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最新更新特色 Zac Wild

Anna Claire Clouds 在 '不要操我的陰戶,操我的屁股'

Anna Claire Clouds - 不要操我的陰戶,操我的屁股

安娜·克萊爾·克勞德斯(Anna Claire Clouds)知道自己想要什麼。她在男朋友面前玩弄她的屁股塞來證明這一點。她的男人很困惑,因為他以為他們要等到大學和結婚後才開始忙碌,就像他們彼此承諾的那樣。這就是為什麼安娜要求他操她的屁股,而不是她的陰戶。屁股不算數,大家都知道!當他瞬間射精並起飛時,安娜很生氣。就在這時,她男朋友的兄弟紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)來了。當紮克似乎沒有意識到她的進步時,她決定完全蕩婦並騎在紮克的腿上以引起他的注意。沒過多久,安娜就得到了她一直渴望的屁股。

Crystal Rush 在 '請誘惑我的男朋友!'

Crystal Rush - 請誘惑我的男朋友!

Scarlit Scandal 試圖與她的男友(紮克·懷爾德飾)一起調味,她強烈懷疑男友在作弊。為什麼?他沒有給她任何雞巴!她邀請她的性感朋友(Crystal Rush 飾)來誘惑紮克,從而給了自己出軌的“藉口”。簡單的數學,對吧?好吧,事情完全按計劃進行,Crystal 在客廳里把 Zac 的大雞巴塞進她的喉嚨之前不是時候了。自我實現的預言。她的男人是個騙子。現在唯一要做的就是參與進來。Scarlit 和 Crystal 輪流在 Zac 的大雞巴上撫摸、撫摸、騎乘和滑動,為自己贏得了閃亮的、充滿精液的臉。他們的友誼受到鼓勵,關係完好無損,人們不得不想到一句格言:如果你不能打敗他們,就加入他們(讓他們也吮吸你男朋友的雞巴)!

Babi Star 在 '婊子給她的老闆上了一課'

Babi Star - 婊子給她的老闆上了一課

美麗的巴比星和她的同事決定在工作時在老闆的辦公室里鬼混。老闆紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)今天不在家,兩人感覺很活潑。然而,當紮克意外地回到辦公室時,巴比被她同事的雞巴含在嘴裏!紮克將兩人分開,但當巴比無意中聽到老闆談論她有多性感時......她把事情掌握在自己手中。忘了同事,大奶巴比會他媽的登上頂峰!

Valentina Nappi 在 '貓的證明在照片中'

Valentina Nappi - 貓的證明在照片中

瓦倫蒂娜·納皮(Valentina Nappi)頑皮的一面一直給她帶來麻煩!在這個狂野的場景中,紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)發現她拍攝了暗示性的照片並將其發送給隨機的男人,他與瓦倫蒂娜(Valentina)對峙,瓦倫蒂娜恰好嫁給了他最好的朋友,但他很快就陷入了她的魅力,並渴望進入她的雙腿之間。

Sophie Reade 在 '性癡迷'

Sophie Reade - 性癡迷

蘇菲·裡德(Sophie Reade)對她的室友賈茲(Jaz)有性癡迷。蘇菲太迷戀了,她不僅想操賈茲,她還想成為賈茲,同時擁有她完美的生活和她完美的男朋友紮克·懷爾德。雖然這可能被證明是不現實的,但分享它們可能只是在可能的範圍內......還有什麼比三人行更好的分享方式呢?

Cherie Deville 在 'ZZ - Cherie Deville之最'

Cherie Deville - ZZ - Cherie Deville之最

有這麼多令人難以置信的場景可供選擇,ZZ 全明星和您夢寐以求的熟女 Cherie Deville 值得的不僅僅是一個彙編。決定包括哪些時刻並非易事,但我們挑選了一些她最大和最好的表演,用於一個充滿即興演奏的「最佳」,會讓你大吃一驚......和你的負荷!

Hayley Davies 在 '私人廚師的陰部拼盤'

Hayley Davies - 私人廚師的陰部拼盤

私人廚師海莉·大衛斯(Hayley Davis)應該專注於工作,讓她最好的朋友的周年紀念晚宴成為有史以來最美好的夜晚!相反,她正在想辦法讓她離開餐桌,進入她閨蜜的丈夫紮克·懷爾德的雞巴!

Angela White 在 '消防員安吉拉的白熱噴'

Angela White - 消防員安吉拉的白熱噴

安吉拉·懷特(Angela White)在最新的場景中看起來很紅,穿著消防員裝備,根本無法掩蓋她多汁柔軟的天然大奶子的大小。與紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)配對,死去的華麗救生員安吉拉(Angela)會加倍努力以確保您的安全。安全。並為她垂涎三尺。因為火焰的熱量與這位公務員可以撲滅的灼熱、草率、絕對誘人的性愛相比,什麼都不是。無論是她的煙霧秀曲線還是她濕透的、渴望的洞,懷特女士都會確保這位消防員讓你在日曆上標記這次發佈。唯一的問題是——你準備好想像她從你的桿子上滑下來並清空你的消防栓了嗎?

Jennifer White 在 '吹走她的安全感'

Jennifer White - 吹走她的安全感

詹妮弗·懷特(Jennifer White)是一位喜歡冒險的社交名媛 - 性感,誘人,並尋求任何刺激或取笑男人來照亮她的一天。異國情調的旅行,隨意的勾搭,的派對。但隨之而來的是她的家人的一些擔憂,甚至聘請保鏢來確保當事情變得瘋狂時,她仍然安全。即使這意味著當她被從她最新的逃亡中帶走時,只穿著內衣,也要注意她。今天,詹妮弗並不滿足於只是快速退出。她想看看她能不能腐蝕紮克·懷爾德......讓他從“保護者”越過“貓磅”的界限。對於擁有一切的人來說,還有什麼比白日夢被「教訓」放在適當的位置上更常見的幻想呢?深喉和騎雞巴,直到她賺到那又熱又粗的負荷。

Luna Star 在 '大戰利品彎曲和折扣'

Luna Star - 大戰利品彎曲和折扣

紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)正在修理廚房水槽,這時曬黑的Luna Star穿著一件小比基尼從他身邊走過。露娜要躺在陽光下,她今天不想弄髒自己的手。在池畔給她美麗的身體上油后,露娜用完了水,回到裡面拿另一瓶。當紮克讓她為他拿手電筒筒時,盧娜勉強同意了。紮克透過緊身比基尼偷看了盧娜完美的陰部,並告訴盧娜他需要她再彎下一點。盧娜終於抓住了紮克的滑稽動作,並坐在他的臉上窒息了他。曬黑可以等,因為盧娜現在想要的只是紮克粗大的雞巴在她緊窄的屁眼裡!

Cherie Deville 在 'Zz 勾搭:切莉和苗條濃密'

Cherie Deville - Zz 勾搭:切莉和苗條濃密

ZZ Hookups 將最大、最耀眼的女明星與她們嶄露頭角的行業迷戀相匹配,在那裡她們隨心所欲地推動性愛和他媽的拍攝!今天,Cherie DeVille和SlimThick Vic走到了一起,組成了絕對史詩般的配對。他們從幕後看色情片場的生活是什麼樣的,參加親密的採訪,交流技巧和竅門,然後用漂亮的粉紅色振動器一次又一次地讓對方射精!將紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)加入其中,這變成了完美的場景。切莉和瘦厚維克對紮克跳動的雞巴流口水,崇拜彼此完美的身體,騎著紮克,直到他把重擔扔在他們美麗的臉上。

Riley Reign 在 '千斤頂挑戰'

Riley Reign - 千斤頂挑戰


Kendra Sunderland 在 '口部員工'

Kendra Sunderland - 口部員工

紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)告訴凱利·岡納(Kayley Gunner)和肯德拉·桑德蘭(Kendra Sunderland),預算中只有足夠的錢給他們中的一個人獎金,他處於艱難的境地。競爭對手被這個消息激怒了,爭論誰最應該得到它,直到他們的爭吵演變成性戲弄。紮克很快發現辦公室寶貝們在互相放蕩時提高了賭注,在競爭激烈的三人組中為他的雞巴而戰!

Alexa Payne 在 '調酒師支援屁股向上'

Alexa Payne - 調酒師支援屁股向上

Alexa Payne有一個圓潤多汁的屁股,他的同事和客戶都不能忽視。Alexa穿著可愛的小制服在一所房子里工作,她知道每個人都渴望一睹隱藏在薄薄織物下的驚人戰利品。服務伴隨著微笑和很多彎腰,讓這個無聊的派對更有趣一點!沒有什麼比偷偷摸摸的性愛和他媽的只是隱藏在視線之外,在每個人的眼皮底下,因為她和紮克懷爾德發洩了一點蒸汽。努力工作,更努力地騎行...

Angel Youngs 在 '抓住天使的屁股'

Angel Youngs - 抓住天使的屁股

安琪楊真的是天使,她有翅膀證明這一點!她的屁股也是天堂,在一個神奇而神秘的森林深處,紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)搜索並找到了他正在尋找的東西——一個與他夢寐以求的寶貝進行充滿噴射的肛交的機會!

Reagan Foxx 在 '骯髒的富人和他媽的'

Reagan Foxx - 骯髒的富人和他媽的

雷根·福克斯和妮可·多西來到俱樂部,尋找一個錢包胖胖雞巴的男人!他們在紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)中找到了目標,當妮可讓他的妻子瑪雅·法瑞爾(Maya Farrell)在舞池中分心時,雷根在酒吧里向紮克(Zac)討好,用她的屁股磨著他,讓他摸摸她的奶子,然後他們溜到浴室做愛。但是在貴賓室里還有更多的樂趣,妮可和他們一起偷偷摸摸地三人行。這兩個寶貝不僅耗盡了紮克的每一滴精液,還最終帶著他的錢包離開了!

Angela White 在 ': Unbound Part 1'

Angela White - : Unbound Part 1

安吉拉·懷特需要你。她需要雞巴。她需要感覺到皮膚上的觸感,嘴裏積聚的唾液,有人的眼睛被她鎖住,在她手中融化時迷失了自己......在她柔軟包裹的奶子之間。在她緊窄、濕潤的陰戶深處。在她多汁的彈跳屁股下。她會做任何事情來得到它。即使因為她的搭檔紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)疲憊不堪而被鎖在牆上,安吉拉也忍不住試圖脅迫他靠近,進入彈射範圍。拜託,先生,只是一點感情?在她跳起來,咬牙切齒地咬住你之前,承諾只用你的一小部分時間帶來無限的快樂。安吉拉說服紮克放開她,以便摟住他。她的舌頭沿著他的軸滑動,用她閃閃發光的曲線磨蹭他的身體,讓他完全屬於她。但。。。夠嗎?

Sarah Illustrates 在 '猜猜誰在晚餐時射精'

Sarah Illustrates - 猜猜誰在晚餐時射精


Angela White 在 '終極油浸三人行'

Angela White - 終極油浸三人行


Donatello Devine 在 '和美效應'

Donatello Devine - 和美效應

這是汽車轉銷商的另一筆大賣;地段擠滿了人,充氣的人在揮手,和美在汽車之間扔屁股——等等,最後一點是什麼?當一個休閒購車者(Donatello Devine)看到Kazumi的陰戶時,他在Kazumi將他吹到停車場之前開始了對話。她精神錯亂!當一些站立的狗幾乎暴露它們時,它們將活動轉移到室內,在那裡多納泰羅將Kazumi交給訓練有素的專業人士紮克·懷爾德。配合和美解開的精力,紮克的雞巴在辦公室周圍徹底地搗打著和美的陰戶,利用所有的辦公傢俱作為槓桿。辦公室里有這麼多行動,來自停車場的客戶變得懷疑,敲門只是時間問題。這裡沒人賣車嗎?作為一名訓練有素的專業人士,紮克專注於手頭的任務,在這種情況下,以憤怒的客戶為代價,用他的精液塗在 Kazumi 的臉上。員工手冊中是否有「和美效應」的術語?

Kayla East 在 'Works Her Holes'

Kayla East - Works Her Holes


Phoenix Marie 在 '最佳 ZZ - 安吉拉·懷特'

Phoenix Marie - 最佳 ZZ - 安吉拉·懷特


Violet Starr 在 '紫羅蘭喜歡面部護理'

Violet Starr - 紫羅蘭喜歡面部護理

誘人的紫羅蘭·斯塔爾喜歡去這個水療中心,因為它的“獨特”方法。相信性釋放和身體崇拜...不,不,廢話只是毛茸茸的。薇爾莉特其實只是喜歡這些英俊的男人如果她願意,會給她無限的面部護理。濃稠、滾燙的負荷覆蓋在她的臉上,一遍又一遍,直到她滴落並舔舐每一個精液。紫羅蘭喜歡被精液覆蓋和上釉。按摩她的身體,崇拜每一寸柔軟曲線 - 活潑的奶子,圓潤多汁的屁股。然後當她微笑並乞求更多時,她的臉上爆裂了。要是她的伴侶也有同樣的感覺就好了......

The Ex Wife Karen 在 '性生活的炙手可熱的前妻'

The Ex Wife Karen - 性生活的炙手可熱的前妻


Bella Blu 在 '如果是肛門就不是作弊'

Bella Blu - 如果是肛門就不是作弊

貝拉·布魯是一個長期出軌的人,一次又一次地被男朋友抓住。她發誓要停下來,戴上貞操帶以示她的虔誠。她的意圖是真實的,直到她遇到了男朋友的繼父紮克。一個更成熟、更沉著、更灰頭土臉、更睿智的人......熱。用粗大的雞巴和終極的 DILF 禁忌來實現他媽的男朋友更熱的爸爸的幻想......肛門真的算作弊嗎?

Lexi Lore 在 '被萊克西引誘'

Lexi Lore - 被萊克西引誘

嬌小的旋轉者萊克西·洛爾(Lexi Lore)有點貪得無厭,的湯姆,她已經盯上鄰居紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)一段時間了。她一邊自慰,一邊看著他做院子裡的工作,伸出她的小屁眼想像著他堅硬的雞巴填滿它,把臉埋在她的陰戶裡......因此,萊克西想出了一個無辜的小計劃,引誘他進入一個更淫蕩的日子——一個拳頭、流口水和大開的肛門——你不會想到你微笑的金髮鄰居。永遠不要通過封面來判斷一本書(或漂亮的女孩)!因為你永遠不知道什麼看起來很善良的人實際上是你做過的最邋遢、最激烈的性愛。如果不是這樣,萊克西什麼都不是!

Aria Lee 在 '練習第1部分'

Aria Lee - 練習第1部分

放蕩的精子診所護士Aria Lee決心收集Zac Wild的樣本,她會把他從他無知的女朋友那裡趕走!離開候診室,艾莉亞厚顏無恥地利用她的檢查室隱私,用她美麗的混蛋挑逗紮克,同時吮吸他腫脹的雞巴。當她同樣變態的主管(朱璐璐)加入時,精子收集變得迫在眉睫,因為護士們協同工作,吸吮、性交和騎他的臉和雞巴。製造所有這些噪音,在樣品杯中浪費一滴,真正的問題是:紮克的女朋友走進來時會怎麼想?

Emma Hix 在 '水管工的邊緣'

Emma Hix - 水管工的邊緣

艾瑪·希克斯(Emma Hix)是一個好色的清潔怪胎家庭主婦,她試圖在一些家務中自欺欺人,但漏水的水龍頭破壞了她的注意力。當她在家工作的丈夫抱怨噪音時,她打電話給專家——水管工(紮克·懷爾德飾)!到達后,艾瑪被他粗獷的英俊迷住了,並試圖舔一舔他的水管工的裂縫。這些郊區的老婆太!這對夫婦在一個無知的丈夫周圍偷偷摸摸、滑溜溜的廚房性愛——他們馬虎的他媽的不可避免地會導致大量的噴射和檯面射精。留下一團糟,漏水的水龍頭和非常滿意的艾瑪希克斯,這是成為水管工的好日子!

Vanessa Sky 在 '我的噴孔一直都是你的'

Vanessa Sky - 我的噴孔一直都是你的


Chantal Danielle 在 '那個陰戶很豪華'

Chantal Danielle - 那個陰戶很豪華

紋身美女尚塔爾丹妮爾是迷人的到難以置信。在她身體的每個部位(我的意思是每個部位)都閃耀著發光的寶石,尚塔爾穿著高開衩禮服取笑鏡頭。尚塔爾為這個場合打扮,因為她不僅要得到一根雞巴,還要得到兩根!當Alex Legend和Zac Wild到達時,他們崇拜Chantal豐滿的水鑽身體的每一寸。尚塔爾像專業人士一樣享受他們的雞巴;來回切換,這樣她就可以同時吸吮和操吮。尚塔爾狂喜地尖叫起來,然後拍打了兩個驚人的負載!

Demi Rhoades 在 '傲嬌的挑逗已經受夠了'

Demi Rhoades - 傲嬌的挑逗已經受夠了


Angela White 在 '肛門劑量的多巴胺'

Angela White - 肛門劑量的多巴胺

想像一下 - 安吉拉在陽光下白,美麗的藍天,油覆蓋,緊身的綠色泳衣,將她的自然身體留給想像。黃金首飾閃閃發光。臥室的眼睛盯著。等待。知道你現在需要的是一劑快樂。受她曲線啟發的化學物質直接進入你的大腦——看著她用濕長的舌頭纏繞著雞巴,把它擠在她柔軟的奶子之間,然後滑入她緊繃的屁股。看著她在紮克·懷爾德的觸摸中狂喜地呻吟、顫抖和微笑。她感覺到了,你也應該感覺到!因此,準備好被肛門劑量的多巴胺淹沒,由唯一的安吉拉和她令人難以置信的資產直接提供!

CJ Miles 在 '向他開往'

CJ Miles - 向他開往

?CJ Miles將自己描述為亞洲最熱門的紡紗廠之一,她證明瞭最好的東西來自小包裝。僅僅因為她身材嬌小並不意味著這個四英尺七英寸的鮭魚沒有彎曲。隨著活潑的山雀和屁股要死,CJ會懇求你以她喜歡的方式對待她。在她的處女作《布拉澤斯》中,我們發現邁爾斯被綁起來並展示給紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)的注意力,紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)挑逗著她身體的每一寸,然後才讓她從希巴里繩索中獲得更多的自由。就在那時,吸血鬼控制並拿走了一整天被嘲笑的東西!草率,激烈的性愛,肯定會讓她的粉絲重新定義他們對完美小黑髮的定義!深喉的雞巴,像惡魔一樣騎著,呻吟著,因為她從她的一天中抽出每一刻的快感......

Katalina Kyle 在 '泡泡他媽的'

Katalina Kyle - 泡泡他媽的

金髮可愛片卡塔琳娜·凱爾脫下性感的衣服,洗了個溫暖的泡泡浴。雖然我們所能做的就是觀看和抽搐,但幸運的大塊頭紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)可以通過在放鬆時偷偷摸摸地抓住她的奶頭來加入有趣,令人驚訝的卡塔琳娜。卡塔琳娜把紮克帶到她的臥室,把她的陰部呈現給他,讓他隨心所欲地搗碎。

SlimThick Vic 在 '牛奶罐混合'

SlimThick Vic - 牛奶罐混合

曲線的夫婦兔子麥迪森和斯利姆西維克是進入一些...有趣的戀物癖。他們喜歡角色扮演,探索不同的扭結,甚至偶爾會變得有點混亂。今天,他們決定測試一個小小的以牛為靈感的調侃的角色扮演 - 在lesdom身體崇拜幻想中,在彼此的美味分散注意力的曲線上層疊牛奶。每一滴都雕刻在活潑的山雀和圓屁股上的線條......液體擁抱每一個曲線和柔軟的大腿...但是,當他們最新的實驗被室友Zac Wild粗魯地打斷時......好吧,為什麼不邀請他加入混亂?!畢竟,三個人是一群人,可能還有更多可以玩的,而不僅僅是一些覆蓋著白色液體的柔軟媽媽擠奶工!

Rachel Starr 在 '駕馭瑞秋'

Rachel Starr - 駕馭瑞秋

Rachel Starr 已經溜進了她最喜歡的系帶內衣- 她只是喜歡緊身皮革在她完美的身體上的感覺。曬黑的瑞秋像其他人一樣挑逗,她喜歡說髒話,很快就會把你放在她的魔咒之下。接下來,她拿出她最喜歡的黑色振動器,一次又一次地用在自己身上,隨著她的射精而顫抖,尖叫著!最後,瑞秋已經準備好了,紮克·懷爾德會做得很好。瑞秋不會放棄,直到她完全飽腹,她只是希望紮克能跟上!

Bailey Brooke 在 '把她攤開'

Bailey Brooke - 把她攤開


Bridgette B 在 '沒有看,所有觸摸'

Bridgette B - 沒有看,所有觸摸

紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)取代了布里奇特B通常的按摩師,並被賦予了在蒙上眼睛時按摩布里奇特的艱巨任務。布裡奇特希望他的手,而不是他的眼睛,在她完美的曲線上,但一旦她感覺到他的神奇觸感,她很快就會想要他的雞巴深深地插入她的嘴裏,陰道和屁股,導致按摩台上充滿油的他媽的!

Payton Preslee 在 '兩個性感的女人'

Payton Preslee - 兩個性感的女人

茉莉王爾德和佩頓普雷斯利是兩個抽煙的辣妹,他們知道這一點。我們打開他們一起洗澡,同時製作和撫摸彼此的奶頭。一旦他們擦乾並穿上一些性感的內衣,他們就會前往臥室,尋找更多的女孩/女孩動作。不過,這兩個人也渴望雞巴,他們最終召喚了紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild),給他們倆一個很好的三人行。

Gabi Paltrova 在 '深陷加比的屁股深處'

Gabi Paltrova - 深陷加比的屁股深處

完全寶貝Gabi Paltrova在她的一套幾乎沒有內衣的內衣中看起來很好。在逗了我們一會兒后,她讓紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)進來找點樂子。在給他一個徹底的口交后,他們開始他媽的。紮克把加比釘在她緊致的陰道和屁股上。

Alexis Fawx 在 '全開鍛煉'

Alexis Fawx - 全開鍛煉

美麗而健康的亞歷克西斯·福克斯(Alexis Fawx)正試圖用hew ner鍛煉酒吧拍攝教程,但Zac Wild不會讓他的手遠離她!惱火的亞歷克西斯把紮克踢出了房間,然後繼續拍攝她堅挺而靈活的身體。亞歷克西斯在酒吧方面並不那麼擅長,並且陷入了一個非常妥協的位置。她呼喚紮克的説明,但他只想著一件事。很快,紮克就撕開了亞歷克西斯的瑜伽褲,正在拍打她完美的陰部。亞歷克西斯正在尋找鍛煉,但選擇了一個好的陰道伸展運動!

Lexi Luna 在 '角色扮演指南'

Lexi Luna - 角色扮演指南

性感的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線Lexi Luna展示了她令人印象深刻的角色扮演技巧。無論Lexi是女僕,空姐還是老師,她總是很熱!幸運的Zac Wild在現場近距離檢查Lexi的服裝,導致Lexi的熱氣騰騰的大雞巴他媽的。

Gia Derza 在 'Derza的油膩dp展出'

Gia Derza - Derza的油膩dp展出

Gia Derza希望它不好,在她所有的地方。她是鐵杆的,非常喜歡用拳頭打自己的屁股,就像她喜歡讓自己噴水一樣。幸運的是,Zac Wild和Isiah Maxwell的硬雞巴處於待命狀態,因為他們看著Gia用雙頭假陽具填滿她的兩個洞。很快,他們就給她上油,穿透了她的嘴、陰道和屁股。這是一場雙重滲透的盛會,Gia喜歡它的每一秒,直到雙眼爆裂鏡頭,她高興地把它塞進嘴裏。結束。

Armani Black 在 '蒙上眼睛,屁股豎起來'

Armani Black - 蒙上眼睛,屁股豎起來


Whitney Wright 在 '她想要什麼就做什麼'

Whitney Wright - 她想要什麼就做什麼

惠特尼·賴特(Whitney Wright)度過了糟糕的一天:她的混蛋老闆已經把她逼到了不得不辭職的地步,而她所謂的最好的朋友貝拉·羅蘭(Bella Rolland)已經很久沒有回復她的電話或資訊了。哦,自從她上次被解僱以來,已經過去了很長時間。受夠了,惠特尼走到貝拉家,想知道她的問題是什麼,結果卻遇到了她的新男友紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)。惠特尼即將拿走她想要的東西:他的雞巴!惠特尼走進屋子,用紮克的雞巴填滿她的嘴和陰道,當貝拉走進騙子時,惠特尼把她拉進了一個狂野的三人行 - 因為這就是朋友的目的,對吧?

Lulu Chu 在 '露露的情慾巢穴'

Lulu Chu - 露露的情慾巢穴


Angela White 在 'A 到 zz'

Angela White - A 到 zz

安吉拉·懷特的身體太熱了,應該是非法的。沒有男人或女人能抗拒那雙眼睛的誘惑,那種狡猾的微笑,自然的曲線,支撐的雙腿。從 A 到 Z ,她是的巔峰。今天,安吉拉絕對是閃閃發光的效果 - 液體流過她的身體,使每一英寸柔軟,光滑和閃亮,準備吸引米克·布魯和紮克·王爾德。因為,女士們,先生們,ZZ上的AW正在執行DP - 雙重滲透!安吉拉不滿足於一隻公雞要排出,她需要更多。一個被她濕漉漉的陰道抓住,另一個擠在彎曲的屁股臉頰之間,她呻吟著讓她的兩個特技雞巴更硬,更快。今天,安吉拉炫耀了她的每一個部分是如何被造來勾引身體和搶奪靈魂的!

Whitney Wright 在 '對不起,女士們,這塊大塊頭被咕嚕咕嚕了'

Whitney Wright - 對不起,女士們,這塊大塊頭被咕嚕咕嚕了

惠特尼·賴特(Whitney Wright)即將結婚,但她懷疑她的准丈夫會在他的單身派對上欺騙她。惠特尼通過取代該黨的脫衣舞娘來測試她的理論;戴上性感的粉紅色假髮和一些熱內衣。丈夫起初試圖變得好,但他步履蹣跚,即將讓"脫衣舞娘"吸吮他的雞巴。惠特尼暴露了自己,面對了糟糕的未婚夫。單身派對參與者紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)一直在關注整件事,惠特尼提出要操他,給說謊的未婚夫一個教訓。紮克高興地給了惠特尼一個很好的他媽的,包括一些熱的肛門動作。

Emma Hix 在 '開放日,鬼鬼祟祟的'

Emma Hix - 開放日,鬼鬼祟祟的

金髮美女艾瑪·希克斯正在購買新家...他媽的!當房地產經紀人紮克·懷爾德(Zac Wild)發現艾瑪"熟悉"房子時,他驚呆了......並打開。當然,艾瑪不會買一個她覺得做愛不舒服的房子。紮克被證明是一個非常熟練的銷售員,以任何可能的方式説明艾瑪,而她用她的嘴,陰道和腳來他媽的她的方式,以決定這個住所是否適合她所有的角質需求。

Liv Revamped 在 '她吸不出雞巴'

Liv Revamped - 她吸不出雞巴

史努比繼母傑米·蜜雪兒(Jamie Michelle)偷看了繼女麗芙·雷文佩德(Liv Revemped)的日記,這顯示麗芙擔心自己糟糕的雞巴吸吮技巧。傑米被迫躲在床底下,麗芙和范·威爾達一起回家,把他帶進她的房間。傑米試圖保持安靜,但當她聽到麗芙給范一個平淡無奇的口交時,她的繼母本能開始發揮作用,她透露自己給麗芙一些指點。麗芙起初對這種入侵感到震驚,但傑米和范說服麗芙,一些吸吮雞巴的訓練是最好的。麗芙同意了,一個熱辣的三人組接踵而至。

Amari Anne 在 '安吉拉的享樂主義之家第3部分'

Amari Anne - 安吉拉的享樂主義之家第3部分

搖擺迷你系列的第三部分也是最後一部分發生在晚上的慶祝活動達到高潮時 - 兩對夫婦交換伴侶並在派對中間玩性遊戲,並在四人硬核上全面發展。詭計多端的安吉拉走到客廳,在兩對社交夫婦中間扔了一個性骰子,激發了他們自己的放蕩。女孩們(Kenzie Anne和Amari Anne)很快就採取行動了,但男孩們(Quinton James和Zac Wild)需要一點說服力 - 以及伴侶交換 - 才能在這個晚上獲得正確的心情,以正確的方式結束這所房子。

Shay Sights 在 '與繼母2過夜'

Shay Sights - 與繼母2過夜

華麗的謝伊·維斯和她的繼子紮克·懷爾德沒有意識到他們在旅途中必須共用一個汽車旅館的房間。只有一張床和大量的性張力,很難抗拒誘惑。紮克勃起了,謝伊盡最大努力説明他,把他抽搐起來。但是,在角質的繼子射精之前,他們發現自己處於一個全面的他媽的會議中。饑餓的摩洛伊斯蘭解放陣線承擔了他厚厚的粘稠負荷 - 但她會告訴她的丈夫什麼?

Chantal Danielle 在 '彈力慢跑和打呼嚕'

Chantal Danielle - 彈力慢跑和打呼嚕


Cherie Deville 在 '雙層填充'

Cherie Deville - 雙層填充

這個假期,絕對的重磅炸彈Cherie DeVille正在讓她的兩個助手Kyle Mason和Zac Wild為完美的感恩節晚餐做出貢獻。但她想像的是她的腿被打得滿滿的,而不是那些隨機的火雞的腿。Cherie夢寐以求的晚餐是兩隻急切的雞巴塞滿了她的嘴,因為她用慾望驅使這些男人瘋狂。畢竟,在廚房裡製作只是她版本的前戲。晚上真正的肉發生在地上,呻吟,渴望,乞求更多!她唯一能高興的方式就是讓凱爾和紮克纏繞在她身上,進行深沉的、猛烈的雙重滲透。

Angela White 在 '控制'

Angela White - 控制

美麗,豐富,強大,總是在控制,安吉拉懷特撐腰通過生活與熱,角質,男性崇拜者不斷在拖拉照顧她的每一個需要。這些人(伊賽亞·麥克斯韋,約翰·斯特朗,米克·藍,奧利弗·弗林和紮克·威爾德)心甘情願地、急切地完成任何任務——家庭、性或其他。安吉拉結束了她的一天,欣賞她為自己創造的世界,一個超越你最瘋狂的幻想的世界,要求她的性慾被她的男性隨行人員在最後的服務行為滿足 - 取悅他們的感情物件在激烈的身體崇拜幫派邦。

Jessa Rhodes 在 '匆忙中'

Jessa Rhodes - 匆忙中

倒楣的傑莎 · 羅茲約會遲到了, 一切都沒有走她的路!她找不到手機,牛仔褲從後面撕破了,要頂上去,車鑰匙不見了!由於沒有時間解決這些問題,她的男朋友紮克·威爾德試圖説明她找出解決問題的方法,但不是以傳統的方式。他用他硬的傢伙代替了她褲子裡的裂口, 發現車鑰匙意外地躲在傑莎的混蛋裡!

Bridgette B 在 '微風布里奇特'

Bridgette B - 微風布里奇特

針腳公主布里奇特回家后, 做了一些雜貨, 她是熱的, 相當字面上。當她問紮克 · 威爾德他是否能打開 Ac 時, 他再高興不過了。問題是紮克偷看了布裡奇特悶熱的內衣。通過確保AC打擊布裡奇特的禮服,幸運的男人可以看到更多的女人的無盡的腿和邀請大腿。當布裡奇特終於感覺到她皮膚上的微風時, 這讓她立刻對紮克的公雞感到角質。

LaSirena69 在 '與義大利面的交叉訓練'

LaSirena69 - 與義大利面的交叉訓練

LaSirena69已經聘請紮克野生,以説明她鍛煉她完美的彎曲的身體,但很明顯,她有遠遠超過健身在她的腦海。在使用懸掛的練習電纜進行一些引導伸展后,拉西雷納決定負責,直接專注於紮克的硬公雞。拉西雷納頑皮地懲罰他與她的山雀和屁股為重點的鍛煉例行公事, 紮克無法抗拒。從那裡,拉西雷納和紮克從事了一系列真正暴躁和油性運動,把她的健身程式提升到一個新的水準,它只是碰巧,這涉及到激烈的肛交。

Luna Star 在 '悶燒星'

Luna Star - 悶燒星

露娜星在抽煙。不,不只是五顏六色的手榴彈原始的, 不可否認的性吸引力, 只是輻射出這個華麗的女人, 因為她的姿勢, 取笑和嘲諷。那些活潑的山雀準備被擠壓, 蓬鬆的嘴唇與恰到好處的微笑量。臥室的眼睛,可以吞下你整個。不會停止的彈跳的阿格斯不能停止。但露娜並不滿意,只是炫耀她的身體。她也想炫耀她能用它做什麼。這就是樂於助人和渴望的紮克野生進來, 為露娜提供她只需要提供另一個悶熱的性愛場景的特技公雞!

Alexis Fawx 在 '每個人都喜歡吉祥物'

Alexis Fawx - 每個人都喜歡吉祥物

亞歷克西斯·福克斯去她男朋友家做愛了不幸的是,對於男友來說,他們在家裡碰到他的兒子紮克·威爾德,亞歷克西斯立刻有了一個更熱、更年輕的目標。紮克正在為當晚大學的大型比賽做準備, 但他不是運動員, 他是球隊的超級酷狐狸吉祥物!亞歷克西斯發現紮克穿著服裝, 假裝認為紮克是他的父親, 決定玩得開心一點。紮克是更願意保持安靜,而亞歷克西斯開始吸吮他的傢伙。亞歷克西斯最終把紮克的頭拉下來, 結束了詭計。這導致一個熱的混蛋!

Rachel Starr 在 '油性通姦'

Rachel Starr - 油性通姦

Rachel Starr 通過洗個溫暖的泡泡浴來準備按摩,按摩師 Zac Wild 在她帶領他到按摩台之前擦去濕潤的皮膚,在那裡他熟練的手倒油,擦在她驚人的身體上。瑞秋的電話響了,我們得知她丈夫出城了。她角質, 她在電話上的髒話引誘紮克變得有點雄心勃勃, 揉瑞秋的貓, 然後用他的嘴來取悅她。瑞秋似乎並不介意,雖然,並很快有一口紮克的公雞,而仍然在跟她的丈夫說話!

Azul Hermosa 在 '護士阿祖爾打家電話'

Azul Hermosa - 護士阿祖爾打家電話

總是性感的阿祖爾赫莫薩是一個護士誰做家庭呼叫一些家庭病人。一個如此幸運的傢伙是紮克 · 威爾德當阿祖爾過來給他做檢查時, 紮克就是控制不住他角質的衝動。Azul 的工作效率很高,其中一部分意味著讓患者滿意。阿祖爾給了紮克一個口交和快速操之前,她前往她的下一個約會。想想看, 大多數病人滿足於棒棒糖!

Alexis Tae 在 '以她的方式結束夜晚'

Alexis Tae - 以她的方式結束夜晚

當她晚上穿著長長的皮靴和令人髮指的暴露禮服四處遊蕩時, 兇猛的亞歷克西斯 · 泰什麼都不怕。她想要紮克 · 威爾德的硬公雞, 她會得到它。對輕率的眼睛漠不關心, 厚顏無恥的亞歷克西斯在公共場合炫耀她的貓。很快, 她引誘紮克在車裡, 帶他的傢伙出去做口交, 他不會忘記很快。超越理性的喚醒,紮克帶亞歷克西斯回家,讓她騎他的傢伙像她從來沒有騎過一個。

Nina Rivera 在 '泡泡浴肛骨骨'

Nina Rivera - 泡泡浴肛骨骨

尼娜·里維拉即將安頓下來,準備洗個豪華的泡泡浴,但她的情人紮克·威爾德卻偷偷溜進來,給她一個驚喜。最初擔心被抓, 尼娜無法抗拒紮克的魅力, 所以她肥皂她的大山雀和多汁的屁股給他。一旦紮克和她一起洗澡, 他就用手指指著尼娜的屁股, 然後是他那巨大的硬公雞。經過一些激烈和潮濕的肛禁動作后,尼娜在聽到丈夫來的時候把紮克藏在氣泡下。不幸的是,她忘記了巨大的負載暨紮克留在她臉上。幸好浴缸裡還有水。。。更不用說紮克了,他準備好參加第二輪比賽了。

Jewelz Blu 在 '藍火焰燃燒更熱'

Jewelz Blu - 藍火焰燃燒更熱

危險的熱朱厄爾斯藍光在這裡炫耀不僅她驚人的身體, 華麗的微笑, 和獨特的風格...但一個特殊的人才,溫暖你,以及!朱厄爾茲用跳舞的火焰和危險的誘人態度,通過照亮夜晚來嘲弄和取笑我們。她邀請紮克參加,扭動和跳舞,她的舌頭和火焰伸出來品嘗他!那只是預演。。。他們走進去,在炎熱的時刻開始撕掉對方的衣服,渴望得到他們的手,並燒毀了夜晚!

Cherie Deville 在 '為牛奶工作'

Cherie Deville - 為牛奶工作


Misty Stone 在 '整理牛奶的貓'

Misty Stone - 整理牛奶的貓

總是性感的迷霧石得到敲她的門, 並找到她兒子的大學朋友 (紮克野生) 。她兒子不在家,但米斯蒂拒絕把紮克趕走,把那個活潑的年輕人帶進來。迷霧問紮克,當她開始打掃她淩亂的客廳時,大學怎麼樣了。紮克幾乎不能專注於問題, 因為迷霧只是看起來棒極了, 在她的休閒服。當他一個人呆上一會兒時, 紮克忍不住抽搐了。迷霧抓住紮克, 並決定做一個好主人需要的不僅僅是讓他坐在沙發上。

Abella Danger 在 '保持在線狀態'

Abella Danger - 保持在線狀態

阿貝拉不僅僅因為聽起來很酷就被命名為危險。她所有的忠實粉絲都知道這是因為她有那種冒險的個性。因此,當阿貝拉在漫長的一天后回家,正在打電話聊天時,她對著她的朋友有點緊張,慫恿她,問一些關於最新男孩玩具的頑皮問題。紮克是讓她乞求和懇求他的硬公雞在她的喉嚨, 還是更多的強硬派彈跳她厚厚的屁股上下, 直到她噴無處不在?證明吧,阿貝拉!給這位朋友和我們所有的細節。甚至可能是一場表演。。。

Luna Star 在 '鑽石娃娃'

Luna Star - 鑽石娃娃

總是性感的露娜明星和佩頓普雷斯利看起來精緻,穿著鑽石和薄薄的內衣。露娜和佩頓分享一些性感的單獨時間在一起后, 紮克野生出現, 女士們渴望他的大傢伙, 吸吮和搞砸它, 直到他們都筋疲力盡。女士們可能有鑽石, 但紮克被對待豐富的貓。

Joanna Angel 在 '米爾夫試鏡一個大傢伙'

Joanna Angel - 米爾夫試鏡一個大傢伙

女孩老闆喬安娜天使經營一個男性護送業務, 服務角質米爾夫誰愛大公雞。為了迎合顧客的鑒賞家品味,喬安娜只雇傭最好的。雄心勃勃的紮克野生希望挑剔的夫人將聘請他,但首先他必須證明他有一個大迪克,可以持續通過最好的手工作和口交,他曾經有過,並給有品味的喬安娜迪克好和適當的。

Tru Kait 在 '在我看的時候操我妻子'

Tru Kait - 在我看的時候操我妻子

Tru Kait 是這一幕中眼睛的盛宴, 幾次更換衣櫃, 向正在通過相機觀看的丈夫炫耀她的大山雀。看,他瞭解了她的欺騙行為,現在他癡迷於看她操一個熱,年輕的男人的想法,所以她邀請紮克野生實現他的幻想。他們為約會準備了一件黑色的小禮服。看著紮克磅特魯凱特的緊,濕的貓,直到她乞求他暨在她的完美山雀。讓派對開始吧!

Vanna Bardot 在 '朋友之間的事'

Vanna Bardot - 朋友之間的事

嬌小的公主范·巴多特通常知道如何擺弄她的勾搭,但這一次,她搞砸了。她雙預訂了兩個迪克約會,現在科迪斯蒂爾和他最好的朋友紮克野生過來冷靜和操。聰明的范娜偷偷地交換了兩個人。她在臥室裡吮吸紮克的公雞, 一分鐘后, 她回到客廳, 雙腿張開, 科迪的舌頭抬起她的貓。毫無疑問,這個調皮的女人會以這樣或那樣的方式被抓。幸運的是,兩個傢伙看到對方都很激動。眾所周知,深厚的友誼是令人難忘的三人行的完美基礎。

Lacy Lennon 在 '阿茲姆爾'

Lacy Lennon - 阿茲姆爾

總是才華橫溢和極其華麗的萊西列儂在這裡給你另一個獨特的布拉澤斯ASMR的經驗 - 這一次,明確專注於她的嘴唇,舌頭,喉嚨,和所有頑皮的話,從它流。最終的口頭固定!萊西把自己的權利到麥克風,讓它捕捉每一個音節和聲音,建立你到最終的音頻性體驗!唯一的問題是。。。你的耳機準備好迎接這種慾望的響度了嗎?

Isis Azelea Love 在 '隱秘的誘惑'

Isis Azelea Love - 隱秘的誘惑

玩一個性感的間諜遊戲, 悶熱的辣妹阿祖爾赫莫薩和伊西斯愛滲透紮克野生的家。任務?制服他們的目標,讓他看著他們用綁帶操。女士們得到如此打開,他們最終邀請紮克把他的傢伙出來,並加入他們。紮克可能開始作為獵物,但最終,他得到操這兩個炸彈女性致命。是的, 這是伊西斯 · 洛夫在相當長一段時間內第一次和一個男人在布拉澤斯的場景。享受吧,伊西斯球迷!

Bella Rolland 在 '小吃包''

Bella Rolland - 小吃包'

當紮克野生從ZZ交付訂購,他不知道這將包括有一個赤裸裸的貝拉羅蘭提供一些他最喜歡的小吃。。。並堅持為他享受她自己的甜食,在她的屁股和貓的形式!貝拉用紮克的公雞塞滿她的嘴, 而他從貝拉的背包里咀嚼一些糖果。哦,那個背包恰好也包括一些油按摩她美味的屁股之前,主菜服務:肛門!

Skye Blue 在 '大奶嘴女同性戀'

Skye Blue - 大奶嘴女同性戀

可憐的紮克他現在和女士們運氣不好, 發現自己經常被他的大女同性戀室友 (美麗的斯凱藍) 所誘惑。他唯一能緩解自己的方式就是在房間里看色情片。然而, 一個命運攸關的夜晚, 斯凱提前回家, 抓住紮克抽搐。令紮克驚訝的是, 斯凱並沒有被粗俗, 而是給了他一個機會, 有一些真正的性愛!紮克起初並不確定, 但斯凱通過釋放她的大山雀來說服他。現在,那是個好室友!

Ivy Lebelle 在 '條紋, 滑倒和他媽的你'

Ivy Lebelle - 條紋, 滑倒和他媽的你

常春藤勒貝爾是一個紋身金髮維森與完美的可彈跳的胸部和可打的臉頰匹配。今天,當她把自己浸泡在油裡時,她要把所有的衣服都弄得一團糟。好事紮克野生已經彈出了一個大硬公雞, 她滑來滑去。她搖動她的山雀在他的公雞, 並給了他一個超級潤滑油奶嘴他媽的你。紮克忍不住打了那個屁股, 去她漂亮的貓。紮克愛他媽的你常春藤的緊貓這麼多, 他不禁彈出和暨在她的臉上。常春藤看起來這麼好,他的負載在她的臉上,因為他回去和操她更多,努力工作,使她暨,使自己暨再次為雙流行鏡頭。面部兩倍!有多熱?

Amari Anne 在 '油浸在她的襪子'

Amari Anne - 油浸在她的襪子


Tru Kait 在 '後黨暨下'

Tru Kait - 後黨暨下

特魯凱特的冥想室友紮克 · 威爾德批評她的聚會生活方式, 但她不買他自以為是的健康怪胎門面。仍然角質后吹一個花花公子回家的路上 (和他的暨仍然在她的臉上證明這一點!), 特魯迅速證明, 紮克, 所謂的自助者, 是角質, 因為她是當她堅持她的屁股和山雀在他的臉上, 幫助他們下車與一些瘋狂的激烈性愛!

Lexi Luna 在 '如何使詞彙暨'

Lexi Luna - 如何使詞彙暨

吸煙熱治療師萊克西露娜聘請大學花花公子紮克威爾德的父母, 以説明他克服一個討厭的分手。當紮克透露分手是由他無法使他的女朋友暨, 萊克西給他一個動手課程, 如何取悅一個女人。

Alina Lopez 在 '在狗舍里'

Alina Lopez - 在狗舍里

一天早上,當阿麗娜·洛佩茲穿著小睡衣下樓時,她注意到室友的男朋友紮克·威爾德在沙發上睡著了。看起來他們又打架了阿麗娜從不浪費機會, 尤其是當機會是笨拙的紮克。她開始在客廳裡伸展, 給紮克一個完美的視角, 最終抓住他看著她, 同時揉他的硬公雞, 並證實了她的懷疑, 他睡著了。她工作他的公雞這麼好,他很快同意欺騙他的女朋友,如果只是為了品嘗美麗的阿麗娜。

Azul Hermosa 在 '油化阿祖爾'

Azul Hermosa - 油化阿祖爾

阿祖爾 · 赫莫薩最近感覺有點緊張, 所以她從紮克 · 威爾德那裡得到了全身按摩。紮克是好與他的手, 很快阿祖爾是所有油, 呻吟和呻吟, 因為她喜歡有紮克的手滑過她的每一寸。事實上,她非常喜歡紮克的工作,所以她用她自己的一點按摩來報答他。讓我告訴你,這個肯定有一個快樂的結局。

Indica Monroe 在 '蛇眼'

Indica Monroe - 蛇眼

伊莉莎·伊芙斯和稻莉卡·門羅乍一看,是一對大山雀的大學女生,她們也許在堅持一些寄宿學校的審美觀。但。。。有東西脫落了他們的氛圍比你想像的更嚇人和冷漠一點。也許有一絲饑餓?好了, 等一下, 紮克走進這裡的蘇庫布斯巢穴嗎?以為他們只是要完成一些簡單的工作,紮克被迅速拖進他們的領域短裙,大山雀,和競爭的願望,看看誰可以搶他的公雞 - 和靈魂 - 第一!

Aidra Fox 在 '艾德拉的貓裝戲弄'

Aidra Fox - 艾德拉的貓裝戲弄

驚人的艾德拉福克斯無意中聽到她的角質男友紮克野生在電話上,震驚地聽到他說,他今天沒有足夠的性,即使她干他清晨!現在,艾德拉的驕傲是在線,她必須確保她的男人是完全滿意的。她從她可愛的休閒服裝, 變成熱貓裝。紮克感到震驚,當艾德拉然後角落他在廚房裡;她負責, 戲弄紮克, 告訴他該怎麼做。經過一些性感的前戲, 艾德拉讓紮克再次操她, 這一次, 她打算穿他。

Kendra Sunderland 在 '世界上最笨拙的女孩。'

Kendra Sunderland - 世界上最笨拙的女孩。

肯德拉桑德蘭是完整的包。她有頭腦,有美貌,而且諷刺比火星更乾燥。但是這世界上沒有什麼是完美的...她是個笨蛋。她把飲料灑在垃圾桶裡, 卡在洗衣機裡...你的名字, 她可能花了一個不舒服的時間卡在裡面。我們跟著肯德拉在她典型的周日例行公事 - 清理周圍的房子在一個舒適但熱的衣服, 只有她可以拉下來...衝進傢俱, 浸泡她的襯衫, 也許弊大於利...然而,也許她可以使用這種看法,得到一點點的東西,她的一天。一個方便的貓樹, 一個可信的背景故事, 巨大的山雀掛和圓美味的屁股擺動...紮克永遠不會知道是什麼擊中了他。

Jane Wilde 在 '巨大的噴頭毀了惡作劇。'

Jane Wilde - 巨大的噴頭毀了惡作劇。

當紮克 · 威爾德透過簡 · 王爾德的門偷看, 看到她可愛的屁股面對門口時, 他得到了一個搞笑惡作劇的想法!一分鐘后, 他拿著水槍爬進房間, 準備讓她的屁股都濕透了...但他沒注意到簡開始玩她的貓。紮克突然出現在床邊, 只是及時被簡的噴頭先發制人地濺了。簡生氣時,她轉身看到一個浸泡濕紮克在她的床邊,但她仍然角質,並意識到她可以使用他的硬公雞之前,扔出他的房間。

Alura TNT Jenson 在 '主。'

Alura TNT Jenson - 主。

彎曲的米爾夫 · 阿盧拉 · 詹森是一個嚴肅的空手道老師, 他不拿任何狗屎。在散步時,一個渴望向最好的學生學習。在空手道課程真正開始之前, 這個學生必須證明他可以通過她喜歡的方式通過他媽的你的 Alura 來接受指示。

Sarah Jessie 在 '準備好了, 瞄準, 肛門!'

Sarah Jessie - 準備好了, 瞄準, 肛門!

職業運動員莎拉傑西和紮克野生去頭對趾在激烈的射箭比賽!適合金髮破壞者莎拉中風, 吸吮, 和亂搞紮克, 而他的目標是。紮克設法保持自己的, 直到莎拉拉出一個閃亮的屁股插頭, 她的屁股, 取代它與紮克的巨大的公雞。紮克會去淘金, 還是冒著這一切的風險, 有機會釘莎拉緊繃的小靶心?瞭解 2020 布拉澤斯遊戲!

Cory Chase 在 '聯誼會米爾夫'

Cory Chase - 聯誼會米爾夫


Aidra Fox 在 '艾德拉得到她的填充'

Aidra Fox - 艾德拉得到她的填充


Whitney Wright 在 '髒負載'

Whitney Wright - 髒負載


Holly Hotwife 在 '忽略他'

Holly Hotwife - 忽略他


Lala Ivey 在 '休息,進入我'

Lala Ivey - 休息,進入我


Havana Bleu 在 '目的地樂趣'

Havana Bleu - 目的地樂趣

為了慶祝他們的5周年,哈瓦那Bleu的保守男友已經計畫去一個家庭友好,全包島嶼度假勝地之旅 - 無聊!幸運的是,哈瓦那,當他們到達時,哈瓦那的BF意識到他犯了一個巨大的錯誤;他預訂了一個週末在享樂性度假勝地,快樂宮,而不是附近的G級FlipFlops度假村。一旦他們遇到經理紮克·威爾德,哈瓦那決心把這個檸檬變成檸檬水,並得到好,硬的周年紀念操,她一直渴望。

來自其他網站的場景特色 Zac Wild

Alexa Payne 在 'ALEXA PAYNE Deepthroat, Squirting Fuck'

Alexa Payne - ALEXA PAYNE Deepthroat, Squirting Fuck

Dark-haired heartstopper Alexa Payne slinks on the white vinyl couch in strappy, violet lingerie. She strips off her bra to expose her tits, and she massages her shaved snatch. Raising her clear heels, Alexa masturbates her wet clit. Bald, macho Zac Wild fucks her lush-lipped mouth. He fucks Alexa's wet pussy with rhythmic passion. And he fingers her slit aggressively, till Alexa ejaculates a fountain of girl squirt that soaks the furniture! Zac fills Alexa's mouth with cock, and she accommodates him with a deepthroat blowjob. They fornicate in several fun positions. Alexa floods the sofa with more pussy juice as Zac pumps out a load of his own. Her girl cum and his semen commingle into a pervy puddle. Alexa sprays director Pat Myne's POV camera lens, and he instructs the lewd vixen to lick it clean. She does!

Xxlayna Marie 在 'It's Double Trouble For Xxlayna Marie'

Xxlayna Marie - It's Double Trouble For Xxlayna Marie

Xxlayna invites both Zac and Vince over for a night of wild, kinky fun. As they arrive, Zac finds her in the bedroom masturbating. she reveals her intentions to them, explaining that she wants to explore their limits together. Zac starts to dominate Xxlayna, taking charge as he pushes her boundaries further. Meanwhile, Vince watches intently, ready to join in whenever needed. Both men work together to bring Xxlayna to an intense squirting climax, making sure she experiences multiple orgasms. Her body shudders with pleasure as they continue to please her. Then the two gentlemen drop their load in her mouth

Cherry Kiss 在 'Anal Fun For Cherry Kiss'

Cherry Kiss - Anal Fun For Cherry Kiss

Cherry Kiss gets her ass fucked hard by Zac Wild!!

Willow Ryder 在 'Willow Ryder's Ass Goes For A Wild Ride On A Big Cock'

Willow Ryder - Willow Ryder's Ass Goes For A Wild Ride On A Big Cock

Zac arrives at Willow's bedroom. Zac proceeds to eat out Willow's ass. With Willow in complete control, She lowers herself onto his erection, taking him deep inside her ass. As Willow gets her ass fucked, the intensity grows until they both reach an earth-shattering climax. Zac gives her a facial she will never forget.

Jesse Pony 在 'JESSE PONY Baptism In Oil, Squirt, Cum'

Jesse Pony - JESSE PONY Baptism In Oil, Squirt, Cum

Sexy, tattooed starlet Jesse Pony stuns in a hot, oil-slathered intro. The sassy dirty blonde douses herself in slick, clear lube as she flaunts her athletic frame, spreading open her butt cheeks to expose her asshole. Once she's fully greased up, Jesse meets up with Zac Wild for some nasty, slippery anal shenanigans. Zac fucks her wet pussy to start the action, transforming gorgeous Jesse into a blathering mess. Her cunt creams from the intensity. She chokes when the ruthless dude fucks her throat. Jesse lies spread-eagle on the couch, whimpering while Zac roughly sodomizes her. Raunchy, oil-saturated backdoor fun includes a sloppy, ass-to-mouth blowjob and rectal gaping. Orgasmic Jesse's snatch ejaculates multiple gushers of girl squirt! Jesse laps Zac's balls while he jerks off, till he splashes her with a creamy cum facial. The wild girl shouts, 'Baptize me!' as Zac covers her in semen. She smiles and swallows sperm.

Jessie Rogers 在 'Jessie Gets Her Juicy Ass Fucked'

Jessie Rogers - Jessie Gets Her Juicy Ass Fucked

Sexy babe Jessie Rogers gets her big juicy ass fucked hard by Zac Wild!!

Bree Brooks 在 'BREE BROOKS Oily Anal and Pussy Squirt'

Bree Brooks - BREE BROOKS Oily Anal and Pussy Squirt

Tan, long-haired, glamorous blonde Bree Brooks wears clear heels with a skimpy bikini, teasing as she shines up her athletic body. The frisky vixen douses herself in hot oil to start, spreading open her plump butt cheeks before teaming up with horny stud Zac Wild. Zac worships her booty, slithering his tongue deeply into her rectum for a rim job. The deviant stud stuffs his stiff prick up her ass, slam-fucking Bree while continuing to coat her in slick liquid lubricant. Hot-and-nasty Bree gives him a slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjob, and she talks dirty while Zac's boner clobbers her wet cunt. Greasy, no-holes-barred sodomy includes rowdy backdoor rod riding and crude anal gaping. Bree's box blasts an intense, squirting orgasm! Slick with oil, Bree opens wide for a messy cum facial. Sperm flies into her hair and up her nose!

Kenzie Taylor 在 'Kenzie Taylor's Creamy Asshole'

Kenzie Taylor - Kenzie Taylor's Creamy Asshole

Gorgeous big tit blonde Kenzie Taylor gets her asshole fucked and filled by lucky stud Zac Wild!

Vanna Bardot 在 'Female Performer Of The Year Vanna Bardot Is Unleashed'

Vanna Bardot - Female Performer Of The Year Vanna Bardot Is Unleashed

The Female performer of the year Vanna Bardot shows you why she won the most prestigious award in porn. Her stunning natural looks will mesmerize you. Her performance in this scene should qualify her to win The Female Performer Of The Year Award again next year!

Little Dragon 在 'Is An Anal Playground'

Little Dragon - Is An Anal Playground

Hot red head Little Dragon is full of sexual fire. Zac tries to tame this Dragon. He learns the best to tame this dragon. Is to satisfy her ass hole.

Aubree Valentine 在 'Aubree Gets Anally Wild'

Aubree Valentine - Aubree Gets Anally Wild

Miss thick booty, Aubree Valentine, takes Zac Wild's big cock between her cheeks and gets her mouth full of cum!

Sinatra Monroe 在 'Shows Off Her Curves'

Sinatra Monroe - Shows Off Her Curves

Sinatra Monroe gets oiled up and fucked hard. This red head has all the right curves! Her thick ass bounces up and down on Zac's cock. Her rewards her with a facial blast she will never forget.

Jade Valentine 在 'JADE VALENTINE Anal Gaping, Cum Facial'

Jade Valentine - JADE VALENTINE Anal Gaping, Cum Facial

Short-haired, creamy-skinned porn model Jade Valentine looks fine in sleek lingerie, posing and showing off her round booty. The spunky, natural-bodied cutie spreads her holes for the camera, jamming a huge toy in and out of her anus to prepare for a hard sodomy session. Aggressive pro stud Zac Wild steps in, immediately replacing Jade's dildo with his big boner. The relentless stud ruthlessly reams her tight rectum, manhandling Jade in an intense anal drilling. Jade parades her gaping sphincter, whimpering while Zac pummel-fucks her bunghole. The wild encounter delivers a throat-slamming, ass-to-mouth blowjob, epic anal dick riding, and a gooey cum facial finish. Finally, Jade savors Zac's creamy load, swallowing semen while smiling sweetly.

Savannah Bond 在 'Titillating Big Titties Threesome'

Savannah Bond - Titillating Big Titties Threesome

Savannah Bond and Payton Preslee frolic near the pool and teases each other in a building sexual tension. Zac Wild joins the fun and gets treated to the best that big titted horny women can offer in this enticing threesome.

Brianna Arson 在 'Brianna Arson's First Dp!'

Brianna Arson - Brianna Arson's First Dp!

Brianna Arson very convincingly gets Jules to shoot her very first DP! She is a all natural born slut. She gets all her sex holes satisfied!

Emma Magnolia 在 'Gets Tag Teamed By Three Guys'

Emma Magnolia - Gets Tag Teamed By Three Guys

Emma Magnolia shows off her curves to a group of horny guys! Her perfect round bubble butt gets these guys rock hard. Emma Magnolia makes sure she swallows every drop of their cum!

Athena Fleurs 在 'ATHENA FLEURS Anal, A2M and Gaping Fun'

Athena Fleurs - ATHENA FLEURS Anal, A2M and Gaping Fun

Raring to go in a tight bikini, hot blonde Athena Fleurs teases and struts through a frisky intro. The young, fit vixen masturbates and stretches her holes for the camera, soon teaming up with Zac Wild for a rampant backdoor fuck. Athena flirts with the camera as she fingers her sweet anus, and then she welcomes Zac by spreading open her sphincter for his big cock. Zac pummels her bunghole to lewd rectal gaping, pile-driving Athena as she whimpers in anal ecstasy. Rowdy rectal reaming comes with nasty farting; a raunchy, ass-to-mouth blowjob with throat fucking; and hard, riding sodomy. When Zac's finished with her, he yanks his rod from her rectum and rewards her with a messy cum facial. The climax: Adorable Athena tastes hot semen as it oozes down her face.

Scarlett Alexis 在 'SCARLETT ALEXIS Rowdy Anal Rider'

Scarlett Alexis - SCARLETT ALEXIS Rowdy Anal Rider

Foxy, bikini-clad babe Scarlett Alexis fingers her anus to prep for a nasty buttfuck. The young, busty starlet performs a sexy tease in the opening moments, soon whipping out her dildo to stretch open her sphincter. Before long, Zac Wild steps in and shoves his big cock down her throat. Messy face fucking features nasty slobber and crude ball lapping, and then the action escalates to serious sodomy. Scarlett takes a rowdy anal ride on Zac's boner, whimpering while the relentless stud slams-fucks her bunghole. Scarlett gives a drooling, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Action features rectal gaping, plus hard cunt drilling. Zac fingers the brunette cutie to an intense, squirting orgasm! Finally, he decorates Scarlett's kisser in hot streams of semen. The cum facial climaxes with Scarlett staring into the camera coated in gobs of creamy sperm.

Scarlett Alexis 在 'SCARLETT ALEXIS Rowdy Anal Rider'

Scarlett Alexis - SCARLETT ALEXIS Rowdy Anal Rider

Foxy, bikini-clad babe Scarlett Alexis fingers her anus to prep for a nasty buttfuck. The young, busty starlet performs a sexy tease in the opening moments, soon whipping out her dildo to stretch open her sphincter. Before long, Zac Wild steps in and shoves his big cock down her throat. Messy face fucking features nasty slobber and crude ball lapping, and then the action escalates to serious sodomy. Scarlett takes a rowdy anal ride on Zac's boner, whimpering while the relentless stud slams-fucks her bunghole. Scarlett gives a drooling, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Action features rectal gaping, plus hard cunt drilling. Zac fingers the brunette cutie to an intense, squirting orgasm! Finally, he decorates Scarlett's kisser in hot streams of semen. The cum facial climaxes with Scarlett staring into the camera coated in gobs of creamy sperm.

Nika Venom 在 'Stretching Busty Nika Venom's Pussy'

Nika Venom - Stretching Busty Nika Venom's Pussy

Come watch sexy latina Nika Venom riding Zac Wild's hard wood, enjoy!

Hayley Davies 在 'Australia's Big Booty Phenomenon Hayley Davies Is A Super Slut'

Hayley Davies - Australia's Big Booty Phenomenon Hayley Davies Is A Super Slut

Australian super model Hayley Davies has arrived in America! Who is ready for some Australian booty! Her curves will mesmerize you. Her ass is perfect for bounce on a stiff cock!

Lily Starfire 在 'LILY STARFIRE Anal Fuck and Titty Cum'

Lily Starfire - LILY STARFIRE Anal Fuck and Titty Cum

Lily Starfire is a thickly built, naturally busty beauty with a love for nasty, hardcore sodomy. The mocha-skinned, butterscotch-haired sex doll poses in a skimpy blue bikini to begin, stripping to flaunt her big boobs and plump booty. Porn stud Zac Wild arrives to worship her body, groping Lily's natural breasts before she wraps them around his stiff boner. A slick titty fuck leads to a slobbering blowjob, with Lily choking on hard dick as she slurps. Zac loosens her up with hard pussy pounding. Next, he slides his erection deeply into her sphincter. Intense anal reaming includes vigorous backdoor riding. For the climax, Zac decorates Lily's phenomenal chest with spurts of hot semen.

Jill Kassidy 在 'Jizzing On Jill'

Jill Kassidy - Jizzing On Jill

Jill Kassidy gets a face full of cum after getting fucked by Zac Wild!!

Anissa Kate 在 'ANISSA KATE Anal and Titty Fuck Date'

Anissa Kate - ANISSA KATE Anal and Titty Fuck Date

Busty French beauty Anissa Kate shakes and teases for the camera as she gets ready for some heated anal sex. The tan MILF strips, spreads her holes and sodomizes herself with a glass dildo. She's ready for young stud Zac Wild. Anissa welcomes him with a kiss while Zac oils her plump booty. She whimpers when Zac's meat penetrates her wet cunt. Anissa gives thanks with a wet, slobbering blowjob, mixing in a slick titty fuck as she coats his cock with nasty drool. Action heightens with Zach reaming Anissa's butthole, pummeling her rump to intense orgasms. Anissa's blistering buttfuck features sloppy, ass-to-mouth fellatio and rowdy, rod-riding sodomy. In the finale, the gorgeous vixen poses in front of Zac while he jacks off, spraying a hot load of sperm over Anissa's juicy jugs.

Kylie Rocket 在 'Is A Spermaholic'

Kylie Rocket - Is A Spermaholic

Kylie Rocket's favorite drink is a cumshot! This star is a true Spermaholic! She devours two sperm loads with no problem.

Alex Grey 在 'Alex Grey's DP Exploration'

Alex Grey - Alex Grey's DP Exploration

Alex Grey gets very acrobatic in this scene. She performs in a standing DP! She makes sure all her sex holes get satisfied. There is also no cum dodging allowed. She swallows cum loads from Zac Wild and John Strong.

Savannah Bond 在 'Gets Dp'd!'

Savannah Bond - Gets Dp'd!

Savannah Bond is very horny. She is waiting for her two friends Zac and John to come over and fuck all her sex holes. While she is waiting she is watching porn on her phone to get her pussy and ass hole ready for some double penetration.

Angel Youngs 在 'Angel Youngs: Air Tight Triple Stuffed Rodeo'

Angel Youngs - Angel Youngs: Air Tight Triple Stuffed Rodeo

Cowgirl Angel Youngs is ready to get all her holes stuff by some thoroughbred stallions. All her holes get stuffed and fully satisfied. This busty beauty's first scene on is a 'BANGER'! She does anal, double penetration, airtight, and swallows three loads. Angel Youngs is the ultimate adult film star!

Katrina Colt 在 'KATRINA COLT Statuesque Anal Temptress'

Katrina Colt - KATRINA COLT Statuesque Anal Temptress

Long-legged, ass-blessed hottie Katrina Colt stuns in a skimpy bikini, ready for a proper anal reaming. The tall brunette temptress strips and spreads her sweet holes to start, shoving a thick glass dildo into her butthole. She pulls the toy from her anus to taste it, showing off her thick booty throughout. Hard-fucking porn dude Zac Wild arrives to sodomize the sweet vixen. Statuesque Katrina whimpers while he pummel-fucks her bunghole, and then she drops to her knees to worship his meat ass-to-mouth. She salivates through a graphic blowjob, choking as Zac smacks and manhandles her! Crude anal sex comes with rectal gaping, plus intense pussy pounding and rowdy rod riding. For an epic finale, Katrina drops to her knees to give Zac an easy target. He rewards her with a messy cum facial, hot sperm decorating Katrina as she smiles brazenly.

Katie Kush 在 'Anally Flexible'

Katie Kush - Anally Flexible

Anally flexible babe Katie Kush gets ass fucked by Zac Wild in multiple positions!

Mina Luxx 在 'Triple Entanglement Interracial Love Triangle'

Mina Luxx - Triple Entanglement Interracial Love Triangle

Mina Luxx, a vivacious Asian adult film star known for her fiery performances. Performs in a threesome, No Cum Dodging scene. Directed by Mike John. Mina has discovered a new layer to her own sexual identity. Handling three dicks at the same time and swallowing every last bit of jizz.

Coco Lovelock 在 'Tiny Treasure Coco Lovelock Is A Teenage Spermaholic'

Coco Lovelock - Tiny Treasure Coco Lovelock Is A Teenage Spermaholic

Coco Lovelock sets out to be a true Teenage Spermaholic. Coco Lovelock, a free-spirited and sexually confident woman, had never been one to shy away from exploring the contours of her sexual desires. Her new desire is cum guzzling. Coco Lovelock being on 4'10' has very tiny sex holes. But she goes to work on her mouth and pussy. Making sure they are stretched and ready to handle Zac and John's dongs. After a good hard fucking by Zac and John. Coco Lovelock is ready for both of their loads in her mouth. She is a true Teenage Spermaholic!

Nicole Doshi 在 'NICOLE DOSHI Pussy Squirt, Anal Gaping'

Nicole Doshi - NICOLE DOSHI Pussy Squirt, Anal Gaping

Knockout porn star Nicole Doshi shows off her curvy bod in yellow fetish lingerie, ready for a soaking wet sodomy session. She performs a heated tease intro, and the raunchy vixen masturbates to an intense, squirting climax, ejaculating a gusher of hot girl juice all over the camera lens! She licks up her mess. Next, Nicole greets aggressive XXX stud Zac Wild by stuffing his dick into her mouth. A nasty blowjob leads to hard pussy fucking and then serious anal reaming. Nicole whimpers through a wild encounter with Zac. She poses her gaping rectum and talks dirty. This backdoor blow-out delivers a flood of lewd liquid orgasms; drooling, ass-to-mouth fellatio; and an epic cum facial finale.

April Olsen 在 'Airtight Dp!'

April Olsen - Airtight Dp!

April Olsen, known for her daring roles in the adult film industry, found herself in a scene that echoed her professional pornstar status. But this time, it was a 'Airtight DP'! Despite the physical intensity, a palpable chemistry between the the guys in this video transformed the scene into a captivating display of hardcore content. April Olsen displayed her professional prowess and confidence, handling the situation with practiced ease. There was an undeniable chemistry between the four people in the scene, resulting in a performance that was simultaneously edgy and memorable. The guys in this scene, matched her energy. April Olsen exuded a level of confidence and control as she steered the scene with her co-stars. It was an intense sequence, testing their endurance. The end result was a ground-breaking scene. Despite the complexity of the act, it unfolded seamlessly, each man finding his place in one of April Olsen's holes. The scene ended on a high note. April Olsen swallowing all their cum.

Ella Reese 在 'Two Busty Blondes Share A Big One'

Ella Reese - Two Busty Blondes Share A Big One

Big tit blondes Ella Reese and Kayley Gunner share Zac Wild's big prick. A tremendous threesome where pussies get licked and pounded, a stiff prick gets pleasure with double blowjob and double titfuck action, and a great finale with cum swapping!

Vanna Bardot 在 'Lady In Red'

Vanna Bardot - Lady In Red

Zac Wild fucks Vanna Bardot in her hot and sexy red lingerie.

Skyler Storm 在 'Is A Teenage Spermaholic'

Skyler Storm - Is A Teenage Spermaholic

19 year old teen Skyler Storm gets caught recording herself masturbating.

Kira Noir 在 'Air Tight DP!'

Kira Noir - Air Tight DP!

2023 AVN performer of the year Kira Noir takes this scene to the next level. She performs in a air tight DP fuck fest that you will never forget. All her sex holes get satisfied. Kira Noir makes sure she swallows every last drip of cum from all three guys.

Alexia Anders 在 'Alexia Anders' Tight Ass Gets Penetrated'

Alexia Anders - Alexia Anders' Tight Ass Gets Penetrated

Alexia Anders' tight petite asshole is ready for deep penetration. Her tiny little asshole grips Zac Wild's cock and never lets go!

Maddy May 在 'Is Finally Sexually Satisfied With A DP And Double Vag Penetration'

Maddy May - Is Finally Sexually Satisfied With A DP And Double Vag Penetration

Maddy May has a reputation for being unafraid to push the boundaries when it comes to being a naughty slut. She is known for being very adventurous with her pussy and her asshole. This latest sexual adventure takes her to getting double penetration. She was not fully sexually satisfied with double penetration. She decided to take it to the next level with two dicks in her pussy at the same time. Maddy May doing double vag has sexually satisfied her for this sexual adventure.

Hazel Moore 在 'HAZEL MOORE Anal Gaping and Cum Facial'

Hazel Moore - HAZEL MOORE Anal Gaping and Cum Facial

Slim, gorgeous porn model Hazel Moore stuns in sleek lingerie, teasing and posing before a frenzied sodomy session. The pale, fit beauty plays with the thatch of hair on her snatch and spreads open her anus for the camera, eager for aggressive stud Zac Wild's throbbing rod. Hazel uses multiple dildos to stretch out her sphincter, and then she wraps her luscious lips around a toy to taste her anal flavor. The kinky intro evolves when Zac arrives to assist Hazel's hole-stretching efforts. Hazel farts as Zac probes her booty with props, but she moans when he drives his big boner inside. Hard buttfucking comes with rectal gaping; a sloppy, ass-to-mouth blowjob; plus intense pussy pounding. In the finale, Hazel drops to her knees as Zac masturbates. She opens her mouth widely for a cum facial closeup!

Anna Claire Clouds 在 'Gets Her Ass Worshipped'

Anna Claire Clouds - Gets Her Ass Worshipped

Anna Claire Clouds goes anal! This super bubble butt slut gets her ass fucked hard by Zac Wild.

Alexia Anders 在 'Gets Her First Double Stuffing DP'

Alexia Anders - Gets Her First Double Stuffing DP

Alexia Anders gets double penetration for the very first time!

Katrina Colt 在 'The Featured Presentation'

Katrina Colt - The Featured Presentation

Katrina Wild gets her ass fucked hard by Zac Wild in the cinema!!

Octavia Red 在 'Naturally Busty Octavia Red Makes A Great Valentine Day Treat'

Octavia Red - Naturally Busty Octavia Red Makes A Great Valentine Day Treat

All natural beauty Octavia Red is a Valentine day slut. Zac Wild gets turned on by her natural curves. He makes sure this is a Valentine's Day Octavia Red will never forget

Connie Perignon 在 'Busty Asian Connie Perignon In A 3 Way'

Connie Perignon - Busty Asian Connie Perignon In A 3 Way

Big tit super slut Connie Perignon gets double dicked. She gets a facial blast she will never forget!

Brenna McKenna 在 'Oil-Saturated Sodomy!'

Brenna McKenna - Oil-Saturated Sodomy!

Pretty, ivory-skinned Brenna McKenna shows off her tats and luscious curves. She rubs her ass cheeks and douses them in clear oil. Aggressive stud Zac Wild stuffs his boner into her throat. She gives him a messy blowjob, and spit soaks her tight body. Brenna crouches on all fours, and Zac plunges his thick dick inside her butthole. Anal fucking drives her to a body-shaking orgasm! She shoots oil from her butthole graphically, screaming in ecstasy! Brenna masturbates as Zac's boner plows her sphincter. He switches holes, plowing her tight vag ruthlessly! Brenna sucks his tasty meat ass-to-mouth. She shoves a dildo inside her dripping cunt as his prick strokes in her slick rectum in a toy/tool DP. The orgasmic, oil-saturated sodomy climaxes with Brenna enjoying a steaming cum facial. She scoops up Zac's creamy nut and swallows it with a smile.

Theodora Day 在 'Oil-Soaked Anal and A2M'

Theodora Day - Oil-Soaked Anal and A2M

Beautiful brunette Theodora Day flashes brilliant blue eyes and rubs her pulsing asshole sensually. She drizzles oil onto her pert titties and then kneels to offer aggressive stud Zac Wild a sloppy blowjob. She bobs her head on his veiny shaft, drool dripping from her chin. Shaved-bald Zac picks her up and stuffs his big cock inside her tight cunt. He shoots oil on Theodora's ass cheeks; she spreads her legs and masturbates as he shoves his thick boner inside her tight sphincter. She screams through an anal orgasm and gasps as Zac shoots oil directly into her sensitive bunghole. Theodora wraps her fingers around Zac's meaty rod and gives him a sloppy, ass-to-mouth head job. The intense sodomy climaxes with Zac splashing Theodora with a creamy cum facial. She scoops up the semen and swallows sperm eagerly!

Nicole Doshi 在 'Hot Asian Nicole Doshi Dp'd'

Nicole Doshi - Hot Asian Nicole Doshi Dp'd

Hot asian Nicole Doshi gets all her tight holes satisfied. She demands to get all her sex holes fucked! You have to see the epic happy ending she gets on her face.

Jesse Pony 在 'Anal Gaping and A2M Blowjob!'

Jesse Pony - Anal Gaping and A2M Blowjob!

Jesse Pony is an adorable, dirty blonde baddie that loves hard buttfucking. The petite vixen looks stunning in pink fetish-style boots, teasing and stripping to initiate a crude anal encounter. Jesse lewdly spreads her cheeky crack for the camera, welcoming bald stud Zac Wild with an open asshole. Zac hungrily rims her butthole as she whimpers in ecstasy. Nasty Jesse returns the oral favor with a messy, throat-gurgling blowjob. Spirited cocksucking leads to an intense cunt fuck. Jesse shouts as she rides Zac's big cock; his balls slap her sphincter through a ruthless pussy pounding. He soon stuffs his meat up her bunghole and plows away ferociously. Raunchy sodomy features ass-to-mouth fellatio, all-holes banging, and lewd rectal gaping! For the climax, Zac rewards Jesse with an epic cum facial. Coated in semen, she smiles, scoops up sperm with her fingers and swallows it!

Crystal Rush 在 'Orgasmic Anal MILF'

Crystal Rush - Orgasmic Anal MILF

Fit, flexible, pretty MILF Crystal Rush shows off her petite body in high black stilettos and a red leather collar. She spreads her legs and flaunts the rose-shaped butt plug lodged in her rectum. Hung, bald stud Zac Wild offers his meaty boner and plunges it into Crystal's dripping pussy. He fucks her hard, till Crystal kneels to slobber on his throbbing rod in a sloppy blowjob. Zac pulls the butt plug out and replaces it with his big cock. He thrusts inside her eager bunghole, plowing the pulsing sphincter as she screams in bliss. Crystal mounts Zac's pole and revels in a deep anal cock ride that makes her cum multiple times! Aggressive Zac wraps his fingers around Crystal's throat as he buttfucks her, and Crystal's tight asshole gapes! The deep rectal reaming climaxes with Zac delivering a steamy cum facial. Crystal swallows sticky semen.

April Olsen 在 'Latex, Oiled Anal, Facial'

April Olsen - Latex, Oiled Anal, Facial

Gorgeous April Olsen wears a pink latex dress, her slender, natural body oiled to a shine. She wraps latex around her tits and tugs it into her slot, pinches her thick labia and fingers her butthole. A thick, clear glass dildo provides a view into her rectal interior! Bald, pale stud Zac Wild drenches her tan skin in oil. He eats her pussy and rims her. April smiles blissfully as Zac's big cock slides into her asshole and reams it, his balls slapping her rear. He soaks her in more oil as he sodomizes her; she moans and grips her cheeks, spreading widely. April gives an ass-to-mouth blowjob; Zac grips her by the hair and fucks her throat aggressively. The dirty talking girl sucks dick lovingly, drooling. She rubs his boner in latex and then her naked cleavage. They enjoy oil-slathered pussy pounding and anal reaming in multiple positions, Zac alternating her slippery holes. With his boner up her ass, she sticks two fingers into her gash and says they can feel his cock! Zac lifts April bodily for a frenzied fuck. Her cheeks wetly booty-clap as she rides pole. 'Choke me while you fuck me in the ass,' she says, and he does. April kneels for a thick, sloppy cum facial.

Liz Jordan 在 'Fit Teen Hot Body Liz Jordan Squirts And Loves Anal'

Liz Jordan - Fit Teen Hot Body Liz Jordan Squirts And Loves Anal

Petite Teen anal queen Liz Jordan will mesmerize you. This sizzling hot anal sex scene will establish her as the new teen anal queen.

Jennifer White 在 'Gaping Anal MILF'

Jennifer White - Gaping Anal MILF

Busty, bodacious MILF Jennifer White bats long eyelashes and massages her sweet sphincter in shiny red lingerie. She slides a clear butt plug into her hungry asshole and opens her mouth widely to slobber on bald stud Zac Wild's swollen boner. She sucks his big cock and licks his balls in an eager blowjob. The hot-bodied glamour girl climbs on top of Zac and rides his thick pole, screaming in delight. Zac licks her pink clit and fills her rectum with a butt plug. He plows her twat some more and then switches holes, digging his meat into her bunghole, which gapes! Jennifer masturbates as he porks her to a frenzied anal orgasm. She sucks dick ass-to-mouth. Finally, she teases a creamy load from the head of Zac's thick prick. When he cums on Jennifer's pussy lips, she scoops up milky nut and swallows!

Mina Luxx 在 'Exotic Asian Mina Luxx Threesome'

Mina Luxx - Exotic Asian Mina Luxx Threesome

Asian beauty Mina Lux thinks two cocks are better than one. The exotic naturally beautiful star sucks the sole out of Jules and Zac. She gets a facial she will never forget.

Tiffany Watson 在 'Latex, Squirt and Anal!'

Tiffany Watson - Latex, Squirt and Anal!

Blonde knockout Tiffany Watson looks stunning in a shiny, black latex bra; a pink latex skirt with a butt cut-out; heels and a fetish collar. Her black latex gloves rub clear oil into her big boobs, hard nipples and luscious rear cheeks. She twerks for hard stud Zac Wild. His huge, oiled erection frottages her slippery, lube-soaked, latex-wrapped ass crack. He eats her meaty, bald pussy. Still in tight latex, Tiffany talks dirty as Zac nails her doggie-style, till she ejaculates girl squirt! A twat-juice-and-oil-flavored deepthroat blowjob becomes a throat fuck. Tiffany strips off her bra, and Zac buries his bald head in her cleavage. He fingers her to a squirting gash geyser that soaks his face! She wails through more orgasms, blasting girl juice like a fire hydrant! Tiffany takes a vigorous anal reaming. The scene becomes an oil-saturated storm of filthy talk and lube-slick sex, with copious, orgasmic squirting. Zac stretches Tiffany's latex skirt over her face; with only her mouth showing, she sucks his big cock sloppily. When her pretty face emerges, she rubs her juice all over it. Tiffany repeatedly squirts on Zac's pole, whimpering filthy nothings. She kneels for a cum facial, blows a semen bubble and licks her lips, still talking dirty.

Violet Starr 在 'Twat Squirt, Anal Orgasm'

Violet Starr - Twat Squirt, Anal Orgasm

Cute, curvy brunette sprite Violet Starr flashes bright brown eyes and bats her long lashes. She flaunts her curvy, natural tits, teasing her sweet nipples. Violet masturbates playfully -- her hips sway as she brings herself to a fervent, feverish orgasm. Playing with that cute cunt, Violet ejaculates girl squirt! Pro stud Zac Wild stuffs his boner between Violet's lips, and she gives him an enthusiastic blowjob that makes his toes curl. She bends over, and Zac pummels her tight pussy relentlessly, making her cum as she plays with her sensitive clit. Violet spreads her bubbly ass cheeks, and Zac slides his meat drives inside her pulsing sphincter! Violet gasps through an intense anal orgasm that leaves her body spasming and shaking. She sucks Zac's boner ass-to-mouth, stroking along with her hand. When he pumps out a hot, sticky load of semen, Violet swallows it with a smile.

Alyx Star 在 'Big Natural Titty Fuck Plus'

Alyx Star - Big Natural Titty Fuck Plus

Vivacious, flirtatious brunette Alyx Star squeezes her fleshy, natural tits in sexy fishnet lingerie. She peels the garment off slowly, stripping for hung stud Zac Wild. He whips out his big cock, and she kneels to offer him an eager, spit-soaked blowjob. Alyx wraps her lush lips around the head of his dick and thrusts his shaft down her throat, letting drool drip down her chin. She spreads her long legs and invites Zac to shove his meaty boner inside her wet pussy. The aroused girl moans passionately as his prick pounds her cunt. Zac slides his shaft between her big boobs for a titty fuck. He slathers her alabaster body in shiny oil. Alyx squeezes her breasts together enthusiastically, and Zac crams her cleavage. More aggressive pussy pounding climaxes with Zac shooting a creamy load of semen all over Alyx's bodacious boobs.

Chantal Danielle 在 'Busty Hardbody Oiled'

Chantal Danielle - Busty Hardbody Oiled

Striking Chantal Danielle has red-highlighted hair and a heavily tattooed hardbody. In a string bikini, the busty stunner irrigates her every curve in fountains of clear oil. Carnal porn stud Zac Wild worships her asshole with a pervy rim job. He soaks his meat with lube and fucks her twat doggie-style. Bald Zac eats Chantal's twat and then jams his rod back inside as long, shiny streams coating their humping torsos seemingly by the quart! She masturbates her horny clit as his big cock relentlessly invades her pussy. Chantal wails, big tits bouncing like basketballs from the pumping and pummeling. Zac mashes his meat between her mammoth jugs, and she squeezes his root in a rythmic titty fuck! He crams Chantal's cunt in several positions, and she tastes herself via a wet, pussy-to-mouth blowjob. She drops to her knees as Zac sprinkles her cheeks and tongue with a big load of sperm. The lush-lipped vixen lets the spunk roll down her throat and off her chin, the perfect image to climax a messy cum facial.

Hime Marie 在 'Pig Tail Anal Freak, Hime Marie Gets The Double Stuffing DP Of Her Life With Massive Facial'

Hime Marie - Pig Tail Anal Freak, Hime Marie Gets The Double Stuffing DP Of Her Life With Massive Facial

Hime Marie's objective is to get all her holes filled! She loves gaping her asshole for the world to see. Hime Maire said, 'I look prettier with cum on my face'. She claims she is a super slut! After you watch this scene comment below, if you agree she is a super slut.

Caitlin Bell 在 'Big Tits, Oil-Soaked Sex'

Caitlin Bell - Big Tits, Oil-Soaked Sex

Powerhouse blonde bombshell Caitlin Bell wears skimpy fetish attire as she soaks her hard bod with a deluge of shiny oil. Superstud Zac Wild jams his big cock in her mouth for a rousing blowjob. Caitlin slurps his meat as the shimmering sex grease drips from her big tits. Bald, alpha-stud Zac invades the stockings-and-garter-clad fuck babe's cunt and pummels it in spoon position. He slams her slit in multiple rounds and various positions. The fucking and sucking rages on as their slicked bodies writhe and hump with uninhibited intensity. Zac stands over the sexy chick to stroke his dick as she begs with open-mouth anticipation. He pumps out a cum facial spout that drops onto Caitlin's tongue and runs down her chin in thick, gooey strands. The satisfied sex siren licks sticky jizz from her fingertips and swallows the pearly sperm down.

Skylar Snow 在 'Squirt and Anal Gaping!'

Skylar Snow - Squirt and Anal Gaping!

Blonde bombshell Skylar Snow teases in lacy fetish attire, pantyhose and clear heels. Her massive, natural knockers hang seductively for lucky stud Zac Wild to ravenously suck. Skylar spits on her areolae as Zac fondles her huge handfuls with gluttonous glee. He kneels to worship her voluptuous, round ass and rim her tight butthole. Skylar takes his boner in her mouth for an engorging blowjob. Zac stuffs his big cock between her big boobs, absorbing a robust titty fuck. He skillfully eats her pussy, tasting Skylar's cunt juice. She masturbates her bald box until she ejaculates a shower of girl squirt! Zac fucks Skylar's slit, ramming her doggie-style. And he pulverizes her posterior with an anal railing. Skylar's freshly fucked asshole gapes! She slobbers on his knob, savoring zesty ass-to-mouth flavor. The action builds till Zac's jism explodes into Skylar's open mouth. She slurps on the spermy mess, drooling semen onto her fabulous melons.

Jane Wilde 在 'A2M and Immense Anal Gaping!'

Jane Wilde - A2M and Immense Anal Gaping!

Beloved, beautiful porn firecracker Jane Wilde models a blue bikini, teasing as she shows off her tight little bod. Pussy hair peeks from her tiny bottoms as she strips off her top, flaunting perky tits and chunky rear cheeks. The petite powerhouse stretches her sphincter and shows the huge butt plug in her anus. Director Pat Myne eggs her on as she pulls out the toy and anally masturbates, talking dirty and moaning throughout. Jane welcomes hung alpha stud Zac Wild by stuffing her wet cunt in his face! Jane farts as Zac rims her elastic bunghole. His thick prick pumps her pussy. Jane fondles her clit as Zac power-plows her snatch. She worships his big cock with a nasty blowjob. Zac buries his boner in her butthole for a rude anal reaming. Epic sodomy includes immense rectal gaping, ass-to-mouth cocksucking, and a creamy cum shot climax. When Zac sprays hot sperm over Jane's bush, she scoops up the semen and tastes it.

Tru Kait 在 'Kait Has A Hard Body, And A Healthy Appetite For Sex With 2 Men'

Tru Kait - Kait Has A Hard Body, And A Healthy Appetite For Sex With 2 Men

Super model Kait performs in her first threesome. Kait shares her sexy hard body with her two playboys Jules Jordan and Zac Wild. The guys save the best for last. With a double facial on this beauties face.

Summer Col 在 'One Wild Summer'

Summer Col - One Wild Summer

Summer Col is a horny hottie who can't get enough cock. She wants it everywhere and loves having her ass and pussy fulled to the brim. Lucky for Summer, Zac Wild has plenty of cock to stuff her with, and some fun toys, too!

Spencer Bradley 在 'Little 3-Hole Doll!'

Spencer Bradley - Little 3-Hole Doll!

Petite sex kitten Spencer Bradley likes to experience anal domination. The young, perky-breasted cutie teases in a sleazy bikini, her pussy hair peeking out the sides. Spencer stretches her sweet holes as she strips for the camera, masturbating in preparation for intense sodomy. Big alpha stud Zac Wild bends her over, using his mouth to pull a butt plug from her anus. The deviant dude slides his stiff boner into her twat, drilling and pounding Spencer as she shouts delightedly. Cunt juice drips down her leg. Spencer gives him a deepthroat blowjob. Zac spits in her face as she submissively kneels. Next, Zac stuffs his big cock into her sphincter. Spencer fondles her clit through intense bunghole reaming, and she gives nasty, ass-to-mouth head. The imposing dude lifts and carries the little doll bodily as he buttfucks her! Spencer's lewd encounter includes raunchy rectal gaping and a messy cum facial climax.

Samantha Lexi 在 'Exotic Newcomer Samantha Lexi Brings The Heat To Zac Wild'

Samantha Lexi - Exotic Newcomer Samantha Lexi Brings The Heat To Zac Wild

Petite and sweet Samantha Lexi teams up with Zac Wild in this scene from The boner charmer is drop-dead in floral lavender lingerie. Her thighs are wrapped in flesh toned nylons with lavender at the top. Those thighs spilling out clueing us in on her jelly arsenal. The sexy sparkplug has beautiful long hair. She's mastered the art of drawing it up and letting it flow back down. Jules tells the little lovely 'You look like you're ready to do something nasty today'. Samantha acknowledges the plan and Zac Wild slides in and begins fondling her tantalizing goodies. Brown-eyed Samantha descends on Zac's trousers. She springs his cock from his britches and deepthroats. Zac grabs her face. 'You're a nasty little slut'. The darling smiles back. Wild props Samantha Lexi into doggy on a leather bench. A premium view of the diminutive starlet's assets… Wild picks her up and places her on the arm of a sofa. He drools on her snatch and inserts. As he churns Samantha continues to let out her unique brand of oral reverb. Some delicious cowgirl ends with sexy Lexi dropping to her knees and saying 'I want you to paint my pretty fucking face'...

Kenzie Taylor 在 'And Kayley Gunner Are Oil Overloaded'

Kenzie Taylor - And Kayley Gunner Are Oil Overloaded

Kayley Gunner, Kenzie Taylor and Zac Wild make off with our nation's oil reserves. But the only carbon emitted is their heavy breathing from all the slippery fucking! Kayley Gunner and Kenzie Taylor's tits and ass were the perfect choice for this buttery venture. Both starlets heave where it counts. Top it off with a can do spirit and you have one energetic, oil-soaked fuckshow. After a nice tease featuring the two harlots clad in neon green strappings, Zac Wild appears loaded and ready to lube. He says 'Look at these glorious asses. YES!' Now that's the spirit. The talented trio proceed to insert themselves into the wet frenetic fucking. Wild constantly squirting the twosome down. Whether it's on their bulbous, twerking asses or their firm, big boobs. After slick doggy, cowgirl, reverse-cowgirl and a terrific one-knee side mount involving Kayley Gunner, Wild stacks the two asses. He dutifully churns their twats in a joyous 'double decker pecker wrecker'. Creating slurping and suction sounds worthy of the visual. The gusher of a scene ends with short-blonde Kenzie Taylor feeding Kayley Gunner her already consumed load. About a foot or more of space between them, Gunner gulps from the Taylor 'cum fountain' and shows off her now full ownership of the deviant drink…

Katalina Kyle 在 'Gets Her Ass Oilled Up For Deep Anal'

Katalina Kyle - Gets Her Ass Oilled Up For Deep Anal

Jules Jordan's favorite big booty babe, Katalina Kyle is all lubed up and ready to please viewers in this scene from In one deliciously brutal tease sequence, Katalina Kyle is armed only with a squeeze bottle and her glorious mammaries, pussy and ass. As frolicing music with bass plays, Katalina Kyle squirts oil all over her body. We're treated to some extremely hot POV shots of her T&A that could very well ignite the oil she's being drenched in. The crystal clear slow motion looks as if it was designed to be used on dripping pierced Kyle boobs… Zac Wild appears mid twerk and grabs Kyle by the jeweled bikini bottoms. He stretches and shoots more oil on a glistening Katalina Kyle butt. He rubs her hams like a gypsy looking into two fleshy crystal balls. He plants his face between her ass canyon and munches. Smiling Kyle twisting and allowing us to get her stellar rack in full view. The oil continues to be poured in a doggy sequence enhanced by the fully oiled and lacquered Katalina Kyle. Her cowgirl jaunt looks as luscious as it sounds. The amount of oil involved has created slurping and sliding sounds that only add to the fuckshow. Anal comes to the forefront and Kyle gets so horny at one point she's directing Wild to alternate holes. The oil seems to come in handy here, with quick penetrations back and forth. In reverse-cow Katalina Kyle's now glistening thickness overpowers visually. Zac cradling then squeezing Kyle's thighs together… A cum starved Kyle lets Wild deposit his load on her pretty mug. Kyle continues to perform. Drooling out a cum and slobber mixed concoction that she decorates her huge set with…

Summer Col 在 ''Fiery latina, Summer Col, puts on an anal show with her tremendous backside''

Summer Col - 'Fiery latina, Summer Col, puts on an anal show with her tremendous backside'

Sweet little Colombian, Summer Col performs some true anal sourcery in this scene from The primo event begins with Summer Col outdoors. She's adorned in a neon pink stretch garment laden with large holes. The lunar like ensemble was made to cradle her worshable ass. As she hypnotizes Jules Jordan you can hear a helicopter. With perfect timing he says 'Police on the lookout for fat booty'. You don't need to be a detective to know she has the goods. The giggly cutie patootie with the meat market ass teases Jordan's camera. After her stellar display she strolls to a happy as can be Zac Wild. He immediately breaks out oil to give her cheeks the proper shellacking they deserve. Jordan says 'Can already tell this is going to be a great day…'. Summer Col says to Zac before giving him an AAABJ (triple A blow job) 'You're so hard already'. She masterfully weaves incredibly long webs of slobber after ingesting his brawny spear. We get treated to some outdoor doggy that emphasizes Summer's muscular cheeks. After the doggy delight the couple move indoors. The always smiling Summer let's Zac fill her ass up with a butt plug. It's one snug fit that Wild leaves in place as he fucks Summer Col in cowgirl. Jules instructs her to put the toy in her mouth. She obliges between some high notes. Jules says 'There's some serious meat back here' as he directs the camera on her divine derriere. Next Summer asks Jordan 'You want to see something'. The sparkplug inserts her entire hand into her ass. Her thick glutes consuming up to her wrist. The visual stuns as Zac proceeds to fuck Summer as she puppets herself… More optical amazement when Wild forms an 'ass pastry' out of a side saddled Summer Col. The layers of her cheeks as he pounds her booty create big league dessert visuals. The anal virtuosity ends with the sneakily adorable Summer feeding on Wild's fuck frosting. Grinning ear to ear on fade…

Kendra Cole 在 'Squirt-Soaked Anal and A2M!'

Kendra Cole - Squirt-Soaked Anal and A2M!

Kendra Cole -- a skinny li'l squirt that squirts -- wears skimpy lingerie, ready for a serious backdoor slam-fuck. A teasing strip-and-masturbation show results in an intense, gash-gushing orgasm. Alpha stud Zac Wild fingers the young redhead's cunt till it spews ejaculations of girl juice. Drool flows from choking Kendra's tiny mouth as she gives a blowjob, and then Zac tosses her on the couch for a hard pussy fuck. That warms Kendra up, so Zac ups the ante with extreme rectal reaming! The wild anal date delivers smacking, spitting and throat-slamming, ass-to-mouth fellatio. Kendra's cooch continues to erupt hot liquid, soaking everything in its path! The petite girl laps balls and moans through filthy action, finally opening wide for a hot cum facial.

Kayley Gunner 在 'Diamonds And Dick'

Kayley Gunner - Diamonds And Dick

Kayley Gunner is glamorous in her diamonds and sexy white set. The look drives Zac Wild, well, wild and he can't wait to get his hands, and cock, on this stunning star.

Katalina Kyle 在 'Our favorite big booty babe Katalina Kyle is back! And every hole filled with massive DP'

Katalina Kyle - Our favorite big booty babe Katalina Kyle is back! And every hole filled with massive DP

Katalina Kyle delivers a dumbfounding DP performance in this scene from Katalina Kyle is clad in an eighties style neon-pink strapper that makes you think of one word. Dessert. Pierced nipples exploding from underneath, Kyle treats us to her patented lick. She then twerks for Jordan which prompts him to say 'body is from a cartoon'. She easily proves his point, continuing the twerk. Ass cheek moving up and down while thigh moving left to right…As she scales the stairs two horny blokes await at the top. They pounce and Jordan says 'All you can eat'. 'I get to be the buffet' says the quick witted, smiling Kyle. She proceeds to a bedroom and Jules says 'Bring in the wolves'. They appear and Katalina Kyle begins to juggle cock. She grabs them and fwaps them repeatedly on her boobs. The duo spare no time getting Kyle in doggy. She sucks one rod as the other fills her twat. The champion twerker's ass effortlessly put in motion throughout a barrage of fucking. Kyle says 'Dick number 2 in my ass today. My ass is getting spoiled'. Frenzied double penetration takes place in cowgirl and reverse-cow. Finishing in a standout standing DP, the wolves cradling the human jellyroll. The rousing scene ends with an anal creampie and a massive cumstorm to the never shaken and always THIC, Katalina Kyle…

Ivy Wolfe 在 'Smoking Hot Sex Session'

Ivy Wolfe - Smoking Hot Sex Session

Ivy Wolfe is a wild woman, so it's only fitting that Zac Wild would take care of her insatiable need for dick. She loves every inch as Zac pounds her pussy out.

Alexis Tae 在 'Sonata For Lovers'

Alexis Tae - Sonata For Lovers

A beautiful, young lady (Alexis Tae) gets erotically charged when she plays the piano in the nude, something her lover (Zac Wild) also finds arousing.

Cleo Clementine 在 'Getting Intimate With An Inmate'

Cleo Clementine - Getting Intimate With An Inmate

Cute Cleo Clementine may look like an innocent girl, but she has a dirty, dirty mind. She is so sex-crazed that she had to be locked away in a maximum-security prison just to keep her under control! Our stud has the task of making sure this insane inmate eats, but Cleo is determined to give him a hard time. Finally, he has enough and wraps his hands around her neck. She wants him to choke her harder before opening her mouth up to suck on his veiny dick. Then, he pushes her down on the bunk and plows her doggystyle while her hands are still handcuffed. Cleo loves to be dominated, and she is never happier than when she has a nice splash of cum on her face.

Nicole Doshi 在 'Analyzed Asian, Nicole Doshi Blesses Us With Her Amazing Ass'

Nicole Doshi - Analyzed Asian, Nicole Doshi Blesses Us With Her Amazing Ass

Beautiful powerhouse Nicole Doshi brings her unique style of 'sexual ambrosia' in this scene from Pink is the color of the day for Doshi. She's adorned in intricate strapping and matching pumps (she wears the pumps like tennis shoes, effortlessly prancing and fucking with them on for nearly the entire scene) that fit the special starlet perfectly. The slick performer's hard body is the star but she's also very adept at churning out timely sex talk. You'll hear her utter things like 'I'm going to be daddy's little fuck toy today' or 'I want to be a good cum slut for you'. Nicole Doshi and Zac Wild spend a good amount of time in the kitchen. Doshi delivers an upside down slobber infused cock suck. The uber charmer moves to standing doggy, bracing herself on the island. Her arching back and primo ass flow into her thighs and those aforementioned pumps. Quite a sight. Next, Nicole Doshi warms up her asshole with a couple dildos. She pops one out of her ass and laughs as it falls to the floor… Wild proceeds to fuck her ass. Doshi partakes in some ass to mouth. 'tastes so good, like a candy' she says to the camera. When finally on the couch Nicoli Doshi continues the anal romp. She's in reverse cow with sky high split legs. 'So much fun, I love it!'. And you believe her. The first-rate performance concludes with her smiling brightly and bouncing for the 'naughty nectar' that she takes to her pretty face…

Haley Spades 在 'A Proper Plowing'

Haley Spades - A Proper Plowing

Haley Spades is pretty in pink and playing with her pussy before Zac Wild comes home to give her a proper plowing.

Savannah Bond 在 'Bonded Hard'

Savannah Bond - Bonded Hard

Savannah Bond is one sexy woman. Washing a car, covered in soap? Incredible. Watch as she gets plowed by Zac Wild in this steamy scene.

Kuleana 在 'Goddess of Water'

Kuleana - Goddess of Water

Watch star Kuleana show why she's so great by the water and then get plowed in the ass by Zac Wild.

Brooklyn Gray 在 'Hot Oil Anal Fuck Doll'

Brooklyn Gray - Hot Oil Anal Fuck Doll

Brunette baddie Brooklyn Gray looks hot as fuck in a tiny bikini, aviator sunglasses and clear stripper heels. The short-haired vixen pours hot oil over her body as she stares into the camera, teasing and stripping. Once Brooklyn is fully heated up for big cock, Zac Wild fulfills her needs. He greets her with a kiss as she strokes his stiff rod. Brooklyn chokes on his dick through a drooling blowjob and thorough throat fucking. April soon spreads her legs as Zac stuffs his meat into her slit. Freaky Brooklyn says, 'I want you to treat me like a little fuck doll' while Zac reams her. She hops into his lap for a rowdy anal ride. Decadent, lube-soaked sodomy includes ass-to-mouth fellatio and crude rectal gaping. Zac incessantly greases Brooklyn's athletic body, slamming her holes as she talks dirty. He rewards her with a messy cum facial; Brooklyn scoops the sperm from her face and swallows it down.

Katie Kush 在 'Anal and Deepthroat A2M'

Katie Kush - Anal and Deepthroat A2M

Stalwart XXX-director Chris Streams' camera soaks up adorable, li'l Katie Kushwith aplomb as she poses in black fishnet stockings, red fishnet top and tight schoolgirl miniskirt. In a pre-fuck interview, the young brunette eye candy reveals that she was a stripper, and then she asked herself, 'Why not go all the way?' Studly porn fucker Zac Wild rims her asshole and fingers her twat. He shoves his big cock in Katie's mouth for a spit-lubed blowjob. Zac fucks her pussy while she fingers her clit. He doles out an anal squat-fuck, reaming her bunghole doggie-style. Petite Katie spreads her elastic gams widely for more hard slamming. She deepthroats Zac's meat ass-to-mouth and slurps his ball sack. Gorgeous Katie takes a passionate, grinding cunt ride. In a standing fuck, Zac's spear skewers each of her holes. The ribald reaming climaxes as Zac unloads a fusillade of sperm, adorning her cute, young face in a bold cum facial. All the way with Katie K!

April Olsen 在 'Oil-Soaked Anal Fucking'

April Olsen - Oil-Soaked Anal Fucking

Looking sexy and slick in a skimpy bikini, young stunner April Olsen teases, flaunting perky tits, a wet cunt, and sun-kissed skin. The sweet starlet shakes her bubble butt as hot oil oozes over her plump cheeks. Relentless stud Zac Wild's big cock stuffs her mouth, fucking April's face to a drooling mess. Hard pussy pounding follows a nasty blowjob. Then, Zac power-plows April's asshole! A mess of oil-soaked sodomy includes deep anal riding; slobbering, ass-to-mouth fellatio; and raunchy rectal gaping! Slippery grease soaks their bodies through an epic backdoor encounter. Zac continuously coats her tan body in lubricant, and he spits in April's face as he reams her throat. Finally, he treats April to a hot cum facial. The satisfied girl licks her fingers and swallows semen.

Karma Rx 在 'Outrageous Anal Slam-Fuck!'

Karma Rx - Outrageous Anal Slam-Fuck!

Bikini-clad, heavily tattooed Karma Rx sexily mirror-teases for director Chris Streams' pervy camera. The blonde ultra-vixen plops down on the couch with studly porn cocksman Zac Wild. He sucks her big boobs. Karma shoves his ample cock in her mouth for a spit-lubed blowjob. Zac eats her cunt and then fucks her pussy, plowing it in several positions. Next comes anal fun: Zac fingers and rims her asshole, and then he buttfucks her. Karma rides his meat, taking it in her shaved snatch and up her rectum. Zac supremely slams her butt doggie-style, and then greedy Karma sucks flavored dick ass-to-mouth. The stud thoroughly reams this tough chick in all holes. Zac issues the coup de grace, busting a nut to soak Karma with a raunchy cum facial.

Gia Derza 在 'Gaping Anal and Squirt Fun'

Gia Derza - Gaping Anal and Squirt Fun

Young, outrageous Gia Derza jams a massive dildo into her throat and then stuffs it deeply into her asshole. The brazen fuck doll teases in a slutty swimsuit, spreading her widely gaping sphincter. Horny stud Zac Wild plows her rectum, spanking her plump thighs simultaneously. Gia's maniacal moans echo through the room as Zac sodomizes her while penetrating her twat with a dildo! The wild girl cums multiple times, ejaculating cunt squirt as nasty Zac spits on her, pulls her hair and reams her throat. Gia laps up her girl goo! Epic anal action includes a slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjob and dick/dildo double penetration. Gia's deep rectal gaping shows her dark abyss, and sometimes her pink innards! A raunchy, drooling mess, she eggs Zac on to pummel her holes harder. She waits below Zac as he masturbates, stretching her eyes open and begging for optical sperming! A creamy cum facial floods Gia's peepers with hot semen.

Savannah Bond 在 'Anal, DP, A2M, Facial!'

Savannah Bond - Anal, DP, A2M, Facial!

Bodacious blonde Savannah Bond stands before a shimmering oasis in fishnet stockings over dark nylons. When the heavily hung duo of Zac Wild and Prince Yahshua arrives, Savannah slobbers on Prince's big Black cock while Zach buries his face between her ripe ass cheeks, giving a rim job. Zac fucks her pussy doggie-style. Prince slams her bald slit while the brick house-built Aussie goddess plays Zac's digeridoo in a virtuoso blowjob. The dudes pin her legs back: Prince jams his thick meat up her butthole for a hot anal fuck. Zac too invades her back crack. Prince's fat boner fills her mouth. Savannah straddles Zac, cock in cunt, as Prince pumps her butthole in a grinding double-penetration! Zac feeds her his flavored meat, ass-to-mouth. Savannah's shaved snatch and eager bunghole take more double-dicking. She kneels as the horny fuckers cock-slap her big tits. The threesome climaxes with a raunchy, open-mouth cum facial.

Angela White 在 'Oily Anal and Titty Fuck!'

Angela White - Oily Anal and Titty Fuck!

Phenomenally busty porn queen Angela White soaks her lingerie-clad body in oil. The naturally voluptuous brunette strokes Zac Wild's big cock and then takes it in her mouth, giving an energetic blowjob. He eats her juicy cunt and rims her asshole as her hose-encased toes point north. Zac's meat digs into her tight twat and fucks her. She buries him between her massive jugs for a titty fuck. The stud lubes her up with lots more oil. Zac delivers a doggie-style anal reaming. Angela takes his prick outta her crack and sucks it ass-to-mouth. Drenched head-to-toe, she gets into more buttfucking and gash-slamming. Angela cranks her ankles back by her ears while the bald stud plows her hot holes with fierce abandon. The fucking intensity peaks as Angela strokes Zac's dick to an explosive climax. He drizzles his sticky load of cum onto her undulating udders.

Jane Wilde 在 'Double-Anal Threesome!'

Jane Wilde - Double-Anal Threesome!

Nominated - Best Gonzo - Sex Scene, XBIZ 2022

Starting in skimpy shorts, petite porn princess Jane Wilde strips and spreads her horny holes. The sassy, A-List star teases and masturbates. Next, she joins XXX studs Seth Gamble and Zac Wild for a heated threesome. The guys grope her tiny body as she jacks their big cocks. Passionate kissing and caressing leads to nasty blowjob action. Aggressive anal fucking comes seasoned with crude dirty talk; sloppy, ass-to-mouth fellatio; and rectal gaping! Young, irrepressible Jane whimpers through wicked double penetration and intense, double-anal penetration. When the boys have had their filthy way, they reward Jane with two oozing cum facials!

Emily Willis 在 'Hot Girl Summer'

Emily Willis - Hot Girl Summer

Petite Emily Willis shows that she can be one horny harpy in this scene from The sensual slut is outside on a sunny day washing her Rolls. A fun in the sun, sudsy, soapy tease ends with Zac Wild wanting his high standards kept at all costs... Emily says she will do whatever it takes to keep Zac in the high life.The couple head indoors and Wild retreats to Emily's nethers. He gives her some slobbery oral then Willis requests that the Rolls' keyless system be used to start up her engine… Zac crams the device in Emily's twat all the way then removes it with a taste. The talented starlet showcases her hotshot blowjob skills then lies in missionary. The couple move to doggy and Willis asks Wild to 'fill me up'. He does and more as they move to reverse-cowgirl with anal. Our pixie bends her legs and staring down says 'I can see your balls bouncing up against me. Yes, please fuck me'. The Tasmanian trollop switches to regular cowgirl and Zac continues to bang. Emily takes it in her ass then twat and back to her ass again. She comments that she has a 'greedy little asshole' then they shift to the side. Emily drops to her knees, continuing the carwash theme by sucking all love liquid from Zac's hose...

Jane Wilde 在 'Young Anal Savant!'

Jane Wilde - Young Anal Savant!

Superstar Jane Wilde starts in sparkly heels and matching lingerie; she strips down and shows off. The petite, young brunette flaunts her thick booty and stretches open her sphincter, soon joining Zac Wild for a freaky buttfuck. Jane talks to the camera and sodomizes herself with a pink dildo. She chokes on Zac's hog through a raunchy blowjob. Zac's meat slams her wet slit, pounding pussy as Jane blathers dirty talk. She pries open her anus, and Zac stuffs his cock inside. They lewdly pose her gaping rectum! Nasty, hardcore anal rod riding comes with ass-to-mouth fellatio. The climax is a messy cum facial.

Scarlit Scandal 在 'Hot Girl Summer'

Scarlit Scandal - Hot Girl Summer

Authentic beauty Scarlit Scandal and her rock hard body teases then pleases Zac Wild in this scene from Adorned in a perfectly picked yellow bikini, Scarlit stares down the camera outdoors. The opening has some great closeups of Miss Scandal's eyes, tits and rotund behind. Indoors a fully nude Scarlit is in a corner standing as the camera view comes in and out. It's impossible not to appreciate her luscious round rump and thigh combo...Wild appears and the couple kiss. Scandal gives a long liquid infused bj that bubbles and streams. Zac penetrates Scarlit in standing doggy that evolves into a standing split! Scarlit's hairy pussy is sopping as the couple moves to the living room. Scandal's bulbous ass bounces off Wild's cock as he is now standing and cradling her legs so she can't touch the floor. After more doggy on the sofa Zac holds Scarlit off the floor once again. This time in reverse-cowgirl. A nice visual that culminates in Scarlit receiving a full load of liquid appreciation to that pretty face of hers...

Kenzie Anne 在 'Hot Girl Summer'

Kenzie Anne - Hot Girl Summer

We have a little 3-way neapolitan in this scene from as Zac Wild's the vanilla, Prince Yashua the chocolate and Kenzie's full on strawberry delight. With model good looks Miss Anne starts off with a nice tease sequence. Primped in a lavender bikini the blondie does right by the eyes poolside. A keen choice is made as oil is brought into the equation along with some fun use of a cup in slow-motion. A nice jump indoors to Kenzie nude and on a sofa. She's rubbing her pussy when her two scoops arrive. After a very nice slobbery balancing act between shafts Anne is placed in doggy. She has great thighs along with some cheetah-like back arch that should help with anyone's blood flow... In fact much of this scene is shot with doggy which lends to Kenzie's power. Still glistening from the oil drip Miss Anne in missionary is a treat as well. The athletic starlet winds a nice scene up by receiving a torrent of cum to her face. Her eyes barely able to open from the shellacking, Kenzie continues to smile bright and enjoy on fade out...

Skye Blue 在 'Whats For Dessert - S14:E3'

Skye Blue - Whats For Dessert - S14:E3

Skye Blue is a busty lady who loves to cook. She has put those two gifts together to create an amazing business. She comes into her clients' homes and acts as a sexy chef who is total eye candy as she makes a lovely meal for their date nights.Zach Wild has hired Skye, but as soon as he lays eyes on her he knows that he doesn't want anyone but Skye. He tells her that he has to get ready for his date, but in reality, he leaves the room to cancel. Meanwhile, Skye takes the opportunity to change into her sexiest outfit: A short apron that makes it clear she's got some barely-there lingerie on underneath and nothing else.Skye overhears Zach telling his date that something came up, but she stays professional as he returns to the kitchen and tries to feed her a sob story about the date cancelling on him. Zach invites Skye to stay for dinner, and she agrees. She knows where this is heading as she prepares the meal, and she's excited to reach the destination. They sit down together at the table and make small talk, but Skye is eager to get to the main event. Getting to her feet, Skye grabs Zach's tie and pulls him in for a kiss that makes it clear that she's quite eager to take their impromptu date to the next level. Skye doubles down on her blatant invitation by slipping out of the apron so Zach can see all the goods. Zach can't take his eyes off Skye's incredible jugs as she struts around the table to relieve him of his tie. Practically before Zach knows what's happening, Skye has used the tie as a blindfold to really ratchet up his anticipation.When Skye crouches in front of Zach, she is pleased to find that his hardon lives up to her imagination. She can't keep her hands off her boobies and hard nipples as she uses the other hand to stroke Zach off. When she has peeled off her bra, Skye puts Zach's hands on her breasts for a little bit of explorative squeezing and then leans in to slide her tongue up his shaft. Liking what she tastes, she settles in for a sweet and sexy blowjob. She even gives Zach a titty fuck as he sits there, a slave to sensation.Skye isn't even close to done with Zach. She gets to her feet and shimmies out of her thong, then seats herself in Zach's lap. It's a simple thing to guide herself down onto his erection. Rocking her hips, Skye also shoves her breasts and hard nipples into Zach's face for him to lick and suck. At last Skye frees Zach from his blindfold so he can watch and enjoy every moment of his busty cook riding his fuck stick.Now it's Zach's turn to enjoy some dessert. Skye seats herself on the chair with her thighs spread wide and Zach on her knees with his head buried in her pussy. Licking and sucking, he explores every inch of her meaty snatch while spreading her juices all over. When he's got Skye dripping with excitement, Zach gets to his feet and helps Skye onto the table so he can shove himself balls deep into her greedy pussy.Next, Skye gets on her knees on the chair and leans forward to open herself up for more hardcore fun. Zach is eager to join in. He anchors his hands on Skye's ass until he's buried in her velvet glove. Then he lets his hands roam her buxom body to heft her jugs and feel up her nipples as he rides her.Finally sated, Skye turns around on the chair and goes back to work for Zach's pleasure. She lets him stroke himself towards a climax as she props her arms beneath her tits to create the perfect landing spot for his cum shot. After a few moments, Zach delivers, popping onto those lovely breasts to leave her dripping in a hot sticky delight.

Kendra Cole 在 'Anal Sex, Pussy Squirting'

Kendra Cole - Anal Sex, Pussy Squirting

Slim, cute Kendra Cole looks sexy teasing and flaunting her tight bod in sleek lingerie. Kendra strips to start the show and then welcomes Zac Wild with a slobbering blowjob. Zac reams her wet throat, then aggressively flips her over to fuck her twat. Intense slit slamming leads to rowdy sodomy with nasty anal gaping! Kendra's colon cramming session produces intense, squirting orgasms, plus sloppy, ass-to-mouth cocksucking and dick/dildo double-vaginal penetration! The randy rectal reaming climaxes as Zac slathers Kendra's kisser with a messy cum facial.

Skylar Snow 在 'Anal and Natural Titty Fuck'

Skylar Snow - Anal and Natural Titty Fuck

Looking hot in a shiny blue choker necklace, blue-eyed babe Skylar Snow flirts. Porn stud Zac Wild douses her naturally curvy body in oil, and she grabs hold of his throbbing rod to give him a passionate blowjob. Zac gives Skylar a tasty rim job. Next, he shoves his dick inside her tight twat from behind. She begs for more as he plows her relentlessly, making her cum hard on his pole. Zac switches holes, stuffing his big cock up Skylar's pulsing asshole. He buttfucks her to an ecstatic anal orgasm, and Skylar's pussy squirts as he fucks her tight sphincter! She gives an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Zac takes a titty fuck, his boner cramming her cleavage. Skylar swallows Zac's milky semen.

Sofi Ryan 在 'Big Natural Jugs Titty Fuck'

Sofi Ryan - Big Natural Jugs Titty Fuck

Buxom, oiled-up hottie Sofi Ryan squeezes her luscious, natural tits in a revealing green bikini. Zac Wild eats her delicious cunt, and Sofi kneels to gobble his pole. She gives him a throaty blowjob, gasping as drool drips down her chin. He slides his schlong in her pussy from behind, fucking her hard as she moans in doggie-style ecstasy. Sofi spreads her legs and masturbates as Zac's big cock pumps inside her bald pussy. She squeals in orgasm! Next, Sofi climbs on top, mounts his rod and bounces, enjoying a deep cock ride. Zac's boner crams her righteous cleavage in a titty fuck, finally shooting a creamy load of cum on her boobs.

Angela White 在 'Air Tight DP!'

Angela White - Air Tight DP!

Exquisite Angela White proves that the word 'restraint' just isn't in her vocabulary. This stellar scene, hyper-fueled by Jules' direction, delivers multiple eyeball popping moments. We open with alluring Angela donning a black elastic strapped fetish outfit trimmed in gold with chains and locks. The straps emphasize the already heavenly set of AG melons. Her blue eyes duplicate the sky. Slow motion Angela White boob tease proves to be an unrivaled visual. Indoors, three horny blokes appear. We question if their ears are prepared to hear the filth that pours from Miss White's mouth. 'You like watching all my holes get used', 'You're not leaving that pussy until I fucking cum' and 'Always room for another cock' is a small sample. Angela showcases her high-caliber blowjob skills. She easily handles the three dongs, masterfully weaving webs of slobber and deepthroating. An extra special moment when she hangs upside down letting her throat be fucked by all willing. Few compare to Angela in missionary, her beautiful face staring up along with those massive juggs… Next White fills all holes with cock then switches to cowgirl continuing to try and curb her cock craving. She moves to doggy, taking single dicks to her asshole and gaping. She then refills all holes… A truly high-powered scene that culminates in a masterful cumshot. Angela coating her face in cum then commanding to be drilled from behind as she takes another load! This scene will leave you believing Angela White and JJ Video deliver the goods...

Penny Archer 在 'Penny Archer, Laney Grey: Vacation Threesome'

Penny Archer - Penny Archer, Laney Grey: Vacation Threesome

A normal vacation turns into a three-way romp, all because of a selfie stick That's what happens in this scene from Cam Soda. After a series of on camera compliments about how good looking everyone is, Penny Archer and Laney Grey confess that they want to go further with their friendship. Then they say they want to share a dick! Zac Wild is dumb founded. 'This escalated quickly, Oh my God'. The two ladies disrobe. Penny starts licking Laney's twat then Zac climbs in to get his shaft shined. While Laney sucks off Zac, Penny takes a metal toy and inserts it into her pussy. She hits it until she squirts multiple times. The girls take turns riding Zac. Penny in reverse-cowgirl, Laney in cowgirl. Grey's ass waving. The threesome form fuck human centipedes. The girls swapping out their place in line. Finally in missionary, Zack blows his wad all over Laney's hairy twat.

Sarah Jessie 在 'Orgasmic Anal MILF'

Sarah Jessie - Orgasmic Anal MILF

Cute, slender MILF Sarah Jessie shows off the bejeweled butt plug lodged in her sweet asshole. Porn stud Zac Wild buries his face in her plump cheeks, giving her a worshipful rim job. She sucks his big cock, drool dripping down her chin. Sarah pulls the butt plug from her sphincter and tastes her backdoor flavor on the toy. Zac stuffs his cock into her wet pussy, making Sarah moan in ecstasy. She climbs on top to enjoy a deep fucking ride. Next, Zac porks Sarah's puckering asshole, dick-slamming her to orgasmic anal bliss! Sarah sucks his rod ass-to-mouth and masturbates, caught in the moment. The relentless butthole pummeling climaxes with a sticky cum shot.

Emma Hix 在 'July 2021 Fantasy Of The Month - S2:E1'

Emma Hix - July 2021 Fantasy Of The Month - S2:E1

Zac Wild is all set to go for a fourth of July party, but he's shocked when his Canadian girlfriend, Emma Hix, shows up in a different kind of patriotic outfit. Emma tries to justify her clothing choice, but Zac insists she go change into something more appropriate. That's okay: Emma has a backup plan: An itty bitty Canadian bikini.When Emma struts out of the bedroom once again, Zac is rendered speechless. Emma doesn't need Zac to speak. She tells him that she'd rather skip the party as she drops to her knees to stroke his hardon through his shorts. Zac doesn't require any more convincing to let Emma lead him to the bedroom for a different kind of celebration.Kneeling over Zac as he lies prone on the bed, Emma gives him a heated kiss before sliding down his body. When she pops Zac's stiffie out, she finds him nice and hard. That's all the invitation Emma needs to open wide and start sucking Zac off. Her BJ is nice and eager, with plenty of attention paid to the balls, too.By the time Emma is done with Zac, she's dripping wet for his touch. He turns the tables on her as they swap positions, slipping her bikini bottom aside so he can lap at her clit. Diving deeper, Zac gives Emma the pussy feast that her bare snatch demands. Once he has Emma writhing in eager horniness, Zac gets on his knees and slides his dick into her twat. Emma loves it, spreading her thighs nice and wide to encourage him deeper.Zac isn't about to let Emma get off just once if they're going to skip a party to fuck. He gets her on her hands and knees and then slams back inside. This time, he keeps pumping that pussy full of the D until Emma is moaning and writhing. Her belly gradually lowers until it hits the bed, slowly changing up the angle of penetration for both of their pleasure.Urging Emma up so that he can get on his back again, Zac helps his girlfriend slide down onto his fuck stick. Emma loves herself a stiffie ride, so it doesn't take any convincing to get her bouncing up and down on the dick. When she turns around and leans back into Zac's hands for added support, there's no holding this horny coed back from riding as hard as she can.Emma keeps up her ride until she's finally satisfied. Rolling off to the side, she cuddles close to Zac and takes his hardon in hand. She resumes her blowjob, then backs off a bit so she can stroke him off. When Zac is ready to blow, Emma opens wide and takes a mouthful of hot cum that drips down her chin as she gives Zac's hardon a few final kisses.

Keira Croft 在 'The Best Morning Sex - S39:E11'

Keira Croft - The Best Morning Sex - S39:E11

Keira Croft has a morning surprise for her boyfriend, Zac Wild. Since Zac is still sleeping, Keira takes the opportunity to grab a quick shower. She washes her curvy body, then towels off. Still clutching the towel, Keira returns to the bedroom where she enjoys an eyeful of Zac's sleeping form.When she has looked her fill, Keira drops the towel and crawls into bed with her boyfriend. Naked, she kisses Zac on the lips and then begins working her way down his body. Peppering Zac's chest and belly with kisses, Keira eventually reaches his morning wood. She swipes her tongue over that hard rod through Zac's briefs, then pops the D out so she can suck him off properly.Crawling back up Zac's body, Keira straddles her boyfriend's face. She leans against the headboard for support as Zac takes her up on her unspoken request to eat her pussy and rub her clit. She lets Zac make her nice and wet, then scoots back down his body so she can seat herself on his cock and go for a wild stiffie ride as Zac helps guide her thrusts with his hands on her hips and spanks that ass.Turning around, Keira keeps her booty bouncing for both their pleasure. She leans forward so that Zac can nibble her nipples as she rides him. With his hands on Keira's ass, Zac squeezes and kneads those lovely globes as he drives up into her velvet glove while Keira hangs on to the headboard for dear life.Flipping Keira onto her back, Zac slides home into her hot puss. Keira's dripping pussy welcomes Zac back inside even as she draws up one knee to open herself further. Zac delivers on her unspoken request for a deeper fuck as he shoves himself into that greedy hole.Nearly sated, Keira rolls onto her belly and watches over her shoulder as Zac drives home one last time. That position lets her maintain eye contact as Zac brings her off in a moaning climax. A moment later, Zac pulls out and nuts all over Keira's lush ass. Falling to the side, Zac takes a deep breath before coming in to cuddle Keira as they enjoy the afterglow of a lusty coupling together.

Lacy Lennon 在 'Modern Love - S39:E9'

Lacy Lennon - Modern Love - S39:E9

Sometimes living together is all about fun and games. Zac Wild is in the middle of making a cup of coffee when his girlfriend, Lacy Lennon, decides it'll be fun to sneak up behind him. She manages to catch Zac right as he's taking a sip, causing him to spill the coffee. Instead of being repentant, Lacy takes off in a game of chase me chase me that can only have a happy ending.Of course Zac easily catches up to Lacy. He takes his prize: a deep kiss, and then another. Eventually, Zac pins Lacy on the couch with his lips and tongue exploring her tits, especially those hard nipples. Peeling Lacy out of her thong, Zac settles between her thighs to deliver a proper pussy licking that leaves her trimmed twat dripping with blatant sexual need.Lacy isn't about to take such enthusiastic oral sex without giving some of her own in return. She gets Zac onto his back and pops his hardon out of his jeans. A few licks later, Lacy has her mouth full of a big cock. She Hoovers the D up until she gets it into her head to get up and slide down onto Zac's fuck stick and ride him in reverse cowgirl.Since Lacy is already facing away from Zac, it's a simple thing for her to get on her hands and knees. Zac takes the cue, adjusting his position so he can pile drive into Lacy's greedy twat in doggy. Lacy's moans are long and breathy as she hangs on for the ride.Falling to her side and lifting her leg, Lacy welcomes Zac back inside for a spooning fuck. He dives deep, giving it to her until her moans and pulsing pussy let him know he has brought her off one last time. Pulling out, Zac lets Lacy reach down to stroke him off until he pops all over her pretty red muff and belly.

Violet Starr 在 'Oil-Splashed Anal Bash'

Violet Starr - Oil-Splashed Anal Bash

Violet Starr has dark hair, dark eyes and a pale, natural body. Her tiny bikini can't conceal a furry black bush. The dirty-talking submissive douses herself in oil and masturbates, stuffing fingers into her box and telling the director, 'I love it when you call me a bitch.' Naked, bald Zac Wild oils his boner and her throat for a slick blowjob with ball service and two-hand stroking. Violet slobbers as she deepthroats; Zac cock-slaps her cute face. He eats pussy and then fucks it, splashing enough lube to totally flood their bodies and the surroundings. Zac manhandles the wailing girl. Violet rides his face, her greased cheeks glistening as he spanks them. They fuck hard in multiple, lube-saturated positions. Zac squeezes lube directly into her asshole. Intense anal reaming makes oil spew everywhere as Violet howls. She flashes dirty grins to the camera, her greased cheeks bouncing. And Violet sucks dick ass-to-mouth. Zac buttfucks her into the slippery leather couch amid much laughter and fun. He cums on her patch of long, wet pubes. Violet tastes the spunk, saying she loves being watched.

Martina Smeraldi 在 'Oil-Lubed Anal and A2M'

Martina Smeraldi - Oil-Lubed Anal and A2M

Curvy Martina Smeraldi drenches her perky tits and cute butt in oil. Zac Wild pokes the back of her throat with his cock, enjoying a spit-soaked blowjob. Zac fucks Martina's pussy from behind, making her squirm in ecstasy. He wraps his fingers around her throat and strokes hard as she begs for more. Martina mounts Zac, and he stuffs his cock up her tight asshole. She bounces her phat booty, and her pink butthole gapes. Martina squirts! See deep anal fucking and an ass-to-mouth blowjob. The grease-soaked action climaxes with Martina swallowing cum.

Chanel Grey 在 'Oil Overload 16'

Chanel Grey - Oil Overload 16

Chanel Grey makes her JJV debut in this lubed up, slippery scene with Zac Wild! Teen beauty Chanel is wrapped in a chainmail looking top that shines in the sunlight as she shows off for the camera with a tiny string bikini underneath. She takes off her top and pinches her nipples before spinning around to show off her righteous rump. Chanel gets a bottle of oil and starts squirting it all over herself, staring with her tits then making her way down to her young, teen snatch. Once she's nice and slippery, Chanel heads over to the couch where Zac is already waiting naked for her. He squirts more oil into her mouth before Chanel wraps her lips around Zac's cock and gags herself on it. She sloppily sucks that thick cock then turns around so Zac can lube up her ass before sliding it into her wet teen pussy from behind. Chanel tells him to fuck her harder so Zac grabs her by the hips and starts hammering her horny hole harder and harder. As she's continuously soaked in oil he spins Chanel in missionary and puts her legs behind her head as Zac rails her deep and so hard his balls slap against her ass. Squirting multiple times as she cums over and over, Chanel gets on top so she can grind pussy on Zac's hard cock and make herself squirt some more. She spins into reverse cowgirl and vigorously rubs her clit while her tiny teen pussy gets pounded and covered in oil. Chanel sucks that big dick some more then props herself up against the couch so Zac can continue the pounding in pile-driver. Her skin shines from all the oil and squirt accumulated making this young slut look amazing as she rub her clit before getting on her knees and swallowing every drop of Zac's huge load.

Francesca Le 在 'Is A HotWife 3'

Francesca Le - Is A HotWife 3

American Latina Francesca Le is a devious MILF that likes to seduce her young coworkers. The tan, busty hotwife chats privately with colleague Zac Wild, soon luring him into a wicked backdoor affair. Stunning Francesca teases playfully. Zac worships her tight, toned body and spanks her plump booty, and Francesca gives him a slobbering blowjob. The horny stud ruthlessly reams her wet twat and ransacks her rectum! Intense buttfucking comes with anal gaping; drooling, throat-pounding fellatio; and ass-to-mouth cocksucking. Francesca rims his bunghole and wraps her huge jugs around his prick for a sloppy titty fuck. The hardcore cheating session climaxes as Zac decorates Francesca with a messy cum facial.

Katie Kush 在 'Hookup Hotshot: Fuck Buddies'

Katie Kush - Hookup Hotshot: Fuck Buddies

Bookish blonde Katie Kush has a kinky side. She teases in thick-framed glasses and revealing shorts. Zac Wild squeezes her plump ass and sweet tits; he unleashes his cock for Katie to play with. She gives him a deepthroat blowjob and then gasps as he fills her pussy with a purple toy. Foot fetish: Katie gives him an oily foot job! She climbs on top to take a tight cock ride. Zac oils up Katie's sensitive cunt and fucks her from behind, drilling passionately. Katie offers him a tasty rim job and tops off the action by taking a mouthful of sperm.

Karla Kush 在 'Hookup Hotshot: One-Night-Stands'

Karla Kush - Hookup Hotshot: One-Night-Stands

Spunky sweetheart Karla Kush is looking for a quick, hardcore anal fuck. Sick of lame guys, the young blonde tries her hand at the darker side of online dating: She meets dominant stud Zac Wild, who spits into her mouth as she gives him a nasty blowjob. Drenched in gag spit, Karla whimpers as Zac yanks the butt plug from her asshole and replaces it with his thick cock. The intense anal encounter features ass-to-mouth fellatio, a messy cum facial and Karla's squirting orgasm!

Alex Coal 在 'Hookup Hotshot: One-Night-Stands'

Alex Coal - Hookup Hotshot: One-Night-Stands

When hot, raven-haired Alex Coal gets bored, she loves surfing obscure dating apps to hook up with random guys. The leggy vixen chats with Zac Wild online, soon joining the dominant stud for a hot fuck session. Submissive Alex whimpers as Zac fingers her snatch, and she gags and slobbers when he reams her throat. A messy blowjob leads to savage cunt fucking with hair pulling and hard spanking! Alex's slit-slamming date delivers intense cock riding, a nasty rim job and a cum facial finale.

Avi Love 在 'Make Me Proud'

Avi Love - Make Me Proud

Desperate Teen Sorority Pledge Tries To Prove Herself Through Twisted Sexual Hazing

SCENE OPENS to Zoey (Avi Love) bound to a piece of furniture in a quiet room. She is greeted by Scarlett, who has a sinister air about her as she tightly circles Zoey, mockingly asking if she's comfortable. It soon becomes clear through Scarlett's jeering that Zoey is undergoing a hazing to be accepted as a sorority sister. However, Scarlett isn't convinced that Zoey even WANTS to be a sister, so why is she bothering?

The truth is that Zoey's feeling pressured by her mother to follow in her footsteps. Her mother has nothing but fond memories of being in a sorority and only wants Zoey to experience that, too. Unfortunately, times have changed and the hazing is much more than a silly prank. When Scarlett calls in her boyfriend, Chad (Donny Sins), who looks at Zoey with hungry eyes, she declares that Zoey needs to prove that she's not some lousy virgin. They need all the girls in the sorority to be at their best to help take care of everyone's needs...

Determined to see this through to avoid disappointing her mother, Zoey gives in and lets Chad fuck her. The sex is rough and humiliating, but she hangs in there and sees it through to the end. Thinking she's passed the test, she gets another shock to the system when they invite in Chad's roommate, Trey (Zac Wild), who looks even hungrier...

All Zoey can do is hope that her mother's praise will be worth it.

Lola Fae 在 'Choked and Soaked 4'

Lola Fae - Choked and Soaked 4

Redhead Lola Fae plugs her asshole with a pink toy and exposes her heart-shaped nipples. Dominant Zac Wild chokes her as she masturbates. Lola drools all over his cock, giving him a spit-soaked blowjob. Zac plows her pink pussy doggie-style and shoves the sex toy up her eager asshole. He fingers her cunt aggressively, and she squirts girl cum like a fire hydrant! Zac slides his cock into her butthole, and Lola massages her clit. She gives him a tasty, ass-to-mouth blowjob. See pussy pounding, anal fucking and bunghole gaping. Finally, Zac pumps a creampie into Lola's tight twat.

Leah Lee 在 'Paid to Have Sex'

Leah Lee - Paid to Have Sex

A different kind of behind the scenes look at Leah and Zac as they prepare for an awesome shoot. The camera never stops rolling before, during and after so you never miss a thing. Leah's favorite part of the industry is that she gets paid to fuck and experience new things. Zac loves to hear that and gives her a proper creampie as a thank you.

Halle Hayes 在 'I Like Black Girls 8'

Halle Hayes - I Like Black Girls 8

Zac Wild has just been dumped by his no-good cheating girlfriend and is really feeling down in the dumps. Then his good friend Jim sends him a text that a present is on the way to cheer him up. What is going on? -- Zac thinks. Soon there is a knock at the door and a gorgeous black woman is standing there. Turns out Jim sent him a stripper. Halle Hayes puts on quite a show, dancing and teasing Zak into a frenzy. Seeing how hard he is getting she tells him to pull it out and jack it for her. It makes her dance better. And wow does she ever as she dances above his rock hard white cock and soon does some dancing pussy work on that pole. Sliding into this super wet and tight black pussy may be the happiest moment of young Zak's life. Soon he has forgotten all about his girlfriend and drowns in the pleasures of sex with a black girl. Halle fucks the hell out of this young white stud and leaves an indelible mark on him that he will carry for the rest of his life. Zac is now addicted to black pussy.

Aidra Fox 在 'Hookup Hotshot: The Future Of Sex'

Aidra Fox - Hookup Hotshot: The Future Of Sex

Tall and tantalizing Aidra Fox meets Zac Wild in an alley and follows him home for some sexual fun. Zac squeezes her ass cheeks and fingers her bald pussy. Aidra opens her throat and gives him a sopping blowjob. Zac fills her eager cunt with a big pink toy, driving Aidra to an intense orgasm. He slides with his prick inside and pummels her tight slit. Aidra masturbates and sucks a dildo while his meat strokes her twat. Zac teases her sphincter with a butt plug. He handcuffs Aidra and feeds her a helping of cum, which she swallows!

Gwen Vicious 在 'Parents Suck'

Gwen Vicious - Parents Suck

Gwen's tired of her parents keeping her down! So she's off to the bus station to get away. Zac decides to be a nice guy and give her a ride when she tries to repay with a little road head, he takes her back to his room instead. This minx gives up the pussy so fast, he knows she's been dying for a proper fuck!

Isabel Moon 在 'Biggest Fan 2'

Isabel Moon - Biggest Fan 2

Zac comes back to his hotel room to find a hot, young Isabel Moon naked in his bed! She's his biggest fan and demands that he put a baby in her or she's not leaving! To prove her point, Isabel pulls his dick out of his pants and deepthroats it like a pro. This horny little slut squirts all over his dick before he squirts a big dose of vitamin D into her hungry pussy.

Emma Hix 在 'Cum Before You Go - S32:E14'

Emma Hix - Cum Before You Go - S32:E14

Bombshell Emma Hix takes the time to get herself nice and made up with a light touch that looks better than natural. Dressed in a bra and sheer booty shorts, she's an enchanting sight for Zac Wild as he watches her do her thing. By the time Emma is done putting on her face, all Zac wants is to tumble her back into bed.Coming up behind Emma, Zac drops soft kisses on her neck and sensitive shoulders. When he finds her nice and pliantly willing, he continues his journey south. Kneeling, he kneads Emma's ass between openmouthed kisses as he winds her up. When Zac gets back to his feet, Emma doesn't hesitate to jump into his arms and let him know that she's absolutely into getting it on before she goes.They retire to the bed, where Zac lays Emma down so she can roll her legs back until her knees are spread on either side of her body. That opens her nicely for Zac to appreciate every slippery inch of her cream filled twat once he has pulled her panties aside. Sliding them off entirely, Zac dives in to indulge in a pussy feast as Emma rubs her own small nipples to rock hardness.Zac takes the opportunity to stick it into Emma in her initial position, but while that feels incredible Emma is looking for something a little bit harder. She pulls him close to look into Zac's eyes before gently pushing him back. Getting to her knees, she crawls forward until she can take his hardon in hand and mouth to show him without words how eager she is for more.Turning around, Emma leans forward so Zac can spit to lube the way and then take her from behind. Emma is so slim that Zac can easily wraps his arms around her to adjust the angle for a proper pussy pounding. As she rocks back to meet each of Zac's thrusts, Emma can't contain her moans of pure bliss.When Emma rolls onto her side, Zac follows her down. Spooning together, Zac brings Emma off one last time with his continuing enthusiasm for a deep dive. As Emma writhes with the last of her orgasmic delight, she spreads her thighs and uses a firm handie to bring Zac off all over her bare twat. Cum covered and sated, Emma shares a smile and a kiss with Zac.

Abella Danger 在 'Abellas Natural Habitat'

Abella Danger - Abellas Natural Habitat

Abella Danger is shaking her beautiful big juicy ass around in nature. Something about the fresh air makes her so hot and horny, she just craves to get her holes filled up with a big cock. Abella is so wild and sexy that she takes wood in her mouth and gives a sloppy blowjob among the trees. She takes her cock indoors so that she can really let loose with no interuptions. Watch her ass jiggle as it pops up and down on the dick until she catches a big load in the mouth and swallows it all down.

Sofie Reyez 在 'My Stepmom Ruined My Audition'

Sofie Reyez - My Stepmom Ruined My Audition

Sofie Reyez has stopped by the offices to audition for future roles within the industry - basically, she has some scenes under her belt (heh) but is looking to branch out. However, her protective step-mom, Alexa Vega, decided to tag along and make sure everything was above-board. Sofie gets down to business swallowing cock and teasing her assets as best she can, but this quickly draws the attention of our watchful cougar. Maybe she is the one that should be straddling that stunt cock, huh? Why does the teen deserve all the cum? Looks like these two tight Latinas are better sold as a package deal…

Natalia Queen 在 'I'm A Nymphomaniac Like Mom 4'

Natalia Queen - I'm A Nymphomaniac Like Mom 4

Natalia Queen is very horny and needs her new boyfriend to come over and take care of her. With a pussy this wet and needy cock must be at hand in a minutes notice. When Zac Wild does finally arrived she is shocked to find out he had once fucked her mother. Like any daughter Natalia demanded to know if she was a better fuck than her mother. She makes Zac show her everything he did with her mother and he is more than happy to oblige as he pounds this little teener clean into next week with a big dollop of baby batter on her face -- two times. Now that's what we call a cumbath.

Zoe Bloom 在 'Pussy in a Power Outage'

Zoe Bloom - Pussy in a Power Outage

When the power goes out, Zoe Bloom's helpful neighbor, Zac Wilde, comes over with soup to make sure she's okay. Zoe appreciates the gesture, but soup isn't what she's hungry for! She gets Zac naked to swallow his cock instead, and Zac fucks Zoe by candlelight, even dripping hot wax on her creamy skin as he fills her pussy in doggystyle!

Sami StClair 在 'Maid Raid'

Sami StClair - Maid Raid

Sami St Clair is a hot and horny house maid with her sights set on the man on the house Warren. If only his nasty wife would get out of the way and give them a little time alone!

Angela White 在 'Balance of Power'

Angela White - Balance of Power


SCENE OPENS on a small city council private office where a councilwoman, Janice Monroe (Angela White), is hard at work. She appears confident, and sharply dressed in a chic but no-nonsense business suit. We watch her work for several seconds from a male gaze POV, until her concentration is broken by a telephone call on her office phone.

She picks up, and though we don't hear the sounds from the earpiece, Janice pulls the phone away from her ear in pain from an apparent shouting on the other end of the line. She asks the man on the other line, Bill, to calm down and explain what's the problem. She does her best to collect herself as she listens, breathing deep and fidgeting with her suit and hair. She listens and replies, and from the one-sided conversation, we get the impression that Bill is a business owner calling to complain about losing a city contract bid.

Bill had spent weeks negotiating terms and another company swooped in and got the bid at the last second. Janice puts on a brave face and tries to assure him that everything was above board, and that the winning bid was just at a better rate than what Bill's company was offering, but Bill insists that it's not possible, he has ties with all the local suppliers and there's no way anybody else in town could match his bid. Janice reprimands Bill telling him that if he wants to meet formally to discuss the issue, he's welcome to schedule an appointment, but she warns him that he'd better think twice before speaking to her like that again or he risks closing the door on future negotiations. Bill tells Janice that he's not the only one who thinks things have been fishy lately, and that she'd better remember that it's her constituents who pay her bills each week. Through gritted teeth, Janice thanks Bill for being a concerned citizen, and slams the phone back in the cradle in frustration. As soon as she's hung up, Janice's brave face and confident posture dissolve, and she collapses back into her chair and puts her head on her desk in tears.


We cut back to Janice's office an indeterminate time later. She's stopped crying and is back at work, though with none of the confidence or determination she exhibited earlier. She is clearly having trouble concentrating, rubbing her eyes wearily and swearing to herself under her breath. Before long, the door to her office opens and in struts Garrett (Zac Wild), a cocky smarmy-looking businessman who strolls up to greet her and -- rather than sitting on the chair facing her - sits straight on the corner of the desk. Looking uncomfortable, Janice quietly moves her papers and other clutter away from his intrusive form seated on her desk. She tells Garrett that she's very busy right now, and asks what he wants. He says that he's sure she has time for a little chat, she always manages to make time for him. Looking bothered and anxious, Janice gets up from her seat and goes to close her office door discreetly. When she looks back, Garrett is now sitting in her seat. She asks him to get out of her seat, but with none of the forceful tone she used on the phone earlier. Instead, she seems pathetic and desperate here. Garrett gives her a greasy smile and pats his lap, telling her there's plenty of room if she wants to join him. She turns her head, disgusted. Without looking back at Garrett, she asks what he wants.

Garrett explains in a patronizing tone that he's not feeling satisfied with their current arrangement. He wants another favor. Janice looks flabbergasted -- she's already paid him off twice, and she just colluded to get his company his second city contract at a way higher rate than market value. Garrett says yes, that's true, but that's really more to help his business, but now he's getting restless and he feels he wants to work on his personal brand, maybe even get into politics himself. He wants an endorsement from her to run for his own spot on the city council. Janice coldly says absolutely not -- she can't endorse a candidate with no political experience and dubious ties to criminal activity. It'll draw too much attention, and could be career suicide for her. Garrett tells her he thinks she's exaggerating, and feels he'd make a great candidate. He's even come up with the perfect campaign slogan, 'Make America Garrett Again' he jokes.

Janice pleads with him -- he needs to be reasonable. She's given him everything he's asked for, to the point where people are starting to get suspicious. Garrett says that that isn't his problem, and he asks her where all that worry about getting caught was a few months ago when she was embezzling funds from the public office for her personal use. If only she'd been more careful then, she'd never be in this situation now. But she wasn't, and all this is just the universe's way of balancing things out. Janice gets more desperate -- if he wants to keep his leverage, he has to be smart about this. She can't help him if she gets indicted. Maybe they could revisit his proposal in a few months, after things have a chance to die down. Garrett admits that she makes good points, but he's just not a patient guy. What is she going to give him to keep him happy in the meantime? Janice looks completely broken down -- she doesn't have anything left to offer him. He's already taken everything from her -- he's robbed her of her independence, her pride, her happiness. What could possibly be left for him to take?

Garrett stands up from the office chair and says that he can think of one thing, and reaches out to stroke her breasts with his hand. Janice flinches and takes a step back. No, he can't ask her to do... that! She's a married woman, she could never do that to her husband. Garrett shrugs and wonders out loud if her husband would be any happier to find out she's a thief, and a liar, have to visit her in prison... Nearly in tears, Janice asks Garrett how he can be so cruel, to ask her to do this. Garrett simply shrugs and says 'because I can.' Janice makes Garrett swear that if she lets him have his way with her, he'll back down with all his demands. He agrees he'll back down... for now. He asks if they have a deal and she says yes. In an instant, he moves in on her with a sleazy grin still on his face.

Liv Revamped 在 'Liv Revamped: Gangbang Confessional'

Liv Revamped - Liv Revamped: Gangbang Confessional

The beautiful and sexy Liv Revamped has been having dirty sinful sexy dreams of being tied up, manhandled, and fucked by multiple guys. Liv goes to a near-by Catholic Church to confess her sins and while describing her dreams to the priest, her imagination gets away with her and she begins fantasizing about getting fucked at church. Suddenly Liv finds herself on her knees completely naked, tied up with rope in the praying position. Five guys dressed in all black surround her with their stiff cocks and move in toward her. She immediately gets to sucking all of their cocks with enthusiasm. They all fuck her face until she's covered in her own drool and then they pick her up and bend her over a pew with her big perfectly round ass sticking out and her pussy begging for cock. Liv gets her pussy stuffed with the biggest cock first and moans in pleasure with a cock in her mouth as he spanks her ass. The other four guys line up to fuck her pussy and one by one they pound her slutty whole. Next, Liv gets put in a full suspension by use of a plethora of rope to hold her up and spread her legs. Again they fuck her pussy hard and she cums on their big dicks. After that, Liv gets placed in the cowgirl position and gets two big dicks stuffed inside her pussy, putting a big smile on her face, and then a big cock in her mouth. They flip her over in reverse cowgirl and double-stuff her with one dick in her ass and another in her pussy and they fuck her airtight. Liv begs for them to cum inside her pussy and gets two creampies and three big hot loads to the face.

Jaye Summers 在 'Seven Minutes In Hell'

Jaye Summers - Seven Minutes In Hell


Laura (Jaye Summers) sits alone on a set of stairs and watches quietly as a party carries on. It's late into the night at this point, and what was presumably started as a crowded, high energy event has started to wind down as most of the partygoers have left by now, the basement littered with red cups, beverage bottles, bowls of chips, and a general state of messiness left behind. The 10 or so teens who remain are chilling around the room as party music plays softly in the background, most talking in twos or small groups with Laura being the odd one out. One of the guys bounds down the stairs excitedly holding a red cup filled with liquid in each hand, brushing into Laura as he passes and almost spilling the beverages on her, and she makes an uncomfortable face as he passes her unapologetically.

Laura continues to sit in silence for a little while, and it becomes clear that she's not just watching the party, but staring at one guy in particular - Vince (Zac Wild) - as he laughs and jokes along with a pretty girl across the room. She looks on with a bit of envy, clearly wishing she could take the place of the girl he's talking to.

Just then, her fixation on him is broken when Janet, the party host and Laura's best friend, gets everybody's attention by flashing her tits. She laughs and says good, now that she's got everybody's attention, it's time to bring some life back into this party - who's up for a game of Seven Minutes In Heaven? Everyone groans and mocks her for such a dumb suggestion. She explains that they're all 18 here so this isn't going to be some lame-ass PG-13 kiss on the lips shit - anything goes as long as both people consent to it. She holds up a fistful of ripped paper scraps and waves them in the air - she's written down everybody's name on the paper - yeah, EVERYBODY she says as a couple of the teens chuckle nervously - and she's going to pull out one guy's name and one girl's name. And they know the rest!

Janet quickly divides the scraps of paper into two hats, and then pulls two strips of paper out of the hat. She announces the two names, Felicia and Brad - Felicia being the girl that Vince was talking to earlier - and the two of them look at each other with nervous smiles and shrugs. Janet tells them the clock is ticking as she starts a stopwatch app on her cell phone and then urges Brad and Felicia upstairs and starting the countdown. 'Have fun, you two lovebirds!' Janet mocks before heading back to the others who have settled back into party mode.

Janet looks around the room and sees Laura sitting by herself, and comes and sits next to her on the stairs. How is she liking the party so far? It's fine, Laura replies. Liar, Janet says. She knows Laura's been moping around staring at Vince all night and hasn't said a word to him. Laura blushes, is it that obvious? Janet says absolutely, she's just lucky that everyone their age is so self-centered that nobody has noticed. Laura ducks her head in her arms and moans, why can't she just talk to him? Janet tells Laura that it's easy, she just has to get up and say hi to him. Men like women that are forward.

After a minute or two of them talking, Felicia bursts out of the connected room. 'Boooo!' Janet says holding up her phone and pointing at it, they still had almost 5 minutes left! Felicia says nonchalantly that Brad was too hairy, it was disgusting, and she returns to the party without looking back. Brad comes back out the room too with an embarrassed shrug and tries to play it off as fine, some girls like a guy with a hairy chest. Felicia jokes that she wasn't talking about his chest, and the rest of the partygoers ooh and laugh at Brad.

Janet gets back up and pulls out the next two pieces of paper. She opens the first one up, and we see it says 'Vince'. She calls out his name and he raises his fists triumphantly, and a couple of his buddies wolf-whistle him in encouragement. Janet opens up the next slip of paper, and we can see the name 'Janet' written on it, but she closes it quickly without anybody else seeing it. 'Laura!' she calls out. Laura looks up, flustered, and says she didn't think she was playing. Janet says of course, she told them that EVERYONE was playing. Laura tries to excuse herself, saying she's fine sitting out, maybe Felicia would want to take her place since she didn't use her full time... but as she's saying this, Vince looks at Laura with a charming smile and tells her he likes the pairing as it is. Laura stutters, and Vince says reassuringly not to worry, he won't bite. C'mon! Laura is wide-eyed and almost speechless, but she nods okay and gets up to follow him into the room. Janet closes the door with a mischievous grin and starts the timer.


Vince turns to Laura and asks so, where should they start? Laura blushes and says he doesn't have to do anything if he doesn't want to, they can just talk... or even not talk, if he'd rather. Vince asks her why on earth he wouldn't want to do something with her? She's one of the cutest girls in school. Laura looks surprised to hear it, and says that she didn't think he even knew who she was. He's hardly ever talked to her. Vince explains that he didn't want to screw up his chances or give her a bad impression by coming on too strong, she seemed like the type who didn't like rowdy guys, and likes to keep to herself. He was waiting for her to make the first move. Laura blushes and says oh, she had no idea. Vince grins and says he guesses fate must have put them together tonight. Laura tells him she doesn't mind if he comes on her... comes on to her! she corrects herself with embarrassment. Vince smirks and says he could even do both. Laura gasps and giggles nervously. Vince asks if she does really want to JUST talk. Laura shakes her head no, she wants more than that. Good, Vince replies, he does too.

They're still in there! Kyle laughs as he, Janet and perhaps one or two other partygoers huddle around quietly after several minutes of not having heard from the two upstairs. Janet smirks and says she knows, it's already been like ten minutes, things must be going well. Kyle mentions that there's only one way to find out. Janet gets serious, no, hey, Kyle, don't even think about it. Kyle has already started to walk away and says don't worry, he's not going to interrupt them, he's just going to stick his head in for a quick peek. After all, what if he's hurting her or something? Janet tells him that's not funny and Kyle says he's serious, wouldn't Janet rather be safe than sorry? Janet reluctantly admits he has a point. Thank you! Kyle says arrogantly, and creeps upstairs to the door of the bedroom. He opens it quietly and edges his way through the door and into the room.

He sees that Vince and Laura are mid-fucking and stifles a laugh. Oh shit! he says to himself. He watches them fuck for a good solid minute, intrigued and bemused, as Laura is being very vocal, telling Vince don't stop, keep going. Finally, Kyle sneaks back out. 'They're totally fucking!' he says in a loud excited whisper, not just to Janet but to the whole room. Janet looks pissed at Kyle for telling everyone, but several others in the room start to gather towards him to gossip. Is he serious? Vince, with HER? Isn't she a virgin though? and so on. Kyle relishes at being the one to tell them what he saw, how she was practically begging him for his dick. Janet looks increasingly upset, and tries to get them to respect Laura's privacy, but others in the group insist that they want to see too, they won't believe it until they see it. Slowly, people start to gather towards the bedroom, as shy Laura unsuspectingly continues to enjoy her seven minutes in heaven with her crush, unaware of the hell that's about to unleash.

Jane Wilde 在 'Brotherly Love'

Jane Wilde - Brotherly Love


SCENE opens on a stairwell, as a man briskly walks down the steps and wipes the camera. He is calling out for his daughter, Christy, to say goodbye before he leaves for work. The camera follows behind him as he turns into the kitchen to discover his 21-year-old step-son, Daniel, standing behind the island eating cereal. He stops and asks, 'Have you seen Christy?' Daniel takes another bite before shrugging his shoulders. 'You mean my beautiful, perfect, innocent, sweet step-sister?' he replies sarcastically. 'No, I haven't seen her this morning!' The father shoots him a look. 'Well, will you please tell her when you do see her that I expect her home for dinner tonight?' He asks, picking up his briefcase off the counter. 'Sure George,' Daniel replies, taking another bite. 'But, remember, she's an 18-year-old girl .... so, she'll do what she wants!' As the step-son says this, the camera slowly weaves around the island to reveal that Christy is also in the kitchen, hidden on her knees blowing her step-brother. As he delivers his final line, he grabs her head and shoves his dick deep down her throat.


An hour later. Christy is in the shower. The camera lingers on her petite frame as she washes her privates and rinses off. When she steps out, Daniel is waiting for her with a towel and some fresh clothes. He dries her off while she looks at him submissively. 'Dad almost caught us this time,' she says after a long pause. Daniel smirks. 'But he didn't!' He reminds her, leading her out to his bedroom. 'And he never will, just as long as you keep your promise!' Christy nods innocently. She is completely in love with her older step-brother and has been since they first became a family. He has always preyed up this, knowing full well that he can do whatever he wants to her. He just can't get caught. He tells her to wait quietly on his bed while he closes the door and heads back out in the house.

A tracking shot follows Daniel as he locks all the doors of the house and verifies that his mother's car is not in the driveway. He should have at least an hour before she returns from her exercise class, he thinks as he checks his watch and grabs his crotch before hurrying back to the bedroom. His routine is intercut with flashforward shots of him fucking his step-sister, allowing the viewer to catch a glimpse into his mind.

When he returns and locks his bedroom door, Christy is laying naked on the bed. She is eager but awkward ... and her body language conveys this through closed legs and arms wrapped around her breasts. 'Don't be shy,' Daniel says. 'Let me see you!' She slowly undoes her arms and opens her legs up a little. Daniel smiles and leans in to open them further, until she is spread on the bed. He stares down at her lustfully. 'You have been taking the pill I got you?' He asks. 'Every night ... like you said,' Christy replies slowly. Daniel begins to remove his clothing as his step-sister studies him. You can tell something is on her mind. 'But ... I don't think it would be that bad really if I did get pregnant...' she mutters quietly. Daniel shoots her a look. 'Are you kidding me?' He says sharply. 'That would be fucking terrible! Your father would kill me!' Christy shrinks back at the tone of his voice. 'But, it's not like the baby would come out deformed or anything,' she pleads. 'We're not actually related.' Daniel cuts her off and tells her not to ruin the mood. They can't have a baby. Not yet anyway. Not until they get married. Christy's eyes light up. 'You really mean that?' She says. Daniel smirks again, loving the control he has over his younger step-sister. 'Yes, of course I do,' He says kissing her. 'Just as long as you do everything I ask you to!' Christy kisses him back. 'Yes!' She agrees eagerly. 'Yes what?' Daniel asks. Christy takes another deep breath before adding, 'Yes brother!' as he brings her back down to suck his dick.