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Brazzers '雞巴,陰道,剪刀,選擇' 主演 Avery Black (照片 4)

Avery Black,Nicole Doshi 在 'Brazzers' - Cock, Pussy, Scissors, Choose (Pornstars Like it Big)

室友和情敵,美味的艾弗里·布萊克和崇高的妮可·多西不斷爭奪男人的注意力。這一次,第三個室友范·懷爾德(Van Wylde)是戰鬥場。艾弗里在早餐桌上勾引了幸運兒,而鬼鬼祟祟的妮可則在客廳里閃過並嘲笑他。在她成功地用熱氣騰騰的自拍照引誘范在她的臥室里之後,妮可用一個巧妙的深喉給了她得到的一切。被激怒的艾弗里沖了進來,但兩個變態的女人沒有打貓,而是同意分享范的雞巴,並聯手進行一次難忘的三人行。

發布 : 3月2日, 2022
標籤 : 男性平均身材, 美國男人, 金髮。, 短髮, 大迪克, 男朋友。, 贓物短褲, 襪子, 無袖衫, 小屁股, , 嬌小, 亞洲, 黑髮, 禿頭的貓, Outie Pussy, 小山雀, 天然山雀, 中文, 修剪的貓, 大山雀, 增強, FFM, 性別, 三人組, Cumshot清理, 面部, 屁股舔, 口交, 吹口 - 波夫。, 深喉嚨, 他媽的, 面對坐, 作嘔, 貓指著, 貓咪舔, 臥室, 在室內, 客廳, 25-34。, 作弊, 情人幻想, 女朋友, 異族, 屁股堆疊, 女牛仔, 牛仔 - 波夫。, Doggystyle, 操 n 舔。, 傳教士, 反向女牛仔, 他媽的
男模特 : Van Wylde

Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'

圖片來自 Avery Black,Nicole Doshi 在 'Brazzers' Cock, Pussy, Scissors, Choose

Avery Black 在 'Brazzers' 雞巴,陰道,剪刀,選擇 (縮略圖 1)
Avery Black 在 'Brazzers' 雞巴,陰道,剪刀,選擇 (縮略圖 2)
Avery Black 在 'Brazzers' 雞巴,陰道,剪刀,選擇 (縮略圖 3)
Avery Black 在 'Brazzers' 雞巴,陰道,剪刀,選擇 (縮略圖 4)
Avery Black 在 'Brazzers' 雞巴,陰道,剪刀,選擇 (縮略圖 5)
Avery Black 在 'Brazzers' 雞巴,陰道,剪刀,選擇 (縮略圖 6)

圖片來自 Avery Black,Nicole Doshi 在 'Brazzers' Cock, Pussy, Scissors, Choose

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Avery Black,Nicole Doshi

Jewelz Blu 在 '她的閨蜜過來了'

Jewelz Blu - 她的閨蜜過來了

歡迎來到ZZ Interactive,在這裡您可以選擇接下來會發生什麼!在這個激動人心的選擇你自己的色情風格的遊戲中,你有一天早上醒來,旁邊是你美麗的女朋友妮可·多西。她很角質,想要你的雞巴,但當她最好的朋友 Jewelz Blu 路過時,你早上的約會很快就被打斷了。妮可離開房間去洗澡,你必須做出決定——和你的女朋友一起去浴室,還是試著和她的閨蜜勾搭?Brazzers Interactive – 它現在掌握在您手中!

Nicole Doshi 在 '後門交付'

Nicole Doshi - 後門交付

華麗的妮可·多西(Nicole Doshi)正在經歷分手並搬進新公寓。悲傷、饑渴和孤獨,當熱心的搬家者過來送大奶妮可的傢俱和盒子時,家裡有男人的事情變得太多了。因此,當其中一位搬家者紮克·懷爾德 (Zac Wild) 卸下她最後的東西時,妮可懇求他在她緊繃的屁股上卸下他的雞巴!

September Reign 在 '滾動遊戲 - 第 2 部分'

September Reign - 滾動遊戲 - 第 2 部分

Nicole Doshi 和 September Reign 帶著他們狂野的角色扮演遊戲回來了。這一次,火辣又沉重的女士們將她們的性感骰子遊戲帶到游泳池,並夢想著一個刺激的救生員場景,限制九月的衣服越少,妮可的火辣身體越好!

Angela White 在 '劊子手'

Angela White - 劊子手

在一個提倡過度、消費和享樂主義的社會中,許多關係都因騙子遊蕩的眼睛和手而變得緊張。那些認為草更綠的人,好吧,也許他們需要親身體驗一下。可以這麼說,讓騙子把他們搞砸了。放縱到這樣的程度,以至於他們再也不會考慮這樣做了。這就是我們的精液惡魔服務的用武之地。今天,以令人驚歎的安吉拉·懷特(Angela White)和美味的妮可·多西(Nicole Doshi)及其披著斗篷的匿名助手為代表,即所謂的“肛門劊子手”、“派祖里懲罰者”、“公雞吞噬者”......這兩個組織會把你的好友拖入如此墮落的境地,以至於他們再也不會偏離這條路了。厭惡療法,還是性過度?精液惡魔不在乎。他們會榨乾你的每一盎司種子和絕望的快樂,直到你乞求回到你所擁有的正常、香草般的生活!

Phoenix Marie 在 '布拉澤斯之家4:第4集'

Phoenix Marie - 布拉澤斯之家4:第4集

我們好色的室友 Kazumi 和 Nicole Doshi 迫不及待地想開始他們的聚光燈挑戰,這樣他們就可以填補所有的漏洞,進行 15 分鐘的鐵杆動作!接下來是凱莉·岡納,在她射精之前不會滿意。伊賽亞·麥克斯韋和達蒙·迪斯準備加強他們的遊戲,讓她的瘋狂願望成真......但她仍然想要更多!幸運的是,我們的聯合主持人瑞奇·約翰遜願意把他的主持職責放在一邊,這樣他就可以再給凱莉一輪純粹的陰戶衝擊狂喜!

Reagan Foxx 在 '骯髒的富人和他媽的'

Reagan Foxx - 骯髒的富人和他媽的

雷根·福克斯和妮可·多西來到俱樂部,尋找一個錢包胖胖雞巴的男人!他們在紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)中找到了目標,當妮可讓他的妻子瑪雅·法瑞爾(Maya Farrell)在舞池中分心時,雷根在酒吧里向紮克(Zac)討好,用她的屁股磨著他,讓他摸摸她的奶子,然後他們溜到浴室做愛。但是在貴賓室里還有更多的樂趣,妮可和他們一起偷偷摸摸地三人行。這兩個寶貝不僅耗盡了紮克的每一滴精液,還最終帶著他的錢包離開了!

Nicole Doshi 在 '航班延誤肛門雞巴向下'

Nicole Doshi - 航班延誤肛門雞巴向下

當妮可·多西(Nicole Doshi)和小手(Small Hands)發現他們的轉機航班在淩晨取消時,他們必須在尋找酒店(並冒著錯過淩晨5點航班的風險)或在機場睡覺之間做出選擇。選擇後者,小手發現他的睡眠被妮可·多西的美味屁股偷看她的緊身褲打斷了。他拔出雞巴“抓幾下”,不小心吵醒了妮可,妮可意識到在空無一人的機場吸吮陌生人雞巴的獨特機會。小手抓住機會,將雞巴滑入妮可渴望的嘴裏、陰戶和大堂椅子和 X 射線傳送帶上的屁眼。他媽的,吸吮,然後是淩亂的射精(液體超過3盎司?),陌生人得出結論:這是旅行。誰說在機場睡覺是一種拖累?

Nicole Doshi 在 '妮可的屁股乞求大雞巴'

Nicole Doshi - 妮可的屁股乞求大雞巴

妮可·多西穿著比基尼、大腿高的靴子和黑色漁網展示了她令人難以置信的身體。她把她的小上衣拉到一邊,露出她完美、活潑的奶子。 黑髮妮可的陰戶濕漉漉的,她想要的只是一根大雞巴包裹著她的嘴唇。在將自己浸泡在油中后,米克·布魯(Mick Blue)趕來填補妮可的所有慾望。妮可將她緊繃的、塗滿油的屁眼滑到米克的雞巴上,騎著他,直到他彈出她美麗的臉和嘴巴。

Avery Black 在 '最好的lil他媽的牧場榮耀洞噴帳篷'

Avery Black - 最好的lil他媽的牧場榮耀洞噴帳篷

艾弗里·布萊克(Avery Black)和佐伊·辛恩(Zoey Sinn)預訂了一次僅限女孩的豪華露營冒險,結果證明它更像是拖車公園而不是度假村。無論如何,他們打算在帳篷里趴下來弄髒,所以他們充分利用它並進入一些熱剪動作。他們幾乎沒有意識到農場的助手吉米邁克爾斯正在觀察他們所有的動作。當他們在帳篷里發現一個光榮洞時,他們並不生氣,他們想要一塊熱雞巴並利用它。如果不是那個討厭的農民,他們也會僥倖逃脫。女孩們在農場範圍內尋找公雞,追蹤吉米的雞巴並在拖車中征服他的公雞,這是拖車可以提供的最經典的三人組。

Nicole Doshi 在 '妮可說只有肛門'

Nicole Doshi - 妮可說只有肛門

妮可·多西(Nicole Doshi)渴望更多的肛交——這種禁忌的感覺讓她在快感中扭動。另一方面,曼努埃爾·費雷拉對典型的前戲和陰部焦點非常滿意......例行公事需要一些香料!她所有的懇求和暗示都沒有說服曼努埃爾,所以是時候做一些更明顯的事情了。當他走進來時,他會驚呆和痛苦地給予妮可的屁股所有的關注、愛、慾望和她想要的劇烈衝擊。

Nicole Doshi 在 '妮可的天利品'

Nicole Doshi - 妮可的天利品

在妮可·多西(Nicole Doshi)完美的屁股深處,真的一定是天堂的感覺......米克·布魯(Mick Blue)有幸進入了它的珍珠大門!不過,妮可先挑逗我們,玩弄她的陰部,讓自己濕漉漉的,然後她被米克和他的大雞巴弄得天哪般的肛交!

Nicole Doshi 在 '屁股塞新娘和盜賊屁股匪徒'

Nicole Doshi - 屁股塞新娘和盜賊屁股匪徒


Nicole Doshi 在 '妮可的大濕資產'

Nicole Doshi - 妮可的大濕資產

Nicole Doshi看起來很熱,她的大奶子,漂亮的屁股和幾乎不存在的內衣。她一邊玩弄她的陰部,一邊說髒話,然後Keiran Lee進來用他的大雞巴釘住妮可。她所有的洞都被捶打,包括她那驚人的屁股。

Avery Black 在 '鬼鬼祟祟的振動器導致沙龍性愛'

Avery Black - 鬼鬼祟祟的振動器導致沙龍性愛

艾弗里·布萊克( Avery Black )有一個沙龍預約,她帶了她的男朋友。造型師Ebony Mystique沒有意識到的是,艾弗里的陰道里有一個遙控器振動器,她的男朋友拿著遙控器,導致它反覆熄滅。當烏木弄清楚發生了什麼事時(在振動器從艾弗里的陰道中彈出后),她把變態的男朋友扔了出去,然後決定結束艾弗里的陰道。

Avery Black 在 '艾弗里抓住她的 bf 抽搐'

Avery Black - 艾弗里抓住她的 bf 抽搐

性感的艾弗里·布萊克走進她的房間,震驚地看到她的男朋友奧利弗·大衛斯,抽搐到他手機上的東西。艾弗里取笑奧利弗, 看著他的手機, 才發現他正在抽搐到她的形象!艾弗里發現這個可愛, 並提醒奧利弗, 他可以只是抽搐到真實的東西。她做一個脫衣舞和一些性感的姿勢奧利弗, 然後使事情互動吸吮和他媽的你幸運的傢伙。我們希望看到手機這樣做!

Avery Black 在 '我老闆的女兒'

Avery Black - 我老闆的女兒

艾利·布萊克(Avery Black)是個被寵壞的小子,習慣了自己的方式。她的父親正在與凱蘭·李(Keiran Lee)舉行重要的商務會議,但這並不能阻止艾弗里(Avery)介入並尋求關注。厭倦了會議,艾利開始在父親的鼻子底下戲弄凱蘭,儘管她的舉止很差,但最終還是得到了她想要的東西–一個好難的他媽的。

來自其他網站的場景特色 Avery Black,Nicole Doshi

Avery Black 在 'Avery's Dungeon Initiation'

Avery Black - Avery's Dungeon Initiation

Avery Black and Nade Nasty return to for some hot bondage fucking! For starters Avery is blindfolded and bound, standing with her arms behind her back, giving Nade easyaccess to every inch of her. Wasting no time, Nade fingers Avery?s pussy and then tongue fucks her hot, wet hole. Nade bends her over and stuffs his cock in her mouth while untying her blindfold, then he gets behind her and slides his hard cock inside her for some hard fucking. Next up Avery is suspended so Nade can use her holes any way he pleases. Now that Avery is suspended Nade fucks her like a human sex-toy, taking turns banging her pussy and then her mouth, always making sure to get his balls sucked. Avery?s pussy gets so stimulated she squirts from Nade rubbing her clit. Finally Avery is bound wrist to ankle on the bed and Nade wastes no time again fucking her pussy hard, sending her into wave after wave of intense orgasms. Nade leans Avery?s head off the side of the bed for some rough face-fucking before flipping her over for some doggy. Avery and Nade trade positions, going between doggy and missionary until Nade can?t contain himself any longer and paints Avery?s pretty face with his thick load.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Stroking The Cue Stick'

Nicole Doshi - Stroking The Cue Stick

Nicole Doshi knows how to handle a stick and balls, in more ways than one! We started out playing a little pool, and shes got some skill! This gorgeous woman really showed her stuff in the bedroom, though. Wow! I cant wait to have her back.

Nicole Doshi 在 'For You'

Nicole Doshi - For You

01/04/24 - Nicole Doshi

Nicole Doshi 在 'Unexpected Surprise'

Nicole Doshi - Unexpected Surprise

A private yoga lesson turns into a surprise bachelor party when Nicole arrives. It's a good thing she's an expert at deep breathing, because this instructor is about to become airtight.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Blind-folded Cutie Nicole Gets Huge BBC-Surprise'

Nicole Doshi - Blind-folded Cutie Nicole Gets Huge BBC-Surprise

Nicole is having a blast at the club... make that a finger-blast. This full-chested sexbomb can't keep her hands off herself this close to a big fat cock.

Avery Black 在 'Naughty Bookworms'

Avery Black - Naughty Bookworms

Co-ed hottie, Avery Black, has been waiting to get her anatomy professor alone in class so she can understand how dicks work. There is no other way to explain other than a hands-on tutorial. He pulls out his big cock and shows her that it can fit inside a tight, wet pussy.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Naughty Nicole Gets Her Heart-Shaped Ass Drilled'

Nicole Doshi - Naughty Nicole Gets Her Heart-Shaped Ass Drilled

This Valentine's Day, Nicole is levelling up the romance and modelling some sparkling new jewelry. And tonight, she chose lingerie that matches her gaping flesh.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Rubbing Her Cute Feet All Over Jax's Dick'

Nicole Doshi - DF Xtra

Jax Slayher was watching the game in the living room when his girl Nicole Doshi came up and wanted to watch her favorite romantic movie. Jax didn't want to make her mad by not watching her movie with her. So Nichole put it on and Jax was watching the game on his phone without her noticing. Then Nicole saw Jax wasn't paying attention to her or the movie. So Nicole started rubbing her cute feet all over Jax's dick. Jax was all about it. Then Jax pulled out his cock and Nicole started jerking him off with her feet. Then Jax proceeded to fuck her feet as she was jerking him off. Then Jax bent her over and fucked Nicole until she had an orgasm. Then Jax fucked her feet a bit more until he blew his man sauce all over her feet. Date night was a success.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Pumping Nicole Full'

Nicole Doshi - Pumping Nicole Full

Delicious Nicole was so ready to get her pussy pumped full of my messy load. She worked my cock over with her mouth, then let me slide deep inside of her wet hole. I fucked her hard, and she sucked my dick clean. Then, I exploded in her pussy, and she let it all ooze out.

Avery Black 在 'Tiny Size Queen Avery Black Takes On The Dread BBC Challenge'

Avery Black - Tiny Size Queen Avery Black Takes On The Dread BBC Challenge

Petite asian size queen is ready for the Dredd BBC challenge. This is the biggest cock she has ever seen before! Here tiny little body is a perfect fit for Dredd's monster BBC cock.

Avery Black 在 'Sexy realtor Avery Black takes care of the home buying process, including your big cock'

Avery Black - Sexy realtor Avery Black takes care of the home buying process, including your big cock

I traveled from Seattle to buy a house here. When I was looking for the best realtor, many pointed me to Avery Black, and when I saw her my jaw dropped. This gorgeous woman told me her rate was a bit higher than any other realtor because she cares of everything. And she did mean everything as she sat on my lap and went down on me. I wasn't expecting it to go that way but if anyone needs a realtor, Avery Black is the one.

Avery Black 在 'My Sister's Hot Friend'

Avery Black - My Sister's Hot Friend

Avery Black stops by to visit her friend, but her friend is still at practice. Her friend's brother, Max, invites her to hang out while she waits. Avery takes the offer and also wants to thank Max for helping her pass her last test. In fact, Avery can use his help when it comes to studying for her next test as well. Max is more than happy to help and to thank him Avery whips out his cock and rides it until she gets his hot jizz in her pretty little mouth.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Eats A Meat Baguette'

Nicole Doshi - Blacks On Blondes

It all started out so innocently. Nicole is renting a room for a few nights at a house where she has free reign to the kitchen. When coming in to get a cup of coffee she spies a french baguette. Nicole is one of those girls who cannot look at a phallic shaped object without getting a sudden curdle in the pussy region. Now can you imagine Nicole's gooshy gushy pussy reacting to that big, long, thick baguette sitting on the table. She could only think of having a cock near that size. Hell what girl wouldn't. At this point in our morning tale of glory, the homeowner, one Mr. Mann, comes walking into the kitchen and sees the cock dreamy Nicole and he knows exactly what's up. She's got the fever. Pulling out his trusty pussy wrecker he puts it into the baguette cover because after all a girl cannot live on carbs alone. Nicole needs some meat too and what a meat stick it is. Damn, my man Richard has the cockage to literally fill up that baguette cover and that immediately gets our heroine dropping to her knees and shoving that meat stick right into her pie hole. All drippy and sloppy, Nicole jumps on her breakfast donger with a vengeance. Her holes are all afire and Richard knows he has to get her out of the kitchen and onto a proper hole stuffing set. Quicker than a hobo can hop on a hot plate his veined and swollen love behemont is buried deep in her dripping cunny canyon. He's pounding away but Nicole has another hole that needs stuffing too. Being a backdoor man himself Richard guides his flesh torpedo deep into the winking tight sphincter of Nicole and begins some serious anal mojo work on her. Cumming and twisting all over the place Nicole is getting a breakfast fuck she will be remembering for a long time.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Enjoys Hard Pounding And Warm Load'

Nicole Doshi - Enjoys Hard Pounding And Warm Load

Nicole Doshi is ready to make men hard while in her hot pink lingerie. This awe-inspiring brunette starts off by teasing her partner with her big tits and firm ass while letting his hands wander all over her curves. The lucky man's hard cock receives a sloppy blowjob, deepthroat, and handjob before fucking the hottie's trimmed pussy doggystyle. To show off what she's got, Nicole rides her lover in cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. Her moans get louder as her lover proceeds to pound her doggystyle, missionary, and sideways missionary. Seeing how the round tits bounce with every thrust, the horny stud can't help but rough up the beauty even more. Nearing his climax, the man pumps his big dick and dumps his load into Nicole's open mouth.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Nicole Doshi, Anal Debut'

Nicole Doshi - Nicole Doshi, Anal Debut

With her big tits, beautiful ass and ferocious sexual appetite, Nicole Doshi has become a true sensation of the industry. The sky's the limit for this Asian-American super star, and she even just won the XBIZ award for 2023's Best New Performer! We are honoured to have her on today, and honouring her back in Intimacy & Passion 3 is Ramon Nomar, a hung stud who will treat her to a phenomenal anal fuck where she gets to show off her sexy curves in lingerie, her incredible deepthroat blowjob skills, and her beautiful tits covered in cum! Don't miss it!

Nicole Doshi 在 'NICOLE DOSHI Pussy Squirt, Anal Gaping'

Nicole Doshi - NICOLE DOSHI Pussy Squirt, Anal Gaping

Knockout porn star Nicole Doshi shows off her curvy bod in yellow fetish lingerie, ready for a soaking wet sodomy session. She performs a heated tease intro, and the raunchy vixen masturbates to an intense, squirting climax, ejaculating a gusher of hot girl juice all over the camera lens! She licks up her mess. Next, Nicole greets aggressive XXX stud Zac Wild by stuffing his dick into her mouth. A nasty blowjob leads to hard pussy fucking and then serious anal reaming. Nicole whimpers through a wild encounter with Zac. She poses her gaping rectum and talks dirty. This backdoor blow-out delivers a flood of lewd liquid orgasms; drooling, ass-to-mouth fellatio; and an epic cum facial finale.

Avery Black 在 'Hot and sweaty trio Avery Black, Mazy Myers, and Minxx Marley love to work out on your thick cock!'

Avery Black - Hot and sweaty trio Avery Black, Mazy Myers, and Minxx Marley love to work out on your thick cock!

You have done a fantastic job training the fab trio Avery Black, Mazy Myers, and Minxx Marley. They are so happy with how their body looks that they want you to give them a harder and longer workout with your big cock.

Nicole Doshi 在 'NICOLE DOSHI Dirty Talk and Anal Gaping'

Nicole Doshi - NICOLE DOSHI Dirty Talk and Anal Gaping

Curvaceous, glamorous knockout Nicole Doshi stuns in dramatic, black lingerie, teasing and posing her orifices for the camera. The busty butt babe strips and masturbates, soon whipping out a huge dildo. Top director/performer Jonni Darkko assists her, sodomizing Nicole with her toy as she whimpers in anal ecstasy. Before long, Jonni's got the bodacious babe bent over with his dick deeply drilling in her anus. The raunchy, lube-soaked buttfuck features rectal gaping; a slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjob; and epic dirty talk. In the finale, Nicole opens wide as Jonni jacks off, coating the cutie in hot semen. Following the messy cum facial comes a slow-motion instant replay, reviewing the scene's nasty climax.

Avery Black 在 'Best friends Avery Black and Lexi Lore are in the mood to share Avery's boyfriend's big fat dick to start Spring Break off right!'

Avery Black - Best friends Avery Black and Lexi Lore are in the mood to share Avery's boyfriend's big fat dick to start Spring Break off right!

Best friends Avery Black & Lexi Lore arrive in Vegas for their Spring Break to get away from college life. Avery mentions to Lexi that her boyfriend is also in town with some of his frat buddies. She calls him up and invites him over to have some naughty fun with her and Lexi. Yes, that's right, a gold ol' threesome to start off their Spring Break.

Nicole Doshi 在 'The View Ep 2'

Nicole Doshi - The View Ep 2

Relegated to a wheelchair, Avery discovers the thrills of voyeurism. And as she spies on her neighbor Nicole, Avery realizes how kinky her community is getting.

Nicole Doshi 在 'POV Fuck, Pussy Creampie'

Nicole Doshi - POV Fuck, Pussy Creampie

Petite, hot Nicole Doshi shows off in striking red fetish gear, shaking her bubble butt and round breasts. The longhaired star tops off her exciting outfit with crimson leather high-heel boots that rise to her creamy thighs. Nicole masturbates her wet slit in advance of her private date with leading director/performer Mick Blue. She welcomes him with a sloppy blowjob. Nicole talks dirty whenever Mick pulls his big cock from her mouth. This fun girl lewdly rims his bunghole. Nicole hops on the Austrian pornographer's lap and slides his thick prick into her cooch. With her chunky rump bathed in hot oil, Mick bends her over on the couch and reams her cunt. Intimate, POV-style shooting captures passionate kissing and a pussy creampie climax. Nicole squeezes Mick's hot cum out of her twat and tastes the savory spunk!

Nicole Doshi 在 'Stroke It'

Nicole Doshi - Stroke It

Nicole has the grace, the style, and the sex appeal. All she needs now is the right man to come along and satisfy the only craving she has left.

Avery Black 在 'Petite Call girl Avery Black Pleases Her Client's Cock'

Avery Black - Petite Call girl Avery Black Pleases Her Client's Cock

A petite tattooed blonde, Avery Black, is a naughty slut who loves going out with hot men. Tonight, the tiny babe is about to meet up with her long-time client, Alex Legend. Avery can?t deny that she loves spending some time with the bearded stud. The two go straight to a hotel room to enjoy the night. Avery and Alex share a passionate kiss. Alex then takes the lead and starts banging Avery?s shaved pussy while gently choking her. Avery can?t help but moan as Alex fucks her tiny pussy hard while spooning her. The inked-up slut?s small tits and bubble butt bounce around as she rides Alex in cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. The horny stud continues fucking Avery in the doggy style and missionary before cumming on her tits.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Hot Asian Nicole Doshi Dp'd'

Nicole Doshi - Hot Asian Nicole Doshi Dp'd

Hot asian Nicole Doshi gets all her tight holes satisfied. She demands to get all her sex holes fucked! You have to see the epic happy ending she gets on her face.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Hot Asian Nicole Doshi Shows The Legend Lexington Steele Her Curves'

Nicole Doshi - Hot Asian Nicole Doshi Shows The Legend Lexington Steele Her Curves

Busty asian super slut Nicole Doshi shows Lexington Steele how tight her asian pussy really is. How long do you think you would last with this hot super slut

Avery Black 在 'POV BJ, Oil-Slick Fuck'

Avery Black - POV BJ, Oil-Slick Fuck

Beguiling, raven-haired Asian seductress Avery Black teases in lacy, brief bikini lingerie. The luscious, lush-lipped beauty doffs her top to reveal tiny, natural tits. Porn pro Mick Blue's POV camera captures his session with Avery. He bastes her plump, inviting ass cheeks in clear oil, watching as she works the slick, slippery lube into her horny crevices. 'Let me see your pussy better,' Mick intones as she masturbates, massaging her soaked slit. He shoves his big cock in her cunt and fucks it. Avery takes his wet boner in her mouth for a blowjob with two-hand stroking. The shameless girl pries open his crack and sticks her tongue in his asshole for a rim job! He drenches Avery's butt with more shiny lubricant as he rhythmically rams her twat doggie-style. Mick rails that shaved pussy in several positions. They keep copulating till the famed cocksman climaxes, slopping his semen onto Avery's silky lips and tongue.

Sophia Burns 在 'Eager and Obedient: Nicole Doshi Serves Sophia Burns'

Sophia Burns - Eager and Obedient: Nicole Doshi Serves Sophia Burns

Nicole Doshi is bound in cuffs and chains. She awaits her domme, Sophia Burns. Sophia enters and slaps Nicole?s tits and clit over and over again. She opens Nicole?s ass with glass toys and a long plug, stretching her submissive?s hole and spreading that gape wide-open. Next, Nicole is on her back with her wrists and ankles cuffed together. Sophia delivers a hard strap-on fucking with ass-to-mouth. Nicole spits in her mouth and begs for more and so Sophia gives her a fist in her ass. Sophia then gets pleasured by her submissive and orders Nicole to to eat her ass and pleasure her with a glass toy. After receiving anal stretching and fingering, Nicole shows off her impressive deep-throating skills with the slink.

Avery Black 在 'All In'

Avery Black - All In

An experimental young woman knows her crush and her friend want each other... can she concoct a compromise?

Scarlit Scandal 在 'Chemistry'

Scarlit Scandal - Chemistry

Scarlit Scandal and Nicole Doshi

Avery Black 在 '- Blacks On Blondes'

Avery Black - Blacks On Blondes

When Avery shows up for a babysitting job and finds out there is no children to babysit she immediately knows what is up - this dude wants to fuck her. Poor innocent Jovan tries to explain he just wanted to get ahead of the game as his pregnant wife is at a baby shower and he simply wants to make sure they have a sitter lined up. Now that order of business is set aside Avery lets the father to be know that every daddy is banging his babysitter. That's what they are there for to relieve those balls of all that built up cum cause a new mama ain't going to be wanting to give up no pussy for a while. In fact she even gives a discount for dicks that are bigger than average. Jovan is a sucker for a bargain so he immediately pulls out his massive black baby maker. Nothing makes a young girl happier than seeing a huge cock. They go all giggly and gaga over it. Can this little 4 foot 9 inch girl handle it? Well dammit she sure as well will give it a shot and tries to shove that gimungous shaft into her piehole. Jerking and slurping her little pussy is all atwitter and begging to have that dark man root buried deep in her. It's a battle to get it in but soon enough she is riding and squirming all over the enormous penis ramming into her insides. Dripping and squirting Avery is in babysitter heaven as she orgasms over and over on her new found favorite pole. Eventually she is rewarded with a faceful of man juice and she knows the interview went well.

Violet Myers 在 'High Gear'

Violet Myers - High Gear

The baddest party of the summer is revving up like a supercharged engine. Vic, Nicole, Vicki, Vanna, Violet, and Savanna are so out of control you're going to want to grab your phone and get this rager on video.

Avery Black 在 'Avery Is A Horny Troublemaker'

Avery Black - Avery Is A Horny Troublemaker

I love running into girls I already know but the one today was an especially good one to meet again! She loves to have a good time and is my partner in crime when she is around. She just travels so much. We decided to make up for lost time and wow, did I fuck her tight pussy hard and fill her full!

Nicole Doshi 在 'Big Cock Connoisseur Nicole Doshi Challenges Her Ass With Big Dredd'

Nicole Doshi - Big Cock Connoisseur Nicole Doshi Challenges Her Ass With Big Dredd

Busty hot asian sex doll Nicole Doshi has come back to for some BBC. This big butt slut brings her butt toys to prep her ass for Dredd's massive BBC. Dredd goes balls deep into her ass. This girl is a true anal slut!

Avery Black 在 'Deepthroat BJ, Cum Facial'

Avery Black - Deepthroat BJ, Cum Facial

Delicate Avery Black teases in two-piece undies, displaying her natural body and dyed-platinum hair. Sweet, beautiful Avery writhes on the soft furniture, showing off tan-lined titties and stiff nipples that protrude like corks. The young vixen gives hardcore director Jonni Darkko a scintillating blowjob. Avery sucks on his hard meat until she chokes and slobbers. She makes sensuous eye contact with his POV camera as she devours his nut sack and lustily strokes his schlong. Avery pleasures his spit-soaked prick with charming deepthroat fellatio. The inventive moviemaker employs a clever picture-in-picture split-screen technique to capture the cocksucking from separate angles! Avery feeds her oral fixation, slobbing on his knob. She stimulates Jonni's hard-on to climax. He pumps a huge spray of cream that coats the little hottie's cute kisser. The sticky cum facial glazes her like a French cruller.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Voracious Deepthroat BJ'

Nicole Doshi - Voracious Deepthroat BJ

Long-haired blonde knockout Nicole Doshi teases skilled director Jonni Darkko's camera. The sexy honey poses in red two-piece undies with black stockings and garters. Unveiling a pair of big tits, Nicole oozes steamy sexuality. She takes Jonni's thick prick in her mouth for a slobbering blowjob. Nicole slaps his rigid pole on her tongue and against her cheeks with endearing, worshipful skill. She exhibits her voracious deepthroat talent, swallowing Jonni's dick down to the root. Nicole primes his nut sack with slick spit and plays with the long strands. Jonni fucks her mouth, causing more sticky slobber to spill. As she lies horizontally, a pie hole ramming makes her choke and expectorate gobs of fellatio-induced foam. In a frothy cum facial climax, Jonni fires a wad of raunchy jism that spackles her willing mug. Nicole rubs the sperm into her skin, eating surplus semen from her fingertips.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Is An Anal Asian Sex Machine'

Nicole Doshi - Is An Anal Asian Sex Machine

Nicole Doshi has come back for some more Jules Jordan. Blondes always have more fun. Nicole Doshi is showing off her new blonde look. She brings her favorite anal sex toys, for Jules to use on her Asshole. No holes are barred. Nicole gets all her holes satisfied by Jules Jordan.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Naughty Anal Schoolgirl'

Nicole Doshi - Naughty Anal Schoolgirl

Sexy, young Nicole Doshi teases and tempts veteran porn director/stud Mick Blue in a pleated skirt and a white top -- classic schoolgirl attire. The longhaired dirty blonde strips, revealing some very grown-up charms: lacy lingerie, big boobs and a mouthwatering derriere! Petite knockout Nicole confesses to Mick's POV camera that she 'always wanted to fuck' her college professor, but never did. He soaks Nicole's tits in shiny oil lubricant. She rubs more of the slick liquid into her butt cheeks. Mick jams his stiff rod into her tight cunt, doggie-style. The horny pair locks eyes while her head bobs on his knob. Nicole strokes his hard shaft and tongues his bunghole in an exuberant rim job! Mick rails her twat more, and then eats her. They kiss as he lubes her asshole. Nicole spreads her hose-encased gams widely, and Mick shoves his big cock deeply up her ass. During an anal ramming, she masturbates her clit. Nicole delivers an ass-to-mouth blowjob. The hole-stretching session climaxes with an explosion of jism inside her tight cunt. The creampie drizzles from her cunt, and Nicole eats thick semen ribbons from her slender fingers, swallowing sperm.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Negotiations'

Nicole Doshi - Negotiations

There's something Nicole wants out of this deal, and if these two gentlemen don't hurry up and sign, she's going to scream. Before the ink is dry on this merger, she'll be getting her first DP.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Lewd, Spit-Soaked Anal'

Nicole Doshi - Lewd, Spit-Soaked Anal

Pretty, slender Asian Nicole Doshi's long, dirty blonde hair extends down to her tight butt. She teases in red stockings, bra, panties and heels, with an 'i (heart) anal' tank top and then tells stud Rob Piper, 'I want you to destroy my asshole today.' He works his big Black cock straight up her oiled rear, making her gasp and moan. He spanks her as he buttfucks her doggie-style. The imposing dude easily manipulates her little body as he sodomizes her in multiple positions. Nicole kisses his mouth and then goes down for a luxurious, spit-sloppy, ass-to-mouth blowjob. She manages to deepthroat his impressive girth, and when he fucks her throat, she plays with the resulting slobber. Nicole splays legs for a greased anal reaming. Her plum-colored sphincter gapes, showing her innards! Rob's prick alternates pounding her pussy and bunghole. Amid more ass fucking and spit-streaming, A2M fellatio, she masturbates, tastes her finger and squeezes lube from her anus. Per Rob's instructions, Nicole mouths his balls and begs for his cum. A nasty cum facial drenches her from hairline to chin in syrupy spunk. Nicole plays lewdly with the jism, which bastes her boobs.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Coming Attractions'

Nicole Doshi - Coming Attractions

Jade is a shy girl, but Nicole knows the best way to bring her out of her shell

Nicole Doshi 在 'Sweet Temptation'

Nicole Doshi - Sweet Temptation

Nicole is staying with a friend who keeps bragging about her hung, energetic boyfriend. But she's tempting fate because once Nicole gets an eyeful, she has to get a mouthful too.

Oliver Davis 在 'vs Avery Black'

Oliver Davis - vs Avery Black

Today we bring you a special Treat. Avery Black is a petite, all-natural beauty with a ballet background. Ballet seems to assist this rookie a lot in her match today against the undefeated, Oliver Davis. This Brunette beauty is able to use her powerful hips and legs to sweep and reverse Oliver several times. It is worth watching this video purely to see how this natural points her pretty toes and elongates her legs by extending her toe point into the most beautiful ways. If you are a foot guy, this will have some really beautiful aesthetics for you. Avery Black puts on an amazing performance for her Debut on our mats. She ties up both rounds 1 and 2 bringing this match to a very intense, erotic round 3. Whoever wins round 3 wins the match. There is a lot of back and forth in this match due to Avery?s ability to get her sex points in any position. She puts Oliver in danger. Could this be the first loss of Mr. Davis? Round 4 is just as passionate as wrestling with these two opponents staring into each other?s eyes trying to command the other to cum. The prize round ends with a cream pie. Both wrestlers are drained of orgasms but only one gets to leave with a W.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Sketchy'

Nicole Doshi - Sketchy

What's the downside to being a trophy wife? A work-obsessed husband with no time to lavish attention on his wife. Nicole has found a solution by figure modeling for a sketch artist. And so far, he's really capturing Nicole's adventurous side.

Jet Setting Jasmine 在 'The Applicant: Jet Setting Jasmine and Avery Black'

Jet Setting Jasmine - The Applicant: Jet Setting Jasmine and Avery Black

Jet Setting Jasmine puts newcomer Avery Black through the ringer when she applies to be her sub in this kinky Whipped Ass update. Wearing tiny pink panties, matching see-through bra and heels Avery Black?s nipples are already hard anticipating the touch of Queen Jasmine, but Jasmine has a rigorous interview process for this little slut to find out if she is worthy of her time and dungeon. Avery boasts she?s really good at making lattes but by the end of the day she?ll be good at getting her ass whipped and taking Goddess Jasmine?s big cock. Jasmine pulls Avery over her knee and spanks her smooth, round ass until it turns bright red and then takes it further with the paddle on her sensitive inner thighs. Flipped over on her lap Avery is instructed to make herself cum so she rubs her wet clit while Jasmine watches as she wiggles and moans with pleasure.Now upside down in full suspension Avery is bound tight with her face smothered in Jasmine?s hot crotch. Avery desperately tries to reach Jasmine?s pussy with her tongue through the latex bodysuit and fishnet stockings she?s wearing but it?s difficult so the Goddess lowers her willing applicant to the ground and sits on her pretty face to make it easier. She puts clothes pins on her nipples and pussy lips then vibes Avery?s clit with the Hitachi while she gets herself off. The interview process continues with a double flogging on Avery?s ass until her legs are shaking and she is giggling from the pleasure and pain. Queen Jasmine has given all she can to this selfish horny slut, its time for Avery to prove what she can bring to the table. Sexy Avery straddles Jasmine?s strap on cock and gets to work fucking her pussy until she cums and cums as Jasmine zaps her with electricity. Jet Setting J decides she wants Avery to be her little cum mattress so she lays on top of her and vibes her own clit until she squirts all over the applicant?s ass. Welcome to the team Avery Black, you?re hired!

Avery Black 在 'Avery is a Domme - Avery Black'

Avery Black - Avery is a Domme - Avery Black

Avery?s accountant has some questions about her tax deductions: why is she deducting thousands for whips and handcuffs? Why is she deducting thousands for spiked shoes? Why is she deducting thousands for custom bondage furniture? She decides to show him what she does. She takes him to her dungeon and treats him like one of her filthy little submissive slaves. He finds out that he loves being Avery?s bitch? he was born to be a beta bitch! HOT ASS WORSHIP, FOOT WORSHIP, FACESITTING, SPITTING, AND MORE!

Nicole Doshi 在 'Analyzed Asian, Nicole Doshi Blesses Us With Her Amazing Ass'

Nicole Doshi - Analyzed Asian, Nicole Doshi Blesses Us With Her Amazing Ass

Beautiful powerhouse Nicole Doshi brings her unique style of 'sexual ambrosia' in this scene from Pink is the color of the day for Doshi. She's adorned in intricate strapping and matching pumps (she wears the pumps like tennis shoes, effortlessly prancing and fucking with them on for nearly the entire scene) that fit the special starlet perfectly. The slick performer's hard body is the star but she's also very adept at churning out timely sex talk. You'll hear her utter things like 'I'm going to be daddy's little fuck toy today' or 'I want to be a good cum slut for you'. Nicole Doshi and Zac Wild spend a good amount of time in the kitchen. Doshi delivers an upside down slobber infused cock suck. The uber charmer moves to standing doggy, bracing herself on the island. Her arching back and primo ass flow into her thighs and those aforementioned pumps. Quite a sight. Next, Nicole Doshi warms up her asshole with a couple dildos. She pops one out of her ass and laughs as it falls to the floor… Wild proceeds to fuck her ass. Doshi partakes in some ass to mouth. 'tastes so good, like a candy' she says to the camera. When finally on the couch Nicoli Doshi continues the anal romp. She's in reverse cow with sky high split legs. 'So much fun, I love it!'. And you believe her. The first-rate performance concludes with her smiling brightly and bouncing for the 'naughty nectar' that she takes to her pretty face…

Allie Nicole 在 'Soak'

Allie Nicole - Soak

Nicole was only after a hot soak and some privacy, but you can't always get what you want, and Allie's not prepared to give it to her. Allie isn't done with Nicole and she won't be letting her stunning companion relax until they're both worn out from an intimate encounter.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Centerfold'

Nicole Doshi - Centerfold

White jeans, black top, high heels, hot to trot. Nicole is dressed to attract attention and climbing on the first worthy contender to give it to her. This temptress does not waste time, so if you want to take her home, you can't hesitate to make your move.

Nicole Doshi 在 'City Lights'

Nicole Doshi - City Lights

Nicole has the grace, the style, and the sex appeal. In her skintight dress and skimpy underwear, all she needs is the right man to come along and satisfy the only craving she has left.

Avery Black 在 'Avery's Special Tricks'

Avery Black - Avery's Special Tricks

Avery Black loves sucking cock! Watch as she uses her special tricks on Mick blue.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Merger'

Nicole Doshi - Merger

Working from home has its advantages. If one of the perks is working with a woman like Nicole, you get the best of both worlds

Avery Black 在 'Petite Callgirl Avery Black Pleases Her Client's Cock'

Avery Black - Petite Callgirl Avery Black Pleases Her Client's Cock

Petite tattooed blonde, Avery Black, is a naughty slut who loves going out with hot men. Tonight, the tiny babe is about to meet up with her long-time client, Alex Legend. Avery can't deny that she loves spending some time with the bearded stud. The two go straight to a hotel room to enjoy the night. Avery and Alex share a passionate kiss. Alex then takes the lead and starts banging Avery's shaved pussy while gently choking her. Avery can't help but moan as Alex fucks her tiny pussy hard while spooning her. The inked-up slut's small tits and bubble butt bounce around as she rides Alex in cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. The horny stud continues fucking Avery in doggystyle and missionary before cumming on her tits.

Avery Black 在 'Petite Callgirl Avery Black Pleases Her Client's Cock'

Avery Black - Petite Callgirl Avery Black Pleases Her Client's Cock

Petite tattooed blonde, Avery Black, is a naughty slut who loves going out with hot men. Tonight, the tiny babe is about to meet up with her long-time client, Alex Legend. Avery can't deny that she loves spending some time with the bearded stud. The two go straight to a hotel room to enjoy the night. Avery and Alex share a passionate kiss. Alex then takes the lead and starts banging Avery's shaved pussy while gently choking her. Avery can't help but moan as Alex fucks her tiny pussy hard while spooning her. The inked-up slut's small tits and bubble butt bounce around as she rides Alex in cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. The horny stud continues fucking Avery in doggystyle and missionary before cumming on her tits.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Nicole Doshi: Anal Airlines Layover'

Nicole Doshi - Nicole Doshi: Anal Airlines Layover

Jules Jordan chooses a complimentary fuck from 'Nicole Doshi Airlines' instead of the snack pack, in this delightful hotel frolic. Jordan hears a rustling outside his room door. When he opens it, a semi-confused stewardess (Nicole Doshi) wonders why her room is occupied. When she learns it is Jules' room she suggests they hang out. Jordan is all too willing to allow the stunning stewardess to prance about in her uniform. Scrumptious Nicole makes her way to the bedroom and skillfully slides onto the bed. She's asked a question and says 'You know what would be nicer Your cock in my mouth.' Doshi makes it happen and displays ace-level dick sucking skills. Making slobber look sexy is no easy feat but she easily pulls it off. Jordan has Doshi straddle the corner of the bed. With her skirt rolled up her back, he plants his cock from behind. Nicole's thighs and ass meld together forming one hell of a jack trap… After a cowgirl romp a quick strip tease ensues. Her 'overhead compartment' is stuffed by Jules. When the lovely Nicole is flat on her stomach and railed in the ass, all emergency exits shall be ignored.Stunning Doshi taxis to her knees and Jordan pilots streams of jet fuel all over Nicole's face...

Avery Black 在 'Office Rivalry - Avery Black'

Avery Black - Office Rivalry - Avery Black

Avery and Tony are fierce rivals in the office, and today is the day that both will be interviewing for the same promotion. Avery stops by Tony's office 5 minutes before his interview and lets him know that he will soon be working for her. When he laughs and tells her that he's done a lot of research for this interview, she tells him she's done a lot of research too: about him! She found out all about his obsession with feet, and now she's going to use it against him. As she dangles her pretty little feet on his desk, he feels weaker and weaker… soon he's 5 minutes late for his interview as he kisses and worships her feet, and then 15 minutes late as he worships her ass. His job and future all go down the drain but he can't help himself… being submissive to her is what he was born to do. He was born to serve her! ASS WORSHIP, FOOT WORSHIP, FACESITTING,

Avery Black 在 'Bad Schoolgirl Behavior'

Avery Black - Bad Schoolgirl Behavior

Petite Asian schoolgirl Avery Black rocks a plaid skirt, white top and pantyhosewith a pair of fuck-me pumps. Her long, blonde hair and sexy features persuade pro porn stud/director Mick Blue to oil her up for some extra credit. He sucks her bald muffin as she coos with pleasure. Mick's big cock slams her tight, young cunt. She rides his power tool, her small frame grinding away. Avery serves up a mean blowjob before tasting his asshole with her tongue during a dynamic rim job. Mick flips her over to eat some ass crack and pussy. They fuck doggie-style, and then she rides him, revealing her small, scrumptious, natural tits. Avery sucks her cunt juice off his schlong. Mick soaks her tongue and chin with a messy cum facial.

Avery Black 在 'Multi-Orgasmic POV Fuck'

Avery Black - Multi-Orgasmic POV Fuck

Porn pro Mick Blue shoots personal, POV-style footage: Tiny, caramel-skinned blonde Avery Black stretches her tight, little body out on the bed and opens her mouth wide for Mick's thick dick. She swirls her tongue around the head of his big cock, giving him an eager blowjob. Mick shoves his meat inside her pussy, and Avery gasps in orgasmic heat. She masturbates as his prick strokes inside her box, and she cums on his rod multiple times! Avery mounts Mick and rides his boner. He licks her pearly clit. Uninhibited Avery gives him a rim job. She teases a creamy load of semen from Mick's throbbing boner and swallows it down.

Oliver Davis 在 'Make Daddy Pay: Avery Black Fucked RAW by Oliver Davis'

Oliver Davis - Make Daddy Pay: Avery Black Fucked RAW by Oliver Davis

Poor Avery Black is blindfolded with a ring gag to keep her from talking. Arms bound with leather cuffs behind her back, she sits exposed and vulnerable in her underwear on a bed as her tormentor, Oliver Davis, hits her with a riding crop.Oliver is making a video to send to Avery's father. He exposes Avery's firm, natural breasts. He's rough with those tender rosebuds. He fondles her crotch as the camera keeps running. He pushes Avery's face down on the bed, squeezes and slaps her vulnerable ass. A mere thin strip of cotton protects her modesty. The riding crops stings and bites her tender flesh. He pulls the fabric away. She can feel the cool air on her dripping wet pussy. Oliver's dirty hands touching what should not be touched. She can feel his hot breath between her legs. Will her father see this on the video?Oliver spreads her cunt wide open for the camera, rubbing her clit. Just when it feels good the crop returns. He won't use it on her tender clit, will he? He does and she enjoys it. Blindfolded, she's unable to see where the next blow will land. All she knows is that her naked ass and pussy face the camera recording everything for Daddy. He'll pay plenty to make sure this video disappears. Just as Avery planned.When Oliver pulls down his pants she worships his large cock. The ring gag keeps her mouth wide open and drooling as he fucks her throat deep with his cock. When he goes down on her wet pussy, she's ready to get fucked. Wrists and ankles bound to a spreader bar, she gets drilled deep and fucked every which way. When she's thoroughly teased and ready to explode, she's released from her bondage and sinks down on his hard cock. Oliver rolls her over, face down, ass up, and pumps her for all she's worth.

Avery Black 在 'Tiny Girl Dominated'

Avery Black - Tiny Girl Dominated

Teeny-tiny Latina Avery Black flaunts her plump ass as director/dominant fucker Bryan Gozzling peels off her clothes bit by bit. He teases her perky nipples and slobbers on them, making her breathe heavily. Bryan licks her pearly clit and stuffs his fingers inside her cunt. Avery sucks his balls and gives him a throaty blowjob as drool covers her face. He wraps his fingers around her neck and plunges his meaty dick inside her hungry pussy. Bryan's boner thrusts inside her cunt as her body quakes in orgasmic ecstasy. The dirty girl gives him a tasty rim job. Intense pussy fucking climaxes with a steamy cum facial.

Avery Black 在 'The Power of Suggestion, Part 4: Avery Black and Oliver Davis'

Avery Black - The Power of Suggestion, Part 4: Avery Black and Oliver Davis

In Part 4 of Kink's exclusive, four-part series, 'The Power of Suggestion,' we land in the world of Avery Black and Oliver Davis. Avery and Oliver were among the first naughty couples to follow the Reverend Tommy Pistol and his scandalous church. And like his other followers, they had to make a video for him, so he would have the power to shame them publicly. The video they made was – in Avery's own words – 'filthy and degrading.' It is submitted here in its entirety, so the world may know the full extent of Tommy Pistol's cult's depravity!Featuring bondage, spanking, hitachi, choking, throat fucking, rough sex, and a facial finish (all to prove their devotion to a man that, frankly, may not deserve it).'The Power Of Suggestion' SERIES MAIN PAGEAll 4 episodes in this series:Part 1: Charlotte Sins and Uncle AlfiePart 2: Anny Aurora and Texas PattiPart 3: Kenzie Taylor and Seth GamblePart 4: Avery Black and Oliver Davis

Avery Black 在 'Avery Has Slobbery Skills'

Avery Black - Avery Has Slobbery Skills

I was just checking out the pool and bam. Only one person there and its a hot chick. Am I lucky or what? Avery just moved here from the Valley and she gave me her number. I texted her later to see if she wanted to come by. She came alright. And after she sucked my cock and balls, so did I.

Avery Black 在 'seduces a married man'

Avery Black - I Have a Wife

Avery Black is sent on errand by her boss to pick up a package all the way across town. She arrives at a warehouse to pick it up but forgot her ID. No ID, no package! Avery isn't leaving without her package and she knows just how to persuade a guy - even if he is married!

Avery Black 在 'Dating App Creampies'

Avery Black - Dating App Creampies

Avery Black gets creampied over and over by her dating app hook up.

Avery Black 在 'Naughty Office'

Avery Black - Naughty Office

Its Labor day and Martina Flores (Avery Black) and office-mate Jenna Rain (Brooklyn Gray) are stuck at work for inventory. Martina comes up with a clever idea to have some fun and fuck their boss to get out of work!