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最新更新特色 Juan Loco

Natasha Nice 在 '雙倍拿!相似之選'

Natasha Nice - 雙倍拿!相似之選

不,你的眼睛沒有欺騙你,你沒有看到雙重!這個合輯通過配對最炙手可熱的長相,他們的陰戶性交並填充了一些最偷偷摸摸、最令人驚訝和最性感的 Brazzers 場景,帶來了雙倍的樂趣!

Savannah Bond 在 '這是他媽的星期五第 2 部分'

Savannah Bond - 這是他媽的星期五第 2 部分

現在是週末,辦公室一團糟。薩凡納邦德到達時發現這個地方完全被破壞了——這他媽的這裏發生了什麼?一群浣熊在這裡狂歡然後保釋嗎?她打電話給維修人員胡安·洛科(Juan Loco),但發現自己獨自一人在廢墟中。突然,她的手機開始震動,一系列圖片和視頻開始滾動......他們都是她的同事,他媽的,把這個地方弄得亂七八糟!好吧,他們不應該是唯一玩得開心的人。畢竟,她不是一直想看看她同事的雞巴是什麼樣子的嗎?她以為他們總是按照自己的方式打包......她的手開始遊蕩,她開始自慰,只是為了讓胡安終於出現並打斷她的私人時間。除非。。。為什麼早班要得到所有的樂趣?

Tokyo Leigh 在 '自拍蕩婦需要一些説明'

Tokyo Leigh - 自拍蕩婦需要一些説明

曲線玲瓏的可愛東京麗喜歡給自己拍的自拍。當胡安·洛科(Juan Loco)走進她在浴室裡拍一些山雀照片時,東京尋求他的幫助,拍攝了一些更辣的照片。這自然會讓他們倆都像地獄一樣角質並導致他媽的!

Jaylene 在 '你爸爸又拋棄了我'

Jaylene - 你爸爸又拋棄了我

熱辣的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線傑琳·里奧(Jaylene Rio)被打扮成歡迎她的丈夫出差回家,但他不會回來滿足他好色的妻子。傑琳的新繼子胡安·洛科(Juan Loco)——通常是她身邊的眼中釘——是她的下一個最佳選擇,當他談論一場大遊戲時,他的繼母將不得不利用她的經驗教他如何在她濕漉漉的陰戶上使用他的大雞巴!

Cherie Deville 在 '歡迎來到美洲獅學院'

Cherie Deville - 歡迎來到美洲獅學院

在美洲獅學院,我們只培訓最優秀的年輕男女,學習令人愉快的權力動態偏差藝術。從有抱負的貓科動物徘徊者到尋找經驗豐富的女性來負責的傲慢的年輕獵物,Cherie DeVille 在這裡訓練最聰明的頭腦和最深的喉嚨在經典的誘惑藝術中。今天和她在一起的是兩個美洲獅學員——華麗的凱莉火箭和狡猾的胡安洛科——希望從她豐富的經驗和技能中受益並學習,對如何吸引、吸引和包圍合作夥伴一絲不苟地記錄。不過,我認為這對年輕的搭檔還沒有準備好接受如此直接的、呃,親身體驗......一個流口水的舌頭,捶打的公雞,以及足夠帶回家學習的東西!

Uptown Jenny 在 '濕摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線時滑溜溜的'

Uptown Jenny - 濕摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線時滑溜溜的

上城區珍妮厭倦了胡安·洛科的生澀方式。如果她知道他的成年兒子是如此骯髒的混亂,她就不會和她的新丈夫一起搬進來了!當胡安和她一起喝點牛奶時,珍妮讓她的丈夫知道,如果他不站出來反對胡安,她的戰利品將被永久封鎖。珍妮獨自一人去臥室證明她的觀點,並玩弄自己和她的玩具羅紋手套。與此同時,在隔壁的房間里,胡安正在搖晃他的公雞火箭,以至於他在珍妮的房間里搖晃著狗屎!憤怒和角質,珍妮在胡安身上變態,並在他到達爆炸時與他的雞巴親密接觸。 對他的負荷和他的大小印象深刻,她決定處理這根雞巴的唯一方法是他媽的一些感覺。

Cherie Deville 在 '我想操你媽媽'

Cherie Deville - 我想操你媽媽

Cherie Deville的兒子Dave的流行朋克樂隊憑借他們的最新曲目“I want to Fuck Your Mom”迅速傳播開來,而Cherie對成為所謂的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線不太高興......還是她?在把戴夫送到他的房間後,她給了樂隊其他成員(迭戈·佩雷斯,吉米·邁克爾斯和胡安·洛科)一個責駡 - 但她有的不僅僅是這些!她想知道他們是否真的想操她,以及他們是否能勝任這項任務!在吉米證明自己值得之後,迭戈和胡安·洛科加入了四人組,切麗的陰道和嘴巴接管了他們所有年輕堅硬的雞巴!

Leila Lewis 在 '水下手工作業'

Leila Lewis - 水下手工作業

曲線可愛的Leila Lewis正在做瑜伽時,她的室友問她是否想和她和她的男朋友Juan Loco一起去商場。萊拉在他們離開之前去泡泡泡浴,但不是在萊拉和胡安互相擠在一起之前。胡安脫掉衣服,在萊拉面前偷偷溜進浴缸,給了她一個很大的驚喜。萊拉在浴缸裡給胡安做了一個手工,然後兩人進入了一個完整的浴缸他媽的節。一個好的是最終結束胡安的原因。

Lacey Bender 在 '摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線 dtf'

Lacey Bender - 摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線 dtf

性感的夏日科爾帶她的男朋友胡安回家做愛。胡安忍不住被 Summer 父親的 GF ( Lacey Bender )分心,他正在用 VR 頭顯玩某種的性遊戲。胡安與薩默分手,發現萊西在她的臥室里做了一個虛擬的口交。這導致了胡安和萊西之間的一些偷偷摸摸的性交,直到夏天抓住他們,把它變成了一個熱的三人組。

Rachael Cavalli 在 '摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線的三人行'

Rachael Cavalli - 摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線的三人行

Rachel Cavalli和她的丈夫正在舉辦一個後院派對,這很糟糕。她甚至不能在沒有丈夫的情況下講一個的笑話。在一個涉及天鵝冰雕的惡作劇出錯后,瑞秋決定休息一下。在外面,她窺探了幾名滑冰運動員,達米恩·達斯基(Damion Daski)和胡安·洛科(Juan Loco),他們在街上閒逛。在他們的説明下,瑞秋把這個骯髒的閃光點提高了幾個檔次。瑞秋的丈夫試圖粗暴地對待角質流氓,當他們撕掉衣服並創造一個帶有一些硬翹起條紋的場景來報復他時,這造成了更多的混亂。女服務員馬迪·柯林斯( Madi Collins )忍不住脫掉衣服,開始了的動作。沒過多久,所有粗魯的客人都走了,這是一個三人行。

Brittany Andrews 在 '這一次在樂隊訓練營'

Brittany Andrews - 這一次在樂隊訓練營

可愛的Jesse Pony和Juan Loco正在他們大學的音樂課程中。 兩人即將進行一場大型排練,他們的音樂教授布列塔尼·安德魯斯(Brittany Andrews)正在努力騎著他們,並確保他們能得到練習。今天,傑西偷偷地練習了假陽具,希望高潮能平息她的神經。她幾乎不知道,每當她的錄音機播放時,假陽具就像一條迷人的蛇!胡安是第一個弄清楚這一點的人,兩人玩得很開心,把傑西完美的陰道充滿樂趣。然而,當胸部豐滿的布列塔尼抓住兩個他媽的而不是練習時,她準備向這兩個大學生展示這是怎麼做到的!

Annabel Redd 在 '角色扮演摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線在夫婦身上爬行'

Annabel Redd - 角色扮演摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線在夫婦身上爬行

性感的紅頭髮安娜貝爾·雷德(Annabel Redd)帶著她的男朋友(胡安·洛科(Juan Loco))回家做愛,但當胡安與她父親的極客摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線女友查理·菲尼克斯(Charli Phoenix)一拍即合時,她感到震驚。安娜貝爾把胡安拖到她的房間,開始吸吮和操他。查理對他們進行了一些監視,讓自己變得角質,然後醞釀了一個計劃,以贏得胡安的心臟(和雞巴)。查理從他們最喜歡的遊戲中換上了一些性感的角色扮演裝備,然後在安娜貝爾不在的時候勾引了胡安。安娜貝爾在表演中抓住了作弊者,但被說服加入他們一個熱門的三人行。

Katie Morgan 在 '不僅僅是母親節的玫瑰'

Katie Morgan - 不僅僅是母親節的玫瑰

摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線的亞歷克西斯·福克斯(Alexis Fawx)正在經歷有史以來最糟糕的母親節。在打扮得漂漂亮亮地慶祝之後,她發現她的家人沒有她就出去了。哎呀!心煩意亂的她打電話給她的朋友凱蒂·摩根(Katie Morgan),後者建議她過來同情,因為她的家人也忘記了母親節!有一次在她朋友家,亞歷克西斯和凱蒂決定,如果他們的丈夫在母親節不能正確對待他們,那麼他們就必須把事情掌握在自己手中。當他們倆正在進行一些熱辣的女同性戀行動時,凱蒂得到了一束巨大的花束,從她的新繼子胡安那裡得到了“愛”的簽名。當她湧向鮮花時,亞歷克西斯忍不住嫉妒,並決定看看胡安是否也有禮物給她。雖然他一開始看起來很困惑,發誓他對送花一無所知,但他很快就決定順其自然,因為她開始吸吮他的雞巴。不幸的是,對於胡安和亞歷克西斯來說,凱蒂在完全錯誤(或者可能是正確的!)時刻走進來,並決定雖然花朵很棒,但她 - 像亞歷克西斯一樣 - 真的想要他的公雞(和三人行)作為母親節。

Skylar Snow 在 '雙倍紅髮,雙倍樂趣'

Skylar Snow - 雙倍紅髮,雙倍樂趣

華麗的Skylar Snow和Juan Loco在床上勾搭時,Skylar把她美麗的紅色頭髮梳成一個揉搓。斯凱拉想給胡安一個額外的草率的吹氣工作,她需要把臉上的頭髮都弄掉。這對夫婦不知道,火紅頭髮的斯嘉麗·索默斯(Scarlett Sommers)正在監視他們,並享受自己的樂趣。如果性感的斯嘉麗能把手伸到那個搓澡上,她想她也許能像斯凱拉一樣通過,把胡安的雞巴據為己有!

Lauren Phillips 在 '奶油摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線的餅乾'

Lauren Phillips - 奶油摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線的餅乾


Osa Lovely 在 '魯巴杜布,浴缸裡的熱雞巴'

Osa Lovely - 魯巴杜布,浴缸裡的熱雞巴

Osa Lovely看起來很熱。她全天然的奶頭和完美的圓屁股已經成熟。當準備洗澡時,她意識到她忘記了一件事,她的手機。她穿上衣服,走到客廳去找它。她的新繼子有他的角夥伴胡安·洛科(Juan Loco),他很快就注意到繼母奧薩(Osa)的煙霧表演。很難不,當她的奶頭從她的長袍中彈出時!在採取了一些裙子行動后,胡安決定擊中頭部,希望能看到更多奧薩長袍下的東西。胡安發現了她的泡泡浴,並跳起來把他堅硬的雞巴藏在溫水中。奧薩回來了,在泡沫中沾滿了肥皂,卻發現胡安的雞巴在水面上晃動!她喜歡他的雞巴是件好事。大學生,他們都是一樣的。幸運的lil horndogs,我說的對嗎?

Ryan Keely 在 '他媽的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線和她長得像的教練'

Ryan Keely - 他媽的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線和她長得像的教練

Ryan Keely只想度過輕鬆的一天,並預訂了與新瑜伽教練的課程。當教練Kaden Kole到達時,原來兩人看起來......幾乎完全一樣。這給Ryan的男朋友的兒子Juan帶來了混亂,他想對Ryan採取行動,但最終錯誤地打了Kaden的屁股。卡登喜歡這種關注,並鼓勵胡安走得更遠,導致胡安在里安的瑜伽課中途偷偷摸摸地操卡登。當Ryan抓住另外兩個他媽的時,她決定暫停她的瑜伽並加入樂趣。

Cherie Deville 在 '幼崽獵人'

Cherie Deville - 幼崽獵人

摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線女神切麗·德維爾(Cherie Deville)有一個完美的妻子早晨,做家務,為她的丈夫做早餐。不過,有些事情有點不對勁。為什麼客廳裡散落著衣服和手銬?誰是食品儲藏室里那個赤身裸體的男人!?回到前一天晚上:性感的切麗偷偷溜出夫妻床,穿上一些悶熱的衣服,前往酒吧,尋找熱幼崽。幸運的瓊·洛科(Joan Loco)在酒吧櫃檯後面偷偷地吸吮了他的雞巴,然後酒保踢出了這對不雅的夫婦。當切麗把胡安帶回她的地方,完全滿足她無盡的時,這並不奇怪。

Lola Fae 在 '角質家庭保姆:第2部分'

Lola Fae - 角質家庭保姆:第2部分

在操完蘿拉·費之後,百勝老闆去她的臥室打個盹。然而,胡安·洛科(Juan Loco)已經爬上樓去收拾另一個爛攤子。當他試圖把所有東西都塞進壁櫥里時,胡安最終躲在最明顯的地方,導致Yum發現了他。儘管經過漫長的一天旅行,並與洛拉瘋狂嬉戲,但Yum發現她有足夠的能量來吸吮Juan的大雞巴的每一寸,當然是用她的大奶子和屁股窒息了他。然而,在一些激烈的女同性戀行動后被踢出局的洛拉偷偷溜回了房子,最終加入了他們一個瘋狂的三人行!在對她性感的保姆感到溫暖,並服用了蘿拉的噴射和胡安的精液后,Yum意識到,當你可以獲得完全的性滿足時,一團糟並不重要。

Lexi Luna 在 '真空中的愉悅'

Lexi Luna - 真空中的愉悅

性感的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線萊西·盧娜(Lexi Luna)正在用吸塵器吸塵,為男友的大學年齡的兒子胡安·洛科(Juan Loco)的到來做準備。當他的父親不看時,胡安擁抱了萊克西,抓住了一把屁股......萊克西完全沒問題。當男孩們上樓時,Lexi在她的陰道上使用真空吸塵器。胡安偷偷看到萊克西這樣做,並決定他也想嘗試一下,在萊克西休息時刷掉真空吸塵器。萊克西抓住胡安用真空吸吮他的雞巴,並與他對峙......但是在這一點上,兩人都是如此角質,以至於他媽的對方是自然而然的結論。

Sally D'Angelo 在 '家庭護理咯咯叫三人行披肩'

Sally D'Angelo - 家庭護理咯咯叫三人行披肩

莎莉 ·丹傑洛的老公做得不太好幸運的是,他有吸煙熱家庭護理護士,烏木神秘。烏木已經習慣了他的角狗的方式,甚至偶爾提供摩托艇。莎莉把目光投向了烏木,覺得她不應該玩得開心。當胡安·洛科出現在他的護理班,莎莉採取的事情到她自己的手和嘴,給一個偷偷摸摸的打擊工作,就在神秘的鼻子下。胡安,幾乎被抓住,變得緊張,離開莎莉去照顧她的丈夫。但莎莉決心讓她的雞巴和偷偷另一個打擊工作下,她自己丈夫的床。當哈比睡著了, 胡安和莎莉把他推開, 以更好地得到他們他媽的。神秘從休息時間回來, 發現一個裸體的莎莉用管道和 Fedora 掩蓋了一個假老公。神秘抓住行為中的假人, 你猜怎麼著?她只是想加入!

Gogo Fukme 在 'Bbw 泡泡浴'

Gogo Fukme - Bbw 泡泡浴


來自其他網站的場景特色 Juan Loco

Ellie Nova 在 'Good Morning'

Ellie Nova - Good Morning

Ellie spends her morning having passionate sex with her man.

Katie Kush 在 'Sex Swing Creampie'

Katie Kush - Sex Swing Creampie

Katie mounts the sex swing and begs to be teased and pleased.

Skyler Storm 在 'Sneaking Stepbro'

Skyler Storm - Sneaking Stepbro

Skyler's stepbro snoops around her room and hides in her closet to give her a scare. She returns, strips down, and starts masturbating, unaware that he's watching. He gets busted and they strike up a deal. If she doesn't tell on him, he won't say anything about what he found in her underwear drawer!

Melanie Marie 在 'Horny College Threesome'

Melanie Marie - Horny College Threesome

Melanie convinces 2 nerdy college guys to fuck her in a threesome.

Khloe Kingsley 在 'Rideshare Blowjobs'

Khloe Kingsley - Rideshare Blowjobs

Khloe and her two friends get picked up by a ride share. Once they're in the car, she takes off her shirt and starts sucking the guys in the backseat! They get caught and kicked out. As soon as they get home, they take turns fucking her and completely drenching her face with cum.

Skyler Storm 在 'Wet Agent'

Skyler Storm - Wet Agent

Real estate agent accidentally gets wet while showing off the bathtub. She strips down and her client likes what he sees.

Skyler Storm 在 'Soaked Blonde'

Skyler Storm - Soaked Blonde

Skyler is soaked in oil and get her tight pussy pounded by a big dick.

Khloe Kingsley 在 'Bus Threesome'

Khloe Kingsley - Bus Threesome

Khloe seduces another passenger on the bus by playing with his cock while rubbing her pussy. When they get caught by the bus driver, she invites him to join in on the fun as well.

Sasha Pearl 在 'Stepmom Gets What She Wants'

Sasha Pearl - Stepmom Gets What She Wants

Stepmom Sasha is super tired and wants a foot massage. She asks her stepson to help her relax by giving her a massage. He agrees, just as long as he can sit down and watch a movie while he does it. As he is massaging his stepmom, he doesn't see that she is also fingering herself and getting double the pleasure. Stepson notices it once he moves his hands away from her feet and she is still saying how good it feels. He turns to her and sees what she is doing. Shocked, he steps away and asks why she's doing what she is doing. Stepmom tells him she wants him to help her cum and she can't do it on her own. Stepson is taken back by the request at first, but with a little convincing that his dad wont find out, he grabs a dildo and starts giving it to her. But, after several strokes, she still can't get off. She then comes up with the idea of using his dick instead. Stepson thinks about it for a second and then jumps in on the idea. He gives his stepmom his huge cock from all positions until he cums all over her pretty face.

Naomi Foxxx 在 'Mrs. Creampie'

Naomi Foxxx - Mrs. Creampie

Stepmom Naomi Foxxx is trying to cheer up Juan who just got out of a relationship. His ex said it's because he came in her but the truth is, the condom broke. Naomi tries to look for the television remote control and accidentally sees Juan's hard cock. She is pleasantly surprised at the sight of his big dick. Since cumming and creampies were just discussed, Naomi can't help but get wet and remember that she LOVES a good creampie!

Keira Heart 在 'Sudsy Facial'

Keira Heart - Sudsy Facial

Keira is getting sudsy in the shower when her man join her for some fun. She gets fucked and takes a facial in the shower.

Elana Bunnz 在 'Wet T-Shirt Step Mom'

Elana Bunnz - Wet T-Shirt Step Mom

Elana Bunnz was trying to help her step son Juan Loco figure out how to work the shower when he shower suddenly started to work and turned her beautiful top all see through. Since she was half wet why not get fully wet and shower again. Seeing his step mom naked gave Juan a boner. She noticed his big dick and decided it needed a good soap and rinse. While she was at it why not add a little blowjob. Saliva cleans better. Obviously they started to fuck. And they fucked like rabbits until Juan s**t his cum over her face.

Sophia Leone 在 'Lustrous Latina'

Sophia Leone - Lustrous Latina

Sophia Leone gets soaked in oil before getting her clit toyed and pussy pounded.

Tiana Blow 在 'Horny For Tutor'

Tiana Blow - Horny For Tutor

Tiana has the hots for her tutor. She masturbates under her desk during their study session and cums so hard she squirts all over the floor! Now it's her turn to quiz her tutor on how to please a pussy!

Eva Nyx 在 'Teens Love Cream'

Eva Nyx - Teens Love Cream

Teen Eva Nyx has been waiting for her boyfriend to come over to her house because she is ready to give her precious flower. She is eager to get her wet pussy cream pied for the first time!

Hot Ass Hollywood 在 'Seduced By A Cougar'

Hot Ass Hollywood - Seduced By A Cougar

Juan is delivering a package to Hot Ass Hollywood and Hollywood notices how could it is outside so she invites him in for a drink. Juan accepts but he seems nervous, so Hollywood asks if it's cause of the reputation she has earned amongst the delivery guys in her area. Juan nods as he has heard that Hollywood is a hot cougar who likes to keep her delivery guys happy. Well, the rumors he has heard are true and Hollywood takes Juan's cock out of his pants and starts going to work on it.

Sophia Locke 在 'Fucking Stepmom on Cam'

Sophia Locke - Fucking Stepmom on Cam

Sophia Locke was secretly camming in her room. Penetrating her tight little hole with a dildo for the enjoyment of many on the internet. This is when her step son, Juan walked in unaware of what was going on. She was surprised at first but she quickly had a great idea. She would definitely make more money if she fucked her step son on cam. It took some convincing but eventually Juan was down. From there, they fucked all over her bed, getting tip after tip from the happy viewers.

Sara Jay 在 'Naughty America'

Sara Jay - Naughty America

Sara Jay gives Juan a call to stop the him from being a bully. Once a bully always a bully is what Sara finds out that the only way to solve this issue is to get bullied herself by Juan's big cock.

London River 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

London River - My Friend's Hot Mom

Blue eyed MILF London River is horny AF and swiping around, but she can't find anyone worth while so she takes out her trusty dildo and starts going down town. Though, she forgot that her son's friend was stopping to discuss him house sitting for them. So London puts down the dildo to attend to her son's friend and show him around the house. Once they reach the bedroom Juan notices the big dildo on the bed. Ms. River notices it and stashes it away but she confesses to have used it. What she really wants though is to finish what she started with a real big cock!!

Lilly James 在 'My Friend's Hot Mom'

Lilly James - My Friend's Hot Mom

Lilly James arrives home to see her son's friend, Juan, studying Anatomy. It just so happens that Anatomy is one of Lilly's best subjects and she knows that the best way to teach Anatomy is with some show and tell. So Lilly shows Juan her different body parts and when she notices Juan's big hard dick she helps him with that too by riding his cock until his jizz ends up on her tits.

Rachel Cavalli 在 'Case No. 7002658'

Rachel Cavalli - Case No. 7002658

Jun 6th 10:13am Case # 7002658 - White male suspect taken into custody on suspicion of theft. LP officer questioned suspect and discovered prior shoplifting charges on his record. Upon searching suspect, stolen merchandise was recovered from his right shoe. The remainder of this file is priority sealed and classified. Evidence logged Jun 6, 2018.

Rosalyn Sphinx 在 'The Sex Crazed Stepkids'

Rosalyn Sphinx - The Sex Crazed Stepkids

Rosalyn Sphinx has the best stepmom ever. After school one day, her stepmom informs her that shes been helping her stepbrother with a particular problem, but she needs some help. Turns out, their stepmom has been helping him jerk off. She enlists Rosalyns help in tutoring her stepbrother and introducing him to all the pleasures of pussy. They open his bedroom and barge in on him jerking off. Rosalyn wastes no time taking his dick in her mouth and sucking him off while stepmom watches approvingly. The next day, Rosalyn is talking to her stepmom over lunch when her stepbro wanders into the kitchen. His eyes fix on his stepsisters ass, peeking out from under the pale pink slip shes wearing. Like a magnet, his stiff cock pulls him closer to her ass. Shes happy to see him and even happier when he lifts her slip, exposes her ass and slides her panties down around her ankles. He fucks her from behind, all the while their stepmom sitting there watching them fuck. They make their way to the sofa and mom helpfully suggests that he busts his nut all over her stepdaughters face.

Mel Joy 在 'Bracefaced Prom Date Loves To Suck'

Mel Joy - Bracefaced Prom Date Loves To Suck

Its prom night and Mel Joy is a fresh faced knockout in her sexy, sheer black dress. Her sparkly choker is complemented by her shiny braces. Her date looks her up and down approvingly. They make a deal in the limo on their way to prom. Tonight is the night they lose their virginities. When they get home, they make good on the deal and she strokes his cock. Shes inexperienced and doesn't seem to know what shes doing, but she gets the hang of it very quickly. Mel gets on her knees and sucks his cock, showing him that her braces are not a problem when it comes to sucking dick. He goes on to fuck her all over the living room, building up a big creamy load that he blows all over her face.