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Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'
Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'

圖片來自 Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie Break

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 1)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 2)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 3)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 4)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 5)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 6)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 7)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 8)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 9)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 10)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 11)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 12)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 13)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 14)
Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie休息 (縮略圖 15)

圖片來自 Ariella Ferrera 在 'Brazzers' Boobie Break

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Ariella Ferrera

Ariella Ferrera 在 'ZZ 之最 - Ariella Ferrera'

Ariella Ferrera - ZZ 之最 - Ariella Ferrera

阿裡埃拉·費拉拉 (Ariella Ferrara) 與最好的人交往過,但她永遠是明星!隨著她的陰戶得到充分展示,她的乳房提供了一些業內最好的山雀工作,觀看 Ariella 最性感的他媽的時刻;Nicolette Shea、Jordi、JMac、Lucas Knight 等有幸品嘗到這顆星星的滋味。

Lily Love 在 '乾淨的他媽的!ZZ Maids的主要地標'

Lily Love - 乾淨的他媽的!ZZ Maids的主要地標


Bridgette B 在 '搭便車!ZZ 婚禮的主要地標'

Bridgette B - 搭便車!ZZ 婚禮的主要地標

現在是婚禮季節!讓我們通過炫耀一些我們最喜歡的婚禮來慶祝......當然是 Brazzers 的轉折。享受這群新娘、新郎和其他婚禮參與者偷偷摸摸地被操!

Ava Addams 在 '如果你受不了熱...廚房性愛的主要地標'

Ava Addams - 如果你受不了熱...廚房性愛的主要地標


Adriana Chechik 在 '全盤接受!深喉的主要地標'

Adriana Chechik - 全盤接受!深喉的主要地標

在這個深喉合輯中,觀看一些您最喜歡的 Brazzers 的辣妹張大嘴巴,在業內最大的雞巴的每一寸上作嘔,其中包含我們一些最邋遢、最潮濕和最狂野的口交場景!

Alessandra Jane 在 '最佳 ZZ - 丹尼·'

Alessandra Jane - 最佳 ZZ - 丹尼·


Alura TNT Jenson 在 '最好的zz - 熟女狂熱'

Alura TNT Jenson - 最好的zz - 熟女狂熱

他們說「先老後美」,但幸運的是,當我們談論徐娘半老時,我們在一個華麗的包裝中獲得經驗和性感!在這個熱氣騰騰的合輯中,在他們最熱門的場景中享受一些 Brazzer 最喜歡的徐娘半老。看著這些寶貝吮吸雞巴,弄濕,像其他人一樣拿雞巴,因為他們他媽的度過了他們最偉大的時刻!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '女僕為她'

Ariella Ferrera - 女僕為她

性感的阿裡爾·費雷拉(Arielle Ferrera)發現自己在為小眾影響者里德(Ryan Reid)做女僕。厭倦了被可怕的對待,艾瑞拉面對瑞恩,並建議她向瑞恩的粉絲透露她是一個多麼婊子。里安開始挑逗艾瑞拉,並邀請她到床上做愛。很快,所有的敵意都消失了,我們被剪刀、假陽具和腳趾吸吮了。瑞恩可能是一個糟糕的老闆,但她是一個很棒的傢伙!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '對乳房說

Ariella Ferrera - 對乳房說"是"

華麗的Aviannah Elise和她最好的朋友正在為Aviannah的婚禮購買一件衣服。他們以為他們終於找到了那個,但是當這位天賦異稟的新娘因為她巨大的奶子而被困在緊身胸衣中時,事情發生了意想不到的轉折。幸運的是,性感的銷售代表Ariella Ferrera介入拯救了這一天 - 並在她的時候吃掉了Aviannah的急切陰道!

Keisha Grey 在 '最好的胸罩: 奶嘴星期二 2。'

Keisha Grey - 最好的胸罩: 奶嘴星期二 2。


Anya Olsen 在 '最好的胸罩:分享繼兄弟姐妹'

Anya Olsen - 最好的胸罩:分享繼兄弟姐妹


Ariella Ferrera 在 '最好的胸罩:最偷偷摸摸的時刻'

Ariella Ferrera - 最好的胸罩:最偷偷摸摸的時刻


Ariella Ferrera 在 '剪刀競爭'

Ariella Ferrera - 剪刀競爭

當同為理髮師Vina Sky偷走她的另一個客戶時,阿麗拉·費雷拉生氣了,聲稱她用她嬌小的性感身體對她有利。當他們的客戶讓他們都做她的頭髮,以避免任何進一步的爭論,Vina和Ariella的推和推轉向剝離對方的衣服後,他們的客戶的背部!很明顯,他們的競爭源于一些嫉妒...和一個秘密的願望,以獲得對方甜濕膿的味道!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線女巫一部分1'

Ariella Ferrera - 摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線女巫一部分1


Ariella Ferrera 在 '保姆的肛門啟動'

Ariella Ferrera - 保姆的肛門啟動

在讓Ariella Ferrera的孩子們睡覺之後,頑皮的保姆Emily Willis認為她將在晚上休息。隨著Ariella和她的丈夫為慶祝結婚紀念日度過了一個浪漫的夜晚,Emily認為她可以自由地掌控手淫。然而,由於工作危機,Ariella在她的丈夫站在餐廳後很早就回家了。一個不經意的艾米麗開始在起居室里手淫,沒有意識到阿里拉已經回來了,導致了猥褻的反響。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '偷偷摸摸,偷偷摸摸的性愛'

Ariella Ferrera - 偷偷摸摸,偷偷摸摸的性愛

Cecilia Lion計劃前往俱樂部,但她的新繼母Ariella Fererra在抓住她試圖偷偷溜出家門時取消了她的計劃。 Bratty Cecilia對接受Ariella的訂單不感興趣,當事情升級時,Cecelia的父親打破了戰鬥,並將他們放在臥室裡,告訴他們在他們最終彌補之前不要上來。當Ariella試圖與Cecilia結盟時,她與她的過去分享了一個可恥的秘密。突然間,兩人有一些共同點,並發現他們的敵意可能是他們自己的秘密,性慾的產物。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '管理她的憤怒'

Ariella Ferrera - 管理她的憤怒

Arielle Ferrera的憤怒管理治療師建議她找到一個內心憤怒的出路,所以她和她性感的身體向Xander Corvus的憤怒室施加壓力,以獲得一些破壞性的緩解! Xander ogles Arielle蹦蹦跳跳的屁股和屁股,因為她摧毀了一切。當Arielle沒有什麼可以粉碎的時候,她將注意力轉向Xander和他的陰莖,並為她提出了一個更好的方式來釋放所有被壓抑的憤怒!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '男性訂單新娘'

Ariella Ferrera - 男性訂單新娘

厭倦了盲目約會,Ariella Ferrera宣誓約會。她想要的只是在沒有找到那個的麻煩下安頓下來。如果只有她可以跳過小談話直接結婚。當她提出一個想法時,Ariella微笑著。她可以郵寄一個丈夫! Ariella上網並從西班牙挑選出一個年輕的鉚釘然後安頓下來,因為她急切地等待著她的新人。門鈴響起,Ariella驚訝地看到Jordi El Nino Polla在門口看到了她完美的丈夫。對於混亂感到不安,Ariella決定她開採以及讓Jordi進行試騎,然後將他送回去。畢竟她是孤獨的,他確實是這樣來的......

Ariella Ferrera 在 '坐在我的迪克2座位上'

Ariella Ferrera - 坐在我的迪克2座位上

Ariella希望與她的丈夫和他的朋友一起觀看大型比賽,但她在沙發上沒有空間。決定採取行動,她坐在她丈夫的朋友查爾斯的膝蓋上 - 不用說,查爾斯立即變得堅強。 Ariella對查爾斯的陰莖有多大感到震驚,並決定通過研磨他的膝蓋來取笑他。她如此開啟,她偷偷地將他的陰莖從褲子中解放出來,將它滑入她的陰部,然後在她的丈夫旁邊亂搞他!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '一人晚餐,兩人餐桌'

Ariella Ferrera - 一人晚餐,兩人餐桌

再一次用餐,Ariella Ferrera完成了由她的新私人廚師Kyle Mason準備的豐盛美食。當巧克力蛋糕不足以滿足她的渴望時,她決定第二次幫助甜點是她真正需要的:健康劑量的凱爾的大公雞在她的所有洞中服務! Kyle舔她完美的陰部和混蛋,直到他用史詩般的肛門餅完成她!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '母親女兒混合'

Ariella Ferrera - 母親女兒混合

Jmac打破了他女朋友厚厚的屁股,只有這是她的媽媽! Ariella Ferrera已經習慣了女兒的男朋友混合了他們兩個,但與Jmac不同的是 - 她希望他操他媽的!在Jmac決定冒這一切之前需要三次,並將他的大雞巴放在女友母親的喉嚨上!她不知道的事情不會傷到她,所以Ariella將他的巨大陰莖從她的嘴裡滑出來,讓他深深陷入她的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線陰部!抓住她的一大塊假奶,Jmac盡可能地甩掉Ariella,直到他在溫暖的負荷中釉面!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '在淺黃色的三個悶悶不樂'

Ariella Ferrera - 在淺黃色的三個悶悶不樂

萊恩康納不能停止主演她的朋友阿里拉拉費雷拉的新繼女。她有最可愛的小屁股,她可以咬一口! Jenna Sativa討厭她的繼母規則,但她豐滿的金發朋友Ryan並不是那麼糟糕,她實際上對摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線很熱。在做了一些家務活動讓自己濕透了之後,Jenna無法相信她已經發現自己在浴缸裡與Ryan一起玩她的乳房和摩擦她的陰蒂!當Ariella走進他們的時候,她給她的大而假的奶子打了個電話,然後給Jenna品嚐了她甜美的熟女貓。這些摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線輪流在浴缸裡這個悶熱的小賤人,她屁股上的舌頭和她陰部的舌頭正是他們所需要的!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '有一些樂趣,得跑!'

Ariella Ferrera - 有一些樂趣,得跑!

豐滿的家庭主婦Ariella Ferrera忍不住對待自己,當一個半裸的Keiran Lee穿過她的院子,因為她給一些植物澆水。有一段時間,她的丈夫走出家門,阿里拉把他帶進了裡面,把他弄乾了,跪倒在地,把她巨大的陰莖放在她漂亮的嘴裡! Keiran知道這是一個壞主意,但他唯一的弱點是喜歡舔雞巴的角質已婚女性。在玩弄了她的大假胸部之後,Keiran決定用她濕潤的陰部玩具一會兒,當Ariella猛烈地彎曲時,一寸一寸地推進。但Keiran真正追求的是多汁的戰利品!將她彎曲到一邊,他將他的大雞巴埋在她的緊屁股深處,直到她乞求溫暖的面部。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '內褲藏匿處'

Ariella Ferrera - 內褲藏匿處

豐滿的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線Ariella Ferrera在房子的任何地方都找不到一條內褲,就像他們全都消失了 - 或者被盜了!結果她的新繼子Kyle Mason對她的內衣有一個東西,到目前為止,他有一個非常大的收藏。當凱爾帶著一把內褲走進他的繼母時,他認為他遇到了大麻煩,但她想要的只是品嚐他的大雞巴!在把她的巨大的假奶子用來鍛煉他的巨大的陰莖之後,Ariella沒有浪費時間擴散她的雙腿,因為Kyle每隔一寸滑下他的濕漉漉的繼母的陰部!這個懸掛的螺柱無法相信Ariella是多麼緊,幾乎不能再忍住了,他在溫暖的負荷中給她巨大的胸部上釉!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '親愛的,這是一個Motorbunny'

Ariella Ferrera - 親愛的,這是一個Motorbunny

Ariella Ferrera的丈夫約翰尼總是出差,所以他給了她一件禮物,一直給予 - 一個電動兔子機動性玩具。但約翰尼·辛斯不知道的是,他豐滿的妻子秘密地在網上流傳給了大量的角色粉絲 - 包括他自己的員工!當他發現時,他向右走進他們的臥室並給每個人一個真正的表演,從她滿口的濕貓開始!整個公雞的流淌讓約翰尼搖滾得很厲害,所以阿里拉看到她是否可以像騎摩托車一樣粗暴地騎他。但為什麼不呢?有一個機器人的公雞,當她從背後塞滿約翰尼的雞巴時,她的大假奶子,阿里拉的數字可能分享她的愛好畢竟不是那麼糟糕!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '舔我的豪華轎車'

Ariella Ferrera - 舔我的豪華轎車

富裕的社交名媛Ariella Ferrera第一百次被自己的丈夫站了起來,而今天熱辣的豪華轎車司機看起來不錯!跳進後座,這個豐滿的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線脫離了她的內褲,並將她的陰部沾濕了一個 - 凱爾梅森的觀眾。有了她的丈夫無處可供,Ariella將這個釘子帶回他們的家中,並騎上了他一直藏著的那個大傢伙!凱爾知道,只要她告訴他,他就要堅持下去,因為他嘲笑他的老闆的妻子,因為那些大假的山雀。但是當他的負荷開始射擊時,阿麗拉降到她的膝蓋上,以至於每一滴水都像她丈夫一樣釉下她的巨大胸部!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '拋光他的獎杯'

Ariella Ferrera - 拋光他的獎杯

賈斯汀亨特是一位按摩師,擅長按摩富有的妻子的獨特技巧 - 他研究了給富裕女性提供他們想要的藝術。當一個商人把他美麗的妻子阿麗拉帶到賈斯汀的水療中心時,他坐在外面,準備好讓他的妻子得到寵愛。他知道的很少,賈斯汀的特殊待遇涉及到某種“波蘭語”,這真的會讓阿麗拉呻吟。 Ariella試圖隱藏自己丈夫的歡樂聲,同時陷入奢華的一圈 - 賈斯汀的腿上,就是這樣。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '駕駛媽媽狂野'

Ariella Ferrera - 駕駛媽媽狂野


Ariella Ferrera 在 '她的女兒最好的朋友3'

Ariella Ferrera - 她的女兒最好的朋友3


Ariella Ferrera 在 '家長老師Cumference'

Ariella Ferrera - 家長老師Cumference


Ariella Ferrera 在 '越快越好'

Ariella Ferrera - 越快越好

談談值得觀看的鍛煉!競爭性的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線阿里拉和里根在這個性感,汗流spin背的領域裡頭相遇。在他們到達終點線之前,華麗的女孩把它放在地上,開始給對方什麼他們真正想要的 - 一些熱辣而重的女同性戀的動作。每個人都贏了!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '獎杯丈夫'

Ariella Ferrera - 獎杯丈夫


Ariella Ferrera 在 '我的兒子老師'

Ariella Ferrera - 我的兒子老師

阿里拉是新的城市,堅持參加PTA。她有一個很好的建議,一個學校的籌款活動,但不幸的是,已經從其他一些媽媽推回了很多。幸運的是,她有一個偉大的計劃,為她的事業爭取一些急需的老師支持。阿里拉決定引用董事會上的老師顧問 - 即使這意味著在房子周圍玩一次性隱藏的遊戲,以避免她的兒子發現她會去多遠。

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Fellatio從她的EO'

Ariella Ferrera - Fellatio從她的EO


Ariella Ferrera 在 '在陽光下行走'

Ariella Ferrera - 在陽光下行走

這是一個美麗的一天在阿里亞里的陽光明媚的郊區。她的丈夫離開了生意,所以她從旁邊的面部開始了一天。所有的家庭主婦都被醜化,看到Ariella在街上漫步,jizz自豪地塗在她的臉上。然而,當Ariella回家的時候,她很震驚地發現她的角質丈夫Keiran已經回來了。他他媽的他隱藏她的笨蛋臉 - 但是在發現之前她能持續多久?

Ariella Ferrera 在 '熟女岳母'

Ariella Ferrera - 熟女岳母


Ariella Ferrera 在 '這是我的布什'

Ariella Ferrera - 這是我的布什


Ariella Ferrera 在 '摩擦她正確的道路'

Ariella Ferrera - 摩擦她正確的道路

阿雷利亞·費雷拉的丈夫以錯誤的方式摩擦了她。他正在努力彌補,因為他忘記了他的周年紀念,這與她不太一樣。所以阿麗亞里亞的丈夫希望一個輕鬆的按摩就是他那個角質的妻子需要原諒的。費雷拉女士準備好一下子,然後通過誘惑她的男按摩師來實現一種讓她忘記丈夫的方法! Sean Lawless將能夠抵抗Ariella的巨大的山雀和誘人的報價,還是會用正確的方式擦她 - 把大公雞粘在她的陰部嘴唇之間,那就是!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '醫生,我騙我的女朋友'

Ariella Ferrera - 醫生,我騙我的女朋友

年輕有罪的男人總是來到費雷拉博士的辦公室,擔心他們可能從無保護的性行為中獲得了一些東西。費雷拉博士是一名專業人士,但有時她無聊的工作,需要一些頑皮的樂趣。所以當Xander擔心時,他抓住了一些東西,作弊他的女朋友,她用手,嘴巴和貓咪很快舒服了他的憂慮。 Xander不敢相信他即將在女朋友身上第二次作弊,但他怎麼能對一個熱門醫生說不,

Ariella Ferrera 在 '我的Stepmom和她的姐姐'

Ariella Ferrera - 我的Stepmom和她的姐姐


Ariella Ferrera 在 '自製的美國山雀'

Ariella Ferrera - 自製的美國山雀


Ariella Ferrera 在 '離婚前的迪克斯'

Ariella Ferrera - 離婚前的迪克斯

Veronica Rodriguez和Tommy Gunn參與,並希望在餘生中度過婚姻幸福。不幸的是,湯米的陌生妻子阿里亞·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera)拒絕簽署離婚文件,而沒有得到最後一個他媽的。湯米同意,不久之後,維羅妮卡就不得不跳進來,證明她擁有優秀的他媽的和貓的技能。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '性測試'

Ariella Ferrera - 性測試

阿雷利亞·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera)女士不是從她的任何一個學生那裡忍受shenanigans的類型。這就是為什麼當Jessy Jones沒有一個好的年輕麻煩製作人遲到的時候,她決心向他表明,在課堂上沒有任何壞的行為不受懲罰,如果Jessy想要重新測試,他需要證明他的對學術界的承諾,他媽的費雷拉女士的大腦。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '我的兒子最好的朋友'

Ariella Ferrera - 我的兒子最好的朋友


Ariella Ferrera 在 '不再'

Ariella Ferrera - 不再

索菲亞·萊昂(Sophia Leone)是非常強硬的,所以當她帶回家她最新的男孩玩具Van Wylde時,她更願意下來,骯髒 - 即使她的繼母(Ariella Ferrera)在同一個房間!當Sophia發現Van有一個巨大的公雞時,她擔心她的屁股吮吸嘴唇將無法將他的一塊放在緊張的嘴裡!索菲亞電話在阿里拉再次向她展示如何吸吮和他媽的一個大傢伙像一個真正的蕩婦!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Milf Squad Vegas  -  Youure Off案例Ferrera'

Ariella Ferrera - Milf Squad Vegas - Youure Off案例Ferrera

偵探阿里拉·費雷拉可能是一個鬆散的大砲,但她得到的結果。對於她來說,不幸的是,肖恩·邁克爾斯(Captain Sean Michaels)隊長已經到了這裡,阿里亞里不服從和魯莽的警務。他希望這本書能完成這件事情,所以當他注意到阿里拉正在下台時,他列出了許多違規行為,他要求她的徽章和槍支。他還要求她的胸罩和內褲。如果他要被阿里亞的觸發快樂的警務處理,那麼她才會被肖恩的巨大的傢伙搞砸了。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '濕漉漉的海綿浴派對'

Ariella Ferrera - 濕漉漉的海綿浴派對


Adessa Winters 在 '油性遊戲時間'

Adessa Winters - 油性遊戲時間


Ariella Ferrera 在 '監獄他媽的兩個'

Ariella Ferrera - 監獄他媽的兩個


Ariella Ferrera 在 '費雷拉小姐想要壞'

Ariella Ferrera - 費雷拉小姐想要壞


Ariella Ferrera 在 '雙重Milf堆棧'

Ariella Ferrera - 雙重Milf堆棧


Ariella Ferrera 在 'Mamacita Con Grandes Tetas'

Ariella Ferrera - Mamacita Con Grandes Tetas


Ariella Ferrera 在 '讓他等待二等'

Ariella Ferrera - 讓他等待二等


Ariella Ferrera 在 '讓他等等'

Ariella Ferrera - 讓他等等

阿莉拉·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera)想要在新的關係中慢慢地採取行動,但她的公雞渴望已經變得如此強烈,以至於她開始失去它!幸運的是,她男朋友的兒子傑西·瓊斯(Jessy Jones)從大學回家,準備給予MILF蕩婦深切的渴望!阿里里亞崇拜了傢伙,吮吸他的球,撫摸著這個軸,然後把它包裹在大的假胸部,讓人難以置信。她爬在沙發上,把肥胖的公雞深深的緊緊的緊緊的陰部,然後呃很辛苦,因為她等待著巨大的爆炸,這正是在她的關係中失踪的!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '媽媽最好的秘密'

Ariella Ferrera - 媽媽最好的秘密

阿麗亞雷·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera)是一個角質的遺ow,懷疑她的巨大的山雀和柔軟的大腿之間僵硬的公雞的感覺,但她不想通過進入一種新的關係來打擾她的家人。但是當她聽到她女兒的男朋友泰勒正在痛苦地躺下時,這是一個機會,她根本無法忍受!當泰勒的女朋友在隔壁房間裡冷靜下來時,阿里亞里來到工作中,誘惑著他,甩掉了她的小東西,吮吸他的公雞,還有他媽的他,直到他像岩石一樣堅硬。看看艾莉麗亞深深地吸了一口氣,然後在她的大假山羊身上突然發現了一個巨大的爆發!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '寶貝管上的大新聞'

Ariella Ferrera - 寶貝管上的大新聞

得到一個這個熱的Milf Ariella Ferrara的負載撞擊兩個懸掛的傢伙泰勒尼克松和威爾Powers。他們都被那個職業妓女阿里亞里(Ariella)淹死了,他們決定鼓勵他們的屏幕上的滑稽,他媽的都住在相機上。在他們兩人一下子後,阿里亞里得到了她的大山雀,並開始吮吸兩個人一次一個。相機在Ariella的魔鬼的三人組中滾動,所以你可以看到這個熱的淋漓的Milf被塞在她的陰部,同時吸吮公雞,並把這些標籤隊員交換在她的甜蜜的洞中,直到他們在大胸部炸毀他們的負擔。

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Whorin監獄長退貨'

Ariella Ferrera - Whorin監獄長退貨

Danica Dillon想與她的男人Jessy進行婚姻訪問,但是,如果沒有為自己首先採取一些行動,那麼我們的監獄長Ariella Ferrara就不會這樣做了。在對忠實的女朋友丹尼卡進行例行剝離檢查之後,阿里亞里讓她在Jessy的公雞上展示了她巧妙的口交技巧。為了保持這個年輕的蕩婦忙碌,Jessy在桌子上舔了Ariella的陰部,Ariella在Danica上拍了一雙袖口,讓她看著舔陰。只有一次她感覺到Jessy的公雞在Milf pussy裡面進出,她是否邀請Danica和這對年輕夫婦一起參加了許多三重奏的第一場比賽。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '賣Sybian'

Ariella Ferrera - 賣Sybian

Karmen Karma來到Ariella Ferrera的辦公室,銷售最新最好的女性放鬆設備。阿麗亞娜有一點推遲了卡門遲到和奇怪的行為,但卡門知道一個快速的顯示會改變主意好。卡門在阿里亞里的桌子上跳起來,脫掉內褲,開始騎著調皮的裝置。幾乎瞬間,她的陰部開始變濕了,在很久之前,她很辛苦。阿麗亞娜是由卡門的表演開啟的,決定為自己而嘗試,而這台機器讓她和卡門一樣努力!最後,角質的女同性戀者決定溺水,開始舔舔,剪斷和手指敲擊,直到他們更加困難。看起來卡曼完全是出售了!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '我的兒子女朋友'

Ariella Ferrera - 我的兒子女朋友

Ryan Ryans在他的男朋友的地方摔倒了一個晚上他媽的會議之後,但是當她走出房間時,除了男朋友的襯衫外,她都很驚訝,她很驚訝地遇到了他的媽媽Ariella Ferrera!阿莉莉亞不贊成與她兒子約會的盛大蕩婦,但是一見她的身體就很緊張,她開始重新考慮。感覺到一個機會,瑞恩誘惑著這個蓬勃發展的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線,吮吸了她的奶油,直到她幾乎無法自拔。阿里亞里吃了瑞恩的濕漉漉的貓和緊緊的小混蛋,直到青少年的蕩婦咳嗽。瑞恩回到家中,將阿麗亞里翻轉過來,並將她濕濕的陰部工作,直到她有一個激烈的,令人振奮的高潮。那些。y的寶貝,他們相互剪刀,直到他們垮塌為止,在費雷拉家中永遠的歡迎萊恩。

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Bagboy包媽媽笨蛋'

Ariella Ferrera - Bagboy包媽媽笨蛋

Brick Danger在當地的一家商店裡作為一個小袋包兼職,他最喜歡的部分是在他鎖定之後,當他得到一點點時間。所以當豐盛的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線阿雷利亞·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera)出現了和平與安寧的打擾時,他關上門後五分鐘就敲門聲,對此並不十分激動。他試圖讓她知道他們已經關閉了一天,但是看一眼她大的彈跳的小餡餅,他忘了所有關於他作為袋子男孩的職責!他崇拜那些巨大的山雀,吮吸乳頭和他媽的他們,直到他堅硬,準備他媽的。然後,他在每一個位置操作阿里利亞緊密的MILF貓,使得這個性感的蕩婦在他胖胖的傢伙上很難。最後,他的臉和山雀打了一個巨大的負擔,因為客戶的滿意度始終是一個優先事項!

Alena Croft 在 '貝弗利山的真正的妻子'

Alena Croft - 貝弗利山的真正的妻子

在本週的比佛利山莊的真正的妻子的劇集中,豐滿的金發女郎艾琳娜·克羅夫特正在前往比爾·貝利的房子。她不知道他想要什麼,但她穿著打動了一切。當她到達那裡的時候,她聽到她的狂熱的阿里亞·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera)正在和他掛鉤!兩個性感的蕩婦進入一場貓戰鬥,在比爾的大公雞戰鬥時撕開彼此的衣服,直到他設法用一個建議來解決混亂:做愛,而不是戰爭!阿麗亞娜和阿萊娜都喜歡這個想法,輪流他媽的比爾的肥胖的傢伙,吃飯彼此的緊密的貓。比爾在這樣一個美好的時光之後,阿麗亞里在阿萊娜的厚厚的戰利品之後突然出現了一大堆他的嘶嘶聲,他跳進了更多!他再一次把這兩個胖胖的寶寶交給他們,然後給他們一個很好的大面部分享。也許畢竟他們都可以成為朋友!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '學校紀律 - 第二部分'

Ariella Ferrera - 學校紀律 - 第二部分

在學校紀律第一部分的事件之後,Keisha Gray發現自己躺在婦女的房間裡,他媽的很辛苦,然後被學校的常客的壞女孩拋在一邊。當校長阿里亞·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera)在那裡找到她時,她對藉口不感興趣!兩個胖胖的寶貝將話題回到了Ariella的辦公室,Dean Ferrera讓Keisha知道她沒有一分錢買這個懶惰的學生的藉口!當她看到一個人時,阿麗亞里知道一個角質的蕩婦,所以她從凱沙那裡撕下制服,給她多汁的屁股打屁股,直到他們都濕透了。阿里亞里吃了凱沙緊緊的小貓,凱沙吮吸和愛撫阿里亞里的大山雀,然後是迪恩·費雷拉(Dean Ferrera)打破她最喜歡的紀律工具的時候了,她的大屁股綁在一起!保持所有這些不情願的女學生是一個艱難的任務,但有人必須這樣做。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '霍寧監獄長'

Ariella Ferrera - 霍寧監獄長

在ZZ監獄,囚犯655321 Johnny Sins在本週晚些時候獲得假釋。監獄長,盛大的妓女阿里爾·費雷拉想知道她在處理什麼樣的男人之前,她以一種方式讓她想起來。她把約翰尼帶進了辦公室,所以他們中的兩個人可以獨自一個人度過,決定把自己的控制放在最後的考驗之後,把手背在背後,把雙腿大開。約翰尼在監獄長費雷拉的緊密的陰部深深地浪費了一切時間,打倒了那個漂亮的粉紅色洞,直到阿里亞里高興地顫抖著。她騎著那隻肥胖的公雞,直到她的貓正在噴出,然後在她的嘴裡吞下約翰尼的嘶嘶聲,讓它滴在她漂亮的臉龐和美麗的大山雀上!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '你想要我們清潔你的迪克'

Ariella Ferrera - 你想要我們清潔你的迪克

更好不要混淆這些寶貝。泰勒尼克松認為他很聰明,在他的兩間拉脫維亞女傭阿里拉·費拉拉(Ariella Ferrara)和Jynx迷宮(Jynx Maze)的酒店房間裡亂七八糟。但是當他們發現他們從衣櫃裡緊緊抓住身體時,他們決定把他抱下來,分享他的傢伙。面對面,69歲的雙吸,你會看到每一個熱的CFNM行為在太陽下,當你檢查出這些寶貝的行動。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '駕駛迪克班'

Ariella Ferrera - 駕駛迪克班

豪華轎車司機Will Powers在他的工作中看到了一些奇怪的事情,但是當豐滿的MILF Arielle Ferrera在後座開始打電話時,幾乎不敢相信他的眼睛!他盡量把自己的眼睛留在路上,因為她說得很髒和手淫,但是當她拉出大山雀時,這太過分了!很快,他很混亂,他完全失去了,不得不拉過來,但是Ariella剛剛開始!她拉出了他的肥胖的公雞,開始在那裡進行深入研究,然後深入她密集的MILF陰道。會把那個大的ted ut sl ut。。。。。。and and。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。不錯的下午開車!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '處理Dickhead'

Ariella Ferrera - 處理Dickhead


Ariella Ferrera 在 '你害怕迪克嗎'

Ariella Ferrera - 你害怕迪克嗎


Ariella Ferrera 在 '交易種族'

Ariella Ferrera - 交易種族

谷裡有一些奇怪的事情。當詹姆斯和肖恩今天完成他們的拍攝時,雙打一個熱門的小星星,一個奇怪的法術改變了他們的個性。他們的女朋友馬上就去了身體外的BS。莎拉·布萊克希望她的男人像以前一樣,阿里拉·費拉拉(Ariella Ferrara)會做任何事,讓男朋友的黑色蟒蛇再次回來。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '下午快樂'

Ariella Ferrera - 下午快樂


Ariella Ferrera 在 '醫生博士,你的公雞'

Ariella Ferrera - 醫生博士,你的公雞


Ariella Ferrera 在 '性別由游泳池'

Ariella Ferrera - 性別由游泳池

什麼可以比花費整個一天日光浴你自己的游泳池更好?沒有什麼可以讓你的身體每一寸溫暖,從你多汁的屁股,到你令人難以置信的大山雀。一旦Milf Ariella完成了對身體曲線的燙傷,她就會與Keiran的公雞享受不同的夏日熱。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '挨鄰'

Ariella Ferrera - 挨鄰

青少年情侶Charli和Cody不斷竊聽他們的新鄰居的驚人的高潮,過了一會兒,他們不禁想知道她是如何做到的!當他們害羞地敲門,要求她提供一些性別提示時,Ariella很高興接受兩個十幾歲的孩子,並且教他們如何將他們的地獄交給彼此 - 而她!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '在暗室裡'

Ariella Ferrera - 在暗室裡


Shay Sights 在 '立即行動,稍後屁股'

Shay Sights - 立即行動,稍後屁股


Ariella Ferrera 在 '女高音101'

Ariella Ferrera - 女高音101


Ariella Ferrera 在 '抽水壺泳池'

Ariella Ferrera - 抽水壺泳池


Ariella Ferrera 在 '沒有塑料公雞可以匹配約翰尼斯魔術魔杖'

Ariella Ferrera - 沒有塑料公雞可以匹配約翰尼斯魔術魔杖

阿里亞里邀請弗朗西絲加入她一個口頭禪的教訓。 Francesca真的被帶走,而吮吸這個巨大的假陽具。這很明顯,她需要更多的塑料。然後,她回到廚房的路上跟隨約翰尼,開始了他真正的巨大的公雞。擔心,阿里拉來到他們,也不能抵抗約翰尼的公雞。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '樓層錯誤'

Ariella Ferrera - 樓層錯誤


Ariella ferrera 在 '核分數'

Ariella ferrera - 核分數

在幾年前的核戰爭中,約翰尼在地下室建造了一個避難所,以便在可能的“世界末日”中生存下去。大家以為他瘋了!但是,當一個瘋狂的獨裁者奪取一個遙遠和好戰的核國家的力量時,約翰尼的性感的米爾夫鄰居阿里亞里·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera)說,她會為約翰尼的地堡做點什麼。

Ariella Ferrera 在 '米爾和曲奇'

Ariella Ferrera - 米爾和曲奇


Ariella Ferrera 在 'Breanna'

Ariella Ferrera - Breanna


Ariella Ferrera 在 '放置清潔夫人'

Ariella Ferrera - 放置清潔夫人


Ariella Ferrera 在 '挖掘麻煩'

Ariella Ferrera - 挖掘麻煩


Ariella Ferrera 在 '睡覺派對'

Ariella Ferrera - 睡覺派對

當Vanessa的朋友為睡眠派對過來時,Ariella喜歡它。不僅讓她感到年輕,而且讓她的心臟完全不同,所以當她趕上Vanessa手淫後,她決定把事情以及Vanessa的貓 - 到自己的手裡!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '有時我他媽的一切'

Ariella Ferrera - 有時我他媽的一切


Ariella Ferrera 在 '頭和早餐'

Ariella Ferrera - 頭和早餐


Ariella Ferrera 在 '他媽的新聞'

Ariella Ferrera - 他媽的新聞


Ariella Ferrera 在 '科學博士,我推測'

Ariella Ferrera - 科學博士,我推測


Ariella Ferrera 在 '阿里亞愛情肛門'

Ariella Ferrera - 阿里亞愛情肛門

阿里拉·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera)強調了她的所有功能。這個性感的蕩婦在公雞身上跳起來,直直的把她的屁股。她來了,她做到了這一點。準備好這個場景需要一對夫婦的看法。

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Cocksucker代理'

Ariella Ferrera - Cocksucker代理


Ariella Ferrera 在 '週年紀念的殼永遠不會忘記'

Ariella Ferrera - 週年紀念的殼永遠不會忘記


Ariella Ferrera 在 'Tappin那位導師'

Ariella Ferrera - Tappin那位導師


Ariella Ferrera 在 '公雞叫喊'

Ariella Ferrera - 公雞叫喊


Ariella Ferrera 在 '葡萄酒和公雞取樣!'

Ariella Ferrera - 葡萄酒和公雞取樣!

今天,我們沿著可愛的阿里拉·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera),品嚐了奶酪和葡萄酒的冒險。我們還可以看她的生活,成長,她最喜歡的手淫技巧,以及她的戀情。享受阿里埃里生活的旅程,我們相信你不會失望!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '迪克拉什'

Ariella Ferrera - 迪克拉什


Ariella Ferrera 在 '記憶奶牛'

Ariella Ferrera - 記憶奶牛


Ariella Ferrera 在 '空手道我的迪克'

Ariella Ferrera - 空手道我的迪克

阿里亞·費雷拉(Ariella Ferrera)最近一直害怕在晚上獨自回家,因為所有的爬行動物潛伏在街道上,想要找到一些輕鬆輕鬆的貓。她決定參加一些自衛班,但在會議期間,她太害羞地問教練的問題。她等到課程結束才能真正得到她正在尋找的答案。鷹的眼睛無法確定前方的路。阿麗亞娜正是她想要的生活,一個巨大的迪克猛地直起身子。

來自其他網站的場景特色 Ariella Ferrera

Ariella Ferrera 在 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Ariella Ferrera - fucking in the living room with her tits

Ariella Ferrera invites her friend's husband Alan over to discuss the planning for his wife's college graduation party. He tells Ariella that it's going to be a dual party, because he completed his education at the fire academy at the same time. Impressed, Ariella admits to him that she's always had a penchant for a good fireman who knows how to use his hose properly, so Alan proceeds to put out her fire by fucking her wet pussy and spraying her down with a massive cumshot!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Mature Ariella Ferrera fucking in the couch with her tits'

Ariella Ferrera - Mature Ariella Ferrera fucking in the couch with her tits

Ariella Ferrera is Johnny's friend's mom, and he feels it's a bit strange that she's invited him over to her house while her son is away at school. But, having known Ms. Ferrera and her big tits for so long, Johnny shows up and she tells him now that she's been divorced for a while, she's ready to get back in the game, but that she has no patience or desire for internet dating. Johnny asks her how he can help her, and when she flat-out tells her that she wants to ride his dick -- she's been wanting to for some time now!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Ariella Ferrera - fucking in the couch with her big tits

Ariella's sick and tired of her husband working all the time and not paying any attention to her. She tells her girlfriend that she's been flirting with Johnny, a guy at the gym, for a while, and that she's talked to him about hooking up. Well, the time has come, and it's time for her to cum. Ariella calls Johnny over for a midday romp, and romp they do -- titty-fucking and all. Ariella fulfills her fantasy, Johnny gets his rocks off, and Ariella's husband gets to keep working; everyone's happy.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'fucking in the living room with her big tits'

Ariella Ferrera - fucking in the living room with her big tits

Ariella wants to end the sexual relationship she's having with her student but this young cock just won't give up and her pussy just can't say no to him.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'fucking in the chair with her big ass'

Ariella Ferrera - fucking in the chair with her big ass

Danny's been helping hot-ass Ariella Ferrera move furniture the past two months, and he brings Johnny along to help him. Johnny tells Danny that he would've fucked her long ago, and as soon as he meets her he starts hitting on her! Both guys argue to see who can get into her pants, but Ariella's not having it; instead, she wants one cock in her ass and another in her pussy, and two loads of cum on her face! Now that's moving furniture!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Cougar Ariella Ferrera fucking in the couch with her tits'

Ariella Ferrera - Cougar Ariella Ferrera fucking in the couch with her tits

Patrick is part of a construction team working on Ariella's house. He comes into her room and asks to use her faucet to refill his thermos. She is immediately taken by his youthful charm, and asks him to sit down and have a conversation. He tries to leave, but once a cougar gets her claws on him......he has no choice but to satisfy her sexually. Was it all Patrick's plan in the first place?

Ariella Ferrera 在 'fucking in the bedroom with her hairy pussy'

Ariella Ferrera - fucking in the bedroom with her hairy pussy

Ariella Ferrera just got a break up letter from her ex-boyfriend and she wants Johnny Sins to be there for her however Johnny's wife is out somewhere. It seems that Ariella needs more than a hug to get her through this so she tries to get some cock from him. She gives him head outside and then he takes her to the bed for some hot fucking! Breaking up is hard...but sometimes you just have to suck it up.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'fucking in the classroom with her big tits'

Ariella Ferrera - fucking in the classroom with her big tits

Professor Ariella Ferrera is having a bad week. She's trying to grade Johnny's test, but her pen ran out of ink, her drawer is locked and she's dropped files everywhere. On top of that, her home is flooded due to a broken water main. Johnny, being the good student he is, wants to help his teacher, so he gives her some good advice: have an orgasm. And as a matter of fact, just to help her, Johnny sticks his hard cock in her tight pussy while grabbing her big tits from behind!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Ariella Ferrera'

Ariella Ferrera - Ariella Ferrera

I've seen all of Ariella's movies. All of them. But now I want her live, in the flesh and in front of me. And I'm going to have her. Nothing wild, nothing particularly kinky. Just Ariella. With me. Fucking me. I'm even gonna have her wear that sexy black and red outfit I've seen her in. It's going to be an amazing night. I don't care about the money. It's worth it. She's worth it.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'MILF Ariella Ferrera fucking in the bed with her big tits'

Ariella Ferrera - MILF Ariella Ferrera fucking in the bed with her big tits

Bill Bailey spent the night at his friends house to go fishing early in the morning. When Bill wakes up the next morning, he finds out Ariella, his friend's mom, sent her son fishing off without Bill so he could sleep in. It turns out, Ariella just wanted Bill all to herself to satisfy her wet pussy.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'fucking in the patio with her tits'

Ariella Ferrera - fucking in the patio with her tits

Mrs. Ferrera is lounging in the shade in her backyard when she hears a voice calling over the fence. It's the neighbor's college son, Gabriel. She waves him in and politely listens to his weak pitch about looking for people to sponsor him in a marathon...but Mrs. Ferrera has other things in mind and promises to make a rather large pledge...but he needs to do something for her in return...

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Mother Earth'

Ariella Ferrera - Mother Earth

The sacred plant is the truth. She opens the gates to the other side and unveils what needs to be seen yet remains hidden behind the ego. She connects us to the feminine powers of the Mother Earth and guides us to the path of the true self.-Karl Toughlove. Never have I been on a trip quite like this one and never would I have ever imagined I would be balls deep in the Mother of all Mother's; Mother Earth herself. That badass bitch can visit me in my hallucinations anytime she wants.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'gets her pussy filled by her student'

Ariella Ferrera - Mrs. Creampie

Ariella Ferrera finds out that her student loves Spanish women. She decides to show him what it's like to fuck one and lets him fill her with jizz.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Wet And Waiting'

Ariella Ferrera - Wet And Waiting

Curvy, very busty MILF Ariella Ferrera took off her nightie and climbed into the tub so she could start her day with a hot bubble bath. She had her headphones on and was playing with her tight pussy and huge tits when her younger boyfriend came in, took the headphones off of her, and kissed her while squeezing those monster melons. Wrapping her mouth around his cock, Ariella showed just how good she was at sucking dick. After the blowjob, they moved from the bathroom to the bedroom where he laid her down, got on top, and buried his long cock deep inside her hairy pussy. This busty cougar loves to fuck so she locked eyes with him as they found a rhythm and fucked like crazy. Flexible and horny, she let him bend her into several different hot positions that had her cumming on his cock. She worked up a sweat riding his dick then she jerked him off, draining every last drop of his jizz into her mouth and all over those amazing tits.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'in Suctioned Tits'

Ariella Ferrera - in Suctioned Tits

Gorgeous MILF Ariella Ferrera likes to please her fans. In this scene, she breaks out her vibrator and tit pumps for a tantalizing solo!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Pussy Off The Rack'

Ariella Ferrera - Pussy Off The Rack

Johnny Sins may not be looking too stylish in his beach clothes, but sexy MILF Ariella Ferrara is fashionable enough for the both of them! With her big tits and sexy curves poured into a skintight dress, Ariella catches Johnny's eye, and when he follows her into a store he happens to hear her conversation, learning that she's extremely horny and looking for some cock! Ariella pulls Johnny back to the changing rooms to try his big dick on for size, first testing it out in her mouth. Ariella loves the way that fat cock looks between her huge boobs in a titty-fuck, so she bends over doggystyle to let Johnny slide it into her pussy. It's a perfect fit!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Dreaming Of Creampie'

Ariella Ferrera - Dreaming Of Creampie

When Ariella's husband gets called away for work just as things in their bedroom are getting hot and heavy, she decides it's time to take matters into her own hands, playing with her huge perfect boobs and strumming her clit as she imagines having a big cock to play with. But what Ariella doesn't realize is a nice hard dick is closer than she thinks... only it belongs to her hubby's boss, Charles! Charles knows that if Ariella's hubby is as lazy in bed as he is on the job, this hot brunette MILF needs a good long fuck, and he's happy to give it to her! Ariella treats Charles to a sloppy blowjob and sucks on his balls before demanding that he fuck her hard and cum deep in her pussy!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Ariella Squirts on The Bus'

Ariella Ferrera - Ariella Squirts on The Bus

Ariella Ferrera is one horny chick. When she got into town, the first thing she did was call us up, so that she be on a reverse bus and get some Miami dick. We drove Ariella around and had her point out any dude that caught her eye. We pulled up to three separate dudes and had them jump in to take Ariella's pussy for a spin. This horny chick got some well deserved cock and came multiple times onboard the world famous BangBus.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Coming On Strong'

Ariella Ferrera - Coming On Strong

Ariella Ferrera enjoys getting dominated by J Mac.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'in Van Wylde Fills My Glass'

Ariella Ferrera - in Van Wylde Fills My Glass

I'm here today at the local diner and there doesn't seem to be any waiters or waitresses around to help me, I just need to have some lunch. The only person here it seems is the manager and he seems to be too busy to help me. Then he informs me the diner is closed till 5PM and lunch is now over, wtf! I mean can't I at least have a drink? Wait I know what to do, lets see if this gets his attention as I open my legs! Yep it has, watch as Van Wylde quenches my thirst by filling up my glass with his cum!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Trading Pussy For Cookies'

Ariella Ferrera - Trading Pussy For Cookies

Ariella Ferrera was super horny and when this dude came by selling cookies. She decided to try and get some dick. She told him to follow her to her bedroom where she had her wallet. This is where she seduced him, and made him fuck her. Ariella got her pussy penetrated in several different positions. She paid for cookies with her tight little pussy. She even got a hot load of milk to go with it.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'We're Taking Over'

Ariella Ferrera - We're Taking Over

Fuck Team Five is back! This time with Brandi Bee, Rose Monroe and Ariella Ferrera. These 3 chicks love to fuck and are constantly horny. We pulled up on this t-shirt screen printing shop to pick up a shirt order, but the girls had a different plan in mind. Right away, they pulled one of the worker's pants down and started sucking him off. Then they turned their attending to this hot chick named Stella that also worked there. We took over the shop. Instead of working they were fucking on every piece of equipment possible, taking turns on that cock as well as taking turns on making Stella cum. Fuck Team Five accomplished their task. They came in fucked and conquered.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Loving Every Inch Of This Monster'

Ariella Ferrera - Loving Every Inch Of This Monster

Ariella Ferrera talks to the camera and Miles to let us know her love for big cocks. She explains how she was 19yo when she first tasted her first huge cock and chased it ever since. Mandingo brings her what she's been looking for and more. She freaks out that the myth is real before she starts sucking him off. She gives a good blowjob and tit fuck and watch her enjoy every inch of it. She ends up getting her pussy stretched on different positions where she cums and squirts all over.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Borrowing Milk From my Neighbor'

Ariella Ferrera - Borrowing Milk From my Neighbor

Ariella Ferrera headed over to her neighbors house to ask for some milk. Her neighbor's son was home from college alone. He let her in and they headed to the kitchen to get her milk. There, she saw the opportunity to satisfy her craving for cock. Ariella got undressed as Juan was busy pouring her milk. When he turned around, she was completely naked and playing with her pussy. She got Juan to fuck her all over the kitchen in several different positions before delivering her his own milk all over her face and gigantic tits.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Sharing The Gardner's Cock With My Step-Mom'

Ariella Ferrera - Sharing The Gardner's Cock With My Step-Mom

Jynx Maze was studying in her bedroom when she noticed the gardener shirtless in the backyard. She decided to put the books down and start touching herself instead. Her step-mom , Ariella Ferrera, came by to see how her studying was going, when she noticed that Jynx was not paying attention to her work. But when she noticed what was distracting her, she decided to join her step daughter and they both started masturbating to the gardener. Eventually, the gardener noticed what was happening inside the room. Ariella and Jynx pulled him in so that he could fuck them both. The gardener fucked both of them all over Jynx's bedroom before delivering a giant load all over both of their faces.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'My Amazon Step-Mom'

Ariella Ferrera - My Amazon Step-Mom

Kenzie's dad got hitched again but she's not so sure about all this, after all, it's his sixth wife and getting to know a new stepmom, seems like a waste of her time. Her dad pleads with her stating that this time will be different. The doorbell rings as she sighs, her dad asks her to play nice and hangs up. She goes downstairs to greet her new mom. Ariella is so tall, Kenzie can't believe it. Noticing that she's being a bit awkward she presses her to tell her what's wrong, she asks Kenzie if it's because of her height. In order to make her feel comfortable, Ariella starts complimenting her telling her how adorable she is. Comparing body parts Ariella pulls out her tits and tells her to touch them, feeling them she pulls away quickly. Ariella asks her to put her face on them to make sure they're extra soft. Ariella senses that Kenzie isn't 100% comfortable so she suggests they both get naked. Kenzie giggles but not too sure about all this but Ariella can't believe how cute and tiny her new stepdaughter is, she can't help but want to take her clothes off. Asking her to sit on her lap she stars licking her tiny nipples, Kenzie giggles but isn't so sure about all this, Ariella makes a deal with her, if she doesn't like it, they'll stop. Kenzie reluctantly agrees as she caresses her legs and moves her hand on her pussy. She starts rubbing it and playing with it. She's not so sure how her dad is going to feel about all this but Ariella reminds her that they are family now and she needs to make her feel welcome. She spits on her pussy and starts playing with it, despite it feeling wrong Kenzie knows it feels right. As she welcomes her new mom with open arms she loses herself in the pleasure!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Sperm Diet 2'

Ariella Ferrera - Sperm Diet 2

Busty, breathtaking MILF Ariella Ferrera shows off her shapely body in sheer lingerie. The leggy brunette crawls to the couch and welcomes black stud Rob Piper with a messy, spit-soaked blowjob. Ariella talks dirty and slobbers over her massive tits as Rob fucks her face. She gargles his sperm, swallows, and moves on to Dick Number Two! Ariella deep-throats Jonni Darkko's stiff dick and rims his bunghole. He slathers her face with semen, and Ariella's interracial suck session climaxes when she guzzles her second load.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'in Tonight's Girlfriend'

Ariella Ferrera - Tonight's Girlfriend

I can't stand my boss. She's on my ass every day, and the worst part is she's super hot, and there's nothing I can do about it. So I've got porn star Ariella Ferrera playing my boss tonight, and I am going to dominate the hell out of her.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Rion King in My Friend's Hot Mom'

Ariella Ferrera - My Friends Hot Mom

Ariella Ferrera gets a call from her son telling her that his friend Rion's been injured in the pick-up basketball game they were playing. She instructs him to send Rion home, and when he shows up at her doorstep with a lame shoulder, the mom-ness in her kicks in and she's suddenly taking care of him. And that includes drawing him a nice warm bath to relax in! What Rion didn't expect was for Ariella to slip into something more comfortable — her birthday suit — and then slip into the tub with him! Forget about that whole having a husband and son thing…Ariella's got big tits and she wants them sucked on!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Polish His Knob'

Ariella Ferrera - Polish His Knob

Cleaning is the last thing on cute blonde teen Giselle's mind as she exchanges passionate kisses with her boyfriend Jessy, until her stepmother Ariella reminds her that she has chores to finish. When Giselle leaves to scrub the bathroom, the sexy Latina MILF notices Jessy's t-shirt is looking dirty and offers to wash it if he'll take it off... and then she spots a stain on his jeans! Soon, Ariella has the hot teen naked and begins bathing his cock with her talented tongue! When Giselle returns, Ariella promises to teach her stepdaughter the proper way to polish Jessy's knob! The hot cougar shows the young lovers just how to unleash their lust with hot sex before joining the threesome to ride Jessy's hard dick and taste Giselle's sweet pussy, even making her cute stepdaughter squirt for the first time! Who says that getting dirty can't be good, clean fun

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Bambino in My First Sex Teacher'

Ariella Ferrera - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Ariella Ferrera thinks she's solved it: she has just one student who always stays after class to finish his assignment. She finally catches him looking at her big tits and stroking his dick under the desk, so now she gets it! Well, it's time for her to nip this one in the bud, and there's no better way to do that than with a little 1on-1 teacher/student time…door locked! She beckons him to her desk, the better to see her big tits. All the while she has him continuously rubbing his crotch without stopping, watching it get bigger and bigger and bigger. The assignment now is for him to eat her pussy and put his big dick in her mouth upon instruction. Can he do that? And so much more…

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Ariella on Notice'

Ariella Ferrera - Ariella on Notice

Hot MILF Ariella Ferrara loves to spend money. Unfortunately she doesn't keep very good track of her bills. So the collector comes knocking and tells her that they will be repossessing her car. Ariella can't tell her husband that she fucked up again so she's got to figure out an alternative. Once she gets a feel and takes a look at the collectors big cock, she knows how she can get out of this jam. Don't miss Ariella getting massive tits fucked, squirting and taking a good pounding.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Ariella Fucking Young Dick'

Ariella Ferrera - Ariella Fucking Young Dick

Juan Is having problems with one of his classes. He got a tutor to help him pass this class but she was way too hot and too distracting for him. Ariella Ferrara was showing way too much cleavage and he couldn't concentrate. Juan told her to please cover up so he can focus on his work. Arialla claims that showing her tits is what helps her students concentrate, so she begins to undress even more. When that was still too distracting, she got the idea that blowing him would help. From there Juan got the chance of a life time and banged the shit out of her tutor. He pounded her all over her desk and finished it all with a giant load on her giant tits. Will he pass his class? who knows, but at least he got to nut.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Hardcore Centerfold'

Ariella Ferrera - Hardcore Centerfold

Chad White has forgotten that he rented out his bedroom for a lingerie photo shoot. The photographer enters the house, followed by the sexiest model you'll ever see: the one, the only Ariella Ferrera! Mr. White is in awe of this busty bombshell's drop dead gorgeous curves and her massive tits! The photographer, however, doesn't want his model to get distracted by the attention Mr. White is giving her. Ariella is a professional model, after all, and she's got a job to do: pose provocatively and look sexy as fuck--without getting turned on! But when Ms. Ferrera catches Chad jacking off to her in her sexy lingerie with her massive boobs exposed, Ariella can't help but get excited just thinking about sucking and fucking his big cock! Ariella goes to work, giving Mr. White's dick the greatest blowjob he's ever gotten before wrapping her huge tits around his cock and titty-fucking him! But when the photographer returns, will Ariella be ready for her close-up--or will Mr. White be ready to give this busty nympho her much desired cumshot?

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Big Tits MILF'

Ariella Ferrera - Big Tits MILF

She's gotta make cookies for someone! Now that Ariella Ferrera's son is away at school, she hasn't had anyone to take care of around the house. That's where you come in! You stuck around town, and for good reason — your friend's mom Ariella has a pair of massive jugs that she's ready to bust loose in your face now that you're a young, virile man! She doesn't even care that her son calls her while she's about to suck your cock; Ariella's just as dirty as the chicks your age! She can blow you and talk to your friend at the same time. And after you fuck the busty MILF on her kitchen counter and bust a nut all over her big tits, she'll stuff your mouth full of cookies and milk…what a good hot mom!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Richie Black in Seduced By A Cougar'

Ariella Ferrera - Seduced By A Cougar

Ariella Ferrera isn't just hot, she's an angel! She's so kind that she's opening her home to her friend's son Richie, who's attending a college situated near her house. She's renting him a room at an amazing rate, she's making him lunch, AND she has big tits? Huge score for Richie! That fool's so damn happy about it all that he immediately goes to his room and starts stroking his cock, and Ariella sees him! Does she stop him? Hell no. The horny cougar waltzes right on in and tells him to keep on doing what he's doing, and she pulls out her big tits to help him out! In fact, she welcomes him with a room, some food and a good fuck — jackpot!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Pleasing My Stepmom'

Ariella Ferrera - Pleasing My Stepmom

Jessy Jones had his best friend over. They were going to spend the afternoon playing video games and chilling and nothing was going to prevent them from getting a high score. That is, until Jessy's busty stepmom, Ariella Ferrera, interrupts their gaming by hollering for Jessy to come into her room and help her with a pressing need. Jessy reluctantly goes to see his stepmom, but when he enters her room, he's pleasantly surprised to see this slut and her massive tits laid out on the bed in sexy black lingerie! Looking deliciously curvy, Jessy feels bad for staring at his dad's girlfriend and getting sexual thoughts! But Ariella's tired of Jessy's dad working all the time and not plowing her pretty pussy! Ariella's sexual needs have been ignored for too long, so her and her massive tits need to be fucked! Jessy's always been attracted to Ariella and he can't wait for her to suck his rock hard cock and titty-fuck him until her dripping wet pussy can't wait to ride him for the orgasm she's been craving! But will Jessy be able to fuck his stepmom's brains out while not letting his best friend catch them in the act?

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Blood Sisters Scene 1'

Ariella Ferrera - Blood Sisters Scene 1

For sisters Madalena and Isabel, blood has always been thicker than water. But when their father uses his political position to court power and corruption, each woman will have to choose where she stands: with her father, or against him. If the sins of the father must be punished…will his beautiful daughters pull the trigger

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Washing Away My Step-Daughter's Sins'

Ariella Ferrera - Washing Away My Step-Daughter's Sins

Teen Kristen Scott is grateful her step mother Ariella Ferrera brought her along to Las Vegas. Kristen wants to go party at the clubs, but Ariella prefers taking her on more cultural outings. Kristen's hell bent on having fun and sneaks out that night anyway. Ariella waits up and busts her for disobeying when she tries to sneak back in. She's quite displeased about the amount of makeup and body glitter she's wearing and insists on washing it off.Mommy Ariella runs a bath and freaks when she sees Kristen isn't wearing panties under her short lavender dress. And she's not exactly thrilled to see her nipple rings. She puts the teen in the bath and removes the cosmetics with a washcloth.When Kristen gets upset defending her teen behaviour, Ariella relents. She's feeling chilly and wants to get in the bath too. She takes off her satin robe revealing her huge tits and joins the teen in the tub. It feels a little weird for Kristen, laying back in her step mother's arms, both of them naked in the water. But Ariella puts her at ease and starts up a heart to heart conversation. She gets Kristen to open up about whatever she's going through as teen, like her sexuality.Ever so gently she washes her body with the washcloth, and touches her in between her legs. Moments later, Kristen pulls away, uncomfortable with what's happening. She gets up and sits on the edge of the tub, but Ariella charms her way back there, dabbing her pussy softly with the cloth before moving in close to lick it. Soon enough, Ariella's massaging Kristen's butthole, while Kristen begs the MILF to keep sucking on her pussy. After Kristen cums in her mouth, she reciprocates the favor to her mother. After all, that stubborn glitter was hard to come off!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Diamond Jackson and Bambino in My First Sex Teacher'

Ariella Ferrera - My First Sex Teacher

Arielle Ferrera gets called into the college because her idiot stepson Bambino did something stupid in class — he pulled his big dick out on a dare! His professor, Diamond Jackson, has a talk with Ariella and him about all this and cautions them that she may need to involve the dean. She has her student show his stepmom exactly what he did, but nobody can believe how massive his cock is when he wriggles it out of his pants! Professor Jackson and Ariella confer in private and make a determination: they're willing to is willing to overlook things if Bambino fucks them in a professor-stepmom threesome! Do you think he'd dare?!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'The Breast Feeder'

Ariella Ferrera - The Breast Feeder

Newly married Ariella Ferrera is gabbing with her teenage step daughter Charlotte Cross on the sofa. Charlotte wants to know if Ariella is her stepmom just by being married to her father. Ariella confirms it. She wants to help Charlotte with clothes and boys and advice. Ariella's not used to being a mom, but she's really excited to start, and Charlotte is happy to hear that. When Ariella starts talking about breastfeeding, Charlotte is confused again. Does that mean her parents are going to conceive? Ariella clarifies, she wants Charlotte to simulate the experience of breastfeeding. Sharing her fascination with the motherly duty of breastfeeding, she feels like giving her breast milk is partly her purpose in life. Ariella's tits are indeed huge, but Charlotte doesn't want to be a breast feeder. Ariella won't give up and pulls out her huge knockers. She sweet talks the teen into indulging her fantasy. After a bunch of pretty pleas, she pulls the teen's head to her bosom giving Charlotte an awkward mouthful. When Charlotte pulls away unwilling, Ariella sweetens the pot with the promise of a new car. Soon enough, Charlotte folds and dutifully looks up at her step mom with her big brown eyes while sucking on her nipples. Ariella asks her to think about how her milk is nourishing her as it pours down the back of her throat. She wants to hear how hungry she is, while she slips a finger up her skirt and masturbates her pussy. She coos that she's going to cum. When Ariella asks if she can suck on Charlotte's boobs, the teen decides she's done with her feeding. Ariella won't give up, she acknowledges that Charlotte has a sex life and a boyfriend, but she wants her to try out boob play too. She shoves Charlotte's face in her cleavage then yanks off her panties. She rubs her step daughter's naked pussy with her tits, wishing she could squirt breast milk into her pussy. Charlotte's confused, because Ariella's supposed to be her mom. But soon she warms up to her boob play, she figures it feels like they're bonding. She lets Ariella suck on her nipples using different techniques. Ariella decides it would be best if they took off all their clothes. Charlotte gets naked from the waist down, leaving her tits poking out of her bra. Naked Ariella starts tribbing her step daughter. It's all new to Charlotte. The teen asks what she's doing, it feels really good. Ariella bounces her tits energetically while grinding her pussy onto Charlotte's. Charlottes thinks she's done once she cums, but step mommy Ariella wants to keep playing. She pulls out the stops, promising to send Charlotte on vacation. She sucks on the teen's tits then licks her pussy, determined to demonstrate that stimulating both places can make her cum. When Charlotte objects, step mommy Ariella offers a trip to Bermuda, and a shopping spree. Charlotte's huge clit is swollen when she straddles her step mother's face. Ariella promises to milk her clit, and true to her word, Charlotte cums in her mouth. Then Ariella convinces her step daughter to suck on her nipples so her milk can give her all the strength she needs to keep her beautiful. Charlotte masturbates while suckling, wanting to cum, so Ariella rubs her pussy till she orgasms. Mommy Ariella turns Charlotte over and pats her back to burp her. But Charlotte wants to cum again, so she humps her step mother's nipple. Then she scissor fucks Ariella, tribbing wildly until both lesbians cum!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Johnny Castle in Dirty Wives Club'

Ariella Ferrera - Dirty Wives Club

Ariella Ferrera is in for a treat! Her husband just closed a major deal, which means a massive celebration! Her hubby's co-worker, Johnny, who helped him with sale, comes over to partake in the festivities, which means -- SURPRISE -- fucking Ariella! Yes, Ariella and her husband are in to hotwifing, which means Johnny gets her big tits in his face, and it's totally ok with her husband. In fact, he gets off on his dirty wife sucking Johnny's dick and fucking him until he cums all over her. Johnny does his duty … and he can't wait to make the next sale!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Office'

Ariella Ferrera - Naughty Office

Christmas eve and Ariella is making Charles work overtime.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Stepmom Swap: Scene 5'

Ariella Ferrera - Stepmom Swap: Scene 5

Divorce was supposed to solve their problems. But when Katie and her ex-husband Keiran hit the dating scene they realize: more family, more problems! In this extended family game of musical beds, the sexy step-daughter, the horny moms, and the wicked wives are all somebody's exes… And everyone has daddy issues.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Backyard banging'

Ariella Ferrera - Backyard banging

Trimming hedges, mowing the lawn, cutting the bushes, just an honest days work for a youngster. Outside in 98 degree weather minding my business and my employer feels the urge to get frisky with me. I don't understand MILFs sometimes, they love young dick! I could tell she's been wanting to fuck for the past year, always flirting with me and blowing me kisses from time to time, I guess today was my lucky day. I'm blowing away the leaves and Ariella decides to come outside to the lawn and start tanning in the skimpiest bikini I have ever seen! She even decided to tan her boobs for heavens sake! All I'm thinking to myself is get away, don't look, and get back to work! Now I'm in another part of the house and suddenly Ariella decides to grab my cock from behind! Not knowing any better I tell her to "Leave me alone" and I leave quickly pacing away. She finally tracks me down again and persuades me to let her suck my cock! What a fucking predicament, to make matters worse, her husband is desperately looking for her! Just another day in the life of a lawn boy!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Suck Balls 5'

Ariella Ferrera - Suck Balls 5

In a stylish mini-skirt and a top that barely contains her massive tits, glamorous MILF Ariella Ferrera assertively struts over to studs Filthy Rich and Stallion, who await her naked on the couch with hard cocks primed for action. Ariella crams both bulging boners into her throat and pays special attention to slurping their swollen nut sacks. She douses herself in oil and buries a dong in between her tits while sucking cock. The guys unload two huge, creamy loads of splooge over her gorgeous face.

Remy LaCroix 在 'Spoiled Brat: Part Two'

Remy LaCroix - Spoiled Brat: Part Two

Remy Lacroix goes back to her spoiled ways, unappreciative of all her step mother's hard work, even after their lesbian experience.. Ariella Ferrera prepares a delicious supper for the whole family, only to be shunned not only by her husband, but Remy too. Ariella sits at the dinner table alone, helpless with discouragement.Remy walks downstairs with her plate half finished and demands to know where her dessert is. Ariella furious at this spoiled brat, thinking she can just leave her to sit by herself and expect to have sweets too. This mother has had enough of being bullied by her daughter, and plans on teaching this girl a lesson in respect! Ariella whips outher massive boobs and thrusts them into Remy face, making it clear who is the boss.Ariella demands Remy opens her pretty little mouth sucking on her mothers nipple reminding her this is her dessert. Remy's dad isn't too far away but Ariella doesn't care about any of that foolishness at this point, it is her turn to have some sweet pussy pie! Remy lays down on the kitchen table, and spreads her legs for Ariella to dive in. Remy begs for a taste of her mothers pussy juice but Ariella's plan is to straddle and tribbing Remy's pussy lips; a dessert they will both orgasm for!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Mischievous Mentor'

Ariella Ferrera - Mischievous Mentor

Aspen Ora and Johnny Castle are at a party with their Spanish teacher, Ariella Ferrera. Ariella tells a scary story about teens that were murdered in the house to lure the group upstairs. When they hear a funny sound, everyone but Aspen and Johnny nopes out of there so that they are alone with Ariella.Sensing an opportunity to play matchmaker, Ariella takes the opportunity to help Johnny seduce Aspen by touching her soft bald pussy beneath her miniskirt and panties. The girls then team up to get Johnny's dick out for a lusty double blowjob That leads the way to Johnny finally getting the chance to sink balls-deep into Aspen's creamy snatch just like he's always dreamed. Things only get better when Ariella gets a turn at having her pussy pounded.That kicks off a lusty threesome where each of the girls get to live out their wildest lusty fantasies with Johnny as their willing stud. By the time they're done, there's only one last thing to do: Let Johnny get off. Laying side by side, Aspen and Ariella open their mouths in preparation to have Johnny cum all over their faces as he releases his orgasmic ecstasy.

Remy LaCroix 在 'Spoiled Brat: Part One'

Remy LaCroix - Spoiled Brat: Part One

Spoiled Brat Remy LaCroix sneaks into the kitchen, opening a can of beer. She knows she's underage but Remy doesn't think of the consequences, and certainly doesn't care about her step mother Ariella Ferrera's opinion... Ariella catches her in the act, demanding she hand over what she knows is forbidden. Remy complies and walks away, thinking about other things she can do to get on her mother's nerves...Ariella prepares herself for a dinner she's treating to herself; with her husband always gone and Remy always annoying her, she has to get away and be by herself. Little does Ariella know that Remy is at her door listening in on the conversation. Remy has had enough and busts Ariella over talking shit about her. The truth comes out as both girls let their emotions fly, Ariella's concern on how Remy gallivants around with hardly any clothing, but Ariella isn't any better, with her massive boobs hanging out of her bra. Remy deliberately has Ariella admit she has been checking out her tiny teen body, using this to lure her in and get exactly what her lesbian lust desires.The tables have turned, Ariella complying to Remy's every sexual need, exposing her giant smooth boobs for Remy to indulge in before tasting her sweet little pussy lips, all the while trying to keep her moaning pleasures to a minimum, trying to not get caught by her clueless husband. Remy sits on her stepmother's hungry lesbian face, something Ariella's been fantasizing for far too long.To be continued!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Mom Got Caught'

Ariella Ferrera - Mom Got Caught

Maddy Rose is coming upstairs to eat her lunch when she catches her stepmom Ariella Ferrera getting her creamy pussy pounded by Johnny Castle. The juicy milf calls her stepdaughter over for a heart to heart, and when Maddy admits that she's never given a blowjob or even played with her own twat before Ariella decides to show her the ropes.Ariella starts by showing Maddy how to warm herself up by playing with her clit and pressing her fingers into her snatch. Soon, though, they graduate to a blowjob lesson that Johnny is happy to help out with. Although she is shy and tentative at first, Maddy soon gets into the spirit and begins to loosen up. She gets even more aroused when Johnny helps Ariella demonstrate what a proper pussy licking feels like by burying his tongue in her dripping slit.Now that Maddy is all warmed up, Ariella instructs Johnny to rise up on his knees and slide into her tight twat. He takes things slow at first, but when he finds Maddy receptive and eager he starts pounding harder and faster until her moans fill the room. Meanwhile, Ariella continues Maddy's feminine education by positioning her enhanced tits and soft twat right above her stepdaughter's mouth to be eaten out.The trio changes things up so that Johnny can indulge himself in Ariella's horny fuck hole for a while, but they keep Maddy in the loop as Ariella works her mouth over her stepdaughter's soft bald snatch. Then it's time for Maddy to go for her very first stiffie ride with her stepmom making sure to show her just how it's done.When Ariella finally rides her way to the climax that her landing strip puss craves, she shows Maddy that there's one more lesson to learn: Making her man cum. Using her words to guide her stepdaughter, Ariella talks Maddy through giving a handjob that eventually works Johnny over the edge so that his cum spurts all over Ariella's fuzzy mound. The girls each take a sample, finishing their lovemaking by agreeing that jizz is a tasty treat.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Naked Game Night'

Ariella Ferrera - Naked Game Night

The sexy MILF Ariella Ferrera is the coolest mom in town! She let her daughter invite her friends over, but they have no clue that she's a horny cougar on the prowl for some young men. After a game of strip twister, she captures her prey alone and vulnerable. There's no escaping her sexual desire to FUCK!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Practice Makes Perfect'

Ariella Ferrera - Practice Makes Perfect

Mila Jade is feeling down, so her stepmom Ariella Ferrera sits down to help talk it out. Within moments Mila has spilled her guts that she's having trouble with her boyfriend Jessy Jones and that she feels that she's leaving him unsatisfied in bed. Ariella is relieved that Mila's problem is something that she can help out with, so she jumps at the offer to give her stepdaughter some tips.Jessy is still sleeping upstairs when Ariella and Mila join him on the bed with a dildo. After giving a brief demonstration, Ariella hands Mila the other end of her double-sided dildo so that the girls can practice together. Soon Ariella declares Mila ready to practice on a real cock.With Jessy sleeping right there, the girls decide he's perfect for practice. Jessy wakes up instantly when Ariella wraps her warm lips around his cock, and he quickly agrees to let Mila use him for practice. Ariella gives her stepdaughter some additional tips about other tricks that she can try, and then invites Mila to climb on top of Jessy's dick for a stiffie ride. Here, too, Ariella is happy to offer a helping hand to improve the young couple's sex life.When Jessy has brought Mila to a moaning climax, Ariella decides that it's her turn for pleasure. After settling her stepdaughter onto Jessy's face for a bald pussy eating, Ariella sinks down onto Jessy's erection and starts pumping her hips in long strokes.Next Ariella and Mila lay together for a sweet pussy stack, giving Jessy the choice of which hole to fuck at his leisure. He gets Ariella off first, and then takes plenty of time making sure that Mila doesn't feel left out. She instantly knows that Jessy has been worth the wait as he thrusts in and out of her tight twat with steady strokes that gradually bring her to a powerful climax.Their impromptu threesome gradually comes to an end when Mila gets up on her hands and knees while Ariella lies beneath her in a perfect 69 position. Ariella is happy to open her mouth to accept Jessy's cock, but it is Mila's throbbing cleft that finally brings him to the edge of his endurance. Pulling out at the last moment, Jessy spurts his load all over Mila's ass and Ariella's ecstatic face.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Big Tit Milf Gets Her Asshole Pounded'

Ariella Ferrera - Big Tit Milf Gets Her Asshole Pounded

It's all about THE ASS today! Ariella Ferrera is here and ready to get her tight booty hole pounded REAL HARD! This nymphomaniac can't get enough dick, and she is all about taking it anally! Hardcore tit fucking, ass to mouth cock sucking, and relentless anal drilling! That's what I'm talking bout!

Sara Luvv 在 'Vegas Field Trip Part Two: My Mom and Her Mom'

Sara Luvv - Vegas Field Trip Part Two: My Mom and Her Mom

Sara Luvv arrives back to the hotel , looking for her step mom Ariella Ferrera, but calling out her name a few times, she realizes no one was there...Sara starts making some food when she hears moaning coming from the bedroom. Curious to know what that was about, she opens her mother's door only to be taken back at what she never expected to see.Sara watches her mother Ariella and India Summer caress one another's naked bodies. Sara makes her presence know, but Ariella clears up Sara's confusion, letting her know that her father is aware of her sexual needs and was ok with it. Sara is not sure how comfortable she is, looking at two mature women naked. Ariella thinks Sara needs to open up and explore her deep desires hiding inside of her, begging to come out. India admits that her and Shyla engaged in a sexual affair and Ariella also opens up about her lesbian affair with Chloe. Sara is in complete awe however cannot deny that what India and Ariella were saying wasn't true. Sara wanted to experience her dirty thoughts and make them a reality.India and Ariella comfort Sara, slowly removing her top, displaying her perky brown nipples. India and Ariella remove Sara's shorts and underwear, pampering her body like a goddess. Ariella teases Sara's pussy stroking her finger onto her labia, creating a moist and tasty atmosphere. Sara begs Ariella to continue eating her out cumming all over her mother's face. Ariella instructs her daughter to eat out India while Ariella places her pussy over India's face resulting in the perfect lesbian trifecta. Sara is grateful to her mom showing her a new found lust for women and excited for her next lesbian experience!

Chloe Amour 在 'Vegas Field Trip Part One: No More Net Nanny'

Chloe Amour - Vegas Field Trip Part One: No More Net Nanny

Chloe Amour is on a trip in Vegas with her step mom Arielle Ferrera. But Chloe is bummed out because her mom wants to stay in and watch lame movies and she just wants to go out and party. Chloe begs her mom to do anything but lame stuff. Arielle wants to go clubbing but Chloe refuses to be seen clubbing with her step mom. Since Arielle pretty much raised Chloe, she promised her a great time and to make this trip a memorable one. Arielle leaves the hotel room in search for some nice restaurants; Chloe takes this opportunity to have some fun of her own! Chloe enters the Girlsway website looking for some sexy ladies to masturbate. She slowly touches her perky breasts wanting to fulfill her sexual needs. She unzips her jeans and reaches in to touch her pussy. Chloe being so concentrated in her moment of orgasm didn't realize her mother was behind her watching her masturbate. Arielle makes her presence known, surprises Chloe with embarrassment. Arielle wanted to know why Chloe was watching porn on their vacation. Chloe, being a grown woman was upset that her mother blocked certain websites at home so she saw this as a good moment to take advantage. Arielle understood seeing that Chloe was an adult. Arielle wanted to know more about Chloe's fantasies and her interests with women. Chloe confesses she was involved in a lesbian threesome with India Summer and Shyla Jennings and also admits her biggest fantasy would be to fuck her step mother. Arielle promised Chloe a trip to remember and makes her fantasy become a reality.They kiss passionately and Arielle asks Chloe to remove her shirt. Arielle kisses her nipples and neck. She helps her step daughter undress like she used to and makes her way down to Chloe's pussy creating a juicy and delicious view. Chloe asks for more, loving how her mother's tongue makes her cum. Arielle removes her tight red dress exposing her huge breasts for Chloe to play with. Arielle wants Chloe to show her what she's learned from her other lesbian experiences. She sucks her lips down below getting every inch of her mother's vagina inside her mouth. Arielle has Chloe sit on her face making her juices flow all over her massive chest. Chloe is so happy she came on this trip and hoping next time she can invite India Summer and Shyla Jennings to join them!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'A Family Affair'

Ariella Ferrera - A Family Affair

Logan Pierce feels comfortable leaving his girlfriend Sara Luvv alone with his stepmom Ariella Ferrera, but not after he finds pictures on Sara's cell phone of his stepmom and his girlfriend having some sexual fun with the fruit they have just purchased! A mysterious text message follows Logan's discovery, naming a time and a place to meet.Logan is on time, and he walks into the room blindfolded. Ariella is the one waiting for him, which Logan only discovers after his stepmom is down on her knees with his cock in her mouth as Sara walks in the door! After a short discussion, the girls decide to tag team Logan to teach him a lesson.After a double blowjob where Ariella gives Sara plenty of tips to improve her technique, Logan gets lessons on how to properly lick a pussy to bring the ultimate pleasure to his lovers. When the girls are satisfied that Logan has learned all he needs to know, the lusty man finally gets to slide his cock home deep in Sara's landing strip pussy. Ariella does everything that she can to increase Sara's pleasure from licking her clit to rubbing it with her magic fingers. When she decides to take over with her mouth, Logan happily comes up behind his stepmom's upraised ass and slams his dick into her snatch for a doggy style pussy pounding.Changing things up so that Sara is bouncing away on Logan's erection in a stiffie ride, Ariella makes sure to get her own orgasmic joy by sitting on Logan's face so that he can get her off with his incredible tongue. It doesn't take long before Sara is screaming her climax. Moments later Logan pulls out so that he can cum all over her thighs and pussy, leaving a sticky salty pool for Ariella to lap up.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Pie Day'

Ariella Ferrera - Pie Day

Ariella Ferrera feels terrible about her Stepdaughter, Maddy Rose walking in on her and Maddy's best friend, Veronica Rodriguez in the heat of passion a few weeks ago. Things have been pretty icy between the two of them since then. Understandably, Maddy is angry with her best friend, Veronica and feels totally betrayed by her Stepmom. Ariella has been walking on eggshells around Maddy hoping that she won't reveal the truth to her father. Part of that truth is, Veronica made her feel better than good, to say the least. Trying to explain this to Maddy however, has proven impossible, they both have just stopped talking to each other entirely. Regardless, Ariella is determined to get their relationship back on track. When she finds out that Maddy's aced her math test, she seizes the opportunity to make things right with her sexy, Stepdaughter.She buys a deliciously, creamy pie for them to have to celebrate! She presents it to Maddy when she comes home from school but, Maddy isn't amused. She knows how her Stepmom is, always trying way too hard to do nice things for her but, this time it's too much and, she's not standing for it. Maddy tells her, the only thing she wants to do with the pie is smash it all over Ariella's face. Ariella wanting desperately to repair her relationship with Maddy, agrees. To Maddy's surprise she doesn't even flinch when she's covered in pie. Seeing how good the pie looks on her hot Stepmom, Maddy suddenly, decides to taste her.She starts by licking off the icing from Ariella's finger, sucking back and forth till all the sweet, white cream is off. It's Ariella's turn, taking pieces of the pie and rubbing them up and down Maddy's body. She slowly sticks her tongue in Maddy's sweet, wet pussy, mixed with the pie. Maddy, finds herself responding to her Stepmom's tantalizing tongue as it moves deep inside her. Suddenly, her anger melts away as she twists and contours her body letting orgasm after orgasm envelop her. She looses herself in the ecstasy however, as quickly as the orgasms start, she remembers why she was mad in the first place... She can definitely agree the pie is delicious but, is she really able to forgive and forget what her Stepmom has done, so quickly? She begins to think, maybe it's best that her Stepmom sticks to strictly fucking her friends... you be the judge!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Sweet takeover'

Ariella Ferrera - Sweet takeover

Van was chilling with his beautiful sultry Latina girlfriend, Angel. Her best friend was having issues and needed her help, so she had to take off. She told him that it was cool to hangout at the house and wait until she got back. As he waited, Angel's MILF stepmom Ariella came home. She was more than happy to see Van there alone. Her and Angel had a little thing going where they'd share Angel's boyfriends. Ariella heard such good things about Van, her pussy instantly got wet in anticipation and couldn't wait for Angel. Ariella had the experience, huge tits, and fit sexy Latina body to easily seduce Van. She soon had him in her room and was sucking his cock. In the heat of the moment, she forgot to draw the blinds, and soon Angel was at the window . When she saw what was going on, she ran in on them pissed off. They argued for a minute, but realized they were just wasting time and turned their attention to Van. The girls went to town giving him the full treatment. They kept each others mouths and pussies full until Van erupted all over their faces. Then they shared his cum in a loving kiss.

Veronica Rodriguez 在 'Help My Stepmom'

Veronica Rodriguez - Help My Stepmom

Ariella Ferrera has a hard time when there's no one around to appreciate all the effort she spends getting her household in order. Maddy, her step-daughter could certainly take a few tips when it comes to helping out around, but Ariella sees the value in Maddy's good education, and her cheerleading practices too, so Maddy thinks of s wonderful idea, to get her friend Veronica to bring over some lingerie for Ariella to try on. Hopefully this will take away some of those tempestuous lustiness she's had over the past little while since her husband left on business.When Veronica arrives she lays out some of her favorite pieces for Ariella. But, it seems Ariella may not be in the mood. When Veronica tries helping Ariella out of her clothes to get a better idea of how the bra will fit, Ariella is cautious. But before too long she is feeling like new, her beautiful body fills out the lingerie perfectly, and Veronica is beginning to feel horny from Ariella's beautiful full breasts and her perfect ass. As Veronica checks out Ariella's curves Ariella starts feeling like she might get away with tempting the young lady.When they both start to feel comfortable, and make a few light jokes about what Veronica can get away with being with her customers, Ariella starts telling Veronica she's being naughty. Veronica starts telling Ariella what she'd do to Ariella if she was her stepmom, and when they start to kiss, Ariella wants to know more... a lot more. Will Maddy ever find out?

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Anal Intensity 3'

Ariella Ferrera - Anal Intensity 3

Gorgeous, young Janice Griffith and busty Latina MILF Ariella Ferrera have an intense three-way of hard-core anal perversity with director Mike Adriano. Both sexy sluts blow the director and hungrily slurp Mike's balls; Ariella wraps her massive hooters around his shaft. Mike pumps his huge cock inside Ariella's big ass, reaming her gaping hole, while Janice sucks him ass-to-mouth and lewdly tongue-fucks the older woman's wrecked anus. Finally, Janice earns a mouthful of hot cum to share with her experienced friend.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'A Step-Mom's Revenge'

Ariella Ferrera - A Step-Mom's Revenge

Ariella Ferrera's new husband is the inconsiderate bastard she always suspected! Ariella finally found out today that he's been seeing another woman. In order to gain some clarity on the situation, she invites her step-daughter Kacy over to discuss where their relationship is going. Kacy tells Ariella that her dad is such a jerk, and this is the second family he's ruined by cheating with sleazy women who just want his money.Ariella is resolved though, if he's going to cheat on her, then she is going to hit him where it hurts the most. She plans to seduce his daughter into having lesbian sex with her, thereby evening the score and getting her revenge! Ariella knows exactly how to seduce Kacy, suggesting she wants to cheat. It could be a woman, it doesn't have to be a man! Kacy seems interested, and when she inquires on how it was, Kacy begins to wonder what it might be like with her stepmom!Ariella's sweet personality really shines when she shows Kacy how intimate and passionate lesbian sex can be. Ariella gently traces Kacy's skin with her fingers, and begins to undress her piece by piece. Eventually Kacy's completely naked, and writhing against Ariella's perfectly expert tongue. Old habits die hard, and soon Kacy is cumming at the top of her lungs, and repays the favor for her horny, vengeful step-mom.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Wives On Vacation'

Ariella Ferrera - Wives On Vacation

Ariella Ferrera & Julia Ann are taking a break from their husbands and taking a girls only vacation. They decide to have some fun away from hubby and pick up a random dude to fulfill their naughty needs.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Giving My Stepsister Anal'

Ariella Ferrera - Giving My Stepsister Anal

Left in the care of their neighbor Ariella Ferrera, step-siblings Dakota Skye and Tyler Nixon go on a hot and heavy journey of sexual discovery together. Ariella is happy to facilitate them in their exploration, encouraging Tyler to lick Dakota's juicy bald puss and worship her sweet ass with his mouth. Then she walks Dakota through the proper technique to give the perfect blowjob.When Ariella learns that Dakota is interesting in trying anal, she peels off her clothes and offers up her own ass to Tyler so that Dakota can see just how it's done. Eager to experience it for herself, Dakota lays on her back and smiles up at her step brother while he pushes his big dick deep into her super tight anus.That kicks off a hot and heavy threesome where Ariella and Dakota get their delectable pussies and cock hungry rumps filled and fucked. Dakota and Ariella take plenty of breaks along the way to wrap their eager lips around Tyler's cock, gradually pushing him towards the brink of his own release that he jizzes all over the girls' waiting faces and open mouths so that they can enjoy their salty sticky treat.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Ariella Ferrera - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Ariella walks in on Kurt sexting with his girlfriend in his room. He quickly covers up his hard cock instead of protecting his phone and Ariella snatches it out of his hands. Ariella is saddened at the the fun they have doing this but is primarily turned on about what she sees. She comes across some pictures which is most likely Kurt's dick (who doesn't send dick picks) and feels that she should have a chance at having his hard cock inside of her because she's the reason they are together.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'My Stepson Needs Counseling'

Ariella Ferrera - My Stepson Needs Counseling

After busty mom Ariella Ferrera's stepson walks in on her masturbating, Ariella decides that they need to seek counselling together. When she describes what happened to their counsellor Cassidy Klein, the sweet sexy counsellor is indescribably turned on! Her hand drifts beneath her miniskirt as she listens so that she can touch herself through her panties.Unable to deny herself any longer, Ariella gets up and starts making out with Cassidy as they peel each other's clothes off. Cassidy is receptive, going as far as to suggest that it might help Ariella's stepson to overcome his feelings if he enjoys some fun with the two girls.Soon all three have stripped out of their clothes to enjoy themselves, Ariella and Cassidy work together to deliver a double blowjob, and then Ariella's stepson is guided through a hairy pussy licking while Cassidy gets her own juicy twat licked by sitting on Ariella's face.All that oral sex kicks off a raunchy sex session where Ariella and Cassidy take turns riding their own personal stud. He takes turns bringing them each to multiple climaxes in a number of pussy stacked positions before taking his own pleasure by pulling out and releasing his salty load all over Ariella and Cassidy's luscious asses.

Dillion Harper 在 'The Break Up'

Dillion Harper - The Break Up

It's rough for Dillion to be home right now. Her first year at college has brought a lot of changes for her. She knew her husband was the man she'd marry, but Ariella Ferrera, her step-mom warned her that they were too young. Turns out he's been cheating on Dillion and in her own way, she's found someone new to share the whole thing with! Dillion is confused, and luckily thought of just the right person to turn to for help, her step-mom.When Dillion admits she wants to go further with a close friend at college, Ariella explains that she was a lot like Dillion in her college days, so she is pleased as peach punch to show Dillion the ropes when it comes to lesbian sex. They start off with a bit of soft caressing, and soon move to making out. Dillion is ready for anything that Ariella is about to show her. Touching is lesson one, but that gradually and sensually builds to each of the beautiful women eating out the other.Ariella shows her nurturing skills and Dillion responds, wanting to learn in full excitement and curiosity. Once Dillion is out of her clothes Ariella shows her how slow to go. Dillion is wet from the beginning, and as both find their way closer to their orgasms their moaning and writhing prove that their rhythm is so important! First, Ariella shows Dillion how to eat pussy, and then tells her to test out her moves on her. Both have the amazing orgasms like they can only have with another woman!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'So fine'

Ariella Ferrera - So fine

Ariella was an insanely hot mama and an awesome porn star, so it is only natural that Levi would hunt this MILF. And this MILF loved to fuck. She was so smokin' hot. Watching her getting sexed was enough to satisfy any man. Ariella could take a dick like only the most veteran MILFs could. There is nothing quite as HOT as a MILF porn star. She had all the right moves and loved the attention. Watch and be amazed. You'll be looking for your own MILF porn star to fuck for hours.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ariella Ferrera - My Friends Hot Mom

Ariella Ferrera just got home from a horrible date. She finds her son's friend hanging out on the couch playing video games. Since her date went bad, but she's still horny, she decides to seduce her son's friend and ride his dick on the couch.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Pearl Necklaces'

Ariella Ferrera - Pearl Necklaces

Glamorous, mature Latina Ariella Ferrera is a sultry real estate agent with a huge set of jugs. She's selling a home to director Kevin Moore, and as they discuss the contract, he can't keep his eyes out of Ariella's luscious cleavage. The gorgeous agent decides to sweeten the deal with some special customer service. Ariella kneels between his thighs, swallows the director's stiff dick and suckles his balls. She wraps her giant whoppers around his boner and lovingly squeezes the shaft. After a luxurious POV-style blow job and titty fuck, Kevin shoots his spermy load in Ariella's fine cleavage.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Big Tits Milf Multiple Orgasms!'

Ariella Ferrera - Big Tits Milf Multiple Orgasms!

Welcome back! Today's BigTitCreamPie update is a grand one. Lots of hardcore pounding action and multiple orgasms. Ariella Ferrera is a sexy Milf with huge tits and an appetite for dick. She loves to get fucked hardcore. Makes her tight pussy orgasm like crazy. We didn't see it coming. Ariella pleasured herself on the couch with a vibrating dildo. Making herself cum even before the action started. Jessy Jones couldn't wait to get a taste of the action. Licking that pussy juice up. Then he gave her what she came for. Jessy pounded her good from all angles. Making that pussy orgasm multiple times. Had Ariella's body shaking like crazy. Don't be a fool! This update is a must see. Enjoy!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'in Dirty Wives Club'

Ariella Ferrera - Dirty Wives Club

Ariella's husband is away on business and he's going to have to be away another 6 weeks when he has been gone for a month. Ariella needs his cock and has gotten a photographer to take some sexy pictures to send to her husband to get him to come home sooner. Karlo arrives and Ariella starts to get naked insisting that it is for her husband to let him see what he's been missing. She pulls her panties to the side enticing Karlo to have the best photo shoot of his life.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Ariella Ferrera, Ava Addams in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ariella Ferrera - My Friends Hot Mom

Johnny stops by Ariella Ferrera's house to drop off some flowers in celebration for Mother's Day. Ariella is Johnny's friend's mom, but he considers her a second mother. Ariella's friend, Ava Addams is also over. She thinks Johnny is kind of cute and wants to know if he brought her friend Ariella anything his cock. Ava convinces Ariella to join her in a hot threeway with Johnny.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'in I Have a Wife'

Ariella Ferrera - I Have A Wife

Ariella is an art collector looking to part with some of her paintings and Johnny is the potential buyer. Ariella doesn't keep the paintings at a gallery though, she looks to invite customer up to her bedroom to view her merchandise. As Johnny is bending over to check the authenticity of the painting, Ariella checks the authenticity of his ass with a grab. Johnny is a married man and has that ring right where his wife left it which is his finger and doesn't want anything to do with her. Ariella is looking for Johnny to buy all three paintings and with his cock in hand, she drives a hard bargain.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'in Seduced by a cougar'

Ariella Ferrera - Seduced By A Cougar

Ariella brought Michael over to give her lesson on her new piano. After Michael started playing a few pieces, Ariella thought she would be better off playing another instrument. It just so happened that Michael unknowingly brought his male organ for her to play with. You would think Ariella is a longtime professional the way she sucked, slurped, and deep-throats Michael's organ. We also found out that Ariella could sing once he was deep inside her and for the finale she takes it right in the eye. She may suck at the piano but, she plays an excellent skin flute.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Danny Mountain in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Ariella Ferrera - My Wife's Hot Friend

Ariella Ferrera stops by to visit her friend, but her friend is out so she decides to hang out with her friend's husband instead. Ariella has heard lots of things about him from her friend, like what a big dick he has and what a great fuck he is. Since they're alone, Ariella decides that it's the perfect time to take a look at that giant dick of his. Once she has his cock out she has to see for herself what a great fuck he really is. He definitely lived up to his name.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Seth Gamble in Seduced by a cougar'

Ariella Ferrera - Seduced By A Cougar

Ariella is trying to sell young Seth some golf clubs. Seth doesn't want to purchase the clubs because of the wear and tear from the previous owner. The cunning cougar convinces Seth that he didn't come there for the golf clubs anyway! She think he just needs to work on his drive and stroke. From the way Ariella starts to suck on his cock, it looks like he'll be practicing for a hole in one. FORE!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Cody Sky in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ariella Ferrera - My Friends Hot Mom

Ariella Ferrera really wants her daughter's new boyfriend, Chad, to leave her daughter alone. He's too much of a distraction for her daughter. When he's around her daughter can't properly concentrate on her ballet. Ariella really wants her daughter to succeed in her ballet career so she has a talk with Chad. Ariella tells Chad that if he leaves her daughter alone then he can have her instead. It's a though choice for Chad, but Ariella proves to him that she can fuck just as good if not better than her daughter. That's all Chad needed to leave Ariella's daughter alone.

Chloe Amour 在 'Tasty treat'

Chloe Amour - Tasty treat

Chloe had her boyfriend, Micheal, stay the night. The next morning her boyfriend left, and her step mom, Ariella, explained she'd heard them fucking and was jealous. Ariella undressed Chloe and licked her sweet pussy on the kitchen counter. Micheal came back and caught Chloe getting her succulent pussy munched on. Ariella told Micheal she was going to show him a thing or two, as she undressed him. Soon after, Chloe and Ariella were sucking his cock. They took turns getting their wet pussies pounded. Chloe even got his man juice all over her pretty face and shared it with her step mom. After all, sharing is caring!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Johnny Castle in Latin Adultery'

Ariella Ferrera - Latin Adultery

Hot busty Latina Ariella Ferrera is applying for a maid/personal assistant position for Johnny and his wife. Unfortunately, she didn't bring any of her references with her, but she really wants the job. She decides that the best way to get the job is to show Johnny her other set of skills. Skills that include: sucking dick, riding a hard cock, and keeping it all a secret so that Johnny's wife doesn't find out. Looks like Ariella has got the job in the bag now.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Having It Her Way'

Ariella Ferrera - Having It Her Way

Ariella sucks and fucks her man in all holes

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Danny Wylde in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ariella Ferrera - My Friends Hot Mom

Danny is looking to buy a house. His buddy's mom, Ariella Ferrera, is a real estate agent and she's happy to help him find his dream home. She never expected Danny to be so picky though. After multiple showings he still can' t find a house he likes. Turns out Danny didn't want a house, he just wanted some alone time with his friends hot mom. Danny takes her up to the bedroom where she strips down and takes his cock between her tits and in her wet pussy.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Tag team'

Ariella Ferrera - Tag team

A nice workout session was invaded by the pervert neighbor when he was busted peeking through the bushes. Ariella and her friend decided to teach him a lesson and rough him up a bit. They grabbed and tossed him onto the deck. They ripped his clothes off while they pushed him around and ridiculed him like school yard bullies. They smashed his head in between their nice firm asses which looked like a lesson most men would enjoy to learn. Ariella ripped Kendra's yoga pants apart so Kendra could get the most out of his face. He buried his tongue deep into her ass. She needed to work out a little bit longer, so he did some squats on his face. After that She wanted to watch Ariella suck him off. Kendra soon join in, and they really taught him a lesson or two about how to suck some cock and balls. They moved inside to get the real workout session on. Kendra got on all fours so Ariella could eat her ass as her pussy got a workout of it's own. They tagged team his cock and balls like they tossed a medicine ball at the gym except his balls released over the place afterwards. Ariella licked Kendra's ass clean and made sure Kendra tasted the reward of their hard workout.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Tyler Nixon in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ariella Ferrera - My Friends Hot Mom

Ariella Ferrera goes to wake her daughter up from under the covers for her ballet class when she finds her daughter's boyfriend Tyler under there! He tells her that he already sent her daughter off, and plays it off that he's not messing around with her daughter. Ms. Ferrera's turned on by Tyler's boyish charm, so much so that she decides she wants to fuck him while her daughter is gone! The sexy MILF busts out her big tits and large nipples for him to suck on, the puts Tyler's cock in her mouth and up her wet MILF pussy!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Titty Creampies 3'

Ariella Ferrera - Titty Creampies 3

Glamorous, mature Latina Ariella Ferrara is a sultry real estate agent with a huge set of jugs. She's selling a home to director Kevin Moore, and as they discuss the contract, he can't keep his eyes out of Ariella's luscious cleavage. The gorgeous agent decides to sweeten the deal with some special customer service. Ariella kneels between his thighs, swallows the director's stiff dick and suckles his balls. She wraps her giant whoppers around his boner and lovingly squeezes the shaft. After a luxurious POV-style blow job and titty fuck, Kevin shoots his spermy load in Ariella's fine cleavage.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Femdom Ass Worship 16'

Ariella Ferrera - Femdom Ass Worship 16

In sexy fishnets, stacked brunette dominatrix Ariella Ferrera rules her dungeon with a riding crop. She thrusts her round ass toward the camera, ordering us to follow her every whim... and spelling out the consequences of any disobedience. Next we see this huge-breasted bitch at work, tormenting Jack Vegas on a wooden cross. She smacks him around, cruelly biting his ball sack and grinding her big ass into his helpless face. She makes her slave lick her asshole and hairy pussy and dominates him with her stockinged feet. Finally, mercifully, Ariella jerks his poor dick to orgasm.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Alan Stafford in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Ariella Ferrera - My Wife's Hot Friend

Ariella Ferrera invites her friend's husband Alan over to discuss the planning for his wife's college graduation party. He tells Ariella that it's going to be a dual party, because he completed his education at the fire academy at the same time. Impressed, Ariella admits to him that she's always had a penchant for a good fireman who knows how to use his hose properly, so Alan proceeds to put out her fire by fucking her wet pussy and spraying her down with a massive cumshot!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'That 70s Anal Pounding'

Ariella Ferrera - That 70s Anal Pounding

Today my friends we I have been blessed to fuck the asshole of Ms.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Pornstar blowjob'

Ariella Ferrera - Pornstar blowjob

On this week update of Blow Job Friday we have the gorges Ariella

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Ariella Ferrera, Johnny Castle and Danny Wylde in Seduced by a cougar'

Ariella Ferrera - Seduced By A Cougar

Danny's been helping hot-ass Ariella Ferrera move furniture the past two months, and he brings Johnny along to help him. Johnny tells Danny that he would've fucked her long ago, and as soon as he meets her he starts hitting on her! Both guys argue to see who can get into her pants, but Ariella's not having it; instead, she wants one cock in her ass and another in her pussy, and two loads of cum on her face! Now that's moving furniture!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Johnny Castle in My First Sex Teacher'

Ariella Ferrera - My First Sex Teacher

Professor Ariella Ferrera is having a bad week. She's trying to grade Johnny's test, but her pen ran out of ink, her drawer is locked and she's dropped files everywhere. On top of that, her home is flooded due to a broken water main. Johnny, being the good student he is, wants to help his teacher, so he gives her some good advice: have an orgasm. And as a matter of fact, just to help her, Johnny sticks his hard cock in her tight pussy while grabbing her big tits from behind!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Massage Board'

Ariella Ferrera - Massage Board

Ariella Ferrera and Capri work at a massage parlor. Well one of their regular clients, Nick Manning, wants more than a massage. Watch Nick fuck these two girls in every position. Busting his huge load all over their face!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Hot Anal Auditions'

Ariella Ferrera - Hot Anal Auditions

Brunette Brandy Aniston wears sexy lingerie, fishnets and heels. She bends over to display her puckered, meaty bunghole before letting stud bury his tongue inside. Next the beautiful slut gobbles performer's cock, drools on his balls and wraps her cleavage around his pole for a POV-style titty fuck. The dude greases up Brandy's round bum and plows her sphincter until it gapes. Brandy hungrily sucks his dick, ass-to-mouth, and rides his boner until the horny man can take no more. He pulls out of Brandy's asshole and shoots a wad of cum across her glistening buttocks.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Femdom Ass Worship 6'

Ariella Ferrera - Femdom Ass Worship 6

Elena Heiress is a super-pretty sexy Latina in a black dress with enhanced but juicy boobs and a supernaturally gorgeous ass. Speaking right to the viewer, Mistress Elena introduces herself before teasing and taunting in luscious close-ups of her quivering, spread-apart cheeks. Fade to Elena working at her boutique, humiliating her sissy-boy customer Kyle Stone. Making him out for a wimp, she demands he get down and kiss her feet. He sucks her toes, cleans the bottom of her feet, and then dresses in women's lingerie, after which he's allowed to crawl up behind the seated Heiress and dine on her protruding ass. Making constant fun of him, she gets up on the table for more ass worship before making him lay down so she can strip off her dress and do some serious face-sitting. This turns her on enough that she stands leaning against a table and allows wimp Kyle to service her pussy with his mouth. She rides his face in several positions before allowing him to jerk off - and even helping him, just a bit.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Loves Amateur Porn!!'

Ariella Ferrera - Loves Amateur Porn!!

Milf lovers, we're back! This time we bring to you a familiar face for today's Back Room Milf episode. It's Preston Parker! Most of you guys know him from Bangbus.If you don't know who he is, this is your chance to get to know him. Joining him for today's episode is a very hot and sexy mom Ariella Ferrera. This milf has huge jugs,a tight pussy and she comes ready to fuck a young buck. Apparently she hasn't had dick in quite some time. Luckily for Preston, he gets the chance to bust that pussy wide open with his big cock. He's ready to take a bite out of this sexy mom once she pulls her skirt up and realizes she's not wearing any panty. Preston had no choice but to put the camera done and munch on her pussy. After he had Ariella worked up, she got down on her knees and suck Prestons cock just the way he loves it. Once the cock sucking was done, Preston went crazy on that ass. Pounding this milf's tight pussy like she's never be pounded before. Ariella could barely take his huge cock. Don't miss out on this hot milf in action. She's fucking hot!. Enjoy!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Mr. Pete in My First Sex Teacher'

Ariella Ferrera - My First Sex Teacher

Ariella wants to end the sexual relationship she's having with her student but this young cock just won't give up and her pussy just can't say no to him.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Johnny Sins in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Ariella Ferrera - My Wife's Hot Friend

Ariella Ferrera just got a break up letter from her ex-boyfriend and she wants Johnny Sins to be there for her however Johnny's wife is out somewhere. It seems that Ariella needs more than a hug to get her through this so she tries to get some cock from him. She gives him head outside and then he takes her to the bed for some hot fucking! Breaking up is hard...but sometimes you just have to suck it up.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Bill Bailey in My Friends Hot Mom'

Ariella Ferrera - My Friends Hot Mom

Bill Bailey spent the night at his friends house to go fishing early in the morning. When Bill wakes up the next morning, he finds out Ariella, his friend's mom, sent her son fishing off without Bill so he could sleep in. It turns out, Ariella just wanted Bill all to herself to satisfy her wet pussy.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'De-Virginize'

Ariella Ferrera - De-Virginize

Anyone down for a lezbian threesome? These girls are! Watch Luscious Lopez, Ariella Ferrera and Regan Reese eat each others pussies and suck on each others tits. Exchanging spit in this jaw dropping finger fucking frenzy!