Madison Ivy at
Brazzers '她的女兒最好的朋友' 主演 Darcie Dolce (照片 15)

Darcie Dolce,Missy Martinez 在 'Brazzers' - Her Daughters Best Friend (Hot And Mean)


發布 : 11月2日, 2015

Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'
Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'

Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'

圖片來自 Darcie Dolce,Missy Martinez 在 'Brazzers' Her Daughters Best Friend

Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 1)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 2)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 3)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 4)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 5)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 6)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 7)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 8)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 9)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 10)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 11)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 12)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 13)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 14)
Darcie Dolce 在 'Brazzers' 她的女兒最好的朋友 (縮略圖 15)

圖片來自 Darcie Dolce,Missy Martinez 在 'Brazzers' Her Daughters Best Friend

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Darcie Dolce,Missy Martinez

Darcie Dolce 在 '同胞競爭'

Darcie Dolce - 同胞競爭

範·懷爾德(Van Wylde)帶來了他最新的逃亡之手Desiree Dulce時,他警告他的新姊妹達西·杜爾塞(Darcie Dolce)不要讓她的眼睛和手離開她。達西(Darcie)就像她的天性一樣,顯然必須拿走範(Van)擁有的東西,並成功地將Desiree從他的背後偷走。範不會不戰而勝,而德西瑞很快就發現自己在一場拉鋸戰中在他們之間來回走動。

Chloe Cherry 在 '我的房間,我的規則婊子!'

Chloe Cherry - 我的房間,我的規則婊子!

Darcie Dolce和Chloe Cherry是新的繼姐妹,他們必須共享一個房間。女孩們不必為彼此上下舖而感到高興,那是因為Darcie無法忍受Chloe!雖然不是一個理想的情況,但克洛伊願意試一試,但當她的姐姐侮辱她並成為一名普通小子時,克洛伊決定她已經受夠了,並教她的粗魯,不聽話的繼姐,這是她永遠不會忘記的一課!

Missy Martinez 在 '馬丁內斯教練'

Missy Martinez - 馬丁內斯教練

ZZ隊是一個臭名昭著的體育俱樂部。本賽季迄今為止零勝,球隊管理層決定聘請新的主教練...... Missy Martinez。馬丁內斯教練認為,激勵這些不守規矩的男人的唯一方法就是讓Bambino和團隊的其他成員稍微了解成為贏家的感受......獲勝者會得到什麼?他們在她緊屁股上操他媽媽馬丁內斯!

Darcie Dolce 在 '普拉提為Hotties'

Darcie Dolce - 普拉提為Hotties

Darcie Dolce和Jayden Cole都在爭奪普拉提教練的注意力,因為他的喜好讓事情變得有點過於強壯。當這對彼拉多的辣妹偷聽他們的導師向他的女朋友抱怨他們時,他們打電話給他,因為他是如此調情和親自帶領他們 - 但他只是想做他的工作!他犯了一個把他們叫做瘋子的錯誤,他們把他趕出自己的工作室。一旦離開,女孩們發現他們的嫉妒競爭是他們需要的催化劑,讓對方裸體一些熱和平均同性戀性行為!

Darcie Dolce 在 '吮吸我的絲襪'

Darcie Dolce - 吮吸我的絲襪

Darcie Dolce對她的助手Autumn Falls印象深刻。當Autumn再次弄亂一些文書工作時,Darcie別無選擇,只能責備她。由於Darcie給了她一點思緒,她不禁注意到她不合適的工作服裝。秋天很困惑,Darcie指責她過於掩飾。 Darcie撕開了秋天的襯衫,並通過撕開Darcie's來報復。事情變得熱烈而沉重,女士們忍不住沉迷於一個小小的下午快樂!

Gianna Dior 在 '頑皮的保姆:第1部分'

Gianna Dior - 頑皮的保姆:第1部分

豐滿的熟女Missy Martinez邀請了性感的青少年Gianna Dior參加最後一次採訪,為一個住家保姆的位置。由於她的丈夫Keiran Lee正在工作,Missy已經獲得了最後的決定。在採訪過茶之後,Missy嚴厲的舉止和非正統的技巧驅使角質Gianna瘋狂,Gianna弄得一團糟,被告知自己清理乾淨。在浴室裡,Gianna在抽屜裡找到了一個振動器,無法抗拒在她濕漉漉的貓咪上使用它的誘惑! Gianna開始自慰並迅速失去時間跟踪,她最終被Missy抓住了,Missy罵她但顯然已經開啟了。 Missy決定教Gianna如何正確使用振動器,雖然他們幾乎被回歸的Keiran抓住,但Missy設法向Gianna展示她的新工作帶來了意想不到的額外津貼!

Missy Martinez 在 '深潛'

Missy Martinez - 深潛

Missy Martinez僱傭了一名水池男孩做兩件事,清理泳池並擦掉她的陰戶!摩擦他的老闆的背部已經不是他職位描述的一部分,但是當邁克爾拉斯維加斯被要求舔出這個豐滿的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線的陰部時,他怎麼能說不!大小姐很快恢復了他的青睞,在他巨大的公雞和球上流口水,流口水,並吐出她的大假山雀。她喜歡它。隨著她的丈夫任何時間回家,邁克爾把她厚厚的屁股扯開,並在她濕漉漉的陰部裡深深地滑動,直到她乞求要在他的負荷上釉下去!

Missy Martinez 在 '地球上最痛苦的女人'

Missy Martinez - 地球上最痛苦的女人

一支絕望的科學家團隊征募了頂尖性學家Xander的專業知識,幫助他們調查他們最新的發現 - 米西,也就是地球上最角的女人。雖然大多數男人(和女人!)在這個悶熱的賤人的同一個房間裡不能超過一兩分鐘,卻沒有陷入他的操控陷阱中,傲慢的Xander相信他有能力抵抗她的進步並獲得團隊他們需要的信息。然而,當大小姐提出她多汁的屁股時,Xander開始有第二個念頭......不是嗎?

Ayumi Anime 在 '滑的剪刀'

Ayumi Anime - 滑的剪刀

這是Darcie Dolce的一天放鬆,所以她正在拜訪nuru按摩師Ayumi Anime。 Darcie放下後,她在床墊上變得舒服,讓Ayumi在曲線上工作。不久之後,Ayumi正在將她的赤裸身體蹭到Darcie的身上,除此之外,只剩下油了。這種性感的按摩很快就變成了抓癢,親吻陰部舔和剪刀。有什麼更好的方式來放鬆?

Missy Martinez 在 '亂世之後的早晨'

Missy Martinez - 亂世之後的早晨

雖然諾伊米的繼母在周末外出,但她和傑西決定舉辦一次大學畢業典禮。唯一的問題是昨晚的滑稽動作遺留下來的混亂讓人有點失控。 Noemie和Jessy非常渴望在Missy回家之前嘗試清理這個地方 - 唯一的問題是她決定縮短她的度假時間。在趕上他們匆忙試圖清理後,米西決定他們急於求成的工作不夠好。所以她決定把它們都浸入肥皂水中。一旦Noemie的衣服開始脫落,Missy緩解了焦點,注意到周圍的混亂,然後開始變髒。不久,她將傑西的公雞放在喉嚨上,並在她的廚房地板上舔陰部。讓Jessy在Missy的臉上爆炸是她可以習慣的一個混亂!

Missy Martinez 在 '未來的家庭操作機器人 - 第2部分'

Missy Martinez - 未來的家庭操作機器人 - 第2部分


Missy Martinez 在 '未來家庭操作機器人 - 第1部分'

Missy Martinez - 未來家庭操作機器人 - 第1部分

2035年,沒有搬到火星的每個家庭都有自己的Xander版本3.0,一個值得信賴的機器人守護者,唯一的目的是保持他的主人的快樂。當好奇的大學生Sadie發現Xander永遠搖滾的硬公雞,新的stepmom小姐讓她有一個秘密 - 這個機器人是為他媽的建立。

Darcie Dolce 在 '最後一次睡眠'

Darcie Dolce - 最後一次睡眠


Ariella Ferrera 在 '我的Stepmom和她的姐姐'

Ariella Ferrera - 我的Stepmom和她的姐姐


Missy Martinez 在 '輟學之前的迪克'

Missy Martinez - 輟學之前的迪克

紫羅蘭想要輟學,花更多的時間和男朋友在一起。當她的Stepmom Missy學習了Violet的計劃時,她獲得了她的情人丹尼的幫助,展示了紫羅蘭,當她可能愛她的男朋友時,海中有大量的魚。

Missy Martinez 在 '不是另一個快樂的結局'

Missy Martinez - 不是另一個快樂的結局


Darcie Dolce 在 '不要告訴你的爸爸'

Darcie Dolce - 不要告訴你的爸爸


Brandy Aniston 在 '鬼鬼祟祟的小蕩婦'

Brandy Aniston - 鬼鬼祟祟的小蕩婦


Missy Martinez 在 '員工培訓視頻'

Missy Martinez - 員工培訓視頻


Darcie Dolce 在 '化妝'

Darcie Dolce - 化妝

Nerdy Darcie Dolce進入一家美容店,想要買一些化妝品,以打動家人。她渴望感到性感,成為一名蕩婦。但是,在鏡子中瞥見自己之後,她轉身離開,直到傑琳娜·詹森來到救援準備,幫助她不僅看起來很好,而且感覺很熱,因為他媽的! Jelena很快意識到Dolce女士可以多少性感的蕩婦,並給她一個女同性戀的化身她不會忘記!

Missy Martinez 在 '研磨你的繆斯'

Missy Martinez - 研磨你的繆斯

約翰尼和藝術課中的其他人今天出面幸運,當炙熱的瑪米塔小姐馬丁內斯走進課堂,讓她的絲袍落在地板上。但是,您可以想像,他們的新裸體模特兒豐滿的全天然乳房被證明是分散注意力的,有些人忘記了他們所看到的東西。這些傢伙不是畫一條線,而是盯著Missy的美麗曲折的身體,享受著她的大山雀和多汁的屁股的每一條曲線。但是,在所有的學生中,大小姐似乎都是特別冒充,約翰尼可以感受到熱氣。當約翰尼不能再忍受大姐深深的潛水時,他從椅子上站起來,把手放在她的胸前,然後在那裡ed ed她的傻子!

Gianna Nicole 在 'Brazzers House劇集三獎'

Gianna Nicole - Brazzers House劇集三獎

她與Dani Daniels,Johnny Sins以及Alektra Blue一起,的後院生日快樂,當她決定做一點供認時,Missy Monroe和其他競爭對手Gianna Nicole一起變得更加舒適。原來,大西洋有點迷戀吉安娜!有一點無辜的討論很快變得骯髒,就像Missy和Gianna一起走下去,看看對方的美麗裸體!觀看所有的潮濕和野生的女同性戀動作,因為Missy和Gianna使用假陽具,舌頭和振動器,在Brazzers House的這個獨家獎金集中帶來了地球破碎的高潮!

Missy Martinez 在 '馬丁內斯太太和她的Gapping Asshole'

Missy Martinez - 馬丁內斯太太和她的Gapping Asshole


Missy Martinez 在 '騎那個屁股'

Missy Martinez - 騎那個屁股


Missy Martinez 在 '蕩婦修養'

Missy Martinez - 蕩婦修養


Ava Addams 在 '騙子騙子貓咪'

Ava Addams - 騙子騙子貓咪

Ava Addams的丈夫Richie不是騙子,但是當她發現證據時,他一直在訪問神秘的地址,她只是不得不知道真正發生了什麼。她相信她最好的朋友馬丁內斯小姐與她一起開車前往該國進行調查。他們發現在他們所有的地方都有一個揮之不去的家鄉,一個有權力給她在婚姻中失踪的所有色情刺激的人。 Ava和Missy都把嘴巴放在Erik的胖公雞上,輪流讓他們的貓毆打。等到Richie發現,現在只有他的妻子欺騙他,她做了一個深深的一個雞巴球在她可愛的Milf屁股。

Missy Martinez 在 'Bonnies在學校得到了最壞的屁股'

Missy Martinez - Bonnies在學校得到了最壞的屁股

通常,像Bonnie這樣的麻煩製造者會討厭被派到校長辦公室。但是,由於負責的女主角是馬丁內斯小姐,她是一位與她所有女學生一起下床的紳士,這是一個完整的故事。大小姐喜歡把自己的品牌的lesbo課程帶給像Bonnie Rotten這樣的頑皮的青少年,因為這意味著她可以給她一個鍛煉身體,把她的手指指向一些甜點。

Missy Martinez 在 '與特邀嘉賓,馬丁內斯小姐'

Missy Martinez - 與特邀嘉賓,馬丁內斯小姐

約翰尼在鎮上排名第一的晚會,但是最近他一直處於低迷狀態。他帶來超熱的色情明星馬蒂內斯(Martyy Martinez),試圖把事情搞砸。當他還不滿意他的老闆的時候,他決定在現場直播電視上把他的熱客人撞上來。

Missy Martinez 在 '兩個胸部,一個骨頭'

Missy Martinez - 兩個胸部,一個骨頭


Missy Martinez 在 '在我的屁股上獲得中世紀'

Missy Martinez - 在我的屁股上獲得中世紀

中世紀女王小姐馬丁內斯是他媽的老闆。她得到了她想要的任何公雞,並且要求不斷滿足。當農民夫婦要求女王保佑自己的婚姻時,她會看到詹姆斯·丹恩(James Deen),並決定他只是犁她的皇家屁股。

Phoenix Marie 在 '多汁的屁股的故事'

Phoenix Marie - 多汁的屁股的故事

被洗滌的名人大衛·馬丁內斯(Missy Martinez)僱傭了鳳凰城,為自己寫了自傳,但鳳凰沒有任何材料可以合作。她建議小姐在她的生活中添加一些性醜聞,一個頑固的同性戀屁股吃飯可能只是事情!

Missy Martinez 在 '聽力和慾望'

Missy Martinez - 聽力和慾望


Missy Martinez 在 '在Boner線'

Missy Martinez - 在Boner線


Missy Martinez 在 '舔在圖書館'

Missy Martinez - 舔在圖書館


Dani Daniels 在 '它是什麼喜歡成為一個女同性戀'

Dani Daniels - 它是什麼喜歡成為一個女同性戀


Missy Martinez 在 '當管家攻擊'

Missy Martinez - 當管家攻擊


Missy Martinez 在 '寶貝你可以駕駛我的車'

Missy Martinez - 寶貝你可以駕駛我的車


Missy Martinez 在 'RadioShag'

Missy Martinez - RadioShag


Missy Martinez 在 'Dy。Of。。。。。。。'

Missy Martinez - Dy。Of。。。。。。。


來自其他網站的場景特色 Darcie Dolce,Missy Martinez

Missy Martinez 在 'fucking in the bed with her piercings'

Missy Martinez - fucking in the bed with her piercings

Missy Martinez's husband is going to be gone for another two weeks on business, and it's pissing her off. The spicy Latina gets fired up about it and tells him off before she hears some rustling around outside. After hanging up, she finds some random dude fishing through her recycling bin. He explains he's looking for extra bottles and cans to collect, and after giving him a good eye fucking, she invites him in and gives him some cans ' the big tits underneath her shirt! Missy is so horny she sucks his big dick and lets him slide it in her wet hot pussy while her husband is gone!

Missy Martinez 在 'Shaved Missy Martinez fucking in the backyard with her tits'

Missy Martinez - Shaved Missy Martinez fucking in the backyard with her tits

Johnny walks over to his girlfriend's place and finds some random hot Latina chick with her oiled-up big tits out sunning by the pool. She tells him his girlfriend just got called into work, but said Missy could just hang out by the pool. Johnny upset that his woman never introduced him to Missy because of her big tits, and Missy's just as mad. She decides it would be good for both of them if Johnny sucked on her oily big tits and if she sucked on his big hard cock by the pool before he tittyfucks her in the bedroom!

Missy Martinez 在 'fucking in the couch with her piercings'

Missy Martinez - fucking in the couch with her piercings

Missy Martinez is not a happy camper when she finds a pair of pink panties that aren't hers on her husband's pillowcase. That's why she storms into her hubby's personal assistant's home and interrogates him, telling him she'll can his ass if he doesn't give up what he knows. Bill doesn't know what to do, but hints that her husband may be a cheating bastard. Missy wants nothing but revenge, and the only way the busty Latina wants to serve it is by serving Bill's big cock to her mouth and pussy!

Missy Martinez 在 'fucking in the bedroom with her tits'

Missy Martinez - fucking in the bedroom with her tits

Derrick is getting kicked out of his Dad's house and Missy is making sure he's gone. She's going to turn his old room into a closet, but Derrick doesn't have any where else to go. Missy gives in and makes a deal that Derrick can't refuse.

Missy Martinez 在 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Missy Martinez - fucking in the living room with her tits

Tommy arrives at Missy's place to show her the new product he and her husband have been working on down in Ecuador: flavored body sprays with pheromones added to them, specifically targeting Latin Americans. As Tommy's explaining the product's scientific makeup, Missy begins testing it by spraying various flavors all over her neck and cleavage. Either the product works well or Missy OD's on them, because she's soon on her knees sucking on Tommy's dick. That's when the sprays really kick in, and Tommy ends up shooting his pheromones all over Missy's lips.

Missy Martinez 在 'Latina Missy Martinez fucking in the bed with her big tits'

Missy Martinez - Latina Missy Martinez fucking in the bed with her big tits

Missy Martinez's husband hears a noise upstairs, and thinking an intruder might be in his home, he investigates it. But he finds out that it's just his wife's big tits making all that noise. She knows she hasn't been the most faithful woman in the world, which is why she wants to give him the attention he needs ' which is a blowjob and a nice wet pussy on his face and swallowing his cock. She even lets him shoot his load all over her tits! Marriage is a beautiful thing'

Missy Martinez 在 'Missy Offers Her Asshole To Get Fucked By Toys'

Missy Martinez - Missy Offers Her Asshole To Get Fucked By Toys

Missy takes her panties off and bends over to show her ass to Dana who can't be helped but be tempted by Missy's nice ass. Dana then pulls out some of her handy toys and puts an anal plug in Missy's ass stretching her out. She continues to stretch Missy's asshole with different toys while Missy plays with a vibrator. Missy cums and is left with a gaping ass just the way she wanted



Horny Darcie Dolce is masturbating on her massage table when her client Reena Sky knocks. She quickly stops and composes herself. Reena notices that Darice is flushed and is turned on by this. While getting her massage Reena gets wetter and Darcie notice and fingers her then licks her fingers. They take turns fucking each other till they each cum.



Sexy and manipulative Darcie Dolce has always wanted to fuck her friend Samantha Rone. Finally getting Samantha in her massage studio, she slowly rubs her pussy then licking it for more pleasure. Samantha is taking back by this which makes Darcie even hornier. Samantha gives in to her feelings and they fuck on the table making each other cum. That's what friends are for!



Smoking hot Yasmin Scott got injured by her son while playing and is hoping a massage will get rid of the pain. Darcie Dolce offers her special skills at pain relief which leaves Yasmin feeling strange and wet. Darcie shows her client that she wants more than a massage and licks her big tits. Then eats her tasty pussy. Each girl enjoys every moment with Yasmin not feeling any more pain.

Darcie Dolce 在 'Study Session - S33:E8'

Darcie Dolce - Study Session - S33:E8

Darcie Dolce has come over to tutor Sydney Cole, but she can't believe how hot her client is. Sydney is just as into Darcie. When it becomes clear the attraction is mutual, Sydney leans over the table and plants a big kiss on Darcie's lips. Finding her tutor happy to explore some anatomy, Sydney lets Darcie lead her to the bedroom.The girls relieve each other of their clothing between kisses. Shirts, bras, even panties melt away as they fall into bed together. Openmouthed kisses and licks to one another's breasts set the tone, although Sydney embraces her role as the instigator.Pressing Darcie into the bed, Sydney keeps up her titty feast. Her hands are in constant motion as she feels up Darcie's big boobs and soft belly. Sliding her fingers lower, Sydney caresses Darcie's twat. Rolling Darcie onto her belly, Sydney keeps up the pussy fingering as Darcie moans in bliss.The girls take turns sampling each other juices before Sydney climbs onto Darcie's face to ride her lover's mouth. It's not long before Darcie returns the favor, planting her snatch at the perfect licking level for Sydney to go to town. Her busty body is made for loving as she rides Sydney's mouth until she's moaning.The girls aren't done with one another yet. Curling up in each other's arms, they form a lesbian 69 with each of them voraciously eating out the other. Hands and mouths work in tandem as they learn each other's bodies inside and out. As they each enjoy one last time, they come down from their mutual orgasmic highs with ass slaps and nips to the thighs. Their study session is a complete success as they cuddle together in the afterglow.



Horny masseuse Darcie Dolce offers to help her client Jillian Janson with a massage. She helps relieve Jillian's stress before sucking on her tasty tits. Darcie then spreads her legs open for Jillian to eat her wet pussy. After fucking and relieving each others' stress the girls can now relax.

Missy Martinez 在 'Boobs VS Boobs - scene 2'

Missy Martinez - Boobs VS Boobs - scene 2

Missy Martinez and Lylith Lavey fuck in the barn after a nice horseback ride. What a pleasure to watch these busty ladies have fun together!

Lily Lane 在 'Sophisticated Seductions'

Lily Lane - Sophisticated Seductions

Nominated - Best Female Mixed-Age Production, AVN 2020

Darcie Dolce and Lily Lane are brunette beauties lounging their millenial life away. Young Darcie rolls around on her giant flamingo floatie in her all-black lace lingerie and heels snap chatting and taking selfies non-stop. It's all about promotion! Her fans just can't get enough of this pint-sized superstar. Lily sleepily sunbathes and floats around, her garter and stockings providing ample UV protection. As a child of the early 80's, she's more interested in face to face connection rather than the cyber world Darcie is in. Darcie pulls Lily into a kiss and the ladies start steaming it up alongside a beautiful pool on the perfect Los Angeles afternoon. It may have started out as being one for the 'Gram', but it quickly turned into some much needed personal time.

Abella Danger 在 'Sorority Rush Week: Pledge Problems'

Abella Danger - Sorority Rush Week: Pledge Problems

Three young women, college students, are hanging out in a bedroom, looking nervously at one another. Chloe Cherry says that she's so nervous about what the sorority president is going to make them do... Abella Danger says that whatever it is, they HAVE to do it. If they don't, they're going to look like losers in front of everybody. Plus, if they don't make it, they'll have to live in DORM ROOMS! Don't they only have, like, one bathroom for an ENTIRE FLOOR? Gross! Darcie Dolce also laments about the possibility of being stuck with a loud-snoring neighbor...Abella grins and says that she heard that the sorority makes pledges make out with the sorority sisters to earn a spot. While Chloe is shocked, Darcie says that that doesn't sound TOO bad -- girls are pretty hot, so, yeah, she'd kiss girls to get in, no problem!'That's not all... I hear that sometimes they make pledges do even MORE serious lesbian stuff... Like fisting!' Abella states. 'Oh, my god, can they DO that?' Chloe exclaims, shocked by the news as she makes a fist and stares at it in horror, as if wondering how it even FITS. 'They can ASK people to do whatever they want. Doesn't mean we HAVE to do it, but if we don't impress them we could end up wearing hideous flip flops and competing for the one working shower in the dorm bathroom....' Abella says, then asks if Chloe's ever kissed a girl before. Chloe says she hasn't, and Abella playfully tells her to just close her eyes pretend she's kissing a boy with lipstick on!While Chloe's still uncertain, Abella announces that she'll gladly kiss a girl to get into the sorority. As she does so, Abella and Darcie exchange lustful looks, then go for it. They come together in a heated kiss while Chloe tries to shield her precious eyes. What are they doing?? How far are they willing to take this?? Abella insists that she's willing to take it all the way -- it's fun, c'mon!Abella and Darcie playfully and sensually tug Chloe in, encouraging her to loosen up and prepare for whatever the sorority girls have planned. They soon play with each other's perky breasts and lick pussies, taking turns making each other writhe with pleasure. Remembering their fascination from earlier, Chloe gets brave enough to even fist Abella, who enjoys every second of being stretched wide open. No matter what the sorority girls throw at them, they'll be ready!Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, Venturer!

Darcie Dolce 在 'Picture Perfect Pussy'

Darcie Dolce - Picture Perfect Pussy

Callie is relaxing when the tempting and teasing Darcie convinces her to take some provocative photos with their instant camera. Darcie shows her how to pose and put her picture-perfect assets on display. With a little encouragement, Callie is in the same mood, flirting, flashing, and teasing. Sometimes staying in is a lot more entertaining than going out, and we have the photographic proof…

Missy Martinez 在 'Campfire Chaperone'

Missy Martinez - Campfire Chaperone

Mischievous mother Missy Martinez is out chaperoning her son's date… With the stars above and gooey marshmallows below, pouty-lipped teen Liv Wilde can't help but flirt with her new boyfriend. But when his mama becomes a little protective, her eyes and hands wander… There's no better way to look out for your family than to test out the merchandise yourself. Nobody can resist an experienced mother or an eager teen, so why not bundle up, cozy up to the campfire, and see where this story leads?

Penny Pax 在 'Canceling Plans'

Penny Pax - Canceling Plans

Penny Pax is dressed up to go out and sitting on her bed. She's annoyed and asks her wife, Darcie Dolce, how much longer she will be? Darcie walks into the room, completely bottomless and holding a shirt, and asks her wife what she should wear, looking genuinely conflicted. Penny reaches over and spanks her wife's bare ass, telling her that she looks good either way.Darcie is turned on by this, asking her wife to spank her again. Penny tells her to lay across her lap, which Darcie does while tossing aside the shirt. She moans with pleasure as Penny moves onto finger play with a couple of playful spanks in between. One spank is a little too hard, and Darcie insists that Penny shouldn't spank her TOO hard or it's going to be really awkward at the dinner when she can't sit down properly. Penny laughs and idly says that they SHOULD really get ready and leave now...Darcie eases off Penny's lap, sitting beside her on the bed. Penny cups her wife's cheeks and begins kissing her, which Darcie happily accepts. Now it's her turn to insist that they should've already been out the door by now while slowly removing Penny's shirt.Darcie then starts insisting that they should stay home. In fact, maybe she's starting to feel sick, she says as she pretends to cough. At first, Penny protests, saying, 'Nooo, this is the third time we've cancelled plans to stay home and have sex! We really SHOULD go this time...' Darcie waggles her eyebrows in a mischievous way and Penny laughs, rolling her eyes as she dials. 'Fine, but we absolutely HAVE to go next time!' Penny exclaims.Darcie agrees, then eats out Penny's pussy while she's on the phone with her mom. Penny tries to keep it together while Darcie tries to push Penny to the edge. Penny tells her mom that Darcie's sick, so they won't be making it to dinner that night. Penny's mom is concerned and asks a bunch of questions to determine how sick Darcie is. Penny has to find a delicate balance to avoid her mom insisting they go to the hospital or, worse yet, have her barge over there to take care of Darcie herself. Finally, Penny's mom offers to bring soup!Penny insists that her mom doesn't need to come over -- she is going to take good care of Darcie! Penny is trying her best to stay strong but starts to gasp and moan more as Darcie picks up the pace with her tongue. Penny's mom starts to get suspicious, asking her if she's all right. Penny insists that she is, and that she really needs to go because Darcie needs her.Penny's mom is really worried now that something is up and that she's being lied to. She doesn't let Penny hang up, instead demanding to speak with Darcie. Penny stares down at Darcie, who has her face in her pussy. Darcie instantly puts on a 'sick' voice as she takes the phone, insisting that she just can't make it that night. Her tongue is sore....Now it's Penny's turn to give her wife trouble while on the phone! How long can they keep up the act before being caught?Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, Metalhead42!

Darcie Dolce 在 'Two Player Grinding'

Darcie Dolce - Two Player Grinding

Gamer girlfriends Darcie Dolce and Vienna Black are some of the sweetest, sexiest brunettes you've ever laid eyes on – and tonight, its playtime! Good news for us, both are sore losers! So when Darcie wins, she twerks her ass right in Vienna's pretty face. So Vienna decides that the best way to turn the tables is to finger her busty bestie while she plays, until she drops her controller and starts squirming with orgasms! That's when these smoking hot gamer girl lesbians decide to stop fooling around, and start playing for keeps – they fuck, scissor and lick one another all over the living room, using their controllers cords to tie each other up until they scream for more!

Missy Martinez 在 'Running from the Mob'

Missy Martinez - Running from the Mob

When Missy Martinez tries to run off with a bag of money the mob catches up with her and puts her in her place!Poor little Missy learns a lesson through BDSM, hardcore sex and domination. Missy makes her first mistake when she forgets the key to the safety deposit box and has to go back to the scene of the "crime" where Derrick Pierce is waiting for her. Let the fun begin! On her knees with long black hair and huge tits bound in rope Missy's arms are tied behind her back. Derrick takes her through a series of challenging sensations first squeezing and pulling her nipples, slapping her tits, flogging, spanking and single tailing her ass until it turns hot pink. Then Derrick stuffs his dick in Missy's mouth for a deep-throat cock sucking fest. She wraps her big juicy lips around his shaft and slides it all the way down her throat choking and gagging and slobbering all over. On all fours with her butt high in the air Derrick punishes Missy with the crop and delights her with the Hitachi until she is begging to come. Now its time to go to fucktown so Derrick fucks Missy's pussy deep and hard making her scream and moan so much she wants it in her ass. So like a good girl she asks politely to have what she wants and Derrick does not hesitate to fill her asshole right up with his hard dick and fucks her good. Laying on her back with legs behind her head and wrists tied to ankles Missy's holes are exposed for all the world to see. Derrick flogs, fingers and fucks all her slutty holes into a frenzy until he glazes her big tits with white hot jizz.

Darcie Dolce 在 'Breast Kept Secrets'

Darcie Dolce - Breast Kept Secrets

?Darcie Dolce strolls into her new home with her friend, Valentina Nappi, following close behind. Valentina marvels over the beautiful new home as they move to the couch to make themselves comfortable. It's been awhile since the two friends saw each other, so they're eager to catch up. Darcie gushes about how much she loves the new home and how it's perfect for relaxing at the end of a long day. They also idly chat about their jobs, traveling, and even video games, though Valentina's eyes keep falling to Darcie's breasts.Finally, Darcie can't ignore these curious stares any longer. What, did she drop something on herself? Valentina admits that she's distracted by Darcie's breasts because they're definitely bigger than she remembers... Darcie is flattered, but the girls are 100% real! 'You know how guys keep growing taller until they're 25? Well, my boobs just grew... taller!'Valentina is not convinced, asking Darcie to prove that she hasn't had a boob job since she's seen her last. Darcie rolls her eyes but removes her shirt and bra since she has nothing to hide. Sure enough, there are no incisions to be found along her beautiful skin. Valentina still needs a little more proof and asks to touch them to check the firmness.Once Valentina starts fondling Darcie's breasts, she finally has to admit that they're the real deal. Now there's a new problem: they're both aroused from all the touching! When Darcie asks if she can see Valentina's breasts in return, Valentina doesn't hesitate to strip down. They start touching each other all over with not only their hands but mouths, unable to hold back their all-consuming lust. Their sensual touches finally give way to pussy-eating and tribbing as they reconnect in a much more intimate way.

Missy Martinez 在 'Mom Is The Boss'

Missy Martinez - Mom Is The Boss

Brunette MILF Missy Martinez finds some mysterious charges on her credit card bill and discovers that her stepdaughter, Kimmy Granger, has been watching porn on her dime! When Kimmy gets home with her BFF Zoe Bloom, Missy calls the teens on the carpet, declaring that if her stepdaughter likes watching lesbian porn so much she should learn how to munch some rug! When Missy starts spanking both sassy teens, Zoe says this has nothing to do with her, but the more slutty Kimmy and nympho Missy get nasty, the more Zoe wants to join in. These three sluts eat each other's pussies and make their own lesbian porno!

Darcie Dolce 在 'Girlsway Fan Club'

Darcie Dolce - Girlsway Fan Club

Darcie Dolce is lying on her bed, using her phone to peruse the latest and greatest vids on Girlsway when she gets a call from Emily Willis. Emily's lounging on her own bed and can barely contain her excitement that the new Girlsway movie just came out! She can't wait to get a look at it and invites Darcie to come over and watch it with her. Darcie was just about to watch it herself, so she doesn't need any convincing. She gets her fine ass over to Emily's place. Settling in on Emily's bed together, they get the movie started. It doesn't take long before they are entranced by the movie, a sexy new spin on a vampire story. Their jaws drop as they take in an incredible threesome, commenting in wonder at how wet the model is. Darcie says that they have that in common with her. Emily looks at her seductively and agrees. They touch for a charged moment and continue watching. Entranced by the beautiful models and their skills, the girls are getting super horny. Darcie says dreamily that the scene is so hot. Emily looks at her, saying 'you're hot'. Darcie gazes back. 'YOU'RE hot,' she says, getting even closer to Emily before whispering to her that she's not wearing any panties or bra. Emily licks her lips and tells Darcie that she IS wearing panties, but Darcie can take them off. Once again, Darcie doesn't need any convincing, and they slowly kiss, their tongues exploring each other's warm mouths. Emily slams the laptop shut so she can give Darcie her undivided attention. They tear off each other's clothes and attack each other ravenously, totally inspired by the steamy vampire action they just watched. These two members of the Girlsway Fan Club are about to show each other how much they've learned from watching the world's hottest videos.

Darcie Dolce 在 'Bump and Grind'

Darcie Dolce - Bump and Grind

When Vienna Black catches her bestie, Darcie Dolce, dancing with her tits out and teasing her pussy in the kitchen, she looks so sexy that Vienna can't help touching herself too! These horny roomies do a hot bump and grind together before getting into a sexy rhythm as they sit on each other's faces. But Darcie has an extra trick up her sleeve: a powerful vibe and curved dildo that will have both of them cumming like never before!

Bridgette B 在 'Sexy Siesta'

Bridgette B - Sexy Siesta

Darcie Dolce is laying in bed texting a friend. She tries to send a sexy picture, but is too shy and keeps chickening out. Her step-mother, Bridgette B, storms into her room, telling her off for being on her phone when she should be helping out with the chores. Darcie makes it clear that she doesn't like her new mom bossing her around, and Bridgette angrily leaves to go back to work.When Bridgette checks up on her step-daughter later, she finds her napping. She's exasperated at first, but then can't resist lingering and checking her out. She lays on the bed next to Darcie and snags her phone, discovering the scandalous pictures Darcie took earlier! She then caresses Darcie. When Darcie awakens to find her step-mother in bed with her, she's shocked. She's even more shocked to find out that Bridgette's into girls, too! It seems as though both mother and daughter have dirty secrets.Although Darcie's reluctant, Bridgette gives her an ultimatum: either play by her rules or she'll tell Darcie's father about the sexting. Darcie counters by declaring that she'll tell her father that Bridgette's a lesbian! Bridgette insists that there's only one way to shut Darcie up, and it isn't long before she's having her perky breasts fondled and pussy eaten out by Bridgette. Not to be outdone, and giving into her pent-up lust from her earlier sext-capades, Darcie makes Bridgette writhe and moan with pleasure as well. Who will come out on top to keep their secret safe another day?

Darcie Dolce 在 'Secret Lesbian Pool Party'

Darcie Dolce - Secret Lesbian Pool Party

While the husband's away, the wife will play. Darcie is enjoying some relaxing sunbathing by the pool in a sexy blue one-piece when BFF-with-benefits Sarah sneaks up behind her and starts licking her pussy! Darcie's hubby doesn't get home till tonight, and the big-titted ebony babe means to make the most of their alone time. But just as Darcie is about to cum, her friend, Moka, lets herself in, nearly catching the hot lesbian cheaters. Moka's got a big mouth, and if she spots them fucking she's sure to blab to everyone they know, including their husbands. Sarah doesn't care, surreptitiously going down on Darcie when Moka goes inside to get changed, and even scissoring on the lounger when she thinks Moka's back is turned! Their dangerous game gets them caught, but these sexy sapphics are too pussy-hungry to care!

Abigail Mac 在 'Horny Gamer Chicks'

Abigail Mac - Horny Gamer Chicks

Tired of her girlfriend Darcie always playing videogames when she wants to fuck, Abigail suggests a challenge: a player-versus-player match while both babes are bouncing on big dildos, and the winner gets to make the loser do whatever she wants. Both babes are willing to play dirty, trying to distract the other by spanking their big asses, rubbing their clits, or squeezing their tits, but finally Abigail is victorious, and she wants a long, luscious sex session, starting with Darcie eating her pussy while riding the big toy cock! These babes grind on each other's faces as they 69 and cum over and over for a major bonus score!

Chloe Cherry 在 'Sorority Rush'

Chloe Cherry - Sorority Rush

College roommates Chloe and Darcie do everything together, and when they get home from Chloe's first party, Darcie resolves to find out just how sheltered her new bestie really is. Not only has tall blonde Chloe never been on a date before, she's never even been kissed! Sultry brunette Darcie sets her mind to changing that, and the two beauties' kisses soon lead to more. Chloe loves the feeling of her BFF licking her tits and rubbing her clit, and she wants to make Darcie feel just as good! As these girlfriends explore each other and try out scissoring, they learn hands-on why the best part of college is experimenting!

Katrina Jade 在 'My Preppy Stepsister'

Katrina Jade - My Preppy Stepsister

Tattooed bad girl, Katrina Jade has had it with her preppy, annoying stepsister Darcie Dolce butting into her business, and she plans to show her just how she feels. Katrina is also very horny so her sexual frustration has found a perfect target...her sexy, curvaceous stepsister Darcie. The sisters pent up emotions spill over into immediate passion as they kiss deeply, Darcie makes out with Katrina, getting her ready to eat some serious pussy. Katrina goes first, eating Darcie out savoring her slick folds. Darcie undulates her hips riding the building orgasm. Darcie cums, moaning and so eager to eat Katrina's pussy, and does so with incredible skill, deftly working her slick hole with fingers and sucking Katrina's puffy lips. Both girls continue to take turns eating each other out, never wanting the pleasure to end.

Darcie Dolce 在 'The Broken Bed'

Darcie Dolce - The Broken Bed

Kenzie Reeves is in her bedroom reading a book on her bed. When she hears noise coming from upstairs, she shakes her head. When it doesn't stop, it really starts to get to her. Darcie Dolce is fucking her ex-girlfriend upstairs and is making a lot of noise. When Darcie comes downstairs, she knocks on Kenzie's door and asks if she can come in. She sits on the bed and asks her if she would mind if they shared a bed for a while. Kenzie's confused and Darcie explains that her ex-girlfriend tribs her really hard and as a result, they ended up breaking her bed. Kenzie isn't sure that two girls should be sharing a bed together but Darcie assures her that it's fine. Darcie tells Kenzie that she's exhausted and she takes off her clothes. Kenzie smiles as she looks at Darcie's voluptuous tits. She's never seen breasts that big before! Darcie tells her that her tits are sore and how it would feel really good if she massaged them. Before she has a chance to respond, Darcie takes her hands and puts them on her tits. It's clear that Kenzie doesn't mind; in fact she's getting really turned on playing with Darcie's nipples. When Darcie notices how turned on Kenzie is getting, she asks her if she would mind massaging her pussy. Before she has a chance to respond, Darcie is already naked and waiting for her. Kenzie starts playing with her clit as Darcie watches. When Kenzie asks her what she wants her to do next, Darcie takes off her shirt and starts kissing her. With the ex-girlfriend now out of the picture, Darcie and Kenzie can have all the alone time they want.

Bree Daniels 在 'Fashion Victim'

Bree Daniels - Fashion Victim

Darcie Dolce is going to a fashion show tomorrow but is leaving her assistant Bree Daniels behind. Bree works hard for her boss and doesn't feel like this is fair. She wants to go the fashion show and will do anything to make that happen. When Darcie leaves the office, Bree makes a call and acquires some sexy red lingerie from a nearby boutique. When Darcie returns to the office a little later, Bree is ready and waiting for her. Darcie walks in and notices Bree's attire immediately - she can't stop complimenting her. When she asks her why she's dressed like that, Bree tells her it's because she wants to go to the fashion show with her. Darcie's confused and doesn't see the connection... but when Bree starts grabbing her tits, she starts to get the message. She reminds Bree that she's her boss and that this behavior is completely inappropriate, but Bree doesn't care. Bree's committed to getting what she wants and will do anything to make that happen. Darcie can't believe that her shy little assistant has become so assertive. She finds herself attracted to her and can't help but kiss her back. Bree undresses her boss and starts licking her tits. The girls undress each other and savor each other's bodies as they make out. As Bree lies down, Darcie climbs on top of her and rubs her tits on Bree as both girls moan. The girls eat each other out, 69 and each other's asses. Most importantly, they'll both be going to the fashion show tomorrow. Bree's made sure of that!

Darcie Dolce 在 'Cellphone Rehab'

Darcie Dolce - Cellphone Rehab

Darci welcomes Victoria to the Lush Sprigs Day Spa, and invites her to the treatment room. Victoria undresses and is ready on the massage table as Darci returns and begins the massage. Darci's deft hands are making Victoria feel so good until her phone goes off. Victoria jumps up and grabs it, telling the caller that she will call them back. Darci continues until Victoria's phone buzzes with another interruption and Victoria jumps up and checks it, then asks Darci if she can just keep her phone next to her. Darci's had enough, telling Victoria it's a phone off policy or she ends the massage. Victoria's angry, telling Darci that she's paying for a service, it shouldn't matter if she gets up to check her phone. Darci tells Victoria that what she needs rehab for phone addiction. Victoria denies this until she picks up her phone to emphasize her point and realized it's gone dead and panics. Darcie takes control and tells Victoria this is the perfect time to lie down and just go without her device for 45 more minutes. Darcie speaks to her in soothing tones as she massages Victoria. Once Victoria turns over, she tells Darcie 'thank you' and Darcie smiles, massaging Victoria's breasts knowing what will take Victoria's mind off her orgasm!

Darcie Dolce 在 'How To Use A Dildo'

Darcie Dolce - How To Use A Dildo

Darcie's step-mom, Brianna, is going away on vacation. While she's gone, she doesn't want Darcie going through her things - she's quite territorial, after all. Because their relationship started off on the wrong foot, there was nothing Brianna could do but tell Darcie to stay the fuck out of her room. Of course, as soon as Brianna is gone, Darcie sneaks in to find something useful - how dare this step-mom order her around? Brianna starts dating her dad, and thinks she can tell Darcie where she can and cannot go?! Through this revenge rummaging, Darcie finds a perfect little dildo to steal away to the back yard - sloppily sucking and fucking it! But what happens when Brianna comes back to find Darcie naked on the lawn, spit dripping from her favorite purple toy? Will these girls learn to share, or double-down on their aggression? Hopefully both…?

Noelle Easton 在 'Darcie Loves Noelle'

Noelle Easton - Darcie Loves Noelle

There's nothing hotter than seeing busty beauties Noelle Easton and Darcie Dolce all dolled up in sexy neon clothing. With their massive tits practically falling out of their outfits, Darcie can't wait to go sit down on the couch with the gorgeous Noelle. Darcie's been waiting for a long time to be able to fondle and suck on Noelle's big tits and now's her chance! These two sexy sluts have some fun playing with each other's big natural boobs before making out on the couch and fondling each other's killer curves. Darcie's so thankful to finally be able to have some fun with Noelle because this lesbian hottie can't wait to start acting naughty with her fellow female friend! After watching these two smoking hot girls eating each other out and getting absolutely soaking wet, there's no question--Darcie loves fucking Noelle! We hope to see these two pairs of tits together again very soon--because seeing Noelle and Darcie together was absolutely titillating!

Darcie Dolce 在 'Make Me Moan'

Darcie Dolce - Make Me Moan

Aaliyah Hadid is on the phone with her boyfriend; he's gone on vacation with his buddies and she misses him. She's also really horny, so she starts having phone sex with her bae, unaware that her hot roommate, Darcie Dolce is eavesdropping on the conversation! In fact, Aaliyah's dirty talk is so steamy that Darcie's pussy gets dripping wet -- so wet that she sneakily masturbates while listening to the call! Then, the horny brunette approaches the bed, but Aaliyah catches her and chases her away. When Aaliyah resumes dirty talking to her boyfriend, Darcie sneaks back into the room. Determined to help her roommate get off and make her moan, she crawls to the bed and starts licking Aaliyah's juicy pussy! This time, Aaliyah doesn't try to stop her! Instead, she ends the call with her boyfriend and the two roommates give in to their Sapphic lust as they lick and fuck each other's pussies!

Missy Martinez 在 'Poke My Throat'

Missy Martinez - Poke My Throat

Busty latina Missy Martinez is excited about the challenge. Watch this amazing brunette vigorously take a throbbing dick deep into her throat!

Darcie Dolce 在 'So...That Makes Us Sisters'

Darcie Dolce - So...That Makes Us Sisters

Darcie Dolce and Adria Rae are in bed making out when Adria's phone starts ringing. Picking it up, they see a picture from their respective moms together. Did their moms get married without telling their daughters? And if they're married now, what does that make Darcie and Adria, Sisters? And when did they start this relationship? How did they not notice that their moms were into each other? Is it their fault? Did they turn their mom's into lesbians? They might be to blame but hey, at least they'll be able to sneak away during family get-togethers for secret make-out sessions. Adria laughs at the notion that they are sisters now but Darcie is weirded out, she asks her to stop using that word but Adria finds it funny. Sisters or not, the girls don't care as they continue their make-out session. Maybe if they get caught kissing they'll get grounded. Darcie takes off Adria's top and licks her tits, despite the marital status of their mothers the passion between them has not changed: they talk off their clothes feeling naughtier than before. Having a taboo to break entices them to be even nastier. They make out passionately as they strip each other's clothes off. Adria goes down on Darcie, tonguing her pussy till she cums. Its Adria's turn as Darcie takes off her panties and sticks her face into her moist vagina: they fuck each other's faces, 69 and explode in an endless passion of lesbian love.

Lily Lane 在 'Missy Martinez, Anal Rebel ASSault'

Lily Lane - Missy Martinez, Anal Rebel ASSault

Private Missy Martinez was taken by the resistance while on a routine scouting mission three months ago. America never leaves a soldier behind so they have launched a rescue mission to find her and they have sent the best Recovery Special Agent in the industry, Lily Lane. Lily finds Missy tied with ropes and chains to a tree in the amazon jungle. Lily Lane releases Missy from bondage and is in for a surprise. While Missy was missing, the resistance convinced her that America didn't understand their mission and was doomed to fail. The resistance only wants to spread their love for anal sex so for three months solid, Missy's asshole had been gaped opened, licked, sniffed, and fucked. Missy soon began to understand the mission of the resistance and she wants to turn Lily Lane into one of the chosen. Lily plays along. She gets her ass licked, sucked, and fucked by Missy only to trick Missy into thinking that she's on her team. Lily gets Missy tied up and then uses a variety of Large anal toys on Missy's asshole. Missy takes her anal punishment with thick and long toys. She has never taken the two foot slink before today and Lily pushes her to take nearly the entire thing. Missy also has never taken a fist in the ass before and Lily gets her to take all five fingers. Then Lily ties Missy up even more and fucks her ass good and hard with an anal strap on until she cums over and over and turns back in to an American loving Private.

Darcie Dolce 在 'Setting That Mood'

Darcie Dolce - Setting That Mood

Lights turned low and Darcie is ready to have some fun! She knows just how to have a sensual and intimate night in showing off her killer body in her tight lacy lingerie! You lust over her natural tits and beautifully trimmed pussy. She'll be making you yearn for more when she slips her fingers in and spreads those beautiful lips open begging you to come and make her quiver from your slightest romantic touch.

Missy Martinez 在 'One Hot Robber'

Missy Martinez - One Hot Robber

Sexy cat burglar Missy Martinez has broken into Sean Lawless' house looking for his valuables. Busty Missy is looking very sexy with her massive tits practically popping out of her skin tight latex outfit! Missy sneaks past Sean, eager to get at his prized possessions. Only once Ms. Martinez gets caught rummaging through Mr. Lawless' home does she find what she's really after—his big dick! Sean doesn't want any trouble, so he lets Missy take whatever she's after and will let her leave without causing a fuss. But this cat burglar isn't interested in his grandmother's pearls! Missy pushes Sean down on the bed and straddles him, teasing her big tits in his face before unzipping and getting down to business! Sean grabs hold of Missy's massive jugs and worships her breasts before she finally finds what she values most--a huge cock to suck and fuck! Looks like Missy Martinez isn't a cat burglar at all--she's your friendly neighborhood cock burglar and is looking to break into your home and get busted--all over her huge boobs with your hot cum!

Darcie Dolce 在 'Scaredy Cats'

Darcie Dolce - Scaredy Cats

As the crickets sing and the warm night breezes caress their skin, Darcie and Milana curl up with some popcorn in Darcie's beautiful outdoor home theater. The spine-chilling movie they chose starts to freak the BFFs out, and after a particularly big scare, Milana spills the popcorn everywhere...including Darcie's tempting cleavage! The hot babe encourages her friend to clean it up and Milana nibbles the popcorn from between Darcie's big natural tits. The mood quickly turns from spooky to sexy as the best friends begin kissing and exploring each other's beautiful bodies. Before long, the frisky sex kittens are nude under the light of the moon and passionately licking each other's pussies, scissoring, and cumming all over a big vibrator!

Darcie Dolce 在 'Getting Her Wish With Kissa'

Darcie Dolce - Getting Her Wish With Kissa

Darcie Dolce had one wish for her Cherry of the Month shoot... she wanted to fuck Kissa Sins!! Well, we are not ones to not grant wishes, especially after Darcie granted so many of ours! These horny lesbians show off their beautiful natural tits and Darcie loves Kissa's pierced nipples so much! Darcie goes wild eating out Kissa making her moan and cum uncontrollably. Soon some toys come in to play too and the action really turns up when they start to scissor together working on hitting those orgasms simultaneously.

Darcie Dolce 在 'Ready For That Hot Night Out'

Darcie Dolce - Ready For That Hot Night Out

Darcie is loving being the Cherry of the Month and is getting ready for a hot night out! With how you are staring at her though she can't help but want to fuck. Maybe she'll be staying in and can skip going out if you play your cards right and show her just what you want to do when she spreads open those legs and smiles at you... the move is on you, what are you going to do?

Darcie Dolce 在 'Alluring Black Lace'

Darcie Dolce - Alluring Black Lace

What a sight to behold with hot Cherry Darcie Dolce! Anything this fine babe puts on really accents her alluring fit body well. She smiles being up to no good and who likes a good girl anyway? Darcie is ready to be bad; letting those panties drop to the floor. She lets out a slight moan when her fingers slide over her sensitive clit but really wants to cry out in ecstasy as she imagines you pleasuring her to orgasm!

Darcie Dolce 在 'Interview with Darcie Dolce'

Darcie Dolce - Interview with Darcie Dolce

It's finally fall, which means halloween, changing of weather, and another Cherry of the Month! We are honored to feature Darcie Dolce to celebrate this month and you are going to love what we have in store for you all. Darcie and Ryan Keely are extra festive this month as they dress up for her interview and we get to learn more about how Darcie loves being a DJ, her love for pussy, and more!

Maddy O'Reilly 在 'Basking In The Afterglow'

Maddy O'Reilly - Basking In The Afterglow

Darcie Dolce is smitten with Maddy O'Reilly and misses her lover very much. Basking in the afterglow of a passionate night, she lounges in bed and begins to stroke her pussy. She pulls off her bra and fantasizes about their explicit encounter, filled to the brim with longing. The girls have just arrived home from their date and they are ravenous for each other. Maddy pulls down the top of Darcie's dress and exposes her huge natural breasts. Then Darcie pulls up the bottom of Maddy's dress. She grabs her ample booty and slides her fingers inside her wet slit. Darcie kisses Maddy's pussy and lets her ride her tongue to orgasm. Maddy dives between Darcie's legs and slowly sucks the cum from her clit. Darcie shakes her tight little ass for Maddy as she rims it. Then Darcie lies on top of Maddy and the lesbians cum together in 69. It's no wonder Darcie's in a fog of post-coital bliss and can't stop masturbating!

Darcie Dolce 在 'Back To School'

Darcie Dolce - Back To School

Darcie takes advantage of the fact she's alone in her dorm room to masturbate with a remote controlled vibrating toy. She plays with her tits and moans as the pink plastic butterfly vibrates against her pretty pussy. She is interrupted when Lena, her roommate, returns to their dorm room earlier than expected. Panicked, Darcie conceals her toy from Lena and pretends to be studying. However, she forgot one crucial detail: the toy's remote control, which Lena finds on the ground. Wondering what the remote control is for, Lena plays with it, unknowingly sending Darcie in throes of ecstasy. Then, Lena follows the buzzing sound and finds what Darcie has been hiding from her! Far from being shocked, Lena offers Darcie her help and, even if she doesn't have a lot of experience with girls, she knows how to be a good substitute for the toy! Lucky for her, Darcie does have experience and know just what to do with Lena's juicy pussy and tight ass as the two slutty roommates fuck each other!

Penny Pax 在 'Sister Penny and Sister Darcie are missing'

Penny Pax - Sister Penny and Sister Darcie are missing

While troubled by her sinful thoughts for beautiful new arrival, Lily (Lily Adams), Sister Charlotte is tasked to find missing nuns, Sister Penny (Penny Pax) and Sister Darcie (Darcie Dolce). When she stumbles upon the two sisters giving into the temptation of another woman, their sins of the flesh now challenge Charlotte's fate even more! Will her attraction shatter everything she believes in?

Ashley Adams 在 'Big Titty Problems'

Ashley Adams - Big Titty Problems

Darcie Dolce has her friend Ashley Adams come over to help her pick out something to wear to impress her hot teacher that she's been crushing on. The problem is Darcie's tits are so massive she feels like everything she tries looks inappropriate. Ashley finds she's being totally ridiculous. She gives her the extra confidences she's been lacking by going down on her and licking Darcie's tits. They fuck each other until they are dripping wet with cum. Darcie is definitely ready to show off that natural rack of hers.

Darcie Dolce 在 'Voyeur House Part 3'

Darcie Dolce - Voyeur House Part 3

After her powerful ally was ousted from the Voyeur House, teen cheerleader Ashley (Liv Revamped) looks next in line for elimination. In a surprise move, Ashley asks the show's normally cool and reserved host Marissa (Darcie Dolce) for a private chat. Ashley wants Marissa to lie at the next vote, offering her own lithe and sexy body as the ultimate bribe. When Ashley starts worshiping Marissa's voluptuous curves with kisses, the sexy hostess lets her lust do the driving as the exotic teen demonstrates just how far she'll go to win by licking Marissa's juicy pussy. Marissa finds herself impressed by Ashley's determination as she moans and gasps with pleasure. But will Ashley's unorthodox methods let her come out on top Find out in this exciting episode of Voyeur House!

Penny Pax 在 'Lady Boss: Prove Yourself'

Penny Pax - Lady Boss: Prove Yourself

Penny Pax is hanging out with her straight roommate Darcie Dolce. They are talking about the fact that Penny just lied to her lesbian boss Vanessa Veracruz about being a lesbian. She claimed that she's married to her roommate Darcie Dolce just to put Darcie on her insurance policy. Penny isn't expecting her boss to drop in unannounced, but that's just what Vanessa does. The statuesque Latina is ecstatic to meet Penny's wife and she is curious to get a tour of the house. The straight girls are in a pickle. They have to convince Vanessa that they are an authentic lesbian couple. The only trouble is, the girls cannot get their stories straight. At first, Penny's quick thinking covers for Darcie when she can't remember where she put her wedding ring. But when they show off their bedroom, Vanessa asks them why they don't display at pictures of their wedding. The girls stammer out their excuses, but clearly these two haven't rehearsed at all. Vanessa calls them out on their claim to be gay. She challenges them to kiss. They try to talk their way out of the predicament, which only infuriates Vanessa all the more. Vanessa takes their lie very personally because she is a lesbian and knows the struggle. With her job on the line, Penny tries to pussyfoot around her boss' request. She manages to get out of kissing Darce, but then Vanessa wants to see her suck on Darcie's big breasts. It's super awkward for the straight girls masquerading as lesbians, but Darcie takes off her shirt and then Penny follows suit. The girls think they might have convinced Vanessa, so they brag about how much they love eating pussy. That makes Vanessa ask them to do it in front of her. Because she wants to keep her job, Penny pulls off Darcie's skirt and panties and awkwardly goes down on her fake wife. Vanessa watches earnestly, until she becomes too aroused to keep her skirt on. Vanessa strokes her own pussy while Darcie grinds against Penny's face. Vanessa's sexy lips connect with Darcie's while Penny is busy eating her out. Darcie cums in Penny's mouth, then she switches places with the redhead. After Penny cums, Carmen gets in on the action and spreads her legs wide for her employee. Darcie and Penny finger fuck Vanessa to orgasm, then Penny tribs her boss, amazed at how good it feels. Meanwhile, Darcie sits on Vanessa's face. The threesome cum at the same time. But is Vanessa convinced they really are married? Click to find out!

Lana Rhoades 在 'Pussy Cums Home'

Lana Rhoades - Pussy Cums Home

Darcie Dolce is really horny and can't stop thinking about licking some dripping wet pussy, diving her beautiful face in between some long legs and getting buried in some sexy snatch! Luckily for Darcie, she doesn't have to go far to find it! Lana Rhoades' car has broken down and she needs Ms. Dolce's help. Darcie is more than willing to let Lana come inside—which gives her the chance to seduce this busty broad in the comfort of her own home! After sneaking a peek underneath Lana's sundress, Darcie can't wait to get a taste of her beautiful pussy lips while sucking on her big, natural tits! Good thing for Darcie that Lana is getting moist just thinking about Ms. Dolce's massive boobs in her face! The girls quickly realize that they want to toy around, so Darcie brings Lana to her room where these sexy sluts get down and dirty--by fucking each other with dildos and a strap-on cock! Looks like this was luscious lesbian Darcie Dolce's lucky day, because the pussy she's been thinking about all morning has finally cum home to get fucked--and its none other than the gorgeous Lana Rhoades!

Missy Martinez 在 'My Girlfriend's Hot Mom'

Missy Martinez - My Girlfriend's Hot Mom

Your girlfriend and her mom are like halves of the same why not suck on both! Mom pussy is merely a succulent taste of foreshadowing juice...

April O'Neil 在 'Naturally Stacked Stories: Watch Me Clean'

April O'Neil - Naturally Stacked Stories: Watch Me Clean

Housekeeper April O'Neil gets a new client with an odd request to clean in a French maid costume. Even stranger, no one seems to be home when she arrives. But Darcie Dolce is home and she's secretly watching. When she changes into the maid's outfit and starts cleaning, Darcie is snooping from outside the room eager to experience her lesbian fantasy. She can't resist April for long in that outfit. She stealthily approaches the maid wearing a short crochet dress. After brief introductions Darcie flashes her pussy and says it's the next thing she needs her to clean. Something in Darcie's firm tone and big brown eyes convince April to put down the sponge and take off her outfit. Darcie helps April undress then exposes her own naturally stacked tits. April lets Darcie take off her bra and suck on her full natural boobs, then she tries to get back to her housework, but Darcie insists the house is spotless, and not to leave because there's still plenty more for her to clean. Darcie lays April onto the bed and parts her legs. She plants her face in her bush and licks the cum out of her pussy. Then Darcie straddles her wet pussy over April's warm mouth. Her tits bounce as she grinds against her tongue cumming triumphantly. They exchange succulent kisses and then wrap themselves around each other's legs. April lies back letting Darcie trib her to orgasm. April's tongue bathes Darcie's pussy and then she cums while tribbing her. Darcie flips over presenting her perfect ass and April dives to eat it. Darcie puts April on all fours and fingerbangs another orgasm out of her pussy!

Missy Martinez 在 'Pros Vs Cons'

Missy Martinez - Pros Vs Cons

Missy is six months from being released and does not need any sort of problems that could delay her release. So imagine her shock when she discovers her cellmate Avi has smuggled in a dildo which is illegal contraband. Well if she is going to get fucked then she is going to do some serious fucking. It's an all out California penal lesbian romp as the two girls munch each others clams and fill them with illegal contraband.

Missy Martinez 在 '2 Toys Really Make Missy Cum'

Missy Martinez - 2 Toys Really Make Missy Cum

Busty babe Missy Martinez is looking sexy hot in her black lingerie, stockings and high heeled boots. This naughty girl is ready to get freaky showing off 2 toys she can not wait to use. She caresses her ass with her finger being a tease before slipping one deep in her ass and then the other in her pussy fucking herself simultaneously loving how they feel being just inches apart.

Missy Martinez 在 'Anal Soccer Moms 02'

Missy Martinez - Anal Soccer Moms 02

Fiery MILF Missy Martinez has huge tits, a witty sense of humor and a juicy booty. In a fishnet dress and thigh-high fetish boots, she flaunts massive fun bags. Missy joins monster-hung Chris Strokes for heated anal sex. She gasps and gags through slobbery cocksucking. The lusty Latina smothers Chris' meat in her knockers, playfully slurps a lollipop and gives sac-sucking, ass-to-mouth head through a marathon butt fuck that leaves her rectum gaping. Chris showers spunky Missy in hot streams of semen.

Missy Martinez 在 'New Electroslut Bombshell Gets Shocked!'

Missy Martinez - New Electroslut Bombshell Gets Shocked!

New electroslut Missy Martinez is bound in Goddess Daisy Ducati's lesbian electro-dungeon. Wired with e-stim pads, Missy gets shocked by the violet wand all over her beautiful body and stocking clad feet. Next, Missy's legs and toes are electrified with copper wire. Daisy fucks Missy with a metal electro-dildo and gives her an electrified finger banging to multiple orgasms. Finally, Missy proves she's a good girl by pleasuring her Mistress with enthusiastic pussy licking while getting shocked by the zapper and wearing a pulsating electrified pussy plug!

Gabriella Paltrova 在 'One Hot Catch'

Gabriella Paltrova - One Hot Catch

Sexy lesbian beauties Missy Martinez and Gabriella Paltrova are sure looking naughty in their black lingerie and fishnet stockings! Gabriella may have really caught a wild one with Missy! Missy loves her toys and is sure to take Gabriella on a hot ride to orgasm town! They love how their wet pussies tastes see who can cum the most in this hot hour long cam show!

Missy Martinez 在 'Multiple Toy Orgasm'

Missy Martinez - Multiple Toy Orgasm

Busty Missy Martinez is out to grab all her lingerie fans attention showing off her sexy body in her tight top and beautiful smooth legs in her thigh high stockings. Missy knows just what you want to see and knows just what she has to do. She smiles seductively when she spreads her legs using her hitachi on her clit. It's not enough for this horny babe and soon she has her dildo and hitachi working away on her pussy until she cums hard!

Keisha Grey 在 'Mom Swap: Part Two'

Keisha Grey - Mom Swap: Part Two

Lesbian MILF Missy Martinez is newly married to Keisha Grey's mom Mercedes Carrera. In a pact to bond as a family, Missy watched Mercedes covet Missy's teen daughter Uma Jolie. Now it's Missy's turn to have her way with step daughter Keisha. The MILF approaches Keisha in her bedroom and showers the teen with praise and compliments. When she starts rubbing Keisha's smooth legs, Keisha tells Missy she's weirded out. Missy persists, asking her if she's ever been with a girl. Keisha says she's strictly dickly. But Missy insists she has to try new things. Keisha considers her advice and calls Missy out for being twisted. Missy's too horny to let her get away without a lesson. She tells Keisha who's the boss, groping the teen's tits and demanding to see them. When Keisha hesitates, Missy pulls out her own huge tits and spreads her legs flashing her bare vagina claiming they're both girls with the same parts. When Keisha still refuses to play with her, Missy tells her she's ten seconds from being grounded. Her mother wants them to bond and gave her full authority. Keisha doesn't want to be grounded, so she allows her step mother to give her kisses on her neck and unhook her bra. Keisha comments that this shouldn't be happening because she is married to her mom. But Missy's already sucking on her tits, expressing concern that Keisha's mother Mercedes hasn't taught her about the female body. Either she's gonna learn or she's going to be stuck at home all weekend. Keisha lets Missy slip off her underwear so the MILF can worship her big booty. First she teaches Keisha how to kiss nice and slow. She trails her kisses all the way down the length of her body, teaching Keisha how to tease a pussy, by kissing and touching all around her bushy mound. After the warm up, Missy strokes Keisha's pussy and likens what she's going to do to what Keisha does to herself when she fingers her pussy at night. Keisha moans when Missy starts making out with her little pussy. When she comes up for air she tells her she tastes just like her mother. When Missy applies more pressure with her sucking and licking, Keisha trembles from the pleasure. Her soft natural boobs jiggle as she cums in her step mother's mouth. Missy praises her for listening to her body. Missy then spreads her legs quizzing Keisha to see how much she learned. Keisha buries her face in Missy's shaved pussy and follows her instructions, using her tongue and inserting her fingers until she gives Missy a shuddering cum. The lesbians embrace and then Missy shows her how to please her partner at the same time, arranging Keisha's pussy over her face in sixty nine position. As they eat each other at the same time, Missy can't get over how much Keisha's ass resembles her mother's. Missy starts tribbing Keisha's pussy wildly when Mercedes creeps up to the doorway, remaining out of sight. Mercedes hikes up her skirt to masturbate while watching her wife and daughter suction their pussies together, grinding till they cum.

Anna Bell Peaks 在 'Ready To Watch Us Squirt'

Anna Bell Peaks - Ready To Watch Us Squirt

Beautiful voluptuous babes Missy Martinez and Anna Bell Peaks are hot for each other and love being in front of all their fans admiring them fuck! These naughty girls love to use their toys on their wet pussies and are looking to make themselves cum as hard as possible! Missy gets on the Sybian while Anna controls the speed and boy does Missy squirt everywhere! It's Anna's turn and she sure doesn't disappoint when Missy cranks up the speed making Anna squirt everywhere nonstop! There's no holding back with these hot and wild(and now very wet) lesbian babes!

Missy Martinez 在 'Bra Busters 8'

Missy Martinez - Bra Busters 8

Voluptuous Missy Martinez is a top notch anal slut with dick sucking lips! She plays with her titties as she shakes her ass for the camera then lays on the bed to show off some more. Chris Strokes can barely contain himself once he sees Missy in her black stockings and gold chains. She begs him to fill her little asshole with his huge cock, and who's going to say no to that! Missy takes his cock like the anal queen she is then gets rewarded with his gooey load for all her hard work!

Missy Martinez 在 'Filling Each Others Holes'

Missy Martinez - Filling Each Others Holes

This is the first time that Missy Martinez and Veruca James have been "inside" each other and they are very happy you are there to join them! They have plenty of toys and can't wait to try them all! They waste no time getting to know each other's pussies and love to cum hard! They make sure that no hole goes unfilled ;)

Missy Martinez 在 'Axel Braun's Milf Fest Scene 3'

Missy Martinez - Axel Braun's Milf Fest Scene 3

They know what they want...and they want it NOW! Every young man's fantasy becomes a reality as four-time AVN director of the year Axel Braun explores the world of mature women and their obsession with sex.

Asa Akira 在 'The Blonde Dahlia Scene 2'

Asa Akira - The Blonde Dahlia Scene 2

Bumbling Detective Brooks (Asa Akira) and her very tightly wound partner (Michael Vegas) are on the trail of a dangerous serial killer. Brooks must go undercover at the local strip club in a last ditch effort to lure out the murderer. The plan works a little too well though, and the hunter becomes the hunted in this hilarious crime comedy.

Missy Martinez 在 'Making My Pussy Wet'

Missy Martinez - Making My Pussy Wet

Missy Martinez is horny and the way you look at her is making her pussy so wet! She has to do something about this; rubbing her tits and getting her toy all wet in her mouth. Only way this could get better is if it was your cock! She fucks her pussy hard with her toy lifting her legs in the air for the best position to hit that spot crying out as the rush flows through her!

Stella Cox 在 'Fuck Me Vol. 3'

Stella Cox - Fuck Me Vol. 3

These beautiful girls are sure to cause a stirring in your pants, Darcie Dolce and Stella Cox are a pair of exquisite and playful young honeys. In this mouth wateringly good scene the naughty brunettes fondle each other's perfect bodies, those big natural tits gets lots of attention and the girls end up brandishing a huge double ender, plunging it deep inside their pretty pussies.

Missy Martinez 在 'A Bit Of Anal Play'

Missy Martinez - A Bit Of Anal Play

Wild babe Missy Martinez is horny and wants nothing more than to make herself moan and cum. She loves how anal feels and knows that her glass dildo will do the job letting it slip in nice and slow after she pulls her thong panties to the side and really feel the enjoyment it brings to her tight little hole!

Keisha Grey 在 'Big Double Sided Dildo Fun'

Keisha Grey - Big Double Sided Dildo Fun

Horny lesbians Missy Martinez and Keisha Grey have a fuck filled day ahead of them. They have a couple toys to use but are really excited over their large purple double dildo! They take turns eating each other out tasting every bit of each others growing excitement. They get their dildo and go to town fucking while using their hitachi on their sensitive little clits!

Missy Martinez 在 'Feeling Those Hitachi Vibrations'

Missy Martinez - Feeling Those Hitachi Vibrations

Voluptuous babe Missy Martinez is always ready for you and she really hopes you love her pretty pink lingerie. It really shows off her tits and her lacy panties can barely hide her bare pussy. Missy gets out her Hitachi wand and this toy really makes her ladies moan. Missy gets her O-face game on and is ready to cum in no time at all!

Missy Martinez 在 'Switching Her Own Gears'

Missy Martinez - Switching Her Own Gears

Busty babe Missy Martinez is ready for a bike ride and know her outfit will be sure to grab quite the bit of attention. She got her self so excited that she has to relieve herself before starting on her trip. Out comes her toy and she slips it in her already wet pussy making herself moan and cum. I'm sure Missy will be having many breaks like this on her ride.

Lea Lexis 在 'Porno Barbie: Lesbian bondage, domination,and anal strap-on fucking!'

Lea Lexis - Porno Barbie: Lesbian bondage, domination,and anal strap-on fucking!

Mistress Lea Lexis floggs, finger bangs, canes, face sits, and anally strap-on fucks hot porno barbie doll!

Missy Martinez 在 'A Perfect Day To Masturbate'

Missy Martinez - A Perfect Day To Masturbate

If there is one thing Missy loves more than sex or masturbating it's being outdoors to do so. She has no guy today but that will not stop this horny babe from getting herself off. She loves to spit all over her large tits and spit on her vibrator knowing that it's only making you crave that pussy more. She slides her toy in moaning and smiling knowing what is soon to cum!

Missy Martinez 在 'Big Beautiful Tits'

Missy Martinez - Big Beautiful Tits

Voluptuous babe Missy Martinez loves to show off her beautiful large firm tits and can not wait to let her beauties out of her bra. She smiles knowing she has your attention and the show only begins as she gets out her dildo sucking on it wishing it was your throbbing cock. She fucks herself deep feeling every inch letting it slide in and out as she succumbs to her own toy moaning out and reaching her orgasm finishing off by licking her own sweet juices!

Missy Martinez 在 'Overload of Pleasure'

Missy Martinez - Overload of Pleasure

When you see these two together, you know you are in for a great time! Missy Martinez and Vicki Chase are ready to get wild and make each other orgasm! They bring out an arrange of toys and love eating each others ass and pussies out. They reach multiple orgasms and they are sure their fans did too!

Darcie Dolce 在 'Lustful Lesbians in Fishnet'

Darcie Dolce - Lustful Lesbians in Fishnet

Natalia Starr and Darcie Dolce can smell their desire to fuck! These hot lesbians waste no time eating each other out and using their toys. They scissor and use their tongues and toys to please their appetite making each other cum. They kiss and smiling as they taste each others sweet pussies on their lips.

Abella Danger 在 'Come Back to Bed'

Abella Danger - Come Back to Bed

It was the hottest day of summer, but not even a pool could cool down the red-hot Abella Anderson. She was burning up with a different kind heat: Desire. Grinding against her sun chair, Abella couldn't help but peel back her sexy bikini to play with her hard nipples and massage her wet pussy. But she needed more, and rushed inside to rouse her sleeping girlfriend Darcie Dolce with deep, long kisses. Darcie quickly succumbed to her passion as Abella's lips and tongue wandered down her body, across her full breasts, and against her quivering clit. She was already putty in Abella's dominant hands before she brought out their sex toys: a combination that brought Darcie to multiple mind-blowing orgasms. She returned the favor with gleeful delight before scissoring with Abella around their shared Hitachi. Cumming hard against each other, the girlfriends finally collapsed together in a sexy, satisfied cuddle.

Missy Martinez 在 'Arousing Anal Pleasure'

Missy Martinez - Arousing Anal Pleasure

Sexy tease Missy Martinez is quite horny and knows that one toy will not satisfy her desire to make herself cum hard! She penetrates her ass with her dildo and uses another on her wet pussy working herself until she cums. She switches her toys around tasting her juices reaching for that climax she craves!

Darcie Dolce 在 'Between Friends'

Darcie Dolce - Between Friends

Darcie Dolce and Missy Martinez love pink and really love each others pink pussies! They tease each other in their lingerie making each other so wet caressing each other with their hands and tongues. Out comes the hitachi to really make them moan and cum in pure delight!

Missy Martinez 在 'Stripped Bikini and Socks'

Missy Martinez - Stripped Bikini and Socks

Missy Martinez models her new striped bikini just for you. Is it too much to get away with out in public? Missy does not think so and doesn't believe anyone will object if she does. Especially since she dresses it up with thigh high socks and boots. For now though, she got herself all worked up showing it off and needs to use her toy to make herself cum.

Missy Martinez 在 'Cum Sail Away With Me'

Missy Martinez - Cum Sail Away With Me

Sexy sailor school girl Missy Martinez is looking to rock the boat, and in a great way. She shows off her ample tits and nicely trimmed pussy that is begging to be fucked. She pulls out 2 of her toys fucking her pussy and ass simultaneously for the ultimate way to make herself cum.

Missy Martinez 在 'Leave Nothing To The Imagination'

Missy Martinez - Leave Nothing To The Imagination

Missy's dress leaves nothing to the imagination being so sheer and strappy. She loves to be a tease to all her lookers; it makes her so wet! No need to strip with this on as it gives her perfect access to her wet pussy as she licks her toy and masturbates.

Missy Martinez 在 'Taking Her Toy Deep'

Missy Martinez - Taking Her Toy Deep

Voluptuous babe Missy Martinez really gets her fans attention in her skimpy lingerie set as she teases while sucking on her huge dildo. She gags and blows it while showing how great she is at deep throating. Her pussy is wet and ready so she pounds it hard as she orgasms!

Abigail Mac 在 'Seducing Miss Dolce'

Abigail Mac - Seducing Miss Dolce

When Darcie Dolce hired a pool-cleaner from the yellow pages, she had no idea a smoking hot babe like Abigail Mac was going to show up. And when Abigail noticed how the lady of the house was staring at the way her bathing suit curved around her big boobs, she decided to see if she couldn't take her payment in the form of hot lesbian sex. Abigail tipped up her bottle of water and let the stream cascade over her breasts, soaking Darcie's pussy at the same time. The seduction well under way, Abigail and Darcie headed inside to tear their clothes off and start fooling around on the sofa. Girl'girl sex doesn't get any hotter than the naughty fun Abigail Mac and Darcie Dolce got up to in today's hot Babes lesbian scene!

Missy Martinez 在 'Missy Wants You to Beg'

Missy Martinez - Missy Wants You to Beg

Since you're not here to fuck Missy Martinez's tight ass, she's going to do it on her own to show you what you're missing. Her garter belt and stockings show off her behind perfectly as she bends down and prepares herself for her black toy. She ass fucks herself hard and rubs her tight pussy at the same time while wishing you were there.

Missy Martinez 在 'Ready for Some Fun'

Missy Martinez - Ready for Some Fun

Missy Martinez is ready for some fun, are you? She gets straight to the point and only has on a tiny thong, ripped stocking, and some sexy high heels. She brings out her realistic dildo and starts showing off her blowjob skills so it's nice and wet for her pussy. She then fucks herself hard with it and ends licking her cum straight off it.

Darcie Dolce 在 'DJ Darcie Dolce Ready To Please'

Darcie Dolce - DJ Darcie Dolce Ready To Please

Beautiful babe Darcie Dolce is horny and loves to show off her tits and shaved pussy in her revealing black dress which she slowly discards as she spreads her wet pussy open for you!

Missy Martinez 在 'Easy Access'

Missy Martinez - Easy Access

Missy Martinez is a fan of stockings and we sure don't mind! Her hot body and long legs makes everything look stunning on her. She gives you easy access and rips open her stockings right at her pussy. She brings out a huge glass dildo and fucks herself hard with it while she fingers that tight ass.

Adriana Sephora 在 'Dovefucking Darcie'

Adriana Sephora - Dovefucking Darcie

Elsa Jean tries to get the attention of lesbian lover Adriana Sephora by playing with her pussy but it doesn't work as planned. Adriana rushes out the door for work, leaving her laptop behind. Elsa finds out that her girlfriend has a fetish for women with huge boobs. Since she cannot fulfill Adriana's fantasies, she calls her friend Darcie Dolce for assistance to realize a heavenly lesbian threesome...Darcie and Elsa wait patiently on the couch for Adriana who will arrive at any moment. Adriana is overcome by Darcie's beauty and Elsa gives her the news about finding her lover's fantasies and offers Darcie as a gift to fulfill just that. Adriana is grateful, however she advocates her love of Elsa's tiny, perky boobs. Elsa wants to be the best girlfriend by offering her a gift to suck, fuck and lick a massive set of tits!Elsa, Darcie and Adriana remove their clothes, licking and caressing one another's smooth boobs and nice warm butts. Darcie leans in towards Adriana's shaved pussy, eating her tender lips with her mouth and rubs her huge boobs over her inflamed clit making her moan with pleasure while Elsa watches. The lesbian threesome intensifies as they place themselves in a chain of sexual pleasure which culminates in a pussy slapping, mouth watering, pussy licking, simultaneous group orgasm!!

Missy Martinez 在 'Double Team with Toys'

Missy Martinez - Double Team with Toys

Missy is looking sultry in her corset and has a wet pussy that is begging for attention. She uses her hitachi wand on her sensitive clit while using her glass dildo to fuck herself hard in the ass.

Missy Martinez 在 'Asshole Training 02'

Missy Martinez - Asshole Training 02

Filthy-talking Latina vamp Missy Martinez is with director Mike Adriano, and this sassy, busty superslut wants his huge cock up her ass! She sucks her own massive titties, inviting Mike to share them. Missy lubes up a giant anal toy and sits on it until it's buried inside. She bounces her fleshy booty on Mike's throbbing boner, orally worships it ass-to-mouth and suckles his balls. Mike reams Missy's rectum until it's a gaping red orifice... and he stretches her using his signature anal speculum.

Missy Martinez 在 'Asshole Training 2'

Missy Martinez - Asshole Training 2

Filthy-talking Latina vamp Missy Martinez is with director Mike Adriano, and this sassy, busty superslut wants his huge cock up her ass! She sucks her own massive titties, inviting Mike to share them. Missy lubes up a giant anal toy and sits on it until it's buried inside. She bounces her fleshy booty on Mike's throbbing boner, orally worships it ass-to-mouth and suckles his balls. Mike reams Missy's rectum until it's a gaping red orifice... and he stretches her using his signature anal speculum.

Missy Martinez 在 'Hard At Work Missy Martinez'

Missy Martinez - Hard At Work Missy Martinez

Horny babe Missy can not wait to strip off her secretary outfit and show off her large tits and shaved pussy. She fucks herself hard with her vibrator from all the right angles.

Ava Addams 在 'Eavesdropping on Mom: Part Two'

Ava Addams - Eavesdropping on Mom: Part Two

Previously on Mommy's girl, stepmom Ava Addams and stepdaughter Darcie Dolce secretly engaged in a sensual lesbian sexcapade, pleasing their utmost fantasies. They promised to never let anyone know about their lesbian involvement, especially Darcie's father. But Darcie confides in her best friend Jade Nile giving the jaw dropping juicy details about her lesbian incident. Jade knows all too well the pleasures of fucking another woman as she spills the juicy details of her very own lesbian experiences. Little did the girls know the sneaky step mom is listening to them bitch and complain about how crazy all these wannabe step mother's are and how they think they can get away with seducing their daughters to gratify their lesbian urges.Ava has heard enough of them calling her a whore and a conniving bitch stepping in to defend herself. She calls Darcie out, saying that she is just as guilty. Ava forces Darcie to tell the whole story but Darcie has absolutely nothing to say. Ava rants on about how crazy and malicious her stepdaughters are, and if anyone is a victim in this lesbian charade it's herself. It's time that Ava shows these girls a lesson or two on parental respect!Ava grabs Darcie by the hair and spanks her ass, forcing her to admit how much she likes being fucked by her mother. Jade's jaw drops to the floor as she hears Darcie admit how much she enjoys being pleased sexually by other women. Darcie drops to her knees plowing her mouth deep on Ava's massive nipples. Jade doesn't want to feel left alone as Ava's orders Darcie to invite her to join in the lesbian fun. Jade lays on the bed as Ava sits on her face feeling her warm tongue slither over her wet pussy as Darcie's mouth sucks on Jade's hairy pussy sculpting a beautiful threesome. They laugh and giggle enjoying back to back orgasms , tribbing harmoniously and finishing Jade off with some double tongue mother-daughter pussy eating synchronicity!

Missy Martinez 在 'Sheer and blissful Missy Martinez'

Missy Martinez - Sheer and blissful Missy Martinez

Missy is ready to get your attention with her sheer top that leaves little hidden. Missy spreads her shaved pussy and masturbates until she orgasms. Oh the delight! !

Missy Martinez 在 'Missy Enjoys Her Hitachi'

Missy Martinez - Missy Enjoys Her Hitachi

Missy is one hot and naughty babe in her sheer green top. She plays with her sexy ass and spreads her shaved pussy as she gets her hitachi to rub over her sensitive clit.

Ava Addams 在 'Eavesdropping on Mom: Part One'

Ava Addams - Eavesdropping on Mom: Part One

Darcie Dolce is on her way back from the gym. She just came from a brilliant workout with her best friend Jade Nile, and a great view to boot. Little does she know, it's not the only great view of an ass she'll get today. As Darcie approaches the back door to her house she sees her new stepmom Ava Addams undressing inside. Ava's also on the phone with her best friend Cherie, who we all know has had her way with her stepdaughters when her husband is away. None of this surprises Ava as she listens intently to Cherie's suggestions, as Darcie sneakily watches and listens.Darcie's inner drive was initiated when she saw her beautiful MILF stepmom getting undressed, but when she heard that her father hasn't been keeping Ava satisfied, Darcie decides to try and make a move. With nowhere to go, Ava can't resist her daughter's charm, pleased to be met with inflamed budding tits, just like hers used to be. Darcie starts out by coming out to her new mommy. Ava is as graceful as any lesbian's mom should be, but when Darcie reveals that her crush is really for Ava, and Darcie pounces on top of her, Ava tries to clear the way, only to hear Darcie's excuse that she heard Cherie and her talking about it earlier. Ava is appalled that Darcie would snoop, but we see through her resistance immediately, when Ava sees Darcie's beautiful tits and has her own massive boobs sucked to perfection by her sweet girl. The compliments fly, compliments they never thought they'd have a chance to share. Soon their tits are bouncing together, and Ava is offered Darcie's sweet wet pussy, ready to be sucked and stimulated until Darcie has her first orgasm with Mommy. Darcie helps Ava get more comfortable, tearing off her bra, and showing her how good she is at licking pussy, taking all of Ava's juicy lesbian cum in her sweet teen mouth!

Missy Martinez 在 'Missy Solo Fucking Her Pussy'

Missy Martinez - Missy Solo Fucking Her Pussy

Voluptuous babe Missy Martinez loves to play with her toys and especially loves when you all watch her and tell her just what to do!

Aidra Fox 在 'Sex And Confidence, Scene 3'

Aidra Fox - Sex And Confidence, Scene 3

Even some of the most powerful men have their insecurities. In this series of vignettes, we follow John, Mick, James and Keiran as they explore and deal with the challenges and frustrations of certain sexual situations… mastering their fears and self-doubts with the help of some sexy, patient and understanding women.

Missy Martinez 在 'So So Sexy'

Missy Martinez - So So Sexy

Missy and Selena love to play together and have a double sided dildo that they grind on fucking each other licking it clean enjoying the juices of each others hot wet pussies!

Abella Danger 在 'Deep Down'

Abella Danger - Deep Down

When Abella Danger spotted her roommate dancing in the kitchen with her headphones in, she took the moment to drink in the sight before Darcie Dolce realized she was being watched. The sexual tension was thick in the air, and when Abella popped in an earbud and started grinding up on Darcie from behind, Darcie's heart was racing with the promise of hot lesbian sex. After moving to the love-seat, the girls gave in to the urgency of the moment and got down to having passionate, breathless sex. Abella went down on Darcie, spreading her lips open and tonguing her clit until Darcie moaned with pleasure. Then Abella made sure to get hers, and sat her plump butt on Darcie's face, grinding her pussy on her mouth and being pleasured to the brink of an intense orgasm.

Missy Martinez 在 'Butt Plug Mischief'

Missy Martinez - Butt Plug Mischief

Bad girl Missy Martinez is one naughty and fit sculpted babe. She teases with her large firm tits and spreads her ass as she gets her buttplug and lets it find its way to her glory hole.

Darcie Dolce 在 'Karlie and Darcie Fucking'

Darcie Dolce - Karlie and Darcie Fucking

Naughty lesbians Karlie and Darcie love to show off their pussies and compare shaved to trimmed as they fuck each other with their toys in this hot show.

Missy Martinez 在 'Missy Gives Her Pussy a Hitachi'

Missy Martinez - Missy Gives Her Pussy a Hitachi

Missy is horny and her pussy is begging for attention. She strips from her panties and gets out her hitachi to massage her clit making herself moan in great orgasmic delight.

Dana Vespoli 在 'Missy Fucking Dana Vespoli'

Dana Vespoli - Missy Fucking Dana Vespoli

Missy Martinez is ready to fuck Dana and she gives Missy just what she wants as she spreads her legs letting Missy fuck her with her toy and soon returns the favor.

August Ames 在 'Girls With A View'

August Ames - Girls With A View

August Ames loves to munch out Darcie Dolce's wet pussy

Charlotte Stokely 在 'Sexy Lesbians'

Charlotte Stokely - Sexy Lesbians

Horny blonde Charlotte Stokely loves to tease Missy Martinez as she licks and fingers her wet pussy. These naughty lesbians get each other so wet as they take turns getting each other to cum.

Missy Martinez 在 'In The Booty'

Missy Martinez - In The Booty

Sexy, busty Latina cutie Missy Martinez loves making wisecracks to director Mike Adriano while teasing him in a tight, sheer nylon mini-dress. Missy kneels on all fours to show off her thick, juicy ass; Mike worships her fat titties and tongues her relaxed, gaping anus. The voluptuous slut gobbles the director's dork, gagging and drooling, and Missy squeezes his shaft between her big knockers before getting her greased-up rectum stuffed with throbbing man-meat.

Darcie Dolce 在 'Desire For You'

Darcie Dolce - Desire For You

Darcie Dolce and Niki Lee Young get all hot loving some lesbian fun

Missy Martinez 在 'Big trouble missy'

Missy Martinez - Big trouble missy

Missy Martinez was a very energized Mexican from So Cal. She was a naughty girl and made sure we knew it with out any doubt. She was excited to show us her sling shot because it showed off more of her than anything else. This thing was two strings attached to a small piece of fabric which barely covered her pussy. I called was a sling shot because that pretty much what it looked like. She had a lot of fun flossing her pussy with it as she demonstrated a few times. She was revved up and was looking to sit on some ones face. We got Mick in as fast as possible so we could make it happen. She loved his huge cock and tongue. She got cock crazy as she spit and wrapped her lips around it. She definitely showed us how much she loved to fuck. Missy was a hand full to say the least, and only a pro like Mick could please her appetite for the time being.

Missy Martinez 在 'Your Chance To Bang My Ass!'

Missy Martinez - Your Chance To Bang My Ass!

DEEP IN MY TIGHT ASS! That's where I know you want to put it... Isn't it good to have a nasty freak like me around to service your cock in every way imaginable? Slide your hard prick down my throat and bang my face in! I'm a FILTHY nympho that enjoys it. Admit it, my blowjobs are way better than your girlfriend's! Best of all, I'll let you fuck my butthole as hard and fast as you fucking want. Let me have it deep, raw, and HARDCORE! Blow your hot sticky cum all over my big tits! This is the Missy Martinez experience!

Ava Addams 在 'Lesbian Life'

Ava Addams - Lesbian Life

Ava Addams, Missy, and Trinity get together for an awesome update for Spizoo... Non-stop action between three sexy lesbians. I'm talking about tit sucking, pussy licking and dildo pounding action. All three girls have amazing bodies. Enjoy!

Missy Martinez 在 'Lesbian Anal Sex Slaves'

Missy Martinez - Lesbian Anal Sex Slaves

When raven-haired cutie Missy Martinez spends time with kinky girlfriend Dana DeArmond, things get passionate. Missy knows that Dana will take charge, dominating with nasty toys and indulging various anal perversions. The lesbian sweethearts orally pleasure each other and bump pussies; Missy deep-throats the older girl's dildo and gets smothered by Dana's tasty ass. Finally, Missy's made to wear a face strap-on to submissively ream Dana's gaping rectum... close up!

Missy Martinez 在 'in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Missy Martinez - My Friend's Hot Girl

Tyler has been quite busy today. He's going from one house to the other and laying down his pipe. He's at Missy's house now because her boyfriend forgot about their one year anniversary and can't leave work. She dumps him on the stop and texts Tyler to come over. Tyler drops that he's always been interested in her and she admits that she was also interested in him too but his friend made the move first. Missy is now single and ready to fuck!

Missy Martinez 在 'in Latin Adultery'

Missy Martinez - Latin Adultery

Missy is just having the biggest problem with her bed! While her husband is fucking her it makes a noise that is driving her insane. She has Van come over to fix the bed and he can barely hear the problem when she bounces on it. She throws him onto the bed saying that it's much louder with two people on it. Missy gets a small dry humping session in and asks if he can fix the bed. Van tells her he will do whatever she wants. Missy gets off her mount spreads her legs in the expression of "look no panties!" and lets Van know that Mr. Martinez won't be back till Thursday.

Missy Martinez 在 'Cum Thirsty Missy Martinez Enjoys Some Dick'

Missy Martinez - Cum Thirsty Missy Martinez Enjoys Some Dick

Fun and quirky Missy Martninez stops by the Bangbros office to get her daily fix of cock and cum! This Latina babe knows that taking hard dick daily and being facialed is part of a balanced diet. Hardcore raw fucking in the back office that ends with Missy taking a huge load of jizz to the face. Backroom mothafucking facials style!

Missy Martinez 在 'and Alan Stafford in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Missy Martinez - My Wife's Hot Friend

Missy Martinez is helping her friend out by giving her friend's husband some fashion advice. While undressing him though she notices why her friend married him. His nice fat cock. One accidental grab of his dick and now Missy needs to have it inside her. Her friend's husband is more than happy to oblige her.

Missy Martinez 在 'Missy Meets Trinity'

Missy Martinez - Missy Meets Trinity

Pornstar Missy Martinez and Trinity St. Claire are two sexy brunettes that have obvious on screen chemistry. After a sensual make out session, Missy uses her vibrating magic wand on Trinity's sweet pussy making her juicy cunt flow with cum. And Trinity gladly returns the favor by fucking Missy right up her tight asshole with her still dildo. These two liked each other so much, when we turned the cameras off they went into the make up room and continued to fuck. Love these two!

Missy Martinez 在 'and Van Wylde in Latin Adultery'

Missy Martinez - Latin Adultery

Missy Martinez is the head of the neighborhood welcoming committee and she stops by to welcome Van to the neighborhood with her famous tamales. She starts getting a little flirtatious with Van since her husband is out of town. When her titties start popping out of her blouse she decides why not go all the way and start giving head. She makes sure Van stuff's her Latin pussy right on his kitchen counter.

Missy Martinez 在 'Missy Martinez, Romi Rain and Mr. Pete in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Missy Martinez - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

It's Mr. Pete's birthday and his girlfriend, Romi Rain, got him a special treat. She invites her friend, Missy Martinez, over and has her show Mr. Pete her big tits. That's not where the birthday fun ends though, Romi lets her man fuck them both. This is a birthday present Mr. Pete will never forget.

Missy Martinez 在 'Loves To Tug'

Missy Martinez - Loves To Tug

In this weeks Tug Job we have Missy Martinez and she shows us how much she loves to tug dicks but her talents dont just end there this girl is stacked! big ass tities and says all the right things I'm imressed at my friend Jacob for holding his nut for so long.

Missy Martinez 在 'Missy's deep massage'

Missy Martinez - Missy's deep massage

This week we have Missy Martinez who is a thick delicious latina who had a very strenuous work out and needs to unwind with a good massage that bangbros will provide. missy is going to get her ass rubbed and her titties and when shes really relaxed shed going to get her pussy rubbed unitl its all wet and ready to receive her deep dick massage. Get all her sore spots and relax all of it. Enjoy!

Missy Martinez 在 'has serious Blowjob Skills'

Missy Martinez - has serious Blowjob Skills

It's that time again, and we have one heck of a honey for you on this week's update of Blowjob Fridays. The best thing about this update is that we have none other than Missy Martinez, and boy does she have some serious bj skills. You gotta see how she goes berzerk on this fat cock we've put in front of her face. Oh how sloppy it is. You don't want to miss this. Peace!

Missy Martinez 在 'Latina From Cali Fucked Hardcore!'

Missy Martinez - Latina From Cali Fucked Hardcore!

Missy Martinez is a sexy Latina with a sexy body. She's here to get fucked that's for sure. This sexy Chonga has huge tits, a fat ass, and a tight thick pussy. Brick made sure she felt every inch of his long dick. He had Missy Martinez moaning with every stroke of the dick. Welcome to Miami. Enjoy!

Missy Martinez 在 'Lesbian Party!'

Missy Martinez - Lesbian Party!

Missy Martinez, Zoey Monroe and Ava Cash are three sexy ladies that are a part of today's update of PartyOfThree. Aren't you lucky! They're sure know what they like. Pussy! These gals go crazy for each other once the boobs come out. Non-stop lesbian action. Pussy licking and orgasms. Got to love lesbians. Enjoy!

Missy Martinez 在 'and Bill Bailey in Latin Adultery'

Missy Martinez - Latin Adultery

Missy Martinez is feeling sick again, so she dials Doctor Bill up for a house call. In Fact, this is the third house call he's made this week. When he arrives Missy complains that she's sweating more than usual, experiencing hot flashes and overall feeling terrible. The doctor diagnoses the problem and insists she'll need an Appendectomy right away! He will call her husband and send over the surgeons immediately.

Missy Martinez 在 'Horny MILF with huge tits gets the young dick she craves'

Missy Martinez - Horny MILF with huge tits gets the young dick she craves

Missy Martinez is one hot sexy MILF! She's definitely a mom that many would love to fuck all day. Missy has huge tits, and a fat juicy ass. On this update of Milf Soup, this babe gets the absolute pleasure of having Mike fucking her brains out just like she had imagined. Missy took the cock like a pro. Letting Mike go crazy on that pussy from every angle. Check it out. Enjoy!

Missy Martinez 在 'and Johnny Sins in My First Sex Teacher'

Missy Martinez - My First Sex Teacher

Johnny didn't do too well on his essay for his criminal justice class, so his professor, Missy Martinez, calls him in to discuss it. She has to go over DNA collecting with him, and while she does, she reminds him of the numerous places DNA exists ... such as saliva ... and semen! But she gives him a hands-on demonstration of collecting sperm but kneeling down and sucking his big dick! he returns the favor to his teacher and collects her pussy juice when she sits on his face! Hot professor, bit tits, hard fucking on her desk ... sounds like an education to me!

Missy Martinez 在 'and Johnny Sins in Latin Adultery'

Missy Martinez - Latin Adultery

Missy Martinez's husband is going to be gone for another two weeks on business, and it's pissing her off. The spicy Latina gets fired up about it and tells him off before she hears some rustling around outside. After hanging up, she finds some random dude fishing through her recycling bin. He explains he's looking for extra bottles and cans to collect, and after giving him a good eye fucking, she invites him in and gives him some cans . the big tits underneath her shirt! Missy is so horny she sucks his big dick and lets him slide it in her wet hot pussy while her husband is gone!

Missy Martinez 在 'Titty Creampies 3'

Missy Martinez - Titty Creampies 3

Spicy sunbather Missy Martinez, a sensuous, deeply tanned Latina, reclines beside the pool playing with her plump boobies. She spreads oil on her chest, massages her glistening globes, then strolls indoors to where stud Chad Diamond waits with his ready dick stiff for action. Missy kneels between his thighs and swallows Chad's meat. She wraps her big whoppers around his boner and lovingly squeezes the shaft, jacking his prick with her shiny tits. After a luxurious, POV-style titty fuck, Chad shoots his spermy load into Missy's comely cleavage.

Missy Martinez 在 'and Johnny Castle in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Missy Martinez - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Johnny walks over to his girlfriend's place and finds some random hot Latina chick with her oiled-up big tits out sunning by the pool. She tells him his girlfriend just got called into work, but said Missy could just hang out by the pool. Johnny upset that his woman never introduced him to Missy because of her big tits, and Missy's just as mad. She decides it would be good for both of them if Johnny sucked on her oily big tits and if she sucked on his big hard cock by the pool before he tittyfucks her in the bedroom!

Missy Martinez 在 'Big Anal Booties'

Missy Martinez - Big Anal Booties

Naturally stacked, curvy cutie Holly Michaels is fed up with Gabriel, her demanding, dickish boyfriend. She resolves to teach him what real fucking is all about - with help from blonde, big-assed professional Heather Starlet. The two hot girls strap on their big rubber cocks, then orally and anally double-team the hapless fellow in a ferocious pegging three-way using their crotch-mounted dildos and deeply probing, latex-gloved fingers. After delivering a mind-blowing prostate workout and punishing ass-to-mouth lesson, Holly jacks the stupid jerk off onto his belly, then scoops up his semen and feeds her compliant butt-boy a humiliating snack.

Missy Martinez 在 'and Will Powers in Housewife 1 on 1'

Missy Martinez - Housewife 1 on 1

Missy Martinez's husband hears a noise upstairs, and thinking an intruder might be in his home, he investigates it. But he finds out that it's just his wife's big tits making all that noise. She knows she hasn't been the most faithful woman in the world, which is why she wants to give him the attention he needs . which is a blowjob and a nice wet pussy on his face and swallowing his cock. She even lets him shoot his load all over her tits! Marriage is a beautiful thing.

Missy Martinez 在 'and Bill Bailey in Latin Adultery'

Missy Martinez - Latin Adultery

Missy Martinez is not a happy camper when she finds a pair of pink panties that aren't hers on her husband's pillowcase. That's why she storms into her hubby's personal assistant's home and interrogates him, telling him she'll can his ass if he doesn't give up what he knows. Bill doesn't know what to do, but hints that her husband may be a cheating bastard. Missy wants nothing but revenge, and the only way the busty Latina wants to serve it is by serving Bill's big cock to her mouth and pussy!

Missy Martinez 在 'and Derrick Pierce in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Missy Martinez - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Derrick is getting kicked out of his Dad's house and Missy is making sure he's gone. She's going to turn his old room into a closet, but Derrick doesn't have any where else to go. Missy gives in and makes a deal that Derrick can't refuse.

Missy Martinez 在 'Tug Lesson with Missy Martinez'

Missy Martinez - Tug Lesson with Missy Martinez

Missy Martinez came to show us how a Tug Job should be done. Missy has an incredible body. She has nice natural tits with a pretty round ass. I think anyone who loves getting there dick pulled on will enjoy watching this sexy little lady stroke some cock until it spits that white goodness all over her tits. Watch and enjoy!