Madison Ivy at
Brazzers '他媽的搭便車和監獄鳥第 1 部分' 主演 Victoria Cakes (照片 3)

Victoria Cakes,Clara Trinity 在 'Brazzers' - Fucking The Hitchhiker And The Jailbird Part 1 (Hot And Mean)


發布 : 11月18日, 2021
標籤 : 襪子, 大屁股, 泡泡屁股, 豐滿, , 黑髮, , 巨大的山雀, 增強, 小屁股, 沖孔, , 嬌小, 亞洲, 褐髮, 學校女生, 高跟鞋, 禿頭的貓, Innie貓, 小山雀, 天然山雀, 性別, 接吻, 手淫, 面對坐, 貓咪舔, 拍擊, 汽車, 戶外, 屁股崇拜, 大山雀崇拜, 異族, 女同性戀, 剪式, 假陽具, 性玩具, 2部分系列, 熱門廣告

Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'
Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'

Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'

圖片來自 Victoria Cakes,Clara Trinity 在 'Brazzers' Fucking The Hitchhiker And The Jailbird Part 1

Victoria Cakes 在 'Brazzers' 他媽的搭便車和監獄鳥第 1 部分 (縮略圖 1)
Victoria Cakes 在 'Brazzers' 他媽的搭便車和監獄鳥第 1 部分 (縮略圖 2)
Victoria Cakes 在 'Brazzers' 他媽的搭便車和監獄鳥第 1 部分 (縮略圖 3)
Victoria Cakes 在 'Brazzers' 他媽的搭便車和監獄鳥第 1 部分 (縮略圖 4)
Victoria Cakes 在 'Brazzers' 他媽的搭便車和監獄鳥第 1 部分 (縮略圖 5)
Victoria Cakes 在 'Brazzers' 他媽的搭便車和監獄鳥第 1 部分 (縮略圖 6)

圖片來自 Victoria Cakes,Clara Trinity 在 'Brazzers' Fucking The Hitchhiker And The Jailbird Part 1

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Victoria Cakes,Clara Trinity

Kelsi Monroe 在 '戰利品電話!大屁股的主要地標'

Kelsi Monroe - 戰利品電話!大屁股的主要地標

觀看一些最性感的 Brazzers 明星在這個屁股美味的合輯中搖晃他們的賺錢工具!這些女孩已經拿到了貨物,她們迫不及待地想向你展示她們是如何工作的,扭動它,在一些大肥雞巴上彈跳她們完美的大靴子!

Phoenix Marie 在 '布拉澤斯之家4:第9集'

Phoenix Marie - 布拉澤斯之家4:第9集

室友們都穿好衣服,再次重新集合,回憶他們在Brazzers House 4的難忘時光。在房子最熱門和最令人髮指的時刻,與女孩們一起回顧一下,看看她們對第一次觀看所有史詩般的鏡頭的反應。這個季節充滿了炎熱、放蕩、角質的動作,所以準備好狂歡大小的亮點包吧!

Jenna Foxx 在 '布拉澤斯之家4:第8集'

Jenna Foxx - 布拉澤斯之家4:第8集

隨著他們在Brazzers House的時間接近尾聲,室友們希望利用每一刻,盡可能多地做愛。在急切地等待著他的大雞巴全部屬於自己之後,妮可·多西和 CJ 邁爾斯追逐斯科特·指甲,並在懺悔室里給他偷偷摸摸的雙重口交和快速的爆炸聲。然後是大結局,因為所有的室友聚在一起,用最後一次輪姦來對付一大堆雞巴和陰戶!無論輸贏,史詩般的盛宴都會讓我們的女孩微笑著回家!這是瘋狂的八天,我們的參賽者都證明了他們是業內最好的。現在由您來決定哪兩個人將贏得令人垂涎的獎項,被評為布拉澤人的最新合同明星!

Phoenix Marie 在 '布拉澤斯之家4:第1集'

Phoenix Marie - 布拉澤斯之家4:第1集

Brazzers House 4 的第 1 天以一聲巨響拉開了序幕——更準確地說是輪姦!準備帶來他們的A-game,我們的參賽者到達房子,並受到他們的主持人Phoenix Marie的歡迎,她宣佈今年的版本非常特別,因為其中兩個將把獎品帶回家,並將被評為我們的下一個Brazzers合同明星!有這麼多事情要做,我們激烈的競爭對手不會浪費任何時間展示他們所擁有的東西,當他們都脫光衣服,在一場狂野的全明星狂歡中填補他們的漏洞,為本賽季即將發生的事情定下基調!

Clara Trinity 在 '不能拉上拉鍊,得他媽的'

Clara Trinity - 不能拉上拉鍊,得他媽的


Lexi Luna 在 '捕捉這對夫婦'

Lexi Luna - 捕捉這對夫婦

性感而經驗豐富的Lexi Luna是一對知名夫婦的攝影師,她努力工作,總是從她的客戶那裡得到最好的。今天在工作室,她正在拍攝健康而處女的夫婦Clara Trinity和Oliver Flynn。這對年輕夫婦很僵硬,但Lexi有辦法讓他們放鬆一下!萊克西向克拉拉和奧利弗展示了如何取悅彼此,教他們如何吸吮和性交,他們甚至從未夢想過。誰知道這對夫婦的第一次會是像萊克西這樣抽煙的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線的三人行!

Victoria Cakes 在 '女同性戀夫婦想要室友雞巴'

Victoria Cakes - 女同性戀夫婦想要室友雞巴


Victoria Cakes 在 '飛行員客房服務'

Victoria Cakes - 飛行員客房服務

空姐Ebony Mystique在ZZ航空公司工作了很長時間後迫不及待地想放鬆一下,而Blondie Bombshell在那裡確保她的酒店房間有她需要的一切:假陽具,玩具和她熱乎乎的裸體,可以在浴室淋浴時玩一些女同性戀樂趣!當飛行員范·懷爾德( Van Wylde )帶著大維多利亞蛋糕( Victoria Cake )到達時,事情變得瘋狂起來,他迫不及待地想直接!每個人都聚集在臥室里,范把他堅硬的雞巴浸入所有寶貝甜美的陰道和嘴巴中,進行一場激烈的球到牆的四人組,值得一等票!

Victoria Cakes 在 '他媽的搭便車和監獄鳥第 2 部分'

Victoria Cakes - 他媽的搭便車和監獄鳥第 2 部分

在第一輪他媽的, 維多利亞和克拉拉決定添加一些迪克的組合。他們發現監獄鳥凱爾梅森,剛剛拿起垃圾,並釋放他,同時分散典獄長的注意力。然後,凱爾在樹林里接受雙重吹風工作,然後三人前往室內進行一些熱三人行動作。性是真棒, 但這三個人以後能逃脫典獄長嗎?

Victoria Cakes 在 '放任自流與維多利亞'

Victoria Cakes - 放任自流與維多利亞

賈克斯·斯萊赫、丹·法拉利和邁克爾·維加斯在酒店房間里感到厭煩,在罪惡之城尋找一些可以做的事情。邁克爾建議他們為晚上租一些特別的娛樂節目, 角質的傢伙都適合!一個電話打來,不久后維多利亞蛋糕衝破了門,提著一個公事包充滿了好東西,這肯定會使這個夜晚,他們永遠不會忘記!維多利亞遞給他們水槍, 讓他們噴她的大戰利品和貓與它, 打開她, 讓她濕, 並準備幫派爆炸, 即將發生!維多利亞讓他們給她戴上手銬, 而她採取他們所有的硬公雞在這個狂野的場景, 扼殺他們的臉與她巨大的山雀和屁股, 直到她離開覆蓋他們的暨!

Clara Trinity 在 '教練窺視者伸出大手'

Clara Trinity - 教練窺視者伸出大手

吉米 · 邁克爾斯應該在他嚴厲的足球教練皮客教練 (傑 · 斯萊赫) 的監視下訓練...但他現在有點分心吉米可愛的女朋友克拉拉三一已經闖入田間屋, 渴望得到吉米的雞巴的味道。吉米認為他正在逃脫, 但皮客教練已經抓住了, 偷偷地窺探這對年輕夫婦。當沒有經驗的吉米耗盡呼吸試圖吃貓,需要一個時間,教練皮德斯標籤,以節省失望和角質克拉拉的一天。教練知道如何正確地訓練一個女人。最終,教練再次躲了起來,讓吉米完成了工作。但是吉米在第二次嘗試時會更令人印象深刻嗎?

Lulu Chu 在 '枕頭駝峰得到她的'

Lulu Chu - 枕頭駝峰得到她的

維多利亞蛋糕和露露楚是室友, 露露不是那麼容易生活。她對枕頭駝背的骯髒折磨開始真正惹惱維多利亞了。露露不斷駝背維多利亞的所有好東西, 她厭倦了它。所以,維多利亞決定用她自己的一些技巧來懲罰露露。她把吸力假陽具藏在冰箱裡, 知道這將是這個骯髒的 lil perv 的完美分心, 並給她足夠的時間穿上她的綁帶, 從後面給她驚喜。笑話維多利亞, 因為這正是露露喜歡的, 她不迴避鐵杆的混蛋。維多利亞把假陽具摘下來, 粘在冰箱裡, 用它亂搞她。露露回報的青睞,並使用維多利亞的假陽具。這變成了一個剪刀,噴,性冒險瘋了。也許露露一點也不壞室友!

Lil D 在 '讓他保持身材'

Lil D - 讓他保持身材

維多利亞蛋糕厭倦了她的男人, Lil D, 是一個懶惰的麻袋。他不再和她上床了, 他的生活方式讓她毛骨悚直了。她不再拿這些屎了!維多利亞已經決定, 如果 Lil D 想和她上床, 他將不得不和她一起訓練。當 Lil D 看到她鍛煉時, 他不打架。有了她美味的曲線和大天然山雀,她是一股不可忽視的力量。維多利亞是一個壞蛋寶貝與殺手圓屁股, 知道如何工作。男孩, 她給他鍛煉!維多利亞坐在他的臉上, 工作他的舌頭。Lil D 磅維多利亞, 直到她噴, 她還沒有完成與他。她得到頂部, 騎她的男人, 直到他暨在她的山雀。她踢了他懶惰的習慣, 現在他準備做推!這就是我所說的鍛煉!

Victoria Cakes 在 '媽媽讓一切變得更好'

Victoria Cakes - 媽媽讓一切變得更好

當維多利亞·科克斯(Victoria Cakes)走進喬迪(Jordi)試圖在看電影時與女兒鬼混時,嚴厲的媽媽決定坐在這對角質夫婦之間,並註視著他們。在電影中,喬迪(Jordi)凝視著維多利亞的山雀,開始在毯子下抽搐-他只是忍不住!維多利亞抓住了他,把他拖到她的臥室裡,教給他一個他永遠不會忘記的課。

Victoria Cakes 在 '性交和家庭:第2部分'

Victoria Cakes - 性交和家庭:第2部分

隨著Victoria Cakes與Kenzie Reeves打交道,她決定通過淋浴和適當的放鬆來降溫。在離開Kenzie進入起居室後,我們看到維多利亞走向浴室,而一直看著女同性戀嬉戲的Small Hands在維多利亞支撐著他的時候勉強隱藏起來。經過一場關於他是否應該尋找Kenzie的短暫內部辯論後,Small Hands決定跟隨維多利亞上樓,在那裡他很快就暴露出來並且採取行動。

Kenzie Reeves 在 '性交和家庭:第1部分'

Kenzie Reeves - 性交和家庭:第1部分

Victoria Cakes聘請了Kenzie Reeves為她照看孩子,因為她想要去參加一個姍姍來遲的熱門約會。然而,儘管Kenzie知道這嚴格違反維多利亞的房屋政策,但Kenzie邀請她的男朋友Small Hands出去玩。雖然Small Hands設法偷偷過了維多利亞,但是在她的約會向南去之後,她抓住了她早早回來的沙發。在將小手拖出家門後,維多利亞發現Kenzie已經弄得一團糟,如果她想收取她的保姆費,需要一些紀律。

來自其他網站的場景特色 Victoria Cakes,Clara Trinity

Clara Trinity 在 'Sexy Stretches'

Clara Trinity - Sexy Stretches

Clara convinces her man to do some make stretches. It is not long before they're feeling each other up and Clara begging for cock.

Clara Trinity 在 'We Should All Just Fuck'

Clara Trinity - We Should All Just Fuck

Johnny was just trying to spend his day watching TV. However, his stepsister, Violet Gems, had a friend over and kicked him out of the living room. From there, Violet and her friend, Clara trinity needed up getting it on. Some time after that, Clara snuck into Johnny's room to have some fun with him too. Eventually, Violet discovered what was going and was offered to join in on the fun. She agreed and the three of them started fucking each other. Johnny penetrated their tight pussies in several different positions making them orgasm several times. All of this before he dropped a huge load all over their faces.

Clara Trinity 在 'Erotic Vibrations - 9 Orgasms'

Clara Trinity - Erotic Vibrations - 9 Orgasms

Clara sits on a sybian and it rocks her world into massive, body shaking orgasms that makes her cum all over!

Clara Trinity 在 'Yoga Session'

Clara Trinity - Yoga Session

Clara has an intimate 1 on 1 yoga session with her man. They face each other as she gets into multiple sexy poses.

Clara Trinity 在 'Asian Delivery Girls'

Clara Trinity - Asian Delivery Girls

Asian delivery girls model cute lingerie for their customer and take turns sharing his cock in the shower.

Clara Trinity 在 'Wedding Night'

Clara Trinity - Wedding Night

Clara has never let anyone cum inside her pussy but now that she's married, she wants him to fill her up as much as possible.

Clara Trinity 在 'Oiled Asian'

Clara Trinity - Oiled Asian

Clara gets soaked in oil before getting fucked and facialed.

Clara Trinity 在 'Winter Princess'

Clara Trinity - Winter Princess

Winter Princess strips down and plays with her dildo to get ready for a big dick.

Clara Trinity 在 'I Suck It, You Fuck It'

Clara Trinity - I Suck It, You Fuck It

Leana Lovings and Clara Trinity were getting ready for their yoga instructor. As the where getting ready they realized how beautiful they are and decided to lick and scissor some pussy first. They orgasmed just as Danny Steele was knocking. Yoga was sort of exhausting so Leana secretly flashed Danny and signaled him to meet her at the toilet. There she sucked his dick until Clara knocked, also flashed Danny and lured him to the bedroom. Here the two were fucking in doggy until Leana burst in. Both girls were a little upset that the other girl was fooling around behind their back but hey, both still wanted to fuck and suck. So they both fucked Danny. There were so many pussies in his face on his dick. He was in heaven. They fucked and sucked until Danny came in Clara's face and Leana then licked the cum off.

Clara Trinity 在 'Tight Asian Pussy'

Clara Trinity - Tight Asian Pussy

Clara's tight Asian pussy gets stretched and filled by Isiah's BBC.

Clara Trinity 在 'Sexting'

Clara Trinity - Sexting

Clara has been sexting with Brock and giving him masturbation shows. They can't wait to meet up and fuck. When he finally shows up, they don't even speak and get right into sex until he blows his load all over her face.

Clara Trinity 在 'Going Through My Stepsis To Get My Car - S24:E11'

Clara Trinity - Going Through My Stepsis To Get My Car - S24:E11

Clara Trinity is just lounging on the couch in the living room when her stepbrother, Johnny Love, joins her. He tells Clara that his mom says he has to coach her for the upcoming spelling bee or she'll take away his car. Clara agrees, but she fucks with Johnny by intentionally spelling words wrong. She claims that she only knows how to spell dirty words and then demonstrates.Leaning back and spreading her thighs, Clara tells Johnny that if he fucks her she'll tell his mom he coached her really well and she'll spell all the words correctly. She peels off her clothes as Johnny hems and haws about it, and then grabs his hand so she can suck his fingers in a pantomime of what she really wants. Clara's thighs are already nice and spread out, so it's easy for Johnny to move lower and finger bang his hot stepsis. In return, he gets a sloppy deep throat BJ that tells him without words what a hot freak Clara really is.Hopping onto the couch on her knees, Clara looks over her shoulder to watch Johnny slide it in. He squeezes and jiggles her ass cheeks as he bangs her from behind. When it's Clara's turn to set the pace, she rides her stepbro's fuck stick in cowgirl and then turns around to twerk in reverse cowgirl. When Clara gets on her back and lifts her knees to open herself up, Johnny slides back home to give his stepsister one last big O. He finishes their flirty fuck by rubbing one out to deliver a facial for his smiling satisfied stepsis.

Clara Trinity 在 'Sexy Games'

Clara Trinity - Sexy Games

Clara surprises you with a sexy game of cornhole.

Clara Trinity 在 'Cumming Deep - 13 Orgasms'

Clara Trinity - Cumming Deep - 13 Orgasms

Clara gets fucked deep by Kyle until she's cumming over and over.

Clara Trinity 在 'Dripping Cum'

Clara Trinity - Dripping Cum

Clara gets her pussy filled with cum and takes a facial.

Clara Trinity 在 'Cornhole Facial'

Clara Trinity - Cornhole Facial

Clara will let Quinton fill her hole if he makes a bag into the cornhole.

Clara Trinity 在 'Pumpkin Fucking Stepbro'

Clara Trinity - Pumpkin Fucking Stepbro

Stepbro gets caught fucking his stepsis' pumpkin.

Clara Trinity 在 'Underwater Love'

Clara Trinity - Underwater Love

Clara Trinity was getting a tan at the pool. Jay Bangher joined her and rubbed some oil on her sexy body. She jumped into the pool and the camera was capturing her pussy and ass underwater. She pulled out Jay's big dick. They started to fuck in the pool. His dick was pumping the water. They climbed out of the pool. She sucked his dick, stuck it in her throat. They fucked more. Reverse cowgirl showed her beautiful breasts and the deep in and out. They did some mish, doggy and spoon. Then he came on her face.

Clara Trinity 在 'Thanksgiving Facial'

Clara Trinity - Thanksgiving Facial

Clara gets passionately fucked and facialed on Thanksgiving.

Clara Trinity 在 'Happy Thanksgiving'

Clara Trinity - Happy Thanksgiving

Clara gets passionately fucked on Thanksgiving.

Clara Trinity 在 'Friendly Neighbor Facialed'

Clara Trinity - Friendly Neighbor Facialed

Clara welcomes her new neighbors with a batch of cookies. He invites her inside when things get hot and heavy in a threesome ending with huge facials.

Clara Trinity 在 'Full Body Massage'

Clara Trinity - Full Body Massage

Clara gives Tyler a full body massage before getting fucked and facialed by his big dick.

Clara Trinity 在 'Tiny Workout'

Clara Trinity - Tiny Workout

Tiny Clara has a workout before getting fucked by a big dick and facialed.

Clara Trinity 在 'Too Cute'

Clara Trinity - Too Cute

If you had a tight body like Clara Trinity, you would show it off with tight shirts and short shorts. This teen loves to play with her long hair to attract a partner who'll make her lovely body feel incredible. As her clothes hit the ground, her fingers pleasure her plump titties and juicy bare twat.

Clara Trinity 在 'Sexy Vibes'

Clara Trinity - Sexy Vibes

Cute and horny, Clara Trinity is the kind of teen we love to feature on Nubiles. This brand new coed has curves in all the right places and she loves to shake what she's got. From her perfect handful boobies to her slippery bald snatch, this cock loving coed is locked and loaded for a good time.

Clara Trinity 在 'Here For Fun'

Clara Trinity - Here For Fun

Lovely little teen Clara Trinity is here for a good time. Her puffy nipples are pretty much always hard and ready to be tweaked. As she strips out of her clothes, her bare pussy grows nice and wet, a slippery delight for her talented fingers. Grabbing a vibrator, she masturbates until she cums!

Clara Trinity 在 'Fitness Fun'

Clara Trinity - Fitness Fun

Cute and fit, Clara Trinity is eager to finish her workout so she can get busy making her body feel good in other ways. This petite teen has lovely brown nipples and a lush ass that she loves having squeezed. Watch her grab a toy and finish the climax her magic fingers started.

Clara Trinity 在 'I Caught My Step Sister Humping The Easter Bunny - S16:E8'

Clara Trinity - I Caught My Step Sister Humping The Easter Bunny - S16:E8

Easter is a fun holiday for Scarlet Skies and her friend Clara Trinity. They are in the process of decorating when Clara makes an incredible find: A huge bunny head. When Clara feels how soft the fur is, she gets an idea. She asks Scarlet whether she has ever tried humping a stuffed animal. Scarlet has not, so they get busy with the bunny. Although the start with their shorts on, they gradually peel off their shorts and lift their shirts as their horniness overtakes them.The girls are properly into their sexy frenzy when Scarlet's stepbrother, Jay Romero, walks in. When they realize that they've been seen, the girls tell Jay that he can't leave because he's totally going to tell everyone. They block him into the room and put the bunny head over his head to keep him there. The girls are both oh so horny, though, and with Jay trapped between them, Clara realizes that they may have a cure for their need. They rub Jay's dick and then when it's nice and hard they pull it out. Clara is the first to open wide and start sucking him off. Scarlet is close behind!Since the girls seem to like the bunny head, Jay keeps it on as they deliver a double blowjob. Scarlet is a little shy about fucking her stepbrother right away, but she's happy to let Clara eat her out as Jay fucks Clara in doggy. Jay lays down on the bed so Clara can ride his dick while Scarlet watches. Eventually, Scarlet takes Clara's place riding the D while Clara takes the bunny head off and plants her pussy on Jay's mouth. Jay puts the bunny head back on so that Scarlet can lay on her back as Jay bangs her and Clara rides her mouth. Banging his stepsis is so hot that Jay can't help but give Scarlet a creampie as he blows his load. Clara laps up the cum, then shares it with Scarlet in a big sloppy kiss.

Clara Trinity 在 'Asian Vibrations'

Clara Trinity - Asian Vibrations

Clara rubs her pussy with a powerful vibrator to get ready for Tyler's big cock.

Clara Trinity 在 'Loves to Fuck'

Clara Trinity - Loves to Fuck

Clara Trinity met up with Preston Parker to have some POV fun. She's a little shy until it comes time to get down. This chick loves to fuck and get fucked. After an interview, they quickly got down to business. She attempted to fit Preston's huge cock in her mouth as deep as possible. Eventually, it came time to penetrate her tight little hole. It was a struggle at first. This chick's pussy is extra tight. Clara got penetrated in several different positions before receiving a gigantic facial that covered her entire face.

Victoria Cakes 在 'Teaching Him a Lesson'

Victoria Cakes - Teaching Him a Lesson

Victoria Cakes is getting home from the store when she sees that her stepson, Johnny, has made a huge mess. She's had it with him, and she gives him 15 minutes to clean that shit up otherwise he'll be punished. Johnny, lazy as always,

Victoria Cakes 在 'Got Them BJ Skills'

Victoria Cakes - Got Them BJ Skills

Right before shooting one of her scenes, we had to put Victoria to the test. Tyler Steel had heard a lot about her amazing BJ skills and he couldn't wait to get his dick sucked by her. Half way through her make up session she started sucking his cock. Watching Victoria Cakes suck dick is mesmerizing. She sucked his cock clean until he busted a huge load all over her gigantic tits.

Clara Trinity 在 'Mom Doesn't Need To Know'

Clara Trinity - Mom Doesn't Need To Know

Mark is enjoying a nice day off by the pool and trying to get a good tan. While he's putting on some tanning oil, he decides to give his step daughter a call to see if she can come outside and help him cover his back. She comes outside and can't stop looking at his body. She begins to get really horny and decides to try and see how far she could take it. She slowly starts rubbing his back with oil and convinces him to take off his shorts so that she can rub EVERYWHERE. She assures him that her mom won't ever find out. He was nervous at first, but it felt way too good to stop her. She gives him a slow and sensual handjob before asking if she can suck it. She then gives him an amazing blowjob and they begin to fuck before mom gets home. He leaves her with a huge cumshot all over his face and they both enjoy their new dirty little secret.

Victoria Cakes 在 'Fucks The Plumber'

Victoria Cakes - Fucks The Plumber

Victoria Cakes has a leak under her sink. So she decided to call a plumber. However, once the plumber showed up, she decided to take things a different direction. Victoria told the plumber to walk in while she was int he middle of taking a bath. Once he spotted her completely naked, she asked him to join her. From there, things escalated quickly. She shoved the plumbers face deep in her ass and had him eat her pussy from behind. From there, she was penetrated by the plumber in several different positions before receiving a huge load all over her magnificent ass.

Clara Trinity 在 'Clara's Suitcase Sex Surprise'

Clara Trinity - Clara's Suitcase Sex Surprise

We have Tyler coming in today to start filming but once he walked in, our director was telling him about his wardrobe and that he needs to change. No worries though as we have a special suitcase for Tyler. He can tell it's heavy but he drags it

Victoria Cakes 在 'Victoria Gets Them Cakes Fucked'

Victoria Cakes - Victoria Gets Them Cakes Fucked

On today's update we have the amazing Victoria Cakes. We always have so much fun with her because she is such a blast. In addition, she has the biggest, roundest ass in the business. And fuck does she know how to work it. We get her to try on some booty shorts, but it's asking a lot of them. She tries to slip them over that big ass, but they barely hold those two chocolate ass cheeks in. She dances, twerks, booty claps and oils herself up for us. Afterwards, lucky Brick gets to hittin that ass. He fucks her hard in all the best positions to see her big bubble ass bounce. Finally, he explodes right on her ass cheeks! What an amazing sight. Ass lovers beware, Victoria will take you for a ride like you've never been on before.

Clara Trinity 在 'Clara Rides The Bus'

Clara Trinity - Clara Rides The Bus

We spot Clara right outside the gym. She's so hot trying to get in the closed business, so we chat her up. She seemed hesitant; a c note convinces her to stay. We eventually got her in the van. Once inside the van, She takes off her top to reveal her perfect tits and tight body. She tells us she's turned on by watching a man jerk his cock. Luckily for her, Tyler Steel is already on the job. She turns around to see his giant erect cock. She gets to work worshiping his dick. She goes deep on the cock. She gets up and presents her pussy. it's begging to get fucked. Tyler pounds her pussy to oblivion. She gets a thick coat of cum on her mouth. It's always the quiet ones that are freaks. We abandon her on the side of the road.

Victoria Cakes 在 'A Slice Of Cake In Miami!'

Victoria Cakes - A Slice Of Cake In Miami!

Victoria Cakes is back and she came to the heart of Bang Bros, Miami baby! We had to give her the full Miami treatment, and by that we mean....REALLY big dick. Our boy Isiah Maxwell is ready to take on that huge ass. She walked around in public showing off her amazing booty, and the residents of Miami were....excited to say the least. She even got recognized by a few fans! I guess it's hard not to get recognized with a legendary ass like hers. We head over to the Bang Bros crib and that's where the real fun starts. She sits on his face and he worships every inch of that booty. She gets all oiled up and he fucks her hard in multiple positions before shooting a huge load all over her face.

Victoria Cakes 在 'Pulls Them Out Of Her Ass'

Victoria Cakes - Pulls Them Out Of Her Ass

Victoria Cakes is a lot of women and we finally got her in Miami. She shows us how much cake she got. She shakes her gorgeous ass and the city rumbles. Victoria also has her secrets hidden in the bottom. We call in Jonathan Jordan an ass expert to explore her wonderful ass. He notices something strange, He pulls out an entire dildo, a juicy red apple, and lil D. She can really fit anything in there. She makes the boys eat her ass. and then gets them to double team her beautiful pink pussy.

Victoria Cakes 在 'Fuckin' That Watermelon Booty'

Victoria Cakes - Fuckin' That Watermelon Booty

Jmac is hungry, and Victoria Cakes is horny. How do they satisfy both of their needs? Watermelon Booty! This is truly a sight you need to see to believe. Victoria's huge ass painted beautifully to look exactly like a real watermelon. It's wet, juice, and ready to be opened up. They fuck in multiple positions, she bounces her huge ass all over, and let's not forget about her AMAZING tits. Her sexy body makes JMac cum all over her face. This is the best watermelon i've ever seen...and that's a fact!

Victoria Cakes 在 '- Cumbang'

Victoria Cakes - Cumbang

Victoria Cakes is hardcore. She traps her men and swallows 'em down. See how she gets her batter for her cakes from the white boys she loves. There is no one like Victoria Cakes. No one dirtier, no one nastier and no one who wants the dick, dick, dick more than Victoria. Simply put, she is everything. Hold on for the ride, because once Victoria sets her eyes on you, you'll never get away.

Victoria Cakes 在 '- Gloryhole Initiations'

Victoria Cakes - Gloryhole Initiations

Victoria wanted to get her freak on. With money to burn, she decided to hit the adult video store and pick up some treats. Maybe a movie or 2...a couple know have a date with herself! Well, curiosity definitely got the kitty...cause she wanted to know what was hiding behind the curtains. The store clerk was all too happy to show her the video booth...their biggest money maker. Once inside, Victoria quickly found herself half naked and fondling her goodies, while watching some good old fashioned porno. To her surprise, she was not alone...2 huge cocks come through the gloryholes. Her pussy already wet and willing, she grabbed onto those cocks and sucked feverishly....dripping spit all over her tig ole bitties. These mystery dicks had no idea what they were in she backed that caboose right onto them. She fucked them so hard the walls were shaking, the earth was quaking. After she got her fill of orgasms....she sucked those dicks until they spit up all over her face.

Victoria Cakes 在 'Huge Ass Interracial Family Fuck'

Victoria Cakes - Huge Ass Interracial Family Fuck

Vanna Bardot was masturbating with a dildo when her step mom Victoria Cakes caught her! Her step daughter was a slut!! She spanked her. Then she got undressed and squished her step daughter with her massive tits and ass. As the girls were scissoring step dad Charlie Mac walked in on them. The girls took out his giant dick and they both started to fuck him. They fucked and they sucked until Charlie came into their faces and the girls swapped some cum.

Jayden Starr 在 'Jayden Starr, Lexi Lore and Victoria Cakes - Zebra Girls'

Jayden Starr - Zebra Girls

Lexi Lore is a pervert. But before we tell you more about that, Lexi manages a women's clothing store. It's one of those trendy, boutique joints for the hipster girls. Lexi's pervy behavior includes taking extra-long peeps when hot women are in the changing rooms! And today, when super-curvy Victoria Cakes and Jayden Starr walked in the store to browse, Lexi just about lost her mind! So much so she locked the door to the place and immediately started worshiping Victoria's 57' booty!! Victoria and Jayden love freaky white girls, so they went to town! The next thing you know, Victoria is pulling sex toys from one of the drawers in the store! Lexi actually stashes strap-ons and dildoes there! Victoria and Jayden continue to dominate Lexi, and Lexi loves every second!! Lexi's asshole is open for business, too, and you know Jayden and Victoria are going to make it gape!! And don't you know both ladies are going to visit the store next week, just to make sure Lexi gets dresses in their size!!

Kenzie Reeves 在 'Kenzie Reeves, Jayden Starr and Victoria Cakes - Zebra Girls'

Kenzie Reeves - Zebra Girls

'Sunday Funday' takes on a whole new meaning whenever you're visiting Victoria Cakes' house on a Sunday. She's got her friends Jayden Starr and Kenzie Reeves over for a girls' day, and it just so happens to be why not make an inc cream sundae?! As you're about to witness, today's ice cream party gets out of hand really, really fast. Kenzie kicks it off, peeling a banana and then showing off her deep throating skills. Jayden and Victoria follow up, and soon the ice cream, bananas, rainbow jimmies -- and, especially, the whipped cream -- were everywhere!! Sunday Funday turns into a full-on LezboFest. You're going to love watching the 4' 10', 95-pound blonde waif Kenzie as she gets 'caked' by giant booty: Jayden's closing in on 50 inches...and Victoria?!? You better believe it when I say 58 delicious inches! When it's all said and done, the kitchen is a complete mess! That's when Victoria and Jayden turn the petite Kenzie into their personal mop!

Victoria Cakes 在 '- We Fuck Black Girls'

Victoria Cakes - We Fuck Black Girls

Let's start with a number. 56. As in fifty-six inches. Let's follow that up with the beautiful, the curvy, the ebony Goddess...Victoria Cakes! Just look at her. Victoria's as curvy and 'Rubenesque' as they come! Fifty-six inches of booty to go along with her tremendous, over-sized titties! There's so much to love, where do we start? With super-stud Chris Strokes, who, at almost 11 inches, has a lot to offer Victoria! She's going to give Mr. Strokes access to all her holes, too! As you can imagine, Victoria's head game is off the hook! The only thing better? Her silky-smooth pussy that's always wet! The only thing better? A tight, tight booty hole that only a well-endowed fellah like Mr. Strokes can service properly, due to the fact her booty is SO fantastic! The only thing better? Watch Mr. Strokes put enough icing on those cakes to completely cover Victoria's 'cakes'!!!

Victoria Cakes 在 'Giant Ebony Booty'

Victoria Cakes - Giant Ebony Booty

Victoria Cakes has a huge ass, as well as a giant pair of tits to go with it. She's not afraid to show us her goods. Victoria loves to twerk that ass. She first paraded her delicious ass around for us, then it was time for our boy Prince Yahshua to deliver her the good dicking that she deserves. Victoria got her pussy penetrated in several different positions before receiving a giant load all over her face.

Victoria Cakes 在 'Going for a Run and a Fuck'

Victoria Cakes - Going for a Run and a Fuck

Victoria Cakes was in the mood to workout, so i followed her outside for a run. Al lI had my eyes on was her BIG JUICY chocolate ASS. I love to see those sweaty butt cheeks move. She has some kinda jiggle. I followed her home and watched her shower. She looked so amazing running her hands in-between her PLUMP BUNS. Shit got real when Stallion showed up. He banged her hard as FUCK. She bounced her DONKEY on his cock. I love me some ASSPARADE. Enjoy Fellas!!

Victoria Cakes 在 'That Ass on Victoria Cakes'

Victoria Cakes - That Ass on Victoria Cakes

We may have a new record for biggest natural ass. Victoria Cakes measures in at a sexy 50 inches, and todays update is here to prove it. This thick sista knows all kinds of tricks to show off that ass. She could cause an assquake with all her shaking, bouncing, clapping, twerking…etc Now, we did go to her spot to check out that ass, but really, we wanted to see this beautiful black women get fucked. So, after oiling her ass up and worshiping it for a minute, it was time to pound that beautiful black pussy. Of course she deep throated that dick and squeezed it between her big ol' titties, but then Rick slammed the heck out of her and she loved it. She was screaming and moaning and… You'll see. Just watch the video.

Victoria Cakes 在 'Victoria's Big ASSets'

Victoria Cakes - Victoria's Big ASSets

Man, do we have a treat for you guys today. So, my boy Brad and I happen to spot this chick with a huge fucking ass. We followed her around a little bit, then invited her to come have some fun with us. After a little bit of convincing, Victoria was down to have some fun. First, she showed us her goods, and goddamn this chick has goods. A huge pair of tits, a banging body and an enormous ass. If that ass claps a little bit too hard it might even cause natural disasters. Don't have that booty shaking by the water, because that shit will cause a tsunami boy. Then it came time for Brad to go in for the kill. Handling an ass of this magnitude is no easy task. That pussy was pounded so hard from several different positions. Enjoy!