Madison Ivy at
Brazzers '打破性別' 主演 Shawna Lenee (照片 15)

Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' - Break Up Sex (Baby Got Boobs)


發布 : 6月18日, 2008
標籤 : 金發

Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'

Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'
Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'

圖片來自 Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' Break Up Sex

Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 1)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 2)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 3)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 4)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 5)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 6)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 7)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 8)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 9)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 10)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 11)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 12)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 13)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 14)
Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' 打破性別 (縮略圖 15)

圖片來自 Shawna Lenee 在 'Brazzers' Break Up Sex

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Shawna Lenee

Shawna Lenee 在 '前蜜月他媽的憤怒'

Shawna Lenee - 前蜜月他媽的憤怒

在購買了一套華麗的內衣後,把她的熱的山雀放在前面,這對Shawna Lenee來說太過分了,當時她的新丈夫從一個晚上和家裡的男孩子一起回家,沒有任何條件他媽的。來自前情人的幸運事物提醒了Shawna,她可能會遇到奇怪的傢伙,所以這個金發碧眼的寶貝決定不讓她結婚讓她不要讓她的陰部他媽的生死!在將糟糕的失敗者銬在床架後,Shawna邀請Danny過來讓她的戴綠帽子的丈夫在眼前被看著她的陰道被割傷了!看著丹尼指著她的陰部,舔著她的陰蒂,然後潛入深深的球,把肖納一路砸到強大的高潮!

Shawna Lenee 在 '這個護士是個妓女'

Shawna Lenee - 這個護士是個妓女

患者可能會喜歡Shawna Lenee的實際操作方法,但是當醫院發現她正在送禮時,醫生來了檢查。李博士訪問了Shawna值班,並要求她看到她在磨砂處穿著的寬鬆護士服裝。然後,他拿出一大堆現金,並提供給她,以換取像妓女一樣對待她的機會。 Shawna在他的岩石上po a bon er,itting itting itting itting in in in in in。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。然後,凱蘭用嫻熟的舌頭啃她,舔她的陰部。當他把陰莖塞進她的時候,Shawna濕了,渴望給他Doc的錢的價值!

Shawna Lenee 在 '關閉和個人與肖恩斯山雀'

Shawna Lenee - 關閉和個人與肖恩斯山雀

Shawna Lenee是一個極端品味的女人。自從她開始在攝像機上拍攝公雞之後,有一個幻想,她從來沒有過生活的樂趣,現在,由於兩個角質蒙面的男人,她得到了機會。看著這個露營者的蕩婦展開了她的雙腿,炫耀了她的大屁股,她的陰部越來越濕。吞噬你的眼睛,因為她趴在一個肥胖的公雞,給一個匿名的面具男人粗暴的頭,讓他以任何他認為合適的方式使用她的身體。最後,當他在漂亮的臉上打破一個堅果,Shawna最後一次,她的幻想終於成為現實。

Shawna Lenee 在 'Shawna Lenee的履行'

Shawna Lenee - Shawna Lenee的履行

Shawna Lenee不是在使用她的大山雀和滲出性慾在經銷商銷售汽車。放棄演唱會作為色情明星後,她一直在做任何推銷活動。 Shawna幾乎總是讓她的男人在虛線上簽名,但是今天她的老闆告訴她要更適當地穿衣。當她的色情日子的一個老朋友出現在這個地方,把她帶回業界,她說沒有辦法。但是一旦她把眼睛和嘴唇鎖在約翰尼的大公雞上,肖恩就不得不在經銷商樓層吸吮和他媽的老朋友。

Brooklyn Chase 在 '聖誕毛衣派對'

Brooklyn Chase - 聖誕毛衣派對

丹尼D正在主持一個遊戲之夜,但是唯一的原因是,粗暴的蕩婦Shawna Lenee和布魯克林追逐甚至出現是因為他們聽說他有一個巨大的公雞!他們使用最好的誘惑技巧來吸引他的注意力,然後那些大小的寶貝開始輪流恭維他的肥豬。他們給他一個可怕的雙口交,然後他媽的他的公雞,而他們舔彼此的美味濕的貓。最後丹尼在他們的緊張的雙打中深深地踢球,毆打那些貓,並用巨大的屁股覆蓋他們的大假山羊!

Shawna Lenee 在 'Feds Raid Shawnas山雀'

Shawna Lenee - Feds Raid Shawnas山雀

Feds正在襲擊Shawna Lenee的彎曲的老闆,唯一可以做的就是盡量減少他們的時間,同時他刷新證據!她在她的白色頂部濺了一些水,露出她下面閃閃發光的濕大的假山羊,代理磚危險是入侵的。他吃緊緊的貓,然後他媽的她的嘴,因為肖恩把她的口交技巧工作,以保護她的老闆。代理危險的滴滴他媽的金發碧眼的蕩婦,然後把她緊緊的twat,直到她的整個他的傢伙,並準備好一個怪物的面部cumshot!

Angelica Saige 在 '堆疊甲板'

Angelica Saige - 堆疊甲板

有一個計劃交換妻子,但唯一不在的人,是當歸。 Shawna讓她激動起來,而James和Johnny設定了陷阱。他們打賭他們的妻子在一個撲克比賽,但是當它是一個平局,他們必須拆分鍋。當所有四個吐槽和交換夥伴時,每個人都贏了。

Shawna Lenee 在 'Doppelbanger'

Shawna Lenee - Doppelbanger


Shawna Lenee 在 'Lenee躺在邁阿密'

Shawna Lenee - Lenee躺在邁阿密

Shawna Lenee在邁阿密拍攝了一天的照片。她早點完成了照片拍攝,並希望在海邊度過餘下的時間,但不幸的是在邁阿密海岸附近出現了颶風,所以Shawna打電話給她的朋友Levi接過她,然後在她飛回去之前犁過她的緊身貓家!

Shawna Lenee 在 '淘汰寶貝'

Shawna Lenee - 淘汰寶貝


Shawna Lenee 在 '吹風島'

Shawna Lenee - 吹風島


Shawna Lenee 在 'Nerdy山雀'

Shawna Lenee - Nerdy山雀

夏季休息已經結束,而巴里·斯科特也開始了另一個學年。他很少知道,這個小小的書呆子女孩Shawna Lenee在夏天已經發展得非常好。換句話說,她的乳頭是他媽的美麗現在!雖然肖恩有點自我意識,想知道如果她的乳頭和乳頭正確地成長,巴里是他的好人,他們提供幫助看看他們,看看是否一切都是對稱的。有一件事導致下一個和田田達田達。

Shawna Lenee 在 '金Diggin和Friggin'

Shawna Lenee - 金Diggin和Friggin


Shawna Lenee 在 '我都濕了!'

Shawna Lenee - 我都濕了!


Shawna Lenee 在 '你的男朋友是我的!'

Shawna Lenee - 你的男朋友是我的!


Shawna Lenee 在 '我需要你的精子'

Shawna Lenee - 我需要你的精子


Sarah Vandella 在 '最後的啤酒'

Sarah Vandella - 最後的啤酒


Shawna Lenee 在 'Ebenezer Keiran'

Shawna Lenee - Ebenezer Keiran

金錢愛好者埃因塞澤·凱倫(Ebenezer Keiren)鄙視聖誕節,毫不猶豫地讓他的同事知道他們邀請他參加一個友好的聖誕派對。 Ebenezer在聖誕節連帽鬼的故事出現時,學會了他的方式的錯誤,讓他一瞥今年聖誕節可能會爆炸。

Jessica Lynn 在 '如何解決賭注'

Jessica Lynn - 如何解決賭注


Shawna Lenee 在 '最後的自由的味道'

Shawna Lenee - 最後的自由的味道


Shawna Lenee 在 '與酒店游泳'

Shawna Lenee - 與酒店游泳

Shawna Lenee準備參加另一場游泳比賽。斯科特·奈爾斯(Scott Nails)正在密切監督比賽,以確保一切順利,但被漂浮在水面上的大山雀分心。在游泳者打架後,他必須立即進行干預和停止。為了彌補她粗魯的行為,肖恩將讓斯科特仔細看看她的奶油,他媽的他們為他的金牌

Shawna Lenee 在 '一代他媽的'

Shawna Lenee - 一代他媽的


Shawna Lenee 在 '第一風扇'

Shawna Lenee - 第一風扇

護士Lenee很高興找到Derrick Pierce今天是她的病人。她告訴他,她是他最大的粉絲,試圖從她的偶像中獲得一些動作,但沒有成功。威脅他尖叫強姦,如果他不遵守,她最終得到她想要的東西:從她最喜歡的色情明星的一個很好的衝擊。

Shawna Lenee 在 '在教室裡的性別'

Shawna Lenee - 在教室裡的性別


Shawna Lenee 在 '肖恩熱性別磁帶'

Shawna Lenee - 肖恩熱性別磁帶


Shawna Lenee 在 '小心熊!'

Shawna Lenee - 小心熊!


Shawna Lenee 在 '回報一個bit子!'

Shawna Lenee - 回報一個bit子!


來自其他網站的場景特色 Shawna Lenee

Shawna Leneé 在 'Naughty Bookworms'

Shawna Leneé - Naughty Bookworms

Shawna Leneé is captain of the cheerleading squad and doesn't have time to study. Her teacher's concerned and asks her to stay after for extra help. But it's not Shawna getting the help ... it's her teacher and his cock!

Shawna Leneé 在 'Shawna Lenee fucking in the bedroom with her big tits'

Shawna Leneé - Shawna Lenee fucking in the bedroom with her big tits

Shawna Leneé comes home to a surprise gift on her bed and admits that she misses him. At first Alan doesn't want to mess with his dad' girlfriend but Shawna started to suck some dick which proves otherwise. Now she's got another gift on her bed and it's hot stuff all over her face!

Kagney Linn Karter 在 'fucking in the desk with her tits'

Kagney Linn Karter - fucking in the desk with her tits

Kagney Linn Karter is not happy with her employee, James, so she calls him into her office to fire him. But when Kagney's partner Shawna Leneè overhears this, she tells Kagney to stop and the girls have their first fight. Not only are they business partners but they're bed partners too!! The girls decide to compromise and share their employee's cock to celebrate their new arrangement...

Jordan Nevaeh 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Jordan Nevaeh - My Sister's Hot Friend

Kara Bare and Jordan Nevaeh are picking on their friend's brother because his girlfriend broke up with him, but he claims the opposite is true. He dumped her ass because she wouldn't let him lick hers ... but Kara's never had her salad tossed either, so how about a quickie, Johnnny?

Shawna Lenee 在 'She Smokes 3'

Shawna Lenee - She Smokes 3

She Smokes 3Featuring:Shanna , Lenee, Lydia DazeRikki RumorLyra Law

Shawna Lenee 在 'Give My Pussy That Toy'

Shawna Lenee - Give My Pussy That Toy

Shawna Lenee is naughty and loves to masturbate. This hot little babe shows us her large firm tits as she strips from her lingerie using her toy to make her pussy sloppy wet.

Shawna Lenee 在 'Blonde Personal Assistant Loves Black Men'

Shawna Lenee - Blonde Personal Assistant Loves Black Men

Sensational Shawna makes sure she gives her all when it comes to her job. Her boss is a hot record producer and he is just about to sign up a great new performer. Jason wants to check his contract, but when Flash offers him a piece of Shawna as part of the deal, he can't say no. She arrives looking very innocent all dressed in white, but its not long before this natural blonde stunner gets down to business to welcome their new client.

Shawna Lenee 在 'Young Harlots - School Trip'

Shawna Lenee - Young Harlots - School Trip

Blonde stunner Shawna Lenee gets fucked hard by her perverted teacher on the staircase in this pussy pounding scene that will leave you completely satisfied!

Shawna Lenee 在 '- Cuckold Sessions'

Shawna Lenee - Cuckold Sessions

Is it OK to turn a fantasy into reality? Some would argue against it, but hot blonde Shawna Lenee did exactly that. Her boyfriend of two years loves to talk dirty when they fuck, and most of his dirty talk centers around Shawna fucking other men -- particularly black men. It's a fantasy he enjoys so much, Shawna took it to a new level. She picked up a handsome black man at the grocery store. She barely knew his first name, but that didn't stop Shawna from bringing her new, black friend home to have sex in the bed Shawna shares with her boyfriend! Shawna's plan was to tell her man about it later that night when they made love, but she's in for a big surprise. Boyfriend came home early from work to surprise Shawna! Look who's really in store for a big shock! Watch how Shawna handles her man, as well as her Black Bull! You're about to witness the fine work of a true Black Cock Slut!

Shawna Lenee 在 '- Blacks On Blondes'

Shawna Lenee - Blacks On Blondes

I don't care if you're calling her Kara Bare, Kara Mynor, or Shawna Lenee, but one thing's for certain...better call her a Porn Star. She's at the top of her game. You're about to witness another epoch match-up between a beautiful, blonde babe and the one and only Mandingo. Mandingo has arguably the biggest cock ever to step in to Porn Valley, and the petite and busty Shawna is going to give him the ride of his life. Dingo's cock is as long as Shawna's arm, and she does her best to jam as much of that BBC down her throat as possible, and after that, she takes as much as she can in her tight pink fuckhole. She's pounded until Dingo busts, and whatever doesn't get all over her face, Shawna swallows like a good little whore. Afterwards, Shawna called this scene "gold", and we couldn't agree more!

Shawna Lenee 在 'Big Beautiful Tits'

Shawna Lenee - Big Beautiful Tits

Smoking hot woman with massive tits soaps up in the shower.

Shawna Lenee 在 'Bare Desire'

Shawna Lenee - Bare Desire

If you strip away all the unnecessary pleasantries and all those social burdens, the only thing remains is bare desire. This is the very reason that drives Kara into Daniel's arms, the same reason that lures the horny man between Kara's beautiful silky thighs. But whatever we call it, it is just that; pure, dirty and exciting sex. Just was we like it.

Shawna Lenee 在 'Petite Blonde Screams On Huge Black Dick'

Shawna Lenee - Petite Blonde Screams On Huge Black Dick

Shawna is so excited. She has an interview with a top record producer and she will do anything to get what she wants. Flash knows exactly how to deal with this prospective employee and fills her sweet mouth with his enormous cock. When he slips deep into her wet white pussy it takes no time before she is screaming and cumming hard. Once he has fucked her every way possible, she is left enjoying the taste of his creamy load!

Shawna Lenee 在 'Naked Morning'

Shawna Lenee - Naked Morning

Shawna does some naked baking, then tries Johnny's strudel

Shawna Leneé 在 'in Tonight's Girlfriend'

Shawna Leneé - Tonight's Girlfriend

I'm a huge fan of Shawna Leneé and I'm glad that she is back in the business. Now that she's back I can finally live out one of my dreams of having her for one night. Tonight is that night.

Shawna Lenee 在 'Watch Me'

Shawna Lenee - Watch Me

Shawna Lenee spreads her legs wide and fingers her pussy

Jacklyn Case 在 'The Voyeur 34'

Jacklyn Case - The Voyeur 34

Cute, perky blonde Emma Heart joins studs Ben English and David Perry -- they fondle her big tits and lift her dress to finger-probe her tight asshole. The cherubic babe kneels and worships their big, throbbing cocks with her talented mouth. The threesome moves to the bed, where Emma gets plowed from both ends, riding Ben's prick while slurping on David's meat. Emma takes a thorough anal reaming and even gets cheerfully double-penetrated, her big, soft ass jiggling as her pussy and asshole are simultaneously stuffed with cock. Finally, the boys give this fun-loving slut two hot, messy cum facials.

Shawna Lenee 在 'Shawna Lenee'

Shawna Lenee - Shawna Lenee

Penthouse Pet, Shawna Lenee, machine fucked by HUGE cock on a fuck saw. Cums from pussy stretching and machine pounding. Her perky tits swaying with e

Shawna Lenee 在 'Shawna loves the cock'

Shawna Lenee - Shawna loves the cock

Hey there boys and girls, its time again to fufill your foot fetishes, and this week we have just the right girl to stimulate your visual satisfaction! Shawna Lenee is a cute girl and shes fairly new to the biz. she has a giggly personality and a killer body to match. a great pair of tits with a cute apple bottom ass. her pussy is as pink as a strawberry. but were here for her cute little feet. and let me tell you she can give a mean foot job. she practically had Dimitri jizzing on himself before she was done! its always refreshing to see a girl that is as into sex as we are here at BangBros.

Shawna Lenee 在 'Can She Take It part 2'

Shawna Lenee - Can She Take It part 2

We are proud! to present you Shawna Lee in a new Gag O Meter contest with one simple rule: The deeper she can deep throat a big cock the bigger is price! Shawna takes Johnny?s giant cock all the way to her throat. Awaiting for her big price. But unfortunately, a 'love seat' as the final price doesn?t make her cheerful nor the public. Miraculous, to save the show, and to make everyone happy, Johnny offer his big cock as extra price. She proudly takes johnny's giant cock, rides it, and make it cum all over her face. And everyone has an unforgettable ending.

Shawna Lenee 在 'and Alan Stafford in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Shawna Lenee - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Shawna Leneé comes home to a surprise gift on her bed and admits that she misses him. At first Alan doesn't want to mess with his dad' girlfriend but Shawna started to suck some dick which proves otherwise. Now she's got another gift on her bed and it's hot stuff all over her face!