just moved down from Georgia and needed a job pretty desperately. Walking by, Jmac saw this cute little 19-year-old and decided to try and pick her up. Vionah said she needed cash, and Jmac offered to take pics of her for his friend who was a photographer. After he lured her into a hotel room, Vionah agreed to suck his dick, and she did it with a surprising voracity that you wouldn't expect from this cute little thing. Her sexual temperature heated up, and she allowed Jmac to plow her tight, pink, little pussy into cum heaven. Watch this cute and innocent 19-year-old chick become a dick-hungry, cum-starved, little nympho.

Izzy Champayne 在 'Popping champayne'

Izzy Champayne - Popping champayne

I spotted this hot ass girl hanging out at the bus stop last week from the window of my friend's tattoo shop and ran across the street to go talk to her. Turned out her name was Izzy, and she was ditched by her boyfriend who took the car. Izzy was nice and flirty and had this hot British accent, so I pulled out the cash and started the negotiations. She ended up flashing me for some cash then I convinced her to come over to my friends tattoo shop and get more personal with me. Izzy was totally down for it and went right along. This girl had the most amazing bubble butt too. She was not shy with my dick either and started off by giving me an amazing blow job. Don't miss out on this one, as Izzy got super sweaty from me drilling her hard in that bathroom. So hot!

Charlie 在 'Chesty charlie'

Charlie - Chesty charlie

Jmac was out cruising for a piece of ass when he spied Charlie off in the distance. He rolled up, and she started going off about how she was discriminated against at an interview for her tattoos. Jmac calmed her down and figuring she needed money, after how upset she got about the job interview, he offered her a couple bucks to hang out and talk. In her current distraught and jobless state, it didn't take much for Jmac to get her to strip down for more cash and eventually give him a blow job, as they drove to a motel. Once they got to the room Charlie put in work to get that cash, as she sucked and fucked him for a while. Jmac thankfully gave up a handful of cash along with a mouth filling facial.

Aryah May 在 'Special facial'

Aryah May - Special facial

Morgan was walking down the road when Jmac drove by. Her car ran out of gas, and she was walking to the gas station with a gas can to fill up. Jmac saw her hot round booty and had to ask if she needed any help. After some conversation, Jmac offered her some money to help her out. Of course, this benefited him as well. Morgan agreed and began to give him road-head on their way to a public park where he planned on plowing her. They got to the spot, and Jmac fucked her hungry pink pussy until he busted his nut all over her pretty face.

Cherie Deville 在 'Put in work'

Cherie Deville - Put in work

Cherie had some painting she needed done at the house she was selling and she hired Jmac to do the job. Little did she know, Jmac was good at doing almost nothing. She fires him after catching him slacking twice but he offers to do something else for the money. He proposed that he was good at fucking which totally caught her attention. She soon found out that he was good at one thing only, slinging his big dong around for her to play with. You dont want to miss this hot sexy scene as Cherie takes over and shows Jmac how she likes getting titty fucked and pounded hard. This ones a classic, catch it !!

Montana Skyy 在 'Nice piece of ass'

Montana Skyy - Nice piece of ass

I found the cutest little Southern girl last week in the grocery store parking lot. She was arguing with someone on the phone when i went up to her. Her credit card had just been declined because of some purchases the ex had made. She was broke with no other way to get her groceries. Of course, I was more than willing to lend a helping hand. I offered her some cash to hang out, and she was all about it. We flirted a while, and she was getting so forward, she pulled her juicy tits right out. I dished out some more cash, and we found a spot behind a dumpster where I let her go to town on me. This little nympho had some serious ass on her, and she knew just how to shake it. Don't miss out on this one. It was an instant classic street blow job!

Annika 在 'Muff fluff'

Annika - Muff fluff

We had a special treat in store for you this week: a smoking hot babe by the name of Annika with a huge ass and a hot bush. She had the full package with her perky tits and an awesome bubble butt. Annika wasn't shy about getting down and dirty either. She stuffed her mouth full of cock, as soon as Jmac took his pants off. Then she really got going once she hopped on his cock and started getting her hot bush pounded. Annika couldn't wait to have that load blasted all over her furry friend. You wont want to miss this one!

Dixie Belle 在 'Whistling dixie'

Dixie Belle - Whistling dixie

Dixie was a sweet and cute southern lady until she got in the bedroom. She had everyone fooled with her sweet smile and cute accent, but Dixie loved the dick. She had heard about the Cum Fiesta and had to stop by. Dixie was an instant favorite. Not only was she cute and sweet, but she had perfect natural tits. Not to mention, her ass was thick as fuck. This southern beauty will make you wanna blow your load before the end of the video. Can you hold off? Dixie was a keeper.

Scarlett 在 'V day'

Scarlett - V day

Jmac was cruising the beach and saw the sexy young Scarlet sitting alone on Valentine's Day. It turned out, she'd caught her boyfriend cheating and figured the beach would take her mind away from it all. It didn't get much easier than this. Jmac smoothed his way in, flashed some cash, and soon the two were back in his car. The plan was to have a quickie in the beach bathroom, but a crowd of people had them relocate to a local park. Even a blow job in the car was interrupted, and they had to find a secluded spot outdoors. As they got to the spot, the exhibitionism got hot and heavy quickly. A little more cock sucking, some doggy, some riding, and Scarlet got pounded with her ankles to her ears. The two unleashed their inner animals until Jmac unleashed a steady stream of cum across Scarlet's face.

Briana Belle 在 'Hard bang'

Briana Belle - Hard bang

Jmac met Brianna a couple of months ago but wasn't able to lay the smack down due to Brianna's cock blocking friends. Fortunately, Jmac and Tony were nearby when Brianna called from her job today. She had an hour lunch break which was the perfect amount time for a dick down. The guy's picked her up from her job. After the pleasantries and titty flashing, they took her back to Jmac's place. There was another girl waiting for jmac at his house so he fucked Brianna's big Dominican booty in his car and also in his backyard. He bannged the ay papi out of her and then blasted her pretty face with his jizz.

Callie Calypso 在 'Callie craving'

Callie Calypso - Callie craving

Calli's friend gave her the address for the fiesta with very few details of what to expect. Upon arrival, she was greeted by Jmac who glanced over Callie's amazing body and then asked for the password. She showed her perfect perky tits and access was granted. Once inside, Callie sensually stripped and then twerked. Jmac worshipped her nice round booty and then stuffed her pretty mouth with his hard schlong. Soon after getting his knob slobbed, Jmac fucked Callie's tight little pussy in multiple position and from various angles. Callie had the pleasure of experiencing countless orgasms and a load on her pretty face.

Audrina Grace 在 'Cum hungry'

Audrina Grace - Cum hungry

We filled up the limo and hit the town. The ladies teased us all the way into the VIP spot. They loved getting all reved up to party hardcore style. Audrina was stripped down and sucked on by her friends. One girl grabbed a hold of Jmac's dick, as another put it in her mouth, and then another one followed along. Jmac said it himself that it was a party now. These girls party together and share. One dress after another came off, and the party got real loose. If the pussy wasn't being licked, it was getting a nice rub down. All around, Jmac was fucking the party into Audrina. She was put in all kinds of positions to make her tits bounce around as much as possible. There were a few sets of glorious tits at this party, and they all did their share of bouncing.

Jennifer 在 'Lube job'

Jennifer - Lube job

I was driving around when I noticed this cutie sitting on a bench in front of the bay. I approached her and began talking to her. She told me she was on a vacation with her boyfriend, but he was in their hotel room because they were fighting. After some persuasion, she came back with me to my hotel room. She undressed and revealed her sexy body to me. Then, she played with her pussy and got ready to get fucked. She sucked my cock, and I pounded her sweet tight pussy. I drilled her pussy and glazed her pretty face with my man juice.

Dillion Carter 在 'Breast play'

Dillion Carter - Breast play

Dillion came back again to Big Naturals and was still looking super hot. This nineteen-year-old was wearing a tight dress that showcased those big juicy jugs. It wasn't long until those big tits were out and shaking all about. Dillion sucked that cock like a true freak and got her titties fucked nicely. Then she got her pussy pounded, as those big knockers bounced up and down. Dillion really got her pussy drilled hard and got man juice all over those amazing melons.

Sally James 在 'Sexy sally'

Sally James - Sexy sally

Sally moved down to FL from Chicago about a month ago. She was spending her days looking for a job when Jmac spotted her walking around. Sally looked cute, sexy and lost, so he knew she needed some help. To his luck, she was down for anything. He happily offered her some cash, and Sally accepted with a coy smile and began to tease Jmac with her pierced nipples and pink shaved pussy. It wasn't long until they were at a hotel where Jmac proceeded to slam Sally's hungry tight pussy until he busted all over her pretty pink lips.

Marina Angel 在 'Love in lace'

Marina Angel - Love in lace

Last week, Jmac had a Marina coming through to 8SL. She was interested in shooting a scene with us. We didn't know Marina was going to be so damn hot when she arrived. She came ready to work! Marina was in this super sexy, white lingerie outfit with heels and was looking very yummy. She got right to shaking her sweet ass when asked too. Once Marina got in the house, she went right to work on Jmac's cock. Don't miss out on this cutie getting pounded nice and hard and wanting more and more.

Harley Dean 在 'Party titties'

Harley Dean - Party titties

Harley rounded up the ladies for a hot night at the club. She brought along some of our favorites which were known to spice up the night. The panty-less bottoms were easy to spot since all skirts were hiked way up. The ladies loved showing us a good time. Jmac and Ralph were there for the ladies to feed off of, and they did just that. As the night went on, the horniness went into overdrive. The ladies lined up behind each other and hit up pussy town while a couple others went down cock street. The party was in full force, as the tits and ass were popping to the beats. The girls were swapped by the guys while the others had some of their own fun. Some of them had a pussy rubbing contest. We're pretty sure they all won that round. It was great to see some many smiles with tits and asses. The girls had come out to have some fun, and the guys came all over them, so everybody left the club thrilled.

Alex Little 在 'Cum catcher'

Alex Little - Cum catcher

Alex's boyfriend was late to pick her up at work. But he'll never forget what his mistake resulted in. Jmac was cruzin by the mall that day and saw this beautiful petite blond standing in the rain. Being the gentleman he was, he offered her an umbrella and his car to sit in while she waited. After some chatting, he got right to it and offered her a couple hundred for a blowjob. Guarded at first, but still pissed at her boyfriend, Alex said fuck it and did just that. Jmac got a workout from this 4'8", 90 pound wild girl. Her petite body allowed easy movement in the car, and her super tight pussy controlled everything. Jmac got his money's worth, and Alex got a face full of cum while her boyfriend got a reason to never be late again.

Mia Li 在 'My my mia'

Mia Li - My my mia

We had a super freaky sorority girl come over to the Fiesta this week. Her name was Mia, and she had some serious moves and some amazing legs on her. She wasn't shy at all and showed off her nice tits as the password right away. In fact, Mia came over ordering Jmac around and wanting the Dick. She gave him some good sloppy head for a bit before she hopped right on for a pounding. Mia wanted more and more and couldn't get enough. She was really pleased when Jmac busted a big load on her face, but she kept sucking for more. This one's a little sex fiend!

Aubrie Cummings 在 'Aubrie cumming'

Aubrie Cummings - Aubrie cumming

I was driving in my car when I noticed this cutie with a juicy booty on the side of the road. Her name was Aubrie, and she was having car problems, so I pulled over to help her. After some chatting, I ended up giving her a ride. When I put all the cards on the table and told Aubrie the deal, she decided to come back with me to the hotel. She bent over and displayed that big juicy ass in all its glory. Aubrie sucked my cock like a true pro. Then she rode my dick, as her big luscious ass bounced around. I pounded her thick pussy and gave her my man juice all over her pretty face and Aubrie loved it.

Kelsi Monroe 在 'Muff monster'

Kelsi Monroe - Muff monster

The cute and sexy Kelsi has played around with us before. She was one bad chick for sure. But this time she has a furry lil surprise for us! Kelsi grew out a hot lil bush for out pleasure. This chick was sweet as fuck and could take a deep dickin' better than most could. Her thick, bushy pubes caught a thick nut from Jmac, and Kelsi cleaned it all up with her fingers. She sucked up every drop from her hot carpet below. And that wasn't the only deep sucking she dished out.

Abbi Roads 在 'Top notch pussy'

Abbi Roads - Top notch pussy

The party cruised into the club and took over the VIP section. They were showing ass all the way there. These girls had some serious booty to show for sure. They started dancing, which in the VIP means shaking some ass and lifting up some skirts. They all took some hand fulls of ass and tits to get each other all warmed up. Abbi and her sexy mate stripped down and went to town on each other. The guys followed in and got a tease of their own. After the girls got a taste of pussy, they developed a hunger for some cock. At one point they all bent over in a row and took it from behind one after another. The guys got a work out of a life time because these girl put it on them like never before. This party was a straight up sex orgy with some cum hungry vixens.

Katerina Kay 在 'Sweetest tryst'

Katerina Kay - Sweetest tryst

Sami and Cattarina came over for the Cum Fiesta party! These two college girls heard a rumor around campus about the Fiesta and couldn't believe it. They got the password from a friend in their Eco class and drove out to the house to find out for themselves. To their awesome surprise, it was no rumor! They showed their passwords and were rewarded with Jmac's big dick. These hot chicks ate each others hot pussies and took turns riding the same cock. They also seemed to love the taste of each others juices on Jmac's dick. These two gorgeous babes shared everything. You gotta see them lick each others faces clean after their shared facial! It's hot as hell.

Lexy Villa 在 'Sex with lex'

Lexy Villa - Sex with lex

This week, we found a hot lil Latina named Lexy locked out of her car at a local strip mall. Of course, we had to pull up and help her out. Jmac got a coat hanger from his trunk and started to work the door open. Turned out she was visiting from out of town and wanted to have one last awesome day out. Lexy was super thankful once Jmac got the door open and wanted to come hang out and thank him some more. We got to the crib, and Lexy revealed a super sexy outfit she had on underneath. She really wanted his dick and got straight to work on it. Lexy really let loose with some moaning and screaming once she got that cock inside her. She rode that dick like a champ. Don't miss out on the hot load Jmac left all over her sweet ass.

Alice Amore 在 'Stacked to the max'

Alice Amore - Stacked to the max

Jmac finally saved up enough pennies to fix his BBQ grill, so he could eat like a real man. He wanted to hit up this place that had good steaks. We rolled in and found a sexy girl named Alice just chilling out side. It wasn't that uncommon down here in paradise. We rolled up on her and started playing fifty questions. Alice seemed pretty annoyed with us, but we were used to that sort of reaction. She started to open up to us and tossed her own jokes back at us. Alice finally gave in and decided to check out the crib. She was impressed by the big money mansion and called her friend that was supposed to pick her up. Alice told her friend that she was going to hang out for a while, as her legs started to spread out which showed her panties. She was getting loose. Jmac showed his cock getting hard and went in for a kiss. Alice got undress and wrapped her lips around his cock. Jmac proceed to pound her pussy in between her sucking on his balls. Alice got on her knees to receive the white gold as most naughty girls do.

Dillion Carter 在 'Juggling jugs'

Dillion Carter - Juggling jugs

Dillon and Payton were bored and wanted to play. They hit up Jmac because they knew what he was packing. If they weren't expecting the camera, they should have. That's how we roll on Big Naturals. The girls were in their usual flirty mood, as they played with their tits in the car. Oil was mentioned, and they got even more excited. They stripped down and oiled up when we got back to the crib. Dillion wrapped her huge titties around Jmac's cock, and they went at it. Dillon and Payton took turns coming with their boy toy for the day.

Lacey Vega 在 'Popsicle sucker'

Lacey Vega - Popsicle sucker

Lacey came from Tennessee to have a good time and show off those sexy curves. This eighteen-year-old, country girl was sucking on a popsicle in a very hot fashion. She turned around and displayed those thick thighs and juicy ass. Lacey slowly pulled up her dress and revealed that amazing big ass in all its glory. They went inside, where she rode her big rump on a dildo. Soon after, Lacey was sucking and riding that cock. She worked that dick, as her big juicy ass bounced all over the place. Lacey got her pussy drilled and got man juice all over her pretty face.

Velma Dearmond 在 'Hot velma'

Velma Dearmond - Hot velma

Velma came to have a great time. She was looking super hot in a see-through lingerie outfit. Velma pulled those big jugs out and shook them around in amazing fashion. JMac joined the party and brought the baby oil with him. Those huge knockers got all oiled up and glimmered in the sun. She got her beautiful tits stroked, and she sucked that cock. Velma got her pussy pounded, as those amazing melons bounced around. She then got man juice all over those big succulent tits.

Sienna Day 在 'Freaks out at night'

Sienna Day - Freaks out at night

Sienna Day and her golden panties showed up to get down. Her and the pack of vixens were on fire. They had all heard the stories about what goes on in the VIP. That is why they'd come back again and again. Jmac and Mirko were ready to make the horny party girls happy as can be. They took on two or more at a time, as they stroked the night away. Big titties and tight asses moved across the VIP section like nothing else. Moreover, they moved on some dick as well. You will not find action like this anywhere else.

Bree Bubbles 在 'Cock squat'

Bree Bubbles - Cock squat

Bree was on her way to work when her car ran out of gas. Tony and Jmac spotted her walking in a tight dress and heels with a gas tank in hand. They immediately made a U-turn and offered to assist her. Bree declined, but Tony persisted, and soon enough, they were on their way to fill up her tank. Bree was extremely appreciative that the guy's were able to start her car. Since she already called in late to work and had a couple of hours to spare, she accepted Jmac's invite to his place. Soon after arriving, Jmac stuffed Bree's mouth and then her tight pussy. He then stroked her all over the bathroom and in the shower. After banging the ay papi out of her, he blasted his load all over her pretty face.

Deedee Lynn 在 'Natural beauties'

Deedee Lynn - Natural beauties

Deedee came to show the world her big beautiful tits. It wasn't long before she was undressing and revealing those juicy jugs. Deedee shook those luscious knockers all over. She turned around and displayed her sweet round rump as well. JMac joined the party, and she got her sweet tits sucked and stroked. Deedee got her pussy pounded hard, as her soft melons bounced up and down. Jmac finished by busting his man juice all over those amazing juggs.

Tessa Arias 在 'Lusty lifting'

Tessa Arias - Lusty lifting

Money Talks is back at it this week with a tasty lineup. We start off with Havoc and a fountain of fondue heaven. Add a blowjob to the mix and you have yourself some sweet sucking. Then its Jmac and Esmi at the local gym doin what they do best and fucking little Tessa Arias on every piece of equipment in sight!

Chase Ryder 在 'Ride em chase'

Chase Ryder - Ride em chase

Chase came by the house looking to get fucked. Her password was better than most, and her sexy eyes had that look of desire. She was frisky and wanting to get hit from behind. Chase knew what she wanted and how to get it. She had a pair of tits no one could resist. That was just one part of her that complimented her bonerific body. Her sexy naughtiness was a big turn on, and Jmac pounded her pussy good. Chase was an awesome Fiesta girl and hoped she'd come back real soon.

Gianna Capone 在 'Juicy job'

Gianna Capone - Juicy job

Gianna had a lot of problems with Jmac as her employee. She'd had it up to her tits with Jmac's incompetence. He seemed to think getting her coffee was enough to keep him his job, but Gianna wasn't having it anymore. She sat him down and wanted to know what he thought he could do to save his job. Seeing he had nothing to lose, he propositioned her. Gianna surprisingly went for it, and they got down to business. She was very surprised and pleased by his huge cock and sucking sucking it off right away. Jmac was having a blast playing with her giant tits and pounding her pussy silly. Was Jmac's performance good enough to keep him his job? Watch to find out.

Serena Torres 在 'Dive in'

Serena Torres - Dive in

This week we had a smoking hot Latina named Serena waiting to make all our dreams come true. The super hot teen was ready and eager to learn some snorkeling, so we decided to teach her the ropes out in the pool. Serena was in a hot little bikini that showed off her tight body and cute ass. There was some quick playing around in the pool, but she was too hot for Jmac to keep his hands off. It wasn't long before Serena was sucking cock and loving it. The party moved inside the house, and that's when the real action started. You don't want to miss this smoking hot Latina babe getting the pounding of her life, super hot!

Skylar Green 在 'Super qualified'

Skylar Green - Super qualified

Skylar was getting bored with her humdrum college life. So, what's a beautiful blond with a sexy body to do? Skylar stole away and tried out for a porno scene. This girl was horny and ready. She bounced her firm round ass, tight pussy and perfect tits for the camera, as she gave details of her dick sucking and riding skills. Tony was about to jump in and get a taste himself when Jmac showed up. Jmac put her to the test, and Skylar showed him she was ready to perform. She took everything Jmac gave her with ease, including a face-drenching cumshot.

Belle Sparkles 在 'Beautiful sparkles'

Belle Sparkles - Beautiful sparkles

Belle was looking to get a new cellphone. The night before, Jmac threw hers in the pool at a party and ruined it. She was pissed and took off from the party, but now Jmac was trying to make it up to her. He and Tony went and picked up Belle at the store. They told her they'd take care of it and took her with them to make her some money. Belle was horny and ready. She didn't waste anytime and started blowing Jmac in the car. Back at the house Belle showed off her sweet sexy ass and flexibility, as she undressed to reveal her tan tone body. Jmac made sure he gave her a good stroking to make up for the night before. Belle was more than satisfied. And after she came, she let Jmac give her a full facial.

Lia Ezra 在 'Lick it up'

Lia Ezra - Lick it up

We stormed into the VIP and made sure everybody knew where the best party action was. The ladies had big smiles because they knew they were the best thing going on. All the guys wanted a piece of the action because these girls were on fire. They were looking so delicious, they couldn't even keep their hands off each other. Esmi left her panties at home, as usual, and was shaking her ass with some of the other big booty girls. But soon after, she couldn't take much more off the hot pussy and had to start munching away on it. Some of the other girls like Lia followed her lead, as they sucked on some cock. Levi and Jmac stroked these girls' pussies good, as they traded them back and forth. Some of the ladies had never had such huge dicks inside them. They were lucky to have some of the other girls take over, so they could take a break. But the party couldn't end properly without some final cock-tail refreshments, which the girls happily took all over their faces.

Mia Mae 在 'Super freak'

Mia Mae - Super freak

Mia had heard about the Cumfiesta from a friend and wanted to go check it out for herself. She was a slim and trim cutie with long sexy legs. At the door, Mia showed her sweet tits as the password and got right into the fiesta. Soon after, she was spread out on the couch playing with her luscious pussy. Mia sucked Jmac's cock like a true super freak. Then she got her pussy drilled good, which was what she came for. Mia also got on top and rode that dick with a frenzy. Jmac showed her what the fiesta was all about when he busted his load all over her pretty face.

Marcy 在 'Sex crazed'

Marcy - Sex crazed

I love Miami. Sexy Latinas encompass what I call paradise. Today I came across Marcy. A freaky little Latina babe from Peru that was down for anything. She was enjoying herself eating but with no company so I had to swoop in and take care of this injustice. Just so happens she used to be a stripper so I chalked it up in the luck column. After some convincing and slick Miami talk she agreed to come with us, but back to her place. Hope it all goes smoothly!

Sienna Day 在 'Siennas day'

Sienna Day - Siennas day

Its the end of the year and of course we bring you a Money Talks New Years special. Havoc pulls out the party favors and gets a lovely lady to masturbate and show off her unique talents. Then its Jmac and Esmi doing what they do best as the amazing blonde bombshell Sienna shows up for a sizzling end to 2013. Happy Money Talks New Year!

Lacey Lew 在 'Lewd lacey'

Lacey Lew - Lewd lacey

We had an enthusiastic new comer to the Fiesta this week named, Lacey. She was all smiles and ready to get down to work. Lacey came to party and got her pussy stroked hard. She got right to business by showing us how she liked playing with herself. Then Lacey showed us some of her cock sucking skills, which she had plenty of. She finally got to take all of Jmac's cock in her tight snatch and was a happy camper. Don't miss out on this cutie getting a serious pounding and a huge hot load all over her face, super hot!

Dakota James 在 'Tis the season'

Dakota James - Tis the season

Everybody was dressed in their best Christmas gear. Red and green was everywhere, and Dakota and Kiara got their presents early this year. They also knew that sharing was caring, so they were all about giving back in return. All these party animals were filled with holiday cheer, and some were filled with tongues and cocks. The girls were dressed up so sexy that it was truly a perfect sight to see. The smiles spread as wide as the legs. It was a great holiday party that was going to bring in a great New Year.

Christine Paradise 在 'Drink it up'

Christine Paradise - Drink it up

Jmac was driving around a parking lot when he noticed this hot Latina with red hair. He pulled up to her and began talking it up. She said her name was Christene, and she looked even better up close. Jmac offered her some money for some modeling work, and she accepted after the money was flashed in her face. Christene followed Jmac back to the house, and after some more negotiations, she agreed to get naked and suck and ride his cock. First she got naked and revealed those juicy tits and luscious ass. Then Christene jumped on that cock and rode it, as her sweet ass jiggled around. She got her pussy pounded and man juice all over her pretty face.

Zarreena Baz 在 'Licking baz'

Zarreena Baz - Licking baz

Zarreena decided she wanted to do a porn shoot. She answered an internet ad promising up to $20,000 a month. With dollar signs in her eyes, Zarreena went to meet with Jmac and Tony. A Texan with Arabic heritage, this dark-haired sexy beauty was ready to show off her sultry skin and start working. After quickly getting the formalities out of the way, Zarreena gave us a slow strip-tease revealing her plump, juicy ass and perky tits. Jmac jumped in and put her to the test. Zarreena effortlessly moved between positions like a pro. After a face-filling finish Zarreena proved she had what it took.

Payton Simmons 在 'Bubble butt'

Payton Simmons - Bubble butt

Payton came to hang out with us for a little while. She was bored, as we were we, so when she called us up, we jumped at the chance to spend some quality time with her. Payton came over all dolled up, and we immediately knew why she really came over. We walked around for a little bit and chilled by the gazebo where Payton decided to give us a little strip tease. Only her panties were left on when we all made our way inside. JMac pulled out the baby oil and oiled her down to make Payton nice and shiny. Her monster curves took JMac's monster cock on.

Jazmine 在 'Sensual jazmine'

Jazmine - Sensual jazmine

Jmac had a momentary lapse of reason and fell in love with a Cuban hottie named Jazmine. He said he was going to Vegas to get married. Tone immediately told him to stop by his house before making any hasty decisions. Jmac arrived with his bride to be, and Tony immediately could see why he was thinking with his one-eyed whistle. Jazmine is a beautiful Latina with nice long legs, a round firm booty and perfect tits. Tone suggested, as the best man, that Jmac and Jazmine make a sex tape and the filming of it would be his gift to them. Within minutes of Tony's suggestion, Jazmine had Jmac's hard cock in her mouth. He relentlessly stroked her tight pussy from multiple angles and positions before blasting his load all over her gorgeous face. Needless to say, Jmac was not getting married, but he refused to admit that he was pussy whipped.

Shae Summers 在 'Real feel'

Shae Summers - Real feel

Shae came back for some more huge titty fun. Those juicy juggs looked amazing under her shirt. This 18-year-old took off her top to revealed those beautiful perky boobs in all their glory. Shae shook those incredible knockers all around. Then she got her enormous tits sucked and stroked. Shae returned the gesture by sucking Jmac's cock. Then she climbed on top and rode that dick, as her gigantic tits bounced up and down. Shae finally got the reward of man juice all over those big mounds of fun.

Teagan Summers 在 'Pussy fest'

Teagan Summers - Pussy fest

We rolled into the club fifteen deep which filled up the VIP spot nicely. The guys went around seeing who was game. All the girls were having fun, as they showed off the goods. The guys didn't have to really make any decisions because Tegan and her friend dropped to their knees and let the club know who was going to get fucked. These two hot blondes put on a great pussy fest. Esmi took control of some serious ass, as she licked her way into the minds of so many girls. She was unstoppable along with the guys that pounded the other girls until their legs were weak and covered in cum.

Chrissy Greene 在 'Big bush'

Chrissy Greene - Big bush

We went and picked up the delicious Chrissy while she was shopping earlier this week. She was looking super cute, and she was eager to come shoot a scene with Jmac. So much so that Chrissy started sucking his dick in the parking lot of the store. We took her to the house right away and got to business. Chrissy had a surprise for us too, a full on bush! You don't want to miss her awesome titties bouncing, as she gets nailed hard for a hot load all over her sweet bush.

Kitty 在 'Double dipper'

Kitty - Double dipper

Jmac brought Kitty and her sexy Latina friend back to the house. They were both looking hot as hell and ready to get fucked. They stripped down by the pool to reveal their incredible bodies and began by shaking their juicy asses all around. Then they rubbed baby oil all over each others luscious bodies. It was like a Latina dream come true. Kitty and her hot friend got horny and started licking each others pussies, and when Jmac came out, they both sucked on his cock. Like good friends, they shared nicely and took turns getting their wet pussies pounded. In the end, Jmac was so sprung he had enough cum to cover both their pretty faces.

Savana Ginger 在 'Juicy ginger'

Savana Ginger - Juicy ginger

Savana hired Jmac to do some handy work around the yard and it was not working out at all. He was slow to say the least and was not getting much of anything done. She came out to yell at him to do his job but easily got distracted once she saw him with his shirt off. She heard he had a huge cock and thought this would be a good way for him to make up his less than stellar yard work. She whipped out her huge tits and let Jmac suck all over those then she got to work slobbing on his cock. She then moved the party indoors where she really put him to work. Don not miss this Big Tits Boss showing her employee who the real boss is.

Alana Gray 在 'Street freak'

Alana Gray - Street freak

Jmac was going to the dentist when he noticed this sexy Latina named Allana in a hot little outfit. He began talking to her, and she explained that she was wearing lingerie underneath her skirt that she designed herself. After some monetary persuasion, Allana decided to come back to the house with Jmac. She slowly undressed and revealed her juicy tits and ass. Allana spread her legs and displayed her crotchless lingerie. She sucked and worked that cock. Allana rode that dick, as her juicy ass bounced around. then she got man juice sprayed all over her pretty face.

Angel Cassidy 在 'Cum commander'

Angel Cassidy - Cum commander

Angel came to the Cum Fiesta ready to party. From the moment the door opened she started showing off her sexy body. First flashing her passwords and then popping and bouncing her assets. Jmac sat back and watched, as this outgoing brunette stripped down to reveal all her piercings. Angel masturbated and gave us a look at her tight juicy pussy. Jmac watched for a minute, then dove in and fingered her. Jmac took turns switching between lips, as he stroked and she sucked that pussy. Angel's hardcore attitude paid off, and Jmac gave her a deep pounding. Angel begged for cum, and Jmac answered by covering her pretty smiling face.

Teffany Gales 在 'Latin lover'

Teffany Gales - Latin lover

Tiffani, the lovely Latina, was ready to have some fun. This Colombian princess was dressed in a sultry red and black dress that grabbed Jmac and Tony's attention. Tiffani was so excited, she started playing with herself and grabbing Jmac's dick in the car. The short ride back to the house was enough to get Tiffani hot and horny. When they got to the spot, she was ready to fuck and teased them with a strip show while dancing around the room and shaking her ass. Jmac jumped in and put Tiffani to the test, as he stroked that royal pussy hard. The action got crazy, as Jmac banged Tiffani and then raised her above his head to eat her pussy. This lovely soiree ended with Jmac covering Tiffani's tits in cum.

Cadence Lux 在 'Pussy patrol'

Cadence Lux - Pussy patrol

We had the super cute Cadence come around this week for a good old Cum Fiesta. She was all smiles and anxious to get busy with some cock. Once we saw the password, we had to let her in. Cadence wasn't shy and soon had her legs spread open and was playing with herself. She went on to give a hot sloppy blow job to Jmac and then started screaming and moaning once she started riding the cock. This lil freak took a serious pounding and loved every second of it. Don't miss Cadence, the sexy teen amateur, getting hardcore on the Fiesta!

Katerina Kay 在 'Lip service'

Katerina Kay - Lip service

This week on Money Talks we start off the with a massive naked super slide. Watch as Havoc gets some ladies to bare it all and get those titties sliding. Then it's time for Jmac and Esmi to do what they do best and find amateurs ready for some Reality porn. They offer up some cash for some quick flashing thrills, until the grand prize Katerina walks through the door. Then its time for Jmac to get busy!

Tiffany Flowers 在 'Banging flowers'

Tiffany Flowers - Banging flowers

We had a cute new comer named Tiffany join us this week. She was eager to get into the business for the money and couldn't wait to get her hands on some cock. Tiffany ended up having a really nice ass and she really knew how to suck cock. She was screaming for more dick once she got some in her. Jmac held nothing back and went to town on that pussy. Tiffany loved it, as she moaned out and orgasmed. Look out for this babe in the future, she knows how to please.

Payton Simmons 在 'Pleasing payton'

Payton Simmons - Pleasing payton

Payton came over to show off her big, beautiful, natural breasts. Being a college student looking for some extra cash, she came to the right place. Very confident of her sexy body, Payton started out in a very short dress. But the dress quickly came off, and we got to see those great tits first hand. Unable to resist, Jmac had to fuck those titties. Payton loved the titty-fuck and got down and dirty. Jmac took it easy on her, but still put her bangin body to the test. A lip smacking and tit covering cumshot finished Payton off, leaving her satisfied and ready to return for more.

Mackenzie Banks 在 'Pussy wheel'

Mackenzie Banks - Pussy wheel

We had a full house, and everybody came to party down. There was pussy flashing and munching right from the start. These girls were hornier than ever. Levi was on them without skipping a beat. He planted his face in the first piece of ass that presented itself to him. The scene escalated from there, as more and more clothes fell to the floor. There was a great variety of pussy to choose from. Jmac and Levi soon had their hands full of ass and titties. They were banging these chicks in all sorts of positions. The girls that weren't in the cock fest rubbed down on themselves, or the closest girl next to them. It was an action-packed night that left a couple girls with sticky cum faces and big smiles.

Kitty 在 'Kittys kat'

Kitty - Kittys kat

As the sun gets hotter, so do the fine Latina girls. We found Kitty hanging out all alone in a strip mall waiting for her ride to get there. She was very sweet and had a killer body. We wanted to bring her along with us to the house, but Kitty was very hesitant until money came into play. We finally came to an agreement, and she came along for the ride. This mamacita had such a great ass on her and loved to shake it. Kitty gave Jmac some serious head, then really got loud when she got the dick in her. Don't miss out on this spicy mama going off.

Shelby Paige 在 'Slide in'

Shelby Paige - Slide in

This 5-foot, beautiful blond with a big ass was seemingly perfect participant for the Cum Fiesta. She showed up with her eyes bright and her pussy eager to be filled. A quick flash of the password gained her access, and the fun began. Shelby took a seat on the couch and showed off how flexible she was. Jmac couldn't stand back and just watch any longer. He proceeded to pound that pussy. As he hit it from behind, that bouncing booty was just too much, and Jmac covered Shelby's smiling face in cum.

Daisy Summers 在 'Panty patrol'

Daisy Summers - Panty patrol

This week on Money Talks, Havoc heads out to find a sexy lady willing to go fuck herself! That's right, a mirror and a dildo, and you know we can make that happen. And boy, does it all come together with the lovely local who puts on a show. Then it was time for Esmi and Jmac to hit up the local pool hall with titties, pussy, ass, and cash everywhere. Finally, they get Daisy to go all out and open up that pussy for Jmac and Esmi to enjoy.

Janessa 在 'Juicy janessa'

Janessa - Juicy janessa

Janessa is a smoking hot, 19-year-old, Puerto Rican that starred in her own short film for the first time today. Tony and Jmac were there to help her through it and keep her at ease. But this sexy, tan, redhead was ready and horny. Less than five minutes into the interview, she said how she couldn't wait to be split open. This set the tone for the rest of the day, and with Jmac's help, she had no problem having her wish granted. Janessa continued her sexual innuendos through the interview and after she mentioned her fat and tight pussy, Jmac had heard all he needed to. He pounced on that pussy and put it to the test. Janessa was in heaven, finally getting her snatch filled properly. She showed off her cock sucking skills, rode that cock and even took everything Jmac threw at her. This horny little Latina worked Jmac good until he covered her face with creamy goodness.

Lily Love 在 'Master moves'

Lily Love - Master moves

It's an all-star Monster Curves this week with Lily Love. Tony joined her by the gazebo where she was wearing a tiny bikini. She strolled around while showing off her smoking body, which was accented by her naturally beautiful breasts, plump ass and juicy pussy. It doesn't matter which way Lily turns, the resulting image is a masterpiece, and the camera loves her. After a little small talk, she walked to the house while Tony followed close behind. Inside Lily was greeted by Jmac who was eagerly waiting for her. Words were no longer needed, as these two vets showed off their talents. Lily showed us some new tricks and gave it everything she's had. Jmac stroked her in every imaginable way, but his holding out was no match for the pussy power of Lily Love. He exploded and covered her with cum from pussy to mouth.

Isabella Gonzales 在 'Boobs and balloons'

Isabella Gonzales - Boobs and balloons

Tony found Jmac at the mall with the sexy, Izabella. She was looking super hot in her tight-fitting dress. Wanting to get a better look, Jmac hiked up her dress to reveal she had no panties on. They hurried up back to the house, and she did not disappoint. Izabella loved sucking that cock and working her nice tight box on it. First she played with her pussy, before having it munched on. Then she got her wet pussy pounded. Izabella got that man juice all over her pretty face in the end.

Coco Valentina 在 'Hot coco'

Coco Valentina - Hot coco

We had a hot ass Latina come spice up the Fiesta this week. Coco certainly did not have the biggest knockers to flash us, but she more than made up with it in ASS. Coco had an amazing bubble butt perfect for spanking and fucking. She shook her ass a bit then started getting very wet, so we gave her the dick. Coco started moaning instantly and wanted more and more. You don't want to miss the huge load this cutie took to the face. It was one hot Cum Fiesta.

Kylee 在 'Kinky kylee'

Kylee - Kinky kylee

Kylee was very appreciative of her driving lessons. She wanted to show how grateful she was by undressing and revealing that luscious body. She stuck her juicy ass up in the air and shook it around. She sucked and fucked that cock. She rode that cock as her juicy ass bounced around. She got her pussy rammed and got man juice all over her pretty face.

Mia Hurley 在 'Coochie sling'

Mia Hurley - Coochie sling

Mia is a sexy Latina that came to have a good time. She was looking hot in that skirt, stockings and heels. Mia was a cute nerdy girl with glasses that was into comics and Reddit. She pulled up that skirt and revealed her juicy ass. Mia went inside and changed into a tiny string bikini, which she looked super sexy in. Soon after, Mia was sucking and fucking that cock. She rode that dick, as her juicy tits and ass bounced. The adventure ended for Mia when she got man juice all over her succulent ass.

Valerie White 在 'Party pumper'

Valerie White - Party pumper

Aurora strutted her stuff into the VIP spot, as Jmac was tossing up her skirt. She loved the attention, so she hiked it up even more. Aurora was live and on point to please. She gave us a a preview for what was going to come sooner then later that night. Jmac went around introducing his hands to all the other ladies asses. He made sure the ladies knew what kind of party they were at. There was some serious plump booty action, and it was bouncing in full force. After a line up of horny bent over chicks, Jmac pulled his cock out to see which one would take it. Aurora was all over it. She was waiting for some cock and wasn't about to pass on it. Her and Valerie teamed up to overtake his cock and balls. Tyler was followed by a girl that loved to deep throat as well. This group started fucking like rabbits. They switched it up and kept the party going, so everybody got a little piece from everyone else.

Jade 在 'Jizz for jade'

Jade - Jizz for jade

Jaade is a party girl that cant get enough. She is very interested when one of her friends tells her about a fiesta party where she can get her fill. Jaade cums to the fiesta fully prepared, flashes her passwords, and gets her groove on. This dark haired, bronzed skinned beauty pops her assets for Jmac and with the help of some very assessable shorts provides us with some great looks. With her no bullshit attitude, Jaade gets right to it, as she jumps on the bed and gives us a strip tease. Along with her love of showing off her amazing body, Jaade also has a passion for sucking cock. Jmac doesnt object and lets her get down to business. From there, Jmac takes control and in between licking and groping her perfect tits and bangin booty, he puts her pussy to work. After hitting it from the front to back and side to side, Jmac lets loose with a gusher across Jaade's lips and into her mouth.

London Reinas 在 'Vast ass'

London Reinas - Vast ass

We have some serious round and brown curves for you this week. The sexy babe, London, joins us for some titty bouncing action. She loved showing off her awesome knockers and did not take long to pull them out and toss them around. Jmac was all about it and took her inside the house quickly where she stripped, and the real party started. You don't want to miss out on London because she is a sex machine that shows all her awesome tricks, super hot!

Stacey Foxxx 在 'Big and lovely'

Stacey Foxxx - Big and lovely

We had the super hot lady, Stacy Foxxx, come visit us this week and she was smoking. She had some amazing knockers that were true natural beauties. She made them bounce every which way and then some. The fun stuff really started when Jmac showed up, helped her out of her clothes and oiled her up. Stacy had the full package with a great ass to boast about. She really knew how to handle the cock and jam it down her throat. Stacy was loving life once Jmac started pounding her and making her awesome tits bounce all over. Don't miss out, its a hot one.

Ava Cash 在 'Cash cumming'

Ava Cash - Cash cumming

Ava showed up at the crib with her long legs and tight body just looking to get fucked real good. She was told to come to the Fiesta party for some real fun. Ava showed her tits for the password and was let right in. We would of let her fine ass in even if she didn't know it. Ava's sexy brown eyes and Cuban attitude were perfect for this Fiesta. She played with her eighteen-year-old pussy, which was already soaked, as she got things started. Her lips puffed up with excitement. Jmac was hard, as any of us would be, and got right behind her. He teased her a little before burying his pleasure limb deep inside her pussy. He was pretty heated up and had to back off for some tongue and cheek action. Ava worked the cock and balls like a champ. They continued the game of bury the shaft, as her ass became nice and pink from the smacking. Jmac coated her face for the Fiesta finale. Ava was happy to have his cum and told us she would tell all her friends with a big cum smile.

Kalina Ryu 在 'Pussy love'

Kalina Ryu - Pussy love

This week on Money Talks we start off by finding a girl and a guy out on the street willing to partake in a lap dance. Once back at the studio, we surprise them with the Cock Cage! From there, it's on to another Money Talks classic with the new and improved pussy pump. And for the Grand Finale, Jmac and Esmi find the lovely Liily. After some negotiation and foreplay, it's time to bend over and slap that ass!

Evilyn Fierce 在 'Fierce fucking'

Evilyn Fierce - Fierce fucking

The weather is heating up in S. Florida which means the girls are wearing less and less, but that doesn't change a thing for our VIP parties. Our ladies don't wear much when they come to party at the biggest best clubs around. They know they have to show skin to get in anyways. We had a sweet ass group that started right off the get go. Big titties bounced right out of dresses and skirts were pushed up from the tremendous ass shacking. They teased each other for a little bit, but once they got turned on, there was no stopping them. Dresses came off, and their pussy were hard at work in a good way. Jmac watched the show for a second before he pulled his meat bat out. Evilyn and her friend went to town on his cock. The balls to the tip were licked without discretion. These two girls were all about Jmac. Once they got a hold of his dick they weren't letting go for nothing. Evilyn lived up to her name, as she fiercely rode Jmac to the point of a cum shower.

Adriana Lynn 在 'Pay up'

Adriana Lynn - Pay up

We are back with another fun filled episode of Money Talks! Have you ever seen some cock art? We are talking about a real cock inside a frame and 1 lucky girl with the chance to suck it off for some cash. How about a jelly cobra on a hot naked chick ready to be ate up? Well if all thats not enough, then just sit back and watch Jmac fuck the amazing Adriana Lynn like a champ, with some help from Esmi of course.

J Love 在 'Best breast boss'

J Love - Best breast boss

Jmac was called into his boss's office once again for screwing up paperwork. She was livid and just about had it. Though she must get horny when she's angry because she practically threw her pussy at him. Jmac seemed a little shocked by it but also quite thrilled. She told him she'd reconsider keeping him depending on how well he ate her out. He dove into her lovely slice of pie and got her purring like the sexy kitten she was. After had her orgasming, he asked if he was still employed, but she wasn't done with him and told him to pull his dick out. She gasped and looked amazed at the size of his cock. Then she second guessed the request because she wasn't sure his dick would fit into her tight snatch. Jmac made sure to pound her good with his cock. Her eyes went wide and she gasped, as Jmac went balls deep. She begged at the end of this midday, office sexcapade for Jmac to cum all over her huge tits.

Macy Cartel 在 'Super spread'

Macy Cartel - Super spread

Macy was relaxing outside and showing off her sexy body for Tony while they waited for Jmac. She was a beautiful blond with a big ass and perfect tits. Unbeknownst to the party, Jmac was already there peeping her out. They found him lounging at the other side of the yard just chilling on a couch. This wasn't Macy and Jmac's first encounter. They quickly greeted each another and got right down to business. Jmac showed off his pussy licking skills, and Macy swallowed his cock down. The action moved fast and soon they were putting on a proper fuck-filled show. Macy's amazing tits and tight pussy eventually got the better of Jmac and caused him to erupt all over her stomach and body.

Sophia 在 'All that ass'

Sophia - All that ass

Sofia was exiting the library when she noticed that Jmac was double parked in front of her car. She urged him to move his car, but he was determined to at least get her number. All of his attempts failed until he pulled out a wad of cash. Sofia's tune immediately changed, and she was less interested in getting to class on time and more focused on the greenbacks. She agreed to go back to Jmac's place and give him a taste of her sweet Latina culo. Jmac worshipped Sofia's amazing ass before pounding it in various positions. He banged the ay papi out of her and then blasted her pretty face with his jizz.

Ashlee Raine 在 'Pussy games'

Ashlee Raine - Pussy games

Ashlee Raine heard about the Cum Fiesta and wanted to come see what it was about. She was super cute with her sexy gaze. Of course, Ashlee had no problem getting in with her big tits as the password. Soon after, she was bent over the couch displaying her luscious ass and pussy for us all to see. She was so horny, she spread out her legs and began playing with her sweet pussy. Ashlee then sucked cock and got her pussy drilled. She even got an extra closeup experience of the fiesta, as she got cum all over her face.

Jazzmine Lopez 在 'Jizz on jazmine'

Jazzmine Lopez - Jizz on jazmine

We'd met Jazzmine at a previous Money Talks shoot. She was coy and left shortly after we started. I guess she felt like she'd missed out on some big dick because she contacted us to do another shoot. We made sure this time she wouldn't back out by offering a handsome reward she couldn't refuse. When we all got back to the crib, she was definitely ready to have some fun. With her skirt riding high, Jazzmine jumped on the bed and started shaking that big ass of hers. She told us she needed to freshen up and went into the bathroom. We started to wonder what she was doing, so we opened the door and found her all wet and in the tub. We got the oil on her real quick, and she went to town on Jmac's cock. Then we moved back into the bedroom where mac pounded her pussy from behind like nothing else mattered. She rode his cock to get it in even deeper and was in total orgasm heaven.

Penelope Stone 在 'Sweet spread'

Penelope Stone - Sweet spread

Have you ever had the chance to dribble some titties? Well Meagan found a lucky guy who got paid to double dribble with some double D's. From there, we couldn't help but bring back a Money Talks classic. It entailed some hot naked chicks, a small pool, mud and water, you get the idea. Finally, we went back to the shop where Esmi and Jmac found the sexy Penelope Stone and offered everything they had for the chance to smack that ass and give her the ultimate Money Talks pleasure.

Bridget Rite 在 'Oh so rite'

Bridget Rite - Oh so rite

After losing her waitress job, Bridget came across our ad while searching for a new gig. She came in ready and willing to do anything. There was a brief interview, she got undressed, and we got to see her perky tits and pretty pussy. Bridget softly rubbed her moist clam before giving Jmac a superb blow job. Soon after getting his knob slobbed, Jmac gave her a relentless fucking all over the office. She had the pleasure of experiencing multiple orgasms and of getting her face glazed with Jmac's jizz.

Natalie Lust 在 'Lustful night'

Natalie Lust - Lustful night

I think the ladies felt real comfortable at the this new hot spot, or maybe they were just really fucking horny. Knowing our crew, they were in fact really horny. They were on a mission to fuck one another and most of them did just that. It was an all out buffet of hot ass with a side of cock and balls. They didn't even get undressed, and they were 69ing each other. Once Jmac saw this, he just pulled his cock out and pointed it at the nearest girl. It was game on at that point. Within minutes, it was an all out orgy. Legs were getting tossed in the air, as pussies got spread wide open. The few girls that weren't hungry for the buffet settled for tits bouncing and ass shaking, but they were still making the party just as live. At one point, the girls were on all fours in a row with their booties pushed up for Jmac to dive deep inside them. One by one, he filled them up. As they got their fill and orgasmed, he moved on from one girl to the next. Jmac fucked one girl so good, she released a nice squirt of excitement that only made this party even better. Jmac got his chance to return the stream of cum on the ladies too. There's really nothing like a group of chicks kneeling before you waiting for your to jizz all over them.

Coco Valentina 在 'Cum in coco'

Coco Valentina - Cum in coco

While cruising the local shopping center the cutest little latina walks past Tony and Jmac. Not wanting to pass up such a great opportunity Jmac jumps on it. Coco dosent have time for what hes selling so she brushes him off. With the help of Tony they calm Coco down. Their gracious flattery of her amazing ass is much appreciated. A couple jokes and some Hialeah charm gets her to join them back at the house. Once they get to the house Coco relaxes and opens up, both literally and figuratively. A little small talk goes a long way and soon Coco is grinding on Jmacs lap. As the clothes slip away we get the full picture of this dark-haired, spanish beauty. Her nice, perky tits, full, round ass, beautiful face and fit body create a powerful hunger in Jmac. Jmac feeds his need as he eats Cocos ass and pussy. After some cock sucking a formidable fuck fest follows as Jmac effortlessly moves Coco around. Jmac hits the spot in time and Coco cums followed by a mouth filling facial. Coco then goes to clean up in the shower. She takes her new lingerie with her and gives Tony a little show. Our fun is soon cut short after Tony is asked to join her in the shower.

Amanda Tate 在 'The price of pleasure'

Amanda Tate - The price of pleasure

This week on Money Talks, Meagan hits the streets to find a couple willing to partake in a stunt we call Weiner Cleaner. Its gets real wet and sexy in the shower. Then she busts out the LolliCocks to see which girl can suck it best. Finally its back to the nail salon where Esmi and Jmac try out some customers until Amanda walks in. Thats when the action really heats up Money Talks style!

Chrissy Greene 在 'Anal attention'

Chrissy Greene - Anal attention

Chrissy and Callie, two fun loving girls, are hanging out with Tony. While waiting for Jmac to return from the store with some party favors the girls get to know each other a little better. They show off what they got, two big beautiful asses and four luscious tits. They start licking each others pussies to reveal Chrissys hairy bush and Callies shaved and scrumptious delight. Jmac sneaks in while the two are going at it. Its Callies first time having anal sex, so with the toys Jmac brings the girls soon have dildos in their asses. Before long a two girl bj starts and is followed by plenty of sex. Chrissy starts it off, taking it in her pussy while Callie licks around. Then Callie breaks her anal cherry while Chrissy masturbates. Jmac eventually explodes all over Callies ass and Chrissys face and tits.

Leila 在 'Lots of love'

Leila - Lots of love

This week Round and Brown brings the beautiful Leilla. A 24 year old native Miamian with lots of curves. A big, plump and juicy ass along with voluptuous, more-than-a-handful tits. Along with a beautiful face this girl has the full package. She starts by showing us some of the dance moves she learned over the years. Once she gets herself worked up she lies on the couch and starts playing with herself. A knock comes at the door and who could it be? Its our old familiar friend Jmac here to play basketball with Tony. Jmac quickly forgets about Tony and basketball and decides to play with Leilla instead. He quickly buries his face into her amazing ass and perfect pussy. Next they test Leillas head game, which seems to be quite efficient as she sucks Jmacs cock from every angle. Jmac then proceeds to fuck Leilla from every angle, not wanting to miss any part of this Round and Brown rendezvous. Leilla cums as she rides cowgirl followed by Jmac cumming on Liellas face and tits.

Keiyra Lina 在 'Naked naturals'

Keiyra Lina - Naked naturals

Keiyra was a French bombshell. She crossed the pond to spend some quality time with us and she would disappoint. She had luscious 34D breast and she was not shy in displaying them. After a little demonstration of her hot little body JMac passed by. He had some plans for Keiyra and those juicy boobies. He was gonna give her a great reason to stay in America. EnJoY!

Ashton Pierce 在 'Fierce pierce'

Ashton Pierce - Fierce pierce

Ashton wanted to experience for herself what her girlfriends have been gossiping about so she came to the fiesta ready for anything. She was greeted at the door by Jmac who immediately asked for the password. After showing him her huge tits, Ashton was escorted inside. After the pleasantries, Jmac had hell of a time with Ashton's fun bags. He then got a superb blow job before pounding her pretty pussy. With every thrust, Ashton's melons bounced or jiggled, It was an amazing sight. The fiesta ended after Jmac blasted his jizz all over her beautiful face.

Ellie May 在 'Red white and boobs'

Ellie May - Red white and boobs

We caught Ellie in town for a hot body, wet t-shirt contest or something. We didn't care. We knew how she likes to get loose, so we met up and brought the camera. We got to the park where the event was taking place, and I guess we were super early because we did a whole lot before anyone else showed up. I managed to get one tit out before Jmac came around and cock blocked me like he does best. He even brought some coconuts and showed off his brut strength for Ellie. It's not like she wasn't going to fuck him anyways. After some fresh coconut water, Jmac went for the real deal. Her big naturals were so fun to watch bounce and jiggle all over the place. She was loving Jmac probably just as much. He opened her pussy up nice and wide. She took his cock every way he put it in her and then she made sure he knew where to blow his load.

Sage Evans 在 'Super sucker'

Sage Evans - Super sucker

Sage heard about the fiesta and wanted to come experience it for herself. She was a cutie with some perky tits. She showed off those luscious tits to get into the fiesta. Soon after, she was playing with her pussy and got it nice and wet. She sucked and fucked that cock. She got her pussy pounded and got the cum fiesta all over her pretty face.

Emily Benjamins 在 'Knock your socks off'

Emily Benjamins - Knock your socks off

We were cruising to the beach when Jmac saw this sexy girl stretching off to the side or the road. He turned the car around with a quickness. We parked next to the rest area where she was and spied on her for a minute. She continued to stretch and give us a little show because when she saw us she immediately turned around and bent over the show us how short her shorts were. We got our story together and moved in on her. As we walked up we realized just how smoking hot she was. We told her we were personal trainers and wanted to give her some pointers. She was off set by the camera, but quickly brushed it off as we moved on with another topic. She was pretty open which made it easy for us to make our move. We gave some pointers on stretching when Jmac and his one track mind got real sexual with her. She didn't miss a beat and went right along with it. She was probably more sexual then him, but she didn't just open her legs like he would. We put a couple ideas in her head and after a minute or so, she went for it. She didn't back down for a second once we got back to our crib. She show her whole package, and it was amazing. Jmac was in pussy heaven with Emely and her tight body. He tried to get her in every position possible before he exploded. Emely was a super vixen, and we hope to see her jogging around town again.

Stacey Foxxx 在 'Point of view'

Stacey Foxxx - Point of view

Lilly came with her beautiful friend, Stacey. They were both looking super hot in those tiny bikinis. It was not long until they pulled those huge jugs out. They shook those giant knockers all around in amazing fashion. Lily licked Staceys sweet pussy and then JMac joined the party. They sucked and fucked his cock with their huge tits. They took turns getting fucked as their big tits bounced around. They got man juice all over their pretty faces.

Nikki Chase 在 'Sweet release'

Nikki Chase - Sweet release

Tony invited Nykkie to the Cum Fiesta party. She shows ready to fuck and be covered in cum. Jmac gives her a quick lookover and overwhelmingly approves of this lovely, young, party girl. After showing her passwords she goes to give us a little show. She shows off her thin, tanned, gorgeous body, her perky tits, and banging, bouncing bum. During her show Nykkie starts playing with herself and Jmac joins in, fingering her ass and pussy. Nykkie claims to have primo cock sucking skills and she doesnt disappoint. After a minute of sucking she gets on and rides that cock cowgirl style. The action goes on to explore other party positions and concludes with a facial fiesta. Nykkie is pleased and promised to invite her friends.

Issa Rose 在 'Bent over backwards'

Issa Rose - Bent over backwards

Sexy Latinas are the fucking best! Freaky, Hot, and Horny! Thats exactly what Issa was. She was all by herself, waiting for a ride from her girl after her boyfriend had just dissed her. He cheated on her so she was extremely pissed so we approached with caution. But in reality we're exactly what Issa needed. A rebound! A nice fat cock to get her mind of off things. At first Issa was hesitant but after some warming up this mami was all about coming back with us. Just what you would expect from a sexy latina. When we got back home Issa was cock hungry so we gave her exactly what she came for!

Adriana Chechik 在 'Back seat grinders'

Adriana Chechik - Back seat grinders

This week on Money Talks we explore the endless possibilities of chocolate. First, our host Meagan finds someone willing to partake in what we call the bandit mask. Dip those nuts in chocolate! Then she finds some talent in the streets that loves the idea of getting paid for some chocolate covered nipples. Finally its back to the shop with Esmi and Jmac where they encounter the sexy Adreana. Don't miss it as she goes all out for the cash, and Esmi enjoys every second.

Leslie 在 'Red hot curves'

Leslie - Red hot curves

Leslie hails from Dallas, Texas where the motto is 'Everything is Bigger in Texas' and in this case it certainly applies to her booty. We had a great time worshipping Leslie's donk, we oiled it up, rubbed it and watched it redefine the laws of gravity. Leslie's booty hydraulics were flawless, she twerked her feminine phat like a true booty goddess. I was mesmerized and so was Jmac. We eventually went indoors were we got to see more booty action before Jmac's animal instinct took over. He relentlessly fucked Leslie all over the couch and then blasted an unbelievable amount of jizz on her beautiful butt cheeks and ass cleavage.

Angel Del Rey 在 'Nice nips'

Angel Del Rey - Nice nips

I met up with this sexy Latina girl at the beach. She was interested in doing a shoot with Jmac because she loveed big dicks. Angel is from Mexico, she is 21, and is super fine. She was excited to get some dick and the beach wasn't cooperating with us, so we headed back to the house to get her on some serious dick. She already knew Jmac was packing some heat, so they didn't need much introduction. After a couple kisses she was flashing her pussy. Jmac dove right in and ate it up. After some sucking and blowing, she gave us a little more teasing and took off her clothes to reveal her tight little package. She sat on a cock that was bigger than her forearm. She took it very well and loved it. He pussy must have been a real tight squeeze on his dick because he kept a steady pace. After she was tossed around, Jmac jizzed all over her entire body from the pile driver position.

Stella Ferrari 在 'Stellas groove'

Stella Ferrari - Stellas groove

Stella's has been contemplating going to the fiesta for quite some time now. After an argument with her boyfriend, she decided to attend and experience what her college friends have been gossipping about for the past few weeks. Jmac greeted her at the door and asked for the password. Stella pulled out her beautiful perky tits and politely asked if she could enter. Soon after the pleasantries, Stella gave Jmac a magnificent blow job. She then asked him to fuck her tight little pussy and Jmac did just that. He banged her clam all over the living room and then sent her back to her dorm with her face covered in cum.

Stacie Starr 在 'Obey orders'

Stacie Starr - Obey orders

Stacie is interviewing Jmac for a job. Jmac gets caught staring at Stacies huge melons and hopes it doesnt affect his chances of being hired. Jmac wasnt told all that this job requires, but once Stacie tells him she needs to know his dick size he knows he has it in the bag. Stacie says she has to see it and that an oral exam will follow. Jmac likes the sound of that a proceeds to lay his cock on her desk. Stacie then performs her oral exam in between tittie fucks. She decides to give him the full physical exam, pushes him on the couch, and rides Jmacs pole. Stacie continues to rotate between tittie fucking and sucking cock, while having her pussy licked and pounded hard. She begs for and receives a pool of cum on her tits. This seems to seal the deal and Jmac gets the job.

Adriana Chechik 在 'Love triangle'

Adriana Chechik - Love triangle

Wow. The crowd was filled with some serious horny girls. I lost track of how many girls Jmac fucked. Every where he turned there was pussy in front of him. There were constantly two girls on and around his cock and balls. It was like his dick was a pussy magnet. They went in rotations from his cock to some pussy and ass. Nothing when untouched. The ladies were licking and sucking everything in sight like a feeding frenzy. They definitely didn't go hungry. I'm not even sure how they had the ability to walk out at the end of the night especially Jmac. He was on overdrive. The ladies were so hot and horny. Tits and asses were bouncing the moment they got out of the limo to the second they got back in.

Ashlee Raine 在 'Boat love'

Ashlee Raine - Boat love

We had a newbie come aboard this week. She had never been on a boat out in the ocean. So we had to show her the ways of the Captain. She was smoking hot and had an awesome pair of knockers. Once we got out for enough, we started oiling her down and checking out her sweet curves. After sucking Jmac off in the back of the boat, they jumped in and he gave her the real ride. She got to expierence the high seas with a huge cock in her ass. She was loving it and so will you. Dont miss out, super hot!

Natalie Moore 在 'Titty committee'

Natalie Moore - Titty committee

Lily and Natalie were hanging out in the back laying in the grass. They were looking very hot while making out with each other. It did not take long for them to reveal those big juicy tits. They both shook those beautiful knockers all around. They took turns sucking and titty fucking Jmac. They continued the action inside, where they took turns riding that cock as their juicy jugs bounced around. They got their pussies pounded and got man juice all over those huge fun bags.

Kennedy Leigh 在 'Perfect pussy'

Kennedy Leigh - Perfect pussy

Kenedy wanted to experience what her friends have been gossiping about for quite some time now so she got the address from them and went to the fiesta. She was greeted by Jmac who looked her over and then asked for the password. Kenedy showed her perky eighteen year old perky tits and immediately Jmac granted her access. He escorted her into the living room where he tested her cock sucking abilities. Kenedy skillfully slobbed on the schlong and then asked to get fucked. Jmac banged her pretty pussy on over the place and then blasted her beautiful face with his jizz before sending her back to her dorm.

Krista James 在 'Varsity boobs'

Krista James - Varsity boobs

JMac brought Krista to have a good time. She was looking super hot in that see through bikini. Those gigantic jugs looked amazing. Soon after arriving, she pulled those big bazookas out in full glory. They went inside where she shook those big knockers all around. She sucked that cock and got her juicy tits fucked. She got her sweet pussy pounded while those big tits bounced around. She got man juice all over those big beautiful jugs.

Tiana 在 'Sitting pretty'

Tiana - Sitting pretty

Tiana arrived at the fiesta wearing a sexy red outfit ready to get her mouth stuffed with some meat. Jmac looked her over and soon after worshipping her outstanding firm ass, he asked for the password. Tiana showed her perky tits and proceeded towards the living room. She immediately got on her knees and slobbed on Jmac's schlong before taking it for an amazing ride. Jmac relentlessly fucked her pretty pussy all over the living and then blasted her face with dick spit.

Emily Benjamins 在 'Poke me please me'

Emily Benjamins - Poke me please me

Jmac walked Emily home from school the other day. As they arrived and he was about to leave, she asked him if he wanted to hang out. She insured him that her parents were not going to be home for a few hours and reminded him she was eighteen. She said something about homework, but she had another type of work in mind. She wanted to work his dick into her mouth and between her legs. As soon as they sat down she was feeling Jmac's muscles and quickly moved down on his dick. He pulled it out as she requested. She didn't hesitate to wrap her lips around his cock and tried to fit as much as she could in her mouth. While her mouth was full she rubbed her pussy to prime it up. She straddled Jmac, and he started to pound away. She let jmac take control of her tiny little body, and she loved Jamc's after school cum-rriculum.

Vinette Ricci 在 'Titties out'

Vinette Ricci - Titties out

When you bring a sexy young Latina from NYC you its gonna get freaky. And thats exactly what was. Laced with her sexy New Yorkan swag she knew exactly how to entice us. Provocative and straight forward she knew what she came for. She didnt mince words or play shy at all. She told us she came for cock and wanted a fat juicy cock in her mouth. Mainly JMacs. We sure to not disappoint. Vinette was bad. Petite & Sexy in every sense of the word. Mixed with Puerto Rican and Italian she was officially an exotic breed. This 5'0" 120lb freak was sure to get quite the pounding!

Sarah Jennings 在 'Massive measurements'

Sarah Jennings - Massive measurements

Tony and Jmac are getting ready to break the beautiful redheaded Sarah in for her first guy-girl scene. While they are planning their form of attack she wanders off. They eventually find her outside rubbing her big natural tits with anticipation of the days activities. Sarah teases the guys with her bodacious tatas. She juggles, rubs and pinches them, enticing the two with her perky 32 Ds. Tony cant help but cop a feel before Jmac goes to town. After Sarah gives a blowjob and has her ass eaten for the first time shes willing and able for anything. As Jmac contorts her body Sarah flows from position to position while covering Jmac with her squirting sexjuice. Overwhelmed by the sexual prowess of this super sexy up-and-cumer Jmac explodes onto her face and tits.

Chloe Brooke 在 'Sexual appetite'

Chloe Brooke - Sexual appetite

Get ready for another Money Talks adventure with Havoc as we bring you Bongo Ass! You have never seen booty played like this. Then we find another set of sweet jugs for a street flash. Finally its Jmac and Esmi back at the shop doing their thing. Chloe agrees to give up that tight pussy for some cash. Check it out!

Aurora Rose 在 'Squeeze me'

Aurora Rose - Squeeze me

Aurora is visiting from DC and paving her career as a porn star with the help of Tony and Jmac. With her fiery red hair and 36DDD chest she looks to have what it takes. Jmac drenches these luscious melons with oil making them shine and providing the perfect tittie fuck. Jmac cant get enough of these tits and Aurora has to order him to start fucking her. Her tight, little pussy is just as inviting and Jmac quickly moves to explore it. He twists and turns her as they fuck, Auroras huge tits bouncing freely about until they are covered in cum.

Cameron Canada 在 'Camerons cumming'

Cameron Canada - Camerons cumming

Camerron showed her perky tits at the door when Jmac requested the password. He immediately escorted her inside and asked to see her ass. Camerron took off her shorts and revealed her amazing firm booty. She mentioned that she was a yoga instructor and naturally Jmac asked to see her demonstrate her flexibility. After doing a full split, she got into a bridge position and gobbled Jmac's hard cock. He then contorted her athletic body and fucked her senseless from various angles. Soon after experiencing a massive orgasm, Camerron sucked the cum from Jmac's schong and just when she thought that he was done, she got her entire face sprayed with another load.

Issa Rose 在 'Oral exchange'

Issa Rose - Oral exchange

Jmac led the plethora of vixens to the VIP spot form the limo. He then started making sure all the girls were having fun and showing skin to stay in. He was also seeing which girl was going to get freaky then the rest. They played with the camera and showed the goods. After awhile they got real worked up and restless. Issarose and two others got down on Jmac and made sure he was standing tall. He took control of Issarose while the others got lose on pussy. After fucking Issaorse for a while Jmac asked one girl if she wanted to get fucked. She was more then happy to get some cock. Jmac proceeded to swapped them around as they ate each other out and that is how it goes down in the true VIP. I am pretty sure there is alway a pair of panties or two left over for the people that show up for the next party.

Courtney Shea 在 'Playing for pay'

Courtney Shea - Playing for pay

This week Money Talks begins with a whole new Cumpetition. Then we find some local booty willing to shake that big ass so that havoc can go surfing money talks style. Finally we head back to the Ice Cream shop where Jmac and Esmi are pulling out all the stops with Kourtney. Check out this bangin episode!

Sakura Sky 在 'Sexy sakura'

Sakura Sky - Sexy sakura

Its Sakuras first time on camera. With the help of Jmac she puts on quite the performance. Sakura shows how big things can cum in little packages by her incredible enthusiasm. She starts by showing off her petite and scrumptious body. A couple of rubs of her tight, plump, pussy and booty is enough to get Jmac ready. Sakura starts sucking his cock right at the interview desk. Next she goes to the couch and masturbates making sure shes nice and wet so she can handle Jmac. After some more BJ action the sex extravaganza begins. Jmac puts this little, first-timer to the test and she passes with flying colors. Sakura follows Jmacs lead with seemingly scripted accuracy as she rides, spins, is carried, churned, and pounded in a plethora of positions. Her energy combined with a tight pussy overwhelms Jmac as he explodes onto Sakuras face

Poca Jones 在 'Hot ass'

Poca Jones - Hot ass

Pocahontas Jones was taking naked pictures of her amazing tits and sending them to guys with her cell phone. JMac came in the room and asked to speak to her. He is a friend of her older brothers and he was waiting for her brother to come home. He told her that those pictures were being passed around and he wanted her to stop. She confessed to him that she always had a crush on him and she was eighteen now. She showed him more pictures of her naked. JMac began leaving the room and she grabbed his cock and pulled him back. She looked up at him with her cute face, pulled out one of her delicious tits and began pulling his cock out. She sucked that dick while playing with her juicy tits. She bent over and got her pussy pounded from behind. She rode that dick while her big luscious tits bounced around. She got her pussy drilled and got man juice all over her pretty face.

Luna Star 在 'Licking luna'

Luna Star - Licking luna

We have spicy Latina thats itching to get fucked hard this week. She got right to the point and started calling out for Jmacs dick. She spent no time getting herself all warmed up by playing with her sweet pussy. She was nice and wet by the time Jmac showed up and let her have her reward. This freaky Latina was super hot with her tan skin, sexy curves, and amazing fucking skills. You dont want to miss a second of this hottie showing you what a real 8th street Latina can do. So so hot!

Natalie Moore 在 'Tight work'

Natalie Moore - Tight work

Natalie Moore did give us more. Her sexy body has it all. Beautiful smile, great big tits, sexy legs and the list went on with her. She wasn't wearing much which was a win for all of us. Her pussy lips were popping out of her tiny little panties that screamed fuck me. Jmac must have heard it some how because he was hard as a rock before he even came into view. She teased us with her big tits, and you can tell she was turning herself on by doing it. She was a horny twenty two year old that love the rough play. With a body like hers, she will always get what she wants. She told Jmac to fuck her face and smack her titties around. He did what she wanted, and I don't blame him. Natalie was a girl that love to give pleasure as well as receive it. She looked like a good time and proved it as well.

Averi Brooks 在 'Booty in boots'

Averi Brooks - Booty in boots

This week on Money Talks we start off with a naked game of dizzy slam dunk. Then Havoc hits the streets and finds a guy willing to try out our very own Dildo Crank. Finally its back to the bar with Jmac and Lily, where they find Averi willing to play along and get wild for the right price!

Chloe Cummore 在 'Cum hard cummore'

Chloe Cummore - Cum hard cummore

Chloecummore came to have her first time audition. She had gorgeous eyes and a juicy ass. She undressed and revealed her luscious ass. She shook it around in amazing fashion. She grabbed a dildo and began playing with her sweet pussy. Soon after, she was sucking and fucking that cock. She rode that cock as her juicy ass bounced around. She got her pussy drilled and got man juice all over her pretty face. It was a great audition.

Chloe Foster 在 'Horny chloe'

Chloe Foster - Horny chloe

Chloe got scared from a noise outside she heard while she was doing some homework. She tried to call her parents but no one answered, so reached out to Jmac. He came over, but he didn't find or see anything suspicious. She asked him to hang out a little while longer because she was still shacking up. She then moved in on him, but he backed off. Chloe assured him she just turn eighteen a couple months ago and her parents would not be home until later that night. Once the age was understood they continued to make out, and then Jmac continued onto her grand pussy lips. She was revved up, so Jmac mac squeezed his meat bat in between her legs. She gasp in amazement as it slid in. Jmac pounded Chloe's tiny body. He put her into the pile driver position which made both of them explode.

Sasha De La Vega 在 'Power moves'

Sasha De La Vega - Power moves

Jmac told Tony he was coming to come pick him up and then go pick up Sashha. Tony came outside and Sashha was already in the car and sucking Jmacs cock. She could not wait to put that dick in her mouth. She came outside the car and was wearing a super sexy outfit. She shook her ass some and they went inside the house. Once inside, she began undressing and revealed her luscious ass. Jmac covered it in baby oil and she continued to shake it all around. She got her pussy munched on and she sucked that cock some more. She rode that cock as her juicy ass bounced around. She got her pussy drilled and got man juice all over her pretty face.

Jessa Rhodes 在 'Cock crazed'

Jessa Rhodes - Cock crazed

Jmac was running late so I was able to spend some time alone worshiping Jessa's magnificent body. After she showed me her perky tits, I escorted her inside. Jessa claimed that she was a cheerleader and backed up it. She did a full split while bouncing her amazing firm booty. Jessa then took off her thong and played with her pretty pussy. Right when I went in for an extreme close-up, Jmac barged in the door with his cock in hand. He stuffed Jessa's mouth and then fucked her tight clam. Jmack eventually blasted his jizz all over her face and then we sent her back to her dorm.

Savannah Rose 在 'Yummy bum'

Savannah Rose - Yummy bum

We have a smoking hot new comer for you today. This blonde bombshell is super sexy and comes with her best game to the audition. She told us a hot story of how she screwed this other gorgeous blonde. She was super pleased to be working with a big cock and went right to task. Dont miss this hot new girl really shinning in her first audition. Its fucking hot!

Alexis Perez 在 'Sexy alexis'

Alexis Perez - Sexy alexis

Jmac has a friend, Juan that has a younger sister that wanted to fuck him on camera. Juan left Jmac stranded at the club a while ago, so Jmac did not feel bad about it. He picked her up and she was looking super hot in that school girl outfit. Once in the car, she teased him with her tits and pussy. She sucked on his cock on the ride home. Once home, she sucked and fucked his dick. She rode that cock as her juicy ass bounced up and down. She got her pussy drilled and got man juice all over her pretty face.

Elisse 在 'Bend over booty'

Elisse - Bend over booty

This week on Money Talks we bring you our first ever fantasy football camp. Havoc finds 2 ladies ready to score some touchdowns. Then its on to our Hot Titty Wing Eating contest. Lets see if our contestants can take on Havoc and down more topless chicken wings. Finally, Jmac and Esmi decide to go for a ride on the ice cream truck where they find the beautiful and exotic Yasmin. And convince her to go all the way for the right price!

Alora Jaymes 在 'Seduction in the sun'

Alora Jaymes - Seduction in the sun

We got a real firecracker to come along with us this week on the Captains boat. She was super amped and ready to get into some high seas nastiness. She made the claim that she could shove Jmacs whole donger down her throat so we had to put her to the challenge. This feisty mama really started wailing and screaming for more when the cock was jammed up her ass. Dont miss all the awesome anal love in this one, its a classic.

Veronica Rodriguez 在 'Asstastic'

Veronica Rodriguez - Asstastic

They were back for some more loving to receive as well as give. Veronica and Guiliana got together with some seriously short shorts which turned into a fantASStastic good time. They loved Jmac's huge meat stick and as it seemed they couldn't get enough of it. They started the show with some sexy 69 action which is the perfect position for Jmac to slide into either wet pussy he desired first. It really didn't matter what position these girls were in because their bodies are perfect in every way.

Jade 在 'Now thats a party'

Jade - Now thats a party

This party was something special. It is also a VIP first. It was a wrap before it even got started. The ladies looked like a sexy art exhibit with some abstract fashion design. There was no undressing necessary at this party. I think there was some sore necks though as we walk into the club because people were twisting around to make sure what they saw was real. The ladies were excited to do something different and they showed it as most of them had cocks in their mouths as the rest had their faces in some pussy. Jimmy and Jmac worked these striped up girls of night and the ladies were screaming with pleasure.

Marissa Banks 在 'Cock handler'

Marissa Banks - Cock handler

Marissa was a bad little sexy chick. She told her parents she was headed to school but it was really to come to the Fiesta. She had heard about JMac so she wanted a taste of her own. Her friends had been there before and JMacs name was the stuff of legends. She learned the password and was her way to see what all the rave was about!

Jessica Robbin 在 'Sweet temptation'

Jessica Robbin - Sweet temptation

Big naturals welcomes Jessyca for her first shoot. This young beautiful girl had so much to show while Jmac had so much to give. We got her nipples as hard as possible with some wintery cold water from our not so warm jacuzzi. Jmac tried on the her tits as he stuck his dick in between them which was her first tittie fuck. We are not to sure what the other lucky guys were doing with them, but we were determined to get full use out of them. The look on her face when she sat on his dick was something else. I think she was amazed about how much cock was filling her up. Jmac got her tits moving and bouncing all over the place. We hope to see Jessyca and her sexy body again soon.

Trixie 在 'Sexual remedy'

Trixie - Sexual remedy

Trixiie's co-worker finally gave her the address for the fiesta after boasting about her experience for the past two weeks. Upon arriving, Trixiie was greeted at the door by Jmac. He gave her a quick look over before asking for the password. She revealed her beautiful perky tits and was immediately permitted to enter. Soon after the pleasantries, Trixiie peeled of her tight shorts and began to play with her soft tight pussy until it got soaking wet. She then gave Jmac and amazing blow job before riding his monster cock. He fucked her relentlessly and eventually sprayed her pretty face with his jizz.

Ashton Pierce 在 'Strip for a tip'

Ashton Pierce - Strip for a tip

This week on Money Talks we host our very own awards ceremony and turn our naked contestant into the actual trophy. Then we get to carry out one of our fantasies and wrap some ass and titties in tight plastic wrap. Finally its back to the bike shop where Jmac and Esmi get to play some games and go at it with sexy Ashton!

Karina 在 'Pussy pounding'

Karina - Pussy pounding

Karina came for her first time audition. She was a cutie who was very eager to begin. She began by undressing and revealing those juicy tits and luscious ass. She sucked and fucked that cock nicely. She got her pussy drilled and got man juice all over her. It was a great audition.

Linda Lay 在 'Naked night'

Linda Lay - Naked night

Kaylee got her glorious ass and her sexy girl friends into the club to fucking get loose. The only way they got i is because they knew it's not just a party in the VIP, it's a fucking party. One girl stripped down literally as soon as we got our spot. Even Jmac was surprised how fast she got naked. She had the girls all worked up like sharks in a feeding frenzy. Linda and Kaylee took Jmac's cock face first and swapped it back and forth. After some happy foreplay Jmac took over. He pounded the party into them with his meat stick. Kaylee's ass was something to get ahold of. It was one of the many there that was begging to be smacked.

Guiliana Alexis 在 'Golden goodies'

Guiliana Alexis - Golden goodies

We have the sexiest Latina waiting for you on 8th street this week. She was waiting pool side in her hot little bikini. She wanted to get oiled up and fucked proper. This mamacita had a super tight body that looked awesome once she started shaking her sweet ass. She finally got her wish when the cock came out for her to play. Dont miss out on this hottie getting nailed hard and loving it.

Annie Whorehall 在 'Serious sucking'

Annie Whorehall - Serious sucking

Anie arrived ready to experience the debauchery that all of her friends routinely brag about after attending the fiesta. She was greeted by Jmac who requested the secret password. Upon Jmac's approval of Anie's beautiful perky nips, he followed her inside fixated on her sexy slender but curvy physique. Anie gave us insight into her sexual desires while rubbing on her soft pink pussy before quenching her cock thirst by sucking on jmac's custard launcher. After receiving a meritorious hand and blow job, Jmac fucked Anie's tight little beaver form all angles and multiple amazing positions. Anie wanted the cum fiesta and she got it all over her pretty face.

Sierra Sanders 在 'Captain booty'

Sierra Sanders - Captain booty

Jmac and I agreed to meet at the marina and wait for the girls to arrive but after waiting by myself for a what seemed like eons, I decided to walk around the parking lot, Low and behold Jmac was in his car getting his knob slobbed by Sierra and her equally beautiful friend A.J. Soon after the introductions we sailed out for an exciting anal adventure. When we reached a secluded area away from the shore an all out orgy ensued. The girls were completely uninhibited, they licked and finger fucked each others tight little booty holes. Jmac was eventually invited to partake in the ass festivities. He pounded each of the girls and caused them to experience multiple assgasms. After Jmac blasted his load all over the girls, we threw them overboard and sailed off to another anal adventure.

Holly Brooks 在 'Wet boobs'

Holly Brooks - Wet boobs

Holly came by to hang out with us for a little while. She kept talking about having a date with JMac and I guess she is right if by date she means getting her brains banged out. She teased and pleased by wetting her white bikini and making it see through. JMac pounced on her as soon as she whipped those bad ass, bodacious bazongas out. He really riled her up and whipped her into a frenzy by hammering her luscious pussy as hard as he could. She made noises I do not think I have ever heard any other woman make before.

Karina White 在 'Naughty needs'

Karina White - Naughty needs

Kariina arrived at the fiesta eager to experience for herself what her friends have been enthusiastically gossiping about. After showing the password, Kariina was granted access to the fiesta by Jmac. Soon after the pleasantries, Jmac fucked Kariina relentlessly and eventually sent her back to her friends with her face entirely covered in cum.

Lola Milano 在 'Loving milano'

Lola Milano - Loving milano

Lola had been checking out JMAC, the trainer her dad hired and as soon as she turned 18, she booked a session with him. They started stretching out and Lola began to flirt and poured it on thick. The trainer caught her checking him out in the past many times but he would never act on it because he did not want to lose a client behind his lack of professionalism. Lola pushed the issue and he eventually succumbed to her seductions. Lola definitely proved she was flexible and capable of putting in a good, hard cardio workout.

Karina 在 'Wild puss'

Karina - Wild puss

We have a fine little Latina we got at the club the other day for you guys this week. We made a quick stop by an old train with her before we came to the house. We got some super hot poses with her while she showed off some of the goods. Once we got the house she really let loose on Jmacs cock. She sucked him off a while before hopping on for a ride. Dont miss this hot Latina getting her ass pounded, so hot.

Jasmine Maybach 在 'Breast seduction'

Jasmine Maybach - Breast seduction

Jmac stops over to visit Ills and brings two surprises with him. One surprise is a a beautiful, petite, french cuban named Jasmine. The second surprise is that this french cuban, through the miracle of nature, has some luscious, mouth watering tits. Jmac cant keep his hands off these fun bags and continues to squeeze, slap, suck, and fuck them. Jmac gets lost in this tittie heaven before the action moves harder. But once there he goes all out and fucks Jasmine as her tits bounce all over the place. After pounding her in a butter churner position Jmac covers those glorious tits in cum, making them glisten proudly.

Roxanne Rae 在 'On consignment'

Roxanne Rae - On consignment

This week on Money Talks we kick off the new year with some hot new stunts. First we go for a ride around town on the magic bus with our 3 sexy Flower Girls. Then we bring you some money talks magic with our exclusive Naked Mermaid. Finally its back to the shop for some group sex with Jmac and Roxanne. Do not miss this one!

Aubrey James 在 'Sweet first time'

Aubrey James - Sweet first time

Today is Aubreys big day, in more ways than one. JMac was ready to see what she had to offer. Aubrey definitely did not disappoint especially with her many talents which include her flexibility. Once the clothes started to peel off and Aubrey could show off her beautiful perky tits, she got to get a taste of the industry in JMac. JMac stuffed Aubreys mouth with his cock and he instantly knew she was a natural. Aubrey then began to get railed by JMac which ended in her first ever facial.

Lily Love 在 'Full moon'

Lily Love - Full moon

We have the smoking hot Lily Love for you this week and shes itching to get fucked. She starts off poolside showing off all her juicy curves and getting herself really worked up. Good thing Jmac comes along to quench her thirst for hard cock. She goes right in to show off her awesome skills. The party then moved indoors where Lily got the ride of her life. You do not want to miss this super hot chick bouncing her awesome body all over the cock, she really goes in. Dont miss this instant classic, so so hot!

Chichi Medina 在 'Chichi chonga'

Chichi Medina - Chichi chonga

Chichi was on a bench on the bus stop when they noticed her. She was looking super sexy. They began talking to her and she said she was waiting to go to the beach and that her boyfriend was suppose to pick her up, but he did not answer his phone. They persuaded her to come back to their place. Once they arrived there, she undressed into her bikini. She was looking amazingly hot in that see through bikini. Her plump round ass looked delicious. Soon after, she was sucking and fucking that cock. She got her pussy pounded as her round juicy ass bounced all over. She got man juice all over her beautiful pussy.

Ava Cash 在 'Ohh santa'

Ava Cash - Ohh santa

It was a magical time when Jclause came to town and made sure all the naughty girls had a holiday they never would forget. He showed up in his stretched sleigh with his one gift to give to the naughtiest of them all. It turned out there were a few that wanted his big hard present. One of our favorite helpers, Esmi, got in on the action along with the other sexy girls. There was a record of hotness at this party. All the ladies got crazy loose and made sure this was one holiday party to look back on.

Aubrey Sky 在 'Sexy time'

Aubrey Sky - Sexy time

Aubrei is in the need of a good fucking. Her friends tell her about a fiesta party where you get covered in cum. This is exactly what Aubrei wants. Jmac greets her at the door, she shows the password, and more. Jmac cant stop himself from grabbing her tight, plump butt that she proudly shows off as she struts around. She then shows off her perfect, little pusssy while playing with herself. As she gets on her knees she is overwhelmed when she sees Jmacs cock. But this girl is here to party so she grabs ahold and goes to town. Jmac pounds her to the point of climax before she gets on her knees again to accept a face full of cum.

Elena Petrova 在 'Head game'

Elena Petrova - Head game

Elena is a Russian beauty who really wanted to get into the adult movie business so she came into our office determined to demonstrate her skill set. Soon after a brief interview and taking a look at her perky tits and nice booty, we had her on her knees sucking Jmac's cock. Elena slobbed on the knob with finesse, she made sure that she sucked or licked every inch of the cock. Jmac eventually wrestled his dong away from cock hungry Elena and then fucked her tight pussy all over the office. He then glazed her entire face with his jizz. We will definitely see more of Elena in the future.

Cameron 在 'Camerons cumming'

Cameron - Camerons cumming

Camerron got a ride home from the mall by her brothers friend, JMac. She invited him in and he said no at first, but she told him she needed help with something and he came inside. Once they were in her bedroom, she told him she wanted to thank him for the ride and she began grabbing his cock. He told her that was crazy, but she said it was OK because she was eighteen and her brother would never find out. So, she continued and sucked his cock. She told him she wanted to go all the way and she hopped on that dick. She rode that cock and got her pussy pounded. She got man juice all over her pretty face.

Luna Star 在 'Santas helper'

Luna Star - Santas helper

We have a special holiday treat for you this week. We got the super hot Luna and Gulliana over at the house decorating our tree and they had nothing on but some bows over their naughty parts. They did not last long working on the tree before they got to touching Jmac. They went straight to work on his cock as soon as it came out. These super freaks came over in a super festive mood. Dont miss out on Santas little helper pros showing Jmac how to have the best Christmas ever. So hot!

Kaci Stacks 在 'Banging ass'

Kaci Stacks - Banging ass

Cassi is visiting Miami with hopes of moving there. She meets up with Jmac and Tony and finds a way to make some extra cash. Shes perfect talent for a round and brown photo shoot. Her luscious, apple shaped booty along with her more than adequate tits are quite the sight with the ocean in the background. Cassi wades in the water providing some eye candy for Tony and Jmac. Things start to get a little heated on the beach, so before they get fined they retire back to the apartment. As soon as she gets to the apartment Cassi strips down and starts popping her ass and pussy for Jmac and Tony. Jmac doesnt waste anytime either. He has his shorts off and is getting his dick sucked in no time. Jmac puts her round and brown booty to the test as he contorts Cassis body into multiple positions for fucking. In the end Jmac covers Cassis pretty face with cum as she accepts in with her mouth open wide.

Vinette Ricci 在 'Sweet deal'

Vinette Ricci - Sweet deal

Welcome to another Holiday edition of Money Talks. First we bring you a special Xmas greeting from Santa in Vagina Claus. You have to see it to believe it! Then Havoc hits the streets for Taxi Cab Titty Flashes. Finally its back to the shop with Jmac, where Vinette shows up for some help with her laptop. After we attend to a few customers, its time to close up shop and get to work on that big ole booty, with the Jmac attack!

Nina Lopez 在 'Feeling blue'

Nina Lopez - Feeling blue

Nina was applying for a job at a bar in a local mall we were hanging out in and we saw her all dressed to kill really trying to impress the owner. Jmac mad believe he was going to throw a penny into the fountain she was sitting by and make a wish. He struck up a conversation and got to chatting about our model recruiting and talent scouting. He gave her 100 dollars to just come back with us and check it out with a promise of more money if she were willing to do certain types of shoots. She really needed the money which gave her no other choice but to agree. Once we were back at our place, she opened up and really went for the gusto. Her sweet Latina cheeks and awesome boobs shook all over the place while Jmac pounded her juicy pussy.

Evi Fox 在 'Love the funbags'

Evi Fox - Love the funbags

We had unfinished business with Eviie and her magnificent funbags so we invited her back along with Jmac to get the job done. After worshiping her DD's, Jmac licked, caressed and titty fucked Eviie's perfect boobs. He then proceeded to stuff her her tight little pussy with with huge cock. Eviie had the pleasure of experiencing multiple orgasms before getting her face and wonderful melons covered with jizz.

Katallina 在 'Rip and ride'

Katallina - Rip and ride

Katallina was an old friend of JMac and wanted to come have a good time with him. She got picked up and was looking super sexy in that fishnet outfit. She opened her legs and revealed that she was not wearing any panties. She pulled out her big tits and stuck them in his face. They got back to the house and soon after, she was sucking his cock. She got her pussy pounded as her big tits and juicy ass bounced around. She got man juice all over those beautiful tits.

Jasmine Maybach 在 'Double breasted'

Jasmine Maybach - Double breasted

Lily has invited Jasmine to join her in a sex session. Its Jasmines first time with another girl and first threesome. Lily is excited to break Jasmines cherries and makes it easy for her to learn these new experiences. They start by playing around, kissing and rubbing their tits together. This is quite a Dlight, Lilly having Dcups and Jasmine having DDs. Lily takes the next step and proceeds to eat Jasmines pussy. Jasmine really gets into it and wants a taste of Lily as well. Then Lily shows Jasmine the scissor position to provide simultaneous stimulation. Jmac gets there just in time and witnesses these two big-breasted beauties going at it. This is quite a sight to see, both girls having amazingly fit bodies, beautiful faces, and big breasts. Jmac jumps right in, makes a tittie sandwich, and recieves some dual blowjob action. After some tittie fucking everything just goes wild. Jmac is in tittie heaven as he fucks and sucks his way in and around these bodacious tatas. It all culminates to Jmac performing some squat thrusting techniques, making the girls cum and then cumming on both girls faces and tits.

Emily Kae 在 'Peek a boob'

Emily Kae - Peek a boob

This week on Money Talks we start off with a Huge Titty Weigh Off. Watch as Havoc finds some big titties on the streets and brings them back for our titty weigh off. Then we take it back with the first in a new series of good ole street titty flashes. Finally its back to the beach with Jmac and Esmi where they finally the sexy EmilyKae and her to go on a really hot fukn ride!

Monica Miller 在 'Fiesta feeling'

Monica Miller - Fiesta feeling

Moniica needed cash for school and she already loved sucking cock so it was an easy decision for her to come in and audition. During the interview process she revealed her likes and dislikes along with the fact that it was going to be her first time getting fucked on film. Moniica showed us her perky tits and bubble booty before gently rubbing her pretty pussy. Jmac watched until he was ready for a taste. He then fucked her in various positions from the pile driver to planking on the pussy and a few more which Moniica definitely enjoyed. After experiencing multiple orgasms we sent her home with a face covered in cum and a pocket full of cash.

Gabbi Vega 在 'Pepperoni pussy'

Gabbi Vega - Pepperoni pussy

Last week we where out running some errands and stopped to get a pizza at a local spot. The Latina hottie behind the counter was all alone running the place for her boyfriend in prison. She was not too happy with the place since it was doing poorly. We offered her some cash for play since she was so broke. She was all about it and totally warmed up once the cold hard cash came out. She let us see her awesome curves and then we laid all the cash out to get in that ass. You dont want to miss the fiery momma going off on the cock like a true champ. This is a hot one!!!

Paris 在 'Nice and natural'

Paris - Nice and natural

Paris came to have a good time. She was looking super sexy in that outfit. Her huge jugs could not fit in that tiny shirt. She took that shirt off and shook those big melons all around. She bent over and shook her juicy ass. She sucked and fucked that cock. She rode that dick as her huge tits bounced all around. She got man juice all over her pretty face and big fun bags.

Luna Star 在 'Luna rush'

Luna Star - Luna rush

Luna was dress to kill, and if we let her lose outside the club someone probably would of had a heart attack. Her sexy as out fit had just enough material to be called an outfit. Jmac took it off before any one could think twice about talking to her. She was on her knees talking to his cock soon after along with Nikki. Nikki wasn't going to let Luna have all the fun. She needed the hard fuck just as much. These two girls really warmed up the party with their fiery action. THe other ladies keep it live as they were bouncing their tits all night. There was plenty of tits with a great amount of verity for the whole club to enjoy.

Macy Cartel 在 'Boat honeys'

Macy Cartel - Boat honeys

Jmac invites two beautiful girls, Macy and Zarena, to go for a boat ride off the coast of Miami. These girls having never seen Miami from the water are instantly onboard. Both girls thin and with captivating curves their swimsuits provide a sneak peak at what treasures they are hiding. They start by sunbathing on a deck above the bow. Jmac sees this as the perfect opportunity to cover them with oil. And we all know what happens when scantily dressed women are covered in oil. Macy and Zarena start by rubbing the oil on each other, but it isnt long before Jmac jumps in and gets a closer look at Zarenas pussy. Macy is ready to party and jumps right into the threesome. They want to see what Jmac has under his suit and soon theyre both sucking his cock. Two pretty mouths put Jmac at full attention. He starts with Macy, fucking her while Zarena rubs her pussy and tits. Not wanting Zarena to feel left out he starts fucking her as Macy rubs her tits and pussy. Then Jmac takes it to the next level, fucking Zarena in the ass while Macy licks her pussy. To end this glorious, seaworthy voyage Jmac has the girls lie next to each other while he covers their faces with cum.

Adella Skyy 在 'So convenient'

Adella Skyy - So convenient

Adella was looking super hot in that tight dress. Her big delicious tits and round juicy ass were looking incredible. She took off that dress and revealed those huge knockers and juicy ass. She shook those jugs all over the place. JMac showed up and soon after she was sucking his cock and titty fucking him with those big beautiful tits. She got her pussy pounded while those big bazookas bounced around. She got man juice all over her pretty face. Then, she put on a sexy bikini top with pop open windows to put just those delectable nipples out.

Addison Grey 在 'Back seat booty'

Addison Grey - Back seat booty

This week on Money Talks we are back at the world famous Viper Room for a sexy and painful high voltage stunt in Electro Nips. You ready to shock some big titties? Then we bring a new challenge to the world of naked stunts with Bottomless Limbo. Finally we head back to the shop where Jmac finds Addison ready to take on his cock for a wad of cash!

Jessica Heart 在 'Moment of passion'

Jessica Heart - Moment of passion

Jesica loves to fuck and be fucked. One day while looking through her local Chicago newspaper an ad caught her eye. Plain and simple it said, if you love to fuck and want to make money, answer this ad. Without hesitation she picked up the phone and next thing she knew she was on a train getting ready to star in her first prono. She meets up with Tony and Jmac in the office and after providing the paperwork shes ready. Tony asks to see her body and without hesitation Jesica takes her top off to show perfect, natural tits. Then when Tony asks her to bounce that ass for him she reveals her tight, little ass and pussy. Clean and shaved we cant tell if the carpet matches the drapes of this lovely, liberal redhead . Jmac moves in to get the action moving. Jesica grabs his cock through his boxers and lets out a gasp of exaltation. She cant wait to get his big dick inside her so she goes at it with mouth for awhile, getting Jmac nice a ready. She constantly demands Jmac to fuck her harder as he goes through a plethora of positions. This redhead is on fire and brings enough heat to overwhelm Jmac till he explodes on her face. Her face covered in cum and after being given a fucking that was needed Jesica is ready for more.

Jadis Spade 在 'Big ole booty'

Jadis Spade - Big ole booty

We had the sexy Jadis visiting us this week and she was looking forward to some action. She was more than happy to show us all her awesome curves. This hottie has the nicest juiciest ass around, its just waiting to get tossed around. Jmac got her nice and oiled up, ready for a good fucking. You dont want to miss this amazing girl bouncing her sweet ass all around. HOTTT!!!

Crystal 在 'Super sexed'

Crystal - Super sexed

Crystall showed up, knocked on the door and wanted to get right down to business. She knew exactly what we were all about here at Cumfiesta and she would not have it any other way. JMac actually talked too much for her taste and she just wanted him to shut up and whip it out. Of course he obliged her, but it was refreshing to see a girl who was sure of what she wanted and take charge. Crystall was tall, nice pair of tits and a pair of legs that just will not quit.

Angelina 在 'That ass'

Angelina - That ass

Angellina is at the beach waiting for her friends. She gets news that there was a big accident on the expressway and it will be awhile till they get there. Tony and Jmac come to the rescue. They eye his lovely latina from a distance, swoop in, and catch her. Resilient at first, a little sweet talk, and the promise of mucho deniro changes her mind. Back at the house Angellina goes wild. Earlier she explained how her man was locked up in Cuba. This gives some reasoning for her uninhibited release. It appears shes been missing a good fucking. Her big titties and plump ass are quite the treat. Jmac does his thing and she rides right along giving it up with gusto. After an exhausting fuck session Jmac leaves a glistening, cum-filled layer on her fabulous ass.

Savannah Rose 在 'On the hunt'

Savannah Rose - On the hunt

This week on Money Talks we start off with the ultimate Grope Box. There is something special about getting fondled by complete strangers while standing naked in a box. Then Havoc gets into the halloween spirit with Dick or Treat. Come reach for some candy, OH WHATS THAT!! And for the grand finale Jmac decides to spend some time at Hunters bar and luckily finds sexy Savannah who is ready to give up that fine ass for all the cash we can throw at her!

Charity Mclain 在 'Power move'

Charity Mclain - Power move

Once again Jmac was in hot water with his boss. She specifically ask for a certain salad, but he didn't get the right one. He also didn't do well with one of his other tasks. Charity decided that before she would fire him, she would give him one more job. The job was to eat her pussy and satisfy her. She was pleased almost instantly. Jmac pretty much took the job and ran with it. It seemed that Charity was the one being punished as Jmac beat her pussy up with his meat baton. She was talking about a promotion, but she then turned around and just told him to get out while she was still cover in cum.

Caprice 在 'Pumped and pleased'

Caprice - Pumped and pleased

Caprice knocked at the door and inquired about our legendary fiestas. Jmac asked her if she knew the password and she knowingly flashed her perky tits and was granted entry. The festivities began and Jmac got her to do a quick little strip tease and also play with herself. She sucked him up and got him hard. Jmac laid her on her back and slid his cock into her ready and waiting pussy. He lifted her off the ground and slammed into her while carrying her the whole time. Caprice was flipped over and they went into some 69. Jmac pretty much smacked it up, flipped it and rubbed it down. All Caprice could say was how amazing Jmac was for making sure she had a great time at the Cumfiesta.

Evi Fox 在 'Horney halloween'

Evi Fox - Horney halloween

There were plenty of treats at this VIP Halloween special. Everybody was all dressed up for the party. They were wearing their favorite costumes becuase we all know our ladies love to show off for us. Most of the costumes didn't stay on very long. Officer Jmac made sure off that. He was patrolling the party with his meat baton. He was overwhelmed and had to have the nurse assist him. Her big natural tits were a perfect pair to go along with the butterflies big natties. They both put it on the copper. They made sure he was busy and was letting all the other girls have their naughty and unsupervised fun. Jmac fucked these two beautiful girls with all he had in so many different positions. The tits were bouncing non stop. The other girls were taking care of each other and themselves which is a true sign of an awesome party. We can wait until next year to dress up again.

Lily Love 在 'Busty babe'

Lily Love - Busty babe

Lily has a phenomenal body and a vibrant personality which led Jmac to invite her back for much-needed one on one attention. To my surprise, they arrived at my door ready to have sex so I scrambled grabbed my cam and immediately focused on Lil's magnificent tits. After worshiping her perfect melons, Jmack went balls deep in her tight pretty pussy. He fucked her in multiple positions and then blasted his jizz all over her face and natural tits.

Vanessa Sixxx 在 'Pussy pearls'

Vanessa Sixxx - Pussy pearls

This week on Money Talks we find a girl willing to try on our Duct Tape Onesie. Then we head back out and find a hottie to partake in the all new money talks hula cam. Check out the hot slomo action from the hula hoops perspective. Finally its back to the shop with Jmac where we find Vannessa willing to get naked and sit on Jmacs cock for big bucks!

Lindsay 在 'Skin tight'

Lindsay - Skin tight

On this weeks episode, Havoc manages to find a hottie willing to let some dudes bang her armpits. Thats right, Armpit Fuckers only here on money talks! Then we setup a good ole fashion western mace off! Lets see which guy can take the mace to the face. Then we take you back to the shop where Jmac convinces Lindsay to go all the way for a money talks threesome!

Allexis 在 'Pussy floss'

Allexis - Pussy floss

Allexis and Roxy came on the boat with JMac to have a fun day. They were both looking amazing in those tiny bikinis. It was not long until they were rubbing baby oil all over each other and shaking their asses. They glimmered in the sun as those fantastic round rumps jiggled around. Soon after, Allexis sucked that cock and got her pussy munched on. She got her pussy and asshole drilled. It was an awesome anal fucking time on the boat. She got man juice all over her.

Adrianna 在 'Cooch collar'

Adrianna - Cooch collar

Adriianna is at the local mall shopping. After getting an anniversary gift for her boyfriend she sits on a nearby bench to take a phone call. Tony and Jmac are shopping as well, but for more than something in these stores. They meet Adriianna and offer her some modeling work. It takes a little convincing, but not much. The high paying offer is hard to pass on. She comes with to their house where they show her the outfit they want her to model. Again she's a little intimidated, but quickly comes to terms with the new experience. She puts on the Brazilian swimsuit and shows off her super tight 5 foot, 110 pound frame. Jmac takes notice and soon this modeling exposition becomes filled with fucking and sucking. Her petite pussy is too much for Jmac. He explodes and leaves an oversized creampie.

Angel 在 'Donk in the trunk'

Angel - Donk in the trunk

Angell wants to meet Jmac. Shes friends with Tony and knows he can set something up. Tony does his magic and the meeting is set. Jmacs always late so in the time prior he asks Angell to put on a little show. She gives him exactly what he wants, shaking her sweet ass like she has something to prove. When she licks one of her nipples Tonys in awe at the length of her tongue. She insures that she knows how to use it. She continues to show off, proudly displaying her pretty, pink pussy while spreading her legs to show how flexible she is. Jmac arrives just in time, Angell being nice and wet, and ready to fuck. Upon closer inspection Angell learns what Jmac is packing and cant wait to be filled by his pole. She sucks him off and show how well she can use her talented tongue. They move to the couch then, where Jmac pounds her pussy hard. Angell rides out without ever losing her breath. In between her cries of passion she demands Jmac to cum all over her ass. Jmac does just that and leaves a beautiful, round and brown, cum-covered ass.

Macy Cartel 在 'Club luv'

Macy Cartel - Club luv

Macy and Gulliana are super fine. They make up a perfect dream of all dreams. They stole the show and all attention from everybody else in the whole club. These two sexy vixens would put the toughest guys on their knees begging for some loving. They fucked for so long it seemed like the guys didn't want it to end, and who could blame them. After Jamc and Rome were balls deep the other ladies had to get their own grove on, so most of them just played with themselves while they watch some of the hottest sex to hit the VIP.

Katie Banks 在 'Full figure'

Katie Banks - Full figure

Katiebanks came to have a great time. Her ass was looking good when she first arrived, but then she changed into a fishnet lingerie outfit and her ass and tits looked incredible. She shook that ass all around in amazing fashion. She asked for that cock in her mouth and got it. Then, she asked to get fucked and got her pussy pounded. She rode that dick as her big juicy ass and tits bounced around. She got man juice all over her big round ass.

Linda Lay 在 'Booby trap'

Linda Lay - Booby trap

This week on Money Talks Havoc goes on a mission to find the right contestants for Electric Bikini and Gang Bang Workout. After some creative bikinis we head to the beach for a little exercise session with the locals. Finally its off to the bar where we find Linda ready for all that Jmac has to offer!

Ellie Mae West 在 'Filled up'

Ellie Mae West - Filled up

Ellie came for her first time audition. She was ready to go and get it started. She was a cutie with beautiful eyes. She undressed and revealed her luscious body. She sucked and fucked that cock. She got her pussy drilled and swallowed that man juice up.

Lara Brookes 在 'Pink coochie'

Lara Brookes - Pink coochie

Lara rushed home with her older boyfriend when she found out her mom was going to be working late again and her dad was still out of town on a business trip. She quickly ushered him into her room that she shared with her sister and threw him onto the bottom bunk. They started making out but Lara did not want to risk getting caught and figured the sooner they get it on, the easier it will be to get away with it before her mom got home. Lara sucked his dick and he returned the favor by licking her pussy. She hopped on his cock and even let him come in from behind. Chances are her parents were none the wiser once they got home.

Paris 在 'Sex appeal'

Paris - Sex appeal

Parris came to have a good time. She was a fine piece of ass. She had a pair of big jugs and a big beautiful ass. She was looking super hot in that lingerie outfit and stockings. She revealed that luscious ass and shook it all around as it got oiled up. She sucked that cock and got her pussy pounded. She rode that dick as her juicy rump bounced around. She got man juice all over that big round ass.

Oceana 在 'Deep in oceana'

Oceana - Deep in oceana

Jmac and I were eagerly awaiting for Oceana to unleashed her big bubble butt from her tight dress. After enduring the necessary pleasantries, we got to finally see it and it was definitely worth the wait. She showed us her amazing muscle control by shaking one butt cheek at a time before going into an insane memorable booty shake. We then followed the booty to our living room where we drenched it in baby oiled and worshiped the perfect curvature. When she was ready for some much needed cock, Jmac stuffed her pretty mouth and then her tight pussy with his one eye whistle.

Jessa Rhodes 在 'Hungry for money'

Jessa Rhodes - Hungry for money

This week on money talks we start off some titty shakin booty blasters. Cars and booty never gets old! Then we find some girls to take part in our Pussy Penmanship, you have to check the special talents of these ladies. Finally we head over to the pizza shop where Jmac convinces Jessa to eat alot more than just hot pizza!

Lexi Kartel 在 'Kissing kartel'

Lexi Kartel - Kissing kartel

This week we had a super cute blonde come over for an audition. She was smoking hot and had a perfect rack. She also came ready for a fucking by bringing some lube to get the party started. This girl had some serious skills in the blow job department. You dont want to miss this hottie getting the fucking of her life. This one has a bright future in the biz.

Foxxy Star 在 'Open door'

Foxxy Star - Open door

JMac was walking out of the store when he spotted, Foxxy, this super cute girl sitting outside. She said she was looking for a job and JMac told her he could help. Foxxy was very open minded and willing. She showed JMac a hole in her jeans that showcased her panties. After some monetary persuasion, she came back to the car and revealed her beautiful tits. Both of her nipples were pierced and looked lovely. Foxxy took off her panties through the hole in her jeans and displayed her luscious pussy. She went back to the house with JMac and he offered her more money. She sucked and fucked that cock. She rode that dick as her juicy ass bounced. She got man juice all over her pretty face.

Marissa Banks 在 'Bikini weenie'

Marissa Banks - Bikini weenie

A bunch of our friends were kicking it at the beach until they got the invite to the club. The girls were worried because they wanted to get all dressed up, but we assured them they were already wearing the proper attire. Some of the ladies didn't care because they get naked in the VIP anyways. Those are the ones that we make sure are always invited back. There was ass galore that we just had to line up. Kelly and Marissa took the lead and showed some of the other ladies how to party. They went back and forth with the guys and worked up more of a sweat than they did out in the sun as a couple of other pussy loving girls had their fun. If you love wild girls in bikinis, this party is extra special.

Rachel Rose 在 'Hidden rose'

Rachel Rose - Hidden rose

In exchange for her setting him up with one of her friends Tony agrees to set Rachel up with Jmac. Tony tries to get her on the phone, but Rachel was too busy playing with herself. Eventually he gets through and Jmac and him go to meet her. Jmac is more than happy when he sees a little, latin lovely wearing next to nothing waiting for him. Rachel shows just how badly she wanted to fuck Jmac by grinding her tight, little ass against him. Jmac cant get enough of her sweet pussy. He starts by eating it and then proceeds to fuck Rachel in many, many positons. Rachels screams and moans showing her satisfaction and then begs for Jmacs cum on her face.

Skylar 在 'Tasty titty'

Skylar - Tasty titty

Skyllar came to have a good time. She was looking super sexy in that tank top. Those big juicy tits were looking incredible and it only got better when JMac wet her white tank top and soaked those knockers nicely. She finally took off her tank top and revealed those fun bags in all their glory. She shook her big tits around in amazing fashion. She sucked that cock and got her pussy pounded while those large cans bounced around. She got man juice all over those beautiful knockers.

Cara Swank 在 'Down to business'

Cara Swank - Down to business

This week on money talks we find some ladies to partake in Guess Your Hole. Will it be Open Minded or Banged Up? Get out the ruler so we can measure your hole! Next you better hold on tight or fall straight onto one of our mt dildos. Finally Jmac gets back to his negotiating at the shop and gets Carra to bend over and do what he pleases. Cha Ching!

Nadia 在 'Nasty nadia'

Nadia - Nasty nadia

Nadia came to us to become a star. This is her First Time in front of the camera and we were happy to have a hottie like her. We start off the interview process as usual and have her fill out the required paperwork. After that's been dealt with, we jump into the fun stuff. Checking out her curves and putting her to work with JMac. I gotta say she did excellent and I'm sure you guys will be seeing a lot more of her in the near future.

Melody Jordan 在 'Boat babe'

Melody Jordan - Boat babe

Melody was very excited to go on a boat for a fun day. This redhead was looking really sexy in that see through shirt. Her tits were looking amazing and her ass looked great in those tiny shorts. Once they arrived to an island, they docked the boat and the action began. She changed into a bikini and got all oiled up. Her tits and ass looked great as they shimmered in the sun. Soon after, she was sucking that cock and getting her pussy pounded. Then, she got her asshole hammered for some awesome anal. She got her pussy and asshole drilled and got man juice all over her pretty face. She was told there was a restroom in the middle of the island and got stranded there, naked as the boat coasted away.

Selenna 在 'Nip lick'

Selenna - Nip lick

We have some super knockers in store for you this week. This new talent came over earlier this week and she had some amazingly huge naturals. She was shy since it was her first time so Jmac had to help break her in. He could not keep his hands of those amazing tits once they came out. You dont want to miss these massive jugs bounce all over the place while she gets smashed.

Mandy Armani 在 'Skin to skin'

Mandy Armani - Skin to skin

Casi heard about the fiesta from her friends and wanted to come check it out for herself. She was a hottie with a luscious body. She showed her juicy tits for the password to get in the party. She brought a glass dildo as a party favor to get things going. She began by undressing and revealing that amazing body. She sucked on the dildo and got it nice and wet. She plunged it into her pussy and fucked herself with it. Then, JMac joined the party and she sucked his cock nicely as he continued playing with her twat with the glass dildo. She rode that cock as her juicy ass bounced around. She got her pussy pounded and got the cum fiesta all over her pretty face.

Alexa Rydell 在 'Heat up'

Alexa Rydell - Heat up

Tony invites Allexa and Jmac to his brothers birthday party. Allexa comes over looking too fine. She brings her tight body, perfect pussy and beautiful face. Jmac can't resist and makes a move for some pre-party action. With a strong Italian-Mexican heritage Allexa doesn't faze and easily takes hold of the situation. They proceed to engage in a fucking and sucking soiree that ends with the icing on Allexa's face.

Melodie 在 'Big ass knockers'

Melodie - Big ass knockers

JMac was a little bored at home and decided to call over Melodie. She was a great friend of his if you know what I mean. She knew exactly what JMac wanted and she came to satisfy his every need. What he needed was big breasts in his face and Melodie was gonna make sure to smuther him!

Cameron Canada 在 'Naked yoga'

Cameron Canada - Naked yoga

This week on Money Talks we start off with a good old mushroom stamp and throw in a blow job for good measure. Then we bring you Fire in the Peehole! Now this stunt involves a large syringe and, well you are gonna have to take a look. Finally Jmac works his customers at the the local clothing store until Cameron arrives. She turns out to be a real wild one, screaming for lots of cash. check it out

Paris 在 'Pleased to eat you'

Paris - Pleased to eat you

You know it's going to get crazy when the shy quiet girls start to strip down. This group of girls were all about getting down and freak nasty. We all know Jmac and Levi love to fuck, so the more the merrier. The ladies were on Levis dick like he was feeding coy fish in a pond. No matter were he pointed his dick there were girls to pounce on it. Jmac pretty much let Levi have his fun because he hand his hands full with Paris. She had a banging ass with some serious titties. She needed Jamc's full attention, and he gave her his all. It's pretty safe to say that everybody was completely satisfied by the time they left.

Mae Olsen 在 'A piece of pussy'

Mae Olsen - A piece of pussy

Mea wanted to do do a porn shoot so bad she showed up ready to fuck. When she told us she was only nineteen, we were both excited but also unsure. She was so tiny and petite it was really hard to judge her age. She said she like big cock and was a champ to take it. Even with her tight body, she still had a nice ass and mouth full sized titties. Jmac's cock was as big as her forearm, so she could only fit so much in her mouth. Her jaw dropped as he bent her over and filled up her tight little jewelry box. She did take the cock pretty well as she came multiple times.

Alliyah Sky 在 'Dripping wet'

Alliyah Sky - Dripping wet

Alliyah received a tremendous pounding the first time around which turned her into a cock hungry vixen so she came back for more. I followed her sexy Latina curves from the backyard to the living room where Jmac awaited. Once inside, Alliyah immediately stuffed her mouth with Jmac's cock, then she took it for an unforgettable ride. After pounding Alliyah's pretty pussy, Jmac jizzed all over her face.

Ashden Wells 在 'The right stuff'

Ashden Wells - The right stuff

Ashton came for the cum fiesta. She was looking super hot in that tight dress. She showed the password and did not waste anytime. She bent over the couch and she shook that luscious ass. She played with her sweet pussy and sucked that cock nicely. She got her twat drilled from behind as that ass bounced around. She got the fiesta all over her pretty face, just like she wanted.

Stella Ferrari 在 'Scooter cooter'

Stella Ferrari - Scooter cooter

This week Money Talks is back starring Nicole Aniston in Dildo Mask. Watch as we find someone in the streets to come back to our studio and fuck Nicole with the DIldo Mask! Then we head back to the world famous Viper Room for a good ole Best Ass Contest. Finally we are back at the scooter store with Jmac where we meet sexy Stella. She is gonna leave you wanting more!! Check it out

Kiki Taylor 在 'A real thrill'

Kiki Taylor - A real thrill

Kikii cute Tony and J-Mac off on her way to the check cashing store. They decided to follow her, thinking it was a man who had cut them off. They soon found out she was pissed off because she had just caught her boyfriend fucking her roommate. She got home early wearing some sexy stockings and meant to surprise him with an impromptu afternoon delight. She was the one who got the big surprise of finding out her bf was a cheating scumbag. We offered her a chance to make some money and get some revenge on her bf. Luckily cooler heads did not prevail and her anger fueled her desire to have a quick fling with J-Mac.

Monica 在 'Got it good'

Monica - Got it good

Moniica came all the way from Panama to be on RoundandBrown only to be rejected by Tony for being too skinny. After putting on some weight, in the right places, she finally gets her chance. JMac puts her newly formed, juicy ass to the test. Moniica easily passes when she shows how she can suck and fuck like a veteran. She takes a huge load on her luscious ass and provides a lip-licking promise for next time.

Kira Starr 在 'Kickin it with kira'

Kira Starr - Kickin it with kira

We had an eager beaver come to audition for us this week. She came ready to get down to business and was not shy at all. After filling out some paper work this shortie was itching to get dick. She started off by giving some awesome head then she jumped right on the dick. You dont want to miss this cute chick getting the full introduction into the biz.

Ellie May 在 'Breast rest'

Ellie May - Breast rest

Ellie's breasts were a handful! She hailed from Alabama and came to the MIA looking for some fun in the sun! She was craving a huge cock so we called our boy JMac to handle the situation. She already had a boyfriend but fucking guy couldnt please her. So she came a couple hundred miles south looking for some nice hard cock. Ellie wasnt dissapointed!

Lily Love 在 'Money makers'

Lily Love - Money makers

Please step into the magic bus for the one and only Pussy Rave experience on this weeks episode of money talks. Check out our 2 ladies really work their glow sticks. Then we hit the streets to test out our Confetti Cannon! Finally Jmac and Izzy go shopping for a pool table where they are able to work a deal and work Lily for everything she has to offer. check it out!

Alexa Rydell 在 'Party on'

Alexa Rydell - Party on

The freaks came out to play this night, and they brought some friends. Jmac and Levi stole the show and fucked the hottest girls. It was a great combo. One was tight and slender while the other had all the right curves that jiggled all night long. There were a couple of others that played with each other and the rest teased the night away. Don't miss this party with the hot and wild bodies that you can only find in the VIP.

Jazmin Beach 在 'Juicy jazmin'

Jazmin Beach - Juicy jazmin

Todays FTA featured a sexy massage therapist by the name of Jazmin. A sexy ass chick looking for something new and a little adventure in her life. She looked fucking perfect and had an incredibly sick body. We asked Jazmin if she was ready to have some nice juicy sex and she replied hell yeah. She was tired of the her daily routine and even guaranteed JMac a happy ending. Her bush would soon become victim of a cumload!

Esmi Lee 在 'Shiny and slippery'

Esmi Lee - Shiny and slippery

Esmi returned from a two year hiatus looking sexier than before. We reacquainted ourselves with the Venezuelan beauty and after recalling our last escapade where Jmac banged her in a restaurant kitchen, Esmi showed us her new slim figure. Her body looked amazing and it seemed to beg for baby oil. We doused her perky tits, nice booty and uber flat stomach with baby oil and then we admired our artistry. Esmi put on a sensuous show for us and then she slobbed on Jmac's one eye whistle. Jmac fucked Esmi's tight little clam and made her have multiple orgasms before unloading his jizz all over her body.

Melina Mason 在 'Curves almighty'

Melina Mason - Curves almighty

Melina loves cock and getting fucked like no bodies business. It is that simple. She loves it every which way. We got to hang out because we told her Jmac was going to be around. She got into her pussy floss string suit or whatever you want to call that sexy piece of fabric. She posed for a little bit, but once Jmac appeared, she just wanted to get filled with dick. Jmac put it on her good. She was loving every thrust. Her tits and ass were bouncing and moving in every direction.

Chimille Morgan 在 'Lovely bags'

Chimille Morgan - Lovely bags

Chimille came to have a fun time. She began my ironing her dress, topless, while waiting for Jmac to arrive. She looked delicious as she was ironing and her huge tits were bouncing around. Once Jmac got there, it was not long until she was sucking his cock and titty fucking him with those enormous knockers. She rode that cock as her colossal cans and juicy ass were bouncing around everywhere. She got man juice all over those huge tits.

Sydney Cross 在 'Cum correct'

Sydney Cross - Cum correct

Sydney arrived at the fiesta ready to party. After showing her perky password she was allowed inside. Sydney answered a few questions and then she slowly unbuttoned her tight shorts. She slid her hand down her panties and rubbed her little pussy until it got soaking wet. When she was ready for some cock, Jmack stuffed her mouth and then her tight pink pussy with his huge cock.