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Lily Lou 在 '雙他媽的戴綠帽子'

Lily Lou - 雙他媽的戴綠帽子

莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)的任務是與她的前任打成平手,所以她穿著最放蕩的衣服出現在他家,而他的兩個最好的朋友亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)和斯科特·奈爾斯(Scott Nails)則在那裡。莉莉的前男友認為她是來勾搭他的,在他兩個嫉妒的哥們面前戲弄和誘惑他,但她把他串起來,足以讓他相信她想在綁他時發生一些的性行為。但莉莉不想操他——她想操他,讓他的朋友們雙雙聯手!

Dan Dangler 在 '在她的屁股瓣里塞滿中出'

Dan Dangler - 在她的屁股瓣里塞滿中出

Dan Dangler 喜歡做兩件事;在她寬鬆的屁股襟蓋睡衣裡搖晃她的屁股。當她的男朋友喬什·里弗斯(Josh Rivers)在腦海中學習時,丹有其他計劃,並將她裸露的贓物披在他的腿上,希望能快點。喬希可能會因為她打斷他而生氣,但他不能否認那個屁股。 在短暫的手指敲擊之後,他進入口交並給了她一個快速的口服中出,這時他的學習夥伴亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)也來了。喬希把靴子給了丹。丹迅速報復,把她一口精液灑在他珍貴的筆記本上。當喬希絕望地跑去拯救他的筆記免受射精災難時,丹決定向亞歷克斯的方向搖晃她的屁股,並得到她一直渴望的自由使用他媽的。

Angela White 在 '濕漉漉的,狠狠地操'

Angela White - 濕漉漉的,狠狠地操

安吉拉·懷特 (Angela White) 為您提供終極濕 T 恤挑逗,浸泡她多汁的大奶子和令人驚歎的身體,因為她準備好與亞歷克斯·鐘斯 (Alex Jones) 進行史詩般的淋浴他媽的。安吉拉想吞噬亞歷克斯的每一寸雞巴,在這個熱氣騰騰的場景中深深地進入她的嘴裏和陰戶!

Lily Lou 在 '肛門強盜被抓住並被中出'

Lily Lou - 肛門強盜被抓住並被中出

亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)和他的妻子睡著了,卻沒有意識到一個全身穿著尼龍的竊賊莉莉·盧(Lily Lou)正在他們的房間裡偷偷摸摸地偷走他們的現金和珠寶。當莉莉窺探亞歷克斯的早晨起床時,她無法抗拒那個雞巴。 莉莉冒著很大的風險,把亞歷克斯跳在床上。亞歷克斯醒來後感到震驚,但興奮地發現一位性感豐滿的神秘客人乞求給他一個邋遢的口交。他把壞土匪趕出臥室,在妻子醒來之前偷偷溜進客廳里和莉莉做愛。

Gogo Fukme 在 '沒有 fap 失敗的 cumpetition'

Gogo Fukme - 沒有 fap 失敗的 cumpetition

Gogo Fukme、Mick Blue 和 Alex Jones 都是射精的鑒賞家。 當亞歷克斯的女朋友回家和她的室友一起玩時,她發現每個人都處於不同的妥協境地,這讓她發聲。她不能再在公共區域射精了!她制定了一個計劃,讓她的角質室友收起他們的私處,並打賭誰能在不手淫的情況下持續最久。這持續大約兩分鐘。當 Gogo 看到 Mick 的大硬雞巴在臥室里等待服務時,她第一個崩潰了。亞歷克斯跟隨呻吟聲,加入他們的雙雞巴三人行。當亞歷克斯的女朋友發現他們做愛時,她嚇壞了,讓喇叭狗吃他們的蛋糕。Gogo 在臉上射了兩槍,夥計們將價格錢捐給了她,以紀念她的自大表演。

Lexi Lore 在 '請提供一些説明!'

Lexi Lore - 請提供一些説明!

約書亞認為自己是個種馬,因為他拍攝了自己與新女友萊克西發生性關係的畫面。但是當他的繼兄弟亞歷克斯看到他的表演時——他用現實破壞了約書亞的世界——約書亞在性方面很無聊!亞歷克斯繼續訓練約書亞,因為他們使用欣喜若狂的 Lexi 來展示最佳實踐。

Jesse Pony 在 'Hostel perv把它放在我的屁股上'

Jesse Pony - Hostel perv把它放在我的屁股上

傑西·小馬(Jesse Pony)和她的朋友住在一家旅館里。她很饑渴,喜歡變態的經理亞歷克斯·鐘斯,所以她一定要彎下腰,為他炫耀她的屁股塞。那天晚上,亞歷克斯回來了,給了傑西一個很好的肛交,而她的朋友則試圖在房間對面睡覺!

Cherie Deville 在 '切麗他媽的整個社區嗎'

Cherie Deville - 切麗他媽的整個社區嗎

標誌性的 Cherie DeVille 度過了美好的一天。陽光明媚,工作已經完成,她已經準備好了“獨處時間”。她的計劃很快改變,突然的敲門聲顯示,炙手可熱的水管工亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)正在尋求鋪設一些管道。邀請他進來,切麗心想這可能是一個色情比喻。就在這時,熱心的推銷員亞歷克斯·麥克(Alex Mack)來了,想和房子的女主人說話。緊隨其後的是披薩送貨員 Hollywood Cash,帶著他多餘的香腸出現。突然,包裹遞送員Dan Damage又敲了敲門。就在切麗認為這一切可能太過分的時候,員警米克·布魯(Mick Blue)趕到,希望控制局勢。這是什麼的笑話?某種色情諷刺?一個嫉妒的鄰居試圖讓切麗興奮?或者只是一大堆幸運的公雞供她吞噬?是的,就是這樣,最後一個。熱。

Penelope Kay 在 '放蕩的大學室友一次偷了兩個雞巴'

Penelope Kay - 放蕩的大學室友一次偷了兩個雞巴

亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)和盧卡斯·弗羅斯特(Lucas Frost)與他們的女士們一起度過了一段可愛的假期時光,這時角質室友佩內洛普·凱(Penelope Kay)潛入了他們的泡泡。作為女友送給亞歷克斯和盧卡斯的禮物,佩內洛普偷偷溜進了兩個男人之間的房間,提供了一件邋遢的禮物。兩個人都不敢相信這個鬼鬼祟祟的蕩婦,但也無法拒絕她的火辣進步。這些傢伙編造了一個計劃,將佩內洛普偷偷溜到臥室進行作弊三人行。

Danielle Renae 在 '放蕩的雪兔'

Danielle Renae - 放蕩的雪兔

豐滿的美女丹妮爾·雷娜(Danielle Renae)已經準備好滑雪了!衣服?檢查,性感的滑雪教練?仔細檢查。金髮碧眼的重磅炸彈遍佈她的熱門教練亞歷克斯·鐘斯,儘管她有自己的男人。 在上坡之前,她和亞歷克斯進行了一些猛烈的訓練練習,他教她在斜坡上下車的最佳姿勢。

Cherie Deville 在 '饑渴的家庭主婦渴望射精'

Cherie Deville - 饑渴的家庭主婦渴望射精

Cherie DeVille 是一個好色的家庭主婦,她迫切希望實現她最骯髒的幻想,即同時與多個男人在一起。不幸的是,她的丈夫是個粗魯的人,幾乎不操她!值得慶幸的是,她丈夫最親密的朋友(亞歷克斯·鐘斯和亞歷克斯·麥克)過來參加撲克之夜,讓這位紅桃皇后有機會與一對國王或她自己的國王一起玩!Cherie 四處閒逛和調情,然後在他們玩耍時偷偷地把他們吹到桌子底下。當她的丈夫不得不走出去時,她終於有機會得到三人組隊!

Sedona Reign 在 '內褲突襲摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線'

Sedona Reign - 內褲突襲摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線

當塞多娜·雷恩(Sedona Reign)發現她兒子的朋友亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)在內褲突襲中抽搐到她的一條內褲時,她把他扔在床上並開始騎他的雞巴。但是她能在不被家人抓住的情況下操她兒子的朋友嗎?!

Demi Sutra 在 '入侵者警報!'

Demi Sutra - 入侵者警報!

半夜,亞歷克斯·科爾闖入前女友黛米·蘇特拉的家,取回一些她想保留的東西。不幸的是,黛米醒著,準備做愛,總是下來給別人上一課。黛米的男人亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)饑渴地回家,黛米陷入了困境。她能在不被抓住的情況下讓兩個人都滿意嗎?

Cassie Del Isla 在 '作弊的濕貓被抓住並肛門化'

Cassie Del Isla - 作弊的濕貓被抓住並肛門化

Cassie Del Ilsa 和 Van Wylde 正在下床,就在 Van 即將射精時,Cassie 的丈夫 Alex Jones 下班回家。當范偷偷溜出去時,凱西試圖分散亞歷克斯的注意力,但當他發現她濕漉漉的陰戶時,亞歷克斯知道她沒有做任何好事。亞歷克斯並不生氣,他渴望做愛,並邀請鬼鬼祟祟的范參加競爭激烈的三人組,每個人都贏了,獎品是肛門!

Jennifer White 在 '一個非常大膽的 xxxmas 第 1 部分'

Jennifer White - 一個非常大膽的 xxxmas 第 1 部分

新繼母詹妮弗·懷特(Jennifer White)今年耶誕節滿屋子,第一次接待她的新繼家人。當她走進她的繼子亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)時,她很快就會找到一種方法來緩解一些假期壓力,而他正在測試一種新禮物——男性自慰器。亞歷克斯的雞巴比詹妮弗的丈夫還要大,她忍不住想要嘗嘗,給他口交,直到他的女朋友庫比湯普森到來時她被打斷了。多麼忘恩負義!沮喪的詹妮弗在廚房裡吃完飯後又回去準備晚餐。與此同時,亞歷克斯和庫比溜走了,去做一些餐前性行為。但是,當兩個竊賊偷偷溜進他們的家,尋找他們自己的禮物時,這個好色的繼家庭還有很多令人驚訝的行動

Jane Wilde 在 '擠水療兄弟的肛門'

Jane Wilde - 擠水療兄弟的肛門

簡·王爾德(Jane Wilde)是一個壞蛋蕩婦,也是專業認證按摩治療師的朋友。當Will Pounder和Alex Jones來按摩時,他們只是兩個兄弟,正在尋找一些時間一起練習自我保健。他們甚至沒有想像一個幸福的結局,直到簡在他們的按摩床下轉過來,給他們一個終生難忘的雙人擠奶。Jane偷偷摸摸地鎖住了按摩治療師,並在功能表上用她的屁股接管了水療日。從那裡開始,這是一個雙雞巴富礦,到處都是油和肛門和精液。

Scarlit Scandal 在 '兩次計時器獲得雙組隊和奶油'

Scarlit Scandal - 兩次計時器獲得雙組隊和奶油

當詹妮弗·門德斯(Jennifer Mendez)的男朋友桑德·科沃斯(Xander Corvus)不在時,她通過視頻通話與他進行了一些的樂趣。但是,當游泳池聽起來有些不對勁時,她會縮短時間並進行調查,結果卻讓她的項鍊卡在了撇渣器中!她變態但樂於助人的鄰居喬迪聽到她的掙扎並提供説明,在此過程中將他的大雞巴磨在她的屁股上。在他們得意忘形之前,他們各自分道揚鑣,只是喬迪再次聽到她的呼喚——這次是他的雞巴!一些作弊的性行為很快就被 Xander 回家打斷了,但他不想生氣,而是想讓 Jennifer 的屁股翻倍!

SlimThick Vic 在 '全力以赴的輪姦'

SlimThick Vic - 全力以赴的輪姦


Demi Sutra 在 '臉他媽的放蕩的 npc 雞巴吞噬者'

Demi Sutra - 臉他媽的放蕩的 npc 雞巴吞噬者

Brazzers 展示了我們自己的、炙手可熱和腐敗的誇張的 Demi Sutra 版本,為互聯網提供了他們真正想看到的東西。不,不,不僅僅是一個漂亮的女人服從每一個捐贈命令並噴出語音臺詞。但黛米自己迷人的風格將其提升到了下一個「免費使用」的水平,因為我們的兩個螺柱,亞歷克斯·鐘斯和丹·薩因特,用他們尋找的手指和悸動的公雞代替了黛米的所有道具。當她試圖(但失敗)控制她的呻吟時,Sutra 繼續深喉和流口水、騎馬和乞討。更多表情符號。更多戲謔。更多摸索。更多,更多...狂熱的粉絲們——如果你繼續堅持下去,黛米也會這樣。

Jennifer White 在 '他瞎了眼!只是把我塞得兩倍'

Jennifer White - 他瞎了眼!只是把我塞得兩倍

詹妮弗·懷特(Jennifer White)和她的丈夫玩了一個有趣的遊戲,他們邀請送貨員亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)和按摩師米克·布魯(Mick Blue)進來,並說服他們老公看不到他們偷偷摸摸的性行為,這樣詹妮弗不僅得到了一個堅果,而且得到了兩個。

Blake Blossom 在 '研究我的大奶子'

Blake Blossom - 研究我的大奶子

布萊克·布洛姆(Blake Blossom)要來和她大學的朋友亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)一起學習。但在他們開始讀書之前,布萊克問她是否可以洗澡。當亞歷克斯瞥見布萊克完美的自然大奶子時,他簡直不敢相信自己的運氣,很明顯,她很享受他的尷尬和關注。亞歷克斯霸道的父親有點問題,但不像亞歷克斯最初的過度興奮那麼嚴重,當布萊克取笑他時,高潮是巨大的射精爆炸。不過,亞歷克斯才剛剛開始,事實證明他有足夠的儲備來狠狠地操布萊克。偷偷摸摸的性愛接踵而至,直到亞歷克斯又一次吹了巨大的負荷,當他們最後一次被打斷時,一隻管襪最終出現在前面和中間。

Ashlyn Peaks 在 '山雀和怪工'

Ashlyn Peaks - 山雀和怪工

女孩們邀請了她們的暗戀對象亞歷克斯(Alex)來懷舊她們年輕時最喜歡的節目——波士頓溪。當他們觀看節目並意識到它實際上是狗屎時,他們認為 3 個有吸引力的成年人可以一起做其他事情。觀看 Chloe 和 Ashlynn 利用他們的資產引誘 Alex 加入炙手可熱的三人行!

Arabelle Raphael 在 '慢跑、搖晃並説明他作弊'

Arabelle Raphael - 慢跑、搖晃並説明他作弊

阿拉貝爾·拉斐爾(Arabelle Raphael)正要去晨跑,這時她透過鄰居的窗戶窺探到一隻堅硬的大雞巴和一個拒絕愛它的女朋友一起撲騰。阿拉貝爾看不到這麼粗的雞巴,充滿了精液,所以她在亞歷克斯鐘斯的窗戶上揉了揉她的大奶子。亞歷克斯簡直不敢相信自己的運氣!他看著她,用力地在玻璃上射精。阿拉貝爾想把它拍起來,但亞歷克斯必須偷偷摸摸,他的女朋友還在爬行。他打開窗戶,她就在那裡吮吸他的雞巴。最終,亞歷克斯不能不讓阿拉貝爾進來,偷偷摸摸的狂歡開始了。

Demi Sutra 在 '職場亂搞'

Demi Sutra - 職場亂搞

沒有什麼比工作上的獎金更讓黛米經濕透了!當辦公室宣佈有一筆可觀的獎金可供爭奪時,她和同事亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)賦予了“競爭”這個詞全新的含義。

Angel Youngs 在 '追我,帶我去'

Angel Youngs - 追我,帶我去


Nadia Jay 在 '夜晚邀請:公雞牆'

Nadia Jay - 夜晚邀請:公雞牆

在她和她的朋友們收到一個秘密萬聖節派對的神秘邀請后,娜迪亞·傑伊是第一個到達這個看起來很詭異的地方的人。娜迪亞小心翼翼,但不太害怕進入,希望能有一段美好的時光。當她摔倒在一堵掛著各種假陽具的公雞牆上時,娜迪亞無法抗拒測試它們的衝動。她張大嘴巴吮吸它們,直到滑出她的服裝,輪流用她緊窄的陰戶操它們。蒙面人亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)偷偷地看著,直到他把雞巴滑進一個光榮的洞里,換上假陽具,給娜迪亞一個真正的雞巴來操!

Jenna Foxx 在 '布拉澤斯之家4:第8集'

Jenna Foxx - 布拉澤斯之家4:第8集

隨著他們在Brazzers House的時間接近尾聲,室友們希望利用每一刻,盡可能多地做愛。在急切地等待著他的大雞巴全部屬於自己之後,妮可·多西和 CJ 邁爾斯追逐斯科特·指甲,並在懺悔室里給他偷偷摸摸的雙重口交和快速的爆炸聲。然後是大結局,因為所有的室友聚在一起,用最後一次輪姦來對付一大堆雞巴和陰戶!無論輸贏,史詩般的盛宴都會讓我們的女孩微笑著回家!這是瘋狂的八天,我們的參賽者都證明了他們是業內最好的。現在由您來決定哪兩個人將贏得令人垂涎的獎項,被評為布拉澤人的最新合同明星!

Skyla Sun 在 '停止拐彎抹角'

Skyla Sun - 停止拐彎抹角


Bella Rolland 在 '角質喬遷'

Bella Rolland - 角質喬遷


Phoenix Marie 在 '布拉澤斯之家4:第4集'

Phoenix Marie - 布拉澤斯之家4:第4集

我們好色的室友 Kazumi 和 Nicole Doshi 迫不及待地想開始他們的聚光燈挑戰,這樣他們就可以填補所有的漏洞,進行 15 分鐘的鐵杆動作!接下來是凱莉·岡納,在她射精之前不會滿意。伊賽亞·麥克斯韋和達蒙·迪斯準備加強他們的遊戲,讓她的瘋狂願望成真......但她仍然想要更多!幸運的是,我們的聯合主持人瑞奇·約翰遜願意把他的主持職責放在一邊,這樣他就可以再給凱莉一輪純粹的陰戶衝擊狂喜!

Phoenix Marie 在 '布拉澤斯之家4:第3集'

Phoenix Marie - 布拉澤斯之家4:第3集

我們的最新一集提供了三個史詩般的聚光燈挑戰,由凱莉·火箭、亞歷克西斯·泰和 CJ 邁爾斯主演,他們上演了驚天動地的表演,在布拉澤斯之家的明亮燈光下大放異彩!誰會對一個超乎尋常的爆炸感到驚訝,誰想要雙倍劑量的雞巴來搗屁股和陰部衝擊 DP,誰在鳳凰瑪麗採取所有行動時被斯科特釘子搞砸了他們的大腦?您不會相信我們的參賽者為您準備了什麼!

Alexis Tae 在 '布拉澤斯之家4:第2集'

Alexis Tae - 布拉澤斯之家4:第2集

在第 2 集中,我們的參賽者以雞巴長城的形式面臨他們的第一個挑戰,每個人都輪流崇拜、吸吮、他媽的和扭動它的假陽具。然後是時候在游泳池裡暢遊了一番,然後鳳凰瑪麗問他們關於他們的性偏好。誰喜歡吞咽,誰喜歡噴,誰願意嘗試任何事情來命名為我們的兩個幸運贏家之一?還有更多樂趣和他媽的,從外觀上看,這個賽季可能是迄今為止最難判斷的賽季,因為每個人都絕對會贏得它!

August Skye 在 '你的問題紙巾,我的雞巴洞'

August Skye - 你的問題紙巾,我的雞巴洞

奧古斯特·斯凱剛剛與男友分手,因為從另一個女人那裡得到裸體。八月需要一個肩膀來哭泣;幸運的是,她的室友亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)就是這樣做的。亞歷克斯和奧古斯特聊天,遞給她幾張紙巾,然後把他的雞巴偷偷塞進紙巾盒裡,讓奧古斯特大吃一驚。一個好的雞巴確實正是奧古斯特現在所需要的。真是個好室友!

Nadia Jay 在 '把那個陰戶鎖起來了'

Nadia Jay - 把那個陰戶鎖起來了


Kira Noir 在 '淹沒在雞巴里,我的愛人'

Kira Noir - 淹沒在雞巴里,我的愛人


Demi Sutra 在 '閃閃發光的黛米張開的第一肛門'

Demi Sutra - 閃閃發光的黛米張開的第一肛門


Summer Col 在 '棒球芽雙隊角質gf'

Summer Col - 棒球芽雙隊角質gf

Summer Col的男朋友在與他的芽Alex Jones和Mick Blue打完棒球比賽后回家。亞歷克斯和米克在那裡和他們的朋友一起觀看比賽並放鬆一下,但黑髮的夏天還有其他計劃!夏天一直想由兩個身材魁梧的棒球運動員組成雙組,她不會讓男朋友的存在阻止她。好色的夏天偷偷地勾引亞歷克斯和米克,直到他們一起躺在床上,夏天正在塞她的洞。即使是她的男朋友在三人組中期抓住他們也無法阻止夏天獲得她夢寐以求的雙隊!

Ny Ny Lew 在 '超級噴蛋糕驅逐艦獲得肛門驚喜'

Ny Ny Lew - 超級噴蛋糕驅逐艦獲得肛門驚喜

Ny Ny Lew知道如何參加派對。通過派對,我的意思是讓自己按需噴出鐵杆。當她的室友舉辦派對時,她迫不及待地想把 Ny 介紹給她的朋友和他們的熱未婚夫亞歷克斯鐘斯。亞歷克斯的雞巴已經握在手裡,不小心闖入了紐約的枕頭駝峰,她不讓他的大雞巴去任何地方。在臉上噴了一大口水,差點被抓住的時刻之後,亞歷克斯離開了紐約,在派對時間之前清理。Ny Ny認為她還不滿意,並將魔杖綁在裙子下的陰部。一旦參加派對,不久之後,她手裡拿著蛋糕,亞歷克斯的雞巴就在未婚夫面前屁股上。Ny Ny把派對弄得一團糟,並在此過程中破壞了蛋糕。但這並不能阻止肛門!

Jessie Rogers 在 '都嘻嘻哈地:試試我吧!版'

Jessie Rogers - 都嘻嘻哈地:試試我吧!版

Brazzers 的 All Dolled Up 系列決定為其粉絲群增加一點互動鼓勵!現在,您不僅可以看到傑西·羅傑斯(Jessie Rogers)在圍欄內完美地擺姿勢,還可以伸手測試她栩栩如生的皮膚,柔軟的曲線以及濕潤,渴望的洞......所有的人。別擔心,他們對配件也不吝嗇!因為沒有假陽具、振動器、珠子、油和一系列的快感,讓傑西在把所有的注意力都轉向你之前顫抖和呻吟......

Bella Blu 在 '輪姦閨蜜'

Bella Blu - 輪姦閨蜜


Luna Star 在 '虛擬他媽的增強器'

Luna Star - 虛擬他媽的增強器

Luna Star自願參加VR實驗:VR耳機和一些花哨的圖形能為性接觸增添趣味嗎?觀看亞歷克斯鐘斯和米克布魯測試他們的假設和他們的工作!

Texas Patti 在 '我的繼母不會抓住我們他媽的'

Texas Patti - 我的繼母不會抓住我們他媽的


Jennifer White 在 '她什麼都不是屁股遊戲玩家肛門問題'

Jennifer White - 她什麼都不是屁股遊戲玩家肛門問題


Hollywood Cash 在 '搶劫性怪胎第1部分'

Hollywood Cash - 搶劫性怪胎第1部分

CJ和她的兩個男性親信亞歷克斯·鐘斯(Alex Jones)和好萊塢·卡什(Hollywood Cash)一直在為他們的下一個大熱門建造一座看起來很昂貴的房子。裡面的好色夫婦已經把門打開了,CJ的工作人員抓住機會偷偷溜進去。亞歷克斯和好萊塢在房子里爬行,在那裡他們發現了一個淫蕩的性愛房間,裡面裝滿了精緻的性玩具和花哨的屁股插頭!房主,金髮女郎凱拉·凱登(Kayla Kayden)認為自己聽到了噪音,當場抓住了兩個親信。沒有人戳凱拉的設計師屁股塞並僥倖逃脫。很快,大奶凱拉開始讓男人工作並實現她的終極 DP 幻想!

Melody Marks 在 '按摩師得到一個油膩的足交'

Melody Marks - 按摩師得到一個油膩的足交

Melody,一個火辣的角質家庭主婦,在等待按摩師亞歷克斯到來時用鉗子取笑她的丈夫。老公是一條冷魚,所以梅洛迪堅持要亞歷克斯採取行動,亞歷克斯在按門鈴後立即看到了她活潑的圓奶子! 梅洛迪在老公背後炫耀她性感的曲線,他幫助亞歷克斯擺好桌子,導致亞歷克斯震驚地把桌子摔在老公的腳上!在他蹣跚而行后,梅洛迪給自己加油並取笑亞歷克斯,然後告訴他已經把她揉下來了。在浸油的按摩過程中,梅洛迪拉下亞歷克斯的褲子,給他一個油膩的足交,然後讓他在老公的鼻子下操她的奶子.....就在老公的鼻子下!亞歷克斯在按摩床上操梅洛迪,然後在梅洛迪的腳上射精,然後滑動桌子將她的奶子穿過洞!不久之後,他們被破壞了,亞歷克斯被一個非常生氣的老公趕了出去!

Christie Stevens 在 '淘氣的熟婦被專橫的哥特打敗'

Christie Stevens - 淘氣的熟婦被專橫的哥特打敗


Lulu Chu 在 '練習第2部分'

Lulu Chu - 練習第2部分

Lulu Chu的精子診所是頂級的,她有一個候診室,裡面擠滿了渴望排干腫脹球的男人。她將熱情的病人引導到各個房間,吸吮他們,撫摸他們,並將他們的精液引導到他們正確指定的容器中。進出這些房間的工作很累,所以露露決定同時與山羊迷宮和亞歷克斯鐘斯加倍——聰明而努力地工作!露露利用她的專業知識來擠奶他們夢寐以求的精子樣本,她的嘴和陰部同樣地工作他們的雞巴。這項工作具有挑戰性,但很有回報,露露的精液飛濺的樣品杯就是證明!

Mona Azar 在 '正式性交:莫娜的第一次輪姦'

Mona Azar - 正式性交:莫娜的第一次輪姦

Mona Azar組建了一支一流的5人團隊進行輪姦。她想要狂野,,她想要她的男人穿西裝——這是她的第一個!衣著俐落的幫派懷疑他們是否能完成它,但在莫娜的強硬鼓勵、吮吸雞巴和性感熱身之後,他們沉著地完成了它。

Luna Star 在 '美國賓博第3部分 - 女老闆'

Luna Star - 美國賓博第3部分 - 女老闆

可愛的辦公室女孩Summer Col想要一些尊重 - 和一些雞巴 - 來自熱混蛋同事亞歷克斯鐘斯。謝天謝地,她的仙女賓博出現了説明她。夏天變成了她一直夢想成為的壞蛋女老闆(露娜星)。盧娜負責亞歷克斯,讓他吃她的陰戶,然後用他堅硬的雞巴搗她。她抽幹了亞歷克斯的雞巴,終於向他表明她在這裡負責!

Aubree Valentine 在 '鬼鬼祟祟的室友喜歡多姆'

Aubree Valentine - 鬼鬼祟祟的室友喜歡多姆

Aubree Valentine和Gizelle Blanco正在客廳里和他們的男朋友看電影。嬌小的吉澤爾的男朋友亞歷克斯鐘斯對她來說是一個傢伙,所以她決定和可愛的奧布里玩得開心。然而,當奧布里和她的男朋友偷偷溜走勾搭時,吉澤爾感到無聊和孤獨。幸運的是,好色的吉澤爾是無恥的,所以她偷偷溜進臥室加入勾搭!吉澤爾正在支配奧布里,並向她展示如何打擊她的男朋友,這時亞歷克斯偶然發現了鬼鬼祟祟的三人組。奧布里的男朋友立即破產,所以女人們把他從亞歷克斯身上換出來,騎他,直到他們完全滿意為止!

Bridgette B 在 '看著你的妻子被肛門'

Bridgette B - 看著你的妻子被肛門

布裡奇特 B 一直在等待合適的時間和合適的雞巴在她的男人面前操她,今晚是晚上。她給丈夫一個驚喜,讓他成為這片土地上最幸福的。她把亞歷克斯鐘斯帶過來了,他的工作是處理她多汁的大奶子和完美的屁股,而她的丈夫則在觀察和行為。布裡奇特吞噬了亞歷克斯嘴裏的每一寸雞巴和她的屁股,並在她的男人看著時用力射精。把自己放在這個幸運的屄的位置上,在這個變態的肛門POV體驗中。

Karla Kush 在 '使卡拉噴。'

Karla Kush - 使卡拉噴。

亞歷克斯·鐘斯正在他的新手機上測試相機。這個測試的首選科目:他性感的女朋友卡拉庫什!他發現卡拉在內衣里回覆電子郵件, 開始記錄她的屁股。卡拉起初有點尷尬, 但當亞歷克斯開始揉她的貓, 讓她的內褲都濕了時, 不能抱怨。亞歷克斯一直玩那個貓, 直到卡拉噴通過她的內褲。相機保持滾動, 因為熱夫婦開始亂搞。

Abella Danger 在 '跳舞圓頂'

Abella Danger - 跳舞圓頂


Rachele Richey 在 '乳房乳頭腫脹'

Rachele Richey - 乳房乳頭腫脹

面對他媽的球迷和山雀愛好者都會對今天的熱門場景絕對狂野,因為我們最新的辣妹Rachele Richey讓她的喉嚨像一個飢腸轆轆的他媽的。看看Rachele的大多汁的胸部和沙漏圖,然後想像一下,她的屁股吸吮的嘴唇纏在一個厚厚的軸上,滑到底部。亞歷克斯·瓊斯以心情爆發了Rachele的嘴巴,並把這把劍 - 吞嚥者的深層技能進行了測試。在用大錘子的尖叫癢癢的食道之後,亞歷克斯猛擊了Rachele的洞,並因為生前性生活而感到呻吟。

Diamond Foxxx 在 '警察和女兒'

Diamond Foxxx - 警察和女兒

當蒂芙尼·班尼斯特(Tiffany Bannister)在貿易學校外面毆打公雞時,逮捕官員把這位青少年的賤人帶回了她的新媽媽Diamond Foxx。當然,所有鑽石想知道的是,如果Tiff正確地吸了那隻公雞,就像一個真正的飢餓的skank會。當鑽石不相信她的時候,蒂夫會勇敢地做得更好,並且把她帶回家的逮捕人員的技能表現出來。一旦蒂夫得到了袖扣,就像她問,蒂夫把那個整個雞巴深深的咽在她的喉嚨裡,表明她能走多遠。看到有趣的是,Milf Diamond Foxx如此強硬,她根本無法阻擋,並展現出自己的專家技巧。然後兩個強壯的女士他媽的他們的填充,並輪流撞擊角質警察在這個史詩三人行!

Adriana Chechik 在 '偉大的醫生第二部分'

Adriana Chechik - 偉大的醫生第二部分

一隻公雞永遠不能夠像Adriana Chechik這樣真正的核心淋巴蕩婦。當她與李博士結婚治療性成癮時,第二步涉及三名捆綁男子的角色來幫助她。三隻懸掛的兄弟們在阿德里安娜身上蹦蹦跳跳,而且她沒有時間在她的陰戶裡有一個雞巴,嘴裡有一隻公雞,手中的一個笨蛋都在爭奪她的鄙視。阿德里安娜沒有足夠的雞巴,沒有時間她是性感的DP風格,她的混蛋和貓咪伸出來,即使她快樂地吸了一個刺,被窒息,她是如何喜歡的。阿德里安娜結束了她的治療與一個臉和下巴​​塗抹了幾個jizz!

來自其他網站的場景特色 Alex Jones

Valentina Nappi 在 'The Perfect Meal'

Valentina Nappi - The Perfect Meal

Valentina loves two things - food and fucking... the order of which is dependent on the quality of either. After live streaming a pasta tutorial, Valentina is hungry and has the perfect meal waiting for her in the bedroom.

Gizelle Blanco 在 'Background Action'

Gizelle Blanco - Background Action

After work, a career woman escapes her routine with anonymous sex at the cinema. When a stranger requests a repeat performance, Gizelle has to up the stakes in the second act.

Kendra Sunderland 在 'Glass Castle'

Kendra Sunderland - Glass Castle

Kept-woman Kendra finds release with another man

Athena Anderson 在 'Stunning MILF Athena Uses Bellboy For Her Pleasure'

Athena Anderson - Stunning MILF Athena Uses Bellboy For Her Pleasure

A lecturer with the name of a goddess and an attitude to match doesn't have to try to get a bellboy obsessing, but he'll have to pull out everything he's got to stoke her interest.

Kianna Dior 在 'KIANNA DIOR Busty Cum Slut 10 Sc. 3'

Kianna Dior - KIANNA DIOR Busty Cum Slut 10 Sc. 3

Extremely busty porn legend Kianna Dior stars in her own wild west-themed vignette! The stacked MILF negotiates rocky terrain in boots, gloves, a thin black bikini and a cowboy hat. Some lewd voiceover by our star sets the tone as Kianna moves indoors to greet horny rustlers Alex Jones and Dan Damage. They suck her huge, naked breasts. She drops down to give Alex's big Black cock a blowjob. Kianna slobbers on their schlongs with depraved oral lust. She straddles Alex, his dick in her twat. Then Dan rails her pussy doggie-style. In various positions, she takes one rod in the mouth the other in her twat. Kianna squeezes her big boobs around Alex's prick for an oiled titty fuck. Dan too drives his dick between her slickened knockers. The feral threesome builds to a creamy conclusion as the guys blast Kianna with cum facials. She uses a small serving tray to catch the sticky drippings, and she slurps up the spunky runoff.

Jia Lissa 在 'Lawless Part 5'

Jia Lissa - Lawless Part 5

Lawless Part 5

Kianna Dior 在 'KIANNA DIOR Busty Cum Slut 10 Sc. 1'

Kianna Dior - KIANNA DIOR Busty Cum Slut 10 Sc. 1

Voluptuous, massively stacked MILF Kianna Dior wears black lingerie and silky stockings for a six-man blowbang featuring Brad Knight, Alex Jones, Alex Mack, Jay Smooth, Donny Sins and director Jonni Darkko! She lays on the dirty talk as she masturbates. Kianna kneels to throttle a pair of big cocks in her hands and mouth, till she chokes. She sucks more boners with spit-gargling blowjob intensity. Kianna eats meat in a frenzy. Slobber drops from her chin to her big tits. The dudes dick-slap her tongue and swaying jugs. Foot fetish: The buxom brunette's nylon-encased toes stroke schlongs. Kianna polishes more cock heads in the midst of vigorous titty fucking. The oral depravity escalates, with Kianna servicing each tool. A conga line of swinging pricks plasters Kianna with multiple cum facials, nearly sealing her eyes closed! Drenched in torrents of jism, she laps up excess semen from a serving tray, swallowing every drop!

Syren De Mer 在 'Curvy Mature Syren Rides His Young Cock Poolside'

Syren De Mer - Curvy Mature Syren Rides His Young Cock Poolside

A window washer finds himself enchanted by Syren's song.

Vanna Bardot 在 'Influence: Vanna Bardot - Part 3'

Vanna Bardot - Influence: Vanna Bardot - Part 3

Vanna gets lucky, and then she gets busted. She might be able to charm her way into getting twice as lucky, with the help of a trick up her… wherever. Part 3 of 5. Stay looped in with Part 4 on SLAYED.

Kendra Sunderland 在 'Chemistry Class In Session'

Kendra Sunderland - Chemistry Class In Session

If you look up the definition of a "sexy couple", you are going to find pictures of Kendra Sunderland and Alex Jones. Not only do they just look incredibly hot together, but the sex vibes they were putting out could probably be felt miles away! I cant wait to bring their energy back to Rickys Room.

Tommy King 在 'Ass Fit For A King'

Tommy King - Ass Fit For A King

Tommy Mother Fucking King!! Really enough said, but I know you want to hear all about how she came through and brought all that ass with her. Alex Jones won the lottery, as he got to work that pawg ass, I mean literally. Tommy told him 'you know pussy is good but it's a special bang bros occasion, put it in my ass'. Alex lasted as long as any man could with Tommy tight ass and phat booty bouncing everywhere. And with the mess he left on her face it is a very good indication he enjoyed himself. We love you Tommy and all that ass too.

Alexis Tae 在 'Petite anal-queen gets DPed'

Alexis Tae - Petite anal-queen gets DPed

Petite anal-queen Alexis is looking sweet. But this brunette queen is full of dirty little secrets: come see how cute she looks when she's acting nasty at the same time.

Alexis Malone 在 'Dream Mom Sucks College Kids Cock Dry'

Alexis Malone - Dream Mom Sucks College Kids Cock Dry

Dream Mom Sucks College Kid's Cock Dry

Violet Starr 在 'Dirty Wives Club'

Violet Starr - Dirty Wives Club

Violet Starr just got stood up yet again by her husband. Their roommate, Alex over hears her telling him off and to cheer her up asks if she would like to hang out with him. To get back at her husband Violet agrees but also wants to get back at him by sucking and fucking Alex's huge cock.

Haley Spades 在 'Cute Girl Take Monster Cock'

Haley Spades - Cute Girl Take Monster Cock

Today we have the beautiful Haley Spades! She is here to show us her small but amazing figure. She is also ready to take a huge monster cock. To service her today is Alex Jones who has a huge dick for Haley to suck. After giving him a long blowjob she gets banged from all positions until he cums in her pretty face.

Savannah Bond 在 'Anal Hungry MILF Seduces Her Sons Friend'

Savannah Bond - Anal Hungry MILF Seduces Her Sons Friend

Fresh out of a relationship, a wet-behind-the-ears college student finds himself alone with his friend's nurturing, overly forward mother.

Jennifer White 在 'Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 4'

Jennifer White - Deep Inside Jennifer White Sc. 4

Glamorous, fantastic porn MILF Jennifer White's neon green lingerie perfectly complements the surrounding neon set decoration. The stunning lady teases and strips, flaunting big boobs and a lusciously fit, tanned body. Surrounded by eight hung studs (Jax Slayher, Rob Piper, Richard Mann, Alex Jones, Hollywood Cash, Dan Damage, Musa Phoenix and Lawson Jones), Jennifer asks, 'Are you guys gonna make me your fuck toy today?' Moments later on the couch, huge cocks simultaneously fill her pussy and asshole in a double penetration. She gives a slobbering blowjob, rendering herself airtight! Jennifer's chunky butt jiggles as one dick drills her cunt and another hammers her anus. Epic gangbang action includes drooling, ass-to-mouth head; throat reaming; and rectal gaping! The dudes take turns on her holes, slam-fucking her to multiple, squirting orgasms! She moans through slimy lube injections and intense anal reaming. Finally, Jennifer drops to her knees, and each guy slathers her with a cum facial -- the combined result is a graphic, bukakke-style mess.

Hadiya Honey 在 'Naughty Bookworms'

Hadiya Honey - Naughty Bookworms

Hadiya Honey is feeling down and her favorite teacher notices so he asks her what's wrong. Hadiya is hesitant to talk but eventually opens up and reveals that she is feeling down because her boyfriend told her that she is a bad kisser. Since she is 18 and legal, her teacher offers to give his opinion, so Hadiya kisses him and her teacher lets her know that she is in fact a great kisser! He then asks if she and her boyfriend do anything else and Hadiya lets him know that they fuck, but her boyfriend finishes too early. That's when her teacher offers to give her some of his big cock to show her how a real man fucks. After seeing how big her teacher's cock is Hadiya can't refuse that offer and has him fuck her all over the classroom.

Kira Noir 在 'Curtain Call'

Kira Noir - Curtain Call

Curtain Call

Natasha Nice 在 'Curvy Milf Gets DPed By 2 Eager Young Studs'

Natasha Nice - Curvy Milf Gets DPed By 2 Eager Young Studs

When Natasha practices her serve, the male staff at her country club can't peel their eyes off the hem of her tennis skirt. Today one workout isn't enough for Natasha: she'll be hitting up the sauna for a deuce.

Violet Myers 在 'Good Vibes'

Violet Myers - Good Vibes

Violet was so excited for this barbeque, until the weather rained all over her vibes. But if Violet can't grab a hot dog, maybe she can still get a sandwich.

Vicki Chase 在 'VICKI CHASE NINFOMANA Sc.5 Gangbang'

Vicki Chase - VICKI CHASE NINFOMANA Sc.5 Gangbang

Comely porn queen Vicki Chase stuns in glamorous lingerie, teasing to initiate a grand gangbang! Seven men make her the center of attention, groping her, and Vicki worships seven big cocks. Insatiable Vicki services Dan Damage, Jax Slayher, Rob Piper, Alex Jones, Richard Mann, Lawson Jones and Hollywood Cash in a nasty blowbang. Action heightens as two studs double-penetrate Vicki, simultaneously slam-fucking her pussy and asshole! She gives a choking blowjob through intense DP pounding, riding and whimpering as big Black cocks stuff and hammer her lower orifices. Raunchy anal reaming comes with ass-to-mouth flavor and crude rectal gaping, plus serious double-anal debauchery! Vicki's cunt ejaculates girl squirt! She returns to her knees for an epic finale. Each guy rewards her with a messy cum facial. Covered in wads of oozing sperm, irrepressible Vicki looks into the camera and says, 'Do I look like a fucking champion whore?!'

Vicki Chase 在 'Mouths of Babes Part 2'

Vicki Chase - Mouths of Babes Part 2

Vicki's back and everyone deserves a chance to meet Vicki. Warmed up by a massive blowbang, the doctor, his orderly, and a security guard try to subdue her in her room. She subdues them instead.

Lindsay Lee 在 'Naughty America'

Lindsay Lee - Naughty America

Alex's regular masseuse is out sick so he has Lindsay Lee taking care of him today. Lindsay is not like his usual masseuse, Lindsay is hot! So Alex can't help but to get a hard on while she rubs on him. Lindsay notices his big throbbing member and Alex invites her to play with it. If there's one thing Lindsay can't turn down it's big cock, so she eagerly takes it in her hand, mouth, and pussy before swallowing Alex's hot jizz.

Sara Jay 在 'Seduced By A Cougar'

Sara Jay - Seduced By A Cougar

Sara Jay is interviewing someone for an open position at her company. Little does this man know though, is that Sara is looking to hire a gigolo. If this man wants the job he's going to have to show her what he's got first. He gladly fucks her silly to prove he's got what it takes to be her next top gigolo.

Vicki Chase 在 'Mouth of Babes Part 1'

Vicki Chase - Mouth of Babes Part 1

An infamous ward at a mental institution plays her biggest game yet in cell block D.

London River 在 'oils up her big ass before taking big black dick from Alex Jones'

London River - Naughty America

London River knows she has a great ass and a great set of tits, so she oils them up and shakes them for you. Eventually Alex shows up and stuffs her juicy pussy with his big dick and cums all over that hot ass of hers!

Keely Rose 在 'Naughty America'

Keely Rose - Naughty America

Keely Rose is out relaxing when she becomes acquainted with a neighbor that has noticed her. he's been eyeing her big ass tits and wants to make them bounce and jiggle. Lucky for him, Keely is ready to take on this stranger and his huge cock!

Adira Allure 在 'I Have a Wife'

Adira Allure - I Have a Wife

Alex had a wild bachelor party thrown last night and a new morning brings sexy striper Adira Allure with a hunger for cock. The night ended late so she crashed on his couch. Adira caught a glimpse of his big cock and now she wants to fuck him before her morning coffee and starting her day.

Keira Croft 在 'My Daughter's Hot Friend'

Keira Croft - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Keira Croft was supposed to meet her friend at her house, but her friend was running late. Instead Keira finds her friend's dad, Alex, pleasuring himself to some anal porn. Curious and surprised, Keira wants it in her butt, but can she fit that huge cock in there?

Sarah Jessie 在 'Dive In'

Sarah Jessie - Dive In

Tight and pert, Sarah's ass commands attention. Once you see her in lingerie, you'll wonder how such a sweet girl came up with such dirty ideas.

Nicole Aria 在 'The Fixer'

Nicole Aria - The Fixer

What's in a label? Some might call Nicole a home wrecker, but she prefers to think of herself as a fixer: when she sees a man in a terrible relationship, she gives him a reason to get hard in the morning.

Lauren Phillips 在 'Naughty America'

Lauren Phillips - Naughty America

Lauren Phillips' husband is being bullied by his boss, Alex, so Lauren decides to march to Alex's home and give him a piece of her mind. While there, Lauren finds out that Alex is actually thinking of firing Lauren's husband, but Lauren would do anything for her husband...even if that means fucking his boss so that he can keep his job.

Alina West 在 'has a plan to get her friend's daddy to fuck her ASS'

Alina West - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Bad girl Alina West is at her friend's house but her friend is out. She'll have to kill time and wait a bit. Her friend's dad, Alex, is home and Alina has always wanted to fuck him. This is the moment she has been longing for -- having that big long black cock in her tight ASS!

Maitland Ward 在 'Drift EP 2'

Maitland Ward - Drift EP 2

At a premiere the same night, one of Maitland's costars invites her to come home with him. Her response is that she'll only come to him if he can present her with something better than what she might find herself, and so sets off adrift through a seedy urban nightscape in this game they've created. Maitland's next mark is easy. He's already watching her. Part 2 of 5

Cassie Del Isla 在 'Naughty Office'

Cassie Del Isla - Naughty Office

Alex can't believe his French boss, Cassie Del Isla, made him work on Labor Day while all his friend's are out having fun. There is a reason she asked him to come in though. Cassie wanted some time alone with Alex and his big cock, so Cassie gives Alex a choice, he can leave and join his friend's or he can stay and pound Cassie's wet pussy. Alex is a smart man so of course he chooses the later of the two.

April Olsen 在 'Knows Best Sc. 2: DP 4-Way'

April Olsen - Knows Best Sc. 2: DP 4-Way

Beautiful, butt-blessed April Olsen is dolled up to the nines, looking like an oversexed cheerleader with an obsession for big cock. The evil angel's tiny skirt shows her luscious booty; her tight top barely covers her natural tits; and her necklace reads, 'Whore.' Playing with pom-poms, April teases and strips, looking ripe for intense anal reaming. Before long, players Mick Blue, Alex Jones and Rob Piper approach, all three of them hard and ready for some post-game pounding. April sucks Alex's massive, dark dick as Rob and Mick simultaneously ream her pussy and butthole in a raunchy, filling double penetration slamming! Messy backdoor mayhem includes hard buttfuck riding; slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjobs; and lewd rectal gaping! The players reward April's foursome efforts in a sloppy finale: Mick's thick white meat and the two big Black cocks decorate her with oozing cum facials!

Savannah Bond 在 'Endless Appetite'

Savannah Bond - Endless Appetite

Busty, blue-eyed, and blonde: Savannah is a wet dream at bath time. But when she's towelled off and dolled up in lingerie, she fulfils the wildest fantasies.

Mimi Monet 在 'cheers up her friend's brother with her mouth and pussy after she finds out he just got dumped'

Mimi Monet - My Sister's Hot Friend

Mimi Monet just got notice that her friend's brother Alex just went through a break up. She's been wanted to fuck him for a LONG time so now's her chance to make things happen and for her to get that dick in her.

Jamie Michelle 在 'Dirty Wives Club'

Jamie Michelle - Dirty Wives Club

Jamie Michelle is home alone when she finds an escort card in her husband's dirty pair of pants. Jamie wants to get to the bottom of it and calls one of his co-workers over. She soon realizes that his co-worker has a bigger cock and she wants her wet pussy all over it.

Jessica Ryan 在 'Irrepressible'

Jessica Ryan - Irrepressible

Everyone knows a Jessica, but you've never met one like this. Mysterious and scandalous, Jessica turns heads in her microdress. She might not be the girl next door, but when the lights go down Jessica might just be the girl of your dreams.

Liz Jordan 在 'Alterations'

Liz Jordan - Alterations

Liz has been trying to keep things professional with her colleague for months, but the sexual tension keeps heating up. When serendipity strikes, it provides the spark she's looking for to jump into action and cross a boundary.

Lilly Bell 在 'Cash Cash Money'

Lilly Bell - Cash Cash Money

Say what you want about Lilly: she knows how to take revenge. When it's time to get back at her scumbag boss, it means cleaning him out. But if she's going to get away with it, she'll need a partner in crime.

Reina Rae 在 'So Wrong But So Right'

Reina Rae - So Wrong But So Right

Reina's sister won't stop fighting with her husband, so Reina comes up with a solution. When her sister isn't around, Reina lets her husband blow off all the steam he can with an illicit, energetic screw.

Charlie Valentine 在 'Hot body Pornstars Charlie Valentine and Scarlett Mae are here to fuck you!'

Charlie Valentine - Hot body Pornstars Charlie Valentine and Scarlett Mae are here to fuck you!

Bubble butt princess' Charlie Valentine & Scarlett Mae want to oil up their bodies and get their hands on you. This bad girl sexy duo is this week's pick to ride your thick cock until your balls run dry!

Charli Phoenix 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Charli Phoenix - Big Cock Bully

Charli Phoenix just found out her son has been missing school because he owes Alex money after wrecking his car. Charli wants her son back in school so she stops by Alex's house to try and figure out how to pay him back the money her son owes. Unfortunately, Charli doesn't have the money so Alex lets her work off the debt by riding his dick.

Electra Rayne 在 'Masseuse babes Electra Rayne, Eliza Eves, and Skylar Snow surprise a patron with a happy ending'

Electra Rayne - Masseuse babes Electra Rayne, Eliza Eves, and Skylar Snow surprise a patron with a happy ending

Masseuse babe Skylar Snow notices a big long dick under the towel of her latest client. She quickly goes to her masseuse friends, Electra Rayne and Eliza Eves, to let them know what she's found. All three girls insist they go back in there and see if they can get a better look. Sure enough, Skylar was right and now these babes can't help themselves to the big dick.

Charlotte Sins 在 'Sexy trio Ailee Anne, Bella Luna, and Charlotte Sins 'cum' to your Memorial Day BBQ and share your massive cock'

Charlotte Sins - Sexy trio Ailee Anne, Bella Luna, and Charlotte Sins 'cum' to your Memorial Day BBQ and share your massive cock

Memorial Day break is in full swing and Ailee Anne, Bella Luna and Charlotte Sins are the special guests at your Memorial Day BBQ. They have heard what goes on at this type of party but they didn't expect that big cock of yours! Since they are hungry, why not feed that big dick to all three girls at the same time and then let them take turns sliding it in their juicy pussy's as they take turn worshiping you and that sausage of yours.

Riley Steele 在 'It's Over'

Riley Steele - It's Over

Riley is an old-fashioned romantic who would rather have her man all to herself than a series of random hook-ups. There is one little obstacle, but it's nothing some proceedings can't solve…

Savannah Bond 在 'The Gangbang Of Savannah Bond'

Savannah Bond - The Gangbang Of Savannah Bond

Savannah Bond's first gangbang! Watch six huge cocks fight over all her sex holes. These guys get to stick their cocks where ever they want. No hole is off limits! Up her ass, double penetration, multiple cocks down her throat at the same time, and double vag. Savannah Bond is a true sexual athlete!

Amber Moore 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Amber Moore - Big Cock Bully

Amber Moore finds out that her brother is being picked on by a bully on his own team. Amber won't stand for that, so she marches to the bully's home to confront him. The bully thinks they can work a deal out, if Amber follows him to his room and milks his cock of jizz then he will leave her wimpy brother alone. Amber would do anything to protect her bro, so she does what that big bad bully tells her.

Avery Cristy 在 'Some Boys Club'

Avery Cristy - Some Boys Club

How do you live with an unrequited crush? Avery has always been attracted to her old roommate Alexis, but she never wanted to ruin a good dynamic. Alexis has always had her eye on Avery's boyfriend. Will one of these besties risk their friendship to make a move?

Payton Preslee 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Payton Preslee - Big Cock Bully

Payton Preslee's tired of her boyfriend's frat bro, Alex, always taking her boyfriend's stuff just because Alex is the president of the frat. This time Alex went to far and took his laptop. Payton stops by to see Alex and stand up for her boyfriend, since her boyfriend can't do it himself. She really wants Alex to ease up on her boyfriend, but Alex won't agree to...unless Payton shows him her tits. She reluctantly does it, but when Alex takes out his massive cock Payton is mesmerized and gladly takes that sucker deep in her pussy.

Carmen Valentina 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Carmen Valentina - Big Cock Bully

Carmen Valentina's son keeps getting picked on by Alex and his friends, so Carmen stops by to pay Alex's parents a visit. Unfortunately, the only person home when she gets there is Alex himself. Carmen decides that if she can't talk to his parents than she'll tell Alex directly to stop bullying her son, but Alex has other plans. Alex see's how Carmen looks at him and he thinks she's kind of hot too, so he makes a little deal with Carmen. Alex promises to stop bullying Carmen's son if Carmen slides that pussy of hers over his cock. Well, she does find Alex a bit attractive, so it's not the worst deal in the world. Carmen goes ahead and gives Alex what he wants. To her surprise though, he's got a nice big cock! Besides, this was all for her son's sake of course.

Rory Knox 在 'Blonde hotties, Rory Knox and Summer Vixen, want that big cock of yours up their ASS!!!'

Rory Knox - Blonde hotties, Rory Knox and Summer Vixen, want that big cock of yours up their ASS!!!

Rory Knox & Summer Vixen are warming up and stretching their ass with a special anal toy, to make room for that big cock of yours. Enjoy the anal show!!

Rebel Rhyder 在 'Triple Anal and Airtight!'

Rebel Rhyder - Triple Anal and Airtight!

Fishnet-clad blonde Rebel Rhyder flaunts her newly enhanced mammaries in a seductive bikini tease. She sucks a monolithic dildo, blonde locks framing her cute face as she swallows the enormous toy phallus. Rebel squats on it, jamming the toy into her bald cunt and asshole. Cue heavy-hitting porn vets Alex Jones, John Strong and Seth Gamble for a foursome! Rebel strokes their cocks and provides blowjobs. The men trade her holes, filling each with hard meat. They ream the creamy beauty's asshole as she slurps on-deck dicks. Nasty Rebel rims assholes as dudes ride her face like a bicycle seat and teabag her chin. The men double penetrate her, dicks simultaneously stuffing pussy and butthole! And they render Rebel airtight, feverishly humping and hammering all three of her holes at once! Incorrigible Rebel graduates to double-anal reaming and triple penetration. Her asshole manages to consume three boners at once in an outrageous, triple-anal reaming! Rebel sucks the pricks ass-to-mouth. Loads of semen spew her in a messy, multiple cum facial!

Daisy Stone 在 'I Have a Wife'

Daisy Stone - I Have a Wife

Daisy Stone is house sitting for a friend while its being renovated. She's watching her favorite show about a sexy man cheating on his wife. Due to the work being done on the house, she heads downstairs to see how its coming. Surprised at what she sees, and gets to relive her tv show fantasy with an appetite for some married cock.

Summer Hart 在 'takes advantage of her driver when she persuades him into helping her with a task in her home'

Summer Hart - Perfect Fucking Strangers

Drivers aren't supposed to go in the homes of their clients, but Summer Hart knows how to persuade a man. When the driver comes in to help move furniture, it turns out to be a ruse. Summer Hart really wanted him to take care of her juicy wet pussy!

Maitland Ward 在 'Muse 2 Showcase'

Maitland Ward - Muse 2 Showcase

Ernest's obsession with Maitland has not waned, and Mona tries to intercept those attentions. Ivy's departure leaves a void that Avery turns to Lulu to fill as Jessie exacts her revenge. Maitland finds herself across from a student who needs her but can't bridge the gap in this new landscape. Maitland snaps as Avery channels pent-up emotion toward the stage. The final showdown begins.

Gia Derza 在 'Savannah Bond Beach Bikini Slut Sc. 4'

Gia Derza - Savannah Bond Beach Bikini Slut Sc. 4

Blonde bombshell Savannah Bond showcases her big, ripe melons as foamy waves crash along the shoreline. Ms. Bond spreads big-eyed, brunette cupcake Gia Derza's ass spread and inserts a toy up Gia's butthole. Savannah gives a tasty lesbian rim job. Gia toys Savannah's butt and licks her gal pal's sphincter. Stud Alex Jones shares his dick with the bikini bunnies -- they stroke and suck his big Black cock. Savannah rides his dark shaft as he delivers an anal reaming. Gia sucks his fat nuts while his meat probes Savannah's tight asshole. Petite Gia gives an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Gia squats and rides a big boner. Savannah sucks Gia's ass essence from his plunging ramrod. Gia spreads her girlfriend's butt cheeks, allowing Alex to re-enter her exit. Alex thrusts his meat between Savannah's big tits. 'Make it fucking disappear!' Savannah commands, needing a titty fuck. The girls take to their knees to issue a spit-covered, double blowjob. Alex spackles their cute kissers with a cum facial. The two ladies snowball his semen in a lesbian kiss. Great action that's 'licensed to thrill'!

Savannah Bond 在 'Beach Bikini Slut Sc. 2'

Savannah Bond - Beach Bikini Slut Sc. 2

Winner - Best Blowbang Scene, AVN 2022

Sexy blonde eye-candy Savannah Bond basks beachfront in the setting sun. She lustily shows off her big tits and sultry bikini bod. Studs Alex Jones, Air Thugger, Scotty P, Lucas Frost and Alex Mack have their meat out and ready for Savannah's first blowbang ever! She deepthroats a big Black cock. Savannah spit-lubes, slurps and strokes the pricks, taking each in her thick-lipped, sensuous mouth. The blowbang escalates as the dudes dick-slap her tits and face. She submerges a giant black pole in her cleavage for in a bouncy titty fuck. Surrounded by pricks, the multi-tasking lady squeezes a dork in each hand while keeping her mouth fully engorged. She goes horizontal for some enthusiastic cleavage cramming. Big cocks take turns pumping away between her knockout knockers. 'Use me up like a fucking cum dumpster!' demands Savannah, her Aussie accent a horny plus. The sexy blonde cocksucker gets her pervy wish as all five guys drain their balls in a massive, bukkake cum facial!

Carolina Sweets 在 'Oh So Sweet'

Carolina Sweets - Oh So Sweet

Carolina puts on her best lingerie to get ready for Alex's cock. Lifting her perfect ass into the air as she sucks his big black dick, begging to get it balls deep in her hot little pussy.

Kianna Dior 在 'Stud, Then Director Soak Kianna Dior'

Kianna Dior - Stud, Then Director Soak Kianna Dior

Voluptuous Asian MILF Kianna Dior shows off her gigantic tits in leopard print lingerie, stripping and teasing on the bed. The busty babe crawls toward hung stud Alex Jones, worshiping his thick, dark dick with a slobbering interracial blowjob. Nasty spit lubes Alex's prick through a slick titty fuck, and saliva gushes from her mouth as his meat reams her throat. Alex rewards the bodacious vixen with a creamy cum facial, but Kianna isn't done yet! Director Jonni Darkko steps in to finish her off, slathering Kianna's kisser in stringy wads of hot semen.

Adriana Chechik 在 'Adriana Chechik's Extreme Gangbang'

Adriana Chechik - Adriana Chechik's Extreme Gangbang

Master director Jonni Darkko presents porn superstar Adriana Chechik and six big cocks in an extreme interracial gangbang featuring DP, DVP, DAP and torrential cunt squirting! The glamorous, auburn-haired stunner shows off her lithe, natural body, teasing in pink lingerie, heels and seamed stockings. Star stud Markus Dupree goes straight to anal, shoving his thick prick into her fabulous ass. When her butthole gapes, Adriana shouts, 'Hold that fucking dirty hole open,' and she talks dirty throughout the scene. Double penetration -- big black cock stuffing her pussy and thick white prick reaming her rear -- makes Adriana ejaculate girl juice all over her lovers. As more dudes converge, she wails and splashes repeated climaxes through a round-robin of white- and dark-meat DP, double-vaginal jamming and double-anal ramming. Huge erections pump like pistons in tandem, and mouth fucking renders her airtight. Adriana writhes and yelps through triple penetration -- first two boners in her bunghole and one in her snatch, then vice versa. See pink rectal prolapse and more graphic gash geysers; she squirts into one guy's mouth! Hard-ons surround Adriana for a spit-soaked, ass-to-mouth, deepthroat blowbang. The aroused fuckers choke, stretch and manhandle the dirty girl till she kneels for seven syrupy cum facials! Adriana blows spunk bubbles and slobbers sperm onto her tits. She drags sheets of semen into her mouth and swallows, earning applause. Darkko's vivid, slow-motion instant replay shows Adriana's reactions as viscous jism paints her forehead, eyelashes, cheeks, teeth and tongue.

Jane Wilde 在 'Anal Gape To Squirt For'

Jane Wilde - Anal Gape To Squirt For

Young, petite show-off Jane Wilde is always up for a challenge. The sweet, sassy babe spreads open her anus through a nasty intro, moaning as Alex Jones probes her with a dildo. His big, dark dick fucks her stretched sphincter, and Jane gags and drools through an interracial, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Alex stuffs a toy ball up Jane's bunghole and then sodomizes her to a cavernous, gaping rectal prolapse! Outrageous action includes an intense squirting orgasm, dirty talk, and messy anal lube injections. Alex fucks Jane's throat and then rewards the raunchy girl with a creamy cum facial.

Penny Archer 在 'has the hots for her friend's brother'

Penny Archer - My Sister's Hot Friend

Alex is starting to paint the bed room as Penny Archer walks in, but she looks so hot that Alex has the great idea to take a break and get into a swimsuit in hopes to get her to put out.

Valentina Nappi 在 'Material Woman'

Valentina Nappi - Material Woman

Valentina has everything she could ever want. As a mega-rich fashion executive, the material world is hers for the taking. In her free time, she loves to wine and dine with her long list of boy toys. Alex is one of her favorites, and after a long work week, she plans on savoring their meeting.

Freja Noir 在 'Dirty Thoughts'

Freja Noir - Dirty Thoughts

Freja spreads her legs, pulling her panties to the side to give Alex a better view as she fingers her pussy. Getting herself wet and ready to be filled by his big, black cock. Her panties are soaked by the time he pulls his cock out for her to take down her throat. His cock nearly splits her cunt open as he slams into her, making her moan and beg for him to shoot his load deep into her.

Lily Lane 在 'Wet Food 9'

Lily Lane - Wet Food 9

Tan, tattooed sex fiend Lily Lane playfully poses, salivating as her huge tits spill from her sleek fishnet outfit. The cock-hungry starlet plays with her wet cunt, soon welcoming eight dudes for a decadent interracial blowbang! Lily giggles as the guys grope her breasts and slap their stiff pricks over her face. Explicit blowjob action features ruthless throat fucking, a squirting orgasm, and a slimy bukakke finale! The fellas slather her with multiple cum facials, and then lewd Lily soaks up their sperm with a donut and eats it!

Emma Hix 在 'Wet Food 9'

Emma Hix - Wet Food 9

Tan, leggy blonde Emma Hix looks delicious as she flaunts her fit body. Wearing sheer lingerie and a choker that reads 'Cum Slut,' she teases, ready for an interracial blowbang with eight studs! Going from glamorous to slutty without hesitation, Emma stuffs her mouth as black and white cocks come at her from every direction. She gags and slobbers through a rabid, throat-fucking blowjob, creating sloppy spit strands while massive shafts surround her. Emma pushes herself to the limit with vulgar, deep-throat fellatio. Eight loads of semen laminate her gorgeous, wrecked face. Coated in sperm, Emma playfully shows off her cum facial reward.

Alina Lopez 在 'Wet Food 9'

Alina Lopez - Wet Food 9

Bad, blonde Latina Alina Lopez is breathtaking in glamorous lingerie, licking her wet, lush lips as she stares into the camera. She performs a hot, slow motion tease, and then five hard cocks encircle Alina for a savage interracial blowbang! The young girl drools and gags as she sucks, gushing slobber through vulgar throat fucking. The guys take turns stuffing Alina's mouth with prick, wrapping her beautiful hair around their dick as they masturbate and wait. They reward the insatiable blowjob sweetheart with a raunchy, bukakke-style slathering! Frosted in five frothy cum facials, Alina shows off her wrecked kisser as the screen fades.

Jane Wilde 在 'Anal Angels 4'

Jane Wilde - Anal Angels 4

Naughty girl Jane Wilde's pretty lips pout, and she jiggles her plump ass in a revealing G-string. Studs Alex Jones and Eddie Jaye offer up their big black cocks, and she opens her throat to give a slobbering double blowjob! The guys pork her spit roast style, fucking her mouth and pussy at the same time. Jane's eyes roll back in her head while she fingers her hungry bunghole. She enjoys a deep, bouncing cock ride. Alex's meaty prick plows Jane's bunghole. Anal fucking makes her rectum gape nastily! Jane gives an ass-to-mouth blowjob and swallows cum, climaxing the interracial threesome.

Chanel Preston 在 'gets fucked'

Chanel Preston - Big Cock Bully

Chanel Preston has a bone to pick with her son's fraternity president. She wants her son to strive no matter the cost, and if her son can't stand the hazing then she'll have to do it for him.

Vicki Chase 在 'Adriana Chechik The Ultimate Slut 2'

Vicki Chase - Adriana Chechik The Ultimate Slut 2

Slender, beautiful Adriana Chechik and glamorous, lusty Latina Vicki Chase share nasty lesbian anal play using a rubber dong and a large ball for rectal insertion. The experienced sluts rim each other and drool into winking sphincters, and Adriana ejaculates girl squirt into Vicki's spread butthole! The girls give black stud Alex Jones a sloppy, interracial blowjob. He fucks their butts, and they suck his big black cock ass-to-mouth. When their gaping bungholes expel lube, the girls lap it up! To climax their wild threesome, the ladies swap spit orally and share a glassful of cum!

Ali Novak 在 'Prom Prep'

Ali Novak - Prom Prep

Ali is excited to go with Alex to prom, except she told him and all his friends they can have a piece of that teen ass after the dance. One small problem, she's a virgin. She's going to need a little warm-up fuck to get her loosened up for the gangbang later!

Bridgette B 在 'Bridgette B. Spanish Fuck Doll'

Bridgette B - Bridgette B. Spanish Fuck Doll

Voluptuous Spanish knockout Bridgette B. poses in a skimpy string bikini. She kneels for a multi-racial titty fuck and blowbang with heavily hung studs Nathan Bronson, Bambino, Kyle Mason, Alex Jones and Isiah Maxwell! The busty blonde eagerly sucks their huge cocks, sucking ball sacs and drooling on her massive tits as she flaunts her exquisite blowjob skill. Bridgette deepthroats dicks until her oil-slickened jugs glisten with her own spit. The guys rut in Bridgette's slippery cleavage and decorate her with a messy group cum facial.

Keira Croft 在 'One Exception'

Keira Croft - One Exception

Keira is completely in love with Alex, but she's promised to keep her virginity until they're married. She wants him so bad though, maybe there's a way she can please him and keep her promise! She offers up her virgin asshole to his massive black dong, taking him slowly at first but wave after wave of orgasms pushes him deeper and faster.

Karla Kush 在 'Anal College'

Karla Kush - Anal College

Karla is the new girl in school, she is passing through the locker room when she bumps into Alex, one of the school's well known Jocks. Alex was in the midst of arranging a prank that involves leaving a buttplug in one of his teammates lockers. Karla takes notice of the buttplug and is very intrigued, she picks up the buttplug and decides to prove to Alex that she isn't just some inexperienced girl from the cornfields of Iowa.

Ella Knox 在 'Indecent Exposure'

Ella Knox - Indecent Exposure


Jane (Ella Knox) waits in the reception area of Dr. Bishop's home office. She is very nervous and agitated. The door to Dr. Bishop's office slowly creaks open. Dr. Bishop (Alex Jones) emerges from the office, telling her to please come in. The camera follows her as she enters the office. Dr. Bishop closes the door and motions for her to sit down in a separate area of the office away from his desk where there are two chairs across from each other, mentioning she should get as comfortable as she likes. She sits in a chair that faces away from his desk. Dr. Bishop formally introduces himself. Jane nods but otherwise doesn't respond. 'I understand that you have been referred to me by Dr. Hill?' The girl nods shyly, yes, she utters. He continues, saying that as he understands it, Dr. Hill is retiring. That kind of change can be very disruptive to a patient's therapy, but he is here to make sure that the transition is smooth, Dr. Bishop continues, walking around behind the chair that she sits in. What brought her to therapy?, he asks. Jane looks a bit thrown off - doesn't he have her file?, she asks. Yes, but he wants to hear it in her own words, he says. Jane takes a deep breath. 'Well, Dr. Hill says I have a fear of...intimacy,' she says slowly. She's having trouble articulating her real issue to a stranger. 'I'm afraid,' Jane finally admits. 'Can you help me?,' Jane asks softly, hopeful. 'I assure you, this is exactly my area of expertise, and I will do EVERYTHING in my power to help you,' he says.

'Let's talk specifically about your phobia. Fear of sex. Do you have a guess as to how this started?' Jane fidgets and says 'no' evasively. 'And HAVE you had sex before? Or has your fear always stopped you before?' Dr. Bishop asks. Jane looks increasingly uncomfortable. Yes, she has, she says quietly, looking down at her lap. 'Can you tell me how old you were when you lost your virginity?' he asks. She guesses it must have been about...4 years ago? She's 22 now, so it was when she was 18, Jane answers. 'Describe it to me,' Dr. Bishop says after a moment, unzipping his fly again. Losing her virginity?! Does he really want her to describe it to him?, Jane asks incredulously. Yes, he says matter-of-factly, since she has a crippling fear of sex, they need to isolate the root cause of it, he says evenly, as unbeknownst to her, he unzips his fly and takes his dick out. He slowly inches it towards her face, but Jane is too in her own head to turn around and notice anything. 'And take your time, dear,' he finishes, 'we're in no hurry,'. Um...ok, Jane says reluctantly.

'My parents were out of town and my brother was having a party, and it...happened that night,' Jane says. Continue, Dr. Bishop says. 'Well, the party was really fun, and I went to my room for a minute to touch up my make-up and...someone came was this guy I knew. We had both had had a few....well let's just say we both had had a few, and I guess that gave him the courage to tell me that he had a crush on me, and before I knew it, things were out of control and I was...naked with him, happened,' Jane says, exhaling loudly as she bites her nails. Please, be specific, Dr. Bishop prompts, pacing slowly behind her as he holds his cock and lightly waves it close to her, coming extremely close to her head, but not touching it. He tells her that to help, she can perform a relaxation exercise as she recounts the story. He tells her to lay her head on the back of the chair and close her eyes, and to focus on nothing but her words as she speaks. Jane does as she's told. Dr. Bishop lays his hand on her shoulder, offering her words of support as he continues to stroke his hard dick with his other hand. After a moment, Jane speaks. 'We started kissing, and he...took off my shirt, and then...I just did it cause I felt like...I had to,' Jane says, her voice quivering with emotion. Abruptly he pulls his cock away and efficiently puts his dick back into his pants, zipping up as he says 'That can be enough for now, Jane. Please open your eyes.'

Jane opens her eyes and turns in her chair to look at him. He leans on the edge of his desk, smiling kindly. 'Take a deep breath, I know that was hard, but you're safe,' Dr. Bishop says. Jane exhales loudly, trying to steady herself after reliving the memory. The doctor remarks this was clearly an incredibly painful and traumatic experience, and in admitting what occurred that night, she has already made significant progress, he says. He is more convinced than ever that that night is the source of her phobia and he now feels comfortable recommending an appropriate course of treatment, Dr. Bishop says. 'Are you familiar with 'Exposure Therapy'?', he asks.


Jane shakes her head. No, she doesn't know what that is. He will explain, he says. 'Exposure therapy is the practice of exposing someone to what they fear the most, demystifying the fear and thus removing it. You have been afraid of sex ever since that experience, so what exposure therapy means for you is that you need to have sex once more, to face that fear, and to overcome it. I believe that this is the only suitable course of action for you,' Dr. Bishop says smoothly. Jane's eyes go wide and her lip begins to tremble. No, no, no, she can't do that, she WON'T do that, she can't just will herself to have sex with some guy!, Jane stammers frantically, clearly terrified at the very thought of it. 'Oh please do not misunderstand me, I'm not suggesting that you engage in some sordid 'one-night-stand'. Exposure therapy must be administered very carefully and under the supervision of a professional, thus I am recommending that I be the one to...administer your therapy,' Dr. Bishop says confidently and matter-of-factly. Jane's jaw drops. 'You want ME to...with YOU?! Are you crazy?? No way,' Jane exclaims.

Dr. Bishop moves towards her. He smiles down coldly. 'I do not take this lightly and only recommend this because I truly believe that this is the correct treatment, but let me be very clear: if you do not want to do this, which is, of course, your right...' at this Dr. Bishop lays a hand firmly on her shoulder. She flinches a bit, but his grip is tight. He continues speaking. 'I'd only see one possible future for you: you would walk out of this office and resolve that you will fix your problem on your own. And maybe you will have some progress at first, but you will eventually revert back to all your old fears, all your old phobias, and you will live the rest of your life terrified. You will not be able to maintain relationships or experience any sort of closeness and ultimately any true pleasure. Before you even realize it, your life will be over. You will die alone, with no one by your side. And that future, for you or for any of my patients? That is MY greatest fear,' Dr. Bishop says. Jane looks confused, wrestling with what he has just told her. 'You can't know that this is what's going to happen!' Jane says, almost pleads. He has been a psychiatrist for almost 15 years and his experience tells him that this is exactly what will happen, he says patiently. 'Don't you want to be happy?' he asks. Jane still seems uncertain but looks up at him with a hopefulness, as if to say: please, please help me. 'Ok, if you promise that it will help me,' she says softly and reluctantly.

Dr. Bishop asks Jane to stand up and face him. Mentioning that any sexual encounter begins with the participants getting naked, he tells her to remove her clothes. Nervously she strips down, exposing her huge tits. Dr. Bishop tells her to lie down on his desk. She hesitantly complies and he spreads her legs, getting his first look at her tight pussy. He lowers his face to it, burying his tongue in her juicy mound. Jane is still uncertain, but can't deny how good his tongue feels on her clit and moans loudly. As she gets more and more into it, Dr. Bishop eats her pussy hungrily. Soon, it's time for the next phase of her treatment, and Dr. Bishop has Jane get on her knees as he frees his cock from his pants.

But Jane's therapy is just beginning, and before her fear of sex is cured, Dr. Bishop is going to expose her to things that she never even DREAMED of...

Karla Kush 在 'fucks her step bro while parents are away'

Karla Kush - Slut Step Sister

Karla Kush is all out of soap! How will she ever get clean? Luckily her step brother is around and she convinces him to give her a rub down before she rubs that cock of his.

Carolina Sweets 在 'Even Sweeter In 5K'

Carolina Sweets - Even Sweeter In 5K

If you couldn't get enough of Carolina Sweets before, you won't believe how scorching hot she is in full 5K! This little fuck bunny loves being in front of the camera showing off her cock handling skills. Those huge eyes are sure to catch your attention as she gobbles up dick.

Brooke Haze 在 'Banging Brooke in 5K'

Brooke Haze - Banging Brooke in 5K

Brooke Haze makes her 5K debut wasting no time in getting a cock deep in her little pussy. You'll be stunned as she takes this big dick all the way down her throat, looking up at you with those big bright eyes. She works her tight, tiny body until she's greeted with a faceful of fresh jizz.

Samantha Rone 在 'Bum Luck'

Samantha Rone - Bum Luck

Samantha may be an uptown girl, but when she notices a big cock hanging out of a bum's pants, she's not afraid to go slumming. This cock obsessed, curvy slut isn't one to let a good thing go to waste, getting on her knees and going to work! Alex's day just keeps getting better as he pumps his giant black dick into her pussy. She rides his cock to completion, letting him fill her cunt with his jizz as she bounces her big ass.

Karla Kush 在 'E Equals MC Black Cock'

Karla Kush - E Equals MC Black Cock

Karla Kush is wearing glasses, so she must be smart, right? Eh, we will just have to go with it. She is tutoring these two big black guys who do not seem to be interested in math at all. But they are interested in Karlas big fat ass. They watch her at the whiteboard, but cannot stop picturing their black cocks all over her face. Karla can sense the tension, so she makes an offer to incentivize these voracious minds. Every time they get an answer right, she takes off a piece of her clothing. Luckily, these two guys are smarter than they look, and pretty soon Karla is not only completely naked, but getting railed front, back and sideways. She takes these two anaconda cocks at the same time, one in her mouth and one in her pussy from behind. She even has the dexterity to pull off jerking two cocks while being fingered and choked. You cannot learn that in a tutoring session!

Jade Kush 在 'Tainted Jewels'

Jade Kush - Tainted Jewels

Alex has stolen a valuable necklace, but before he can fence it, Jade shows up to steal it for herself. Catching Alex right out of the shower, he tells her to get on her knees and suck his big cock. With the jewels framed by her big natural tits, she gets to work on his thick shaft. Those perfect, massive boobs bounce as she rides Alex's big black cock with her tiny Asian body.

Karla Kush 在 'The Pregnant Glow Part 2'

Karla Kush - The Pregnant Glow Part 2

Karla and Alex enjoy their days together. Even though she is far along in her pregnancy they still make sure to take care of each other's sexual needs, no matter the time of day.. The best part of waking up next to your lover is that they're always available for a morning fuck when you wake up horny.

Karla Kush 在 'The Pregnant Glow Part 1'

Karla Kush - The Pregnant Glow Part 1

Karla is expecting pretty soon, but she's still as horny as ever. There's something about her now that she's pregnant that Alex just can't resist. A sort of sexual energy, and besides, the doctor said sex was good exercise for her. A fat load in her mouth is an excellent source of protein as well.

Karla Kush 在 'Cream Pie Inside'

Karla Kush - Cream Pie Inside

After a heated fight, Karla Kush enjoys a wild make-up session with her boyfriend, Alex Jones. Finally they get to fuck each other without any interruptions. Finishing off with a warm, wet cream pie in her tight little hole. Nothing like make up sex and a cum load inside!

India Summer 在 'and Alex Jones and Isiah Maxwell in Seduced By A Cougar'

India Summer - Seduced By A Cougar

India Summer loves college basketball so much that when two players from the local university's team come knocking for a fundraiser donation, she can't help but be excited — and horny! The sexy cougar is fine with giving Alex and Isiah's team money, but she has another idea that she thinks will help them relax and actually win some games this year … her pussy! India seduces the athletes into tag-teaming her with both of their big black cocks to give everyone the release they needed. Threesome teamwork!

Angel Smalls 在 'In Dirty Little Angel'

Angel Smalls - In Dirty Little Angel

Tiny, glamorous, fearless Angel Smalls strips out of skimpy lingerie for a savage, eight-man blow bang! The petite blonde greets hard, hung Rob Carpenter with a slobbery, deep-throating blow job. Before long, a swarm of stiff, throbbing erections encircles her for filthy, spit-soaked fellatio. Angel courageously crams two massive cocks into her mouth at once. A ferocious frenzy of face fucking, gagging and drooling cums to an epic, bukkake-style climax as the gang glazes Angel's angelic face in copious cream.

Holly Hendrix 在 'Holly Hendrix's Anal Experience'

Holly Hendrix - Holly Hendrix's Anal Experience

Glamorous, tanned teen Holly Hendrix is sunning herself by the pool when six beefy dudes surround the petite slut -- they're intent on 'applying some lotion.' The men pick Holly up and take her indoors for a sloppy and vocal blow bang. They fuck her pretty mouth and drill her tiny pussy with their giant pricks. After her little body has been thoroughly used and manhandled, Holly takes several gooey bukkake deposits that mask her adorable face, rendering it a dripping mess!

Morgan Lee 在 'Wanting That Cock'

Morgan Lee - Wanting That Cock

Morgan Lee is thinking she could have some fun today and thankfully has a cock waiting for her at home. She wastes no time getting him hard while she pulls his cock out of his pants and her sexy lingerie that she wears turns him on. She starts riding him hard and ends with a big load on that tight ass of hers!

Adriana Chechik 在 '- The Ultimate Slut'

Adriana Chechik - - The Ultimate Slut

What's a glamorous beauty like Adriana Chechik doing in a filthy, marathon gang bang like this? Well, two white pricks and half-a-dozen big black cocks! This is a thorough, nasty, all-holes manhandling with spanking, choking, greasy sodomy, anal gaping, thick spit running down Adriana's natural body and sex juice rubbed in her face. She's fingered to a squirting orgasm and treated to repeated, serious triple penetration; Adriana wails whenever her mouth isn't cock-stuffed. There's graphic, double-anal plowing, ass-to-mouth flavor, and two dudes lift Adriana bodily for a DP carry-fuck. The slut's intestinal innards bloom angry crimson! She farts goop into a wine glass and swallows it; multiple facials plaster her pretty face in semen and spit.

Kimmy Granger 在 'The booty bunch'

Kimmy Granger - The booty bunch

This party was packed with hotties. Just to name a few, there was Kimmy Granger, Liza Rowe, Ajaa XXX, Kay Love, Adrian Maya and some others that completed the best of the best party. They glided out of the limo and upstairs with some prime up skirt action. As they danced the night away, they teased our fantasies with some serious ass shaking. Their clothes melted off, and the partied continued to heat up. Alex and his mega dong really had the girls in awe. They all had a go at it, and they all had a little wobble walking out of the club.

Payton Lee 在 'Strip suck fuck'

Payton Lee - Strip suck fuck

Alex, Kimmy, and Payton, were three sexy girls playing video games this weekend afternoon. They were in super casual wear, t-shirts and undies. Their roommate came in and jumped in the middle of them. He started bragging on how great he was at the game they were playing. He even bet them he could utterly destroy them in the game. Being a nice guy, he said they had to do the dishes and trash for him for a week. The girls being a little more vindictive wanted him to streak on the front lawn if he lost Being confident in his skills he made the bet. They got into the game, and he had to take a phone call. While on the phone, the girls decide to make sure they'd win and tweaked his controller. Their roommate came back and was soon naked standing in front of them. But once the girls saw the size of his cock, they wanted to have a little fun with it before he streaked. Kimmy grabbed that cock and started going to town as she tried to get it down her throat. We watched her tits and ass bounce in her cut-off T and underwear. Payton wanted a piece as well and got a mouthful before Kimmy got on top for a ride. The girls all took turns and got their game on with their roommates joystick. The three joined forces and sucked him off until they got a cum-filled power-up.

Alex Mae 在 'Sexy alex'

Alex Mae - Sexy alex

Alex Mae was a tiny tantalizing teen with a hunger for big cock. During her interview, her cell phone vibrated with a text. Alex looked at it with a grin from ear to ear and showed us the massive dick in the pic. She got so excited in anticipation Alex began to masturbate. She showed off those perky tits and plump 18-year old booty. The guy that sent the picture soon appeared, and Alex was wet and ready. He needed to get a taste of this delicious looking pussy, so he dove in. Alex in turn grabbed his cock and stuffed it into her mouth. She proceeded to get her tight little pussy pounded properly. Alex was satisfied with her fill and a face-full of cum.

August Ames 在 'Afternoon Quickie'

August Ames - Afternoon Quickie

After exchanging flirting glances and playing footsy under the table during meetings, August Ames and Alex Jones can't restrain themselves for one moment longer from acting on all the sexual tension in the air. Disappearing into the bathroom, the horny couple tears each other's clothes off, and August drops to her knees to feel Alex's dick deep in her throat. Alex fucks her all over the bathroom, bringing her to an explosive orgasm before unloading a big cumshot all over her gorgeous face. A little clean up and the two are ready to return to their work day with their coworkers none the wiser.

AJ Applegate 在 'Wet Food 6'

AJ Applegate - Wet Food 6

It's a day of many dicks for stunning, all-natural blonde beauty AJ Applegate. Seven, in fact! Upon kneeling, this glamorous slut finds herself surrounded by a gang of massive, throbbing cocks, black and white. She uses her lipsticked lips and eager throat to service the guys' shafts, slobber dripping over her perky tits. AJ masturbates with a vibrating wand while swallowing the huge pricks. She gets ruthlessly face-fucked until her mouth overflows with a mess of gooey jism.

Casey Calvert 在 'Wet Food 6'

Casey Calvert - Wet Food 6

Dressed in alluring fishnet, jewelry and high heels, gorgeous brunette Casey Calvert inspects the interracial crew of big-dicked, muscular men she's about to enjoy. The sultry bitch kneels, and in seconds she's surrounded by 13 huge, throbbing cocks; Casey lovingly swallows their hard shafts, gagging, drooling and gasping as the guys take turns rudely fucking her pretty face. Finally, drenched in her own gag spit, Casey gets her mouth filled to overflowing with gooey semen... and gulps it all down.

Alena Croft 在 'Wet Food 6'

Alena Croft - Wet Food 6

Alena Croft is an ultra-busty blonde bimbo obsessed with big, stiff cocks. She gets a special treat: a dozen horny black and white studs, ready to shove their enormous dicks down her throat! She kneels, surrounded by cock meat, and eagerly services the boys with her talented mouth -- gagging on their thick shafts until her eyes water and her face is covered in spit. One by one, the studs fill her mouth with hot splooge, and Alena gulps it all down.

Taylor White 在 'I Want It Now'

Taylor White - I Want It Now

When Taylor White gets a craving for her boyfriend's big penis, she doesn't like to wait a horny second longer than necessary to satisfy her erotic desires. Luckily he was feeling it too, and planted a deep kiss on her mouth as they stood around looking at photos. Taylor dropped to her knees and took as much of his dick in her mouth as she could. Once she'd sucked him until it was almost too thick for her to handle, she put her leg up on the coffee table and took the whole of his shaft into her from behind. Feeling out the moment, they changed position when they felt like it, as Alex found just the right angle to hit all her sweet spots again and again.

Cameron Canada 在 'Naked yoga'

Cameron Canada - Naked yoga

This week on Money Talks we start off with a good old mushroom stamp and throw in a blow job for good measure. Then we bring you Fire in the Peehole! Now this stunt involves a large syringe and, well you are gonna have to take a look. Finally Jmac works his customers at the the local clothing store until Cameron arrives. She turns out to be a real wild one, screaming for lots of cash. check it out