Madison Ivy at
Brazzers '普雷斯雷斯博士' 主演 Jenna Presley (照片 10)

Jenna Presley,Tasha Reign 在 'Brazzers' - Dr Presleys Orders (Doctor Adventures)


發布 : 11月25日, 2010
標籤 : 醫生, 護士, 豐滿, 辦公室, 三人組, 寶寶交換, 黑色絲襪, 面部(多), 大山雀

Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'
Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'

圖片來自 Jenna Presley,Tasha Reign 在 'Brazzers' Dr Presleys Orders

Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 1)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 2)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 3)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 4)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 5)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 6)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 7)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 8)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 9)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 10)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 11)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 12)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 13)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 14)
Jenna Presley 在 'Brazzers' 普雷斯雷斯博士 (縮略圖 15)

圖片來自 Jenna Presley,Tasha Reign 在 'Brazzers' Dr Presleys Orders

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Jenna Presley,Tasha Reign

Rachel Starr 在 '他媽的員警!最好的 Hot Cops'

Rachel Starr - 他媽的員警!最好的 Hot Cops

喜歡性感的員警嗎?看看 Brazzers 的一些最熱門的場景,涉及法律的角質手臂。這個彙編會讓你的雞巴很難受!

Chanel Preston 在 '用Tashas Asshole獲得平均值'

Chanel Preston - 用Tashas Asshole獲得平均值


Tasha Reign 在 '塔莎將吞下你整個'

Tasha Reign - 塔莎將吞下你整個


Tasha Reign 在 '讓我拿一個Brazzers Selfie'

Tasha Reign - 讓我拿一個Brazzers Selfie

當你有一個熱的,完美的身體像Tasha Reign的時候,你不會感到無聊在她應該拍攝場景之前,塔莎鞭打了她甜美的胸脯,在房子周圍拿了一堆自助餐。同時,當她在拍戲時,喬丹又來到了一起,將華麗的圓瓜放在一起。 Tony走進來,兩人愚弄,決定隨身攜帶。他拍攝了塔莎給約旦一個雙手馬虎的口交,然後他們跑到床上他媽的。塔莎好像在她的山雀之間滑了一個肥胖的公雞,然後把這個大砲像一個冠軍一樣。

Katrina Jade 在 '蕩婦大學女王的胸部'

Katrina Jade - 蕩婦大學女王的胸部

現在是布魯特學院每年的布比斯女王競賽的時候了,塔夏·里恩(Tasha Reign)肯定是今年她把頭銜鎖定了。也就是說,直到一個名叫卡特里娜·翡翠的厚厚的黑色布丁走進門口!那些大學生的蕩婦輪流試圖用他們的性感的滑稽手段相互超越,但很快,很明顯,一勞永逸地解決這個問題的唯一辦法就是禁止禁止的三人組合!他們抓住了房間裡唯一不偏不倚的法官,dorky書呆子丹尼爾·亨特(Daniel Hunter),鞭打了他的肥胖的公雞,以便他們可以吸吮它,把他媽的,然後把它們深深地放在緊身的貓身上!

Tasha Reign 在 'Gets Wet'

Tasha Reign - Gets Wet

Tasha Reign喜歡讓她的身體看起來緊緊地修剪,所以在晴朗的陽光燦爛的日子裡,你通常可以在公園裡找到慢跑和瑜伽。之後,它回到更衣室進行快速淋浴。這一次,就像塔莎的洗澡和擦洗一樣,她把萊恩·瑞勒(Ryan Driller)檢查出來,並邀請他加入她身邊。她抓住他的大雞巴,給他一個口交,雀斑他媽的他,然後乘坐那個公雞,直到她的陰部滴濕。瑞恩指著她,直到她噴出來,然後他潛入身後,讓他的雞巴再次濕透。最後,他用巨大的驚喜覆蓋了她的大山雀。好,他們已經在淋浴了!

Tasha Reign 在 '拿一個小雞,早上叫我'

Tasha Reign - 拿一個小雞,早上叫我

塔夏統治在醫生的辦公室,希望能幫助她慢性公雞剝奪。她告訴值班護士,她不能忍受她皮膚上的衣服感覺,很快Dr. Strong博士解答她的所有問題,走過大門,讓她的大傢伙渴望消失。他吮吸她的大山雀,吃了她緊的粉紅色的貓,直到它滴下來,準備好一個很好的深度舔。她給了他一個令人難以置信的口交回報,然後終於滿足了她的渴望,把她的完美的小貓深深地拿起那個大公雞。他好好乾嘔,直到他整個公雞cum!一息,然後用面部雜then then asts asts asts!!!!!!!!!!!

Tasha Reign 在 '兩對一的樂趣'

Tasha Reign - 兩對一的樂趣


Tasha Reign 在 '校園中最卑鄙的同情心'

Tasha Reign - 校園中最卑鄙的同情心

BZZ聯誼會的女士們一夜之間並沒有成為傳說中的傳說。他們不得不在這里工作,熬夜深oning自己的角質才華。當Dean Deen走進來時,親愛的領袖Alexis Monroe正在訓練一批cock cock不馴的承諾,但不要以為他想勸阻他們的X級課外課程。哦,不,他想要的只是把他的雞巴扔進那四隻甜蜜的小貓裡。

Tasha Reign 在 '微妙的吸吮'

Tasha Reign - 微妙的吸吮


Tasha Reign 在 '灰姑娘滿足她的詭計迷人'

Tasha Reign - 灰姑娘滿足她的詭計迷人

塔夏王朝希望一個童話般的夜晚。如果她完成了所有的清潔工作,她會出門,並被Charming先生打死。幸運的是,她的Slutty Godmother提醒她,她可以在家裡擁有兩隻迷人的公雞。她被Keiran和Toni雙重打傷,她給了她最好的屁股他媽的生活。

Courtney Cummz 在 '玩物'

Courtney Cummz - 玩物

詹姆斯·丹恩(James Deen)在一傢俱樂部拿起了可愛的塔莎王朝(Tasha Reign),現在她期待著一些非常陌生的男人。她沒想到的是詹姆斯的妻子考特尼坐在家裡,有角和準備爆炸!但是考特尼沒有時間放鬆塔沙,很快兩個寶貝都屁股,並享受一個可愛的三人行!

Tasha Reign 在 '神聖的孔'

Tasha Reign - 神聖的孔


Jenna Presley 在 '中風工作'

Jenna Presley - 中風工作


Jenna Presley 在 '貓流行心理學'

Jenna Presley - 貓流行心理學


Jayden Jaymes 在 '增強訊問'

Jayden Jaymes - 增強訊問


Julia Ann 在 '辦公室4-play IV'

Julia Ann - 辦公室4-play IV


Tasha Reign 在 '塔沙斯統治'

Tasha Reign - 塔沙斯統治


Nikki Sexx 在 '唯一的室友'

Nikki Sexx - 唯一的室友


Jenna Presley 在 '他媽的我的興奮的Bosoms'

Jenna Presley - 他媽的我的興奮的Bosoms

Erik Everhard是一位小說家,他寫著浪漫的浪漫小說,讓女人變得濕透,至少他以前一直在喝酒。最近,Erik一直在尋找新的靈感,使他的小說的話比以前更多的方式來生活。珍娜·普雷斯利(Jenna Presley)是他最新小說的靈感的完美主題。

Krissy Lynn 在 '在Tit-Pendence日'

Krissy Lynn - 在Tit-Pendence日


Tasha Reign 在 '我的悲傷窺探'

Tasha Reign - 我的悲傷窺探


Faye Reagan 在 '舞會夜舞'

Faye Reagan - 舞會夜舞

來到鎮上最狂野舞蹈之夜的經歷,與Faye Reagan,Jakcy Joy和Tasha Reign的合作!

Jenna Presley 在 '是的Maam是的'

Jenna Presley - 是的Maam是的


Tasha Reign 在 'Cunty Clerks'

Tasha Reign - Cunty Clerks


Jenna Presley 在 '他媽的我的興奮的Bosoms'

Jenna Presley - 他媽的我的興奮的Bosoms

埃里克·埃弗哈德(Erik Everhard)是一位小說家,他寫了浪漫的浪漫小說,讓女性變得濕透,而且最近他一直以來一直是愛因斯坦。埃里克一直在尋找新的靈感,讓他的小說中的話比一種珍妮娜·普雷斯利(Jeanna Presley)更完美的主題他的最新小說的靈感

Tasha Reign 在 '生鏽的長號'

Tasha Reign - 生鏽的長號


Jenna Presley 在 '他媽的我還是不起火你'

Jenna Presley - 他媽的我還是不起火你


Tasha Reign 在 '全身按摩'

Tasha Reign - 全身按摩


Jenna Presley 在 '1,2,3,4,他媽的我在浴室地板上'

Jenna Presley - 1,2,3,4,他媽的我在浴室地板上


Tasha Reign 在 '換妻子'

Tasha Reign - 換妻子


Tasha Reign 在 '超級吹風XXX'

Tasha Reign - 超級吹風XXX


Breanne Benson 在 '高中畢業'

Breanne Benson - 高中畢業


Tasha Reign 在 '安格林為一個邦林'

Tasha Reign - 安格林為一個邦林


Jenna Presley 在 '搜索管道'

Jenna Presley - 搜索管道


April O'Neil 在 '辦公室紅利派對'

April O'Neil - 辦公室紅利派對

Brazzers在辦公室裡匆匆忙忙地投了一會。每個人都在喝酒放鬆。 4月份和珍娜喝了太多喝水,潛入其中一個辦公室。他們看到一台複印機,並開始嘔吐,複製他們的山雀和屁股。所有的興奮都讓女孩開始了,女孩們看到他們能夠自己進行什麼其他的麻煩。

Jenna Presley 在 '仿生笨蛋'

Jenna Presley - 仿生笨蛋


Jenna Presley 在 '學習公雞和技巧的極點技巧'

Jenna Presley - 學習公雞和技巧的極點技巧


Jenna Presley 在 '69'

Jenna Presley - 69

珍娜鮑爾必須找到那個設計炸彈威脅殺死數千名美國人的人。唯一的問題是她可以解除武裝的唯一方法就是將他的大公雞放在一個特別設計的房間內,這個房間只能識別他的陰莖。為了確保他的陰莖能夠在炸彈中起作用,Jenna Bauer需要更加努力地給他帶來最強硬的審訊。

Gina Lynn 在 '淘氣和漂亮的苦澀'

Gina Lynn - 淘氣和漂亮的苦澀


Jenna Presley 在 '把我的公雞三明治在你的嘴唇之間吃飯'

Jenna Presley - 把我的公雞三明治在你的嘴唇之間吃飯


Jenna Presley 在 '他媽的通過了'

Jenna Presley - 他媽的通過了


Jenna Presley 在 '警察和甜甜圈'

Jenna Presley - 警察和甜甜圈


Jenna Presley 在 '池塘他媽的'

Jenna Presley - 池塘他媽的


Jenna Presley 在 '一個罕見的Girlstuckoncock'

Jenna Presley - 一個罕見的Girlstuckoncock


Jenna Presley 在 '快樂的出路'

Jenna Presley - 快樂的出路


來自其他網站的場景特色 Jenna Presley,Tasha Reign

Sarah Vandella 在 'fucking in the couch with her average body'

Sarah Vandella - fucking in the couch with her average body

Tasha Reign feels bad because she crashed her friend Sarah Vandella's car while borrowing it! Sarah and her boyfriend Karlo are bummed out about it, especially when Tasha tells them that she doesn't have the money to get it fixed right now. But Sarah proposes her friend an offer: have a sweaty, hot threesome with her and Karlo, and all will be forgiven! Tasha agrees, and the blondes with big tits make a Karlo sandwich, chock full of pussy-eating, dick-sucking and girl-on-girl action!

Tasha Reign 在 'fucking in the couch with her piercings'

Tasha Reign - fucking in the couch with her piercings

Tasha Reign is in town visiting her girlfriend, hanging around the house in her bikini with her cleavage exposed to her friend's boyfriend Ramon, who's loving every minute of her big tits! He describes how much he loves them to his buddy on the phone, but unbeknownst to him, Tasha hears everything he says! She seduces her friend's boyfriend after he hangs up, and the sexy blonde pulls out her big tits and shoves them in his face so he can suck them, and then she can get to sucking and fucking his big dick!

Tasha Reign 在 'Tasha Reign'

Tasha Reign - Tasha Reign

My job always has me in control of everything, and frankly, I'm quite tired of it. Tonight Tasha Reign is going to control me, because I've paid for it. She's my favorite porn star, and she's going to fulfill my fantasy of dominating me with her sexy body. Doing anything and everything to my cock with her mouth, tits, pussy and ass. This has been a long time coming, and I'm going to cum for a long, long time after this one.

Jenna Presley 在 'Jenna Presley'

Jenna Presley - Jenna Presley

The man from the moving company came over to size up everything that needs transported to my new home, but little did he know that I was sizing him up, too. While he was doing his thing, I peeled off my shorts and panties and then walked back up to him to show him what I really wanted him to do. He didn't hesitate at all, pulling out my big tits and letting me suck his hard cock right away. I let him cum in my mouth after the hot sex we had, and then he got back to the other job he had to do.

Tasha Reign 在 'Tasha Reign'

Tasha Reign - Tasha Reign

I'm staying at my friend's place for the summer, just to do something different. It gives me a different energy, makes me feel spontaneous. Take today, for instance: everyone was gone during the day, and I couldn't use the pool because the guy was here cleaning it. I was bored; was. Then I got up, walked outside, kissed the pool guy and brought him back into the house to ride his big dick. He shot his load all over me, and then I sent him back to work. This summer is going to be fun.

Jenna Presley 在 'fucking in the living room with her tattoos'

Jenna Presley - fucking in the living room with her tattoos

Jenna Presley is hosting her friends Ava and her brother Jordan, and his buddy Roli, over to watch the basketball game, but somebody needs to go get the snacks and beer. It's Roli's turn to buy, so he takes off with Ava to go to the store, leaving Jordan and Jenna behind. Jenna chuckles when they leave, because she's convinced that Ava knows she and Jordan are fucking! But she doesn't care, because Ava and Roli are gone, so they've got time for a fuck session before they get back!

Tasha Reign 在 'Athlete Tasha Reign fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Tasha Reign - Athlete Tasha Reign fucking in the couch with her big tits

The championship tournament is coming up, and Tasha is in it to win it! She's been stretching, doing calisthenics and practicing hard for the past week in preparation for the huge competition, and her trainer Clarke has stopped by to check up on her. He practices a few times with her to make sure she's got her best stuff, and she shows him how ready she is. When he asks if there's anything else that she needs from him to help her prepare, she says one thing: his ROCK-hard cock'.

Tasha Reign 在 'fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Tasha Reign - fucking in the couch with her big tits

Tasha Reign is packing her bags! She and her boyfriend Casper are heading to Toronto for a little vacation, and she's telling Casper's buddy and roommate Ryan all about it as he watches her pack. Not only does she let him see the sexy undergarments she's bringing, Tasha also fills him in a little secret: that she and Casper will probably end up moving to the Great White North. Ryan's a little thrown off since Casper is his best friend and he hasn't heard shit about it, which is probably why he decides to make a move on the bubbly blonde. He's been crushing on her forever, and he can't imagine not seeing her for a long time. So what does he do? He nails the hoser-to-be and gets her started with his Great White Splooge.

Tasha Reign 在 'Client Tasha Reign fucking in the chair with her big tits'

Tasha Reign - Client Tasha Reign fucking in the chair with her big tits

Tasha divorced her husband after one month and is hoping for a nice chunk of change and property she's owed. However, she tells the lawyer that she has absolutely no intention whatsoever of paying any retainer fees she owes to the firm; she just wants her way ' in more ways than one. Tasha and her big tits would rather solve this issue the old-fashioned way -- with a nice hearty fucking, no matter if the attorney's married or not!

Jenna Presley 在 'fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Jenna Presley - fucking in the couch with her big tits

Karlo's sexy neighbor from upstairs, Jenna, knocks on his door because he's blasting his music at 6 a.m. He tells her he has to do that because he can't get any sleep; he finds out he can't get any shut eye because she's moaning late at night while getting off! The compromise? She rides his hard cock in the morning so he wakes up, and she'll be able to go back to sleep!

Tasha Reign 在 'Family friend Tasha Reign fucking in the couch with her tits'

Tasha Reign - Family friend Tasha Reign fucking in the couch with her tits

Tasha fell asleep on the couch after a wild night celebrating her best friend's bachelorette party and wakes up frantic to get home but Seth sweet as always has taken care of her and she realizes she won't be seeing him as much as she has and morning sex is sure on both their minds.

Breanne Benson 在 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Breanne Benson - fucking in the living room with her tits

Valentine's Day has arrived and Breanne wants to do something extra special for her beau, Michael. He arrives home with some gifts for her, but they pale in comparison to the surprise she's got for him : Tasha ... in lingerie ... ready for a threesome. With two ladies switching off sucking and riding his cock until he cums all over both of them, we think Michael owes Cupid re than a few drinks.

Tasha Reign 在 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Tasha Reign - fucking in the living room with her tits

Tasha stops by Billy's house to try on some outfits and ask his advice on which she should wear for when she and his wife, Lauren, go out that night. Since his wife is still at the day spa, Billy decides to have a little fun and tells Tasha that the only way he'll help her out is if she changes in front of him. Tasha plays along with his little game, but soon discovers that Billy likes her best nude. She doesn't mind, however, she gets the chance to sit on that huge cock Lauren has been telling her about....

Tasha Reign 在 'fucking in the kitchen with her tits'

Tasha Reign - fucking in the kitchen with her tits

Tasha is on the phone with her friend when the hired caterers begin bringing things into the kitchen for the wine tasting her parents are throwing that evening. Tasha notices how sexy Danny, the initial caterer is, and she just has to see more of him. And remember whatever Tasha wants, she gets.

Jenna Presley 在 'fucking in the bedroom with her tattoos'

Jenna Presley - fucking in the bedroom with her tattoos

Ben has invited Jenna over to his house for a surprise. Jenna thinks it must have something to do with her best friend, who is also Ben's wife. But she isn't there, and Ben calls Jenna into the master bedroom. He bought Jenna a brand new pair of expensive shoes! She doesn't know if she should accept them, but he insists, and helps her try them on. They feel fantastic, and when he starts to kiss and caress her leg, she gets swept away.

Tasha Reign 在 'fucking in the couch with her tits'

Tasha Reign - fucking in the couch with her tits

Tasha Reign wants to go shopping, dammit! But her sugardaddy of a boyfriend isn't home ' she only finds his son sitting around, so she delegates him to take her shopping. Jordan isn't down with being ordered around, and tells Tasha that he's gonna be runnin' shop once the old man is gone, so she'd better treat him nice. And she can start by sucking his cock and letting him fuck her wet pussy if she wants to go shopping!

Jenna Presley 在 'fucking in the couch with her tattoos'

Jenna Presley - fucking in the couch with her tattoos

Jenna wants the best and she wants her husband to provide it for her. He's done a good job so far but Jenna wants him to try even harder. And to motivate him she she gives him a stiff pat on the cock!!!

Tasha Reign 在 'Tasha Reign'

Tasha Reign - Tasha Reign

Tasha Reign is hot, that's about all there is to it. I have a type, obviously, and the only thing hotter than a hot big tit blonde, is a hot big tit blonde that will do anything I say. I really don't want a whole lot of conversation tonight, unless its her begging for my dick. Tonight I just want to fuck.

Jenna Presley 在 'MILF Jenna Presley fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Jenna Presley - MILF Jenna Presley fucking in the couch with her big tits

Coach McLane, stops by Jenna's house to talk about little Timmy's lack of playing time on the court. Coach explains that Timmy is uninterested and not good on the court. To defend Timmy, Jenna shows how interested she is in, fucking the coach's brains out! Coach refuses because of his wife, but says fuck it! I'm going for the dunk on this one!

Jenna Presley 在 'Bust Lust'

Jenna Presley - Bust Lust

Busty Jenna Presley is tied and blindfolded. Her horny stud begins to touch her, turning her on before he stuffs her pussy and mouth with his throbbing cock!

Jenna Presley 在 'tips the moving guy with sex'

Jenna Presley - Perfect Fucking Strangers

The man from the moving company came over to size up everything that needs to be transported to my new home, but little did he know that I was sizing him up, too. While he was doing his thing, I peeled off my shorts and panties and then walked back up to him to show him what I really wanted him to do. He didn't hesitate at all, pulling out my big tits and letting me suck his hard cock right away. I let him cum in my mouth after the hot sex we had, and then he got back to the other job he had to do.

Haley Reed 在 'A Guest In Her Home'

Haley Reed - A Guest In Her Home

Cowardly Mother Offers Up Reluctant Teen To Angry Boss To Keep Her Job

Brandi (Haley Reed) is tired of her pushover mom, Maureen. She's especially mad today since she got in trouble at school and was sent home early. That in itself is fine by her but now she's stuck sitting around in Maureen's office because Maureen insists on only taking her home after work.

Brandi bickers with her mom, frustrated about the situation and taking jabs wherever she can. Maureen tries to assert herself but Brandi doesn't buy it. She KNOWS her mom is a pushover, which is part of the reason why she can't stand being around Maureen. How can she respect someone who doesn't even respect herself?

In the middle of the fight, Maureen's boss, Ava Best (Tasha Reign), enters the office. Ava immediately likes what she sees and isn't shy about flirting with Brandi right then and there. Brandi is appalled as she looks to her mother for help but is left to fend for herself as Maureen meekly introduces her instead of stopping Ava. Unfortunately, when Ava finds out that they're family and that they've brought family drama into the office, she's NOT pleased and threatens to fire Maureen.

As Maureen starts begging for her job, becoming a sniveling mess, Brandi takes pity on her and tries to stand up for her. Even if they don't see eye-to-eye, she still needs her mom. But once again, Maureen doesn't take responsibility. Instead, to appease her angry boss, she offers to let Ava take Brandi home for the weekend.

As Ava easily takes Maureen up on the offer, Brandi is shocked. How could her mother just GIVE her to some stranger like that to save her own skin??

Brandi begrudgingly agrees to go with Ava, feeling hurt and betrayed. Although she doesn't know it yet, Brandi will have her chance to get revenge on Maureen... and she'll need Ava's help to do it.

Tasha Reign 在 'fucks her sugardaddy with her big tits'

Tasha Reign - College Sugar Babes

I won't ever work the 9-5 job after I graduate college, and I'm living by that starting today. I'm meeting my soon-to-be sugardaddy Derrick. Upon our agreement, he's going to pay me an allowance to hang out with him, show him my big tits and suck and fuck his cock like his wife never has. But nobody will know, because that's part of the agreement. In exchange, he gives me spending cash and money for my sorority and our parties. My parents are already paying for my tuition and meals, so this is considered … dessert.

Tasha Reign 在 'The Layover 2'

Tasha Reign - The Layover 2

Tasha has just returned home after years abroad, and since her parents have moved, she doesn't really have a place to call home. She is there for a 24 hour layover so camps out at a hotel, but it just doesn't feel right. After calling an old friend who she has always had feelings for she decides to do something about all those years of fantasies.

Tasha Reign 在 'The Set Up Scene 2'

Tasha Reign - The Set Up Scene 2

Peter (Michael Vegas) has been unlucky in love and decides to try a dating app to meet women. Unfortunately he gets more than he bargained for when his ad is answered by sexy con artist Cindy (Lily Lane).  Across town, the beautiful Emily (Tasha Reign) is in the midst of her own dating nightmare. Just when Peter and Emily have decided to give up on romance, a chance meeting brings them together.  Soon they are not only hatching the perfect plan to get revenge on those that have wronged them, but they may also be getting another chance at finding love.

Tasha Reign 在 'The Set Up Scene 5'

Tasha Reign - The Set Up Scene 5

Peter (Michael Vegas) has been unlucky in love and decides to try a dating app to meet women. Unfortunately he gets more than he bargained for when his ad is answered by sexy con artist Cindy (Lily Lane).  Across town, the beautiful Emily (Tasha Reign) is in the midst of her own dating nightmare. Just when Peter and Emily have decided to give up on romance, a chance meeting brings them together.  Soon they are not only hatching the perfect plan to get revenge on those that have wronged them, but they may also be getting another chance at finding love.

Tasha Reign 在 'and Mike Mancini in Dirty Wives Club'

Tasha Reign - Dirty Wives Club

There's a reason the handyman is called the 'handyman,' and dirty wife Tasha Reign is so happy she's found him. Her husband's out of town, but for the longest time they've been talking about fulfilling their ultimate fantasy – Tasha fucking another man. Yes, even her husband wants it to happen, and he wants to know all of the details about it afterward. And when Tasha's handyman mike is over to do some work, she knows she's found the one. As a matter of fact, she calls her husband right away to tell him that she's discovered the right cock for their fantasy. He tells her to go ahead and realize her dream, and she's happy she does. The handyman hammers his cock into her gently and sweetly, nailing her to perfection.

Tasha Reign 在 'In My Ass NOW!'

Tasha Reign - In My Ass NOW!

Tasha has always played it safe and married young into a wealthy family. After a few years, she is now wondering what it would be like to live a more unpredictable life. Her sister is the wild child of the family and comes to stay from time to time, but this time is different. This time she's brought a guy, and he is HOT. With her husband gone for the day and her sister out shopping, Tasha has all the time she needs, and she's not going to waste a second.

Tasha Reign 在 'Going Black on Holiday'

Tasha Reign - Going Black on Holiday

Tasha just wants to feel completely fulfilled sexually. Now she's dressed up and ready to meet the guy she's been texting for some real skin to skin action.

Tasha Reign 在 'The Full Mr M Experience'

Tasha Reign - The Full Mr M Experience

Ever since her divorce, Tasha has been on the look out for new hot experiences. After sending a few naughty pics to Mr M, she was ready to enjoy each and every second of her time with him. She knows what she wants, and after getting warmed up with his assistant, she is led through to the man himself. Has she signed up for more than she bargained for?

Tasha Reign 在 'Live Webcam Archives - Episode 19'

Tasha Reign - Live Webcam Archives - Episode 19

Blonde porn super star Tasha Reign and I engaged in some lesbian scissoring, muff diving, and fingerbanging in a previously recorded live sex show. Watch brand new live streams weekly in the Burning Angel chat room!

Tasha Reign 在 'POV Sluts'

Tasha Reign - POV Sluts

In frilly lingerie, stockings and high heels, busty Tasha Reign spreads her ass and hairless pussy for the camera, then tastes her fingers. The blonde porn bimbo with puffed-up BJ lips oils her tits and shaved slit. Talking dirty, she kneels for a worshipful blow job, titty fuck and two-hand job as director/stud Toni Ribas shoots the action POV-style. Tasha spreads for a greased pussy ride. In more POV footage, Toni puts Tasha face down/ass up to plow her doggie-style as he spanks her and she fingers her own butthole. On her back, legs up, Tasha masturbates in bliss as she's fucked. Toni thumbs her bunghole. For the climax, she blows/strokes Toni's jism into her mouth and hand; Tasha licks up the spillage, saying, 'I just want to be dirty for you.'

Keisha Grey 在 'Tasha Loves Keisha'

Keisha Grey - Tasha Loves Keisha

Hey, My name's Tasha Reign. Today, I get to fulfill a fantasy that I've always dreamed about. That is having anal sex with Keisha Grey. My favorite part about Keisha Grey are her natural tities. They're so bouncy! I just want to lather them up, get them nice and wet, nice and soapy and push them up against the glass in the shower. She's so hot and, she has such a nice ass! I want to take a dildo and make her suck on it and, I want to put it in between her pussy and her ass cheeks. Spread it open and fuck her really hard, and really deep. I want to make her cum, just for me! I think it'd be so hot.... don't you?

Jenna Presley 在 'Bra Busters 2'

Jenna Presley - Bra Busters 2

Jenna Presley started out as a teen-appeal fuck maniac - she blossomed into the big titted slut you see in this scene from Bra Busters #2. She's always been fun to watch but watching this stacked brunette talk dirty while Erik Everhard eats her pink pussy and then seeing her deepthroat that fat cock is just better when there are massive tits attached! If you're a boob fan, enjoy this hot scene that includes Jenna riding like a cowgirl and getting ferociously railed by one of the best cocks in the biz!

Tasha Reign 在 'and Skin Diamond - Zebra Girls'

Tasha Reign - Zebra Girls

Skin Diamond and Tasha Reign. Two of the biggest names in the biz, as of this writing. You're going to enjoy watching these two pleasure each other in lesbian ways, especially since the action is heavy with ass play. If they're not sticking things in their asses, these two are eating ass or tasting the toys that come directly from their asses. Skin and Tasha work each other up to orgasm in this smoking hot scene.

Lena Nicole 在 'Lena Loves Tasha'

Lena Nicole - Lena Loves Tasha

Hi, I'm Lena Nicole and I have, always had a fantasy about having sex with Tasha Reign. I really want to play with her asshole, I want to fuck her ass and I want her to fuck mine. I want to get her dressed up in some sexy lingerie. I just imagine the two of us in the bath, nice warm water all over our dripping, wet, sexy bodies. I would get some anal beads and a really sexy dildo for her. I would love to fuck her ass, and watch her fuck her own ass. I would love to play with her pussy and get her nice and wet while she fucks her ass really hard. I think about sexy, dirty, fun things like that with her. It would be a lot of fun!

Carmen Caliente 在 'Paradise City, Scene 6'

Carmen Caliente - Paradise City, Scene 6

Larry and Annie, a married couple find themselves in the toughest of times. After losing his job, Larry finds himself struggling to support his family and must move in with his arrogant brother, in addition to working in his firm! Before they head to his place the couple spends a night at a bed and breakfast called Paradise City, but it's really a colony of nudists, free love and lots of sex! The couple witnesses a lovemaking extravaganza, but drive off the next day. Reality sets in for the couple, Larry's brother is a jerk that bangs his mistress during the day, and his wife is a drunk. They race back to Paradise City and are welcomed back with open arms. To celebrate their return, the community starts a group orgy that allows them to release their frustration and sexual inhibitions. This new lifestyle might be the best thing to happen to them!

Jenna Presley 在 'Full Streams Ahead 2'

Jenna Presley - Full Streams Ahead 2

Jenna Presley POV Big Tit Bombshell Fucked Hard. This big boobed brunette uttered the best line I've ever heard from a porn star. "Treat me like the dirty whore that I am". Filthy, vile and built like the proverbial brick shit house, Jenna Presley will make you cum. You have no choice. From the aptly named FULL STREAMS AHEAD here's a super slut that has it all. You'll see.

Tasha Reign 在 'A Fun Day At The Spa'

Tasha Reign - A Fun Day At The Spa

Tasha Reign sticks her fingers in and out of her juicy pussy

Jenna Presley 在 'The Brotherload 3'

Jenna Presley - The Brotherload 3

Jenna Presley Brothers Dropping Off Loads. If there ever was an unsung porn star that didn't receive her props it's Jenna Presley. A big breasted brunette with a big ass and a foul mouth unmatched in porndom. Outside, in tiny Daisy Dukes and a cowboy hat, Jenna teases. Inside, she whores hard and well. From THE BROTHER LOAD 3 watch Jenna Presley in her prime.

Tasha Reign 在 'in Diary of a Nanny'

Tasha Reign - Diary of a Nanny

Tasha just can't stop thinking about Mr. Nixon while she is taking care of their kids. She thinks he is a great guy and can't get out much because he works so many house a week. Truthfully she's been thinking about fucking Mr. Nixon but, she's worried this might put her job on the line if she were to make a move. You miss all the shots you don't take and she's not willing to sit out on the bench for this game.

Jenna Presley 在 'Internal Damnation 3'

Jenna Presley - Internal Damnation 3

Jenna Presley Big Tit Slut Gets A Creampie. Whores don't come any hotter than Jenna Presley and in this offering from INTERNAL DAMNATION 3 she is at her big titted, big assed, foul mouthed finest. In her leopard print string bikini and her five inch fuck me pumps Jenna is a sight to behold and that sight is the whore you've always dreamed of. Do not miss Jenna Presley or you will miss out.

Tasha Reign 在 'in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Tasha Reign - My Friend's Hot Girl

Tyler has been busy all day. His friend, Chad, stops by to visit him but he's nowhere to be found. So Chad decides to just hang out with Tyler's girl, Tasha, for a while. Chad is really attracted to Tasha and he starts making moves on her. They begin to get it on when Tyler walks in on them. Tyler seems furious, but actually he's very turned on. He joins his buddy Chad and they both give Tyler's girl a hot fucking.

Lelani Gold 在 'So Horny For Each Other'

Lelani Gold - So Horny For Each Other

Lelani Gold and Tasha Reign have fun together

Tasha Reign 在 'in Neighbor Affair'

Tasha Reign - Neighbor Affair

Tasha Reign is a horny girl who needs cock. So when she gets the urge she rushes to her neighbors house for some and he's always more than willing to provide it for her.

Tasha Reign 在 'in I Have a Wife'

Tasha Reign - I Have A Wife

Tasha Reign invites her neighbors, Chad and his wife, over to hand out at her pad. Chad stops by and explains that his wife couldn't make it so Tasha decides it's the perfect time to seduce Chad. She starts off by asking him for a massage, but soon after she's the one massaging his cock. After some convincing from Tasha, Chad decides to go with the flow and cheat on his wife with his lovely neighbor.

Tasha Reign 在 'in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Tasha Reign - My Friend's Hot Girl

Tasha Reign is doing sound check for a gig she's about to play. Her sound guy is her boyfriend's best friend and she finds out that he's been slacking on the job. Instead of checking her levels he's been checking the internet for porn. Needless to say Tasha is pretty upset at this fact, but her boyfriend's friend really does have a nice cock. Tasha decides to fuck him to get his mind back on track and off of porn.

Kagney Linn Karter 在 'Kagney Linn Karter, Monique Alexander, Tasha Reign in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Kagney Linn Karter - My Sisters Hot Friend

Spring time is upon us and that means spring break is here. Kagney, Monique, Capri, and Tasha are all relaxing by the pool talking about their excitement to go see Capri's brother Xander perform. They head into the house to get ready and try on 20 different outfits when Capri just doesn't feel up to it, she heads into the bedroom for a break. After the girls figure out what they're going to wear they check on Capri one more time and end up leaving without her. After the show they had to the back with their VIP wristbands, jumping all over Xander and we all know what happens in the VIP room. These lovely ladies don't as it's their first time but, Xander is ready and willing to give them a crash course on how to test his microphone.

Tasha Reign 在 'in Naughty Weddings'

Tasha Reign - Naughty Weddings

It's Tasha Reign's wedding day. She's got a little bit of cold feet though because she realizes that she will never be able to fuck anyone else for the rest of her life. Luckily, her fiances's best man, Ryan, is there to help her out. Ryan and Tasha actually dated a while back. Tasha decides that she needs one last fling before the vows and, given their history, Ryan would be the perfect person to do it with. Ryan is reluctant as he is her fiance's best man, but the bride always gets what she wants on her wedding day.

Tasha Reign 在 'and Seth Gamble in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Tasha Reign - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Tasha Reign is starting a new business and her boyfriend's son, Seth, is helping out by doing some construction work on it. Tasha stops by to check on him and while there she confesses that while Seth's dad is great at taking care of most issues he is slacks in the bedroom. Tasha hasn't been laid in a while and since her man can't give it to her she decides that his son might be a fitting substitute. Tasha seduces Seth and he fucks her in a way his dad never could.

Tasha Reign 在 'and Clover in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Tasha Reign - My Sisters Hot Friend

Tasha was just getting herself ready in the bathroom when Clover barges in after having waited long enough for his turn to get ready for his date. Tasha quickly covers herself up with a towel and wants to know what the big rush is. He tells her he met a chick through a dating app and that he needs to get ready. Tasha drops her towel revealing her ass and tits in her sexy lingerie and teases him asking if his date is packing what Tasha is ready to bring to the table! Tasha grabs Clover's cock through his pants and in a split second, he decides that he can miss getting ready for his date if he is going to get a chance at fucking his sister's friend.

Jenna Presley 在 'Squirt Machines 1'

Jenna Presley - Squirt Machines 1

Jenna Presley Gushing Squirting Pussy. It seems almost unfair to let this soaking wet scene from SQUIRT MACHINES out during the prolonged drought the southwest USA has been going through but what the fuck. Jenna Presley, a hot blonde with a natural body and a filthy mouth dressed in sexy lingerie and lucite stripper heels can't seem to stop squirting. Jenna squirts while standing, in reverse cowgirl, in missionary, seemingly any which way as long as she gets a good fucking first. A first rate whore who may not feed the masses but she sure wants to give them something to drink.

Tasha Reign 在 'and Danny Mountain in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Tasha Reign - My Sisters Hot Friend

Danny just got into town to visit his family, but everyone is gone when he get to his parent's house. Everyone except for his sister's friend, Tasha Reign. Since everyone is out they decide to pick things up where they left off. Fucking! Danny picks Tasha up and has her ride his cock on the kitchen counter before blowing his load all over her face and titties. Talk about a great homecoming gift.

Tasha Reign 在 'Dick Pulled By A Porn-Star'

Tasha Reign - Dick Pulled By A Porn-Star

Tasha Reign came to see us on Tug Jobs and my friends... She can rip a dick. I promise your gonna love watching this big titty blonde stroke some cock butt naked. Tasha Reign is so fucking fine it hurts. Enjoy fuckers.

Tasha Reign 在 'and Mr. Pete in I Have a Wife'

Tasha Reign - I Have A Wife

Mr. Pete left his drivers license at the strip club, Tasha was nice enough to come by and return it to him. Tasha walks right in like she owns the place and makes herself comfy on the couch while Pete is pleading for her to leave because he lives there with his wife. Tasha is a little upset she doesn't get the same treatment as Ginger at the club by getting gifts and shopping sprees all on Pete's tab. It seems Ginger gives a little extra incentive in the VIP room for these sprees and Tasha wants in on the action. The only way for him to get his license back is if he cuts Ginger out of the deal and fucks her silly all over his couch. It's illegal to drive without your license and we all need to abide by the law!

Jenna Presley 在 'Bust Lust'

Jenna Presley - Bust Lust

Busty Jenna Presley is blindfolded; her horny stud begins to touch her, turning her on before he stuffs her pussy and mouth with his throbbing cock.

Tasha Reign 在 'and Danny Mountain in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Tasha Reign - My Sisters Hot Friend

It's Halloween and Tasha Reign is all dressed up and ready to get drunk at the party with her friend, but her friend is no where to be found. Tasha roams the halls of her friend's scary house in search for her, but keeps running into rooms full of goblins. The biggest goblin of all being her friend's brother, Danny. Danny isn't all that bad though, In fact, Tasha's always had a bit of a crush on him, and with her friend out of the way Tasha is able to finally make her move on him. Since he's all dressed up as a king for Halloween Tasha decides to make him feel like one in bed. This sure is one great fuckin' Halloween for Danny boy.

Tasha Reign 在 'Fuck The Pain Away!'

Tasha Reign - Fuck The Pain Away!

Tasha had a hard work out. Boy is she sore. She really needs a firm grip to ease her muscular pain. Good thing, she contacted her boy Mirko to come and relax it for her. He will use his hands on her back and then slowly move to the buttocks and make all her soreness go away. But there is a new problem with her getting a good massage. It makes her very very wet. So Then now Mirko will have to massage her vagina as well. Enjoy!

Tasha Reign 在 'Sexy Blonde Porn Star Gets A Pussy Full Of CUm'

Tasha Reign - Sexy Blonde Porn Star Gets A Pussy Full Of CUm

Our boy Brick Danger strikes again and this time his target was the very hot and big tittied Tasha Reign. She was more than ready too cause she was itching to get her pussy pounded and cream pied. Brick probably thought that he was gonna be the agressor because Tasha took complete control of the situation and got the kind of fucking she wanted. You can't miss how this goes down! Peace.

Tasha Reign 在 'and Jordan Ash in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Tasha Reign - My Wife's Hot Friend

Tasha Reign is having fun washing her car at her friend's house. She's getting all wet in her skimpy car washing outfit. Her friend's husband, Jordan, comes out and tells her to put some clothes on. He's such a prude. Tasha decides to have a little fun with him by showing more skin and slowly stripping off her clothes in his driveway. Jordan is concerned about what the neighbors will think if they saw, but Tasha doesn't really want to give Jordan a hard time, she just wants to get him hard. Even the most prudish of people have their weakness cause as soon as Tasha grabs his cock he has no problem banging his wife's hot friend in his driveway.

Tasha Reign 在 'Porn-Stars Raid The Dorm Full Of College Boys!'

Tasha Reign - Porn-Stars Raid The Dorm Full Of College Boys!

No dorm is safe when Bangbros is on the prowl. This week the girl stalk a new dorm and find some bored co-eds who want to take their party to the next level.

Tasha Reign 在 'Sexy Porn-Star Masturbating'

Tasha Reign - Sexy Porn-Star Masturbating

Tasha Reign is what you would call an exhibitionist. She likes it when people watch her touching her self. She claims to get wet just knowing someone will watch her. We love a chick like that because she's the type of hottie that is always ready to go. Tasha is a good friend of ours and she invites you to check her out in action right now. She wants you to watch her rubbing her perfect big tits, spreading her pussy lips and fingering her we pussy till she cums all over the couch. Does that sound like something you have some time for right now?

Tasha Reign 在 'Penthouse Pet Machine FUCKED'

Tasha Reign - Penthouse Pet Machine FUCKED

Sexy, hot blonde with pouty lips and a tight pussy spreads her Penthouse Pet legs for the speed of the machines. A slick dong fucking makes her cum.

Tasha Reign 在 'Buttsex Nymphos 2'

Tasha Reign - Buttsex Nymphos 2

Busty blonde Tasha Reign has decided to take up director Mike Adriano on his offer of a nasty ass reaming. This adorable slut shows up at the studio wearing a tight dress and high heels; she spreads her phat butt cheeks so Mike can bury his finger and tongue inside her taut anus. Tasha wetly gags on the director's dick, drooling on his meat and submissively slurping at Mike's ball sack and bunghole. Soon he's ferociously pounding this big-booty babe's rectum until Tasha's sphincter gapes. The sexy girl sucks cock ass-to-mouth, opening wide to swallow a messy load of spunk.

Tasha Reign 在 'Strap For Teacher 02'

Tasha Reign - Strap For Teacher 02

School coach Kurt Lockwood has a secret to tell his horny girlfriend, curvaceous blonde Tasha Reign. He yearns to have his tender asshole dominated by a girl with a strap-on dildo! Fortunately, this busty beauty is open-minded. She uses his admission as her cue to take control and give Kurt the anal discipline he craves. Tasha gives her boyfriend's cock a wet tongue bath, then makes him orally worship her strap-on. Soon she's brutally pegging his sensitive anus with fingers and her thick phallus. While being butt-fucked, Kurt milks his throbbing dick. Afterward, Tasha gobbles up his gooey load.

Tasha Reign 在 'and Mick Blue in Neighbor Affair'

Tasha Reign - Neighbor Affair

It's a going-away party for Tasha Reign! She's leaving the neighborhood, so her community all pitched in and threw her a bye-bye bash. The horny blonde makes her rounds in more ways than one when says she has a phone call to go make and has an upstairs rendezvous with her neighbor Mick for a last-time fuck before she leaves! She sucks his big dick and rides it until he cums on her nose, and it's then that the little sexpot tells him she's got a phone call to make in an hour...

Tasha Reign 在 'and Ryan Driller in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Tasha Reign - My Wife's Hot Friend

Ryan's hot for his wife's friend Tasha Reign, so much so that the day after the party he's jerkin' off to her sexy photos. But Tasha catches him when she shows up at his home to get her purse, because she left it at the party! Seeing him slappin' the salami to her turns Tasha on, so she wants to give him the real deal ... big tits, wet pussy and a good fuck!!!

Tasha Reign 在 'Reign Over Me'

Tasha Reign - Reign Over Me

Bathed in the gentle light of the morning, Tasha reigns over her man's every want and need.

Tasha Reign 在 'Pussy filled with a big cock and cum'

Tasha Reign - Pussy filled with a big cock and cum

This week on Big Tit Creampie we have the pleasure of watching Tasha Reign get her pussy demolish from every angle possible. Mike is one lucky guy, and he takes full advantage at the situation we provided him with. Tasha is so hot, she has massive juicy tits, and round ass that is just made to be bent over getting stuffed with cock. After watching her get fucked in every position possible Mike gives her the treat she came over craving for and she leave one happy customer. Enjoy

Jenna Presley 在 'Two big ass girls lesbo out on each other before devouring dick'

Jenna Presley - Two big ass girls lesbo out on each other before devouring dick

Tell me what can be better than having two fine ass girls, naked and willing, ready for your cock and each other's pussy? Okay, I can think of a few things, but regardless, this is a dream come true for most folk! Come watch Preston sling that dick into these two tight pussies! He even gets some anal action! Trust me this one is dope! Don't miss it!

Allie Haze 在 'Allie Haze, Tasha Reign Share A Cock'

Allie Haze - Allie Haze, Tasha Reign Share A Cock

Allie Haze, Tasha Reign Share A Cock. Two glamorous babes sharing a cock, what a wonderful world. Allie Haze and Tasha Reign, a blonde and a brunette, both with natural boobies, give a dude the time of his life. In a slice of HARDCORE ALLURE 2 here you have two really attractive fuck pigs deep throating, cunt licking, taking cock and giving up good pussy. This is what makes the world go round.

Jenna Presley 在 'Oiled Up Squirting Machine'

Jenna Presley - Oiled Up Squirting Machine

Jenna Presley Oiled Up Squirting Machine. Not only is Jenna Presley great looking, not only does she have big beautiful tits but she has the dirtiest mouth in porn. Her signature line is "treat me like the dirty whore I am". I just love that line and if a Chick like Jenna said that to me I wouldn't last too long thereafter. From OIL OVERLOAD 4 you just got to see Jenna Presley whore. She does it so well.

Tasha Reign 在 'Gets Creampied By James Deen'

Tasha Reign - Gets Creampied By James Deen

Tasha Reign Gets Creampied By James Deen. It seems odd to me that creampies, where the guy cums inside the girls pussy is a niche market. Why? Because that's the way sex is supposed to work. Facials are not a niche but creampies are? From INTERNAL DAMNATION 5 here's a blonde with big tits getting the splooge right up her snatch. Good stuff.

Jenna Presley 在 'Live Gonzo Raw And Uncut Scenes 2'

Jenna Presley - Live Gonzo Raw And Uncut Scenes 2

Slinky blonde Tasha Reign and big-chested brunette Jenna Presley preen in front of the bathroom mirror, fondling each other's giant titties. The horny duo slips into some skintight evening slutwear, then strolls into the living room, where a nude Mark Ashley is stroking his raging hard-on. Tasha and Jenna put on a lesbian display for his amusement, sucking one another's huge melons until Mark joins in. They each wrap their jugs around his shaft, then straddle his big cock for a fucking ride. After he's done banging these curvy bitches, the lucky stud shoots cum all over their oiled-up cleavage.

Jenna Presley 在 'Feet That Dance To Elmer's Tune: Jenna Presley'

Jenna Presley - Feet That Dance To Elmer's Tune: Jenna Presley

Jenna Presley is a foot fetishist dream with tootsie pop toes, plumps soles, sky high arches dressed in sandals giving you POV foot worship instructio

Sarah Vandella 在 'Sarah Vandella, Tasha Reign and Karlo Karrera in 2 Chicks Same Time'

Sarah Vandella - 2 Chicks Same Time

Tasha Reign feels bad because she crashed her friend Sarah Vandella's car while borrowing it! Sarah and her boyfriend Karlo are bummed out about it, especially when Tasha tells them that she doesn't have the money to get it fixed right now. But Sarah proposes her friend an offer: have a sweaty, hot threesome with her and Karlo, and all will be forgiven! Tasha agrees, and the blondes with big tits make a Karlo sandwich, chock full of pussy-eating, dick-sucking and girl-on-girl action!

Tasha Reign 在 'and Ramon Nomar in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Tasha Reign - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Tasha Reign is in town visiting her girlfriend, hanging around the house in her bikini with her cleavage exposed to her friend's boyfriend Ramon, who's loving every minute of her big tits! He describes how much he loves them to his buddy on the phone, but unbeknownst to him, Tasha hears everything he says! She seduces her friend's boyfriend after he hangs up, and the sexy blonde pulls out her big tits and shoves them in his face so he can suck them, and then she can get to sucking and fucking his big dick!

Gina Lynn 在 'Jenna Presley, Gina Lynn Big Tit Paradise'

Gina Lynn - Jenna Presley, Gina Lynn Big Tit Paradise

Jenna Presley, Gina Lynn Big Tit Paradise. Now this is the shit, a blonde, a brunette, both with big tits and a three way straight from my fantasies. From DOUBLE D's & DERRIERES 4 comes a scene that seems just about perfect plus Jenna Presley has the best line ever. "Treat me like the dirty whore that I am". Holy shit!

Jenna Presley 在 'Gets Invaded By Nacho'

Jenna Presley - Gets Invaded By Nacho

Jenna Presley Gets Invaded By Nacho. My favorite line I've ever heard from a porn star is "Treat me like the dirty whore that I am". That line was uttered by Jenna Presley and, I believe, written by her too. Here, in this slice of NACHO INVADES AMERICA, Jenna, a foul mouthed whore with very big, wonderfully shaped tits, cavorts with the Spanish Rocco, Nacho Vidal. Good stuff.

Jenna Presley 在 'and Jordan Ash in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Jenna Presley - My Sisters Hot Friend

Jenna Presley is hosting her friends Ava and her brother Jordan, and his buddy Roli, over to watch the basketball game, but somebody needs to go get the snacks and beer. It's Roli's turn to buy, so he takes off with Ava to go to the store, leaving Jordan and Jenna behind. Jenna chuckles when they leave, because she's convinced that Ava knows she and Jordan are fucking! But she doesn't care, because Ava and Roli are gone, so they've got time for a fuck session before they get back!

Jenna Presley 在 '- Blacks On Blondes'

Jenna Presley - Blacks On Blondes

We pulled out the big guns for this weeks update. In one corner we have Jenna Presley. In the other corner is Lexington Steele and his debut here on the DogFart Network. Jenna and Lex are having some playful banter which inevitably turns into something much more interesting. Lexington Steele feels up Jenna's massive tits right before she kneels down before him and worships that legendary big black cock. Jenna Presley's giant milk jugs rubs against Lex's legs while her mouth inflates courtesy of that monster of a black cock. Jenna's mouth gets a much needed break when she lowers herself onto Mr. Steele's oversized black dick. Jenna's huge tits nearly cause her whiplash as she rides onto Lex's black cock until her white pussy begins the progression to a state of useless for any white guys. Lexington Steele's debut for us wouldn't be complete unless he slammed his black pipe into Jenna's uterus until she squirts all over his cock and an "Out of order" sign is almost needed to hang above it. Jenna Presley got all the interracial sex she could handle and her face and tits got slimed by Lex's black yogurt slinger.

Jenna Presley 在 'and Ben English in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Jenna Presley - My Wife's Hot Friend

Ben has invited Jenna over to his house for a surprise. Jenna thinks it must have something to do with her best friend, who is also Ben's wife. But she isn't there, and Ben calls Jenna into the master bedroom. He bought Jenna a brand new pair of expensive shoes! She doesn't know if she should accept them, but he insists, and helps her try them on. They feel fantastic, and when he starts to kiss and caress her leg, she gets swept away.

Tasha Reign 在 'Threesome With Tasha Reign'

Tasha Reign - Threesome With Tasha Reign

In this episode of Party of three we have Tasha Reign, Mercedes Lynn & Nickey Huntsman. These three ladies have themselves a killer threesome tag teaming each other with strap-ons alternating eating each others boxes. There really is no better way to enjoy your Thursday jerk session. Cum watch these three ladies Party with three!

Jenna Presley 在 'Foot Fuck with Jenna'

Jenna Presley - Foot Fuck with Jenna

Jenna Presley is bringing her sweet feet on over for an amazing foot job. This chick loves to have her feet licked, sucked, and fucked. It makes her even hornier when she imagines you doing it. Watch as she has our guy slobbering all over her sexy little toes and fucking her cock hardening arches. She shows you just how bad she wants your cock all over her feet, demonstrating skill that only a pro knows. Enjoy feet lovers!

Tasha Reign 在 'Jessie Rogers Goes Lesbian'

Tasha Reign - Jessie Rogers Goes Lesbian

Super hot Tasha Reign and Jessie Rogers dive into each other's pussies. Then Mercedes whips out some dildos and all three start finger banging and licking each other's ass. These girls get their tongues deep in each other pussy and ass, while they all cum and moan.

Tasha Reign 在 'Blonde Bombshell Gets Sex Massage'

Tasha Reign - Blonde Bombshell Gets Sex Massage

So this week on PornStar Spa we have the gorgeous Tasha Reign, holy fuck this girl is smoking hot. Her body is flawless, her tits are amazing, they are perky and beautiful. After a long day of shooting all she wants is to relax and get rid of all the kinks in her body. She gets a recommendation from her friend, and in no time there is a guy at her door ready to bring ecstasy to her body. Mirko waste no time getting her body oiled up and hitting those target points. Next thing you know Tasha can barely resist Mirko's touch and before you know it she has his dick shoved down her throat and deep in her pussy relaxing her in walls. Enjoy

Jenna Presley 在 'Big Titties'

Jenna Presley - Big Titties

Jenna Presley lets Jules Jordan eat his dessert off her big tits

Tasha Reign 在 'and Jordan Ash in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Tasha Reign - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Tasha Reign wants to go shopping, dammit! But her sugardaddy of a boyfriend isn't home . she only finds his son sitting around, so she delegates him to take her shopping. Jordan isn't down with being ordered around, and tells Tasha that he's gonna be runnin' shop once the old man is gone, so she'd better treat him nice. And she can start by sucking his cock and letting him fuck her wet pussy if she wants to go shopping!

Jenna Presley 在 'Interracial By Mandingo'

Jenna Presley - Interracial By Mandingo

Jenna Presley gets destroyed by Mandingo's huge cock!

Alysa 在 'The Bitches of Wood Mansion, Part 2: Kiss and Get Fucked'

Alysa - The Bitches of Wood Mansion, Part 2: Kiss and Get Fucked

Jenna Presley, Charley Chase & ass queen, Alyssa squirt, machine fuck & cum in a fight for top bitch.Alyssa's gaping asshole from the Hatchet is huge!

Jenna Presley 在 'The Bitches of Wood Mansion Part 1: Sexual Tension'

Jenna Presley - The Bitches of Wood Mansion Part 1: Sexual Tension

The Bitches of Wood Mansion P1: Sexual Tension. Charlie Chase & Jenna Presley squirt & fuck machines in a grudge match for top pussy of the mansion.

Jenna Presley 在 'Interracial Fucks Lex'

Jenna Presley - Interracial Fucks Lex

The lovely Jenna Presley is back on the premises, and this time she's headed toward Lexington Steele's studio, for a 32 minute hardcore romp. Jenna's friendly with a lot of the guys I know, but when she's in the mood for a huge dick, Lex is the guy she calls and talks dirty to. This gonzo scene has her nailing her from every angle. Jenna is no stranger to the pleasures and pains of interracial sex, and takes him all the way in!

Jenna Presley 在 'What The Fuck! Big Tits, Bitches and Ass!'

Jenna Presley - What The Fuck! Big Tits, Bitches and Ass!

Slinky blonde Tasha Reign and big-chested brunette Jenna Presley preen in front of the bathroom mirror, fondling each other's giant titties. The horny duo slips into some skintight evening slutwear, then strolls into the living room, where a nude Mark Ashley is stroking his raging hard-on. Tasha and Jenna put on a lesbian display for his amusement, sucking one another's huge melons until Mark joins in. They each wrap their jugs around his shaft, then straddle his big cock for a fucking ride. After he's done banging these curvy bitches, the lucky stud shoots cum all over their oiled-up cleavage.

Jenna Presley 在 'Licking Up Her Squirt: The Ever Wet Jenna'

Jenna Presley - Licking Up Her Squirt: The Ever Wet Jenna

Jenna Presley licks her squirt up after an epic fuck fest with HUGE cock on our custom machines.She is a slave to her pussy and the robots fucking it!

Jenna Presley 在 'Just Watch this - Cum so Much, So Far You Won't Believe'

Jenna Presley - Just Watch this - Cum so Much, So Far You Won't Believe

Jenna Presley and her ever cumming, squirting pussy return to FM. This big tit bombshell squirts everywhere as she's fisted and fucked by machines.

Jennifer Dark 在 'Helping out Foreigners'

Jennifer Dark - Helping out Foreigners

This week the girls are just a little bit crazier. Christina Mour, Tasha Reign and Jennifer Dark are horny and looking for some fresh dick. Their first victim is some Borat speaking dude who was waiting at a bus stop. The second guy was some dude driving home. We went back to his spot and the girls got on that shit. They played some game called "the Nervous Game" I dont know if worked but the next minute these girls were sucking dick and fucking these two chumps. But can these guys take on these crazy girls!

Jenna Presley 在 'Squirting The Distance Jenna Presley's Pussy Power'

Jenna Presley - Squirting The Distance Jenna Presley's Pussy Power

Jenna Presley fucking in mini-Olympics - she hoses the squirt guard in a distance challenge and cums from the infamous 10in Big Red on the Bunny Fucke

Jenna Presley 在 'A Squirting, Cumming Mess of HOT Machine Fucking Jenna Presley'

Jenna Presley - A Squirting, Cumming Mess of HOT Machine Fucking Jenna Presley

EIGHT Squirting Orgasms in a Row, sprays her own cum on her OWN face. The HOTTEST BABE in the industry plowed to dick drunk by machines.

Tasha Reign 在 'Pool-Side Foot Rub!'

Tasha Reign - Pool-Side Foot Rub!

What more can you ask for then to have a sexy blonde jerking your cock off with their feet. That's exactly what we have for today's new update of Magical feet. Tasha Reign is a sexy piece of ass waiting to jerk a stiff dick off with her pedicure feet. Brick Danger loved every minute of it. He fucked her feet until busting a nut all over them. Damn! Not bad for her first foot rub. Enjoy!

Tasha Reign 在 'Taking a Creampie Like A Champ'

Tasha Reign - Taking a Creampie Like A Champ

So today on Big Tit Creampie we have the jaw dropping Tasha Reign this girl is fucking amazing, the best body I have seen in ages. Huge tits, tight firm stomach and juicy ass. Her pussy is so tight and pink it makes you want to erupt just from looking at it. Champ really gives this pussy a beating, he clobbered this pussy to a pulp. After doing what he does best he unloads all his man juice into her warm swollen love cave and she loves every drop of it. Enjoy

Tasha Reign 在 'and Danny Mountain in Naughty Rich Girls'

Tasha Reign - Naughty Rich Girls

Tasha is on the phone with her friend when the hired caterers begin bringing things into the kitchen for the wine tasting her parents are throwing that evening. Tasha notices how sexy Danny, the initial caterer is, and she just has to see more of him. And remember whatever Tasha wants, she gets.

Tasha Reign 在 'The All-American Gal'

Tasha Reign - The All-American Gal

Welcome back! You're going to absolutely love today's new update of Big Tits Round Asses. Tasha Reign is an all american Cali girl with an amazing sexy body. She's a green-eyed babe with a great set of tits. Not to mention, Tasha also has an ass that shakes with ease. After watching Tasha's dance moves in the yard. Mike invited her inside to get things started. Whipping his huge hard cock out without hesitation. Tasha knew exactly what to do. She locked those plump lips around the cock with excitement. Then Mike took over after that. Giving this All-American gal a taste of the foreign cock. Enjoy!

Tasha Reign 在 'and Giovanni Francesco in I Have a Wife'

Tasha Reign - I Have A Wife

Tasha divorced her husband after one month and is hoping for a nice chunk of change and property she's owed. However, she tells the lawyer that she has absolutely no intention whatsoever of paying any retainer fees she owes to the firm; she just wants her way . in more ways than one. Tasha and her big tits would rather solve this issue the old-fashioned way -- with a nice hearty fucking, no matter if the attorney's married or not!

Tasha Reign 在 'and Clarke Kent in Naughty Athletics'

Tasha Reign - Naughty Athletics

The championship tournament is coming up, and Tasha is in it to win it! She's been stretching, doing calisthenics and practicing hard for the past week in preparation for the huge competition, and her trainer Clarke has stopped by to check up on her. He practices a few times with her to make sure she's got her best stuff, and she shows him how ready she is. When he asks if there's anything else that she needs from him to help her prepare, she says one thing: his ROCK-hard cock..

Tasha Reign 在 'and Ryan Driller in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Tasha Reign - My Friend's Hot Girl

Tasha Reign is packing her bags! She and her boyfriend Casper are heading to Toronto for a little vacation, and she's telling Casper's buddy and roommate Ryan all about it as he watches her pack. Not only does she let him see the sexy undergarments she's bringing, Tasha also fills him in a little secret: that she and Casper will probably end up moving to the Great White North. Ryan's a little thrown off since Casper is his best friend and he hasn't heard shit about it, which is probably why he decides to make a move on the bubbly blonde. He's been crushing on her forever, and he can't imagine not seeing her for a long time. So what does he do? He nails the hoser-to-be and gets her started with his Great White Splooge.

Jenna Presley 在 'Bella Foxx and Jenna Presley'

Jenna Presley - Bella Foxx and Jenna Presley

Here is a large serving of Ass for all you Assparade lovers! In this weeks update we bring you Bella Foxx & Jenna Presley. Bella Foxx is a sexy 20 year old brunnette with an amazing, big round ass. Jenna Presley is one of the more recognizable and gorgeous faces in porn today. These two ladies are incredibly fine and mix well together here on Assparade! I promise you all will love the double blow job and the hard ass pounding. Good luck and try not to make a mess!

Jenna Presley 在 'Is Back Are You Fucking Ready!!'

Jenna Presley - Is Back Are You Fucking Ready!!

So today on Big Tit Creampie we have the fucking smoking hot Jenna Presley. She is just to much to describe in words, her massive tits, and ass is enough to leave you in a trance for hours. Lucky Mike gets to pound out her tight pussy that has been dormant from the porn scene for 9 months. Mike gives this a certified grade A pussy slaying, Jenna can barely contain herself while she is getting her tight hole stuffed with meat, and you know the only way we end this off here at BangBros, thats right we left her filled up to the brim. Enjoy

Kelly Divine 在 'TWIST-HER'

Kelly Divine - TWIST-HER

Kelly Divine is up against Keiran Lee in this weeks episode of 'TWIST-HER.' The rules are simple first, hands and feet must stay on the mat at all times. Second, falling disqualifies a player from the match. Thirdly, players are aloud to use any body part to distract or intimidate their opponent. Since Kelly likes to play really dirty she uses everything she's got to win the grand prize of 10,000 dollars.

Jenna Presley 在 'Trina and Jenna'

Jenna Presley - Trina and Jenna

Description Preston is one lucky fuck! Not only do girls come over all the time and fuck him, they have now started to come in pairs. This week is especially kick ass because Trina and Jenna are here to eat each other's pussies and fondle each other while O.P.P fucks them. They give the b double head and watch one another deep throat PP's wang. Then they each take turns on Preston and use him like a boytoy. And, not to mention the best part, he gets to cum in their mouths.ENJOY!!!