Madison Ivy at
Brazzers '滿足 gf 的蕩婦家庭' 主演 Osa Lovely (照片 4)

Osa Lovely,Gogo Fukme 在 'Brazzers' - Meeting GF's Slutty Family (Brazzers Exxtra)

亞歷克斯·麥克要去他的女朋友家吃家庭晚餐。讓女友非常沮喪的是,她的父母不在,但她角質的繼父和渴望男人的家庭朋友(奧薩·洛蒂和戈戈·富克姆)在場,等著撲向亞歷克斯。亞歷克斯沒有機會抵擋性感的女士們,很快發現自己在餐桌上得到了一份偷偷摸摸的雙手工作。女朋友抓住並炸毀了奧薩和戈戈, 但他們還是繼續幹掉亞歷克斯。幸運的亞歷克斯過來期待肉餅, 但得到了兩份貓, 而不是!

發布 : 9月2日, 2021
標籤 : 連衣裙, 大屁股, 競技, 繼妹, 泡泡屁股, 沖孔, , 豐滿, , 黑髮, 涼鞋, 禿頭的貓, Innie貓, 大山雀, 增強, 歐洲。, 金髮。, 短。, 大迪克, 男朋友。, FFM, 性別, 三人組, 面部 - POV。, 手交, 偷偷摸摸, 口交, 吹口 - 雙。, 吹口 - 波夫。, 深喉嚨, 面對坐, 貓咪舔, 拍擊, 浴室, 在室內, 25-34。, 屁股崇拜, 大山雀崇拜, 作弊, 情人幻想, 異族, 69, 女牛仔, Doggystyle, 狗式 - 站立。, 操 n 舔。, 傳教士, 反向女牛仔, 反向牛仔 - POV。, 剪式, 熱門廣告
男模特 : Alex Mack

圖片來自 Osa Lovely,Gogo Fukme 在 'Brazzers' Meeting GF's Slutty Family

Osa Lovely 在 'Brazzers' 滿足 gf 的蕩婦家庭 (縮略圖 1)
Osa Lovely 在 'Brazzers' 滿足 gf 的蕩婦家庭 (縮略圖 2)
Osa Lovely 在 'Brazzers' 滿足 gf 的蕩婦家庭 (縮略圖 3)
Osa Lovely 在 'Brazzers' 滿足 gf 的蕩婦家庭 (縮略圖 4)
Osa Lovely 在 'Brazzers' 滿足 gf 的蕩婦家庭 (縮略圖 5)
Osa Lovely 在 'Brazzers' 滿足 gf 的蕩婦家庭 (縮略圖 6)

圖片來自 Osa Lovely,Gogo Fukme 在 'Brazzers' Meeting GF's Slutty Family

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Osa Lovely,Gogo Fukme

Gogo Fukme 在 '沒有 fap 失敗的 cumpetition'

Gogo Fukme - 沒有 fap 失敗的 cumpetition

Gogo Fukme、Mick Blue 和 Alex Jones 都是射精的鑒賞家。 當亞歷克斯的女朋友回家和她的室友一起玩時,她發現每個人都處於不同的妥協境地,這讓她發聲。她不能再在公共區域射精了!她制定了一個計劃,讓她的角質室友收起他們的私處,並打賭誰能在不手淫的情況下持續最久。這持續大約兩分鐘。當 Gogo 看到 Mick 的大硬雞巴在臥室里等待服務時,她第一個崩潰了。亞歷克斯跟隨呻吟聲,加入他們的雙雞巴三人行。當亞歷克斯的女朋友發現他們做愛時,她嚇壞了,讓喇叭狗吃他們的蛋糕。Gogo 在臉上射了兩槍,夥計們將價格錢捐給了她,以紀念她的自大表演。

Phoenix Marie 在 '最佳 zz - 喬迪'

Phoenix Marie - 最佳 zz - 喬迪


Gogo Fukme 在 '感恩他媽的節日第一部分'

Gogo Fukme - 感恩他媽的節日第一部分

嬌小的命運米拉和范威爾德正在為一個性感的感恩節做準備。他們的家人不在畫面中(或者他們是這麼認為的),長腿命運像一隻美麗的、填充的、塗油的火雞一樣把自己放在廚房島上!范簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛,渴望得到一些的樂趣。然而,派對一開始,命運的家人就衝進了門,打斷了他們的性感時光。命運的新繼母Gogo Fukme和她的朋友Paris The Muse來吃晚飯,但最終卻吃了甜蜜的命運。三人在屋子裡鬼鬼祟祟地溜來溜去,想方設法以各種不穩定的姿勢做愛。這個感恩節,他們可以感謝厚的東西,大奶子,緊致的陰戶和一大堆射精!

Gogo Fukme 在 '感恩他媽的節日第 2 部分'

Gogo Fukme - 感恩他媽的節日第 2 部分

每個人都坐下來吃一頓溫暖、喜慶的感恩節晚餐,但放蕩仍在繼續!在命運米拉、Gogo Fukme和Paris The Muse玩得開心之後,他們都渴望得到范威爾德的一部分。女人們渴望一個又大又肉的雞巴,范正在打包他們想要的東西。好色的命運、Gogo和帕麗斯都在餐桌上輪流勾引範。在命運的父親和奶奶的出席下,范忙於偷偷摸摸的情況。當假陽具進入感恩節火雞時,命運的奶奶再也受不了了!她的兒子把她帶出房間,這才是真正的樂趣開始的時候。范崇拜、吮吸和操這三個美麗的女人,並用他溫暖的精液覆蓋她們美麗的臉龐。這真的是一個沒有人會忘記的感恩節!

Gogo Fukme 在 '遇見並吃掉我父親的新女友'

Gogo Fukme - 遇見並吃掉我父親的新女友

嬌小的璐璐璐的父親有了新女友,胖子咕嚕今晚,露露的父親做了一頓美味的家常晚餐,露露和Gogo第一次見面了。他想讓兩人相處融洽,卻不知道他將要面對什麼!角質的露露在晚餐時惡作劇,玩弄和挑逗Gogo - 抓住Gogo的大奶子,感覺她起來,最後在Gogo完美的陰道裡臭她的腳趾。Gogo很有耐心,但她已經受夠了!Gogo決定是時候把露露放在她的位置上,並向她展示一個真正的女人如何他媽的。

Gogo Fukme 在 '狡猾的妻子渴望雞巴,而不是餡餅'

Gogo Fukme - 狡猾的妻子渴望雞巴,而不是餡餅

角質妻子Gogo Fukme只是隨便烤了一個餡餅,這時她的大雞巴情人達米恩·戴斯基(Damion Dayski)偷偷摸摸地爬上她,抓住了她厚實多汁的屁股。從那裡開始,Gogo和Damion開始參加比賽,在廚房裡他媽的,完全不考慮被抓住。幸運的是,Gogo的丈夫是一個忘乎所以的傻瓜,這有點重要,因為他總是在身邊。這迫使達米安躲藏在各種地方:廚房島,沙發後面和窗簾後面......與此同時,在Gogo丈夫的鼻子底下繼續偷偷摸摸的性行為。一旦他們最終獨處,激烈的性交隨之而來,在這種情況下,蛋糕上的糖霜是Gogo丈夫發現她出軌時臉上的餡餅!

Gogo Fukme 在 '做出球形動作'

Gogo Fukme - 做出球形動作

Lil D和他的女朋友一起出去玩,女朋友想安靜地看電影。D的眼睛在Gogo Fukme路過洗澡時徘徊。他做了一個誘餌,把他的女朋友留在沙發上,而他偷偷溜到浴室去爬Gogo,Gogo抓住了他並給了他口交。在Lil D回到女友身邊之前,他走進了另一個房間,在那裡,Ebony Mystique碰巧正在玩她的陰道。烏木鼓勵D操她,很快,Gogo找到了這對搭檔,並把它變成了一個熱門的三人組。但是,Lil D真的能在沒有他的女孩抓住他的情況下逃脫這一切嗎?

Osa Lovely 在 '房屋清潔服務'

Osa Lovely - 房屋清潔服務

Slovenly Tyler和他懶惰的女朋友打電話給清潔服務,在他們做他們最擅長的事情時照顧他們噁心的閣樓 - 看電視和玩視頻遊戲。當曲線玲瓏的Osa Lovely俯衝,彎腰和蹲伏以撿起他們到處留下的骯髒混亂時,泰勒不禁被她驚人的資產激起了他的興趣。大膽地,當他的女朋友打盹時,他向Osa提出要約並採取行動。奧薩起初有點震驚,但對這個懶人的雞巴印象深刻,所以她決定自己玩得開心一點。在他們的美元上!

Gogo Fukme 在 '性玩偶驚喜'

Gogo Fukme - 性玩偶驚喜

Gogo Fukme正在與性感的金髮女友/情婦Bunny Colby一起玩。當男友范·懷爾德(Van Wylde)提前回家時,女孩們必須快速思考,這導致Gogo將兔子偽裝成她收集的性玩偶之一。這讓范傻了,但兔子必須保持比預期更長的時間,當范把動作放在Gogo上時,他們開始他媽的。兔子最終厭倦了像洋娃娃一樣行事,而她的朋友卻得到了一個很好的雞巴;於是她向范顯露了自己,一個熱辣的三人組開始了。

Osa Lovely 在 '魯巴杜布,浴缸裡的熱雞巴'

Osa Lovely - 魯巴杜布,浴缸裡的熱雞巴

Osa Lovely看起來很熱。她全天然的奶頭和完美的圓屁股已經成熟。當準備洗澡時,她意識到她忘記了一件事,她的手機。她穿上衣服,走到客廳去找它。她的新繼子有他的角夥伴胡安·洛科(Juan Loco),他很快就注意到繼母奧薩(Osa)的煙霧表演。很難不,當她的奶頭從她的長袍中彈出時!在採取了一些裙子行動后,胡安決定擊中頭部,希望能看到更多奧薩長袍下的東西。胡安發現了她的泡泡浴,並跳起來把他堅硬的雞巴藏在溫水中。奧薩回來了,在泡沫中沾滿了肥皂,卻發現胡安的雞巴在水面上晃動!她喜歡他的雞巴是件好事。大學生,他們都是一樣的。幸運的lil horndogs,我說的對嗎?

Gogo Fukme 在 'Bbw 泡泡浴'

Gogo Fukme - Bbw 泡泡浴


Gogo Fukme 在 '打賭你的屁屁子皮瓣他在作弊'

Gogo Fukme - 打賭你的屁屁子皮瓣他在作弊

戈戈·富克梅一直盯著室友的男人,所以當她在床上監視他們時,她情不自禁地摸著自己,甚至赤身裸體,穿上她朋友丟棄的!戈戈策劃了一個計劃, 讓她的室友佔據, 而她去幫助羅比回聲與他硬。她的戰利品是如此之大,屁羊皮瓣不能容納它,這個豐滿和堆疊蜂蜜摩托艇幸運羅比坐在他的臉上,然後採取深深的衝擊!

Gogo Fukme 在 '滑入蕩婦三明治'

Gogo Fukme - 滑入蕩婦三明治

戈戈 · 富克姆和波爾莎 · 卡雷拉在戈戈的男朋友桑德 · 科爾武斯出現時, 正在對女孩磨的蕩婦說三道四。戈戈必須隱藏波爾沙和快速!但波爾沙不想保持隱藏, 所以她偷偷溜到戈戈後面, 偷偷摸摸地舔了舔。這給了戈戈一個頑皮的想法。她用波爾沙的屁眼代替她的屁眼, 把他推入一個偷偷摸摸的蕩婦三人行, 這讓桑德大吃一驚。

Osa Lovely 在 '米爾夫有很好的三路遊戲'

Osa Lovely - 米爾夫有很好的三路遊戲

莉莉 · 貝爾邀請男朋友安東尼 · 皮爾斯過來看足球, 當莉莉的新繼母奧薩 · 可愛開始偷這個節目時。她太短了, 沒有內褲彎曲的例行公事真的分散了安東尼的比賽。莉莉抓住他試圖好好看看她的商品, 她沒有留下深刻的印象。安東尼想要一個熱的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線三人行, 並沒有看到它的問題。當莉莉和安東尼差點在廚房裡被抓到時,奧薩把他們塞進臥室,教他們兩個熱氣騰騰的表演課。

Kenzie Reeves 在 '支付雙貓雙'

Kenzie Reeves - 支付雙貓雙

奧薩可愛已經聘請了大學生肯齊里維斯説明與房子周圍的日常家務。當她的丈夫米克·藍比她更注重工作時,奧薩決定在淋浴時玩她的吸力假陽具。肯齊不小心衝進奧薩手淫, 但奧薩不介意, 並給她錢加入。當他們搬到臥室玩雙端假陽具時, 事情會好轉。米克很生氣,當女僕是無處可尋,直到他發現她深在他妻子的貓。

Gogo Fukme 在 '移動器, 搖床, 骨製造商'

Gogo Fukme - 移動器, 搖床, 骨製造商

GoGo FukMe 正處於沉悶的瑜伽程式之中, 當她決定通過放一些音樂和跳舞來活躍一切。當她跳來跳去, 摔斷了一步, 我們得到了一個偉大的看看她的大山雀和屁股。喜歡風景的其他人是常春藤 Jmac, 他偷偷溜進來, 開始看 Gogo 。當 GoGo 抓住 Jmac 打她的屁股時, 她起初罵他 (Jmac 畢竟是她室友的男朋友), 但兩者之間有一些嚴重的化學反應, Jmac 很快就順利地把他打進了戈戈。GoGo原來和她在跳舞一樣擅長吸吮和做愛!

Osa Lovely 在 '硬碟驅動器,更難迪克'

Osa Lovely - 硬碟驅動器,更難迪克


Osa Lovely 在 '偷偷摸摸的米爾夫亂搞淋浴'

Osa Lovely - 偷偷摸摸的米爾夫亂搞淋浴

米爾夫 · 奧薩 · 洛夫只是想打掃房子, 但她女兒的來訪男友 (亞歷克斯傳奇) 有不同的計劃。通過擠壓奧薩的屁股, 亞歷克斯開始窺探奧薩, 因為她清潔, 使他的意圖早早知道;最終偷偷溜到願意的米爾夫後面, 滑他的公雞到她的貓。為了躲避她的女兒,奧薩讓亞歷克斯和她一起躲在淋浴間里。但現在女兒想和亞歷克斯一起洗澡, 不會回答" 不" !

Osa Lovely 在 '進站'

Osa Lovely - 進站

沮喪的家庭主婦Osa Lovely停在酒吧里使用浴室,最後被一個巨大的神秘雞巴所吸引,該雞巴從攤位的一個洞中彈出。 Osa起初猶豫不決,但是當角質陌生人Scott Nails遞給她一大筆現金時,她屈服了,變得有些奇怪。此刻,奧薩被趕上了,忘記了丈夫,吮吸和亂搞斯科特,而丈夫則在車外等著。

Osa Lovely 在 '釘在牆上'

Osa Lovely - 釘在牆上

Osa Lovely,Xander Corvus和Kyle Mason在典型的功能失調的公司辦公室中工作,因為建築物本身似乎要倒塌了,這使情況更加糟糕。當Xander意外地回到Osa,首先面對面地穿過牆壁-直面她-進入Kyle的私人辦公室的一半時,事情顯然不符合代碼要求。但是,當Osa的上半部突破牆壁時,她發現自己與手淫的Kyle面對面。奧薩(Osa)抓住機會吮吸凱爾(Kyle)的陰莖,同時邀請Xander與她的貓咪共舞。唯一的問題是,當Xander和Kyle掌握對方的所作所為時,這導致了一種全新的辦公室競爭。

Osa Lovely 在 '夢想的繼母'

Osa Lovely - 夢想的繼母

Xander Corvus無法判斷他是否正在做夢,當他不斷從一個涉及他的新繼母Osa Lovely的性感夢中醒來時。每當他醒來時,她都會彈回來,招呼他把他的大公雞放在她的內心!當Xander發現Osa在淋浴時帶著她的尼龍,他無法相信自己的眼睛,並且在那一點上並不關心發生的事情是否真實;他只是想搞他的熱門繼母!

Osa Lovely 在 '泳裝問題'

Osa Lovely - 泳裝問題

傑西瓊斯第一次見到他的新繼母,她的方式比他想像的還要熱! Osa Lovely喜歡與任何表現出一絲興趣的男人玩弄,她的新繼子看起來像一個美味的食物,她想要對待自己!當這個豐滿的黑檀木美女抓住Jessy把它拉到她在泳池裡的照片時,她甩出她的大乳房,然後跪下來,把她的口交嘴唇放在他的搖滾硬雞巴上工作!將她多汁的屁股擴散到她身體更深處,Jessy舔她的濕貓,直到她在泳池邊得到一個溫暖的面部!

Osa Lovely 在 '浸泡後媽媽'

Osa Lovely - 浸泡後媽媽

在漫長的一天結束時,Osa只喜歡享受豪華舒適的沐浴。點燃一些蠟燭後,用花瓣填滿浴盆並遮住眼睛,Osa準備好讓她的所有緊張感都消失......直到她偷偷摸摸的新的繼子馬庫斯在衛生間監視她,並決定仔細觀察。為了讓她親愛的丈夫誤會他,奧薩邀請馬庫斯入浴 - 這是一種理智的人無法拒絕的奉獻。發現馬庫斯的真實身份是否會阻止角質摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線滿足她的性慾?

Nickey Huntsman 在 '脫衣舞俱樂部驚喜'

Nickey Huntsman - 脫衣舞俱樂部驚喜

當Nickey在去生日脫衣舞俱樂部的時候讓丈夫Jessy驚喜,她不知道自己已經是個常客了。當他和他最喜歡的舞者Osa在一個貴賓室裡面時,Jessy害怕他的愛妻終於會發現他的秘密寄宿在脫衣舞俱樂部。然而,當尼克去喝酒的時候,奧薩開始偷偷地騎著他,他的擔憂就消失了。當Nickey回來,注意到Jessy的表情有點滑稽時,她仔細看了他一眼 - 他是不是一直在她面前把Osa當作他媽的呢? Nickey通過向Osa提供一大筆現金在她的丈夫面前操縱她而報復。傑西感到震驚和興奮,直到尼克基告訴他,他不允許在行動!他能否說服女士給他第二次機會?

Osa Lovely 在 '新兵訓練營'

Osa Lovely - 新兵訓練營


Naomi Woods 在 '保姆冒險'

Naomi Woods - 保姆冒險


Kendall Woods 在 '他媽的兩隻小貓一隻骨頭'

Kendall Woods - 他媽的兩隻小貓一隻骨頭


Elsa Jean 在 '我們的小白色玩物'

Elsa Jean - 我們的小白色玩物

艾爾莎需要大學的錢,而奧薩需要在家裡幫忙。這個熱門的烏木家庭主婦非常樂意僱傭艾爾莎為她的私人女僕。每天Elsa過來,做任何Osa問。她很快意識到艾爾莎會以合適的價格做任何事情,所以她告訴青少年開始裸體清潔。埃爾莎不確定,但她是個好女孩。 Osa喜歡看著緊身的白色青少年擦洗她的地板。有一天,Osa的丈夫Flash早點回家了,那就是真正的樂趣開始了

來自其他網站的場景特色 Osa Lovely,Gogo Fukme

GoGo FukMe 在 'Brown Bunny Booty'

GoGo FukMe - Brown Bunny Booty

GoGo FukMe got that brown bunny booty that'll make any guy cum for fun. Jay Bangher bangs her hard by the pool. He oils up her sweet and juicy titties to prepare her for the good dicking she's goin to get. He lays down pipe and has her suck his dick like a good slut. She likes it when he slaps her ass and grabs her neck while pounding her down. When he's done long stroking her he obviously cums on her face.

Gogo Fukme 在 '- We Fuck Black Girls'

Gogo Fukme - We Fuck Black Girls

It's a crazy world we live in. What with the defunding of police and the rampant chaos in America it's like everybody is being victimized. Just this last year alone Americans experienced over 5.4 billion dollars in package theft by thieves known as porch pirates. Well today one brave young woman makes a stand. This thief did not know she was waiting for her package of dildos and stripper heels to arrive so when he made his move on stealing her packages she was waiting and ready. Not today motherucker! You want to take something from me bitch - well guess what? I want something from you. This thieving motherfucker better have brought his A game cause Gogo Fukme needs some serious dickin' and she needs it now. Pleasantly surprised at the size of the package this short little white man is packing she gets down to sucking. But Gogo ain't getting off on sucking that dick. Hell no. She just does that to make sure the skin is pulling tight on man root swelling up so she gets a direct missile shot of love into her creamy sweet fuck hole. Thieves can be quite resourceful so it's quite nice to see this porch pirate actually have to do an honest days work slaving over a hot steamy vagina. Pounding her for all he is worth, feeling the pain in the side like an athlete from his maximum insertion pump and grind, he gives it all he has till finally he cannot hold back anymore and her sweet tight hole milks him of his semen. Creampied and happy Gogo Fukme turned the table on this would be thief and ended up being the taker. So remember this people- you catch a porch pirate you fuck them good. Maybe creampie their ass next time!

Osa Lovely 在 'Black Cougars On The Prowl'

Osa Lovely - Black Cougars On The Prowl

Osa Lovely has to listen to her step-daughter getting fucked on a nightly basis by her boyfriend Ricky Spanish. Like any good, stern mom, Osa wants to make sure her step-daughter is getting the fucking she deserves. So, one fateful day, Osa gets to spend some alone time with Ricky and takes the opportunity to find out what kind of lover he is.

At first shocked by the aggressiveness of this gorgeous black cougar, Ricky is transfixed by that gorgeous deep hole of pinkness Osa spreads out for him. Rock hard and diving in, this young man is about to get the fucking of his life. Osa takes the young Ricky through a myriad of sexual positions and Osa is literally hanging on for dear life as he fucks her like he never has before. He has some serious pounding to deliver to make sure that the horny step-mother approves his banging of her step-daughter.

Osa Lovely 在 'The Customer's Always Right'

Osa Lovely - The Customer's Always Right

Aggressive Client Demands Rough Sex From Scared Realtor

SCENE OPENS on real estate agent Maureen (Osa Lovely) showing a wealthy prospective buyer named John (Tommy Pistol) around a house that she is selling. She leads him into the living room, talking about the various features of the house, such as the crown moldings, the natural light, and the brand-new tiling. John's eyes light up. He seems to love everything about the house.


John mentions that he's interested in a soundproof room, since it would allow his son to play the drums. Maureen tells him that there is a room she can show him that may suit his needs. Maureen shows him the room but is shocked when she is left in the room alone with the door apparently locked from the outside. Panicking, she screams and pounds on the door but no one answers.

John finally opens the door, explaining that he must have locked it by accident and couldn't hear her screams. Maureen is becoming increasingly suspicious and attempts to end the showing, but John threatens to walk away from the sale unless Maureen does what he wants. Desperate to make the sale, she agrees.

The customer's always right, after all...

Osa Lovely 在 'Dark Divas 3'

Osa Lovely - Dark Divas 3

The oh so beautiful Osa Lovely seduces Dirk Huge with her dark skin, big tits and sweet pussy. He takes control and delivers some big dick and she cannot get enough.

Osa Lovely 在 'I Like Black Girls 6'

Osa Lovely - I Like Black Girls 6

John works with Osa and doesn't have the courage to tell her how he feels about her. Every time he is with her, he can't work, he can't think. All he can do is to dream what it would be like to be with her. Well today dreams become reality.

Lisey Sweet 在 'Pillow Princess'

Lisey Sweet - Pillow Princess

Lisey dotes on her girlfriend Osa, serving her breakfast in bed. Osa enjoys being fed strawberries, but she has a taste for something sweeter. The only thing better than a warm wet pussy in the morning is two!

Chanell Heart 在 'Step Mom and Daughter Share Cock'

Chanell Heart - Step Mom and Daughter Share Cock

Hot Ebony MILF Osa Lovely is cleaning up her step daughter Chanell's room, then she hears her come into the house with her boyfriend. Not wanting to be seen she hides in the closet. To her surprise, they start undressing and getting hot and heavy. As she watches her daughter suck on the big black dick, she gets turned on and decides to join in on the fun. Don't miss these two getting wildy fucked in a hot threesome.

Osa Lovely 在 'Pool Threesome'

Osa Lovely - Pool Threesome

Six strangers spend an intense time around a pool table. It's the occasion for bad boys and naughty girls to try anal, threesomes and other sins of the flesh!

Osa Lovely 在 'Front Street Cheaters'

Osa Lovely - Front Street Cheaters

Osa's husband treats her like shit, yelling at her for leaving his clothes at the cleaners. Luckily, her trainer Tyler is there to help her work things out.

Osa Lovely 在 'Fucking Lessons With The Stepmom'

Osa Lovely - Fucking Lessons With The Stepmom

Osa Lovely catches Juan getting ready for his date as he practices his sex moves. She enjoys the show and touches on herself before confronting him. She tells him that she will help him practice and that its okay being since she's his stepmother. She teaches him about first base and quickly moves on. She pulls out her big tits and shoves his head into them before she has him licking her pussy and sucking on his cock. She gives Juan a great deep blowjob before she climbed on top. She fucks him on various positions until she makes his cock explode his jizz all over her.

Osa Lovely 在 'Dorm Room Dick'

Osa Lovely - Dorm Room Dick

When her new stepson is headed to college, super hot Osa is there to help him unpack everything-- including his fat dick.

Osa Lovely 在 'Voyeur House Part 2'

Osa Lovely - Voyeur House Part 2

Competition in the Voyeur House finale is heating up and alliances are pushed to the breaking point. When Ian (Justin Hunt) spies on the babes from his alliance soaping each other up in the shower, he overhears that they're plotting to vote him out. Once he's discovered peeping by a rival team member, savvy player Helen (Osa Lovely), she quickly turns him to her side. But after they expel the game's biggest power player, Ian starts to get a bit too big for his britches, so Helen needs to keep him in line. Her plan involves dazzling him with her big breasts before a spot of well-timed seduction! Once the ebony beauty sees Ian's big dick, she knows this is going to be both business and pleasure! Helen sucks Ian's huge cock and gives him a sweet tit-fuck on the couch before climbing on top and letting her pleasure overwhelm her until she almost forgets about winning the game... Almost.

Osa Lovely 在 'Hot Maid Big Ass'

Osa Lovely - Hot Maid Big Ass

Osa Lovely is one of the hottest maid's you'll ever have the chance of hiring to clean your house. She's bending high and low to clean the house, teasing her delicious booty and succulent cleavage. After spending all day cleaning, the only thing Osa wants to do is get down and dirty! So when her boss Mr. Jason brings his buddy Brad Knight over after the gym, and they're greeted by his hot, curvy maid, Ms. Lovely, Brad can't help but stare. Osa loves the way Brad looks at her, tempted by her beautiful body and the thought of his friend's hot maid sucking and fucking his big cock gets him instantly hard. Good thing for Brad, Osa's dripping wet and having a serious craving for cock! When Brad's friend realizes he forgot his phone and has to go back to the gym to get it, Osa sees this as an opportunity to seduce Brad and get the dick she desires! But will the lovely Osa get caught fucking around on the job or will she be able to finish cleaning Brad's dick of his cum?

Osa Lovely 在 'Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend'

Osa Lovely - Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend

Osa Lovely can't find her beloved diamond necklace anywhere. Rushing out of her boudoir--in only her lace lingerie and stockings!--the ebony MILF demands to know if her cleaner Donnie Rock has stolen them. Always the honest man, he shakes his head in speechless surprise. But Osa isn't taking any chances. Besides there's a suspicious looking bulge in Donnie's pants! Making a grab for it, Osa is shocked to find that she just grabbed her employee's thick dick. Distracted by this huge discovery, the black babe seduces Donnie with a deepthroat blowjob, followed up by a wild round of sofa sex. As Donnie jizzes a cum facial onto Osa's lovely face, she thinks: 'Diamonds might be a girl's best friend, but Rock's cock comes in a close second!'

Osa Lovely 在 'Ethni-city Scene 3'

Osa Lovely - Ethni-city Scene 3

Award Winning Director Brad Armstrong and Wicked Pictures bring you one of the most highly anticipated movies of the year. ETHNICITY is that rare adult film that seamlessly blends intriguing storytelling with passionate, meaningful sex. ETHNICITY examines a diverse group of people as they navigate the ups and downs of life. Then one fateful night their destinies collide with tragic consequence.

Osa Lovely 在 'and Lucas Frost in My Girl Loves Anal'

Osa Lovely - My Girl Loves Anal

Osa is getting ready for her anniversary with Lucas.