Madison Ivy at
Brazzers '尼可萊特拯救世界:第1部分' 主演 Daisy Marie (照片 6)

Daisy Marie,Nicolette Shea 在 'Brazzers' - Nicolette Saves The World: Part 1 (Hot And Mean)

世界已成為一個危險的地方,Nicolette已準備好保存到今天!無論哪個問題出現在它醜陋的頭上,Nicolette都會在那裡壓扁它。當黛西,一個小時間的騙子,闖入一個房子偷一些假陽具 - 尼克萊特被召喚行動!她到達時發現Daisy在臥室裡測試假陽具。現在,她已經走投無路的角落,她撲向漂亮的陰部,並準備逮捕她。黛西不會輕易做到並使用假陽具來抵擋尼可萊特。經過一番談判,Nicolette同意向Daisy展示如果她能夠安靜地來到這裡,如何正確使用假陽具。但是,一旦假陽具進入黛西的多汁的陰部,她就無法保持安靜!

發布 : 12月16日, 2018
標籤 : 屁股舔, 屁股崇拜, 競技, 禿頭的貓, 大屁股, 大山雀, 大山雀崇拜, 黑髮, 金發, 假陽具, 增強, 面對坐, 在室內, Innie貓, 女同性戀, 中等皮膚, 貓咪舔, 剪式, 性玩具, , 振子

圖片來自 Daisy Marie,Nicolette Shea 在 'Brazzers' Nicolette Saves The World: Part 1

Daisy Marie 在 'Brazzers' 尼可萊特拯救世界:第1部分 (縮略圖 1)
Daisy Marie 在 'Brazzers' 尼可萊特拯救世界:第1部分 (縮略圖 2)
Daisy Marie 在 'Brazzers' 尼可萊特拯救世界:第1部分 (縮略圖 3)
Daisy Marie 在 'Brazzers' 尼可萊特拯救世界:第1部分 (縮略圖 4)
Daisy Marie 在 'Brazzers' 尼可萊特拯救世界:第1部分 (縮略圖 5)
Daisy Marie 在 'Brazzers' 尼可萊特拯救世界:第1部分 (縮略圖 6)

圖片來自 Daisy Marie,Nicolette Shea 在 'Brazzers' Nicolette Saves The World: Part 1

更多 'Brazzers' 場景來自 Daisy Marie,Nicolette Shea

Kimmy Granger 在 '最佳 ZZ - johnny sins'

Kimmy Granger - 最佳 ZZ - johnny sins

Johnny Sins 是真正的多面手,是無所不能的普通人。員警?檢查。清潔工?檢查。教授?檢查。無論什麼職業,約翰尼都做到了......而且他在工作時操過一些最火辣的 ZZ 美女!在這個 Brazzers 合輯中享受約翰尼的一些最熱門的場景 - 以及最好的工作日子。

Ariella Ferrera 在 'ZZ 之最 - Ariella Ferrera'

Ariella Ferrera - ZZ 之最 - Ariella Ferrera

阿裡埃拉·費拉拉 (Ariella Ferrara) 與最好的人交往過,但她永遠是明星!隨著她的陰戶得到充分展示,她的乳房提供了一些業內最好的山雀工作,觀看 Ariella 最性感的他媽的時刻;Nicolette Shea、Jordi、JMac、Lucas Knight 等有幸品嘗到這顆星星的滋味。

Lana Rhoades 在 '最佳 zz - nicolette shea'

Lana Rhoades - 最佳 zz - nicolette shea

Brazzers 全明星 Nicolette Shea 在她輝煌的職業生涯中大放異彩,以一場又一場令人難以置信的火熱表演讓我們驚歎不已。 在這個彙編中,我們精心挑選了一些她最偉大的 ZZ 場景,包括鐵杆三人行、佔主導地位的女同性戀性行為等等!享受一位真正的藝術家的作品,他的色情簡歷會讓任何明星羨慕不已!

Phoenix Marie 在 '最佳 ZZ - 安吉拉·懷特'

Phoenix Marie - 最佳 ZZ - 安吉拉·懷特


Nicolette Shea 在 '深藍色連衣裙。'

Nicolette Shea - 深藍色連衣裙。

色情女神尼科爾特 ·謝的頭髮已經經歷了這麼多不同的顏色。我們見過他們白金金髮, 甚至火熱的紅色。這次謝是一個驕傲的黑髮女郎。沒有什麼比一件閃閃發光的藍色連衣裙更符合那溫暖的棕色。很快,雖然,禮服被脫下來,並再次。謝的難忘的胸部和泡沫屁股偷的節目。說到性,毫無疑問:女人從頭到下都給自己。

Nicolette Shea 在 '不全美'

Nicolette Shea - 不全美

嬌小可愛的斯佳麗聖人已經聘請了金髮女神尼科爾特謝作為選美教練,以説明她獲勝。尼科爾特咄咄逼人, 喜歡控制。她對斯佳麗選的裙子不滿意,把它從她那件衣服上拉下來。她向裸體的女僕解釋道,為了贏得選美,她必須多做一點工作。斯佳麗願意贏多遠?這個女孩幾乎什麼都來做。尼科爾特通過讓她跪下把她吃掉來測試她的學生。鐵杆訓練的第一步, 斯佳麗不會很快忘記的。

Nicolette Shea 在 '硬敲門學校'

Nicolette Shea - 硬敲門學校


Ariella Ferrera 在 '最好的胸罩:最偷偷摸摸的時刻'

Ariella Ferrera - 最好的胸罩:最偷偷摸摸的時刻


Nicolette Shea 在 '我沒有作弊!'

Nicolette Shea - 我沒有作弊!


Nicolette Shea 在 '謝有看'

Nicolette Shea - 謝有看


Nicolette Shea 在 '現在不要背棄我'

Nicolette Shea - 現在不要背棄我


Nicolette Shea 在 '與色情作家的一天'

Nicolette Shea - 與色情作家的一天


Nicolette Shea 在 '一場激烈的事'

Nicolette Shea - 一場激烈的事


Nicolette Shea 在 '尼科爾特·謝第一肛門'

Nicolette Shea - 尼科爾特·謝第一肛門

憑藉經典的好萊塢魅力和傳奇的銀幕明星作為靈感,Brazzers 為您帶來您一直期待的場景:妮可特·謝的《第一肛門》。觀看尼科爾特·謝 -一個經典的豐滿的炸彈 - 帶你進入她奢侈和奢侈的生活方式,顯示她接受的沒有什麼比最好的,尤其是當它涉及到在屁屁後搞砸。在她的第一個肛門場景,尼科爾特急切地和熱情地採取了每一英寸的馬庫斯杜普雷的厚,硬公雞在她的緊屁股。準備好被一個罕見的天賦迷住了——一個有著巨大山雀、厚實多汁的股塞和對公雞的貪得厭的胃口的色情明星。

Nicolette Shea 在 'Day with a Pornstar:Nicolette Shea'

Nicolette Shea - Day with a Pornstar:Nicolette Shea

Day With a Pornstar又回來了,這一次,是BTS爆破重磅炸彈Nicolette Shea處理得太過火了! Nicolette會回答您最緊迫的問題,並在與Isiah Maxwell交流之前揭示一些性感的秘密。

Nicolette Shea 在 '天黑後臟'

Nicolette Shea - 天黑後臟

尼科萊特(Nicolette)和她的丈夫正在過夜,但是在他們這樣做之前,他們一定要在額頭上給對方一個可愛的晚安之吻。他們倆都關上燈,閉上眼睛,準備好睡個好覺……好吧,Nicolette的丈夫還是。金發碧眼的重磅炸彈還有其他計劃。在一天中的許多小時裡,她只能是一個可愛又充滿愛心的家庭主婦。當夜幕降臨時,她tip腳下樓去享受她最喜歡的深夜美食……她那可信賴的男孩玩具範·懷德(Van Wylde)真是個好難受!

Nicolette Shea 在 '大奶拯救生命'

Nicolette Shea - 大奶拯救生命

當笨拙的看守者Jordi El Nino Polla掉進游泳池時,豐滿的救生員Nicolette Shea和Savannah Bond對他的公雞進行了聯合CPR。對於Jordi來說,對性感的女主角表達感激之情,還有什麼比刻苦的刻苦更好的方法呢?

Nicolette Shea 在 '老闆一天'

Nicolette Shea - 老闆一天

一天下午,班比諾(Bambino)注意到他老闆的辦公室門稍微打開了。他走進屋子,開始假裝自己是個大假髮首席執行官。他幾乎不知道他的老闆應該與他最炙手可熱的客戶Nicolette Shea開會,並且計劃……現在! Bambino試圖與貪婪的重磅炸彈舉行會議,但是當她提出要“做任何事情”與他的公司達成交易時,Bambino卻打破了……誰能抵制老闆辦公室裡的大亂子?

Joanna Angel 在 '色情明星獵物'

Joanna Angel - 色情明星獵物

尼科萊特·謝伊(Nicolette Shea)和喬安娜·安吉爾(Joanna Angel)乘坐麵包車走上街頭,試圖抓住一個男人供他們玩耍。當他們開車經過里奇·約翰遜(Ricky Johnson)和他la腳的約會時,他們踩了剎車,迅速將他放到麵包車的後面,使他的約會感到震驚!由於害怕不可思議的事情,Ricky無法相信他們想要的只是他的大公雞!在喬安娜(Joanna)忙碌的情況下,尼科萊特(Nicolette)首先和里奇(Ricky)一起玩,吮吸自己的雞巴,直到喬安娜(Joanna)找到一個停車的地方並加入其中,並給里奇(Ricky)兩個濕wet的貓,讓他操一生!

Kinsley Karter 在 '把你的身體放進去'

Kinsley Karter - 把你的身體放進去

當她意識到金斯利·卡特(Kinsley Karter)將取代她的常規按摩師時,性感的尼科萊特乳木果(Enic Nicolette Shea)來接受按摩,她質疑自己真正照顧她的能力。金斯利(Kinsley)很快得知,她的新要求客戶不只是在尋求典型的按摩服務。當Nicolette告訴她將身體放進去時,Kinsley會給她她所擁有的一切,而這兩個寶貝很快就發現自己得到了非常強烈的貓穴按摩!

Nicolette Shea 在 '戳她的臉'

Nicolette Shea - 戳她的臉

Nicolette Shea是幕後撲克遊戲的幕後黑手。斯科特·奈爾斯(Scott Nails)和亞歷克斯·萊昂(Alex Legend)參加比賽的一個晚上,每一輪都輸了。他們倆都持懷疑態度,看著俱樂部的老闆贏了每一手牌。他們指責他作弊,並引起激烈的爭論。尼科萊特(Nicolette)告訴她的老闆,她將處理這種情況,並向痛苦的失敗者提供最宏偉的安慰獎:品嚐她多汁的貓的味道。

Lisa Ann 在 '滾蛋'

Lisa Ann - 滾蛋

麗莎·安(Lisa Ann)和尼科萊特(Nicolette Shea)是兩位富有的女性,都為個人預告片斯科特·奈爾斯(Scott Nails)著迷。當Scott與兩個最熱門的客戶雙重預定自己的名字時,他給他們一起上了一堂課-當女孩們最初拒絕時,他們決定互相挑戰:無論哪個女人贏得一系列健身挑戰,都該他媽的Scott。斯科特大吃一驚,試圖阻止這場賭注,但是女人們卻不理him他,繼續前進。在激烈的鍛煉過程中,Lisa採取了棘手的動作,將Nicolette甩開並贏得了挑戰。麗莎很快就認出了斯科特的雞巴,但尼科萊特並不輕易退縮!

Nicolette Shea 在 '沒收的公雞'

Nicolette Shea - 沒收的公雞

Nicolette Shea即將擔任ZZ學院院長又一個緊張的星期回家。但是,學生凱爾·梅森(Kyle Mason)還有其他計劃……他打算在周末之前將沒收的手機取回。凱爾成功闖入院長的辦公室,但最終被院長抓住!顯然,帶著凱爾的電話還不夠懲罰……尼科萊特必須在框外思考……

Brenna Sparks 在 '地獄妓女'

Brenna Sparks - 地獄妓女

地獄妓女俱樂部主席被捕後,尼科萊特·謝伊(Nicolette Shea)認為她值得接任騎自行車的幫派頭目。但是,Brenna Sparks並不同意,兩個人將不得不以一種老式的方式解決這個問題:看看誰幹得最好!騎自行車的寶貝各自交了一個假陽具,在一場性感的戰鬥中對峙,這將確定誰真正是王位的合法繼承人!

Nicolette Shea 在 '水冷卻器公雞'

Nicolette Shea - 水冷卻器公雞

沒有任何事情可以使“星期一”的糟糕情況比蹩腳的水冷卻器說話更糟糕,特別是當水冷卻器是空的時候。當堅韌的老闆Nicolette Shea進入休息室進行一些早上的保濕時,一個討厭的員工已經把水冷卻器清空了。尼可萊特責罵他並命令他給笨拙的監護人泰勒尼克松打電話給一個新的水壺,當泰勒出現他的手推車和一些更換的水壺時,一個溢出的事故浸泡了尼可萊特的頂部並讓她憤怒 - 她只能通過擁有她的方式與一個恐嚇,但轉向泰勒。

Nicolette Shea 在 '我很敏感'

Nicolette Shea - 我很敏感

尼可萊特是一個非常敏感的人。事實如此敏感,她無法處理皮膚與皮膚的接觸,這對她來說太過分了!那她為什麼要和你可能會問的按摩治療師預約呢?嗯,她有一個計劃。她準備好了,穿著乳膠緊身連衣褲。她的按摩師,JMac一開始很震驚,但他是一名專業人士,在任何條件下都能工作!一旦他的手滑過她甜美的身體,他們很快就會找到唯一露出的皮膚。 Nicolette試圖警告JMac,一旦她被喚醒,她不會對她可能做的事負責。現在他要找出來了!

Brittany Andrews 在 '他媽的進入美國'

Brittany Andrews - 他媽的進入美國

在他生命中的第一次,Jordi即將實現自從他還是個小男孩以來的夢想 - 訪問美國!在他的飛機著陸後,Jordi穿過海關,與兩個金發炸彈面對面--Nicolette Shea和Brittany Andrews!不幸的是,Jordi的夢想被擱置了,當時法律的兩名官員搜尋Jordi並發現他漫長,堅硬,隱藏的包裹...... Nicolette和Brittany將Jordi帶到後面的房間並決定給他一個適當的美國歡迎......

Kimber Veils 在 '感性藝術'

Kimber Veils - 感性藝術

Punky藝術家Kimber Veils並不想與她的父親或新的繼母Nicolette Shea共度時光。自從Nicolette幾個月前搬家以來,她首先以鐵為主,這與自由奔放和反叛的金伯並不相稱。一天晚上,當金伯回家時,她決定不吃晚餐去她的房間做一系列裸體自拍。當金伯拍攝自己的裸體照片並為自己的相機自慰時,她被嚴厲的尼可萊特抓住了,她對繼女的概念藝術感到震驚和憤怒 - 直到仔細觀察。

Nicolette Shea 在 '建立一個寶貝'

Nicolette Shea - 建立一個寶貝

亞歷克斯傳奇已經沒有選擇......他需要一個女朋友,他現在需要她!因此,他決定預約參觀Build A Babe研討會!幾分鐘之內,亞歷克斯為自己創造了一個新的伴侶......然而,當他看到誰走出去見他時,他甚至感到驚訝。 Nicolette Shea第一次迎接她的新情人,讓他知道她渴望取悅。亞歷克斯決定以他知道的方式來測試她...通過取出他的厚厚的陰莖和他媽的尼可萊特的濕貓!

Nicolette Shea 在 '從這裡來看'

Nicolette Shea - 從這裡來看

Nicolette Shea在她的辦公室,為她每天下午的色情片做準備。她的電腦似乎沒有工作,所以她打電話給她的IT人員Alex Legend並要求他在午餐回來之前修好它。 Nicolette離開,Alex開始工作。他無法弄清楚問題並開始恐慌,直到最後他下到桌子底下並插入顯示器。不幸的是,Nicolette在桌子下面進來了。陷入困境,亞歷克斯隱藏並保持安靜,因為尼科萊特打開電腦,打開一些色情片並開始自慰。當他最終被擊敗時,Nicolette面對他並讓他完成她......他非常樂意這樣做!

Nicolette Shea 在 '尼可萊特之夜'

Nicolette Shea - 尼可萊特之夜


Nicolette Shea 在 '解凍和角質'

Nicolette Shea - 解凍和角質

在ZZ實驗室的深處,Xander Corvus研究了低溫冷凍Nicolette乳木果。他想知道過去十年裡她頭腦中發生了什麼,而且一旦Nicolette從她的低溫室出現,Xander很快就會發現;解凍,渴望公雞!

Lela Star 在 '我不認識她'

Lela Star - 我不認識她

當屢獲殊榮的女演員Lela Star同意與著名導演Keiran Lee在下一部電影中見面時,她認為她已經參與其中 - 直到她出現並看到Nicolette Shea,她的主要剋星,與導演閒聊她到了當Keiran解釋說他無法確定他是否想要Lela或Nicolette擔任這個角色時,會發生一場混戰,導致Lela和Nicolette競爭他的陰莖,就像他們的生活依賴它一樣。

Nicolette Shea 在 '在工作中按摩'

Nicolette Shea - 在工作中按摩

Nicolette Shea很忙,工作過度,所以她有一個女按摩師,Danny D,來她的辦公室按摩她。 Danny盡力給予Nicolette她應得的按摩,但說服她放鬆是很困難的,因為Nicolette已經嫁給了她的工作。它將採取丹尼的神奇觸摸和雞巴,讓Nicolette的思緒脫離她的工作,以及一些油膩性的心情!

Jade Baker 在 '鋼琴貓實踐'

Jade Baker - 鋼琴貓實踐

世界著名女主角尼可萊特需要一位新鋼琴家陪伴她,而翡翠已經到了試鏡。 Nicolette已經在這個行業工作了很長時間,她沒有時間去做業餘選手。不幸的是,Jade不斷分心,搞砸了歌曲。尼可萊特藉此機會整理年輕的門徒,給她一個節奏的教訓 - 通過玩她的陰部!

Karma Rx 在 'BrazziBots:第4部分'

Karma Rx - BrazziBots:第4部分

在萊利神秘失踪後,傑西瓊斯來到布拉齊伯特實驗室,尋找他失踪的同事。期待一場戰鬥,傑西熱情高漲,要求見到他的朋友。令他驚訝的是,實驗室助理Karma RX非常樂意將他直接帶到萊利。他們進入實驗室,Jesse對先進技術印象深刻。 Karma RX試圖說服傑西說人類是有缺陷的,並要求他加入他們,因為他們創造了一個由布拉茨伯特統治的新世界。傑西變得對提問線感到不安,並要求看到萊利,當突然尼科萊特和萊拉回到實驗室並環繞他時。沒有任何出路,Brazzibots說服Jesse用他的巨型陰莖操他們。 Jesse與他們邋three的三路口交和淋濕的pussies不相配。

Abigail Mac 在 'BrazziBots:第2部分'

Abigail Mac - BrazziBots:第2部分

亞歷克斯傳奇給他的妻子Abigail Mac帶來了特別的禮物; Brazzibot Nicolette Shea!阿比蓋爾不太高興他在機器人上砸了這麼多錢;直到Nicolette開始做晚餐。當尼可萊特做飯時,阿比蓋爾放鬆並閱讀一本雜誌。她知道的很少,Nicolette讓她的丈夫忙著口交......那天晚上,Abigail穿著性感的內衣感謝Alex。他們在床上閒逛,直到他們意識到Nicolette正在從門口看。阿比蓋爾心煩意亂,直到尼科萊特走過來,展示她振動的手指功能。這對夫婦情不自禁地享受他們新的Brazzibot,而他們的Brazzibot也非常喜歡他們......或者她呢?

Nicolette Shea 在 '暨天使'

Nicolette Shea - 暨天使

Nicolette丘比特小姐正忙著在世界各地傳播愛意。但這不是一個引起男人興趣的箭頭射擊 - 這是她巨大的乳房!一旦Jay Snake看到Nicolette令人難以置信的身體,他就必須把她的陰莖給她!她把每一寸都放在她的喉嚨裡,給他一個草率的口交然後給他滴下她的貓!

Nicolette Shea 在 '尼可萊特拯救世界:第2部分'

Nicolette Shea - 尼可萊特拯救世界:第2部分

房子著火了,Nicolette已經抵達以挽救這一天!瑞奇被困在裡面,哭著求救。 Nicolette闖入並發現他在他的房間裡,手裡拿著他的雞巴?瑞奇拒絕離開家,擔心他的媽媽會看到他的傢伙。幸運的是,Nicolette知道如何處理硬公雞!就在時間的推移下,她猛撲上去,把它弄乾了!

Angela White 在 '抓住說髒話'

Angela White - 抓住說髒話

Nicolette Shea可能看起來很正常,但她有一個骯髒的秘密 - 她是一個忙碌的1 800電話性愛運營商,她只喜歡在公共場合接待客戶。當她在一家繁忙的咖啡館接聽電話時,她忍不住和Jessy混在一起,Jessy和他的妻子Angela White坐在鄰近的餐桌旁。 Nicolette告訴Jessy給她打電話,她在妻子的鼻子底下對他說髒話。一旦Angela找到了Jessy和Nicolette所做的事情,她就會大發雷霆 - 直到她上線並看到所有大驚小怪的事情。

Bridgette B 在 'Brazzers House 3:結局'

Bridgette B - Brazzers House 3:結局

現在是Brazzers House 3 GRAND FINALE的時候了! Nicolette,Lela,Bridgette,Karma和Gina在我們最神秘的EPISODE EVER中面對面,吸吮和他媽的盡可能多的傢伙,然後參加狂歡多年。誰將贏得您的投票並獲得Brazzers House的下一個冠軍?

Daisy Marie 在 'Dorm Room Domme'

Daisy Marie - Dorm Room Domme

無辜的Jenna Sativa距離她的小內布拉斯加小鎮很遠,當時她遇到了她的新大學室友,野性和吵鬧的Daisy Marie。當Jenna在她改變的時候偷看Daisy的性感身體時,他們開始陷入困境,Daisy嘲笑這個小鎮女孩,因為她沒有註意她的舉止。一旦Daisy離開他們的宿舍,Jenna發現她的新室友有一個裝滿假陽具和性玩具的行李箱!黛西走進Jenna穿過她的東西,Daisy讓她炫耀她在她的星期日禮服下隱藏的東西,並向她介紹一個她從未夢想過的性快樂世界!

Nicolette Shea 在 '駝峰 - 開始她的騎'

Nicolette Shea - 駝峰 - 開始她的騎

Nicolette Shea厭倦了她的汽車的機械問題,甚至更加不安的是她的丈夫似乎無法修復它們。他們尋求鄰居邁克爾·拉斯維加斯的幫助,邁克爾·拉斯維加斯知道一兩件關於汽車的事情,但當他到達時,他比尼克萊特的山雀和屁股更容易被車輛迷住。尼可萊特很快就知道了她的意圖,利用她能找到的任何障礙,包括汽車,秘密地吹噓和他媽的邁克爾在她不經意的丈夫的鼻子下面。即使她的機械問題沒有得到解決,Nicolette浸濕的陰部也會讓她渴望開始!

Bonnie Rotten 在 '不順從子'

Bonnie Rotten - 不順從子

Nicolette Shea是如此的角質,她正在花一些時間玩她的大而假的山雀,因為她在客廳裡擦了一下。就像她在下車時一樣,走路時她的主人Bonnie Rotten! Nicolette知道她在觸摸自己之前必須要求Bonnie的許可,所以現在是懲罰的時候了。 Nicolette在她的手和膝蓋上爬行到Bonnie的甜蜜的陰部,讓她多汁的嘴唇像她的小賤人一樣工作。在整個Nicolette的大假奶子流口水之後,Bonnie想要嘗試一下這個美味的貓咪,在他們倆互相磨until之前,直到他們像瘋了一樣!!slo slo slo slo slo slo slo slo slo slo slo!!!!!

Nicolette Shea 在 '聰明的我'

Nicolette Shea - 聰明的我

Markus Dupree的Smart Ho-Me計算機是最先進的技術,可以處理生活中的各個方面,包括他需要操作一大堆山雀!在抱怨他如何錯過真正多汁的胸部後,他的Smart Ho-Me進入緊急模式,採用Nicolette Shea的形式,其唯一目的是製作Markus暨!她提供了多汁的口交嘴唇作為向他狠狠地吮吸他的致敬,只要他想要的話就把那個厚厚的公雞扯下來,然後把她多汁的屁股擴散到Markus為她的每一寸大雞巴里面!在他媽的這一切之後,Markus終於退出並將Nicolette的華麗面孔卸下來放到她那些大而假的山雀身上!

Nicolette Shea 在 '迪克Pic特技'

Nicolette Shea - 迪克Pic特技

Nicolette Shea的丈夫總是在工作或前往工作,但他從未做過的一件事是他媽的緊張的陰部。但是,當她不小心將她的大型假奶子的裸體照片發送到她的新繼子,引導他到她的淋浴時,Nicolette抓住他的陰莖並去鎮上!這個豐滿的金發碧眼的家庭主婦在那個堅硬的陰莖上撒了口水,在她向上走的時候舔著他的球,以及他粗壯的桿身。泰勒尼克松抓住了一小撮他的繼母巨大的胸部,將他的陰莖深深地刺入她濕漉漉的陰部內,只是掏出漂亮的臉釉,以獲得溫暖的面部表情。

Nicolette Shea 在 'ZZ Kenfucky德比'

Nicolette Shea - ZZ Kenfucky德比

Nicolette Shea的丈夫為ZZ Kenfucky Derby找到了她的新騎手,但他似乎有點分心。在他可以乘坐Sexretariat贏得勝利之前,Jordi將不得不證明他有所需要的東西 - 用他的傢伙!跪在她的膝蓋上,這個豐滿的金發熟女圍巾盡可能地包裹著她甜美的口交嘴唇,因為她可以繞著Jordi厚厚的陰莖!一旦他足夠硬他媽的,Nicolette就會擴散她的泡泡,以便為她的騎手騰出所有空間,讓她盡可能地滿足她的每一寸!隨著每個推力的巨大假山雀蹦蹦跳跳,Jordi不能再忍住了,在老闆的妻子身上卸下了!

Nicolette Shea 在 '始終閱讀說明!'

Nicolette Shea - 始終閱讀說明!

當她的兩點鐘約會成為有鬍子的飾物Charles Dera時,豐滿的MILF女按摩師Nicolette Shea幾乎無法控制自己。但是當她開始用肌肉興奮劑來撫摸他時,查爾斯以一個巨大的勃起結束 - 而且他不能像這樣離開!從來沒有專業人士,尼科萊特讓她甜美的口交嘴唇在他的大傢伙中流口水。所有這些吸吮只會讓他變得更加困難,所以這個豐滿的寶貝將他的陰莖深深地滑入她的濕陰戶內,跨在他的按摩桌上。當她竭盡全力擺脫這個令人頭疼的混亂時,大假山雀反彈。看起來她需要採取溫暖的負荷來完成這個按摩會議!

Nicolette Shea 在 'Shea女士的客房服務'

Nicolette Shea - Shea女士的客房服務


August Taylor 在 'All Dolled:Spring Break Edition'

August Taylor - All Dolled:Spring Break Edition

這是2018年的春假,賈斯汀和他最好的兄弟正在為他們的大旅行做好準備。他們決定給自己買一個超級性感的Brazzer's Doll,但是當他的朋友出現在Justin的房子裡時,他對他的商店有了一個驚喜 - 他揮霍了他們每個人的玩偶。這些人認為這些娃娃會是一件很酷的配飾,但是他們很少知道那些性感的迷你裙在你最不期待的時候會有一種過世的習慣(和你無意義的)。

Nicolette Shea 在 '全新的Bimbo'

Nicolette Shea - 全新的Bimbo

當米克的未婚夫尼科萊特陷入可怕的車禍時,他絕對受到了極大的傷害。經過幾個星期的等待,聽取她是否能夠全面恢復,Nicolette驚喜Mick出現在他們的家中健康狀況良好,只有一個小小的捕獲物......她的臉完全被繃帶覆蓋。尼科萊特解釋說,她的醫生不得不進行廣泛的手術來挽救她的生命 - 她有可能看起來有點不同。除去繃帶後,米克很高興地發現他的未婚夫已經完全被綁架了!但這並不是所有的變化 - 而尼科萊特計劃在婚前車禍中節省自己的時間,她的優先事項已經改變,因為她的極端轉變。她需要滿足她的性滿足感,stat!

Nicolette Shea 在 '尼科萊特女士的傑出女性學院'

Nicolette Shea - 尼科萊特女士的傑出女性學院

精英女子學院院長尼科萊特女士願意幫助她的學生取得成功。 Shay是一個特別令人討厭的學生,他花了大部分時間向她的男朋友發送骯髒的短信 - 花費太多時間進行性交會給她的GPA帶來真正的壓力。尼科萊特女士知道讓謝伊回到正軌上的唯一方法就是消除她熱辣的角質衝動......而尼科萊特女士只是這份工作的女人!

Moriah Mills 在 'ZZ Sneakshot超級巨星'

Moriah Mills - ZZ Sneakshot超級巨星

自從去年該應用程序推出以來,Nicolette已經成為ZZ Sneakshots中最受關注的帳戶,而且有充分的理由 - 誘人的明星除了與粉絲分享性感視頻之外,更是無所謂。當即將到來的色情明星莫里亞與超過300萬的追隨者奪走她的王冠,尼科萊特決定,她會盡一切努力重獲她的聲望冠軍。兩個女孩之間發生了一場由性引發的社交媒體戰爭,最後以一個非常幸運的粉絲結束了一場激烈的三人賽!

Ariella Ferrera 在 '家長老師Cumference'

Ariella Ferrera - 家長老師Cumference


Madison Ivy 在 '1 800電話性別:8號線'

Madison Ivy - 1 800電話性別:8號線

為了慶祝麥迪遜在辦公室的第一個星期,1-800-Phone-Sex的工作人員希望有一些樂趣。約翰尼從他的單身派對打電話來,這個活潑的三人不能放棄這個機會。現在是時候讓Johnny的最後一個自由的夜晚 - 一個熱熱氣騰騰的房子!

Nicolette Shea 在 '1 800電話性別:5號線'

Nicolette Shea - 1 800電話性別:5號線

作為Xander Corvus律師的秘書,Madison Ivy對保守的辦公室生活感到失望。她想要刺激,當她打電話給她的老闆的時候偷聽。令她驚訝的是,Xander並不是在談論這個案子 - 而是他正在和電話性愛經營者Nicolette Shea說話。偷偷摸摸的麥迪遜將他拖到六樓,在那裡她發現了1-800-Phone-Sex的狂野世界。

Nicolette Shea 在 '公雞餓了女牛仔'

Nicolette Shea - 公雞餓了女牛仔


Ava Addams 在 '辦公室4  - 戲劇:聖誕節獎金'

Ava Addams - 辦公室4 - 戲劇:聖誕節獎金


Nicolette Shea 在 '所有玩意兒'

Nicolette Shea - 所有玩意兒


Nicolette Shea 在 '這個洞是什麼?'

Nicolette Shea - 這個洞是什麼?

凱爾有點不確定他在網上看到的這個新的按摩的地方。當他看到尼科萊特今天會把他揉到他身上的時候,他很快就改變了主意。按摩桌上只有一個洞,他從來沒有見過,所以自然他決定把他的雞巴。直到尼科萊特開始把他揉成一團,他注意到這種按摩不過是典型的。尼科萊特把凱爾的巨大的洞藏在桌子下面時,她忍不住放縱自己。畢竟,這是她的工作,以減輕壓力,所以這正是她所做的 - 把凱爾的熱氣騰騰的臉上。

Nicolette Shea 在 '你可以修復我的Wi-Fi'

Nicolette Shea - 你可以修復我的Wi-Fi


Casey Calvert 在 '品嚐獎杯妻子'

Casey Calvert - 品嚐獎杯妻子

凱西得到了一個甜蜜的夏天,伴隨著鄰居的游泳池照顧。這可能聽起來很沉悶,但是這個游泳池是那裡的熱門家庭主婦Nicolette Shea花了整天曬黑她不可思議的身體。凱西一直在夏天盯著Nicolette,有一天她要求幫助她的曬黑乳液,不敢相信。一個感官的按摩很快就變成了一個女孩女孩的動作,在獎杯的妻子和膽小的青少年之間。這兩個人認為他們有一整天玩與對方的貓,但Nicolette的丈夫正在回家的路上

Nicolette Shea 在 '巴斯炸彈'

Nicolette Shea - 巴斯炸彈

Nicolette是一位著名的色情明星,對記者進行了一番調查,停止了她的位置進行個人檔案面試,她決定她喜歡她看到的東西 - 所以為什麼在他上班的時候不會有什麼樂趣?雖然Xander希望有一個簡單的面試,Nicolette有一點點不同。 Xander準備好了一輩子的頭條?

Nicolette Shea 在 '私人迪克'

Nicolette Shea - 私人迪克


Nicolette Shea 在 '按摩幻影'

Nicolette Shea - 按摩幻影


Nicolette Shea 在 '關機架'

Nicolette Shea - 關機架

當拉蒙在百貨公司打瞌睡時,與妻子一起無聊的老購物旅程開始變得更加神奇。留下了生氣的妻子,一夜之間鎖在商店裡,Ramon的一個性感的模特(Nicolette Shea)醒來了。 Nicolette的日常生活在展示中讓她有一種渴望被用於字面上的任何東西,而拉蒙只是幫助這個大膽的人體模特的男人。真的太好了,還是一個熱的幻想呢?看看吧!

Lana Rhoades 在 '雙人入住'

Lana Rhoades - 雙人入住

Xander不敢相信他爸爸是多麼便宜。他承諾有一個房間自己與女朋友拉娜度過春假。現在他正忙著和爸爸和他的新步邁克共享房間。拉娜的數字,他們仍然可以愚弄,如果他們可以躲避尼科萊特的流浪的眼睛。在大家轉過身去之後,拉娜看到了一個機會,悄悄地吸了一下Xander的高級會員。當Nicolette窺探發生了什麼事時,她決定不會讓他們有樂趣。 Xander將要分享他的肉,雙重佔領拉娜和Nicolette的陰部。

Nicolette Shea 在 '頭腦吹'

Nicolette Shea - 頭腦吹

當Xander同意與妻子一起參加有償記憶測試時,他不知道他會在Nicolette(一名吸煙熱助手)的觀察室中被關起來,他的唯一工作是在收到錯誤的時候對Xander進行懲罰。幸運的Xander,Nicolette的懲罰想法只不過是令人不快的 - 除非你不是緊密的,濕的貓的粉絲。

Nicolette Shea 在 'Sheas暑期學校'

Nicolette Shea - Sheas暑期學校

泰勒認為,在學期結束之前,他可以在沒有交出他最後一次解剖學任務的情況下離開。他錯了在學校的最後一天,沒有胡言亂語的Shea小姐巧妙地將他袖在他的桌子上,然後才開始上課。當她剝下來時,她開始嘲笑他,告訴他在華麗的身上記筆記。泰勒禁止把手從紙上拿出來 - 但嚴格的謝娜女士會讓他暨嗎?

Adriana Chechik 在 '他讓Wifey手錶'

Adriana Chechik - 他讓Wifey手錶

Nicolette對她的婚姻感到無聊,導致她欺騙她丈夫10年。當米克抓住她向一個人發送頑皮的消息時,他馬上就把她送出去。 Nicolette心碎,絕望地贏得了他的回報,但是她要多遠去挽救她的婚姻?

Nicolette Shea 在 '顯示她的Woss Boss'

Nicolette Shea - 顯示她的Woss Boss

Nicolette是一名高管行政人員,他最近聘請了新的秘書Piper。但是,派珀需要撿起這個鬆散的東西;她在備案方面很可怕,並將Nicolette的商業事務變成了一個熱門的混亂。為了教她一課,Nicolette告訴琵琶,她不能離開辦公室,直到她了解到辛勤工作的價值 - 即她如何致力於使他們兩人合作。

Nicolette Shea 在 '測試她的濃度2'

Nicolette Shea - 測試她的濃度2

Nicolette失去了工作,盡可能多的工作面試。但今天的採訪並不像其他人那樣。當Marc Rose開始舔她的貓在桌子下Nicolette不知道如何反應。採訪者冷靜地解釋說,馬克在那裡測試尼科萊特的濃度。性感的金發碧眼的炸彈確實令人印象深刻,而馬克吃了她的陰部,用她巨大的山雀玩耍,並將她當作桌子 - 所有這一切,面試官一直在問她的問題!她能否保持專注,創造良好的印象?或者Marc的公雞比任何工作更重要嗎?

Nicolette Shea 在 '不是我的兄弟守護者'

Nicolette Shea - 不是我的兄弟守護者


Bridgette B 在 'BabeZZ手錶 -  XXX模仿'

Bridgette B - BabeZZ手錶 - XXX模仿

在一個受歡迎的度假勝地,每一天都是一次冒險,特別是當一個人的海灘!兩個熱的,蓬勃發展的寶貝值班,非常重視他們的工作。 Nicolette和Bridgette不要讓任何東西分心他們在海灘巡邏 - 除了在水中有一個巨大的公雞!意識到這個傢伙需要拯救,他們趕緊把Charles從他的藍球救出來!他們的巨大的笨蛋是否足以拯救一天?

Nicolette Shea 在 '業務與快樂'

Nicolette Shea - 業務與快樂


Nicolette Shea 在 '不要帶著你的妹妹在我身邊'

Nicolette Shea - 不要帶著你的妹妹在我身邊


Carmel Moore 在 '大胸部得到油漆工作'

Carmel Moore - 大胸部得到油漆工作


Daisy Marie 在 '好的饋贈好了'

Daisy Marie - 好的饋贈好了


Daisy Marie 在 '高檔賓客'

Daisy Marie - 高檔賓客


Daisy Marie 在 '尋找一個室友'

Daisy Marie - 尋找一個室友

黛西和金子似乎知道他們正在尋找什麼在一個新的室友。他必須乾淨,尊重,知道如何聚會,特別是知道如何FUCK THEM HARD!拉爾夫很驚訝地看到這兩個女孩是多麼的野蠻,他喜歡他們這兩個辣椒和他們的大胸部的媽媽他媽的他媽的。現在,他只是希望他們會選擇他作為他們的房間。

Daisy Marie 在 '非法停車場'

Daisy Marie - 非法停車場


來自其他網站的場景特色 Daisy Marie,Nicolette Shea

Daisy Marie 在 'I Have a Wife'

Daisy Marie - I Have a Wife

Daisy Marie has some computer issues. So she got the geek squad to come over to look at it. But it's not her hard drive that needs attention, it's her sex drive. This geek's wife knows he's pounding keys all day, but she doesn't know he's pounding Daisy today!!

Charmane Star 在 'Friend Charmane Star fucking in the floor with her tits'

Charmane Star - Friend Charmane Star fucking in the floor with her tits

Charmane Star, Daisy Marie and Kirsten Price sign up for a private yoga session with a ver serious, spiritual instructor at her home. The sexy trio begin their class with some deep breathing, as told by their yogi, but they can't help but laugh. And the joking continues throughout the session, enough to annoy the instructor, who tells them they can let themselves out. The girls decide that since they're already half naked, they might as well get fully naked and have hot lesbian sex!

Daisy Marie 在 'fucking in the bedroom with her big ass'

Daisy Marie - fucking in the bedroom with her big ass

If you can't beat 'em join 'em. At least that's Mikayla's theory when she walks in on her husband fucking another woman ... Daisy Marie. She considers kicking her ass or at least kicking her out of bed but then decides a threesome would be way more fun!

Nicolette Shea 在 'Booty Pajamas'

Nicolette Shea - Booty Pajamas

You know when you picture a hot girl at home, just dressed casual and comfy? Maybe in some pajamas or a onesie? They're not really trying to look good, but they somehow still look fantastic? Well that's fucking nothing compared to Nicolette Shea in this scene. This blonde bombshell has the curves, attitude, and wit to twist you up and spit you out when she's had her way with you. Don't let the cute butt flap and teeny buttons fool you, the curves underneath are dangerous! If only we all could wake up with Nicolette for just one morning…

Nicolette Shea 在 'Dick Pic Interference'

Nicolette Shea - Dick Pic Interference

Vienna is trying to decide what to wear when she asks for her step mom Nicolette's help on deciding. Vienna changes into the outfits and Nicolette takes photos of her with Vienna's phone then suddenly a dick pic message gets sent over from an Alex. Nicolette is so distracted by the dick pick that she just has to have it. She invites Alex over, ambushes him and takes his big cock to the mouth, only to later get caught by Vienna but that just starts a sexy threesome.

Daisy Marie 在 'Housewife 1 on 1'

Daisy Marie - Housewife 1 on 1

If you can't beat 'em join 'em. At least that's Mikayla's theory when she walks in on her husband fucking another woman ... Daisy Marie. She considers kicking her ass or at least kicking her out of bed but then decides a threesome would be way more fun

Nicolette Shea 在 'Hers Is Bigger'

Nicolette Shea - Hers Is Bigger

Naughty blonde teen Elsa Jean was supposed to keep her promise and clean up the house, but she's spent the entire day watching lesbian porn and teasing her pretty pink pussy with a vibrator instead! When her drop-dead gorgeous roommate Nicolette Shea comes home to find the house a mess and Elsa masturbating, she decides to teach Elsa to be careful what to wish for, and fuck her brains out with some good old girl-on-girl sex! But Elsa's sex toy is too small for her tastes, so Nicolette drags her upstairs to pound the tiny teen senseless with a giant-sized dildo!

Nicolette Shea 在 'Amadom Shea'

Nicolette Shea - Amadom Shea

The amazing Nicolette Shea is hosting her latest cam show - showing off her lithe body and bountiful curves… She tears open her fishnets and beings playing with her wet pussy for all her fans. While this is going on, however, the perving Van Wylde peers in through the various doors and windows. Her chat quickly warns her - there's someone outside! Well, this strong independent woman grabs the voyeur and turns him into a pliable sex toy. If you spy on Shae, get ready to be dominated by a true amazon!

Nicolette Shea 在 'Hot Nights, Cold Blood Scene 2'

Nicolette Shea - Hot Nights, Cold Blood Scene 2

Olivia, a strip club cocktail waitress turned dancer, gets entangled with her married, mob-affiliated boss, Sal, after breaking up with her boyfriend. When Sal's wife, Gia, spies the two of them fucking during a one-on-one meeting, she's had enough – she conspires with her husband's friend and fellow gangster, Bobby, to murder her husband and take over his profitable strip club. When Bobby betrays Gia by bailing on their master plan in favor of his friendship with Sal, Gia has no choice but to execute her plan alone… or better yet, find another partner. Will she be able to draw Olivia away from Sal and over to the dark side

Abigail Mac 在 'Hot Nights, Cold Blood Scene 4'

Abigail Mac - Hot Nights, Cold Blood Scene 4

Olivia, a strip club cocktail waitress turned dancer, gets entangled with her married, mob-affiliated boss, Sal, after breaking up with her boyfriend. When Sal's wife, Gia, spies the two of them fucking during a one-on-one meeting, she's had enough – she conspires with her husband's friend and fellow gangster, Bobby, to murder her husband and take over his profitable strip club. When Bobby betrays Gia by bailing on their master plan in favor of his friendship with Sal, Gia has no choice but to execute her plan alone… or better yet, find another partner. Will she be able to draw Olivia away from Sal and over to the dark side

Nicolette Shea 在 'Vacation Vibes'

Nicolette Shea - Vacation Vibes

Tall, blonde bombshell Nicolette Shea has always wanted to visit somewhere warm and tropical, so when she and her man finally take their dream vacation, she plans to enjoy every second. Nicolette poses on the beach, twerking her big ass and shaking her huge tits in the surf, challenging everyone in the tropical paradise to a wet t-shirt contest she's sure to win! Back at their stunning villa, Nicolette strips down in the pool, then joins boyfriend Van Wylde by the firepit at sundown where the fun really gets started. The steamy weather has made Nicolette hot and bothered, and she starts things off with a blowjob to get Van feeling the vacation vibes as much as she is! The blonde Amazon rides Van's cock like she just can't get enough, then takes a huge facial, the perfect start to their dream vacation!

Nicolette Shea 在 'Kitchen Cockfidential'

Nicolette Shea - Kitchen Cockfidential

Blonde bombshell housewife, Nicolette Shea, sure loves watching hot gardener, Johnny Castle, at work, but her husband is sick and tired of paying Johnny to stand around with his hose in his hand! Worried her hubby might finally follow through on his threats of firing the lazy gardener, Nicolette brings Johnny inside to offer him a cool bottle of water and a hot blowjob. Nicolette knows how to make his cock grow as she deepthroats that dick and then bends over to take it in her pussy, and Johnny gets her nice and wet before fertilizing her face with his jizz!

Nicolette Shea 在 'Gold Digger Duel'

Nicolette Shea - Gold Digger Duel

Tall, blonde trophy wife, Nicolette Shea, is annoyed that her rich, old boyfriend, Rufus, doesn't take her out on the town as often as she'd like. When Rufus's son, Ricky Spanish, brings home his cute 18-year-old girlfriend, Natalie Brooks, Nicolette worries she's got competition, so she decides to show Natalie who's in charge. Nicolette sneaks up as the teens are fooling around in bed, then marches into Ricky's bedroom to give Natalie a lesson in deepthroating. Soon, Nicolette is riding Ricky's cock while ordering Natalie to eat her pussy, and she sits on Ricky's face and licks Natalie's asshole! These two rival gold diggers finally learn to share that dick and then share Ricky's cum.

Honey Gold 在 'Greedy Bitches Scene 4'

Honey Gold - Greedy Bitches Scene 4

When pornstar-cum-con artist Karmen Karma hears news of fellow pornstar Nicolette Shea's plan to walk the XXX Awards red carpet in a 10.6 million dollar diamond thong, she hatches a scheme to steal the extravagantly expensive item with the help of her ex-girlfriend, Lela Star. Little do the girls know that they'll have some healthy (and incredibly hot) competition – co-stars Kissa Sins and Honey Gold have their sights set on stealing the piece, as does Quinn Wilde, the conniving wife of the thong's creator, Xander Corvus. Will any of these girls manage to keep their eyes on the prize and steal the priceless piece, or will they get distracted by the many temptations the XXX Awards have to offer

Romi Rain 在 'Towel Girl 2'

Romi Rain - Towel Girl 2

Hot lesbians Nicolette Shea and Romi Rain have been waiting for the chance to spend some quality time together one-on-one, so when they have the sauna to themselves at the spa, it's the perfect opportunity. These slutty MILFs oil each other up and rub their huge tits together, then start eating each other's pussies. That's when towel girl, Alex De La Flor, catches a glimpse of them through the door, and she starts getting as hot as a sauna watching the nasty show. When Alex gets caught peeking by the hot cougars, they pull the sweet teen inside to join them, licking her pussy and ass and making her the center of their horny babe sandwich!

Nicolette Shea 在 'Fuck Like It's The End Of The World'

Nicolette Shea - Fuck Like It's The End Of The World

A viral outbreak has wiped out most of humanity, leaving Nicolette Shea to roam the country on foot and fend for herself. She breaks into a house and is delighted to take a hot shower. Meanwhile, Johnny Castle finds the same house and follows Nicolette's trail of clothes to the bathroom, where he watches her play with her pussy. Ecstatic to finally see another human, Nicolette pulls Johnny into the shower where they fuck like it's truly the end of the world.

Alex De La FLor 在 'Fluidity'

Alex De La FLor - Fluidity

Femme model Alex De La Flor isn't used to getting dolled up in stockings and lingerie, but she loves the way she looks in the sexy ensemble butch photographer, Daisy Marie, picked out for her photoshoot. When Daisy asks Alex to take off her bralette, the shy model isn't quite sure at first, but the feel of the photog's talented hands on her body soon has her wanting more.

Daisy Marie 在 'Pornographic Pilates'

Daisy Marie - Pornographic Pilates

It takes plenty of work to keep a big booty, tiny waist, and huge tits in perfect form, and Daisy Marie keeps her body bumping--and very flexible--with Pilates on the reg. She hits the mat in a tight leotard that shows off that round ass, and the sight of her sexy stepmom getting sweaty starts turning on blonde teen, April Aniston! When Daisy catches April watching, she tells the teen to join in, but April's heavy breathing alerts Daisy that her stepdaughter is strumming her clit instead of stretching out her hamstrings! Daisy decides it's time for a much more enjoyable workout, and they move to the table where she oils up April's tight body. The sexy lesbians rub their slick and slippery tits together then 69 and trib, and Daisy gives her dirty mouth a real workout as she cums all over her stepdaughter's pussy!

Nicolette Shea 在 'Rock Harder'

Nicolette Shea - Rock Harder

Tall, blonde MILF Nicolette Shea is keeping her curvy body rock hard with some yoga and squats when she gets distracted by the sounds of distorted heavy metal coming from the garage. She finds stepson, Conor, wailing on his guitar, and has some important advice for the longhaired, young man. Although Conor will never get famous for his hard rocking musical skills, his huge cock is another story! Nicolette can't wait to suck that massive dick, carrying her stepson to the couch so she can ride his instrument and even lifting him up to fuck her big tits! Nicolette deepthroats Conor's rock hard cock until he cums in her mouth!

Nicolette Shea 在 'Just Gotta Rest My Breasts'

Nicolette Shea - Just Gotta Rest My Breasts

When cute Elsa knocks on her door fundraising for a new set of breast implants, busty MILF Nicolette is happy to sponsor her, but she wants to make sure blonde-haired Elsa knows exactly what she's getting into! She gives the sexy teen a taste of just how heavy her big, fake tits are, resting them against the petite babe's shoulder and asking for her help to carry them as they head over to the couch. Nicolette thinks Elsa's cute perky, small boobs are perfect just the way they are, but Elsa says she still wants to have them enhanced, so Nicolette asks her to help oil up her big, fake funbags! She wants to play with Elsa's titties, too, so she slathers them in oil and sucks her tiny nipples. Soon she's eating out the sexy blonde and showing her that small tits are just as much fun!

Nicolette Shea 在 'A Model Mother'

Nicolette Shea - A Model Mother

Beautiful, blonde MILF, Nicolette Shae, is a model-turned-housewife who longs for her heyday of walking the runway. Missing the lights, cameras, and the attention, Nicolette craves the day of her life where all eyes around her were glued to her round tits and huge ass. When her son Johnny's best friend, Juan El Caballo Loco, arrives looking for his pal, graciously flattering her about her figure, the MILF decides to relive another heyday she has been fantasizing about-- that time in her life when she would get her pussy pounded by college studs!

Amara Romani 在 'Got Juice'

Amara Romani - Got Juice

Attention, viewers! You're going to want to pay attention, because we have an outrageous show for you today! Join us in creating excellence as we introduce you to the special Reality Kings juice! We're going to teach you the revolutionary new fad, our delicious vegan-friendly, healthy, probiotic, macrobiotic, amniotic, omega-3, essential oil, REVITALIZING protein shake! We got the juice, so let's juice it up! With your host, Nicolette Shea and her devious assistants, Amara Romani and Markus Dupree, you get a special insight into how to properly extract the special ingredient that makes our RK smoothies so delicious - rated 5 stars by cum-craving sluts everywhere! It will clear up acne, increase your bust size, improve stamina, and even prevents seasonal affective disorder! Even if you can't be in our crowd this morning, be sure to tune in to see the latest trend in human-based, cock-inspired nutrition! Start the rest of your life… Today!

Aletta Ocean 在 'Fly Girls: Final Payload Scene 2'

Aletta Ocean - Fly Girls: Final Payload Scene 2

Jasmine Jae is a pretty girl who plays ugly games - starting with clueless airline CEO Marcus London. After bankrupting his airline, Jasmine plans to flee the country. Until she runs into bankrupted investor and old flame Nacho Vidal, who demands a return on his investment. To pay back Nacho and Marcus, and save her life, Jasmine devises a new scheme...but this time, she's met her match Nicolette Shea, who has grand plans of her own...

Nicolette Shea 在 'Fly Girls: Final Payload Scene 4'

Nicolette Shea - Fly Girls: Final Payload Scene 4

Jasmine Jae is a pretty girl who plays ugly games - starting with clueless airline CEO Marcus London. After bankrupting his airline, Jasmine plans to flee the country. Until she runs into bankrupted investor and old flame Nacho Vidal, who demands a return on his investment. To pay back Nacho and Marcus, and save her life, Jasmine devises a new scheme...but this time, she's met her match Nicolette Shea, who has grand plans of her own...

Jasmine Jae 在 'Fly Girls: Final Payload Scene 5'

Jasmine Jae - Fly Girls: Final Payload Scene 5

Jasmine Jae is a pretty girl who plays ugly games - starting with clueless airline CEO Marcus London. After bankrupting his airline, Jasmine plans to flee the country. Until she runs into bankrupted investor and old flame Nacho Vidal, who demands a return on his investment. To pay back Nacho and Marcus, and save her life, Jasmine devises a new scheme...but this time, she's met her match Nicolette Shea, who has grand plans of her own...

Nicolette Shea 在 'Stepmoms Boobs 3'

Nicolette Shea - Stepmoms Boobs 3

Nicolette will be the perfect wife and the perfect stepmom! If you want your stepmom to suck your dick, that is...

Nicolette Shea 在 'Dirty Dicking'

Nicolette Shea - Dirty Dicking

Former playmate Nicolette Shea is cleaning up the living room after her stepson left it a mess. Nicolette cleans up after her stepson, Markus Dupree, way too often and this busty blonde bombshell is getting tired of his messy behavior. Once all clean, Nicolette goes to put away her cleaning supplies, but when she returns to the living room she finds her messy stepson has returned! Frustrated, Nicolette decides to scrub her stepson clean from head to toe—including his cock and balls! To Markus' surprise, his gorgeous stepmom doesn't only like to clean, but she loves to get dirty! Nicolette puts her massive tits to good use by pressing Markus' face between her big tits as he worships her before sliding his rock hard cock between her dripping wet pussy lips and giving this horny slut the dirty dicking she truly desires!

Daisy Marie 在 'Young Harlots In Detention'

Daisy Marie - Young Harlots In Detention

These two teacher have a very hard job ahead of them, discipline this young troublemaker.

Angela White 在 'Angela and Nicolette Get Wet'

Angela White - Angela and Nicolette Get Wet

Introducing Nicolette Shea to DP! Watch her get soaked with busty brunette Angela White and of course, the man himself - Keiran Lee!

Daisy Marie 在 'Scarlet Woman'

Daisy Marie - Scarlet Woman

Beautiful deviants Pearly Blue and Daisy Marie indulge in some girl on girl time before their cock urges are answered by a lucky stud.

Daisy Marie 在 'loves it hardcore!'

Daisy Marie - loves it hardcore!

You have to love classic bangBros updates! Guess who I have today? The one and only Daisy Marie. There are just no words to explain how crazy this girl is. She loves to suck cock. She loves to fuck cock. When she met up with Jmac, this girl didn't waste any time. She was all over his dick in broad daylight! The sight of her taking his cock deep in her throat and pussy is something to behold. Enjoy!

Daisy Marie 在 'and Laly in Lesbian Girl on Girl'

Daisy Marie - Lesbian Girl On Girl

Daisy Marie is giving Laly a personal yoga class, instructing her on all of the poses and breathing techniques. But as the body temperature rises in the room, Daisy feels her pussy getting warmer and more turned on as she watches Laly's tight supple body twist and bend into provocative positions. Eventually, she can't stand it any longer and gropes Laly's tits and shoves her tongue down her throat. Soon, student and teacher are licking each other's hot pussies and sucking each other's tits. What a beautiful sight.

Charmane Star 在 'Naughty Athletics'

Charmane Star - Naughty Athletics

Charmane Star, Daisy Marie and Kirsten Price sign up for a private yoga session with a ver serious, spiritual instructor at her home. The sexy trio begin their class with some deep breathing, as told by their yogi, but they can't help but laugh. And the joking continues throughout the session, enough to annoy the instructor, who tells them they can let themselves out. The girls decide that since they're already half naked, they might as well get fully naked and have hot lesbian sex!

Daisy Marie 在 'My Evil Sluts 8'

Daisy Marie - My Evil Sluts 8

Busty, tattooed Daisy Marie and Euro-blonde Sandy, both in bra and panties, have a girl-on-girl party for their Internet fans. The sweethearts progress from sensuous kissing to tit worship and pussy licking. Passionate Latina Daisy produces a couple of toys and sucks on a dildo while Sandy fucks Daisy's shaved cunt with a large, ribbed phallus. The blonde squats over her girlfriend's face and lets Daisy eat her out; the exotic brunette returns the favor and pumps Sandy's anus while the blonde masturbates with a vibrator. Sandy fingers Daisy's hole until the foxy Latina squirts hot girl-juice into her palm.

Daisy Marie 在 'Fuck Me 2'

Daisy Marie - Fuck Me 2

Gorgeous Daisy Marie teases you in one of her best no holes barred scene.