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最新更新特色 Charles Dera

Karma Rx 在 '努力工作!辦公室性愛的主要地標'

Karma Rx - 努力工作!辦公室性愛的主要地標

松開領帶,從工作場所的磨練中休息一下!從狂野的到屁股的肛門,我們有一個全明星的辦公室性愛場景彙編,讓你希望你和這些 Brazzers 辣妹一起工作!

Natasha Nice 在 '雙倍拿!相似之選'

Natasha Nice - 雙倍拿!相似之選

不,你的眼睛沒有欺騙你,你沒有看到雙重!這個合輯通過配對最炙手可熱的長相,他們的陰戶性交並填充了一些最偷偷摸摸、最令人驚訝和最性感的 Brazzers 場景,帶來了雙倍的樂趣!

Demi Hawks 在 '毒貓'

Demi Hawks - 毒貓

黛米·霍克斯(Demi Hawks)自從第一次看到她大學室友的性感父親查理斯·德拉(Charles Dera)以來,就一直癡迷於他。她自慰對他的幻想,即使他年紀大得多,而且已婚。當黛米被邀請到室友的父母家吃晚飯時,她手腳並用地等待著查理斯,在桌子底下揉搓他的雞巴,並制定了一個鬼鬼祟祟的計劃,以便最終像她在夢中做過很多次一樣操他!

Alexis Fawx 在 '緊急壓力機'

Alexis Fawx - 緊急壓力機

亞歷克西斯·福克斯(Alexis Fawx)是最好的政治家,性感的那種!在一次新聞發佈會上,她忙得不可開交,講述了她的許多醜聞。摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線市長對記者瑞奇·詹森(Ricky Johnson)採取了強硬立場,但當她挑戰他專注於她的醜聞以外的任何事情時,他選擇了她的屁股。福克斯女士有很多事情要處理,所以她的保安查理斯·德拉和他的陰莖也有助於填補她故事中的漏洞。

Melody Marks 在 '夜晚邀請:三人行'

Melody Marks - 夜晚邀請:三人行

梅洛迪·馬克斯(Melody Marks)穿著放蕩的小貓服裝,是派對的最後一位客人,但與她的朋友不同,她一進來就偶然發現了一個人。旋律震驚地看到曲線玲瓏的紅髮阿比蓋爾莫裡斯被束縛和球堵嘴。她急忙解救她,卻被神秘的寶貝克制住了梅洛迪!主人查理斯·德拉(Charles Dera)走進來,看著阿比蓋伊崇拜旋律的陰戶,然後用最後的三人組結束了萬聖節派對!

Clea Gaultier 在 '振作起來!- 最好的性玩具'

Clea Gaultier - 振作起來!- 最好的性玩具


Mia Malkova 在 '最好的zz - 最放蕩的脫衣舞娘'

Mia Malkova - 最好的zz - 最放蕩的脫衣舞娘


Phoenix Marie 在 '最佳 ZZ - 安吉拉·懷特'

Phoenix Marie - 最佳 ZZ - 安吉拉·懷特


Kenna James 在 '我的兄弟的呵呵呵'

Kenna James - 我的兄弟的呵呵呵

查理斯剛剛從性治療中心被釋放,立即做出了一個錯誤的決定,去拜訪他的老朋友,大嘴巴和模特經紀人克裡斯·布拉克伍德。到達那裡后不久,克裡斯的女朋友肯納從購物回來。當查理斯注意到肯納華麗的腳趾時,克裡斯分心了。肯納注意到他注意到她,決定找點樂子 - 導致她的男朋友克里斯周圍有一些偷偷摸摸的動作 - 因為這些性瘋狂的騙子眨眼離開!

April Flores 在 '周年紀念驚喜'

April Flores - 周年紀念驚喜

四月弗洛雷斯的姐夫查理斯·德拉(Charles Dera)週末結束了,查理斯的哥哥警告他不要對他性感的妻子指手畫腳,但他就是忍不住!隨著他的兄弟出門,查理斯偷偷溜進浴室,和四月一起洗澡,發揮他的魅力,取悅她,就像她真的值得高興一樣 - 一個鐵杆他媽的!

Savannah Bond 在 '在綁定中'

Savannah Bond - 在綁定中


Alexis Fawx 在 '牽牛花'

Alexis Fawx - 牽牛花

在今天的《Morning Show Glory》節目中,我們敬愛的主持人亞歷克西斯·福克斯(Alexis Fawx)邀請了名副其實的沃爾夫岡·他媽的(Wolfgang Fuck)主廚查理斯·德拉(Charles Dera)向她早起的觀眾展示一道特別的菜肴,可能會為他們的一天增添趣味!但是,廚房裡的事情正在變得很熱,因為我們性感的主人和迷人的廚師之間調情的玩笑和性烤肉。夥計們,我們能用刀子來消除這種緊張氣氛嗎!?很快,這些話就變成了物理的,因為他們想出了相互摩擦的藉口,不那麼巧妙地脫掉衣服,並試圖在我們的相機繼續滾動的同時,盡可能多地邋遢,淫穢,熱氣騰騰的性愛!請記住,此廣播可能不適合所有觀眾!也許是本季盒裝套裝的淫穢XXX版本?歡迎來到亞歷克西斯·福克斯秀!

Rachel Starr 在 '我可以先讓他射精'

Rachel Starr - 我可以先讓他射精

查理斯·德拉(Charles Dera)對瑞秋·斯塔爾(Rachel Starr)的癡迷,你可以想像,這並沒有讓他的女朋友麥迪森·摩根(Madison Morgan)感到興奮,她覺得自己必須不斷證明自己。無論她多麼努力,麥迪森都無法得到她男人的全部關注。在查理斯秘密贏得一場比賽后,麥迪遜從他最喜歡的色情明星那裡獲得了一個非常特別的訪問,麥迪遜現在發現自己正在與瑞秋面對面競爭!用不了多久,他們倆都會炫耀最好的口交和他媽的技巧,爭奪成為第一個讓查爾斯在狂野而有競爭力的三人行中射精的人!

Gianna Grey 在 '釘住日間護士'

Gianna Grey - 釘住日間護士

可憐的查理斯·德拉躺在床上,腳骨折了,他的女朋友在身邊幫忙,但她厭倦了照顧查理斯。然而,他的運氣即將改變,因為一位新的日間護士正在路上!當性感的吉安娜·格雷(Gianna Grey)來到查理斯的床邊時,她已經準備好更好地親吻這一切。豐滿的吉安娜給了查理斯一張滿是奶子的臉,然後按摩並油弄他酸痛和破碎的身體。很快,查爾斯感覺好多了,準備給護士吉安娜她應得的雞巴!

Mona Azar 在 '比你能處理的更多的莫納'

Mona Azar - 比你能處理的更多的莫納

你想要更多的莫娜阿扎爾,所以我們在這裡提供!鏡子,電影魔術和宏偉的曲線都強調了這種華麗的美麗。首先,她挑逗和嘲笑,炫耀豐滿的嘴唇和活潑的奶頭,微笑和臥室的眼睛,在她搶奪你的靈魂之前很久就會抓住你。查理斯·德拉(Charles Dera)的加入給莫娜她應得的關注;一個適當的他媽的,讓她在快樂中呻吟,並乞求更多。她可以處理它,但你能處理她嗎?

Phoenix Marie 在 '他媽的兩個金髮炸彈'

Phoenix Marie - 他媽的兩個金髮炸彈

地球上最大的兩個色情明星,切麗·德維爾和鳳凰瑪麗,都在這個極端的三人行場景查理斯·德拉的公雞!崇拜查理斯的雞巴, 崇拜每一秒的鐵杆行動, 這些炸彈不能得到足夠的!深拍, 臉泡, 吸球, 貓舔 - 他們想要這一切, 你可以看!

Kissa Sins 在 '基薩和肯德拉浴缸幻想'

Kissa Sins - 基薩和肯德拉浴缸幻想

查理斯 · 德拉的熱幻想是你的現實...你來享受一下!查理斯一邊放鬆地泡澡,一邊想像著基薩·辛斯和肯德拉·桑德蘭都屬於自己——在浴缸裡,在床上。隨著兩個最熱的辣妹在地球上提供他們的嘴和貓,查理斯經歷了一個令人難以置信的三人行,堆疊的女孩,並輪流衝擊他們的貓與他的大公雞!

Aila Donovan 在 '想念我'

Aila Donovan - 想念我

艾拉·多諾萬一直在思考和緬懷她生命中所有特別的男人。然而,所有這些想法都讓她非常想念一些特別的男人——從查理斯·德拉開始。寄給他一封情書後,這位誘人的前女友偷偷溜進查理斯的家,只穿著風衣和紅熱內衣。是時候提醒他, 無論他在哪裡, 無論他和誰在一起, 他將永遠屬於她的貓!

Phoenix Marie 在 '脫掉'

Phoenix Marie - 脫掉


Tiffany Watson 在 '有趣的骨頭'

Tiffany Watson - 有趣的骨頭

當蒂芙尼·沃森承認被癢得發癢使她發抖時,查理斯·德拉簡直不敢相信自己的耳朵,當她證明他的懷疑是錯誤的時,他簡直不敢相信自己的眼睛!查理斯希望真正讓她接受考驗, 打破了羽毛, 戲弄和發癢蒂芙尼的腳, 屁股和貓, 直到她不能再把它, 導致噴充滿狗屎!

Sofi Ryan 在 '不是每個冒險。。。'

Sofi Ryan - 不是每個冒險。。。

索菲· 里安回家後...失敗的夜晚她的胸部看起來棒極了, 她很自信。一切似乎都順利, 直到她的伴侶...不能完全不辜負她的感受。於是,她回到家裡,試圖自己照顧事情 - 撫摸那不滿意的貓,渴望有人填補牠,並給予它應有的關注。只是讓她的室友查理斯 · 德拉擦她的臉好吧,如果他要把這變成一件事,也許索菲可以用它來她的優勢。。。暴風雨裡有公雞嗎?

Kendra Sunderland 在 '去我們的小吃吧'

Kendra Sunderland - 去我們的小吃吧

華麗的金髮炸彈肯德拉桑德蘭是油了她的曲線在陽臺上 - 鬆軟的山雀, 濕粉紅色的貓疼痛更多...當活潑嬌小的海莉黑桃偷偷地上來看節目。海莉被抓了, 把肯德拉鎖了出來, 慫恿她做一個光滑的玩笑, 把她柔軟的身體壓在玻璃上, 給她一個完美的視圖, 那該死的身體...直到肯德拉用綁帶把她追下來, 甚至賠率。把微調器放在她的位置上, 肯德拉讓海莉吮吸和流口水在脂肪假陽具上, 包裹她的小嘴唇, 直到她掛在陽臺上被搞砸, 讓所有人都看到。當查理斯·德拉回到家時,兩位女士搬進了臥室——加入到教她在家裡的小地方的樂趣中來,這沒什麼說服力的...

Victoria Voxxx 在 '埃羅蒂女僕'

Victoria Voxxx - 埃羅蒂女僕


Paige Owens 在 '肛年與她姐姐的丈夫'

Paige Owens - 肛年與她姐姐的丈夫

一向角質的佩吉·歐文斯和她的妹妹和她熱的丈夫查理斯·德拉住在一起。在與兄弟姐妹一起購物了一整天之後,佩吉決定退出,提前回家。她一到家,這個漂亮的女人就把目光投向了查理斯,用她多汁的屁股和全新的屁股塞來引誘他。雖然查理斯盡力抗拒, 他不禁嘗到了他嫂子濕貓和緊屁股的味道。

Rachel Starr 在 '瑞秋...卡住'

Rachel Starr - 瑞秋...卡住

精緻的角質瑞秋斯塔爾需要一些公雞, 她有她的眼睛在她妹妹的男朋友 (查理斯德拉) 。瑞秋讓查理斯在需要她的 Wifi 路由器修復的幌子下, 並立即打開的魅力...但查理斯沒有咬人Rachel 意識到,炫耀她的漂亮屁股將帶來查理斯周圍,所以她失去了她的牛仔褲,讓自己"卡"在她的客廳桌子下,屁股和貓出和訪問。不出所料,查理斯準備走,當他走進這一景象!瑞秋總是走自己的路,這次也不例外。

Eliza Ibarra 在 '早上的角質'

Eliza Ibarra - 早上的角質


Lacy Lennon 在 '煙霧迪克 - 特克'

Lacy Lennon - 煙霧迪克 - 特克

性感的紅發萊西列儂正在為她的男朋友準備晚餐, 只給他打電話, 並取消他們的約會電話!更糟的是,那個不好的男朋友想和萊西"分手"。萊西被這個分心了,她的晚餐開始燃燒,啟動她公寓的煙霧探測器。當熱老房東查理斯·德拉出現,以確保沒有火災,萊西決定,她可以使用他報復她現在的前男友。很快萊西在廚房裡煮了一件完全不同的東西!

LaSirena69 在 '閃閃發光和滴水'

LaSirena69 - 閃閃發光和滴水

委內瑞拉vixen LaSirena69油自己,而剝離出她的字串比基尼,釋放她巨大的山雀和甜屁股,同時說髒話在英語和西班牙文,告訴我們她是多麼愛一個大傢伙在她的貓和她的屁股。這是她的幸運日, 查理斯 · 德拉的為此事, 當他到達硬和準備!查理斯用公雞填滿了 Lasiren69 的嘴, 然後用它填滿她的屁股, 給她她一直渴望的肛交!

Rachel Starr 在 '最好的胸罩快樂萬聖節。'

Rachel Starr - 最好的胸罩快樂萬聖節。

你喜歡你的性與怪異的一面嗎?服裝和吸血鬼的牙齒是你的東西嗎?那麼, 你與布拉澤斯最偉大的萬聖節時刻彙編的甜蜜款待!我們有一個熱的女巫, 惡魔和吸血者, 讓你抽搐!享受。。。如果你敢的話。

Claudia Obey 在 '闖進來, 放出來。'

Claudia Obey - 闖進來, 放出來。

克勞迪婭 · 奧貝是個壞蛋, 進入寶貝。她走進查理斯 · 德拉的墊子, 抓住一切有價值的東西!她認為她也是逃脫牠, 直到他突然到家。她別無選擇,只能躲在廚櫃裡!近距離通話, 當她發現德拉在他的筆記型電腦上有點 「我的時間」 時, 她幾乎出去了。他鞭打出他的大硬公雞,導致克勞迪婭改變她的計劃。她決定引起他的注意,前往臥室,發出一噸的噪音,並躲在他的衣服。德拉很快發現了她,她給了他最終的最後通令;她可以解釋, 或者她可以吸他的雞巴。他和雞巴一起去。克勞迪婭用她的大自然山雀給他一個草率的山雀工作, 狠狠地吸他。她的圓屁股看起來驚人的騎上和下在他的迪克。 他把她抱到半空中, 帶她去搖動高潮。查理斯亂搞她接近遺忘, 然後暨在她的臉上。她是怎麼進入的?

Carter Cruise 在 '最好的胸罩: 阿貝拉危險。'

Carter Cruise - 最好的胸罩: 阿貝拉危險。

阿貝拉·丹格迅速崛起,成為色情業的頂級人物,使她成為典型的布拉澤斯女孩,不斷推出令人振奮的表演。只看一分鐘的她深喉和嘮叨硬公雞,或她的濕貓採取衝擊,很明顯,她真的愛她做什麼!她也有你曾經設置的眼睛最驚人的完美屁股之一, 一個渴望肛門性定期!在這個彙編充滿了鐵杆性愛,女同性戀動作,三人行,和更多,我們選擇了一些阿貝拉最好的布拉澤斯時刻,採取所有的公雞和貓,她可以處理,噴她的方式走向一個又一個野生高潮!

Abigail Mac 在 '雪邦:第3部分。'

Abigail Mac - 雪邦:第3部分。

兩對夫婦在山上聚會一周。本來應該是溫暖人心的團聚變成了性驅動的逃避。事情不能變得比在這個加冕情節更扭曲, 因為阿比蓋爾馬克斯和露娜明星聯手 - 和貓 - 充分利用他們的假期。他們密謀告訴他們各自的伴侶,小手和查理斯·德拉,他們背後所有的可恥的性行為。男人怎麼可能生他們的氣, 因為兩個女人只穿著伊芙的服裝承認了他們頑皮的罪行?懺悔迅速變成對四人一人不可抗拒的邀請。 女孩交換雞巴, 分享球和流口水對方在一個急需的和解。冬天可能很冷,冬天可以很殘酷,但在雪中,冬天是其中最熱的季節。

Luna Star 在 '雪邦:第2部分。'

Luna Star - 雪邦:第2部分。

兩對夫婦在山上聚會一周。本來應該是溫暖人心的團聚變成了性驅動的逃避。第二集聚焦了那個那個那個老一百的露娜明星。在這次滑雪度假期間,她會做任何事情來引誘她朋友的丈夫查理斯·德拉。炫耀她難忘的山雀,而他們騎椅子電梯只是第一步。露娜答應查理斯,那天晚上晚些時候她會照顧他的藍球。當各自的伴侶沉睡時,他們悄悄地離開臥室,在壁爐旁相遇。查理斯受到火焰舔原木的啟發,用舌頭點燃了露娜的陰蒂。她的貓現在要求她的情人的雞巴。露娜搞砸了, 無法衡量。她可能永遠不會忘記這個放蕩的夜晚。冬天可能很冷,冬天可以很殘酷,但在雪中,冬天是其中最熱的季節。

Rachel Starr 在 '最好的胸罩: 瑞秋明星'

Rachel Starr - 最好的胸罩: 瑞秋明星

關於瑞秋 · 斯塔爾的標誌性泡沫屁股在一隻大胖公雞上上下彈跳的東西是如此催眠, 你只是不能看遠!盛宴你的眼睛所有你想要的這個吸煙熱彙編瑞秋最熱門的鐵杆布拉澤斯場景。

Abigail Mac 在 '最好的胸罩:鍛煉'

Abigail Mac - 最好的胸罩:鍛煉


Amia Miley 在 '最佳胸罩:夏季版'

Amia Miley - 最佳胸罩:夏季版


Adriana Chechik 在 '最好的胸罩:肛門盛宴'

Adriana Chechik - 最好的胸罩:肛門盛宴


Adriana Chechik 在 '最好的胸罩:噴水節'

Adriana Chechik - 最好的胸罩:噴水節


Jade Kush 在 '陰影播放 2'

Jade Kush - 陰影播放 2


Demi Sutra 在 'Brazzers LIVE:情人節事務'

Demi Sutra - Brazzers LIVE:情人節事務

Brazzers Valentine's Day Affair於2020年2月14日現場直播並進行了直播。一生難忘的盛會帶來了無限的魅力,幻想和業界頂尖的才華。布拉澤斯(Brazzers)的大明星們坐落在加利福尼亞的一所豪宅中,相互交融,調情,並最終在一個小時不間斷的現場性愛中實現了他們最瘋狂的情人節幻想。錯過派對了嗎?不用擔心,現在觀看完整的未編輯事件。

Abella Danger 在 '旅行:第二部分'

Abella Danger - 旅行:第二部分

在阿貝拉·丹格(Abella Danger)用他的好友斯科特·奈爾斯(Scott Nails)欺騙她的丈夫後的第二天,他們倆都同意不再讓這種事情再次發生。但是,當查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)到達並與他們一起在山上徒步旅行時,阿貝拉抓住了機會,拋棄了丈夫,帶著他的兩個芽逃到樹林中,向鐵桿走了三路。這個秘密會留在他們和曠野之間嗎,還是阿貝拉的丈夫會發現他們旅途中真正的不幸?

Zanna Blue 在 '羅伯科克'

Zanna Blue - 羅伯科克

當悲劇發生時,普通的喬·查爾斯·德拉(Joe Charles Dera)即將與妻子性感的詹娜·藍(Zanna Blue)發生性關係,並嚴重傷害了自己的公雞。一個月後,查爾斯終於從醫院回家了。 Zanna猶豫不決地看到她男人的陰莖發生了什麼,甚至準備離開他,但是他通過展示他的高科技高科技“ Rococock”而感到驚訝,這是世界上最先進的傢伙! Zanna很奇怪,但是對新公雞很感興趣,並允許Dera在她身上嘗試一下。

Abella Danger 在 '海洋明珠'

Abella Danger - 海洋明珠

性感的海上女神阿貝拉·丹格(Abella Danger)在查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)趕到現場之前炫耀了她的光滑,上油的曲線,揉搓並餵飽了他又大又厚的公雞。

Kendra Spade 在 '在她的地穴裡爬行'

Kendra Spade - 在她的地穴裡爬行

查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)被要求為這個最近被最骯髒最不自然的生物破壞的小鎮帶來和平。查爾斯(Charles)是位義大利的英雄,他無所畏懼,並深入墓穴。很快,查爾斯發現自己與一具密封的棺材面對面……他突然間,聽到一個呼喚他的聲音。在試圖抵制其誘人的誘惑時,棺材突然彈開,查爾斯與吸血鬼女王肯德拉·斯派德面對面。自肯德拉女王(Kendra Queen)玩耍以來已經有一段時間了……。

Karma Rx 在 '我他媽的我想要的人!'

Karma Rx - 我他媽的我想要的人!

查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)暗中註視著他哥哥的妻子,性感的Karma Rx,在她的瑜伽裝備中伸展,而丈夫嫉妒地面對她關於她那件輕薄的衣服,她的山雀和屁股,以至於不喜歡他。當查爾斯被他的兄弟發現時,他吃了一個抽油煙的拳頭偷窺。查爾斯來到後,因果報應告訴他,她把自己的杜希丈夫踢了出去,並承認自己知道查爾斯在註視著自己的伸展運動,她很喜歡……因果報應將目光投向了查爾斯的公雞,她無法抗拒與兩個兄弟更好的方式!

Alix Lynx 在 '阿里克斯不在牆上'

Alix Lynx - 阿里克斯不在牆上

準備好讓您大開眼界,因為Alix Lynx和Charles Dera在這個引人注目的場景中無視物理定律(和他媽的)!準備看Alix和她美麗的大山雀,當她爬到牆上亂搞,就像以前從未見過有人他媽的!

LaSirena69 在 '一個異國情調和色情學生'

LaSirena69 - 一個異國情調和色情學生

Antonella La Sirena是一名對性生活有興趣的交換生,學校輔導員Charles Dera的任務是試圖制定法律並控制她!安東內拉不明白為什麼每個人都在她的新國家如此害怕性愛 - 回到她所擁有的地方!查爾斯很快發現了安東內拉引誘他並在辦公室亂搞他的意思!

Ella Knox 在 '健康的Cumpetition'

Ella Knox - 健康的Cumpetition


Cali Carter 在 '如果你成長,他們會暨'

Cali Carter - 如果你成長,他們會暨

查爾斯德拉是一個書呆子,笨拙的辦公室無人機,無法在工作中與其他人競爭。他在老闆的秘書Cali Carter之後鬆了一口氣,但她不想和他有任何關係 - 她對他們的老闆很感興趣。同樣適合他的同事,Karma Rx--她痴迷於熱門的送貨員而且不會給Charles一天的時間。這一切都改變了一個重要的休閒星期五,當時Charles穿著Thighbrush T卹進入辦公室。卡利和卡瑪放下一切,立即開始進入查爾斯,為他的傢伙而戰,並給予他一直渴望的激烈,熱情的他媽。

Megan Rain 在 '水療日在家'

Megan Rain - 水療日在家

查爾斯德拉的妻子在家里安排了一個溫泉日,但他並不是很感興趣,直到他遇到性感女按摩師梅根雨!在進入冥想放鬆的狀態後,梅根開始了她的治療 - 通過吮吸查爾斯的大而硬的公雞!毋庸置疑,查爾斯對這個水療日在家裡有了新的興趣!

Jasmine Jae 在 '搞砸了'

Jasmine Jae - 搞砸了

Jasmine Jae在被忽視的丈夫不斷貶低之後做了一筆交易 - 如果他再次亂搞,她會以任何她想要的方式懲罰他,他不能拒絕。羅,並看到她的丈夫再次搞砸了,Jasmine知道如何懲罰他 - 通過在他的婊子麵前吮吸他最好的朋友雞巴!

Aria Lee 在 '喜歡騎公雞'

Aria Lee - 喜歡騎公雞

Aria Lee在大學課後回家,但由於成績不佳,她知道她的父親不可能讓她出去見她的男朋友。 Aria決定偷偷摸摸地逃脫,掠過她父親的車鑰匙,悄悄地走向車庫,在那裡她被逮住了。事實證明,她的父親曾計劃向他的朋友查爾斯德拉展示他的騎行,並且他們將在晚上欣賞引擎,洗滌和拋光身體,並崇拜上級機器。然而,詠嘆調立即引起了查爾斯的注意,並將他的腳趾放在他的腳趾上,明顯而且有風險的性推進,導致他媽的瘋狂並成功偷走了汽車。

Audrey Bitoni 在 '緊急迪克分心'

Audrey Bitoni - 緊急迪克分心

奧黛麗·比托尼(Audrey Bitoni)手上滿是幾件日常的辦公室雜務。不幸的是,她的老闆即將在她的長名單上添加另一份工作。她的老闆,處於完全崩潰模式,因為她找不到重要的合同!哦,查爾斯德拉正在前來簽名!所以,她的老闆告訴奧黛麗以任何必要的方式分散了查爾斯的注意力!為了給老闆買一些急需的時間,奧黛麗吮吸並亂搞查爾斯多汁的陰莖。我想這只是辦公室的另一天......

Romi Rain 在 '努力工作,他媽的更難'

Romi Rain - 努力工作,他媽的更難


Karissa Shannon 在 'X標記現貨'

Karissa Shannon - X標記現貨

在辦公室度過漫長而無聊的一天之後,Karissa Shannon正在尋找能夠改變這個沉悶的一周的任何事情。卡麗莎決定給她的朋友查爾斯德拉打個電話。然而,Karissa不僅僅想要他媽的和他媽的...她想要更多的東西......這些東西將持續數月。查爾斯很高興將卡麗莎借給他那個大而多汁的陰莖,度過一個她永遠不會忘記的夜晚!

Abella Danger 在 '我可以幫助你'

Abella Danger - 我可以幫助你


Alina Lopez 在 '我骯髒的小秘密'

Alina Lopez - 我骯髒的小秘密


Scarlett Bloom 在 '升級到舊模型'

Scarlett Bloom - 升級到舊模型


Sheridan Love 在 '愛撫她的曲線'

Sheridan Love - 愛撫她的曲線

曲線美的Sheridan Love準備用一件性感的純粹連衣裙來挑逗你,因為她輕撫她的曲線並炫耀她的大山雀和屁股以獲得觀賞樂趣!在讓你穿著漂亮的衣服後,Sheridan走到一張按摩床上,她的緊身連衣裙被她的按摩師Charles Dera添加到她身上的所有按摩油浸濕了。一旦她的曲線被油覆蓋,Sheridan想要的就是從她的衣服上滑下來,將Charles的大公雞滑到她濕潤的陰唇之間!

Megan Rain 在 '讓它下雨'

Megan Rain - 讓它下雨

女士們,先生們,我們可以向您呈現梅根雨向布拉齊爾世界的輝煌回歸!她回來了,比以往任何時候都更加曲折,把我們帶到一個誘人的游泳池裡,然後用昂貴的,奢華的珠寶扭動......沒有更好的方法來歡迎鑽石回到折疊中,而不是給她完全想要的東西 - 從屁股中狠狠敲打查爾斯德拉自己!

Lisa Ann 在 '請帶我回去'

Lisa Ann - 請帶我回去


Lacy Lennon 在 '父親節禮物'

Lacy Lennon - 父親節禮物


Desiree Dulce 在 '跳Jumbos'

Desiree Dulce - 跳Jumbos

華麗的Desiree Dulce是一個喜歡鍛煉身體的健身愛好者。在做一些性感的瑜伽姿勢之前,當她伸出她的熱身體時,這個豐滿的美女彎腰高低。當她的私人教練查爾斯德拉出現並吹響他的哨子時,Desiree知道她在她之前有更強勁(並且非常滿意)的鍛煉!

Rachel Starr 在 '看我作弊'

Rachel Starr - 看我作弊


Monique Alexander 在 '遙控老闆'

Monique Alexander - 遙控老闆


Rose Monroe 在 '偷偷地走在淋浴間'

Rose Monroe - 偷偷地走在淋浴間

Rose Monroe回到家中,發現她的男朋友和他的兄弟Charles在外面閒逛。事實證明,查爾斯在被女朋友欺騙後被趕出家門。羅斯非常樂意在此期間給他一個住宿的地方,但是當她被男朋友拋棄去找一個男人一夜出去時,她決定她想要一點自己的樂趣!

Bunny Colby 在 '綁定和磅'

Bunny Colby - 綁定和磅

幾個星期以來,Bunny Colby一直渴望Charles Dera的大而硬的陰莖,她決心要得到它!兩個人安頓下來,度過了一個安靜,淫亂的夜晚,並決定嘗試一些熱門的BDSM性......希望這能滿足兔子的骯髒慾望......

Kimber Woods 在 '她太緋聞了!'

Kimber Woods - 她太緋聞了!


Ivy Lebelle 在 '懶洋洋的性愛'

Ivy Lebelle - 懶洋洋的性愛

Ivy Lebelle在她的躺椅上性感地擺姿勢,穿著內衣很棒。看起來精緻的查爾斯德拉只能在他油膩的身體之前待命並觀察這麼長時間,並且給了常春藤她一直渴望的好,他媽的。

Katana Kombat 在 '很高興肉你'

Katana Kombat - 很高興肉你

查爾斯德拉剛剛搬進他的新家,並接待了他的新鄰居Katana Kombat的訪問。 Katana帶來禮物,但它不是你典型的迎賓禮籃!當查爾斯查看包括生奶油和按摩油在內的各種物品時,卡塔納剝去了她的尼龍,當他看到她華麗的山雀時驚艷查爾斯!查爾斯為他帶來了他所希望的最熱烈的歡迎!

Sloan Harper 在 '拳擊寶貝'

Sloan Harper - 拳擊寶貝

斯隆哈珀正準備迎接她的下一場大戰,她的對手? - 查爾斯德拉的大公雞!經過一段時間的熱身,斯隆被束縛在繩索中並受到了一生的衝擊。

Natalie Brooks 在 '壞芭蕾舞女演員'

Natalie Brooks - 壞芭蕾舞女演員


Ashley Adams 在 '商城警察公雞'

Ashley Adams - 商城警察公雞

Ashley Adams是一名頑皮的購物者,被商場警察Charles Dera指控入店行竊。查爾斯堅持要仔細檢查阿什利的胸罩,這樣她就脫下襯衫,讓他仔細看看她的天然乳房。幸運的是,查理,阿什利想要一點點那個商場警察的公雞!

Alina Lopez 在 '我不是那麼粗魯的好朋友第2部分'

Alina Lopez - 我不是那麼粗魯的好朋友第2部分

莫莉·斯圖爾特下樓與她的父親查爾斯·德拉共進晚餐,而阿麗娜·洛佩茲則淋浴。當查爾斯發現阿麗娜正在洗澡時,他偷偷溜走去加入她。 Charles titty亂搞Alina的天然乳房並將他的陰莖滑入她濕漉漉的陰部,而Molly完成了她的晚餐不經意。在Alina甜美的臉上爆炸後,Charles回到桌邊與Molly共進晚餐。阿麗娜加入他們並沒有意識到她的臉頰上還有暨......

Kissa Sins 在 '他媽的聖誕節第2部分'

Kissa Sins - 他媽的聖誕節第2部分

離婚的爸爸查爾斯德拉在假期感到更加孤獨。他的家人太忙了,無法通過電話交談,當他試圖放鬆散步時,他面對他傻傻的鄰居公開表達的感情。由於他可憐的裝飾而氣餒,查爾斯決定訂購一家小公司並稱高端護送Kissa Sins。 Kissa停下來並查看查爾斯的大小,看看她能為他工作多少。只要他願意支付,他就能擁有他想要的任何東西!

Lela Star 在 '想要性交或活著:第2部分'

Lela Star - 想要性交或活著:第2部分

為了確保逃脫,Lela Star決定說服並欺騙警長Charles Dera,透露對手幫派對Molly Stewart的頭部有重大賞金,如果他允許她開會並充當經紀人,萊拉將與他分開。當莫莉假裝在牢房裡睡覺時,萊拉召喚警長德拉過來並通過牢房嘲笑他,哄他一些公雞吮吸以加入這個假計劃。一旦Sheriff Dera讓Lela走出牢房,她就會把鑰匙從桌子上敲下來,讓Molly抓住他們穿過酒吧並解脫自己 - 所有這一切都在Lela亂搞警長毫無意義的時候。

Kimber Veils 在 '天空的桑迪警報'

Kimber Veils - 天空的桑迪警報


Ariella Ferrera 在 '坐在我的迪克2座位上'

Ariella Ferrera - 坐在我的迪克2座位上

Ariella希望與她的丈夫和他的朋友一起觀看大型比賽,但她在沙發上沒有空間。決定採取行動,她坐在她丈夫的朋友查爾斯的膝蓋上 - 不用說,查爾斯立即變得堅強。 Ariella對查爾斯的陰莖有多大感到震驚,並決定通過研磨他的膝蓋來取笑他。她如此開啟,她偷偷地將他的陰莖從褲子中解放出來,將它滑入她的陰部,然後在她的丈夫旁邊亂搞他!

Marilyn Mansion 在 '頑皮的交易取得好成績'

Marilyn Mansion - 頑皮的交易取得好成績

瑪麗蓮大廈以自己是一個完美的學生而自豪,並且即將到來的大學入學,她會盡一切努力獲得A +! Charles Dera教授致力於為他的學生提供在課堂上取得優異成績的每一個機會,所以當Marylin掏出她大而自然的乳房以獲得更好的成績時,他已經準備好容納 - 和他的傢伙一起!瑪麗蓮在教室裡就像查爾斯自己的私人fucktoy一樣脫衣服和臉部性交!還有另外兩名學生仍然在房間裡寫測試,Charles用他巨大的悸動的陰莖填充瑪麗蓮的緊身,女學生的陰部,然後pounds until離開,直到他在A +上釉面!沒有什麼能比得上好成績了。

Alexis Fawx 在 '作為桃子豐滿'

Alexis Fawx - 作為桃子豐滿


Tia Cyrus 在 'Shady Spa Shakedown'

Tia Cyrus - Shady Spa Shakedown

查爾斯正在執行任務。他有一個小竅門,某個按摩院可能會提供性服務。自然,當他將目光投向Tia時,這個警棍已經準備好打硬仗了。蒂亞沒有任何東西,所以她決定去找一些自己的東西。在查爾斯知道這件事之前,蒂亞已經脫下衣服,油然而生,並且在他身上摩擦著她豐富多彩的胸部。查爾斯的數字也許這整個設置並不是那麼糟糕 - 特別是當他發現自己在蒂亞深處球時!

Carolina Sweets 在 '想買我的處女'

Carolina Sweets - 想買我的處女

卡羅琳娜是一位特別具有創新精神的年輕學者,她發現了一種快速簡便的方式來擴大她的大學基金 - 通過在線銷售她的童貞。當她的繼父,查爾斯在她的網站上絆倒時,他嚇壞了,並告訴卡羅萊納州關閉它......否則。卡羅萊納州立即反抗,決定資金無關緊要,她只需要一隻大而堅硬的公雞拿走她的v卡,統計數據! Charles沒有讓她隨隨隨便的陌生人下車,而是決定把他的屁股放進去。

Ashly Anderson 在 '運動後思慕雪'

Ashly Anderson - 運動後思慕雪


Reagan Foxx 在 '失落和磅'

Reagan Foxx - 失落和磅


Giselle Palmer 在 '艱苦的一天在工作'

Giselle Palmer - 艱苦的一天在工作


Karlee Grey 在 '增長衝刺'

Karlee Grey - 增長衝刺


Ella Knox 在 '我的教授認為我是完美的'

Ella Knox - 我的教授認為我是完美的

學校鐘聲表示課程結束。女孩彎腰把書放進書包裡,露出乳溝。額外的方法,並取笑她。女孩生氣,並告訴其他閉嘴。 “額外”笑著叫她走出教室,沮喪的是,女孩在哭泣中拋下背包,摀住胸口。老師,蓋伊,走向女孩,問她什麼是錯的。女孩很尷尬,開始哭泣,說她是個怪胎,因為她的乳頭很大。那個男人向她保證,很多男人喜歡寬大的女人,並說服女孩向他展示她在做什麼。

JoJo Kiss 在 '一桿進洞'

JoJo Kiss - 一桿進洞


Alix Lynx 在 '一英里低俱樂部'

Alix Lynx - 一英里低俱樂部


Mia Malkova 在 'Die Hardcore:Part 2(A XXX Parody)'

Mia Malkova - Die Hardcore:Part 2(A XXX Parody)


Stephanie West 在 '定了一個他媽的'

Stephanie West - 定了一個他媽的

一個無聊,富有,暴民老闆的女兒斯蒂芬妮總是有點麻煩,特別是如果涉及到他父親的業務夥伴。在親愛的老爸打電話給他的固定裝置的查爾斯,為了清理他的許多與暴徒有關的亂七八糟的東西之一,斯蒂芬妮竭盡全力在他父親的背後操縱他。不用說,查爾斯陷入了陷阱 - 一個衝斯蒂芬妮的機會值得冒著生命危險。

Karma Rx 在 '股票和債券年齡'

Karma Rx - 股票和債券年齡


Aaliyah Hadid 在 'Exxxceptions:Episode 2'

Aaliyah Hadid - Exxxceptions:Episode 2


Nikki Knightly 在 '選擇並選擇2'

Nikki Knightly - 選擇並選擇2

尼基的果園上的第二天,他只是一個夢想家在全國各地工作。第一天是拿起水果和農夫的兒子。今天,Nikki回到工作上,不久之後,她落入了果園的真正主人的懷抱。成熟的採摘,查爾斯正是尼基的類型 - 一個強壯的男人,可以顯示一些關於一些在機罩下的事情。他媽的一個傢伙,然後他的爸爸是壞的形式嗎?我們當然不這麼認為!另外,當你和Nikki一樣熱的時候,為什麼你可以選擇一個。

Casey Calvert 在 '品嚐獎杯妻子'

Casey Calvert - 品嚐獎杯妻子

凱西得到了一個甜蜜的夏天,伴隨著鄰居的游泳池照顧。這可能聽起來很沉悶,但是這個游泳池是那裡的熱門家庭主婦Nicolette Shea花了整天曬黑她不可思議的身體。凱西一直在夏天盯著Nicolette,有一天她要求幫助她的曬黑乳液,不敢相信。一個感官的按摩很快就變成了一個女孩女孩的動作,在獎杯的妻子和膽小的青少年之間。這兩個人認為他們有一整天玩與對方的貓,但Nicolette的丈夫正在回家的路上

Lexi Luna 在 '貓呼叫'

Lexi Luna - 貓呼叫

在被一輛充滿兇手的汽車沿襲街道之後,Lexi決定給他們準確的要求他們 - 正如預期的那樣,Lexi在場上他們的要約比他們處理的要好。當查爾斯,一個有幫助的好的撒馬利亞人,從遠處看到那些從Lexi大喊大叫的人,他急著幫忙。在查爾斯的幫助下,Lexi決定教這些玩家一個教訓 - 如果你要提出要約,請確保你可以通過。

Keisha Grey 在 '妻子教練'

Keisha Grey - 妻子教練


Ariella Ferrera 在 '我的兒子老師'

Ariella Ferrera - 我的兒子老師

阿里拉是新的城市,堅持參加PTA。她有一個很好的建議,一個學校的籌款活動,但不幸的是,已經從其他一些媽媽推回了很多。幸運的是,她有一個偉大的計劃,為她的事業爭取一些急需的老師支持。阿里拉決定引用董事會上的老師顧問 - 即使這意味著在房子周圍玩一次性隱藏的遊戲,以避免她的兒子發現她會去多遠。

August Taylor 在 '抓起襪帶,他媽的新娘'

August Taylor - 抓起襪帶,他媽的新娘


Honey Gold 在 '品嚐廚師'

Honey Gold - 品嚐廚師

當名廚廚師查爾斯拜訪了Honey的丈夫的餐廳時,她給了他最終的VIP待遇,同時丈夫為他提供樣品,並強調了他的二次烹飪創作。親愛的親愛的方法可以幫助您從Charles Charles的著名苛刻的批評中節省他們的生意嗎?

Natalia Starr 在 '每日特別'

Natalia Starr - 每日特別

納塔利婭的一個小女神,查爾斯是一個激情,兩者都是直接從你的1905年代的夢想中脫穎而出。當有吸引力的客戶進來時,納塔利婭正在吃飯。當查爾斯要求聽到每日特別事件時,她決定勾引他一個秘密甜點,只提供給最著名的客戶。按照她的建議,他訂購它,而不僅僅是一個美味的對待 - 兩個甜蜜的奶油價格一個!香蕉奶油從來沒有嚐過這麼好!

Sofi Ryan 在 '角色在家庭Ec'

Sofi Ryan - 角色在家庭Ec

Sofi不能認真對待她的大學家庭經濟學課程。在她的教授Dera先生之後,她在課堂上講了許多次,Sofi對他做了完美的家庭主婦所需要的一切 - 所有你需要的是一個健康的飢餓的公雞!

Monique Alexander 在 '唐打我的妻子屁股'

Monique Alexander - 唐打我的妻子屁股


Danica Dillon 在 '如果你先不成功'

Danica Dillon - 如果你先不成功


Hadley Viscara 在 '自然分心'

Hadley Viscara - 自然分心


Anya Ivy 在 '大膽的第一個日期'

Anya Ivy - 大膽的第一個日期


Alexis Fawx 在 '我們可愛的小玩物2'

Alexis Fawx - 我們可愛的小玩物2

Alexis討厭清潔,所以她的丈夫僱用可愛的小霍利亨德里克斯,每星期幾次。霍莉認為這只是另一個無聊的夏季工作,但是很快她就知道她的雇主有點像一個瘋狂的人。 Fawx女士在房子裡面有假陽具,對於在她的少女侍女面前談論性行為並不害羞。霍莉可以戒掉,但她需要錢。將她變成玩具需要多少現金?

Olive Glass 在 '迪克為她的債務'

Olive Glass - 迪克為她的債務


Adria Rae 在 '達迪債務'

Adria Rae - 達迪債務

阿德里亞的爸爸總是給她任何她想要的東西,但她不是一個被寵壞的公主。那是因為她的爸爸期望她在一個女兒結婚之前留下處女。阿德里亞將為她的父親做任何事情,所以她答應遠離性交,直到她的婚禮,並以一個美麗的純潔戒指為她18歲生日,獎勵她。但福克斯家庭並不是一切都是純潔和健康的 - 原來福克斯先生欠他們的鄰居德拉先生很多錢。當Adria發現她跳過Dera先生的房子,看看她的純潔戒指能否償還債務。畢竟,她會為她的爸爸做任何事情!查爾斯告訴青少年,她的純潔戒指是沒有價值的,但她可能會有其他可以解決爸爸的債務的東西

Anna Bell Peaks 在 '嗜血的騎自行車的寶貝 - 第2部分'

Anna Bell Peaks - 嗜血的騎自行車的寶貝 - 第2部分


Bridgette B 在 'BabeZZ手錶 -  XXX模仿'

Bridgette B - BabeZZ手錶 - XXX模仿

在一個受歡迎的度假勝地,每一天都是一次冒險,特別是當一個人的海灘!兩個熱的,蓬勃發展的寶貝值班,非常重視他們的工作。 Nicolette和Bridgette不要讓任何東西分心他們在海灘巡邏 - 除了在水中有一個巨大的公雞!意識到這個傢伙需要拯救,他們趕緊把Charles從他的藍球救出來!他們的巨大的笨蛋是否足以拯救一天?

Abigail Mac 在 '莫里奇與波恩博士 - 一個XXX模仿'

Abigail Mac - 莫里奇與波恩博士 - 一個XXX模仿


Adriana Chechik 在 '噴射旋轉器'

Adriana Chechik - 噴射旋轉器


Natasha Nice 在 '辦公室啟動'

Natasha Nice - 辦公室啟動


Kristina Rose 在 '法官,陪審團和雙重犯人'

Kristina Rose - 法官,陪審團和雙重犯人

你現在進入拉蒙法官的審判室,色情明星是真實的,性交是真實的,滲透率增加了一倍。克里斯蒂娜決定向她的丈夫送上她的不滿,因為她沒有得到她應得的那種雞。查爾斯指責她的親密問題。幸運的是,拉蒙法官在這里通過給克里斯蒂娜一些他的司法魅力來清除它。他告訴查爾斯,他不是他媽的克里斯蒂娜的屁股,並且為了向他示範。在克里斯蒂娜得到她的陰部和戰利y y之前,他還沒有伸張正義,於是拉蒙和查理斯都把臉放在臉上!

Dani Jensen 在 '工資不足,過度勞累,完全死亡'

Dani Jensen - 工資不足,過度勞累,完全死亡

丹妮是他媽的她的演講在幾個小時之內到了,查爾斯還沒有產生任何有價值的東西。她認識到,她的股東大會注定了失敗,所以今天晚上她可以在辦公室下車。查爾斯回來了一些更多的文書工作,並抓住丹尼摩擦一個。丹妮不會讓查爾斯離開這個時候 - 他他媽的,所以他要去做他媽的。這兩個可能都是低估和過度勞累的,但是Dani會在晚上出來之前確定她完全死了。

Rachel Starr 在 '在她的子里摩一隻公雞'

Rachel Starr - 在她的子里摩一隻公雞

巨大的蕾切斯·斯塔爾是一個忙碌的女人。她花了一整天自己的事業,只需要時間自己 - 放下,就是!所以,當雷切爾的丈夫用按摩令她驚奇時,她讓查理·德拉的按摩師進了她的房子。只有,查爾斯一直不耐煩地等待,他有其他的客戶看到。當德拉先生聽到雷切爾抱怨她需要放下的時候,他更願意在他的屁股上擦他的公雞,給她應得的快樂的結局!

Marica Hase 在 '不要碰她4'

Marica Hase - 不要碰她4

查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)和他的未婚妻去了一個脫衣舞俱樂部,在那裡他們被有才華的情色舞者馬里卡·希斯(Marica Hase)娛樂。只有德拉先生才有幸接受他的即將到來的妻子,才有興趣從脫衣舞孃那裡獲得一圈的舞蹈。她也警告查爾斯不要碰馬里卡。幸運的是,Hase女士是非常強硬的,一直渴望一個公雞吸吮和他媽的一整天,所以她利用他!

Bridgette B 在 '吹一些別的骰子'

Bridgette B - 吹一些別的骰子

Bridgette B和Nina Kayy和他們的丈夫在賭場。這些女孩很生氣,厭倦了丈夫的樂趣。當一對強盜闖入賭場搶劫,女孩們不怕;他們不得不回到丈夫身邊! Busty Bridgette和Nina炫耀了他們的山雀,回到了他們的老公,他們知道如何通過吹一些別人的公雞的唯一方式!

Lauren Phillips 在 '好的東西在小而大的包裝中'

Lauren Phillips - 好的東西在小而大的包裝中


Phoenix Marie 在 'Brazzers半場表演II'

Phoenix Marie - Brazzers半場表演II

歡迎來到第二屆ZZ Halftime展會!今年,布魯克林追逐,鳳凰瑪麗,羅米雨,維羅妮卡·阿夫魯夫在下半場比起特定的隊伍進行比賽,他們打了個快速比賽。

Angela White 在 '它的美好的性生活'

Angela White - 它的美好的性生活

自從他拒絕給她她一直想要的東西之後,安吉拉·懷特一直不幸地和丈夫結婚:肛交。懷特女士希望她從未與這樣一個可怕的丈夫結婚。當安吉拉有機會做一個過失,她誘惑那個將要嫁給她未來的前夫的男人!查爾斯·德拉法官將屈服於美麗的新娘 - 不是嗎?好角質的安吉拉·懷特(Angela White)不僅得到了她快樂的結局,而且在未來也有一個美好的性生活?

Casey Calvert 在 '金屬後固體 -  Phantom Peen(A XXX模仿)'

Casey Calvert - 金屬後固體 - Phantom Peen(A XXX模仿)

老闆(查爾斯·德拉)被深藏在敵人的領土上,一個新的敵人威脅著他。 Hushy(凱西·卡爾弗特)是一個精英活動,希望不惜一切代價將他帶走。如果只有老闆可以搖擺Hushy加入鑽石東,而不是與他們作鬥爭。就這樣發生,Hushy的弱點是深深的屁股,而Boss是隨時準備迎接後方的事情。

Kayla Kayden 在 '不要碰她3'

Kayla Kayden - 不要碰她3

查爾斯只是想要一個很好的跳舞,但是他的緊張的女朋友正在成為一個笨拙的頭髮。幸運的是,性感的脫衣舞者凱拉·凱登(Kayla Kayden)知道一件關於微妙的事情,她是如何在她的女人面前用她多汁的陰部吞沒查爾斯的悸動的公雞,而不是更聰明!

Nicole Aniston 在 '尼克爾工作從未完成'

Nicole Aniston - 尼克爾工作從未完成

妮可·安妮斯頓(Nicole Aniston)已經在辦公室工作了很長時間,而老闆則認為自己已經完成了工作,一直在為加班付錢。但是,當李小龍發現安妮斯頓女士根本沒有做任何工作時,他決定調查她在加班期間真正做到了什麼。正如李先生很快就發現,妮可的工作是從她的房間裡妓女!凱倫決定拿到自己的價值和角質,安妮斯頓女士更願意將業務與快樂結合起來!

Jessa Rhodes 在 '你所看到的就是你得到的'

Jessa Rhodes - 你所看到的就是你得到的

傑西·羅德斯(Jessa Rhodes)特別強調,她甚至已經極度地向丈夫展示了她想要穿著性感內衣多少錢。只有她的丈夫忙著經營自己的事,他沒有時間為妻子的需要。當Jessa注意到一個窺視的湯姆(Charles Dera)已經拍攝了她的照片!羅德斯女士決定對她的丈夫進行報復,引誘戴拉先生進入她的家,以便她終於可以得到她一直渴望的傢伙!

Ashley Fires 在 '為公雞瘋狂第2部分'

Ashley Fires - 為公雞瘋狂第2部分

Charles Dera博士無法診斷Ashley Fires的無法控制的角質,呼籲一名助理Ramon Nomar博士幫助。當查爾斯治療阿什利極端的性行為作為一項醫學研究時,拉蒙不禁想要滿足這個性感的蕩婦的渴望!德拉博士很快發現,治療阿什利火災的性需求是通過讓她的陰部和屁股在同一時間!

Valentina Nappi 在 '推動邊界'

Valentina Nappi - 推動邊界

Valentina Nappi是頂尖的女售貨員。她的專長:內衣。毫無疑問,她用這樣的大山雀做大銷量!但查爾斯是一個老式的傢伙:他不會買任何東西,而不先觸摸它。好的,Nappi女士願意做任何事情來賺錢。

Chanel Preston 在 '記者投票'

Chanel Preston - 記者投票

在加利福尼亞州的衡量B聽證會上,一名色情明星(Chanel Preston)自行承認業內專業人士試圖阻止色情電影中的安全套要求。雖然理事會成員似乎相信通過這一措施,但一名董事會成員(Charles Dera)不僅對普雷斯頓女士的聽證感興趣,他希望她親自在大公雞上表現自己的技能!

Ashley Fires 在 '為公雞瘋狂第1部分'

Ashley Fires - 為公雞瘋狂第1部分

Charles Dera博士已經負責尋求治療Ashley Fires極端角質的治療方法。 Fires女士是進入庇護的最新患者之一,Dera博士很快就發現,Ashley沒有任何精神上的錯誤 - 這是她滴下的濕的貓,這是無法控制的!查爾斯能否治愈阿什利火焰的難以忍受的性慾,還是這個公雞餓死ut ut是這個文件不能處理的一個病人?

Alexis Fawx 在 '聖誕節特輯 - 第4部分'

Alexis Fawx - 聖誕節特輯 - 第4部分


Jillian Janson 在 '一個Brazzers聖誕節特別 - 第3部分'

Jillian Janson - 一個Brazzers聖誕節特別 - 第3部分

這是聖誕節前夕,但萊娜不能停止思考她與她男朋友的妹妹吉利安在浴室裡的熱情。每個人都睡覺之後,莉娜潛入吉利安的房間一個晚上的夜晚,只能發現她的床空。經過快速搜索,房子引導她進入地下室,莉娜發現吉利安在一個柱子裡。似乎她已經在計劃傍晚 - 從聖誕老人自己的屁股上點了一個雞巴。

Allie Haze 在 '肛門聖誕節'

Allie Haze - 肛門聖誕節


Cherie Deville 在 'ZZ架設2016-第4部分'

Cherie Deville - ZZ架設2016-第4部分

這是一個地獄之旅,但選舉還沒有結束。 Drumpf和Clayton發現自己在橢圓形辦公室,Onama總統告訴他們這是一個領帶! Drumpf要求重新配對,但總司令有一個更好的主意:最後他和他的熱妻子米歇爾他媽的!調查一下誰將贏得最高和最強大的辦公室在土地。

Kylie Page 在 '數學可以刺激'

Kylie Page - 數學可以刺激

美麗而豐盛的Kylie Paige是一個數學怪癖,她是一個在她的書呆子風度下的大蕩婦。雖然她的行為完全是一切,但凱莉只是希望得到她教授的無與倫比的關注,以便她可以通過多種高潮獲得體面的體驗!但是,查爾斯·德拉教授計劃不僅挑戰佩奇女士,而且考慮到她的注意力,讓她在大腦之前騎著一個sybian!

Nicole Aniston 在 '被困和他媽的'

Nicole Aniston - 被困和他媽的


Cherie Deville 在 '盲人實驗2'

Cherie Deville - 盲人實驗2


Jezabel Vessir 在 '你沒有人力資源就會拼出角質'

Jezabel Vessir - 你沒有人力資源就會拼出角質


August Taylor 在 '我的妻子'

August Taylor - 我的妻子

八月泰勒的丈夫正在當地一家大型企業家查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)舉行晚餐,希望讓他投資於他的項目。但是當查爾斯出現時,八月立即認出他 - 他們曾經是他媽的伙伴!八月初和查爾斯重新點燃他們的火焰,同時讓八月的丈夫如此錘煉,他出去,讓八月和查爾斯一個人重新被修復。

Romi Rain 在 '奇蹟女人 - 一個XXX模仿'

Romi Rain - 奇蹟女人 - 一個XXX模仿

黛安公主(Romi Rain)已經在人類世界居住了很長時間。她決定作為平民生活,並將她的超級英雄身份保密。但是,當她過去的一個奇怪的訪客來到黛安娜回到亞馬遜,她別無選擇,只能轉化為奇蹟女人,爭取正義,和平,愛,和一個大公雞為這個角質的蕩婦吮吸和他媽的!

Nicole Aniston 在 '健身和果汁'

Nicole Aniston - 健身和果汁

阿比蓋爾和查爾斯在健身房裡正在調查一陣風暴。她緊緊的身體和迷人的笑容讓查爾斯感覺到她沒有時間。經過一些動手鍛煉的技巧,阿比蓋爾感謝查爾斯在健身房裡吸吮他的公雞!他們很少知道健身教練妮可·安妮斯頓(Nicole Aniston)正在進行輪迴 - 她會抓住這兩個人嗎?

Nikki Benz 在 '讓面部護理2'

Nikki Benz - 讓面部護理2

Nikki和Dani正在嘗試一個新的水療中心。他們不知道他們要得到什麼特別待遇 - 他們必須保持他們的男朋友的秘密!

Abella Danger 在 'Sybian遊戲玩家女孩'

Abella Danger - Sybian遊戲玩家女孩


Ashley Fires 在 'Wham,Bam,謝謝紙卡紙'

Ashley Fires - Wham,Bam,謝謝紙卡紙

阿什利火災可能是辦公室的老闆,但她的屁股是鎮上的話!然而,她的僱員厭倦了處理她的緊張行為。謠言在Fires女士迫切需要擺放的辦公室內旋轉。什麼阿什利需要的是一個大而僵硬的公雞把她的直線。當她被困在復印機上時,查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)認為這是一個完美的機會,讓她沮喪,她一直在渴望!

Britney Amber 在 '訪談 - 第3輪'

Britney Amber - 訪談 - 第3輪


Phoenix Marie 在 '打破精子庫'

Phoenix Marie - 打破精子庫

鳳凰瑪麗是一個瘋狂的蕩婦,對熱暨有不耐煩的渴望。她決定進入精子庫,當她被Charles Dera博士抓住時,她將要趕上所有的樣品。鳳凰衛Pan Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。瑪麗女士決定從源頭上獲得她的暨修復權,只有當Dera博士抓住她的行為時,才獲得雙重浸泡,她一直在呵護著!

Janice Griffith 在 '一天與色情明星 - 珍妮絲'

Janice Griffith - 一天與色情明星 - 珍妮絲


Kianna Dior 在 '加拿大快樂節,呃'

Kianna Dior - 加拿大快樂節,呃

遇到Bug和Dob McFrenzy,加拿大的兩個兄弟和深夜談話節目的主持人“Great Fucking Cuntry”!在本週的節目中,Bug(Xander Corvus)和Dob(Charles Dera)討論了加拿大色情明星的重要性,並歡迎其中最熱門的人物 - Kianna Dior!觀看,因為他們顯示所有你的“輸家”如何加拿大人他媽的 - 通過執行一些最快樂的性行為,你只會看到北邊的吉安娜!

Cali Carter 在 '卡特女士特別助理'

Cali Carter - 卡特女士特別助理


August Taylor 在 '什麼我的成績再次'

August Taylor - 什麼我的成績再次

八月泰勒有她的老師查爾斯·德拉的熱情,但他似乎沒有註意到她。八分之一的八月嘗試她的最好,或者我們應該說乳房,讓她的老師的無與倫比的關注,但她不斷的山雀戲弄只會使事情變得更困難 - 德拉先生的公雞是!當查爾斯手八月回來一個失敗的考驗,他看到有機會讓她聰明 - 終於他媽的大腦,這是!

Kiera Rose 在 '貓是最好的醫學'

Kiera Rose - 貓是最好的醫學

忙碌的醫生基拉·羅斯(Kiera Rose)訪問了一位在他死後的富有的商人(查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera))。凱拉打扮成一個性感的醫生,加快進程。但是隨著羅斯博士很快發現,德拉先生都是藍色的球,凱拉非常樂意幫助他打破一個堅果!

Cherie Deville 在 'ZZ架設2016-第1部分'

Cherie Deville - ZZ架設2016-第1部分

歡迎來到ZZ Erection 2016!在這一集中,總統候選人希拉里·克萊頓(Cherie Deville)和唐納德·杜普福(Charles Dera)在一場電視辯論中平息。不久之後,他們的前後陣陣就變成了個人侮辱的火焰,當希拉里挑戰楚普夫的男子氣概的時候,這個小型的億萬富豪甩掉了自己的男子氣概,把她的喉嚨吹起來,給了希拉里多年的愉快徹底的溺水!

Brooke Wylde 在 '一個玩雜耍的性行為'

Brooke Wylde - 一個玩雜耍的性行為

布魯克·威爾德是一個角質的宿舍蕩婦,她的口交和滴滴的技巧值得入場。當她誘惑她最新的客戶(Van Wylde)時,布魯克大開眼界,驚訝地發現敲門聲 - 她的步行者(查爾斯·德拉)已經來了一個驚喜! Van很快知道,Wylde女士與她的繼父非常親密,決定讓Brooke變得困難,因為她正在餵她的公雞,而且正好是!這個蕩婦可以在這個玩雜耍的性行為中滿足她的追求者嗎?

Nicole Aniston 在 'XXX-Men-Shagging the Shapeshifter(XXX Parody)'

Nicole Aniston - XXX-Men-Shagging the Shapeshifter(XXX Parody)

性感的神秘主義者(Nicole Aniston)與勇士X-Men Wolverine(Charles Dera)和Cyclops(Xander Corvus)進行戰鬥,然後在此XXX模仿中服用雙劑量的突變雄雞。

Abella Danger 在 '瑜伽怪胎 - 第四集'

Abella Danger - 瑜伽怪胎 - 第四集

在私人瑜伽課程中,Cassidy和Abella在進行了一次特殊的瑜伽課後的比賽中, Yogi Xander準備讓這個會議對他的n ile學生來說更加特別。但是,他們必須努力工作才能打動這個秘密。

Jade Jantzen 在 '瑜伽怪胎 - 第三集'

Jade Jantzen - 瑜伽怪胎 - 第三集

在這個非常特別的Yoga Freaks劇集中,Jant Jantzen進入錄音室,準備給她所有的一切。瑜珈師Xander眼睛蒙著他的年輕學生增強她的經驗,男孩做得到增強。翡翠願意做任何她老師的問題,甚至立即從兩個傢伙那裡拿走。直到下一次,Namaste!

Anna De Ville 在 '腳踩肛門'

Anna De Ville - 腳踩肛門

安娜·德維爾(Anna De Ville)是一位喜歡鍛煉身體的嚴肅人士。在用假陽具騎自行車彈起她的戰利品後,她和查爾斯和拉蒙一起工作。所有的洞都是這款油畫版的Brazzers Extra!

Katrina Jade 在 '實習生轉身'

Katrina Jade - 實習生轉身


Rachel Starr 在 '他媽的Feds'

Rachel Starr - 他媽的Feds


Cassidy Banks 在 '瑜伽怪胎 - 第二集'

Cassidy Banks - 瑜伽怪胎 - 第二集

在這一集中,Cassidy與硬屁股教練Julia Ann進行了熱瑜伽課程。經過一場艱苦而汗水的會議,包括一些頑固的女同志行動,朱莉婭打電話給她的特務助理查爾斯幫助卡西迪一個正確的他媽的。

Ava Addams 在 '新應用'

Ava Addams - 新應用

萊利·詹納(Riley Jenner)絕望的工作,所以當她走進一個辦公室申請一個職位時,看起來老闆查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)沒有時間,她心碎了。幸運的是詹妮娜女士,這個蓬勃發y的穿著雅各·亞當斯(Ava Addams)願意向她展現這個辦公室的真正運作方式:很多分手會讓你遠離!然後,Ava將更新的流浪漢帶到老闆的辦公室進行適當的介紹 - 充滿雙重口交和滴滴的感覺!這個新的應用程序能否以她的性感技巧打動Dera先生,否則Addams女士必須教她進一步的sl ut訓練技巧?

Romi Rain 在 '沒有學生老師'

Romi Rain - 沒有學生老師


August Ames 在 '貓發燒'

August Ames - 貓發燒

查爾斯·德拉醫生正在全天候工作,以便發現什麼疾病似乎已經折磨了他性感,豐滿的患者:唯一的八月阿。。憑藉他所有的醫學知識,Dera博士被困在尋找治愈她的疾病。但是一旦八月份開始輕拂她的陰蒂,查爾斯就會注意到她的發燒,並且推斷出艾米斯女士其實只是需要一個公雞注射 - 她的陰唇之間的權利!

Audrey Bitoni 在 '哦不,你不要'

Audrey Bitoni - 哦不,你不要

妮可·安妮斯頓(Nicole Aniston)發現,她的丈夫查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)一直在用性感的情婦Audrey Bitoni欺騙她。而不是生氣,妮可決定甚至抓住他們的行為!當她的丈夫突然改變心情時,Aniston女士確保Audrey完成了這項工作!妮可走走了比托尼女士,因為這兩個念珠吸吮他媽,他媽的他乾了,他們正在滴濕更多!

Cassidy Banks 在 '線Em'

Cassidy Banks - 線Em


Chanel Preston 在 '硬通話'

Chanel Preston - 硬通話


Olivia Austin 在 '如何他媽的在辦公室'

Olivia Austin - 如何他媽的在辦公室


Bridgette B 在 '免費肛門'

Bridgette B - 免費肛門


Ryan Conner 在 '陰部或肛門AZZ臨床研究'

Ryan Conner - 陰部或肛門AZZ臨床研究

臭名昭著的他媽的查爾斯·德拉和拉蒙被任命為一項重要的臨床研究,一勞永逸地確定了更加愉快的陰道或肛交。然而,第一次研究參與者和堆疊的淘汰賽Ryan Conner似乎對兩者都有親和力,不久之後,她就愚弄了我們的兩位啞巴英雄,給了她一生。

Dani Jensen 在 '滴滴技巧'

Dani Jensen - 滴滴技巧

Dani Jensen為她的公司招聘,所以當她的老闆的侄子查爾斯成立了面試時,她預計會在現場僱用他。但查爾斯傲慢的態度和關於她的山雀的評論讓丹尼看見紅色。她不會僱傭一些刺,而不讓他首先工作!

August Ames 在 '八月簡報她的老闆'

August Ames - 八月簡報她的老闆

繁榮的八月阿美斯正在努力在她的新辦公室工作。她的最新報導中只有一件事是犯了很多錯誤,發現自己不得不遲到才能完成工作。她的老闆查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)自從僱用她以來就一直在註視著她的巨大山雀,八月份並沒有失去她的意願。因為她比他媽媽的工作更好,她的媽媽誘惑著她的老闆給她應得的加薪 - 他的陰部嘴唇之間的頑強的公雞!

Jillian Janson 在 '一個奇怪的泡沫對接的情況'

Jillian Janson - 一個奇怪的泡沫對接的情況

私人調查員查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)接受了他的最奇怪的案件:調查了一個鬼屋,吉利安·詹森(Jillian Janson)據報佔據的鬼屋。查爾斯仔細地看著房子,因為他看到吉利安的幻想,用甜蜜的山雀和豐富的戰利品嘲笑他。當他試圖保持專業的時候,Dera先生最終屈服於Janson女士的誘惑,並將她屁股和貓and y直到她乾淨!

Nikki Benz 在 '大贓物牛仔褲'

Nikki Benz - 大贓物牛仔褲

每個人都知道,尼基·奔馳是世界級屁股的驕傲的主人,沒有什麼能像尼基的樣子比一雙緊身牛仔褲那樣好看。這就是為什麼當像查爾斯·德拉(Charles Dera)這樣一個角質的侏儒來到時,Nikki正在和他一起工作,他不得不把他的公雞深深地拉到尼基的德里。

Karlee Grey 在 '五十個CC'

Karlee Grey - 五十個CC

查爾斯·戴拉(Charles Dera)前往醫院,一個不會退出的人。幸運的是他的護士卡利是值班的,準備馴服那個傢伙提交。查爾斯並不期望這樣一個可愛和性感的護士能親自接觸他的親密問題,但是一旦她把襪子放在他悸動的公雞身上,他就在船上。他媽的卡莉在她性感的紅色內衣快速治愈他的問題 - 在她的臉上!

Alison Tyler 在 '獲取圖片'

Alison Tyler - 獲取圖片

艾莉森·泰勒(Alison Tyler)不在城外,決定派她的丈夫一些她的新內衣的性感自我。然而,在採取這些狂歡節拍時,她忘記隱藏她的情人Charles Dera與她分享房間的證據!當艾莉森的丈夫打電話來指責她的作弊時,可愛的y mpho決定吸吮戴拉先生,並透過手機戴著重要的其他東西!看著她的大滴滴彈跳,而她像沒有其他的蕩婦騎公雞!

Alix Lynx 在 '他媽的輪子'

Alix Lynx - 他媽的輪子

杏仁暨下來!你是最骯髒的,頑皮的遊戲節目中的下一個性感參賽者:他媽的輪子!觀看主持人查爾斯·戴拉(Charles Dera)通過各種性別挑戰引導阿利克斯,因為她嘗試了她的乳房,使她的大山雀突破了一個堅果! Alix可能會旋轉車輪,但是在看到Lynx女士的性感迷人之後,她會讓你的迪斯尼旋轉!但她和她美麗的胸部能否贏得神秘的大獎?

Noelle Easton 在 'Sexperiments'

Noelle Easton - Sexperiments


Valerie Kay 在 'Ole Switcheroo'

Valerie Kay - Ole Switcheroo


來自其他網站的場景特色 Charles Dera

Aubrey Sinclair 在 'The girl next door, Aubrey Sinclair, stops by my room and fucks me as if I'm her boyfriend'

Aubrey Sinclair - The girl next door, Aubrey Sinclair, stops by my room and fucks me as if I'm her boyfriend

We've all been there: stopped for a night in some rag-tag motel waiting for daybreak. Put on your VR headset and you've got what we've all wanted: a horny, blonde knocking on our rag-tag-motel door. Yup, some blonde hot daughter like Aubrey Sinclair is bored with her family in the room next-door, so she wanders off to find trouble and she finds…you. You've never been so lucky, but with Naughty America VR porn, you are!

Jenna J Ross 在 'and her boyfriend are up for a hot threesome with Jenna's horny friend Lily Jordan'

Jenna J Ross - and her boyfriend are up for a hot threesome with Jenna's horny friend Lily Jordan

You know you've thought about it: banging your girlfriend's friend. But what about when your girlfriend wants you to bang her friend, in a threesome with her?! Get that VR headset on immediately, because your dream is coming true! Your woman Jenna J Ross has her horny friend Lily Jordan over to catch some rays, so what better a time than to get that menage a trois started! It's a VR porn threesome that will fire up your relationship in no time! With two bubble butts at your fingertips in Virtual Reality, you'll be immersed in a world of hedonism with the potential for real-world results!

Cassidy Banks 在 'Busty bank agent will fuck you and do anything to keep your account open like her wet pussy'

Cassidy Banks - Busty bank agent will fuck you and do anything to keep your account open like her wet pussy

Money talks and big natural tits talk more! You want to close your bank account, but financial agent Cassidy Banks knows you better than that. She's willing to do whatever it takes to get you to stay with her institution, even if that means fucking you in her private office! The busty banker pulls out her big tits and waves her pussy right in your face — how's that for collateral? She bounces those massive jugs right on your nose, then sucks your dick and fucks it until you bust all over her bombs. Another satisfied — and continuing — customer!

Elsa Jean 在 'Your girlfriend's naughty sister, Elsa Jean, has her eyes set on you and your thick cock'

Elsa Jean - Your girlfriend's naughty sister, Elsa Jean, has her eyes set on you and your thick cock

You've always wanted to experience your girlfriend's sister, and now you can! Throw on your VR headset and sit back as Elsa Jean fulfills that fantasy. The blonde bad girl knows her sister isn't giving you what you want, so she takes control of the situation. She wraps her lips around your cock right before you to give you the blowjob her sister never even offered! It's this kind of VR porn that will make you think twice every time you go to your sister's family gatherings!

Daisy Marie 在 'I Have a Wife'

Daisy Marie - I Have a Wife

Daisy Marie has some computer issues. So she got the geek squad to come over to look at it. But it's not her hard drive that needs attention, it's her sex drive. This geek's wife knows he's pounding keys all day, but she doesn't know he's pounding Daisy today!!

Jynx Maze 在 'is horny for your cock in her wet pussy and her tight backdoor for some anal fun'

Jynx Maze - is horny for your cock in her wet pussy and her tight backdoor for some anal fun

It's time to get naughty and do some anal with Jynx Maze's butt in VR -- holy moly! You'll have a lot more to say when you experience her big fat fanny up close and personal and try to slap it! Virtual Reality porn will make you do that, and Jynx Maze will make your VR headset fall off when she spreads her buttcheeks and gives you the anal sex of your LIFE! Good night ... and good luck!

Angela White 在 'Such a naughty good time with Aussie porn star Angela White'

Angela White - Such a naughty good time with Aussie porn star Angela White

Hearing Angela White's voice as she licks my ear, telling me how good she's going to fuck my brains out, creates an insurmountable level of anticipation, especially for her big natural tits. Infamous for her ruthless rack, Angela shoves them in my face and into my mouth for me to suck on. The gorgeous Aussie slaps me with her massive boobs, then sticks her big ass in my face while she's blowing me. But that's only after she lubes up her tits and slides my dick in between them. And that's just the start of it; she then takes my cock and slaps her pussy before riding it and I couldn't hold it! I was too excited and I came fast. But she didn't mind at all because she tasted it, played with it, and rubbed my cum on her tits. I was hungry for more and still ready to go so we continued fucking all over the room and I saved another good load for her to enjoy after we had some more naughty fun.

Lana Rhoades 在 'Your sugar babe Lana Rhoades surprises you with her roommate Sella Cox for a naughty threesome'

Lana Rhoades - Your sugar babe Lana Rhoades surprises you with her roommate Sella Cox for a naughty threesome

You're in a hotel, waiting for exquisite natural beauties Lana Rhoades and Stella Cox to enter and do whatever it is you want them to do. That's what you're doing today when you put on your VR headset to get the girlfriend experience from Naughty America. Immerse yourself into a world where money is no object, and for that you'll get big natural tits and luscious asses right before you! This threesome is the ultimate VR porn experience you've earned. An all-natural brunette and an all-natural British blonde, foreign accent and all, both of the ready to fuck you as you wish. Transport yourself into an unforgettable realm of sexual intensity with Virtual Reality from Naughty America!

Reagan Foxx 在 'Sexy MILF Reagan Foxx welcomes you to enjoy her shower!'

Reagan Foxx - Sexy MILF Reagan Foxx welcomes you to enjoy her shower!

Your buddy's mom Reagan Foxx is just that — a fox! And while your friend is, er, taking care of business at the house, you take a sneak peek of his busty mom in the shower — full big tits and all! But watch out when she catches you, because with her it's you've seen mine, now I see yours! Let this sexy MILF take control of your dick before her son starts looking for you again…it'll be your little secret!

Zoe Sparx 在 'Tiny Blonde Zoe Sparx Fucks Her Best Friend's Dad'

Zoe Sparx - Tiny Blonde Zoe Sparx Fucks Her Best Friend's Dad

Petite blonde, Zoe Sparx, has had her eyes on her best friend?s dad for quite some time now. Her lust for the old stud, Charles Dera, is too much to handle anymore, so Zoe decided to do something about it. The tiny blonde leads Charles into the bathroom and immediately reaches out for his cock. She tried to fit the whole shaft down her throat but ended up gagging loud. After the sloppy blowjob, the two get in the tub and fucks doggy style. Sweet moans fill the room as Zoe cums over and over again. The two go to the bedroom to continue their intense pussy fucking. Zoe rides Charles in cowgirl and reverses cowgirl before letting him fuck her in missionary until he cums on her face.

Ariana Marie 在 'You have a special cock package for Ariana Marie'

Ariana Marie - You have a special cock package for Ariana Marie

Ariana Marie is expecting a package from your delivery service today, but she's not expecting you to show up in her backyard as she's swimming naked! But hey, it happens. And when it does, it happens for a reason — she wants to see your package, too! You're due for a break anyway, so why not sit at the pool's edge and get a blowjob from sexy Ariana? And it doesn't end with her sucking your cock. She will get every drop of cum out of you after she fucks you, silly. Don't worry about your other deliveries….delivering the meat is your priority right now!

Karla Kush 在 'Bring in a Naughty New Year with the Ultimate Fivesome'

Karla Kush - Bring in a Naughty New Year with the Ultimate Fivesome

It's New Year's Eve and Fidelio is the password as you're invited to the ultimate high-end VIP sex party. As you are whisked away by the host and mistress for the evening (Mia Malkova), you are taken on a tour through the mansion, making stops at several of the many sex rooms, to witness lust-filled acts taking place with masked patrons. Your tour ends in the grand room where three masked beauties are waiting to fuck your brains out while you are surrounded by masked couples sucking, fucking, and licking each other in the background. Mia, of course, will be joining you as well, making this the ultimate fivesome.

Tommy King 在 'The Coat Room'

Tommy King - The Coat Room

A cheating wife's rendezvous in the coat room at their house party is interrupted when her husband comes looking for her. To cover her tracks, she seduces him as her side piece watches from the closet.

Nikki Benz 在 'My Wife's Hot Friend'

Nikki Benz - My Wife's Hot Friend

Nikki Benz is having a blast at her friend's anniversary party. It doesn't take long for Nikki to find herself alone with her friend's husband and have him blast some cum all over her face.

Nicole Aniston 在 'The gorgeous Nicole Aniston guides you every step of the way on how to fuck a pornstar'

Nicole Aniston - The gorgeous Nicole Aniston guides you every step of the way on how to fuck a pornstar

All you need to hear is her seductive voice telling you that she loves creampies, and Nicole Aniston will have you. The beautiful blonde pornstar is ready to give you an experience that'll leave you creaming up inside her tight pink pussy. But first she's going to talk dirty to you; then she's going to masturbate and tease you; then she's going to stick her tight ass and pussy in your face so you can smell her wetness. After that, you'll just to have to see what Nicole has in store for your pornstar experience with her. Just make sure you don't blow your load until she's ready for it…

Anna Claire Clouds 在 'Best Laid Plans - S43:E3'

Anna Claire Clouds - Best Laid Plans - S43:E3

Lily Larimar and Anna Claire Clouds have a surprise in store for Anna's sugar daddy Charles Dera. Charles arrives to find the scene laid out for a good time, complete with candles, flowers, and of course Anna ready to go. Lily is hiding behind the counter waiting for the right moment to come out.Surprised but willing, Charles agrees to let Anna blindfold him. He claims he'd know his baby's touch anywhere, so Anna beckons Lily over to put him to the test. The girls alternate between who's touching and who's not, although Anna does all the talking. When Charles begins to suspect something, Anna escalates by having Charles feel up Lily's plump tits and dripping twat.Pulling Charles's cock out, Lily begins to suck Charles off. When the girls begin to work together for a double blowjob, Charles is positive that he's about to enjoy himself in a threesome. He still doesn't know who it is, though, until Lily climbs on top of him to ride his cock while Anna removes the blindfold. Smiling, Charles tells Lily it's very nice to meet her.Lily continues her stiffie ride as Anna strips down out of her dress and thong. Rubbing her fingertips over her own slit, she waits for Charles to give her a hand. Eventually he does, making sure Anna is nice and wet to take over for Lily. When Lily cedes the cock to Anna, Anna climbs aboard in reverse cowgirl for a ride that really gets her moaning.Switching things up, Lily lays down with her shoulders cradled on Anna's lap and her thighs spread nice and wide. Charles runs his dick up and down Lily's juicy slit to tease her for a hot moment, then slides on home. As Anna rubs Lilly's clit, Charles fucks her until she explodes with pleasure that makes her pussy walls squeeze and quiver. Once Anna is assured of Lily's delight, she climbs on top to have Lily eat her out as Charles continues to give her a proper pussy pounding.On her hands and knees, Anna continues to put Charles's endurance to the test as she takes him in doggy. Charles delivers, anchoring his hands on Anna's waist as he drives home. Anna leans in to play with Lily's twat and eat her friend out as Charles does her, but eventually she has to stop so she can just ride the wave of delight. Knowing he has played the perfect stud, Charles pulls out and blows his nut all over Anna's back. Lily asks permission before lapping some of that big load up and sharing it with Anna in a deep kiss.

Phoenix Marie 在 'I Have a Wife'

Phoenix Marie - I Have a Wife

Phoenix Marie is a hot blonde bombshell. She'll melt any man with her long legs and juicy ass. And that's her plan with her friend's husband. They're both at the office on a Saturday when Phoenix decides it's time to let loose. Wives: lock-up your husbands, Phoenix is loose!!!

Rachel Starr 在 'and her famous bubble-butt are here to take a bucking' bronco of a wild ride on YOUR big cock'

Rachel Starr - and her famous bubble-butt are here to take a bucking' bronco of a wild ride on YOUR big cock

Don't move a muscle yet, because you might cum just hearing that voice whisper in your ear! Before you can even see her, Rachel Starr is driving you wild with her words. Listen to her dirty-talk you for a while, and then once you're good and warmed up, the blindfold comes off and the sexy brunette pornstar and her beautiful big ass are right before you. She'll put some shine on that fantastic ass of hers with some oil, getting it nice and lubed for you to rub your cock all over it. And before you know it, she'll have your stiff big dick in her mouth, sucking it good and preparing for her wet pussy! This VR pornstar experience is going to make your weekend!

Sarah Shevon 在 'Bad girl Sarah Shevon fucking in the couch with her big ass'

Sarah Shevon - Bad girl Sarah Shevon fucking in the couch with her big ass

Deputy Dera arrives at Ms. Shavon's house for a few routine questions regarding her neighbor Mr. Lawson, who's applying for job at the Sherrif's dept. After a few questions, Ms. Shavon informs deputy Dera that she's been having an affair with Mr. Lawson. Deputy Dera is not impressed and informs her that he's married and married men like Mr. Lawson and him should not be unfaithful to their wives. It's the Sheriff's code! Ms. Shavon says "nonsense" and starts to give deputy Dera the best blow job and fuck, his wife would never give!

Flower Tucci 在 'fucking in the bedroom with her lingerie'

Flower Tucci - fucking in the bedroom with her lingerie

Flower is the perfect dirty girl who will swallow your load while she shakes her big juicy ass.

Rachel Starr 在 'shows off those fantastic big tits, perfect ass, and twerk skills to her boss'

Rachel Starr - shows off those fantastic big tits, perfect ass, and twerk skills to her boss

Time for the big boss to show everyone who's boss! You just walked in on your employee Rachel Starr making a photocopy of her naked tits! You won't stand for this inappropriate conduct, will you? Hell no! So close the door behind you and let Rachel apologize until she's blue in the face. But wait…she wants to do more than just say 'I'm sorry.' Rachel wants to show you how sorry she is by letting you touch the exact rack now documented on a piece of paper. You never realized Rachel had such big tits, and now seeing them bare — pierced nipples and all — you're leaning more toward not firing her. And when she pulls out your dick to show you even more appreciation with a sloppy office blowjob, you're heavily leaning toward giving her a raise. Hell, your big dick is already raised, and she wants to lower it into her wet pussy. But first Rachel's going to show you how her ass dances, hypnotizing you and your cock so that you won't cum so fast when you fuck her. There's a lesson to be learned here: never knock when entering your employee's office!

Kelsi Monroe 在 'That Thing Around Your Neck'

Kelsi Monroe - That Thing Around Your Neck

An off-the-grid hitchhiker catches the attention of a paper-pushing businessman on his drive to work.

Ava Addams 在 'Tits or ass — which do you like better How about both from the gorgeous babes Ava Addams and Rachel Starr'

Ava Addams - Tits or ass — which do you like better How about both from the gorgeous babes Ava Addams and Rachel Starr

Are you an ass man or a boob man? Ah, the eternal question. But this time around, pornstars Rachel Starr and Ava Addams are asking you directly! They're lackadaisically pondering the question in the pool, and you just happen to be around taking care of the water, so why not ask you? If you're ready for this, put on your VR headset, but don't get it wet! Rachel and Ava lure you indoors for the Ass vs. Tits contest, and you must decide a winner. It's a VR porn bout for the ages, pitting a MILF buxom brunette against her nipple-pierced contender with a bubble butt. You'll have so much to reach out and grab for in this luscious virtual reality experience! And trust us…you'll want to hold on tight!

Abella Danger 在 'Bubble butt hotties Abella Danger and Jada Stevens shake their big asses right up in your face'

Abella Danger - Bubble butt hotties Abella Danger and Jada Stevens shake their big asses right up in your face

Abella Danger & Jada Stevens are taking tennis lessons, but they aren't the greatest players. Luckily, they do have great skills with fitting balls in their mouths, so you go back inside where they show you their other talents.

Ava Addams 在 'MILF pornstar goddess Ava Addams is horny as fuck and ready to please YOU'

Ava Addams - MILF pornstar goddess Ava Addams is horny as fuck and ready to please YOU

Ever been with a pornstar? If 'no' is your answer today, then soon it'll be 'yes.' MILF Pornstar Ava Addams is horny as fuck, and not only that…she's here, and she's here for you! She wants to rub her juicy, fat, big tits all up in your face and let you suck on her plushy pink nipples. After that, she wants to blow you like a pornstar would blow you — sloppy, wet and feeling like it's never going to end. And you won't want it to end…until you find out how wet her pussy is! Ava's so fucking horny she's ready to sit right on your hard dick and ride it until you're ready to explode. Ava's giving you the pornsrtar experience you've always dreamed of.

Sofi Ryan 在 'Blackout'

Sofi Ryan - Blackout

Sofi Ryan and Charles Dera are enjoying movie night when they lose electricity. Not allowing their fun night to be thwarted by a pesky blackout, the pair get playful with a romantic romp.

Kate Dee 在 'Big Cock Bully'

Kate Dee - Big Cock Bully

Kate Dee is ready to celebrate her anniversary when her husband calls and lets her know they will have to postpone because he has to work. Her husband's boss works him way too much and she's had enough. Kate decides to go and pay that bully of a boss a visit. She soon realizes what must be done and gives up her pussy in order to get him to lay off her husband a bit.

Yurizan Beltran 在 'fucking in the living room with her big tits'

Yurizan Beltran - fucking in the living room with her big tits

Yurizan was driving home from a long day when she ran a stop sign! When she came to a complete stop Yurizan realized that she hit a man on a motorcycle. The man happen to be Charles. She takes Charles inside to her home to make sure Charles wasn't badly injured. Yurizan checks to make sure Charles' bones are fine and working properly.

Angelina Valentine 在 'fucking in the floor with her tattoos'

Angelina Valentine - fucking in the floor with her tattoos

Charles is about to lose his mind with the amount of work on his plate and he could really use some help and all his previous assistant's have been useless, but his dream assistant is about to take care of all his needs and once all the work is done she will get to work on his lonely stressed out cock.

Kagney Linn Karter 在 'fucking in the couch with her big ass'

Kagney Linn Karter - fucking in the couch with her big ass

Kagney is smoking inside the house when Charles and Johnny come home from their workout. Johnny hates Kagney because she started dating his father, and he knows its a fake relationship. He yells at her and kicks her outside. Charles sneaks away from Johnny and go outside to comfort Kagney. Charles is a closet smoker and they share a puff together. He really likes Kagney, and starts flirting with her. They go at it hot and heavy outside until once again, Johnny opens the door and starts yelling. He pulls them inside and begins lecturing them. Kagney can't take it anymore. "Shut up and get your cock" always seems to work in any situation.

Mellanie Monroe 在 'Boss Mellanie Monroe fucking in the desk with her big ass'

Mellanie Monroe - Boss Mellanie Monroe fucking in the desk with her big ass

Mellanie is running a sales business and Charles is one of her employees. While taking a quick lunch break, she overhears a strange conversation between Charles and a potential client. He insults that client repeatedly and Mellanie is getting very upset at Charles. After the call ends, she goes over to his desk and has a few words with him. She explains that he needs to learn some finesse and that will help him with clients. He doesn't understand until Mellanie grabs his tie and SHOWS him the meaning of finesse with her lips.

Candy Manson 在 'Blonde Candy Manson fucking in the couch with her piercings'

Candy Manson - Blonde Candy Manson fucking in the couch with her piercings

Candy is not as dumb as she pretends to be and her intentions with the recruiter are very clear when she's asked of her past history. The only background this sexy bomb shell has are dick sucking skills.

Vanessa Naughty 在 'fucking in the couch with her tattoos'

Vanessa Naughty - fucking in the couch with her tattoos

Vanessa wonders who the hell besides a door to door salesman would be bothering her so early on a rainy Sunday morning but to her surprise it's a hot piece of ass asking for help and being the good person she is she's willing to help him out while also helping herself to his delicious married cock.

Rachel Starr 在 'Friend Rachel Starr fucking in the couch with her tits'

Rachel Starr - Friend Rachel Starr fucking in the couch with her tits

Charles comes over to his neighbor's place to complain about his relationship problems. He brings some wine, but Rachel doesn't trust herself around alcohol on a weeknight. After listening to Charles complain about how his girlfriend doesn't like his aggressiveness, Rachel tells him that there are some girls who love a man who takes control. Charles gets the hint and they get hot and heavy right there on the sofa.

Dayna Vendetta 在 'Friend Dayna Vendetta fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Dayna Vendetta - Friend Dayna Vendetta fucking in the couch with her big tits

Charles has come downstairs after Thanksgiving dinner to go out jogging. He needs to get rid of all the good food he ate! His wife's personal assistant, Dayna, is still helping with the desserts and offers Charles a piece of pumpkin pie. He initially refuses, but when she offers him some whipped cream for the pie, his dirty mind kicks in. He wants the whipped cream lick off Dayna's scrumptious body.

Briana Blair 在 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Briana Blair - fucking in the living room with her tits

Brianna will use any excuse to get a taste of her best friends hot as hell husband's dick and Charles can't say no to this hot babe.

Brenda James 在 'fucking in the couch with her tits'

Brenda James - fucking in the couch with her tits

Brenda James is relaxing at her friend's place after a long flight. Only her friend's husband is there and he's supposed to entertain her. He wants to pop in a movie but Brenda wants him to pop on her face!!

Chanel Carrera 在 'fucking in the couch with her natural tits'

Chanel Carrera - fucking in the couch with her natural tits

Mrs. Carrera is a great housewarmer, and today she's helping her son's friend decorate his new pad. But before it can become a home, she's gotta give him some dome!!

Syren De Mer 在 'fucking in the living room with her piercings'

Syren De Mer - fucking in the living room with her piercings

Syren De Mer is always there for her husband, even after he lost his job. She knows that the company's loss is her gain, starting with some afternoon delight to raise his spirits!!

Courtney Cummz 在 'fucking in the floor with her tits'

Courtney Cummz - fucking in the floor with her tits

Interior designer Courtney has one more room to add a woman's touch too but turns out her client's husband won't allow any of it so she's just going to have to push her way in and get the job done. Nobody told her the job would also include having her client's cock pressed against her ass but she must keep her clients happy so on her knees she goes down for a mouthful of delicious cock.

Brooke Brand 在 'fucking in the living room with her tits'

Brooke Brand - fucking in the living room with her tits

Brooke Banner is taking care of Charles Dera and he got sun burned. Brooke suggested that some awesome pussy can cure his pain. Charles is a married man so he was a little hesitant at first. It's hard to refuse a sexy blond like Brooke and they started fucking on the couch. Brooke just knows how to take care of a man when he's hurting.

Gabby Quinteros 在 'Boss Gabby Quinteros fucking in the bed with her tits'

Gabby Quinteros - Boss Gabby Quinteros fucking in the bed with her tits

Gabby Quinteros is checking up on how her electrician is coming along when she gets the urge to fuck him. He explains to her that he just cut the power but Gabby is so turned on that she takes off his tool belt and pulls out his power tool!!!

Presley Hart 在 'fucking in the pool with her small tits'

Presley Hart - fucking in the pool with her small tits

Presley and her friends stop by Charles' house to surprise him and his friend with their new cheer routine for the big football game that evening. Unfortunately, Charles and his friend were kicked off the team for getting in bar fight the night before. Looks like there's nothing else to do but fuck by the pool today.

Allie Jordan 在 'fucking in the desk with her natural tits'

Allie Jordan - fucking in the desk with her natural tits

Professor Dera is still in his classroom cleaning up from Allie's birthday party when she shows up to help him. He tells her that it's easy to clean up, and that she should be out celebrating her birthday with her friends. But Allie says for her birthday, she wants to help him -- in more ways then one. The lightbulb goes on in the professor's head when Allie starts touching his leg inappropriately. Does he break the teacher-student code? By the massive load he spurts on her face ' I'd say yes.

Britney Amber 在 'Student Britney Amber fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Britney Amber - Student Britney Amber fucking in the couch with her big tits

Britney has a crush on her photography instructor but there's just one problem, he's a married man. Turns out today is her lucky day and with his wife out of the way she's ready for a one on one lesson on dirty fucking.

Evilyn Fierce 在 'fucking in the ottoman with her natural tits'

Evilyn Fierce - fucking in the ottoman with her natural tits

Evelyn is sure her wealthy boyfriend will propose soon so she's planning the wedding of her dreams but the famous photographer she's hired is asking for a deposit which she doesn't have but negotiating is something she's really good at specially when it's this easy since no man has ever refused her sexual offers.

Rachel Love 在 'fucking in the couch with her natural tits'

Rachel Love - fucking in the couch with her natural tits

Rachel is a starving artist staying at a beautiful mansion for free. Charles is just sick of it and kicks her out of the house but Rachel's titys have this affect that even married man can't resist. some tity fucking should give her about a month's worth of rent.

Amia Miley 在 'Shaved Amia Miley fucking in the gym with her piercings'

Amia Miley - Shaved Amia Miley fucking in the gym with her piercings

Charles just isn't feeling his workout today. He is trying, but can't muster up the energy. Amia of course is her usual cheery self. He excuses himself to grab an energy drink. When he returns, the site of Amia working out snaps him out of his funk. But instead of doing his normal workout, he decides to spice things up with a sexual workout with the tiny Amia.

Chloe Starr 在 'fucking in the couch with her small tits'

Chloe Starr - fucking in the couch with her small tits

Professor Dera is in the teachers' lounge grabbing a bite to eat when he finds his student, Chloe, sleeping on the couch. He asks her why she's napping instead of attending his classes like she should be, and Chloe tells him that she's bored with class and college; she says she'd rather be out meeting guys and getting laid. Charles decides to use the teachers' lounge as his classroom for her, and teaches her a real lesson.

Alanah Rae 在 'fucking in the bed with her big tits'

Alanah Rae - fucking in the bed with her big tits

Alanah and Charles are having a hot affair and she will use any excuse to get him alone upstairs. These two horny adulterers waste no time getting down to business.

Ash Hollywood 在 'fucking in the desk with her natural tits'

Ash Hollywood - fucking in the desk with her natural tits

Ash meets up with very hot professor to warn him about the complaint which will be filed because he's been a complete mess but he's going thru a divorce and longs for a woman's touch even if that woman is his hot student.

Dylan Riley 在 'fucking in the couch with her big tits'

Dylan Riley - fucking in the couch with her big tits

Charles is a professional fighter and Dylan the dog sitter thinks this is the hottest thing in the world and when she finds out his wife left him hurt alone in the house she jumps right on that fighter's cock.

Deauxma 在 'Shaved MILF Deauxma fucking in the bedroom with her big ass'

Deauxma - Shaved MILF Deauxma fucking in the bedroom with her big ass

Deauxma may have been at the furniture store with her husband, but she only had eyes for the store clerk. So she purposely broke her new bed just to get him back out to her house. So yeah, he fixed her bed and then he fixed her pussy.

Lizzy London 在 'fucking in the living room with her tattoos'

Lizzy London - fucking in the living room with her tattoos

Lizzy and Charles meet at a speed dating course and head back to Lizzy's house to get to know each other better. When Charles confesses to Lizzy he's married, she doesn't care. In fact, she prefers married men and lets Charles fuck her brains out.

Brandy Aniston 在 'fucking in the bedroom with her tits'

Brandy Aniston - fucking in the bedroom with her tits

This is not the surprise Charles was planning for his wife but not even a married man could refuse this sexy big titi blonde.

Faith Leon 在 'Student Faith Leon fucking in the chair with her small tits'

Faith Leon - Student Faith Leon fucking in the chair with her small tits

Faith Leon wants to see the world. She needs one more signature from her professor. But he won't sign it. Before Faith can travel the world, she's gonna travel through his pants and find his pen!!

Charley Chase 在 'Student Charley Chase fucking in the floor with her petite'

Charley Chase - Student Charley Chase fucking in the floor with her petite

Charley Chase and Tori Black are goofing off during a final exam. Their professor isn't amused by their antics and ends the test early. They need to finish the exam and are willing to do anything to make the grade!!!

Vicki Chase 在 'fucking in the couch with her tattoos'

Vicki Chase - fucking in the couch with her tattoos

Vicki is interviewing a male stripper she wants for her sister-in-law's bachelorette party, and she asks to see what his manly treats are like. When Charles, the stripper, peels off his clothes, the sexy Latina melts and wants more. Charles finds out she's married, but Vicki assures him that everything will be fine. It sure will, especially with his cock in in her mouth and pussy! Let's just say he gets hired...

Reagan Maddux 在 'fucking in the living room with her small tits'

Reagan Maddux - fucking in the living room with her small tits

Reagan Maddux is a wild party girl. Her aunt's friend came over to fix the air conditioner, but Reagan isn't interested in cooling off. She wants things to heat up. And nothing gets her hotter than no-strings-attached, hot and heavy sex with a married man.

Riley Evans 在 'fucking in the desk with her glasses'

Riley Evans - fucking in the desk with her glasses

Mr. Dera thinks Riley Evans should be more assertive in class because his class requires participation. But she's just really shy. Maybe if he takes his dick out, she'll tell him exactly what she wants.

London Keyes 在 'fucking in the desk with her tattoos'

London Keyes - fucking in the desk with her tattoos

London Keyes is helping her boss move into his new home office. With a change in environment comes a change in job duties for London. She can't sit by and let her boss keep getting hard-ons without doing something about it...

Mason Storm 在 'Latina Mason Storm fucking in the office with her black hair'

Mason Storm - Latina Mason Storm fucking in the office with her black hair

Mason Storm has a nerdy admirer at the office. Since he's shy around women, Mason starts slowly and finishes with his cum on her face.

Lily LaBeau 在 'Shaved Lily LaBeau fucking in the desk with her small tits'

Lily LaBeau - Shaved Lily LaBeau fucking in the desk with her small tits

The company that Lily and Charles work for is doing well, and they've moved into a new building. The only problem is that it's still being built out, and there are only two finished offices. One for the boss, and Charles has taken the other. When Charles shows Lily to a lonely corner of the warehouse, with a crappy desk and dusty shelving unit, and explains this is where she'll be working for a while, she's pretty pissed off. An attractive, successful salesperson, who takes pride in her appearance and workplace, she tries to explain that this is no environment to meet with clients. He's not getting it, but does at least notice that she looks smashing and comments on that little insight. Warehouse empty ' Check! Competitive co-workers - Check! Total impasse ' Check! Grudge fucking ' Check!

Nikki Benz 在 'fucking in the bathroom with her big tits'

Nikki Benz - fucking in the bathroom with her big tits

Nikki Benz is having a blast at her friend's anniversary party. It doesn't take long for Nikki to find herself alone with her friend's husband and have him blast some cum all over her face.

Holly West 在 'Co-worker Holly West fucking in the office with her tits'

Holly West - Co-worker Holly West fucking in the office with her tits

Today is the day the office comes face to face with their crooked boss, Talon. But Holly West and her co-worker can't decide who should confront him. Before Holly can tackle this problem head on, she's gonna have to give her co-worker some head...

Charisma Cappelli 在 'Boss Charisma Cappelli fucking in the bed with her big tits'

Charisma Cappelli - Boss Charisma Cappelli fucking in the bed with her big tits

Charisma Cappelli loves a hard sale. Her employee, Charles, is ready to pitch his new futon to her. But before she gives him the green light, she needs to make sure it's strong enough to last. She'll give him the go ahead after she gives him some head!!

Sativa Rose 在 'fucking in the chair with her black hair'

Sativa Rose - fucking in the chair with her black hair

Sativa Rose is a nice looking girl with a naughty attitude. She seems so sweet an innocent until she gets her hands on the Stripping Santa at the office holiday party!!!

Lisa Sparxxx 在 'fucking in the desk with her tattoos'

Lisa Sparxxx - fucking in the desk with her tattoos

Lisa Sparxxx needs help with her taxes, and her friend's husband just happens to be a CPA. But when Lisa can't produce the documents he needs, she gets on her knees and gives him what he wants!!

Tory Lane 在 'fucking in the bedroom with her piercings'

Tory Lane - fucking in the bedroom with her piercings

Tory Lane is thrilled to meet her sister's boyfriend, Charles. And he's got big news: he's marrying Tory's sister. Tory's delighted but has some questions, like if his cock is as nice as she's heard. Tory can't choose her family but she can choose to fuck her sister's boyfriend!!!

Emy Reyes 在 'Stranger Emy Reyes fucking in the living room with her tits'

Emy Reyes - Stranger Emy Reyes fucking in the living room with her tits

Emy has found her dream home but it's too bad the house is not for sale but this fiery latina is going to make an offer which guarantees her the house and a cock in her mouth is a bonus.

Betty Boo 在 'fucking in the outdoors with her big ass'

Betty Boo - fucking in the outdoors with her big ass

Betty Boo is making herself at home. She's relaxing in her friend's Jacuzzi when her friend's husband comes home. Everything's fine until he realizes she's naked. Betty knows he likes it even if he says otherwise, and she won't stop until her friend's husband cums all over her tits!!!

Phoenix Marie 在 'fucking in the office with her big tits'

Phoenix Marie - fucking in the office with her big tits

Phoenix Marie is a hot blonde bombshell. She'll melt any man with her long legs and juicy ass. And that's her plan with her friend's husband. They're both at the office on a Saturday when Phoenix decides it's time to let loose. Wives: lock-up your husbands, Phoenix is loose!!!

Angelina Ashe 在 'Blonde Angelina Ashe fucking in the chair with her glasses'

Angelina Ashe - Blonde Angelina Ashe fucking in the chair with her glasses

Angelina Ash is the new secretary at a prestigious law firm. She's trying to make a good impression on her boss, but she's really tense. He suggests that Angelina just relax, because the company thrives in a stress-free environment. So he her begins to rub her back, and like a good secretary she begins to rub his cock!!!

Holly West 在 'fucking in the living room with her lingerie'

Holly West - fucking in the living room with her lingerie

Holly West is running late. And she doesn't have time to play games. But her friend's brother is a good looking goof. She won't mind fooling around with him as long as he doesn't cum too early. It's not gonna be easy ... Holly is a real hottie!

Giselle Leon 在 'fucking in the warehouse with her small tits'

Giselle Leon - fucking in the warehouse with her small tits

Charles is all set to produce his own boxing/work-out DVD. He's got the studio, green screen, camera, crew, the whole bit. He's also hired a fitness model to add a little spice to the video. When Giselle shows up, he's pretty happy. She's young and hot, and seems pretty impressed with the set-up. Problem is she's supposed to know how to box, and couldn't throw a punch if her life depended on it. Now what's he going to do? Trying to teach her a little, it only takes a minute to realize there's no way she can box. At a loss, he asks her what she DOES like to do, to which she answers; 'Well'I like to work out, and I like to fuck.' Hmm, no reason to have the day be a total loss, and it's an hour before they were supposed to start filming, so the studio is empty. Besides, who needs boxing when you could be fucking?!?

Angelica Lane 在 'Wife's friend Angelica Lane fucking in the couch with her'

Angelica Lane - Wife's friend Angelica Lane fucking in the couch with her

Charles is having trouble in his marriage. So much so that his wife has been staying at her friend Angelica's house until things cool out. Two sides of the coin: Charles loves being alone, and his wife is sad and lonely. Being a good friend, Angelica decides to play Cupid, and stops by to see Charles to try and convince him to smooth things over. Problem is that he's realizing that being a bachelor is awesome! He explains to her that he's living the life of Riley, and may never want to get back with his old lady! To top it off, he's thinking it's about time he started working on some new pussy, and starts putting the moves on his unexpected guest. Of course at first she's shocked, and tells Charles there's no way she's going to fuck him. Ah, but never say never. A relaxed man with new found freedom and hot ass in front of him, it isn't

Ms. Platinum 在 'fucking in the couch with her natural tits'

Ms. Platinum - fucking in the couch with her natural tits

Ms. Platinum's ass is as good as gold, so do what you're told and watch her shake, slap and bounce that booty. After she's done with you, she's ready to sit on a stiff dick and take it all in. That's when Charles takes over and hits it proper from the backside ... before creaming all over that chocolate ass.

Michelle Avanti 在 'fucking in the bed with her big ass'

Michelle Avanti - fucking in the bed with her big ass

When Michelle Avanti's groom passes out at their wedding reception, his best man sees his chance to swoop in for some super sexy bride pussy. And this hot Latina lady is desperate for some wedding night cock, so not only does he fuck over his best friend, he fucks his wife in the ass.

Bobbi Starr 在 'fucking in the kitchen counter with her tattoos'

Bobbi Starr - fucking in the kitchen counter with her tattoos

Bobbi is tired of her neighbor throwing tennis balls onto her back yard and just when she thinks she can get mad at this hot piece of ass she just can't resist fucking him right on her kitchen counter.

Jenni Lee 在 'fucking in the couch with her tattoos'

Jenni Lee - fucking in the couch with her tattoos

Charles has been sent by his wife to cheer Jenni up. He comes over with a plan to ride his motorcycle all over the city, but Jenni quickly stops that idea. She is really bummed, and definitely NOT looking forward to hanging out with her friend's biker hubbie. Charles reverses course, turns on the charm, and figures the best way to cheer her up is with a little sexual healing.

Victoria Lawson 在 'fucking in the bed with her athletic body'

Victoria Lawson - fucking in the bed with her athletic body

Victoria is renting her best friend's guest house and she's been told to stay away from her friend's gorgeous husband but since her friend's not around she breaks the house rules and gets a nice cock surprise, after all what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

Britney Beth 在 'fucking in the kitchen with her big tits'

Britney Beth - fucking in the kitchen with her big tits

Britney is pist and disgusted when she finds a stranger in her house but what this up tight girl needs is a good dick to bang the shit out of her. Even if this spoiled girl doesn't speak to the help she sure fucks the help.

Laney Grey 在 'The Creampie Cutie'

Laney Grey - The Creampie Cutie

Laney Grey is a salacious little slut. After revealing that she's been banged in the mall bathroom and shopped with cum leaking out of her pussy, she takes Chris Dera's dick and begs for him to shoot his load deep inside of her.

Gizelle Blanco 在 'Hawaiian Hottie Takes A Hard Cock'

Gizelle Blanco - Hawaiian Hottie Takes A Hard Cock

Gizelle Blanco tells of her life in Hawaii before getting a proper dick down from Charles Dera's thick piece.

Gabbie Carter 在 'Busty Babe Gabbie Carter has enough time to fuck your brains out before your girlfriend gets home!'

Gabbie Carter - Busty Babe Gabbie Carter has enough time to fuck your brains out before your girlfriend gets home!

Your Gilrfriend's friend, Gabbie Carter wanted to stay by the pool but the weather is a bit windy and she wanted to soak in some sun topless, but now that her plans are ruined, you show up and you've been waiting to see those big tits up and personal, and that is exactly what you get.

Kylie Rocket 在 'A Creampie For Kylie'

Kylie Rocket - A Creampie For Kylie

Cutie Kylie Rocket loves to fuck and she isn't shy about sharing stories of her coital conquests. After dishing about some dick, she gets a proper pounding from Charles Dera and he cums inside of her!

Percy Sires 在 'gets fucked by her friend's dad'

Percy Sires - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Its Labor Day and Percy Sires is stuck working for her friend's dad. It's way to hot of a day to be working let alone it being Labor Day. She would much rather be at the beach with her friend, but she manages to find an empty jacuzzi and decides to cool off. Her friend's dad finds her not working and soaking wet. He can't help but to be turned on seeing Percy's big natural wet tits.

Aaliyah Hadid 在 'Aaliyah Meets The Man'

Aaliyah Hadid - Aaliyah Meets The Man

Young busty Aaliyah is finally next in line to meet the "Man" Charles, who is in demand to fulfill the ladies emptiness. The suspense grows along with his cock as he takes his time with rope and knots bringing Aaliyah to absolute hunger for his meat. Once bent over Charles does not hold back pounding her cheeks and pussy loud, hard and deep for an extra thick hot load of cock gravy all across her mouth.

Riley Reid 在 'Outdoor Passion Compilation'

Riley Reid - Outdoor Passion Compilation

Gorgeous babes enjoying their passionate outdoor sex! 00:07 - Birthday Suprise01:55 - Pure Desire04:06 - Sneaking Around06:06 - Polyamory, Episode 407:59 - The Love Shack Pt. 110:07 - Message In A Bottle12:01 - Polyamory, Episode 314:00 - Public Display16:05 - Layover18:17 - Polyamory, Episode 2

McKenzie Lee 在 'gets fucked with her big tits'

McKenzie Lee - Perfect Fucking Strangers

McKenzie Lee is on vacation at a vacation rental. She finds out there is a water problem. She calls to get it fixed. Once the plumber shows up she realizes she needs some self plumbing help as well.

Cherie Deville 在 'Loves the DP'

Cherie Deville - Loves the DP

Cherie Deville joins us this week to show us just how she likes to get down. This chick has an insatiable love for cock. She loves getting fucked. But more than anything she loves getting both holes stuffed at the same time. One stretching her asshole as the other one penetrates her pussy. Cherie took two cocks at once like a champ, loving every second of it. She got DP'd in several different positions before receiving her reward. Two huge loads all over her face and tits.

Sloan Harper 在 'Fucking my Step Daughter And Her GF'

Sloan Harper - Fucking my Step Daughter And Her GF

The other day, I was peeping on my step daughter, Sloan Harper, and her girlfriend, Natalie Porkman, as they were eating each other's pussies. Later that same day, I snuck in the bathroom as my step daughter was showering. She blew me in the shower for some time. However, she kicked me out, afraid that her girlfriend would discover us. So now I found myself naked in the hallway. As I made my way to the living room, I noticed that my step daughter's girlfriend was masturbating in the couch. I approached her and pleaded my cases about needing to bust a nut asap. She started choking on my cock and a few minutes later my step daughter caught us. At first she was shocked, but soon she wanted to join. So they both sucked my cock, and after that I penetrated both of their pussies in several different positions before busting a huge load all over their faces.

Kira Perez 在 'Kira Satisfies His Maid Fetish'

Kira Perez - Kira Satisfies His Maid Fetish

Kira Perez gets the work with the legendary Charles Dera today, but he has one request. He apparently has a huge maid fetish, and he saw her last Dirty Maid video on Bang Bros and really wants to make another one. She agrees and they have some fun. He takes off her clothes, showing off her perfect tits and ass and he loves it. She pretends to clean his house before he whips out his dick and tells her to clean his cock. She gives him an amazing blowjob and then he fucks her tight pussy. They fuck in multiple positions and he gives her a HUGE cumshot all over her cute face.

Kagney Linn Karter 在 'gets fucked'

Kagney Linn Karter - Naughty America

Kagney Linn Karter makes herself at home anywhere. When she finds out her boyfriend's shower is broken, she uses his roommate's. But before she gets cleaned up, Kagney gets down and dirty ... with the roommate!

Cherie DeVille 在 'Evil Girls With Mormon Boys'

Cherie DeVille - Evil Girls With Mormon Boys

Athletic MILF stunner Cherie DeVille loves corrupting young, wholesome religious guys. She and husband Charles Dera invite young Mormon missionary Codey Steele into their home, implying interest in the word of God, but Cherie just wants a nasty anal threesome. Snooping around, Codey catches Cherie crudely sucking Charles' cock. The kinky wife persuades Codey to join them, giving Codey a blowjob as Charles fucks her twat. She convinces Codey to pork her asshole, and she tastes his prick ass-to-mouth. Sinful butt sex features rimming and climaxes with crude sperm swallowing. The men cum on the Book of Mormon; Cherie slurps up and swallows the semen!

Sybil Stallone 在 'is tired of her husband's bullying and his little dick'

Sybil Stallone - Big Cock Bully

Sybil Stallone finds out her husband is being bullied at work. She doesn't like it and puts matters into her own hands by stopping by the bosses house. Tables turn though, when the boss realizes all Sybil really needs in her life is a strong, dominant man - not a weakling with a little dick! Sybil gives in and has the fuck of her life!

Kiarra Kai 在 'The Dick She Always Wanted'

Kiarra Kai - The Dick She Always Wanted

Kiarra Kai is back at Bang Bros and she tells us a little secret. She's always wanted to film a scene with Charles Dera. Luckily for her, Bang Bros knows everybody, and we've got Charles on speed dial. We give him a quick call to see if he's free to come by the set right now! He loves Kiarra Kai and always wanted to work with her. He rushes over and worships her amazing body. She gives him a blowjob and sucks dick like a pro. They start to have intense sex. It's full of passion and extremely sexy. He gives her the biggest load she's ever seen all over her face.

Texas Patti 在 'Cock To Order'

Texas Patti - Cock To Order

Texas Patti grew tired of trying to pick up men, so she places an order for a proper man to come and fill her MILF pussy with jizz. When Charles shows up to her place, she's ready to be manhandled, just the way she likes. She gives as good as she gets, using her skills on his hard shaft, riding him to completion as he fills her cunt with cum.

Ms London 在 'Booty Time With Ms.London'

Ms London - Booty Time With Ms.London

Ms. London joins us today to display her magnificent body. This chick is the total package. She has a huge ass and a pair of massive tits to go with it. Not only is her body banging, she has a particular set of skills and she's not afraid to use them. She loves to suck cock and she loves to get her pussy fucked. Her pussy was penetrated in several different positions, getting stretched with every single stroke. All of this culminated with a gigantic load to her face and mouth.

Kendra Spade 在 'The Brat Who Cried Wolf'

Kendra Spade - The Brat Who Cried Wolf

Charles Dera bursts through the front door, concerned about an emergency text from his teen step-daughter, Kendra Spade. Yet, instead of finding her in mortal peril, the brat greets him by whining about not having WiFi. Can he fix it??

Charles can't believe that she keeps calling him for the most ridiculous things, making him think she's in serious trouble! Like getting him to fetch a hair tie from the sink or driving her to a concert when he's already out doing his own thing. Kendra's mother spoiled her too much and now it's gone too far -- it's time to be disciplined!

Kendra scoffs, unable to take Charles seriously, although the tune changes as Charles tugs her over his knee and spanks her perky ass. While it's meant to be punishment, it accidentally arouses them both as he continues, though Charles is more embarrassed about it than Kendra is. This soon gives the brat an idea: what better way is there to get on Dad's good side than to get in his pants?

Since Charles is already thinking more with his upstairs brain, it's easy to convince him to get down and dirty with her. Kendra eagerly gets started by taking Charles' cock into her mouth, getting him good and hard. Yet, by the time he sinks into her pussy, the excitement has already passed and she grabs her phone to keep herself entertained. Charles is determined to teach the rude teen a lesson once and for all as he tosses aside her phone and doubles down.

Karla Kush 在 'You Both Belong To Me'

Karla Kush - You Both Belong To Me

Bigamist Is Furious When He Catches His Two Wives Cheating On Him With Each Other

Robert (Charles Dera) has not one but TWO beautiful wives, Alice (Alex Coal) and Julia (Karla Kush). Although life is perfect for him, since he has two wives tending to his every need, things are not so perfect for Alice and Julia. In fact, he's oblivious to the subtle, loving gazes that the women exchange when his back is turned...

One day, Alice and Julia meet up while Robert is away. Alice is nervous to be alone with Julia, especially since her love for Julia intensifies with each passing day. Even though THEY aren't married, Julia feels the same way and can't deny her feelings anymore... One thing leads to another and they soon find themselves passionately embraced, the existence of their husband all but forgotten in the heat of the moment. Clothes fall to the floor as they desperately caress each other's bodies with their hands and mouths, trying to express everything they've kept repressed for so long.

But their tender moment comes crashing down when Robert unexpectedly comes home, catching them in the act. He is going to make sure his wives never forget who they belong to ever again...

Anny Aurora 在 'Santa Claus is cumming on Anny Aurora'

Anny Aurora - Santa Claus is cumming on Anny Aurora

'Twas the night before Christmas, Not a creature was stirring, Not even Little Anny. In hopes that Santa will leave some gifts. Little does she know he accidentally gets concussed. Anny woke up to find Santa on the floor, she knew the time has to fuck him awake. He fucked her hard on the couch next to the xmas tree. In the end she got her holiday load in her pretty mouth.

Skye Blue 在 'takes a trip to her fiancé's ex-bosses house'

Skye Blue - Big Cock Bully

Skye Blue takes a trip to her fiancé's ex-bosses house to see if she can persuade him into re-hiring him. The boss has certain demands that she must meet in order for that to happen. Skye has no problem with it since she finds the boss attractive and could use a good pounding!

Zoe Sparx 在 'Put Away Wet: Zoe Sparx Squirts Under Charles Dera's Punishing Cock'

Zoe Sparx - Put Away Wet: Zoe Sparx Squirts Under Charles Dera's Punishing Cock

The lithe, sex-hungry Zoe Sparx is chained up in Charles Dera's warehouse, ready to be handed over to her new handler. But she needs to be tested first, by Charles himself. He flogs her and crops her, then fucks her perfect, slutty pussy, training her to give in to his needs, and the needs of her next dom. She starts alone in the warehouse, chained with her arms above her head and a ball gag in her mouth. He torments her nipples and rolls a spike wheel over her natural tits and exposed pussy, as her anxiety rises and rises. He then rams his hard cock in her mouth as she's bound to a table with rope, pulling her head onto him. Spit runs down her face as she takes that cock in her throat. Charles puts her on her back with her legs locked to the floor above her head, and crops her ass and pussy, sliding the crop between her pussy lips as she pants. He spits in her cunt then pushes his hard dick inside her. She's tight, but he pumps her open, loosening her pussy for a good hard fucking. He adds a vibrator to the mix, driving her over the edge, making her cum and squirt, which gets all over herself. Next, Zoe's put on the table with her legs tied spread. Charles slides into her and fucks her, choking her and flogging her, making her cum. He puts her pussy-soaked cock in her mouth, making her taste herself, then shoves it back into her soaked cunt. Zoe cums over and over as Charles uses the vibrator as he fucks her, compelling her to beg him for more. He blows his huge load all over her plowed cunt, leaving her soaked and beaten and spent!

Violet Myers 在 'Violet Meyers Gets Creamed In Her Pussy'

Violet Myers - Violet Meyers Gets Creamed In Her Pussy

Violet Meyers is sunbathing by the pool, tanning her perfect luscious tits. She juggles them for us and shows us how hungry she is for cum. She steps in the shower and gives the big tits and ass a good lather. When Charles shows up she's ready to go. She titty-fucks him until he grabs her and pounds her pussy until he gives her a creampie.

Kit Mercer 在 'The Tax Man Cumeth: Charles Dera Collects On Kit Mercer'

Kit Mercer - The Tax Man Cumeth: Charles Dera Collects On Kit Mercer

Unsuspecting, perfect-bodied blonde, Kit Mercer, answers the door when Charles Dera comes calling. He's here to collect on her debts, which she'll repay with her wet, hungry pussy and slutty back-talking mouth! Charles slips into her house, and he won't leave until she's payed up. He first puts her in a hogtie, demanding that she pay with her mouth. He face fucks her as she greedily gobbles up his hard dick, and quickly admits that she's wet for him. He flogs her and demeans her, then torments her perfect cunt with a vibrator cranked up to high. When Kit is fully pliable, he puts her on her hands and knees on her coffee table, gagged and tied in rope bondage. He smacks her ass and readies her for a deep, hard fucking, which she's already hungry for. He slides in and she's in heaven, taking that dick deep from the first thrust. Charles unapologetically uses her perfect, tight body. She moans and pouts, wails and grunts, as he pounds her out. Slamming her dripping cunt. Finally he puts her on her back with her legs spread wide, held apart by rope. He further humiliates her by teabagging her and sliding his hard cock all over her slut face. But she's done protesting. Now she just wants that dick in her pussy, fucking her and fucking her. And she gets it, but not before he slaps and crops her pussy. He fucks her so good Kit is literally BEGGING for his cum when he's close to unloading. She begs like the greedy, ravenous slut she really is, and Charles shoots his load all over her sweet, perfect, fucked cunt.

Jada Stevens 在 'The Ass Queen Is Back!'

Jada Stevens - The Ass Queen Is Back!

The legendary Jada Stevens returns to gift us with her talent once again. Her all-natural ass is greased up and ready to be worshiped. Charles, ecstatic by their reunion starts with an ardent kiss before going into an intense 'fuck fuck'. Jada takes all of it like the champ she is. Watch as she puts her renowned backside to good use. She's not a legend for nothing.

Karma Rx 在 'gets bullied into sucking and fucking'

Karma Rx - Big Cock Hero

Karma Rx has been cheating on her husband and her husband's friend, Charles, finds out. Charles threatens to show his friend a video he took of Karma cheating...that is unless she gives him the same treatment she gave the guy she's cheating with.

London River 在 'Earning the Cane: London River Gets Beaten and Fucked by Charles Dera'

London River - Earning the Cane: London River Gets Beaten and Fucked by Charles Dera

Blonde busty masochistic MILF London River has been bad. She came without permission and now she's in strict rope bondage awaiting her punishment. The sight of her tied and helpless, with her luscious tits all but falling out of her bra and her ass wiggling in the air gets Charles Dera hot and horny. He berates London for her failure, spanking her round ass. He takes off his belt and delivers firm hits to London's ass. London knows she deserves to be punished. More so, she yearns to be punished. She begs to suck Charles' cock and is rewarded with a rough face fuck, leaving her breathless and on her tip toes. Next, Charles instructs her to fuck her ass with a big metal dildo. London obeys, moaning as the cold head disappears into her eager ass. Charles commands London to cum and she does, earning her reward -- a caning and hits with the acrylic paddle. The paddle and cane provide the sharp and intense pain London craves. Once her ass is red, Charles fucks her sweet cunt, burying every inch of his rock hard cock into her slick warmth. London cries out, begging to cum, but is refused over and over again as Charles takes his pleasure from her pussy. He has her clean her pussy juice off his cock and then brings London to orgasm by playing with her sensitive cunt. Then he drives his cock back into her pussy and fucking into her at a brutal pace. London cries out as Charles fucks her relentlessly, only allowing her to cum when he feels like it. Each time, London cums harder and harder, her cunt squeezing down on Charles' hard cock. Finally, London begs Charles to cum on her face and Charles pulls out, pushes London to her knees, and cums all over her face and in her open slut mouth.

Alex Coal 在 'I'm A Nymphomaniac Like Mom 5'

Alex Coal - I'm A Nymphomaniac Like Mom 5

Like a desperate housewife Sheena waits for her daughters and hubby to leave the house then she brings out her boy toy for a relaxed mid morning fuck session. Well today's session is interrupted by her daughter who makes a surprise trip home to get the credit card mom forgot to give her. Wow is daughter Jaye surprised to find mommy fucking Ricky whom she used to babysit. 'Look , mommy exclaims, he' all grown up'. Indeed he is Jaye thinks as she looks at that cock he is stroking. You can't stroke a cock at a nymphomaniac without thinking they will pounce. And pounce does Jaye as within seconds she has that man root buried down her throat and soon is comparing cock sucking skills with her slut of a mom. A mother-daughter tandem duo ensues as both horndogs take pole riding turns and show off their skills to each other. It's tear-jerking and cum jerking all at the same time as the mother-daughter team gets a spa treatment of jizz in the face to reward them for their efforts.

Angela White 在 'Fertile'

Angela White - Fertile

'Men have called me mad; but the question is not yet settled, whether madness is or is not the loftiest intelligence.'
-Edgar Allan Poe

Woman Desperate To Get Pregnant Undergoes Depraved Fertility Treatments

Bethany (Alina Lopez) is desperate to start a family of her own. She and her husband, Nathan (Tommy Pistol), have been doing EVERYTHING to try and get pregnant, but nothing's working. Tensions are high, especially since Bethany's not sure Nathan is giving it his all anymore...

After the latest disappointing news from yet another fertility doctor, it seems like all hope is lost. But when Bethany sees a sketchy flyer on the couple's car windshield, there is another spark: it's a flyer promising successful fertilization! While Bethany's ready to try it, Nathan is strongly against it -- Bethany has to be crazy to believe a shady note! The argument leads to yet another screaming match and plenty of tears... which finally pushes Bethany over the edge.

When Bethany shows up at the medical clinic alone, she is unnerved by how passionate Dr. Angeles (Angela White) is to get her pregnant using the latest in artificial insemination technology... synthetic sperm. Although Bethany is nervous, the desire to become a mom is too much, so she agrees to do anything and everything the doctor prescribes. Even so, Bethany has no idea just what she's signed up for as she's thrown into the lion's den with Dr. Angeles' deranged experiments (Isiah Maxwell, Steve Holmes, Charles Dera)...

Cadence Lux 在 'Cadence Lux: Cock Hungry Slut Takes A Greedy Beating From Charles Dera'

Cadence Lux - Cadence Lux: Cock Hungry Slut Takes A Greedy Beating From Charles Dera

Cadence Lux is a bona fide slut to the core. She wants it all. All the dick. All the pain. All the bondage. All the orgasms. And she's willing to do whatever's ordered of her in order to get it. She submits utterly to Charles Dera, who uses her for his own purposes. Fucking her in full suspension, flogging her, face-fucking her and tormenting her with a vibrator on her pussy while he fucks the orgasms out of her one after the other. Cadence begins in a hunched, fetal position, fully suspended in rope, with her mouth and pussy exposed for dick. Charles teases her a little, spinning her around, then slides his cock hard cock into her throat, then straight into that desperately hungry cunt. Cadence moans out like a total whore as that dick penetrates her, and she doesn't let up. As she gets fucked and slapped and beaten she turns into a puddle of fuck meat, eager to take everything she's given. Clamps are put on her nipples and tethered to the ceiling while she rides Charles' dick, but she wants that fucking so damn bad she works through the intense pain. She gets put through the proverbial ringer, left sweating and wrecked as Charles uses her to get off. Just as he blows his huge load all over her fucked cunt, she cums and squirts all over his cock. Cadence is the perfect definition of a slut, and we want to see more.

Audrey Miles 在 'just needs a big cock'

Audrey Miles - Big Cock Hero

Charles is early to his friend's house to see the game only to find his friend's girl, Audrey Miles, sucking some guy's dick in the driveway. Charles is furious and confronts her. Turns out that she likes big dick and doesn't get it from her man. Charles will have to sacrifice himself and give her a big cock so that she doesn't fuck any other strangers from here on out.

Kendra Spade 在 'We Like To Share'

Kendra Spade - We Like To Share

This sexy brunette duo Emily Willis & Kendra Spade sways and teases the camera before engaging in some hot lesbian action. Once they are wet and ready, an intense threesome kicks off. This is hardcore gonzo style sex and relentless 3 way action! Including deep throating and cum swapping! It doesn't get hotter than this.

Daya Knight 在 'Breaking And Entering: Daya Knight's BDSM Home Invasion Fantasy'

Daya Knight - Breaking And Entering: Daya Knight's BDSM Home Invasion Fantasy

Daya Knight's been getting kinky with her husband, Charles Dera, and she's ready to push it further with a home invasion fantasy. She has no idea what's in store for her, or even if it'll happen, until one afternoon she's set upon, tied up, and she gets way more than she bargained for. Charles doesn't hold back, and turns a simple fantasy into an afternoon of domination, obedience, bondage, flogging, slapping, cropping and deep, hard pussy fucking. Daya cums harder than she's ever cum before when Charles takes over and takes full advantage of her. Charles arrives at home unannounced, and immediately takes down Daya. He ties her up on the floor, and silences her with a ball gag, so he can tell her what she's going to do for him, and how he's going to use and abuse her, the way he knows she secretly desires. He toys with her big tits, pinching and tormenting them, he slaps them around and shoves his rock hard cock in her mouth. He uses Daya however he pleases, keeping her bound in rope as he teabags her beautiful face with his balls. He humiliates her in every way, before putting her on her knees and flogging her. Completely tied down, he teases her works her sensitive clit. She gets moments of intense pleasure, then intense punishment, then Charles' solid dick shoved into her tight pussy. He fucks her hard, and she loses herself in that raging fuck. But Charles doesn't give her everything all at once. He holds back, ready to give her more dick later if she obeys him. He ultimately puts a vibrator right on her ultra sensitive clit which makes her wail with pleasure and over-stimulation, then shoves his cock in that slutty pussy at the same time, plowing her and making her cum like the whorish pain slut she is. She completely surrenders to him as he makes her his little bitch, fucking and smacking her, making her pussy cum like crazy, before dousing her cunt in a huge load of cum.

Savannah Bond 在 'learns married men fuck the best'

Savannah Bond - I Have A Wife

Aussie-hotty, Savannah Bond, comes to America to visit her good ol' friend. Charles, her friend's husband, arranged for them to catch up over drinks, but unfortunately, her friend went home sick. Savannah confesses she's always had the hots for Charles and comes on to him. He gives in knowing its wrong... but absolutely worth it!

Emma Starletto 在 'seduces her friend's dad'

Emma Starletto - My Daughter's Hot Friend

Emma Starletto stops by her friend's house to pick up some clothes. Her friend isn't home but her dad is and he lets her in to grab what she needs. As Emma is looking for clothes, she stumbles across her friend's lingerie and can't help but try it on. She finds it sexy and wants a guys opinion so she creeps into her friend's dad room to see what he thinks!

Nikki Peach 在 'A Tasty Peach'

Nikki Peach - A Tasty Peach

Nikki tries to cut things off with Charles, she's tired of lying and is trying to make things work with her boyfriend. When Charles shows up at her place though, it proves harder than she thought. Once he starts licking her pussy, she melts and needs that dick!

Melody Marks 在 'Stepdad Shows Daughter How To Fuck'

Melody Marks - Stepdad Shows Daughter How To Fuck

Melody Marks just came back from college. Her mom asks her if she's met any cute boys and she explains that she's only interested in older men. Melody quickly finds out how much of a horny freak her stepdad is. Melody and her mom walk in on her stepdad jerking off to a porn video. Melody can't help but stare at her stepdads cock. Her mom walks away in anger, leaving Melody and Charles alone. She starts to flirt with him a little bit, and Charles is loving it. He loves teen porn, so what's better than having a real teen right in front of him. She shows him her tits and asks him if he can teach her how all the porn girls fuck so she can't get all the boys back at college. Charles is more than happy to help out his stepdaughter. She starts to suck his dick and finally shows off her dirty side. They start to fuck and love every minute of it. She won't stop until she gets a big load all over her cute face.

Ava Addams 在 'comes home and show's you her new Lingerie'

Ava Addams - Housewife 1 on 1

Almost ready to go to the party, but first Ava will show you her new dress and lingerie she bought. Since there is still time for a quick fuck it's time to put that lingerie to work.

Jane Wilde 在 'Nice Girls Finish Last'

Jane Wilde - Nice Girls Finish Last

Bully Corrupts Victim's Father Into Fucking Her & Bullying His Own Daughter

SCENE OPENS on Dave Wilkins (Charles Dera). He is washing dishes when his daughter Libby (Laney Grey) bursts through the front door, distraught and crying. She drops her knapsack and runs right to him, throwing herself into his arms. Almost on the verge of panic, Libby frantically tells Dave that a bully was terrorizing her at school today.

Dave is supportive and sympathetic and asks her if it's the same bully that's always on her case. Libby confirms it is, a girl named Katrina. Dave has one of his fists clenched in anger as he tells his daughter not to worry, he'll take care of it.

Later that day, Dave's front doorbell rings. He takes a deep, steadying breath before he opens the door. Standing there is Katrina (Jane Wilde), looking confident and mildly inconvenienced. They regard each other for a moment. Dave looks at her sternly. 'You must be Katrina,' he says. She looks at him another moment before her lips curl into a mean smile.

'I am... it's so nice to FINALLY meet you, Mr. Wilkins.'


Dave warns Katrina to stop bullying Libby, but Katrina begins to manipulate Dave, drawing his attention to the fact that Lilly plays the victim and is constantly craving attention. Katrina's words seem to be getting to Dave, particularly when she brings up the fact that Lilly wants to dominate HIS attention.

Katrina then makes her move and tries to seduce Dave. He is reluctant, but when Katrina encourages him to do something for himself for once and not for Libby, Dave can resist no longer. He goes in for a hungry kiss. Katrina slides down to her knees and takes Dave's cock out of his pants, spitting on it as she takes it down her throat.

Libby's in for a RUDE awakening when she comes home...

Story inspired by an original submission by Pure Taboo member, foobarnick!

Kenzie Madison 在 'Big Cock Hero'

Kenzie Madison - Big Cock Hero

Charles learns that Hailey Hook (Kenzie Madison) is cheating on his best friend and he confronts her on that but Hailey doesn't give a damn but instead of fucking a stranger she convinces him to fuck her and not say anything to the boyfriend.

Dresden 在 'The Inseminator: Charles Dera breeds eager blonde slut Dresden'

Dresden - The Inseminator: Charles Dera breeds eager blonde slut Dresden

It's the end of the world and beautiful blonde Dresden hasn't seen a man in months. On a search for water and a place to rest, she stumbles onto the property of survivalist Charles Dera. Charles catches sight of Dresden out the window and likes what he sees. She may just have all the parts he needs. He corners her, grabs her by the throat, and gets his hands all over her young fertile body. Dresden tries to scream and asks her captor to please not hurt her. Charles grins, and asks her if she's had any kids. When she replies in the negative, Charles knows what he must do. He brings her back to his cottage, ties her up on the floor, and flogs her tits. Dresden squirms in bondage, unable to escape this madman. But Charles soon makes it clear he's not too interested in hurting her. His only interest is breeding her. Dresden is horrified at first, but once his words sink in, she can't help feel aroused. She's been alone for so long and her pussy is aching for a good fuck by a rock hard dick. She begs to suck Charles' cock, and once granted permission, lavishes attention on his cock and balls. She takes his cock deep as he fucks her face and sucks his balls into her mouth, eager to show her captor how good of a breeding bitch she can be. Finally, Charles pushes his cock into her tight cunt. Dresden moans as Charles fucks her in doggy. She begs to cum, but Charles denies her every time. Then she's tied in missionary with her legs spread. She cries out as Charles continues fucking her, making her take every inch of his cock. Once he can't take the feeling of her cunt anymore, he cums on her pussy, before pushing the cum back into her with his cock and fucking her some more! Her cunt feels so good, he cums again and pushes it all back into her breeding hole. Maybe humanity has a future after all.

Anny Aurora 在 'Succubus Part 2'

Anny Aurora - Succubus Part 2

Without enough sexual energy, Tommy will not be able to cross over. So they set their sights on Anny and Charles as they proceed to provide Tommy with the precious life force and an incredible sex show. Charles knows how to handle this perfect German blonde. Anny's puffy nipples perk up at the slightest touch as her pussy dampens, ready to be plowed by Charles' shaft. An incredible piledriver fuck pushes his load so deep in her, she has trouble squeezing all of that jizz out!

Romi Rain 在 'Parades Her Ass and Gets Fucked'

Romi Rain - Parades Her Ass and Gets Fucked

With her juicy perfect ass and her huge pair of tits, Romi Rain is one of the hottest performers in the business. This time, she joined us to parade her ass for us.

Nia Nacci 在 'Gets Fucked by The Doctor'

Nia Nacci - Gets Fucked by The Doctor

The beautiful Nia Nacci is taking a shower and while washing her huge tits she notices a strange lump in them. She knows she needs to get it checked out, but her parents have the car. She calls Dr. Dera in hopes he can make a home visit to her, and he's more than happy to. He arrives and she shows him her titties so he can take a look. He's in shock from how perfect they are, and he can't keep his hands off of them. He prescribes her with three shots of cum daily-but who can give her three shots of cum? Luckily, Dr. Dera will do anything for his patients, and this doctor visit turns into amazing sex and they love every minute of it.

Luna Skye 在 'Pay Attention'

Luna Skye - Pay Attention

Charles and Luna are on vacation, except Charles can't stop working even with her banging body in just a bathrobe in front of him. Annoyed by the lack of attention she goes to the shower to take care of things herself. Realizing he messed up, Charles decides to give her just want she wants, a hard pounding and pussy full of cum!

Kit Mercer 在 'Dirty Wives Club'

Kit Mercer - Dirty Wives Club

When Charles catches a sexy lady takin' a piss near his property, he approaches her with lust and confidence. Brenda Phillips (Kit Mercer) explains she just needed to get out of the house away from her husband. She also mentions she never dresses up like this with daisy dukes, and her cleavage showing. Charles takes her back to his place to play pretend husband and wife, showing her exactly how she should be treated.

Katy Jayne 在 'American Cock: US Janitor Catches British Spy Katy Jayne'

Katy Jayne - American Cock: US Janitor Catches British Spy Katy Jayne

Busty, blonde, and drop dead gorgeous MI6 agent Katy Jayne has a plan, and that's to get in and get out of the American Embassy without getting caught. For janitor Charles Dera, today is just another Sunday, but when he hears noise coming from an office upstairs, he knows something is fishy. He catches Katy in the act, follows her to her car, and apprehends her before she can leave. Katy decides to go along with Charles' questions, but things take a turn for the worst when he uncovers the documents she's taking and subjects her to an invasive strip search. Katy has had enough of this treatment, but Charles won't let her leave. Something about this feisty Brit makes Charles rock hard and a little in love. He ties her to her car, clamps her tits, and tries to get information out of her pretty little mouth. When Katy refuses to divulge any personal information, Charles decides to strike a bargain. He'll let her go if she gets him off. Grudgingly, Katy opens her mouth to suck her captor's cock. Charles groans as he feels Katy's wet mouth close around him. Katy woks his cock, taking it deeper and deeper down her throat. Next, Katy is tied bent over a desk. She can'y move and still refuses to answer questions. Charles spanks and whips her cute ass as Katy moans in delight. She loves the smart smacks that make her bottom nice and warm. As the hits intensify, Charles gives her a choice -- more impact or going for a ride on his big cock. Katy chooses cock and gets a hard pounding from 100% born and bred American cock. Finally, Katy is on her back, tied with her meaty cunt exposed. Charles thrusts his cock into her and Katy cries out. Here's what she's really been aftter, the deepest hardest fuck in America. Charles makes Katy say the pledge of allegiance as he fucks her, but he can't get her to swear loyalty to his country--only his cock.

Abigail Mac 在 'Artcore: Centerfolds'

Abigail Mac - Artcore: Centerfolds

Showing off her round ass and toned body, Abigail Mac shoves stud Charles Dera's face into her tits. He sticks his tongue into her wet cunt and eats pussy. In a sloppy blowjob, his cock pokes the back of Abigail's throat. Charles stuffs his prick inside her wet twat, delivering a doggie-style fuck that makes her moan for more. Abigail masturbates as Charles' pole slides in and out of her muff; riding on his rod, she experiences an intense orgasm. Lustful vaginal pounding comes complete with a heaping mouthful of cum.

Hadley Mason 在 'Girlfriend for Ransom'

Hadley Mason - Girlfriend for Ransom

Hadley Mason is bound to a chair and being held hostage by her captor Charles Dera. He demands a $20,000 ransom from her daddy but dad only wants to pay half so Charlessends video messages of Hadley sucking dick and getting fucked in order to persuade him to pay the full amount.Sitting pretty with a ball-gag and tight black dress Hadley is scared but ready to do what it takes to get out of this predicament. Charles pulls Hadley's dress down to reveal her huge natural tits and puts tight nipple clamps on. Hadley has a thing for sucking cock so Charles stuffs her mouth full of his big dick and she goes to town taking it deep down her throat choking and slobbering while her titties bounce up and down. After a thorough face fucking Hadley is tied up on all fours with her back arched presenting her pussy. Charles decides they will be girlfriend/boyfriend for the day and wants to enjoy the afternoon so he gives Hadley some rules to follow. He keeps her in line with the flogger and then rewards her by fucking her wet pussy real good and then she sucks all her slutty juices off his dick. Now on her back with wrists tied to ankles and all spread open Hadley asks Charles to fuck her like the psychotic dude he is. So he does. He fucks her pussy and her mouth and then her pussy again until she's is moaning with pleasure and Charles shoots his hot load all over his Girlfriend for Ransom. Ahh true love

Amy Brooke 在 'fucks in office'

Amy Brooke - Naughty Office

When Charles gives his assistant Amy the bad news that the company is closing down he is surprised to find out she isn't a bit upset. This is her chance to show him what she has always wanted to do to him.

Paisley Porter 在 'Man Pleaser'

Paisley Porter - Man Pleaser

When Charles Dera's motorcycle runs out of gas out in the middle of nowhere he comes across sexy newcomer Paisley Porter chained up in a jail cell and she will do anything to be set free. With her short shorts, long blond hair and firm perky tits she is a hot and horny damsel in distress. Charles makes a deal with her that if he lets her go then he can do what he wants with her and she is all for it so before he unchains this slut he needs to test her out. Paisley sucks Charle's hard cock through the jail cell bars and she can't get enough. She is a natural and begs to choke on that big dick so she can please him. Charles likes his dirty little prisoner so he will take her home to have his way with her all day long. Tied up on her back with legs spread wide Charles tastes Paisley's shaved pussy and drives her crazy with his tongue. Charles teases her with the Hitachi and then fingers her pussy and rubs her clit until she cums hard. Then finally he fucks this fresh young things tight little pussy. Next with a mouth gag on all four in doggie with her back arched and ass up Charles shows her the difference between pain and pleasure. Some ass slaps and the flogger turn her ass red and then he fucks her pussy and lets her clean his cock with her wet mouth. On her back tied up and spread open Charles teases her with the Wartenberg wheel on her nice tits and her sensitive pussy. Then he pounds Paisley Porters slutty pussy until he shoots his load all over her Man Pleasin' belly.

Addie Andrews 在 'Are You My Driver'

Addie Andrews - Are You My Driver

Addie Andrews is waiting for her car service and Charles arrives just in time to be her substitute driver. At first she has no clue that she got into the wrong car but she ends up being pleasantly surprised. She can't even wait to get to Charles' place before she starts rubbing her tight pink pussy. She had a long day at work and now she's going to have a long evening of riding some hard dick.

Layton Benton 在 'Bright And Bootiful'

Layton Benton - Bright And Bootiful

Thick Ebony starlet Layton Benton is eager to flaunt her big natural curves in the skimpiest lime green bikini you'll ever see, that is, if you're not already mesmerized by her massive tits and big beautiful ass! Layton shakes her booty and jiggles her huge boobs as she eye fucks the camera, getting all of you naughty viewers nice and hard before our lucky stud of the day Charles Dera steps in to give Ms. Benton the rubdown--and the cock--she's been craving all day! If Layton's having some fun in the sun, you know its going to be a bright and bootiful fucking day!

Marley Brinx 在 'Dad's Paddle Collection'

Marley Brinx - Dad's Paddle Collection

Nominated - All-Sex Release of the Year, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Cinematography, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Art Direction, XBIZ 2020

Dad's Paddle Collection

'He was now in that state of fire that she loved. She wanted to be burnt.' - Anaïs Nin

We open to Gracie (Marley Brinx), an innocent teen simply looking for her step-father's fishing gear so that she can spend a day out with friends. However, when she searches Tyler (Charles Dera)'s room, she finds a mysterious trunk that opens up a whole new world to her...

She's mystified as her eyes and fingers trail over the variety of paddles and riding crops delicately laid across a red velvet pillow. She picks up a paddle, feeling the solid weight of it in her hand as she carefully spins it around. She's drawn to it, like a moth to a flame... until she's suddenly snapped out of it by Tyler's stern voice behind her.

Instead of being afraid of Tyler, she sees a darker side to him that stirs a fire within she never knew existed. The way he describes his dark desires and past while lovingly handling his paddle collection has her hooked. This is a man who knows what he's doing and enjoys doing it, although he's denied himself such pleasure for so long. He vowed to put it all away to become a respected family man. He dedicated himself to his new wife and raising his step-daughter.

Yet, while Tyler tries his hardest to be a good father, Gracie soon tempts him to be anything but.

Autumn Falls 在 'The Little Things'

Autumn Falls - The Little Things

It's the little things that Autumn Falls loves about her new beau Charles Dera. And when he willingly helps her bask in a soothing bath, by scrubbing her back and lathering her stunning body her all over with frothy mounds of soap, she quickly shows her appreciation as they slip into in a steamy romantic session.

Chanel Preston 在 'Keeping Your Family Close'

Chanel Preston - Keeping Your Family Close


A wife (Chanel Preston) makes her husband (Charles Dera), a nice dinner. She tries striking up a conversation with him but he's too distracted. Little does she know, it's because he's busy staring at a string of messages on his phone from an apparent mistress of his. Annoyed by her husband's lack of caring, her eyes linger on a birthday card from her sister. 'Family's important, isn't it?' she directs to her husband, who once again ignores her, showing that he takes his wife and family for granted.

Unfortunately for HIM, karma's out to get him.

The next day, the husband's world is turned upside down when a teen girl (Whitney Wright) shows up on his doorsteps. She's eerily calm while he is too shocked to do anything but stare at her. Before he can shoo her away, the wife catches sight of the teen and invites her in, thinking she's there selling cookies. The teen comments that there's a misunderstanding... she's not there to sell cookies, she's there to see her dad!

The husband is stuck between a rock and a hard place as the wife gets over her initial shock and invites the teen girl inside, giving her a place to stay now that they're family! While the wife is over the moon with happiness, the husband knows he's screwed as the teen casts him dark, sultry stares when the wife isn't looking.

There's more here than meets the eye, and the husband's troubles are just beginning.

Paris White 在 'Chick Flicks And Chill'

Paris White - Chick Flicks And Chill

It's movie night with Paris White… And this eager little teen already has her hand down her fishnets, thinking about dick, right in the middle of the flick. Paris pulls out her perfect sweet candy nips, reaching for Dera's cock - yeah, the movie is entertaining, but we all know why people get together in a dark room with loud background noise. To get naughty without being caught! And beautiful tight Paris is the perfect fuck toy to have during the boring bits.

Adriana Chechik 在 'Testing My Relationship Too'

Adriana Chechik - Testing My Relationship Too

In a new form of gotcha journalism and relationship viral trends, Lizzy is putting her girlfriend Adriana to the test. Is she a loyal lesbian, or does she crave a huge cock? Those "penis-having losers" don't understand that once a girl goes snatch, she doesn't go back. At least, that's what Lizzy is hoping for… Well, only time will tell as we set up some hidden cameras and force a situation where Adriana is gonna have to choose between filling herself up with our glorious stunt cock, or going home to her trusting girlfriend. Spoilers: She drools all over Dera's cock, trying to shove it as far down her holes as it can go, begging for every inch to pound into her sweet pussy as she moans in ecstasy. Sorry, Lizzy!

Sofie Reyez 在 'Cumming Home From The Festival'

Sofie Reyez - Cumming Home From The Festival

The smoking hot Sofie Reyez sneaks back home with her latest cock to suck and fuck, Charles Dera, a dude that she met at a festival. Slutty Sofie can't wait to bring him straight to her room where he'll pound her dripping wet pussy with his massive cock! But only problem is Sofie's dad catches them in the hallway. Her dad has been worried sick about Sofie and kicks out Mr. Dera. He sends Sofie off to her room, and the father thinks that he's taught his sneaky slutty daughter a lesson. But what her dad doesn't know is that Charles has climbed back into the bedroom through the window to finish what he and Sofie wanted to start before they got caught! Will Sofie's dad bust them before Charles busts his nut all over this tantalizing teen?

Bridgette B 在 'To Serve And Protect'

Bridgette B - To Serve And Protect

Its a slow day trying to catch drivers speeding down the highway. Two cops are bored stiff. Well, one of them's not and that would be officer Bridgette B who doesn't mind the fact that she's got nothing to do but sit in her patrol car and watch porn. Bridgette's getting into the video and starts rubbing her dripping wet pussy over her uniform, that is, until a biker takes off and she's got to give chase. Bridgette decides to take out her sexual frustration on this perpetrator's big cock! Watch as this busty slut gives this crook the ride of his life!

Paige Owens 在 'gets fucked by her Stepdad'

Paige Owens - Sleazy Stepdad

When Paige Owens expresses low confidence in her college career, her stepdad slithers his way into her underwear and explains to her the only thing she needs to know how to do in this life, is fuck!

Bree Olson 在 'gets fucked by a peeping tom'

Bree Olson - Neighbor Affair

When Bree Olson sees a peeping tom at her window, she immediately calls her hot neighbor Charles to come over and comfort her. Who cares that he has a girlfriend at home making him dinner; she's scared and needs a hug ... and a long, hard fuck on the couch.

Jade Kush 在 'Makeup Titorial'

Jade Kush - Makeup Titorial

Watch Jade Kush give a makeup tutorial on how to prepare for a sloppy blow job. Jade gives Charles Dera a short blowjob tease and then returns to her audience. Charles is not one to wait when he wants to get his dick wet, so he's quick to get a hold of Jade's big bouncing naturals.

Vina Sky 在 'Valenteen Devil'

Vina Sky - Valenteen Devil

Watch Vina Sky transform from an innocent teen to a sexy, naughty devil for Valentine's Day. If you're feeling lonely, you'll forget all about that by the time you see Vina let out her inner demon as she gobbles up Charles Dera's cock. They say that we all have a good and bad side but how could you ever be good when it's so fun to be bad.

Angelina Diamanti 在 'Battle Royale'

Angelina Diamanti - Battle Royale

Angelina Diamanti is getting suited up with the Reality Kings team for a day of paintball, but she soon discovers that her biggest assets in the field to distract her opponents are her huge tits! Angelina strips down to her thong and takes out player after player, until Charles Dera gets her long, lean body in his sights! Angelina licks the barrel of his paintball gun, so Charles lets her suck his cock instead, then bends her over to fuck her doggystyle. Charles is vigilant enough to pound that pussy while watching out for more sneaky paintballers, but he decides to take a break so Angelina can ride his cock cowgirl. He busts a nut on Angelina's face, but she won't let Charles declare victory that easily!

Harley Jade 在 'Anal College'

Harley Jade - Anal College

Harley and Professor Cage are in the classroom alone, getting frisky with each other when the Dean walks in. He breaks the news to them that he has inside info that they have been fucking on school property, and to make it worse, anal fucking. Harley, in her desperation to not get expelled, agrees to take the Dean's cock ball deep in her ass after entertaining him with some anal beads.

Chanel Skye 在 'Feeling Frisky'

Chanel Skye - Feeling Frisky

Chanel Skye is feeling frisky, so she strips down to her thong and takes hot videos of herself playing with her perky, little tits, twerking her tight booty, and getting herself good and horny with her hands. Chanel comes out of her room to find her man, Charles Dera, and the ebony nympho climbs up on the couch and goes straight for the D! Charles knows that when his lady wants a good fuck he's gotta give it to her, so he sucks on her tits and rubs her clit, then pounds that pussy doggystyle! Chanel loves taking his huge cock extra deep in piledriver, then rides him and asks her man to get her on video with his cum all over her face!

Layton Benton 在 'Cocktail Lounging'

Layton Benton - Cocktail Lounging

After playing for a full house, sultry lounge singer Layton Benton relaxes on top of the piano. Turned on by the night's performance, she starts touching herself. Layton gets carried away until she's interrupted by her new pianist Charles Dera. Charles knows just what keys to hit to get Layton to moan!

Katrina Jade 在 'Katrina and Nigel'

Katrina Jade - Katrina and Nigel

"He is more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same." Emily Bronte. Katrina stares deeply into husband Nigel's eyes as hooded men take turns entering her from behind."Let him come in you," Nigel commands, before slipping his fingers in to make sure she obeyed. Kayden Kross directs real-life couple Katrina Jade and Nigel Dictator in an exploration of trust and proclivities. The intense bond between the pair is palpable...leaping off the screen, even. While dark in tone, the film ends in the sweetest of moments: Nigel tenderly cradling his beloved, now spent and dripping.

Zoe Bloom 在 'Stranger In The Dark'

Zoe Bloom - Stranger In The Dark

Zoe pretends to be taking a stroll in a park, when a nature photographer, Charles, accidentally takes photos of her, and she gets upset. But after an apology, she's not so lens-shy any longer, and asks if he can take some sexy snaps of her, then they head back to their place for a round of heated sex.

Alexis Fawx 在 'Garden Milf'

Alexis Fawx - Garden Milf

Sexually frustrated MILF Alexis Fawx isn't satisfied with the job new gardener, Charles Dera, is doing in her yard, so she marches outside to tell him a thing or two about how to work his hose. Annoyed by this pearl-wearing housewife telling him his business, Charles decides Alexis needs to cool off! He gives the busty cougar a good soaking, then leads her inside to bury his tongue in her "special flower." Alexis can't even remember the last time she got a good fuck, so she can't wait to deepthroat Charles's big dick and take every inch in her pussy before he leaves his "fertilizer" smeared all over her face!

Jasmine Jae 在 'Learns a Lesson'

Jasmine Jae - Learns a Lesson

When hot babe Jasmine Jae shocks Charles with an unexpected deal he teaches her a lesson about respect with BDSM, hardcore sex and humiliation.Raven haired, tall and sleek Jasmine is one sexy bitch. With her huge tits, long legs and sweet ass she is a sight for sore eyes but Charles isn't fooled by her hotness and won't be bullied by this bossy bombshell so he does what he has to do to teach her a lesson. Charles is in charge now so he puts a ball-gag in Jasmine's mouth and ties her up on the bed with a bit of predicament bondage, nipple clamps strung up to the ceiling so when she moves forward to suck Charles cock it's gonna hurt! With Jasmine's legs spread wide and adorned with black stockings and garter belt he busts out the Hitachi on Jasmine's clit and drives her to the edge but doesn't let her cum. Charles has a lot more in store for this busty beauty so he brings out the big guns to show this luscious slut some discipline. Tied up with ass high in the air Jasmine gets the punishing crop, stinging flogger and lots of verbal humiliation yet still it makes her pussy very wet so Charles fucks her good with his big hard dick. He pounds her pussy for a long time making Jasmine scream and moan with pleasure and then stuffs his tantalizing cock in her mouth to let her taste her pussy. Jasmine says she likes it rough so Charles doesn't hold back on the hardcore action fucking her pussy and her mouth hole back and forth for full satisfaction. Then laying down on her back with ball-gag, rope and nipple clamps tight on her big tits Charles teases Jasmine and her pussy with slaps and pinches and the vibrator making her squirm and twist and turn with wild abandon and finally Charles fills her pussy up with his sexy cock and takes her to pound town until he shoots his jizz all over Jasmine Jae's pretty face. Lesson learned!

Evi Rei 在 'Wet Me Down'

Evi Rei - Wet Me Down

On a hot day in Florida, there's no better way to cool down than to play under a hose, especially when it will turn ebony babe Evi Rei's white, t-shirt dress see-through! Evi gets a little help soaking herself from master hose wielder Charles Dera, who gets this cutie good and wet before he slides his big cock deep in her pussy. Evi loves the feel of the water running over her clit as Charles oils up her big tits, and he bends her over for a standing doggystyle, then hoses down her face with his jizz!

Karma Rx 在 'Cunt Hunt 3'

Karma Rx - Cunt Hunt 3

It's that time of year again. Time to Hunt some Cunt! When Karma Rx is punished for cumming without permission she escapes her bondage and master Charles Dera, but soon enough a cunt trap is set to lure Karma back into her kinky keepers lair. Karma tries to convince her co-servant Juliet to run away with her because she just can't stand the punishment anymore but Juliet is scared and will not budge. So after an intense and challenging escape from her bondage Karma breaks free and runs away into the hills. This will not do! Mr Dera is up for the occasion and uses Juliet as bait to entice Karma back where she belongs. Once Karma is trapped and looking into the eyes of her master she begs to make everything right. She kisses his feet and sucks his cock with determination hoping he will accept her apology. Charles drags Karma back to his dungeon and ties her up so she can't get away. On her back with rope around her huge tits Charles tells her how disappointed he is in her and reminds her how she is there to please him and not to make him go on cunt hunts to track her down. He teaches her a lesson with the crop and then fucks her throat, her tits and then her wet pussy until Karma begs to cum but no no Charles will not allow it, not yet because this is not about her its about his pleasure. Next he ties her up on all fours in doggie with rope binding around her waist and ankles and wrists and fucks her cunt good. Then on her back with legs spread wide and tied to her ankles Karma is open and ready for Charles hard cock. First Karma sucks Charles toes and licks his feet which gets her pussy extra excited. He pile drives that pussy deep and hard and relentless still not allowing her to cum until finally she can't contain herself anymore and with her tits bouncing back and forth from the pounding she looses it and cums hard while Charles shoots his hot load all over her face.It's hunting season. Be sure to also watch part one and two for a totally hot kinky immersive experience into the world of the Cunt Hunt!

Mia Pearl 在 'Focus Or Fuck'

Mia Pearl - Focus Or Fuck

Fiery Italian babe Mia Pearl from Miami is all ready to nail her audition for the TV weather girl job. Mia's got the feisty attitude and the hot body in a tight, red dress, and she can smile and point with the best of them. There's just one final test to see if she's got what it takes: can Mia maintain her focus no matter what? As Mia reads out the forecast, Charles Dera does his best to distract her by spanking her booty and pulling down her dress to show her tits. Mia even keeps up her composure as he fingers her pussy and fucks her from behind! But this hottie starts focusing fully on Charles's cock as she takes that deep pounding till he cums on her pretty face, so even though she didn't get the audition, she still got what she wanted!

Emily Willis 在 'The Date'

Emily Willis - The Date

Nominated - Best Three-Way Sex Scene - B/B/G: Emily Willis, Charles Dera & Danny Mountain, AVN 2020

Nominated - All-Sex Release of the Year, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- All-Sex: Emily Willis, Charles Dera & Danny Mountain, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Cinematography, XBIZ 2020

Nominated - Best Art Direction, XBIZ 2020

'Being your slave, what should I do but tend
Upon the hours and times of your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend,
Nor services to do till you require.'
- William Shakespeare


We watch a beautiful young woman (Emily Willis) in her apartment getting ready for the evening. She showers, lotions up her body, puts on expensive perfume, and dresses -- first into expensive black satin lingerie, stockings, garters, and heels and then slipping into a beige rain jacket. She looks like she just walked off a runway. The camera voyeuristically watches her, almost like a reverse striptease.

CUT TO the woman, in her jacket, bare legs and heels, as she exits her building and steps into a black town car. A man waiting for her shuts the door and gets into the driver seat.

CUT TO a car mount shot, looking in at the silent driver in a black suit and ray bans, and the girl who sits in the middle of the back seat. To her right is a very handsome man (Danny Mountain) in an expensive suit. A second man (Charles Dera), equally handsome and dressed the same, sits on her left.

CUT TO the road. As they drive, the man in the back asks the woman if she is ready. Obediently, she says 'yes.' He asks if she will give herself over completely. She says 'yes.' He strips her out of her jacket, exposing her bare skin. She quivers. He takes a brown paper bag and puts it over her head, before holding her arms to keep her still. They ride for a moment with her body writhing. The men look cool and collected, staring straight ahead. All you can hear are the light gasps and moans from the submissive woman as she is being driven, eagerly awaiting what's to come.

'My only submission is complete submission.
I will kneel before you, naked and unashamed,
My eyes down, my chin up.

'I will do as you say and be rewarded.
Always saying please and thank you,
Accepting my punishments like a good girl,
Never touching myself until you have given permission,
And always swallow, never spit.

'I will surrender to your will
And always remember who I belong to.'

Elsa Jean 在 'The Secret Life Of A Housewife'

Elsa Jean - The Secret Life Of A Housewife

No description available.

Elsa Jean 在 'Artcore: Angels'

Elsa Jean - Artcore: Angels

In her mansion in the hills, petite heiress Elsa Jean grinds her soft ass into mustachioed daddy figure Charles Dera's lap. The older stud sucks on Elsa's small, natural boobs and finger-fucks the slender doll's juicy twat. Elsa wraps her plump lips around his stiff meat, giving Charles a ravenous blowjob. She mounts his big cock and rides him, her cute little butt bouncing. His prick deeply plows Elsa's tender pussy and then shoots a messy load of sperm into her mouth

Jaye Summers 在 'The Love Shack Pt.1'

Jaye Summers - The Love Shack Pt.1

Stressed at work, Jaye Summers and Michael venture to a beach resort and discover that couples frequent in hopes of finding spontaneous sexual encounters, and are not disappointed in meeting another couple, Anny and Charles Dera. Charles offers Jaye to check out a tree house on the resort, and she happily follows hoping for some alone time with him.

Jaye Summers 在 'The Bad Uncle Returns'

Jaye Summers - The Bad Uncle Returns


PREVIOUSLY ON PURE TABOO: This is the story about how Diana (Jaye Summers) really lost her virginity. He'd been her dad's best friend for years. Uncle Joe (Charles Dera), as he called himself, had watched her grow up -- and she was his princess, the niece he never had. But once Diana turned 18, something changed about Joe. His fondness for her turned into an obsession. So he came up with a plan to get her alone...

SCENE OPENS on present-day Diana and her Uncle Joe fucking in Joe's spare bedroom on the bed, she is riding him cowgirl-style and clearly putting in a lot more work and enthusiasm. She gasps and moans in pleasure and calls out Uncle Joe's name as she bounces up and down on his dick, while Joe mostly lies there and just offers a few generic grunts in reply. Diana seems to reach orgasm after a little while and then starts asking Joe to cum inside her - Diana exclaims that she can feel it and starts to slow and eventually stop.

She pulls off of him and collapses to his side on the bed, rolling over to snuggle up to him placing her arm on his chest. He doesn't seem to reciprocate much. Diana tells her uncle that was great, but he corrects her - 'it was fine,' he says gruffly. She asks him what's wrong, she did all his favorites for him! He waves her off, telling her yeah yeah, she was swell... he doesn't seem to mean it. She sits up a bit and looks worriedly at him, did she do something wrong, or something? He looks at her with a serious expression and grips both sides of her head with his hands, playing lightly with her hair. 'Listen 'Princess', no offense, but...' he starts in a rude tone, the novelty's kind of wearing off. She's no longer a teenager and she's certainly not a virgin anymore...

She asks him what she could do, what he wants her to do to make him happy. He looks her up and down, considering her, then pinches her cheek affectionately, saying she's cute when she's desperate. He asks about her younger step-sister, she must be getting around 18 these days, mustn't she? Diana reluctantly says yeah, she just turned it a couple of months ago. And she's a virgin, like Diana was? '...Yes,' Diana admits. Uncle Joe looks pleased at himself for the idea and says yeah... yeah, that would do the trick alright. 'Bring her here,' he instructs her, and goes back to stroking her hair with one hand. She looks at him with reluctant subservience but doesn't say anything in reply.


CUT TO another day, where Diana and Cammy (Emily Willis) are greeted at the door by a much friendlier-seeming Uncle Joe. 'There's my princesses!' he exclaims. He takes their bags from their hands and tosses them to the side, then welcomes them in. He gives Diana a brisk, business-like hug then moves on to Cammy, and hugs her for much longer. Wow, she laughs at how warmly he's greeting her, uh hi Uncle Joe! Long time no see! Uncle Joe releases her from the hug but keeps his hands on her arms as he looks her up and down, remarking at how much she's grown. He remembers when he used to come over to their house to visit their dad, and would pick her up for piggy-back rides like it was nothing, feels like only yesterday. Although he bets he could still do it! Without even waiting for permission, he scoops Cammy up in his arms and she yelps in surprise, then giggles in embarrassment. 'Uncle Joe!' she squeaks. Diana looks at them with a mix of jealousy and guilt.

Once she's set down, Cammy starts to pick up her bag and Joe says no, let him take care of it! He turns back to Diana. Why doesn't she give Cammy the tour, he says suggestively to her, while he gets all their things settled in their room. Then they can all meet up outside at the pool for a swim. A pool! Cammy squeaks with excitement, she can't wait! Uncle Joe sidles up behind Diana and puts his hand firmly, ominously even, on her shoulder. Make sure the two of them don't skimp on the tour, he says to her with fake innocence, take all the time they want. She nods obediently without looking back at him, and then slips her hand into Cammy's. They scamper off, and Uncle Joe shoots a devious look at the bags.

CUT TO poolside, Uncle Joe is seated comfortably in a pool chair wearing his sunglasses when the two girls emerge from the house - Cammy is still wearing her original clothes while Diana is wearing a bikini. Uncle Joe? Cammy asks, he wouldn't have happened to have seen her bathing suit when he brought the bags up to the room, did he? Uncle Joe feigns innocence and says no, he hardly touched the bags other than to bring them upstairs. Diana looks to Cammy and says see, she knew Uncle Joe wouldn't know where it is, Cammy probably forgot to pack it. But Cammy swears she remembered putting it in her bag, it was one of the first things she packed - she was really excited to go swimming and absolutely didn't want to forget. Oh, Uncle Joe says, well she shouldn't let a little thing like that ruin her fun, now. She can just swim in her underwear, he suggests. Cammy seems a bit hesitant, but Uncle Joe says come on, between her step-sister and him being their dad's best friend, they're all practically family here - no need to be so bashful. O-okay, Cammy says, warming up to the idea as she sees they don't seem to mind. She strips out of her clothes, revealing a white bra and panties underneath. 'Atta girl, Uncle Joe says, don't be shy. She flashes a grin at him and then jumps into the pool with a splash and a playful shriek. Unbeknownst to her, her white bra and panties once wet now show Uncle Joe a great view of her nubile teen body.

Uncle Joe catches Diana's eye and shoots her a meaningful look and a tilt of his head towards Cammy. Diana looks back obediently and nods again slightly. She joins Cammy in the pool. 'Hey Cammy,' Diana calls out, does she remember when they used to play pool tag as kids? They should play that again! Cammy says that it might be a bit lame with just two people, and Diana taunts her, she's just saying that because she knows she won't be able to catch Cammy. Oh, it's on! Cammy giggles and chases after Diana.

The two of them frolic in the water, laughing and giggling as they chase around the pool, splashing each other and trying to catch each other. Whenever Diana is 'it' and catches Cammy, she gets very handsy, giggling and hugging and pressing her body up against Cammy's. Cammy takes a cue from her and starts to do the same. Soon the two of them are barely running or chasing at all, but rather wrestling each other in the pool. Diana even playfully lowers one of Cammy's bra straps or tries to remove it, and Cammy gasps in happy shock and tries to get revenge by doing the same. Throughout, Uncle Joe watches them through his sunglasses with perverted interest.

Cammy remarks she's getting hungry, and is going to fix herself a snack. She asks if Uncle Joe wants one and he jokes that he's good, he's got a couple of tasty morsels already right in front of him. Cammy looks weirded out for a moment then laughs the comment off saying that Uncle Joe is so silly, but behind her Diana shoots Uncle Joe a glare of concern.

Uncle Joe then watches, with no attempt to hide it, as Cammy steps out of the pool dripping wet and grabs a towel, heading back into the house. Diana steps out of the pool next and rushes up to Uncle Joe. He has to be more careful, she warns him quietly, he's going to scare her off. They have to take things more slowly and get her warmed up to the idea, having sex with her dad's best friend is one thing but sex with her own step-sister too - it's going to make her freak if they don't handle it carefully. Uncle Joe tells Diana she'd better make damn well sure that doesn't happen, because he's just starting to enjoy himself and he's not in the mood to take things slow. So it's up to Diana to make sure her sister behaves when the time comes. Diana wouldn't want to disappoint him, would she? Diana timidly says she'll do what she can. Uncle Joe gives her a smack on the ass and tells her to get going inside.

CUT TO late that night - both girls are dreaming sweet dreams, side by side in bedrolls on the floor. The bedroom door creaks open, and the light of the hall spills out into the dark bedroom. Uncle Joe's feet step into frame. He looks the girls over hungrily, edging his way into the room to get a closer look at their teen bodies in their nightwear. He moves into the space in the middle of them both and, careful not to alert them, he settles in lying down between them. His attention goes straight to Cammy. He rolls onto his side to spoon her - she moans comfortably in her dreams. He holds her like that for several seconds, then feeling emboldened, he backs up slightly from her body and pulls his hard dick out from his boxer shorts. He strokes himself, inching as close as he can to Cammy without touching her again now that his dick's out. He breathes heavily against her neck as he strokes himself. Sensing his presence, Cammy's eyes flutter open. 'D-Diana?' she asks quietly and timidly, 'is that you?' No, princess, Uncle Joe says back in a low voice, it's her Uncle Joe.

Cammy still seems a bit groggy, Uncle Joe? What is he doing h- ... she rolls to her other side and sees him stroking himself and her eyes go wide. She calls out to Diana, get up, Uncle Joe is-! Diana's eyes snap open and she instantly starts to reassure her, Cammy, it's ok, it's ok! Cammy doesn't calm down right away, and tries to get Diana to realize what's going on, but Diana tells her she knows. 'What do you mean you know?' Cammy asks, panicked. Diana explains that Uncle Joe has something he wants to share with the two of them, something very special. 'No, but-' Cammy starts to protest, but Diana interrupts her. It's okay, she tells her little sister, she's going to like it, see? She grabs Uncle Joe's hard dick in her hand, and then puts her mouth on it to suck it, looking Cammy right in the eyes as she does it and saying mmmm.

'Diana, what are you-?!' Cammy tries to say, but Diana pulls her mouth off of his dick and cuts her off again. See, Cammy? she says, moving his dick to point at her little sister now as if offering it to her. It's no big deal, he just wants the two of them to thank him for his hospitality. Didn't mom and dad teach them to show manners growing up? Cammy starts to get flustered and frustrated, but this isn't right, she insists, this- 'Cammy,' Diana hisses, sounding a bit desperate. 'You're being rude! Uncle Joe invited us here, we're guests in his home, and this is how he wants us to thank him. Quit being such a brat and just give him what he wants.' Her tone softens, and she continues, saying that she promises Cammy will enjoy it. Just like Diana did.

Cammy's eyes widen - like she did? Diana nods and says it makes Uncle Joe happy. It makes her happy too. Cammy looks from her sister to Uncle Joe, who's staring intently at her. 'What do you say, princess?' he coaxes her and strokes her hair. 'Don't you wanna make your Uncle Joe happy?' Cammy looks down at his dick, which he continues to stroke with his other hand. She says she guesses she can try, but she's never done anything like this before. Uncle Joe tells her don't worry, her big sister will show her everything she needs to know.

Sarah Banks 在 'Boxing Boning'

Sarah Banks - Boxing Boning

Sarah Banks preps herself for a tough workout with coach Charles Dera. After pounding the punching bag hard, Sarah starts feeling tense. Thankfully, Charles has some massage oil handy. He pours oil all over Sarah's shoulders and chest and helps her work out all the kinks that come with boxing boning…

Sydney Hail 在 'Bicycle Rescue'

Sydney Hail - Bicycle Rescue

Blonde MILF Sydney Hail is out for a bike ride under the Florida sun when she gets a flat tire! Luckily, Charles Dera happens to be passing by and is happy to help out a damsel in distress. Charles gets Sydney's tire pumped up right away, but that's not the only thing that needs some pumping! This sexy cougar's pussy needs some attention, so she bends over her bike and Charles hits it from the back right in the driveway, before they head inside for more doggystyle and lots of sloppy cocksucking. Charles pumps that pussy good and hard, then lubes up Sydney's face with his cum!

Demi Sutra 在 'Demi's Big Dick Crush Comes True'

Demi Sutra - Demi's Big Dick Crush Comes True

Demi Sutra always had a big porn crush on Charles Dera. She was not aware that he would be at today's shoot. She undressed, showed her beautiful brown bunny skin to the camera. The pink of her pussy was super bright pink. All of a sudden some big hands grabbed her from the back. It was Charles. She did what she promised to do. Immediately she swallowed his cock. It was big. She sucked it and deep throated it and sucked it again. Then he fucked her doggy. She went cowgirl on him. He pounded her in missionary, she went for some reverse cowgirl until he came into her mouth. Yes porn crushes do always come true.

Ashley Adams 在 'Little Runaway 2'

Ashley Adams - Little Runaway 2

With each mile she travels down the dusty road, Ashley leaves her boyfriend and her old life even further behind, and each new taste of adventure takes her closer to her true self. When she sticks out her thumb, Charles Dera pulls up on his motorcycle, heading for wherever the road takes him and promising to get her there, too. But some engine trouble has them going nowhere fast, so Ashley decides to tempt Charles into a different kind of adventure by riding his cock instead of his bike!

Bailey Brooke 在 'Straight To Business'

Bailey Brooke - Straight To Business

It's been another long week at the office, and Bailey Brooke is blowing off some steam in an empty bar. She's hoping for some excitement to break the monotony of her daily routine, when Charles Dera walks in the bar and into her life. The two exchange glances, and make their way to the restroom, where they tear off each other's clothes and fuck.

Lola Chanel 在 'Let Her Rest'

Lola Chanel - Let Her Rest

Charles Dera wants to fuck, but his girlfriend wants some peace and quiet. Charles tries to surf some channels and take his mind off his boner... until his girlfriend's smoking hot BFF Lola Chanel knocks on the door! Lola wants to borrow some clothes for an evening out, but when she hears her bestie's in a bad mood, she decides rather than disturb her, she'll wear out Charles's cock instead. Charles's dick game is too damn good for Lola to stay quiet as she takes every inch of his huge cock, but he can shut her up by filling up her mouth instead of her pussy! Charles's girlfriend is none the wiser even when he cums all over Lola's face right under her nose...until she finds the video!

Jessa Rhodes 在 'Appetite For Aperture'

Jessa Rhodes - Appetite For Aperture

When Jessa Rhodes and Mick Blue decide to take a photography workshop they aren't primarily interested in polishing their photographic skills. Rather, they're looking for erotic adventures. And Jessa finds an interesting side attraction in Charles Dera, a handsome young shutterbug in the class. They sneak off for a little photo and nookie session of their own.

Valentina Nappi 在 'The Housemaid's Tale'

Valentina Nappi - The Housemaid's Tale


A wealthy man (Charles Dera) comes down the stairs of his house and turns the corner into the living room. He is distracted by his phone, and without looking, he accidentally bumps into a woman (Valentina Nappi), a housemaid who was cleaning in the room. He apologizes, and remarks that she must be the new maid the cleaning company sent over. She responds yes, with a noticeable accent but her english is otherwise quite good. He welcomes her to the payroll, and she replies 'Thank you, Mr. Bradley' in a polite and respectful tone. He tells her there's no need to be so formal, please call him Trent. He asks her for her name -- he's clearly into her. She introduces herself as Rosa. As he listens he notices her accent more, and asks her where she's from. She replies that she's Italian. 'Ah, Italian!' he exclaims, and boasts that he speaks a little Italian himself. He recites a small phrase in French, and Rosa nervously responds that she doesn't know French. Trent dismisses his blunder, then boasts that he travels a lot for work and he's been all over the world. He asks if she likes to travel and she says that she'd never been out of Italy until she moved here a few months ago, her family didn't have much money growing up and since coming to the States she's been cleaning houses for a living and sending some of her wages back to them when she can afford to. Trent misses the point, and tells her that she's missing out if she's never traveled for fun, getting uncomfortably close to Rosa. It's clear that she's unhappy with his close proximity, but he either doesn't notice or doesn't care.

Trent seems emboldened by what he mistakes as Rosa being friendly instead of just polite. He asks her if she's ever been to one of the local Italian restaurants, a fancy-sounding one. Rosa gives a strained smile at his tone-deaf question and says no, she hasn't. Trent was clearly expecting this answer, and says that's perfect, he can take her there sometime! There's no better five-star restaurant in the area, he knows the head chef personally. Rosa interrupts him and tells him she's flattered, but she makes it a policy not to date clients. Trent's smile wavers, and he starts chuckling to himself out of embarrassment. 'Oh what, you thought I was asking you out on a date?' he laughs, and then in a bit of a more petty tone, he says 'You must think I'm some kind of fucking loser to pay my maid to go on a date with me.' Rosa starts to apologize, she thought- 'Yeah, I know what you thought,' Trent interrupts, and his rude tone gradually gets worse as he starts to rant at her. 'Let me tell you, I do just fine. I've dated supermodels, I've dated fucking pop stars, trust me, I don't need to be hitting on my fucking maid, OK?'

As her boss gets more and more riled up, Rosa tries to calm him down. Finally she admits he's right, she's so sorry, and to make him feel better about himself she lies and says she must have misunderstood, english isn't her first language after all, she sometimes misunderstands things. The fact she acted like he was right seems to cool Trent down, and he starts to treat her nicely again, patronizing her even. Oh, of course, how silly of him, apology accepted. Sometimes he forgets who he's talking to, but he didn't mean to be so insensitive. He'll try to speak a bit slower from now on so she can understand better. Reluctantly, Rosa says thank you, and he says he'll leave her to her work then. He walks past her and gives her a pat on the shoulder, not noticing that she flinches slightly at his touch. He keeps walking away from the camera and out of focus, as Rosa stands there looking shaken.


CUT TO days later, Rosa is on her knees scrubbing the floor with a sponge or rag, and wearing rubber cleaning gloves. She is wearing a nicer outfit than the previous encounter, one that accents her curves nicely and reveals a bit of her legs and cleavage, though it still looks on the plain, sensible and affordable side. She's wearing a cleaning apron to keep the clothes relatively clean. Trent comes down the stairs and quietly approaches nearer to her, with the camera following his male gaze POV as he watches her with voyeuristic intent.

After a long moment of watching her silently, Trent says what a nice dress she's wearing. Rosa is startled for a moment, then sighs in relief. 'I didn't see you standing there, Mr. Bradley!' she scolds him with a nervous laugh. He apologizes for scaring her, and says he hopes she's not still on edge from what happened the other day. Rosa, clearly lying, says no, of course not, he's the customer and it's her job to keep him happy. Trent, oblivious, says that's good and he's glad they were able to work things out. He watches for a few more moments and then compliments her on the dress. She looks up at him with a smile and says thanks, does he like it? She's wearing it for someone special. Trent raises his eyebrows, grins, and says 'Are you, now,' thinking she meant him. Rosa says yes as she turns her attention back to scrubbing, and continues saying she has something very special planned for the night. Trent asks her to go on, and she seems to warm up to him a bit since his apology and becomes a bit more talkative. She tells him she's planning a romantic candlelit dinner, followed by a delicious dessert... although if all goes according to plan, 'we won't make it to dessert!' She lets out a hearty laugh. Trent remarks that that's very forward of her to say. Rosa looks back at him with a wink and says that she's Italian, passion runs in her blood. She and Trent continue to talk about her planned special night, with him still thinking it's him she's talking about. She asks if she can leave an hour early to get ready and he agrees.

Rosa thanks him graciously as she starts to collect her supplies from around the floor, and says that her boyfriend is going to be so surprised. Mr. Bradley's face cracks, her boyfriend? Rosa says yes, her boyfriend, for their three month anniversary, didn't she say so earlier? Mr. Bradley gets up slowly and starts to walk towards her with a heavy step. No, he says angrily, she didn't say so earlier. Rosa starts to say oh, well who else did he think she was referring to? But before she can finish, Trent interrupts her in a raised voice. 'I'm not paying you to run off and fuck your fucking boyfriend!' he shouts. He continues, talking about how she's prancing around in the dress, trying to turn him on, and now she's going to reject him to go fuck her boyfriend? And she wants him to pay for it? All it takes is one phone call from him and she'll be deported so fast. Trent stomps past her and kicks the bucket of water next to her, causing it to spill onto the floor. There, he says without looking back at her, there's some work to do, she can clean that up.

The next day, Rosa arrives at the house and is surprised to be met by Trent upon arrival. She remarks nervously that she didn't expect him home this morning, usually he's in the office until much later. How was her date? Trent asks. Rosa says nervously that it was fine, but doesn't elaborate. Trent looks her up and down, seeing she's wearing very plain clothes. He remarks that she's not all dressed up today, in fact pretty much the opposite. Rosa replies that these clothes seemed more work-appropriate. Trent tells her he disagrees - he liked it when he could see a bit of skin. In fact, he wants to see a lot more. He wants her to strip naked and clean his house in the nude today. Rosa spins around, clutching her supplies in shock. He wants what? Trent says, 'You don't want all that money to stop going to your parents, do you?' She's worried and says that he wouldn't do that, and he says, 'You can try me!' He then tells her that he just wants to help her and her family... Looking sad and humiliated, Rosa reluctantly says 'fine' and starts stripping out of her clothing, throwing them onto the floor in what little protest she can give.

As she strips, Trent stares with great interest. When she's finally naked, he instructs her to start cleaning. She begins scrubbing down the sink and he tells her she missed a spot, and another spot, and another...

Rosa turns and see that Trent has his cock out. She recoils, saying that this has gone too far while Trent says it's only just started. As he undresses, he tells her that it'd be a shame if she had to fly away, never to see her boyfriend again... Does she understand the words that are coming out of his mouth? So she knows what she has to do. Rosa's hesitant but finally goes down on her knees with a defeated, 'fine.'

Penny Pax 在 'Future Darkly: The Love Hotel'

Penny Pax - Future Darkly: The Love Hotel


SCENE opens on a dark bathroom. From a birds-eye angle over the tub, the lights in the room turn on as a woman known only as unit #30562 (Emily Willis) floats in the milky bath water. She opens her eyes, calmly getting out of the tub and drying herself off. She has a perfectly proportioned body. She walks over to a large mirror and, pressing her fingertips in the lower right corner, causes the mirror to illuminate before it turns into a smart screen. A message pops up, thanking unit #30562 for signing in. 'Are you ready for your next shift?' The mirror asks in a soft female voice. #30562 says yes and the screen loads her itinerary for the evening. It explains that her first guest will be a returning client: John Doe, 57 years old, solar sales manager, 6'0'' tall, 165 lbs, brown hair, blue eyes. His kinks include school girls, anal sex, ass worship, rimming, ATM. Past crypto tips include 8000 tokens: extra rough, 10000 tokens: novelty take home, and 500 tokens: kissing on the mouth. Accept client? 'Accepted,' says #30562. As the smart screen processes the order and a confirmation appears, the door buzzes.

#30562 opens the door and John Doe (Steve Holmes) enters, breezing into the room in a silver bomber jacket and matching wraparound mirrored glasses. He looks her up and down lustfully before pulling out a card and inserting it into the reader. A hologram screen pops up and confirms that the tokens have been accepted. #30562 takes a deep breath, puts on a big smile, and guides John over to the bed. She bends over, and he buries his face in her perfect ass, before sliding his cock inside her tight hole. After he pulls out and cums on her ass, she asks if he would like to kiss and he eagerly agrees. The room flashes green and replies to confirm the extra gratuity. They make out for a few moments before John Doe happily puts his clothes back on and leaves the room.

#30562 goes back to the mirror and stares at herself for a moment, emotionless. She presses the tips of her fingers against the glass and the smart screen wakes up. It explains that her next guest is also a returning client: Richard Roe, 30 years old, space tourism guide, 5'10'' tall, 170 lbs, auburn hair, blue eyes. Kinks include rough sex, breath play, collaring, fisting, and golden showers. Note from management: client is limited to rough sex after last session resulted in damages. Accept client? 'Accepted,' says #30562. As the smart screen processes the order and a confirmation appears, she stares at herself blankly and the door buzzes.

CUT to the door opening. Richard (Charles Dera) enters briskly. He backs #30562 in a corner and places his hand around her throat, his lips curling up in a sneer to reveal shiny gold teeth. 'Remember me?' He growls. She smiles and advises him to scan his card. The man backs off slowly, places his card into the reader, and a hologram screen pops up to confirm his tokens have been accepted. #30562 takes a deep breath and walks over to him. He hoists her over his shoulder and goes to the bed. Throwing her onto the bed, he licks her tight pussy, getting it nice and wet before he fucks her hard. At a certain point, he is about to pee on her when the room flashes red and reminds him that this activity has been blocked. Frustrated, he shoves his dick back in #30562's pussy and keeps fucking her till he pulls out and cums on her face. While the woman catches her breath and wipes the cum from her eyes, Richard gathers his things and leaves without a word.

When #30562 stands up, she finds herself very dizzy. The room beeps red and instructs her to return to her charging station. She crawls to a corner of the room and stands on a white platform to recharge. As soon as her feet plant on top of the station, she becomes still while her body powers up.

CUT to an hour later. #30562 is still charging, eyes closed, when the door buzzes. She opens her eyes and steps off the platform, walking to the mirror in the bathroom to accept the next client but discovers the screen is off. The room buzzes again. #30562 goes and opens the door anyway. A naked woman (Penny Pax) steps inside, clutching a holographic bag. #30562 has never seen another woman before and she is awestruck. 'Please scan your card here...' she says to the woman. The woman looks at her for a long time and feels #30562's face, trying to hold back tears, before reaching into her bag and pulling out a coin. 'Is this accepted?' She begs. #30562 takes the coin into her hand and stares at it. She's never seen anything like it before. She places it on the counter beside the card reader. 'What would you like to do to me this evening?' She asks the woman. Biting her lip and trying to contain her nervous energy, the woman reaches back into her bag and pulls out a shiny silver dildo. 'I want you to fuck me as hard as you can.' She says. #30562 takes the dildo and puts on a big smile, leading the woman to the bed. Unit #30562 may be programmed to please, but this latest client of The Love Hotel is not who she seems, and by the time she's done with #30562, the sexbot's world will never be the same.

Gianna Dior 在 'Peer Pressured Gianna Fucks Father-In-Law'

Gianna Dior - Peer Pressured Gianna Fucks Father-In-Law

Young, exotic Gianna Dior uses her fiance (Brad Sterling) for money. When her future father-in-law (Charles Dera) threatens to expose her secret, she feels peer pressured. Beautiful Gianna offers a passionate fuck and blowjob to keep him quiet. She takes a creamy cum facial.

Ivy Wolfe 在 'How Much Do you Love Me'

Ivy Wolfe - How Much Do you Love Me

After just a day on their honeymoon, Ivy Wolfe decides it's time to get serious about starting a family. She just has to convince her man Charles Dera with her charming personality and sizzling sexuality.

Ashlynn Taylor 在 'High Class Ass'

Ashlynn Taylor - High Class Ass

Classy model Ashlynn is so impressed by how sweet and polite Charles Dera is, she invites him to come home with her after a long shopping trip so she can model her new lingerie. She teases him with glimpses of her pussy as she slips off her dress--this slender babe loves to go commando!--and shows him her small perky tits. "Tease" is her middle name, Ashlynn confesses before going straight for Charles's dick! This elegant beauty is surprisingly nasty when it comes to deepthroating and sucking his balls, and she rides that dick with plenty of dirty talk until Charles gags her with her own wet panties, then fills up her mouth with his cock as they 69. Charles even fingers her virgin ass before filling her mouth with his huge load.

Lena Paul 在 'Perfectly Busty In Pink'

Lena Paul - Perfectly Busty In Pink

Lena Paul is cute, flirty, and naughty as her big natties practically bust out of her pink bodysuit. Lena knows just how to tease, twerking her big booty, tipping saucy winks, and of course, jiggling those huge tits! When Charles Dera joins her, those big knockers are the first things he goes for, pinching her nipples and oiling up her massive jugs as well as fingering her wet pussy. Lena wants to ride that huge dick and this true nympho cums over and over as Charles fucks her hard, then twerks her booty as she fucks him cowgirl. Cockhungry Lena wants all of that thick cum in her mouth, and that's just what she gets!

Karma Rx 在 'Set Life 4'

Karma Rx - Set Life 4

Karma was so much fun last time we shot her, we had to have her back for this Set Life series! Pairing her up with Charles Dera made for plenty of fun moments. Then the sex began and Karma's slut switch got flipped. It's all fun and jokes until she sets her sights on a cock, then she'll do everything she can to get that sticky reward all over face!

Jynx Maze 在 'Bang or Bust 4'

Jynx Maze - Bang or Bust 4

Detective Dera is undercover, trying to nail down some dealers in a sting. Except he forgot to take his badge out of the bag full of money. Jynx bolts, but he chases her down, finding her in an abandoned warehouse. If she wants to get out of this, she's going to have to use that hot latina pussy!

Tali Dava 在 'The Art Of Shower Fucking'

Tali Dava - The Art Of Shower Fucking

Tali Dova is cleaning herself in the shower when Charles Dera shows up ready to get dirty! The mustachioed stud fucks the brunette spinner's mouth hard and fast, and gives her hairy pussy and big booty plenty of spankings. After introducing some shower cuffs to the scenario, the whole shower gets extremely steamy in this sultry scene!

Kendra Lust 在 'Kendras Workout'

Kendra Lust - Kendras Workout

Hot MILF Kendra Lust wants to get back into amazing shape now that she's a single cougar, so she's hired the best personal trainer in the city to put her through her paces. Kendra has heard great things about Charles Dera, but what she hasn't heard is that he's a total pervert! As soon as Charles sees this hot and flexible MILF's body, he starts taking every chance to get his hard dick out when her back is turned, getting Kendra naked and rubbing oil into her thighs, booty, and even her big tits! But Kendra is a bit of a nympho too, and she wants to suck and fuck her trainer till she cums hard. After a sweat-inducing session of downward doggystyle, Charles cums all over Kendra's face and big tits!

Paige Owens 在 'Lucky Bump'

Paige Owens - Lucky Bump

After accidentally bumping into each other at their community college, Paige Owens and Charles Dera hit it off and Charles offers to help her out with her trigonometry class, which quickly escalates into a study of passion and sex.

Marilyn Mansion 在 'Chest Chaser'

Marilyn Mansion - Chest Chaser

Marilyn Mansion needs a ride home after her bestie ditched her, so when Charles Dera and his buddy pull into the parking space next to hers, she cuts right to the chase: she flashes her big natties at them and informs them she'll blow whichever one is willing to drive her home! Charles is in her car in a flash, and once they get moving, Marilyn bends right over for some road head, even playing with her own pussy in traffic as she sucks his cock. Back at her place, this nasty teen wants to get nailed, working her hips and her big booty as Charles fucks her spoon, and even sucking her own titties while he eats her pussy! Marilyn can't get enough of Charles pounding her pussy and fucking her mouth till he drops a massive load all over her face!

Angela White 在 'Good Looking Tits'

Angela White - Good Looking Tits

Aussie beauty Angela White's stunning tits are legendary, and they're right here for you to enjoy! Angela bounces out into the sunshine in a tiny bikini that just can't keep her boobs contained, and they jiggle and shake as she twerks her big booty and frolics in the pool. This babe has just relaxed for some nude sunbathing when she starts getting wet...because Charles Dera squirted her with his water gun! She jumps up and he chases her into the house, where he gets those big tits right where he wants them, in his hands and wrapped around his cock. This Wonder from Down Under knows her way around a dick, deepthroating Charles, then demanding a hard pussy pounding and every last drop of his cum all over her face!

Gianna Dior 在 'Branching Out'

Gianna Dior - Branching Out

In a city far from her friends and family and newly out of a job, Gianna isn't sure how she's going to make rent when by chance she crosses paths with Charles. The tall, dapper, and very handsome gentleman notices the beautiful damsel is in need of some help, and his generous impulse is to offer her his hefty money clip. Gianna isn't sure about accepting, but as Charles watches her dance with rapt attention, she soon finds herself wanting to take this assignation all the way. After drawing out the tease for as long as she can, it's time for Gianna and Charles to finally find the satisfaction they've both been waiting for, ending with a passionate cream pie!

Whitney Wright 在 'Light My Fire'

Whitney Wright - Light My Fire

Whitney has always loved the freedom of camping alone in the wilderness, especially of getting to walk around naked in nature, but when she's having trouble getting her campfire lit she's glad to see hiker Charles wander into her campsite! The chivalrous outdoorsman is happy to lend a hand with the fire, and when Whitney asks him to spend the night and protect her from any prowling beasts, he eagerly accepts...especially when the beautiful brunette shows her wild side and makes him pitch a different kind of tent, getting his big cock hard and riding it all night long!

Cadence Lux 在 'Bad Samaritans'

Cadence Lux - Bad Samaritans

Nominated - Best Actress - Featurette: Cadence Lux, AVN 2020

Nominated - Best Sex Scene -- Vignette: Cadence Lux, Charles Dera & Seth Gamble, XBIZ 2020


SCENE opens on an unhappy couple, Carly and James, as they drive through a residential neighborhood on their way home. The pair have just come from James' parents house and Carly is very disappointed at the way in which James has treated her in front of his family. Even though they've been dating for three years now, the man still won't commit to anything more than living together. He even had the nerve to laugh about it with his father in front of Carly's face. Now, as she gives him a piece of her mind, reminding him that she is 25 and just wants to settle down, he accuses her of being overbearing. She should just be happy with what they have and stop pressuring him. The fight reaches a fever pitch when Carly demands to get out of the car. She doesn't want to be near her boyfriend anymore. He tries to tell her to calm down but, when he reaches a stop sign, she jumps out anyway and starts storming off in the opposite direction. James yells after her for a moment, before growing frustrated, and driving off.


Several blocks later. Carly is still walking, her arms folded, and tears streaking her face. She pauses to look back at the road. Goddamn bastard didn't even turn around! He's going to be sorry when she gets home and dumps him. She mutters to herself as she wanders through the unfamiliar neighborhood. She has no idea where she is, it's hot as hell, and she left her purse and phone in the car.

A black SUV appears in the distance. As it draws closer, it begins to slow down until it is driving parallel to Carly. A nicely dressed, handsome man rolls down his window and asks her if she is ok. Embarrassed, she tells him she is fine and turns back to begin walking again when the man cuts his engine. 'Are you sure?' He asks again. 'It looks like you're crying!' Carly wipes her face and tries to shrug it off. 'It's ok ... really,' she replies. 'I just had a fight with my stupid boyfriend!' The man in the car laughs. 'Let me guess ... did you storm off to prove a point and, like a typical man, he just left you here?' Carly nods, a smile creeping across her face. The man smiles back. He stretches out his hand and introduces himself as Adam. 'This neighborhood is a little sketchy, why don't you get in and I'll drive you home?' He offers. 'Unlike your boyfriend, I don't feel comfortable leaving you here!' Carly pauses for a moment in hesitation, looking around. She knows she shouldn't get in a car with a stranger, but he seems very genuine. Besides, she really has no idea where she is, so she agrees and gets into his car.

As they drive towards her apartment, Adam is friendly and open about himself, telling Carly all about his background and his own relationship history. Carly can't help but feel a little smitten by the handsome stranger, especially in contrast to her jerky boyfriend. When he nonchalantly tells her that he was on his way to hang out with a friend, she makes a joke about wishing she could tag along too. The last thing she wants to do is go home right now and deal with James. Adam shrugs his shoulders and tells her she is more than welcome to join them. He'll even take her home afterwards or call her a rideshare. Smiling at him, she bites her lip and agrees. It'll be fun!

Cut to the doorbell ringing. Nathan, Adam's friend, opens the door and is surprised to see Adam standing there with a young woman. The men exchange a quick glance before Adam tells him how he found Carly on the roadside. 'Your boyfriend sounds like an asshole!' Nathan exclaims, extending his hand. Carly laughs and nods, slightly intimidated, as she is invited in.

CUT to the patio. Adam leads Carly outside while Nathan stays in to grab some beverages. The sun is starting to go down and the view in the back is beautiful. Carly looks around in awe while Adam tells her about how he and Nathan met in college. They played football together and were in the same fraternity. Now they are business partners. Audio-visual equipment. High-end stuff. Lots of celebrity clients. Carly imagines how successful they must be, given the size of Nathan's house. 'Is he married?' She asks. Adam shakes his head. 'Nah ... Lifelong bachelor,' he replies. Suddenly, Nathan bursts through the back door holding a camera and pointing it at the duo. 'Say Cheese!' He jokes. From the camera's POV, we hear him brag about the new model they just got in and how beautiful the picture quality is. Adam walks over, out of frame, to check it out and the friends ogle the tech specs while the camera secretly zooms in on Carly. She stays awkwardly by the patio edge, occasionally making eye contact with the camera and fidgeting. Nathan jokes and tells Carly to smile ... she looks so pretty with the view behind her! Not wanting to be rude, she pushes a smile and even makes some bad modeling poses to play along with the boys. 'You're not actually recording that, are you?' She jokes, half-serious. Nathan puts down the camera and says of course not. He tells them their cocktails are ready inside.

The trio sit down in the living room and Carly nervously sips her beverage. She is starting to think that maybe she should just go home and deal with her boyfriend after all. Nathan continues to tinker with his camera, while Adam tells him more details about what happened to Carly. 'Do you want us to go beat him up?' Nathan jokes. Carly tells him that he's sweet. James probably deserves it after the way he acted ... but, she doesn't need them to do that. She can handle it herself. Adam starts to rant about how shitty men can be, how disrespectful and rude they are. Women should be treated like goddesses ... not like pieces of trash you leave on the roadside. Nathan chimes in, adding that Carly should at least consider some kind of payback. After all, the jerk should feel bad for what he's done. What if she had been attacked out there? 'The neighborhood he left you in,' Adam adds. 'Is notorious for violent crime, especially against women!' Carly didn't realize that, and the weight of what James did to her slowly begins to sink in. 'It is really shitty that he didn't even try to look for me,' she mutters. Nathan and Adam move closer to her on either side of the couch. 'So, what do you think you're going to do?' Adam asks. 'It needs to be something that really pisses him off!' Nathan adds. Carly looks up at them, as they invade her personal space with their questions. 'I don't know,' she replies meekly. The men continue to pepper her with questions: What makes him mad? Does he get jealous easily? Maybe, the best revenge she could take is to make him jealous. Make him wish he hadn't been such a pussy and just married her like she wanted. They get Carly riled up to a point where she is agreeing with them. It would be satisfying to see him suffer a little. Nathan motions to his camera. 'I bet he'd freak out if he saw you with us,' he suggests. Carly looks down at it. 'Probably ...' she trails off. 'Hey, let's take some photos and send them to him,' Adam adds. 'I have a blocked number!' Before Carly can say anything, Nathan is snapping photos of Adam and Carly on the couch. 'Sit on his lap!' Nathan says, laughing. Carly hesitates before Adam encourages her to climb on. He is laughing too. She swallows hard before deciding to just do it and slides onto his lap. She can feel the bulge in his pants as they pose together for Nathan. The man sits down beside them and takes a few more intimate photos before joining in on a selfie. 'Now, kiss me,' Adam says. Carly hesitates again. 'I think we've got enough good photos already!' Nathan pushes her head towards his friend and reminds her that she needs to make her boyfriend jealous. Really jealous. Make it convincing. She reluctantly agrees to give Adam a kiss, while Nathan puts the camera on a tripod and moves into join them. 'Say cheese!' He says again before asking permission to take her clothes off. She looks into the camera lens blankly before turning back to him. 'Like ... do you mean, have sex with me?' She asks nervously. Nathan smiles. 'Nothing feels worse than when your girl steps out on you,' he says, his voice changing in tone. 'So, if you want to prove your point, you'll let us fuck you and you'll enjoy every moment of it for the camera!' Carly looks into the lens one final time before slowly agreeing to have sex with them. After all, James shouldn't have left her. He should have come back. This is all his fault.

Helena Price 在 'Cruising For A Fuck'

Helena Price - Cruising For A Fuck

Charles Dera's got a boat to sell to Helena Price's husband, but the beautiful brunette is interested in taking another kind of ride! As the boat's new owner is distracted by the sleek interior and various controls, Helena seduces Charles by flashing him her big booty, small tits, and hairy pussy! Keeping their voices and moans down is a bit of a challenge, but Helena still manages to give Charles a sloppy blowjob before her husband decides to head below deck. Once alone and free, Charles and Helena fuck from port to starboard and really rock the boat! Charles christens the new boat with a huge facial for Helena...just in time for her husband to come back upstairs and catch them!

Lily Love 在 'The Voyeur'

Lily Love - The Voyeur

For exhibitionist Lily, teasing her neighbor Charles is a nightly ritual. As she backstrokes nude with her perky boobs cresting out of the water, she loves to fantasize about Charles watching her and stroking his cock! Heading inside, she turns on the lights and opens the curtains to give him a show, which Charles takes as an invitation to knock on her door and finally do more than just watch. It turns out that this manly man knows just what Lily needs, pulling her hair and finally seeing her from up close as she rides his hard cock!

Ariella Ferrera 在 'Dreaming Of Creampie'

Ariella Ferrera - Dreaming Of Creampie

When Ariella's husband gets called away for work just as things in their bedroom are getting hot and heavy, she decides it's time to take matters into her own hands, playing with her huge perfect boobs and strumming her clit as she imagines having a big cock to play with. But what Ariella doesn't realize is a nice hard dick is closer than she thinks... only it belongs to her hubby's boss, Charles! Charles knows that if Ariella's hubby is as lazy in bed as he is on the job, this hot brunette MILF needs a good long fuck, and he's happy to give it to her! Ariella treats Charles to a sloppy blowjob and sucks on his balls before demanding that he fuck her hard and cum deep in her pussy!

August Taylor 在 'Secretaries'

August Taylor - Secretaries

Sassy, stacked secretary August Taylor will do anything to get ahead. The ambitious cock tease blatantly shows off her curvaceous body to supervisor Charles Dera. So creepy, opportunistic Charles peer pressures August, saying he'll report her to Human Resources unless she agrees to a steamy fuck session! With no choice, August wraps her plump lips around Charles' prick, slobbering over her massive breasts as she sucks hard cock. She whimpers as Charles fucks her tight pussy. Her lust betrays her -- August kisses him passionately as he pummels her wet cunt. Taboo workplace 'fraternization' features slick titty fucking and wild cock riding. Charles slathers her face in hot cream.

Britt James 在 'Picking Up Big Tits'

Britt James - Picking Up Big Tits

The day of Britt James's First Time Audition may be rainy and gray, but this brunette teen with her phenomenal big natties and huge ass is a real ray of sunshine. Britt isn't shy about stripping down and playing with her pussy in the car on the way to the studio, and when she gets there she wastes no time demonstrating her twerking skills and oiling up her big tits as she talks a little bit about herself, especially how much she loves getting fucked. Once Charles starts eating her pussy, Britt gets too distracted to keep chatting, wanting to get a mouthful of that big dick. Britt even wraps her huge jugs around Charles's cock as well as taking it deep in her tight pussy before taking a huge load all over her face and those big boobies!

Gina Valentina 在 'Side Chick Showdown'

Gina Valentina - Side Chick Showdown

It's a lovely day for a jog, but a bad day for awkward encounters when Charles Dera decides to go for a run with his girlfriend, Lela Star. Taking a break to kiss on a rock, the romantic moment is halted abruptly when Charles's side chick Gina Valentina runs by! When the ladies start to fight over Charles, he takes that as his cue to jet. Running home, Charles is shocked to find Gina has beat him there, and is ready to show him just why his cock belongs to her...until Lela catches up! Backed into a bedroom, Charles somehow manages to convince both beautiful ladies into a threesome and is soon balls deep in tight pussy. After a sloppy, sensual fuck, Charles cums on Gina and Lela's asses, and his orgasm gives them some clarity: they prefer each other to him anyway!

Kara Lee 在 'Street Audition'

Kara Lee - Street Audition

Charles Dera is taking to the streets of Miami looking for the next sweet pretty newbie for the Reality Kings First Time Auditions site, and he picks a doozy: blonde all-natural teen Kara Lee. This cute Florida babe loves to fuck and has always thought about trying porn, so she's more than happy to come back to the studio for an audition, but first she gives Charles a quick bj in the truck to show him she's truly motivated! After the interview where she talks a bit about herself, Kara is ready to get fucked with Charles's big cock, and this submissive babe loves calling him "Sir" as she follows his instructions to the letter and asks him to spank her creamy ass! Kara said her favorite spot for cum is in her mouth, so Charles drops his big load right between her lips and she swallows every drop.

Jessa Rhodes 在 'Invitation to Shibari'

Jessa Rhodes - Invitation to Shibari

Their arrangement is simple: Jessa issues an invitation, and Charles arrives at the appointed time to find her already naked, with her thighs tied apart or her arms bound behind her back, ready for their wordless bondage games. When the lights go out, it's time to go. But when Charles finds Jessa totally naked, unbound, wanting more of his touch and his cock than ever before, the passion between them has no limits. Will this time be different, or is this just another one of Jessa's games

Devon Green 在 'Bang or Bust 3'

Devon Green - Bang or Bust 3

Detective Dera has his eye on Devon as she stands next to a corner store. She's been soliciting everyone that walks by to buy her some alcohol. When he agrees, she offers to return the favor with her young pussy. Into the back of the car she goes, and out comes the badge. Either she gives up the pussy, or she goes to jail.

Cali Carter 在 'Squirt Fest'

Cali Carter - Squirt Fest

Come have some fun with Cali Carter as she strips off sexy lingerie to play with her big, fake tits and twerk her round ass. Nothing makes Cali feeling sexier than turning people on, so she starts to rub her tight pussy, which quickly becomes dripping wet. Cali is so turned on that she quickly makes herself squirt with her fingers, then with multiple times with a vibrator, and then even more times when sexy Charles Dera gets in on the action! Charles makes Cali squirt by fingering her, then after a wet and sloppy blowjob, Cali squirts on his dick over and over again until the dude squirts his cum all over her pretty face!

Kendra Spade 在 'Dark and Stormy'

Kendra Spade - Dark and Stormy

Kendra can't believe her bad luck when her car breaks down in the middle of a storm, but her luck is about to change. She braves the dark and the rain to knock at the first house she comes to, where Charles immediately ushers her inside to use the phone, take a hot shower, and change into some dry clothes. Impressed by both his kindness and his huge muscles, Kendra thanks her savior with a sensual blowjob. Soon the former strangers find their passions whipping up a different kind of storm!

Celestia Vega 在 'Bang or Bust 2'

Celestia Vega - Bang or Bust 2

Detective Dera is up to his old tricks, picking Celestia up on a minor filming-without-a-permit charge. While looking through her bag for anything he can nail her with; he finds a pair of her panties. Being a broke college student she'll do anything to avoid the fine, even if it means swallowing every last drop of his cum.

Yello 在 'She Got Game'

Yello - She Got Game

Grab your sneakers, lace em up and head over to the basketball court where the gorgeous Yello is stretching out her curves and showing off her ridiculously sexy body for her coach Charles Dera. Yello twerks her ass and bounces her big titties while trying to do a few layups. After working up a serious sweat, her coach instructs this fine ass fucking lady to hit the showers. Yello strips off her clothes getting completely naked in the ladies locker room and is feeling soaking wet after playing around that she's ready for a big dick to pound that sweet pussy of hers! Yello starts rubbing her big clit in the locker room as those succulent pierced nipples get harder with each thought of hers having a big dick to suck and fuck! Luckily for Yello, she decides to call in her coach to see if he can help her out and this lucky guy is more than willing to play ball--that is, having naughty Ms. Yello suck on them! Coach Dera gives Yello the dicking she desires as this blonde bombshell shows off her real skill--sucking and fucking big dick and twerking that big beautiful butt of hers until Charles Dera swishes his load all over her beautiful thick body! So remember, when anyone asks you about Yello, you tell them the truth--she's got serious fucking game!

India Summer 在 'The Fosters'

India Summer - The Fosters

18 Year Old Shy Girl is Fostered and Fucked by Overbearing Parents

SCENE OPENS on Jamie, an 18-year-old girl with a troubled past. Abandoned by a drug addicted mother when she was very young, the teenager has spent most of her life bouncing between orphanages, juvenile detention centers, and the street. She is very introverted and socially challenged, barely able to look someone in the eye when she speaks.

Out of concern, her social worker has reached out to a church program that helps integrate high risk young women into adulthood. Seated on the couch beside two parental volunteers, 'Daddy' Ron and 'Mama' Mary Foster, the social worker explains Jamie's case while they study the shy girl with great compassion. She stares at her feet awkwardly, not knowing how to react with a real family. The Fosters reassure her that they will look after her just like real parents, even joking how much they live up to their family's last name.

When the social worker seems satisfied and says goodbye, Jamie looks up for the first time, silently longing for her not to leave. Daddy Ron escorts the social worker out and Mary leans in to put her arm around Jamie. 'It'll be just fine, sweetheart!' She coos. Jamie slowly nods and pushes a smile. Daddy Ron comes back into the room and sits down, tapping his knee. 'Now you be a good girl,' he says. 'And come sit on my lap!' Jamie slowly turns her head and looks at him in surprise.


The next day. Jamie sits at the kitchen table, peeling potatoes, while Mama Mary cooks behind her. The woman is lecturing her about the family and their history with foster daughters. Life is easy going but, also, strict. There are chores to do, appointments to keep, and a firm commitment to their faith. Church four times a week, twice on Sundays, and daily bible readings. Jamie nods absently, as she struggles with the potatoes. Daddy Ron comes home from work and greets his wife with a big kiss. As they embrace, Jamie catches the man pinching his wife's behind and she blushes red. She isn't used to such intimacy. Mama tells him that dinner will be ready shortly and Daddy Ron excuses himself to freshen up. They will do their bible study after dinner.

CUT to the living room, in front of a roaring fireplace. Mama Mary is listening, eyes closed and swaying, while Daddy Ron reads a passage from the Bible. Jamie is sitting on his lap again, looking terribly awkward.

Colossians 3:20 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them. Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God.

Daddy Ron finishes and asks his foster daughter what she thought the moral of the passage was. Jamie doesn't say anything. Mama instructs her to be respectful and respond. Jamie looks up at Daddy Ron and mumbles something about needing to obey your parents. Mama kisses her on the forehead proudly while Daddy smiles on. 'Time for bed,' he says to his family.

CUT to the middle of the night. The camera opens on an ECU of Jamie's face as she slowly wakes up. She lays on a small mattress at the foot of her foster parents' bed. As her eyes flutter open, the camera leans out to reveal Daddy Ron and Mama Mary fucking on all fours on the bed above her. They don't realize she is awake and she overhears them dirty talking about her. She lays, eyes peeled and nervous, as they fuck inches from her for a few intense minutes before she closes her eyes again to try and drift off.

CUT to several hours later. Jamie is screaming as Mama wakes her up. Startled and sweaty, the girl looks up to see the foster mother very concerned. 'You were having a nightmare, sweetheart!' She says, clutching her tightly. Jamie can't remember if what she saw a few hours earlier was just a dream. 'I'm scared ... can I stay with you?' she asks. Mama suggests she share the bed with her new parents. When she pulls back the covers to tuck Jamie in, Mama exposes Daddy Ron. He is lying on his back naked, with a half-erect penis, staring calmly at Jamie. She averts her eyes nervously and lays down close to Mama. There is a long silence.

'Do you want to know what I do when I'm scared?' Mama says quietly. Jamie shakes her head no. 'I cuddle up to Daddy Ron ... like this!' She puts her arms around both Jamie and Ron and pulls them all together to create a family sandwich. Jamie can feel Ron's penis brush up against her leg and it makes her feel very funny. She takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. 'Daddy is big, isn't he?' Mama continues, smiling. 'You should touch it and see how big it can get!' Jamie doesn't know what to do. She is incredibly nervous but also strangely turned on. She has never been so close to anyone before and looks deep into her foster mother's eyes before slowly nodding. She reaches her hand down and wraps it around Ron's shaft. Mamma kisses her forehead and looks over at Daddy Ron, smiling, before putting her own hand down and wrapping it over Jamie's. Together, the women slowly jerk him off. Jamie's breath quickens as she gets excited, wedged between the couple. Sensing her new daughter's quiet enthusiasm, Mama then instructs them both to perform fellatio on him. After all, the Fosters believe in traditional family values where the man of the house deserves to be taken care of. BGG sex scene. Throughout the sex, Jamie is shell-shocked but consents to everything her foster mother asks her to do, wanting to please the overbearing parental volunteers and not being able to explain her own sexual curiosities. Daddy Ron ultimately cums on her stomach, as Mama sucks it up and spits it back into Jamie's mouth like a baby bird.

After they have finished, the parents put Jamie in between them. They say a prayer and turn off the light. As they drift off, Jamie stares up at the ceiling ... her eyes peeled. The shy, introverted girl has begun a new life.

Jill Kassidy 在 'Secret Desire'

Jill Kassidy - Secret Desire

Sheena wonders why her neighbor always stops by a certain house on his way to work. Using her husband's drone, she catches him having a steamy affair with the young and cute stepdaughter of her friend up the street.

Kenzie Reeves 在 'My Daughter Is a Web Cam Slut'

Kenzie Reeves - My Daughter Is a Web Cam Slut

Watch cutie cam slut Kenzie Reeves seduce her stepdad as they get down and dirty in a live web cam fucking session. Nothing like banging your step daughter's naughty pussy in front of all of her fans. Cumming in front of a live audience gets Kenzie off every time!

Gina Valentina 在 'The Sting'

Gina Valentina - The Sting

Two Men Lure Teen to Seedy Motel for Double Creampie

SCENE opens one night as Trix, an 18-year-old street girl, looms in front of a large graffiti wall that marks her favorite corner. Cars and pedestrians pass by, as the girl lingers. The camera cuts in closer to reveal her scantily clad outfit and high heels as they dig into the gravel road. She lights up a cigarette. A car slowly pulls up and a man leans out the window. 'Do you want a ride?' He asks gruffly. Giving him the quick once-over and stubbing out her smoke, Trix agrees and crosses the car to get into the front seat. Once inside, the man, a husky blue-collar type, takes a moment before asking what she's into. Putting on her street-smart attitude, Trix tells him that it depends what he's looking for. 'I'm looking for an all- night kind of thing,' he replies coldly. Trix bites her lip, giving him another good look, before cautiously responding that that is fine. He tells he knows a good motel and they drive off. A hotel clerk sits hunched behind his desk, scribbling annotations into a small field notes book when the bell chimes. He looks up, distracted, to find the blue-collar man standing with Trix at his side. He asks for a room for the right, preferably the one on the end if it's free. The clerk closes his book and stares at the couple. Without saying anything, he points to a NO SOLICITING sign beside his window. Trix steps forward and assures the clerk that it's just her and her man passing through town and looking for a quiet place to rest. Nothing to worry about. The clerk looks hard at the girl before turning his eyes back to the man. 'Last one's vacant,' he says. 'I'll need some ID.' The man hands the clerk a card as the clerk hands him back a key.

CUT to Trix and the man exiting the clerk's office and walking down the motel's exterior lobby to their room on the end. They disappear inside, leaving the camera to linger on the stillness of the night. After a few moments, the office door slowly opens and the clerk steps out, his field book in hand and a gun tucked in the back of his pants. He cautiously walks down to the room and looks in through the window. From his POV, we see Trix and the man settling into the room. She stands before him, presenting herself.

CUT to inside the room. The man asks how old Trix is and she tells him 18-years-old. He asks how she came to be such a whore. Rolling her eyes at the small talk, she tells him she ran away from home and she isn't a whore. She has daddy issues, that's all. The man asks if she has a pimp. Trix laughs ... and says no. I know how to take of myself. She cuts the conversation short by asking what the man would like to do first. He tells her to strip which she does. Then he tells her to take clothes off. She does. The man tells her he likes rough sex. She tells him fine, but no marks. He tells her he'll be careful. This descends into the first BG sex scene, where the man roughly fucks Trix in several positions around the room ... each rougher than the last. The sex scene is intercut with POV shots from the window, as the clerk watches what is unfolding in his room. He scribbles down observations as he watches. In the end, the man takes great pleasure in finishing Trix off with a big creampie which dribbles out of her. She lays exhausted on the bed, wiping her pussy. 'You know, I never usually let men cum inside of me,' she says. The man laughs and tells her not worry, she'll get what's coming to her after he cleans up. He excuses himself to the bathroom. While the shower runs, the girl slowly gets herself up and starts gathering her things.

CUT to the window. The clerk closes his field book and tucks it in his back pocket. In its place, he pulls out a badge (hidden under his shirt) and the gun tucked behind his back and kicks open the door. Catching Trix by surprise, the clerk bursts in telling her to freeze and put her hands up. This is a sting operation. The frightened girl freezes like a deer in headlights. She knows what this means, as the man steps out of the bathroom and pats the clerk on the back. 'Thanks for letting me get that creampie,' he says before turning to Trix. 'Remember this, the next time you try something like this, sweetheart!' She scowls at him, covering herself up. He kisses her on the forehead condescendingly before leaving the room. 'Now we can do this the hard way,' the clerk says, 'which involves my partner and I taking you down to the station ... or we can do this the easy way.' Trix crosses her legs and stares at the man in disgust. The room goes silent except for the sound of her leg shaking nervously. 'Fine,' Trix says. 'I'll blow you too, is that what you want?' The clerk looks her up and down before slowly shaking his head. Trix asks what it'll take. The man, slowly putting his badge and gun down on the dresser, tells her she'll need to do everything she just did to his partner to him. She shakes her head. 'I already took one load,' she says defiantly, 'I'm not taking another. I'm not on the pill.' The man laughs and tells her it's not his fault she's careless. They exchange several more rounds of debate before the frustrated girl agrees to have sex with the clerk. This descends into the second BG sex scene, where the clerk rough fucks Trix and gives her a second creampie of the night. All during the sex, she fucks him back in anger ... pissed off that she's got caught and trying to make him cum as quickly as possible. After he has finished, the clerk stands up sweaty and triumphant. 'Clean yourself up and get out of here,' he orders as he throws his clothes on and leaves the room. Trix stares at the door, gritting her teeth, before breathing a sigh of relief. She looks around the room and notices the gun and badge still on the dresser. Cautiously, she walks over and picks the badge up: it's a cheap novelty item. She's been had. She grabs the gun and. In a fury, storms out of the hotel room slamming the door.

Sadie Blake 在 'Bang or Bust 1'

Sadie Blake - Bang or Bust 1

Sadie's just a working girl, trying to make that money using her tiny teen body. Charles is a vice cop more concerned with sampling the product than actually busting anyone. So when he picks her up, it's either be brought in, or she can give up that tight teen pussy.

Violet Starr 在 'Teach Me'

Violet Starr - Teach Me

Knowledge can be an aphrodisiac, and for Violet, it was exactly what it took for her to fall for her professor. When a pretty girl half your age throws herself onto your cock, you'd be a fool to turn her down. Their relationship blossoms and now they live together, fucking every chance they can get.

Kelly Paige 在 'Get In The Van'

Kelly Paige - Get In The Van

Charles Dera is ready to go home and relax at the end of a long workday. However, Karma Rx and Sunny Chase have other plans for him! While he's walking to his car, Karma intercepts him and asks for his assistance. She locked her keys in her car and needs him to help get in through the sunroof. Charles is happy to help and follows her to where her car is parked. That's when Karma and Sunny pull him inside a mysterious van and kidnap him! He offers them money, but these two horny sluts are only after one thing: his big cock! Sunny drives the van to a secluded area while Karma keeps her perfect cock-sucking lips busy and tightly wrapped around Charles' dick. Then, the two busty beauties have their way with Charles as they take turns sitting on his face and riding his big hard cock in the back of the van!

Vienna Black 在 'Sex Shop Hop'

Vienna Black - Sex Shop Hop

Insatiable brunette slut-in-a-rut Vienna Black needs to get herself stuffed, so she steps into a miniskirt and heads to the sex shop to pick up some new toys… and maybe meet some new boys! This sexy squirter doesn't mind putting on a show, trying on lingerie, and being an exhibitionist with her sex toys. Vienna can't help attracting attention when she masturbates, but when she meets hunky shopper Charles Dera, she really gets naughty, dropping to her knees for in-store sucking, followed by filthy hardcore sex in front of shocked spectators! These shoppers were expecting a dirty afternoon at the sex shop, but they weren't expecting to see a hot young honey get spanked and take a doggystyle fucking in public! What a daring girl!

Jaye Summers 在 'Erotic Art'

Jaye Summers - Erotic Art

Jaye Summers goes to her art class where she's in for a treat! This week, the students get to draw a live nude model who turns out to be none other than Charles Dera! Horny Jaye can't keep her eyes off him, especially after he takes off his bathrobe. Unable to focus on her work, she distracts the model by flashing her perky pierced tits and teasing her pussy! Charles gets an erection, which prompts the teacher to send the students on a short break while the model gets presentable again. Of course, the hot slut sneaks back in and wraps her luscious lips around Charles' big hard cock! Then, he fingers her tight dripping wet pussy as they start creating their own brand of erotic art by fucking all over the studio while the rest of the class is on break!

Lena Paul 在 'Plowing The Wedding Planner'

Lena Paul - Plowing The Wedding Planner

Charles Dera and his bridezilla-to-be are meeting with their wedding planner, sexy young professional Lena Paul. Charles' fiancé is terribly threatened by Lena – maybe that's because she looks incredible in her miniskirt and glasses and her tits are beyond fantastic! Or maybe it's because Lena can't keep her hand from wandering over to Charles' cock under the table! Lena gives Charles a handjob right next to his oblivious fiancé, and before she can catch on, Charles sends her away to pick out music for their first dance so he can shove his dick in Lena's hot, eager mouth. When Lena is finished giving Charles the kind of blowjob he isn't getting at home, she climbs on the table and lets Charles fuck her like it's his last day of freedom. So how will the bridezilla react when she sees her wedding planner dripping the groom's creampie?

Mia Malkova 在 'Swan of Sorrow Part 3'

Mia Malkova - Swan of Sorrow Part 3

Mia has got to save her studio no matter what it takes. With Adriana's help, she gets in contact with Charles, who is willing to help her out financially in exchange for services only that ass can provide! He gives her a good fucking, leaving her massive ass covered in jizz and her pockets full of cash.

Luna Star 在 'Cartel Sex Part 4'

Luna Star - Cartel Sex Part 4

While Luna Star is busy running her empire, a DEA agent has gotten closer than anyone before. Charles has been wearing a wire for months, and it's finally time to take this cartel down. Not before he has a little bit of fun though.

AliceafterDark 在 'Clothes Whore'

AliceafterDark - Clothes Whore

Meet Alice, the curvy cutie who can't decide what to wear. After spending the day lying around in bed with her gorgeous bubble butt and thick body on full display, she decides to try on several outfits. Which one of them will make Alice look and feel as sexy as she really is?! At the end of the day, she ends up with a pile of clothes… But the most important article is buried beneath - a big dick just waiting to be sucked and fucked! It looks like Alice doesn't need to wear anything at all, since she is at her best when she's wearing nothing at all! But now that she's found both her chosen outfit and her buried prize, can Charles Dera fulfill all of the voluptuous Alice's needs?

Adriana Chechik 在 'Swan of Sorrow Part 1'

Adriana Chechik - Swan of Sorrow Part 1

Mia's dance studio is in financial trouble, and her friend Adriana has an idea how she can make some extra money. First, though, Adriana needs to convince her client that he should help her out.

Melissa Moore 在 'Anatomy of Desire'

Melissa Moore - Anatomy of Desire

New doctor Kelly (Kimmy Granger) was frantic when she heard her boyfriend Max (Charles Dera) was one of the patients involved in a car accident. But, Max is less concerned about his health than about Kelly finding out that the woman in the car with him, Rosalyn (Melissa Moore), was more than just a coworker! When the power goes out, Rosalyn sneaks into Max's room under cover of darkness and climbs into his bed in nothing but a hospital gown. At first, Max is worried they'll be caught, but when Rosalyn slips her hands under his blankets to check that his cock is in good shape, all the stud can think about is another illicit tryst with his sexy side chick. Once Max has Rosalyn wet and begging for his dick by fingering her sweet pussy, he gives her the deep fucking she wants until she's cumming loudly over and over! But, will their passionate moans bring Kelly running to check on him Stay tuned!

Ella Nova 在 'The Supremely Subservient, Ella Nova'

Ella Nova - The Supremely Subservient, Ella Nova

With a stocking over her head and a blindfold covering her eyes, the beautiful submissive, Ella Nova is on her knees, arms stretched and tied at the wrist and thighs with rope to two vertical pipes. James Mogul flogs her back and ass as he comes up with a subject for the day's syllabus. Charles Dera enters the scene with his dick hard while Ella waits for it with her mouth open and tongue out. Charles shoves his dick down her throat and Ella sucks it with zeal. Displaying to Mogul what an obedient slut she's being, he rewards her with a vibrator for her pussy but cannot cum until he says to. James turns it up a notch and slides a clear glass butt-plug into Ella's ass and presses the vibrator hard against her clit. Ella cums hard, yelling and squirming on her knees. In the next scene Ella finds herself in another predicament, tied face down and ass up, to a wooden table. Mogul crops her exposed pussy making her repeat the word 'please' over and over to the beat of the crop. Mogul steps aside and Charles slowly sinks his cock into Ella's pussy and pounds away. In the final scene Ella is on her back, arms tied above her head with one leg frog-tied to her chest and the other sticking straight in the air, tied to the ceiling. James Mogul uses the flogger on Ella's ass, warming it up for Charles' cock. Charles once again enters the scene rock hard and tells Ella to "open up" as he presses the head of his cock against her ass. Charles pounds Ella's ass while intermittently fucking her mouth to clean her juices off of his cock. In the final scene, James has Ella squatting in the middle of the room holding two heavy silver trays. She must take Charles' load in her mouth without dropping them.

Jenna J Foxx 在 'Working Out With The Kings'

Jenna J Foxx - Working Out With The Kings

Jenna Foxx has come a long way from Canada, bringing her 36D titties along to shake up the Fort Lauderdale beach. When this sexy ebony gets active, her ass could distract anybody, especially when she jogs and does her yoga – even the tide rolls in to get closer! But Jenna has another admirer – beachcomber Charles Dera! Charles shows Jenna how to do a real workout, putting her through her paces until he decides to cool her off by throwing her in the ocean. Now that Jenna's pussy is all wet, there is only one solution: oiling her up, ripping off her tights, and letting her warm herself up by titfucking Charles' cock until his dick is poking in and out of her hungry mouth. Next Charles bends Jenna over for a hard fucking in his shower, with Jenna squealing until Charles cums all over her pretty face and tongue. We do workouts deeper and harder at Reality Kings!

Carmen Caliente 在 'Creepy'

Carmen Caliente - Creepy

Carmen Caliente's fiance is a degenerate gambler in a heap of trouble. The Latina cutie comes home to find merciless mob goon Charles Dera bothering her soon-to-be husband. The creepy thug gropes Carmen's smooth legs and gorgeously fit body, insinuating peer pressure! Desperate to rescue her fiance and feeling coerced, Carmen agrees to suck the mobster's dick. Her mouth oozes slobber through a messy face fuck, but Charles requires a lot more. While ruthlessly railing the blonde beauty, he mocks her man sadistically: 'This is her favorite position!' The loser fiance watches his future wife, who can't help moaning in ecstasy. She begs the stud not to cum on her face ... and grimaces as hot sperm dribbles down her cheeks.

Eden Sin 在 'Butthole Whores 6'

Eden Sin - Butthole Whores 6

Horny young brunette Eden Sin spots two older guys, Bill Bailey and Charles Dera, at a party. Her girlfriend prefers dudes their age, but Eden sticks around for an anal threesome with the more experienced studs. She gags on their huge cocks while the boys slap her tiny, natural tits. Eden lewdly slobbers on one massive boner as the other invades her tight, little ass, and she licks balls. This tattooed vixen enjoys a nasty double penetration with lots of ass-to-mouth flavor and two cum facials.

Karlee Grey 在 'Ho Ho Homewrecker'

Karlee Grey - Ho Ho Homewrecker

Charle Dera's wife has dragged him to her office holiday party. As if that wasn't bad enough, she expects him to want to fuck her when he gets home from this borefest, because it's “baby night.” But Charles' fortune changes when he meets his wife's hot brunette work rival, the shy, younger Karlee Grey. No wonder his wife hates her so much… she must be jealous of her big, beautiful chest. Karlee is tired of Charles' wife bullying her, so she pulls him into the nearest bedroom and lets him see her ornaments up close. She throws him on the bed and dominates him, smacking her tits in his face, then she sucks and fucks him and lets him smack her tits for being such a bad girl! Charles' wife is about to find out Karlee always gets what she wants for the holidays, even if she's on the naughty list!

Anna Bell Peaks 在 'Living the Dream'

Anna Bell Peaks - Living the Dream

Charles and Anna Bell used to be cool, what happened? Now they're stuck in the same old routine and it feels like the magic is gone. When Frank has Charles housesit for him, Charles decides to put his pool to use with Anna Bell's help! Nothing like some late night skinny dipping in the neighbors' pool to put the passion back!

Rachel Starr 在 'and Charles Dera in Housewife 1 on 1'

Rachel Starr - Housewife 1 on 1

Now that she'll be home more, your wife Rachel Starr is ready to please her man! To celebrate her not working much anymore, she's donning some sexy lingerie that makes her ass pop, right in your face. You've been dying for that blowjob that she's promised, and she's dying to deliver on her promise — now's the time! She wants to gag on your hard cock and then straddle you to ride it. Her pussy's nice and wet for her husband, the way it should be, and she wants to fuck you for a long, long time. Bang your wife good like a proper husband should, slap her fat, big ass and then blast all over her mouth. She's a good wife…she'll want it over and over and over again!

Abigail Mac 在 'Wedding Belles Scene 1'

Abigail Mac - Wedding Belles Scene 1

Best friends Abby and Casey are planning the perfect double wedding – except their hungry pussies keep getting in the way. From male strippers to the boyfriend's best friend, old flames and new cocks keep springing up. While the girls try to keep it in their pants, Casey's future husband isn't exactly behaving himself. When he commits the ultimate betrayal, will Casey finally be able to cut the wedding knot Or is she tied down for life

Vanessa Cage 在 'Playing the Game'

Vanessa Cage - Playing the Game

Being in need of a proper hard fucking, Vanessa turns to a hookup app to get that good dick. She matches up with Charles who can't wait to get his hands and mouth on those big, juicy titties and plump ass after she sends some filthy pics his way. She's waiting by the door when he gets there and makes his day by filling her mouth with his big load.

Anissa Kate 在 'and Charles Dera in My Girlfriend's Busty Friend'

Anissa Kate - My Girlfriend's Busty Friend

Same time every day! Charles's girlfriend is working hours late tonight, which makes him ecstatic because he'll have extra time to perv on her busty French friend Anissa Kate, who suns in the nude at the same hour every single day! But Anissa's no dummy; she knows when a dude is creeping on her, and she calls him out. There's nothing Charles can say except that he's a boob guy and he can't help but drool over her big natural tits, especially when his girlfriend's rack pales in comparison. Anissa allows him to squeeze some more oil on her bare boobs…and then rub it in a bit…and then she's horny, and the titty fucking is on! Thank goodness for overtime!

Brandi Love 在 'Atomic Bang'

Brandi Love - Atomic Bang

Brandi has been sent by the agency to retrieve a top secret prototype. When her covers blown, Charles has her back, but he's gonna need that fine MILF pussy if she wants this missile. He shows her the missile in his pants and blasts off all over her face.

Karlee Grey 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty America'

Karlee Grey - Naughty America

Boo(bs)! it's Halloween and Karlee Grey's so scared her big tits are jumping out of her costume! The kitty's exhausted from the party she and her boyfriend Charles threw; so much so that it seems her mind's playing tricks on her, as she feels something spooky's going on! She gets a random phone call from a scary voice telling her not to fall asleep, so she locks all the doors and hides in the bedroom with Charles. There's only one solution to keep from falling asleep in the bedroom and falling prey to the killer: they have to have sex to stay awake! Even though Karlee wanted her first time with Charles to be special, it's either fuck or die! Will Chucky boy bang her good, hard and long enough to save her??? Watch to find out! Happy Halloween!

Carmen Caliente 在 'Dark Aura'

Carmen Caliente - Dark Aura

A lone werewolf falls prey to a powerful vampire that will do whatever it takes to make him her pet. He laps at her cunt like a puppy before she sucks his rock hard cock. Charles pounds her deep before he feeds her a big load of cum. Happy Halloween!

Cassidy Klein 在 'Heart and Soul'

Cassidy Klein - Heart and Soul

Flexible slut Cassidy knows her pussy is good enough to get paid for. So she gives it up to Charles whenever he wants, not just because he pays her well, but because his thick cock makes her cum over and over again. She leaves his apartment with a fistful of cash and a cunt full of jizz.

Mercedes Carrera 在 'Cartel Sex 2'

Mercedes Carrera - Cartel Sex 2

Mercedes is just trying to make ends meet and save up to open the motorcycle shop she's always wanted. That means working for some drug dealers because the money comes easy and quick. Unknown to her though, Charles has been working her undercover for some time now.

Riley Reyes 在 'Bad Neighbor 3'

Riley Reyes - Bad Neighbor 3

Fed up with her desires Riley decides that she will have to make the first move on her neighbor Charles. Luring him over to her place by playing the damsel in distress, she tells him exactly what she needs! He's not one to let a good piece of ass pass him up! He pounds all of her holes and leaves her happy and full of cum.

Mandy Muse 在 'Big Booty Behind the Scenes'

Mandy Muse - Big Booty Behind the Scenes

Mandy is not your typical model, and when the photographer continuously nags her about her beautiful big ass, she decides to teach him a lesson.

Jennifer White 在 'and Charles Dera in I Have a Wife'

Jennifer White - I Have A Wife

When Jennifer White gets word that her and her husband's old college friend Charles is driving down for a visit, she starts reminiscing about the good ol' days…especially when they had a one-time threesome! jennie wants to live that particular moment, but this time minus her husband. So when Charles shows up, she's conveniently not wearing any underwear over her big fat ass and pink pussy, and bends over every which way in her short red dress to make the bed for him and show him what a treat he's in for! Once her husband's friend is relaxing in his quarters, Jennifer strolls in wearing nothing but a bra and panties, and with an appetite for nothing but Charles's married dick.

Ana Foxxx 在 'Dark Obsession Scene 1'

Ana Foxxx - Dark Obsession Scene 1

A man's ex-wife comes back to haunt him – even with a second wife now in the picture. Some people just can't let go. And her stranglehold will soon become deadly…

Romi Rain 在 'Dark Obsession Scene 3'

Romi Rain - Dark Obsession Scene 3

A man's ex-wife comes back to haunt him – even with a second wife now in the picture. Some people just can't let go. And her stranglehold will soon become deadly…

Ana Foxxx 在 'Dark Obsession Scene 5'

Ana Foxxx - Dark Obsession Scene 5

A man's ex-wife comes back to haunt him – even with a second wife now in the picture. Some people just can't let go. And her stranglehold will soon become deadly…

Victoria Vargaz 在 'Babysitting On My Dick'

Victoria Vargaz - Babysitting On My Dick

Tight brunette Victoria Vargaz is one bad babysitter! She's supposed to be sitting for Charles Dera, who tells her not to have any boyfriends over. Victoria assures Mr. Dera she'll be studying and obeying his rules, but as soon as he leaves she pulls down her tight red shorts, fingers herself on his couch, and calls her boyfriend over to fuck him. Unfortunately, the chump only wants to play video games. Lucky for lusty Victoria, a burglar comes along, looking to snatch some premium goods. The burglar grabs Victoria, who is so turned on by the sudden turn of events she lets this masked man lick her pussy and eat her asshole while her boyfriend is distracted. When he catches on to naughty Victoria letting the burglar face-fuck her, Victoria knocks him out and fucks the burglar right next to him! He wakes up just in time to find his slutty girlfriend with a face coated in cum… but who was that masked man who left his calling card?

Rachel Starr 在 'and Charles Dera in I Have a Wife'

Rachel Starr - I Have A Wife

Everybody, let's get crunk! Rachel and her husband are throwing an event, and their caterer, Charles, is over to help plan. Rachel gets excited when she and Charles come up with a sweet catering menu for her guests, but when her husband calls and tells her he's not going to be able to make it to their own party, everything turns sour. Rachel's too upset to continue the conversation with her caterer, so she hurries off to the bedroom and tells him he can wrap things up and show himself out. But Charles, ever so observant, takes the initiative to follow Rachel into her bedroom to unwrap her from her towel. The horny wife tells the married caterer it's been a long, long time since her husband's touched her how she wants him to, and Charles says the same about his wife. He does what he does best and caters — caters to Rachel's every desire of his dick! Her big ass and pierced big tits lure Charles away from his work and into his pleasure — fucking a horny wife in need!

Sofi Ryan 在 'and Charles Dera in Housewife 1 on 1'

Sofi Ryan - Housewife 1 on 1

Your sexy wife Sofi Ryan is feeling frisky and playful in the pool today, and the popsicle she keeps shoving down her throat and rubbing all over her body is only adding to it! Watch her suck on her treat and then slide it all over her big natural tits and hard nipples, getting them all sticky and sweet for you to suck on. She moves south to sugar up pie, turning from warm to cold, just to have you heat it up again with your hard cock. She's ready to finish her frozen treat and devour your flesh popsicle instead! Lay back and let her dip it into her mouth and get it all hot and juicy, ready to slide right inside her tight hot pussy! Fuck her good and hard, because she's ready to top her dessert with some of your sweet cream!

Khloe Kapri 在 'and Charles Dera in I Have a Wife'

Khloe Kapri - I Have A Wife

Khloe doesn't eat meat, but she's definitely in the mood for Charles' man meat! She's decided to show off her new bikini to lure Charles back to her bedroom where they can really put on a show for Khloe's husband. He'll be so glad to get some hot footage of Khloe getting fucked all over their bed by Charles!

Rina Ellis 在 'Dont Tell My Mom'

Rina Ellis - Dont Tell My Mom

Charles Dera catches his slutty teen stepdaughter Rina Ellis sneaking in late. Randy partygirl Rina comes on to her stepdad, but somehow Charles resists her in her tiny black miniskirt and heels. Charles climbs into bed with Rina's mother, only to have naughty Rina crawl over to his side of the bed and give him a dirty blowjob. What a nasty girl! Then Nina pulls her red lace panties aside and rides Charles' dick right in the bed. Nina takes out her pierced nipples and Charles gives her tight teen pussy a hard doggystyle fucking, hoping she doesn't' make too much noise. But Rina gets into it, demanding Charles fuck her hard. What's a married man to do? The cheating continues until Rina's eyes roll back and she's screaming and moaning and panting in the bed. Charles gives Rina a big cumload on her tongue, but will Rina's mother catch this pair of kinky troublemakers?

Kimber Woods 在 'Anal Extortion'

Kimber Woods - Anal Extortion

Big ass brunette Kimber Woods is in some trouble with the Feds over a botched business deal and may face prison if she doesn't get out of it. When she calls handsome hunky lawyer Charles Dera for help she's gets a whole lot more than she bargained for.Kimber is lounging on the penthouse rooftop of her apartment in a tiny pink bikini and high heels. Her long fingernails and diamond choker are dazzling in the sunlight. She goes into the house wiggling her curvy ass and makes the phone call that will change her life forever.Charles shows up at Kimber's house to discuss her situation but he immediately dominates and tells her they are going to do it his way or no way. You see Charles enjoys the finer things in life and is driven by passion not money. First things first, show me your tits. Kimber is appalled but now there is no way out of this hot mess. She takes her dress off to reveal matching pink lingerie. Her small natural tits and firm young body are on display for Charles to take what he wants. She keeps complaining so he ties her arms together with his leather belt and shoves his cock down her throat to shut her up. After a deep and relentless throat fuck he ties her up doggie style for some discipline. Pain and pleasure go hand in hand, can't know one without the other. For the corporeal punishment Kimber is wearing thigh high nylons and black patent leather heels, the ball gag in her mouth is making her drool while Charles lashes her with the flogger and the crop. Along with the corporeal punishment he fucks her ass and vibes her pussy with the magic wand until she is moaning with delight. Ass to mouth, Kimber cleans her cum off Charles cock and gets it ready for her shaved pussy. She screams to please let her go! but can't stop moaning from the vaginal penetration.Charles flips her on her back with wrists tied to ankles so she is wide open and ready for action. He goes to town on that ass and pussy, choking her and fucking all her slutty holes deep and hard until he shoots his huge load all over her.

Jade Jantzen 在 'and Charles Dera in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Jade Jantzen - My Friend's Hot Girl

Intruder! Jade Jantzen is cleaning the house in her lingerie, like her boyfriend always likes her to do, when unbeknownst to her, her man's friend Charles enters the house wearing a ski mask in hopes to take back a family heirloom he lost to Jade's boyfriend in s a poker game. But the jig is up when Jade sees the masked man, until he unmasks himself and calms Jade down and tells her the truth. She allows him to take his prized possession back, but there's a caveat: he's got to fuck her with that nice dick she's heard so much about, especially since her boyfriend isn't pleasing her in the bedroom. It's win-win for Chucky boy, who lets Jade put the vacuum down for a lot of suck and blow on his hose! A cummed-up face later and Charles is as thick as thieves with Jade!

Vanessa Cage 在 'and Charles Dera in Housewife 1 on 1'

Vanessa Cage - Housewife 1 on 1

It's storming outside right now, and your hot wife Vanessa Cage is doing some yoga in the house. So what's your horny ass gonna do? Perv on her, of course! She knows you like to watch her when she gets all sweaty, which is why she takes her top off to expose her perspiring big tits, tan lines and all. Those sweaty jugs get you all worked up, and she notices, which is why she proceeds to peel off her yoga pants to reveal her hot pink pussy. She stretches in the nude which tears a hole in your pants due to your raging-hard cock. And your wife knows exactly what she's doing, so be patient. Because sooner than later, Vanessa's going to crawl over to you in her sweaty nude skin, grab a hold of your dick and put it right inside her mouth. You make her sweat a little more when you fuck your wife good and hard, and then make a further mess when you cum all over her mouth. Let's hope it thunderstorms more often.

Jennifer White 在 'Fuck My Ass'

Jennifer White - Fuck My Ass

“Fuck. My. Ass.” Those are your instructions today, straight from big-butt beauty Jennifer White. She wants you to reach out and grab that juicy ass of hers and shove your hard cock right into it. That is, of course, after she gets it nice and lubed up with spit after giving you a hearty blowjob. Suck on her natural tits and fuck her wet pussy first, too, because you'll want to get Jennifer nice and warmed up. Oh, and don't forget about her anal sexy toy. That'll help open her ass up for your big dick, and she wants to be prepared. Immerse yourself with Virtual Reality by immersing yourself in Jennifer's ass today!

Romi Rain 在 'Big Tip For Pizza Sluts'

Romi Rain - Big Tip For Pizza Sluts

Romi Rain and Aspen Romanoff are two lonely, horny sluts who aren't just hungry—they're cock hungry! Romi and Aspen call up their local delivery boy, Charles Dera, who comes by with a hot slice for each of them. The girls try to seduce Charles with their sexy lingerie and massive tits rather than give him a big tip—because they want to be the ones getting it for a change! Aspen and Romi have their way with Charles, proving that this pizza guy goes the extra mile to satisfy his customers—especially horny sluts like these! Hot and spicy dick sausage, cumming up! The girls lick each other and fuck and suck Charles, then he finishes off this threesome by giving these ladies his “special sauce.” Who doesn't love pizza?

Cindy Starfall 在 'Basket Case'

Cindy Starfall - Basket Case

How can Cindy get her stepdad's attention She's desperate to slip and slide on his hard shaft before her mom kicks him out for good!

Rachel Starr 在 'Porn Star Experience'

Rachel Starr - Porn Star Experience

Don't move a muscle yet, because you might cum just hearing that voice whisper in your ear! Before you can even see her, Rachel Starr is driving you wild with her words. Listen to her dirty-talk you for a while, and then once you're good and warmed up, the blindfold comes off and the sexy brunette pornstar and her beautiful big ass are right before you. She'll put some shine on that fantastic ass of hers with some oil, getting it nice and lubed for you to rub your cock all over it. And before you know it, she'll have your stiff big dick in her mouth, sucking it good and preparing for her wet pussy! This VR pornstar experience is going to make your weekend!

Katrina Jade 在 'Animal Instincts'

Katrina Jade - Animal Instincts

We act like humans are so much more advanced, but our desires say something else. Katrina and Charles don't hold themselves back and give into their most animalistic desires as they fuck like rabbits all over the place. Of course he unloads deep inside of her hungry cunt, because the most primal desire is to breed.

Ashley Fires 在 'and Charles Dera in I Have a Wife'

Ashley Fires - I Have A Wife

Realtor Ashley Fires is wet! This is her first celebrity residence listing, and not just that, but it's the home of Charles Dera, star stud of her favorite soap opera! She's a bit star struck when she sees him at the house the day of the showing, especially because he's in nothing but his underwear, and asks him to perform an excerpt from one of his show's scenes. But it's a love scene, and Ashley isn't exactly acting when she starts sucking on the married actor's dick! Charles takes method acting to a higher degree when he starts throat fucking her with his stiff cock, then fucks the bubble-butt blonde until he cums all over and in her mouth. The Emmys are calling!

Sadie Pop 在 'Sweet 18'

Sadie Pop - Sweet 18

It's Sadie's 18th birthday and all she wants is to lose her virginity. Her overprotective mom berates her for her inappropriate outfit and asks her to change before leaving the house to get a last minute present. Sadie takes advantage of her mom's absence and seduces Charles, the baker hired to prepare her birthday cupcakes. She covers her nipples with icing and gives him a taste of her cupcakes! Then, the horny teen doesn't let anything stop her from sucking Charles' big cock, not even the presence of her dad in the room. She then climbs on the counter, exposing her ass and tight wet pussy to the pastry chef who is happy to make her birthday wish come true. Will they have the time to fuck before Sadie's parents come back?

Natasha Nice 在 'My Slutty Student'

Natasha Nice - My Slutty Student

Busty college cutie Natasha Nice has always wanted to fuck her professor. She's obsessed with him and can't get enough of his cock! Having fucked him already, naughty Natasha wants to take things to the next level—by seducing her professor in his own home while his soon-to-be-wife is around! This busty beauty doesn't care if she gets Professor Dera in trouble because all she wants is for him to worship her massive tits and stick his dick between her dripping wet pussy lips! The thing about Natasha is that she doesn't play nice--she's a horny whore who just wants to get fucked and won't stop coming back for more! Will Charles succumb to this sexy slut one last time before she graduates, or will this slutty student finally get the D she's been seeking all semester?

Bridgette B 在 'Interrogation'

Bridgette B - Interrogation

Detective Pierce has a very high success rate on acquiring information from suspects. Her Advanced Interrogation Techniques involve teasing, edging and PussyBoarding. With her killer curves and pouty lips there is no one that wouldn't give up the goods when she gets to work.

Skyler Nicole 在 'All Aboard'

Skyler Nicole - All Aboard

Attention seamen, your horny captain, the incredibly sexy Skylar Nicole, is waiting for you to cum aboard! With her beautiful smile and a round ass that will make you grin from ear to ear, the seductive Skylar is eager to take you out to sea and suck and fuck some cock in the middle of the ocean! When Charles Dera takes his wife on a boat tour, only he wasn't aware that the amazing Skylar would be on board! Ms. Nicole is hoping to satisfy her customer, specifically Mr. Dera as she teases him with her amazing round ass right behind his wife's back! When Charles' wife gets a little sea sick, Skylar Nicole sees this as her opportunity to get the dicking she's been hoping for! Skylar drops to her knees and begins sucking Charles' big dick portside while his poor wife has no clue that the captain's got her own reasons for welcoming him aboard! Will Skylar get her dripping wet pussy pounded by Charles, or will his wife have the both of them walking the plank?

Ashlynn Taylor 在 'Repo Fuck'

Ashlynn Taylor - Repo Fuck

Beautiful Latina Ashlynn Taylor was generous enough to lend money to her friends, but she is now tired of waiting for them to repay their debts. When she shows up to one of her girlfriends' place to collect the $200 she is owed, her friend insists she doesn't have money to pay her back. Things escalate just as Charles Dera is coming out of the shower. Shocked to find Ashlynn intimidating his girlfriend, Charles offers to pay the $200, but Ashlynn doesn't want his money. Instead, she wants her money's worth of Charles' big hard cock! First, the sexy Latina gets a mouthful as she sucks him off in front of his girlfriend! When Charles' girlfriend leaves the room, Ashlynn gets Charles to lick her tight pussy! Then, Charles is happy to put his cock to good use by letting Ashlynn ride it until she considers the debt to be repaid! Will their relationship ever be the same again, or will the amazing Ashlynn cum back for more?

Kelsi Monroe 在 'Public Fun In The Sun'

Kelsi Monroe - Public Fun In The Sun

Miami native Kelsi Monroe takes Reality Kings on a tour of beautiful South Beach. Kelsi's ready to take us on a tour of her city and is eager to show off--her beautiful body that is! Kelsi's one of the wildest girls you'll ever meet and she absolutely loves showing off her perky tits and beautiful bubble butt! Kelsi runs through the streets of Miami hoping to stop traffic by teasing drivers with her tits and ass! Kelsi loves flaunting her fantastic curves; she stands in the middle of the street twerking, flashes her tits to some tourists and even gets a few modeling gigs in the process! Kelsi's having so much fun that she can't wait to suck a cock in public--so luckily for her we ran into Charles Dera, who is a huge fan of Kelsi! Ms. Monroe can't wait to put Charles' cock in her throat so they find a not-so-private corner on a very public street as she drops to her knees and deep-throats him for everyone to see! Kelsi and Charles have to run around, hoping not to get caught fucking in public as they run around the streets of Miami looking for a private place to bang! After several times of almost getting caught with a dick deep inside her dripping wet pussy, Charles and Kelsi move to a resort where they'll finally get down to business by splashing around in the pool while fucking each other's brains out! We sure love it when Kelsi takes Reality Kings on a tour of her beautiful hometown Miami and shows us what the city--and this horny, sneaky slut--has to offer!

Angela White 在 'Porn Star Experience'

Angela White - Porn Star Experience

Do you recognize the accent of the woman sexily whispering into your ear? Yes, it's Australian, and it belongs to the one and only Angela White. Not only she describing everything you're going to get from her, but what she's going to do to you. You may or may not be Down Under, but either way, Angela will definitely be down under you soon, sucking your dick that's rock hard for her big natural tits. And they're even bigger in virtual reality. Angela's going to mash your face in between her huge boobs, then sit her big ass right on your face. This is a pornstar experience you may never have again!

Lily Lane 在 'Moving On'

Lily Lane - Moving On

It's been 6 months since Lily lost the love of her life. While visiting the grave, a stranger appears to help her move past her grief. It's been a long time since she's allowed a man to touch her, or let herself touch someone. Those months of pent up sexual frustration are released as she takes every inch of him into her holes.

Lana Rhoades 在 'Voyeur'

Lana Rhoades - Voyeur

What say ye? You're looking for something unique and refreshing on a Monday? Then you're in for a treat! Not only is Lana Rhoades going to let you examine every inch of her dripping hot, natural body, she's going to torture you first. You'll do nothing but sit where you are as she steps into sexy lingerie and allows a masked man to put his big dick in her and fuck her from behind. You'll just sit and watch, waiting to participate somehow, some way…at some point. And just when you least expect it, Lana's big natural tits will be on your mouth. Suddenly you've forgotten about any interloper and you're experiencing all of Lana Rhoades to yourself in virtual reality.

Sofi Ryan 在 'Pleasure in Punishment'

Sofi Ryan - Pleasure in Punishment

You've been a bad, bad boy, and your woman Sofi Ryan is gonna punish you! You're supposed to clean the house and complete all the tasks she asked you to while she was at work, but she gets home to find you haven't moved from your chair drinking beer all damn day! Time for you to get fucked! Sofi puts on her fishnet and chain one-piece and busts out the flogger and paddle to make sure you learn a lesson, and a lesson you learn! Sofi slaps and sucks your cock into an oblivion before shredding open her outfit and slamming her pussy down on it and screaming epithets at your face. You like that, don't you? Shut up! Sofi's not done! Find out what more she has in store for you in this Naughty America VR punishment!

Ashley Adams 在 'and Charles Dera and Damon Dice in Dirty Wives Club'

Ashley Adams - Dirty Wives Club

Silence. That's what Ashley Adams is ordered to do until her husband prepares her for what's next — a good hard fuck…but not from him. Ashley's husband is all about hotwifing, and he's dressing her up in sexy stockings, heels and lingerie all so he can watch another man screw her. The sexy brunette sits her spouse down and teases him with a blowjob and tells him how loud another dick is going to make her scream. From afar, he witnesses his greatest pleasure: his wife's big natural tits bouncing furiously while she gets pounded in doggystyle. With hotwifing, everyone comes out happy…

Nicole Aniston 在 'Porn Star Experience'

Nicole Aniston - Porn Star Experience

All you need to hear is her seductive voice telling you that she loves creampies, and Nicole Aniston will have you. The beautiful blonde pornstar is ready to give you an experience that'll leave you creaming up inside her tight pink pussy. But first she's going to talk dirty to you; then she's going to masturbate and tease you; then she's going to stick her tight ass and pussy in your face so you can smell her wetness. After that, you'll just to have to see what Nicole has in store for your pornstar experience with her. Just make sure you don't blow your load until she's ready for it…

Ava Addams 在 'Pornstar Experience'

Ava Addams - Pornstar Experience

Ever been with a pornstar? If “no” is your answer today, tomorrow it'll be “yes.” Pornstar Ava Addams is horny as fuck, and not only that…she's here, and she's here for you! She wants to rub her juicy, fat, big tits all up in your face and let you suck on her plushy pink nipples. After that, she wants to blow you like a pornstar would blow you — sloppy, wet and feeling like it's never going to end. And you won't want it to end…until you find out how wet her pussy is! Ava's so fucking horny she's ready to sit right on your hard dick and ride it until you're ready to explode. Ava's giving you the pornsrtar experience you've always wanted…enjoy it while she's here!

Ava Addams 在 'Tits and Ass'

Ava Addams - Tits and Ass

Tits or ass — which do you like better? It's a difficult question, but Rachel Starr and Ava Addams want to know your answer! You just happen to be caring for the pool while the two sexy brunettes are taking a dip, but now they're luring you inside for a contest between butt and boobs. Sit back and let the games begin! Busty MILF Ava Addams strips off her top to reveal her jiggly big tits, while Rachel Starr shakes her fat, big ass cheeks swallowing the thong bikini she's about to wiggle off. Yes, these two are getting naked for you, and they're even going to use their assets while they seduce and fuck you like the pool boy you are. Let your dick and balls decide for you when you spray cum all over their tits…or asses?

Aidra Fox 在 'and Charles Dera in Housewife 1 on 1'

Aidra Fox - Housewife 1 on 1

You have a budget for your wife Aidra Fox when she goes shopping, but are you really gonna deny her heels and lingerie that accentuates her juicy fat ass? Hell no! Especially not when she models it for you, then decides to give you a blowjob and allow you to slap her ass before fucking her! She's such a good housewife, she even does footplay! Aidra's sexy little toes warm up your hard cock, and then she shoves her feetsies in your face when you shove your dick in her hot wet pussy! Shop hard, play hard…right?

Raven Hart 在 'Sexy Dirty Milf'

Raven Hart - Sexy Dirty Milf

Horny MILF Raven Hart has called over contractor Charles Dera to help her with some renovations. Only, Charles is infatuated with Raven's big tits! Raven teases Charles with her superb cleavage as he takes his measurements. But soon, Charles realizes that Ms. Hart is one horny slut who just wants to get fucked! Charles decides to measure her up, and this busty slut is more than willing to show off her beautiful body! Raven can't wait to slide Mr. Dera's big dick between her tight pussy lips and this dripping wet nympho hopes it'll fit! Charles fucks this dirty, sexy MILF in the kitchen until its quitting time! Only, Raven can't get enough of his cum and begs him for more!

Niki Snow 在 'and Charles Dera in I Have a Wife'

Niki Snow - I Have A Wife

What the hell is going on? That's what Charles is asking his wife's friend Niki, because he can't seem to pinpoint the displaced burning passion between him and his better half! If anyone knows something, it would be Niki — and she does: Charles's wife is cheating on him! Old boy is so floored that he decides to get back at his cheating, lying spouse right then and there by pulling down his pants and giving Niki his cock to suck on! The sexy blonde is more than happy to oblige him, swallowing his dick until it's hot and hard to fill up her wet pussy!

Ashley Adams 在 'and August Ames and Charles Dera in Naughty Office'

Ashley Adams - Naughty Office

Both Ashley Adams and August Ames are up for a promotion, and their boss Charles is quizzing them on why they should get it! There are some many reasons — they both have big natural tits; clean buttholes; wet pussies. AND they both love to suck cock! The boss man is impressed, but there's only one way he's going to really know if they should be rewarded — by fucking them! Yes, it's a good, old-fashioned office threesome between boss and employees! Fit with stockings, heels, deepthroating, and all other kinds of sweat-filled lust, it's a TGIFucking good time!

Kylie Page 在 'and Charles Dera in Neighbor Affair'

Kylie Page - Neighbor Affair

When you knock on your neighbor's door and find her gorgeous, busty daughter home alone, it's quite the pleasant surprise. So it goes for Charles, who's on the search for his phone, which he thinks he left at the home two doors down from his. But he finds his friend's daughter Kylie Page there instead, who graciously lets him inside to look for his property. She confronts him, telling him she knows he's been banging his mom, but she also tells Charles she wants to fuck him! What would you do if a luscious young college blonde with big natural tits propositioned you at her home while her mom is out?! You can't blame Charles!

Ava Addams 在 'and Charles Dera in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Ava Addams - My Wife's Hot Friend

Ava Addams went on a horrible date, and she's looking to spill it all to her BFF, who isn't home. But her BFF's husband Charles is, and he could just go on for days with Ava about dating, sex and love. And as a matter of fact, he does! After giving his wife's friend his deep, heartfelt thoughts on meeting the right man, he pulls out his hard cock in hopes of a deep, heartfelt fuck with a married man! At first Ava can't believe her eyes, and then she can't believe she's got her big tits out and slurping on her friend's husband's dick!

Abella Danger 在 'and Charles Dera in I Have a Wife'

Abella Danger - I Have A Wife

Danger! Danger! Abella Danger has a new neighbor, and she's doing her due diligence and visiting to see if he's fuck-worthy! By George, Abella thinks she's found a winner in her neighbor Charles, and as it so funnily turns out, his wife is out of town for two weeks! Never one to be shy, Abella uses her 19-year-old energy and charm to coax Chucky boy into banging her 19-year-old pussy! That also means deepthroating his stiff dick, shoving her big bubble butt in his face, and letting him cum all over her lips — but cleaning it up so his wife doesn't find jizz stains when she returns home!

Stella Cox 在 'and Charles Dera and Johnny Castle in Dirty Wives Club'

Stella Cox - Dirty Wives Club

Some ladies love firefighters, but Stella Cox is making a name for housepainters! The sexy Brit's got a few chaps in her home giving the interior some fresh color, but she really wants is for them to give her interior some work! The naughty wife goes so far as to call her husband and get permission from him to “play” with the two craftsmen, one of whom walks in on her masturbating! It's game over after that, as Stella pulls out her big natural tits and gives one painter a deepthroat blowjob while the other fucks her silly. Oh, but there's more! Not only did her husband give her a hallpass for the threesome, he's cheering on double penetration for his lonely wife! Anal sex from one big dick combined with another in her wet wifey pussy is just what Stella needs!

Verta 在 'The Holy Vessel'

Verta - The Holy Vessel

Worshipping at the feet of her lord, the gorgeous Verta is a lust filled Virgin Mary come to tempt her Jesus with blasphemous sins. But Jesus knows and preaches that what you bring forth shall save you, and Mary is the holy vessel that they all must fill up to protect his sacred lineage. Tied up in rope, Verta takes deep throat blessings from Jesus and all his followers. Hard pounding holy fucking, sacred double penetration, deep angelic double anal and fisting of the holy follower, Verta takes and worships cocks in every hole. One after the other, the followers fill up this holy vessel, but only Jesus is allowed to seed in the blessed cunt. Finally, to remove her of the 7 sins, Verta is baptized in a barrel of holy water bondage.

Elsa Jean 在 'and Charles Dera in Neighbor Affair'

Elsa Jean - Neighbor Affair

Elsa Jean hates to be the bearer of bad tidings, but she can't stand watching her neighbor Charles get cheated on anymore. She has him over to show him the pictures she's taken of the same delivery man who's at his house everyday when he's gone and his girlfriend's home. It all adds up, and Charles is distraught! Elsa knows that nothing hurts like a broken heart, and she also knows that ol' boy Chuck still likes to fuck! So she takes it upon herself to make him feel better by giving him a nice wet blowjob, then spreading her neighborly legs for him to fuck her like his girlfriend won't let him!

Ava Addams 在 'and Charles Dera in Housewife 1 on 1'

Ava Addams - Housewife 1 on 1

Happy Steak and Blowjob Day! Housewife Ava Addams appreciates you so much that she's gone out of her way to make sure your favorite day of the year is celebrated to your your dick's desire. Her big fat tits are ready to fall out of her dress, and Ava's ready to pull your cock out of your pants! So set that porterhouse aside to rest and allow the juices to hold, and all the while Ava will suck on your meat to get it good and ready to for her succulent juices!

Olive 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Athletics'

Olive - Naughty Athletics

Ever since breaking up with her ex-boyfriend, Olive has been working hard to get in shape and feel sexy again. She owes much of it to her trainer, Charles, who's been kicking her ass on a daily basis to make it look so good! and when she learns that Charles is actually divorced and not seeing anyone, she decides the time is right to show him the gratitude he deserves — her wet pussy and shapely, natural tits! No extra charge for the extra workout!

Abella Danger 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty America'

Abella Danger - Naughty America

Abella Danger is home visiting from college and decides to catch up with her friend Charles Dera. Abella has always had a crush on Charles and used to drool over his dreamy body. Now that she's home, she can show Charles what she's been mostly studying at college... sex!

Cherie DeVille 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Office'

Cherie DeVille - Naughty Office

Charles got demoted from his job because he was caught banging the CEO's wife at the office so Cherie wants the hear all the details of what Charles did to the CEO's wife, she gets so turned on that she wants to do everything he did to her.

Jada Stevens 在 'Sexy Seamstress'

Jada Stevens - Sexy Seamstress

Jada Stevens was a seamstress. She the reputation of being the best. Charles Dera needed some adjustments done. She agreed to meet him at his house. Indeed his pants were not perfectly cut to accommodate his impressive member. Jada had to take it out to make correct measurements. But who needs correct measurements if there is a cock next to your mouth. Jada quickly wrapped her measurement tape around it and swallowed it. She gave him a very long and deep blowjob. Charles ripped her pants open and entered her doggystyle. They fucked a lot. He ate her pussy. They fucked more. Between the fucks she gave him 3 more blowjobs. In the end he came in her mouth and face. Think I will rip my clothes and call a seamstress.

Lea Lexis 在 'in Bourgeois Filth and The Litanies of Perversion'

Lea Lexis - in Bourgeois Filth and The Litanies of Perversion

The gorgeous Lea Lexis is under the direct tutelage of Mr. Gray hoping to become a respectable woman and find herself that perfect husband. Practicing her divine walk, perfect pedicured toes are seen through her stockings. Unimpressed Mr. Gray moves her along to the dining room table to learn her lessons on being a proper woman. Mr. Gray reveals that she is a quivering virgin desperate for hard cock. Her pussy begins to drip for these hardcore desires. The final lesson for making this perfect slut a good wife is to drain cocks of all their cum. Blindfolded she performs a slobbering deep throat cock sucking on 4 rock hard cocks. Desperate to be the perfect wife, Lea is tied up in rope bondage and fucked in all her holes. Anal, deep hard pounding fucking, double penetration and a face full of cum. Wedding bells are bound to be right around the corner.

Savana Styles 在 'Driving Ms Styles'

Savana Styles - Driving Ms Styles

Charles was driving around when he noticed this super hot MILF walking with all her shopping bags. She dropped her bags and as she bent over to pick them up, he noticed that she was not wearing any panties and that she had a big juicy ass. He turned the car around and began to talk to her. She said her name was Savana Styles and she assumed he was her driver. He went with it and drove her home. She told him she needed to change and for him to wait for her to come back down. Charles followed her upstairs and spied on her while she was getting changed. She revealed her big knockers and luscious body. She caught him watching her and she liked it. Soon after, she was sucking and fucking his cock. She rode that dick as her huge ass bounced around. She got her pussy drilled and got that man juice all over her pretty face.

Phoenix Marie 在 'and Charles Dera and Johnny Castle in My Girl Loves Anal'

Phoenix Marie - My Girl Loves Anal

Phoenix is ready to have some anal sex but Johnny wants to take this to a new level, so he calls his friend Charles to do a three some Phoenix will never forget.

Lexy Bandera 在 'Spicy Chef'

Lexy Bandera - Spicy Chef

Lexy Bandera cooked her usual lunch for Mr. and Mrs. Dera one lovely afternoon. After finishing the meal she summoned them both to have their lunch but only Mr.Dera came downstairs. Unfortunately Mrs. Dera was feeling ill and she wasn't hungry. Lexy saddened by the news removed her food from the table but accidentally spilled some water on the table. Mr. Dera being a known creep got a quick glance of Lexy's panties and made her an offer she couldn't refuse. Suck his cock and get a raise.

Nicole Aniston 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Office'

Nicole Aniston - Naughty Office

It's Nicole Aniston's first day on the job and her co-worker keeps making inappropriate remarks towards her. Nicole decides that two can play this game and she pulls her panties to the side and has him go to down on her pussy.

Ariella Ferrera 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Office'

Ariella Ferrera - Naughty Office

Christmas eve and Ariella is making Charles work overtime.

Carmen Valentina 在 'Training Carmen Valentina'

Carmen Valentina - Training Carmen Valentina

Carmen Valentina submits to slave trainer Charles Dera in a sloppy hot bondage and sex movie!

Allie Haze 在 'and Charles Dera in Neighbor Affair'

Allie Haze - Neighbor Affair

Allie invites her friend Charles over for a fun home movie night.

Valentina Nappi 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Office'

Valentina Nappi - Naughty Office

Valentina is stressed out do to her new job title. She is now a manager and she's asking Charles, also a manager, how he separates his job from his personal life. He suggests trying a submissive approach. She takes up his suggestion and takes it in the ass too.

Colette Adams 在 'and Charles Dera in My Sister's Hot Friend'

Colette Adams - My Sisters Hot Friend

Colette Adams meets her friend's brother and is impressed at the fact that he's a doctor helping kids. She would also like to be more helpful and her friend's brother convinces her that the best way for her to help would be to let him fuck her. Of course she agrees.

Kayla Kayden 在 'and Phoenix Marie and Charles Dera in 2 Chicks Same Time'

Kayla Kayden - 2 Chicks Same Time

Phoenix and Charles have a friend and his date over for Thanksgiving dinner. Both Phoenix and Charles got the hots for their friends date and want to feast on her pussy.

Megan Rain 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Office'

Megan Rain - Naughty Office

Megan is being bad at her office and her boss will not stand for it. She is in for some punishment and will take some spankings.

Janice Griffith 在 'Training My Neighbor'

Janice Griffith - Training My Neighbor

Janice and Abella were working out in their backyard when they saw their neighbor, Charles, spying on them from the bushes. They quickly ambushed him and pulled him out. The girls decided to punish him by smothering his face with their nice firm butts. Soon after, they took him inside and double teamed his cock. They girls were absolutely relentless. Janice and Abella took Charles' hard cock for unforgettable, must-see, ride.

Morgan Lee 在 'Anal Fiends 2'

Morgan Lee - Anal Fiends 2

Glamorous Asian minx Morgan Lee shows off her sleek, athletic body and small, all-natural titties. She plays with her shaved twat and asshole, and Morgan works over Charles Dera's big cock with her talented lips. He licks the gorgeous slut's pussy and buries his meat inside her. Next, Charles presses his dick against Morgan's tight anal ring, inching deeper into her tender rectum. This passionate ass-ramming session climaxes with a hot load of sperm in Morgan's open mouth!

Penny Porsche 在 'and Charles Dera in My Friends Hot Mom'

Penny Porsche - My Friends Hot Mom

Penny Porsche knows it's wrong to scam on her son's best friend, but he's so hot she just can't help herself. What Josh doesn't know won't hurt him, right? And Charles has never been with an older woman, so he can't wait to enjoy her technique, talent, and skill. Please teach me everything me know.

Presley Hart 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Athletics'

Presley Hart - Naughty Athletics

Presley and her friends stop by Charles' house to surprise him and his friend with their new cheer routine for the big football game that evening. Unfortunately, Charles and his friend were kicked off the team for getting in bar fight the night before. Looks like there's nothing else to do but fuck by the pool today.

Ashley Sweet 在 'and Charles Dera in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Ashley Sweet - My Wife's Hot Friend

Ashley Sweet is coming to the rescue in the kitchen. Charles is making dinner for his wife, and he needs a woman's touch to make sure it's perfect. She's there to help with the whipping, the mixing, and the tasting, but with every recipe, there is a secret ingredient. If he's going to bake a pie, she's going to help him with the filling, and her sweet, cream pie takes the cake!

Yurizan Beltran 在 'and Charles Dera in Latin Adultery'

Yurizan Beltran - Latin Adultery

Yurizan was driving home from a long day when she ran a stop sign! When she came to a complete stop Yurizan realized that she hit a man on a motorcycle. The man happen to be Charles. She takes Charles inside to her home to make sure Charles wasn't badly injured. Yurizan checks to make sure Charles' bones are fine and working properly.

Sindee Shay 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Bookworms'

Sindee Shay - Naughty Bookworms

Sindee Shay has always been a great student but her professor is disappointed when she only hands in half of her final paper. She's tells him she doesn't want to matriculate because she's got a crush on him and wants to stay in his class. Even though he's the professor, Sindee will teach him how the next generation is fucking!!!

Breanne Benson 在 'and Charles Dera in I Have a Wife'

Breanne Benson - I Have A Wife

Breanne was hired by Charles wife because she wants her husband to entertain her but Charles has other forms of entertainment on his mind which includes the piano instructor on her back.

Monique Alexander 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Rich Girls'

Monique Alexander - Naughty Rich Girls

Monique Alexander is out shopping for new furniture but she isn't happy with what she sees. In fact she is getting so upset by the lack of quality that she begins to insult the salesman. He doesn't put up with it and bluntly asks her if she's been fucked recently. With that kind of customer service Monique perks right up and gets the fucking of a lifetime...

Lindy Lane 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Athletics'

Lindy Lane - Naughty Athletics

Lindy Lane is practicing her cheer routine for her boyfriend's team and she wants him to see it one last time before they go to the big meet. But once he sees Lindy in her cheer-leading outfit, all he can think about is getting his big meat in her tight cheer-leading pussy!!

Kiara Diane 在 'and Charles Dera in Naughty Athletics'

Kiara Diane - Naughty Athletics

Kiara is surprised to find the hot guy is taking her pilates class but she really needs another type of workout, one which requires her on her knees.

Gabby Quinteros 在 'and Charles Dera in Latin Adultery'

Gabby Quinteros - Latin Adultery

Gabby Quinteros is checking up on how her electrician is coming along when she gets the urge to fuck him. He explains to her that he just cut the power but Gabby is so turned on that she takes off his tool belt and pulls out his power tool!!!

Kagney Linn Karter 在 'Kagney Linn Karter, Johnny Castle and Charles Dera in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Kagney Linn Karter - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Kagney is smoking inside the house when Charles and Johnny come home from their workout. Johnny hates Kagney because she started dating his father, and he knows its a fake relationship. He yells at her and kicks her outside. Charles sneaks away from Johnny and go outside to comfort Kagney. Charles is a closet smoker and they share a puff together. He really likes Kagney, and starts flirting with her. They go at it hot and heavy outside until once again, Johnny opens the door and starts yelling. He pulls them inside and begins lecturing them. Kagney can't take it anymore. "Shut up and get your cock" always seems to work in any situation.

Rachel Love 在 'and Charles Dera in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Rachel Love - My Wife's Hot Friend

Rachel is a starving artist staying at a beautiful mansion for free. Charles is just sick of it and kicks her out of the house but Rachel's titys have this affect that even married man can't resist. some tity fucking should give her about a month's worth of rent.

Angelina Valentine 在 'and Charles Dera in American Daydreams'

Angelina Valentine - American Daydreams

Charles is about to lose his mind with the amount of work on his plate and he could really use some help and all his previous assistant's have been useless, but his dream assistant is about to take care of all his needs and once all the work is done she will get to work on his lonely stressed out cock.

Rachel Starr 在 'and Charles Dera in Neighbor Affair'

Rachel Starr - Neighbor Affair

Charles comes over to his neighbor's place to complain about his relationship problems. He brings some wine, but Rachel doesn't trust herself around alcohol on a weeknight. After listening to Charles complain about how his girlfriend doesn't like his aggressiveness, Rachel tells him that there are some girls who love a man who takes control. Charles gets the hint and they get hot and heavy right there on the sofa.

Cassandra Cruz 在 'and Charles Dera in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Cassandra Cruz - My Wife's Hot Friend

Cassandra missed her best friend's birthday party because last time they were together she admitted to having a crush on her hot husband and now she's all alone with him and he's going to make her dream a cock reality.

Brooke Banner 在 'and Charles Dera in My Wife's Hot Friend'

Brooke Banner - My Wife's Hot Friend

Brooke Banner is taking care of Charles Dera and he got sun burned. Brooke suggested that some awesome pussy can cure his pain. Charles is a married man so he was a little hesitant at first. It's hard to refuse a sexy blond like Brooke and they started fucking on the couch. Brooke just knows how to take care of a man when he's hurting.