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最新更新特色 Christian Clay

Stacy Cruz 在 '史黛西渾身濕透'

Stacy Cruz - 史黛西渾身濕透


Stacy Cruz 在 '註定是的'

Stacy Cruz - 註定是的

戲弄女王史黛西·克魯茲身著緊身的黑色乳膠服裝,佔據著主導地位。她玩具與綁定基督教克萊,戲弄他的硬公雞與她華麗的手,完美的身體,和滑的舌頭。在史黛西完全控制下, 克利斯蒂安除了躺下看著史黛西做任何她想做的事外, 什麼也做不了。史黛西用他像一個玩具, 戲弄和下車的權力, 直到克利斯蒂安的傷口如此緊密, 他保證給她一生一次他媽的, 她應得的!

Katrina Moreno 在 '泳池樂趣'

Katrina Moreno - 泳池樂趣

堆積如山的社交名流卡特琳莫雷諾總是得到她想要的。在泳池邊閒逛,這個迷人的女人有由英俊的克利斯蒂安·克萊帶給她的飲料和食物,他只是想做他的院子里的工作。卡特裡娜一直送他去取東西, 直到她最後的要求是給她看他的公雞。滿足了, 這將滿足她的需求, 光澤的卡特里娜撫摸公雞, 並得到螺柱執行一個任務之前, 他可以回去工作: 一個鐵杆他媽的池邊。

Apolonia Lapiedra 在 '性娛樂'

Apolonia Lapiedra - 性娛樂

當克利斯蒂安克萊躺下放鬆時,阿波洛尼亞·拉皮德拉對待他一個親密的脫衣舞,剝去她的內褲,揉揉和指指她的貓,以獲得他的觀看樂趣。克利斯蒂安顯然喜歡這個節目, 在阿波洛尼亞拋出帳單, 然後嗅她的內褲, 然後用它們撫摸他的雞巴, 給她一些看的東西。阿波洛尼亞俯身, 她緊的腫頭伸出來, 因為她開始舔和戲弄他的軸與她的舌頭, 導致吹工作之前, 她濕貓被克利斯蒂安的硬, 跳動的公雞滲透!

Kitana Lure 在 '保持清潔,但要弄髒'

Kitana Lure - 保持清潔,但要弄髒

隨著她的牛仔工作服只是勉強覆蓋她完美的山雀,基塔娜盧爾使克利斯蒂安克萊很難只是袖手旁觀,而她洗窗戶。克利斯蒂安從後面走近基塔娜, 用水噴她的山雀, 讓她漂亮和潮濕, 因為他按她靠在玻璃上。過不了多久,基塔娜就會從清潔中休息一下,這樣她就可以變髒了。她想克利斯蒂安不僅他媽的嘴和貓, 但填補她的屁雞與他的大公雞一些骯髒的肛交太!

Julia De Lucia 在 '裘莉婭早餐'

Julia De Lucia - 裘莉婭早餐

華麗的裘莉婭·德·盧西亞正在給她的男朋友克利斯蒂安·克萊做早餐的甜食。當然,大口大口的裘莉婭足夠可愛,但她想做一些特別的事情。裘莉婭彎下腰在熱爐子上, 很難錯過她令人難以置信的多汁的短褲。當克利斯蒂安走進廚房時,他腦子裡只有一件事。他把裘莉婭彎腰放在廚房的櫃臺上, 吃著她驚人的貓和貓。裘莉婭即將被填滿邊緣, 不是早餐, 而是克利斯蒂安跳動的硬公雞!

Stacy Bloom 在 'Gets Ass Fucked'

Stacy Bloom - Gets Ass Fucked

史黛西布魯姆浸泡在她的比基尼陽光下, 戲弄一個旁觀的克利斯蒂安克萊。當史黛西的手擦下她熱皮膚時,她的手指很快開始戲弄她的頭。貝肯德裡面, 史黛西加入克利斯蒂安一個激烈的神經他媽的, 吞下他的公雞與她的嘴和混蛋!

Apolonia Lapiedra 在 '泳池邊的阿波洛尼亞'

Apolonia Lapiedra - 泳池邊的阿波洛尼亞

阿波洛尼亞·拉皮德拉從她的游泳池可以欣賞到風景秀麗的景色,但所有的目光都盯著她!阿波洛尼亞炫耀她的新小串比基尼,為克利斯蒂安克萊表演,戲弄自己與玻璃假迪和脫衣為她的男人之前,他油她。她可能出水了, 但阿波洛尼亞的貓是濕的, 準備他媽的!

Capri Lmonde 在 '在一個與她的貓'

Capri Lmonde - 在一個與她的貓

性感的卡普里 · 蒙德有問題她總是壓力很大,睡不著,注意力不集中。。。基本上有一些負面的能量發生在她的房子。她請來能源專家克利斯蒂安·克萊來檢查她的風水,調整她的脈輪,做他認為可能有説明的其他事情。基督徒從基礎開始, 然後轉向更極端的方法, 用正能量填充卡普里...即用他的大雞巴去操負能量。這是非正統的,但卡普里願意不惜一切代價!

Taylee Wood 在 'Loves A Big Cock'

Taylee Wood - Loves A Big Cock


Misha Cross 在 '調皮的調味'

Misha Cross - 調皮的調味

米莎十字在淋浴時感覺變態, 並邀請你看著她弄濕, 而戲弄和手指她的貓和屁股。但她頑皮的時間並沒有就此結束:她有克利斯蒂安·克萊等著和她一起玩用屁股插頭, 他能幹的手, 和他的大傢伙, 克利斯蒂安對待米莎鐵杆肛交, 完成的東西在臥室與肛交奶精!

Medusa 在 'Turns Your Cock To Stone'

Medusa - Turns Your Cock To Stone

性感的歐元寶貝美杜莎在她的紅色內衣看起來熱。她取笑你炫耀她的身體, 脫光衣服, 然後拿出一個巨大的假陽具來使用自己。當總是角質的基督教克萊出現時, 事情變得更加熱氣騰騰;從美杜莎的緊身貓去除假陽具,代之以他的硬公雞。克利斯蒂安有他的方式與美杜莎,干她在各種位置,讓她覆蓋暨。

Marilyn Sugar 在 '笨拙的理髮師'

Marilyn Sugar - 笨拙的理髮師

瑪麗蓮糖是一個性感,衣著簡陋的理髮師,你希望在你當地的理髮店工作。當克利斯蒂安·克萊進來刮鬍子時,他很快注意到了金髮美女,並偷走了她屁股和的一瞥。 瑪麗蓮照顧克利斯蒂安的剃鬚,但當她拉掉理髮師的斗篷,她發現,他準備了一個特殊的提示,她,他的大雞巴。作為放蕩的小理髮師,瑪麗蓮渴望把迪克作為一種付款形式,讓我們基督徒給她一個很好的傢伙。

Paola Hard 在 '屁股油到完美'

Paola Hard - 屁股油到完美

棕色眼睛的美女保拉硬得到所有油,並準備克利斯蒂安克萊來給她一生的雞巴下來,戲弄她滴貓和屁股,而她吸在他的巨大的公雞。克莉絲蒂娜分裂保拉的貓之前滑動他的傢伙在她裡面,使她呻吟和尖叫的喜悅,她的身體油和光滑的慾望作為基督教磅進出。保拉渴望被克利斯蒂安的公雞塞滿, 一路在她的屁股, 而她的男人拍打她的屁股, 扭她到所有最好的位置, 她得到一個深舔下來。保拉不能得到足夠的, 幾乎不讓克利斯蒂安及時拿出來給她一個大草率的肛門奶油。

Agatha Vega 在 '屁股插在淋浴'

Agatha Vega - 屁股插在淋浴

性感和甜蜜的阿加莎維加正在洗澡, 但她腦子裡想的比洗自己還多。她帶了幾個玩具,包括一個迪爾多和一個屁股插頭,她在淋浴時插入。淋浴后,她向男友克利斯蒂安·克萊炫耀她的新玩具。他玩具與屁股插頭了一下,之前,他們操在沙發上:克利斯蒂安確保用他的大公雞填補阿加莎的所有洞。

Romy Indy 在 '愛在第四視線'

Romy Indy - 愛在第四視線

羅米印第試圖在和平中鍛煉, 但健身房兄弟克裡斯蒂安克萊只是不能把他的眼睛從她身上, 而不是那麼巧妙地試圖得到她的注意力, 而鍛煉。羅米一開始幾乎沒注意到那傢伙, 但克利斯蒂安有個把戲: 只是掏出他的大雞巴。看到她臉上巨大的公雞, 羅米決定, 她贏得了鍛煉后的治療和亂搞的傢伙。

Agatha Vega 在 '維加不是素食主義者,她吃公雞'

Agatha Vega - 維加不是素食主義者,她吃公雞

性感的阿加莎維加有一個閃亮的新屁股插頭,她炫耀的相機,和克利斯蒂安克萊,但她真正想要的是他的大公雞深在她的屁股,嘴,和貓!克利斯蒂安很願意給她, 用面部護理來頂住這一切!

Alyssa Reece 在 '購物狂潮'

Alyssa Reece - 購物狂潮

克利斯蒂安·克萊在妻子的説明下正在買襯衫。相對的,對吧?當克裡斯蒂安不小心走進一個已經被性感的維森 · 阿莉莎 · 裡斯佔據的更衣室時, 事情發生了轉變。克利斯蒂安開始離開,但阿麗莎阻止了他。一個傢伙出現在無處正是阿麗莎想要的!她在更衣室里給他一個口交。然後,他們偷偷溜到商店的另一部分去做愛,而克利斯蒂安的耐心的妻子並不聰明。阿麗莎甚至讓基督教操她的角質混蛋為良好的措施!

Valentina Nappi 在 'Im Horny  - 叫救護車'

Valentina Nappi - Im Horny - 叫救護車

瓦倫蒂娜·納皮(Valentina Nappi)以幽默為焦點,專注於她的職務,所以她要求她的司機找到一個很好的公雞來解決她所有的痛苦慾望。只花了幾分鐘的時間掃描街道,找到一個帥哥,一個很好的厚傢伙給Valentina玩耍。她把他帶回來,進行一些立即的口對雞復甦,並把那個屁股吐了出來,因為他深深地在她的喉嚨裡。當她不能再等待了,瓦倫蒂娜博士跨越了她的新的他媽的玩具,並狠狠地搖了搖頭。看看這只意大利性小貓的氣泡屁股與她緊張的陰部中的每一個推力球彈起來,直到貝爾科奇用暨來吻她的嘴。

Vittoria Risi 在 '她是屁股的女僕'

Vittoria Risi - 她是屁股的女僕

豐滿的金發女僕Vittoria Risi有一個熱門的日期,但她必須取消,當她的混蛋老闆克里斯蒂娜·克萊讓她的工作清理自己的日期。當她在清潔時,她發現一包禮物給基督徒的日期,並配有假陽具和內衣,並決定把他們當作加班費。維多利亞正在採取一些頑皮的自私和他媽的混蛋與一個漂亮的大假陽具,當基督徒早點回家,並抓住她的行為!看到Vittoria的大山雀被擠進了緊身的內衣,使得Christian成為一名搖滾樂,所以他把那個厲害的女僕彎曲過去,並且把她綁在緊身的MILF屁股裡!

來自其他網站的場景特色 Christian Clay

Ashby Winter 在 'Hotel Vixen Season 2 Episode 4 Trigger Happy'

Ashby Winter - Hotel Vixen Season 2 Episode 4 Trigger Happy

While battling her own sultry demons, Eve tries to process the free-wheeling sexual nature of the hotel as her wedding is being planned for her. Witnessing Christian, the owner's husband, pick up, seduce, and partake in some afternoon delight with an attractive guest... with the full-approval of his wife - is not helping. Meanwhile, a new mysterious guest checks in. Stay tuned for Episode 5 on BLACKED.

Scarlett Alexis 在 'Bombshell Scarlett Gets Flawless Ass Filled Up'

Scarlett Alexis - Bombshell Scarlett Gets Flawless Ass Filled Up

Bombshell Scarlett is all for exciting activities, she just doesn't want to leave the bed to have them.

Amber Moore 在 'Irresistible High Roller Amber Only Plays To Win'

Amber Moore - Irresistible High Roller Amber Only Plays To Win

Amber has taken up with a high-rolling problem gambler, but she's the biggest problem in this casino. This jackpot in a gold dress lays the temptation on thick to keep him coming back for more: she came to play, but she's not fucking around.

Phoebe Kalib 在 'Naughty Hottie Phoebe Loves Getting Her Ass Filled'

Phoebe Kalib - Naughty Hottie Phoebe Loves Getting Her Ass Filled

Gorgeous brunette Phoebe enjoys herself by the pool, then takes the fun inside for some spank-happy action!

Charlie Forde 在 'Blonde MILF Charlie Fulfills Her Insatiable DP Desire'

Charlie Forde - Blonde MILF Charlie Fulfills Her Insatiable DP Desire

Charlie intends to make the most of her time in this life. What makes this blonde tick is the prospect of a hot double-dicking, and Charlie intends to seal the deal.

Bella Spark 在 'Flawless Blonde Bella is The Ultimate Temptress'

Bella Spark - Flawless Blonde Bella is The Ultimate Temptress

Everybody needs to have a hustle: Bella sure is making a lot of money babysitting, and her client can't seem to figure out why this young temptress won't keep her eyes - or her hands - off of him.

April Olsen 在 'Gorgeous April Lives Her Double Penetration Fantasy'

April Olsen - Gorgeous April Lives Her Double Penetration Fantasy

In her green velvet minidress, April helps a senior sales associate teach his protégé a little something about confidence. After a wild night, it's April who ends up getting her deal sealed.

Lisa Belys 在 'Fiery Tango Dancer Lisa Is Insatiable For Anal'

Lisa Belys - Fiery Tango Dancer Lisa Is Insatiable For Anal

The tango is a sensuous dance of seduction where two bodies form a seal so that not even a sliver of light can pass between them. Lisa is an expert dancer, so just imagine what her ass can do.

Barbie Rous 在 'Wildin'

Barbie Rous - Wildin

Barbie's modelling career is about to blow up, but to get results she needs to go a little rogue. Soon she'll be a global superstar, but for now she's causing a local scandal.

Ada Lapiedra 在 'Provocations'

Ada Lapiedra - Provocations

Is a cigar ever just a cigar? Ada's not happy about working on her day off, and taking liberties with his property could be her way of forcing a confrontation that allows them to improve their professional relationship.

Lily Blossom 在 'Petite model loves seducing married men'

Lily Blossom - Petite model loves seducing married men

Lily isn't into young guys. She likes mature, married guys. Make him a father for extra bonus points.

Angelika Grays 在 'and Katy Rose, Sexual Awakening'

Angelika Grays - and Katy Rose, Sexual Awakening

The spectacular Angelika Grays and Katy Rose have come to Private Movies, The Art of Tantric Massage to experience orgasms like they never have before, and under the guidance of tantric sex teacher, Christian Clay, they're in for a sexual awakening like no other! After a warm-up consisting of oil, massage, masturbation and yoga, these sexy stars get down to business in true style as they treat their teacher to a double blowjob before enjoying spectacular threesome that has them both moaning with pleasure until Angelika's pussy is covered in cum! Namaste!

Angelika Grays 在 'Angelika Grays, Fuck Me Gently'

Angelika Grays - Angelika Grays, Fuck Me Gently

Angelika Grays is one of the sexiest stars of the moment, and today on, she's come to Private Movies, The Art of Tantric Massage to prove it! A shower followed by yoga and tantric sex is the perfect way for such a star to show off her incredible body, and that's exactly what Angelika gets up to in her relaxation class with Christian Clay as she spreads her legs and oils herself up ready for a gentle and intimate fuck that has her reach never before experienced heights of pleasure until a climactic cumshot to finish!

Vanessa Alessia 在 'Graphic Match'

Vanessa Alessia - Graphic Match

Christian's girlfriend Holly has a surprise for him: she's also seeing Vanessa. To bring Christian in on the action, they tease him while he watches a movie.

Vanessa Alessia 在 'Wild Ride'

Vanessa Alessia - Wild Ride

Don't be fooled: Vanessa's not so innocent. She might look cute, but there's something naughty in her smile, and when you see her behind closed doors you'll find out everything she's hiding.

Little Dragon 在 'Deepest Dive'

Little Dragon - Deepest Dive

Adrenaline junkie Little Dragon needs to hit those extremes to get her rocks off. This time, she's skipping the skydiving and working on getting double penetrated.

Cherry Kiss 在 'Welcome Surprise'

Cherry Kiss - Welcome Surprise

Christian comes home to find a mystery girl in his pool. Through flashback, we see Cherry helped arbitrate his divorce, and now she's helping herself to a swim in his pool.

Jia Lissa 在 'Irresistible Impulse'

Jia Lissa - Irresistible Impulse

Sexy, classy, compelling: we'll bet you can't keep your eyes off Jia. At least that way you'll catch sight of how perfect her pale round ass looks in black panties.

Mini Vamp 在 'Mina Von D, Diligent Student'

Mini Vamp - Mina Von D, Diligent Student

Mina Von D (Mini Vampp) is a sexy redhead with perfect tits who has come to Private Specials, Irresistible Beauties 2 keen to prove to her husband that she is not a gold digger by attending etiquette classes, but with a student as horny Mina around… you can bet that there's no manners involved! That's right, this wild babe takes full advantage of her teacher, Christian Clay, as she treats him to a blowjob and titfuck before putting her perfect body to work in spectacular fuck that has her moaning with pleasure all the way to a facial cumshot. Enjoy on!

Eve Sweet 在 'The Au Pair'

Eve Sweet - The Au Pair

Au pair Avery has arrived in a tense situation: her new employers are kinky, and they're fighting over her from the get-go... then Eve is screwing her husband like her marriage depends on it. How will Avery feel about being their fuck fuel?

Mia Nix 在 'Body Language'

Mia Nix - Body Language

Christian wants some peace and quiet to kickstart the writing of his new book. In order to focus entirely, he hires a housekeeper to take care of the menial day-to-day tasks. Without being able to speak the same language, they run into some issues, but in the end, they find some common ground - anal sex.

Mary Rock 在 'Confessions'

Mary Rock - Confessions

Mary's cheating has caught up with her... but her husband has something to tell her as well. Will they be able to reconcile with some boundary-pushing sex?

Ginebra Bellucci 在 'Bittersweet'

Ginebra Bellucci - Bittersweet

Ginebra's boss, the hyper-rich Christian, has lost everything, but she is unaware. In retrospect, she remembers the affair they had before he lost the house she oversees.

Ariana Van X 在 'Hot Fucking with Ariana'

Ariana Van X - Hot Fucking with Ariana

Ariana Van X is ready to be naughty. She slinks down the pool in sexy lingerie. She is so horny that she takes it all off to show you her tits and ass. She shows her holes and spreads them wide open. Christian Clay is waiting for her with his gigantic dick. She takes his juicy thick cock and puts it in her mouth. She deeps throats it but it bearly fits. Will it fit in her pussy? it does. She takes it all, Christian fuck with intensity. Her pussy walls hugs every inch of his long cock. He can't hold it any longer and cums all over her face.

Stefany Kyler 在 'Unforgettable Day'

Stefany Kyler - Unforgettable Day

After Stefany says something scandalous to Avery, the two hatch a plan for how to persuade their boyfriends to have a foursome. Lucky for the guys, it starts with the best sex they've had in their lives and escalates from there.

Kelly Collins 在 'Quality Work'

Kelly Collins - Quality Work

Photographer Kelly never turns down a job at a destination wedding, or a chance to get intimate with her subjects. In this gig, the father of the bride is about to become the lover of the blonde.

Sybil 在 'Last Goodbye'

Sybil - Last Goodbye

Hours before her wedding, Sybil reflects on how she fooled around with Christian, who is invited to the ceremony. Christian barges into her dressing room, and Sybil sneaks in a final fuck before getting married.

Bambola 在 'Bodacious'

Bambola - Bodacious

When Bambola hits the streets, hearts beat harder and men move faster to keep up. Whether in a plaid skirt or scrappy lingerie, this bountiful sexbomb is bound to seduce.

Lily Lou 在 'Hard To Get'

Lily Lou - Hard To Get

You won't land a woman like Lily without punching your weight. This silk-stocking stunner might be a serial mistress, but she won't settle for anything less than being pampered like a princess, and today another woman's man is giving her the royal treatment.

Kenzie Anne 在 'Heiress'

Kenzie Anne - Heiress

Kenzie's dad is so loaded she can have a whole island to herself... well, almost. With a bodyguard watching her every move, Kenzie can't get into any real trouble... or can she?

Gianna Dior 在 'Vicarious'

Gianna Dior - Vicarious

Gianna knows Liya only invited her on this getaway to set her up with a guy. Well, two can play at that game: Gianna has a proposition for Liya that will shock her to the core.

Cindy Shine 在 'Cindy Shine, Anal Empowerment'

Cindy Shine - Cindy Shine, Anal Empowerment

Cindy Shine is an empowered woman in Private Specials, Urban, Sexy and Anal Loving, and just like all strong independent females, Cindy knows exactly what she wants, and how to get it! After a congress meeting, this sexy teen has invited one of the speakers, Christian Clay, back to her place for dinner and it's now time for her favourite course… So watch the sexy Cindy in action on as she gets a mouthful of cock with sloppy deepthroat blowjob before going to enjoy a hot anal fuck that has her moaning and screaming all the way to a cumshot over her beautiful pussy.

Little Dragon 在 'Velocity'

Little Dragon - Velocity

After jumping out of a plane, is there anywhere to go but down? Or can action junkie Little Dragon find a new extreme she hasn't tried?

Agatha Vega 在 'Couple Crush'

Agatha Vega - Couple Crush

Agatha and Freya get in on the action wherever they go, and when they laid eyes on Lika in the pool, they knew they chose the right hotel. But Lika is a package deal, and seducing her will mean an orgy with her partner as well… if he's game to get it on with three sizzling vixens.

Marie Berger 在 'Workout'

Marie Berger - Workout

While her husband is away on business, Marie spends her time working out in her friend's home gym. After walking in on Christian in the shower, Marie can't suppress the sexual tension she feels toward Christian. When they end up alone together, Marie acts on her attraction to Christian.

Eve Sweet 在 'Creative Translation'

Eve Sweet - Creative Translation

Eve has been feeling out both sides at the bargaining table, and she thinks she might have a way to bring them to an agreement. She knows it's important that Candie and Christian respect each other's love language - words of affirmation. That way, they'll sign the papers, and they can all move on to speaking in their lust language: menage-a-trois.

Lika Star 在 'Learning To Share'

Lika Star - Learning To Share

Lika loves drama, especially the kind where two guys fight over her. This elegant blonde sets up a competition where she is the prize, but what happens if the men are equally matched?

Venera Maxima 在 'Bon Appetit'

Venera Maxima - Bon Appetit

Venera moves fast and drives hard bargains

Purple Bitch 在 'Uptight'

Purple Bitch - Uptight

Uptight health and safety inspector Purple is supposed to be reviewing this hotel, but finds herself more focussed on its owner's charms. If she doesn't watch her step, Purple might loosen up enough to let him inspect all her cracks and hidden corners.

Sia Siberia 在 'Stranded'

Sia Siberia - Stranded

Stacy and Christian are on their way by car to catch up with their respective partners, Alberto, and Mary, at a villa. Before leaving, Christian kisses a server from the hotel restaurant, Sia. To seduce Stacy and sleep with Sia, Christian \"Loses\" his car keys. Stacy confronts Sia, then Sia confronts Stacy and Christian. A threesome erupts.

Scarlett Jones 在 'Scandalous'

Scarlett Jones - Scandalous

Superstar Scarlett is sick of hiding. After her breakup, the paparazzi have hounded her all the way across Europe, and she thought Tuscany would be safe. When some shutterbugs show up to snap photos, Scarlett decides to burn down her career by giving them the scandal they want. In return, one of them will have to fuck her A-list ass.

Lara Frost 在 'Exhibitionism'

Lara Frost - Exhibitionism

So what if Lara's an exhibitionist? If she wants to do her yoga routine outdoors in a skimpy workout clothes, it's not like she's doing anything vulgar. But Lara is so good at getting attention she inspires an observer to do the same… and screwing his wife loud enough for Lara to hear it through the wall just might be a calling card for these two showoffs to put on a performance together.

Alexa Flexy 在 'Involved Parties'

Alexa Flexy - Involved Parties

Involved Parties

Sia Siberia 在 'Deep Sia Diving'

Sia Siberia - Deep Sia Diving

Bratty Sia is stuck with her dad on this vacation, but maybe she can find her own fun by seducing her father's friend. Can an older man turn Sia on to something new she hasn't tried before?

Rae Lil Black 在 '24 Hours'

Rae Lil Black - 24 Hours

How do you define normal, anyway? Rae looks like a normal girl you would see on your commute or walking in your neighborhood, but she has a secret nobody back home in Japan knows about. Rae travels the world on business… and her business is letting rich men wine her and dine her for a chance at sex that goes far beyond normal.

Stefany Kyler 在 'Gateway to Opportunity'

Stefany Kyler - Gateway to Opportunity

On a weekend holiday at a vineyard, Stefany expects her boyfriend to propose. She doesn't expect two strange men to make an even more enticing offer.

Sonya Blaze 在 'Masquerade Ball'

Sonya Blaze - Masquerade Ball

Did you get an invitation? Club VXN is throwing the most exclusive party of the year, and only the sexual elite are attending. Sonya and Liya might look like everyday girls, but their private sexcapades tell a different story.

Olivia Sparkle 在 'Mysterious'

Olivia Sparkle - Mysterious

Somebody is sending Olivia on a sexy scavenger hunt, and if she wants to uncover the identity of her secret admirer, she'll have to play by all his rules. If that means tracking him down in high heels or changing in the street, so be it

Jia Lissa 在 'Jia Showcase'

Jia Lissa - Jia Showcase

Jia finds herself back where it all began - the Italian Alps at her ex-boyfriend Christian's villa. After years of travelling the world, and melting away her subconscious naivete, Jia is ready to close the door on that chapter of her life - while opening a much more desired one.

Venera Maxima 在 'Working Out The Kinks'

Venera Maxima - Working Out The Kinks

Venera's not much for meditation

Anissa Kate 在 'Power Moves'

Anissa Kate - Power Moves

Anissa and Christian are two high-powered CEOs on the cusp of a merger. The negotiations have come to a head and they agreed to stay at a villa in Spain until they come to an agreement. Little progress is made over their days together, and that's exactly as they want it.

Stefany Kyler 在 'Lasting Impression'

Stefany Kyler - Lasting Impression

Little sister Stefany needs to impress big sister's fiancé. She can't figure out what it is he doesn't like about her

Agatha Vega 在 'Just Watch Me'

Agatha Vega - Just Watch Me

Agatha likes being the centre of attention, and with curves like hers, who can blame her for getting used to men's attention? Perfect hair, perfect skin, a perfect smile… how can a married man resist?

Ginebra Bellucci 在 'Three To Play'

Ginebra Bellucci - Three To Play

More than friends, not quite wedded. Baby, Ginebra, and Christian are three people who want to have fun without any labels or restrictions. When three people get this close, it only takes a tiny catalyst to make things so much more intimate.

Anastasia Brokelyn 在 'Full Service'

Anastasia Brokelyn - Full Service

What got up Anastasia's ass today? Not much. She's a brunette with a beautiful behind who loves anal, but her boyfriend is afraid. Maybe she'll have to keep an eye out for a more daring man who isn't scared to go deep.

Honour May 在 'The House Sitters'

Honour May - The House Sitters

Honour is a goody-two-shoes you can trust to watch your house. But when Ella and Christian show up to crash the party, will the police believe she isn't the intruder? This dirty duo likes to play games… but will a good girl like Honour play along?

Lottie Magne 在 'All Night'

Lottie Magne - All Night

Little Lottie likes to tease with her petite frame. This hipster has so much fun listening to music on her headphones and flashing in her minidress. But would you believe how she accessorizes under her panties?

Anya Krey 在 'Anya's Aperture'

Anya Krey - Anya's Aperture

Bikini model Anya doesn't care if her photographer keeps it professional

Lottie Magne 在 'Lottie'

Lottie Magne - Lottie

VIXEN, TUSHY, and BLACKED bring you, Lottie Magne, like you've never seen her before. You won't want to miss a moment of her eye-opening, erotic adventure

Lottie Magne 在 'Lottie'

Lottie Magne - Lottie

VIXEN, TUSHY, and BLACKED bring you, Lottie Magne, like you've never seen her before. You won't want to miss a moment of her eye-opening, erotic adventure

Marilyn Sugar 在 'Sweet Treat'

Marilyn Sugar - Sweet Treat

Angel or devil? Whichever you prefer, Marilyn is both: a platinum blonde angel lighting up the city at night with her smile, and a smouldering temptress in red lingerie when nobody is looking. Come see how this good girl gets naughty.

Clea Gaultier 在 'Ballet'

Clea Gaultier - Ballet

Sometimes it's the little moments you remember, sometimes it's the big ones: the first date, the first kiss, the first fuck… the last fight. But you don't let a beautiful French brunette like Clea slip through your fingers, do you? Because you know the sex will never be as passionate with anyone else…

May Thai 在 'Carnal Cravings'

May Thai - Carnal Cravings

Who would ignore a delicious dish like May? But that's just what her rich boyfriend is doing, and May can't live on bread alone, so while on vacation she seduces Christian, the chef her boyfriend hired to keep them fed at the house. Christian gives this cheater the mouthful she craves, and then some.

Freya Mayer 在 'Her First Impressions'

Freya Mayer - Her First Impressions

Everyone has been to a party where all the commotion makes it impossible to hook up. Last night was that night for Freya and Christian, and all the obstacles have made Freya feeling much more passionate the next day. See how frisky Freya can get when she can't get what she wants.

Talia Mint 在 'The Road Less Travelled'

Talia Mint - The Road Less Travelled

Talia is a good girl but left to her own devices on vacation, she's learning to embrace her wild side. All she needs is a sexy stranger to show her around and bring out the spontaneity in her… starting with some road head.

Sybil 在 'Open To Adventure'

Sybil - Open To Adventure

There are surrogates for everything these days… even in the bedroom. Christian's wife is leaving on business, and she wants Christian to have a good time while she's gone, so they find a college student, Sybil, who wants to visit the area and live in luxury for a few days. After seeing how close and open her hosts are with each other, Sybil gets the idea that she might be there for more than sightseeing.

Apolonia Lapiedra 在 'Power Corrupts'

Apolonia Lapiedra - Power Corrupts

Agatha knew she was in for a weekend of adventure when she agreed to spend it with a rich man, but she didn't expect another model, Apolonia, to be at the villa. Nor did she expect she would be so aroused by all the excitement and sexual tension.

Lina Luxa 在 'A Dangerous Method'

Lina Luxa - A Dangerous Method

Lina and Christian are renting a villa to work on their scenes for an upcoming film where they play spouses having an affair together. Lina knew they'd hook up, but she didn't know Christian would demand anal as some kind of method acting strategy.

Emelie Crystal 在 'Huge Fan'

Emelie Crystal - Huge Fan

An afternoon at her roommate's parent's pool. No big deal. But when she arrived, the reality of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks. Not only was her friend super-rich, but her dad was a famous actor that Emelie just happened to be a massive fan of. Not wanting a potential experience of a lifetime to go to waste, Emelie realizes quickly she needs to do whatever it takes to fuck him.

Alyssa Bounty 在 'Married Men'

Alyssa Bounty - Married Men

Alyssa is a yoga instructor with a penchant for married men. It's common practice for her to start affairs with her clients after they stay at her retreat.

Shona River 在 'First Time Swinging'

Shona River - First Time Swinging

Shona has always hinted at being interested in swinging. Her husband... Not so much. One of her best friends is a swinger and invites her over for dinner. When Shona gets a glimpse of what life is like, she's convinced. Whether she will have her husband's consent is irrelevant to her.

Romy Indy 在 'Somewhere Else'

Romy Indy - Somewhere Else

Romy Indy - Somewhere Else

Little Caprice 在 'Taking Control'

Little Caprice - Taking Control

Caprice lives the life she always wanted. But with new luxury, inevitably comes to new standards. Her husband is possessive and always makes her wait around for him. She's finally reached her breaking point and takes charge.

Tiffany Tatum 在 'Together Again'

Tiffany Tatum - Together Again

When tiffany and Christian are together, they are completely insatiable. Christian is an international businessman and tiffany a globe-trotting model, they can' spend too much time together. But when they do, they make every moment count.

Cayenne Klein 在 'Gym'

Cayenne Klein - Gym

Cayenne has always been attracted to her personal trainer but hasn't attempted anything beyond some light flirting. He's a married man and she's been conflicted about crossing that line. But after seeing that he doesn't have his ring on, she doesn't take a chance and makes a move.

Liya Silver 在 'Share'

Liya Silver - Share

Liya is looking to have a vacation like no other. She's met two different guys and has had amazing sexual experiences with both. On her last day, she realizes she wants them both at the same time.

Nia Nacci 在 'Spoiled Rotten'

Nia Nacci - Spoiled Rotten

Nia and Sasha are two troublemakers meeting at a spa retreat for the first time. When bored by everything they have to offer, they team up and have a little fun.

Avery Cristy 在 'Frustration'

Avery Cristy - Frustration

Avery is organizing a work retreat with her boss in the Caribbean. There a couple of days early before the rest of the company arrives, her frustrations with her stubborn boss are at an all-time high. As a means of relief, she provokes him to punish her.

Anna De Ville 在 'DP Rascals'

Anna De Ville - DP Rascals

Inked-up American adventurer Anna de Ville and cute blonde Angel Emily dive into an orgy with Angelo Godshack, Christian Clay and Mike Angelo. The girls suck their cocks eagerly, giving the studs slobbering blowjobs. Christian and Mike fuck Angel's pussy and asshole in an orgasmic double penetration that makes her scream. She enjoys double pussy penetration -- two big boners plowing her cunt simultaneously! Anna takes her turn for a DP plowing. She gives Angelo a tasty rim job as her butthole gapes! See ass-to-mouth cocksucking and cum swallowing too.

Cayenne Klein 在 'Domino'

Cayenne Klein - Domino

Sasha and Cayenne are having some serious fun together but clearly it's not enough - when Alberto and Christian arrive, there's no way they are going to let this opportunity go to waste.

Lana Roy 在 'All Work and No Play'

Lana Roy - All Work and No Play

Lana works as a housekeeper in high-end resorts during the summer to pay for her school. Money is only the half of it, as the experiences she gains is just as important to her.

Georgia Jones 在 'Open Minds Think Alike'

Georgia Jones - Open Minds Think Alike

Georgia and Vikalita are visiting some beautiful waterfalls to take some photographs - but after meeting Christian, the snaps they take to remember their visit turn out to be much more than just memorable.

Lexi Dona 在 'Honeymoon'

Lexi Dona - Honeymoon

Lexi is newly married to an older wealthy man. They are in Greece for their honeymoon at an amazing villa. On their first night at dinner, Lexi gets flirty with her new husband but he pulls back. He gives her a gift and tells her to keep her energy for tomorrow. The gift - anal sex toys. Lexi is about to have the week of her life.

Stephanie Moon 在 'First Time Alone'

Stephanie Moon - First Time Alone

Stephanie has always had a thing for her best friend's boyfriend, Christian. When he catches her in a compromising situation and sees that the interest might be mutual, she decides to capitalize on it.

Sybil 在 'Body Warmth'

Sybil - Body Warmth

Sybil is able to turn a rainy day into a fun one for her best friend Lika on their last day of vacation.

Kenna James 在 'Travelling Together'

Kenna James - Travelling Together

A couple of weeks before a month-long euro trip, Kenna and her boyfriend break up. Not wanting to waste her trip, a friend recommends setting up a few dates ahead of the trip. Kenna has always been attracted to older men and decides to take the opportunity to explore that now that she's single.

Adel Asanty 在 'Double Anal Troublemakers'

Adel Asanty - Double Anal Troublemakers

Tattooed Euro-babe Adel Asanty looks sensational in skimpy club-wear and sexy high heels. The lustful sex fiend teases and shows off her holes, and then treats Angelo Godshack and Christian Clay to drooling blowjobs. Christian's cock bulldozes her asshole as she sucks Angelo's meat, whimpering and talking dirty throughout. Intense, two-hole pounding leads to double-anal reaming as the studs simultaneously sink their pricks deeply into Adel's sphincter! Raunchy double-anal penetration comes with gagging, ass-to-mouth fellatio; nasty rectal gaping; and a messy cum facial finish.

Lola Shine 在 'Double Anal Troublemakers'

Lola Shine - Double Anal Troublemakers

Stylish, curly-haired Lola Shine joins studs Charlie Dean and Christian Clay for a filthy anal threesome. The flashy Euro-babe teases and masturbates to start, soon greeting her guys with gagging blowjobs. Both guys drill her wet holes; Christian reams her asshole as she sucks Charlie's huge dong. Lola enjoys tasty, ass-to-mouth fellatio too. Wild, double-anal penetration -- two cocks stuffing her flexible bunghole at once -- brings rectal gaping! The crude devil's threesome climaxes as the boys reward Lola with two messy cum facials.

Mia Linz 在 'Round Ass DPs'

Mia Linz - Round Ass DPs

Mia Linz is a busty, big-assed Brazilian bombshell in a skintight, gold lamé dress. She's got braces on her teeth. Mia plucks the butt plug from her thick rear and sucks it ass-to-mouth. She shows off her blowjob skills, sucking Angelo Godshack and Christian Clay's big cocks. The heavily hung dudes take turns fucking Mia's holes. They simultaneously stretch her cunt and bunghole in a relentless double penetration. The anal threesome features Mia's squirting orgasms. Her asshole gapes as the studs splatter her with two cum facials.

Valentina Ricci 在 'Round Ass DPs'

Valentina Ricci - Round Ass DPs

Busty Belgian porn star Valentina Ricci shows off her round boobs and thick, fleshy ass. She masturbates with an anal toy, warming up for a nasty threesome with Euro-studs Angelo Godshack and Christian Clay. Valentina gives their big cocks a dual blowjob, and the men take turns fucking her pussy and asshole. Moaning with pleasure, the freckled babe submits to a lewd, relentless double penetration, until the guys shoot their cum into her waiting mouth.

Alysa Gap 在 'Double Anal Duels'

Alysa Gap - Double Anal Duels

Sexy, tattooed blonde Lola Taylor and international gape queen Alysa Gap, a busty brunette, wear flashy, come-fuck-me outfits. They share lesbian fingering, nipple sucking, bald pussy eating and rim jobs. The girls kneel to suck multiple dicks at once -- Charlie Dean and Christian Clay's thick white boners plus Charlie Mac's big black cock! The boys fuck their pussies and assholes. Lola's thick, white rear contrasts with the dark meat porking it. Side-by-side, each girl surrenders to double penetration and double-anal reaming as the other deep-throats dong. Alysa holes gape massively, both at once, and she squirts girl cum! With the ladies stacked one on the other, the studs take their choice of four wet orifices, like a fucking buffet! The marathon scene climaxes with Lola and Alysa sucking dicks ass-to-mouth and sharing semen in cum kisses!

Veronica Avluv 在 'Double Anal Duels'

Veronica Avluv - Double Anal Duels

Beautiful, busty Jolee Love and Veronica Avluv, the black-haired MILF with the blowjob lips, tease and make out in luxurious, matching lingerie. They share lesbian kissing, rim jobs and pussy eating. A glass toy and Jolee's fingers/tongue make Veronica ejaculate multiple fountains of girl squirt, which Jolee laps up. Enter three dudes with big erections, and the ladies kneel for immediate blowjobs, cunt fucking and anal reaming. Veronica squirts another flume as she's porked. The girls kiss amid a frenzy of orgasmic, all-orifice drilling. Both sluts get off on full-filling double penetration and double-anal plowing in various positions! They passionately suck dicks ass-to-mouth. The men deliver cum facials and blast semen into mouths; Jolee and Veronica lap up the jism and swap it in tasty cum kisses.

Megan Inky 在 'Double Anal Duels'

Megan Inky - Double Anal Duels

Exotic, tattoo-illustrated Megan Inky and comely Barbie Sins, whose long hair is mixed blonde and black, are both busty beauties in fetish-flavored black-and-gold lingerie. They eat pussy and exchange passionate lesbian rim jobs. Enter four dominant dudes with erections exposed. The pretty ladies immediately kneel for blowjobs while the studs fuck their shaved pussies and gaping buttholes! Megan and Barbie offer up their holes for a side-by-side double penetration duel! Next comes serious double-anal reaming; the girls kiss as the cocks double-stuff their buttholes. They assume multiple, acrobatic positions for more wailing DAP, plus ass-to-mouth, deepthroat cocksucking. Megan deeply tongues male bunghole, and rough anal fingering makes her pussy squirt! The girls drool four loads of sperm mouth-to-mouth!

Jolee Love 在 'DP Bandits! 2'

Jolee Love - DP Bandits! 2

Tempting redhead Jolee Love bats her smoky lashes and slides a toy in her pussy. Studs Christian Clay and Charlie Dean pry their thick cocks into her mouth for wet blowjobs. She moans as Christian fucks her twat while Charlie shoves his meat up her ass for a serious double penetration! The dudes drizzle oil on her pink pussy; they simultaneously stuff their boners in her cunt -- a double pussy penetration! Jolee sucks on Christian's toes as delivers intense anal reaming! The threesome culminates with sexy gaping, and Jolee swallows cum.

Lola Taylor 在 'DP Bandits! 2'

Lola Taylor - DP Bandits! 2

Cute blonde Lola Taylor flirts playfully and shows off her perky, pink nipples. Studs George Lee, Christian Clay and Neeo's erections surround her, and she gags on the cocks. Lola spreads her legs, and a pair of dicks plows her holes in a nasty double penetration. Christian delivers an anal slam-fuck, making Lola moan as she slobbers on another prick. Her eyes roll back in her head as two dongs drill her cunt at the same time: double vaginal penetration! See expansive anal gaping and an ass-to-mouth blowjob. The foursome orgy climaxes with Lola taking a mouthful of cum.

Angel Wicky 在 'Anal Buffet 13'

Angel Wicky - Anal Buffet 13

Busty blondes Angel Wicky and Blanche Bradburry show off their fetish-inspired lingerie, stripping and spreading for the camera. The playful MILFs give hung cocksman Christian Clay a drool-slathered double blowjob. They smother him with their plump booties. Blanche and Angel enjoy a graphic, intense anal fucking. One sucks his cock ass-to-mouth as he reams the other up the ass, with both flaunting gaping rectums throughout! Christian slam-fucks their sphincters as they talk dirty. The torrid threesome climaxes with a creamy cum facial.

Alysa Gap 在 'Dames of DP'

Alysa Gap - Dames of DP

A busty, mixed-race cutie with close-cropped white hair, Aaliyah Hadid can't wait to suck director Mike Adriano's giant cock -- and get it deeply stuffed up her adorable bubble butt! Aaliyah shows off pierced nipples and a furry bush. She takes the director's massive meat to the back of her throat, and Mike fucks her pretty face as she gags and drools all over herself. After she prepares her rectum with a dildo, Mike reams her greased-up bunghole until it gapes. Aaliyah tastes her anal flavor ass-to-mouth.

Cathy Heaven 在 'Booba Palooza'

Cathy Heaven - Booba Palooza

Big-boob MILF Cathy Heaven flaunts her voluptuous form in a sheer top, tight skirt and pumps. She strips and masturbates with a glass dildo and then welcomes Christian Clay with a nasty, deepthroat blowjob. Cathy swaddles his cock with her massive jugs for a titty fuck. She moans as she rides his rod through a vigorous buttfuck! Christian ruthlessly reams Cathy's orifices and ferociously fucks her throat ass-to-mouth. Their intense anal affair includes a raunchy rim job and a creamy cum facial.

Anna De Ville 在 'Double-Anal Extraordinaire'

Anna De Ville - Double-Anal Extraordinaire

Ivory skinned, natural Anna de Ville strips off her 1980s gear to display her famous, heart-shaped butthole. She eases a massive (and cold) glass toy up her ass, which gapes widely. With ample lube, her fingers disappear in her rectum! Christian Clay, Angelo Godshack and Yanick Shaft's huge cocks surround Anna for a triple blowjob. Double penetration fills her; double anal reaming stretches her sphincter. Next, triple penetration: two big dicks up the ass and one in the pussy! When the third prick packs her flexible butthole to capacity, director Proxy Paige calls the triple anal penetration 'a circus act.' Anna's graphic gaping exposes her rectal innards. See ass-to-mouth fellatio and double vaginal drilling: two dicks cram her shaved, meaty twat at once. She goes airtight, deep-throating during a DP. A buttfuck makes her ejaculate pussy squirt all over her face and hair, no hands! The Euro studs blast three loads onto her tongue, and Anna swallows the cum.

Alexis Crystal 在 'Filthy DPs 2'

Alexis Crystal - Filthy DPs 2

In sheer, lacy lingerie and an elaborate mask, young blonde minx Alexis Crystal masturbates for the camera, reaming her pussy and butt with a lewd toy. Charlie Dean and Kristof Cale interrupt the all-natural girl's fun, offering their big cocks for a dual blowjob. They take turns fucking Alexis' juicy pussy and asshole, and the wild anal threesome leads to an intense double penetration! Charlie and Kristof ream every hole, and Alexis lewdly sucks dick ass-to-mouth. Her perky tits and shaved pussy end up splattered with sperm!

Lady Dee 在 'Filthy DPs 2'

Lady Dee - Filthy DPs 2

Pale, raven-haired Lady Dee wears jean shorts and an ensemble of vintage stockings and bra. The all-natural young lady is hungry for a big cock. She fingers her shaved pussy and masturbates with an anal toy. And then Dee joins well hung Angelo Godshack and Christian Clay for an anal threesome. Angelo finger-fucks her until she succumbs to a squirting climax! She gives expert blowjobs, and a double penetration stuffing makes her butthole gape. Intense sodomy and ass-to-mouth cocksucking climax when the boys cum in Dee's mouth.

Amber Deen 在 'Holy Holes'

Amber Deen - Holy Holes

Petite blonde Amber Deen, a spunky spitfire with natural tits, spews a constant streak of dirty talk in her adorable Scottish brogue. As director Proxy Paige eggs her on from off camera, Amber spreads and masturbates. Nervous but giddy for her first double penetration, Amber expands her sphincter with a metal dildo. She kneels between Angelo Godshack's uncut boner and Christian Clay's huge cock for a double blowjob. The muscular dudes fuck her mouth and meaty pussy spit-roast style, and Christian spanks her ass pink. Amber's eyes water as she attempts to deep-throat Christian. On all fours, she sweats and wails nasty gibberish through a DP. She sucks cock ass-to-mouth, and two erections dick-whip her face. Amber tries more DP positions and double vag -- both pricks stuff her twat at once! Splashed with a double cum facial, Amber plays with the semen and swallows

Gina Gerson 在 'Gangbang Angels'

Gina Gerson - Gangbang Angels

Petite Euro-star Gina Gerson shows off her fit frame in tight lingerie and angel wings, soon meeting five studs for a decadent interracial gangbang! She greets each guy with a passionate kiss and then submissively kneels for a nasty, spit-soaked blowbang. Gina whimpers as the boys simultaneously slam-fuck her holes, slurping and stroking each massive cock throughout. To climax a marathon of intense double penetration and nasty, ass-to-mouth blowjobs, the boys treat adorable Gina to multiple, messy cum facials delivered bukkake-style!

Tina Kay 在 'Hotter in Glasses'

Tina Kay - Hotter in Glasses

Tina Kay and Florane Russell are ready to take a dick in her asses! Christian Clay is hard for them and fucks their holes real deep! What a pleasure to watch them in hot anal action!

Lilu Moon 在 'Body Language'

Lilu Moon - Body Language

Kinky Lilu Moon is excited to meet up with her boyfriend Christian Clay. Once she sees him and realizes that his cock is rock hard, Lilu grabs his cock and starts sucking it like a pro. Christian bends her over and pounds her tight asshole; she gapes after he pulls out. After taking every inch of his cock, Christian cums on her asshole.

Alexis Crystal 在 'Long-Legged And Curious'

Alexis Crystal - Long-Legged And Curious

Gorgeous tall beauty Alexis Crystal strips down and shows off her sexy toes. Her boyfriend Christian Clay starts sucking her soft toes then Alexis rubs her feet on his hard cock. She then bends over to get her tight asshole fucked. Alexis takes every inch of his cock while moaning and having her feet played with. Then Christian showers her feet with a hot load of cum.

Tina Kay 在 'Always Free For A DP'

Tina Kay - Always Free For A DP

Usually, Tina Kay's mornings are really hectic. Being a beautiful businesswoman can be really stressful. Fortunately, she found a way to take her tension away: getting DP'd by Kristof Cale and Christian Clay. Because no matter how busy her schedule gets, the gorgeous brunette always has time for a DP.

Tina Kay 在 'Deepthroat Diva'

Tina Kay - Deepthroat Diva

The marvelous Tina Kay wants to show her skills to Christian Clay. She really knows how to suck a cock. She takes his dick deep in her mouth and right to the throat. She gives him a vigorous and sexy blowjob!

Alexis Crystal 在 'Take My Ass, It's Yours'

Alexis Crystal - Take My Ass, It's Yours

Sexy blonde Alexis Crystal is a naughty girl who wants a dick. Christian Clay is ready for this job. Also, the perfect blonde is offering her pussy and her ass! What a pleasure to watch this babe takes a throbbing dick in her tight anus and enjoy it!

Alexis Crystal 在 'Bite Size Anal Beauties'

Alexis Crystal - Bite Size Anal Beauties

Two stunning Asian beauties, Japanese blonde Miyuki Son and brunette model Sharon Lee, fool around on the pier with Italian superstud Rocco Siffredi... until Miyuki pushes him face-first into the water! The girls decide to make it up to Rocco by kneeling and servicing his enormous cock. They take turns getting ass-fucked, rimming one another and enjoying ass-to-mouth perversions. Finally, Rocco spurts a creamy load into Sharon's and Miyuki's mouth; the sultry bitches savor his cum in a kiss.

Sarah Sultry 在 'Sarah Tastes Her Own Ass'

Sarah Sultry - Sarah Tastes Her Own Ass

Ukrainian babe Sarah Sultry confesses her love for pole dancing. Her boss asks her to show her skills at the office and she shows her how she strips and dances like the angels, but her real skills are deepthroating and riding cock with all her holes. She only asks one thing... the chance to taste her own ass after being buttfucked. Done deal Miss Sarah and welcome to America.

Dominica Phoenix 在 'Bite Size Anal Beauties'

Dominica Phoenix - Bite Size Anal Beauties

A trio of sweet blonde sluts - Sierra Day, Chastity Lynn and Penny Pax - visits ass-obsessed director Mike Adriano for a wild session of nasty anal fun. The girls tease Mike's camera by walking on his treadmill, their plump asses swaying with the motion, then spread their butt cheeks and tongue each other's tender sphincter. Sierra, Chastity and Penny orally worship the director's dick and eat his asshole in a POV-style triple-blow job. Sierra gets butt-fucked and her colon distends in a blooming 'rose-butt.' Penny and Chastity enjoy licking her prolapsed innards, sucking cock ass-to-mouth and taking a creamy cum facial.

Linda Sweet 在 'Anal Acrobats 10'

Linda Sweet - Anal Acrobats 10

Extreme Euro-sluts Linda Sweet and Rebecca Black love showing off their talented assholes. The redheaded beauties stuff giant toy balls into each other's rectum, farting as they expel them from their budding buttholes! After a crude lesbian intro, they greet hung stud Christian Clay with a worshipful double blowjob. Christian slam-fucks their stretched sphincters, and each babe tastes his massive prick ass-to-mouth. Hard, three-way sodomy features extensive gaping and rectal prolapsing. Christian rewards the adorable duo with a tasty cum facial.

Tiffany Doll 在 'Anal Buffet 12'

Tiffany Doll - Anal Buffet 12

Perfectly packaged in lacy, sheer lingerie, stunning porn supermodels Tiffany Doll and Mea Melone can't wait to worship each other's soft, jiggling rump. These glamorous sluts spread their meaty butt cheeks, taking turns with a large, ass-expanding dildo. Lewdly they rim winking sphincters! Muscular stud Christian Clay joins the fun, ruthlessly invading each girl's gaping rectum, then letting the nasty beauties suck his enormous cock ass-to-mouth. After an intense anal threesome, the girls share a flavorful oral cum shot.

Lindsey Olsen 在 'Anal Buffet 12'

Lindsey Olsen - Anal Buffet 12

Stunning blonde cuties Lola Taylor and Lindsey Olsen love playing with each other's sweet behind, squeezing and smacking plump buttocks until well-hung Christian Clay joins them for a lewd three-way. Christian shoves his enormous cock into the girls' mouths and reams their tender pussies and assholes. Lola and Lindsey take turns sucking his massive, fragrant shaft directly the other's rectum! After a wild session of anal pounding pleasure, these gorgeous young ladies kneel for a taste of creamy spunk.

Victoria Red 在 'Rocco's Abbondanza 4'

Victoria Red - Rocco's Abbondanza 4

When these two stunning, busty Euro-models -- blonde beauty Vicktoria Redd and brown-haired slut Miky Gold -- wake up, the first item on the agenda is a hot anal threesome with lucky fucker Christian Clay! The muscular stud tongues Miky's fine ass, shoving his huge dick down her throat as Vicktoria watches, stroking her pussy. Before long, the ladies are getting every hole stuffed with thick meat in an ass-reaming party flavored with rim jobs, ass-to-mouth fun and a cum-flavored lesbian kiss.

Vanda Lust 在 'Slutty Girls Love Rocco 8'

Vanda Lust - Slutty Girls Love Rocco 8

Porn fan Norma Jane, a glamorous, longhaired brunette in a sexy black dress, fishnets and heels, is curious to watch a scene in person, but nervous, so director Rocco Siffredi has her wear a mask. Thickly hung Christian Clay eats the shaved-bald twat of cute blonde teen Vanda Lust (natural tits and hot, round ass) and rims her butthole. Vanda deep-throats Christian as Norma Jane watches, masturbating. Norma's bold enough to join Vanda's cocksucking and rim Christian's man-ass. Christian fucks and sodomizes Vanda, and Norma sucks dick ass-to-mouth! A howling butt fuck makes Vanda's bunghole gape. Christian creams Vanda's mouth and Norma cleans cock deep-throat style. She shares cum kisses with Vanda and beams from behind her mask.

Jessie Volt 在 'Anal Buffet 11'

Jessie Volt - Anal Buffet 11

Blonde booty queen Jessie Volt and pale, tattooed stunner Misha Cross need some big dick in their sweet asses. When bald bruiser Christian Clay shows up, these gorgeous Euro-models kneel to orally worship his giant cock. Soon he's drilling Jessie's plump derriere as Misha lewdly slurps Christian's shaft ass-to-mouth and rims Jessie's gaping anus. Then it's Misha's turn to be sodomized and have her sphincter widely stretched, with Jessie licking ass. Finally the ladies share some hot cum.

Valentina Nappi 在 'Anal Buffet 09'

Valentina Nappi - Anal Buffet 09

Soft, young Italian doll Valentina Nappi is excited about getting a big, fat dick in her ass! The adorable brunette wiggles her plump, wobbly, round butt, peeling out of her tight panties and releasing the perfect, natural jugs from her brassiere. Soon she's hungrily slurping on Christian Clay's huge, throbbing cock, tonguing his balls and lapping up and down the shaft. The gorgeous slut rides Christian's raging member and slides it inside her tender rump, dismounting to slurp his greasy shaft ass-to-mouth. After a nasty session of passionate ass fucking, Valentina milks out -- and swallows -- a tasty mouthful of splooge.

Proxy Paige 在 'Anal Buffet 9'

Proxy Paige - Anal Buffet 9

Tall, slender blonde Ivana Sugar, brunette supermodel Tiffany Doll and purple-haired punk princess Proxy Paige are three young lesbians with a serious taste for anal perversion. Ivana and Tiffany deep-throat a huge double-dildo, their lips meeting in the middle, and Tiff and Proxy go ass-to-ass with a butthole-reaming toy. All three swap saliva, sharing strands of drool, and they worship each other's pussy. Then well-hung Christian Clay offers his massive cock for some face-fucking fun and ass-stretching pony rides. After lots of sensuous sodomy, gaping rim jobs and ass-to-mouth cocksucking, this adorable trio winds up snowballing his hot, spermy load.

Sandra Romain 在 'Anal Acrobats 08'

Sandra Romain - Anal Acrobats 08

Sexy stewardess Proxy Paige has traveled around the world to stuff her big replica globes up the fine ass of first class bitch Sandra Romain. Proxy hungrily licks the brunette porn slut's tender butthole. She shoves the model-Earth deep into Sandra's accommodating colon and watches it push back out while Proxy rims the older woman's stretching sphincter. Then Sandra invades little Proxy's soft derriere with huge toys and probing fingers, until Proxy's anus yawns in a massive gape. Well-hung Christian Clay sodomizes both women and lets Sandra and Proxy suck his giant cock ass-to-mouth. The shameless sluts orally swap sperm.

Mira Sunset 在 'Gape Lovers 8'

Mira Sunset - Gape Lovers 8

Slinky, sultry redhead Mira Sunset is a tall, pale beauty with pert, natural breasts and a wide, shapely ass. This stunning slut taunts the camera with a sensuous striptease, then wraps her talented lips around the thick pole of beefy boy-toy Christian Clay. In no time, Mira is riding his huge boner, grinding up and down. He shoves the curved prick into Mira's tender butthole, making it wink open wide, and feeds her his giant, greasy shaft ass-to-mouth. After a hard, nasty session of unrelenting anal sodomy, sexy Mira sucks the splooge right out of her lucky stud's throbbing boner.

Cherry Kiss 在 'Anal Buffet 08'

Cherry Kiss - Anal Buffet 08

Petite blonde booty tease Cherry Kiss models her neon pink see-through panties, pulling them down to reveal her soft, adorable ass and winking butthole. This stunning, young princess kneels, wraps her lips around Christian Clay's enormous cock and licks up and down the veiny shaft. She lies back, spreads her thighs, and Christian impales Cherry's tight rectum on his massive prick while she rubs her clit. Soon her sphincter is gaping; Cherry eagerly sucks cock ass-to-mouth and even strokes his pole with her sexy, bare feet. The slender beauty finishes her anal adventure with a mouthful of hot sperm.

Bea Stiel 在 'John Leslie Goes Deep 2'

Bea Stiel - John Leslie Goes Deep 2

squirt queen Flower Tucci assists the domination. Naturally stacked Gianna smothers Sasha in gigantic jugs. Sandra Romain slaps Sasha's pussy as she's manhandled. Big-hung Mark Davis counts down from 10 as Sasha deep-throats. This is the breathtaking, intense group filth that put Sasha on the porn map.

Jewels Jade 在 'The Mommy X-Perience 4'

Jewels Jade - The Mommy X-Perience 4

Fiery French slut Liza Del Sierra shows off her amazingly round ass - in red fishnet pantyhose, naked in a steamy shower and outdoors beside the pool. Mike Stefano can't resist her bouncy buns; he shoves his face between Liza's cushiony cheeks, devouring her pussy. Liza straddles Mike's face, nearly smothering him with her generous derriere. She hungrily licks and then rides his erection. Liza fingers her anus and takes a thorough butt-fuck flavored with nasty ass-to-mouth cocksucking. After sodomizing the busty bombshell, Mike spurts a creamy load onto Liza's freshly fucked pussy and ass.

Kelly Divine 在 'Phat Bottom Girls 3'

Kelly Divine - Phat Bottom Girls 3

Mike Adriano, an auteur of graphic anal kink, presents huge-assed, anally oriented Kelly Divine and Brazilian butt queen Monica Santhiago - both in butt-hugging outfits. Mike captures anal penetration by toys and his lighted speculum, plus arousing tease footage and girl-girl play with lots of ass licking. The girls share his cock, balls and bunghole in slobbery style. With no vaginal warm-up, he plunges his prick straight up both asses. A long, vigorous rectal workout is interrupted only so they can tongue each other's butt or orally clean his prick. Mike expertly expands anuses into huge, blooming rosebuds that gape like dark caverns or expose pink intestinal innards!