Madison Ivy at

At first glance, the way Karma Rx's massive 36H tits gracefully rest on her slender, tatted-up body seems to defy the laws of gravity. Born in Filmore, California, Karma's early softcore camgirl days were a far cry from the kinky on-screen personality her fans have come to know and love. As soon as social media became accessible to the masses, she immediately started broadcasting nipple-clamped masturbation shows in her bathtub and having hardcore girl-on-girl fun in hotel rooms! But, stuffing all her holes with dildos wouldn't be enough to satisfy a ballgag-loving hottie like Karma. In 2017, she made the move away from online small time to debut her hardcore cock fucking abilities on Reality Kings and Brazzers, giving her the perfect platform to properly show off the insanely curvy body she's become famous for. With lips so luscious, green eyes so smoky and huge, fake tits that would take your breath away, Karma Rx is a breath of fresh air.

最新更新特色 Karma Rx

Karma Rx 在 '性療癒!最好的護士'

Karma Rx - 性療癒!最好的護士

去醫院可能真的很麻煩......除非你受到這些熱護士的溫柔愛護!Brazzers 最性感的醫療專業人員在這個合輯中被賦予了任務,其中有鬼鬼祟祟、變態和鐵杆的醫院辣妹,準備從他們的大塊頭、大雞巴病人身上擺脫痛苦!

Karma Rx 在 '努力工作!辦公室性愛的主要地標'

Karma Rx - 努力工作!辦公室性愛的主要地標

松開領帶,從工作場所的磨練中休息一下!從狂野的到屁股的肛門,我們有一個全明星的辦公室性愛場景彙編,讓你希望你和這些 Brazzers 辣妹一起工作!

Karma Rx 在 '加油!最好的感官按摩'

Karma Rx - 加油!最好的感官按摩


Karma Rx 在 '多汁的大屁股濕透了'

Karma Rx - 多汁的大屁股濕透了

Karma Rx又回到了Brazzers,而且比以往任何時候都更熱!看著她在游泳池裡浸泡著她多汁的大屁股,然後慢慢地把鏡頭帶到樓上的臥室。然後斯科特釘子進來給卡瑪的屁股上油。他開始用手指指她的屁眼,讓它準備好用力衝擊肛門。斯科特操了業力的所有洞,然後直接射在她身上。肛門粉絲會喜歡這個!

Karma Rx 在 '她心中的鑰匙在她的屁股裡'

Karma Rx - 她心中的鑰匙在她的屁股裡

這是搖擺人的關鍵派對!Karma Rx監督每個人鑰匙的抓取。艾弗里·簡(Avery Jane)通過拔出Xander Corvus的雞巴並撫摸它來開始派對。Karma看到熱動作正在發生,並爬向Xander堅硬的雞巴,偷走了Avery的打擊工作時刻。艾弗里決定她想要那根雞巴給自己,她知道如何引起Xander的注意;把他的鑰匙從她的屁股裡拉出來!每個人都感到震驚,這給了艾弗里最好的時間把Xander趕走。Karma緊隨其後,很快這個二人組就是三人行,肛門在兩位女士的桌子上。

Karma Rx 在 '抽煙的熱鏡子,三人行!'

Karma Rx - 抽煙的熱鏡子,三人行!

Chantal Danielle和她瘸腿的女朋友正在接待Karma Rx和Van Wylde夫婦,在前往城鎮之前進行一次小小的聚會。然而,尚塔爾和卡瑪立即被打開了...由彼此!由於他們的大奶子,完美的身體和甜美的墨水,他們不禁注意到他們看起來有多相似,這讓Chantal的女朋友感到懊惱,也讓Van的好奇心達到了頂峰。在Karma製造了一些騷動之後,她把Chantal帶到一間臥室,在那裡他們開始剪刀。然而,范正在緊追不捨,這迫使尚塔爾躲在壁櫥里,假裝她是業力的倒影,而范就在她面前操著業力!然而,這個詭計並沒有持續太久,很快更大的挑戰變成了在Chantal的女朋友背後偷偷摸摸地進行一個熱騰騰的三人行。

Karma Rx 在 '奶子,挑逗和採取業力'

Karma Rx - 奶子,挑逗和採取業力

Karma Rx很用力,用她大而美麗的胸部和厚實多汁的屁股挑逗和誘惑你,然後騎著盧卡斯·弗羅斯特的雞巴,就像沒事人一樣。您不容錯過的肛門盛會!

Karma Rx 在 '從大螢幕到他的大腿'

Karma Rx - 從大螢幕到他的大腿

桑德·科武斯在私人觀看大螢幕上觀看Karma Rx,欣賞她的大山雀和完美的屁股,幻想如果她和他在一起,他會對她做什麼。接下來是一個幻想來生活時,一個金髮的卡瑪撐進劇院穿著紅色內衣和漁網絲襪,準備表演,取悅桑德。卡瑪油她的胸部和屁屁眼, 戲弄桑德從近距離, 然後爬上他的腿網格對他的雞巴和撫摸它。卡瑪然後滑下她的膝蓋, 崇拜桑德的硬公雞和腳與她的嘴。幻想並沒有就此結束, 然而, 因為卡瑪想要桑德的大傢伙在她的貓和貓的斧頭他媽的, 這是超越他甚至可以夢想的!

Karma Rx 在 '卡瑪的母雞被送達'

Karma Rx - 卡瑪的母雞被送達

當你有一個角質的Karma RX穿著一雙漁網絲襪,只是等待被服務一個大多汁的公雞,你最好交付,並給她她想要的!基蘭 · 李迫不及待地想深入卡瑪的懷裡, 喂她每一寸他的大傢伙的神經他媽的, 會給她留下一口他溫暖的暨!

Karma Rx 在 '評級的屁股!'

Karma Rx - 評級的屁股!

心懷不滿的新聞主播卡瑪 Rx 是失敗網路的旗艦聲音。更糟的是,由於車站人手不足,她需要長時間工作,這嚴重影響了她的性生活。被迫採訪另一個無聊的客人, 然後轉向做天氣, 卡瑪的心情犯規, 惡化了她的角水準。然而,機組人員米克藍保證,首席製片人,他可以提高廣播產品和網路的收視率。米克的方法,雖然,涉及餵養卡瑪他的公雞免費使用口交,然後搞砸卡瑪了她完美的屁股,而她提供天氣預報。With a keen love of intense anal action, Karma shows that there really is nothing quite like breaking news reported with a cock in your ass and a mouthful of cum

Cassidy Klein 在 '最好的胸罩:第一個肛門'

Cassidy Klein - 最好的胸罩:第一個肛門


Karma Rx 在 '如何操你的按摩師'

Karma Rx - 如何操你的按摩師

神聖的Karma Rx去她的健身房瑜伽后按摩,但她不在那裡為她的肩部肌肉。她心中有公雞,她希望她的按摩師(小手)交付。看著卡瑪誘人地戲弄小手,直到該死的是不可避免的,同時解釋她的把戲給你,好奇和角質的觀眾。

Abella Danger 在 '霓虹燈做夢'

Abella Danger - 霓虹燈做夢

Abella 危險得到她的手在 Karma RX 作為兩個角質辣妹沐浴在霓虹燈,戲弄相機和舔對方所有之前進入一些緊張, 濕和野生的女孩對女孩的行動.

Amber Jade 在 '琥珀在山上:第1部分'

Amber Jade - 琥珀在山上:第1部分

發現她的前任曼努埃爾(Manuel)轉到了一個新女人之後,那可惡的寶貝琥珀琥珀(Amber Jade)出發前往洛杉磯,追捕他,進行最後一次驚人的他媽的。由於無法追踪他的下落,Amber與Manuel的姐姐Karma Rx進行了一次私人培訓,以期從她身上獲取一些信息。在會議期間,Amber忍不住要在熱教練中看到她的前夫,然後他媽的她,以使自己離他更近一點……如果她恰巧偶然發現了他的地址或電話號碼,那就更好了!

Karma Rx 在 '放蕩監視'

Karma Rx - 放蕩監視

Karma Rx剛從一個夜晚出去。吃了一頓晚餐,聊了一會兒,聊了很多,Karma帶回家Xander Corvus過夜,享受放蕩的樂趣。 Xander很少知道Karma的丈夫正在隔壁房間裡閒逛,看著安全系統上每一個忙碌的時刻。業力喜歡被人監視,她的丈夫也很樂意……忠實的粉絲們也一樣!由Karma Rx自己做夢,這個Project Fantasy場景將帶您瞥見這位性感明星可口的骯髒頭腦。

Karma Rx 在 '派對技巧'

Karma Rx - 派對技巧

Karma Rx的忠實丈夫決定舉行週年紀念派對,並邀請他們最親近的朋友。不過,業力(Karma)完全對她的婚姻感到無聊,這意味著里奇·約翰遜(Ricky Johnson)和其他願意參加派對的客人的出現代表了一個機會,可以通過操弄和吮吸盡可能多的公雞,在丈夫的鼻子底下狂奔。然而,因果報應的嘗試與如此眾多的人見面,導致多次親密接洽,包括一次真正難忘的敬酒。

Karma Rx 在 'Day with a Pornstar:Karma Rx'

Karma Rx - Day with a Pornstar:Karma Rx

Day With A Pornstar又回來了,這一次是粉絲最喜歡的Karma Rx在幕後拍攝的獨家獨家煙火!業力回答您所有最緊迫的問題,並在與Xander Corvus結合使用之前揭示一些棘手的秘密。

Karma Rx 在 '我他媽的我想要的人!'

Karma Rx - 我他媽的我想要的人!

查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)暗中註視著他哥哥的妻子,性感的Karma Rx,在她的瑜伽裝備中伸展,而丈夫嫉妒地面對她關於她那件輕薄的衣服,她的山雀和屁股,以至於不喜歡他。當查爾斯被他的兄弟發現時,他吃了一個抽油煙的拳頭偷窺。查爾斯來到後,因果報應告訴他,她把自己的杜希丈夫踢了出去,並承認自己知道查爾斯在註視著自己的伸展運動,她很喜歡……因果報應將目光投向了查爾斯的公雞,她無法抗拒與兩個兄弟更好的方式!

Karma Rx 在 'Carnal Catsuit的渴望'

Karma Rx - Carnal Catsuit的渴望

凱蘭·李(Keiran Lee)的妻子別無選擇,只能忍受她的前姐姐Karma Rx,因為他們的房子的榮譽代碼對人有約束力,而她的房子的榮譽代碼對他有生命的約束。隨著凱蘭(Keiran)的妻子已經達到了原始和適當的保守主義的高度,凱蘭(Keiran)期望卡瑪(Karma)能夠做到這一點,而他從未謀面。但是當Karma下來吃飯時,她以出乎意料的方式使Keiran感到驚訝-得益於他妻子的令人震驚的計劃,服裝和鼓勵。

Cali Carter 在 '如果你成長,他們會暨'

Cali Carter - 如果你成長,他們會暨

查爾斯德拉是一個書呆子,笨拙的辦公室無人機,無法在工作中與其他人競爭。他在老闆的秘書Cali Carter之後鬆了一口氣,但她不想和他有任何關係 - 她對他們的老闆很感興趣。同樣適合他的同事,Karma Rx--她痴迷於熱門的送貨員而且不會給Charles一天的時間。這一切都改變了一個重要的休閒星期五,當時Charles穿著Thighbrush T卹進入辦公室。卡利和卡瑪放下一切,立即開始進入查爾斯,為他的傢伙而戰,並給予他一直渴望的激烈,熱情的他媽。

Demi Sutra 在 '不要碰她'

Demi Sutra - 不要碰她

Demi Sutra對她女朋友在脫衣舞俱樂部度過的一個晚上感到驚訝。她喜歡看Karma Rx的表演,並且有機會參加私人圈舞。黛米的女朋友說只要她在房間裡就可以了。在舞蹈期間,Karma對Demi有點小心翼翼,偷偷地指著她濕漉漉的貓咪。黛咪的女朋友趕上了房間,躲開了房間,讓黛咪獨自與卡瑪一起度過了一個難忘的夜晚。

Karma Rx 在 '暨雨或閃耀'

Karma Rx - 暨雨或閃耀

雖然大多數人喜歡在下雨時留在室內,但Karma Rx真的喜歡浸泡。事實上,當下雨時,她覺得有必要脫掉並搖動她的乳房和屁股。 Karma穿著她的輕薄透視連衣裙和大腿高筒靴,跑到傾盆大雨中,用刮傘桿和她的傘彎曲和跳舞。隨著Karma的彎曲和下垂,她光滑,浸濕的身體為小手進入浸濕的陰部準備。

Karma Rx 在 'Ho在甜甜圈'

Karma Rx - Ho在甜甜圈

現在是下午3點,Karma RX非常渴望購買碳水化合物的零食。當她聽到休息室裡有甜甜圈時,卡瑪衝過去才發現箱子空了。卡瑪想要一個甜甜圈,她幾乎要流淚了。當Xander Corvus告訴她在辦公室裡有一個額外的人時,她很快跟著他。 Xander為Karma提供甜甜圈,但這是他的雞巴!雖然這不是她原本想要的,但是Karma非常樂意有一點品味。

Bridgette B 在 '逍遙遊:第2部分'

Bridgette B - 逍遙遊:第2部分

在一場激烈的性交會之後,布里奇特透露她認為瑞奇有點可愛,當她的丈夫不在身邊的時候想過他媽的。 Karma對坦白的坦白感到驚訝,並洗澡去清理另一輪貓舔。當她淋浴時,瑞奇偷偷溜進來繼續追求陰部。他潛入淋浴間,用他那巨大的陰莖讓Karma感到驚訝。卡瑪試圖否認他的進步,但她的嘴為他的悸動成員澆水並不需要很長時間! Bridgette來找Karma並抓住他們中間他媽的,但令他們驚訝的是,她並沒有生氣......她想加入!真是太棒了!讓他媽的開始吧!

Bridgette B 在 '逍遙遊:第1部分'

Bridgette B - 逍遙遊:第1部分

布里奇特曾計劃逃離她的舊大學室友Karma RX。不幸的是,她的行為不端的繼子Ricky正在貼著標籤。 Ricky是一個角質小流氓,Bridgette不會讓他毀了她的假期。她告訴Ricky表現自己並警告他不要與Karma調情,即使她是女同性戀者,反正他也沒有機會。 Ricky認為這是一個挑戰,一旦他獨自與Karma離開,他會盡一切努力讓她回到愛的陰莖。 Karma之前有過雞巴,但是一旦看到Ricky的悸動成員,她就想再試一次!

Karma Rx 在 '跑道贓物'

Karma Rx - 跑道贓物

Karma RX沿著T台走秀,但這不是您典型的時裝秀!她寧願炫耀她的屁股和性感的身體而不是穿她的衣服。他媽的時尚吧?當Xander Corvus拍下她的照片時,Karma寧願讓他和她一起走秀,並讓他把他堅硬的陰莖放在她的屁股上!

Karma Rx 在 'BrazziBots:第4部分'

Karma Rx - BrazziBots:第4部分

在萊利神秘失踪後,傑西瓊斯來到布拉齊伯特實驗室,尋找他失踪的同事。期待一場戰鬥,傑西熱情高漲,要求見到他的朋友。令他驚訝的是,實驗室助理Karma RX非常樂意將他直接帶到萊利。他們進入實驗室,Jesse對先進技術印象深刻。 Karma RX試圖說服傑西說人類是有缺陷的,並要求他加入他們,因為他們創造了一個由布拉茨伯特統治的新世界。傑西變得對提問線感到不安,並要求看到萊利,當突然尼科萊特和萊拉回到實驗室並環繞他時。沒有任何出路,Brazzibots說服Jesse用他的巨型陰莖操他們。 Jesse與他們邋three的三路口交和淋濕的pussies不相配。

Karma Rx 在 'Spank銀行家'

Karma Rx - Spank銀行家

斯科特·尼爾斯總是向他最好的朋友抱怨被打破,所以他的朋友給他簽了一個精子捐贈網站作為一個笑話!斯科特笑著聳了聳肩,但不久,專業的“銀行家”卡瑪RX就到了門口收集他的樣品。不久,斯科特意識到卡瑪已準備好以任何必要的方式收集貨物 - 即使這意味著剝離他媽的他得到他的暨。

Karma Rx 在 '浪子回歸'

Karma Rx - 浪子回歸

Karma Rx一年來第一次拜訪她的妹妹,並渴望見到她的丈夫Markus Dupree。然而,對於卡瑪而言,最明顯的是,馬庫斯 - 看似樸素而恰當 - 被她廣泛吸引,當她抓住他自慰以偷偷摸摸地拍攝她的屁股的照片時,這個事實就結晶了。事實證明,Karma喜歡她在新的姐夫看到的東西,儘管不得不竭盡全力避免被她的鷹派,保守的妹妹抓住,Karma急切地放棄她的屁股來製造哦 - 所以 - 重要的完美第一印象。

Karma Rx 在 '按摩訓練'

Karma Rx - 按摩訓練

Karma Rx已經到了她的定期按摩,發現她將得到新人Duncan Saint的幫助。這是鄧肯在工作的第一天,他不太自信。在Karma要求他為按摩付出更多努力之後,Duncan變得更加緊張 - 親自動手!因為她的討價還價,將她的硬公雞帶到她的喉嚨,所以她不僅僅是因為她而且還在努力。

Karma Rx 在 'Humping My Chakras'

Karma Rx - Humping My Chakras

Karma RX的男朋友在溫泉日讓她感到驚訝,但這並不是她所期待的。值得慶幸的是,女按摩師Johnny Sins非常熱門。約翰尼在卡瑪的男朋友的眼睛上放置水晶,以治愈他的能量,並開始研究卡瑪的神聖脈輪。約翰尼能否將卡瑪更接近啟蒙?

Bridgette B 在 'Brazzers House 3:結局'

Bridgette B - Brazzers House 3:結局

現在是Brazzers House 3 GRAND FINALE的時候了! Nicolette,Lela,Bridgette,Karma和Gina在我們最神秘的EPISODE EVER中面對面,吸吮和他媽的盡可能多的傢伙,然後參加狂歡多年。誰將贏得您的投票並獲得Brazzers House的下一個冠軍?

Aaliyah Hadid 在 'Brazzers House 3:第2集'

Aaliyah Hadid - Brazzers House 3:第2集

Brazzers House 3的女孩們在'Anything Goes'的挑戰中向前推進了他們最好的亂搞,接受了他們的心臟渴望的球,牆上的球,無拘無束的sextravanganza!在主持人Lena Paul為挑戰的最後一場比賽結束後,女孩們變得貪婪,第二次抓住她的機會,盡可能多地舔她的臉!

Aaliyah Hadid 在 'Brazzers House 3:第1集'

Aaliyah Hadid - Brazzers House 3:第1集

歡迎回到Brazzers House第三季!棕櫚泉從來沒有這麼熱,有十位Brazzers最熱門和最性感的明星出現在比賽的第一天!莉娜保羅是你的主人,因為這些寶貝輪流參加摔跤比賽,直到整個事情變成一個15人的狂歡!是否有足夠的公雞和pussies到處走?找出誰會暨在頂部!

Bridgette B 在 '好警察,壞女孩'

Bridgette B - 好警察,壞女孩

警官Bridgette B終於在她的大案中休息了一下,當她將手放在她的目標女主角Karma RX上時!但是這個豐滿的金髮美女將回答任何事情的唯一方法是,如果一個熱門的女警察開始吮吸她的大假山雀。輪流吸吮對方的乳頭,一起轉移訊問,但需要更多才能讓Karma說話。開始調查的事情很快就變成了在派出所那兒的旋律!但與官員。布里奇特被那個多汁的屁股分散注意力,噶瑪偷偷地逃跑了!這是一個恥辱袋女孩有最好的貓

Karma Rx 在 '你有權保持性感'

Karma Rx - 你有權保持性感

當Karma RX從犯罪現場出現三個街區時,Charles Dera官員知道他必須將她多汁的屁股帶回車站進行訊問。她可能不知道自己正在處理的案例,但這個豐滿的金發女郎喜歡穿制服的男人!在審訊室裡,喉嚨裡發生性關係後,Karma對她的鬍鬚螺柱變得靈活起來,因為他盡可能地將他的大傢伙盡可能深入她的陰部。查爾斯在他的大假山雀後沒有得到任何新的英特爾,但是這位墨水寶貝很高興地把熱門警察的厚厚的身子帶到了城鎮。對於他那豐滿的見證,沒有更多的問題,查爾斯將卡瑪的美麗面孔釉在他的身上,並送她去!

Karma Rx 在 '破壞咖啡師'

Karma Rx - 破壞咖啡師

在決定從色情中退出後,Karma RX在咖啡廳當咖啡師:她喜歡輕鬆,低調的工作,在那裡她可以與“平民”聯繫。她被Xander Corvus認出,她試圖說服她回到遊戲中。最初不確定的是,她最終採納了他的說服力的論點。她怎麼能抵抗他的大公雞?

Angela White 在 'Xander的世界巡迴演唱會 - 第2集'

Angela White - Xander的世界巡迴演唱會 - 第2集

經過旋風般的成功,Xander被帶到倫敦錄製他的熱門專輯。在他第一次嚐到成功之後,Xander在演播室內外的滑稽動作開始變得臭名昭著。經過一些嚴重的創造性倦怠之後,Xander在最不可能的地方 - 安吉拉和卡瑪獲得靈感。兩人迅速幫助他進入凹槽,因為錄音sesh變成了一個鐵桿fuckfest!

Karma Rx 在 '由一個寶貝品牌'

Karma Rx - 由一個寶貝品牌


Karma Rx 在 '這傢伙工作奇蹟'

Karma Rx - 這傢伙工作奇蹟

噶一直讚揚傑西的按摩技巧的好處。這麼說來,她終於說服了她的朋友Tia來。 Tia沒有意識到的是,Jessy擅長全身按摩。 Karma喜歡被摩擦,但是她真正感興趣的是巨大的高潮.Tia不需要太長的時間才能意識到她錯過了什麼。兩人決定把這個按摩會議變成他們自己的私人fuckfest。

Karma Rx 在 '股票和債券年齡'

Karma Rx - 股票和債券年齡


來自其他網站的場景特色 Karma Rx

Barrett Blade 在 'Tattooed Blonde Babe Karma Rx is Stepdaddy's Naughty Little Nurse'

Barrett Blade - Tattooed Blonde Babe Karma Rx is Stepdaddy's Naughty Little Nurse

Karma Rx wants to take care of her stepdad, so she decides to let him go balls deep inside her tight pussy to make him feel better.

Karma Rx 在 'give YOU a hands on lesson on how to fuck a porn star'

Karma Rx - give YOU a hands on lesson on how to fuck a porn star

How do you fuck a porn star? Good question. And Karma Rx has a good answer for you today at Naughty America VR. Except she's not going to tell you the answer; she's going to show you. The big tits babe is going to give you a lesson in porn-star fuckerry, and she's going to see if you've got what it takes to make the pussy of her caliber satisfied. This isn't going to be your run-of-the-mill sloppy one-night stand, or your weekend routine weekend quickie. No. Karma's expecting you to push your cock deep while you pull her hair hard. Karma's expecting hand marks on her big ass cheeks once you're finished pummeling her. Karma wants to choke and gag on your big dick balls deep in her throat, causing her tears of joy and happy, smeary mascara. Are you sure you're up for this? And in Virtual Reality? Good. Because Karma's going to learn you real good and hard today!

Karma RX 在 'A Fuckable Work Of Art'

Karma RX - A Fuckable Work Of Art

Karma RX is such a perfect slut and I love to work with her…if you can call it work. Her body is artwork and I adore every piece of it. Whenever she is in town we know we have to link up. Today is one of those days. So enjoy and watch us fuck like it’s our last day on earth.

Karma Rx 在 'Master And Student'

Karma Rx - Master And Student

A private jiu jitsu lesson gets hot and heavy when the master and student strip off their clothes and fuck.

Karma Rx 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Karma Rx - My First Sex Teacher

Nick, the star basketball player, refuses to take his test. He thinks he is hot shit, but what Nick doesn't know is that his teacher, Karma RX, knows that he is a virgin. So Karma makes a little deal with him, if he takes his test she will show him how to fuck.

Karma Rx 在 'Tattooed bad girl hotties, Karma Rx and Misha Montana, are wet and wild for your cock'

Karma Rx - Tattooed bad girl hotties, Karma Rx and Misha Montana, are wet and wild for your cock

Tattooed babes Karma Rx & Misha Montana are getting ready to ride your big dick but first they must stretch out their pussies with their favorite toys and oil up their big tits so you can have some fun and titty fuck them before your cock can't take it anymore.

Karma Rx 在 '- Cuckold Sessions - Scene 3'

Karma Rx - Cuckold Sessions

Celtic has been taking his wife's abuse for years now. She tears him down verbally and mentally at every opportunity. She fucks other men literally right in front of him every chance she gets. She humiliates him to all of his friends and associates by sending pictures of her exploits and his shame. She even physically abuses him, slapping him around like a little bitch. How much more can he take? He loves his wife Karma. He works so hard to give her nice things in life and provide stability and a future. But the abuse just keeps on coming. Who can he tell? Who can Celtic turn to. He is a man. She is a woman. Who will believe him? Karma says it herself - you're a straight while male. Nobody will believe you. America hates straight white men. Just click on the tv. The white man has destroyed the world. Now you must pay reparations for every perceived crime committed on humanity. So there it is. Poor Celtic having to watch his wife take a huge black cock in all of her holes right in front of him. On their bed. Wasn't it enough she had shit on the bed and sent pictures to his workplace. She thought it was a joke. Now she is taking a huge black cock right up her asshole and loving it. She never cums when Celtic makes love to her. But with this massive muscled stud of a black man she is orgasmically shaking over and over as both her cunt and shit locker are pounded by that massive meat stick. He puts it from hole to hole. Straight from her ass he pulls his cock out and cleans it in her mouth. Celtic is horrified but she makes him stay in there and watch her pleasure. The man tells him to hold her legs. He is holding his own wife's legs open so she can get fucked. How much lower can Celtic sink? Is there no depths to her depravity. Why does she hate him so much? Did Celtic do something so terrible in a past life that God has made him pay his penance in this cuck life reincarnation. So here he sits watching that foot long black mamba slide in and out of his wife's fuck holes. Beaten. Dazed. Then when he thinks he cannot possibly take anymore, the giant black cock explodes and pukes up a massive load of cum in her face. HIS wife's fucking face. . All over her mouth and cheeks and chin. She is dripping in cum. Is it over? Can things get worse for Celtic? Well apparently they can as one after another a massive line of black men keep coming into the room jacking off on his wife's face in front of him. Who are these people? How could she possibly know them. The shame. The pain. Celtic is an empty shell of a man. Dried up and turning to ashes his soul has been destroyed. And tomorrow? It will start all over again.

Karma Rx 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Karma Rx - Big Cock Bully

Karma RX is hanging out at home when there is a knock on her door. It's her new neighbor and he asks, nay, he DEMANDS that she make him some lemonade. Karma is a little surprised by her neighbor's confidence, but she decides to do as she's told. While waiting for his lemonade her neighbor starts bashing Karma's husband, who isn't home. Her neighbor thinks he can hit that better than Karma's husband -- Karma is surprised but intrigued as well. Her neighbor doesn't disappoint though as he gives her the dick she's been missing out on.

Karma RX 在 'Sneaky Perv Gets Fucked'

Karma RX - Sneaky Perv Gets Fucked

Johnny Love can't stop spying on his stepsister Karma RX. She catches him filming her masturbating and decides to get these urges out of him and making his dreams come true. She dominates him and fucks him hard. She titty fucks him and then gives him the best blowjob he's ever gotten. They fuck in multiple positions until she gets a huge load out of him.

Karma Rx 在 'Thundercock'

Karma Rx - Thundercock

Karma RX is hanging out at home when there is a knock on her door. It's her new neighbor and he asks, nay, he DEMANDS that she make him some lemonade. Karma is a little surprised by her neighbor's confidence, but she decides to do as she's told. While waiting for his lemonade her neighbor starts bashing Karma's husband, who isn't home. Her neighbor thinks he can hit that better than Karma's husband -- Karma is surprised but intrigued as well. Her neighbor doesn't disappoint though as he gives her the dick she's been missing out on.

Karma Rx 在 'Mean Bitch Boss 6 - Karma Rx'

Karma Rx - Mean Bitch Boss 6 - Karma Rx

Everything is going well for Glenn at his job interview until he sees the job offer in writing. It seems that his new boss discovered his foot fetish and the job has changed. He tries to walk out of the meeting, but Miss Karma knows how to exploit his weakness? she puts her feet on the desk and allows a shoe to dangle and drop off of her perfect. Glenn tries to stand up for himself but there?s no way he can resist feet like that. He soon finds himself on his knees, begging to work for free at her company. She laughs at him as she turns into her bitch? as she sits on his face and grinds her ass on his tongue, he knows he is going to love this job! HOT ASS WORSHIP, FOOT WORSHIP, FACESITTING, AND MORE!

Karma RX 在 'Creampie Workout'

Karma RX - Creampie Workout

Karma RX came to Jay Bangher's house as he was looking for a trainer. Jay was completely out of shape and was trying to evade all exercising. Karma tried to push him but there was nothing that could motivate him. Except for, maybe? Her tits? He kept staring at them. So she took off her top and immediately Jay was full of energy. He played with her nipples. Then titty fucked her. He had a big dick so Karma really enjoyed the BJ she gave him. Sex turned Jay into a super athlete. He lifted her in the air and fucked her standing up. She was riding him, being in control of how much dick she wanted inside. They fucked in doggy and finally in missionary he decided to cum deep inside her. His cum was slowly dropping off her pussy lips.

Karma Rx 在 'Karma RX Creampie'

Karma Rx - Karma RX Creampie

Karma RX is truly one of one. This big tit, tatted, blonde hottie is a freaky slut who can take whatever a man has to give. This kinky babe uses her tongue to lick all the way from the tip down to the ass like the dirty girl that she is. She uses her throat as she deepthroats the dick, getting it nice and wet before sliding it into her perfect pussy. Her piercing blue eyes and massive breasts make it difficult not to immediately cum…but after fucking her the way she needs it in order to orgasm all over the dick she is ready to take a creampie in her juicy pussy.

Karma RX 在 'Karma Is A sic Fuc'

Karma RX - Karma Is A sic Fuc

Another hottie just moved to my complex and wow! She is gorgeous! Tight body, great tattoos and she is a badass that trains in Ju Jitsu! I invited her up to my place to watch the fights and she ended up wrestling my cock and balls with her mouth…

Karma RX 在 'Stretch it'

Karma RX - Stretch it

Do you believe in Karma? What goes around comes around when this curvy beauty is in town. So come around and see how this sexy social media star gets down.

Karma Rx 在 'Outrageous Anal Slam-Fuck!'

Karma Rx - Outrageous Anal Slam-Fuck!

Bikini-clad, heavily tattooed Karma Rx sexily mirror-teases for director Chris Streams' pervy camera. The blonde ultra-vixen plops down on the couch with studly porn cocksman Zac Wild. He sucks her big boobs. Karma shoves his ample cock in her mouth for a spit-lubed blowjob. Zac eats her cunt and then fucks her pussy, plowing it in several positions. Next comes anal fun: Zac fingers and rims her asshole, and then he buttfucks her. Karma rides his meat, taking it in her shaved snatch and up her rectum. Zac supremely slams her butt doggie-style, and then greedy Karma sucks flavored dick ass-to-mouth. The stud thoroughly reams this tough chick in all holes. Zac issues the coup de grace, busting a nut to soak Karma with a raunchy cum facial.

Karma Rx 在 '- Interracial Blowbang - Scene 2'

Karma Rx - Interracial Blowbang

The hip place to visit lately is Iceland. All the millennials want to go there and enjoy romantic getaways on the frozen lava lakes and see the amazing northern lights as they relax in volcanic hot springs. Iceland calls. But due to the travel restrictions brought on by the worldwide pandemic one must be vaccinated to visit this enchanting Nordic winter wonderland. Karma and her boyfriend have already bought non refundable tickets and hotel reservations for their vacation so the pressure is on. Karma must get vaccinated but she refuses to go through the proper channels and go get the shots. Her schedule is way too busy to do that - what with all the fucking and hair and nail appointments. She has a better plan. Being a modern day expert on anything one can study on the internet for ten minutes, Karma has devised a plan to get vaccinated by osmosis. Basically the DNA in the semen of vaccinated individuals is all she needs. If she can get enough volunteers to jizz in her mouth she will be able to get into Iceland. Makes sense doesn't it? After placing an ad online, Karma is soon visited by a group of DNA donors that are more than willing to let the resourceful Karma suck their big black man roots to get the jizz she needs so badly. It's a non stop assault on her oral cavity as one dick after another is given the wet tongue and tonsil treatment to get those nuts pumping. Cocks are everywhere as she is in slut pig heaven sweating like a whore in church as she ravenously slobbers on every cock presented and soon has them blasting down her throat and all over her face. Covered and filled with semen she knows she has made the smart move. She is no dummy. Iceland here I come, her face beams!

Karma Rx 在 '- Cuckold Sessions - Scene 2'

Karma Rx - Cuckold Sessions

Karma has been cheating on her husband for years now. Constantly going out to meet men at hotels, motels, parking lots, offices, alleys, bar bathrooms, wherever. Anywhere she can get a cock crammed in her hungry slut box she goes. But dammit this woman is sick of it. Why the hell can't she just fuck in her house. So today when her husband is going off to work to make the money to keep her happy and hopefully staying with him he is shocked to discover the large black man at the door. Who is this man, he asks his wife. That's my lover, let him in, she says. Can you believe the nerve of Karma? She is going to have sex right in front of her husband. She is such a shameless hussy she doesn't even care. Is this where their marriage has sunk to? The horrors. Poor Mr. Jover is forced to watch and towel off the sweaty big bald black man who pummels his wifes' pink hole and stink hole. Oh the agony. The degradation. Why is he put through this hell. He works his ass off to give her everything in life. This house is costing him a mint. He has ulcers from paying the bills she rings up. Why wasn't he born gay so he could have a partner who had least had a job. No. Mr. Jover's lot in life is to be a cuck. So he sits there. Watching. Doing nothing. As another man pleasures himself on his wifes' wet dripping cunt, gaping ass and drooling mouth.

Karma RX 在 'Concept: CuckQueen'

Karma RX - Concept: CuckQueen

For those looking to explore the idea of cuckoldry, look no further. Our newest concept, titled 'cuckqueen,' is all about the age-old fetish of cuckolding. Only this time, the roles have been reversed. In this episode, Marcus London has been seeing Karma RX after his wife, Erin Everheart, cannot please him sexually. His solution is to bring Karma into their marriage and teach Erin how she should be acting. Erin is bound and forced to watch Marcus fuck another woman. Then, it's her turn to see if she's learned anything from the raunchy sexcapade. With a bit of help from Karma, Erin is back to pleasuring her husband as she should.

Karma Rx 在 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Karma Rx - My Wife's Hot Friend

Karma Rx has her friend's husband, Lucas, work on her house. Lucas let's Karma know that he and her best friend are getting a divorce. Karma won't let that get in the way of the friendship she has with Lucas, in fact she uses the opportunity to be MORE than friends with Lucas as she fucks him all over her bathroom.

Karma Rx 在 '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 3'

Karma Rx - Blacks On Blondes

Don't you hate it when you get double booked at one of those rental properties? Happens all the time in LA with the location managers not paying attention on who they have rented a property to. Take Karma for instance. This lady has come to LA and rented out a house to stay while she did business. One morning she is shocked to hear the noises of a bunch of men coming into their house. Turns out they have also rented out the house and are planning on shooting a rap video and having a party. What the fuck, she thinks. Obviously she is mad but soon she is being swayed by the smooth talking strangers who point out she is the type of girl they would love to have in their rap videos. What's a white girl to do when confronted with such a situation? Well what would Britney do I always ask myself. That's right - it's cocks out and all holes open as Karma gets a chance to really break loose. Within minutes her pussy is being packed full of massive black tube steak and soon she is also having her sphincter wrecked as the three studs do a train on her. It's not long till she is treated to some air tight action as all her holes are filled at once. Now that's what the white girls like. Total attention. And attention Karma gets as her asshole is trained to max diameter and gaped like the Holland tunnel. One after another they cum in her asshole, pussy and face. Now that's a double booking well worth having.

Karma Rx 在 'Lucky guy can't resist cheating on his girlfriend when he helps Gianna Grey, Karma Rx, and Payton Preslee pick out lingerie'

Karma Rx - Lucky guy can't resist cheating on his girlfriend when he helps Gianna Grey, Karma Rx, and Payton Preslee pick out lingerie

Gianna Grey, Karma Rx, & Payton Preslee take a trip to their favorite lingerie store. Karma notices a sexy stud perusing the lingerie, looking clueless as to what to buy. Karma suggest she and her friend's model some outfits for the guy to help him determine a sexy piece for his girlfriend. But these hot babes just lured him into their private changing room so they can take advantage of him. Their plan works flawlessly as no man can resist the plump asses and huge tits on these gorgeous, slutty chicks!

Karma RX 在 'Karma Rx Takes It In The Ass From The Milfomaniac'

Karma RX - Karma Rx Takes It In The Ass From The Milfomaniac

Choice MiLF, Karma RX and Manuel Ferrara have a hyper-fueled fuckfest in this scene from 'Milfomaniac 9'. Blue-eyed Karma is wearing as small a bikini that you will find. Red with black trim and fishnets that go great with her back-thigh tattoos. Her top comes off right away because it can't contain her massive boobs. Karma shows how good they are for squeezing. Karma teases in front of a fountain showing us her ass and ability to wink...Indoors Karma is spread on a sofa. Manuel appears and the couple have some long kisses then Ferrara goes down for a taste. Karma brings her ankles behind her ears, her heaving juggs nestled between her legs. RX deepthroats Ferrara then the two lie on their sides. Manuel strums her clit and then grabs her throat while pounding. In cowgirl Ferrara grabs and spanks Karma's bulbous ass until it reddens. Then Manuel fingers her pussy until she produces squirt. He then crams a couple digits into her asshole and tastes. This develops the scene into an anal romp with cowgirl, reverse cow and doggy that showcases Karma's frame nicely. She then gapes and winks for Ferrara after the churn. We get treated to a great cumshot, with Karma on her knees and Manuel feeding her, as he puts it, 'pre-cum'. He then reloads and blasts Karma in her mouth. She's been wisely sandwiching her juggs together. They easily catch the mess from her mouth and shrapnel from Ferrera's cock...

Karma Rx 在 'My First Sex Teacher'

Karma Rx - My First Sex Teacher

Karma Rx had a bit of an accident on campus and is now limping. Luckily, her student Lucas, is a Kinesiology major and he gives her some tips on how to heal it. Hardcore sex, for one, is a great cure! So Karma takes her student's advice and fucks the shit out of Lucas on her desk.

Karma Rx 在 'in Sister Sex Cheating Test, Sorry Logan, But You Failed!'

Karma Rx - in Sister Sex Cheating Test, Sorry Logan, But You Failed!

So my sister is dating this guy Logan Pierce. He seems sweet but he also can't seem to keep his eyes off of me. As the loving sister, that I am, I have to make sure that Logan is on the level and wouldn't ever cheat on my sis. And of course he failed miserably like most guys do. Logan didn't stand a chance with my huge knockers in his face. I knew that he was a no good piece of trash, this proves it! At least I got to smother him with my tits and ass, fuck his brains out, treat him really bad, and spew a load of cum in his mouth, before I delivered the bad news to my sister.

Bridgette B 在 'Robbing The Family Jewels'

Bridgette B - Robbing The Family Jewels

Bridgette B and Karma Rx broke into a house looking for money. But they found something better, they encountered a college dude with a big ol dick. They forgot all about robbing the house and decided to rob his cock instead. Bridgette and Karma got their pussies stretched in several different positions before receiving a huge load all over their faces.

Karma Rx 在 'Seduce You - S10:E8'

Karma Rx - Seduce You - S10:E8

Looking fine as hell in a leather getup, Karma Rx makes her way into the room where Codey Steele awaits. From her fishnet stockings to her form-fitting body suit, this hot honey is locked and loaded for a good time. She caresses her hands all over her body, hefting her boobs and cupping her pussy as Codey makes his way over to her for a more hands-on experience.Drawing Karma close, Codey lets his hands blaze a trail across her body. Her breasts are heavy in his palms and her ass is soft to his touch. What Karma really wants is Codey's hands on her twat, so she takes his fingers and puts them exactly where she wants them. As Karma guides Codey in his exploration of all her curves, she gradually sheds her clothing until she has freed herself of her body suit and is down to her fishnets.Relocating to the bed, Karma lays back and lets Codey do all the work for the time being. He does a thorough job, seducing his lover with his hot tongue and gentle caresses. When he finally settles between Karma's thighs, he finds her pussy nice and wet for him. Karma eventually tires of playing a passive role in their lovemaking and urges Codey to lay down on the bed so that she can climb on top for a hot 69.On her back once again, Karma parts her thighs so Codey can slide himself home. Codey's hard cock milks deep moans of satisfaction from her as he thrusts his hips for both of their pleasure. As Karma watches Codey fuck her, the intimacy of their position contributes to a first climax.When it's her turn to take the lead, Karma gets Codey back on the bed so she can climb on top of him. This time, she sinks down onto his stiffie, taking every inch inside her greedy snatch. Her hips move slowly at first, but eventually she picks up the pace to create a rhythm that gets both their motors running. When Karma needs a break, she falls to her side beside Codey and takes his fuck stick in hand to stroke him off and give him a titty fuck between those two big jugs.On her hands and knees, Karma watches over her shoulder as Codey reenters her from behind. This position is a delight for both of them as Karma adjusts so that she is kneeling to change up the angle of penetration. Then she falls forward once again until her belly is on the bed with Codey never missing a stroke the whole time. Doggy style with Karma's firm ass taunting him is too much for Codey to resist. He pulls out only at the very last moment, leaving a trail of hot cum all over Karma's bottom and meaty snatch.

Karma Rx 在 'Top Heavy Sluts 2'

Karma Rx - Top Heavy Sluts 2

Tattooed vixen Karma Rx caresses her big boobs as her fit, beautiful body glistens in the sun. Heavily hung Ramon Nomar eats her tight cunt and squeezes her phat ass. She sucks his dick while he gives her a rim job. Karma bounces on his boner as his cock stretches her tight pussy lips. Ramon switches holes to fuck her asshole; Karma masturbates and moans through a thrilling anal reaming. She makes intense eye contact with the camera as she cums on his thick prick. See titty fucking, ass-to-mouth cocksucking and cavernous anal gaping. For the climax, Karma swallows a load of jism.

Karma Rx 在 'Manhandled 13'

Karma Rx - Manhandled 13

Tasty, tattooed tramp Karma Rx spreads her long legs and slides a glass sex toy into her tight asshole. She gives dominant stud Small Hands a thorough blowjob, making intense eye contact as she sucks cock. Karma bends over and quivers as he drives his thick cock into her waiting pussy. He fingers Karma's asshole and gives her a rim job. Karma masturbates blissfully while Mr. Hands thrusts his thick meat inside her butthole. Playful choking, aggressive anal ramming and a nasty, ass-to-mouth blowjob lead to a gooey creampie in Karma's pussy. To top off the action, Karma scoops out the sperm and swallows!

Karma RX 在 'Hot Pussy Prescription'

Karma RX - Hot Pussy Prescription

This is the second scene with Karma Rx and we instantly remember what intense chemistry we have together. The scene starts with us in the shower making out. I bend her over and lick her pussy and asshole before lifting her leg up and fucking her right there. She gives me a blowjob and we fuck a little more in the shower before moving to the bed. We have sex in a bunch of positions all over that get more aggressive mixed with a lot of kissing and Karma having multiple orgasms. There's POV shot during the blowjob and while she rides my cock. The scene ends with Karma licking my asshole while I jerk off until I hold her down on the bed and cum in her pussy until it comes out and I push it back inside of her with my cock.

Karma Rx 在 'gets bullied into sucking and fucking'

Karma Rx - Big Cock Hero

Karma Rx has been cheating on her husband and her husband's friend, Charles, finds out. Charles threatens to show his friend a video he took of Karma cheating...that is unless she gives him the same treatment she gave the guy she's cheating with.

Karma Rx 在 'Karma Rx, Sarah Jessie, and Riley Steele Ensure Their Mechanic Works HARD'

Karma Rx - Karma Rx, Sarah Jessie, and Riley Steele Ensure Their Mechanic Works HARD

Karma Rx, Sarah Jessie, and Riley Steele each have their car in the shop for repairs but its taking way too long. They storm into the mechanic shop and catch a lone worker wrenching on a truck. To get him to start working on their cars, they give him a little motivation with their wet pussies and mouths!

Karma Rx 在 'I Caught My Wife Fucking The Help 4'

Karma Rx - I Caught My Wife Fucking The Help 4

Alex Legend is the contractor that is going to fix Oliver Davis and Karma Rx's kitchen cabinets. When Oliver agrees to the price, he leaves. Karma has some other things that she needs to do... with Alex!

Karma Rx 在 'Bad Karma'

Karma Rx - Bad Karma

Glam dirty blonde Karma Rx wears a sexy country get-up: straw hat, cowboy boots, check top showing deep cleavage and tiny jean cut-offs that can't cover her curvy rear. The busty, tattooed stunner flaunts her fabulous assets by a horse corral and in a barn, the living embodiment of a farmer's daughter joke. Sure enough, studs Mick Blue and Markus Dupree catch her masturbating. She kneels between thick, uncut boners for blowjobs. Karma takes one big cock in the pussy as the other fucks her face, soaked in spit. Markus' meat fucks her asshole to gaping. She loves the feeling of double penetration. Pretty, aroused Karma masturbates as they sodomize her, and she sucks both dicks at once. Her first ever double-anal threesome leaves her bunghole gaping like a cavern. The dudes mask her with a thick, double cum facial.

Katrina Jade 在 'Bad Karma'

Katrina Jade - Bad Karma

Tattooed, dirty blonde stunner Karma Rx and naturally curvy, black-haired beauty Katrina Jade play and twerk in the pool, showing off big boobs and bouncy butts in tiny, flashy bikinis. Fabulous tease footage captures their lewd, wet cavorting. Holding hands, they go indoors for lesbian mouth kissing, caressing and titty worship. Katrina eats Karma's bald box and pretty, little asshole. Karma licks Katrina's shaved, pierced pussy and rims her butthole. The ladies come together for face sitting, scissoring and humping. Each buttfucks the other with a clear dildo while licking labia; both girls suck the toy ass-to-mouth. Donning a strap-on, Katrina sodomizes masturbating Karma to anal gaping. And man, Katrina loves tongue-fucking pretty-girl bunghole! Karma sucks the dildo fresh from her rear, and the adorable tarts share tasty mouth kisses.

Karma Rx 在 'Bad Karma'

Karma Rx - Bad Karma

Glamorous in high heels, rhinestone lingerie and exquisite eye makeup, dirty blonde stunner Karma Rx flashes her big boobs, fine ass and bald gash from a tunnel, a rooftop and an alleyway. In a high-rise apartment overlooking the nighttime skyline, muscular studs Prince Yahshua and Jax Slayher unleash their big black cocks for an interracial anal threesome. The tattooed bad girl kneels for wet blowjobs. Prince and Jax spit-roast sexy Karma, each fucking her pussy as the other fucks and cock-whips her face. Each stud stuffs his huge boner up her ass, and Karma sucks both meaty pricks ass-to-mouth. Next, Karma's first ever interracial double penetration makes her jabber in orgasmic ecstasy. She kneels for two cum shots that leave her mouth, tongue and cleavage thickly spunked.

Karma Rx 在 'Internet Creeper - Personal Trainer'Whore - Karma Rx'

Karma Rx - Internet Creeper - Personal Trainer'Whore - Karma Rx

Tatted busty blonde personal trainer, Karma Rx, has gotten duped into giving Bruno a in-home workout session. Bitch! The only thing getting worked out today is your tight pussy and big DSL. She's reluctant to sexually submit at first, but Bruno quickly changes that. He wreaks havoc on the big titted bimbo. Savagely drilling her mouth and wet young pussy in various positions until he blasts her with a facial cumshot.

Brooklyn Chase 在 'and Karma Rx - Cuckold Sessions'

Brooklyn Chase - Cuckold Sessions

Brooklyn has been married for a long time now. Married young, Manny had been the only man she had ever fucked until just recently when she started having the occasional man over while he was away on extended business trips. Lately though, it's gotten out of hand. Brooklyn confided in her best friend Karma how insatiable for dick she's been lately. No matter how much Brooklyn gets fucked she's missing one important thing: her husband. Brooklyn would love nothing more than to fuck a few guys while her husband watches and feed him their loads, straight from her dripping pussy...

Karma RX 在 'Goth Nymphos - Karma RX'

Karma RX - Goth Nymphos - Karma RX

With her black lipstick, thigh-high stockings, and fishnet top, tantalizing temptress Karma Rx is a goth's dream come true. But Karma's got dreams of her own, and chief among them is getting her brains fucked out. And she knows just the man to help her fulfill her twisted desires: Tommy Pistol. When Tommy arrives, there's no doubt that he's up to the task. He dives right in, getting a mouthful of Karma's massive tits before feeding her his cock. Karma gags gratefully as Tommy fucks her throat, tears streaming down her gorgeous face. This cum-starved nympho is ready for absolutely ANYTHING that will help her dirty dreams come true!

Kenzie Taylor 在 'Karma Fucks My Boyfriend'

Kenzie Taylor - Karma Fucks My Boyfriend

They say Karma is a bitch. In this case, they are right. Johnny Goodluck gets caught fucking Karma Rx. Kenzie Taylor and Sophia Grace catch him in the act, so they decide to join in. Watch these four go at it like a few newly formed sex addicts. They suck, fuck, and wait for cum. Johnny even stacks all three of these sluts, nearly up to the ceiling. Taking turns on all of their holes. He finally gives these hoes the spraying they deserve.

Karma RX 在 'Karma's First Camping Fuck Trip, Day 2'

Karma RX - Karma's First Camping Fuck Trip, Day 2

Karma Rx is living her best life with her boyfriend. They're out there camping and getting freaky as much as possible. She's been displaying her perfectly huge tits during the entire camping trip. From Kayaking to hiking. Not matter the activity, She's been trying to fuck. Karma gave her boyfriend several blowjobs in random areas around their campsite, as well as getting fucked in multiple different positions indie they're tent. All in all a perfect camping trip.

Karma RX 在 'Karma's First Camping Fuck Trip, Day 1'

Karma RX - Karma's First Camping Fuck Trip, Day 1

Camping tends to be a whole lot of fun, but it's even better when you're camping with a pornstar. This week Karma Rx and hear boyfriend went out for a weekend camping trip. However, this isn't some run of the mill camping experience. They decided to try and get freaky as much as possible and where ever possible. They documented the entire experience for your enjoyment. Watch Karma as she does all the fun camping activities like sucking dick on a hike trail, walking through the woods completely naked, and even sucking and fucking.

Ivy LeBelle 在 'It's a Naughty America Day at the Pool'

Ivy LeBelle - It's a Naughty America Day at the Pool

Ivy LeBelle, Karma Rx, and Valentina Nappi invite you to take a dip in the hot tub with them and talk about sexy times on set before riding your big hard cock!

Karma RX 在 'Manuels Fucking POV 12'

Karma RX - Manuels Fucking POV 12

Karma Rx opens her ass for ANAL action with Manuel. Buxom babe Karma Rx is a tattooed goddess with a banging body and fashion model looks. She's wearing a neon green teenie bikini with black fishnet stockings and high heels as she hangs out by the pool. Manuel examines every crevasse of her body from her tits to her ass and then pulls her top to the side so we can get a better look at her massive melons. Karma plays with her pussy, making herself nice and wet, then removes her panties before heading inside to get down to business. Manuel lays on the couch as Karma kisses her way down his chest until her tits are rubbing against his big dick, then finally makes it down to his cock and balls. Karma gives Manuel a rim job and sucks his balls before attempting to take his whole cock down her throat! She can't take it all but man does she try really hard before getting on top and impaling herself on Manuel's thick dick. Karma rides that cock hard as her massive mammaries bounce with every stroke and she moans for more. She stops to suck his cock again then wraps her tits around Manuel's dick and gives him an amazing titty-fucking. Manuel tells her to turn around as she sits back down on top of his dick in reverse cowgirl. He fingers her asshole as he pounds her pussy before penetrating her beautiful back door with his uncut cock. Karma takes that big dick balls deep in her asshole until Manuel paints her face with all of his cum.

Valentina Nappi 在 'Fun Day Part 6'

Valentina Nappi - Fun Day Part 6

Valentina Nappi and her step-sister Karma Rx work your cock over in hardcore POV action. They are so involved, they are almost fighting over your cum. Watch and find out who gets a nice big facial.

Karma Rx 在 'Fucking Markus'

Karma Rx - Fucking Markus

In long, black leather boots and fishnet stockings, Karma Rx is a busty blonde bitch with attitude! Russian stud Markus Dupree buries his tongue in Karma's tight butthole. He pounds her pussy doggie-style, and slides his meat between her knockers for a titty fuck. Karma gives a slobbery blowjob; Markus reams her plump ass. Between rounds of anal reaming and rimming, he fingers Karma to a squirting orgasm! Her sphincter gaping, Karma sucks dick ass-to-mouth, and earns herself a cum facial.

Karma RX 在 'Good Deepthroat Karma'

Karma RX - Good Deepthroat Karma

Spitting, swallowing dick, and keeping it messy are part of Karma RX's agenda for this deepthroating scene. The busty tattooed blonde will have fun with a giant cock today!

Karma Rx 在 '- Blacks On Blondes - Scene 2'

Karma Rx - Blacks On Blondes

Karma Rx is a self-proclaimed narcissist. I mean just look at the slut! She's masturbating to her own dirty movie, and of course it's her filthy blowbang for Blacks on Blondes' sister site, Interracial Blowbang! Right in the middle of her jerk-off session, Karma's 'Daddy' comes over with a couple buddies. Daddy has a new friend that wants to get into the JizBiz, and another who's just horny. Since Karma does whatever Daddy says, Karma's going to offer up her eager mouth and sopping-wet pussy for the new guy, just to make sure he's got what it takes. Of course he does! All three fellahs proceed to rail Karma, before she offers up her ass to Daddy. Daddy loves Karma's ass...but he's also trying to take care of his buddies, too! What to do? 'Roshambo' for Karma's asshole!! It seems the only logical thing to do! Daddy wins, of course, cause he's always The Winner, so as Daddy defiles Karma's shit pipe, she's blowing his buddies. Speaking of them, the new guy dumps a load so deep into Karma's fertile womb, none of it drips out! Daddy and his other buddy spray Karma's face down and then leave, which means it's time for Karma to resume her jerk session....and this time it's way hotter than how she started!!

Karma Rx 在 'Anal Behavior 3'

Karma Rx - Anal Behavior 3

Poolside, busty, heavily tattooed bombshell Karma Rx peels off her tiny bikini, oils up her cute, round booty, and squeezes her huge knockers for the camera. She uses a glass dildo to open her butthole. Karma kneels to give Mark Wood's big cock a gagging blowjob. He fucks Karma's juicy cunt and then porks her ass in an intense anal reaming. She eagerly bounces on his prick, sucks dick ass-to-mouth, and rims his asshole. Mark buttfucks Karma until her sphincter gapes, and she swallows his sperm.

Karma Rx 在 'Dirty Wives Club'

Karma Rx - Dirty Wives Club

Michelle (Karma RX) is up for some good ol' fashioned revenge sex after she comes to the realization her husband is cheating on her.

Karma Rx 在 '- Black Meat White Feet'

Karma Rx - Black Meat White Feet

Karma Rx is engaged, and in preparation for her big day, Karma's fiancé is paying for her personal trainer. If we've said it once, we've said it 1,000 times! Personal trainers around your gal ain't a good thing!! Karma's been flirty and suggestive, but her personal trainer has been nothing but professional. Today, Karma's determined to get what she wants -- big dick! Once, in passing, the personal trainer told Karma he had a foot fetish, so why not go after his weakness? Karma knows, like most evil ladies, men succumb to their sexual weaknesses, and once her once her pretty feet are in his face, the personal trainer will be putty in her hands. Like Kryptonite and Superman! And she's right! Once the personal trainer got a whiff of Karma's pretty feet, it was on! Mouth. Pussy. And, to his surprise, Karma's puckered asshole! Of course the personal trainer finished his job all over her pretty feet, which means all that's left to do is invoice Karma's soon-to-be Hubby!!

Valentina Nappi 在 'Magic Day in the House'

Valentina Nappi - Magic Day in the House

When you put two whores together, what do you expect to happen. Stop guessing....we paired up Karma Rx. and Valentina Nappi. Between these two, there is no cock getting out of here alive. Especially if it is big black cock. Or as the girls like to call it....BBC. Jason Brown is in the house today, and he is determined to lay the wood with these two super sluts. Watch both of them go to work on his meat stick. Sucking, fucking and making him drop baby batter all over them. They cannot help but to do some cum swapping.

Ivy LeBelle 在 'Married babes take advantage of the Neighbor while on Vacation'

Ivy LeBelle - Married babes take advantage of the Neighbor while on Vacation

Three close friends, Kassandra Kelly (Ivy), Brenda Phillips (Karma), and Kristen Connor (Vanessa), on a little get away decide to get some real dick since their husbands are out playing golf. Its been a while since they really had a good fucking so they go all out and team up on the neighbor.

Karma Rx 在 'The Submissive'

Karma Rx - The Submissive

Karma Rx is a bad girl that likes to get disciplined. She gets lightly flogged and restrained for orgasms.

Charlotte Stokely 在 'Unfinished Business'

Charlotte Stokely - Unfinished Business

Karma RX and Charlotte Stokely, two fiancees that are soon to be married, are relaxing in bed together. As they snuggle up and daydream, Karma catches sight of Charlotte's computer screen. 'Who's Ella?' she questions, though has to nudge a bit more when Charlotte tries to evade the question. Charlotte soon gives in and admits that Ella Knox is an ex of hers from high school who broke her heart. But it doesn't matter because that's all in the past. They were young and dumb. Now it's all about the future with Karma!When Charlotte leaves moments later for work, Karma's eyes fall curiously back onto the computer left behind. She's worried about Charlotte, but has a plan...A few days later, Charlotte is in for the surprise of her life when none other than Ella Knox appears at the door! She is stunned, though Karma assures her it's all right and that Ella was invited. Karma knows Charlotte needs some closure from the breakup. Without it, the ex is always going to be on the back of her mind. Fortunately for them, Ella agreed to confront her past as well.Charlotte is amazed as Karma explains that she wants her to have one last night with Ella to get the closure she needs. Without that 'what-if' hanging over their heads, they'll be free to live the long, happy marriage they dream of! Although Charlotte is still shocked, when Karma encourages her to give Ella a kiss, she tentatively goes for it.The reservations soon melt away as Charlotte gets more into it, encouraged by Karma, who soon joins in on the fun. Things get hot and heavy between them as they eagerly dive into each other's pussies, relieving the tension and letting go of the past. Will Charlotte now finally be free to move on?

Kenzie Taylor 在 'Fucking Orgy'

Kenzie Taylor - Fucking Orgy

When you invite Karma RX, Sophia Grace, and Kenzie Taylor orgy is bound to break out. That is exactly what happened to Mr. Pete and Logan Long. These three filthy whores sure know how to please a man. They also know how to please each other. They stay busy, may it be a cock or a pussy....they are always doing something. While these two men stay busy...they are always pounding a fresh pussy. They finally finish these sluts off, by glazing them with cum.

Karma Rx 在 'fucking in the desk with her big tits'

Karma Rx - My First Sex Teacher

Class is over and Ms. Karma Rx is wondering why Bambino hasn't left. Turns out that Bambino's girlfriend just dumped him over text so Ms. Karma Rx wants to cheer him up. She suggests that he should try new things - that is what college is all about. Ms. Karma was once a student herself, so she knows exactly how to help Bambino.

Karma Rx 在 'Foursome Spa day with Karma Rx, Sarah Jessie, Victoria June'

Karma Rx - Foursome Spa day with Karma Rx, Sarah Jessie, Victoria June

It's spa day for best friends Karma Rx, Sarah Jessie, and Victoria June. Karma expresses her lack of sex and they all agree that if the masseur is hot, they should try and fuck him in their private spa room. Lucky for them, you're a hot stud ready to take on three hot as fuck babes. So give them what they want at a spa, a hot facial!

Karma Rx 在 'Boober 3'

Karma Rx - Boober 3

Karma Rx was doing nothing with her life before Boober came along. Some might say this revolution in driving apps has saved her life. Now Karma is slinging her tits in style and making big bucks helping the American economy as she cruises from one ride to the next. Marcus is a business man in town for the week and manages to luck into Karma's car one fateful day. Wow, is he surprised. He figured he would give the new app a shot and now discovers it has opened up pandoras box into sweet titty paradise. Karma is packing a massive rack of A -- 1 Titty Pie and he is soon buried up to his eyeballs in them. Oh sweet Mammary! With tits this big you just got to check out the sweet spot between her legs And it does not disappoint. Karma is a five star ride and we recommend everybody get in her car.

Karma Rx 在 '- Interracial Blowbang'

Karma Rx - Interracial Blowbang

Karma Rx is one dirty slut. Just look at her, in the middle of some random warehouse, writhing around and touching herself as not one...or even six or ten dudes slowly surround her! The final number is 13, and all thirteen men are there for one purpose: to use Karma's mouth over and over until she causes them to ejaculate all over her gorgeous body! Karma loves a challenge, and this is a big one. Sure, it's easy for Karma to spread her legs and let the fellahs use her wet, warm pussy -- or, better yet, her tight, puckered asshole -- in order blast. And sure, the Super Slut will save that for another time, but today it's a blow bang. Skull fucking. Opening wide as these well-endowed men push deep down into Karma's throat! The result? Before Karma crawls off to the bathroom, the dudes use her as their own personal jizz target, firing away ropes and ropes of jizzum drenching the lovely tart and reddening her eyes! This is one blow bang for the books!!

Kenzie Taylor 在 'Oil Slick 2'

Kenzie Taylor - Oil Slick 2

Glam, hot-assed bikini blondes Karma Rx and Kenzie Taylor drench themselves in oil and rub their big, lube-soaked jugs together. They join Markus Dupree for a rowdy, grease-slick anal threesome. He oils his uncut boner to fuck their faces. Lube floods cleavage in a four-titty fuck! Markus fucks Kenzie's shaved pussy and fingers her to multiple, frenzied, squirting orgasms! The girls eat her juice and sit on each other's face. Markus chokes and fucks artistically tattooed Karma. Kenzie takes an anal reaming as torrents of oil flood her holes. The stud stacks the greasy girls butt-on-butt for more wet fucking. See ass-to-mouth cocksucking, and Kenzie's bunghole blasts lube into Karma's mouth! Seemingly infinite oil drenching and buttfucking climax with a double cum facial, and the girls orally swap semen (plus oil).

Karma RX 在 'Dredd 5'

Karma RX - Dredd 5

Tattooed goddess Karma Rx meets her biggest match yet, Dredd! Karma Rx started out camping but quickly realized that she had what it takes to make it in the porn industry and has finally found her way to Karma's looking super sexy in her pink lingerie as she runs her hands all over her body and seductively stares at the camera. She makes her way to the living room where she finds Dredd waiting for her on the couch. Karma crawls over to him and immediately starts rubbing his giant cock through his pants, then helps him take them off and gets to work stroking and sucking that massive member making sure to pay attention to the balls. After sucking that cock and slapping herself in the face with it, Dredd helps Karma out of her lingerie then buries his face between her cheeks to taste her sweet holes. Once she's nice and wet, Dredd bends her over doggystyle and pounds his BBC deep into Karma's tight pussy as her big tits bounce with every pump. She wants to see if she can take that monster cock balls deep so Karma gets on top and rides Dredd hard. Karma takes as much dick as she can handle then Dredd paints her face with all of his cum.

Bridgette B. 在 'Bridgette B., Karma Rx, and Krissy Lynn fuck the intern'

Bridgette B. - Bridgette B., Karma Rx, and Krissy Lynn fuck the intern

Bridgette B., Karma Rx, and Krissy Lynn are upset that the intern hasn't gotten any work done, but he's not a bad looking guy, so they decide to put him to work on their pussy's instead. These hot office chicks band the interns brains out.

Karma Rx 在 '- Blacks On Blondes'

Karma Rx - Blacks On Blondes

Karma Rx loves 'ink'. She's a tattoo enthusiast, as well as a tattoos artist -- and she even owns her own shop! She's got a handsome customer on her table when a friendly debate starts: are white girls easy? Karma argues they are, and soon both her customers concur! Why? Before you know it, Karma is stretched across her own tattoo table with a massive dick in her mouth while grinding on the dude behind her! She barely knows these dudes! But that doesn't matter, cause Karma's a white girl...and she's easy! These dudes just pound her silly, right in the middle of her shop! Doesn't take long for the first dude to fill Karma's sweet snatch with the sticky stuff! What you're about to see with the other dude might surprise you! You see, Karma loves the sting of jizz in her eyes almost as much as the sting of that needle across her skin! 'Nuff said!!

Karma RX 在 'Axel Brauns Dirty Talk 3 Scene 2'

Karma RX - Axel Brauns Dirty Talk 3 Scene 2

Don't you just love it when she tells you all the nasty things she wants you to do to her Of course you do, because dirty talk is playful, seductive, and sexy as hell! Legendary director Axel Braun's beautifully raw series graduates to trilogy status, and it's a scorcher you don't want to miss.

Karma Rx 在 'Vanessa Cage and Karma Rx Fuck You In VR'

Karma Rx - Vanessa Cage and Karma Rx Fuck You In VR

Who has the luckiest job in the world, you do! These two hot chicks are in town for a bachelorette party and staying at the hotel you work at. Karma Rx and Vanessa Cage are horny fucking girls, they order a little bubbly and get loose with each other. You happen to be the room service dude who makes the delivery, they girls ask you to come back when you get off work to get the party started. Shit, that's an offer you would never pass up! You show up and these chicks are already naked and ready to fuck you. Both of them have huge tits and ride your cock like it's the last one alive. You're sure glad you didn't call in sick today!

Karma Rx 在 'Big Tit Office Chicks 6'

Karma Rx - Big Tit Office Chicks 6

Karma Rx is a legal assistant for a very aggressive lawsuit happy lawyer who believes that a current supreme court judge just may have appeared in an old gangbang video. When he is hit with a massive federal indictment for his false accusations, she must come to the help of her boss Codey Steele . Poor guy - he only wanted some publicity and to possibly run for president one day. Karma knows the only way to get him back on his feet and back into the game is to make him strong and self assured again. Something that only a pair of massive mammaries can do for a man. Codey gets s happy when he sucks on tits. He literally goes crazy and soon enough is rock hard and fucking the hell out of his sexy assistant. From titty fucking to tonsil pounding, he is balls deep in her wet pussy all over that office. Let there be cum!

Karma Rx 在 'Cunt Hunt 3'

Karma Rx - Cunt Hunt 3

It's that time of year again. Time to Hunt some Cunt! When Karma Rx is punished for cumming without permission she escapes her bondage and master Charles Dera, but soon enough a cunt trap is set to lure Karma back into her kinky keepers lair. Karma tries to convince her co-servant Juliet to run away with her because she just can't stand the punishment anymore but Juliet is scared and will not budge. So after an intense and challenging escape from her bondage Karma breaks free and runs away into the hills. This will not do! Mr Dera is up for the occasion and uses Juliet as bait to entice Karma back where she belongs. Once Karma is trapped and looking into the eyes of her master she begs to make everything right. She kisses his feet and sucks his cock with determination hoping he will accept her apology. Charles drags Karma back to his dungeon and ties her up so she can't get away. On her back with rope around her huge tits Charles tells her how disappointed he is in her and reminds her how she is there to please him and not to make him go on cunt hunts to track her down. He teaches her a lesson with the crop and then fucks her throat, her tits and then her wet pussy until Karma begs to cum but no no Charles will not allow it, not yet because this is not about her its about his pleasure. Next he ties her up on all fours in doggie with rope binding around her waist and ankles and wrists and fucks her cunt good. Then on her back with legs spread wide and tied to her ankles Karma is open and ready for Charles hard cock. First Karma sucks Charles toes and licks his feet which gets her pussy extra excited. He pile drives that pussy deep and hard and relentless still not allowing her to cum until finally she can't contain herself anymore and with her tits bouncing back and forth from the pounding she looses it and cums hard while Charles shoots his hot load all over her face.It's hunting season. Be sure to also watch part one and two for a totally hot kinky immersive experience into the world of the Cunt Hunt!

Emma Hix 在 'Karma Loves Emma Obsession'

Emma Hix - Karma Loves Emma Obsession

Whats hotter than an unbelievably sexy, smooth, electrifying slut getting herself off? How about a gorgeous, busty, vixen doing it for her. Watch Karma RX and Emma Hix play dirty with each other for the first time ever. They lick their sensitive clits and tongue each others perfect, clean, tight, assholes untile full climax is reached. This isn't for show, these two really fucking enjoy it, and it shows.

Karma Rx 在 '- Glory Hole'

Karma Rx - Glory Hole

Karma Rx is what you'd call a 'super slut'. Karma embraces her slutty behaviors, and she can't wait to partake in naughty, naughty activities. Her latest obsession? Finding authentic glory holes! In fact, instead of calling it an 'obsession', why not call it a 'mission'? Because that's what Karma is calling it! She's been scouring the internet, from chat rooms to posts on discussions boards...and all those hours have paid off! She's discovered a 'cruisy hole' in the video arcade section of an adult bookstore that, as it turns out, isn't too far from her house! And sure enough! Jackpot!! Once Karma works the store clerk a little, she's in the infamous Booth #5...and it's ON! Look at Karma's sleazy behavior! Look at that dude thrust his arm through the large 'arm hole', in order to feel up Karma. And just when Karma worries he's already nutted and left, a few feet over, his large, uncut black cock makes its appearance! Karma sucks and fucks until The Stranger dumps his massive load right into her eager pussy! There's so much jizz in Karna, it'll take hours before it all slowly leaks into her cute, denim cutoffs...and down her soft, soft legs!

Karma RX 在 'He Loves Me In Stockings and Heels 2 Scene 1'

Karma RX - He Loves Me In Stockings and Heels 2 Scene 1

His favorite thing is when she teases him before pleasing him and she's dressed to impress with sexy stockings and hot heels that she knows will make him go crazy. 5 sexy starlets are dressed to the nines and ready to make your fantasies come true.

Dana DeArmond 在 'Karma And Dana Suck Cock'

Dana DeArmond - Karma And Dana Suck Cock

Whores, whores, and more whores. That is exactly what Dana DeArmond and Karma Rx are. These two filthy whores are the first to drop to their slut knees, and suck a big fat cock. Watch them take your cock down their respective throats, in the hardcore POV blowjob. These two are sloppy, nasty, and thorough. Because you know what they say.....there ain't no job, like a blowjob.

Emma Hix 在 'Karma Cages Emma'

Emma Hix - Karma Cages Emma

What's better than an unbelievably beautiful, submissive girl ready to do what she is told?? Another extremely stunning, busty beauty ready to completely dominate her!! Watch Karma RX take full control of her naughty little slave Emma Hix in the hottest girl on girl action you'll find anywhere. Emma begs to be released from her cage and Karma happily lets her out for some hardcore pussy eating, ass spanking, play time. You definitely need to see these ladies do what they do best in this orgasm loaded Dom and Sub scene.

Karma Rx 在 'Set Life 4'

Karma Rx - Set Life 4

Karma was so much fun last time we shot her, we had to have her back for this Set Life series! Pairing her up with Charles Dera made for plenty of fun moments. Then the sex began and Karma's slut switch got flipped. It's all fun and jokes until she sets her sights on a cock, then she'll do everything she can to get that sticky reward all over face!

Karma Rx 在 'Magic Day In The House'

Karma Rx - Magic Day In The House

When you put two whores together, what do you expect to happen. Stop guessing....we paired up Karma Rx. and Valentina Nappi. Between these two, there is no cock getting out of here alive. Especially if it is big black cock. Or as the girls like to call it....BBC. Jason Brown is in the house today, and he is determined to lay the wood with these two super sluts. Watch both of them go to work on his meat stick. Sucking, fucking and making him drop baby batter all over them. They cannot help, but to do some cum swapping.

Karma RX 在 'Using My Big Tits For Motivation'

Karma RX - Using My Big Tits For Motivation

Busty Karma Rx hears noise outside as she stretches and she walks over to check it out. She notices her stepson trying to work out. She decides to walk downstairs to help him out a bit. She takes out her big tits as he struggles and we see him get a burst of energy. She takes off her shorts as he does sit ups and finally she places her pussy on his face as he does leg lifts. He was hesitant to mess around with her since that his stepmom but she wouldn't let him off the hook. She sucks and tit fucks his cock to get him hard and ready for a good sex session. He fucks her from multiple positions until he spreads his load all over her.

Karma Rx 在 '- Cuckold Sessions'

Karma Rx - Cuckold Sessions

You purchased a cuckold session, and Karma Rx is your Cuckoldress. This means she's going to talk to you...and only you. In this session, once you've paid up, Karma will start in with some 'SPH' -- small penis humiliation. This is one of the reasons you're a cuck and not fucking Karma. You know she'll never feel your dick, so why try? Even if Karma allowed you to fuck her, your history with premature ejaculation will certainly come back to rear its ugly head. Cause...let's face it: you're a 2-pump chump. Oh, Karma will drain your wallet, too. This includes your credit card, which Karma will take...along with your PIN number. After your session, she's going to treat herself to a shopping spree, and you know she's going to bring her two friends, Jason and Rob. Speaking of them, they're 'real men' (Karma's words), and you know it's true. Both Jason and Rob have big dicks that stay hard and can fuck as long as it takes for Karma to cum. Which doesn't take long, due to the size of their dicks! Oh...they'll give her multiple orgasms, too. Which leaves the orgasm for both men: they'll double-load Karma's pussy with so much jizz, it'll leak out for hours. Unless you clean it up, which Karma will force you to do! Clean up time, cuckboi!!!

Karma RX 在 'Tits and Tattoos : Karma Rx'

Karma RX - Tits and Tattoos : Karma Rx

Enjoying the breeze outside, blonde stunner Karma Rx douses her big round titties and ass in coconut oil, sensually massaging it into her skin. She needs to get stuffed hard ASAP and only Small Hands can deliver the deep dicking she desires, and walked in on him completely naked getting right to business. The gentleman went down on his lady before fucking her throat and tossing her onto her back to pummel that pussy, and taking her juicy melons for a spin! Karma earned his sticky jizz all over her boobs by taking her pounding and loving every slick and slippery moment!

Karma Rx 在 'BBC Obsession'

Karma Rx - BBC Obsession

Karma Rx spent about a year, taking the adult industry by storm. Now she has upped her game, and is taking BBC. Rob Piper has his way with this tattoo whore. She takes his whole cock down her slut throat. He pounds her little pussy, by knocking the bottom out of her. She takes every inch of him, deep into all of her holes. He finishes her off, by giving her a hot load of cum on her slut face.

Karma RX 在 'Love Junkies Scene 5'

Karma RX - Love Junkies Scene 5

No description available at the moment. Please check back soon.

Karma RX 在 'Carnal Scene 2'

Karma RX - Carnal Scene 2

No description available at the moment. Please check back soon.

Karma RX 在 'Revenge Fuck Husband'

Karma RX - Revenge Fuck Husband

Brick's not pleased when his wife tells him to deal with getting everything ready before their party while she has a rest, but the arrival of extremely hot house cleaner Karma puts him in a way better mood! As Brick's wife lies nearby with her eyes covered, Karma uncovers her tight ass and big tits while she bends over to polish the furniture, and soon she's offering to polish Brick's cock as well! The neglected husband can't wait to fuck his hot maid right under his wife's nose, and Karma goes the extra mile to deepthroat his big dick before riding him. Brick even picks up the athletic tattooed hottie for a stand and carry before Karma swallows his load. Talk about a full-service cleaner!

Karma RX 在 'All Access POV and Karma Rx'

Karma RX - All Access POV and Karma Rx

My girlfriend Karma Rx and I snuck backstage just before showtime and locked the door behind us so we could have fun with Small Hands' rockstar cock! I think we scared him a little bit and he was worried about delaying the show, but he's the fucking singer- they can't start without him! And his erection did all the 'singing' necessary to convince him that fucking us was exactly what he should do. Screw finishing vocal warm-ups, he's getting a full body workout inside our groupie slut fangirl pussies instead! Don't worry, you can have him when we're finished sharing his dick and licking his jizz off each other.

Karma Rx 在 'Fucking Orgy'

Karma Rx - Fucking Orgy

When Karma Rx, Kenzie Taylor and Sophia Grace get together it does not take long before these sluts have their faces in each others pussies. They just love eating each other out like the whores they are. They will lick and suck each other to get to get ready for the orgy. 3 girls and 2 guys, these sluts are sure to service every dick they see. They open their whore mouths to choke on a fat cock, while being licked and sucked! Finger fucking herself while watching the other sluts getting fucked. These sluts know how to enjoy themselves.Their big tits bounce up and down as they ride a hard dick while getting fucked roughly and being choked. These whores love having wet pussy in their mouth while getting a large cock smashing into them from behind. Fucksluts love a good orgy and love sharing big cock! These sluts love to get fucked in their wet cunts and their whore mouths.These sluts choke on cock and still keep on going. They are all hungry for cum and want more of it. One of these whores will have to eat the cum out of the other sluts creampie, if she wants some of that delicious cum nut on her face!

Nina Elle 在 'The Swap'

Nina Elle - The Swap

Xander's hot blonde girlfriend Karma told him about her new stepmom Nina...but she didn't mention that they look a lot alike. He thinks he's surprising his sexy girlfriend when he comes up behind her at the kitchen sink to squeeze her big tits, but it's actually the sexy MILF! Nina doesn't tattle to Karma about what happened, but she can't stop thinking about it, and goes to peek at her stepdaughter sucking Xander's cock and beckons him over to the kitchen to lick her pussy. The horny guy soon hits on a plan to turn his twosome into a secret threesome with a blindfold for Karma and some cooperation from Nina, but what he doesn't know is that this isn't the first time the hot cougar has eaten Karma's pussy!

Kianna Dior 在 'Busty Asian Cum Slut 4'

Kianna Dior - Busty Asian Cum Slut 4

Gigantic jugs spilling from her lacy lingerie, glamorous Asian MILF Kianna Dior craves cock. Director Jonni Darkko fucks her cunt while shooting POV-style, and the experienced slut laps her fragrant fluids from his dick. Tattooed bombshell Karma Rx joins Kianna for a sloppy dual blowjob; they cover Jonni's tool with spit, drooling all over each other's huge hooters. The lewd ladies take turns squeezing his meat between their massive, slippery melons, until he splatters Kianna's face with sperm.

Karma Rx 在 'Creampied Vixens 2'

Karma Rx - Creampied Vixens 2

In skimpy fetish gear, tattooed dirty blonde Karma Rx teases and masturbates for director Mick Blue. The busty blonde's prescription is a crude fuck session with a cock-worshiping blowjob: Slurping his tool, she gushes slobber. Karma fondles her cunt as the older stud slam-fucks it, and her giant jugs swaddle Mick's meat. The fit vixen moans, begging him to make her cum, and Mick manhandles her greedy gash. Karma's intense reaming features choking, sloppy throat fucking and an oozing creampie climax.

Karma Rx 在 'Karma Fucks My Boyfriend'

Karma Rx - Karma Fucks My Boyfriend

They say Karma is a bitch. In this case, they are right. Johnny Goodluck gets caught fucking Karma Rx. Kenzie Taylor and Sophia Grace catch him in the act, so they decide to join in. Watch these four go at it, like a few newly formed sex addicts. They suck, fuck, and wait for cum. Johnny even stacks all three of these sluts, nearly up to the ceiling. Taking turns on all of their holes. He finally gives these hoes the spraying they deserve.

Karma RX 在 'Axel Braun's Inked 4 Scene 4'

Karma RX - Axel Braun's Inked 4 Scene 4

More ink! More sex! More babes! Legendary director Axel Braun is back into the realm of tattooed hotties with the fourth volume of his award-winning series, and this one is a scorcher! Superstar Karma RX leads a stellar cast and performs what may be her steamiest scene to date, masterfully captured by Braun's expert camerawork. If you dig inked chics, don't miss this!

Karma RX 在 'Splish Splash Ass'

Karma RX - Splish Splash Ass

Karma arrives home after a night of partying to find her roommate, Kyle, fast asleep. She's horny though, and only wants his cock. First things first though; she needs to get squeaky clean, and when Kyle wakes up during Karma's shower, they get down and dirty!

Karma Rx 在 'Karma RX Sexy Bomb'

Karma Rx - Karma RX Sexy Bomb

Tattooed bad girl Karma Rx loves showing off her ink, wearing barely there black lace lingerie, thigh highs and heels. Running her hands along her neck, she squeezes her huge tits, practically spilling out of her bra. Bending over onto the couch, she teases with just a glimpse of her holes, pulling her thong aside. She slowly undresses for you, and sits back on the couch, spreading her long legs and rubbing her shaved pussy. Grabbing her big, beautiful breasts, she arches her back and moans with pleasure as she slides a finger into her pink pussy. Bringing her fingers to her mouth, she licks them clean, getting them wet with spit before shoving them back inside, finger fucking herself hard as she rubs her clit. You can hear how wet her pussy gets as she pleasures herself, until she cums all over her hand, tasting her sweet juice from her fingertips.

Kelly Paige 在 'Get In The Van'

Kelly Paige - Get In The Van

Charles Dera is ready to go home and relax at the end of a long workday. However, Karma Rx and Sunny Chase have other plans for him! While he's walking to his car, Karma intercepts him and asks for his assistance. She locked her keys in her car and needs him to help get in through the sunroof. Charles is happy to help and follows her to where her car is parked. That's when Karma and Sunny pull him inside a mysterious van and kidnap him! He offers them money, but these two horny sluts are only after one thing: his big cock! Sunny drives the van to a secluded area while Karma keeps her perfect cock-sucking lips busy and tightly wrapped around Charles' dick. Then, the two busty beauties have their way with Charles as they take turns sitting on his face and riding his big hard cock in the back of the van!

Karma RX 在 'Gag Lover'

Karma RX - Gag Lover

Karma RX loves sucking cock on camera and that's why she's here today at the Throated studio to make one lucky guy very happy. Watch her perform and show off her skills!

Karma Rx 在 'Valentina Nappi FunDay Part6'

Karma Rx - Valentina Nappi FunDay Part6

Your hot brunette girlfriend, Valentina Nappi, wakes you from a nap with a loud argument. To your surprise, you find she has an inked step sister, Karmen Rx, and she is a whole lot of trouble. Turns out, Karmen fucked Valentina's ex, and came over to rub their 'love' in her face, but didn't bother to put on panties. Valentina thinks she's a naughty slut who needs to be punished, spanking her tight ass and rubbing her pussy. Encouraging you to join, you spank that nasty whore, then she gets on her knees and takes out your cock, looking up at you with big blue eyes as she takes you into her mouth. Valentina joins in, and they share your big hard cock, running their tongues along your shaft, sucking your balls and gagging on your fat head. The girls kiss passionately as they take off their tops, revealing their big, round tits. Karma gets on her back, and you slide your hard cock into her wet pussy as Valentina shoves her nipples and then her cunt into Karmen's mouth. Climbing on top, Karmen rides your hard cock as Valentina rubs her clit and licks her nipples, making her cum hard on your dick. Valentina tastes Karmens' cum from your cock before getting on herself, grinding her bushy pussy on your dick. You lay them down next to each other, going back and forth between their wet pussies, before getting Valentina on all fours. You pound her hard from behind in doggy while she eats Karmen's pussy, and then have them switch places, before getting them both on their blow your hot load on both girls, giving each of them a hot facial.

Karma RX 在 'Nothing Butt Wet'

Karma RX - Nothing Butt Wet

Karma Rx gets absolutely soaking wet just thinking about spending the day poolside, teasing each and every one of you with her stunning curves. This busty beauty is going to delight you by getting absolutely dripping wet in the pool, flicking her clit and tugging on her nipples! After warming herself up, Karma wants to cool herself down - spraying herself with cold brisk water! But that is a cheap imitation of the real thing she desires… A nice big cock to suck and fuck! When she finally gets it, she drags Kyle down so she can perform naughty things under the surface! Jump in and enjoy as Karma and Kyle make a dirty splash in this dripping wet scene!

Karma Rx 在 'Instant Karma'

Karma Rx - Instant Karma

Busty blonde Karma Rx looks stunning in her pretty pink dress. It barely covers her massive tits, especially once shes bound in strict rope bondage on her knees! Jesse can't contain himself and rams his throbbing cock down her greedy throat. Hair pulling, sloppy, brutal face fucking ensues. Her face is coated with spit til her makeup is destroyed as he gropes her exposed tits.Next, Jesse has her tied on her back at the perfect angle to fuck her enormous boobs. Her toned body looks incredible laid out and bound for his pleasure. She sucks his dick like a true pro as he rubs her needy clit. A hard cock down her throat clearly turns Karma on, and it's not long before Jesse has her flipped over and pounds her from behind. She's left a sticky, drool covered mess, her pretty mouth wide open and begging for more.

Karma RX 在 'Those Are Not Mine'

Karma RX - Those Are Not Mine

Karma Rx is busy working from home when she is interrupted by a knock at her front door. It's Ramon Nomar, the car repairman, who is there to deliver some personal belongings that were left in her husband's car at his shop. Among them, Karma finds a pair of red panties that don't belong to her. She immediately asks her husband for an explanation, but he denies having an affair. Then, he pretends the panties were a present for Karma! She obviously knows he's lying through his teeth, so the hot, scorned wife gets ready to serve him a good dose of bad Karma in the form of a revenge fuck with Ramon! First, she seduces the car repairman by sneakily sucking his big cock in the living room while her husband is busy in the other room! They almost get caught, but it takes more to stop a horny Karma! She titty-fucks Ramon and gets her dripping wet pussy licked and fucked. Of course, her moans eventually alert her husband, but it turns out Karma is as good of a liar as he is!

Karma Rx 在 'Karma RX Damn Stepbrother'

Karma Rx - Karma RX Damn Stepbrother

Busty inked vixen Karma Rx has a new step brother and he's a total perv, always watching her and following her around the house. In doing so, he's caught her in some very compromising positions, and he knows she's been cheating on his best friend. Today, she catches him watching her masturbate and she thinks she's got the upper hand, but he threatens to tell all to his best friend...unless she can please his fat dick. Getting on her knees, she takes his huge cock deep into her throat, spitting all over it, working him with both hands. He lifts her shirt, revealing her big round tits, and starts fucking her face, making her big blue eyes water as she gags on his dick. Throwing her over the edge of the bed, he fucks her with her vibrator, before shoving it into her mouth, making her taste her own pussy as he slides his hard cock inside her. He fucks her hard in doggy, holding the camera POV style, before flipping her onto her back, making her huge tits bounce as he fucks her. She tastes her juices from his dick before climbing on top, first in cowgirl and then reverse. They continue fucking in a variety of positions, her stepbrother making sure he's got all of her slutiness documented, until he cant hold back anymore. He gets her on her knees and blows a hot load onto her pretty face and into her mouth...

Karma RX 在 'Lesbian Tattoo Artist Fun'

Karma RX - Lesbian Tattoo Artist Fun

Khloe Kapri is super nervous about getting a tattoo on her perky little tits after being dumped by her girlfriend. Luckily her smoking hot tattoo artist, Karma Rx, knows eating new pussy and sucking fresh set of tits is an even better way to get back at an ex!

Karma RX 在 'Corrupted By Karma'

Karma RX - Corrupted By Karma

It's late, and Ashly has her boyfriend Robby over for a nice relaxing night watching TV. Unfortunately, Robby is in a bit of sticky situation. On one side, he has innocent-looking Ashly who is patiently waiting for her roommate to leave. Maybe once Ashly gets him alone, she can strip off her comfy clothes and make the night a bit more interesting… On the other side, Robby has the seductive Karma using all of her deep throating and teasing abilities to entice him away from his girlfriend. Decisions, decisions! Both girls are sexy, curvy, and craving his cock. But can he manage to please two roommates at the same time? Or will he be caught in an emotional whirlwind of pussy-induced drama? Well, here goes…

Karma Rx 在 'and Kyle Mason in Naughty Office'

Karma Rx - Naughty Office

Karma RX is not happy with her contractor, Kyle. He and his business partner aren't delivering any of the shots she's asking for, and it's ruining her business and reputation with her clients! After she screams at him and leaves, Kyle throws his own tantrum alone in her office, talking all kinds of smack, as if he'd bend Karma over right there and fuck her with his big dick! But quickly returning to retrieve her keys, Karma hears Kyle's tirade, and that's when she bursts in and threatens a sexual harassment charge against him…unless he can make it right. He was talking up such a big game like he's got a big swinging dick, so Karma calls Kyle on it and tells him to take it out or he's getting thrown out. When Kyle unzips, Karma can't believe the size of the python that slivers out of his pants! he wasn't kidding, which is good because Karma wants all of that cock up inside her…and then he needs to do the job right!

Karma Rx 在 'Merry Christmas Happy Sluts'

Karma Rx - Merry Christmas Happy Sluts

Oh Christmas Slut, Oh Christmas slut! The beautiful Italian brunette, Valentina Nappi and the edgy "dirty" blonde Karma Rx, have just the prescription for your holiday season. They recommend a lot of pussy eating, kissing, tribbing, fingering and toy play. Watch these two super sluts go at it under the tree this year. Careful not to empty your sack!!

Karma RX 在 'Cum On My Tattoo - Karma Rx'

Karma RX - Cum On My Tattoo - Karma Rx

What? What's that? Karma Rx wants what? Cum... cum on her tattoo?! KARMA RX WANTS CUM ON HER TATTOO, thank goodness Xander Corvus heard her or she was going to stand there sexily swaying while begging for jizz and playing with her big titties all night! Gotta give a horny gorgeous blonde everything she wants, like a an upside down throat fuck, romantic piledriving, and a doggystyle pumping. I love watching her funbags bounce as she mounts him in reverse cowgirl simultaneously playing with her pussy! If you ask me, those thigh tattoos make a really nice target to satisfy Karma's fetish!

Karma RX 在 'Sneaky Webcam Slut'

Karma RX - Sneaky Webcam Slut

Karma Rx is back and she's up to no good! This time around, she has just come home from her college courses feeling horny as fuck. Her father wants her to study, but all Karma can think about is sitting in front of her laptop and getting to work—web camming that is! Little does she know that Ramon Nomar, one of her biggest fans, has slipped into her bedroom, eager to show this sexy slut his big cock to suck and fuck! He hides in the closet and spies on Karma as she puts on a show sucking and fucking a big dildo! When Karma discovers the intruder, she's happy to have a real cock to work with instead of her toys! First, she sucks and titty-fucks Ramon for her online audience! Then, she's happy to have him pound her dripping wet pussy! Can Karma avoid getting caught by her father fucking instead of studying?

Karma RX 在 'Hold the Moan Part 1'

Karma RX - Hold the Moan Part 1

What happens when you mix a lunch date with a horny young couple and a pair of vibrating panties Only the hottest public teasing session followed by urgent fucking in the bathroom stall.

Karma Rx 在 'First Ever Blowjob'

Karma Rx - First Ever Blowjob

Pornstar Instagram celebrity Karma Rx is ready to take a mouth full of cock. Enjoy this alternative super slut as she strips down in her living room and and has her way with all nine inches of your throbbing dick. It was supposed to be just a blowjob but Karma loves so much cock that she just wanted to get bent over and fucked hard . This tattooed beauty sucks and jerks you until you cum all over her trashy face.

Karma RX 在 'Karma And Her Selfies'

Karma RX - Karma And Her Selfies

Are you ready for Karma Rx? The Instagram vixen is making her porn debut right here on Reality Kings and we guarantee you, she's up to no good! In fact, the tattooed beauty is looking for trouble as she strolls down the streets of Fort Lauderdale, building a collection of sexy selfies! Her presence doesn't go unnoticed for obvious reasons, but Karma is not about to let this stop her from flaunting her big tits and smoking hot body as she pushes the limits of public decency! She eventually meets up with Sean Lawless who has a surprise for her: a nice long banana! Turns out Karma has a special skill and is known for deepthroating bananas… which she demonstrates right there and then in the middle of the street! This is enough to get Sean rock hard, so he brings Karma back to his place where she uses her skills on his big cock! Then, Sean fucks Karma's brains out as she continues snapping selfies to document the whole thing!