Madison Ivy at
Brazzers '在Lela上伸手' 主演 Lela Star (照片 3)

Lela Star 在 'Brazzers' - Laying A Hand On Lela (Brazzers Exxtra)

Rob Piper的女朋友為他的生日對待性感的脫衣舞女Lela Star。雖然Lela喜歡為她的客戶付出額外的努力,但是Rob的女朋友堅持認為,只要一個lapdance是他所允許的 - 無論他多麼想要它都不會有趣。幸運的是Rob,Lela的專長是秘密吸吮和他媽的 - 在Rob的女朋友趕上之前她會掙到多少錢?

發布 : 3月30日, 2019
標籤 : 競技, 禿頭的貓, 大屁股, 大山雀, 黑髮, 口交, 作弊, 女牛仔, Doggystyle, 增強, 面部, 在室內, Innie貓, 拉丁, 中等皮膚, 傳教士, 沖孔, 貓咪舔, 反向女牛仔, 性別, 側騎手, 帶俱樂部
男模特 : Rob Piper

Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'
Ella Hughes in 'Good Boy'

圖片來自 Lela Star 在 'Brazzers' Laying A Hand On Lela

Lela Star 在 'Brazzers' 在Lela上伸手 (縮略圖 1)
Lela Star 在 'Brazzers' 在Lela上伸手 (縮略圖 2)
Lela Star 在 'Brazzers' 在Lela上伸手 (縮略圖 3)
Lela Star 在 'Brazzers' 在Lela上伸手 (縮略圖 4)
Lela Star 在 'Brazzers' 在Lela上伸手 (縮略圖 5)
Lela Star 在 'Brazzers' 在Lela上伸手 (縮略圖 6)

圖片來自 Lela Star 在 'Brazzers' Laying A Hand On Lela

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Lela Star

Kelsi Monroe 在 '戰利品電話!大屁股的主要地標'

Kelsi Monroe - 戰利品電話!大屁股的主要地標

觀看一些最性感的 Brazzers 明星在這個屁股美味的合輯中搖晃他們的賺錢工具!這些女孩已經拿到了貨物,她們迫不及待地想向你展示她們是如何工作的,扭動它,在一些大肥雞巴上彈跳她們完美的大靴子!

Kelsi Monroe 在 '撕掉它!最好的緊身褲'

Kelsi Monroe - 撕掉它!最好的緊身褲

最好的撕裂和撕裂......的緊身褲。由 September Reign、Madison Morgan、Mick Blue、Lily Jordan 和更多喜歡緊身緊身褲在皮膚上穿膩感的辣妹主演的多合一合輯。 觀看這些辣妹在一些最熱門的 Brazzers 的破洞緊身褲場景中測試他們最喜歡的緊身衣。

Lela Star 在 '最好的胸罩: 萊拉明星。'

Lela Star - 最好的胸罩: 萊拉明星。


Lela Star 在 '被蒙住眼睛的新娘'

Lela Star - 被蒙住眼睛的新娘

萊拉·斯塔(Lela Star)和她的丈夫即將慶祝他們的新婚之夜,當他告訴她一個特別的驚喜時。他蒙住了臉紅的新娘的眼罩,然後打開酒店房間的門,歡迎特別客人Keiran Lee。凱蘭(Keiran)開始在丈夫的監視下操勞萊拉(Lela)。當她摘下眼罩時,Lela簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛–這是完美的新婚之夜驚喜!

Lela Star 在 '設計師迪克'

Lela Star - 設計師迪克

萊拉·斯塔(Lela Star)的丈夫幾個月來一直不滿意。他一直忙於與Yahshua王子在他們的新內衣系列上合作,現在他們終於完成了工作,她希望自己能得到一些雞巴。蕾拉(Lela)的丈夫邀請王子去參加慶祝活動,但因一本時尚雜誌的電話而分心。當他接聽電話時,Lela吸引了Prince並終於得到了她想要的東西……一個好難的他媽的!

Lela Star 在 '性醫院'

Lela Star - 性醫院

Xander Corvus博士是周圍最好的外科醫師之一,但在手術室桌子上失去了最後一位病人後,他似乎無法保持穩定的手感。由於外科醫護人員在等他,醫院主管萊拉·斯塔(Lela Star)面對這位神經質的醫生,命令他滾開並救出他們的病人!當Xander揭示了為什麼他如此搖搖欲墜的真相時,他那舉止高大的老闆通過吮吸他的大公雞並在他的辦公室裡操他來使自己的神經平靜!

Lela Star 在 '犯罪現場公雞'

Lela Star - 犯罪現場公雞

Lela Star走近她的房子,發現它被犯罪現場磁帶包圍,而她的丈夫在外面與法醫調查員Keiran Lee交談。萊拉非常憤怒地發現她和她的丈夫是一個臭名昭著的連環竊賊的受害者。在Keiran進入調查之後,Lela擔心她無價的珠寶系列,在給保險公司打電話時偷偷溜過她的丈夫。當她到達她的臥室時,她發現Keiran正在檢查她的房間,但他沒有尋找線索,而是穿過Lela的內衣抽屜,嗅著她的內褲。在Lela走進並面對Keiran之後,她發現她的珠寶盒是空的,所以她決定把事情掌握在自己手中。

Lela Star 在 '看到雙倍'

Lela Star - 看到雙倍

Lela Star幸福地結婚了...但是什麼婚姻不需要一點點加油?當她的丈夫問她是否有任何未實現的幻想時,她表示她想嘗試角色扮演。當她丈夫的秘密邪惡雙胞胎Xander Corvus出現時,它就像幻想仙女已經給予了她的願望。 Lela完全是關於遊戲的,並假裝不知道她的丈夫有一個雙胞胎兄弟,而這是一個精心設計的角色扮演場景。也就是說,直到她的丈夫回家並發現他們一直在做什麼。

Lela Star 在 '蹦床流浪漢'

Lela Star - 蹦床流浪漢

Lela Star的鍛煉包括使用彈力道具:她的蹦床。 Lela做了一系列的伸展,以鬆弛和柔軟,彎曲,蘸,戲弄和扭曲她的屁股。然後,一個油膩的Lela經歷了一系列的彈跳練習,引起了一個強硬的Keiran Lee的注意,他幫助Lela通過伸展她的屁股來完成她的鍛煉。事實證明,Lela的蹦床為雜技他媽的提供了完美的支持和槓桿作用。

Lela Star 在 '性愛準備班'

Lela Star - 性愛準備班

Lela Star在課後讓Xander Corvus離開,因為她抓住了他的愛情筆記。她告訴他,她聽說他會穩定並且堅持認為他需要做好準備。 Lela為Xander提供了性愛準備的速成課程。她告訴Xander,性生活可以隨時隨地發生,他需要做好準備......幸運的是,這位吸煙的教授非常願意幫助他。

Lela Star 在 '當Lela Met Robbin'

Lela Star - 當Lela Met Robbin

Lela Star和Robbin Banx只愛舔陰部......特別是當它是另一個時!華麗的女孩炫耀他們充足的相機資產,甩掉他們的驢子,彈出他們的大而多汁的山雀,然後進入一個沮喪和骯髒的女孩的女孩行動!

Lela Star 在 '從來沒有足夠的油'

Lela Star - 從來沒有足夠的油

Lela Star因為等待她的按摩師出現而變得非常不耐煩。幾個小時前他應該在她的地方,現在這個非常重要和強大的女商人在她辦公室的一次非常重要的會議上遲到了。萊拉即將放棄希望,但隨後她的按摩師小手終於到了她家門口。萊拉決定通過電話參加會議並向她的商業夥伴抱怨她的按摩師。她也拒絕讓這個可憐的傢伙做他的工作,所以他必須在她的衣服上按摩她的緊屁股和豐富的胸部!經過一段時間無意中聽到Lela的抱怨,這個骯髒的按摩師確切地知道要取悅他的客戶需要什麼 - 他撕開了她的連褲襪,給了她一直渴望的舔!

Lela Star 在 '粉碎屁股'

Lela Star - 粉碎屁股

Lela Star忍不住打破了她的戰利品。她一直在家裡敲東西。在她的屁股上從廚房的桌子上敲下一塊玻璃後,當廚房電視上出現一個電視購物節目時,Lela彎下腰來掃除碎玻璃碎片。 Xander Corvus正在屏幕上播放他作為戰利品低語者的服務。萊拉打電話給Xander,他出現在她的家裡訓練她的屁股屈服。

Lela Star 在 '我不認識她'

Lela Star - 我不認識她

當屢獲殊榮的女演員Lela Star同意與著名導演Keiran Lee在下一部電影中見面時,她認為她已經參與其中 - 直到她出現並看到Nicolette Shea,她的主要剋星,與導演閒聊她到了當Keiran解釋說他無法確定他是否想要Lela或Nicolette擔任這個角色時,會發生一場混戰,導致Lela和Nicolette競爭他的陰莖,就像他們的生活依賴它一樣。

Lela Star 在 '泡泡雙重麻煩'

Lela Star - 泡泡雙重麻煩

Lela Star渴望讓她的丈夫邁克爾·拉斯維加斯趕出家門去趕飛機,這樣她就可以打電話給她的愛人Keiran Lee,為了一些放縱的樂趣。邁克爾離開後,萊拉打電話給基蘭,然後跳進洗澡,在她等待的時候,她自己浸泡並自慰。但是在Keiran出現後不久,邁克爾回到了他那個被遺忘的登機牌上。最初對Lela與Keiran作弊感到憤怒,Michael保持開放的心態,並了解Lela的奇怪幻想的真實程度。

Karma Rx 在 'BrazziBots:第4部分'

Karma Rx - BrazziBots:第4部分

在萊利神秘失踪後,傑西瓊斯來到布拉齊伯特實驗室,尋找他失踪的同事。期待一場戰鬥,傑西熱情高漲,要求見到他的朋友。令他驚訝的是,實驗室助理Karma RX非常樂意將他直接帶到萊利。他們進入實驗室,Jesse對先進技術印象深刻。 Karma RX試圖說服傑西說人類是有缺陷的,並要求他加入他們,因為他們創造了一個由布拉茨伯特統治的新世界。傑西變得對提問線感到不安,並要求看到萊利,當突然尼科萊特和萊拉回到實驗室並環繞他時。沒有任何出路,Brazzibots說服Jesse用他的巨型陰莖操他們。 Jesse與他們邋three的三路口交和淋濕的pussies不相配。

Lela Star 在 'BrazziBots:第3部分'

Lela Star - BrazziBots:第3部分

Xander Corvus和他的妻子對早期的Brazzibot模型的細節一無所知。 Lela Star,他們的女僕Brazzibot 2.0,一直是一個夢想的管家,清潔和組織他們的家庭精確。然而,有一天早上,Lela開始出現故障,而Xander正在觀看緊急廣播,質疑Brazzibots 2.0是否與他們看起來一樣,暗指之前的性暴力過度。隨著萊拉潛在的性慾出現,她洗劫整個房子似乎只是一個時間問題。事實證明只有一種方法可以阻止Brazzibot女僕模型橫衝直撞,並且它非常臟。

Lela Star 在 '所有那些閃閃發光的是萊拉'

Lela Star - 所有那些閃閃發光的是萊拉

性感的Lela Star將所有東西展示出來,因為她在她的金色起床中工作桿,搖晃她的乳房並扭曲她的屁股,然後被Tyler Nixon全部加油。

Lela Star 在 '學習艱難的道路'

Lela Star - 學習艱難的道路

記者Lela Star正在訪問一個新的語言中心來報導他們的開放日。 Lela採訪了那位對她出色的學生Jordi El Nino Polla贊不絕口的老師。但是,當老師離開接聽電話時,Jordi證明不夠甜蜜。當她收拾行李時,他跳進了Lela的鏡頭,然後拉出他的陰莖向她搖晃。生氣,Lela把Jordi推到地板上,坐在他的臉上教他一課。雖然她用屁股扼殺了他,Lela注意到Jordi的陰莖是多麼巨大,並且無法幫助它取樣......

Lela Star 在 '得到爺爺'

Lela Star - 得到爺爺

角質爺爺婁在醫生辦公室進行年度檢查。當性感的護士Lela Star檢查他的生命體徵時,Lou將她拉到他的膝蓋上並感覺到她。 Johnny Sins醫生走進房間,幫助Lela罵婁是一隻老狗。約翰尼博士問盧,他是否有任何問題,婁抱怨他無法得到它。 Johnny醫生決定在他面前由他媽的護士Lela測試Lou的病情! Lela's緊身貓的體內射精是否足以讓Lou爺爺起床?

Lela Star 在 '想要性交或活著:第2部分'

Lela Star - 想要性交或活著:第2部分

為了確保逃脫,Lela Star決定說服並欺騙警長Charles Dera,透露對手幫派對Molly Stewart的頭部有重大賞金,如果他允許她開會並充當經紀人,萊拉將與他分開。當莫莉假裝在牢房裡睡覺時,萊拉召喚警長德拉過來並通過牢房嘲笑他,哄他一些公雞吮吸以加入這個假計劃。一旦Sheriff Dera讓Lela走出牢房,她就會把鑰匙從桌子上敲下來,讓Molly抓住他們穿過酒吧並解脫自己 - 所有這一切都在Lela亂搞警長毫無意義的時候。

Lela Star 在 '想要性交或活著:第1部分'

Lela Star - 想要性交或活著:第1部分

ZZ Gang領導人,臭名昭著的Lela Star,已陷入困境中的Wild West前哨,拯救新手幫派成員Molly Stewart,他因拙劣的銀行搶劫而被捕,並被警長Charles Dera拘留,直到劊子手抵達。但首先,Lela需要進入城鎮監獄,如果她想要自由,並且他媽的,莫莉。萊拉決定舉行一家綜合商店並陷入困境,迫使警長德拉將她扔進了slammer。 Lela帶著Molly去完成任務,取笑她的濕貓,因為她提醒她ZZ Gang的行為準則,他們能夠策劃他們的逃脫 - 然後用一些熱情的剪刀和貓咪在警長的監護下慶祝他們的計劃不那麼警惕。

Katrina Jade 在 '黑色星期五Fuckfest'

Katrina Jade - 黑色星期五Fuckfest

黑色星期五陣容中的緊張局勢炙手可熱。 Katrina Jade和Lela Star渴望成為第一個獲得折扣內衣的人。當商店門打開時,他們衝進去,開始從貨架上取下物品。這是每個色情明星為自己,直到他們都把目光投向黑色泰迪。 Lela和Katrina爭奪內衣,直到它撕成兩半,銷售人員Johnny Sins被迫介入。約翰尼提供了另一個項目,但這對卡特麗娜和萊拉來說還不夠;他們寧願爭取他的陰莖!

Bridgette B 在 'Brazzers House 3:結局'

Bridgette B - Brazzers House 3:結局

現在是Brazzers House 3 GRAND FINALE的時候了! Nicolette,Lela,Bridgette,Karma和Gina在我們最神秘的EPISODE EVER中面對面,吸吮和他媽的盡可能多的傢伙,然後參加狂歡多年。誰將贏得您的投票並獲得Brazzers House的下一個冠軍?

Lela Star 在 'Assage:Lela Star方法'

Lela Star - Assage:Lela Star方法

彎曲的女按摩師Lela Star發明了一種全新的按摩技術,只需要利用她巨大的屁股壓力來鍛煉她的客戶肌肉酸痛。她還有一個值得她前沿方法的按摩工作室,包括帶有掛帶的按摩墊上方的框架,這樣她就可以在她客戶身體的特定位置附近搖晃和擺動她龐大的屁股。當Markus Dupree進行全身按摩時,Lela解釋了她的技術,讓他失望,並開始在她的身體上揉她的屁​​股;她很快意識到馬庫斯需要她的方法的增強版本,所以她讓他穿著緊身衣的屁股油。雖然這最終有所幫助,但Lela很快命令他撕開她的褲子,以便她可以直接接觸他所有的壓力點,包括他的悸動的陰莖。

Britney Amber 在 '體內射精日記:第3部分'

Britney Amber - 體內射精日記:第3部分

Lela Star從來沒有想到她的吟唱會導致她的朋友Britney Amber的房子,但是看看Amber的繼子,她就迷上了! Jessy Jones知道這個女人不應該在他的繼母裡偷窺,但她說他們是好朋友。很好,她覺得在他面前變化很舒服!在他知道之前,Lela有她的大假屁股,因為她用口交的嘴唇吞下了他的巨大的陰莖!然後Jessy的繼母走進來,就像他從後面敲打Lela一樣,所以她加入了! Jessy不知道他是如何陷入這種瘋狂的境地的,但現在他的繼母和她最好的朋友輪流騎著他的大公雞!但是Lela並沒有分享他的禮物,她想要自己溫暖的餅!

Lela Star 在 '體內射精日記:第2部分'

Lela Star - 體內射精日記:第2部分

在一個笨拙的服務員將一大堆水倒在她的大型假奶上後,Lela Star快速移動到浴室,以便她可以改變。邁克爾·拉斯維加斯不能僅僅因為她把錢包留在家里而給這位女士免費用餐。但在讓她全身濕透,並瞥了一眼她的巨大屁股後,他決定慷慨!在他的巨大的陰莖上流口水之後,Lela躺在餐桌上的一張桌子上,並且她的陰部絕對搗亂 - 人們在幾英尺外吃午飯!他們無法聽到他們背後發生的事情,這是一件好事,因為他們的服務員即將為Lela提供一個溫暖的體內射精!

Lela Star 在 '體內射精日記:第1部分'

Lela Star - 體內射精日記:第1部分

Lela Star偷偷下床,開始她的早晨休息,一個有趣的小回合填充她的陰部振動器。當她即將暨門口敲門時。這是她丈夫的朋友,Isiah,路過借電鑽,不知何故最終在起居室裡找到了她的粉紅色小玩具! Lela沒有生氣,這個豐滿的寶貝決定她的丈夫是否懶得去操她,Isiah可以用她的大黑雞巴填滿她!在吸吮了她那些大而假的山雀之後,Isiah向他最好的朋友的妻子彎腰,慢慢地將他悸動的勃起深深地放在她濕漉漉的陰部裡面,抓住她的巨大屁股走得更深!萊拉喜歡它,但她有一個請求 - 她希望他用他的暨填滿她!當他不能再忍住了時,Isiah卸下了她內心的最後一滴,完成了餅!

Lela Star 在 '騎妻子'

Lela Star - 騎妻子

Lela Star與她的新丈夫度蜜月,但他想做的只是衝浪並度過他的中年幻想。 Lela完成了他的shtick直到她看著衝浪教練Johnny Sins!隨著她的丈夫在游泳池邊閒逛,這個角質的新婚夫婦掀起她巨大的乳房,讓約翰尼繼續將舌頭伸向她濕潤的陰部!萊拉不知道她的蜜月會如此有趣,他們在婚禮後的第二天吮吸一個不是他們丈夫的大雞巴!? Lela Star確實吮吸著他,直到她準備好騎著他的大波浪將她的大贓物擴散開來,Johnny用厚厚的陰莖填充她,直到他給她大的假奶釉上釉 - 正好讓她的丈夫看到一切!

Lela Star 在 '幫助:我加入了公雞!'

Lela Star - 幫助:我加入了公雞!

在Addicktions的另一集中,Lela Star對她對偵探的迷戀很清楚。多年來,她身邊的人都很清楚,這位豐滿的家庭主婦一直在和很多人爭鬥,但在這次獨家採訪中,拉娜終於打開了 - 她的陰戶!打破中間拍攝後,將她最喜歡的一個假陽具塞進她緊繃的洞裡,這個貪得無厭的賤人再也忍不住了,跪在地上,用電視主持人Ricky Johnson的大黑雞巴填滿她的嘴!現在她已經狠狠地吮吸了他,Ricky將這個摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線彎下腰,將她的巨大屁股伸展開來並將她的陰莖滑入她的陰部深處,因為她可以接受它,當她和她的大山雀一起玩時,她會砰砰直跳!這一集對於他們的收視率會非常好!

Jill Kassidy 在 '床和Sweatfest'

Jill Kassidy - 床和Sweatfest

吉爾·卡西迪不得不花上整個週末和她豐滿的後媽Lela Star,他們都不想去那裡。但事實上,禮賓,Keiran李,流口水Lela的大假山雀吉爾冒煙!走在她的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線後媽讓她的貓吃掉了兩個辣妹在一個cocksucking比賽。隨著吉拉吞下他那個大傢伙的每一寸,因為拉拉吃掉了她緊繃的青少年屁股,基蘭幾乎不知道該怎麼辦!這可能不是他們想到的那種聯繫,但是這兩個辣妹發現他們有比他們想像的更多的共同點!當Keiran終於在Lela的陰部貓中卸下餅時,Jill一定會舔掉每一滴水!

Lela Star 在 'Lela支付她的會費'

Lela Star - Lela支付她的會費

Lela Starr只是試圖通過為她的凸輪粉絲玩弄潮濕的陰部來實現一種誠實的生活,但稅務人員Markus Dupree正試圖讓她失望。然而,這個豐滿的寶貝對自己的好,太聰明了,把她的內衣扔在地上,她跪在地上,用一個活的相機吞下這個傢伙驚人的巨大公雞!馬庫斯將這個凸輪蕩婦捆綁起來,並將她多汁的屁股拉長,以方便她浸濕潮濕的陰部,並且她可以彎曲他投擲在她身上的每個姿勢。讓她大口大口的假洞刺破,這正是Lela今天在她的頻道上需要的!

Lela Star 在 '加快早班'

Lela Star - 加快早班

當一些小雞進入他的咖啡店時,Keiran Lee的混蛋會被切斷。在她刺穿乳房和一些其他多汁資產後,他意識到它是Lela Starr!除了他媽的什麼也沒有做,勒拉決定儘管Keiran的反對,從註冊簿中拿出一些現金。只要看一眼她巨大的假屁股,Keiran就明白這值得被炒魷魚。在他的大口吻對她的口交嘴唇進行了處理之後,基蘭將Lela的雙腿展開,並且深入舌頭去舔她的濕陰部。隨著她的洞好漂亮,這個黑頭髮的色情明星寶貝彎下腰來,炫耀那塊巨大的戰利品,直到她漂亮的臉龐需要一個沉重的臉龐!

Clea Gaultier 在 '1 800電話性別:第12行'

Clea Gaultier - 1 800電話性別:第12行

當1 800名電話性愛女孩找到輪班主管Xander打瞌睡時,Lela決定在她的兩名高級員工Luna和Clea的幫助下教他一點教訓。當她的新同事開始蠢蠢欲動時,Clea立即感到不知所措......並且完全忘記了她正在穿線!一旦她的封面被吹起,Lela,Luna和Xander會如何處理記者的事情?觀看並找出!

Lela Star 在 '1 800電話性別:10號線'

Lela Star - 1 800電話性別:10號線

範和他的妻子盧娜的性生活是痛苦的。他們都很忙,以至於他們幾乎不能看到彼此,更別說抽空去做他媽的了。幸運的是,他們都有一個鬼鬼祟祟的發布 - 撥打1-800-Phone-Sex並與他們最喜愛的運營商Lela一起下車。當這對夫婦的兩個半乞求一個房子呼叫到相同的地址(彼此不知道)的美麗,勒拉立即聯繫 - 這對已婚夫婦需要調味一點點,這恰好是她的專業... ...

Lela Star 在 '完美的女主人2'

Lela Star - 完美的女主人2


Lela Star 在 '借一個男朋友'

Lela Star - 借一個男朋友


Lela Star 在 'Lela佣金公雞'

Lela Star - Lela佣金公雞

萊拉委託基蘭拍攝她的肖像,但她對攝影技巧不以為然。 Lela確保自己能夠掌握所有曲線......只要他能學會拍一張好照片!

Lela Star 在 '來自郊區的自白'

Lela Star - 來自郊區的自白

樂拉擁有完美的郊區生活。完美的丈夫,完美的房子,在完美的鄰里。只有一點缺失 - 獲得她應得的性滿足。所以當她早上告別丈夫的時候,她早上好好喝了一杯基蘭的公雞。她的鄰居凱蘭確切地知道她是如何喜歡它,並不害怕嘗試。萊拉準備坦白承認,她的丈夫外出時,她喜歡被她的大牌鄰居塞進多少錢。

Lela Star 在 '額外的設施'

Lela Star - 額外的設施


Lela Star 在 'Kims瑜伽褲'

Lela Star - Kims瑜伽褲


Lela Star 在 '滲透金K'

Lela Star - 滲透金K

在教導狗仔隊後,他們永遠不會忘記,Kim K(Lela Star)回來了一個目的:這一次她會用她的崇拜狗仔隊來推廣她的第三個性感的錄像帶!當狗仔隊滲透到Kim K的房子里以獲得一些照片時,她已經整理了一場媒體馬戲,拍攝著名的臉,美味的屁股和巨大的山雀!為什麼?因為如果Kim K有一件事比她的陰部的一個大公雞更喜歡,那就是一種性感的膠帶,特別是當她丈夫出城的時候!金K不只是摧毀互聯網,這一次她會抹去它!

Lela Star 在 'Kim K他媽的狗仔隊'

Lela Star - Kim K他媽的狗仔隊

你想要另一種性錄像帶?哦,金K(Lela Star)會給你一個性感的磁帶,這一次沒有阻止!當狗仔隊的Levi在追求完美的射門方面有一點點太過分的時候,Kim帶著他回到家裡,用一個讓她著名的大贓物來折磨他的雞巴。這個令人震驚的明星給了他一直在乞求的特寫鏡頭,坐在那張圓的屁股在他的臉上,讓他舔她的濕的貓,直到暨滴在她厚實的大腿。在他這個性感的名人之後,他們很快就快速的出來,拉扯出來,把所有的臉頰都放在了他的臉上。這次Kim不僅會打破互聯網,還會破壞它!

August Ames 在 'Brazzers獎'

August Ames - Brazzers獎

票數已經被計算在內,結果正在進行中,而最終的時刻是大型展覽:2015年的Brazzers Awards!作為粉絲喜愛的觀看,在最熱門場景,最熱門青少年,最佳贓物以及更多的方式中,贏得了冠軍的冠軍。你最喜歡帶回家的榮耀嗎?只有一種方法可以找出來!

Lela Star 在 '在桌子下面'

Lela Star - 在桌子下面

Lela Star是一個大贓物蕩婦,喜歡在午休時間裡揉搓一個,使工作日更快一點。但是,當她的電腦不能正常工作,因為她準備下台,她顯然很生氣!她呼籲信息技術人士約翰尼·辛辛斯(Johnny Sins),並告訴他要在午飯回來之前解決這個問題,否則將有人付錢。麻煩的是,當她休息休息並開始手淫時,約翰尼還在桌子下面他試圖保持安靜,因為她指著濕的陰部,但是不久之後,他發現了他,並要求他脫下衣服。她吮吸他的大傢伙,她的怪物贓物彈跳,因為約翰尼吃了她緊的貓。 Lela在他的傢伙身上,然後Johnny在她多汁的陰部嘴唇上釋放了一個胖子。

Lela Star 在 '說服Lela'

Lela Star - 說服Lela

自從Lela Star與我們停止拍攝以來,我們想要讓她和她的巨大的屁股回到行動。沒有人比她最大的粉絲Xander Corvus更加致力於讓這個大的贓物倒閉。有一天,Xander發現Lela慢跑,鞭打了他的手機,所以他可以在那個大贓物的一些鏡頭中得到一些照片。他跟著她進了房子,為了一些甜蜜的偷窺湯姆的行動,但拉拉抓住了他的行為!幸運的是,Xander,Lela仍然是她一直以來的公雞瘋狂蕩婦,她幾乎立刻開始吮吸他的肥豬。她給了他一個很好的深喉口交,吮吸他的球和工作的軸,然後把肥胖的公雞深深的在她緊的小貓。最後,他在她的陰部深深地吹了一大塊奶油。如果不說服她回來,什麼都不會!

Lela Star 在 '他媽的InternetsCom'

Lela Star - 他媽的InternetsCom

Lela在幾個月裡還沒有平息下去。當她的室友告訴她一個關於她的朋友如何在網上遇到一個休閒他媽的節日的人的故事時,她得到了她的頭做同樣的事情! Lela在線回答廣告,並發送Johnny(誰放置廣告)一張她的奶昔。不要太長時間前往她的地方,犁著她的大腦,直到她從耳朵裡哼出來!

Lela Star 在 '2011年Lela Star的最佳山雀'

Lela Star - 2011年Lela Star的最佳山雀


Lela Star 在 '英國人是康明'

Lela Star - 英國人是康明


Brea Bennett 在 '鄰里Romp'

Brea Bennett - 鄰里Romp


Lela Star 在 '爆炸包裝'

Lela Star - 爆炸包裝

Lela Star是一個緊湊的小包裝與一個美麗的圓屁股。她對性的慾望是巨大的,她只是喜歡公雞。作為一個小女孩,她喜歡當大個子在床上完全摧毀她。她要求我和我們的男人比把它交給她。這種“炸彈”爆炸性的場景。

來自其他網站的場景特色 Lela Star

Lela Star 在 'fucking in the living room with her big tits'

Lela Star - fucking in the living room with her big tits

Poor Lela Star is in for some bad news. Her boyfriend's son, Neo, has come over to tell her the truth about his dad. Lela is just one of many younger ladies his dad is chasing after and he thought she deserved to know about it before she got hurt. Lela is upset and doesn't know what she should do. Since she's single he recommends getting over the blues with an old fashioned revenge fuck!!

Lela Star 在 'Thick'

Lela Star - Thick

Latina Goddess Lela Star fucks Jules on the balcony in Miami. Lela took a break from the industry from a little while, but she's back and ready to make up for her lost time. She's looking hotter than ever in her tiny pink fishnet bathing suit that barely covers her big tits and black high heels. Lela makes her way out to the balcony as she puts all of her glorious curves on display, then Jules goes out to help her show off her perfect T and A. He pulls the bathing suit to the side to expose her perky tits as Lela reaches down and pulls Jules' cock out of his pants and starts stroking it. Jules spins her around to give us all an amazing look at Lela's bulbus booty as he oils it up and makes it shine. He rubs his cock against her oily ass, then Lela gets on her knees and starts blowing him right there on the balcony. Lela strokes and sucks his big cock, making herself gag on that dick, then slides that cock between her huge tits to give Jules a titty-fucking he won't soon forget. They head inside to the couch where Lela straddles Jules and skewers herself on his big dick. Lela rides him as we watch that massive booty bounce up and down on his cock, then stops for a second so she can lick all of her pussy juices off of that dick. Jules pounds Lela until she cums over and over again, then he shoots his load all over her pretty face!

Lela Star 在 'Lelas Panty Thief'

Lela Star - Lelas Panty Thief

I know you're all hungry to spend the day with the luxurious, luscious, and loquacious Lela Star, so we've scheduled a person day-in-the-life for you happy viewers. Hang out with curvy Lela from dawn till dusk as she brings you through her morning routine, commute, and BTS preparation. Of course, you're still gonna get a normal, panty-thieving scene, but why not double your value and see this sexy star before AND after? It makes the climax even more enjoyable, trust me.

Lela Star 在 'Hike That Ass'

Lela Star - Hike That Ass

We follow Lela Star and her big beautiful booty up the mountain on an adventurous hike full of greenery, nice views--and of her huge ass of course! This lovely and luscious countryside isn't the only thing that has dangerous curves as Lela shows off her sexy body by running up a hill where her big tits bounce and her butt jiggles. Soon, Lela is craving a big cock to suck and fuck and luckily for her, Jessy Jones is right behind her and ready to pound her pussy until spilling his cum all over her! So go on Lela, hike that ass because we can't wait to see you suck and fuck a big dick once you get to the top of the hill!

Lela Star 在 'Suck Slut'

Lela Star - Suck Slut

Lela Star just loves to suck and fuck! This curvaceous Latina gets her man, Mick Blue, excited before she even gets out of her car, video chatting him to watch her play with a banana and slowly deepthroat the sweet fruit. When she's ready for more, she knocks on Mick's door and gets right down to it as she grabs for his cock. Lela gives Mick a very special private dance, grinding her big ass for him before she demonstrates her hands-free deepthroating skills! Mick fucks her big titties until Lela decides it's time to ride that big cock. There's only one place this suck slut wants Mick's huge load: right in her mouth!

Lela Star 在 'Ass Out'

Lela Star - Ass Out

With an ass like Lela Star's badonkadonk, it's a crime to hide it under even the tightest pair of jeans! Luckily, Lela has the solution: cut holes in her pants so her big ass is always out on full display. This legendary Latina twerks that majestic booty in the great outdoors, then heads home to stretch her ass with a sparkly buttplug. But one little toy isn't enough for Lela's anal satisfaction, so luckily Markus Dupree and his big dick are ready and willing to bend her over and fuck her booty doggystyle. Markus even picks Lela up for an anal stand-and-carry and makes her squirt, then covers that big ass with his cum.

Karmen Karma 在 'Greedy Bitches Scene 1'

Karmen Karma - Greedy Bitches Scene 1

When pornstar-cum-con artist Karmen Karma hears news of fellow pornstar Nicolette Shea's plan to walk the XXX Awards red carpet in a 10.6 million dollar diamond thong, she hatches a scheme to steal the extravagantly expensive item with the help of her ex-girlfriend, Lela Star. Little do the girls know that they'll have some healthy (and incredibly hot) competition – co-stars Kissa Sins and Honey Gold have their sights set on stealing the piece, as does Quinn Wilde, the conniving wife of the thong's creator, Xander Corvus. Will any of these girls manage to keep their eyes on the prize and steal the priceless piece, or will they get distracted by the many temptations the XXX Awards have to offer

Honey Gold 在 'Greedy Bitches Scene 4'

Honey Gold - Greedy Bitches Scene 4

When pornstar-cum-con artist Karmen Karma hears news of fellow pornstar Nicolette Shea's plan to walk the XXX Awards red carpet in a 10.6 million dollar diamond thong, she hatches a scheme to steal the extravagantly expensive item with the help of her ex-girlfriend, Lela Star. Little do the girls know that they'll have some healthy (and incredibly hot) competition – co-stars Kissa Sins and Honey Gold have their sights set on stealing the piece, as does Quinn Wilde, the conniving wife of the thong's creator, Xander Corvus. Will any of these girls manage to keep their eyes on the prize and steal the priceless piece, or will they get distracted by the many temptations the XXX Awards have to offer

Lela Star 在 'Thick And Wet'

Lela Star - Thick And Wet

The only thing better than one huge Latina bubble booty is two, so double your pleasure with Lela Star and Rose Monroe as they twerk their big asses and jiggle their massive tits for the camera. These babes beckon you to follow them into the bath, where they frolic in the foam, kissing and licking each other's nipples and making waves as they shake those bubble booties! These soaking wet babes are having fun playing with each other, and when Rob Piper gives them his big, black cock to toy with, they can't wait to see how it fits in their tight pussies. Lela and Rose aren't quite wet enough after riding Rob's dick, so he sprays their faces with his cum!

Lela Star 在 'What To Wear'

Lela Star - What To Wear

Zac just wants to get to the game but his girlfriend Lela can't decide what to wear. She tries on outfit after outfit, each sexier and more revealing than the last, but none of them is quite right. When Lela asks Zac's opinion on one final combination--boots, a hat, and a fur blanket over nothing at all--he forgets all about the game in favor of going a few rounds with his hot nympho lady. Lela's birthday suit is definitely Zac's favorite outfit, and he shows her how much he loves it by eating her pussy and tonguing her clit, so she returns the favor by deepthroating his thick cock. Lela loves the way Zac fucks her deep and chokes her till she cums, and she wants to wear his jizz all over that big bubble booty!

Lela Star 在 'Lit Latina Night Out'

Lela Star - Lit Latina Night Out

Fierce and fiery curvaceous Latina party girls Jenna and Lela are always the center of attention wherever they go, and on a night out in their tight dresses, enjoying the nightlife and taking selfies in the glow of the neon lights, they're clearly having more fun than anyone else around. But that's nothing compared to what these babes will get up to when they get home! Jenna and Lela can't even wait till they've reached the privacy of their house, kissing and getting frisky in the back seat of their cab. These babes keep their private party going poolside, stripping down for a quick skinny dip before a long, leisurely labia-licking session, and Jenna spices things up with a bright pink dildo that both lesbians get a turn with!

Lela Star 在 'Hot Decorator Milf'

Lela Star - Hot Decorator Milf

Markus has a very important appointment with his decorator, but when bootylicious MILF Lela arrives at his house, her designs aren't even half as good-looking as she is with her big tits hanging out of her shirt and her huge ass wrapped up in her tight little skirt. When Lela bends over to take some measurements, Markus takes the opportunity to check out that butt close up, even burying his face in it! This sexy designer is just as interested in Markus's hardware, and she's so eager to get her hands on it, she bends right over and takes his big cock! After a super sloppy face fuck and then watching Lela's big booty bounce on his dick, Markus decorates her face in white with his jizz!

Lela Star 在 'Bad Cop Black Cock'

Lela Star - Bad Cop Black Cock

Officer Lela is taking no chances when she's called out on a noise complaint. When muscular ebony stud Prince opens the door, even though he says he's alone in the house, she insists on taking a look, and even slaps on the cuffs! When Lela pats him down, she finds he's packing a nightstick of his own in his pants, a big black cock that she just has to suck. This bad cop soon finds herself serving and protecting Prince's massive hardon before she sits on his face. When Lela demands his dick, Prince bends her over to fuck her doggystyle and slap her big round booty before she rides his cock like a police chopper. After some screaming orgasms, Lela takes a huge facial, then gives Prince a stern warning to keep the noise down from now on.

Lela Star 在 'Sun bathing'

Lela Star - Sun bathing

Lela Star is sexy as fuck! That body looks incredibly delicious. Those huge tits and that big round ass will catch anybody's attention. Pauly Hark would agree so. Lela is outside enjoying the beautiful weather catching a sun-tan and Pauly decided to give a helping hand with the body oil. He couldn't take his eyes of of that big ass. Could you blame him? Pauly said fuck the massage! And bent her over, licking the pussy from the back. He had Lela in a frenzy. They went inside to finish what was started. Pauly was on cloud nine, hitting that pussy from the back. Moaning as he penetrated her tight pussy. Damn! That must be some good pussy. Lela took control and rode the dick, bouncing that big ass. Giving him something to remember her by. Wow!

Lela Star 在 'patiently waits for a creampie!'

Lela Star - patiently waits for a creampie!

Lela Star sat patiently waiting for her Monster Cock to get home from a long day at work. She was hot and horny. This Milf has ass for days and Stallion has a big dick to satisfy her horniness. The second he walks trough the doors, Lela pulled his pants down and deep throated that dick. Slobbering all over it. Making it wet so it can slide deep in her throbbing pussy. Stallion beat that pussy up! From all angles. Cumming deep inside her pussy.

Lela Star 在 'Booty view!'

Lela Star - Booty view!

It's early in the morning and my girl, Lela Star is getting ready to hit the gym. She's standing there in tight spandex looking sexy like a mofo. Damn! Look at that ass. She caught me red-handed with my big dick in my hand. Lela had no choice but to skip the gym and suck on this dick. Hell yeah! I pounded this tight pussy good. Helping her burn them calories. Enjoy the view.

Lela Star 在 'Bootylicious!'

Lela Star - Bootylicious!

Holy shit we have the gorgeous Lela Star back with us and its for ASS PARADE! I mean wow! Lela is all sorts of sexy, she has that Kim Kardashian sex appeal going on for her with a nice petite body that can hardly hold her luscious ass, Lela's ass is something out of this world! talk about instant boner, am I right?!?! So, Bruno had the honors of giving Lala a proper dicken, and since Lela had never worked with Bruno before she was excited to see what he had to bring to the table. pretty much as soon as Lela arrived she started to take off her clothes showing us her big juicy ass in all its glory! The way Lela walked around with that sexy 'come fuck me now.' look on her face as she paraded her ass all over the place is enough to get any man on his knees begging for more! Bruno was ecstatic about this golden opportunity, so much so that he had Lela smother him with her ass to the point of almost passing out from loss of air. Lela enjoyed being in control and showing Bruno what a seasoned veteran can do to an up and coming stud. but in the end it was Lela begging for more dick as bruno delivered a proper fucking!

Lela Star 在 'POV Find Out What It's Like To Fuck Lela Star'

Lela Star - POV Find Out What It's Like To Fuck Lela Star

Lela Star POV Find Out What It's Like To Fuck Lela Star. This is a quality whore. Lela Star is hot, smoking hot, in black garters, stockings, a corset and black stripper spike heels. You'll feel like it's you fucking Lela. The only difference is that now you've got a big dick. This brunette hard body gets fucked POV style in this scene from TUNNEL VISION 3 and after she drains that big dick on her smiling face Lela got what she came for.

Lela Star 在 'Slutty And Sluttier 3'

Lela Star - Slutty And Sluttier 3

squirt queen Flower Tucci assists the domination. Naturally stacked Gianna smothers Sasha in gigantic jugs. Sandra Romain slaps Sasha's pussy as she's manhandled. Big-hung Mark Davis counts down from 10 as Sasha deep-throats. This is the breathtaking, intense group filth that put Sasha on the porn map.

Lela Star 在 'Feeding Frenzy 9'

Lela Star - Feeding Frenzy 9

Lela Star Cum Guzzler. Out by the pool in her silver bikini and platform high heels Lela tries to act like she's not that excited by the prospect of four dicks to service today. Once inside however, Miss Star becomes the ravenous, cum swilling and swallowing beast we've all always wished for. From the epic FEEDING FRENZY 11 see Lela Star in her starring role as crowd pleaser.

Lela Star 在 'Interracial'

Lela Star - Interracial

Lela Star Interracial. Here's a nurse who can cure what ails you and if nothing ails you can just make you feel better. From BLACK OWNED 2 here's Lela Star in her nurse's uniform finding a big black cock and sucking and fucking it till she's had her fill. Interracial sex may save the world but till then, watch.

Sativa Rose 在 'Load Sharing 2'

Sativa Rose - Load Sharing 2

Tan, brunette young Miley Ann is in a sheer, tight white mini-skirt, perched on a bar stool as the camera travels around her ass. She spreads her cheeks at John's off-camera instructions, showing off an elegant pucker. He follows her hands up to her breasts, as she fishes out her soft, small boobs and blows a kiss at the camera. "Yeah, you'll be doing a lot of that, too," John growls. Mark Ashley enters the room with blonde, skinny, already hyper-horny Nicole Ray in tow, groping her as they appear. Nicole pushes Ashley down in a chair and hunches over his lap like a little blonde predatory bird, loudly slurping on his cock and staring down Miley, who is watching from her perch. Ashley goes down on Nicole, eating out her ass, but Miley still just watches, idly groping herself as Nicole taunts her. Ashley rams Nicole in a standing side-saddle and doggie before she finally lets him plunger Miley. He goes down on her and then spreads her legs wide and starts fucking her missionary; she has trouble adjusting to the size of his cock, but he goes down on her more and she starts breathing deeply and taking his dick even deeper. Nicole strums her clit as Miley crawls into cowgirl for a good pussy-stretching. Then Nicole takes back the cock for another thrill ride, relegating Miley back to masturbating voyeur until finally, Nicole directs the jizz spurting from Ashley's big prick into Miley's appreciative mouth.

Lela Star 在 'Cum On My Face'

Lela Star - Cum On My Face

Ohh yeah, Lela Star is a fuckin bomb. Good luck if you can make it through the first 2 minutes without exploding, ok say you did, along comes Steve Holmes, and he rocks her fucking world. She sucks his cock and he shows her a few new positions to boot!!

Lela Star 在 'Interracial Likes Big Black Cock'

Lela Star - Interracial Likes Big Black Cock

Lela Star Interracial Likes Big Black Cock. Fingering her cunt in white lingerie, Lela Star soon is sucking Lex's truncheon, taking it up her wet cunt and having her ass impaled. From LEX THE IMPALER 7 here's interracial at its best, you'll see.

Lela Star 在 'Anal Delights 2'

Lela Star - Anal Delights 2

Lela Star Gets An Anal Burglary. Sound the alarm! There's a burglar with a shoe fetish in Lela's closet but when she discovers her intruder instead of summoning authorities Lela feeds his obsession by working his crotch with her feet. From ANAL DELIGHTS 2 a crime scene becomes a foot fetish location of depravity, watch.

Lela Star 在 'Gets A Anal Burglary'

Lela Star - Gets A Anal Burglary

Lela Star catches Jules Jordan burglarizing her home. She rewards him with anal sex!

Lela Star 在 'Wet Food 01'

Lela Star - Wet Food 01

Manuel is out in front of a Valley estate with Michael Stefano, David Perry and Mick Blue that he explains is a private whorehouse. Flower Tucci is standing in front of the main house in fetishy pin-up clothing, smoking a cigarette. Manuel asks if the house can accommodate him and his friends. She tries to turn him away, explaining there's only one girl on duty. He talks her into it, and she takes him around back to see the whore in question: Sophie Dee, who is sunning herself on a raft in the pool. Flower asks her if she "wants to play ... three times." "That's a lot," Sophie exclaims, coming out of the pool. Flower shows off Sophie's tits and ass. A deal is struck, and Manuel fetches the boys, bringing them around back, where a now-naked Sophie is kneeling, ready to go to work. The guys line up for some cocksucking, and then she takes all three dicks at once. Manuel retreats to the house, where Flower is waiting to play with him. He tells her he wants to watch, and she puts on an extended ass show for him, finally crawling outside to join Sophie on mouth-whore duty. Flower then moves the entire party indoors for some serious orgy action. Sophie pairs off with Mick Blue as the other two studs start breaking in Flower. Soon they're all next to each other, switching off partners and orifices continuously, making anal daisy-chains. Sophie squirts and Flower gets double-penetrated while Sophie and Mick suck her toes; everything climaxes, along with the guys, on the girls' pretty faces.

Lela Star 在 'Lela Star's Ballet Style!!!'

Lela Star - Lela Star's Ballet Style!!!

So today we have the gorgeous Lela Star, not only does this chick have a flawless body but she has the most adorable feet in the world. She used to do ballet so you know she knows exactly what to do with her feet. Hope you enjoy watching this hot chick stoke cock with her feet just as much as I did.

Lela Star 在 'is Back Bitches!!!'

Lela Star - is Back Bitches!!!

So on this wonderful sunday morning we glady present you with the fucking stunning Lela Star, this chick is a walking goddess. This chicks body is flawless, flat stomach, round bouncy ass and huge perky soft tits. If you want anything in a woman this girl has it. After we are done being in shock from how gorgeous she is, Mike starts doing what he does best and just her tight little pussy some dick justice, he fucks the living shit out of her and finishes off leaving her pink pussy leaking white. Enjoy

Lela Star 在 'CLEANnDIRTY'


Kelly needed someone to clean and get dirty at her house, so she hired Lela to fix the mess and mount Ryan's cock at the same time. This bitch loved cleaning the table while blowing Ryan and getting her cunt pounded as she vacuumed the floor in her sexy maid outfit. And after all the cum filled her snatch and gushed on her face, she made su...